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April 9, 2081
Hi. This is Kelly. I just wanted to say this out in the open. Twilight sucks. Bella's has no personality. Edward is a real creep. And that Jacob guy was kind of a doormat. And they magically turned him into a freak. I mean, if I had some guy show up saying he was going to marry Isabelle when she grew up and all that crap, I'd probably shoot him in the face.
Ugh. And that 'fanfiction' stuff? Why? Why would you send me something where the guys have gay sex and then give birth to ass babies? How? Why? It doesn't work that way! I have two children, I should know!
You send me that kind of lowbrow, low quality smut again and I'll invent a way to cross the boundaries between time and space so I can slap the jerk out of you
Also, [REDACTED] has asked for Harry Potter series and for the 'Dramatic Readings of 30Hs and the Doom Comic', whatever those are. He says I'll get a chuckle out of it.
Now to my husband...
The thaw is well underway at this point. Soon we'll be sending out teams to investigate the various lodges and campground in Yellowstone in all seriousness. We've done some light scavenging before, but we haven't really penetrated that deeply before this point. Most of our efforts were focused on easy targets along the highways. This year we're going balls out. This is going to be the year we completely secure the park and truly make it our own.
You might think I was nuts for not doing this earlier, but the fact is these major campgrounds and lodges probably held thousand of visitors. The possibility of ferals is very high and before I wasn't willing to take the risk. Most of my people weren't used to working together and there was a high chance there'd be a lot of them. But after our blooding last year and with our space issues, it's about time we tackle this issue once and for all.
Along those lines I'm making sure we equip our men as best as possible. Most are getting either shotguns or some of our handful of SMGs. For armor we're looking at Motorcycle Football pads (basically leather armor as portrayed in the first two games) or armor made from tires. Not the best for ballistic protection, I know, but easy to move in and resistant against most biting attacks and blunt force trauma. And of course, every team gets a geiger counter.
I've given orders that non-feral ghouls are to be offered a chance to join us. After all, we already have one Ghoul citizen. They're also to look out for signs of current human habitation. My thoughts are simple. We don't want to kill anyone unless we have to, and these people might have been here since the bombs dropped. They deserve a chance to join us, or if they'd rather not, at least come to arrangements that will allow us to cohabitate in peace. Plus I don't want them accidently looting someone's food supply. We're better than that. So care is to be taken.
Honestly, we don't know what we're going to run into, but if we're lucky we could have the park ready for a serious once over by the end of May. Most of that time being due to snowy roads limiting access. After that we're going to start focusing on reclaiming at least parts of the area towns to build outposts.
We're going to be aggressively going after any pre-atomic salvage yards. Our Guzzoline technology will give us an advantage that could make us the most mobile force in the wasteland once the remaining atomic vehicles kick the bucket.
I will also be scouting military bases, but we need to be careful. Last thing we need is for hostiles with milspec technology to come after us. Though in all honesty, I'm expecting most of them to be glowing. I really am hoping we do get some Ghouls interested in joining us. Would be very useful to have people able to enter high radiation areas without having to pop Rad-X like tic-tacs.
I introduced Wu and Jacobs to the church of the Sub-Genius and I will admit they were a bit befuddled. I did admit, rather bluntly before we even began that it was something of a joke religion. Or rather it's a religion masquerading as a joke masquerading as a religion. Or is it the other way around? Honestly, I'm not quite sure half the time. But honestly, it doesn't matter either way because one of our primary tenants is 'Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke'.
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about the Church outright claims to be a UFO mind-control cult and at first glance seems to be a disjointed collection of incoherent ramblings and crazed conspiracy theories. We know how insane it sounds. It's fully intentional. The point is to mock other religions, because let's be honest, all religions make outlandish claims in their theology.
When you get down to it the faith has several core points. First, is the word Sub-Genius itself. It doesn't mean below genius, because frankly most things are. What it means is having the presence of mind, the genius, to look under the sacred cows and standards of accepted reality and try and find greater truths. It's why everything is intentionally made to look so loony. It's a method of filtering out the people who, in all frankness, wouldn't get it anyways.
