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Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

Location of Team's base.

  • Missile Silo in Nebraska

    Votes: 46 42.2%
  • Ski Lodge in Colarado

    Votes: 23 21.1%
  • Lighthouse in Hawaii

    Votes: 28 25.7%
  • Ranch in Texas

    Votes: 19 17.4%
  • Summer Camp in Michigin

    Votes: 12 11.0%
  • Junkyard in Washington

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • Rundown Hotel in North Carolina

    Votes: 17 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Interlude 4: Business Call
Interlude 4: Business Call
Gotham City, New Jersey
August 3, 1:17 AM EDT

"Is he still actually talking to someone," Snarling at the sight of Cameron behind the glass, Red Arrow checks with Superboy's enhanced hearing. "Or is he just stalling for time with the phone?"

"He's talking to some company about the rights to a name." Frowning at the odd conversation, the now blonde Superboy quotes the criminal. "Who in the world doesn't want to hit me right now? You'll make millions on this."

"He used his one phone call on a business deal?" Snorts Kid Flash, despite his own frustrations with the ice powered teen. "You have to respect that kind of commitment."

After being offered an invitation to join the team, Artemis has been allowed into the station with everyone. "To being an idiot?"

"Ha!" Blurts out Red Arrow and he scowls at the smirk growing on his fellow archer's face. "Who are you anyway?"

"Someone who wasn't going to sit back and watch anymore." She's not going to reveal her identity in the middle of the police station and glares at him for even suggesting it.

"Where's the other Terror Twin?" Aqualad is the one to notice a missing foe and raise his concern.

Not really caring about a henchwoman now that Junior is collared, Red Arrow just waves off the question. "Doesn't matter right now, we can nab her next time she pops up."

"You're too angry to remain impartial." Batman cuts in from his place beside Commissioner Gordon. "The rest of... Young Justice will handle the interrogation."

"Are we actually going with that name?" Groaning at the idea of a villain naming the team, Zatanna's eyes frantically seek out Red Arrow's own glare.

"He said it live on the news." Robin chimes in with an amused half grin. "We're kind of stuck with it now."

One of the four lawyers that showed up only minutes after Cameron was handcuffed pokes his head out the door. "Sub-Zero is finished with his call now and ready for your questions."

"Sub-Zero?" Questioning the unfamiliar name for his team, Red Arrow's glare only intensifies.

"Cameron came to an agreement with Midway games over the right to use the name. He's sold them the right to his likeness and will become an alternate skin in the next three games." The smarmy man explains with dollar signs flashing in his eyes. "That is how he is now to be referred as, at least until the year 2013 when they renegotiate."

"One and a half million a year!" The newly renamed criminal crows out in victory. "And I don't have to do jack shit now!"

"Aqualad." Batman ignores the laughter and focuses on the dark skinned blonde. "You will take charge of the questions. I need to have words with Red Arrow."

"But-" That's all the scarlet archer gets out before he sees the Batglare being levelled at him. "... Alright."

Commissioner Gordon frowns at getting ignored. "He is my prisoner still." With a sigh at the uncaring blinks, the middle aged officer waves them into the room. "Just make sure you don't do anything illegal. I don't want you lot to be the reason I need to put him back on the streets."

"So no hitting him?" Snarls Artemis as she follows Aqualad into the cell.


"Get her away from me!" The sudden shriek of raw terror that 'Sub-Zero' let's out shocks everyone. "Don't let her erase me!" But the one most confused is M'gann, as she watches the villain cower in fear.

Face twisted in shame, M'gann pleads with her team to understand. "I have no idea what he's talking about, you have to believe me!"

"We do M'gann." Kaldur assures the martian at the same time that Artemis disregards the commissioner's orders.

The slap she delivers to Cameron echoes in the room. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're the bad guy in this situation!"

"She's a martian..." He gasps out. "If she changes even one of my memories, I'm as good as dead. Replaced with a nearly identical copy who can't even tell the difference!"

The words nearly bring M'gann to tears as she backs away from the prisoner. "You should do this without me." Directing her thoughts to the team as she reaches the door, M'gann hands off the interrogation with shame colouring her mind. <I'll wait in the bio-ship for you.>

"Go with her." Orders Kaldur with a stern look at Zatanna. "Make it clear none of us feel that way."

"Is she going to hit him again?" Zatanna hesitates. "Because I really want to see that."

"No she isn't." The voice of Gordon assures her from the door, his very angry eyes focused on the as of yet unnamed heroine.

Frowning at his old friend, Cameron rubs his check in mock injury. "What crawled up your butt-" For only a fraction of a second a pause can be detected in his cadence, which only Robin notices. "Huntress?"

"You know what you did!" She hisses back at him with her eyes nearly in slits.

"We've..." Icicle draws out his word with a growing smirk. "... Tussled like that before. What's different about tonight?"

"How many people you've hurt!" She hisses back at him with no sense of hesitation. "Like the dozens still blinded by that moronic light show!"

"Wait..." Suddenly his swagger is gone and honest concern is visible on Cameron's face. "What are you talking about? Quilt was just supposed to make everyone see spots for a few minutes."

"Seventeen people are dead." Explains the only hero without fury on display. "With over a hundred still in extensive care."

"I should have just let your cousin arrest me." Groans Sub-Zero, his hands moving up to rub his temples. "Would have been better for everyone."

