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Marvel's Superman (Transmigration)(Translation)

Not gonna lie this reads like a xania/cultivation type story in terms of the dialogue don't know if that's good or not but it is certainly interesting and worth a read for just that I guess?
now that you mentioned it. it does huh. haha. the way mc talk is like xianxia protag.
wait. Did a later chapter get posted or something? Was I reading a different story? Wasnt this the gatcha superman story?
That's right; at that time, Luke was addicted to fighting games that had superheroes as the central character.
Moreover, Golden Kryptonite was very addictive, trying to use a rude and straightforward way to change the main character's fate.

One afternoon, he couldn't hold back for a while and ended up purchasing the luxurious gift pack in the game-which contained an SSS-level card, the Superman, and multiple selection templates of Kryptonite.
It can be said that if we take the contents of the gift pack in the picture, it was extremely cost-effective!
As soon as he received the gift package, Luke opened it to check its contents. However, the next time he opened his eyes, he was in the Marvel Universe.
A few years later luke was distracted by a small loading bar in front of his eyes.

When he transmigrated, there was a screen projected in front of his eyes.
Maybe due to the bad signal or good luck, that expensive gift item had also come with him.
It took five to six years for it to connect and load the progress.


Uhh no... I don't think this is the same

not this part? didn't him going through the syrum make it go 100%
not this part? didn't him going through the syrum make it go 100%

You might have read ahead actually because they labeled the docs incorrectly so I uploaded different chapters at some point, but I fixed it now though, so you may have seen the chaps ahead that weren't supposed to be there yet
Chapters 14

Next week, Luke and Rogers left Camp Lehigh and boarded a car for New York.
As for the trained recruits, they became reserve soldiers.

If the serum injection is successful, everyone has a chance to become a super soldier.
"I never thought we would be back in Brooklyn so soon!"

Rogers lamented.
He sat next to Luke, looking through the window, gazing at the familiar buildings.

"So, the Colonel was right, fortune favors the foolish. "
Luke joked.

When Rogers learned that he had been selected as a test subject for the super soldier, he couldn't wait to find Luke to share it, only to see Colonel Phillips in the barracks.
The latter, with a look of disgust, glanced at Rogers and uttered this phrase.
Remembering that incident, Rogers didn't feel bad but rather had an earnest expression, "This isn't good luck! It's all thanks to you and Dr. Erskine! I couldn't have made it this far without your help."
He heard from Colonel Phillips that Luke had recommended him to Dr. Erskine on his own initiative.

Although Rogers wasn't very good at expressing his emotions, he remembered this gratitude in his heart.
"If you were a woman, I might have accepted your 'gratitude'."

Luke made a disgusted face and snickered, "See that block, that alley, and the parking lot out there, those are your old 'battlefields'!"
Rogers lowered his head and smiled awkwardly.

He had been beaten a lot because he couldn't get rid of his nosy habit.
These 'battlefields' were actually the places where he had been beaten before.
"Did you have something against running away?"

Carter, who was sitting in the front and driving, asked.
She was the entourage this time and was responsible for getting Luke and Rogers safely to their destination.

"You start running, they'll never let you stop! If you stand up and fight back, you will have the opportunity to defeat them one day!"
Rogers spoke of his inner feelings, and Carter was a bit moved by his sincere tone.

Dr. Erskine didn't choose him for no reason. At least this courage is worthy of praise.
"Being underestimated is something I have often experienced. "

Carter seemed to be drawn by the idea and said a few more words in a rare moment.

On normal days in Camp Lehigh, this female officer was like an iceberg, keeping people away.
Even the notorious playboy Howard Stark, would be careful around her. So far, not one dinner invitation was accepted.

"Miss Carter, I don't understand why you want to join the army. You are a beautiful lady ..."

Rogers glanced at Carter and began to speak with the emotional intelligence of a 'straight man' - You know, what the other party hated most is when people say she's too good-looking to be an agent in this line of work.

(TNote: straight man = slang word; it's not about their sexuality; it means awkwardly sexist males that don't understand women at all.)

(GS/Nl So nearly all men... Niccce)

Carter had a strong character and had never thought that she would lose to any man in terms of ability.