You see, a major theme is the rejection of the concept of absolute truth. The entire point is to maintain a wide open mind. To think out of the box and look at things as an individual and have the courage to be abnormal. Which is also where the ideal of the Short Duration Personal Savior comes in. I don't worship "Bob", though I pay attention to his teachings. Just like I do those of Buddha and Jesus, and countless other worthies. The reason is because there isn't just one great font of all knowledge. There is more than one book. You have to examine the situation and figure out what teachings, what lessons best apply to the situation at hand.
The issue of Normals and the Conspiracy was a big one. Now, setting aside that the Conspiracy was real in this world, the concept of the Conspiracy is simple. It's basically the powers that be and the engines of authority trying to suppress the individuality of the masses for its own well being. Organized religion, governments, corporations, anything that tries to force people into molds and milk them for its own benefit is the Conspiracy.
Normals, also sarcastically referred to as Pinkboys, are the dupes of the Conspiracy. Pinks are individuals who have surrendered agency to the Conspiracy and function under a veneer of 'normalcy'. Normalcy is simply a hollow, false, and self perpetuating dichotomy created to lubricate the engines of the Conspiracy and allow it to enslave others and strip them of their Slack.
Slack is a bit of a loaded term, but it doesn't actually mean laziness. In fact it's not really definable. It can be 'sinful', or it can be chaste, or it can be both at the same time depending on how you look at it. My best way to describe slack is the fulfillment brought about by engaging in an activity that helps grant an individual self-actualization.
This is the problem. The Conspiracy doesn't want you to have Slack, the powers that be don't want self-actualized individuals. They want a bunch of unthinking pinks who blindly perpetuate the mechanisms of authority and will defend their 'normality' to their dying breath. Which of course is where you come into False Slack. Meaningless and empty amusements designed to provide short term pleasure without any deep level of personal fulfillment or accomplishment. Amusement parks rides, canned vacations, blind materialism, gambling, prostitution, all of it... it's all just a tool to keep people from discovering their true Slack.
Basically, at least how I see it, it's a general system of humanistic self-actualization and general distrust for authority cloaked in a joke. Like I said, it's a religion masquerading as a joke masquerading as a religion. Or at least that's how I see it and it's designed to be viewed individually. There might be someone out there who really does think that if they die and end up in hell, "Bob" will show up with their three times your money back refund and offer to sell them a copy of How to Enjoy Hell for a Nickel an Eternity for $59.95. I think they're a loon, but you know what, as long as they don't try and hurt someone that's just fine. Because otherwise it'll just turn into another Conspiracy trying to force people into a fucking mold.
I also did admit it's why I'm ultimately uncomfortable with my job. I'm a private man who wants to live a simple, private life. To me, my joy, my slack is my wife, children, my friends, my solitude... and I don't have enough time for any of them. I don't want to turn into another gear of the Conspiracy... even if it's a big gear with streamers.
I hope this didn't sound like proselytization. I just wanted to explain the conversation. I'll be honest, I think they were ready to lock me in a rubber room at first but... well... by the end they were willing to read the book with an open mind. I'm not looking to convert anyone, I just think... I just think that whatever religion that arises from this place needs to have a strong love of the individual. To avoid stuff like the rejection of the self or totalitarian mortality.
Reverence for Life was much simpler to explain. Jacobs had already heard of Schweitzer though had never had the opportunity to read them. It's my hope that those views will help shape our morality.
I am life which wills to live, surrounded by life which wills to live. Reverence for Life is a Mindset, an awareness, and not really an ideology. It also gives the best explanation for good and evil I've ever seen. Good is that which promotes life. Evil is that which destroys it. Honestly, just look up the Young Indiana Jones clips on Youtube. They explain it far better and give it far more justice than I ever could.
I don't know what's going to evolve from this. It's not my place to tell others what to believe, I just hope in my heart of hearts I've planted a seed which will grow into something greater that will be a force for good. God knows enough insane cults spring up from the wasteland, I'm just hoping that maybe something worthwhile might too.
I hope to god I'm not sounding like a total fucking loon right now.
Building an APC isn't easy, though after last year it's on the agenda. We're looking out for a salvageable cargo truck we could use. Basically take a step van, strip it down to the frame, then cover it in mild steel plating. Won't stand up to military grade weapons, but against most of what we're dealing with it would be damned near invulnerable. Maybe throw a turret on top for extra fun times.
