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Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

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  • Lighthouse in Hawaii

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  • Summer Camp in Michigin

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  • Junkyard in Washington

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • Rundown Hotel in North Carolina

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An Icicle Jr self-insert, where the MC wants nothing to do with either side of the super powered...
Chapter 1: Cold Open

Flightless Man

Versed in the lewd.
Aug 17, 2020
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An Icicle Jr self-insert, where the MC wants nothing to do with either side of the super powered lifestyle. Only one problem with this plan... his new body already agreed to get arrested.

It's going to take every ounce of skill, charm, and an extra heaping of luck, for the new and hopefully improved Cameron Makhent to break free from a life of crime. Especially with only two episodes worth of knowledge.

Chapter 1: Cold Open
Star City
July 4, 8:27 AM PDT

Blinking my eyes nearly ends up with me collapsing in shock. One moment I was kicking the door to the chicken coop shut and suddenly I'm standing on a bridge with traffic whizzing by. It sort of looks like the Golden Gate Bridge.

When I reach a hand up to rub at my eyes, the translucent blue fingers finally do bring me to my knees. What the hell is going on?

Honks blast at me as the cars swerve around, the drivers only noticing my strange appearance at the last second. Of course with each blast of sound that signals a near miss, I gasp in fright.

Each sudden jerk of my body creates a blast of pale blue energy, creating spiky formations on the pavement. One of the cars swerves too late and catches one of my creations.

The driver's face contorts into one of sheer terror as he crashes into and halfway through the railing. I don't pay attention to the accident however, instead I focus on the energy skating along my arms.

"This has to be a dream." Nothing else could explain this kind of strangeness.

When I try and think back on how I got here, only a handful of confusing memories flood into my mind. I'm supposed to get arrested?

That doesn't make sense until I finally catch sight of my reflection in my most recent creation. Am I Icicle junior? From that new Young Justice cartoon that premiered a couple days ago?

So if this is a dream of the first episode, that means I'm supposed to get in a fight with Green Arrow and Speedy. Since I really don't want to get my ass kicked, I really don't think that's how I'm going to wake myself up.

What can I do to keep myself busy instead, until the two show up? Ideas race though my mind but I know I'm not talented enough to do most of them.

"Oh..." A smirk begins to creep across my face as I finally decide. "That will work." Turning towards the bay below, I allow the energy inside me to cascade forth.

The subzero beam crashes against the waves and instantly freezes them. In minutes the sheet of ice is already a few feet thick and growing before my eyes.

When I'm finally satisfied it can hold my art, I begin to lift my fingers carefully. First I create a pair of rough looking feet, one with only four toes.

"Slow down and focus, don't want to make a monster." Gritting my teeth in frustration, I move onto the bare calves.

I don't really notice when the bridge gets barricaded from both sides. But I do appreciate when it gets quiet.

I'm putting the finishing touches on the woman's head and getting ready to move onto the arms. Though of course that's when the heroes finally arrive.

"Trying to put out a personal ad?" The red headed sidekick laughs at the same time his arrow strikes the road beside me. "Realized it was the only way you'd find your dream girl?"

The cloud of green smoke billows up around me and I start to cough. But even as my breathing starts to slow down, I react as if someone else is piloting my body.

I roll to the side and reflexively create a wall of ice, before growling back at the figments of my imagination. "New York has the Statue of Liberty. I figured Star City should have our own Statue of Nudity."

That gets a string of laughter from Green Arrow and he thankfully calls out for Speedy to wait. "This is a new kind of crime for you. What inspired this?"

I can vaguely remember that Cameron's father is in Belle Reve. Though I'm pretty sure that wasn't in the first two episodes.

When I realize the archers are still waiting for an answer, I wrack my brain. "Dad's in jail now and I decided I wanted to do my own thing."

"So you decided on graffiti?" Of course Speedy isn't going to give me a break. "You probably should have taken some art classes first, because that's terrible."

"I don't know," Defends Green Arrow and it makes me smile. "It's not that bad. You can definitely see he had a good idea, even if the technique isn't quite up to snuff." His easy going tone gets just a little bit harder. "Only problem is, that's still going to be a danger to the entire city. Probably cause more damage than anything else you've ever done."

"What are you talking about?" I'm not trying to wreck anything, just keep myself busy until the dream is over.

"The feet are already starting to melt and when that thing falls over..." Explains Green Arrow as calmly as he can.

His sidekick finishes with a reignited rage directed towards me. "It's going to make a pretty big wave."

"Well..." Oops. "You guys should probably go deal with that." I don't give them a chance to react and throw myself off the bridge.

While the two archers leap into action and try to safely bring down my statue, I create a slide of ice to catch me. It curves away from the heroes and brings me back towards the city far faster than I could run.

As I whoop in glee, I nearly smack myself in frustration. Why the hell did I stay on the bridge? I should have just done this right away!

Star City
July 4, 9:14 PM PDT

Once I was on shore, it didn't take long for my feet to find the way back to the Icebox. Father's crew was confused to see me back, with a few whispering to each other when they thought I was distracted.

I should have done something about it right away and not just distract myself by playing with my powers. After a few hours I was exhausted and when I emerged from the freezer, every was giving me strange looks.

"Something on my face?" Why are my dream henchmen acting so weird?

"Sorry about this Cam," One of the bigger thugs shrugs at me, while a scrawny blonde opens the back door. "But you wasn't supposed to come back for months. We needed a new boss."

"What?" Heavy thuds announce the arrival of a very large guest.

"I gave you to the count of ten to leave, but it's a long hallway." The massive man has bright red skin and a nearly seven foot stature. "You ran out of time before I even made it halfway."

Brick slams his meaty left fist into his equally massive right, stalking towards me with a mocking grin on his face. Instead of running like I would if this was reality, I decide the dream's not very fun anymore.

A blast of pale blue slams against Brick's chest and starts to cover him in a layer of ice. But to my shock, the powerhouse still manages to reach me.

With a single swing of one of his basketball sized fists, pain explodes in my skull. I have only a second to think it's strange that didn't wake me up, before feeling my back slam hard into the floor. MY vision fades into blackness and I finally realize this might not be a dream.
Chapter 2: Snowwhere to Go
Chapter 2: Snowwhere to Go
Star City
July 5, 5:45 AM PDT

As the morning light spills onto my face, the foul stench of what I assume is the chicken coop fills my nose. Must have hit my head and passed out. With an explanation for the strangely realistic dream, I open my eyes in preparation for the day.

It's not the chicken coop I find myself in. Peering around reveals I'm on my back in a rusty dumpster, covered in in what I hope is just Chinese food. The sight of my still greyish-blue fingers is what finally gets me to move.

"It wasn't a dream." Groaning as the pain in my head grows more intense, I fail to hear the sound of a woman chuckling. "What the hell is going on?"

As I reach for the rim of the dumpster, a layer of flowing ice starts to grow around me. Like a second skin it coats my body, with my hands and forearms growing thick like clawed gauntlets.

Trying not to hyperventilate, I hoist myself up and over the edge. I misjudge my new strength and tumble onto the pavement.

"Ouch." I groan as I try to sit back up.

"Stay down." A voice that I've never heard but recognize somehow, hisses at me the same time a boot slams into my chest. "We need to talk about your failure yesterday."

When I look up and see a masked girl in a green kimono, I have to hold my self back from leering at her legs. The sai in her hand is far too close to my left eye, for me to risk my normal lip.

"I need to go to get into Belle Reve as soon as possible don't I?" The memory of Icicle senior ordering me to get arrested is enough for me to sputter out an answer.

"Yes." Jade nods and more memories start to fill in the gaps. "So why did you run from the archers?" The daughter of a family friend, but where's her sister?

Thinking as fast as I can, my words come out in a series of rushed wheezes. "I haven't really done enough on my own to actually end up in the big house." She snorts in amusement, but does nod for me to continue.

"I need to work on my portfolio first." Prisoners can still get an education. "Show everyone I'm not just following my dad's orders." This will be my chance to apply to an art school and go legit. "You know..." A smirk grows as the beginning of a plan starts to form. "Find my own way to Candy Mountain."

"What?" I can tell she's scowling at me, even behind the cat like mask. "... Doesn't matter." Jade shakes her head and growls down at me. "Just know that this is the only warning you're going to get. Don't make Sportsmaster pay you a visit."

A date flashes in my memories and I scowl in resignation. "I need to be in Belle Reve by the end of August. I'll make sure it happens."

When Jade stops pressing down on my chest, I take the chance to get an amazing view of her legs. "See something you like?"

"Just trying to get inspiration for my next piece." I may have memories of Cameron being awkward around girls and being a braggart. But he was just looking at his life the wrong way.

Instead of whining over not being a top tier super villain, he should have been revelling in the fact that he had powers at all. I'm not going to make the same mistakes my body has been his whole life.

"You might not die in prison." She finally snorts after a tense few seconds of silence. "I'm glad you finally found your balls. You're going to need them." With a snap of her leg, she sends my head crashing back against the dumpster.

By the time I manage to clamber to my feet, Jade is long gone. First thing's first. Can't be going by Junior anymore, not if I want to get tried as an adult.

Instead of trying to wipe the slime off of me, I focus on the layer of somehow fluid ice now covering me. It only takes a few moments of focus before it cracks and crumbles away.

"Oh that's so much better." I stretch in relief even as a new layer starts to regrow reflexively. "And of course they took my wallet." All of pockets have been turned out, with my old crew only leaving my in my trash soaked jeans.

"Clothes, food, and transportation." I mutter to myself and decide my destination can be decided later. "All of which can be acquired with money."

What I'm going to do should make me feel bad, I know that. But I've already stolen a body somehow. It's not like some petty crime will really scar my soul.

As long as I don't hurt any people, I can focus on theft and property damage. Once I'm in Belle Reve, I can finish whatever my final mission is for the Shadows.

Then I can do whatever I want once I serve my time. And I can probably speed that up with some kind of work release program. If I add to the polar ice packs and some glaciers, that should shave a decade off my sentence.

With a confident stride quite unlike the cocky swagger this body used to have, I emerge from the alley ready to face a new day. My eyes roam the street and scan for anyone out this early.

"Hey you!" Coming out of an older apartment building, is a cyclist with his bike in hand. "Don't move!"

He tries to flee, only for me to meet him at the bottom of the stairs. I cross my arms and shake my head at the middle aged man.

"I was only going to take the bike. But you made me run and I hate doing that." Gym is the only class I did worse in than art. "So now I want you're wallet."

He doesn't try to argue once I make my fingers glow blue, dropping the bike and tossing his wallet at me with shaking hands. "And the helmet." I probably don't need it, but I'm not risking the wrath of my grandmother's ghost.

"Thanks Mark."I frown at the shaking man and start to feel a little bad. "Now I can't have you calling the cops for a little while. So how about we make a deal?"

Mark nods slowly as I return his driver's license to the wallet. "Good. So if you don't call this in until I get something faster, I'll leave the wallet and bike somewhere for you." He blinks in confusion and I make sure to clarify with a wink. "I just want the money. We don't look anything alike, so I can't use this to get into any strip clubs."

"How long do I have to wait ..." Mark pauses as he looks for the right way to phrase it. "Before calling in my stolen bike?"

"Just check the news every few hours. I should be out of here by dinnertime." It's not going to be hard to find a dealership.

And I have enough cash to bribe a homeless person to grab some clothes. I can hit the drive though on the way out of town and start my mayhem.

The California redwoods are supposed to be nice this time of year... Maybe that should be my first stop?

July 5, 10:29 AM PDT

Star City is almost a mirror of San Francisco and it doesn't take long for me to pass a streetcar on my way downhill. It takes less than twenty minutes to get a hoodie thrown at me, with socks and sweat pants wrapped up inside.

"Crocs?" I scowl at the bright pink 'shoes'.

"I didn't think normal shoes would fit those feet." The sweaty woman I assume is a prostitute rasps back and takes a long drag off the smoke I know she bought with my money.

When I glance down and take in the ice build up that's nearly as thick as the stuff on my forearms, I sigh in frustration. "Thanks. Here's your payment." I hand her the three hundred I managed to withdraw from Mark's account.

She snatches the cash from my hand and doesn't wait for another word before scampering away. Senior really hasn't given our family a good rep in this city.

"And now I need something better than a ten speed." The bike was nice but it's not going to get me out of the state.

After an hour of staking out the Suzota dealership, I finally decide the soccer mom van will be the most discreet. And I can sleep in it.

Pulling open the front door, I growl at the approaching salesmen. "Get me your manager."

He doesn't react until I rip off my hood, revealing my very recognizable face. Well... at least in Star City.

"I need a car and you have a choice." The manager is hit with my offer the second he emerges from his office. "You give my one off the lot and call it in once I'm gone..." My eyes scan the employees for any sign of heroics and I thankfully find none. "Or I can trash every single one in the lot and take one of yours."

"Which one do you want?" The pudgy man with a comb over gasps in sheer terror, making that feeling of shame return.

"The turquoise van in the corner of the lot." The keys slam into my chest a moment later and the manager thrusts the salesman at me.

"Anthony here will get you all set up!" Once the order has been given, the cowardly boss flees back into his office.

"Well let's go Tony, I don't want to be here when the cops show up." He leads me out into the yard and gets confused when I stop him halfway. "I want your van. Your boss is already calling in this one, so I need to buy myself some time."

He hands me his keys with fear in his eyes and I sigh once again. "And can you make sure the bike and this wallet go to the cops. They can give them back to the dude I stole them from."
Chapter 3: Cold a Grudge
Chapter 3: Cold a Grudge
Patrick's Point
July 6, 4:17 PM PDT

In my third car since leaving Star City, I race through the little beach town with the radio cranked as loud as this station wagon can go. The fresh Starbucks in my left hand, already turned into an iced cap. I really do miss eating hot food.

"The five sidekicks are believed to have been trying to capture Icicle Junior." The host continues to explain how the Icebox was attacked last night, but I was nowhere to be seen. "But the gang leader known as Brick, had taken over the territory before the heroes discovered the hideout."

When she connects the teens to the fire at Cadmus, I realize that Speedy must have been help up with the statue. If he was even ten minutes late, he wouldn't have had time to have a tantrum.

I don't think it's that big of a deal. Speedy was in the first episode, he probably rejoined the team pretty fast anyway. And it's not like him running around solo was going to be that important.

"Sounds like he's pretty pissed off with me." My laughter bursts out in waves as I head towards the National Park. "Should probably lay low for a little while and work on my skills."

With a wince, I think back to the couple dozen animals I've left on the side of the road. It is a drought and a bunch of tank sized blocks of ice should help out. But it also proved I really need to practice my craft.

"Let's see how long it takes to make one of you recognizable." I'm not ready to make humans look even halfway decent and I don't have time to waste.

If I want my crime spree to make the right impression on the art community, I need to actually be making some. I can only hope the copy of Alice in Wonderland on the passenger seatwill be enough of a reference.

Stealing the families station wagon really started to bother me before I was even five blocks away. Which ended up with me bursting open an ATM and driving back to the shaken family.

I don't know exactly how much cash I threw at them. But it was at least a few thousand dollars and way more than they paid for the vehicle.

"The apparent leader of this new unnamed band of heroes, Speedy," Continues the snarky voice on the radio. "Has promised that his team will hunt down Junior and bring him to justice for his crime spree."

Definitely need to train, or I'm really going to get hurt when they finally find me. I know I could probably throw myself at the mercy of the heroes. But if I do that, my life is locked in forever.

The villains would never let me get away with selling them out. And I don't really have any desire to fight for my life every single day.

A big impact with as few casualties as I can cause. That's what I need each of my crimes to pull off and national monuments will be my best choice. I just need to make sure I'm good enough to leave the right impression first.

When the news report is finally over, the very welcome sound of the Eagles begins to play. Letting myself get distracted, I think over the possibilities for a new name.

"Mortal Kombat is a thing, so I guess just stealing Sub-zero is off the table." And most of my other ideas just lack any real oomph. "Something Christmas themed will just get me shanked once I hit Belle Reve."

Maybe something stoic like Tundra? Or maybe something that doesn't sound so intimidating, like naming myself after the blue hue my ice takes on?

I don't end up getting any closer to a choice by the time I reach the Redwood park pull off., leaving the decision for later. After I pull down my hood, I stop focusing on how thick the ice around my hands is. Now I want the big scary claws until I get out of the car, otherwise I'll just end up trashing another ride.

The campsite is filled to overflowing and the park ranger is already getting ready to stop me. But I can't let that happen and burst out of the car in an aggressive stance. The moment I stop focusing on looking normal, my forearms take on the thick and clawed appearance.

Drop the attitude and do what I say!" My roar stops the Hispanic man in his tracks. "Get all the campers rounded up and call in the rest of your staff. Tell them a kid got lost and you need to organize a search party."

A quick volley of ice shards pepper the parking lot as I follow the man to the ranger station. I don't really want to screw over a bunch of families. But I can't have anyone driving off to alert anyone and some wrecked tires shouldn't be too expensive.

Redwood Forest National Park
July 7, 8:24 AM PDT

Blinking at the sun's glare, I cut off the stream of azure blue energy. "Alright, how about this one?"

As I turn back to my captive audience, I wait patiently for anyone to gather the courage to speak. Can't really blame them though. I didn't really take the remarks from the first few attempts very graciously.

"And I promise not to get mad this time." Glancing over at the ice sheet on the lake and the seven people stuck on it, I realize I might have over reacted. "Come on people. I can't let you go until I can get this right."

The scores of Cheshire Cats litter the massive branches and create an eerie feeling of being watched. The first ten barely even look like an animal. But if I can say so, the last couple are starting to look alright.

I made everyone bring the tents into a single large ring, to observe them easier. Yet all it's down is make me nervous that the crowd will try to rush me.

The rows of terrified faces have been morphing through the night and almost half have been replaced with anger by now. I can take them of course, but I really don't want to hurt a bunch of innocent people. And definitely not until I know I can do it non lethally.

Realizing none of the adults are going to answer unless I force the issue, I scan the crowd for anyone younger than me. Aha, she's the perfect age to be a Disney brat!

"What's your name?" The blonde girl seems to be around ten years old and isn't clinging to her mother the way the other children are.

She doesn't answer, probably because her mother wraps a hand around her mouth. "If you tell me your name, I'm a lot less likely to hurt you." That gets a more positive reaction from the woman and her hand stats to relax. "It's what they teach in hostage negations at least."

"Her name is Cassie." The mother finally offers and removes her hand slowly. "And I'm Helena." I smirk when the mother follows the advice herself.

"Alright Cassie. Does this one look like the Cheshire Cat, or do I need to try again?" I'm too tired to really be cranky and just want to get someone's seal of approval.

"The last few have all been pretty good actually." Admits the completely unafraid girl as she steps in front of her mother. "But everyone was to scared to say anything."

"Do I really look that scary?" Appearances matter and I don't want that to be what makes people think I'm evil.

"You made a whole lot of grown men cry last night." Explains Helena, her voice growing in confidence as well.

Her daughter agrees with a thoughtful nod. "I think it's the claws and all the spikes. You'd be a lot less scary if you looked like snow instead." That's actually pretty good advice.

"How about this?" I focus on protecting my head with a cushion instead of a solid barrier and can feel something happening.

"It kind of looks like you have ice cream for hair now." Another child chimes in and is quick to introduce himself at his parent's prompting. "And my name is Nathan. So please don't kill me Mister Icicle Junior..." He frowns at his feet, very clearly trying to remember the rest of his speech. "Sir!"

"I don't want to hurt anyone," I rush to defend myself. "But I need your help mastering my powers and I really needed somewhere out of the way to do it."

I don't really pay attention to Cassie, but she carefully approaches my latest creation while I'm distracted. "And now I really don't want to hurt you either. You don't seem so mean."

When I do finally turn back to the blonde girl, it's to a very shocking sight. "So I'll give you a choice." I don't know how she did it so quietly, but she has the giant ice sculpture held above her head. "You can run away right now. Or I can beat you up."

I have no idea which hero she's related too, but I'm not taking my chances with an angry father. "Uh..." Swallowing in fear as I run through the known possibilities, I start to get even more concerned over the idea of her being a villains kid. "No need for that Cassie. I said I'd leave once I got a thumbs up."
Interlude 1: The Boys
Interlude 1: The Boys
Star City
July 5, 1:49 AM PDT

"You will not be doing this again." Batman's words ring out with a sense of finality. But this time it isn't enough to silence the teenage heroes and one red head in particular.

"Screw that!" Speedy barks out in response, his stubborn green eyes searching his friends faces for support.. "You trained us for what?" He pant's in frustration, his voice dripping it thick with each word. "Some kind of guided tour, or maybe you're just training us to be your secretaries?"

"We saved people today," Adds the more reserved Kaldur'ahm with a wince towards his king. "The five of us, together did so."

Not one to be left out of the new flow, Wally stands firm beside his friends. "And we will again."

"You spend all this time looking after the world, but America's crime rate has been going up since you formed the League." When Robin chimes in with the real hard facts, it's clear to the Mentors what's about to happen.

"Superman already bailed..." The apparent leader growls out as he points his bow towards the vanishing cape. "So why don't you follow his lead and let us figure this out ourselves!"

When the red cape is gone from sight, Superboy crosses his arms and stands in the middle of the sidekicks. "Heroes are supposed to help people. So why are you trying to stand in our way?"

It's clear he doesn't understand the nuance of why, but the words get his rescuers to quickly agree. With the Archer Roy, leading the teens towards one of his safe houses.

"My mom is going to kill me," Groans Kid Flash as the sidekicks make their dramatic exit from the Cadmus lot. "I was supposed to be home by ten and it's... a whole lot later than that right now."

"You can always call her." Snorts his best friend, the smirking Robin. "As if it's okay to have a sleep over."

"Tell her you're going to check out some campuses with me." Offers the oldest of the group with a look of consideration growing on his face. "You can stay here until school starts."

Nodding at the idea, Wally eventually shrugs in acceptance. "Better than my idea of running home and leaving her a note."

"Wouldn't that take you like two hours?" Chuckling once he runs the numbers in his head, Robin follows the others towards a run down bowling alley.

"Better than facing my mom's wrath for breaking curfew." Counters the speedster instantly. "Because I really don't think Unc-" He manages to change his words at the last moment. "The Flash is going to cover for me this time."

"You can be scared of your mother." Speedy grunts as he shoulders open the back door. "I'm more concerned with why my uncle was working for the bad guys and tracking down that moron Junior."

"I can help with the second thing," Offers a still smirking Robin. "But you're on your own with Guardian."

Star City
July 6, 6:56 AM PDT

"Are you sure this is the right way to handle this?" The Flash mutters under his breath to his two comrades. "Shouldn't we still be trying to make them wait?"

Not even bothering to turn his head, Batman just grunts out his firm response. "It's too late for that and you know it. They've decided to act and now all we can do is maintain the illusion that it's the way they want it."

Even though he's on board with the overall plan, some parts are still bothering Green Arrow. "By giving them access to the Zeta tubes?"

"Restricted access." Reminds the Dark Knight with a small smirk gracing his lips. "America and Poseidonis only. We don't want them causing an international incident for at least a few more years."

"Do we really need to lie to Kaldur?" The Flash pauses in concern and turns to the one who doesn't seem to be freaking out.

Without even blinking, Batman is quick to answer. "We need to slow them down for a few days so we can get them approval to operate in America."