Seeing that Rogers was about to anger her, Luke hastily intervened by asking, "How much longer until we get there?"

"Soon. "

Carter glanced at Rogers coldly, snorted, and stopped talking.
The latter looked innocent, not knowing where he was wrong.
"Rogers, your ability to talk to women is among the worst I've ever seen!"

Luke shook his head and whispered in low voice.
The car remained quiet for the rest of the journey.

About 20 minutes or so, they arrived at their destination.

The trio stepped out of the car and pushed open the door of an antique shop.
Yes, this was the secret base of the Strategic Scientific Reserve.

Carter exchanged codes with an older woman and led Luke and Rogers into the inner room.

"What a cliché design. "

Luke looked at the shelves full of books.

Entering the interior of the base, each door is guarded by heavily armed soldiers.
From time to time, some researchers in white coats would walk by with files in their hands.
Rogers, who was seeing this kind of scene for the first time, was a little nervous.

Rogers looked at Luke, as they walked side by side.

He found him to be calm and relaxed.

'That's so like him!'

Rogers thought to himself.

Actually, Luke's true emotions were far less calm than they seemed.

From Brooklyn streets, step by step to the Strategic Scientific Reserve's secret base, and about to receive the Super Soldier serum injection.
This wasn't an easy task.

'In order to get the plug-in, I went on desperately. '

(TNote: plug-in = component that adds a specific feature to an existing character template.)

The three went down to the bottom floor and saw two metal coffin-like boxes in the middle of the room, where Dr. Erskine and Howard-Stark were talking about something.

Colonel Philips and the Senators who were in attendance, stayed in the control room on the second floor.
Everyone was looking forward to witness a miracle!

"Let's get started."
Dr. Erskine said to the two men.

Luke and Rogers looked at each other, and took off their garrison caps and coats.
The contrast between their physiques was obvious.

The former is strong and well-defined, while the latter is as thin as dry wood.

Seeing that, the researchers around them shook their heads and sighed. They doubted whether Rogers could survive the serum injection.
"It's okay, you can do it!"

Luke squeezed Rogers' shoulder as if to inject courage into him.

If Steve wasn't around, he would be the one to debut as an idol and sell war bonds!

Seeing him nod in agreement, Luke turned his attention to what was before him, a metal box with complex wires and cables inserted on both sides.

Howard Stark, who sported a mustache, was in-charge of operating the machine.

He was currently at the console, busy with the preparation for the serum injection.

This talented millionaire, who had good relations with the military elites under the banner of patriotism, was also one of the participants in this project.

A bright light flashed as the Staff from the Military's Public Affairs Department snapped a photo of Luke and Rogers standing together.
This was a memorable historical moment!
"It's time to start!"

Erskine cleared the people, leaving only Howard Stark and other researchers.

"You'll both make it!"

The doctor seriously said.

He was only going to choose one person to make a super soldier.

However, Luke's outstanding performance and sincere attitude made Erskine's original idea waver.
So, he and Colonel Phillips, each took a step back.

It was decided that both of these candidates would be injected with the serum and become super soldiers.

In the words of Colonel Phillips, "At least one will succeed".
Dr. Erskine patiently explained the process, and then the shells of the two metal boxes placed together slowly closed.

"It will start out as a series of minimally invasive injections to inject the serum into the muscle groups. After this step is completed, it will trigger radical changes in the cells ..."

Luke was plunged into darkness, unable to see the slightest bit of light from the outside world. He could only hear Dr. Erskine's voice talking to Howard Stark.

The cold needles pierced his skin, and the serum was steadily pushed into the body, which merged with countless cells.

"Weird, I don't feel much pain..."

Luke was worried that the process of injecting the super soldier serum would be extremely painful.

At least in his memory, Rogers shouted at the top of his lungs and almost died.
"Start the instrument!"

Luke heard Dr. Erskine's voice.

The metal instrument connected to the cable introduced a sizzling strong current.

A burst of white light broke out!


Luke instantly felt intensively excruciating pain, as if his muscle fibers were pulled into a million strips.

