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Moderation Applications for 2024 (Applications Closed)

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Good luck with school!

I'll think about applying, I dunno if I'd be a good mod and if I wanna babysit even more people, on the other hand I like this forum and my name will change colour… difficult decision.
Congratulations on anything that you need congratulating for, Generic_Generica. I won't say goodbye because I presume you'll still be around as a standard user, but I hope you do well and learn quickly. Instead, I'll just say thank you for your service. You've been a good mod, and I hope your replacement(s) are similar.

I'm caught halfway between wanting to apply out of sheer "I'll do it myself then" energy, and wanting to sprint as fast as possible in the opposite direction, lol.
I think you'd rather have some who is nonpartisan, which is what we mostly pretend attempt to be.

The rest of your post contains content more applicable to Sufficiently Inane Crap On Sufficient Velocity
True, but I will say that the general concept of their post, that they really hope the new mods won't allow politics to leak into moderation here like it has on other sites, is pretty valid.
Congratulations on anything that you need congratulating for, Generic_Generica. I won't say goodbye because I presume you'll still be around as a standard user, but I hope you do well and learn quickly. Instead, I'll just say thank you for your service. You've been a good mod, and I hope your replacement(s) are similar.

I'm caught halfway between wanting to apply out of sheer "I'll do it myself then" energy, and wanting to sprint as fast as possible in the opposite direction, lol.

True, but I will say that the general concept of their post, that they really hope the new mods won't allow politics to leak into moderation here like it has on other sites, is pretty valid.

I agree and was afraid of posting the same opinion. QQ's mods are excellent and every time the subject of new mods comes up I pucker up in fear that this is the time that the new mod/s end up totally changing the culture. I've seen people admit outright in previous mod recruitment threads that they fully intended to do so and I'm sure there's no shortage of people who will stop at nothing to make it go the same way as every other mod team that gets captured.
I think you'd rather have some who is nonpartisan, which is what we mostly pretend attempt to be.

The rest of your post contains content more applicable to Sufficiently Inane Crap On Sufficient Velocity
Yeah, Nonpartisan is pretty much what I meant. As I said I would rather QQ be a place you don't have to walk on egg shells when posting threads, while still not allowing stupid stuff like racism be allowed on the site. Something the mods are pretty good at keeping off the site.
i mean, people complain about SV moderation, but SV at least makes their tribunals public so you can get a full-on look at the discussion regarding bans and appeals; even if you think they banned you for bullshit, you can at least direct people to the tribunal involved so they can see the whole thing and decide for themselves. SB is more middle-of-the-road and has a much less extremist politics section, but they don't make any visible accountability, which is why several staff members abusing their authority slid under the radar for so long in years past. they've had issues with that historically.

mind you, SB used to be pretty shit in general back before the right-wing mega-PM got outed and mass-ragequit to make their own forum. you had a few moderators (who quit or got fired over the mega-pm debacle) who had previously went around doing things like banning authors for "hugboxing" when the authors went essentially "i acknowledge that this thing about my story isn't to the taste of you or a bunch of other people, but there's also a bunch of people here who enjoy that specific thing that you're complaining about, so i'm not going to change it since i can't please everyone".

i have no idea how QQ moderator accountability is handled, the rules say you can appeal but i'm not sure what that would even look like.
i have no idea how QQ moderator accountability is handled, the rules say you can appeal but i'm not sure what that would even look like

To quote the absent Admin

If you feel that a moderator action -- such as an infraction or warning -- was in error, you can to appeal to a higher power: Admins.

I want to emphasize that it will not be a debate or argument, as I've had people try in the past. It is solely a check against moderator error and bias.

We tend to sanity check each other as well…

As for the process of an appeal.
You go to the appeals thread.
You make a post, include a link to the post you got the warning for and a link to the mod post if they made one.
Politely lay out why you believe you didn't break the rule, or that staff misinterpreted what you actually said.
Wait patiently. (Can take 1 hr or several days, poke once per week as needed :V)

Don't make frivolous appeals (see below).

is the use of the appeals processes with apparent disregard for the merit of one's own arguments. It includes presenting an argument with reason to know that it would certainly fail, or acting without a basic level of diligence in researching the relevant rules and facts.

That an argument was lost does not imply the argument was frivolous; a party may present an argument with a low chance of success, so long as it proceeds from applicable facts and rules.
(Bastardized from wikipedia's Frivolous litigation)
I'll pass on this I'm already corralling Lemmings on a different site. Good Luck with school Generic_Generica.
I agree and was afraid of posting the same opinion. QQ's mods are excellent and every time the subject of new mods comes up I pucker up in fear that this is the time that the new mod/s end up totally changing the culture. I've seen people admit outright in previous mod recruitment threads that they fully intended to do so and I'm sure there's no shortage of people who will stop at nothing to make it go the same way as every other mod team that gets captured.
Sometimes I basically agree with this and sometimes I'm hoping that new mods would relax some of (what feels like) the harsher rules. AFAIK there's been cases where omakes on old stories had gotten the story threads locked, and the anti-politics rule makes posting in insufficiently neutral contexts still feel like walking on eggshells sometimes.

I definitely agree that it's probably better to stay the same than to risk going horribly wrong, though.
I bullied ultima333 into letting me write this announcement for a change.

I'll skip to the pertinent bits because I don't want to attention-whore more than I have to. I'm quitting as a moderator because I plan on going to law school this year and that is absolutely going to kill the free time I have left.

This means that there's a vacancy on the moderation staff that needs to be filled. Furthermore, QQ has continued to grow over the last year, which means we desperately need more people with banhammers.

So if you want to apply to be a part of QQ's moderation staff, your application's welcome.

In order to apply, please submit a PM/conversation to ultima333 answering the following questions:

1) What times are you active on the forum? (in GMT)

2) Do you feel you are familiar with the QQ community?

3) Why do you feel you will make a good moderator?

4) What do you think proper conduct is for a moderator?

5) What do you think the purpose of a moderator is?

6) In one paragraph, please explain what the purpose of one of the rules is on this site and when it'd be appropriate/inappropriate to apply it.

Those applications will then be forwarded to the rest of the current moderation team, where they'll discuss who to pick as a replacement. This will take time, so please be patient once you've sent in your application.

I wish you the best of luck.
A word of advice before you settle down and into law school Search up for the student community Resources for your school. I'm talking about group started by the students for the students.
Just to help with life in general.
I'm mentally applauding your eloquence.
And where is the proper place to ask this question regarding why a thread has been locked. It is impossible to ask ON THE ACTUAL THREAD, as it has OH SO QUICKLY been locked. Perhaps, do not be so quick to lock?-?

Please advise?
And where is the proper place to ask this question regarding why a thread has been locked. It is impossible to ask ON THE ACTUAL THREAD, as it has OH SO QUICKLY been locked. Perhaps, do not be so quick to lock?-?

Please advise?

The mods usually make a post announcing that they're locking a thread, whether it's because of an argument getting out of hand, a derail that just won't stop, foul necromancy or fouler politics.
Time for this thread to be locked.

And where is the proper place to ask this question regarding why a thread has been locked. It is impossible to ask ON THE ACTUAL THREAD, as it has OH SO QUICKLY been locked. Perhaps, do not be so quick to lock?-?

Please advise?
You can ask such in a pm to a staff member.
You could ask by making a thread in Appeals.
You could ask by making a thread in Suggestions and Bugs.

What you don't do is hijack an unrelated thread!!!
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