Poking his head back into the room with a smirk, Gordon points to the ticking clock. "Are you actually going to ask him any questions, or can I transfer him to Arkham?"

"Arkham?" Asks Cameron with an audible gulp.

Smirking at America's most notorious graffiti artist, the Commissioner fills him in on the issues of budget cuts. "Well yeah. We don't have a way to keep you in a normal cell, so you get to bunk with Freeze until your trial."

"But I'm not crazy!" He wails almost pitifully. "I just wanted some attention!"

Infinity Island, New Jersey
August 4, 11:22 AM ECT

Ra's al Ghul stands at ease before the monitors, watching all of them flicker on at the agreed upon time. "Everything is back on track with the breakout. The younger Makhent has been captured and his legal team is pressing to have him emancipated."

"The boy has proven himself far more useful than I had ever believed." Admits L-1 with a hint of amusement in his savage voice. "What he did at Rushmore drew many eyes away from our projects."

"Gonzalez was taken out with no problems and Doctor Serling is nearly finished with her Fog." Ra's answers with supreme arrogance. "Everything will be ready in time for our strike."

The Brain demands of their enforcer. "And the Starro-tech prototypes? What side effects have they shown so far in the Arkham test subjects?"

"With Strange being able to implant them before his transfer, only minimal changes in personality have been detected so far." Before anyone gets to excited, Sportsmaster adds the downside. "But the ones with more dominant personalities will break free first. You only have a couple months to use them in a single operation."

"It seems Sub-Zero went to your house before his arrest." Queen Bee's smirk is audible. "And has been making quite a few of his pieces in dedication to your eldest. Maybe we should have Cheshire recruit him on a more permanent basis?"​
"It seems Sub-Zero went to your house before his arrest." Queen Bee's smirk is audible. "And has been making quite a few of his pieces in dedication to your eldest. Maybe we should have Cheshire recruit him on a more permanent basis?"

That's it, the light collapses next week, they dead son!
Yes... it's all an act.
I'd be terrified of her too. The girl did it multiple times to Connor and once you look at her other actions and remove the facade she puts up she's a horrific monster.

Also when he talked about Cheshire did he mean sexual favours or just actual recruitment?

Put the cryokinetic in the same cell as the genius scientist with years more experience using cold powers.

I foresee no downsides at all to the is arrangement.

Plus if the Light put Sub-Zero on the In-Justice League he can ditch the also-ran name and put forth The Legion of Doom instead.

Superfriends for the win!
That's it, the light collapses next week, they dead son!
Well, maybe one bulb(cell).

Also when he talked about Cheshire did he mean sexual favours or just actual recruitment?
Depends how hard he resists recruitment and how much she wants to follow orders.

Okay, yes it is terrifying plus he already has the existential trauma of perhaps being a fake mind created by his dad and psi.
It's one of my few unrealistic fears to be honest. One memory changed and I'm someone else. I've had nightmares about it many times.

Put the cryokinetic in the same cell as the genius scientist with years more experience using cold powers.
I foresee no downsides at all to the is arrangement.

Plus if the Light put Sub-Zero on the In-Justice League he can ditch the also-ran name and put forth The Legion of Doom instead.
Superfriends for the win!
Pretend you can't last outside somewhere cold/without powers and they don't really have a choice.

I did already call the team the Superfriends in my Speedy SI. but I haven't used legion of doom yet.
It's one of my few unrealistic fears to be honest. One memory changed and I'm someone else. I've had nightmares about it many times.
I get it. I can see where the rationality of the fear and the irrationality meet. Like, we all forget things all the time, it's inevitable unless you have eidetic memory, but forgetting doesn't change who you are. Now M'gann can make a complete unrecognizable mess out of minds, which is a very valid fear.
Goodness, the cases for Young Justice have been piling up. I have a feeling Batman is annoyed he gave the team the Sub-Zero job because of it. I wonder if Klarion will make any changes to his own plans following Sub-Zero's entertaining ideas…?

Poor Commissioner. Batman is one thing, but a team of junior heroes? Yikes. Seems like Cheshire will be attending the future Crock family dinner too.

Is there any chance that Sub-Zero will be out of jail and will do something heroic when the blizzard machines wreak havoc? That could be neat. Or he could do something pleasant (charity?) with his money…
I get it. I can see where the rationality of the fear and the irrationality meet. Like, we all forget things all the time, it's inevitable unless you have eidetic memory, but forgetting doesn't change who you are. Now M'gann can make a complete unrecognizable mess out of minds, which is a very valid fear.
Yeah, it's not my memories changing or fading naturally that scares me. It's them being changed to something that never happened by someone else. It would essentially be like grabbing me from a mandela effect universe where I'm the only person who remembers things that way and original me is just gone forever.

Goodness, the cases for Young Justice have been piling up. I have a feeling Batman is annoyed he gave the team the Sub-Zero job because of it. I wonder if Klarion will make any changes to his own plans following Sub-Zero's entertaining ideas…?

Poor Commissioner. Batman is one thing, but a team of junior heroes? Yikes. Seems like Cheshire will be attending the future Crock family dinner too.

Is there any chance that Sub-Zero will be out of jail and will do something heroic when the blizzard machines wreak havoc? That could be neat. Or he could do something pleasant (charity?) with his money…
At least they can start handling other stuff now. And batman is pretty disapointed with Roy for his rage focus all month.
Klarion was very amused by my Art Attacks and is going to be the first member of the Light to try hiring me.

