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MARVEL: Game Maker System (Avengers, X-Men, SI)

58 – He’s So Powerful! New

The two people who were in the Corvette only saw a yellow flash passing by at a frightening speed.

Just the wind caused by the car's rear vacuum was enough to make the Corvette destabilize.

Looking at the speedometer, the driver of the Corvette was shocked to realize he was going 160 km/h (100 mph) and when this yellow car passed them it was as if they were standing still.

"Fuck Scott, what the fuck was that?" A boy with blue hair said in shock as he looked at the yellow car disappearing into the distance.

Scott, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was still shocked. He was always proud of his 1962 Corvette, even though it was an old car, Scott had already taken that car to the track reaching 230 km/h (140mph) a few times.

But this was the first time he was so shocked to be overtaken by someone.

"I think it was a Nissan GTR, but that sure wasn't pure." Scott said to Kurt beside him.

"Do you have any doubts? We're doing 100mph and that GTR passed us like we were standing still, at least it was doing 220mph! Damn!" Kurt was excited to remember.

"They say in LA these cars are pretty common, but I don't think even LA cars could keep up with this crazy guy." Scott commented.

After a few minutes of talking about it, Scott and Kurt officially entered the city.

"Hey Scott, look over there." Kurt pointed in one direction.

Scott was curious, but when he looked, the heart of a car enthusiast like him began to race.

Parked on the side of the road was a beautiful Nissan GTR R35, not only was the original car beautiful but this model had a Rocket Bunny Body Kit as well as some decals which added to the car's attractiveness even further.

Next to the car was a boy with messy grayish white hair, strangely his eyes were red and his teeth were a bit elongated, like a small animal's.

(Like the cover of the book.)

As much as these characteristics were strange individually, in the boy it seemed quite harmonic.

Despite having such a distinguished appearance, the boy was just leaning against the car while holding a glass of Coke in one hand and biting into a large slice of pizza in the other hand, with a very happy expression.

Due to the boy's appearance, he looked to be no older than 20, which was pretty close to Kurt and Scott's age, and added to the fact that the boy was driving that beautiful Nissan GTR, Scott didn't think twice about pulling into the spot. next to the boy's car.

Seeing the red Corvette pull up beside him, the boy glanced at it with a raised eyebrow and looked curiously at the driver.

Scott smiled as he got out of the car and greeted the boy.

"Hey Bro, what a monster you driving huh." Scott said excitedly as he pointed to the GTR.

Normally Scott was a very serious and reserved person, but when it came to cars, Scott's heart was back to being like a child's.

The boy who was eating next to the car smiled, with the small fangs of animals, and replied. "Bee is really a little monster, even I am surprised by him."

Beep, Beep

After the boy said that, the car beeped the alarm twice as if it had responded, which made Scott even more excited. He also wanted to be able to install this in his car!

"How many horses does the "Bee" have?" Scott asked excitedly, remembering the name the boy said. He knew that car lovers liked to name their cars, just as Scott called his Corvette Scarlet because it was red, the kid calling his GTR Bee made sense because it was yellow.

He knew that the most powerful GTR in the world had 2,500 Horsepower, and by the speed that this boy passed him, the difference between them maybe wasn't too big.

After all, Scott couldn't accurately measure the speed of the GTR when it was overtaken.

Hearing Scott's question, the boy stopped to think for a while and answered. "I didn't get to pass him on the dyno, but I'd say maybe 4-5k horsepower as he hit 300mph on the road here."

Hearing this, both Scott and Kurt felt their legs go wobbly.

The most powerful GTR in the world only reached 317 km/h (197 mph), and to hear that the Bee in front of them achieved almost 50% more than that shocked them.

"Dude, what did you put on that hood? An airplane engine?" Kurt asked.

The boy just chuckled and nodded. "Almost that."

Knowing the power of that car, Scott and Kurt didn't doubt what the boy said.

The three talked for a few more minutes until the boy finished eating.

"Do you guys know anything cool to do in town? It's my first time here and I wanted to have some fun." the boy asked.

Upon hearing the boy's question, both Scott and Kurt remembered that they were going somewhere before stopping to talk to the boy.

"Damn it, we forgot about meeting the girls!" Kurt screamed in fright at the memory.

"Jean will be furious." Scott complained.

Until Kurt soon thought of something. "Hey bro, how about coming with us, we're going out with some friends to a festival they're having in town, want to come with us? It'll be fun."

Hearing this, the boy thought for a while before nodding his head and agreeing. "Clear!"

Kurt and Scott were excited about this, as this kid seemed really cool and since they shared the same tastes in cars, the three soon bonded.

Deciding that the boy would follow them towards the festival, Scott and Kurt returned to the Corvette while the boy returned to the GTR.

Hearing the almost deafening roar of the GTR's exhaust, Kurt and Scott exchanged glances and smiled excitedly at how beautiful the noise was.

But on the way to the festival they noticed something.

"We forgot to ask his name, didn't we?" Kurt laughed at the situation while Scott was a little embarrassed about it too.

Meanwhile, in the Nissan GTR, Alex was belting out a song that was playing on the radio as he followed Scott's Corvette excitedly to this festival, hoping it would be fun.


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59 – Surprised Girls New
Alex was quite surprised at the coincidence of meeting two of the X-Men while taking a walk while driving Bee.

He passed by Scott's Corvette so fast that he hadn't recognized that he was driving it, but when he saw Scott wearing the red Ruby glasses and Kurt beside him with slightly blue shoulder length hair, it was easy to recognize the duo. .