Aircraft are not in the picture at the moment. Though I am thinking back to the Autogyro from Mad Max. It might just work and according to Kelly there were Helicopter versions of the damned thing back in the day.
For fucks sake, 'you could do it in New Vegas' isn't an excuse for anything. This isn't a goddamned videogame!
Yes, we know how to build crossbows and the like. We're thinking of settling up some powered ballista as thunder stick launchers. Though for those we already have the perfect bows already premade and ready to deploy. Automotive leaf springs. Tee hee hee.
The reason we're using packed dirt is because its cheap, easy to work with, and does the job. We're saving our concrete for things that actually need concrete. They don't make it like they used to. Literally.
Not going near Necropolis. It's still going to be a red zone which means Vault 12 is out of reach. Zero idea as to the location of Vault 77. The only thing I'd want to do with that asshole, House is club him and steal his shit. The only thing I'd want to do with the Enclave is nuke them. And the inhabitants of Vault 8 are assholes.
Fletcherville and New Plymouth are both a little north of Jackson.
I think I will send a team to check on the Indians. Good call.
Those colleges if they exist would be a good call too.
The Northeast entrance, the road hasn't weathered well. Was hit by a couple bad landslides.
And I know about Mudbrick. I mentioned it last entry.
I'm not doing an Uberpup program. Dogs survived just fine. It's cats that got the short end of the stick so I decided to cheat fate a bit. We also don't have dogs that are well suited to be slead dogs. Huskies and the like are actually specially bred for it. Plus, I'm generally a cat person anyways.
Speaking of the cats, why would I keep them away from the kids? They children adore the cats and vice versa. Mainly because the kids love to cuddle and the cats are always willing to reciprocate. My own daughter refuses to go to bed without "Kitty-Kitty" to keep her warm at night. Hope says she keeps the monsters away. And honestly, I'm banking on it.
And don't even joke about my cats being exposed to FEV. I kind of see them all as my kids and that's a nightmare I don't want to think about.
And thunderstick crossbows aren't realistic. Not a big enough bomb, but like I said, leaf spring ballistas are a thing.
How would I reduce the chance of volcanic eruption? It's beyond my control. Force of nature there, me laddo.
Yes, Kelly does have a couple apprentices and I'd like to know how a transistor radio is made if you're going to send us instructions on how to make discrete transistors. In fact, Kelly wants more videos and sites on how we make electronics. Including more DIY transistor info and instructions. Hell, is there any way to make a DIY integrated circuit? Not taking microchips here, just the circuit itself. Might be useful some day.
Yes, I know what an atlatl is. We are using spear throwers with the sticks. They're not very accurate but they get better range and are accurate enough to do the job.
I know what a Faraday cage is and I know there are intact tools. The issue is actually finding them. The issue with toolboxes being a faraday cage or not is irrelevant because most people don't keep their power tools in their metal tool box.
We already have towers on the walls and near the major entrances to the part. We're going to be expanding them to the major overlooks approaching our "territory". I'll be honest. We've laid claim to a massive region, but the fact is we're going to grow into it and by sitting our asses on it now we can keep raiders from moving in later.
Billings is a no go. Before the North-Eastern entrance became too treacherous to drive, we did send a scouting force as far as the city. Billings took a direct hit. I'm not sending men into a city that took a direct impact. Between the ferals and the radiation, it's going to be a deathtrap.
Now, sending people into farming areas is a good idea but it is also a risk. Those regions also were spared the worst of the bombs so they likely have a large number of survivors who will probably shoot first and ask questions later.
And I'll say now, just to put things to bed, there's no way in hell we're going farther north than I-90. Helena got nuked and there were a lot of nuclear launch sites in the middle of the state which would have been a priority target for a first strike. To put it another way, the people at Pitts tell me that if you go to the top of the mountain at night and look north, there's a faint green glow on the horizon.
Seriously. Fuck that.
For fucks sake man, yes I know adobe is useful but for fucks sake, we're in the middle of a forest. We have tools for log cabins and lots and lots of wood. We aren't desperate enough for wattle and daub. The housing issue was because we spent most of the year at war and were hit in the face with 100 extra people right at the beginning of winter when it was too late to do anything but say 'well shit' and make due.
