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[RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

Which android should be added to the story?

  • 9S

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • 2B

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • A2

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[X] You're a big girl, Monika! (Fight the zombie)

Monika of slaughter sounds fun
[X] You're a big girl, Monika! (Fight the zombie)
Day 1, part 4
Monika HP: 20; Defense: 0; Damage: 5 (+2 [armor-less enemy])
Zombie HP: 20; Defense: 2; Damage: 9

roll 1: Monika (11) vs Zombie (13)
[Monika HP: 20-(9)=11]
roll 2: Monika (19) vs Zombie (7)
[Zombie HP: 20-(7-2)=15]
roll 3: Monika (20 CRIT) vs Zombie (10)
CRIT damage: 5*1.5= 7.5+2= 9.5 (10)
[Zombie HP: 13-(10)=3]
roll 4: Monika (8) vs Zombie (6)
[Zombie HP: 3-(7-2)=0]

The undead monster stumbled closer to her, gravelly verses punctuating every step it took. Monika froze, unsure whether to run or hope it left her alone. Step after step, the zombie grew closer, to the point where the stench of death made her eyes water. It raised one of its arms, and that was when Monika tried to dive out of the way. Its arm came down onto her side, sending her rolling on the ground.

A stray thought reminded Monika of her only defense: her saber. It was do or die, and she didn't intend to go down easily!

With newfound determination, Monika pulled the stone blade out of her inventory. She rose to her feet, ignoring the lance of pain in her side. She gripped the handle of the saber with both hands, and swung with all her strength. The sharp edge cut through the zombie's chest like butter, but it didn't seem to be bothered by it. It attempted to take another swipe at her, and Monika met it with a hurried slash. The zombie's forearm went flying, and it stumbled back.

Monika didn't let up, and with a few quick steps for momentum, she stabbed the tip of her blade in the zombie's head. Both girl and monster froze for a moment, before the zombie slumped down onto the ground, forcing Monika to let go of the saber's handle.

Her breath was heavy, and the pain in her side had returned with a vengeance. She hazarded a look... and quickly tore her eyes away. The blood staining her blazer told her enough.

More groaning came from her surroundings, along with other sounds. Bones creaking and popping, loud hisses, and strange garbled speech. She had no idea what could possibly cause such noises. What she did know, was that she needed to get to safety, stat. Using her saber as a glorified walking stick, she hobbled over to her 'house' as fast as she could. With every step she took, the sounds became more pronounced. Whatever was the cause, it was getting closer.

Thankfully she reached the door just fine, closed it behind her, and barricaded it with some cobblestone. Monika plopped herself down on a chair, and took a deep breath. With shaking hands, she began to remove her clothes. She needed to see what happened exactly.

With a hiss, she removed also her shirt, and got a good look at her side. The flesh was torn open and heavily bleeding, but it didn't look too deep to her... well, as far as she could tell. She was no medical expert. Without any other choices, she used the saber to cut up her shirt, and used the fabric to wrap up the wound. Tears streamed down her face as she tightened the makeshift bandage. It hurt, a lot.

After several agonizing moments, she was done. Hopefully it would hold.

What last few remnants of energy she had left abandoned her, and she let herself collapse on the table.

The dull ache in her side woke her up.

"Good morning to me, I guess," she thought.

First thing first, she needed to change her bandages. Makeshift or not, she couldn't stay with bloodied wraps the whole time. She slowly unwrapped her wound, cringing at the amount of blood staining the cloth. With the last layer gone, she found herself surprised. It was barely there. Instead of mangled flesh, there were only a few scratches. Still, that was... quite the scar.

"At least I'm alive." She sighed. "Maybe it's normal for this game... Then again, in RPGs sleeping usually heals you, as far as I know, so maybe this was somewhat similar." She shook her head with a groan. "Stop talking to yourself, Monika."

Groggy, aching and hungry as she was, Monika felt good. She had survived the encounter, and now knew not to go outside in the dark.

[Achievement complete: The first night
-Status screen unlocked]
[Achievement complete: Monster hunter
-Mobpedia screen unlocked]

And there was that too.

While preparing to go out again - hopefully the monsters had left - she noticed something new in her inventory: a potato. That may not have seemed like much, but assuming that the zombie had dropped it... for some reason, it would give her diet some more diversity! Maybe she could plant it in her little farm. Who knows what other plants she could find!