As he saw that there were some shops selling NY-style pizza around, Alex had decided to stop by to try the flavor, as he had never tasted it.

Unfortunately his expectation was not met, as he was only eating meals from the world of Shokugeki no Souma, where they managed to enhance the taste of food to the maximum, this pizza was not as delicious as he imagined.

But that wasn't bad either, to the point where Alex ate it all.

Remembering the name of the city, Alex realized that he had entered the city where the Xavier Institute was located, that is, the home of the X-Men.

Knowing that the two boys he was talking to lived in this town, Alex decided to ask them if there was anything interesting he could do, as he wanted to take advantage of the day off.

But he didn't imagine that Scott and Kurt would ask him to go to a festival with the other girls.

'Will Anna be there?' Alex wondered as he drove Bee behind Scott's Corvette.

As the city is not a large metropolis, Scott's Corvette is already well known in the region, so despite being a very beautiful and eye-catching car, people passing by had already seen this car a few times, which lost some of its novelty. , but the yellow GTR with that sporty look quickly attracted attention.

Where they passed there were people pointing and picking up their cell phones to record.

Initially Alex thought it was cool, but over time he got used to it. For someone who had millions of people staring at him in awe as he wore Notch's Skin, having a few dozen people staring at him that way didn't affect him that much anymore.

In a few minutes Alex saw a very busy square, around there were many parked cars, which made it difficult for him to find spaces to park as well.

Luckily Scott apparently went to a less crowded spot and parked next to a large SUV that looked a bit military.

'Perhaps this SUV is the car that the girls used to come, I remember that the Xavier Institute had many vehicles for various types of situations.' Alex thought as he finally pulled up beside Scott.

"Bee, if anything suspicious happens, you can come to me in car form first, if I need your help you can transform into your robot mode, but let's avoid drawing attention to your robot mode for now." Alex explained, to which Bee agreed without a hitch.

"Alex, if there is a problem you can use this device. I noticed that several people were using something similar to record us on the way here, which I took the liberty of analyzing and playing a slightly improved version." Bee said as a yellow cell phone appeared in the glove compartment she just opened.

Alex raised his eyebrow in surprise as he picked up his cell phone and looked at it, he was even surprised that the operating system was iOs, but remembering how advanced transformers technology was, he soon understood that this was not that surprising, after all, for a robot that shoots lasers and can copy any car, it's not a big deal to just make a replica of a small cell phone.

Looking at the phone, Alex thought it was cool that the skin also had some stickers from car equipment brands like HKS and Voltex, making the phone look like it was made exactly to match the car.

"Okay Bee." Alex said smiling as he opened the door and got out of the car.

"What's up with Scott? I thought he'd get there before us." Kitty complained as she looked around the place they agreed to park.

"I thought so too, since he drives like a maniac." Jean Gray also complained looking around.

Only Anna stayed quiet as she leaned against the wall and fiddled with her cell phone without worrying too much.

To be honest, she didn't even want to leave the house, but since she knew that the theme of this festival was interesting, she decided to come with the girls.

The biggest reason she doesn't want to come is that Scott will probably be trying to get Jean's attention, even though she doesn't care much about him, while Kurt and Kitty will probably go off to play by themselves since they like more childish things.

So, like most times she hung out with these 4, she was likely to be left feeling isolated.

Of course, Jean still paid attention to her, but she knew that Jean also liked Scott a little bit, so it was hard to feel good about it.


Soon a very loud noise attracted the attention of the three girls.

Jean and Kitty stopped talking, while Anna stopped looking at her cell phone and the three looked in the direction of the noise.

They knew that Scott's car engine was quite powerful and his car's exhaust made a lot of noise, but compared to the noise they were hearing it wasn't even close.

All of a sudden they saw Scott's red Corvette coming around the corner in the distance and they thought he had done some modification to the car to make that noise, but a few seconds later a beautiful yellow sports car appeared following slowly behind Scott's car.

"What car is that?" Kitty asked excitedly, as she had never seen that car before.

Jean was also confused as she looked at that beautiful yellow car. Even she who was not very fond of cars and previously felt that they were just means of transportation, now had to admit that this car looked very stylish.

Only Anna recognized what car it was slightly. "I think the name of that car is GTR."

She had seen a video where a youtuber had recently bought such a car, so the name of the car was still fresh in her memory.

But this yellow GTR she was seeing was much prettier than what she saw in the video.

"Maybe this car will be modified." She soon deduced, when she heard the car rumble again.

Thinking about how different this yellow GTR was compared to what she saw in the video, Anna was surprised to imagine how much time and effort this person put into the car.

What surprised the girls even more was that when Scott pulled up next to them, the yellow GTR pulled up next to Scott!

"Maybe it's some friend of Scott's?" Kitty asked confused.

Since Scott's Corvette was a convertible, it was possible to see him and Kurt before they opened the door and got out of the car, but the GTR's windows were completely blacked out, making it impossible to see who was driving.

It took the person inside the car a few seconds from the time he turned off the car until he opened the door, but when the boy left the room, the three girls had different reactions.

Kitty thought it was really cute that the boy had teeth like a little animal.

Jean was surprised that she wasn't hearing this boy's thoughts like she heard other people's.

And Anna was surprised that the boy who got out of the car was exactly the kind of boy she liked.


Please, fav and comment, it helps me a lot!

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Well it sounds like things are going to go well, hopefully he has fun.
60 – Rest New
Although Anna dressed in a goth style, she didn't like goth boys very much, since while she dressed like that, she was very vain, taking very good care of her hair, always treating her skin well, but the boys of this style were very careless, with long dry hair, almost always wearing old clothes, and some didn't even use perfume.