Don't worry, I'd only need two swings of the hammer... hehehehehe...
But thanks for the Gyroplane plans. Kelly has some ideas on how to adapt them.
The DIY lathe looks useful. Thanks. In fact all those DIY tools plans look like they're going to be worth their weight in gold. Thanks to everyone who sent that kind of stuff.
Working farming robots are going to be a bit difficult to locate to be honest. The EMP really did a number on them. We've found dozens of hulks.
Though about food preparation, yeah, it actually does last that long. Let me put it this way. We have cases of Salisbury Steaks of about the quality you'd find in a TV dinner that are not dehydrated and not refrigerated but are still just as inedible now as they were when they were made, and will probably be just the same until the heat death of the universe. This was one of the first things I asked about when I got the supermarket job. Got some funny looks for asking too, but it goes something like this.
It's a mixture of vacuum preservation and irradiation combined with a couple exotic preservatives to add stability. As long as the plastic baggy stays intact they're pretty much as stable as canned goods, though maybe a bit more expensive.
Way you serve them is simple. There's the meat packet, which is basically an irradiated vacuum packed patty, then the sauce packet which looks almost like a giant ketchup packet. You heat them up, maybe prepare some Instamash, and pour on the gravy and you almost have a meal.
Almost I say because it still tastes like a dollar store TV dinner. It'll feed you but it's not exactly what I'd call quality cuisine. That and I've eaten that I can barely stand the sight of them. It's almost as bad as fucking Cram.
I. Hate. Cram.
As for EMP, not, it did pretty much burn out or at least damage a lot of the major equipment. Like I said, the idea of shit like robots wandering around for 200 years is laughable at best.
Now I want to mention one problem I have. As always I'd like input on all of the above but this is a major issue. The only person who knows about my origins beyond the original group is Helen and I only told her because frankly, she's like the cool big sister I never had.
I need to think of whom else to tell, why, and how to break it to them without looking insane or getting shot because they think I was actually a communist agent.
Hi. This is Kelly. I just wanted to say this out in the open. Twilight sucks. Bella's has no personality. Edward is a real creep. And that Jacob guy was kind of a doormat. And they magically turned him into a freak. I mean, if I had some guy show up saying he was going to marry Isabelle when she grew up and all that crap, I'd probably shoot him in the face.
Ugh. And that 'fanfiction' stuff? Why? Why would you send me something where the guys have gay sex and then give birth to ass babies? How? Why? It doesn't work that way! I have two children, I should know!
You send me that kind of lowbrow, low quality smut again and I'll invent a way to cross the boundaries between time and space so I can slap the jerk out of you
Also, [REDACTED] has asked for Harry Potter series and for the 'Dramatic Readings of 30Hs and the Doom Comic', whatever those are. He says I'll get a chuckle out of it.
Now to my husband...
The thaw is well underway at this point. Soon we'll be sending out teams to investigate the various lodges and campground in Yellowstone in all seriousness. We've done some light scavenging before, but we haven't really penetrated that deeply before this point. Most of our efforts were focused on easy targets along the highways. This year we're going balls out. This is going to be the year we completely secure the park and truly make it our own.
You might think I was nuts for not doing this earlier, but the fact is these major campgrounds and lodges probably held thousand of visitors. The possibility of ferals is very high and before I wasn't willing to take the risk. Most of my people weren't used to working together and there was a high chance there'd be a lot of them. But after our blooding last year and with our space issues, it's about time we tackle this issue once and for all.
Along those lines I'm making sure we equip our men as best as possible. Most are getting either shotguns or some of our handful of SMGs. For armor we're looking at Motorcycle Football pads (basically leather armor as portrayed in the first two games) or armor made from tires. Not the best for ballistic protection, I know, but easy to move in and resistant against most biting attacks and blunt force trauma. And of course, every team gets a geiger counter.