"And it's not really lying," Adds the local archer. "Arthur does need to speak with him over the choice made last night."

"And sending them after Icicle Junior?" Flash finally seems to be coming around and sighs heavily.

"He's a known quantity-" Starts Batman.

Only for Green Arrow to interrupt with a confused snort. "I thought he was. But his stunt really surprised me."

"Which one?" With a wary look, the Flash fishes for information on the ice powered teen. "The Statue of Nudity, or the string of stolen cars?"

"Honestly?" Green Arrow frowns at his friends and sighs. "Everything he's done the last few days is pretty weird."

"He's been doubling back and making it incredibly difficult to pin down his destination." Agrees the one doing most of said tracking. "It will keep Robin and his friends busy, until we can think of something better."

Once the archer opens the door to one of his many buildings scattered throughout the state, the three heroes stalk towards the sleeping proteges. When the security is turned of with only a few muttered words, Batman just shakes his head in disappointment.

"You're going to need to improve the defences here," His eyes scan the room and only finds a half dozen measures. "Or I'll have to get Alfred to slip some better ideas to Robin. As it is, this place wouldn't last ten minutes in a fight."

"I'd rather we get them out of my city and somewhere a little slower to start out." The green clad hero argues in a hushed whisper. "Maybe they should go to Central and deal with your strangely friendly foes."

The Flash just shakes his head and stamps out that idea. "Most of the Rogues are pretty tame but theirs far too many of them."

The final member of the group decides to finally speak, with Guardian not being so quick to dismiss the teens. "They took on a whole lot of Genomorphs and Suberboy. I think they'll surprise you."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Admits the Gothamite.

"What are you doing here?" The voice of Roy Harper interrupts and draws the heroes gaze towards his new look.

The yellow of his costume is gone along with his robin hood styled hat. Now looking more like a crimson version of his mentor, Roy blocks the stairs with crossed arms.

"Came to admit you had a few good points." Green Arrow starts when he gets the signal from Batman. "Like how we shouldn't be trying to coddle you." It takes every fibre of his being to not break his composure uttering that lie.

Taking his que, the Flash is quick to continue. "And after Kaldur gets back from Atlantis, you have our approval to operate."

"What do you mean back?" Roy blinks at the odd news. "Why does he have to go anywhere?"

"Aquaman is still his king you know." The older archer points out with a wink. "And he wants to discuss the disobedience in his own domain."

"And Kid really needs to go home before his mom kills me." Adds the scarlet speedster with a wry chuckle.

Jim tries to steer the subject towards his own presence. "Give you a chance to show Superboy the city and life outside Cadmus."

"Why are you here?" Superboy growls from behind Roy, with the other boys heard climbing the stairs.

"I got fired for letting you escape and need a new job." Guardian explains as he removes his helmet. "So I was wondering if you'd have any use for an out of retirement hero. I know the fast kid could use some help with his combat and you never know, it might come in handy to have an adult on staff."
"I don't know..." Roy looks about ready to deny the offer, once he manages to find a polite way to do so that is.

"I can help Robin track down Icicle's hideout while you and Superboy check the city for clues." His uncle suggests carefully. "I'm not really all that interested in wearing this get up in the field. But I don't mind playing secretary and coach for you."​
Chapter 4: Flurry Along
Chapter 4: Flurry Along
Redwood forest National Park, California
July 7, 10:38 AM PDT

Can't risk taking the highway, better take take the logging roads instead. The thought of Cassie lifting what had to be a couple thousand pounds with such ease, is enough to convince me of who she really is.

Once I take the time to think it through rationally, it's pretty obvious who's going to be looking for me soon. I just held Superman's cousin hostage. My blood manages to run even colder than normal as I jog under the enormous trees.

While being chased off by a ten year old was pretty emasculating, I'm just happy to escape any heat vision. But if I'm really expecting to fight Young Justice, I will need to practice more than my art.

It's easy to make a simple sword after such a long night, with the blade appearing fully formed in just a fraction of a second. Too easy to kill someone with this. Probably a good time to work on my image if I want to make an impression.

Glancing at my shoulders, I focus on turning the spikes into something more like football padding. The sensation leaves my skin tingling as I check myself out in the reflection of my arm. Not bad, though it's really starting to look like I skip leg day.

Shaking my head at the idea of tearing a superhero open, I let the weapon turn back into a nearly liquid state. The next attempt ends up being an oversized hammer that I need to increase the ice on my legs to lift properly. And this one just makes me look ridiculous.

While I keep experimenting with different weapons through the day, the closest thing I find to a favourite ends up being a pair of massive boxing gloves. "Still not quite right." Grunting in frustration, the 'gloves' melt away with a splash. "But I guess it will do for now."

It's only been maybe ten miles and I'm already regretting the choice to escape on foot. Wonder if Kakashi was right, and it really is hard to control energy with my feet?

"No reason not to try." It's only going to be the birds who get a laugh at my expense.

It takes a while to work up the nerve to just throw myself forward and it ends about as well as I should have expected. The track forms almost perfectly when I let the energy fly from my fingers, only for my to slide right off when my feet connect.

"I'm going to be at this for a while." I snort when the watching crows indeed start to caw in amusement.

Alturas, California
July 10, 1:44 PM PDT

Emerging from the tree line with a look of ecstatic glee, I skate towards the road at what has to be nearly thirty miles an hour. After a few dozen failures at creating a slide I could ride, I discovered the Frozone approach was a better choice.

He had skates in his suit. Once I remembered that, it was simple to turn my clawed feet into a pair of roller blades. It's a little hard to focus on keeping the ice from freezing all the way but a heck of a lot faster than walking. And something I can actually take pride in.

Junior never figured this kind of thing out and I can finally say that with confidence. Only a handful of his memories are still out of reach and it's mostly just the ones forgotten naturally.

The sight of the golden arches reminds makes me start to drool in anticipation. Three days of fish was more than enough and at this point I'd even rob a Subway.

Though I wonder if I could get them to sponsor me. "Could always name myself McFlurry if they pay enough."

Ignoring the fact that I'd actually have to bring the company in more money than they pay me, I let my mind wander to other branding opportunities. Blizzard would let me work with Dairy Queen and claim the name is just a coincidence.

I could get some of that Starbucks money and go with Ice Cap. That one doesn't feel right immediately and I discard the idea. But Frosty is another good idea and Wendy's has the best fries by far.

As the road sign in front of me gets closer, I'm shocked at how fast I actually have to be going. The speed limit is fifty and I'm about to pass that truck.

"Maybe I should just try out for the Olympics." I don't consider that idea for more than a few seconds. On second thought, how much money do they make?

Not enough to satisfy Father... Smirking as I enter the city proper, I cockily wave at the girls gasping in fright. Or myself if I'm being honest.

I'm not going to settle for working some bog standard nine to five job. Not when I have the ability to create ice out of nothing and know how valuable fresh water is.

Sirens are already sounding in the distance when I cut in line at the drive through. A single glance at me was enough for the driver to offer me his food instead of waiting. Very eagerly too, which I hope is a sign I'm going to be taken more seriously than Junior.

"Thanks dude, have a cat." With a grin at his panicked yelp, I point a single finger at the hood of his car. The nearly perfect Cheshire Cat acts as a perfect hood ornament and I decide the restaurant could do with some 'gargoyles'.

As soon as I finish the one on the last corner of the roof, my skates are already back around my feet. "Which way to Sacramento?" I have no plan to go back to the coast, but I hope it throws the heroes off for another day or two.

"That way." Stutters out the woman at the window even as her coworkers cower out of sight.

"You better get a raise out of this. A babe like you doesn't deserve the kind of stress this job brings." My comment gets a string of confused blinking, followed by a few nervous coughs as I skate the way she pointed.

It's back the way I came but I can always just double back and walk for a few miles. Won't be a good idea to leave a trail, not after I lose these guys anyway.

As I start to strain from exertion, a pair of squad cars peel around the corner and start gaining. "Come on Glen, this is just like at the grad party." I try not to get distracted by my memory of a world I may never see again and leap over the railing.

The sudden change in direction and terrain is more than enough to lose the cops as I land on the river below. The ice my skates create is just enough to keep me dry as I give the cars both middle fingers. Skating back into the woods with a full belly, I'm not even upset about having to job off the calories.

"A few more stops and I'll be ready to end this road trip." Talking to myself was all that kept me from killing every single crow and I see no reason to stop now. "Next stop, Las Vegas!" I really need to make a friend, because sometimes I actually think someone else is responding to me.

It'll give me a chance to make some contacts of my own and preferably legitimate ones. "If any city is going to like my kind of art, it's the maniacs in Sin City." And it gives me a few choices if I need to make another quick escape.

Confident that Superman isn't holding a grudge, the job ends up going better than I expected. "I might actually get in shape before I get locked up." Which is something that boggles my mind until I realize Cameron only ever focused on shooting blasts of ice.

Junior had really only ever been in maybe a dozen fights. With all of them against the archers or Black Canary, I'm not dreading the effort needed to be considered competent. I might even be able to pull off a few surprises, when I do have my showdown with Speedy and his team.​
Chapter 5: Ice To Meet You
Chapter 5: Ice To Meet You
Las Vegas, Nevada
July 13, 9:04 PM PDT

Strutting down the strip with a confidence brought on by my recent string of good luck, I whistle a tune some might even call jaunty. Once I discovered how easy it was to burst open an ATM, I made sure to hit a good half dozen on my way into the city.

I still haven't counted my haul but I had more than enough cash on hand to buy the silence of the fleabag motel staff. All I had to do was ad a feminine tone to my voice and look like I think Superman is still hunting for me.

It's giving my neighbours the impression I'm on the run from a conservative family and gives me room to breath. Time which I used incredibly well too.

Instead of stealing another vehicle, I paid for a beat up truck my second day in Vegas. Kurt's List is a little more blatant about it's use for the services Craig kept discreet. But at least I can be confident that the seller ain't going to report me to the police.

The new clothes probably help my self esteem. I've never been able to afford anything this nice before and none of the staff ran away in fear. It's Vegas, I guess they're just used to the freaky walking through the door.

Knowing I'll be in mid west for at least another week or so, I decided to embrace the cowboy aesthetic. Several pairs of blue jeans and wife beater, with a nice shiny brass belt buckle.

In case I need to hide my face, a wide brimmed ten gallon white hate to contrast my black boots. And with the blue bandana, it really caps it all off.

Glancing at the people walking around me, the families are starting to get out numbered by the young and dumb. Which means it's finally time to get my tattoo.

When I noticed that my skin was always numb except to the more intense injuries, finding a parlour that would work on me became a top priority. It took a nearly the whole day to find someone who would ignore my age. But Ariadne finally agreed if came back after closing.

Winking at the red headed hottie about my age, I just smirk when her equally attractive friend chases me off. "You don't know what you're missing out on. I'm going to be world famous by year's end and this is your chance to get in before it goes to my head."

That doesn't get more than snorts of disgust from the raven haired girl in the tux. "Don't waste your time on morons like that." With that dismissal delivered, I get no further notice as she grabs her blushing friend by the hand. "We better get inside. I'm supposed to get sawed in half at ten thirty and I'm already going to be pushing Dad's patience as it is."

"It's really okay for me to be a volunteer?" Is the last I hear of the conversation and I get distracted by the next group of babes. Ooh, a bridal shower.

The string of rejections continues all the way back to Pinxit's place and I decide not to press my luck with the artist. I'm pretty sure I saw her tattoos moving around and I don't want to find out it's just the caffeine.

They didn't have any energy drinks I recognized, but the Zap stuff I tried was apparently approved by the Flash. Of course maybe that's why it tasted like his piss?

Las Vegas, Nevada
July 14, 5:24 PM PDT

Even though most of the people staying in the motel are nice and ordinary people, I ended up making another friend in Crazy Quilt.

Well... friend is a strong word. More like a business partner really and one who can draw all the attention until I'm well outside city limits.

When I got back to the motel, it's to find him smoking beside the algae filled pool. "So Paul..." I drawl out slowly. "Decided to help me, or are ya going to wuss out?"

"I just don't see how it's going to pay out," The man admits with a guilty look on his face. "It sounds more like a giant distraction."

"We set it all up and hit any casinos we want." My explanation is plausible enough to work. "Zatara will be too busy to stop either of us for at least fifteen minutes." And I'll be long gone by that point.

"So why don't we get more people in on this?" The light based criminal ponders. "We can't hit every place in that amount of time and more bodies would help us slip away."

That's actually not a bad idea. "Do you know anybody else in town?" He is from Gotham and hasn't been here much longer than I have.

"We are on the border of Painkiller and Adonis territory you know." Pointing up at some graffiti on the building across the street, Paul is starting to look on board with the plan. "I could probably get them to hit a few places while you're setting everything up for me."

"Do it." Eventually I give the go ahead and give him directions to the place I chose for the display. "Don't be late though. We need to do this right at sunset for the best effect."

"I am a professional you know." I don't buy his affronted expression.

"One who got chased out his home town by Batgirl and Robin." Countering his response with a snarky one of my own, I smirk at his very clear annoyance. "Not even the big Bat himself."

"He was with the League in Australia!" The denial sounds weak to both of us and we share a look.

Letting my expression melt into one of shared frustration, I extend an olive branch. At least you didn't get scared off by a civilian."

"Really?" Crazy Quilt leans forward, eager to here about someone else getting embarrased. "What happened?"

"... I'm pretty sure it was Superman's cousin." Eventually I sigh and reveal the juicy details. "Because that ten year old was stronger than Brick... Not like it will be much longer for 'Cassie' to be wearing the S.

"Ain't he in Bane's weight class?" Gaps Paul at that bit of news and I don't feel nearly as bad for making such a quick escape.

"I keep expecting the Boy Scout to come out of nowhere." I admit why I've really been so twitchy and don't get any laughter from my friend. "It's why I bailed on California."

He nods in understanding and offers me his pack, though I find I still haven't had a craving. Perks of having fresh lungs I guess.

"I don't blame ya in the slightest." His response is actually heartfelt and I'm starting to feel bad about the plan to ditch him. "That's some shit luck you got." Not enough to change my mind though, so I hope you get over it by the time I join you.

Las Vegas, Nevada
July 14, 7:10 PM PDT

When Crazy Quilt joins me on the roof of the Palazzo, his eyes go wide at how large I made everything. "Aren't you a little young to like disco?"

The centre piece of tonight is a hollow disco ball almost twenty feet across and I've spent a lot of time making sure it will refract light properly. "Hope you aren't claustrophobic, because it will be a tight fit in the middle. I kind of forgot you're fat."

"Whose stick and bones without that ice armour?" He counters with a snort and approaches the steaming blocks of grey ringing the ball of ice. "What are these?"

"Dry ice." My explanation gets a thoughtful nod and I feel my body crave the approval. "I finally figured out that I can freeze more than just water." And this stuff looks sweet as hell, so it's going to become one of my signature moves going forward.

"It looks awesome and will give you some cover to escape under." I remind him that he's going to alone up here.

Taking a deep breath, Paul exhales and starts to climb inside the disco ball. "See you back at the motel. Good luck."

"You too buddy," My words are tinged with guilt but my sacrifice doesn't seem to notice.
Interlude 2: Martians and Magic
Interlude 2: Martians and Magic
Las Vegas, Nevada
July 13, 11:25 AM PDT

"You said I was meeting one of the new teen heroes," The younger Zatara gripes to her father as they wait in front of the Palazzo for their guest.

"I thought you saw the news of the Terror Twins being arrested?" Giovanni smirks down at his equally well dressed daughter. "I thought that news of the Martian Manhunter's new protege would have left a bigger impression on you."

Scrunching her face up in confusion, the magician in training tries to appear like she's not staring at the approaching pair. "They aren't green though." It doesn't help that the girl's light skin and cherry red hair contrast with the dark skin of her uncle.

"John and Megan aren't public like I am." Explains the Leagues magical expert. "So I expect you to be careful while you're out in public with her."

"Did anyone think to tell them they probably should have matched?" Zatanna finally shrugs off the disappointment and starts to smile.

"She left one planet's discrimination and said she has no intention of going through it here on Earth." Explains her father with a low voice.

Blinking at the words, Zatanna probes for more. "What, is she a few shades darker than her uncle or something?"

"None of us felt comfortable asking," He admits with a guilty shrug. "I should talk to J'onn about his past. Maybe even see if he wants to come to the show tomorrow."

"Greetings Giovanni." Detective John shakes hands with one of the few public members of the Justice League and introduces his niece Megan Morse to the pair. "I truly appreciate you looking after Megan while I handle this case."

"It needs to be done and you have the best chance of doing it undetected." Waving off the thanks, Giovanni talks around the subject of Santa Prisca. "But if you happen to finish early, I do have an extra ticket for the show tomorrow night."

Instead of denying the offer like Batman always does, the disguised J'onn accepts with a wide smile. "I thank you my friend. I have always wanted to see you perform without the threat of danger."

"Maybe I should try and work you into one of my shows." The magician's eyes shine with inspiration. "The powers you possess would be quite useful in a performance."

"I'm not much for showing off," Admits the Martian with a nod towards his niece. "But I believe Megan might like a summer job."

"Really?" With a smile that could light up the entire strip, the redhead's eyes dart nervously between the adults. "Thank you so much! I'm not red..." M'gann wraps Giovanni in a hug the moment he nods his approval. "So I never thought someone would give me a chance like this."

With his own eyes now wide with concern, Giovanni glances over to John. "Your welcome Megan. I didn't think it would mean so much to you."

Once the goodbyes are finished and her uncle is gone, M'gann is practically dragged back outside. "Dad has some business meetings this afternoon so that means we get to do whatever we want until the show starts."

"What do you normally do?" With a shy voice, Megan hides her desire fora chance at something human.

"Anything that will let a minor in the doors." Answers the magical girl with a string of giggles.

Las Vegas, Nevada
July 14, 7:23 PM PDT

The screams are what end the show early, with Giovanni creating a silver dome to shield the audience. "Stay in your seats until I know it's safe!"

While all eyes are on the stage, J'onn slips out discreetly and shifts into his normal form by the time he's in the hallway. The chaos on the street has him rocket forward and catch a spiralling new chopper before it slams into the hotel.

Mountains of cold smoke pour off the roof and blanket the streets around the martian. As he helps the news crew out safely, beams of multi coloured light leave the roof in a barrage.

Anyone too close to the light beams ends up screaming about sudden blindness and J'onn finally has an explanation for all the crashed cars. <Zatara, I'm going to need your help out here.>

He only hesitates a moment before repeating the message to his niece. Though with the addendum that she avoid any combat and stick to crowd control.

<I'm going after the source,> Commands the martian as he rockets upwards, directing his fellow League member towards the violence back down at street level. <But you need to stop the robberies, I can see at least three taking place already.

As he floats over the roof and finds the man inside the disco ball, J'onn barely avoids a concentrated volley sent right for him. <And do not look at the lights.> He calls out in warning and reforms undamaged optic nerves.

The intensity and frequency of the blasts picks up for a few minutes and Crazy quilt manages too keep the Martian back. But once he starts to pant, the hero takes advantage of the bigger openings.

Diving forward, J'onn phases through the sphere of ice and grabs the wheezing man. Bringing the criminal with him back into the fresh air, the Martian links his captive into the terror below.

The C-lister sags in defeat and starts to shake from the exposure to his victims emotions."How did you get to me so fast?" The confusion that's leaking out of him, slowly shifting to feelings of betrayal. "Cameron was supposed to distract you."

"The robberies would have worked if Zatara was alone." Explains J'onn as he questions the criminal several stories above the street.

"I told him he had shit luck." Peter Dekker scowls at having called it. "Shouldn't have gotten myself involved in this mess."

Nodding at the comment, J'onn doesn't bother listing all the crimes committed. "Now why don't you tell me where this Cameron is?"

"I doubt he's waiting for me." Groans the captive as he makes out Adonis being floated over Zatara's head. "But he said he wanted to see the Grand Canyon. Maybe you can cut him off."

"Manhunter to Watchtower." Wasting not even a second, J'onn activates his communicater with a tap of his finger. "Let Guardian know we have a lead on Junior and have him deploy the team."

"But Flash is closer," Captain Atom disagrees from the orbiting satellite. "He can take care of it in no time."

"Batman wants the boys to handle this and I believe this gives me the perfect chance to introduce M'gann to them." Overrules the martian with a look of pride at his niece. "She and Zatanna did well."

"You know Giovanni isn't going to like that idea." Points out the radioactive hero with a wry grin gracing his face. "He's a little over protective."

Glancing down to see the magician throwing balls of fire at the goons approaching his daughter, J'onn is forced to agree. "True. But he is the one who voted to approve a training team for the boys, instead of the covert one Batman preferred."

"Can you..." Interrupts the incredibly pale Crazy Quilt. "Finish that call on the ground?"

By the time they land, the cops have started to arrive on the scene. With the officers handling the gangs, it leaves the heroes free argue under the cover of magical silence.

"Absolutely not!" Giovanni roars in concern at the suggestion. "Zatanna is not ready to be a hero."

"Which is something we all agree on," Reminds J'onn with a calm, soothing voice. "But the boys already tried to go independent and we barely managed to get our foot in the door with Guardian."

"Do you really want me trying something by myself?" Cuts in his daughter, revealing she took down the silence charm at some point. "Because now that I got a taste of it, I'm not going to stop."

Placing her hands on her hips, Zatanna gives her father a disappointed scowl. "How come you never told me how exhilarating this is? All you ever do is say it's hard work and dangerous."

"Because it is!" Giovanni snaps back at his little girl with a panicking voice.

"So shouldn't you be making sure I get the proper training first?" Seeing the fight in her father is weakening, Zatanna pounces. "And not just sneak out each night?"

"I suppose..." He drawls out in defeat. "But I better not find out about you being too friendly with any of those ruffians."

"Or inform the boys of Guardians role as in between." Reminds the stoic J'onn, getting a mouthed 'thanks' from his fellow adult.
Chapter 6: Hail and Highwater
Chapter 6: Hail and Highwater
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 19, 12:16 AM MDT

Tossing aside the newspaper with a snort of laughter, I take great satisfaction at learning about Brick's arrest. Young Justice may not have found me yet, but the response time to my crimes is getting faster with each one.

I don't know why Red Arrow seems so mad whenever he's on the news and snarling about me not escaping this time. I gave his team a free trip to the Grand Canyon, they should be thanking me.

I don't know if I'm actually going to make it all the way across the country. Not before they manage to finally corner me at least.

The beaches here are just as packed as the ones back in Star City and give me a chance to blend in with the crowd. With the stolen wet suit on, very little is visible to mark me as different. And now that I have a big enough audience, it's finally time to get started.

Or at least it should have been. But the amount of times something has gone wrong the last couple weeks, has me on a razor's edge.

The sight of two blondes with a striking amount of similarities strutting down the beach, is enough to make me pause. They aren't normal.

Where do I know them from? I know I've seen their faces before but can't quite put my finger on it.

Not everyone is in a bathing suit today, so that on it's own wouldn't be an oddity. But the pair are definitely wearing some kind of matching costume. And I think they're casing out the marina right now.

"That's not going to work." Scowling at the unaware pair about to cause a scene, I make a beeline for them. "I called dibs."