The boy who left the GTR, who seemed to be a little older than her, had white hair and red eyes that resembled a vampire. If it weren't for the fact that his teeth looked like a little animal when he smiled, she would have thought she'd met a vampire!

'What a cute smile…' She thought as she stared at the boy.

When the boy looked at the three of them, suddenly his gaze met Anna's where they stared at each other for just a few seconds before Anna got a little embarrassed and looked away.

The boy smiled even wider as he walked towards them, and put his cell phone in his pocket.

Kitty was surprised when she saw that the boy's cell phone matched his car, which she thought was really cute.

"Hi girls, this is a friend we made on the way, we stopped to talk to him near that Bubble Tea shop that Kitty likes, so we were a little late." Kurt explained as he pointed at Alex.

Scott also explained. "He just arrived in town and asked if there was anything fun to do while he was here, so we asked him."

Alex was quite relaxed and waved to the girls as he introduced himself with a smile. "Hi girls, I'm Alex."

"Hi Alex! I'm Kitty!" Kitty introduced herself with her lively personality.

"Ohh, your name is like Kitten!" Alex teased her, making the little girl smile excitedly.

"Yeaaaah!" She agreed.

Hearing Kitty introduce herself, Jean snapped out of her surprise at not being able to read Alex's mind and politely introduced herself. "Hi Alex, I'm Jean."

"Hello Jean." Alex responded politely as well, as she seemed like a more mature and serious girl.

Glancing at the last girl, Alex saw that she was a little shy and waited.

"Hi… I'm Anna." Anna also introduced herself.

"Hi Anna, I like your hair." He said as he pointed to the white streaks in her hair, which made her smile.

While Alex just took it naturally, the other 4 people were surprised to see Anna's attitude.

She was always a girl with a very strong personality, which went well with her dark makeup, so to see her acting a little shy like she was, everyone was quite surprised.

Seeing that everyone was a little pensive about something, Alex broke the silence as he looked at the two boys. "What about you? You haven't told me your names yet haha."

Scott and Kurt looked a little embarrassed before replying with a smile.

"I'm Scott." "I'm Kurt."

Nodding, Alex asked again. "What about the festival? What's the theme of it?"

Hearing this, the others got excited to remember and went to the SUV to get something from the trunk while answering.

"This isn't officially a festival, but the town's community decided they would meet to sell some Minecraft-related merchandise, you know?" Kitty explained.

Hearing this, Alex raised an eyebrow. "Ohh, I do. Sounds interesting."

Even though Alex was the creator of Minecraft, he was curious about the game products these people made.

Suddenly he saw that the five of them put on the Ender Dragon capes they received from the game, while Kurt asked him. "Do you also have any Minecraft skins?"

Alex thought for a while before nodding and opening the trunk of the car.

With the trunk open in a position they couldn't see, Alex spent 1 Gaming Point and exchanged it for an Ender Dragon cape as well, which surprised the X-Men group.

"Do you have a cape like that too?! What's your in-game name?" Kitty asked excitedly as she looked at Alex's cloak and saw that it was exactly like theirs.

Alex just shook his head before explaining. "I'm just a lone player."

Seeing that Alex didn't want to say much, they soon changed the subject and walked towards the festival.

While driving, Alex hadn't noticed the other people wearing capes, but now that he was walking in the crowd, Alex noticed that there were many people wearing the capes with the "H" of the players that protected the Hypixel.

This cape was not like the Ender Dragon cape, where the player received it for free, the Hypixel cape had to be paid for by the player in order to be able to bring this to the real world.

And Alex didn't give a discount, to produce 1 skin of this era it took 1 Gaming Point, so Alex set the price of the skin to $220, so he could still profit from sales.

Due to the high price, not many people bought it, but this small amount was only compared to the total amount of players, the last time Alex saw the cover sales, the total number had already exceeded 500,000 units sold.

This gave Alex a profit of 50,000 Gaming Points, which wasn't that much compared to the total amount he had now, but it was still a very useful amount.

"Look, that store is selling golden apples!" Kurt was excited as he headed toward the store.

The others were also curious and went to see this apple.

When they passed among the people, everyone looked at them in amazement due to the Ender Dragon cloaks they were wearing.

As much as there were some stores selling counterfeit covers, no store could imitate the quality of the original covers, which was seen at a glance.

I mean, for this group of people, seeing this group of six people with Ender Dragon capes, it could only mean that it was six people who actually killed the Ender Dragon in the early days of Minecraft!

"Is that yummy?" Kitty asked curiously as she looked at Kurt eating the golden apple.

Kurt just put on an ordinary expression and took another bite before answering. "It's a love apple with a golden color."

Hearing this, the other people were a little disappointed, but they still decided to buy a "golden apple".

Even Alex bought one and started to eat while looking around.

Looking to the side, Alex saw that Anna was a little uncomfortable and asked her. "Everything is fine?"

Anna saw Alex's concern and just sighed. "I just don't feel very good in crowds."

Alex nodded and started talking to her to see if she could distract.

Surrounding them were various Minecraft-themed things, but nothing that Alex found particularly interesting.

The things that sold the most were replicas of diamond capes or swords, which coincidentally was also something that sold a lot in his previous world.

Despite these things being interesting to others, Alex just felt like something average.

"That was kind of fun." Said Kitty as they walked back to their cars, while carrying various accessories that she thought were cool.