His whole body felt like it was torn apart!

Not only the physical, but the mental strain was just as unbearable.

However, the intense pain, enough to make people crazy, only lasted a short moment.

Then, as if it was absorbed, it just disappeared!


On his retina, clear data emerged.

The progress bar, which had been stagnant for years, had finally completely loaded.

[Player identity Cleared]

[Gift pack is being issued]

[Issued successfully]

[Please check]

Lines of information flew out.

Then, the hazy white light slightly lit up.

A huge stream of data, like a waterfall, scrolled down to form a character panel -

Host: Luke (Luke Cavill)

Loaded Card: None

Ability: None

Reputation: None

Task List: Not yet opened


Luke felt a bit puzzled.

After working so hard for so long, he only got three empty stats?

"Forget it, let's first open the gift pack!"

Luke was familiar with it and clicked on the conscious space.


With a slight thought, a golden shimmering light erupted.

Many characters poured into his mind.

"Golden Superman ..."

"Silver Superman ..."

"Cyborg Superman ..."

"Quantum Superman ..."

"Ultraman ..."

"Superboy-Prime ..."


Various forms of Superman templates are displayed in front of Luke's eyes....
Chapter 15
A few minutes ago.

Colonel Phillips was in the control room exchanging some words with Senator Brandt, one of the members of the Committee.

"I'm glad you can come, Senator. "
The Colonel said with a smile.

With his temper, he was unwilling to deal with politicians.
Because, these guys were too hypocritical!

Always smiling, but secretly thinking about getting their own benefits.

This made Colonel Phillips, who came from a military background and attached great importance to the overall situation, uncomfortable.
But as the Executive of the Strategic Scientific Reserve and a participant in the Super Soldier program, he had to learn to socialize with politicians.
After all, research funding and allocated resources need to be approved by the Committee.

"Is that the 'Super Soldier' you chose? My God! He looks like he hasn't eaten for days!"
Senator Brandt stood in the control room on the second floor, looking down.

He was surprised to see the short and thin Rogers.
This was a little different from the super soldier the Committee wanted.

"Rogers is... a backup to prevent failure. Senator, have you seen him, Luke Cavill? That's the best soldier I've ever seen!"
Colonel Phillips looked embarrassed and pointed to Luke who was standing beside Luke.

He wasn't optimistic about Rogers. The fact that the other party was here was the result of Dr. Erskine's insistence on going his own way.
"A lot of departments are applying for funding at this stage, but the budget allocated to Strategic Scientific Reserve is always the largest! Colonel, don't let the President down. "
Senator Brandt knocked back a comment and sat down with an accompanying reporter.

His willingness to attend wasn't motivated by a love of science.
Instead, he wanted to take the credit for it in the first place.

Senator Brandt was keenly aware of the marketing value of a super soldier.

It doesn't matter whether they could change the war or not, attracting the attention of the public was the key!
5 minutes later, the experiment and serum injection were in its final stage.

The power switches of the two metal boxes had crossed 70%.

A dazzling white light flashed, almost drowning the surrounding space.
An intense painful roar came from one of the metal boxes.

It was Rogers!

The process of injecting the serum was like a million knives to him, viciously cutting every cell and every nerve in his body.
In particular, as the value of energy transmission increased, the more violent the transformation he endured, greater the physical and mental pain he suffered.

Erskine's right hand twitched. The serum injection might cause the death of the test subject, it was something that everyone knew quite well.
Only the one who made it through could become a super soldier.

But it seems that Rogers couldn't withstand it.

"Colonel, what's going on?"

Senator Brandt asked, tilting his head.

Looking at the two identical metal boxes, with subjects injected with the same serum.

"Why is Rogers so agonized, while Luke isn't even responding?"

"Don't tell me he was injected with a fake serum?"

Faced with Senator Brandt's suspicion, Colonel Phillips could only shrug his shoulders with an equally puzzled expression.

"Subsequent cards need to rely on reputation to unlock ... It's just like when I played the game!"
Luke, lying in the metal instrument, didn't know the changes in the outside world.

