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Omnomnom Quest

[X] Fight!
If we can get up top we should attack from there, no stinging cells.
[X] FIGHT if the jellyfish is alone...
- - [X] RUN if it's not.

You screech, tumbling off your hard earned meal in a tangle of limbs and tentacles. The jelly lashes at you furiously, each tendril cracking and snapping like a whip across you flesh. The stinging acid, usually a nuisance as you tear through them, burns strips of fur off your hide with each hit. You tuck and roll desperately, trying to duck and evade from the creature's many limbs. You're fast than it on the ground, but it was already right the fuck on top of you and you couldn't. Get. AWAY!

Finally you find you feet, springing to the side as one last tentacle rips at your hindquarters. Furious and blood high you wheel about to smash into its main body. You rip into it savagely, angrier than you've ever been. It ambushed you. It blindsided you. It was going to STEAL the kill that you WORKED SO DAMN HARD TO GET!

Gouts of blue ichor fly from the beast as it makes panicked piping noises. The tendrils reach up and tear you from atop it, throwing you across the shore and into the water. You strike the surface heavily, slamming into water that feels like heavy stone that drags and drags and drags you down to the depths. Its acid burns in a patchwork of lines across you, eating through your fur and into the skin and the water does not help.

You're hurt. More than you've ever been before and the pain of it was driving you mad. You dash out of the lakebed, charging the creature head-on. The center masses, so delicious that even the delirious thought of tearing into them makes you salivate, begin to glow ominously. A part of you screams to stop, to find cover and attack from darkness, that you were being just as stupid as the turtle! But you don't care, you throw yourself at it and dig your teeth into i-!!!

A line of brilliant white drills into your chest.

It drags its way along your moving body, digging a black trench through your flesh.

The pressure is overwhelming. Like the finger of a god jammed into your lungs.

Desperately you lash out, catching a chunk of the jelly and tearing as the force of the hit sends you spinning.

You land in a heap. The smell of burned flesh invading your nose and swamping your thoughts. Sand invades the gaping wound in your chest even as you desperately try to rise. But the pain… the pain is… oh, the pain… It… you can't…

Away. Got to get away. Its. You've.

Your leg! Your LEG! It won't, the pain. Pain! Got to move. Got to move.

Something, something was wrong. Your leg wouldn't, couldn't, you couldn't move your leg and something was wrong and you couldn't move!

You have this moment, through the pain. Not of clarity, but of realization. Of dread so deep and so complete that your bones want to turn to mush and your other legs give out and you whine in pain as something grinds and oh oh oh you'd be there.

That's what was wrong.

You'd be there watching if you were you and you were it instead of it being you. You'd watch and wait as you spent your strength and then you'd move in and down would come the teeth and you would be gone and you'd always be hungry forever again. You had to GET ON YOUR FEET because you YOU WERE WATCHING and WAITING and if you couldn't FIGHT BACK then you were DEAD and and add!

Somehow you were on your feet. Unsteady but not dead. You could still fight, you could still make it die. Even with the world shuttering and shattered around you you would spit in its eye as it came for you and it would PAY for killing the last… the last…?


The beach is still.

Nothing moves.

Your breath comes out in labored gasps, and the water laps at the shore.

But nothing piped or hummed or roared or crashed into you with finality.

It takes you a moment to comprehend what you're seeing. The jelly… isn't moving. Its simply crumpled into a heap, slowly oozing blue blood into the sand. Its side… You realize what happened. That last, desperate lunge as it so grievously injured you. You had torn open its body and its soft, delicious cores had spilled onto the sand.

You won.

You… you won.

You take a moment to just let that sink in. To roll the thought around in your pain fatigued mind. To taste it, to worry at it, to examine it from all sides.

You won.

You WON!


A roar shatters the calm sunny day. A sound of pure victory that sends birds flying from their nests and leaves even the mightiest predator shaking in its den.

And somewhere, a monster you've never seen looks up in interest.


Victory at great cost!*
-2 LP

Charm increase!
Strength increase! Bonus! (6s)
Physical Defense increase! Bonus! (6s)
Special Defense increase!
Awareness increase!
HP increase!


Feeling eventually returns to your leg, accompanied by even more PAIN. Its… probably broken. Not badly, as you can still put weight on it and move around, but the overwhelming red wave that threatens to engulf your eyes when you stress it is a pretty big clue.