Although... with monsters running around, maybe she should concentrate on other things. Like making her base safer. What to do...

Ok, people. I'll go with this format from now on: only one exploration, then three actions spread between resource gathering, building, and Other. You can take the same resource action twice, though unless it's really needed I wouldn't recommend it.

Resource status:
-Wood: very low
-Stone: extremely low
-Food: low

-[]Wood (The other side of the river has a lot of trees)
-[]Stone (There's a mountain not too far away, it shouldn't be an issue)
-[]Food (An army marches on its stomach, like anyone else)
--[]Farming (Wheat and a potato... they'll do for now)
--[]Forage (More variety is always good)

-Current resources insufficient for building

-[]North (Dense oak and birch forest)
-[]West (Plains)
-[]South (More plains, but also mountains)
-[]East (River and forest)

-[]Study the new screens
-[]Train a skill (choose one)
--[]Combat: Melee

Voting is closed
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-[X]Wood (The other side of the river has a lot of trees)
-[X]Stone (There's a mountain not too far away, it shouldn't be an issue)
-[X]Food (An army marches on its stomach, like anyone else)
--[X]Farming (Wheat and a potato... they'll do for now)

-[X]West (Plains)

Survival requires resources. And Monika's are dangerously low.
Once Monika gets to the point of having a decent base to work with, she can worry about other things. Survival first, everything else second. Granted, training in how to use a weapon is definitely needed, but zombies and the like don't spawn in the light.

So, food, wood, stone. Get those to the point she has a couple days worth, and she should be able to spend a day or two learning the other stuff.

As for why the plains, I think cows, sheep and pigs are more likely to be seen on the plains.
Also, mountains have caves, which means dark areas mobs can spawn in. Forests have areas mobs can hide in as well. All together, the plains seem like the smartest choice for wandering right now...
-[X]Wood (The other side of the river has a lot of trees)
-[X]Stone (There's a mountain not too far away, it shouldn't be an issue)
-[X]Food (An army marches on its stomach, like anyone else)
--[X]Farming (Wheat and a potato... they'll do for now)

-[X]West (Plains)

Survival requires resources. And Monika's are dangerously low.
Once Monika gets to the point of having a decent base to work with, she can worry about other things. Survival first, everything else second. Granted, training in how to use a weapon is definitely needed, but zombies and the like don't spawn in the light.

So, food, wood, stone. Get those to the point she has a couple days worth, and she should be able to spend a day or two learning the other stuff.

As for why the plains, I think cows, sheep and pigs are more likely to be seen on the plains.
Also, mountains have caves, which means dark areas mobs can spawn in. Forests have areas mobs can hide in as well. All together, the plains seem like the smartest choice for wandering right now...

Man, you have no idea how happy I am to see this comment. I posted this morning, and I get so anxious whenever an update gets no responses. Was it bad? Did they drop the story? Did the website act up?

Ahem. Rambling aside. Thanks for the well thought-out response.
[x] Wood
[x] Forage
[x] Study the new skills

[x] Plains

if minecraft has taught me anything it's that I never have enough wood, and not starving would be nice

aside from that, understanding your system is important as fuck

The plains are likely the least dangerous and Monika is hardly a powerhouse yet
[x] Wood
[x] Forage
[x] Study the new skills

[x] Plains

if minecraft has taught me anything it's that I never have enough wood, and not starving would be nice

aside from that, understanding your system is important as fuck

The plains are likely the least dangerous and Monika is hardly a powerhouse yet

You might want to study the new screens, not a skill (Which would require a subvote for what skill.)
-[X]Wood (The other side of the river has a lot of trees)
-[X]Stone (There's a mountain not too far away, it shouldn't be an issue)
-[X]Food (An army marches on its stomach, like anyone else)
--[X]Farming (Wheat and a potato... they'll do for now)

-[X]West (Plains)

not starving would be nice
Depends on the difficulty tbh. You can only starve to death in hard
Humm, as a guess? Not only hard mode, but Hardcore. No respawns for Monika.