I've given orders that non-feral ghouls are to be offered a chance to join us. After all, we already have one Ghoul citizen. They're also to look out for signs of current human habitation. My thoughts are simple. We don't want to kill anyone unless we have to, and these people might have been here since the bombs dropped. They deserve a chance to join us, or if they'd rather not, at least come to arrangements that will allow us to cohabitate in peace. Plus I don't want them accidently looting someone's food supply. We're better than that. So care is to be taken.
Honestly, we don't know what we're going to run into, but if we're lucky we could have the park ready for a serious once over by the end of May. Most of that time being due to snowy roads limiting access. After that we're going to start focusing on reclaiming at least parts of the area towns to build outposts.
We're going to be aggressively going after any pre-atomic salvage yards. Our Guzzoline technology will give us an advantage that could make us the most mobile force in the wasteland once the remaining atomic vehicles kick the bucket.
I will also be scouting military bases, but we need to be careful. Last thing we need is for hostiles with milspec technology to come after us. Though in all honesty, I'm expecting most of them to be glowing. I really am hoping we do get some Ghouls interested in joining us. Would be very useful to have people able to enter high radiation areas without having to pop Rad-X like tic-tacs.
I introduced Wu and Jacobs to the church of the Sub-Genius and I will admit they were a bit befuddled. I did admit, rather bluntly before we even began that it was something of a joke religion. Or rather it's a religion masquerading as a joke masquerading as a religion. Or is it the other way around? Honestly, I'm not quite sure half the time. But honestly, it doesn't matter either way because one of our primary tenants is 'Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke'.
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about the Church outright claims to be a UFO mind-control cult and at first glance seems to be a disjointed collection of incoherent ramblings and crazed conspiracy theories. We know how insane it sounds. It's fully intentional. The point is to mock other religions, because let's be honest, all religions make outlandish claims in their theology.
When you get down to it the faith has several core points. First, is the word Sub-Genius itself. It doesn't mean below genius, because frankly most things are. What it means is having the presence of mind, the genius, to look under the sacred cows and standards of accepted reality and try and find greater truths. It's why everything is intentionally made to look so loony. It's a method of filtering out the people who, in all frankness, wouldn't get it anyways.
You see, a major theme is the rejection of the concept of absolute truth. The entire point is to maintain a wide open mind. To think out of the box and look at things as an individual and have the courage to be abnormal. Which is also where the ideal of the Short Duration Personal Savior comes in. I don't worship "Bob", though I pay attention to his teachings. Just like I do those of Buddha and Jesus, and countless other worthies. The reason is because there isn't just one great font of all knowledge. There is more than one book. You have to examine the situation and figure out what teachings, what lessons best apply to the situation at hand.
The issue of Normals and the Conspiracy was a big one. Now, setting aside that the Conspiracy was real in this world, the concept of the Conspiracy is simple. It's basically the powers that be and the engines of authority trying to suppress the individuality of the masses for its own well being. Organized religion, governments, corporations, anything that tries to force people into molds and milk them for its own benefit is the Conspiracy.
Normals, also sarcastically referred to as Pinkboys, are the dupes of the Conspiracy. Pinks are individuals who have surrendered agency to the Conspiracy and function under a veneer of 'normalcy'. Normalcy is simply a hollow, false, and self perpetuating dichotomy created to lubricate the engines of the Conspiracy and allow it to enslave others and strip them of their Slack.
Slack is a bit of a loaded term, but it doesn't actually mean laziness. In fact it's not really definable. It can be 'sinful', or it can be chaste, or it can be both at the same time depending on how you look at it. My best way to describe slack is the fulfillment brought about by engaging in an activity that helps grant an individual self-actualization.
This is the problem. The Conspiracy doesn't want you to have Slack, the powers that be don't want self-actualized individuals. They want a bunch of unthinking pinks who blindly perpetuate the mechanisms of authority and will defend their 'normality' to their dying breath. Which of course is where you come into False Slack. Meaningless and empty amusements designed to provide short term pleasure without any deep level of personal fulfillment or accomplishment. Amusement parks rides, canned vacations, blind materialism, gambling, prostitution, all of it... it's all just a tool to keep people from discovering their true Slack.
