Chapter 12: We Will Rock You
That is not dead which can eternal lie
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Chapter 12: We Will Rock You
So allow me to summarize the state of the world into one, very specific word: FUCKED.
All that hints about a world war currently going on is completely and totally true! And it's, as far as I know, absolute chaos. As far as I know that is, because it turns out you can't even have a city be part of, you know, a country. A territory is just a city, and a country's strength is measured by how many cities they control.
And you know what's the kicker?! Nobody knows why this war is happening in the first place. There wasn't a sort of 'Initial Event' it's just war.
On a more funnier note King (Queen really) Arthur and her merry... Probably girls. Women? Hang on I need to fix that...
Ahem, Queen Arthur and her welcoming women? No that makes them sound like sluts, uh... giggling girls?
Shut up. Point is, King Arthur (Female) and the Round Table (Probably Female) also are running around ruling Britannia.
Which is not part of the EU.
...I admit that got a chuckle out of me the first time I heard it.
But anyways, it was only a few days after Tama's introduction that Himiko and I were called for a meeting by Yoshi. Yamato and BenBen were strangely absent, but maybe they were just busy with training.
"It's good you're here." Yoshi began after everyone sit down at the table. "Tadataka has something to report."
"Yes sir!" The small woman began to take out one after the other reports and maps from the backpack and spread it on the table. "By Lady Yoshitsune's request I started looking into the source of Lady Nobunaga's muskets. Unfortunately I discovered that the merchants that sold them to her have left the country just around the time I took service here. Obviously this mean Lady Nobunaga cannot acquire more for the time being, but I also discovered she brought many of the latest models: not too many, since they're expensive, but enough to significantly strengthen her main force, the gunmen."
"Argh! We were doing so well too!" Himiko raged. "Ranged weapons are cheating! A man's got to play fair and square!"
"But Himiko-" I begin, looking at the rest of the room with a 'please don't kill me for this' look. "She doesn't have the balls to do such a thing."
"Exactly! She doesn't have the-eek! No! A lady mustn't say such crass things!" She blushed as I began to laugh in my spot of the room. "Oni-san! What are you making me say?!"
Yoshi sighed, already used to the by-play. "A good strategy can completely turn the tide of battle. Her strategy is pretty much brute force, though."
"So what we need is a way to get rid of her muskets huh..." I crossed my arms. "I wonder... they have to be keeping their gunpowder somewhere right?"
"Actually, right now the soldiers that will use those muskets are training with them in a location separated from the main army." Tama pointed to the map, her finger tapping over a small valley between Kyoto and Edo, before producing a more detailed map of that area. "If you want to attack, now it's the time."
"How we do that is going to be critical, though." Yoshi pointed out. "We could use brute force, but it's not advantageous to use up our resources like that. It could also end up in a draw."
An idea had already formed in my mind, what if-
"I know!" Himiko raised a hand. "We'll wait for rain! Even the best guns will be rendered useless if soaking wet!"
"I... Don't think that's how muskets work." I interrupted. "I mean they might jam but at the same time... Yeah no I really don't think they'd be rendered useless in the rain. Plus we have no idea how long waiting for the rain could take. It could be somewhere between after I finish this sentence and the next month."
And then it started raining.
...Just kidding, it was still sunny.
Himiko wasn't ready to admit defeat. "Then, how about luring them in a forest or a mountain? We'll be sure to win if they can't use their guns!"
"I'm sure she's aware of that, and I don't think she'll be foolish enough to send troops out like that. We're up against Nobunaga, Himiko. It's not going to be simple." Yoshi explained.
The red-clad girl slapped a hand on the table. "Well, how about... I can't think of anything else... Ugh." She fell on her back and lied there, arms spread.
"Well..." I stared at Himiko. "I have a semblance of a plan. More like the barebones of one. Do we know the route their using to get to NobuNobu Nobu?"
Yoshi gave me an unamused look while Tama put little poles with flag around the possible routes. "Actually, I also have an idea. Let's hear your first."
"Right, sorry if it's just really simple but basically we put traps all along the route their moving with and have some troops surround them." I suggested. "Then we kill them all with the traps and the remaining survivors with the tropes surrounding the area. Than we go in and loot the corpses for their guns and supplies."
"Must you really make it sounds like what a bandit would do?" Yoshi sighed. She was doing that a lot recently. "Traps sound good, but with the 'surrounding' part we run again in the same problem: how to prevent them from using their guns before they are within the range of our weapons. My turn: look at this map."
She put the tip of her finger over the bigger map of the area, pointing to a mountain. "We'll attack from here." Her finger moved to the side, past a slope and into the pole with Nobunaga's symbol. "Like this."
"Listen well Himiko, this is how you rule a country." I nodded sagely. "Have other people do your work for you, it works almost every time."
And then I sighed, "Also I... What? Is there some sort of military thing I'm missing here? Didn't you just say brute force wasn't going to work? Uh, I'm not the only one totally confused on what Yoshi's plan is right?"