Yeah... the zombie doing 9 damage a hit was a big hint that we were at least in hard mode. Though, not making it hadcore could have some interesting effects of Monika's psyche. Y'know, the whole 'experience death over and over' thing?
-[X]Wood (The other side of the river has a lot of trees)
-[X]Stone (There's a mountain not too far away, it shouldn't be an issue)
-[X]Food (An army marches on its stomach, like anyone else)
--[X]Forage (More variety is always good)

-[X]West (Plains)

If she's already going to get wood from a forested area across the river, might as well try to get some food while she's there. Who knows, maybe she'll manage to smack a fish to death while crossing it.

Man, you have no idea how happy I am to see this comment. I posted this morning, and I get so anxious whenever an update gets no responses. Was it bad? Did they drop the story? Did the website act up?
I must admit, I did see and read the post, but it was around 3 in the morning for me... additionally, considering that this is my first time posting in any writing forum, and thusly my first time participating in voting on a quest, I like seeing what other people have to say first. I do like your writing so far, so keep up the good work.

Edit: Forgot to mention, glad to see that the dice rolls were mostly in our favor, I do like the clashing dice setup for simple combat like this.
Day 2
-Food (sub-categories were equal, so roll tiebreaker.) [1d2: 2]
-Explore west (plains)
How will events work from now on? I'll be rolling 1d20+a bonus based on the skill most applicable. Every ten levels in a skill will add +1, though other things might add additional bonuses. For example, suggesting a strategy when hunting can give you a bonus.
For the successes, I'm following this scale:
1: critical failure
2 - 9: failure
10 - 15: success
16 - 19: great success
20+: Critical success

Also, even if the end result is different, if the roll is a 1 it's still a critical failure no matter what.
^important, read it.

Before planning anything else, Monika needed resources. She had just a couple of wood logs left, and pretty much no stone. Her food - namely half a dozen apples and a raw potato - would last her barely a day or two as well. Thus, she came up with a plan for the day.

First, she'd make a bridge to the other side of the river and chop some trees. Then, go over to the mountains she saw in the distance to gather stone... and hopefully not run into any caves with whatever nasties might populate them, and finally explore the plains west of her house. Throughout all that, she'd also keep an eye out for any food she could find.

1d20+(0 [Woodcutting]) = 10

The woods were something Monika was growing very used to. Dare she say, even a bit bored. But then again, she did need the wood. She got so engrossed with the cutting, that she didn't realize she'd pretty much cut herself a path into the forest, wandering rather deep into it. The sunlight was filtering through way less, and although she could still see the way, she had to take a moment to understand where she'd ended up.


Oh no. She knew that sound.

From behind a tree, a pale figure appeared. It only wore a leather cap, but there was no need for modesty when it had nothing to hide: only yellowish-white bones. Clutched in its fingers was a wooden bow, and slung over its back was a quiver with a few arrows. Thankfully it was not looking in Monika's direction yet, so she took the change to slink away before it was too late.

As soon as she was certain the skeleton wouldn't catch up to her, she ran full-speed back to her base, vowing to not enter so deep in any forest ever again.

Oak Saplings
Oak Logs
Birch Saplings
Birch Logs
A big scare

1d20+(0 [Mining]) = 1!

With one more forceful grunt, Monika finally heaved herself on top of the hill she'd been climbing for the past ten or so minutes. She laid down on the ground for a few moments, trying to catch her breath.

"Come on, I'm sure that that mountain is just around the corner now. Can't be much longer now." She told herself.

She slowly rose back up to her feet, and took a good look around... the mountain was still the same as before. And from her new vantage point, she could see exactly how far more she had to go...

"OH COME ON!" She yelled with as much air as she could muster, staring in disbelief at the seemingly-endless road ahead of her.

With a huff she went to sit down for a moment...

...but forgot that there was only empty air behind her.




"Why meeee..." Monika grumbled, splayed out at the foot of the hill.

[Acrobatics: +1 Lv]
[Tier up! You gained one Perk Point to spend!]

"Shove off..."

1d20+(0 [Farming]) = 19

Instead of dealing with anymore perilous woods and misleading mountains, Monika settled for wandering around the plains for a little while. She still had some time in the day, so she could take it somewhat easy so long as she didn't stray too far. For the most part nothing seemed to be around there: just grass, grass, and more grass. Which she cut down as soon as she got within arm's reach of it, collecting a great number of seeds of various kinds. What she was most excited about was rice, as her recipe book showed her that she could cook it for some fried rice. Though of course, all the other types of seeds would all go in her garden to provide more variations of food.