Basically, at least how I see it, it's a general system of humanistic self-actualization and general distrust for authority cloaked in a joke. Like I said, it's a religion masquerading as a joke masquerading as a religion. Or at least that's how I see it and it's designed to be viewed individually. There might be someone out there who really does think that if they die and end up in hell, "Bob" will show up with their three times your money back refund and offer to sell them a copy of How to Enjoy Hell for a Nickel an Eternity for $59.95. I think they're a loon, but you know what, as long as they don't try and hurt someone that's just fine. Because otherwise it'll just turn into another Conspiracy trying to force people into a fucking mold.
I also did admit it's why I'm ultimately uncomfortable with my job. I'm a private man who wants to live a simple, private life. To me, my joy, my slack is my wife, children, my friends, my solitude... and I don't have enough time for any of them. I don't want to turn into another gear of the Conspiracy... even if it's a big gear with streamers.
I hope this didn't sound like proselytization. I just wanted to explain the conversation. I'll be honest, I think they were ready to lock me in a rubber room at first but... well... by the end they were willing to read the book with an open mind. I'm not looking to convert anyone, I just think... I just think that whatever religion that arises from this place needs to have a strong love of the individual. To avoid stuff like the rejection of the self or totalitarian mortality.
Reverence for Life was much simpler to explain. Jacobs had already heard of Schweitzer though had never had the opportunity to read them. It's my hope that those views will help shape our morality.
I am life which wills to live, surrounded by life which wills to live. Reverence for Life is a Mindset, an awareness, and not really an ideology. It also gives the best explanation for good and evil I've ever seen. Good is that which promotes life. Evil is that which destroys it. Honestly, just look up the Young Indiana Jones clips on Youtube. They explain it far better and give it far more justice than I ever could.
I don't know what's going to evolve from this. It's not my place to tell others what to believe, I just hope in my heart of hearts I've planted a seed which will grow into something greater that will be a force for good. God knows enough insane cults spring up from the wasteland, I'm just hoping that maybe something worthwhile might too.
I hope to god I'm not sounding like a total fucking loon right now.
Building an APC isn't easy, though after last year it's on the agenda. We're looking out for a salvageable cargo truck we could use. Basically take a step van, strip it down to the frame, then cover it in mild steel plating. Won't stand up to military grade weapons, but against most of what we're dealing with it would be damned near invulnerable. Maybe throw a turret on top for extra fun times.
Aircraft are not in the picture at the moment. Though I am thinking back to the Autogyro from Mad Max. It might just work and according to Kelly there were Helicopter versions of the damned thing back in the day.
For fucks sake, 'you could do it in New Vegas' isn't an excuse for anything. This isn't a goddamned videogame!
Yes, we know how to build crossbows and the like. We're thinking of settling up some powered ballista as thunder stick launchers. Though for those we already have the perfect bows already premade and ready to deploy. Automotive leaf springs. Tee hee hee.
The reason we're using packed dirt is because its cheap, easy to work with, and does the job. We're saving our concrete for things that actually need concrete. They don't make it like they used to. Literally.
Not going near Necropolis. It's still going to be a red zone which means Vault 12 is out of reach. Zero idea as to the location of Vault 77. The only thing I'd want to do with that asshole, House is club him and steal his shit. The only thing I'd want to do with the Enclave is nuke them. And the inhabitants of Vault 8 are assholes.
Fletcherville and New Plymouth are both a little north of Jackson.
I think I will send a team to check on the Indians. Good call.
Those colleges if they exist would be a good call too.
The Northeast entrance, the road hasn't weathered well. Was hit by a couple bad landslides.
And I know about Mudbrick. I mentioned it last entry.
I'm not doing an Uberpup program. Dogs survived just fine. It's cats that got the short end of the stick so I decided to cheat fate a bit. We also don't have dogs that are well suited to be slead dogs. Huskies and the like are actually specially bred for it. Plus, I'm generally a cat person anyways.
Speaking of the cats, why would I keep them away from the kids? They children adore the cats and vice versa. Mainly because the kids love to cuddle and the cats are always willing to reciprocate. My own daughter refuses to go to bed without "Kitty-Kitty" to keep her warm at night. Hope says she keeps the monsters away. And honestly, I'm banking on it.
And don't even joke about my cats being exposed to FEV. I kind of see them all as my kids and that's a nightmare I don't want to think about.