You drag your kills, both of them, to the tree-line and settle into the shade. Its not the best, but at least you'll be able to see anything that comes up the shore or across the water. The dead black burrow in your chest aches mightily, but isn't as mind numbingly painful as it had been before. You'd never seen a Blue Jelly DO that before. It was… new. New like how you looked at the world, maybe. New like an aching wound in the chest and new like a threat you had never seen before.

It wasn't a comfortable feeling. And it hurt too.

Still, you're famished. Where you had been hungry before all that fighting had made you ravenous. The taste of turtle blood, so hot and thick, had only made things worse as the Jelly tore into you. With no small satisfaction you dig into its fleshy corpse and devour it whole.

The turtle is harder to get into, but vastly more rewarding. Armor turtle is delightful! Contrary to what you had expected it isn't tough or gamey at all! Instead its luscious, with a depth of savory flavors that simply melt onto the tongue and linger. You don't want to finish. Its so good, and there's so much! Its like the turtle was using that thick shell to store away all its soft bits so they'd be extra delicious when you finally got to them. Like, like, like all the effort just went into making it taste so much better and it was all yours!

Needless to say, you feast like a king.

It takes you… a while, to notice that something is different. You're still wounded, badly, but all the little aches and pains just seem to wash away as you eat. Feeding has always been satisfying, and you always feel better after a good meal, but you've never felt better better. In fact, you're fairly certain that the more minor wounds are outright gone by the time you're finished.

Hell, your fur is growing back right before your eyes. Its a slightly lighter shade above the criss-crossing acid burns, but the fact that its back at all is astonishing enough for you to stop eating (momentarily).

You leg still hurts. The trench in your chest still sends waves of aching heat into your brain. If you had to fight again though, you think you might be able to. The injuries would be there, but you're certain you could stress it without aggravating the damage too much. No more holing up for weeks on end waiting to heal or be found and killed, you were back in fighting trim (well, viable at least) after one good meal.

You could get used to this.

[X] Be lazy. You've got plenty of food and you're pretty hurt. There's shade if you get hot and water nearby.
[X] Be wary. Move the rest of your kills deeper into the jungle and find some place to hunker down and heal.
[X] Be paranoid. Cover your track, double back, and find a tree to watch the area from. The carcasses will probably attract scavengers.
[X] Be prepared. Screw it, something is probably coming already. Activate your Terrain ability and prepare for combat once more.

HP restored!

Blue Jelly devoured!
+1 Int
+.25 Special Defense!
+1 Evolution Point

Armored Turtle (Small) devoured!
+2 Physical Defense!
+2 HP!
+1 Evolution Point!

Character Sheet Updated.

*Jesus dice bot. Almost get them killed one moment and then this? All of these rolls but one got you a stat increase (the 8 near the end), and the two 12s got you doubles. That's… that's ridiculously lucky for a first battle.

[00:05] * QQ-Dicebot --> "Jans rolls 7#2d6 and gets 9, 12, 12, 7, 9, 8, 5."

Regarding (H)earth (P)oints and (L)ife (P)oints. Part of this is a legacy of the source material (Saga Frontier) and the other is the 7th Sea dramatic combat system. HP is your general endurance in a fight. Scratches, bruises, rough impacts and flesh wounds are all HP damage. When you run out of HP your start taking LP damage. LP is serious stuff like broken bones, massive lacerations, or point blank beam weapons to the chest. Every LP is worth one attack, no matter how much or how little damage it does.

HP heals back whenever you eat something of worth. A flying-rabbit isn't going to do it. So if you win and devour your opponent you get your HP restored and a bonus to your stats. If you lose, or run, or get driven off before you can eat you have to do it the hard way. As long as you're relatively healthy your HP will restore itself slowly over the course of the day. A good nights sleep will get it all back.

Healing LP takes time, and nothing but time. You're going to be stuck with those wounds for a while, but if you don't drop below 0 HP again they shouldn't get worse.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot the choices. They're at the end of the IC part now.

[X] Evolve a LASER!
[X] Be wary. Move the rest of your kills deeper into the jungle and find some place to hunker down and heal.
[X] Be wary. Move the rest of your kills deeper into the jungle and find some place to hunker down and heal.
[X] Be wary. Move the rest of your kills deeper into the jungle and find some place to hunker down and heal.
[X] Be paranoid. Cover your track, double back, and find a tree to watch the area from. The carcasses will probably attract scavengers.

Because this way, we get even more free food when the scavengers show up, and we ambush them. As long as we don't get blind-sided by a random encounter so that we only take on our foes one-at-a-time, we should be able to kill them and then eat them to recover our HP again for the next fight.
[X] Be wary. Move the rest of your kills deeper into the jungle and find some place to hunker down and heal.