"Though, how would I go about making a plate? Or a bowl, or cutlery? Well, I can assume I'd need metal for the latter, but the others? Maybe ceramic? Ahhh... I really don't know. I should probably try to gather a bit of everything I find-" A loud moo pulled her out of her thoughts.

Cows! Actual cows existed! And she could see also some chickens around, and sheep too! Fantastic! Maybe she could make a bed with some wool... though how would she gather it from the sheep?

Maybe they would drop it when killed... but she really couldn't bring herself to hurt them. She could probably fashion some tools to get it later anyways. She would survive another couple of nights without a bed. Hopefully. Though maybe she could use the wool also to make bandages in case of an emergency...

"It's getting late, make up your mind already Monika!"

Alright, that's it for this update. We got a perk point, so you'll need to choose a skill to put it into. It doesn't cost any 'action points', so you gotta choose. No hoarding, not like you'll get anything out of it. Now, onto supplies and options.

Wood: decent (will last us a bit, unless we choose to build something)
Stone: still nothing
Food: enough for a few days

[]Kill (Get a bunch of food, will need to find more animals later)
[]Spare (Life'll be a little harder for a bit, but now we know where to find animals)

[] Wood
-[] Forest
-[] (Write-in)
[] Stone
-[] Mountain
-[] (Write-in)
[] Food
-[] Farm
-[] Forage
-[] (Write-in)

Building (Will consume all wood gathered today unless obviously unneeded):
[] Wall
-[] (Write-in)
[] House
-[] (Write-in)
[] Exterior
-[] (Write-in)

[] North (Dense oak and birch forest)
[] West (Plains, progress: 1/2)
[] South (More plains, but also mountains)
[] East (River and forest)

[] Study the new screens
-[] Status
-[] Mobpedia
[] Train a skill
-[] Melee
-[] Acrobatics

[] Mining (1/15)
[] Woodcutting (0/15)
[] Melee (0/15)
[] Acrobatics (0/15)
Last edited:
[X] Wall
-[X] A log palisade around our house, and a fenced enclosure for cows.

[X] Stone
-[X] Mountain

[X] Food
-[X] Gather a few cows and herd them into your newly built walls.
--[X] Cows like hay, right? Let's wave some at them. See if they follow.

[X] West (Plains, progress: 1/2)

[X] Melee (0/15)

My thoughts on this are that she really needs a wall to prevent skeleton snipers from taking her out in the night. Using an amount to make a decently sized wall, and then a cow pen inside it would keep her, and them, safe. Fences don't take as much wood as walls anyways. And it would keep them out of the small farm we have.
Going to the mountain for a bit of stone is also a good idea, because other materials can be found there. Things like coal and iron. Iron is needed heavily, so hopefully she will find some.
As for food, she already knows where they are, so she might as well try and get a few to follow her. And she already has a small wheat farm right? Might as well try and wave some hay in front of them, and see if they will follow her.
Searching the rest of the plains is just finishing the job. Might as well, right?

As for the talent point, putting it into melee combat is just good sense. It will keep her alive if she gets into a fight. Because damn near losing against a single zombie? Shamfur dispray.
[X] Wall
-[X] A log palisade around our house, and a fenced enclosure for cows. (He has a point)

[X] Wood
-[X] Forest, we are using the wood after all

[X] Food
-[X] Forage the forest while we are out there

[X] West (Plains, progress: 1/2)

[X] Melee (0/15)

[X] Wall
-[X] A log palisade around our house, and a fenced enclosure for cows.

[X] Wood
-[X] Forest, we are using the wood after all

[X] Food
-[X] Gather a few cows and herd them into your newly built walls.
--[X] Cows like hay, right? Let's wave some at them. See if they follow.

[X] West (Plains, progress: 1/2)

[X] Melee (0/15)
Last edited:
[X] Wall
-[X] A log palisade around our house, and a fenced enclosure for cows. (He has a point)

[X] Wood
-[X] Forest, we are using the wood after all

[X] Food
-[X] Forage the forest while we are out there

[X] West (Plains, progress: 1/2)

[X] Melee (0/15)
[X] Kill some of the animals, but leave at a minimum 2 of each kind for use as breeding pairs later.