At least the vote is putting them in Nebraska. Gordon will have a few states as a buffer. Cheshire is not missing out on dinner a millionare is paying for.

The Belle Reve episode is September 15-16. The Ice fortress episode is October 1. He's doing something nice before he ends up in Belle Reve.
Your answers make me excited to se how things play out and what will happen next, but I can't speak for other readers consider putting these reveals behind a spoiler going forward.
Which part needed to be spoiled? Batman did pull Roy aside for a private talk already. The Klarion part is just a reference to his personality and a logical conclusion. Isn't the vote response public? Jade would not mss out on the chance to miss the dinner, especially with her new orders on the way. The dates are stamped in the actual episodes, I just saved people the time of looking them up. And he's doing something nice but I'm not saying what or for who.

I thought I was really careful to not actually reveal anything.
The whole Klarion 'separation day' was Kiddie Chaos's idea for a 'distraction'.

Since they already have Starro Tech mind control and don't need Sports-doofus to get it, the event might get butterflied away, or used at a more opportune moment due to authorial fiat.
Chapter 10: House Of Chill Repute
Chapter 10: House Of Chill Repute
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 4, 12:55 PM EDT

The shock on Artemis' face when Batman insisted she write me an official written apology is a priceless memory. One that I'm going to treasure for a very long time. It being a condition of her being allowed to work with the sidekicks, just icing on the cake.

But at the moment, I'm not finding very much to smile about. Arkham isn't as bad as the cartoons make it look. It actually seems to be getting quite a bit of funding from people like Bruce Wayne and looks nearly up to code.

The guards are even wary around me when I get out of the squad car. The collar around my neck doesn't do anything to make them relax. Not that I blame them in Gotham, everyone seems to know how to actually fight here.

I get some light applause when as the guards lead me up the first few floors. But by the time I start recognizing names, the reactions are a whole lot less friendly.

Trying not to let the thought of who could be locked up get to me, my eyes are drawn towards an opening door. A gust of hot and very humid air hits me, with the tendril of a vine making the occupant obvious.

"Hellooo nurse." The blonde and bespectacled woman leaving the room turns to me with a frown.

Letting her own guards close the door behind her, I notice my own snort derisively at me. Poison Ivy's paperwork cover's her name tag and believe me, I looked for it.

"You must be Cameron." She glances down at her clipboard while I check out her low cut blouse beneath the white overcoat. "You're going to want to rethink how you speak to me, unless you plan on having an extended stay in our facilities here."

"My apologies, Doctor..." With that threat hanging in the air, I waste no time throwing myself at her hopefully vast sea of mercy.

"Quinzel." She gives a smile that I really hope is genuine. "Now I expect you to remember your manners when you arrive for your first session tomorrow." The smile gains just a hint of danger. "Being forward is charming. But that was just crass and honestly... not very funny."

When my pair of chaperones prod me forward again, the Hispanic one mutters a warning once we're out of earshot. "Word of warning Zero..." I can clearly hear the mockery in his voice. "Don't piss off the only nice doctor in the joint."

"She might transfer you to Crane." Adds his burly white coworker, with both shuddering at the mere mention of this doctor's name.

"Who is it alright to screw with then?" I realize I'm in the highest floor, with the really dangerous people.

I should be flattered. But right now I'm just trying not to piss myself at the sight of a clown themed door. Just glad it seems to be empty right now.

"Still trying to build that rep Kid?" The muscular Joe snorts one more time and exchanges a look with Steve. "Because I know a few people I wouldn't mind you crossing paths with in the hallway."

"What?" The possibilities terrify me. "That's not what I meant at all!"

"It's fine Zero, we know how to make it look like an accident." Promises the more timid Steve.

The guilt of all those deaths is already weighing me down to the sewers and it seems life just wants to keep shovelling. Immediately asking my lawyers to send the first million and a half to those still in the hospital was enough to shock all the heroes but I could tell my legal team was going to use it later.

I know the slap will probably get ten years off my sentence and they only held back at the time on my prior words. Which means I'll need to thank Artemis when I get out.

She always did like shiny things. Memories of playing house flood into my mind, with Jade of course insisting I be the girls' butler. Maybe a car for her birthday?

"Try not to make too much noise. Freeze gets pretty mad if his work gets disturbed." With Joe's last warning, I'm pushed inside my temporary home.

The walls are frosted over with a layer of ice, with the soft humming of a generator drawing my eyes towards a sleeping woman. It kind of looks like she's floating in a bacta tank from Starwars, only filled with ice instead.

"A few ground rules before I let you take the top bunk." Drawls out a reverberating voice, making me finally notice Mister Freeze has been watching me this entire time.

"Alright." I nod before he decides to fight over it.

With my acknowledgement, he starts listing things off with raised fingers. "No yelling. Don't run. Keep your fights in the cafeteria and most important of all..." His glare is colder than Pluto. "If you so much as move towards my dear Nora, I will tear you limb from limb."

"Is she still alive?" Knowing it's the more sympathetic version helps me lower my guard. And let memories of my fathers freezing fury flood back in waves.

"For now." He admits with a voice heavily tinted by anguish. "And as long as everything goes according to plan, she will no longer need my treatments."

During childbirth, my powers ensured Cameron's mother didn't survive. "Lucky."

"How dare you!" A snarl echoes from the scientist and I rush to explain myself.

"My powers killed my mother when I was born. It's why my dad never really gave me a chance." His eyes instantly soften with understanding. "But you. You figured out a way for ice to help someone."

