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Angels are born out of the substance of Heaven, tasked to make all world's on the Tree as grand and as just. Even the worst Devils still struggle against the urge to fix things.
Aaron's Serpents are born of the Tree, the Ash, and like their mother they are peaceful and slow to rouse, and near unstoppable once woken. Most physical of the Imperators, their bodies are stronger than even many warmains.
Magisters of the Wild find them selves trapped in a creation alien to themselves, and struggle to unfold their nature, and they claim that we are all alien to our selves, and all bound, and seek to give us all the power to be our true selves.
Those Imperators above can be found on every world, moving across the tree as they must, or are allowed.
There are three more that are of the Earth, and only very rarely venture far.
Born of the muck, of the primordial life that lives and dies unaware, of the viruses and molds, of the constant struggle of the city to devour the land, of rust to bring down the bridge, True Gods have no single code, or desire, but struggle in a messy confusionabout of hungers, but do not think them simple or weak, they are Imperators, able to wrestle Angeles, and consume Excrucians.
From the Tree of Knowledge, and Adam and Eve's bites comes the last two: Magisters of the Light and Dark.
The Light strives for human survival, strives for humanity to live forever! Safe, contained, ordered.
Those that listen to the Song of the Dark, they strive to free each human, to let them have the power and will to sing out their wants, theit ambitions, their dreams, and in so doing find ruin. They do not kill, but strive to give humanity the tools of is own destruction.
9 cycles of the seasons, or 3287 days. I live in the Mansions of the Sun, which is in Celestia, which is the upper skies of Earth when viewed from the Prosaic. But then I am just some twists of plasma viewed from the prosaic.