Even Jean, Kurt, and Scott were carrying a lot of stuff, which left only Alex and Anna carrying nothing but a diamond sword in Anna's hand and a pair of Blazes' head plushies that Alex bought to hang on Bee's rearview mirror. .

"You like yellow, right?" Anna asked as she looked at the yellow plushies in Alex's hands, and thinking about his matching car and cell phone, she was even more sure of it.

Alex looked at her and smiled. "It's a beautiful color."

When the X-Men finished packing the boxes in the SUV, they asked Alex.

"Hey Alex, what about going to our house? We're going to order pizza today." Scott invited Alex.

But thinking it was almost night, Alex was a bit tired and intended to go home first while he got back to developing Fortnite.

"Sorry guys, I still have work to do, maybe next week." Alex answered.

Hearing this, they were a little disappointed, but reluctantly accepted.

"Okay, anything I'll message you." Kurt waved his cell phone.

Alex had exchanged phone numbers with everyone, which would make it easier to contact him the next time he went out to rest.

When Alex left in his GTR, Jean commented something that made the others startle. "I think he's also a mutant."


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61 – A Room for Bee New
Alex had a lot of fun with the X-Men, but he knew he had a lot of work to do at home.

A pleasant surprise he got was that he didn't need to use any of his protective measures.

"I got lucky hehe." Alex hummed in the car as he stepped on the gas.

If Alex only had his normal driving skills, he might not even have the guts to go faster than 160 mph (257 km/h), but with Dominic Toretto's driving skills, Alex was over 250 mph (402 km/h). /h) without much concern, even an urge to talk about "family" was appearing in him, but he soon shook his head thinking that this was some meaningless nonsense.

As Bee had memorized the way back to the cave they came out of, Alex just followed the path Bee marked on the GPS and accelerated without much concern.

"So you think you found a mutant, Jean?" Professor Xavier asked with a surprised expression.

Jean was a little embarrassed to answer. "I'm not too sure about that, after all he didn't show any power, the only thing that made me suspicious was that unlike other people, who I hear their thoughts occasionally, Alex already didn't let any thoughts show."

Xavier was even more surprised by this since he knew how powerful Jean's telepathy was.

"Although this indicates that he is a telepath, I think it's best not to jump to conclusions. During the weekend we plan to have a barbecue to celebrate everyone's help in defending the Hypixel, as he had an Ender Dragon cloak you could call him." Professor suggested with a smile.

Upon hearing this, each had a different reaction.

Jean thought it was a good proposition and was curious about Alex's power.

Kitty was excited because she found Alex quite amusing.

Kurt and Scott were excited because they thought about the possibility of taking Alex's car for a ride.

Anna, on the other hand, was a little shy, but excited to think about it.

"All right!" To everyone's surprise, Anna was the one who replied that she would invite Alex to the barbecue.

When she realized what she had done, she lowered her head in embarrassment as the others laughed.

Alex had arrived home in no time. Since Bee was not a normal car, Alex also bought some things for Bee to enjoy.

"Hey Bee, how do you like your room?" Alex asked as he looked at an open space beside his house.

Bee, who had reverted to robot form, got excited as he looked at Alex.

Alex had to admit, Bee's appearance got a lot more menacing after he got the GTR parts. While Bee still maintained his normal form, or the times he turned into a Beetle in the movies he saw, Bee only looked like a child, but with the GTR form, his robot mode became much more aggressive, with straighter lines and threatening.

But the way Bee was acting completely broke that impression of Alex, after all, Bee looked like a puppy looking around with bright eyes.

When they were in the human world, Bee had access to the internet and found a lot of interesting things, as he was standing in the parking lot while Alex enjoyed the festival, Bee took the time to find out things about this world.

On Cybertron they didn't have much of a home and bedroom concept, so when Bee saw that he could have these fun things he got really excited.

"I've never had a room, how cool would you think it would be, Alex?" Bee asked looking around.

Alex thought for a while and asked. "Do you need a bed?"

Bee didn't even have to think before answering. "No, it's more comfortable to rest in car mode."

"Then how about we make something like a game shed?" Alex asked as he explored the System store.

"What is a game shed?" Bee asked confused.

Alex this time didn't respond and spent 3 Gaming Points to make a big shed first, the size that Bee could stand without lowering her head.

As Bee was 5.1 meters (16.7'), Alex had to make the shed 6 meters high.

Inside, Alex bought some things Bee might like.

He only needed 5 Gaming Points to buy an Xbox Series X, a Playstation 5, a Nintendo Switch, a PC Gamer, and a 4k Projector pointed at a large wall. If it was just to buy these things, Alex wouldn't need more than 2 GP, but he spent 3 GP buying a custom controller to fit nicely with Bee's hand size, which was almost 3x the size of a normal person's hand, plus of a mouse and keyboard set that also fit Bee's size.

Around the room, Alex bought some Hexagonal LEDs and turned them yellow, making the room look much more like Bee.

With Bee's technology, Alex knew that he could control video games or the computer without the need for a keyboard or controller, but Alex knew that this would become boring for him, as it would be like using Hack to play.

Of course, in addition, Alex also bought a couch and a gas pump, which Bee commented she thought tasted interesting. Even a garage for Bee to rest in case he felt like he wanted a more secluded place to sleep.

"Okay Bee, you can turn on the video games with your Tech controller, I've installed lots of fun games in each one, and the computer also has a game I made that you might like." Alex smiled as he explained.

Bee looked at it quite surprised. Not just with Alex making things appear out of nowhere, but also with how interesting those things looked.