[X] Wall
-[X] Defensive wall around the house, leaving single block open spots right above ground level where Monika can lure zombies and poke them without allowing them to strike back.

[X] Stone
-[X] Why not try digging stairs down inside the safety of the new wall we're putting up? There should be stone somewhere under the surface layers of dirt.

[X] Wood
-[X] The forest wasn't all that dangerous in the day, as long as we remember not to go too deep.

[X] West (Plains, progress: 1/2)

[X] Melee

Firstly, I don't see anyone having voted on whether or not the animals found on our foraging trip should be slaughtered. We don't have to kill all of them, but some meat would be nice. Secondly, for the vote on luring cows... I don't recall us having any wheat to lure them with? We have plenty of seeds, but Monika hasn't made a farm yet. As far as I know, we have several seeds, rice, and a potato.

I agree that having a melee perk is useful, although the utility of the first perk we got from Mining is not to be underestimated. Who knows what those gathering perks are hiding?

I voted for us to use our third action for more material gathering, seeing as we do have a couple days worth of food.

Edit: Whoops, forgot to vote on an exploration.
Last edited:
I've been thinking of slowing down the updates a bit, since I'm afraid of burning out on this. For now I'm good, but I'd rather not get there.

(Also I may or may not have had ideas for a Persona-based quest if people are interested)
Secondly, for the vote on luring cows... I don't recall us having any wheat to lure them with? We have plenty of seeds, but Monika hasn't made a farm yet. As far as I know, we have several seeds, rice, and a potato.
I am pretty sure the first vote that had us building stuff included a farm... Actually, I am gonna...

Okay, just re-read, and for some reason the update doesn't talk about us making the farm or wall, despite the wall and farm being the winning vote.
Actually the winner by plan (The only way to make sense while counting) was the Bedroom, Storage, Small Farm, and Small Walls. With the dagger as a weapon.
I am pretty sure the first vote that had us building stuff included a farm... Actually, I am gonna...

Okay, just re-read, and for some reason the update doesn't talk about us making the farm or wall, despite the wall and farm being the winning vote.
Actually the winner by plan (The only way to make sense while counting) was the Bedroom, Storage, Small Farm, and Small Walls. With the dagger as a weapon.

I remember the saber being the winning vote for the weapon, and yeah we do have a farm and wall already but I'm dumb and forgot to ever mention them. My bad there. Will do so next update.
(Also I may or may not have had ideas for a Persona-based quest if people are interested)
Ahh, just noticed this...
I am gonna say that if you are worried about burnout already, running more shit isn't gonna help, but you do you.
Even with a farm, wheat (alongside most Minecraft crops) take on average 2.5 days to fully mature. It is possible for them to finish growing within a day, so I can suspend my disbelief for that if the GM allows it.

I've been thinking of slowing down the updates a bit, since I'm afraid of burning out on this. For now I'm good, but I'd rather not get there.

Do take your time! Instead of every day, you could make it every two or three days, or even once a week or something. It would give us readers time to argue debate in the comments.
Even with a farm, wheat (alongside most Minecraft crops) take on average 2.5 days to fully mature. It is possible for them to finish growing within a day, so I can suspend my disbelief for that if the GM allows it.

Do take your time! Instead of every day, you could make it every two or three days, or even once a week or something. It would give us readers time to argue debate in the comments.
That's what I'm gonna do. Also, as of the beginning of the next update it'd have been almost two days since the first batch of wheat would've been planted, so by the time that Monika would get around to the cows they could have absolutely grown tall enough (at least a few pieces)
Fair enough. I wonder if this new, more fleshy version of the game will have the breeding be more visceral than just having the two animals bump each other for a couple of seconds. It might freak Monika out, at least.
Day 3
Wall: log palisade + fence
Wood: forest
Animals: spare (put them in the fenced zone)
Food: forage the forest
Explore: west (plains)
PERK: Melee

After giving it some thought, Monika chose to leave the various animals be for the moment, and go back to prepare some space for them. Then, she'd be back. Cows liked wheat, right? She could try to lure them with it.