"This is not brute force, this is an ambush with a reasonable amount of risk from a direction they would never expect to be used as such." She calmly replied with a polite smile. "Moving into position without alerting them will require a good amount of hiking, so they will never consider someone going through all the trouble."
"Ah, see, one problem there." I interrupted. "The moment they see us we're dead. You didn't even address your own problem correctly, it'd take maybe five seconds at maximum for them to fill us with so much lead we'd practically be swiss cheese. And we don't even have to be close, they'd still have the long range advantage. We'd be safer, I don't know, rolling boulders down that mountain."
She stared at you, the silence stretching before she blinked, an impressed look entering her eyes. "That is actually a very good idea. Well done Chen-san, you found the perfect solution."
"Er, you're joking right." I poked Tama with my leg just to catch her attention. "I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Tama help."
"Well, if we roll down boulders and then follow after them, then even if the Nobunaga troops shoot the bullets will hit the boulders and not our men." She replied after a brief consideration. "Not to mention, who would stay and fire at a landslide coming at them?"
"Tama you did not answer the question." I replied dumbly. "Tama."
"My name is Tadataka." She pouted. "And I don't think Lady Yoshitsune is using sarcasm."
"I'm not." Yoshi confirmed with a nod.
"Well than, Reality has crashed. I might as well join Himiko in the Himiko corner." My hand started knocking against my head as an idea came to me and the words fell out of my lips. "Buddy your boy make a big noise playin in the street gonna be a big man someday. Ya got mud on your face, you big disgrace, kickin your can all over the place."
"I like this plan!" Himiko suddenly stood up, a big grin on her face. "Nobunaga will never see this coming!"
"Traps and small ambushes along the escape paths can be useful to make sure we don't miss survivors. If we do all of this, our chances of success are quite good." Yoshi smiled. "Objections?"
"No." Himiko and Tama both replied.
And it was at that moment I went off the deep end.
My hands banged on the table twice before clapping. "We will we will rock you! C'mon sing it! We will we will rock you!"
The answers from the girls were as follow: "No.", "I respectfully decline.", "It's embarrassing.". Guess who's who?
"Buddy." I began, "You're a young man, hard man, gonna take on the word someday. You got blood on your face, you big disgrace, wavin your banner all over the place!"
And with that I threw my hands up in the air and walked out of the room. "We will we will rock you!"
We did actually use those boulders against the muskets anyways, and it took me a bit but I managed to get the soldiers to chant the song as well.
The girls were glaring at me the entire time though.
NNB: I probably apologized to Yoshi and Tama later.
Alex: You better be.
NNB: Shut up and face the Queen.
So allow me to summarize the state of the world into one, very specific word: FUCKED.
All that hints about a world war currently going on is completely and totally true! And it's, as far as I know, absolute chaos. As far as I know that is, because it turns out you can't even have a city be part of, you know, a country. A territory is just a city, and a country's strength is measured by how many cities they control.
And you know what's the kicker?! Nobody knows why this war is happening in the first place. There wasn't a sort of 'Initial Event' it's just war.
On a more funnier note King (Queen really) Arthur and her merry... Probably girls. Women? Hang on I need to fix that...
Ahem, Queen Arthur and her welcoming women? No that makes them sound like sluts, uh... giggling girls?
Shut up. Point is, King Arthur (Female) and the Round Table (Probably Female) also are running around ruling Britannia.
Which is not part of the EU.
...I admit that got a chuckle out of me the first time I heard it.
But anyways, it was only a few days after Tama's introduction that Himiko and I were called for a meeting by Yoshi. Yamato and BenBen were strangely absent, but maybe they were just busy with training.
"It's good you're here." Yoshi began after everyone sit down at the table. "Tadataka has something to report."
"Yes sir!" The small woman began to take out one after the other reports and maps from the backpack and spread it on the table. "By Lady Yoshitsune's request I started looking into the source of Lady Nobunaga's muskets. Unfortunately I discovered that the merchants that sold them to her have left the country just around the time I took service here. Obviously this mean Lady Nobunaga cannot acquire more for the time being, but I also discovered she brought many of the latest models: not too many, since they're expensive, but enough to significantly strengthen her main force, the gunmen."
"Argh! We were doing so well too!" Himiko raged. "Ranged weapons are cheating! A man's got to play fair and square!"
"But Himiko-" I begin, looking at the rest of the room with a 'please don't kill me for this' look. "She doesn't have the balls to do such a thing."
"Exactly! She doesn't have the-eek! No! A lady mustn't say such crass things!" She blushed as I began to laugh in my spot of the room. "Oni-san! What are you making me say?!"
Yoshi sighed, already used to the by-play. "A good strategy can completely turn the tide of battle. Her strategy is pretty much brute force, though."
"So what we need is a way to get rid of her muskets huh..." I crossed my arms. "I wonder... they have to be keeping their gunpowder somewhere right?"
"Actually, right now the soldiers that will use those muskets are training with them in a location separated from the main army." Tama pointed to the map, her finger tapping over a small valley between Kyoto and Edo, before producing a more detailed map of that area. "If you want to attack, now it's the time."