He digested the vast amount of information received by his brain and began to understand how the so-called 'card' should be used.
First of all, there was the level setting given by the character panel.

According to different levels, the game divided Kryptonians into 6 levels.

LV1: Civilian.
LV2: Soldier.
LV3: Captain.
LV4: General.
LV5: Councilor.
LV6: Monarch.

Every time he upgraded, he would also be able to get items that were exclusively from Krypton.
For example, the Fortress of Solitude, the Codex and other key items.

"And the Superman Card I have now is 'Civilian'. In terms of both, overall quality and ability, for the time being, I am as good as the genuine Superman..."
Luke looked at the many Cards that were grayed out, while pursing his lips. Unfortunately, there were no other unlocked Cards.
The plug-in he received was essentially a game panel.

Similar to a game, he needed to follow the pattern of gaining reputation, grinding levels, and completing daily tasks.

"Clark Kent was a natural born Kryptonian with infinite potential; As for General Zod, who was also a Kryptonian, he was an innate general, and his rank should be in LV4 or LV5!"
Luke's thought of the two of the most impressive Kryptonians.

Although he was only the lowest LV1 'Civilian' right now, it was enough.

The Kryptonian body is basically a 'solar battery', and as long as it absorbs the stellar energy of the bright sun, its physical stats will continue to get stronger.
However, he just wanted to have unlimited potential, like the real Superman.

He had to work hard to gain reputation, grind levels and increase his levels.

Otherwise, it was totally unrealistic to turn into a Golden Superman just by sunbathing!
"One hundred percent!"
The metal box's power was turned up to maximum, the dense white light almost burned people's eyes.

An electric spark broke out at the console, and Rogers, who had painfully cried out, suddenly quieted down.

Erskine quickly asked Howard Stark to open the metal instrument. He temporarily ignored Luke, who didn't make a sound, to save Rogers first.
A burst of white gas scattered, and everyone showed an incredible expression of shock.

Steve Rogers!

That scrawny little man turned into a tall and mighty captain with big pectorals muscles in the blink of an eye!

He was now a totally different person.

The next moment!

Everyone in the control room cheered and revered in jubilation, eager to immediately throw a celebration party.

Senator Brandt was even more enthusiastic, screaming things like "Berlin should be nervous" and "Capture Hitler alive".

In his view, with a Super Soldier regiment with soldiers like Rogers, the Allies were assured of victory and could win this battle without a doubt!

However, Colonel Phillips, who was immersed in joy, excitement and so on, with Senator Brandt, didn't notice that one of the guests in the control room approached Dr. Erskine while no one was paying attention.
"Hail Hydra!"

The man who came to 'congratulate', quietly whispered in Dr. Erskine's ear.

The latter looked up in surprise, but only saw a pair of cold eyes.

Dr. Erskine immediately reacted.

But the man didn't give him time to call for help. A PPK was placed against the other party's chest and the trigger was pulled.

The bullet went through his heart and brought up a blood splash.

Dr. Erskine felt a moment of pain, and then helplessly collapsed.

The sound of gunfire echoed through the room, accompanied by calls of "protect the Senator!" as the guarding soldiers leaned over.
Then, there was a loud bang in the control room.

Flaming explosion swept through the scene!

The strong shock wave shattered the glass windows!

Colonel Phillips shielded the panic-stricken senator, while the big soldiers on guard were hit by the wave of air and crashed into the wall like a kite with broken threads.
Screams, explosions, gunshots ...

These noises interrupted Luke's thoughts.

He frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and easily broke free from his bounds - which were there to prevent the subjectsfrom moving around and harming themselves.

Crack! Bang!

Luke punched through the solid shell of the metal box, ignoring the jumping electric sparks and blatantly pulled open the iron sheet with his hands.
With a crackling-tearing sound, the next moment, Luke jumped out of the metal instrument.

He saw Dr. Erskine, who was shot to the ground, and Rogers, who had become taller and stronger.

Senator Brandt shranked back, hiding behind the cover of the crowd.

And the man in the suit, suspected to be the Hydra assassin, shooting down several guards, running upstairs, and disappearing from sight.
Chapter 16
"You stay here! Protect the Colonel! I'll go after him!"