I'm sorry, but what is this game based on? And what can we spend evolution points on?
[X] Be wary. Move the rest of your kills deeper into the jungle and find some place to hunker down and heal.
[X] Be wary. Move the rest of your kills deeper into the jungle and find some place to hunker down and heal.
[X] Be paranoid. Cover your track, double back, and find a tree to watch the area from. The carcasses will probably attract scavengers.
Darik29 said:
[X] Be wary. Move the rest of your kills deeper into the jungle and find some place to hunker down and heal.

I'm sorry, but what is this game based on? And what can we spend evolution points on?

Its several mutations down the road and a setting change from the Monster race in Saga Frontier.

Evolution points are going to be stat bonuses, attack addons, and enhancements you can buy once you hit 5. Its not really an issue until then, and I'm still writing it up.
[X] Be wary. Move the rest of your kills deeper into the jungle and find some place to hunker down and heal.
[X] Be wary. Move the rest of your kills deeper into the jungle and find some place to hunker down and heal.
You shift in the shade, uncomfortable. The feeling of satisfaction from a hard fought battle, a good kill, and a better meal was an illusion. As much as you would like to laze about and digest you felt it would be a better idea to an area you could defend easily. You had a broken leg after all.

You drag the remains of the armored turtle into the jungle, there's still plenty to eat even after gorging yourself. The jelly is more remains than food at this point, so you bury it in the sand. It might make a good snack later, if the scavengers didn't get to it first.

Cautiously, you visit the shore for a quick drink, then disappear back into the forest. Seeing all the sand and mud kicked up from your fight… You can't believe how exposed you were. Out in the open dueling with a creature that size like some kind of furred bull, you're surprised that a jelly was the only thing that showed up.

It felt good though.

Hunting from the shadows and ambushing your prey was certainly safer, but going head to head with an armored turtle was a jolt of energy and excitement that your average day lacked. Even the small ones were tougher than your usual fair.

You had torn this one to shreds and only gotten injured when something else blindsided you. A week ago you wouldn't have even considered trying, and today you won against even higher odds. You're sure you could do it again too.

Still, you were distinctly safer under the trees. This was your territory. Anything in this place that you couldn't fight directly could be confused and misled until it barely knew which way was up, let alone how to defend itself. There was a damn good reason that the larger creatures didn't venture in here and you were it.

You're in the process of stashing your kill in a thicket of razor bushes (sharp enough to deter most small animals, but you barely noticed them) when you catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye.

A flash of silver.

The thing was back.

[X] Charge!
[X] Ignore it, continue your business.
[X] Pretend to ignore it, move closer and try to get a better look.
[X] Pretend to ignore it, climb a tree and try to get a better look.
[X] Write-in.
[X] Pretend to ignore it, climb a tree and try to get a better look.
[X] Pretend to ignore it, climb a tree and try to get a better look.
[X] Pretend to ignore it, climb a tree and try to get a better look.
[X] Pretend to ignore it, climb a tree and try to get a better look.
[X] Cat in tree wagon
Can we even climb a tree with a broken leg?
[X] Pretend to ignore it, climb a tree and try to get a better look.
Pipeman said:
Can we even climb a tree with a broken leg?

You can indeed. You're significantly hardier than a regular animal, or a person for that matter. It'll hurt like the dickens, but you can.
You stretch and yawn. Idly you slice a large chunk of turtle off the main mass with your claws and hold it in your teeth. A brief look around nets you a fairly large tree, which you promptly climb and make to settle down in with your snack. It makes your leg hurt and your chest ache, but you manage it with grace. Speed might be a different story, but if something is out there you're not going to show weakness.

Worrying at the slab of meat is a good cover for the searching gaze you run across the jungle. It had been over there, moving high. Hard to miss, but small and fast. Where was it...

You spend some time observing the jungle around you, to no effect.




Still, with the sun high and your belly full this wasn't a bad spot to hang out.

[X] Keep looking. Its gone, but you might get lucky.
[X] Lounge
[X] As long as you keep to less rigorous activities your leg should be fine, go exploring.
-[X] Choose a direction.
[X] The leg will be fine, go hunting again.
[X] End Day, goto Next Day
[X] Write-in.

[12:31] * QQ-Dicebot --> "teh_elgee rolls a d100 and gets 6."
[X] Keep looking. Its gone, but you might get lucky.
[X] Keep looking. Its gone, but you might get lucky.
We are going to need to be faster if we want to actually catch the camera following us.
[X] Keep looking. Its gone, but you might get luck

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