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Occular (Worm x SWTOR)

You know? Now that I just spent 2 hours reading this series, I can say that I was angry when Emma was being given a chance. But now i'm kind of sad that Taylor didn't go over to her house.
It seemed that everyone was voting for a redemption but then they just changed their votes to this. Don't get me wrong! I can totally see Taylor making these decisions but it doesn't change how sad I and probably Emma feel.
You know? Now that I just spent 2 hours reading this series, I can say that I was angry when Emma was being given a chance. But now i'm kind of sad that Taylor didn't go over to her house.
It seemed that everyone was voting for a redemption but then they just changed their votes to this. Don't get me wrong! I can totally see Taylor making these decisions but it doesn't change how sad I and probably Emma feel.
I was a bit sad too; really wish we could have gone to both. Still, things have been going pretty well so far I think; even if I can't make a write-in to save my life...
End and Closing Thoughts
Hello again, everyone. I'm afraid I'm here with bad news, this time. I've decided to bring Occular to a close.

I simply haven't had the energy or the inclination to write recently. If it were just that, I might have left it on hiatus and tried to come back to it, but I've been frustrated with my writing as well, and I honestly think the quest was perhaps a bit too much in terms of scope. Even if I came back to it down the road, there's so much potential quest left to write that I have trouble imagining myself actually finishing it.

However, I didn't just want to leave you guys hanging, with the fic dead and no conclusion of any sort. So, I thought I'd take the time to detail some of the longer term plot points I had planned for the quest. I've placed these in a spoiler tag below, in case any of you would prefer not to read them.

So, let's start short term. In the near future, Taylor would have soon begun having actual conversations with Darth Occulus. Occulus has been spending her time thus far subsuming Taylor's shard and bending it to her will. Once she opened up, you'd get your training to speed up, as she'd be available to help you.

She'd also offer you the ability to steal shards from parahumans. This would require defeating the parahuman to start the process, obviously, and would come at the cost of losing Taylor's accelerated training for a couple of weeks, in exchange for getting access to the parahuman's unique power. It would also come with the hidden downside that it's technically Occulus getting these shards, not Taylor. This means that if Occulus ever got a new body for herself, then Taylor would lose those powers and Occulus would be massively buffed.

On the Star Wars side of things, the attentive reader may have noticed that there was a "meteor crash" mentioned in the Interludes. This was the Jedi Consular showing up (specced as a Jedi Shadow). She'd be working with Dragon in the short term. You'd start hearing in the future that the Dragonslayers were taken down, and then later, perhaps the Slaughterhouse 9 as well. Eventually she'd meet up with Taylor and Occulus and we'd get into their history together as well.

Returning to the idea of the Shards, I'd planned to change the lore around the Entities a bit to fit into Star Wars. In SW lore, there's a group of sentient force sensitive crystals that have themselves implanted in Droid bodies to move around. The Iron Knights. The Entities would be a group of similar crystals who had developed something of a hive mind -- and then saw the threat of the Emperor devouring the galaxy and decided that they needed to figure out how to fight him.

On that note, the end game wouldn't be Scion. The Emperor would show up, wearing the body of the Jedi Knight. Essentially, the Emperor won his gambit in Eternal Throne and is now the "hero" of the galaxy, hanging out in a new body until he gets bored and decides to eat the galaxy again. Earth Bet would gear up to fight Scion, and the Emperor would show up and kill Scion.

End game is figuring out how to put down the Emperor.

If anyone else has any questions on where certain ideas would have gone, feel free to ask.

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