Sitting down on the sofa which was very soft and sturdy, Bee was very excited.

He'd seen these things in some videos he'd watched on the internet, and he'd seen that humans had a lot of fun with them, so he'd been willing to try.

"Thanks Alex! Let's play together!" Bee said while holding the giant controller and mentally connecting the Nintendo Switch to the projector.

Alex intended to go work on Fortnite, but seeing how excited Bee was to try it out for the first time, he felt it would be cool to be a part of Bee's first experience with human video games, and considering how Bee helped him by being his car, Alex felt that I owed him.

"Sure, let's go!" Alex went to Bee's side and bought a chair that was his size, as Bee's couch was too big for even him to climb on.

As Alex didn't have many luxury things at home, as he used to have few GPs, now that he had plenty he wasn't stingy and bought a very comfortable massage chair.

While they were configuring the Switch, creating the profiles, Bee made a profile with the yellow icon and the name "Bee" while Alex made a profile with the red icon and used the name Notch, as he liked that Nick.

Bee saw Alex's nickname and was surprised as he had seen it before. "Alex, did you make Minecraft?"

Alex nodded matter-of-factly. "Yeah."

"So Minecraft is your game that's installed on your computer?" Bee asked a little excited.

"Yup." Alex also nodded as he watched Bee select Mario Kart for them to play.

Bee thought it was cool that Alex made the game that humans were talking about so much on the internet, and he wanted to test the game to support his new friend.

Seeing that Bee was enjoying Mario Kart a lot, Alex realized that Bee was also a lot of fun and was happy that he chose Bee.

Initially he thought that Bee would come without a conscience when he shopped at System, but seeing how much fun it was to have Bee's company, Alex was happy to have Bee to talk to now.

While the two were having fun playing Mario Kart, Minecraft players were holding an event that attracted a lot of attention around the world.


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Wonder what the players are planning, also looks like someone has a crush.
This has been pretty fun to read; I liked how widespread you show the effects here

Clearly, Herobrine needs to step up his game; imagine if he commits a true heresy in the next event and creates this...
62 – Mayor New
Not since the Hypixel War event has Twitch seen so many viewers.

After much discussion, the company's executives decided that they would allocate most of the advertising resources to Minecraft, since while the second most watched game had only 150k viewers watching simultaneously, Minecraft maintained 2 million viewers at all times!

During peak hours that number rose to an incredible 5 million!

And among Minecraft streamers, the biggest was NedTheKing, who currently had 1.3 million viewers watching his live stream.

Many would think that NedTheKing was doing some championship, or a raffle for viewers, or maybe even a livestream with some famous person, but no, what Ned was doing was a political campaign!

On the livestream screen, Ned was standing on top of a makeshift stage that players had made in the Skyblock lobby as he looked down at the thousands of players looking down at him.

"Dear citizens of Hypixel Skyblock, the Mayoral elections are approaching and as you know, I, NedTheKing, have always been very sincere with all of you about my goal.

Unlike other candidates who promise lower fees for using farm points, I don't intend to promise any of that!" Ned said with a serious expression on stage, as his Ender Dragon cape fluttered in the wind.

Upon hearing this, the players watching this speech were furious, but Ned continued.

"We know that farm zone usage fees are low, if we lower them even further the government won't be able to pay for everything, which will slow down the speed at which items spawn, further reducing the gain for all of us!

What I intend is to allocate the fees in a more efficient way, thus increasing the spawn speed for the resources in low level zones, so that newbies can earn money faster, while I will use the higher amount of income from newbies to increase the rarity of ores in high level zones!" Ned said with great pride the idea he had.

Upon hearing Ned's solution, the furious players were stunned, until they understood that this would actually work well for all of them, causing the players to scream excitedly.

"Down Mayor! Down Mayor! Down Mayor! Down Mayor!"

Though they yelled Ned Mayor, Ned was just hearing "King Ned!"

Running against Ned were even some former politicians from the real world, as they saw the possibility of gaining power and influence in this game that was growing so fast, but while these people were still stuck in retrograde ways of thinking, Ned who knew Minecraft very well knew how he could please the players perfectly.

While politicians thought that promising to lower taxes would mislead players, Ned knew that only real benefits would make players favor him.

Unlike the real world where politicians would have 4 years to develop things that voters liked, in Hypixel this time was only 14 days, that is, if the mayor was not satisfactory enough, in two weeks he would be replaced.

So Ned thought of something he could do in a short time that would please the players to secure his position as mayor.

Fortunately, from Ned's smile and people's excitement, the probability of him winning was very high.

After the speech, Ned walked over to his two friends who were waiting to the side.

One of his friends was someone he treated like a brother in reality, [PParker], while the other was someone they met in the Hypixel war, [Hulk].

Seeing that Hulk was getting stressed from standing here so long, Ned suggested that they go fight a Boss in the Skyblock's combat zone.

After Peter befriended Hulk, he discovered that this big guy really liked fighting monsters and breaking things, so he suggested to Hulk that they go to Skyblock, since there were many powerful Bosses.

Hulk wasn't very interested, until Peter said in a simpler way that there were strong monsters there and so Hulk got really excited.

Ned and Petter helped Hulk to kill the Ender Dragon the first time, thus managing to take Hulk to the Skyblock, where Hulk spent practically the entire day fighting.

As Hulk did nothing but fight, his mining and carpentry were very low, which made Peter and Ned have to help him get armor, but over time they saw something strange.

Despite still wearing level 20 armor, Hulk was fighting level 80 monsters!

It seemed that the more Hulk screamed, the more damage he dealt increased!

