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Minor or Supporting Characters with Major Followings

Seth Vatamaris

Hentai Will Save the World
Aug 25, 2017
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This thread isn't taking off on SB so I think they'll be more appreciation here

Lets examine this phenomena. TvTropes calls this Ensemble Dark Horse as usually the subject is of an ensemble and dark horse victory to refer to an unexpected win from a little known racing horse.

I'm saying right here a good chunk of examples exist is in a visual medium as it's easy to reach such an audience, very few examples exist in pictureless books unless it's a large series. Another thing you will notice that a majority that you might've heard about are usually cute or sexy or other wise attractive girls.

That is not always the case as well written characters with little screen time do get fan adoration. Or a well liked actor could be behind the character. I should make a video based on my findings.

The general point is that these fan favorites are not usually in the spotlight as much as main characters, in very rare instances its a main character that doesn't get enough attention.

Boba Fett, 2/3 of his lines were him asking about his money, he was smart enough to follow Han Solo.

Everyone in this shot has a following and only Boba Fett is in more than one scene, him and the rest have their own stories later. Their costumes were made up of spare props. Remember how I said visuals? They just look cool.

From left to right. Dengar (Morris Bush, Simon Pegg VA), IG-88 (constructed by Bill Hargreaves and Steve Short), Boba Fett (Jeremy Bulloch and John Morton, voiced Jason Wingreen, over-dubbed by Temuera Morrison), Bossk (Alan Harris, Dee Bradley Baker VA), 4-LOM (Chris Parsons), Zuckuss (Cathy Munro)

I shamelessly bought the LEGO set that had 4/6 of them.


Hero Killer Stain and his previous identity Stendhal for being such a ANTI VILLAIN (not hero) with a messed up sense of morality and calling out the Pro Hero system, yes he's extreme and hypocritical but so awesome in his fights


Snowflame from DC

Snowflame needs his own damn miniseries.

I recall awhile back somebody was making a fan comic based on him. He fought Batman, it was awesome. The creator quit half way though.

And since we're talking about Ensemble Dark Horses...Hinata Hyuga is best waifu. Second only to Rem.
Methos from The Highlander TV series. If you look at the fandom you'd think he was one of the main characters, but he was only in something like a dozen episodes.

Compared to the boyscout of a protagonist, the ancient dude who's been there, done that and just wants to get on with life (and has a rather sketchy past) is just way more interesting.
Yui Kotegawa from To Love Ru (VA Kaori Nazuka)

She's a Classical Tsundere who is truer to the text rather than the modern stereotypes saturated today and much better than the other examples in the genre. The manag handled her introduction better than the anime, but she is the quintessential example of a well written tsundere

She also got more screen time in the original manga due to an event that lead the original main love interest to be demoted

Bruce Timm Mr. Freeze (VA Michael Ansara) who went from a one note minor Batman Villain to one of his iconic Rouges in 2 episodes plus one movie, His Arkham City counterpart (VA Maurice LaMarche) based on Batman TAS continued the trend with one of the best boss fights in videogame history (your tricks won't work twice, he adapts so must you).

His back story is the go-to example and Arkham Origins adapts Heart of Ice in a DLC. He finally gets a bittersweet ending with Nora in Arkham Knight

In "Heart of Ice" which has won many awards gave the previously one dimensional villain who uses ice puns to a tragic villain wanting to avenge his wife while he is trapped in his condition never being able to walk on a summer's day with the hot wind in his face and a warm hand to hold

Empathy has the return of Mr. Freeze when Andrew Ryan-Walt Disney wants to have his immortality. Freeze refuses, saying he would rather give up a thousand years he could live in misery for a minute of this dying man's life. Evil Amusement Park man brings back Nora in the equation to have Freeze work for him and start a world wide Ice Age. Batman and Robin fail to stop him, when captured Batman convinces Freeze that Nora wouldn't be proud of him, they then dream team up to save the world.

In Sub Zero, Victor Freeze free of villinary lives a quiet life in the Arctic with polar bears, and adopted Inuit boy, and researching a cure for Nora. A submarine shatters that plan, Freeze responds in kind, he kidnaps a college to help him operate on Nora but someone with a rare blood type must die, and it was Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl. Batman and Robin and Batgirl get out of this predicament and Freeze realizing what must be done stays behind to allow everyone to escape.

Later the Wayne Foundation provides a medical facility to save Nora, as Victor is alive and hears about it, he is last seen leaving to an unknown path.

He is the quintessential anti villain not just for his sympathetic motivations but how he is willing to do bad things for the one he loves most, even without realizing it, he skirts on the edge of right and wrong and has us question some higher moral quandaries as well he lives in the grey areas.