With as much bluster as I can manage, I slam my shoulder into the brother with full force. Instead of the cold getting the reaction I wanted, it's me who is sent sprawling onto the sand. And with barely any effort.

Ignoring the chuckles as I scramble back to my feet, the ice begins to thicken beneath the wet suit. "You two aren't locals. I checked."

That comment gets a surly scowl from the brother and I finally realize he may only have a couple inches on me. But at least a few weight classes.

I'm not going to get a great rep by running from every single fight. And this one is at least going to be on both my terms and relatively even odds.

"You better apologize to my brother," Demands the girl with a thick southern drawl, crossing her arms for intimidation.

"It was mighty rude of him," Her brother agrees with a menacing snort. "So why don't you get back down on your knees and start begging. I might accept it if you make it convincing."

The crowd senses something is about to go down and starts to give us space, with my eyes darting back and forth between the twins. "Well I had come over here to hit on the total hottie..."

With that I stand straight, cracking my neck in preparation for violence. The ice around me strains the wet suit and gets the duo to step back startled. The costumes finally strike a chord and I recognize the two from the news. The Terror Twins.

"But I'm fine just hitting you instead." With that cocky remark, I swing my right fist right into the male Terror's jaw.

The siblings had been chased of by just Kid Flash and Superboy, giving me a shocking amount of confidence in my chances. His head snaps back as he gets sent stumbling backwards, though I have to regrow the ice on my hand before I throw a second punch.

While the twins exchange looks of feral excitement, I decide not to wait. A solid beam of blue overtakes the girl, leaving her frozen under nearly an inch of ice.

"This is my turf!" I need to build a rep somehow and I'd much rather begin with nobodies like this.

"You're really going to regret that!" Tommy as I believe the news called him, roars as he charges towards me. And I do.

The icy strip that I create under his feet sends him tumbling over. But unfortunately, the momentum makes sure it's right into me.

With an angry smirk the blonde meathead snarls down at me. "My turn."

"Save some for me!" No matter how fast I regrow the ice, he sends nearly all of it crumbling with only a single blow.

The momentary pause as Tommy turns back to his sister is all I need. Instead of protecting my face, I focus everything into a single point.

The ice around my chin tears through the wet suit with an audible rip, getting Tommy to turn his head back towards me. When he feels the pressure on his throat, the Terror realizes what I've done.

"I win." The smugness I feel as his eyes lock onto my frozen beard is enough for me to forget my string of complications.

Extended into a needle sharp points, my icy hairs press right against his jugular. Fear flashes in his eyes as I let them puncture his skin enough to draw blood and I decide that's probably enough.

"Unless you want to keep pushing this..." The words come out with a hint of cruelty and I try not to revel in it. "You two work for me now."

Having Paul take the fall might have bothered me for a few days. But after so many close calls with the sidekicks, I'd rather have some meat shields. I'm starting to think Red Arrow might try and make it look like an accident.

"What are you waiting for Tommy, smash that piece a crap into paste!" His sister snarls from behind, unaware of how close she is to being an only child.

The crowd has had more than enough of the action by this time though. The entire beach starts clearing out in droves, with calls for the police already filling the air.

"Tuppence..." The defeat in Tommy's voice is palpable and I revel in such a complete victory. "He's got me dead to rights."

"... You sure?" Most of the fight is gone from her voice, wariness replacing it as she waits for my next move.

"He so much as twitches in any direction," My words are as cold and emotionless as I can manage at the moment. "And I'll find out if twins really can feel each other's pain." I really hope they don't call me on it, because I have no idea if it was a bluff or not.

"What are the choices again?" Tuppence snarls at me, while her brother just tries not breathing too hard.

"Work for me and get paid well..." I let the words hang in the air for a few seconds. "Or die whenever I decide."

"What's stopping us from killing you once he's back on his feet?" She sounds like the slightly smarter twin and so I focus on convincing her.

How 'truly' lethal I am is something I don't want anyone to be sure of and so I stretch the truth with the next threat. "You know how much of the human body is really just water? Because unless you can solve that little problem, I can freeze it in less than a second."

"So why didn't you?" She proves that some brain cells are rubbing around in her skull and cautiously doubts my claim. "You just let Tommy wail on ya."

Trying to act as cold as the memories of Senior show him throughout Junior's entire life, I think it works. "I need a crew and not corpses and that way kills you too fast. But I can probably make do with just one of you if I have to."

"I vote yes." Whimpers Tommy, his eyes not having moved from my beard since it touched him.
Chapter 7: Fools Cold
Chapter 7: Fools Cold
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 19, 1:06 PM MDT

"You just want us to pull them to shore?" Tommy grunts in disappointment when I explain the plan.

"Shipwrecks aplenty down below and I'm going to float one of them up." I'll even let you play battleship when we finish sorting through the crates.

All we had to do was lay low after our little scuffle and Young Justice didn't even stick around long enough for an interview this time. The Martian on the team gives me pause though, because that's one of my greatest fears.

Changing a persons memories is the effectively the same as killing them and then replacing them with a copy from an alternate universe. The more you change the memories, the farther out you grab the new version from.

With cold realization sinking in, I start to worry about my own sudden arrival here. Is that why the guy Psimon was with dad a few months ago? Did he want a better version of his son and replace the original?

No all powerful entity took credit for me being here and I haven't found any other kind of clue. Are all the memories of my other life just figments that Psimon threw together? Am I even a person, or will I unravel at the slightest mental tug?

With no desire to find out, I start wondering if an icy version of Magneto's helmet would work. Guess I'll find out when we fight.

But as I swim down into the murky depths, a sudden stroke of brilliance fills me. Oh... that would really piss off Red Arrow.

The boat I want to bring back to the surface, sunk with several hundred bars of gold back in eighteen ninety four. So far no one has claimed the wreckage even though the site is marked as a hazard on several maps. The city should be paying us to clean up this mess.

Tommy might have been satisfied with his life and the promise of pay for now, but his sister was savvy enough to insist on a payment rate. They've pretty much stuck to robbing jewellery stores so far and it has left them with an impressive haul. But neither had more than a hundred in cash and that left me negotiating from a position of strength.

The low ball offer was rejected like I knew it would be, letting the pair think they had some power in the situation. But when I went from one to twelve grand instantly, I saw the dollar signs distract them from thinking it through.

Once I get my bars of gold, we can hide all of our loot in one secure place. Preferably not one marked done on the cities heritage website.

Tommy seems to love the idea of being some kind of reverse pirate. Not that I can really blame him. Sailing the land and burying our treasure in the water is kind of funny. Tuppence doesn't really seem to care, not as long as I pay her in cash.

As the silt gets stirred up by my passing, the head lamp is almost entirely useless. Waiting until I can actually see again, I kick myself inside the wreckage with far less enthusiasm.

Just need to find somewhere strong enough and I'm almost done. I'm not really that claustrophobic normally. But this is eerie as all hell and I just want to get back to the sunlight.

Finally breaching the surface, plenty of shocked voices can be heard from the boaters around us. Just glad I didn't flip anyone over on the way up.

"What are you waiting for, start pulling!" My screech is shrill enough to carry to the beach.

We need to be gone in under eight minutes, which gets me to start throwing bits of debris overboard. The layers of silt are nearly waist deep after a century under the lake, forcing me to search blind for anything solid.

The pair prove themselves to be worthy minions, with the boat dragging on the sand before I know it. "Get in here and help me look!" We don't have time to waste patting ourselves on the back.

"Why doesn't Tuppence have to help?" He grumbles back at me, but does climb inside.

"We need to know if a cyclone starts to head right for us." We'll only have about thirty seconds to deal with him before the rest of the team arrive on the scene. "Unless you want to fight Superboy and Kid Flash again." You will, just not yet.

"We can take them," He counters with an eager grin. "All you need to do is flash freeze them."

"I'm not looking to start a blood feud with Superman!" One family member as a target was enough for me. "I just want to make a lot of money for very little effort." And powers make that a very real possibility. "If I had your kind of muscle, I'd probably hire myself out as mining equipment for a few months each year. Some of those things cost millions."

"And get ordered around by some jerk I could snap like a twig?" The idea doesn't sit well with Tommy at all. "No thanks."

"You'd only need to do it for a year or two and then you could start your own company. Hire your own crew to do all the boring stuff, while you can just be the muscle."

He doesn't answer right away, instead his face contorts into a scowl. "I think I found something." Bending at the waist, Tommy's arms disappear into the muck.

Instead of flailing around blindly like I have, he soon pulls out a mostly crate. The wood is old but well treated, keeping the bars of gold all in one place.

"Pass that off and keep looking for the other three!" His suddenly excited sister snarls. "You already wasted half our time finding this one."

In the end one crate is left behind, either on the lake bed or the boat on the beach. But now with a seven person team, I really don't fancy a fight. Though maybe I should leave Roy a message?

If I told him how impressed I've been with his team... Maybe he'll stop looking like he wants my head removed.

"Hold on!" The cyclone is streaking right towards the beach just as Tommy slams the door behind him. "And tell me if he follows us." If he does, the rest of the team will already be trying to cut us off.

"We can take him," Tuppence gripes from the backseat, the armrest crumpling to her anger. "It's just the scrawny twerp."

"I'm not stopping you from getting out." Neither of them makes a move to get out and I finish with a wink. "But I'm not waiting for you either." I only have a few more weeks of freedom and I'm not cutting that any shorter than I have to.

No more argument rises and I peel out of the parking lot just as the speedsters cloud of dust arrives. I don't speed and signal when needed, making sure not to draw any extra attention our way.

"Not a bad haul actually," Tuppence finally admits as she holds one of the bars up for a closer look. "But I still think you should have hit the Mormons."

"Same reason I'm not in a rush to fight Superman's kid." I know he's a clone but that's not the kind of information I should be spreading. "Don't want to get smited by someone all powerful."

I know the gods are real in DC, but I'm not actually sure about the ones with a capital G. Not something I'm willing to risk though for just a simple score.

"Can you turn some kind of actual music on?" Tuppence whines at the radio and the ska blaring through the speakers. "Or do we have to listen to these drowning cats the entire way?"

"Songs not nearly long enough for that," I assure her with a growing smirk. "Unless you want me to put it on repeat?"​
Interlude 3: Club House
Interlude 3: Club House
Star City, California
July 21, 9:14 AM MDT

Kid Flash just shrugs back at his not so temporary house guest. "It's not really normal to be missing a name at your age."

"But if parents name their kids, why is she making me choose my own?" With the pair approaching the bowling alley only a little late, Superboy still feels like he's the one at fault for the stress at breakfast.

"Because you aren't a baby," The red head snorts back and decides to spill the beans. "No matter what the calendar says."

Guilt fills the clone's face as he thinks back to the prior afternoon. "I may have over reacted..."

"Ya think?"

"I just wasn't expecting her to talk in our heads." The explanation doesn't really make sense to the speedster. But he does put on an understanding face to fake it.

"Just try not yelling at either of the girls today and I might be able to score us a double date." Wally assures his friend arrogantly and leads him inside the hideout.

When they meet Guardian at the desk, it's to his very disappointed stare. "You're late. Again."

"Mom wants you to come by and talk to her about Superboy. She can't really sign him up at my school without some personal information getting filled out." Wally gives the clone a look of pity and shrugs. "Sorry dude. But she seems pretty determined to make you as miserable as me."

"I don't mind." Superboy admits softly, as Wally streaks across the room to check Robin's monitor.

"Why are you looking up ski lodges?" Teases the speedster. "Already want to go on another vacation?"

"Green Arrow and Black Canary keep taking all the good cases here." Chiming in from the farthest lane turned shooting range, Roy helps Zatanna with her quick drawing and aim. "We need our own city to patrol."

Kaldur finally back from his return to Atlantis adds firmly. "I would still prefer the light house or at least the summer camp on the lake."

"How much trouble did you get in?" Pries Wally with a wince. "Because you've been gone a while."

"Since I chose to go independent, I have been required to enrol at the conservatory once again." Embarrassment flickers on his face for a brief moment, but only Robin catches the expression before it's gone again. "I am now a year behind my friends and have been required to catch up."

"Is that going to interfere with you being on the team?" Of course that's all Roy cares about and he makes that clear with his tone's lack of empathy.

"No more than everyone else going to school." Assures the Atlantean with an attempt at a calm voice.

"You mean the magic school, right?" Interrupts a very eager Zatanna. "I would give anything to see that one day!"

Smiling down at the very clear excitement shining in her eyes, Kaldur just nods back slowly. "We would need a way to keep you from being crushed first."

"Dad has to know a spell that would work." Zatanna brushes off the concern easily and scowls over at Wally's leering. "That's going to get old fast though."

Directing her thoughts towards M'gann, she reminds her friend what needs to be said. <We talked about this. Say something, or I will.>

"Are you hitting on me Wally?" Succumbing to her best friends prodding, M'gann interrupts the speedster's retelling of an adventure with the Flash. "Because Zatanna says you're saying the same things as the guy in Las Vegas."

"...Uh." Gaping like a fish at being called out so openly, Wally takes a moment to recover.

A moment Robin uses to ridicule him of course. "Busted!"

"Because I'm sorry." Not wanting to be the reason that Zatanna is taken off the team, M'gann tries to break the news easily. "But I'm just not ready to date yet. I don't know enough about Earth and humans yet."

"Oh..." Wally seems to accept the news with grace and just smiles back at the girl. "Well thanks for not laughing at me."

Exchanging equally shocked and impressed looks with the Boy Wonder, Zatanna suddenly snorts with laughter. "Wasn't expecting you to take rejection nearly so well."

"I was expecting at least a little bit of pouting." Adds Robin with his own confused expression. "What gives?"

"My uncle said that we don't have time to play games with the heart." Wally explains with a fading blush. "The faster you get turned down, the faster you can move on and find one of your someones."

"That's surprisingly mature." Admits the only adult among them. "And honestly..."

Robin takes over for Guardian, smirking over at Wally. "Not the response anyone expected."

"I make my intentions clear from the get go," Starting to get annoyed at all the staring, Kid Flash gestures for Kaldur to join him in the ring. "All Megan had to do was give me a red or green light. It's not like I was smacking her butt or ogling her every time she bent over."

"So what have we learned?" Guardian tries to salvage to discussion even the slightest.

"KF likes butts?" Chimes in Robin between his snickering.

M'gann is more focused on what someone is lacking and turns to the silent clone. "Superboy doesn't have a name yet."

"Do I really need one?" Blinking with discomfort as all the eyes slide over to him, Superboy finally speaks up. "Robin doesn't have one." Awkward silence greets that comment. "... What about Superman?"

"Does Superboy even legally exist right now?" Robin realizes the uncomfortable truth before anyone else.

"That's why my mom was yelling at Uncle Barry!" Slapping his thigh in sudden understanding, Wally proves he isn't just a fast mouth beneath his mask. "And why she wants you to get a haircut before she takes you to lunch!"

Yellowstone, Wyoming
July 23, 11:39 AM MDT

"What are those hooligans doing?" Dr Thomas Morrow scowls at his left most monitor. The three teens causing having a snowball fight in the middle of July is enough to get his right eye to twitch.

"Brom!" His holler echoes through the secret base beneath Old Faithful. "Get your suit on and go deal with our trespassers!"

With the order given, the surprisingly spry man goes back to work on his greatest creation. "Your brother will be finished soon and then we don't need to hide anymore." Red Tornado doesn't respond vocally, with only his eyes flashing back dimly.

"Oh don't be like that my son," Chides Morrow sadly. "We're finally together again and you only want to give me the silent treatment."

Action on the screen draws the doctor's gaze away and he frowns in recognition. "Is that Makhent's boy? The one whose been causing such a stir this summer?"

Stroking his chine as the ice user manages to hold his own against Mister Twister, Morrow allows a smile to grow. "It would seem the project wasn't a complete failure after all. Your cousin just needed time to come into his own."

"The amount of energy needed to freeze a geyser spout in mid air..." Almost drooling with glee, Morrow's mind begins to pour over his abandoned projects.

Black Lightning might still be functional. Now if I could just remember where I left him.

"Don't hurt them too bad Brom," Realizing he might not have to limit himself to his line of Red Robots, Morrow stops his attack dog from finishing off the male twin. "Just chase them off and get back in here. I need to send you to Metropolis, Tornado can recover his siblings instead."
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Chapter 8: Say Freeze
Chapter 8: Say Freeze
Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
July 25, 3:20 AM MDT

After another all nighter, my greatest masterpiece is nearly ready for the world to see. As long as Tommy doesn't screw up my smile that is.

I don't know why they stopped at four measly heads. But as I watch Tommy chisel off one of my last chunks of ice, the outline of my grinning head puts them all to shame.

"Don't rush it!" My voice cracks just a little as I shout over from Lincoln's head. "We only have one shot at doing this right!"

"Yer still paying us fer these 'Art Attacks', right?" Tuppence stops her own work with a chisel shaped tree and frowns at me.

"Of course I am." The idea of not paying them actually gets me a little upset. "Have I been anything but straight with you two?"

She thinks about it for a few seconds and smirks. "I dunno Boss. I did catch you checking out Tommy." Her tone is sarcastic and the title mostly mocking.

"Because I thought he was you!" And it was before I decided I liked you enough to not screw over. It doesn't feel right doing that anymore.

I'm responsible for the both of them now and it's shocking how much help they really need with everyday life. Being raised in a little farmhouse without cable really kept the pair sheltered. And probably explains why Bonnie and Clyde is one of the only four movies they've ever seen.

"You could also just get a job in private security. You could get paid the same as an entire squad with those muscles." Lots of people would pay for that and they aren't even all bad guys.

"But I want to make real money, like we did back at the lake." Whines her brother as he finishes with his section.

With a victorious smirk, I slowly turn towards Tommy. "You mean the one day we didn't actually commit a single crime?"

"Uh..." He frowns at the reminder and hesitates. "Yeah?"

"Want to know what I learned after a lifetime in the business?" I'm not going to give them a chance to say no, speaking right over Tommy's attempt to open his mouth. "Only one percent of criminals actually get to enjoy the money they steal."

"What do you mean Cam?" He wrinkles his brow in confusion.

"My dad's made at least thirty big scores over his career..." I watch the twins' eyes shine with greed and prepare to dash those hopes. "Guess how much money he has right now."

"A few million?" Not sensing the rhetorical part of my question, Tommy chimes in with his guess.

Shaking my head at that pipe dream, I share exactly how rough our career path is. "He owes the IRS six hundred thousand and is currently serving three consecutive life sentences."

"... Oh." Finally understanding the message I'm trying to get across, Tommy gives his sister a concerned look. "Maybe we should-"

Whatever he was about to suggest gets cut off when a red and yellow cyclone slams into him. Tommy gets sent right over the edge and I barely create a slide in time to break his fall.

"Ow." Kid Flash is on his hands and knees, panting in the spot Tommy was only a second before. "That was like running right into a tree."

I've seen Justice League Unlimited and have absolutely no desire to fight him fairly. So I encase him in a hamster ball of ice before he can stand.

"Hey!" I can hear him slam his fists against the inside, but the blue ice I've started creating is a hell of a lot stronger. "Let me out of here!"

Gasping in disbelief, I waste no time in shoving the sphere with all my weight. "Hope you figure out how to steer this thing before it stops!" Or the landing is going to really hurt.

A suddenly spotlight comes out of nowhere, lighting up the crown of Abe's head with a fluorescent white glow. In my moment of confusion, five figures leap out of some kind of aircraft.

"Miss Martian, grab KF before he ends up in Canada!" The very familiar voice of Red Arrow calls out as he lands. "Icicle is mine. The rest of you pair up and take down his help."

"I already told you that's not my name anymore!" I might not have decided what the new one is yet, but I'm getting close. "Or do you want me to call you Speedy forever?"

He likes that comment about as much as the statue of him kissing my feet and I realize I might have tweaked his nose a little too much. When his eyes narrow with very angry intent, I barely get a wall of ice up in time.

"Dude, you need to chillax." Sending out a storm of marble sized hail, I catch Tommy and Superboy clash over on Jefferson. "All this anger is not good for you."

"Shut up and let me hit you!" Roaring back at me with far more rage than I find comfortable, a salvo of arrows explode at my feet.

The blast sends me rolling backwards and nearly off the edge. Only a last minute grab saves me from tumbling into the air.

"Give up yet?" Roy snarls at me and I wait for until he's almost on top of my to act.

"Nope." Cupping my hands like an anime character, a torrent of blue energy sends my flipping over Red Arrow's head.

My foot slams into the middle of his back, with him being the one to stumble off the ledge. He doesn't scream like I would have and manages to save himself with a grapple line.

Peering down at him, I try not to laugh at how close he is to Lincoln's nose. "I really need a camera, this is priceless." A quick blast of pal blue light later and the archer is frozen like snot.

A scream of terror makes my head snap back towards Tuppence. Aqualad and Zatanna are facing off with my smarter employee, though the Atlantean found himself quit outmatched physically.

A swarm of shadows skittering is what has her terrified and given Aqualad some much needed breathing room. When I check Tommy's situation, I find it's even worse.

The battle has left a massive crack in Jefferson's neck. But Superboy either doesn't notice it, or doesn't care about the danger.

Each of his leaping attacks shakes the entire head and it's lucky to still be attached at this point. Well... this is really going to build our reps.

"Get my sister out of here!" Tommy shows one of his rare moments of insight and realizes he's not getting out of here with us.

"You better damn well get Tommy first!" She fires back despite the terror in her voice.

Tommy makes eye contact with me and raises his foot. "Go!"

With that final roar, he brings his heel down on the crack, sending Jefferson's head tumbling into to darkness. Superboy and Tommy go with it, though I do catch sight of Robin's gloves pulling himself up.

Decision made for me, I streak towards the panicking Tuppence. It's to dark too go my top speed. But without Kid Flash chasing me, this should be more than enough.

Slamming into Aqualad from behind with one of my boxing gloves, I cheer when he goes tumbling back into the dirt. "Let's go Tuppence, we're a little outnumbered."

"Go back for Tommy you bastard!" She snarls in my ear and I'm forced to bind her wrists or wrist a head injury.

"I'll get him out." I promise her with a strange feeling of guilt building inside me. "But we need to lay low for a while first." With her constant growl my only company, I skate silently towards the rising sun.
Chapter 9: Unbrrrlievable
Chapter 9: Unbrrrlievable
Gotham City, New Jersey
August 2, 5:47 PM EDT

No matter how many times I promise to get her brother out, Tuppence doesn't give me more than a few grunts the entire ride to the Atlantic. Hiding the truck a few few miles away was a smart idea and we didn't have to waste anytime stealing something new. Something is always going to go wrong, may as well just start planning for it.

We already had to waste three days hiding out from the search parties and I'm very happy to finally be here. Once I drop Tuppence off, I can finally stop worrying about Sportsmaster hunting me down.

Pulling to a stop outside the Iceberg Lounge, I give her yet another sorry look. "I still have one more thing to take care of first. So let Cobblepot know he still has a few hours to decide on his commission."

It wasn't hard to get his number out of the book and he's expecting me around dinnertime. "But if you don't want to work for him while you wait for your brother..." Shifting awkwardly in the silence, I hand her the spare key for the truck. "You're free to go wherever you want. Just give this number a call when he's ready for me to get started."

"And the cash?" Her glare snaps behind me to the three garbage bags filled with bills.