"And that's something you want to do?" He's curious now and gestures for me to take a seat on the bed. "I was told you caused quite a lot of chaos this summer."

"I hurt a whole lot of people by accident and I don't think I've done nearly enough to help them." With a bitter sigh, I admit the money I donated is only going to be a drop in the bucket for nearly a hundred people. "It seems everyone in the business, on both sides, is only good for smashing and destroying."

Shaking as I finally let myself feel bad for my actions, Mister Freeze carefully places a hand on my shoulder. "But I created a lot of things this summer. I want to keep doing that when I finish serving my time."

I know it was a lot to throw on a stranger. But I haven't had anyone to confide in since all of this began. And once Viktor asks me what I want to do, all of Cameron's frustrations boil to the surface in a waterfall of tears.

"I just wanted him to be proud of me." It's hard to finally admit it out loud. "But he never will be. He just wants me to get better at hurting people." And I will never harm an innocent person again.

He doesn't answer immediately, only squeezes my shoulder a little bit harder as I try to wipe away my tears. "You should probably tell Doctor Quinzel all of this."

"How come they let you keep your wife in here with you?" I try to change the subject before he can ask anything harder. "Don't they usually make people use a trailer for conjugal visits?"

"An arrangement with Batman." He doesn't elaborate beyond that and I'm to nervous to push. "But the Shadows have promised an actual cure and not just stasis for Nora. So you had better not let her down." His voice returns to the deadly echo. "Or you will regret it dearly."​
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Dadship ended with Frostyballs.

Now Victor Fries is my new Dad.
"You should probably tell Doctor Quinzel all of this."
Yep, that's the best mental advice you're likely to get from someone in Arkham. I think it take a few days before Freeze is willing to talk shop with Cameron. In the meantime I wonder if anyone in the Justice League or Young Justice will visit Cameron and why they might do so.

Error "…only good for smashing destroying." Should have an and or an or between the last two words.

Finally to respond to the spoilers comment… I guess you're correct. You're still more casual with the hints than most authors, but there haven't been any actual complaints about it, so there's no harm in what you've been doing.
Dadship ended with Frostyballs.

Now Victor Fries is my new Dad.
Way better choice since BtAS. Works with the whole Sub-Zero name too.

Yep, that's the best mental advice you're likely to get from someone in Arkham. I think it take a few days before Freeze is willing to talk shop with Cameron. In the meantime I wonder if anyone in the Justice League or Young Justice will visit Cameron and why they might do so.

Error "…only good for smashing destroying." Should have an and or an or between the last two words.

Finally to respond to the spoilers comment… I guess you're correct. You're still more casual with the hints than most authors, but there haven't been any actual complaints about it, so there's no harm in what you've been doing.
Young Justice has it;s counseling episode in season 1 and I wanted to recontectualize how it happened for the SI. I don't like repeating stuff too closely and would rather find parralels to explore.

Thank you, will fix now.

I'm sorry if I came off as defensive. I was honestly worried that I was sharing a tad too much.

I worked with a lot of special needs students in highschool/college and play DnD with them now. It's a balancing act in teaching to the average student and not the smartest/worst students. I try and be free with all the canon information because not everyone uses the wiki/has it all memorized. By sharing that info, all the commenters get to be on an even playing field with guesses.

I will clarify details that commenters get confused on, because it really sucks to do all the work solving a problem, only to find out you used a 4 instead of a 5. And I will hypothesize with commenters on what is possible/logical to come based on information given in the story, but I PM people when they actually get a correct guess so they can stop posting about it until it happens. that way more people have a chance to reach the same conclussion on their own, instead of being led to it.
Chapter 11: A Slush With Death
Chapter 11: A Slush With Death
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 9, 4:42 PM EDT

"Still not ready to discuss your father." Doctor Quinzel tuts her tongue, marking even more disappointment down on her clipboard. "What about this need for attention then?" She leans forward in an attempt to distract me with her tight clothing.

I know she's just doing it to make me and the others here talk. I've seen her leave at night in far more conservative clothing.

"Whose approval are you seeking?" I keep my eyes on her bright crimson lips, not willing to risk getting lost in her understanding eyes again. "Your mothers? Or perhaps the costumed girl who slapped you?"

"Anyone would be nice." It's not like I really have any friends, Artemis made that clear.

Her nose scrunches up with her frown, with more scribbles being jotted down every time I open my mouth. "I think Red Arrow, is the only person who gave me a full fifteen minutes of consideration last year." And that really stings.

"Is that why so many of your sculptures depict him?" A half smile starts to form on Harleen's face. "Is it your subconscious trying to show how much you actually appreciate him?"

"I was just trying to piss him off." Quickly trying to deflect her new focus, I have a bad feeling that I failed based on her full on smirk.

"So he'd keep paying you attention?" Dammit! "Make sure you always remained in his thoughts?"

My eyes snap open wide, only to immediately narrow on my doctor's grinning face. "I know what you're trying to do. And It's probably not going to work."

"We can always talk about your childhood if you prefer?" Her eyes are shining with connections I can't even comprehend. "You're incredibly well spoken for someone with only a third grade education." The year Paula broke her back, Dad decided I was already a big enough smart ass.

"What do ya really need to know?" I know all my details are already in your file. "How I was born a murderer?"

Harleen shakes her head and softly reassures me. "According to you, none of your victims had been planned. That makes it manslaughter."