Colonel Miles Quaritch for being such a badass even having a knife for his robot


FN-2199 aka T8-DR for the "who's laughing now?' moment when he kicks Finn's ass

The Lost World Jurassic Park

The InGen Mercenaries especially Roland Tembo played by Pete Postlethwaite as they do their damn jobs in spite of the main characters ruining everything and Roland still tries to protect them like his own men. In a deleted scene Roland defends a woman being harassed by some jackass tourist by beating him up with one hand tied behind his back.



Burt Gummer played by Michael Gross has the honor of being one of the smartest crazy survivalists in horror movie history even appearing in 5/6 movies in the series, the 4th was a distant prequel but his ancestor Hiram Gummer was his stand in, also played by Michael Gross.

Black Mask from Mad Max Fury Road

The fans loved this character so much that the previously uncredited actor Darren Mitchell, stepped up to admit his part.

You see he's one of the Pole Cat warriors from Gas Town but he shoots Max in the face with his crossbow and nearly killed Furiosa

Black Mask


Of course everyone remembers the Coma-Doof Warrior played by Iota (singer) - Wikipedia


And of course the lovable Nux played by Nicholas Hoult for him many reasons such as the meme "WHAT A LOVELY DAY!" title dropping FURY ROAD, his pathetic attempts of being a villain, becoming a hero, a badass driver, being shirtless, his heroic sacrifice. Too many reasons.

And Morsov, uncredited for his one scene heroic sacrifice WITNESS ME!


For my part I really like the gatekeeper, don't ask why
The Elite Praetorian Guards from one of the few things worth of the film we are not allowed to talk about

I shamelessly got a huge buildable LEGO action figue and a mini set of them, and a shirt.

Portrayed by James Cox, Dan Euston, David R. Grant, Florian Robin, Andy Wareham, William Willoughby, Liang Yang and Karanja Yorke.

They were actually good bodyguards, but their master was an idiot, they still planned to avenge him and put up one of the most visual impressive fights while not being force senstitive

Evil Versions seem to be popular

Dark Link / Shadow Link from Zelda, popularized in Ocarina of Time


Saber Alter from Fate


Jeanne Alter from Fate GO

Queen of the Shadowkhan Jade from Jackie Chan Adventures, frequently used in fanfiction
Compared to all previous jerk villains he's rather polite to Saitama and even exchanges names while recognizing his strength. Affably Evil is a trait that usually ends up on this list. The fact that he's has a similar if twisted motivation to Saitama and gives one of the most visually impressive fights in anime. Even when he lost he accepted his death but expressed sadness for Saitama not being able to find his greatest opponent.

He's a Threat Level God people why does ONE insist that he's "above Threat Level Dragon"

Hero Name: Blizzard of Hell

She only debuted 2 chapters into the manga adaptation then when the character polls came up shortly after she was in 2nd place beating Genos and Sonic.

"But not placing first doesn't feel right after all, which means I have to become the main protagonist."

She became so popular that the anime included a cameo and being the preview announcer for the next episode. Along with starring in a OVA and several bonus chapters, the manga in the (actually canon) extra arc featured her greatly.

Her sympathetic motivations of having a mafia of B-Class Heroes because of her inferiority complex to her much stronger sister and the character development she goes though endeared the fans


Hero Name: Tornado of Terror

Fubuki's older sister who is absurdly powerful and doesn't rely on punches and kicks but rather psychic powers. The anime helped by introducing her (ignoring the earlier cameo) doing Hero work (what a novelty for a Hero in this series) where she kills not-Godzilla with a meteor



Also one of the few good Heroes

Despite making a cameo in the anime he was 7th in the polls and the OVA was about his "murder" which was hilarious. Maybe he's cool because he's a heroic zombie or that he was one an experiment of the Arc 1 villains the Church of Evolution


Mumen Rider

For being one of the few actual Heroes who stands up for the little guy and won't back down despite the impossible odds. Saitama respects him. And its hinted that he's the one who wrote the thank you note to him.


Captain Mizuki who appeared in the manga for the reasons that you see here

Floral Pants Man from Persona 5. Well as an NPC who's been used multiple times in the story he's given random noun and verb descriptor. But if you don't complete Mishima's Confidant to 10/10 he's the one who takes his place in the finale (though with Mishima he's the first to support him). Showing that a random citizen who's not connected to the Phantom Thieves is willing to reject the BAD END.


The Old Man from Legend of Zelda just for this


This Sloth Guy from Re:Zero

Delta Squad from Republic Commando

Appearing in a single game with no sequel

Boss - Temura Morrison
Fixer - Andrew Chaikin
Sev - Jonathan Cook
Scorch - Raphael Sbarge

Funny enough when the Scorch action figure was released he was almost immediately sold out. I have one.

Well most of the personality has Scorch and Sev who are reminiscent of Michelangelo and Raphael from Ninja Turtles, but Boss isn't a slouch in the sarcasm department.