"You can have it. No way the cops will let me keep it after tonight." That seems to finally convince her I'm not going to bail and she holds out a stiff hand.

"Thanks fer doing this Boss." She still hasn't called me by name and I'm starting to think it's just to maintain distance. "I kept expecting you to turn out like Pa."

Once my own farewell is given, I grab the suitcase with my share of gold bars. "Better not got caught while I'm in the slammer. You'll be on your own for that breakout."

"Don't get turned into somebodies bitch while yer in the big house." Her warning is delivered with a friendlyish sneer. "I won't be around to laugh at it."

"Glad you care so much." My dry response just gets a few dark chuckles.

"Can't pay me in Belle Reve, can ya?" Her hard stare makes me snort in laughter and force myself to march towards a neighbourhood I haven't seen in years.

Gotham is by far the roughest city I've stopped in so far and I'm forced to remove my hood within a few blocks. I'm too scrawny to make the gangs back off without a good look at my blue-grey skin and this just makes things easier.

I don't really have anyone I can trust. But Artemis comes the closest to a good person that I know and if she ends up stealing the gold... at least it's going to someone in need.

Can let her dad know I'm fulfilling my obligation at the same time. Really don't want that bastard coming after me.

The apartment is the same rundown piece of crap the Crocks have always lived in but the street has noticeably less gang colours on display. Guess Sportsmaster doesn't want to worry about his place getting shot up.

"And looks like he's going by a fake name." My eyes focus on the P. Crock with amusement. Wonder what she's using?

Ringing the buzzer before I talk myself out of it, I wait with baited breath for an answer. The cities smog billows around me and makes it feel like perpetual dusk.

"Hello?" The middle aged woman's voice that answers, is definitely not Artemis.

"I think I have the wrong number," Sportsmaster wouldn't let one of his scores answer for him. "Sorry for disturbing you Mam."

The intercom crackles with static for a second and I'm about to walk away when she speaks again. "... Cameron? Is that you?"

"Uh..." I'm caught flat footed and have no idea how to respond. Is Artemis using a voice changer?

"You better get up here and tell me what he wants." That command ends the call, with the buzzer letting me know I can enter.

Inside I try not to stare at the various stains on my way up to the third floor. Because once I do notice a weird one, I start to wonder if it's from blood.

I can feel eyes watch me from nearly every door and it's with great relief when I finally reach the apartment. It swings open when I'm only a few feet away and the woman calls out at me to close it behind me. I recognize that voice.

The light in the kitchen illuminates the speaker and I blink in shock at the sight of Paula Crock. She's out already?

"What do you want Cameron?" Artemis snarls before her mother has a chance to speak and I'm shocked to find an arrow pointed at my temple.

"I just wanted to see my only friend before I got locked up." Trying to play the bow off as a friendly joke, I point a cautious finger towards a chair. "See if you wanted to look after my sunken treasure for me. I'll even pay you a storage fee for doing it."

"We don't want your stolen money here!" Slamming her closed fist on the table, Paula draws my gaze back to her very angry face. "We're not living like that anymore."

"This gold isn't stolen, I swear!" I explain about my dive before Artemis' fingers slip, making sure they know it was unclaimed salvage. "I gave all the loot to Tuppence as a severance package before I came here."

The wheelchair bound mother scowls at me for almost five whole seconds before speaking again. "Would you like to stay for dinner Cameron?"

"Mom?" Gasping at the invitation, Artemis lets it slip she's been keeping tabs on my road trip. "After what he did in Vegas, how can you even be considering this?"

"Your friend is trying to do something nice for you before he serves his time." Paula seems to have figured something out from my tone or body language and I can just shake my head in amusement. "Let him and we can confirm his story once he leaves."

"... I guess." Sighing in frustration at that final word on the matter, Artemis makes me take the seat farthest from Paula. "But we aren't friends."

That rejection actually hurts and my face puts that on full display. "Ouch. That's colder than I am."

"You aren't just your dad's henchman anymore." Artemis finally gives me a reason for her disgust with me. "You chose to hurt people this summer and that's all on you."

She's not completely right about that. "I did come here for a reason you know." But also not absolutely wrong either. "Your dad didn't really give me a choice." I mutter the last part under my breath and miss Artemis' alarmed look.

The spaghetti chills with each bite, my mind unable to focus with so many hard questions sent my way. Artemis' are a lot more pointed, with her blaming me fully for my choices. But Paula's tone softens by the time we start eating.

"I'm proud of you." Admits Paula with a sad smile directed my way. "You're trying to get away from the life and I only wish I did the same thing at your age."

"But what about all the-" Artemis tries to argue with that comment, but her mother silences her with a single fierce glare.

"Not now Artemis." The debate is ended with those words and Paula scoops a third helping onto my plate. "Eat up. You really aren't going to enjoy meals for a while."

Gotham City, New Jersey
August 2, 10:04 PM EDT

When the phone finally rings and Tuppence lets me know what Cobblepot wants, I give fond frewell to the Crocks. Of course when I ask to leave through Artemis' window, she decides to follow behind me with a stern glare.

"What are you going to do?" She blocks the window with crossed arms, waiting for something she knows I can't say.

"Something dumb enough to get the bats called." Getting arrested by a 'real' hero should really piss off Young Justice and I can't help myself from a final tweak of the nose.

"I can't let you do that." She informs me with no room for debate.

I really don't have time to argue so I distract her the only way I can think of. Thrusting my head towards her, she doesn't have enough room to back away from my peck on the lips.

"What are you going to do about it?" I have yet to turn around and see the vigilante gear in her closet. But I can tell by her expression she indeed has some very painful ideas.

Shoving the reddening girl to the side before she can show me, I roll out onto her fire escape. "Wait for me!"

That last comment only draws a scream of fury as I skate back towards the Iceberg Lounge at full speed. A giant penguin snatching a bat out of the air isn't going to be very hard. But it's only going going to piss Batman off once he sees it.

Grinning with anticipation, I decide to add an egg laying robin free of charge. He's already going to make me pay for entering city limits. May as well earn the black eye with something special.

Completely distracted by the time I reach the skating rink set aside for my work, I don't notice a costumed Artemis watching from the shadows. "He better keep his promise."

Cobblepot said he would provide my legal team for the sculpture and I don't have any better ideas. With more care than I've put into any piece of art so far, I create a nearly three story emperor penguin.

I also miss the bat signal lighting up briefly before getting shut right back off. But when I finish the eggs beneath the nesting bird, I do notice a shape approaching in the smog. "What's keeping the Bat? I didn't come all this way just to let Red Arrow catch me."

"How about me?" An arrow nicks my right ear as Artemis finally reveals her presence.

"You're perfect!" I recognize my childhood friend instantly and smirk at the bow in her hand.

I throw the fight by a country mile, making sure to leave the street covered in ice by the time I'm 'panting' on my knees. When the onlookers gasp at the suddenly visible aircraft, I swiftly raise my hands over my head.

"Clear the streets, we have this handled now!" Orders Red Arrow the second his feet touch the pavement, only to snarl in fury. "Who is she?"

"A real archer." I wink at her before turning back to my summer long pursuer. "It took me a while to finally find one.:

Pointing finger guns at the sputtering Red Arrow, I allow the cops to cuff me. "Hope you didn't waste too much gas on the trip. But Young Justice just didn't have what it takes to catch me."
Interlude 4: Business Call
Interlude 4: Business Call
Gotham City, New Jersey
August 3, 1:17 AM EDT

"Is he still actually talking to someone," Snarling at the sight of Cameron behind the glass, Red Arrow checks with Superboy's enhanced hearing. "Or is he just stalling for time with the phone?"

"He's talking to some company about the rights to a name." Frowning at the odd conversation, the now blonde Superboy quotes the criminal. "Who in the world doesn't want to hit me right now? You'll make millions on this."

"He used his one phone call on a business deal?" Snorts Kid Flash, despite his own frustrations with the ice powered teen. "You have to respect that kind of commitment."

After being offered an invitation to join the team, Artemis has been allowed into the station with everyone. "To being an idiot?"

"Ha!" Blurts out Red Arrow and he scowls at the smirk growing on his fellow archer's face. "Who are you anyway?"

"Someone who wasn't going to sit back and watch anymore." She's not going to reveal her identity in the middle of the police station and glares at him for even suggesting it.

"Where's the other Terror Twin?" Aqualad is the one to notice a missing foe and raise his concern.

Not really caring about a henchwoman now that Junior is collared, Red Arrow just waves off the question. "Doesn't matter right now, we can nab her next time she pops up."

"You're too angry to remain impartial." Batman cuts in from his place beside Commissioner Gordon. "The rest of... Young Justice will handle the interrogation."

"Are we actually going with that name?" Groaning at the idea of a villain naming the team, Zatanna's eyes frantically seek out Red Arrow's own glare.

"He said it live on the news." Robin chimes in with an amused half grin. "We're kind of stuck with it now."

One of the four lawyers that showed up only minutes after Cameron was handcuffed pokes his head out the door. "Sub-Zero is finished with his call now and ready for your questions."

"Sub-Zero?" Questioning the unfamiliar name for his team, Red Arrow's glare only intensifies.

"Cameron came to an agreement with Midway games over the right to use the name. He's sold them the right to his likeness and will become an alternate skin in the next three games." The smarmy man explains with dollar signs flashing in his eyes. "That is how he is now to be referred as, at least until the year 2013 when they renegotiate."

"One and a half million a year!" The newly renamed criminal crows out in victory. "And I don't have to do jack shit now!"

"Aqualad." Batman ignores the laughter and focuses on the dark skinned blonde. "You will take charge of the questions. I need to have words with Red Arrow."

"But-" That's all the scarlet archer gets out before he sees the Batglare being levelled at him. "... Alright."

Commissioner Gordon frowns at getting ignored. "He is my prisoner still." With a sigh at the uncaring blinks, the middle aged officer waves them into the room. "Just make sure you don't do anything illegal. I don't want you lot to be the reason I need to put him back on the streets."

"So no hitting him?" Snarls Artemis as she follows Aqualad into the cell.


"Get her away from me!" The sudden shriek of raw terror that 'Sub-Zero' let's out shocks everyone. "Don't let her erase me!" But the one most confused is M'gann, as she watches the villain cower in fear.

Face twisted in shame, M'gann pleads with her team to understand. "I have no idea what he's talking about, you have to believe me!"

"We do M'gann." Kaldur assures the martian at the same time that Artemis disregards the commissioner's orders.

The slap she delivers to Cameron echoes in the room. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're the bad guy in this situation!"

"She's a martian..." He gasps out. "If she changes even one of my memories, I'm as good as dead. Replaced with a nearly identical copy who can't even tell the difference!"

The words nearly bring M'gann to tears as she backs away from the prisoner. "You should do this without me." Directing her thoughts to the team as she reaches the door, M'gann hands off the interrogation with shame colouring her mind. <I'll wait in the bio-ship for you.>

"Go with her." Orders Kaldur with a stern look at Zatanna. "Make it clear none of us feel that way."

"Is she going to hit him again?" Zatanna hesitates. "Because I really want to see that."

"No she isn't." The voice of Gordon assures her from the door, his very angry eyes focused on the as of yet unnamed heroine.

Frowning at his old friend, Cameron rubs his check in mock injury. "What crawled up your butt-" For only a fraction of a second a pause can be detected in his cadence, which only Robin notices. "Huntress?"

"You know what you did!" She hisses back at him with her eyes nearly in slits.

"We've..." Icicle draws out his word with a growing smirk. "... Tussled like that before. What's different about tonight?"

"How many people you've hurt!" She hisses back at him with no sense of hesitation. "Like the dozens still blinded by that moronic light show!"

"Wait..." Suddenly his swagger is gone and honest concern is visible on Cameron's face. "What are you talking about? Quilt was just supposed to make everyone see spots for a few minutes."

"Seventeen people are dead." Explains the only hero without fury on display. "With over a hundred still in extensive care."

"I should have just let your cousin arrest me." Groans Sub-Zero, his hands moving up to rub his temples. "Would have been better for everyone."

Poking his head back into the room with a smirk, Gordon points to the ticking clock. "Are you actually going to ask him any questions, or can I transfer him to Arkham?"

"Arkham?" Asks Cameron with an audible gulp.

Smirking at America's most notorious graffiti artist, the Commissioner fills him in on the issues of budget cuts. "Well yeah. We don't have a way to keep you in a normal cell, so you get to bunk with Freeze until your trial."

"But I'm not crazy!" He wails almost pitifully. "I just wanted some attention!"

Infinity Island, New Jersey
August 4, 11:22 AM ECT

Ra's al Ghul stands at ease before the monitors, watching all of them flicker on at the agreed upon time. "Everything is back on track with the breakout. The younger Makhent has been captured and his legal team is pressing to have him emancipated."

"The boy has proven himself far more useful than I had ever believed." Admits L-1 with a hint of amusement in his savage voice. "What he did at Rushmore drew many eyes away from our projects."

"Gonzalez was taken out with no problems and Doctor Serling is nearly finished with her Fog." Ra's answers with supreme arrogance. "Everything will be ready in time for our strike."

The Brain demands of their enforcer. "And the Starro-tech prototypes? What side effects have they shown so far in the Arkham test subjects?"

"With Strange being able to implant them before his transfer, only minimal changes in personality have been detected so far." Before anyone gets to excited, Sportsmaster adds the downside. "But the ones with more dominant personalities will break free first. You only have a couple months to use them in a single operation."

"It seems Sub-Zero went to your house before his arrest." Queen Bee's smirk is audible. "And has been making quite a few of his pieces in dedication to your eldest. Maybe we should have Cheshire recruit him on a more permanent basis?"​
Chapter 10: House Of Chill Repute
Chapter 10: House Of Chill Repute
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 4, 12:55 PM EDT

The shock on Artemis' face when Batman insisted she write me an official written apology is a priceless memory. One that I'm going to treasure for a very long time. It being a condition of her being allowed to work with the sidekicks, just icing on the cake.

But at the moment, I'm not finding very much to smile about. Arkham isn't as bad as the cartoons make it look. It actually seems to be getting quite a bit of funding from people like Bruce Wayne and looks nearly up to code.

The guards are even wary around me when I get out of the squad car. The collar around my neck doesn't do anything to make them relax. Not that I blame them in Gotham, everyone seems to know how to actually fight here.

I get some light applause when as the guards lead me up the first few floors. But by the time I start recognizing names, the reactions are a whole lot less friendly.

Trying not to let the thought of who could be locked up get to me, my eyes are drawn towards an opening door. A gust of hot and very humid air hits me, with the tendril of a vine making the occupant obvious.

"Hellooo nurse." The blonde and bespectacled woman leaving the room turns to me with a frown.

Letting her own guards close the door behind her, I notice my own snort derisively at me. Poison Ivy's paperwork cover's her name tag and believe me, I looked for it.

"You must be Cameron." She glances down at her clipboard while I check out her low cut blouse beneath the white overcoat. "You're going to want to rethink how you speak to me, unless you plan on having an extended stay in our facilities here."

"My apologies, Doctor..." With that threat hanging in the air, I waste no time throwing myself at her hopefully vast sea of mercy.

"Quinzel." She gives a smile that I really hope is genuine. "Now I expect you to remember your manners when you arrive for your first session tomorrow." The smile gains just a hint of danger. "Being forward is charming. But that was just crass and honestly... not very funny."

When my pair of chaperones prod me forward again, the Hispanic one mutters a warning once we're out of earshot. "Word of warning Zero..." I can clearly hear the mockery in his voice. "Don't piss off the only nice doctor in the joint."

"She might transfer you to Crane." Adds his burly white coworker, with both shuddering at the mere mention of this doctor's name.

"Who is it alright to screw with then?" I realize I'm in the highest floor, with the really dangerous people.

I should be flattered. But right now I'm just trying not to piss myself at the sight of a clown themed door. Just glad it seems to be empty right now.

"Still trying to build that rep Kid?" The muscular Joe snorts one more time and exchanges a look with Steve. "Because I know a few people I wouldn't mind you crossing paths with in the hallway."

"What?" The possibilities terrify me. "That's not what I meant at all!"

"It's fine Zero, we know how to make it look like an accident." Promises the more timid Steve.

The guilt of all those deaths is already weighing me down to the sewers and it seems life just wants to keep shovelling. Immediately asking my lawyers to send the first million and a half to those still in the hospital was enough to shock all the heroes but I could tell my legal team was going to use it later.

I know the slap will probably get ten years off my sentence and they only held back at the time on my prior words. Which means I'll need to thank Artemis when I get out.

She always did like shiny things. Memories of playing house flood into my mind, with Jade of course insisting I be the girls' butler. Maybe a car for her birthday?

"Try not to make too much noise. Freeze gets pretty mad if his work gets disturbed." With Joe's last warning, I'm pushed inside my temporary home.

The walls are frosted over with a layer of ice, with the soft humming of a generator drawing my eyes towards a sleeping woman. It kind of looks like she's floating in a bacta tank from Starwars, only filled with ice instead.

"A few ground rules before I let you take the top bunk." Drawls out a reverberating voice, making me finally notice Mister Freeze has been watching me this entire time.

"Alright." I nod before he decides to fight over it.

With my acknowledgement, he starts listing things off with raised fingers. "No yelling. Don't run. Keep your fights in the cafeteria and most important of all..." His glare is colder than Pluto. "If you so much as move towards my dear Nora, I will tear you limb from limb."

"Is she still alive?" Knowing it's the more sympathetic version helps me lower my guard. And let memories of my fathers freezing fury flood back in waves.

"For now." He admits with a voice heavily tinted by anguish. "And as long as everything goes according to plan, she will no longer need my treatments."

During childbirth, my powers ensured Cameron's mother didn't survive. "Lucky."

"How dare you!" A snarl echoes from the scientist and I rush to explain myself.

"My powers killed my mother when I was born. It's why my dad never really gave me a chance." His eyes instantly soften with understanding. "But you. You figured out a way for ice to help someone."

"And that's something you want to do?" He's curious now and gestures for me to take a seat on the bed. "I was told you caused quite a lot of chaos this summer."

"I hurt a whole lot of people by accident and I don't think I've done nearly enough to help them." With a bitter sigh, I admit the money I donated is only going to be a drop in the bucket for nearly a hundred people. "It seems everyone in the business, on both sides, is only good for smashing and destroying."

Shaking as I finally let myself feel bad for my actions, Mister Freeze carefully places a hand on my shoulder. "But I created a lot of things this summer. I want to keep doing that when I finish serving my time."

I know it was a lot to throw on a stranger. But I haven't had anyone to confide in since all of this began. And once Viktor asks me what I want to do, all of Cameron's frustrations boil to the surface in a waterfall of tears.

"I just wanted him to be proud of me." It's hard to finally admit it out loud. "But he never will be. He just wants me to get better at hurting people." And I will never harm an innocent person again.

He doesn't answer immediately, only squeezes my shoulder a little bit harder as I try to wipe away my tears. "You should probably tell Doctor Quinzel all of this."

"How come they let you keep your wife in here with you?" I try to change the subject before he can ask anything harder. "Don't they usually make people use a trailer for conjugal visits?"

"An arrangement with Batman." He doesn't elaborate beyond that and I'm to nervous to push. "But the Shadows have promised an actual cure and not just stasis for Nora. So you had better not let her down." His voice returns to the deadly echo. "Or you will regret it dearly."​
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Chapter 11: A Slush With Death
Chapter 11: A Slush With Death
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 9, 4:42 PM EDT

"Still not ready to discuss your father." Doctor Quinzel tuts her tongue, marking even more disappointment down on her clipboard. "What about this need for attention then?" She leans forward in an attempt to distract me with her tight clothing.

I know she's just doing it to make me and the others here talk. I've seen her leave at night in far more conservative clothing.

"Whose approval are you seeking?" I keep my eyes on her bright crimson lips, not willing to risk getting lost in her understanding eyes again. "Your mothers? Or perhaps the costumed girl who slapped you?"

"Anyone would be nice." It's not like I really have any friends, Artemis made that clear.

Her nose scrunches up with her frown, with more scribbles being jotted down every time I open my mouth. "I think Red Arrow, is the only person who gave me a full fifteen minutes of consideration last year." And that really stings.

"Is that why so many of your sculptures depict him?" A half smile starts to form on Harleen's face. "Is it your subconscious trying to show how much you actually appreciate him?"

"I was just trying to piss him off." Quickly trying to deflect her new focus, I have a bad feeling that I failed based on her full on smirk.

"So he'd keep paying you attention?" Dammit! "Make sure you always remained in his thoughts?"

My eyes snap open wide, only to immediately narrow on my doctor's grinning face. "I know what you're trying to do. And It's probably not going to work."

"We can always talk about your childhood if you prefer?" Her eyes are shining with connections I can't even comprehend. "You're incredibly well spoken for someone with only a third grade education." The year Paula broke her back, Dad decided I was already a big enough smart ass.

"What do ya really need to know?" I know all my details are already in your file. "How I was born a murderer?"

Harleen shakes her head and softly reassures me. "According to you, none of your victims had been planned. That makes it manslaughter."

We don't really make anymore progress today. Though she does try hard to break through to me, I just keep repeating those two sentences in my head.

When my time runs out, Doctor Quinzel lets me go with an unsatisfied sigh. "Tomorrow I want to talk about this charity auction Mister Cobblepot has suggested. All proceeds will be going to the Vegas medical expenses."

"I've even heard that Bruce Wayne wants one." Joe adds with a wave and I'm glad one of my regulars is in today.

"Are you serious?" That doesn't make any sense, Because that's one of the few identities that I'm actually sure of.

"He gave a statement in the papers." Confirms the more sarcastic guard Elliot. "Said that since you actually seemed to be trying to make amends all by yourself. He should support that kind of attitude."

"Unless we want to add another floor to this place, it's probably not a bad idea." Admits Joe as they lead me towards the stairs. When we get into one of the many spots between cameras, the pair block me in.

Elliot checks his watch and hisses in my ear. "You ready?" What is he talking about?

"Um..." The confusion is plain to see for anyone who actually cares enough to glance at my face.

"You wanted attention didn't you?" Grunting at the ticking clock, Elliot starts prodding me forward again. "Well we got everything arranged. You'll have eighteen seconds with the collar turned off."

"Don't waste it." Advises a grim Joe. "Because we ain't stepping in between the two of ya."

They haven't actually explained anything and I'm starting to panic at the possibilities. "Who?"

"Zsasz." Is all that Joe says as an explanation, leaving a pale Elliot the honours.

"He likes killing young women and children." The words have me understanding Joe's sudden quiet fury.

When we reach the fourth floor and find the hallway clear aside from another inmate on his way to a session, I frown at his guards still against the for wall. Glancing back at my own pair of escorts, I can see they are also blocking the stairs.

"Good luck." Is all Joe says, but I can see the rage burning in his eyes.

The guy strutting towards me is covered in scars, that look like tally marks once I get close enough. It's too many to safely count and my eyes snap back up to his demonic orbs.

"I was told you aren't eighteen for another few months." His menacing smile reveals teeth filed into points. "Which makes you an even three hundred."

My fear of vanishes suddenly, gone along with any self hate I was feeling only seconds before. How many children has he killed? And he enjoyed it...

With speed on par with Red Arrow's quick draw, Zsasz seemingly pokes me in the side. Glancing down at the spot makes me eyes widen though. That's my blood.