We don't really make anymore progress today. Though she does try hard to break through to me, I just keep repeating those two sentences in my head.

When my time runs out, Doctor Quinzel lets me go with an unsatisfied sigh. "Tomorrow I want to talk about this charity auction Mister Cobblepot has suggested. All proceeds will be going to the Vegas medical expenses."

"I've even heard that Bruce Wayne wants one." Joe adds with a wave and I'm glad one of my regulars is in today.

"Are you serious?" That doesn't make any sense, Because that's one of the few identities that I'm actually sure of.

"He gave a statement in the papers." Confirms the more sarcastic guard Elliot. "Said that since you actually seemed to be trying to make amends all by yourself. He should support that kind of attitude."

"Unless we want to add another floor to this place, it's probably not a bad idea." Admits Joe as they lead me towards the stairs. When we get into one of the many spots between cameras, the pair block me in.

Elliot checks his watch and hisses in my ear. "You ready?" What is he talking about?

"Um..." The confusion is plain to see for anyone who actually cares enough to glance at my face.

"You wanted attention didn't you?" Grunting at the ticking clock, Elliot starts prodding me forward again. "Well we got everything arranged. You'll have eighteen seconds with the collar turned off."

"Don't waste it." Advises a grim Joe. "Because we ain't stepping in between the two of ya."

They haven't actually explained anything and I'm starting to panic at the possibilities. "Who?"

"Zsasz." Is all that Joe says as an explanation, leaving a pale Elliot the honours.

"He likes killing young women and children." The words have me understanding Joe's sudden quiet fury.

When we reach the fourth floor and find the hallway clear aside from another inmate on his way to a session, I frown at his guards still against the for wall. Glancing back at my own pair of escorts, I can see they are also blocking the stairs.

"Good luck." Is all Joe says, but I can see the rage burning in his eyes.

The guy strutting towards me is covered in scars, that look like tally marks once I get close enough. It's too many to safely count and my eyes snap back up to his demonic orbs.

"I was told you aren't eighteen for another few months." His menacing smile reveals teeth filed into points. "Which makes you an even three hundred."

My fear of vanishes suddenly, gone along with any self hate I was feeling only seconds before. How many children has he killed? And he enjoyed it...

With speed on par with Red Arrow's quick draw, Zsasz seemingly pokes me in the side. Glancing down at the spot makes me eyes widen though. That's my blood.

While I'm focused on the bloody shank in the killer's hand, I don't notice the buzzing from my collar. But I do notice his blade shattering on it's second thrust.

My icy second skin is already in place and I snarl out in feral instinct. My clawed hands grabs each of his wrists and I press hard enough to draw blood. I can't do this without physical contact. But my training at Yellowstone really helped my focus.

"You aren't going to change, are you?" I give the man a final chance to show even a sliver of remorse. But he just lunges towards me to deliver a headbutt.

"That's what I thought." Instead of seeing his own face, Zsasz's features morph into a perfect replica of my own.

"You deserve this and everyone knows it." My voice is colder than anything I've created so far and I prove it by freezing the blood right in murderer's vein.

He screams at the agony caused by the several second long process. But the only shred of mercy I give him, is my solemn eye contact until the very end.

As his breath comes out in a final misty cloud, I release my hold on Zsasz's wrists. His body falls backwards and I make no move to stop it. All I do is soak in the slow claps of the onlooking inmates and know that I'll never be able to change who I really am. I'm a killer, no matter what anyone tells me.

I don't get the chance to take even a single step forward once my task is complete. Instead the collar turns back on and delivers a teeth rattling shock.

It hurts enough for me to wail in pain, falling to the floor as I writhe. "Better call the orderlies. Zero really needs to get that stitched up."

"Already have a pair waiting." I hear one of Zsasz's guards explain. Realizing the almost purple and very sticky substance everywhere is my blood, I finally realize how serious things are. At least Artemis can't hate me for this one.

My vision goes dark and the guards are starting to panic. Which is strange... it seems like they're actually trying to get me to the doctor.

"Always a disappointment." The unforgiving and incredibly callous voice of Icicle Senior floods my mind. "Couldn't even finish of a common criminal by himself. Better off starting fresh with a new one, maybe even get Cadmus to finally give me a working version of the prototype."
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He probably won't see much in the way of repercussions for killing Zsasz, aside from a minor PR hit to his reform, it will likely be spun as him bring attacked by the unstable serial killer in the mental hospital, resulting in Junior ending up in a Critical care ward for blood loss.

As far as I see it most people won't have a problem with it, Batman might because he knows that Jr. Could have taken Zsasz out without killing him, but most people will see it as a teen defending themselves from a full grown serial killer who ritually kills people on significant dates, I.e. a really fucking crazy person.

Edit: Got Zsasz and calendar man confused. Somehow Zsasz is crazier than the guy who kills people on special days, go figure.
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Interlude 5: Mothers Know Best
Interlude 5: Mothers Know Best
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 14, 2:09 PM EDT

Ignoring the whistles, Artemis Crock wheels her mother towards the medical wing. She had thought she was done with her childhood friend after his arrest. But Mom let him use her as his emergency contact.

When Robin let it slip that Cameron was donating his money, it was all she could do to hold in her gasp of shock. As kids he was sweet if incredibly awkward. But as we got older, he only seemed to cared about pleasing Senior.