"How we do that is going to be critical, though." Yoshi pointed out. "We could use brute force, but it's not advantageous to use up our resources like that. It could also end up in a draw."
An idea had already formed in my mind, what if-
"I know!" Himiko raised a hand. "We'll wait for rain! Even the best guns will be rendered useless if soaking wet!"
"I... Don't think that's how muskets work." I interrupted. "I mean they might jam but at the same time... Yeah no I really don't think they'd be rendered useless in the rain. Plus we have no idea how long waiting for the rain could take. It could be somewhere between after I finish this sentence and the next month."
And then it started raining.
...Just kidding, it was still sunny.
Himiko wasn't ready to admit defeat. "Then, how about luring them in a forest or a mountain? We'll be sure to win if they can't use their guns!"
"I'm sure she's aware of that, and I don't think she'll be foolish enough to send troops out like that. We're up against Nobunaga, Himiko. It's not going to be simple." Yoshi explained.
The red-clad girl slapped a hand on the table. "Well, how about... I can't think of anything else... Ugh." She fell on her back and lied there, arms spread.
"Well..." I stared at Himiko. "I have a semblance of a plan. More like the barebones of one. Do we know the route their using to get to NobuNobu Nobu?"
Yoshi gave me an unamused look while Tama put little poles with flag around the possible routes. "Actually, I also have an idea. Let's hear your first."
"Right, sorry if it's just really simple but basically we put traps all along the route their moving with and have some troops surround them." I suggested. "Then we kill them all with the traps and the remaining survivors with the tropes surrounding the area. Than we go in and loot the corpses for their guns and supplies."
"Must you really make it sounds like what a bandit would do?" Yoshi sighed. She was doing that a lot recently. "Traps sound good, but with the 'surrounding' part we run again in the same problem: how to prevent them from using their guns before they are within the range of our weapons. My turn: look at this map."
She put the tip of her finger over the bigger map of the area, pointing to a mountain. "We'll attack from here." Her finger moved to the side, past a slope and into the pole with Nobunaga's symbol. "Like this."
"Listen well Himiko, this is how you rule a country." I nodded sagely. "Have other people do your work for you, it works almost every time."
And then I sighed, "Also I... What? Is there some sort of military thing I'm missing here? Didn't you just say brute force wasn't going to work? Uh, I'm not the only one totally confused on what Yoshi's plan is right?"
"This is not brute force, this is an ambush with a reasonable amount of risk from a direction they would never expect to be used as such." She calmly replied with a polite smile. "Moving into position without alerting them will require a good amount of hiking, so they will never consider someone going through all the trouble."
"Ah, see, one problem there." I interrupted. "The moment they see us we're dead. You didn't even address your own problem correctly, it'd take maybe five seconds at maximum for them to fill us with so much lead we'd practically be swiss cheese. And we don't even have to be close, they'd still have the long range advantage. We'd be safer, I don't know, rolling boulders down that mountain."
She stared at you, the silence stretching before she blinked, an impressed look entering her eyes. "That is actually a very good idea. Well done Chen-san, you found the perfect solution."
"Er, you're joking right." I poked Tama with my leg just to catch her attention. "I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Tama help."
"Well, if we roll down boulders and then follow after them, then even if the Nobunaga troops shoot the bullets will hit the boulders and not our men." She replied after a brief consideration. "Not to mention, who would stay and fire at a landslide coming at them?"
"Tama you did not answer the question." I replied dumbly. "Tama."
"My name is Tadataka." She pouted. "And I don't think Lady Yoshitsune is using sarcasm."
"I'm not." Yoshi confirmed with a nod.
"Well than, Reality has crashed. I might as well join Himiko in the Himiko corner." My hand started knocking against my head as an idea came to me and the words fell out of my lips. "Buddy your boy make a big noise playin in the street gonna be a big man someday. Ya got mud on your face, you big disgrace, kickin your can all over the place."
"I like this plan!" Himiko suddenly stood up, a big grin on her face. "Nobunaga will never see this coming!"
"Traps and small ambushes along the escape paths can be useful to make sure we don't miss survivors. If we do all of this, our chances of success are quite good." Yoshi smiled. "Objections?"
"No." Himiko and Tama both replied.
And it was at that moment I went off the deep end.
My hands banged on the table twice before clapping. "We will we will rock you! C'mon sing it! We will we will rock you!"
The answers from the girls were as follow: "No.", "I respectfully decline.", "It's embarrassing.". Guess who's who?
"Buddy." I began, "You're a young man, hard man, gonna take on the word someday. You got blood on your face, you big disgrace, wavin your banner all over the place!"
And with that I threw my hands up in the air and walked out of the room. "We will we will rock you!"
We did actually use those boulders against the muskets anyways, and it took me a bit but I managed to get the soldiers to chant the song as well.
The girls were glaring at me the entire time though.
NNB: I probably apologized to Yoshi and Tama later.
Alex: You better be.
NNB: Shut up and face the Queen.