While I'm focused on the bloody shank in the killer's hand, I don't notice the buzzing from my collar. But I do notice his blade shattering on it's second thrust.

My icy second skin is already in place and I snarl out in feral instinct. My clawed hands grabs each of his wrists and I press hard enough to draw blood. I can't do this without physical contact. But my training at Yellowstone really helped my focus.

"You aren't going to change, are you?" I give the man a final chance to show even a sliver of remorse. But he just lunges towards me to deliver a headbutt.

"That's what I thought." Instead of seeing his own face, Zsasz's features morph into a perfect replica of my own.

"You deserve this and everyone knows it." My voice is colder than anything I've created so far and I prove it by freezing the blood right in murderer's vein.

He screams at the agony caused by the several second long process. But the only shred of mercy I give him, is my solemn eye contact until the very end.

As his breath comes out in a final misty cloud, I release my hold on Zsasz's wrists. His body falls backwards and I make no move to stop it. All I do is soak in the slow claps of the onlooking inmates and know that I'll never be able to change who I really am. I'm a killer, no matter what anyone tells me.

I don't get the chance to take even a single step forward once my task is complete. Instead the collar turns back on and delivers a teeth rattling shock.

It hurts enough for me to wail in pain, falling to the floor as I writhe. "Better call the orderlies. Zero really needs to get that stitched up."

"Already have a pair waiting." I hear one of Zsasz's guards explain. Realizing the almost purple and very sticky substance everywhere is my blood, I finally realize how serious things are. At least Artemis can't hate me for this one.

My vision goes dark and the guards are starting to panic. Which is strange... it seems like they're actually trying to get me to the doctor.

"Always a disappointment." The unforgiving and incredibly callous voice of Icicle Senior floods my mind. "Couldn't even finish of a common criminal by himself. Better off starting fresh with a new one, maybe even get Cadmus to finally give me a working version of the prototype."
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Interlude 5: Mothers Know Best
Interlude 5: Mothers Know Best
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 14, 2:09 PM EDT

Ignoring the whistles, Artemis Crock wheels her mother towards the medical wing. She had thought she was done with her childhood friend after his arrest. But Mom let him use her as his emergency contact.

When Robin let it slip that Cameron was donating his money, it was all she could do to hold in her gasp of shock. As kids he was sweet if incredibly awkward. But as we got older, he only seemed to cared about pleasing Senior.

He didn't have time for a girl who planned on going against her entire family. And I didn't have time for someone with no spine. But whoever this Cameron is, he's no coward.

Viktor Zsasz. Even Dad was wary of that sicko and now he's just gone.

The call about the surgery, was enough for Artemis to finally reconsider her decision to be done with Makhent. The gold being legit was a surprise. Didn't think he actually knew how to do anything honest.

"You can wait in the hall if you want." Paula offers when they finally reach the pale blue door.

"I'd rather deal with the dumb ass than all these creeps." Denies the stiff backed daughter, watching the guard unlock the door with a grimace. Already two breakouts this year. How many lives has that deadbolt saved?

"Smarter than your sister." Smirking at her flustered daughter, Paula rolls herself into the recovery room. "How's he doing Doctor?"

With a heavily wrinkled brow and lips heavily chewed on, the dark skinned man responds with a cautious stutter. "Cameron is awake right now and I hope a friendly face will cheer him up."

"He gets twenty minutes with visitors." Finally relenting, Doctor Graham leads them to yet another locked door. "Just don't get him too excited, or I'll have to kick you out."

"Mrs Crock?" Groans Cameron when Paula rolls in front of him, still unaware of Artemis lurking in the shadows. "What are you doing here?"

"Came to see you." She doesn't play it up like some big deal and instead hands him the blanket already checked by security. "And tell you that you did the right thing."

With an amused snort, Cameron gratefully wraps the hand knit quilt around his shoulders. "Getting arrested, or killing someone?"

"Both." Not sugar coating her words, Paula just grabs the shaking hand of the boy she used to babysit. "The world is a better place with a monster like that gone. I'm only sorry you had to be the one to do it."

"You aren't mad at me?" The desperation in Cameron's voice makes even Artemis lower her guard. "You don't think I'm a monster now?"

"Do you feel bad?" No longer able to remain silent, Artemis moves to stand beside her mother. "About any of it?"

He doesn't answer right away and when he does eventually answer, it's without any of his normal arrogance. "All of it except the gold. Which I want you to use and move somewhere safer."

Paula starts to argue but Artemis stops her from letting Cameron's distraction work. "Superboy heard you talking to the lawyers. Why don't you want them to try and get you off the hook?"

"Ask your sister." He mutters back without thinking, the painkillers more than enough to addle his mind. "She seems to know more about it than I do..." The last few words are barely comprehensible, with Cameron breathing heavily as sleep overtakes him.

"I need to let the others know about this!" Wide eyed and with a mind racing, Artemis realizes she just got a major clue.

Central City, Missouri
August 14, 1:09 PM CDT

"See you when you're finished I guess." Wally gives an awkward farewell to Superboy as he considers the strangeness. A little odd that he's having lunch with my parents and I'm not invited.

"Don't expect him for a while," His mother Mary West warns, her eyes alternating between supportive and stern.

Waving off her raising voice before she can work herself into an anxiety attack, Wally just zips towards her for a quick hug. "Don't worry Mom. Kirk heard you and Dad talking about it..." Wally jerks his thumb towards a blushing Superboy. "He has super hearing you know. Probably should have saved those conversations for team time."

"I wasn't trying to eavesdrop!" Kirk blurts out with worried eyes darting between Mr and Mrs West. "I swear!"

"You're really both alright with it?" Mary sags with relief as her husband gives his son a proud look. "I don't want to force anything."

"It's nice to know someone wants me around." With eyes locked on his feet, Kirk just shrugs awkwardly.

Realizing how uncomfortable the upcoming lunch is going to be, Wally tries to ease even a smidgen of tension. "Just make sure his fake ID has him younger than me. He's not driving before me." He zips up his new blue windbreaker and marvels at his custom made red shoes. "And thank you so much for saying yes, I know it made you nervous to reveal even what we did."

"Well now you can pay for your own food." Jokes his father as Wally speeds off for the Zeta access, pretending he didn't hear the last part.

It's only a few tense minutes before a gust of wind touches down in the backyard, with light tapping soon at the back door. Kirk nearly jumps out of his superman crested shirt, with the Wests exchanging determined looks.

"He's here. Last chance to run away." Mary gives the boy a final chance to change his mind, opening the door when he doesn't. "Welcome to our home Mr El."

He blinks a few times before accepting her offered hand with a relieved grin. "Thank you for arranging this." His inhumanly beautiful eyes turn towards his clone and his brow wrinkles. "And thank you for looking after Superboy."

"My names Kirk." The boy insists with a strange sense of pride he was unaware he possessed.

"Oh?" Superman's brow softens as he doesn't see a perfect replica of himself anymore. "Do you have a last name?" He looks more like my cousin or something now, which I must say is a huge relief.

Panicking at not having a name, Superboy tries to think fast enough to conceal his lack of planning. "... North!"

The adults all exchange knowing looks but don't say anything in the face of the boys pride. Superman's fear of this being another attempt to get him to claim his 'son' begin to build. But Rudy heads those thoughts off before the Man of Steel can voice them aloud.

"Barry told me a little bit about how the League has been treating you." The look of understanding is enough to set the alien at ease and let the father finish. "That's just not fair to either of you."

The relief floods into Kal-El in a sudden surge. "You aren't going to yell at me?"

"You share genetics, true." Mary helps her husband explain with a soft voice. "But so do siblings."

Handing Kirk a copy of the adoption papers, Rudy continues with equal warmth. "You arrived on Earth decades ago and a kind family took you in. We want to do the same for Kirk here."

Star City, California
August 14, 12:27 PM PDT

"I'm here at last, you can finally all have fun now." Calls out Wally as he arrives at the bowling alley, only to frown when no one reacts. "Hello?"

In the far corner of the room, Roy hisses at the sudden arrival. "Keep it down, we're practicing over here!"

M'gann is floating blindfolded about twenty feet away from him, throwing wet sponges at the mostly dry archer. While in a dunk tank someone managed to get down the stairs, Zatanna swims amid a cloud of bubbles.

"We too would appreciate silence." Kaldur agrees from his own place timing the magician. "The amphibian spell takes intense focus to cast correctly."

"You're trying to turn Zee into a frog or something?" Snorting at the mental image, Wally pulls off his windbreaker. "Well I'll be quick then."

His new costume is proudly on display, with electric blue and silver bolts dancing all over his bodysuit. "Mortal Kombat might not have any archers..." Wally ignores the growl that Roy lets out. "But Sega does have a speedster."

"You didn't!" Robin gasps in ecstatic glee from his place sulking in front of the monitors.

"Oh yes I did." Smugness is on full display when Wally explains how it was time for him to drop the Kid part of his name. "Roy was smart to switch. So now that everything's been signed, you can call me Sonic."

"..." Blinking with incredulity, Roy somehow manages not to scream at his friend. "Are you trying to piss me off?"

Wally can sense how close he is to a round of roughhousing and tries to walk back the smugness. "... No?"

By the time Guardian arrives with a mission from the League, Zatanna has rejoined the others back on dry land. "Since Red Tornado was targeted already, Dad was worried when Doctor Fate went missing. Good thing he brought back up with him, because they had to chase of some kind of Chaos Lord."

"Just the six of you tonight?" Guardian can only hope the mission isn't going to be too much for them. Especially without the usual muscle to back them up.

"You have your mission face!" Crows out Robin with relief. Anything to get out and do something.

"A new villain has made an appearance in New York." Explains the teams link to the League. "He calls himself Harm and likes to get violent."​
Chapter 12: Full Meltal Alchemist
Chapter 12: Full Meltal Alchemist
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 19, 6:14 AM EDT

Groaning as the dull ache in my side snaps me awake, my eyes focus on the few belongings allowed to me. Huntresses chicken scratch apology is taped only a few inches away from the picture Paula left for me. It looks like some people do really care about me.

One of the weeks that Senior was out of town on business back when I was seven, Paula took the girls and me horseback riding. Jade kept throwing salt on me and laughing when the horses chased me around the paddock.

But Artemis scared the herd off with a loud bang and helped me wash it all off. Allowing myself a small grin at the faces of two grinning children hanging off a fence, my eyes dart over to the get well soon card.

Cobblepot must really love his piece. Because he wrote the message himself instead of getting his staff to do it.

Tuppence even signed an Iceberg Lounge postcard for me. 'Don't die yet Camoron, I don't hate you that much.' How sweet.

With so much proof that my self pity was unwarranted, I sit up with new resolve to be better. Viktor is finally letting me call him by his first name and seems pleased with how well I can follow his instructions.

All I really have to do is mark down a few gauges and watch a pair of blinking lights for any change. But I know exactly how precious Nora is to the man. And how much it means for him to let me help with even the smallest thing.

"How are you feeling today Glenn?" My roommate asks with surprising warmth as soon as my feet touch the ground. "Not going to break your stitches again I hope?"

With the buried memory of my father's words echoing in my head since waking up, I find myself with a sudden feeling of freedom. I never actually agreed to work with the Shadows... Dad just told me what he expected from me.

He had Psimon do something to my brain. But the psychic went off script when he created my personality.

I'm not just a bundle of improvements like Father paid for. Someone gave Psimon a big enough boost that he was able to grab my mind. Whether I am only a copy of Glenn's memories and implanted in Cameron or the whole soul, well that part is still a mystery.

Once I can recognize that manic laughter... I will know who is responsible for everything going wrong. And who to take my vengeance on.

I've had days with nothing to do but think and begin coming to terms with reality. Breaking down will do nothing but get me killed. Keep moving forward or die, not a very hard choice when I'm this angry.

"Do you honestly think either of us will get what we want?" My words get Viktor to pause in his work and give me his full attention.

His eyes are filled with a laser focus I can only dream of possessing when he finally answers. "No. But it's the only offer with even a chance."

"What's wrong with her?" I haven't been this blunt with him before and can only hope he doesn't snap. "Why do you need such a... shady deal."

"Diamonds may not be hard to come by," Viktor sighs heavily and points to the crystal filtering the cryogenic chamber. "But ones perfect enough to freeze Nora safely are. The last known supply of them has been acquired by one Lex Luthor and our friends have secured a supply."

I wonder how long it would take me to replicate the effect? "Can you only make one kind of ice?" I was able to experiment in just a few days.

"And how many can you create?" Curiosity greets my comment and not the cold rage I was prepared for.

"Dry ice was easy as pie and something pretty close to liquid nitrogen wasn't much harder." My every word just makes Viktor's eyes shine with excitement. "I should be able to replicate this stuff in less than a day. Want me to try when Cobblepot shows up for the pick up?"

I've been given five hours each week under very heavy guard, to create a very long list of sculptures for Oswald. It won't be hard to experiment with this azure ice between pieces.

"And what do you want for such aid?" Wariness fills the scientists voice.

In our line of work, nothing comes free. "Would you help get me caught up..." Better not make him suspicious. "So I can get my high school equivalent?"

"That's all you want as payment?" I can see it in his eyes as hope rises ever so slowly. "Nothing more?"

"You are a doctor right?" I know you are. "Maybe a written recommendation would help me start applying to some art schools. I don't really have many people willing to vouch for my character ya know?"

Letting him think over the offer, I lower myself to the floor carefully and begin my daily routine. People get jacked in prison for a reason and it's boredom.

Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 24, 12:38 PM EDT

After word of Zsasz's fate got out, it seems that most of Gotham's wealthiest forgave my crime spree. Dozens of people are here and they all want something specific.

Tuppence gave me a discreet wave early on, when I noticed her new black hair beside Cobblepot. But aside from a distinct lack of hostility, she made it seem like she was a stranger to me. Didn't think she was such a good actress.

Is that the Commissioner and his family? The sight of the cop reminds me of how many snipers are pointed at me right now. Just in case I get any stupid ideas.

"It's rare that Gotham sees a patient honestly repent and almost unheard of for it to be a first time offender." Bruce Wayne gets his turn at last and I can't stop myself from staring.

"I'm just sorry I hurt so many people first." Why do I think he's so important?

I know he's not just some playboy but my memories have been muddled since the stabbing. He looks a lot like Superboy does actually... is Bruce Wayne Superman?

Comparing the man against the many videos of Superman I've seen over my life, I start to find a shocking amount of similarities. Oh!

"Do I have something on my face?" Smirks the billionaire playfully as he pretends to wipe at the corner of his lip.

"Sorry Mister Wayne, you just reminded me of someone else." Shaking off the revelation, I ask for his request.

He hands me a newspaper headline from a few years ago and I realize what he wants. Superman and Batman both have a huge hand in shaping Dick Grayson's growth. Now I know why the alien had any involvement with him.

Superman adopted the boy just like the Waynes did to him. And Batman trained him as Gotham's protector, being better able to relate to the human abilities of his friend's son.

I use greater care on this piece than anything I've ever done before. And when I finish, the Flying Graysons are standing side by side with the late Waynes. Benefit of the family donating so much money. I had days to stare at their picture while I was recovering.

"I hope you don't mind Sir. But I wanted to take some artistic liberties with this one." I pretend not to notice the momentary shimmer in the man's eyes.

"I heard you're trying to get accepted by an art school?" Bruce smiles at me with one more genuine than the mask I saw him show the other billionaires. "Just tell me which one and I'll make sure they actually look at the application."​
Chapter 13: If Rime Being Honest
Chapter 13: If Rime Being Honest
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 28, 1:54 AM EDT

Waiting for my visitors in the room bare aside from the table and chairs fastened to the floor, leaves me with nothing but my thoughts to keep me busy. The last few days have left me with only one logical conclusion of what exactly is wrong with my memories.

Psimon did something to me back in March and it was on Fath... Icicle Senior's orders. I was supposed to replace Cameron with a more malleable model. But the memories most important to him, they just refused to vanish.

Each time I go to sleep, a new one makes room for itself. Replacing my more mundane memories one at a time, at least until I spent four days drugged out. Now it feels like I'm not entirely myself anymore. I'm more like some kind of merger with whatever dregs of Cameron was left lurking in our brain.

Senior is the reason this all happened and Psimon is the tool he used. The reason the Shadows have me on a leash.

I want an easy life, that's true. But I can't have that, not until I get our payback on the both of them.

Once I make it clear how deadly serious I am about walking away... Hopefully the Shadows don't call my bluff.

The door screeches open and three familiar teens enter the room. With two of them from Gotham, it only makes me more sure that Superboy is living with his daughter. And since I know Barbara Gordon is Batgirl, her father must be Batman.

I know this was information I had only a few weeks ago. But Cameron seems to have decided that his Father's abuse was more important.

Batman was active a little bit longer than Superman, so I guess that's why the alien operates in Metropolis instead. Batman is kind of territorial.

"What brings the three of you here?" Crossing my arms with false confidence, I throw both legs onto the table. "Couldn't get enough of my charming personality?"

Robin frowns at something I said and mutters something under his breath. But Artemis and Superboy waste no time in taking a seat of their own.

"What did you mean about letting my cousin arrest you?" Out of his street clothes from last time, Superboy is looks far more familiar with his jacket. "Superman said he's never met you before?"

Glad he decided to go with that look for his costume. The biker look was always my favourite thing with an S on it.

"Not him." The denial confuses all of them, even Robin who is still lurking a few feet away from his chair. Though I could have sworn I heard all three squeak. "I meant the blonde girl. But I'm pretty sure the name Cassie was a fake one."

They ask a few more pointed questions. When I quickly run out of anything useful, I take a moment to check out Artemis' new look.

Black, purple, and white, all goes together incredibly well in her armoured attire. I am kind of shocked at how little skin on display though. Paula always told us to use our bodies as a weapon.

Catching my gaze, She immediately defends her choice in clothing. "Blue Beetle is mentoring me now. They don't really have much to teach me combat wise and he insisted my costume can at least slow down a bullet."

"How well do you two know each other?" Interrupts a smirking Robin.

"I already told you no unplanned question!" Artemis hisses in frustration. "Let me handle this."

While the two squabble, I give Superboy a look of amusement. "How are things going? Bad guys giving you a hard time?"

He has a lifetime of implanted memories. If anyone could understand my situation, it's him.

"They actually stick around and put up a fight." He snorts back, making it seem like he doesn't hold a grudge. "Well except for Gizmo, that kid ran as soon as I tore the legs of his robo-spider." Frowning at the bandages wrapped around my torso, he gives me a look of genuine concern. "What about you?"

"No one really wants to mess with me after Zsasz." I'm always going to be a killer. "No one tries to crowd me anymore at lunchtime. It's nice to always get a butterscotch pudding." I swear a girl laughs at that and yet Artemis' mouth was busy snarking with Robin.

That's not something I can ever melt away like I did with the trash. But I can make sure I never hurt someone innocent ever again. And I can make sure all my bad luck crashes down on the truly vile ones behind everything.

"Enough!" My friend has had enough of the back and forth with the Boy Wonder. "We came here for another reason and visiting hours are almost over."

All three exchange looks, with none wanting to start the questioning. "... What's up?"

"You said my sister knew more than you did." My blood practically freezes in the veins and I feel lightheaded. "What did you mean? What's going on with the Shadows?" I'm a dead man.

"You willing to put me into witness protection for the rest of my life?" Because that's the only way you survive betraying Ra's. "Maybe somewhere like Mars would be safe enough."

"You do know Batman blocks all the recording devices anytime we talk to a patient?" Realizing what my eyes are darting around the room for, Robin is clearly trying to hold back a giggle. "It's the only way anyone would ever agree to talk to us."

Taking a moment for my heart rate to slow down, I swallow the thick lump of fear choking me. "So no one is going to know what we say in here?"

"Exactly." He is far too smug for a kid that short.

"Why do you want into Belle Reve so badly?" Artemis cuts to the chase and scowls at me.

Do I honestly think I can do everything by myself? "Do you think it would help my appeal, if I stop a prison break all by myself?"

"And I'm betting it's set for shortly after you and Freeze get transferred." Chimes in Robin with eyes eager for a mystery.

"I think I've managed to talk Viktor out of pleading his case." Nora isn't going to get any treatment while he's at Belle Reve and that was really all it took once I delivered the special ice he needed. More than enough to last him the whole decade.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Turning up the heat on her frustration, Artemis' scowl morphs into a full blown snarl. "This kind of stuff is going to get you killed!"

If Red Arrow was here I'd clam up and say something rude. But I have no reason to screw with people who actually seem to be worried about me.

"Dad's not really giving me a choice. He hired some freak to mess with my head and it took all my willpower to stick with just graffiti." Her eyes soften and it almost looks like she has to hold herself back from grabbing my hand.

"Is that why you freaked out so much at the sight of M'gann?" Superboy whispers.

I've always been unnerved by the idea of my memories being messed with but I really have to admit that was an overreaction. "Yeah. Please apologize to her for me, I just snapped as soon as she got too close."

It was like a self defense mechanism going haywire. Every single one of my senses was screaming danger!

"I'm lazy, I admit it." That just gets another snort from Artemis. "But I don't want to hurt people anymore. I just want to make the most money for the least effort."

"Is that how you talked yourself back into crime?" Robin is frowning in confusion at my apparent flip flop.

"It's how I realized crime will always leave me in the red." It's not exactly easy to go out for a fancy dinner when the whole city is looking for you. "And everything just sort of clicked, when I walked past a gallery on my way to the bridge."

Notes: I have to be really quite while my fiance recovers, so here you all go. A bonus chapter since my Xbox makes too much noise.​
Interlude 6: Secrets Will Haunt You
Interlude 6: Secrets Will Haunt You
Star City, California
August 30, 3:56 PM PDT

"Kaldur and the girls not back from Atlantis yet?" Calls out Artemis as she joins the others at the bowling alley that barely resembles one anymore.

Growling out a no, Robin's annoyance is on prominent display as he scrolls through the biggest stories. "Going to be a peace conference in Rhealasia next week. Someone called Icon and his partner Rocket are providing security."

Wally zips over to the screen and lets out a wolf whistle. "I think I'm in love."

"Did you show him another mirror?" Realizing that she's going to be stuck with the boys for who knows how long, Artemis can only roll her eyes at the speedster's antics.

"Are you really fine with letting the League take over the case?" Ignoring the taunt, Wally turns to his fellow redhead with a worried expression.

Roy isn't happy about it at all. But Batman was very clear back at the station. 'Either lead the others or leave them. But theirs no room for a loose cannon on a training team.'

"Has Secret reported in yet?" He ignores the question, more concerned with spectral Greta's mission to watch Cameron. "Has he done anything to slip up yet?"

"I really don't think he's playing us Roy." Challenges Robin with a firmly set jaw. "Believe me on this. I spend a lot of time with the crazies in Gotham and Sub-Zero just doesn't have the same eyes."

Even after counting down from ten, Roy just can't seem to get rid of his anger. "... Maybe you should take point on this one."

"Are you serious?" Robin trades worried looks with both his best friend and Huntress. "But you haven't let anyone else lead a mission before."

"I'm obviously too close to this one and if I ever want to get an invite to the League," Coughing awkwardly, Roy lets slip the direction his talks with Guardian have been going. "I need to be able to follow protocol and listen to Batman."

"But mostly the second part, right?" Robin chirps out with a knowing wink, forced to duck away from a playful swat in response.