But Ned and Peter didn't worry about that, seeing how simple the Hulk's mind was they saw Hulk as a child, they felt they had to take care of like their little brother.

"Ahhhh!" Hulk started yelling angrily as he looked at the screen floating in front of him before clicking no.

Peter guessed what it was and asked. "Was that boring man again?"

Hulk who was furious screamed. "Yes, Hulk hates Banner, Banner can't stop pissing off Hulk, Hulk hates Banner even more!"

Seeing Hulk's reaction, the audience on Ned's live stream began to angrily comment as well.

[This Banner is very boring!]

[Yes, who could stand a person adding you non-stop?]

[If someone finds Notch, we might suggest an option to block a person!]

[Good idea!]

[Yes good idea!]

Peter and Ned looked at each other for a few seconds before Peter sighed and opened his friends list.

He didn't like doing that, but seeing how annoying this Banner was with Hulk, Peter decided to send Banner a message.

Seeing that the friend request he sent to Hulk had been declined again, Banner was frustrated again.

Initially he was overjoyed as he was feeling that he was back to being a normal person again!

He could go out and have fun with other colleagues at work, he could even watch soccer and cheer for a team, he could get mad that his team lost, all without worrying about getting mad and Hulk destroying everything.

But after a few days, Banner felt something was missing from him.

As much fun as it was to go back to being a normal person, seeing the Hulk news in the Hypixel Banner started to feel lonely.

When he saw that Hulk had a personality, and even participated in Ned's livestreams with a childish and simple persona, Banner started to have a guilty conscience.

"Maybe Hulk was just a kid this whole time…" Banner said guiltily.

If Hulk really was just a kid, Banner started to think about how he had treated Hulk like a disease, thought about the army trying to kill him all the time, everyone just treating him like a monster, while Hulk was just a kid who didn't control well. his feelings.

"I guess I should try to meet Hulk 'in person'?" Banner thought about trying to kill the Ender Dragon and find Hulk in the Skyblock.

When he logged into Minecraft, a friend request came to him.



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63 – Finishing the Configuration New
Alex didn't know about Peter and Bruce's conversation, but he didn't care either.

After having a good time with Bee and getting a good night's sleep, Alex returned to Fortnite development.

If there's one thing Alex knew about Fortnite, it's that the game managed to both draw a lot of love from fans, and was also great at attracting hate from players.

This was mainly due to the construction mechanics during battle.

As much as this was the game's differential, Alex knew that for novice players it was very counterintuitive to build instead of just shooting like in regular games, and over time, players who didn't adapt to building mechanics increasingly more complex ones began to frustrate more than have fun.

So Alex decided to take a more advanced approach to the game, leveraging some ideas he picked up from other games.

First, he would do Arena mode, which was the mode with building enabled, and he would also do a No-Building mode, which players obviously couldn't build, just shoot and make sure they had good aim.

This was something Fortnite did in its previous world that brought a lot of players frustrated with building back into the game.

Another thing that Alex would do is a Ranked system just like League of Legends, where there would be Rankings that went by Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, GrandMaster and Challenger.

This system would be a way to induce players' brains to produce more dopamine when they see their rankings going up.

Behind the Ranked system, Alex would make an MMR system where players would have points that would speed up their rankings, and would pair players with other people who had the same level of gameplay.

To set this level of gameplay and the person's MMR, Alex had to spend 100,000 GP by purchasing software with an AI. too advanced not to cause players frustration.

Just like his previous world's Fortnite, Alex decided to add Bots into the game, but unlike his previous world, which the Bots were horrible, Alex intended these bots to be just a little worse than the MMR of that round, so even the worst player of the game could have fun and feel good about killing someone thinking it was someone else.

With his hand on his chin, Alex was thoughtful. "What attracted many players to the Hunger Games in Minecraft was the prizes, what can I give away in Fortnite?"

Alex was trying to think of several things, but he wanted something that matched the game.

He knew he couldn't give players weapons, as that would be too dangerous.

But after a while, Alex had an idea.

"I know that this game will be very popular among the military, probably the Challenger Rank will only be mastered by elite soldiers, while the other players won't have a chance to get something good, so I can make two reward levels!" Alex got excited as he started to code.

First he was developing a roll of bandages. These bandages, just like in the game, could heal any wound the person wore, but each bandage only healed the wound from one location, that is, if someone had an accident and someone else used this on their chest, the chest wounds would be healed, but the arms and legs would still be injured.

This reward was very useful for everyone, but very simple, so Alex decided to put that every player above Rank Gold would receive a bandage like this as a reward at the end of a season.

In addition to the bandage, Alex also made a commemorative cape that represented the rank of the person that she could use in the following season to flaunt, which just like in Minecraft, could also be sold for $220 if someone wanted to use this in the real world.

As for the reward for Rank Challenger players, Alex decided to make an improved version of the bandage, which was released much further down the line, but which Alex felt would fit as a good reward.

It was a green spray can with a "+" icon on the front, which the player could use during the game to restore wounds on the body, one can was enough to recover 150% of the player's maximum health, but Alex changed this to that in the real world this was enough to speed up the target's recovery from wounds, being enough to turn a dying person back into battle ready again.

Alex knew he couldn't block military personnel from playing Fortnite, so he decided to make something that would be useful to them, but also not be used as a weapon to kill.

With the rewards set up, Alex shifted his focus to setting up the build mode, what items could be collected, vehicles, vehicle mechanics, and other things he felt were important.