He didn't have time for a girl who planned on going against her entire family. And I didn't have time for someone with no spine. But whoever this Cameron is, he's no coward.

Viktor Zsasz. Even Dad was wary of that sicko and now he's just gone.

The call about the surgery, was enough for Artemis to finally reconsider her decision to be done with Makhent. The gold being legit was a surprise. Didn't think he actually knew how to do anything honest.

"You can wait in the hall if you want." Paula offers when they finally reach the pale blue door.

"I'd rather deal with the dumb ass than all these creeps." Denies the stiff backed daughter, watching the guard unlock the door with a grimace. Already two breakouts this year. How many lives has that deadbolt saved?

"Smarter than your sister." Smirking at her flustered daughter, Paula rolls herself into the recovery room. "How's he doing Doctor?"

With a heavily wrinkled brow and lips heavily chewed on, the dark skinned man responds with a cautious stutter. "Cameron is awake right now and I hope a friendly face will cheer him up."

"He gets twenty minutes with visitors." Finally relenting, Doctor Graham leads them to yet another locked door. "Just don't get him too excited, or I'll have to kick you out."

"Mrs Crock?" Groans Cameron when Paula rolls in front of him, still unaware of Artemis lurking in the shadows. "What are you doing here?"

"Came to see you." She doesn't play it up like some big deal and instead hands him the blanket already checked by security. "And tell you that you did the right thing."

With an amused snort, Cameron gratefully wraps the hand knit quilt around his shoulders. "Getting arrested, or killing someone?"

"Both." Not sugar coating her words, Paula just grabs the shaking hand of the boy she used to babysit. "The world is a better place with a monster like that gone. I'm only sorry you had to be the one to do it."

"You aren't mad at me?" The desperation in Cameron's voice makes even Artemis lower her guard. "You don't think I'm a monster now?"

"Do you feel bad?" No longer able to remain silent, Artemis moves to stand beside her mother. "About any of it?"

He doesn't answer right away and when he does eventually answer, it's without any of his normal arrogance. "All of it except the gold. Which I want you to use and move somewhere safer."

Paula starts to argue but Artemis stops her from letting Cameron's distraction work. "Superboy heard you talking to the lawyers. Why don't you want them to try and get you off the hook?"

"Ask your sister." He mutters back without thinking, the painkillers more than enough to addle his mind. "She seems to know more about it than I do..." The last few words are barely comprehensible, with Cameron breathing heavily as sleep overtakes him.

"I need to let the others know about this!" Wide eyed and with a mind racing, Artemis realizes she just got a major clue.

Central City, Missouri
August 14, 1:09 PM CDT

"See you when you're finished I guess." Wally gives an awkward farewell to Superboy as he considers the strangeness. A little odd that he's having lunch with my parents and I'm not invited.

"Don't expect him for a while," His mother Mary West warns, her eyes alternating between supportive and stern.

Waving off her raising voice before she can work herself into an anxiety attack, Wally just zips towards her for a quick hug. "Don't worry Mom. Kirk heard you and Dad talking about it..." Wally jerks his thumb towards a blushing Superboy. "He has super hearing you know. Probably should have saved those conversations for team time."

"I wasn't trying to eavesdrop!" Kirk blurts out with worried eyes darting between Mr and Mrs West. "I swear!"

"You're really both alright with it?" Mary sags with relief as her husband gives his son a proud look. "I don't want to force anything."

"It's nice to know someone wants me around." With eyes locked on his feet, Kirk just shrugs awkwardly.

Realizing how uncomfortable the upcoming lunch is going to be, Wally tries to ease even a smidgen of tension. "Just make sure his fake ID has him younger than me. He's not driving before me." He zips up his new blue windbreaker and marvels at his custom made red shoes. "And thank you so much for saying yes, I know it made you nervous to reveal even what we did."

"Well now you can pay for your own food." Jokes his father as Wally speeds off for the Zeta access, pretending he didn't hear the last part.

It's only a few tense minutes before a gust of wind touches down in the backyard, with light tapping soon at the back door. Kirk nearly jumps out of his superman crested shirt, with the Wests exchanging determined looks.

"He's here. Last chance to run away." Mary gives the boy a final chance to change his mind, opening the door when he doesn't. "Welcome to our home Mr El."

He blinks a few times before accepting her offered hand with a relieved grin. "Thank you for arranging this." His inhumanly beautiful eyes turn towards his clone and his brow wrinkles. "And thank you for looking after Superboy."

"My names Kirk." The boy insists with a strange sense of pride he was unaware he possessed.

"Oh?" Superman's brow softens as he doesn't see a perfect replica of himself anymore. "Do you have a last name?" He looks more like my cousin or something now, which I must say is a huge relief.

Panicking at not having a name, Superboy tries to think fast enough to conceal his lack of planning. "... North!"

The adults all exchange knowing looks but don't say anything in the face of the boys pride. Superman's fear of this being another attempt to get him to claim his 'son' begin to build. But Rudy heads those thoughts off before the Man of Steel can voice them aloud.

"Barry told me a little bit about how the League has been treating you." The look of understanding is enough to set the alien at ease and let the father finish. "That's just not fair to either of you."

The relief floods into Kal-El in a sudden surge. "You aren't going to yell at me?"

"You share genetics, true." Mary helps her husband explain with a soft voice. "But so do siblings."

Handing Kirk a copy of the adoption papers, Rudy continues with equal warmth. "You arrived on Earth decades ago and a kind family took you in. We want to do the same for Kirk here."