They managed to get saved from the Disney purge with their cameo in the Clone Wars episode "Witches in the Mist"


Adrian Shephard of Half Life Opposing Forces

One of the few good HCEU Marines who were enemies in previous titles who gets screwed by the G-man. Fans have eagerly awaited his return


Kaede Akamatsu in New DanganRonpa V3

JP - Sayaka Kanda
EN - Erika Harlacher

She was billed as the protagonist but dies in Chapter 1, her replacement is a bit controversial. She actually managed to convince everyone (including a serial killer and a suicide case) that playing the Killing Game is not the way to win and actually succeeded, then the Mastermind cheats.

She's far more assertive and headstrong contrasting previous leads, also has a unusual talent for a murder investigation, Ultimate Pianist, and how can I put it, she has more personality in her one chapter then the other protagonists had in their entire games.

Her unnamed and unseen twin sister also proves to be popular

US Navy SEAL Team 9 Alpha Platoon aka Night Nine from Jormangand

They manage to sneak up on the tied up marines and free them before they even realize their bonds were undone. Night Nine then manages to sprint in an unfamiliar Cuban jungle ( with Predator recon) to catch up with Koko's team in a VERY short time and maintain accurate suppressing fire while at full sprint, in the jungle, at night, against mercenaries that regularly steamroll trained soldiers - do no tell me these are normal humans.

Even with their Predator drone shot down, their GPS jammed, and maps messed with they still make it to the Cuban border right behind Koko's Squad. The only "hindrance" was one operative getting the broadside of their nightvision goggles shot, and I don't think that slowed him down. They were called off the pursuit because of political fallout their bosses were worried about.


The Commando Droids for Star Wars the Clone Wars for unexpected badassery and a constant challenge

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The Commando Droids for Star Wars the Clone Wars for unexpected badassery and a constant challenge


Video and image isn't showing. But yeah, I instantly took a liking to the BX-Series droids for how they're a step up to the cannon fodder B1s.
I've been in deep with the Naruto Fandom and I'm disappointed in TVTropes for not mentioning these filler characters, found some of my old postings on this.


She only appears in one videogame but has such a remarkably good chemistry with Naruto that if Hinata didn't exist I'd push for her to be OTP


Definitely one of the cuter looking girls who proves to be both a good opponent and love interest to Naruto

She is playable in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Online


One of the most powerful characters that I see the most in fanfiction with her complex story and making Orochimaru relevant again if briefly

She is playable in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Online

Aoi Rokushō

Not only does he use a not lightsaber but in the anime he contributes to Sasuke's defection. He's also a boss in a Broken Bonds, I was surprised by that.


Blood Prison was a stupid movie and its canon, but Maroi was one of the few logical headed characters and he treated Naruto like a brother

Below these guys all appeared in the same episode as Naruto's temporary team mates and they taught him lots of life lessons and hate to say it but I got the vibe that he was closer to them than Team 7.

Kosuke Maruboshi

Hayama Shirakumo

Tekuno Kanden
I'll have to go with Captain MacMillan from Modern Warfare.


He only appears for two missions in the campaign and mostly only serves as a mentor/guidance for Captain Price, who you play as. However, he's pretty popular for his accent, being a badass, and literally never missing. Even after getting crippled (by a crashing helicopter which he shot down), he'll still continue shooting. When you put him down after that when the area gets too hot, you basically don't have to do anything as he aimbots everything in front of you. Not only that, but he's also especially remembered for his super memorable '50,000 people used to live in this city' quote.

It's probably because of his popularity that led to him returning in MW3 as Baseplate, now the director of the SAS.

Also, he gets turned into Captain MacMellon in the remastered version with the Melon Heads cheat on.


Not really sure why this cheat is in the game, other than taking Gaz's comment about fruit killing to its logical extreme.
Schala from chrono trigger. Sister of magnus. Princess of zeal.

OK, she's a relative of a character. Pretty standard, right?


Like, holy shit. She's got 25 lines. Less than 2 minutes of appearances. And the reaction? Chronos mom doesn't get this much. Or Cyrus. Or Taban. Or hell, the king. Or Queen Zeal.

Just look



Schala from chrono trigger. Sister of magnus. Princess of zeal.

OK, she's a relative of a character. Pretty standard, right?


Like, holy shit. She's got 25 lines. Less than 2 minutes of appearances. And the reaction? Chronos mom doesn't get this much. Or Cyrus. Or Taban. Or hell, the king. Or Queen Zeal.

Just look



Could be because she is fairly important-ish plotline wise?
Could be because she is fairly important-ish plotline wise?
I'm. . Sorry.

But what about magnus?

Or cyrus?

Or Zeal?

Or the three gurus?

I mean, they're pretty important too! I'm not upset with the fandom. Just the out of proportion part.

Maybe it's the pretty girl thing...

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