Fortunately, Alex didn't have to configure each Skin individually, as the System could use his memories to make skins much faster, since most skins didn't change game mechanics.

Only Reactive Skins had to be configured more carefully by him, but Alex didn't care.

In addition to the skins he planned to make, Alex also made the most attractive point of the trailer, the Iron Man Skin.

Obviously Alex wouldn't give this skin as a reward for people to redeem for the real world, he just made the Skin for an NPC he set to travel around the map.

Different from what the players thought, Iron Man would not be a villain in the game, but a "hero", that is, if someone killed another person, Iron Man would go towards her, and if he saw that person he would shoot.

The NPC wasn't invincible, but it would take a lot of effort to defeat.

If the players managed to destroy him, the armor would be destroyed and people would discover that it was empty and Tony was not wearing the armor.

However, they could receive the armor's boots, which allowed them to fly freely for 60 seconds.

"Tony will be furious that people will hunt him down just so they can fly like him." Alex thought excitedly.

He knew that the boots couldn't fly by themselves, and that there were many flaws with his idea in logical terms, but he didn't care, as this was just a game, the important thing was to attract players.

"It's not like he's going to find me anytime soon, right?" Alex chuckled to himself.


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63 – Finishing the Configuration New
Alex didn't know about Peter and Bruce's conversation, but he didn't care either.

After having a good time with Bee and getting a good night's sleep, Alex returned to Fortnite development.

If there's one thing Alex knew about Fortnite, it's that the game managed to both draw a lot of love from fans, and was also great at attracting hate from players.

This was mainly due to the construction mechanics during battle.

As much as this was the game's differential, Alex knew that for novice players it was very counterintuitive to build instead of just shooting like in regular games, and over time, players who didn't adapt to building mechanics increasingly more complex ones began to frustrate more than have fun.

So Alex decided to take a more advanced approach to the game, leveraging some ideas he picked up from other games.

First, he would do Arena mode, which was the mode with building enabled, and he would also do a No-Building mode, which players obviously couldn't build, just shoot and make sure they had good aim.

This was something Fortnite did in its previous world that brought a lot of players frustrated with building back into the game.

Another thing that Alex would do is a Ranked system just like League of Legends, where there would be Rankings that went by Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, GrandMaster and Challenger.

This system would be a way to induce players' brains to produce more dopamine when they see their rankings going up.

Behind the Ranked system, Alex would make an MMR system where players would have points that would speed up their rankings, and would pair players with other people who had the same level of gameplay.

To set this level of gameplay and the person's MMR, Alex had to spend 100,000 GP by purchasing software with an AI. too advanced not to cause players frustration.

Just like his previous world's Fortnite, Alex decided to add Bots into the game, but unlike his previous world, which the Bots were horrible, Alex intended these bots to be just a little worse than the MMR of that round, so even the worst player of the game could have fun and feel good about killing someone thinking it was someone else.

With his hand on his chin, Alex was thoughtful. "What attracted many players to the Hunger Games in Minecraft was the prizes, what can I give away in Fortnite?"

Alex was trying to think of several things, but he wanted something that matched the game.

He knew he couldn't give players weapons, as that would be too dangerous.

But after a while, Alex had an idea.

"I know that this game will be very popular among the military, probably the Challenger Rank will only be mastered by elite soldiers, while the other players won't have a chance to get something good, so I can make two reward levels!" Alex got excited as he started to code.

First he was developing a roll of bandages. These bandages, just like in the game, could heal any wound the person wore, but each bandage only healed the wound from one location, that is, if someone had an accident and someone else used this on their chest, the chest wounds would be healed, but the arms and legs would still be injured.

This reward was very useful for everyone, but very simple, so Alex decided to put that every player above Rank Gold would receive a bandage like this as a reward at the end of a season.

In addition to the bandage, Alex also made a commemorative cape that represented the rank of the person that she could use in the following season to flaunt, which just like in Minecraft, could also be sold for $220 if someone wanted to use this in the real world.

As for the reward for Rank Challenger players, Alex decided to make an improved version of the bandage, which was released much further down the line, but which Alex felt would fit as a good reward.

It was a green spray can with a "+" icon on the front, which the player could use during the game to restore wounds on the body, one can was enough to recover 150% of the player's maximum health, but Alex changed this to that in the real world this was enough to speed up the target's recovery from wounds, being enough to turn a dying person back into battle ready again.

Alex knew he couldn't block military personnel from playing Fortnite, so he decided to make something that would be useful to them, but also not be used as a weapon to kill.

With the rewards set up, Alex shifted his focus to setting up the build mode, what items could be collected, vehicles, vehicle mechanics, and other things he felt were important.

Fortunately, Alex didn't have to configure each Skin individually, as the System could use his memories to make skins much faster, since most skins didn't change game mechanics.

Only Reactive Skins had to be configured more carefully by him, but Alex didn't care.

In addition to the skins he planned to make, Alex also made the most attractive point of the trailer, the Iron Man Skin.

Obviously Alex wouldn't give this skin as a reward for people to redeem for the real world, he just made the Skin for an NPC he set to travel around the map.

Different from what the players thought, Iron Man would not be a villain in the game, but a "hero", that is, if someone killed another person, Iron Man would go towards her, and if he saw that person he would shoot.

The NPC wasn't invincible, but it would take a lot of effort to defeat.

If the players managed to destroy him, the armor would be destroyed and people would discover that it was empty and Tony was not wearing the armor.

However, they could receive the armor's boots, which allowed them to fly freely for 60 seconds.

"Tony will be furious that people will hunt him down just so they can fly like him." Alex thought excitedly.