Frowning at the youngest among them, Kirk hesitantly brings up his own hopes. "Have you gotten any closer to finding Cassie and Helena?"

"Good news or bad news first?" Sighs the thirteen year old hero, tapping a few quick commands into his keyboard.

"The good news I guess." Shrugs the blonde clone.

"I don't have any." Robin smirks back and waits for Kirk to speak again.

"The bad news?"

Shaking his head casually, Robin just confuses Superboy with his response. "None of that either."

"Do you actually know anything?" Fed up with the back and forth, Artemis cuts right to the chase with a frustrated hiss.

"... Spoilsport." Robin grumbles petulantly and turns the monitor around for everyone to see it. "Helena Sandsmark hasn't been in one place for longer than six months. Not since Cassie was born at least."

A few more taps and the pictures of mother and daughter are replaced by some very bare personal documents. "But the funny thing about that, Cassie doesn't seem to have any official birth records. Or anything aside from a very falsified passport it would seem."

"Do you know where they are right now?" Kirk nearly falls off the counter as he leans forward eagerly. "Are they close?"

Sorry to disappoint, Robin is forced to shake his head in the negative. "They arrived in Cairo last Tuesday and have an expedition planned in Bialya until the end of October."

"And we can't operate outside America..." Sags Superboy at the news.

"Not officially anyway." Wally gets an idea that he knows will get them all in trouble. "I have enough money to get us all a flight. We'd just have to travel undercover the entire time."

"You'd do that for me?" Still not expecting such kindness after a lifetime of very angry implanted memories, Kirk can only blink in disbelief.

As one of the only ones to be raised with a healthy family, Wally doesn't even seem to notice the hesitation. "What's family for dude?"

"I'm starting to find out." Superboy allows a smile to nearly split his face in half.

"Don't let him borrow any of your stuff," Warns a smirking Artemis. "Older siblings will never give it back."

"Hey!" Whines the Sega branded speedster.

Robin just raises an eyebrow and chuckles. "How many of my games do you keep 'forgetting' to bring back?"

"And I seem to recall lending you my favorite sunglasses." Roy joins in on the teasing, for once not overtaken by frustration. "Do you ever plan on giving those back?"

"Thanks by the way. For helping my mom find a better neighborhood and the whole not freaking out about my family." She whispers to Robin once Roy and Wally start wrestling. "It's nice not having to play guess the stain while I wait for the elevator."

"Red Arrow and Guardian are related." Snorts Robin as if that explains everything. "They really don't have much in common except terrible taste in haircuts."

"Jade and I don't even share that." It's hard for Artemis to talk about it so openly and it takes all of her willpower to open up to the younger boy. "She probably would have shaved me in my sleep if we did."

But I have no reason to try hiding anything now. Red Arrow told them all who I was, back before I even showed up the first day for my tour of the place. Cam made it way too easy when he used my mother's old alias.

Though I have to give Wally and Zatanna credit, they made things a lot less awkward by sharing their own identities. He might act like a moron. But it's mostly just him not taking time to think through how his words sound out loud.

Artemis has to hold in a laugh when Robin starts to complain about how hard it is to spend time alone with Zatanna. Her and M'gann had revealed the one condition for them being allowed to join Young Justice. Can't believe Giovanni is so old fashioned.

And once Kirk and Kaldur started training shirtless, I was more than glad to have accepted the invitation. Even if I had to write that damned apology first.

"Did Guardian give us the day off and just forget to let anyone know?" Glancing at the clock and frowning at the time, Artemis brings attention to the absence of their chaperone. "Because he's never been late before before."

"Let's see..." A blue blur rushes toward the adult heroes desk and begins ruffling through drawers. "Old sandwich, bunch of math, and a jar full of gummy worms! He's been holding out on me this whole time."

"Anything useful?" Growls Guardian's nephew as worry starts to sour his mood.

The tone just gets Sonic to roll his eyes and grab a note taped to the keyboard. "He left us a note. Says we have until five find all hundred dummies hidden within an eight block radius."

"And what time is it now?" Robin's already in mission mode and plotting out the most optimal route for everyone.

"Quarter past four." Calls out Roy, already dashing towards his gear with a determined grimace on his face. "Now get your asses in gear!"​
Chapter 14: How Rudolf You To Say That
Chapter 14: How Rudolf You To Say That
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
September 3, 11:14 AM EDT

Screams startle me out of my routine and I end up sprawled on the frost covered floor. "Who do you think it is this time?" Two-Face was only a few days ago and I'm a little stumped at who could be trying to piggyback off his escape.

"Pamela has been working her magic on Doctor Quinzel." Viktor shows how much he's been warming up to me and actually indulges my idle curiosity. "I believe it's her turn to make a dramatic exit."

The snickering that's followed me for a while makes itself known once more and my eyes frantically scan the room. "You have to have heard that!"

"I've already told you that Arkham isn't haunted. Ghosts aren't real Glenn." He uses the name I've asked him to. I hope it will start reinforcing who I really am, hearing my own name out loud and everything.

"So why are your notes always organized when we wake up now?" I'm too lazy to care.

"Because I am an ardent professional." His disbelief is frustrating but I haven't found anything to make him budge even a centimetre.

It's not just laughter this time that greets his comment. "Professional grumpy pants you mean." But nowhere I look reveals the location of the young girls voice.

"Can't believe I'm actually going to miss this place." Even the ghost isn't that bad. "Are you sure the supply I made will last you?" I'm not going to be allowed to use my powers once I get transferred to Belle Reve.

"Longer than my lifetime, which I can never repay you for." Assures the brilliant man I'm starting to think of more like an uncle. "If you ever need anything my boy, I won't hesitate to come to your aid."

No one has been so forthright with such words and I can feel my lip begin to quiver. "You gave me what I wanted." Attention. "So know the feeling is mutual."

"I thought you two were supposed to be bad guys?" The girl's voice chimes in with a snort. "Not the Babysitters Club."

"You're sure this is what you need to do?" Viktor frowns at the plan I've put forward the last few weeks.

It's not the smartest thing I could do, I know that. "I don't need to. Probably a lot of safer ways I could handle everything." Until it all somehow went tits up on me again. "But I want to do this."

"Good timing on your emancipation case." He graces me with a rare half smile and points at the newest addition taped above my bunk. "Because I'd say you've become a man this summer."

"I am getting pretty cut." It's hard to take such a genuine compliment and I deflect with another terrible joke. "Think the girls will stop giving me looks of disgust?"

Rolling his eyes as he returns to his work, Viktor misses the ghost's mocking response. "You aren't trying to get Red Arrow to notice you? Because that's what the kids in the hall are all saying."

"Hey, can I have one of those scalpels?" As part of his plea deal, Viktor has an admittedly wide array of plastic tools to work with.

"The reason?" He's not saying no, even though it's one his only sharp implements.

"Since the numbness seems to just be a part of my biology..." I lift my shirt and the stitches I've stopped from completely healing by picking at them. "I'm not getting shanked the day I arrive."

His eyes widen in understanding and he hands me the tool without any further questions. "Figure it's better if I'm the one doing the stabbing this time."

"And since these aren't dense enough to show up in a superficial scan..." Viktor grimaces as I very carefully widen my wound. "You can sneak it into Belle Reve."

As long as I don't get jostled around too much before I get thrown in my cell, I should be able to get the scalpel back out in time. Just need to keep it from sealing up for a few more days.

Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
September 8, 10:00 AM EDT

"Up and at 'em Zero." The one in charge of my escort swings the door open with a cocky swagger. "The cushy treatment is over now that you've been declared legally sane." The button to my collar is held in his very eager hand.

I want to say something and have to bite down hard on my tongue. "Too bad you only have the walk down to the courtyard to get your licks in." The still unseen voice however is not so restricted.

"You trying to mock me boy?" He does have a rather high voice. "Really not smart when we have five whole flights of stairs to walk you down." But I'm not dumb enough to antagonize someone with a thumb on the button.

"It's the ghost Sir." My dry response only gets him to push down with frustration and it sends me to my knees.

Watching me gasp for breath, he just snorts at my weakness. "Not going to miss your lip. Think you're something special with Cobblepot's team... getting to use your powers and still make money behind bars."

"Enough." Viktor warns the vicious guard and that's enough to give me some breathing room. "You do know the cameras in my room are run off a separate power grid?"

Apparently the new guard wasn't aware of this fact and he nearly drops the switch in shock. "You'd better use your time wisely and get those stories straight. Cameron here has been bringing the hospital quite a lot of money the last month." That gets a couple more worried grunts. "Far more than they spend on those very meagre salaries."

"Point taken," Growls the now panicking escort, while his two fellows help me back to my feet gingerly.

"So I'm not going to fall down the stairs?"

"Not anymore." Admits the chunkiest of the three with a very guilty voice.

The halls we pass have already been repainted and even that little bit helps. The mint green makes it feel almost like a real hospital. Now if they could just do something about the rampant corruption and ineptitude here.

When we get to the courtyard and the waiting armoured truck, I frown at the mass of goo in a vaguely human shape. Clayface is getting transferred with me?

Instead of a collar around his net, it's an entire mesh net keeping him contained. Small sparks of electricity flash whenever his clay touches the wires.

"You made me wait out in the hot sun for this chump?" Brags one of Batman's most dangerous foes. Though I think this is his first stay at Arkham, none of Cameron's memories include this guy.

After Zsasz, I'm not going to let another inmate push me around. "Clay has a crap ton of moisture in it, right?" My voice is as emotionless as I can manage as I stare down the 'man' I'm going on a road trip with. "Wonder what would happen if it all froze."

"How about we don't find out," Pleads a suddenly very meek sounding Clayface. "That sounds like it would hurt like hell."

"Just remember that I get the top bunk and everything should be fine between the two of us." I reach over and pat his shoulder, ignoring the very minor pair that crackles against my flesh. Minor compared to the full blast of the collar.

Interlude 7: Observe And Report
Interlude 7: Observe And Report
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
September 3, 12:06 PM EDT

As soon as the doors of the transport truck swing shut, the spirit of Greta Hayes steps through the metal with a final giggle directed at her target. For anyone with either the ability to see ghosts or her permission, she looks like an ordinary twelve year old girl.

Straight blonde hair and bright blue eyes that reflect firelight wave to the waiting Red Arrow, as Secret reports in on her successful observation. The offer to join the team and have friends, was just too enticing.

How could I say no to my very own recruitment test? It's like joining a club at school and I was never allowed to go with Billy. Pa just said I didn't need to be smart to cook and clean.

"What is he hiding?" Roy grunts the moment Greta steps through the door of the rented van and pretends to sit down. "Who is the first target?"

"Didn't you miss me?" She hangs her head and sighs. "I thought you said everyone in Young Justice was friends."

Holding back a frustrated hiss, Roy forces a smile onto his face. "I'm sorry Greta, that was very rude of me."

"It's okay," Forgiving him at once, the spirit of Greta reveals a teasing smirk. "I know you just think about him all the time. It's sweet how much you care about Glenn."

Sputtering denials as he follows the officers at a safe distance, Roy eventually realizes she's only playing around. "Ha ha. Very funny Greta."

"I thought so. But Glenn didn't really seem to like my jokes very much, he never laughed at any of them." She shares the information most important, first. "He's really not as exciting as I was hoping. So much moping for a killer..." Shaking her head along to the radio, Greta barely finishes the sentence. "He's nothing at all like Billy."

Silence greets her comment as Roy processes the strangeness. "Wait a second. Who's Glenn?"

"He told the bald guy he doesn't want to be called Cameron anymore." She tries to recall the exact words and even Red Arrow is forced to admit she looks adorable with her face all scrunched up like that. "He said that's the name his pa gave him and he wants nothing from him anymore. A new name, for a new start."

"Did he at least brag about Zsasz?" Roy nearly whines. Just glad the rest of the team is in class today and is missing the pitiful scene. "... Or seem proud about any of his crimes?"

Greta considers it for an entire song and Roy almost repeats himself before he finally gets an answer. "He did say he needs to make things square with somebody named Tommy."

"I knew it!" Crows the archer in his flower delivery disguise, wincing as shorts ride up again. "He's just doing all of this to put a crew of the worst together. He let the Terror get arrested, so he could lay the groundwork."

"Change it please." Greta interrupts the discussion to glare at the radio. "This has to be the worst thing I've ever heard. And I heard myself die."

Rolling his eyes at the girl's rather short attention span, Roy does flip it off the top forty. "Stay focused please."

"... I'll try." Greta promises with a faint blush somehow appearing, despite her lack of blood. "But I've never left the yard before. This is all just so exciting."

"But we found your marker in the yar-" Realizing how harsh his words sound, Roy forces his mouth shut.

Even though she tries to act carefree, the look in her eyes rocks the red head right to the core. "I know."

"I'm sorry I had to ask you to go to such a scary place." Roy ignores the burning in his eyes and keeps them locked ahead on the road. "But you more than earned a place on the Team. Secret."

"I get a code name too?" She lets out a gleeful squeal that manages to draw the barest hint of a smile out of Roy. "Thank you so much!"

"Pay me back by never mentioning the tears."

After a few more hardcore rap songs that Red Arrow is astounded to discover the sheltered spirit loves, Greta finally notices all the flowers in the back. "Why are we hiding from the police? Shouldn't we let them know we're here to help?"

"Batman said the League was going to handle this." Admitting that makes Roy nearly rip the grip of the steering wheel when he clenches his fists in anger. "But he's my villain, not the League's. I'm making sure he actually goes to Belle Reve."

Hearing that makes her turn an adoring gaze towards such a responsible young man. "Green Arrow must be so proud of you. You care so much about doing the right thing." Why couldn't Billy be more like you.

"I wish." Roy only grunts back and ends the discussion. "This is it!"

The armoured truck gets boxed in by a trio of semis and Roy uses one hand to reach for his bow. "Any second now and they're going to try busting him out."

"No look. They're giving the police room now." Greta points to the growing space between the vehicles.

Swearing he's going to die of a stress induced ulcer, Roy nearly reacts to nine more incidents over the trip. A car accident that stalled us for half an hour, the flooded road we had to take the long way around, and even the flat tire all turned out to be completely innocent.

Belle Reve, Louisiana
September 3, 4:28 PM CDT

"Just play it cool when he gets here and I'm sure the boss will have some ideas for you too." Tommy Terror extols the benefits of working with Sub-Zero. "He gave me and Tuppence all the cash he took. Only kept enough for gas and the motel rooms."

"And you say this sister is working for the Penguin now?" One of Gotham's more mentally stable criminals, Kiteman, asks with a heavy frown.

"As his bodyguard. Just like the boss told her." Tommy brags about the five figures his sister makes each month and all the morons she gets to hit.

As the others consider the idea of making money they can actually keep one day, Ratcatcher makes eye contact with Central Cities Weather Wizard. "You buying this nonsense?"

"We all heard about the deal with Midway..." Conflicted with the idea of taking orders from a teen, the weather manipulator would like to have nice things for longer than it takes the Flash to find him. "And it seems we have proof Icicle's kid offers better benefits."

"It's an interesting idea I must admit." The enigmatic Shade offers his own opinion. "He does like to share the good fortune. He made sure to let the crews in Vegas know when he was making his move."

"And what if Senior gets mad?" Whimpers the jittery Cheapjack.

Tommy hears that and snorts derisively at the lack of faith. "Boss will do worse than what he did to Zsasz." The absolute belief is enough to sway the last few fence sitters. "Tuppence said he's on his way to get me out of here. I'll just ask him if you can come with us."​
Chapter 15: Lock Him Up And Snow Away The Key
Chapter 15: Lock Him Up And Snow Away The Key
Belle Reve, Louisiana
September 8, 5:07 PM CDT

Stepping out under the intense lights gets me to shield my face with one arm. The guards here aren't as impressed with my accomplishments and shove me right along to the waiting room.

"This place is so clean, I feel kind of bad for mucking it all up." Clayface pipes up with his nasally voice. How does sentient clay get the sniffles?

I know a few people use the name but I have no idea which one I'm stuck with. Maybe the original gangster one, or is this the actor instead?

"It's you lot who will be cleaning up." Gloats one of the many indistinguishable guards. "So make it as gross as you can."

"Especially D-Block!" One of his fellow blurts out, drawing chortles from the rest as I glance down at the same letter on my jumpsuit.

"What is that?" Only one person is waiting for us on the same level, another inmate judging by the redhead's own orange clothing. "It looks like walking shit!"

Stunned into stillness, Clay takes a few seconds to respond. "Can I just say... ouch."

"That's really not a very healthy colour you know." The retort just slips out of my mouth before I have a chance to stop myself. "If that's what yours looks like, should probably book some time in the infirmary."

"You ain't look like much either," She snarls, revealing a row of filed teeth. "But at least I got a name for that smart mouth."

Gathering some of the nerve I seem to have destroyed on the ride, Clay puffs up his chest. "And I assume you're in here for biting of a john's, johnson."

"Do you believe in werewolves?" Instead of giving us the standard fair of bragging about her reputation, the woman who looks to be approaching thirty fires back her own confusing question.

Before I have a chance to ask if she means the traditional kind from legends or just resembling one, Clay bends over in laughter. "Maybe you should take our ride back to Arkham."

"Silence!" A new and incredibly commanding voice echoes in the room, revealing the glaring Amanda Waller. "You are now in the biggest house we have. I will not tolerate anymore nonsense, from any of you."

"If we're good, will you sometimes remember to give us a warning before we get shocked?" The still unnamed woman snorts, only to end up on the floor a second later. The blast of electricity lasts far longer than any of the ones I got back in Arkham and I wince with sympathy.

Amanda finally nods to the guard with the button and smirks down at us. "You got taken down by the Blue Beetle and his new sidekick. No one is scared of you anymore Hyena." Finally I can call her something besides 'that crazy bitch'.

"Now as I was about to say, before being so rudely interrupted." Our prison warden launches into an admittedly well crafted speech. But I'm stuck alternating between sheer terror and grudging respect the entire time.

Not playing any games with a woman like her. That's almost as stupid as pissing off Batman or holding Kara hostage. Two out if three ain't bad, so I just need to keep her content.

It's when she mentions Doctor Hugo Strange being in charge of psychiatry that I frown. Has he ever actually been a good guy? In anything at all?

I'm not as sure as I should be and that's what makes me the most uncomfortable. I haven't been losing many more memories since I started insisting on my own identity. But the lost ones are still just out of my reach.

Hyena doesn't bother saying goodbye when she gets lead into the female wing and I don't feel the need to make one of my own. I just allow the far more professional looking guards, lead clay and I to our new cell.

I know the talk with Senior needs to come sooner rather than later. But I really would prefer to wait until I can touch base with Tommy. Better to look strong in front of old Capo and his men.

Once we get locked in the almost bare room, I carefully climb onto the top bunk. It was already hard enough to keep myself straight the whole ride here. I really don't want to impale myself at the last second and waste all that effort.

"Uh..." Clayface gasps when I pull my shirt up, exposing the wound only kept sanitized by my lower internal temperature. "What the hell are you doing?"

It hurts a whole lot less than I know it should when I grab the scalpel pressed along on of my ribs. Though Clay doesn't care and pretends to gag in disgust. At least I think he's pretending.

"Making sure I survive dinner." Is my retort as I cut a hole in my sleeve, sliding the weapon inside for later.

Once my few possessions are taped above my bed, I try to make less hostile conversation with my roommate. "So do you go by something in particular, or can I just call you Clay?"

"That works." His 'shoulders' hunch at the same time he lowers his voice. "Just let me know what my part is. I'm ready for anything."

His tone is almost deferential and I have to hold back a confused frown. Does he think he's supposed to report to me? How many people are the Shadows sending in for this?

Since apparently everything hinges on the four of us with ice abilities, I have two targets to choose from first. Do I try getting Captain Cold out of commission first, or do I go right for the big dog?

If I go after Senior too soon, the rest of the Shadows will have time to adjust the plans. And take me out as painfully as possible. But if I'm too slow, dropping Cold might not be enough.

"We're checking in with my pal Tommy before I decide on anything." Once he knows his sister is doing well, I should be able to get some useful information. "I'm not making a move in here blind."

I can't do anything hasty, not until I at least have a rough idea of how many agents are in place already. Finding out how long I have before the breakout would also be plus.

If I just squeal to Waller at the first opportunity... I'll be put in solitary and miss my chance to act.

"You ain't going to work with your dad?" Clay finally seems to understand after far too many repetitions. "You want to take over his crew instead?"

"He always told me to be a man and look after myself." The sudden flash of anger when I think of the man, doesn't even surprise me anymore. "Well I realized something this summer. He's the one who hurt me the most."

Clay nods at that, his 'face' actually detailed enough to be called one. "And how did you realize that? Some kind of divine sign?"

"Not sure if it was getting my head scrambled during surgery or just having time to think for once. But I know it started when I realized how different Green Arrow treated his sidekick." That admission surprises even me and I realize I really am getting desperate for friends. "I'm not sure my dad even knows my name."​
Chapter 16: What's Your Asking Ice
Chapter 16: What's Your Asking Ice
Belle Reve, Louisiana
September 8, 6:30 PM CDT

After a month with my company kept hand picked and under a dozen people with names, seeing the crowd gives me a fair bit of anxiety. Just find Tommy and get the scoop.

Do something incredibly dumb later. The warning to myself is going to be repeated several more times today. Starting to understand exactly how hard this is going to be.

What am I going to do, shank a few hundred inmates? Even if I pulled that off somehow, it's not going to make me look any better when I make my appeal.

"Over here boss!" The incredibly welcome voice of the missing twin draws my gaze to the far corner of the room. "I saved you a seat." Bless you Tommy.

Tommy has a small group seated with him and all of them are watching me with very obvious curiosity. Even though I can only recognize Cheapjack and Toyman by face alone, I don't see any rage among the rest.

"This is the amazing Sub-Zero?" The creepy old man is first to speak, his glowing red eyes scanning me for something. "He is nothing special."

"When everybody is special, nobody is." I quote the Incredibles and let my own eyes slowly travel around the table.

Eagerly taking one of the free chairs, Clay eagerly digs into his cornbread. "It's nice to finally have something besides that Arkham mash. This actually tastes better than what my high school served."

Toyman seems to be in agreement with the senior villain though and narrows his eyes at me. "If nobody is special, why is Tommy hustling for you?"

"You better apologize." Tommy cuts in with a suddenly serious snarl and it takes me a bit to make him relax.

"No need to get upset Tom. I just haven't had a chance to prove myself to your friends yet." What do they want from me, is it just an in with my dads crew?

Instead of instantly doubting me like his fellows, Cheapjack looks me over carefully. "You've changed a whole damn lot in just one summer. Not the same scrawny little bastard who could barely follow simple directions."

"We know something big is going down soon." The guy who introduces himself as Weather Wizard, has pencil thin goatee that I just want him to wipe off with a napkin. "We don't want to get left out in the cold on this."

"I told them how good of crew you run Boss. And I know you looked after my sister while I was in here." Explains a very proud Tommy and I start to understand the situation. "They just want to hear your pitch before they agree to anything."

"How exactly are you going to make us all rich?" Desperately asks Kiteman, his eyes frantically scanning the room for trouble. "We've been trying for years."

Agreeing with him, Weather Wizard glares at me with crossed arms. "It's not like any of us are stupid."