She did take a moment to pat a cow's neck before leaving. She'd rather not hurt some innocent animals, but she wasn't going to lie to herself: she valued her own survival more than an animal's, and if she had to eat meat... well, needs must.

Reaching her home she passed through the shoddy palisade she'd made along with her house... it could definitely use an upgrade. But for the moment, all she could do was barricade herself back inside, and try to fall asleep. The unsettling sounds coming from outside didn't make it any easier, though. She remembered her run-in with the zombie, and then the skeleton... she didn't want to feel so helpless ever again.

With a sigh, she allocated the one perk point she had gained into the Melee skill. Hopefully it'd give her an extra 'edge', so to speak.

[Perk obtained: Armswoman]
[Armswoman (Tier 1/5)
-Melee attacks deal 20% more damage]

"A bit bland... but it will help."

1d20+(0 [Woodcutting]) = 14
1d20+(2 [Location] + (0 [Farming]) = 6+2 = 8

Before remaking her walls, Monika decided to gather a bit more wood. She wasn't entirely sure how much she'd need, and she preferred to have some leftover rather than not enough. This time she stuck close to the edge of the forest, instead of just carving a path. She did attempt to forage a bit the undergrowth for any more food, but for some reason she couldn't find much of anything. Still, she shrugged it off. Her little farm was working, as she'd seen after passing by it that morning, so food wouldn't be a concern soon.

In the end though, her trusty stone axe broke. A shame, but she was sure she could get it replaced soon. For the moment, she'd make do with a wooden one.

Oak wood
Birch wood
-1 axe

Tearing down the makeshift wall was rather difficult with a weaker axe, but in the end she managed, and from there it was all downhill. The planks were replaced with sturdy logs, and the planks repurposed to make a fenced out zone behind her house, where she planned to place the animals. It was even separated in different pens, so she could sort out the animals.

Gotta appreciate the small things.

Gathering some of the fully-grown wheat - and replanting it, of course - unlocked the Farming skill. While she made a mental note of it, she didn't pay it much mind and went on to round up the animals.

1d20 + (0 [Farming]) + (3 [Lure]) = 11+3 = 14

The cows and sheep were rather easy to deal with, all things considered, but it did take quite a while to make them follow her, as only one or two at a time would take an interest in her. Chickens were a little less problematic, but that was because she could just feed them seeds with one hand while she picked them up with the other.

Cows and Sheep: 2d4 = 4
Chickens: 1d6+3 = 9+3 = 9

In the end her pens were now occupied with four sheep, four cows, and nine chickens... though no rams, bulls or roosters, so she didn't really know how she'd get any more...

That was, until she realized that some of the chickens she'd fed were turning into roosters before her very eyes.

"Wait. No. Don't tell me-" She tried to deny what she was seeing, but it was futile as the roosters ran towards the chickens, and... well, I won't describe it.

Monika groaned as she rubbed her eyes with a sleeve. "That scene will be burned into my brain now. Just great." She massaged her temples, trying to ward off a headache. One thing she wasn't enjoying about having a realistic body was that the pain was just as real.

"At least that issue is solved. And I still have some time in the day to explore."

She really needed to stop talking to herself... but then again, who was around to judge her?

1d20 = 17 (Great success!)

The plains didn't reveal much of anything new to her, unfortunately, but that thought was dashed away when she neared the edge between 'biomes', as the player had called them. The plains gave way to a colder zone, dotted here and there with pine trees. But what got her attention was the buildings in the distance. A village. An honest-to-god village.

She wanted to run there, see if there was anyone who could help her.

But the sky was turning dark already. And in the chance that whoever lived there wouldn't - or couldn't - help her, she'd have to navigate back to her base. In the dark. With monsters everywhere.

She vowed to check out the village the day after, and made her way back.

Ok people, one more update down for the count. I'm going to try and keep the voting options more compact now, tell me if you preferred the previous version.

Wood: decent, will last for a bit, but not enough to build.
Stone: none
Food: moderate, if we pay attention to our farm and livestock regularly we're good.

Like always: 3 actions, exploration is free. Select your choices and how you intend to do them.

[] Wood
[] Stone
[] Food

[] Melee
[] Farming
[] Acrobatics

[] Study the system
[] Build something

[] Mountains
[] Forest
[] River
[] Village

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