Luke, who had jumped out of the metal box, looked around and immediately reacted to what had happened.
He put on his coat and told Steve to stay back, who subconsciously nodded.

He watched Luke bend his legs slightly and jump.

With the Superman Card and super Soldier Serum, his moment was like a powerful cannonball as he jumped directly from the underground room to the ground floor.
Grasping the railing with one hand, with a clean and firm flip, Luke stepped on the ground.

Fortunately, with the data ability provided by the character panel, he quickly got used to a lot of physical qualities which were beyond ordinary people.
It wasn't like Clark in his childhood, who often faced the trouble of losing control of his ability!

Under Luke's feet, the concrete cracked like spider webs due to the powerful impact.

He was like a gust of wind sweeping past, raising a violent stream of air.

With one "Thump!", the ground seemed to tremble..
He left like a swift arrow, leaving his blurred shadow.

It had only been a few seconds since the assassin had rushed out of the corridor.
The killer sent by Hydra is very clever.

When he ran away, he didn't forget to destroy the button controlling the door, locking his pursuers behind him, delaying them even more.
"Unfortunately, for me, it's as thin as a piece of paper!"
Luke didn't stop or slow down.

He suddenly accelerated, knocking down the thick metal door.
With a "Bang!", a clear human figure appeared on the door!
"Okay! I take back what I just said, I still feel something!"

Luke stretched his neck side to side. He admitted that the metal door wasn't as fragile as paper, just almost to the extent of a thick wooden board.
He rushed out of the secret base, coming to the booth.
Luke jerked to a halt, setting off a gust of wind that blew as the bookshelves shook and swayed.

When he walked out, he saw the old woman, who was the antique shop owner, had fallen to the ground, shot by two bullets.
Outside the door, the noise of an engine starting was heard.
On top of that car, the killer sent by Hydra, armed with a Thompson submachine gun, went on a rampage.
Da da da da!

Heavy gunfire broke through the windows of the shop, killing several agents who were standing guard outside.
The sudden and fierce gun battle caused panic among pedestrians.

For fear of being affected, they covered their heads and fled, not forgetting to scream at the top of their lungs.

Luke stepped out of the antique shop and was about to start his pursuit when, suddenly, the car parked in front of the entrance exploded.
There was billowing fire, and shock waves, however, his figure remained standing, not wavering even the slightest,

He saw the car carrying the Hydra assassin as it turned a corner and disappeared at the end of the street.

Luke smiled coldly and ran after it.

"Why did you make such a ruckus?!"

The Hydra agent who was driving the car, complained.

The task they received was to assassinate Abraham Erskine and destroy the super soldier plan, not to plan a terrorist attack in New York!
Because once this incident blows up, they would have to pay a big price to retreat!
"There were two super soldiers and they will soon come for us! Drive faster!"

The assassin was panting, and a cold sweat on his back, he felt like a helpless prey under the eyes of a beast.
Even after getting into the car and getting rid of the agents outside the shop, there was still no certainty of escaping.

He was a spy planted in the Military Committee that Hydra has spent a lot of time, resources and effort to get him where he was.

Had it not been for the order from Berlin that Abraham Erskine must be killed, he would have never revealed himself!
The frontal battlefield between the Allies and Axis Powers was the ability of soldiers, guns and commanders.

But on the intelligence level, the competition depended on the decryption of radio signals, as well as the time and depth of spying.

This assassin, named Greg, could be said to be a spy with the longest infiltration time and the highest intelligence level, which Hydra had in New York.
He could have played a more important role, but now there was no more opportunity.

"Back to Berlin, the Fuhrer will definitely give you a medal in person!"

The Hydra member who was driving the car said enviously.
"If I can return to Berlin, then I ... wait! There's someone behind!"

Greg, the assassin, just wanted to say that he was ready to go back to his hometown to get married when he finished this task, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a tall figure running wildly in the rearview mirror!
The Hydra members who thought they were safe enough to escape, had their eyes rounded with disbelief!

"We need to get faster..."
He muttered.