"But you definitely used wisdom as your dump stat." My retort gets an angry blush from the weatherman, making him sink lower in his chair. "How are you not already richer than Lexcorp?"

"I'm more interested in this claim of getting us out of here." Counters a scowling Shade after I list a half dozen ideas off the top of my head. "Something claimed to be impossible."

"What happens if you break out?" Letting a smirk grow, I stare down the incredibly creepy looking senior. "You can't actually be seen in public without someone screaming. And before long, you will get thrown back in here."

Toyman really doesn't like the sound of that and lets it be known with his groan. "So your solution is to just serve our time?"

"My solution is to do the smart thing." Oswald Cobblepot sold out anyone he had too and yet somehow manages to ride the line between the law. As I fill them in on the details of his trial, I shoot off suggestions for each of them.

None have been given much thought. But how did they all just ignore the obvious?

"Kiteman taxi service would make bank in California." I allow myself a moment of pride when the aforementioned man starts to get excited. "Rich people love to think themselves above the rest of the world. Just make them pay premium for that arrogance."

"How much are you talking about?"

Rolling my eyes at his lack of imagination, I point out how much it costs for just a regular cab. "Add in some eco-friendly and 'above-it-all' fees, you could be making around a grand each trip. Once you hire a crew, you just make them give you fifty percent of each drop off."

"Told ya the boss would take care of us." Brags Tommy and I get a wee bit concerned about his apparent promises.

"With how much money Hannah Land and Barbara World pull in each quarter, why don't you have theme parks all over the world?" This next idea is directed at the shorter Toyman, who strokes his chin in consideration.

Clay doesn't seem to appreciate me saving him for last and chimes in with a bitter tone. "And what about me? You know someone willing to hire walking mud?"

He really is an easy one and I prove it with only a few sentences. "How much money did the three biggest stars make for their last movie?"


"Millions." Silence greets that remark. "And can't you look like any of them? All you really need to do is work on your voice acting."

"I retract my earlier statement and offer my apologies." The Shade speaks first and gives me a respectful nod. "These ideas are quite intriguing. Do you have any for me?"

I know he's testing me but he's honestly as simple as Weather Wizard. "We love to hit bank transfers, don't we?"

"It's just so easy!" Barks Cheapjack as he elbows his neighbour in the ribs. "Who could pass up those sitting ducks?"

"How much you think banks and art galleries would pay you to just move the goods from point A to B?" A whistle stops me from continuing and my eyes find Senior glaring at me from across the room. "But this will have to wait. Tommy needs to tell me what my dear old daddy has been up to."

He does an adequate job of filling me in on the way, with tension filled eyes waiting as I hear about Senior's attempt to get dirt on me. Though with a few glaring gaps in the overall prison atmosphere. Hasn't been let in on the Shadows' plan yet, so he really doesn't know how long I need to wait.

"Just Junior." Calls out Icicle and I force myself to stop in front of his goons.

I have no idea who the muscular beast with the red mullet is. But Brick is definitely on my shit list.

"Don't go by that anymore." My tone is cold, taking all my effort to avoid a cracked voice. "Or is that why you stuck to calling me that? Was two names just too difficult for you to remember?"

"And here I was going to compliment you for finally growing a spine." His eyes have narrowed into ones filled with cruelty, every ounce of it promising me pain. "But Psimon was just more wasted money, I'll have to pay him a visit once I'm through with Morrow."

"What are you talking about?" The guy who fought the Justice Society decades ago?

Smirking at me with absolutely no warmth in his entire body, Icicle hammers away at my reality. "I paid a lot for those upgrades. But all I got from it was you..." He hisses with rage, gesturing for his goons to make his point clear. "And I'm going to get my refund once this job is over."

"I don't think you understand Father." Snarling as the two thugs press in from each side, I use my thumb to slide the scalpel into my palm. "I'm not following the orders of a has been anymore."

"Get him boys!" The roar of Icicle sends the guy I eventually learn is called Mammoth, swinging dinner plate sized fists at my head.

Viktor gave me a few pointers on how Batman dealt with his powersuit. A few of which I can easily apply to anyone of a similar size.

I slash at the back of Mammoth's right knee and nearly get deafened by his agonized scream. As he tumbles forward, I barely manage to avoid getting pinned beneath his bulk.

Though Brick easily grabs me by the scruff of the neck and hoists me off my feet, it only brings me closer to a weak point. Running the blade over his eye gets me thrown clear, his roar of pain silencing the room.

As everyone warily eyes those closest, I suddenly feel lightning course through my body. I'm not alone in the punishment and anyone within thirty feet joins me on the floor.​
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Interlude 8: Moving Day
Interlude 8: Moving Day
Seward, Nebraska
September 9, 10:18 AM CDT

"Did they catch the flight?" Artemis prods Zatanna as soon as she arrives at the new base. I can't believe how cheap these things are.

The magician's eyes tighten at the sight of countless boxes still in need of unpacking. "M'gann got them through security without any problems that I could see. But why aren't we making them help with all of this?"

"Because we can't let a potential Kryptonian run around." Explains a strangely tense Guardian. "And Roy doesn't want to let the League 'steal' another mission."

"None of us do." Corrects Robin as he exchanges firm nods with the others.

"Still can't believe she has to disguise herself as Wally's dad the whole flight." Artemis shudders at even pretending to share blood with the braggart.

Sharing in the horror, Zatanna points out how much worse it really is. "It's Bialya. M'gann probably shouldn't drop her disguise the whole trip."

"Stop, that tickles!" Interrupts Roy with a high pitched squeal from the next room.

When Artemis and M'gann find him on the yoga mat covered training area, the pair from as he picks his nose furiously. After a couple seconds, the red headed archer jerks his hand free with a snort of laughter.

"Okay. That time you had complete control." Greta emerges from his back and blushes bright pink. "I'm really proud of how well you're focusing on this now."

With his back to her, he misses the face splitting smile she flashes the other girls. "Roy's helping me posses people, so I can make people give up a hostage safely!"

"And you're just fine letting her control you?" Wide eyed, Artemis feels the hairs on her neck stand on end. "Because that sounds terrifying to me."

"It was at first." He doesn't bother denying it. "But now I can tell almost the exact moment she tries taking control."

Agreeing with her favourite person, Greta's head bobs vigorously. "When he fights back, I can barely stay inside for three whole seconds."

"Can a person just be stitious, or does it have to be super?" Robin blinks away the unsettling feeling Secret's comment creates and tries to lighten the mood.

"That's it, I'm getting you a dictionary for Christmas!" Tired of the Boy Wonder's antics, Guardian walks away rubbing his temples.

Waiting until his footsteps stop echoing, Roy gives the rest a proper tour. "We have enough rooms for everyone, so just pick whichever one you want."

He points down a branching hallway and the ten doors on each side. "Just not the one at the end of the hall."

"I already picked out what colours I want!" Excited at the idea of decorating with her friends, Greta points at the cans of neon green and hot pink in front of her door. "Will you help Roy paint it for me?"

"How is that fair?" Artemis hisses at an amused Kaldur. "Who can say no to a face that adorable?"

The Great Desert, Bialya
September 10, 2:49 PM EEST

"Why did you want to come with us so bad?" Wally wipes the back of his neck with his sleeve and gives his 'father' a frown.

Deciding it's pointless to hide her reason when she needs to convince the two to come with her, M'gann sighs in response. "Have you heard of the show 'Hello Megan'?"

"Joan watches it all the time." Confirms the sweaty speedster as his adopted brother scans the horizon. "Some show from the seventies, right? It's pretty funny."

"It was one of the only Earth broadcasts we got when I was a little girl." Confides the Martian with a growing blush. "It helped me and my brother avoid all the..." Realizing she's already said too much, M'gann refuses to continue.

But Wally seems to put the clues together anyway. "Didn't have many friends? You the weird kid too?"

"Can't you hear that?" Kirk cuts in with a frantic growl.

"Hear what?" M'gann doesn't sense any minds within a few miles and shakes her head.

"The screaming." Jumping down from his camel, Kirk hands of the reins to M'gann. "Catch up when you can." With those words farewell, Kirk throws himself forward with a mighty leap.

Panicking as Superboy lands in a plume of sand, Wally barks a command. "Link us up before he's out of sight!" With M'gann just barely managing the task in time.

<Just make sure you actually tell us when you find something!> The speedster snarls over the link as soon as he feels the familiar buzz at the back of his brain. "Just got a brother, don't even want to think about what Mom would do if I let something happen to him so soon."

"M'comm always needed looking after too," Admits M'gann with a wistful expression. "I hope he can forgive me for leaving him all alone."

Confused at that comment, Wally says as much. "You don't really talk about Mars very much. It doesn't sound like the alien paradise I thought it was."

"We have just as much discrimination as Earth, maybe more." The distance in her voice gives Wally a moments pause.

But only a moment. "We're making this trip special for Kirk. How long does it take to get to Mars?"

"A little more than a month." And the worst time of my entire life. All alone except for Uncle J'onn, it nearly drove me mad with loneliness.

"Call M'comm when we get back to the States and see if he wants to come to Earth." Insists Wally as he strains his ears uselessly for any trace of Kirk. "Summer break is long enough that we can make the trip without missing any school." Only way my parents would even consider saying yes.

As she processes the heartfelt offer, M'gann suddenly snaps alert when she feels a new presence. <Kirk, stop!>

<But they're hurting it!> The images Superboy sends are confusing to the pair.

The soldiers are a concern, if expected. But it's the screeching red sphere that draws him deeper into the camp. Clouds of dust shield him from direct view, but make his path incredibly obvious.

His approach isn't silent, with each of the impacts sending armed men bouncing along the sand. It's only at the last moment the powerful psychic presence makes himself known.

<It's far too late to escape now.> The pale flesh and exposed brain of Psimon give Kirk pause and that's all it takes. <But don't worry children. I promise you aren't going to remember how much this will hurt.>

Pain surges through the trio's minds in an avalanche, wiping away the last six months in only a few moments. As Wally slides off his camel in a stupor, he manages to press the emergency beacon on his belt.

"Uncle Barry..." His voice slurs as his message breaks radio silence. "Help."

Notes: I know it's a smaller one, so expect another chapter later today.​
Chapter 17: Time Waits For Snowman
Chapter 17: Time Waits For Snowman
Belle Reve, Louisiana
September 10, 9:45 PM CDT

Waller just stares at me, daring me to give her the lip she's heard about. "How are you enjoying the time in solitary? That little stunt with Daddy worth it?"

"No one's going to try jumping me without being sure I'm unarmed now." And with how many enemies I'm going to make, kind of need that protection.

"You don't seem concerned about your 'friend Tommy." The warden crosses her arms and narrows her eyes. "And after her choked out Mammoth for you." That's why the behemoth didn't do more than roar once I slashed his ligament.

"Friends look out for each other." Having proof that's what Tommy is, gives me a strange sense of peace.

The terror of doing this all by myself is gone and been replaced by an even worse fear. What if I get the guys hurt? I have no idea how to lead a crew.

"I didn't think you had the nerve to try anything." She admits with a barely noticeable nod. "As mad at you as I am. It was impressive, if incredibly idiotic." Sounds kind of like you're even more pissed off at your guards for the slip.

"You haven't seen stupid yet." Snorting at her suddenly furious expression, I realize this is my best chance. "Like seriously, what kind of moron tries to stop a prison break?"

Silence is my only answer at first, until I get a deadly serious growl from Waller. "Explain. Now!."

"I kind of screwed everything up." Anger is blinding and I really do need some proper therapy. "Didn't find out the plan before I made my move."

"You're selling out your own father. Why should I believe a single thing you say?" She's no idiot and watches for even a twitch out of line.

Taking a deep breath, I put it all on the line. "Because I hate my father more than I fear for my life."

Suddenly the fans kick into overdrive, with gusts of freezing air coming out of every vent. "Hope you brought a jacket to work today. It's about to get real cold."

"Lock-down the prison!" She roars into her radio. "This is not a drill!"

"You should probably wait here until things... warm up." I warn the determined woman as I reach a finger towards my neck. "I can make it look like I trapped you. Would make everybody ignore you for a while."

The ice armour forms around my skin with a very missed sensation and with it comes access to my energy. A quick pulse of blue later and I end up with frozen bits of collar on the floor.

"Calling the League probably wouldn't hurt either." Pausing in front of my cell door, I wait for Waller's decision. "You did make it sound like it's going to take a while to get inside."

"One step out of line and I put you down hard." She finally decides to give me the barest sliver of trust.

Rolling my eyes at that, I prepare for the sounds of chaos I can already hear outside. "You may want to save the ammo."

The door shatters open as easily as my collar once I run press a hand against it. It's easy to do now that I know how to fill any space with dense blue ice.

"You're paying for that." Growls Waller as she enters the hallway with some kind of high tech pistol drawn.

"We need to get to my crew." I've had nothing but time to think and it's time to prove I can apply everyone's unique skills. "We need to turn off the air conditioning and turn the collars back on. But I can't be in two places at once."

"And I'm not letting you out of my sight." She warns firmly.

Getting back to D-block isn't actually very hard. Only time consuming as Waller makes me freeze every inmate we see.

She may not care if I kill any of them. But I do and it takes a lot longer to leave air space around the skin.

"Get to the armoury and hold the room!" Waller directs a trio of guards that I barely manage to save from Killer Croc. "We need to regain control."

"Tommy and his guys can get the heat on!" I shout over the burst fire of her energy based weapon, wincing as it strikes Black Spider square in the chest. "But you warm bloods are running out of time!"

Her teeth are starting to chatter, forcing me to hurry us up with some creativity. "Get on!"

Waller frowns at the block of ice on countless half melted balls. A clear wall at the front has a few holes, giving her a clear view and shot at anyone we find.

"Senior really has been holding you back this whole time. Nothing in your file is up to date it seems." Cautiously, the Warden climbs onto my construct.

It takes a few second to get us rolling with any real speed. But once I do, the momentum sends us barrelling through the halls.

No on we see wants to risk a direct hit and throws themselves into the nearest cell. Each one who does, gets sealed inside with a quick blast of ice.

"Boss!" Tommy cheers when I finally manage to stop the sled, with the rest of his crew successfully holding the corridor. "I knew you'd be fine."

"But we aren't going to be for long." I warn them, creating a wall of ice to block off the route I just came from. "So it's time to negotiate."

Waller uncrosses her arms and aims her weapon at me, which only gets Tommy to crack his knuckles. "And why would I even consider that?"

"Because I can just bail with my guys once I get Shade his staff." The mentioned creep waves at our scowling warden. "So if you want to keep everyone else in this place. You agree to let them all go to France." They don't extradite to the States, I made sure to check when I had access to Cobblepot's legal team.

"All of them?" Noticing the choice of words, Waller turns her stare on me with it's full intensity. "And what do you want?"

"Transferred somewhere I don't have to worry about getting stabbed." I don't want to rot in here forever. But I can't just run away from the people I've hurt. "And a chance to actually start paying back my crimes. America lets crooks clean up garbage, let me go clean up Everest or something."

The IRS values a human life at roughly eight million dollars. With seventeen deaths and nearly a hundred injuries on my conscience... I have a few hundred million dollars worth of payback before I can even think about sleeping soundly at night.

"Didn't think Tommy Boy knew what he was talking about."Toyman chimes in with a respectful nod directed at me. "But you aren't just using him."

Kiteman agrees with the Metropolis criminal. "Or us it would seem."

"What do you need us to do?" Ratcatcher manages to say that without twitching.

"Toyman needs to get these fans off." Turning to my only true friend, I give Tommy command of the mission. "So I'm trusting you to make sure that happens. Take everyone but Clay and Cheapjack with you." I'll need someone with technical know how and Clayface can hold back the swarm of goons.

Of course Waller decides to open her mouth and nearly ruin everything. "I haven't agreed to anything yet."

"You lose everyone or you lose these guys." The clouds of breath are already thick enough to catch in a pot, making me snarl with impatience. "Choose now!"

"Would it help if I promised the League will approve such a deal." Clayface's voice distorts into a far deeper voice, with his rolls of ooze suddenly pulling back into the shape of a dark haired man.

The red and yellow strongman suit is a bold choice that I can only vaguely recognize. But Waller seems to know exactly who was pretending to be my roommate.

"Plasticman..." The growl Amanda releases puts all the rest today to shame and I feel a little hint of jealousy. "You aren't a member. You have no way of keeping that promise."

"This is my test mission for the covert team. But I gotta say, I think I'm going to try that acting thing instead once we wrap things up here." The shiny man's grin stretches wide enough to fit at least a few watermelons inside. "Sounds a whole lot more profitable than beating up the bad guys."​
Interlude 9: Be A Better Man
Interlude 9: Be A Better Man
Belle Reve, Louisiana
September 10, 10:38 PM CDT

On the roof of the maximum security prison, Red Arrow gives commands to those of his team still in the country. "Hex and-" Only for Robin to interrupt him with a suspicious cough. "... Robin. I want the two of you on the generator."

"No problem." The grateful look Robin gives is telling. "The guards said they have thermal gear. You want us to crank it up to sauna levels?"

"Good idea." Roy agrees readily, hoping it will make things harder for his arch rival. "Huntress and Aqualad. Subdue the riot in the ladies wing and then make your way to the warden's office."

"Leaving you and your uncle to take on the guys?" Frowning at his plan to split them all up, Artemis points to the eager Secret. "What about the new girl? Is she ready for this?"

Ready to prove herself to her new friends, Greta throws up a hasty salute. "Don't worry. I can get you all through the roof and drop everyone off in a safe spot."

"I know you can, you've really been practicing." Agrees Roy with a hint of pride in his voice. "You're ready for this."

He and Guardian land on in the men's wing, with Greta floating back upwards with a farewell 'good luck'. As soon as Greta's feet disappear through the roof, the elder Harper turns to his nephew with a blank face.

"Broken Arrow."

Belle Reve, Louisiana
September 10, 10:41 PM CDT

"Watch your back." Artemis calls out to the last two still on the roof, as she and the stoic Kaldur phase through the roof. Can't let him beat us to Cameron, Roy's way too mad to think this through properly!

Sensing the same rage in his friend, Kaldur ends up being the one to say it out loud. "We can't let the inmates slow us down."

"As long as we're in agreement." Artemis narrows her eyes and sends a foam arrow at the unaware Shimmer.

"Good shot." Compliments Kaldur as he leaps at his own target with his water bearers at the ready.

After seeing the Atlantean bring down Granite Janet with only a simple combo, Artemis returns the respect. "That was both new and impressive as hell. Going back to school seems to be paying off for you."

"I must agree. Though I wish L'gaan would stop pestering me about our Martian friend." One visit was all it took to put hearts in his eyes and far to many requests to visit in Kaldur's ear.

His next move is barrage of liquid hammerheads, with the hallway cleared of anyone willing to go a second round. "Queen Mera is a most excellent teacher."

"I already said it was nice." Snorts the archer as her net makes sure the inmates aren't going anywhere for a while. "Stop fishing for compliments."

"Someone has to fill in for Sonic." He flashes her an amused grin as the two charge through the hallway.

The confidence in them falters at the sight of half a dozen mangled bodies. The blood almost concealing the uniforms of the guards entirely. "Huntress to everyone. Be careful, they aren't pulling any punches."

"Noted." Guardian responds at the same time Robin chimes in with his own.

"A little late on the warning." His voice is grim over the radio.

The snarl from an open cell is the only warning Aqualad gets when the transformed Hyena attacks. She flings herself at him, with gnashing jaws nearly closing on his throat.

"What did we agree on?" Kaldur blocks the hallway with his body and readies a pair of hydro blades.

Not wanting to leave him but knowing she has to, Artemis gives him a very grateful nod. "No slowing down for anything."

"Stop Red Arrow before he does something he will regret." Are the last words she hears from Aqualad, her feet swiftly carrying her towards the office. He can take care of himself.

The fans start to blow out warm air and a very relieved Huntress radios it in. "Nice job Robin. You got the heat back on!"

"That wasn't us." Corrects a very confused Boy Wonder. "But it would explain the lack of resistance. Everyone's already been dropped over here."

Only her boots make make any sound as Huntress finally arrives at a section of smashed wall. "I'm getting close."

"And we finally got an answer on the surprise help." Robin's voice responds a few seconds later. "And let's just say you aren't going to be happy RA."

They don't get an answer from him or Guardian, making Artemis grit her teeth in determination. He must have found Cameron already. "Shit!"

"Greta, you need to find Red Arrow and get ready to stop him." Hissing into her microphone, Artemis skids to a stop at the sight waiting for.
Finding a trio of inmates already restrained by a few hundred feet of Plasticman all twisted up like a cable, only his head recognizably human. Watching the only recently redeemed crook carefully, Artemis tries to maintain eye contact.

"You better get inside. Icicle's not giving up without a fight." Somehow she manages not to stare as he gestures with his tongue.

"Thanks." Is all she says, rolling into the office with a sonic arrow at the ready. Hope these shatter ice like Ted promised.

"Cameron..." She realizes things aren't anything like she was expecting.

"Another one of your friends?" Artemis recognizes the surly voice at once. Icicle Senior.

Allowing herself only a moment to scan the room, Artemis is confused to find Cameron is standing back to back with an armed Amanda Waller. Heatwave and a Devastation both waiting for a chance to strike.

"You alright Jack?" Cameron shifts his attention back to a man with an arm encased in ice. "Just don't panic and I'll get you out in a jiffy."

"I don't think you will." His father snarls, his padded elbow smashing the arm into pieces.

Screams of shock come from the victim as he falls to the floor, cradling his stump to his chest. At the same time he strikes, Sub-Zero creates a wall of ice to shield the warden, while a second beam encases Devastation up to the shoulders.

"Take him down!" Snarls the heavyset woman with the gun, with a trio of energy blasts dropping Heatwave with precision.

With shock in her eyes, Cameron does something she's always wanted to do to her own father. He fights him for real, with not even a fraction of himself holding back.

Beams of pale blue is all Senior has to face off with his son. But Sub-Zero has for more raw power to work with and he proves it.

Instead of watching a beam war like she remembers from her childhood, Artemis watches with pride as Cameron slams an icy boxing glove into Senior's nose. It's only when the elder Mahkent is on the floor that Artemis makes herself speak.

"Don't do this Cameron." She pleads with her friend as he watches his father reach feebly for his cold gun. "Prove you really are better than him." Don't let Roy be right about you.

As he turns to speak, Artemis only just catches Senior's dirty trick. With the second arm pinned beneath his body, Icicle fires a blast of blue from a second weapon.

The beam lances directly towards Amanda Waller, who doesn't flinch as death barrels towards her. And when Huntress leaps in front of the attack, Waller doesn't waste a second unloading into the villain with his own cold gun just waiting for someone on the floor.

Icicle senior roars with rage as he ends up frozen, with only his head still exposed to the air. Though unlike Devastation, his body is already succumbing to the extreme temperature.

"Finish him!" Calls out the still watching Plasticman.

"Cameron doesn't have it in him to get rid of his old man." Coughs out Icicle. Partly in fear and partly from misguided belief in his son's conditioning.

Exhaling a cloud of frosty air, Sub-Zero finally tears his grief filled eyes away from his oldest friend. "Her last request was for me to be better than you."

He stalks towards his shivering father, with none of the fear he once felt from the man inside him. "But it's going to be a lot easier to be better than half a man!"