He knew that the boots couldn't fly by themselves, and that there were many flaws with his idea in logical terms, but he didn't care, as this was just a game, the important thing was to attract players.

"It's not like he's going to find me anytime soon, right?" Alex chuckled to himself.


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64 – Anna’s Message New
Despite System greatly speeding up the game's development, it would still take Alex a few days to finish Fortnite.

While he was having dinner in Bee's room, Alex felt his phone glow and saw that it was a message from Anna.

"You can play without me for a while Bee, I'll answer some messages." Alex waved to Bee who was on the couch with the video game controller in one hand while the other held a gas hose, which he found very tasty.

"No problem." Bee answered without worrying too much.

They had developed a routine of playing together daily after Alex's dinner, which brought their friendship closer.

Alex could say that Bee was his best friend, and Bee could also say the same about Alex, although the two had known each other for a few days, the two had many interests in common, which brought them very close.

[Hey Alex, are you free tomorrow?] - Anna sent a message.

[Yes, why?] - Alex replied after thinking that Fortnite was almost ready, but he wanted to take a rest before the game's debut, as when that was released he would be very busy.

[We're having a barbecue tomorrow, do you want to come?] Anna asked a little nervously.

She had said that she was going to invite Alex to the mansion when the Professor asked a few days ago, but she was too embarrassed to send him a message after that, which delayed her message a lot.

Since the barbecue was the next day, she felt she needed to send it in today or she wouldn't get another opportunity.

[Sure, send me the location and I'll go, what time will that be?] Alex asked interested.

[You can come around 11:00 am if you want to bring some swimwear, we have a pool here.] Anna replied right after sending the location.

[Cool! But I think I'll avoid the pool, maybe enjoy some sun? Hehe.] Alex denied the pool because he knew Anna couldn't get in due to her mutation.

During the festival he felt quite comfortable with her, and knew it was a lie if he said he wasn't interested in this girl.

So much so that after returning from the festival he decided to dedicate himself to his Occlumency.

This was an idea he had when thinking about dealing with her, as he knew that her power used touch to invade the person's mind and steal some memories and the person's powers.

But this invasion was so powerful that the person's mental defenses were destroyed, causing the person's brain to immediately induce a coma for protection and repair.

But he figured that with well-developed Occlumency he could guard against it, so perhaps he could have more intimate contact with her.

The level of Occlumency he bought was only Snape's level, which was already quite high, but considering how potent her ability was, he proceeded to use the knowledge he received to further increase his mental defense.

Anna was happy to see that Alex didn't intend to go into the pool, as that way they could spend more time together.

[I don't want to go to the pool either, so I can keep you company with the sun!] She replied excitedly, before getting a little embarrassed as she realized that maybe she's shown too much happiness?

'Does he think I'm hitting on him?' She thought worriedly.

[Excellent! Then we can be together.] Alex also responded positively, which calmed Anna's heart a lot.

'What clothes should I wear?' She wondered as she looked at her wardrobe.

As she liked the Gothic style, she had few clothes to wear in the sun. She didn't want to stick with a long-sleeved shirt, as that would make her look like an outsider around everyone else in lighter clothes.

Not knowing what to do, Anna ran to Jean and said with a scared expression. "Jean, help me…"

Seeing Anna like this, Jean got worried and stopped what she was doing. "What's up Anna, is everything okay?"

Anna shook her head. "I don't have anything to wear to the barbecue tomorrow."

Jean was surprised to hear this, as Anna always wore the dark, long-sleeved clothes to their barbecues. "Why are you worried about that? Maybe… it's because of Alex?!" Jean thought excitedly.

Anna got a little shy and just nodded, she knew she couldn't hide it, especially since it was Jean, who from time to time heard the thoughts of others.

Seeing Anna shy, Jean had a big smile on her face and went to her wardrobe. "Look at my clothes, maybe there's something you like!" Jean said as she started sorting out clothes that would fit well with the occasion.

Anna came to Jean since the two had similar body proportions. Although Kitty was very helpful, Anna knew that Kitty's breasts were much smaller than hers, if she wore one of Kitty's clothes she might not even be able to breathe.

As for Jean, her breasts were almost the same size as hers, so even if maybe it was a little tight, she would still manage to look good in it.

While looking at the clothes, Anna finally saw something that she liked and that suited her.

"Hey Jean, can I get this bathing suit?" Anna asked as she held the bathing suit in front of her and measured to see if it would fit her, luckily the size was perfect.

"No problem…" Jean smiled as she looked at Anna in the bathing suit. "I think Alex will like what he sees."

Anna heard Jean say that and got shy again, before hugging her bathing suit and going back to her room.

Even though she couldn't get in the pool with the others as she could touch someone, Anna still wanted to wear a bathing suit, as she knew Alex would like to see her wearing one.

Jean laughed at Anna being shy like that. She was used to Anna always being angry and not having much patience to deal with what she didn't want, when someone teased her like that she would probably give the person a middle finger and tell her to fuck off.

But as she was shy because of Alex, she changed into a simple shy girl who was embarrassed to even speak.

"I don't think Bobby is going to be very happy about this…" Jean sighed at the thought of Bobby, the ice boy, who had a crush on Anna.

But thinking about Alex's confidence, as long as Bobby didn't use his powers maybe it wouldn't cause so many problems.

Unfortunately for Jean, Bobby wasn't as cool-headed as she'd imagined, and the barbecue wasn't going to be as peaceful as it had been.


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Thanks for the chapter, it seems you accidentally posted chapter 63 again.

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