There was someone who could catch up to cars with their two legs?
Greg, the assassin, quickly raised his gun, poked his head out of the window and tried to fight back.

Luke jumped and leapt high, dodging a burst of machine-gun fire and slamming into the speeding car with precision.
Then, with both hands, tore open the tin roof as if it was paper!

Greg, sitting in the co-pilot position, threw away the machine-gun that had an empty magazine, took out a pistol and pointed it at Luke, trying to pull the trigger.
With no expression, Luke's right hand directly stretched out, holding the PPK automatic pistol's muzzle.

With a bang, the 7.65 mm small caliber bullet hit his open palm, but it looked like it was hitting a steel plate, emitting a metal clashing sound.
Luke's eyebrows slightly raised. With a strong grip, the pistol was crushed into a lump of scrap metal.


The driver screamed in horror.

"Noisy." Luke picked the guy up with one hand and threw him out like garbage.


The driver smashed into the window of a shop on the street, and fell to the ground. No one could tell if he was dead or alive.

"Cut off one head and two more shall take its place! Hail Hydra... "
Greg couldn't help feeling desperate when he saw Luke's frightening power.

After shouting Hydra's chant, he was ready to bite the potassium cyanide poison hidden below his tongue.
He has a sense of dedication to the organization and wasn't afraid of death!
"I know you're a Hydra. How could I not?"

Luke sneered, as if he had expected it, and leaned in to punch and dislocate the guy's jaw.

In his eyes, his opponent's movements are too slow, and as long as he concentrates, it was like watching a frame by frame motion.
Hydra was a huge organization with strict management. Every spy and agent who was sent out to perform a task would put poison on their collar or hide it in their hollowed-out dentures in order to prevent being caught or discovered and resulting in information leakage.

This information was known to the SSR.
Ignoring Greg's frightened eyes, Luke lifted the other party out of the car as if he was a small animal.

A few minutes later, Rogers and Carter drove up.
They brought the captured assassin and the driver back to the antique shop in Brooklyn.

"Well done, Luke!"
Back to the secret base, Colonel Phillips praised him.

He had witnessed Luke chasing after the assassin, now, he was hearing the amazing story about how he caught up with the car on his feet and his palm blocking the bullet.
Looking at Luke, who was taller and stronger than before, the Colonel seemed to have made a decision in his heart.

"You guys go out first. I have something to talk to Cavil about. "
Looking at the bustling medical office, Colonel Philips called out.

He drove the doctors and nurses out, and then looked at Luke with a solemn face.
"Something wrong, Colonel?"


Luke put on his jacket and headed out.

Like Rogers, he was also spared from having his blood drawn.
Dr. Erskine was shot and killed, and all the samples were used up - which shouldn't have been the case in the original plot.

In the original plot, there was only one Super Soldier, but now there was an extra - Luke. This caused the serum sample that was left behind to be used up.

Even with a large amount of research data, any attempt to reverse-engineer Dr. Erskine's serum formula was going to be a humongous task,

The only thing they can expect now was in Luke and Rogers's blood. The hope of copying serum was hidden in their genetic code!

However, the military's delusion is ultimately a fragile bubble.
First of all, Luke wasn't really a Super Soldier.

The energy provided by the serum was used to activate the plug-in and open the gift package, thus it didn't play any role in transforming his body.

That's why Luke hardly felt any pain after the injection.
What's more, now he has activated the Superman Card..

Trying to extract something from the blood would undoubtedly be a fool's errand.
Even after decades, the military produced a lot of inferior products with great side effects through the so-called reverse-engineering.

"Have you thought about what you're going to do now, Luke?"

Colonel Phillips looked serious and whispered, "It is impossible to copy the serum formula and create a new super soldier in such a short time. That plan will now be aborted. Those politicians will try their best to get rid of their responsibilities!"
"Also, as a super soldier, I'm more optimistic about you - Rogers is a good man! But you're better in all aspects! I can tell, Luke, you're a born warrior! You'll never go soft on the enemy!"

"At this point, Rogers is so far behind, he still has some kind of naïve idealism! It won't help to win the war!"