Star City, California
August 14, 12:27 PM PDT

"I'm here at last, you can finally all have fun now." Calls out Wally as he arrives at the bowling alley, only to frown when no one reacts. "Hello?"

In the far corner of the room, Roy hisses at the sudden arrival. "Keep it down, we're practicing over here!"

M'gann is floating blindfolded about twenty feet away from him, throwing wet sponges at the mostly dry archer. While in a dunk tank someone managed to get down the stairs, Zatanna swims amid a cloud of bubbles.

"We too would appreciate silence." Kaldur agrees from his own place timing the magician. "The amphibian spell takes intense focus to cast correctly."

"You're trying to turn Zee into a frog or something?" Snorting at the mental image, Wally pulls off his windbreaker. "Well I'll be quick then."

His new costume is proudly on display, with electric blue and silver bolts dancing all over his bodysuit. "Mortal Kombat might not have any archers..." Wally ignores the growl that Roy lets out. "But Sega does have a speedster."

"You didn't!" Robin gasps in ecstatic glee from his place sulking in front of the monitors.

"Oh yes I did." Smugness is on full display when Wally explains how it was time for him to drop the Kid part of his name. "Roy was smart to switch. So now that everything's been signed, you can call me Sonic."

"..." Blinking with incredulity, Roy somehow manages not to scream at his friend. "Are you trying to piss me off?"

Wally can sense how close he is to a round of roughhousing and tries to walk back the smugness. "... No?"

By the time Guardian arrives with a mission from the League, Zatanna has rejoined the others back on dry land. "Since Red Tornado was targeted already, Dad was worried when Doctor Fate went missing. Good thing he brought back up with him, because they had to chase of some kind of Chaos Lord."

"Just the six of you tonight?" Guardian can only hope the mission isn't going to be too much for them. Especially without the usual muscle to back them up.

"You have your mission face!" Crows out Robin with relief. Anything to get out and do something.

"A new villain has made an appearance in New York." Explains the teams link to the League. "He calls himself Harm and likes to get violent."​
Roy was smart to switch. So now that everything's been signed, you can call me Sonic."

So, Sub-Zero and Sonic.

What's next? If cyborg appears will he be called MegaMan? Can super boy get away with wearing overall and calling himself super Mario if he gets super breath somehow can he call himself dovahkin? Would Miss Martian be willing to switch her color scheme and call herself Ditto? Robin should have an easy time rebranding as Link, you know, with all the throwing items shenanigans, and on that note if the Zatana pairing still comes through she could rebrand as Zelda.

Who else can snag a good video game name?
"Kirk North" is adopted by the West family? That's a new one, I like it. No self-insert around the heroes to turn Superboy into their tamed dog, so with Zatanna and Roy changing things… Yeah, this should be good for him.

If Dr Strange is in Bele Reve rather than Arkham, then Cameron might be okay. I wonder if Cameron will ever remember revealing that info though. It is neat to see that, through Artemis, Cameron and the heroes are still staying in each other's circles. This is very interesting.
He needs to get an all you can eat chili dog sponsorship next, speedsters gotta eat.
Was a part of his signning bonus.

So, Sub-Zero and Sonic.

What's next? If cyborg appears will he be called MegaMan? Can super boy get away with wearing overall and calling himself super Mario if he gets super breath somehow can he call himself dovahkin? Would Miss Martian be willing to switch her color scheme and call herself Ditto? Robin should have an easy time rebranding as Link, you know, with all the throwing items shenanigans, and on that note if the Zatana pairing still comes through she could rebrand as Zelda.

Who else can snag a good video game name?
It's a good way for Young Justice to be finacially independent. That mario line might be a joke... but IDEA has been inspired!

They are going after Harm. Robin could always end up getting a magic sword somehow. Zatanna still needs a name. I personally hate the name Miss Martian and always rename her.

Robin is definitly sulking at the computer with Kaldur and Zatanna training in bathing suits.

"Kirk North" is adopted by the West family? That's a new one, I like it. No self-insert around the heroes to turn Superboy into their tamed dog, so with Zatanna and Roy changing things… Yeah, this should be good for him.

If Dr Strange is in Bele Reve rather than Arkham, then Cameron might be okay. I wonder if Cameron will ever remember revealing that info though. It is neat to see that, through Artemis, Cameron and the heroes are still staying in each other's circles. This is very interesting.
I had a vote on SB for the name. Used all the live action Superman actors as the choices and Kirk won. North is because Nolan North the VA for Superboy (and he could do that look around the room and come up with a slightly different name thing with the Wests, for an in story reason.) I'm really liking how Young Justice is developing, with the heroes influencing each others growth. No SI telling them how to act, but tking some imspiration from a fellow teen.

Superboy will be wanting to talk to him about Cassie. So that meeting is on the way. I hope I'm doing a good job building up Artemis and Cameron's interactions.
Chapter 12: Full Meltal Alchemist
Chapter 12: Full Meltal Alchemist
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 19, 6:14 AM EDT

Groaning as the dull ache in my side snaps me awake, my eyes focus on the few belongings allowed to me. Huntresses chicken scratch apology is taped only a few inches away from the picture Paula left for me. It looks like some people do really care about me.

One of the weeks that Senior was out of town on business back when I was seven, Paula took the girls and me horseback riding. Jade kept throwing salt on me and laughing when the horses chased me around the paddock.