And thunderstick crossbows aren't realistic. Not a big enough bomb, but like I said, leaf spring ballistas are a thing.
How would I reduce the chance of volcanic eruption? It's beyond my control. Force of nature there, me laddo.
Yes, Kelly does have a couple apprentices and I'd like to know how a transistor radio is made if you're going to send us instructions on how to make discrete transistors. In fact, Kelly wants more videos and sites on how we make electronics. Including more DIY transistor info and instructions. Hell, is there any way to make a DIY integrated circuit? Not taking microchips here, just the circuit itself. Might be useful some day.
Yes, I know what an atlatl is. We are using spear throwers with the sticks. They're not very accurate but they get better range and are accurate enough to do the job.
I know what a Faraday cage is and I know there are intact tools. The issue is actually finding them. The issue with toolboxes being a faraday cage or not is irrelevant because most people don't keep their power tools in their metal tool box.
We already have towers on the walls and near the major entrances to the part. We're going to be expanding them to the major overlooks approaching our "territory". I'll be honest. We've laid claim to a massive region, but the fact is we're going to grow into it and by sitting our asses on it now we can keep raiders from moving in later.
Billings is a no go. Before the North-Eastern entrance became too treacherous to drive, we did send a scouting force as far as the city. Billings took a direct hit. I'm not sending men into a city that took a direct impact. Between the ferals and the radiation, it's going to be a deathtrap.
Now, sending people into farming areas is a good idea but it is also a risk. Those regions also were spared the worst of the bombs so they likely have a large number of survivors who will probably shoot first and ask questions later.
And I'll say now, just to put things to bed, there's no way in hell we're going farther north than I-90. Helena got nuked and there were a lot of nuclear launch sites in the middle of the state which would have been a priority target for a first strike. To put it another way, the people at Pitts tell me that if you go to the top of the mountain at night and look north, there's a faint green glow on the horizon.
Seriously. Fuck that.
For fucks sake man, yes I know adobe is useful but for fucks sake, we're in the middle of a forest. We have tools for log cabins and lots and lots of wood. We aren't desperate enough for wattle and daub. The housing issue was because we spent most of the year at war and were hit in the face with 100 extra people right at the beginning of winter when it was too late to do anything but say 'well shit' and make due.
Don't worry, I'd only need two swings of the hammer... hehehehehe...
But thanks for the Gyroplane plans. Kelly has some ideas on how to adapt them.
The DIY lathe looks useful. Thanks. In fact all those DIY tools plans look like they're going to be worth their weight in gold. Thanks to everyone who sent that kind of stuff.
Working farming robots are going to be a bit difficult to locate to be honest. The EMP really did a number on them. We've found dozens of hulks.
Though about food preparation, yeah, it actually does last that long. Let me put it this way. We have cases of Salisbury Steaks of about the quality you'd find in a TV dinner that are not dehydrated and not refrigerated but are still just as inedible now as they were when they were made, and will probably be just the same until the heat death of the universe. This was one of the first things I asked about when I got the supermarket job. Got some funny looks for asking too, but it goes something like this.
It's a mixture of vacuum preservation and irradiation combined with a couple exotic preservatives to add stability. As long as the plastic baggy stays intact they're pretty much as stable as canned goods, though maybe a bit more expensive.
Way you serve them is simple. There's the meat packet, which is basically an irradiated vacuum packed patty, then the sauce packet which looks almost like a giant ketchup packet. You heat them up, maybe prepare some Instamash, and pour on the gravy and you almost have a meal.
Almost I say because it still tastes like a dollar store TV dinner. It'll feed you but it's not exactly what I'd call quality cuisine. That and I've eaten that I can barely stand the sight of them. It's almost as bad as fucking Cram.
I. Hate. Cram.
As for EMP, not, it did pretty much burn out or at least damage a lot of the major equipment. Like I said, the idea of shit like robots wandering around for 200 years is laughable at best.
Now I want to mention one problem I have. As always I'd like input on all of the above but this is a major issue. The only person who knows about my origins beyond the original group is Helen and I only told her because frankly, she's like the cool big sister I never had.
I need to think of whom else to tell, why, and how to break it to them without looking insane or getting shot because they think I was actually a communist agent.