The sudden stomp on his father's waist removes both legs in an explosion of shattering ice. "You should probably get him to the infirmary before he thaws out. Only has a few minutes before he bleeds to death."

Without another thought towards the man discarded from his life, Sub-Zero presses his hands against the entombed Artemis. He doesn't notice when a panting Kaldur arrives to help Plasticman with his foes. Nor does he react when Robin and Zatanna arrive with the rest of his crew.

But when Roy arrives and starts to yell, the ice starts to melt around the girl. Seeing this, even Roy's rage manages to cool down at the tears in his rivals eyes.​
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Chapter 18: That Ship Has Hailed
Chapter 18: That Ship Has Hailed
Belle Reve, Louisiana
September 10, 11:06 PM CDT

Waves of anguish slam around inside my skull as tears start to blur my view of Artemis in the pillar of ice. Since I wasn't the one to create it, It doesn't react at all when I try to shape it.

All the effort I put into creating barriers between mine and Cameron's memories shatters with Senior's legs. His out welling of horror mixes with my own feelings of loss and it takes every drop of willpower to not finish the job I started on his father. Closing my eyes as the salt starts to sting, I rest my forehead against the slick block.

"Whatever you're doing," Robin suddenly blurts out with hope. "Don't stop!"

I open my eyes ready to yell at the boy hero for disturbing my grief. But when I do it's to the sight of a miracle.

The suit that I once cursed for hiding such flawless skin, is glowing red as some kind of heating system kicks in. The ice melts faster once the coils reach full heat and soon I'm diving forward to catch her in my arms.

"I got you." No one interrupts as I cradle her coughing body close, ignoring the still heated wires pressed against me. I hope chicks really do dig scars.

"How are you going to spin this one?" Robin elbows Red Arrow, whose jaw is hanging low with disbelief.

Beside the gaping red head, a see through blonde gives me a strange look. "You told me he was a bad guy. Why is he being so nice to her?"

The archer doesn't respond with anything beyond rapid fire blinking and this just makes her worry more. "Did you get stuck again? Do I need to snap you out of it?"

"... Just processing." Roy finally breaks free from his stupor and approaches me slowly.

I know Waller and the heroes fill each other in on the status of the prison. But I pay them no further mind once Artemis starts to shift in my arms.

"Don't worry. I didn't do it." She stops trying to see behind me and finally allows herself to relax.

"I'd say you did." Artemis counters with another cough. "Stopped the whole breakout by yourself."

Noticing Tommy and the others lurking in the doorway, I give a nod of thanks to my best friend. "I had some help."

"And since it looks like the Warden is already reconsidering our deal..." Shade gives me a slight bow. "I shall take my leave before she tries putting another collar on us."

His shadow grows up the wall until it resembles a doorway in a dark hall. "Anyone who still wishes to join me in France, let us be off."

"You sure you don't need me Boss?" Tommy is the last of the crew to step through the portal, giving me a very worried look.

"Just get in touch with Tuppence and I'll be able to find you." Not sure how long it will be until I can though. "And make sure you lay low, I'm not doing this again!" I barely remember to holler before the doorway has faded back into normal shadows.

"Of course..." With chattering teeth, Artemis's whisper gets a whole new round of tears to flow. "Wally missed that."

"But I didn't." Waller's voice is a lot softer than I've ever heard it, as she thanks the girl in my arms.

Knowing this isn't even close to over, I still try to off load as much of the responsibility as I can. "This was an inside job you know." It's the only way so many things could have been arranged.

"I'd start with why the psychiatrist is wearing long johns." Chirps Robin with his eyes narrowed at Hugo.

The man is still cowering behind Waller's desk, giving him no room to escape his boss. When she levels her confiscated cold gun, Doctor Strange sags in defeat.

"I can explain that..." His eyes are already darting around wildly for the perfect lie. "It was just something a few of the inmates suggested."

"So why didn't you say anything?" Snorting at such a feeble defence, Waller throws him in cuffs non too gently. "Wait, don't tell me." The way the words are delivered give me hope that she'll sign off on my transfer. "I want to find out myself, it's more fun that way." To anywhere else.

"He tried getting me to take out a few difficult inmates." Groans Plasticman as his captives strain against him.

The weight in my arms shifts, drawing my gaze back down to Artemis' chattering teeth. "Can you let go of me now? Everyone is staring at us."

She's right I realize, which ends with me failing to hold back a blush as Artemis slowly gets to her feet. Roy sees this and takes the chance to interrogate me.

"Why didn't you go with the rest of them?" It's easy to see the wild ideas already starting to appear in his eyes.

"Wasn't part of the deal." I take the opening and direct my next comment to the Warden. "Though after what Shade said, I'm not so sure I'm still eligible for it."

Hearing that gets Red Arrow's eyes to narrow as thin as cheap paper. "What does that mean?"

"It means he's getting transferred." Admits a scowling Amanda Waller.

She explains the fine details with Young Justice with Artemis frowning at the empty air between her teammates. "Where's Guardian?"

"Not sure." Roy's green eyes reveal his uncertainty more than his flat tone. "Someone got the jump on me after we split up.

"I found him in a utility closet." Adds the ghostly girl with a strangely familiar voice. "He was just muttering Icicle in the dark."

"Needed help coming out of the closet?" The quip is out of my mouth before I can stop myself.

Infinity Island
September 11, 9:28 PM ECT

Shadows darker than pitch black surge out of the floor between Ra's al Ghul and his waiting agent. Chesire's eyes widen behind her mask and er breathing gets heavy as an intensity fills the room. But her master doesn't even twitch.

"You're late." The Demon's Head doesn't yell at Shade, his distaste being conveyed entirely through body language. "I trust you have a good explanation."

Once the shadows have fully formed into the eerie man, he speaks with a far more commanding voice than he used with his fellow inmates. "The breakout was stopped."

"Just like you expected Great One." With reverence in her voice, Cheshire accepts a bundle from the waiting Ubu.

"The boy has some good ideas. Even if he does go about them in a haphazard manner." Ra's is more intrigued than angry and this lets Shade let out a sigh of relief. "Get Cheshire into position and my partner will ensure Sub-Zero gets his wish."

"Is it truly wise to let him run free?" Concerned by how much a single teen has managed to alter his master's plans, Ubu frowns at the immortal. "Would it not be best to end him at the first opportunity?"

This just gets Ra's to shake his head. "The boy adapts quickly. I see no reason to throw away a tool that can still be polished." Not when I may need to unleash him on my current allies. "I only want him watched for now."

"As you command Great One." Not daring a scowl in front of Ra's even with her mask on, Jade Nguyen only gives a deferential bow.
Interlude 10: Hotstuff
Interlude 10: Hotstuff

The Great Desert, Bialya
September 10, 4:03 PM EEST

"Ugh..." Wally groans under the beating sun and shields his eyes with an arm. "What's going on?"

Scanning the nearby area only confuses Kid Flash even more. Who is she? Tracks of some kind head of in three directions, with a fellow redhead waking up herself.

"You wouldn't happen to have any idea where we are, would you?" With his most charming voice, Wally holds out a hand to her with smirk. "I don't think I just got carried away with my sleepwalking again.

"You're human!" The startled yelp only leaves the speedster blinking rapidly as the girl turns her examination on herself. "Why am I a human?"

"Because this is Earth..." Frowning in concern, Wally hopes his new friend doesn't have a severe case of heatstroke.

With a smack to her forehead, the odd girl finally understands. <Hello Megan!>

"No, my name is Wally." He corrects her with a slow drawl.

<You're doing a great job disguising your presence M'comm.> Pride floods into his head as the girl starts to float towards him. <And I can't figure out how you made the sand look like this. How long have you been working on this?>

Once the voice is done speaking in his head, the girl's body ripples outwards. Her skin loses any pigment and stretches as she grows nearly ten feet tall.

<But why are you suddenly so fine with playing pretend with me? You've only laughed at my shows before.> The voice is back along with a glow in the alien's eyes. <Wait a second...> Shock is now blasting through Wally's brain and he's starting to understand the source.

"You aren't M'comm!" Even faster than the revelation was, the albino alien is replaced once more by the awkward girl. "Who are you?"

"Wally. But I did ask you first." Being able to sense the terror in the 'girl' before the mental link was severed, is more than enough to calm Kid Flash down.

With a shaking hand, M'gann introduces herself by pointing up at the red light in the sky. "I'm not from around here."

"Well I'm not either Megan. But you don't look anything like the Martian I know." He gives her an appreciative once over, one accompanied by a wolf whistle. "Not that I'm complaining, you look a heck of a lot better than he does."

"Really?" Relief pours of the Martian in waves, getting Wally to hold out his hand one more time.

"Definitely Babe. I'd bring you home for dinner a hundred times before I gave J'onn one." Smirking at the O her mouth makes, Wally adds the wink he learned from Barry.

Realizing the boy in front of her isn't disgusted and in fact prefers her natural form, is life changing for the lonely M'gann. "You really mean that?"

"If you really doubt me..." Wally offers with a playful shrug. "Why don't I show you around Central after we figure out where we are."

The two end up choosing a set of tracks at random, following them South towards small canyon in the distance. He plies her with tales of his exaggerated heroics, while she shares her own isolated life back on Mars.

"But you're shapeshifters. Why does anyone care what you look like?" It might have startled him at first, though now Wally's curiosity is overriding his hormones.

With his memories scrambled, Wally doesn't know how to make a call on his new belt. Forced to find tools before he can fiddle around with it, the pair are greatly relieved by the setting of the sun.

"Because we can always tell-" Whatever she was about to explain is lost to the boom of an explosion only a few miles ahead of the pair.

A billow of sand rises into the air, followed by a roar of raw fury. Something about the tone is familiar to both teens though and they pick up the pace with unspoken agreement.

"I'm going to guess we'll find our uncles making all that noise." Wally can't think of any other reason he's alone in the desert with a strange girl. "Must be some kind of survival training that went wrong."

"So we just need to find them and everything will make sense!" A now encouraged M'gann cheers.

Stiff backed when she wraps her arms around his neck in relief, Wally tries not to burst out in tense giggles. "Or it will lead us to the bad guys behind everything. But it's the best idea I have right now."

"I don't even have a bad one, so we might as well check it out." Sensing his growing good mood, M'gann dares to joke back with the oddly sweet boy.

He grabs her bridal style and dashes across the still scorching sand, going just slow enough to avoid creating a massive dust trail. The ninety seconds it takes to arrive is more than enough to create a scene of chaos.

A half naked teen who tickles something in the minds of both Wally and M'gann, leaps between the wreckage of some jeeps. Bodies of soldiers are everywhere and the two try not to focus on how many are laying still.

"This really just gives me even more questions." Slack jawed at all the devastation, Wally misses the target of the berserker.

"He's going right for them!" But M'gann doesn't, the sheer terror coming from the digsite makes her act. "We have to do something."

"I'll distract him as long as I can. You get the ladies somewhere safe." Agreeing once he sees the two blondes, Wally dashes off without waiting for a response.

Impressed at how quickly he threw himself into action for complete strangers, M'gann tries not to let him down. Her flight is swift and safe with the distracted savage now chasing a cyclone, allowing her to grab the mother and daughter with her powers.

"Which way is safe?" She brings them all up high enough that M'gann hopes the powerhouse can't leap to and turns her full attention onto the mother.

"You're Miss Martian!" The wide eyed daughter exclaims as M'gann's skin reverts to green. "This is so awesome!"

Confused at being recognized by a stranger, M'gann's mental hold weakens. "You know who I am?"

"Of course she does. Hasn't shut up about you girls since you made your debut back in July." Snorting at the absurdity of such a normal conversation taking place a hundred feet in the air, Helena Sandsmark refuses to let her fears overwhelm her.

Wincing when a boy is sent flying from the cyclone, Cassie starts to struggle against the psychic hold. "Let me down, I can help him!"

"What? But that's crazy!" M'gann's scream draws the attention of the untamed Superboy, who suddenly throws the wreckage of a jeep at the floating trio.

It's enough of a distraction for the suddenly inexperienced Martian to drop Cassie. But to her utter disbelief, the girl controls her fall like a guided missile.

"Be careful!" Helena shouts at her daughter. "Superboy might even be stronger than you!"

How strong is the girl? M'gann doesn't have to wait long as she witnesses the ten year old slam into the wild attacker. And who is Superboy?

Cassie may not have quite as much raw power as the teen. But she's actually able to think through her moves and it makes her natural talent shine through like the sun.

It's not until Kirk lands a powerful backhand that M'gann knows she still needs to act.

A blur of motion later has a panting Wally roll safely to the side with Cassie in his grip, Superboy's landing shaking the speedster right off his feet. Just as he prepares to shield the girl with his body, the savage clone goes limp.

"That was shockingly easy," Admits M'gann with a blush. "Probably should have tried that a while ago."​
Interlude 11: Destination Somewhere
Interlude 11: Destination Somewhere

The Great Desert, Bialya
September 10, 7:41 PM EEST

Grabbing onto the last shared memory between the boys, M'gann takes great care not colour it with her own opinion. Wally really is a good big brother, it's nice to see he isn't always trying to impress somebody.

"Okay." With a shaky voice, M'gann's eyes stop glowing. "That's everything that the three of us know about each other." We need to get home before any of the memories degrade..

Kirk barely had three months to lose. Guilt eats away at her inability to restore more, as Helena drives the only jeep spared from the rampage. I just hope Wally doesn't blame me, he's really taking his new role seriously.

His flirting is back and I don't think I want him to stop this time. After a lifetime of being shunned on Mars, the speedster's very obvious interest is quite welcome.

It's a lot easier for her to read the stray thoughts of Kirk, with all of them being organized very logically. And yet Wally is quite the enigma most times.

Unless he really tries to slow down his thinking, anything I pick up is just a series of mental squeaks. Which makes it impossible to stay linked when he starts to run faster than the Martian eye can follow.

"Does this mean I can finally ask my questions?" Cassie is squirming in her seat with completely frayed patience.

"I just have one of my own first." Frowning down at his lap, it takes all of Kirk's willpower to make eye contact. "Are you a Kryptonian too?" And why am I the only one who can't fly?

Letting out a relieved chuckle, Helena ends up answering that one. "Is that why you came all the way to Bialya to find us? Because I'm sorry to make you waste a trip."

"Someone told us Cassie was my cousin," Admits an envious Superboy. "I should have thought about how many people are super strong. Not let myself get excited over nothing."

"But we can still pretend if you want." The blonde girl insists firmly now that the idea of being a related to a hero is on the table, even holding up her hair in comparison. "Maybe my dad was one. We do have the same hair."

"I doubt it." Snorts a suddenly gloomy Helena.

Rolling her eyes at still being denied half her heritage, Cassie doesn't let that stop her this time. "If you aren't going to tell me who my dad is, I can pick whoever I want."

"So you're just going to say Superman?" Based on how close the actual father was to his reputation, Helena is actually considering just going along with the idea for now. "Because you do know blonde hair is recessive." Better than having to explain the truth of her origin to a ten year old.

"I'm not stupid mom." The pure sass with which she delivers the line, has Wally struggling to hold in his chuckles. "It's not like I can shoot lasers out of my eyes. So I know this is just pretend."

After she's been driving aimlessly for the whole time, Helena is finally able to ask for directions. "Do you want we to go anywhere specific, or just keep driving until we burn through the second tank too?"

"Something is jamming my communicator." Growls Wally as he prods his belt. "I'm not even sure my call got through. What could be blocking League grade tech, all the way out here?"

"We can find out once we get these two somewhere safe." Kirk insists with a sudden swelling of protectiveness. "And since the first spot marked down on my map led us to the Sandsmarks..."

Picking up where he left off, Wally puts the same dots together. "The second one is probably where we should go."

"Hand it here, none of you have been here long enough to be any help." Her hand snatches the map from Kirk at the same time she hits the brake. "The Animal Sanctuary, why do you want to go their?"

"Marie Logan runs it!" Remembering just a little bit more of her life with that nudge, M'gann is starting to think things will turn out alright after all.

"That mean something to one of you?" The archaeologist tosses the map back over her shoulder with frustration rolling off her in waves.

Shrugging a negative, Wally realizes he should probably step up. "Nope. But right now it's a direction without any guns."

"They should have a satellite phone we can use." Sighs Helena as she's forced to switch gas tanks.

"And some food." Wally nods back with renewed energy.

Blinking as another memory returns to him, Kirk reaches into his pocket for the mush that was once an energy bar. "I have this if you want it. Mom told me to make sure to bring snacks when I got anywhere with you."

"Dude!" The gift is snatched, unwrapped, and swallowed in less than a second. "Best. Brother. Ever."

Watching the pair closely, M'gann wonders if that's the best way to return Wally's affection. Uncle J'onn is telling me I need a future if I plan on staying. I do love cooking.

"Hey..." Kirk suddenly realizes something. "Why are you two out here?"

"Queen Beatrice hired me to find the fabled Bana Migdhal." Scowling at how that arrangement soured, Helena sees no reason to abide by her confidentiality clause. "But everything I found just made her madder. If the city was ever real, all the signs say it was somewhere in Egypt."

"If she was holding you hostage, we can use that to get an evac from the Justice League!" Crows Wally as he overlooks the several hours minimum that would take to get approved.

That news just rocks Cassie's world. "Who would it be? Hawkwoman or Black Canary?"

"Hopefully not Wonder Woman." Is the muttered response that only Kirk hears come from Helena. "Anyone but her."

Raising her voice to one everyone can pick up, she tries not to grip the steering wheel with to much anger. "Did anyone ever catch Icicle Junior?"

"Huntress did." Explains Kirk as his eyes begin to make out what looks like a wave of heat. "It's how we ended up recruiting her to the team."

"You have another girl on the team now? Can I try out too?" The Sandsmark daughter pleads.

The glare Helena gives Wally makes him reconsider his words at the last second. "... Give us a call when you get a little bit older."

"I think this is the place." Kirk can now make out the wave as a herd of some kind of herd beast.

"Those things are coming right at us." Gulps the speedster as he calculates the path in his head.

Instead of scaring the animals like Kirk was about to do, M'gann just lifts the jeep with her mind. Better than risking one of them getting hurt. I don't want Marie to hate me before I even get a chance to say hello.
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Chapter 19: Do You Chilly Want to Hurt Me
Chapter 19: Do You Chilly Want to Hurt Me
Belle Reve, Louisiana
September 11, 7:06 PM CDT

Waller paces back and forth with a familiar fierceness, as she questions Plasticman's involvement before the emergency tribunal.

"The Justice League was aware someone high up in the staff was making things happen." The former crook and soon to be actor exaggerates his shrug. "I couldn't tell anyone it was me until I had a proper lead. Good thing Makhent was serious about his remorse, his crew is the only reason you didn't lose everyone last night."

"And yet he's the reason Belle Reve had it's first successful breakout." The head of the board speaks over Waller, glaring daggers laced with shit at me.

"Objection!" My slam of the table gets all eyes turned towards me and I ignore the scowls from Cobblepot's hastily assembled legal team. "I didn't break anyone out your honour. I made a conditional deal for their release, based on some very extreme circumstances."

Artemis mutters beside a silently giggling Robin. "Ones you knew about for months."

"You do know I'm not a judge and this is just an informal hearing to approve exactly that." The man reminds me with an annoyed roll of his eyes. "Please stop interrupting Cameron. Your testimony is not required, only your presence."

"It's going to be a big hit to our reputation regardless." The grey haired woman on the board brings up a valid point. "Even if she worked with Cameron to restore order, I cannot recommend we leave her in charge."

Unless I want a vengeful Amanda watching me for the rest of my life, I should probably say something here. "I know I'm not supposed to talk and everything. But when I said I made her accept my deal..."

Waller's eyes snap open wide enough that I know she's aware of my intention. "... That was just me trying to sound tough. She's the one who offered when my crew just wanted to hole up in the infirmary until it was over."

Plasticman is trying to hide a grin as the only other person who knows the falsity of my claim. Good thing all eyes are on me and Waller right now.

"That admittedly changes things." The grey haired woman concedes.

"And before I forget. Crazy Quilt was not the one behind Vegas, he was just a patsy." I saw him during the breakout and it's obvious he's not cut out for this place. "I wasn't trying to hurt anyone that day. I was trying to show everyone I really did want to change with something beautiful."

"Paul just didn't know my whole plan and got carried away when he got the other gangs involved. His cut was just supposed to be everything I'd been grabbing from the ATMs." I hear Artemis let out a very relieved sigh at that admission.

The magical girl I heard them call Hex a few times, agrees with something Secret whispered. "That was the one oddity this summer. Nothing else he did gave anyone more than a slight case of frostbite."

"Look, I know you can't send me to Jouvie now that I'm emancipated. But I don't mind getting sent back to Arkham until you figure something out." Heck, you should be learning from the idiocy of Belle Reve. "Honestly having everyone in one spot is just stupid. If you used all those missile silos scattered around as solitary cells..."

"We'd only have to worry about a single inmate." Waller stops her pacing and her lips sort of quirk into what I would call a smile on anyone else. "That's not a bad idea at all. At least for anyone dangerous enough to get sent here."

The head of the board warns his Warden of what that would mean. "It would also put you out a job."

"I already have a better offer." Now it's a grin visible by everyone as Waller removes her badge and lays it before her boss.

The ground shakes in an incredible sense of dramatic irony and everyone starts to panic. While a quick glance out the window reveals nothing obvious as a cause.

"I'm going to guess this is tied in to the natural disasters keeping the League tied up?" Red Arrow turns to the eventually found Guardian.

"Most likely." The gold and blue armoured hero agrees with a grimace. "It's why they called us in to handle the breakout."

"And they started as soon as the League responded to..." Artemis barely manages to stop herself in time. "That kidnapping in Bialya."

As he taps at his earpiece to end a call with someone, Guardian ends up agreeing with her. "The wave heading for Australia is tying up far too many Leaguers. So I really hope one of you has an idea on how to stop Yellowstone from wiping us out."

"That's our orders!" A panicking Hex turns to Robin in desperation.

"The League found out the hurricane smashing Britain was being controlled by Red Tornado and his kidnapper." Guardian clarifies the mission for the teens. "We just need to find and stop the model behind this."

"How much time do we have?" Amanda cuts in with a deadly serious tone.

After running a few quick calculations on his wrist computer, Robin responds grimly. "Maybe forty five minutes and it's game over for most of America. And we're going to lose a few states if it takes longer than thirty."

Artemis slowly turns to Red Arrow, making eye contact as they seem to be arguing with only facial expressions. He nearly vibrates with frustration as she insists on something.

Eventually he relents and lets her approach the people about to decide my fate. Waller keeps throwing me looks that feel like I'm going through airport security and I shift uncomfortably in my seat the entire time. The discussion is heated, if incredibly brief due to the emergency.

When they come to a decision, it's Artemis who makes the offer. "If you help-"

"Alright. I'll give you all the time I can." It's the only reason you'd be asking me anything right now. I don't think I can actually stop it from erupting. "Might even be able to slow it down enough that you can save everyone."

"Don't you want to know what they're offering?" Red Arrow narrows his eyes at me.

"Don't really care right now." This is my best chance at paying back society. "Tell me what the prize is if we win."

Blinking in complete disbelief, Red Arrow finally loses the summer long rage in his voice. "I think that's the first thing ever to come out of your mouth, that I didn't make me want to hit you."​