But Artemis scared the herd off with a loud bang and helped me wash it all off. Allowing myself a small grin at the faces of two grinning children hanging off a fence, my eyes dart over to the get well soon card.

Cobblepot must really love his piece. Because he wrote the message himself instead of getting his staff to do it.

Tuppence even signed an Iceberg Lounge postcard for me. 'Don't die yet Camoron, I don't hate you that much.' How sweet.

With so much proof that my self pity was unwarranted, I sit up with new resolve to be better. Viktor is finally letting me call him by his first name and seems pleased with how well I can follow his instructions.

All I really have to do is mark down a few gauges and watch a pair of blinking lights for any change. But I know exactly how precious Nora is to the man. And how much it means for him to let me help with even the smallest thing.

"How are you feeling today Glenn?" My roommate asks with surprising warmth as soon as my feet touch the ground. "Not going to break your stitches again I hope?"

With the buried memory of my father's words echoing in my head since waking up, I find myself with a sudden feeling of freedom. I never actually agreed to work with the Shadows... Dad just told me what he expected from me.

He had Psimon do something to my brain. But the psychic went off script when he created my personality.

I'm not just a bundle of improvements like Father paid for. Someone gave Psimon a big enough boost that he was able to grab my mind. Whether I am only a copy of Glenn's memories and implanted in Cameron or the whole soul, well that part is still a mystery.

Once I can recognize that manic laughter... I will know who is responsible for everything going wrong. And who to take my vengeance on.

I've had days with nothing to do but think and begin coming to terms with reality. Breaking down will do nothing but get me killed. Keep moving forward or die, not a very hard choice when I'm this angry.

"Do you honestly think either of us will get what we want?" My words get Viktor to pause in his work and give me his full attention.

His eyes are filled with a laser focus I can only dream of possessing when he finally answers. "No. But it's the only offer with even a chance."

"What's wrong with her?" I haven't been this blunt with him before and can only hope he doesn't snap. "Why do you need such a... shady deal."

"Diamonds may not be hard to come by," Viktor sighs heavily and points to the crystal filtering the cryogenic chamber. "But ones perfect enough to freeze Nora safely are. The last known supply of them has been acquired by one Lex Luthor and our friends have secured a supply."

I wonder how long it would take me to replicate the effect? "Can you only make one kind of ice?" I was able to experiment in just a few days.

"And how many can you create?" Curiosity greets my comment and not the cold rage I was prepared for.

"Dry ice was easy as pie and something pretty close to liquid nitrogen wasn't much harder." My every word just makes Viktor's eyes shine with excitement. "I should be able to replicate this stuff in less than a day. Want me to try when Cobblepot shows up for the pick up?"

I've been given five hours each week under very heavy guard, to create a very long list of sculptures for Oswald. It won't be hard to experiment with this azure ice between pieces.

"And what do you want for such aid?" Wariness fills the scientists voice.

In our line of work, nothing comes free. "Would you help get me caught up..." Better not make him suspicious. "So I can get my high school equivalent?"

"That's all you want as payment?" I can see it in his eyes as hope rises ever so slowly. "Nothing more?"

"You are a doctor right?" I know you are. "Maybe a written recommendation would help me start applying to some art schools. I don't really have many people willing to vouch for my character ya know?"

Letting him think over the offer, I lower myself to the floor carefully and begin my daily routine. People get jacked in prison for a reason and it's boredom.

Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
August 24, 12:38 PM EDT

After word of Zsasz's fate got out, it seems that most of Gotham's wealthiest forgave my crime spree. Dozens of people are here and they all want something specific.

Tuppence gave me a discreet wave early on, when I noticed her new black hair beside Cobblepot. But aside from a distinct lack of hostility, she made it seem like she was a stranger to me. Didn't think she was such a good actress.

Is that the Commissioner and his family? The sight of the cop reminds me of how many snipers are pointed at me right now. Just in case I get any stupid ideas.

"It's rare that Gotham sees a patient honestly repent and almost unheard of for it to be a first time offender." Bruce Wayne gets his turn at last and I can't stop myself from staring.

"I'm just sorry I hurt so many people first." Why do I think he's so important?

I know he's not just some playboy but my memories have been muddled since the stabbing. He looks a lot like Superboy does actually... is Bruce Wayne Superman?

Comparing the man against the many videos of Superman I've seen over my life, I start to find a shocking amount of similarities. Oh!

"Do I have something on my face?" Smirks the billionaire playfully as he pretends to wipe at the corner of his lip.

"Sorry Mister Wayne, you just reminded me of someone else." Shaking off the revelation, I ask for his request.

He hands me a newspaper headline from a few years ago and I realize what he wants. Superman and Batman both have a huge hand in shaping Dick Grayson's growth. Now I know why the alien had any involvement with him.

Superman adopted the boy just like the Waynes did to him. And Batman trained him as Gotham's protector, being better able to relate to the human abilities of his friend's son.

I use greater care on this piece than anything I've ever done before. And when I finish, the Flying Graysons are standing side by side with the late Waynes. Benefit of the family donating so much money. I had days to stare at their picture while I was recovering.

"I hope you don't mind Sir. But I wanted to take some artistic liberties with this one." I pretend not to notice the momentary shimmer in the man's eyes.

"I heard you're trying to get accepted by an art school?" Bruce smiles at me with one more genuine than the mask I saw him show the other billionaires. "Just tell me which one and I'll make sure they actually look at the application."​

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