"The essence of war is destruction! It's violence! It's a means to gain benefits! Although we will say this is a war for justice and a battle for freedom, there's no good or evil in war!"
"Rogers doesn't understand this truth, yet. I hope you do!"

Luke was greatly surprised when he heard these words. He didn't expect the Colonel to see it quite clearly.
Chapter 17
"What are you saying Colonel?"

Keenly catching Colonel Philips' vaguely cultivated idea, Luke showed a timely attitude of asking for advice.
"The politicians on the Committee can't be trusted! They're a bunch of fucking assholes! That Hydra assassin got in thanks to Senator Brandt, and now he's trying to dump the blame on us!"
Colonel Phillips cursed this much for the first time. Then he saw Luke's modesty, and his dissatisfaction slightly eased.

For young talents who were motivated and capable, the older generation would always have the idea of nurturing and lifting them up -- provided that they could demonstrate the values that matched them!
In the eyes of Colonel Phillips, Luke is such a young talent, who deserves to be nurtured!
That's why he said so many heartfelt words.

"Politicians are only interested in profit, they can be bought and they may do something bad to the country! The Super Soldier program is facing failure, and their next problem is how to use you and Rogers to their advantage. "
Colonel Philips, who has been in the army for over 20 years, knew the political world well.

"The President wanted an army, but now he only got two super soldiers. On the battlefield, an individual's ability will be infinitely reduced. Even if you can punch through steel plates and catch up with speeding cars, you can't stop the bombardment of shells, and you can't fly to Berlin to carry Hitler out of his house. "
Luke listened quietly, his eyes slightly flickered.

'If they gave me time, I could really do this on my own!'

Less than 20 hours after loading the template, the enhancement brought by the yellow sun had already exceeded the sum of so many years of persistent training.
Luke could feel that the trillions of cells in his body were hungry and absorbed the rays of the sun.
"With so much research funding, only two strong soldiers were harvested. To tell you the truth, the military is very disappointed and no longer interested in you. Unsurprisingly, your next fate would probably be staying in the lab and have your blood drawn, like guinea pigs. "

Colonel Philips paused, he changed his tone, "But I don't think so. Seeing your performance just now and your outstanding achievements in Camp Lehigh; Luke, I've decided to give you an even more important task. "
"Do you know the Howling Commandos? It's a special operations team made up of the best soldiers under the Strategic Science Reserve's banner!"
"I want you to lead this team and become their commander!"

Luke's expression of surprise was a genuine emotional reaction.

He did not expect that Colonel Philips' arrangement for him would be this.

'Leading the Howling Commandos?'


'I wonder if I can see Logan, Wolverine ...'

Luke's mind wandered.
He remembered a comic in which Wolverine was also a member of this team and fought side by side with Captain America.
Maybe, a certain black hard-boiled egg would be there too.

Maybe he will also get to meet a certain cool black guy.

After all, Nick Fury had joined the Howling Commandos in his early years.
"What about Rogers?"
Luke asked curiously.

As the saying goes, the bigger the pectoral muscles, the greater the responsibility!
He wondered if Rogers would debut as the 'American' idol this time.

"Rogers? Senator Brandt is interested in him and intends to make him a war bonds ambassador."
Colonel Philips shrugged his shoulders and said he was helpless.

He wanted to recruit both super soldiers into the Howling Commandos, to complete a plan from the Strategic Science Reserve.
But Senator Brandt won't relent.
He took a fancy to the 'Super Soldier' as a gimmick.

He wanted to make, either Luke or Rogers, a household name and a star attraction.
In this way, he could promote the war bonds, add some points under his political achievements, and also create a platform for his future campaign.
Simply the best of both worlds!

"Is that so? ..."

Luke secretly thought he was lucky.

Without Rogers blocking the bullet, the task of performing on stage in costume and being a salesman, would have been on him.
Even if he could use other means when the time comes, then re-enter the military's sights, he would miss a lot of opportunities!
Just then—

[Side quest: Howling Commando, the war hero's first step!]

[Requirements: Join the team and get the approval of three or more team members.]

[Reward: Scarecrow's fear poison gas ×10.]

[The task list is now open.]

Luke took the time to sweep his eyes over the character panel, and a side quest suddenly appeared on it.
"Well, this is strange. I am in the Marvel world but rewards are from the 'studio next-door'. "

Seeing the gaze from Colonel Phillips, Luke collected his thoughts and quietly said; "I am willing to lead Howling Commandos!"
The former was satisfied with this answer.

"Don't let me down, Luke. "
The Colonel patted Luke on the shoulder happily, turned and walked out of the infirmary.

"I received a phone call from President Roosevelt this morning. From now on, the Strategic Science Reserve has a new mission!"
"We are going to fight Hydra to the death! We're going to kill this horrible beast that lurks in the depths of the shadows of this war!"


The next morning, Colonel Phillips delivered an impassioned speech.
Various researchers, as well as agents and spies, began to pack up and prepare to move out.

They are about to leave New York, follow the instructions of their superiors, and rush to the frontlines in London.

The Super Soldier Project had failed, and the status of the Strategic Science Reserve, which had been carrying great expectations, instantly dropped!
Rogers, standing in the lobby of the base, looked like an outsider.

He didn't know what to do, and no one told him what to do.
Miss Carter, Howard -Stark, they all had their own tasks.

'Everyone's leaving, except me!'

"Colonel! If you're going to fight Hydra, I want to join too!"

Rogers plucked up his courage and walked up to Colonel Philips.
Rogers had deep hatred for Dr. Erskine's murderer.

"You are now military property and I have no authority over your whereabouts. "
Colonel Philips shook his head.

With two super soldiers, he could only choose one.
The rest belonged to Senator Brandt.

Phillips hated making this kind of deal, but he had no other choice.

Dr. Erskine was shot and the Super Soldier Project failed. This series of accidents are made by the military's investment in research funding, all thrown into the water, with no returns from this investment.
As the executive of the Strategic Science Reserve, Phillips had to shoulder the majority of the pressure and blame.

Even though many of the problems were due to Senator Brandt because the Hydra assassin appeared among his entourage.
But this powerful senator like a 'Non-stick pan', he was not going to get his reputation receive any 'stains'.

Philips didn't know what the senator said, but in the end, the whole blame fell on his head and the senator escaped without any harm.
In order to preserve the strength of the Strategic Science Reserve, a part of the earlier resources needed to be reserved.

Philips had no other choice but to make a deal with Senator Brandt and give Rogers to the other party - at least it was better than being a lab rat.
"The serum worked, Colonel! I can go to war ..."

Rogers tried to fight for the opportunity, but was interrupted by Colonel Phillips, "Senator Brandt said there's a better battlefield for you. "
After saying that, he turned to leave.

"The Colonel is also under a lot of pressure, so don't be discouraged. "

Looking at the lost Rogers, Carter, who was standing next to him, said comfortingly.
She held the experimental record with both hands, and sympathy in her eyes.

Through the human body transformation, the original thin little man had reached six feet (188cm), almost as tall as Luke.
Moreover, Rogers' muscles are even more bulky, like those of a bodybuilder.
Luke, who was also a Super Soldier, wasn't this exaggerated.

"Where's Luke!? Where is he?"
Rogers suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Luke since yesterday.

"I don't know, the Colonel said he had another mission. "

Carter shook her head.

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It really feels in every chapter that this was original a chinese fanfiction as a i read chinese (not great) too. Also the Gary Stu vibes of xianxia protagonist. Who the fuck makes a recruit a commander on an already established command team? It is like making a 1 month old trainee into a manager, with lives at risk. It is not like they have already tested increase IQ. Oh well, I guess next chapter we meet Logan and he will think He wishes he was at least half as manly as Mc.
It really feels in every chapter that this was original a chinese fanfiction as a i read chinese (not great) too. Also the Gary Stu vibes of xianxia protagonist. Who the fuck makes a recruit a commander on an already established command team? It is like making a 1 month old trainee into a manager, with lives at risk. It is not like they have already tested increase IQ. Oh well, I guess next chapter we meet Logan and he will think He wishes he was at least half as manly as Mc.

I mean it is a Chinese Fic... Translated and such by the Binge team...

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