Chapter 20: Look What We Found
Flightless Man
Versed in the lewd.
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Chapter 20: Look What We Found
284 AC: Rhaegar Targaeryan
284 AC: Rhaegar Targaeryan
The victory over the rebels tastes like bitter dust in my mouth, the knowledge of Visenya being taken has made every flavor the same. My rage burned while I faced the Lord Baratheon, but now it is boiling over.
My escort of five thousand follows me through the Mud Gate and I find it quite suprising how many citizens are just watching in silence. No cheers for breaking the rebel army await us and I can only dread what this means. How many more have you burned Father?
"I need you to bring my family back from Dragonstone." Keeping my voice level, I lock eyes with Ser Barristan who frowns back in concern.
The bold knight knows what is coming, but I haven't had time to confirm for which side he will stand. "You will have need of me when you confront your father." I can trust you with this at least, everything will be over by the time you return.
"Lord Commander Hightower is already waiting, he will be all the protection I need." I can let Elia go home to Dorne now, she should be happy finally. "Everything will be over soon. After this, it's just the Great Council left and the Realm will be at peace."
Making as straight of a path as these cramped streets allow, I notice an unusual amount of holes have been dug on each street. Is Father actually fixing the sewers, he has raved about for decades. Scowling at how many citizens look to be covered in the muck, I miss how many people seem to be holding clay containers.
The crowd follows us to the Red Keep, but at least now I can see some excited smiles gracing faces as they join the procession in droves. The bells even ring twice before going silent again, which means I need to make a donation to the Faith.
Most of my forces are sent to the barracks, for this I will only need a hundred of my best. With only Lord Randall Tarly beside me and my chosen behind us, the populace finally releases a roaring cheer when we enter the castle.
"Father!" I call out forcefully as we enter the throne room. "Your reign of terror is over, it is long past time for me to put the Realm back to a state of security!" Lord Tywin has been Hand before. If I release his heir… he can resume the daily duties, while I focus on the war to come.
"Finally ready to show you're traitor to your family?" Father shrieks at me from the Iron Throne, his rage making him look like a demon against the glow of green flames filling the braziers. "Hightower. Bring my son to me on his knees, begging for forgiveness!"
"I wish you had not forced this end my King, but I stand with you." Gerold draws his blade and levels it against my fuming father. "Your father is no longer fit to wear the crown I agree, but you promise he will live out the rest of his days in the holdfast?"
"I will not become a kin-slayer Lord Commander, he will-" I stop speaking when yelling is heard growing louder in the hallway we just entered.
One of the guards runs in to warn us, but he's gone before anything but a scream leaves his mouth. A ceramic pot smashes against him, before an explosion of Wildfire incinerates the man.
The mob pours into the room on mass and I lose count after two hundred enter. Nearly half have the deadly containers, while one of the men speaks for the crowd.
"We found your presents all over the city Your Grace," He roars fanatically, his matted hair covered in filth from the sewers. "But you gave us far to much of it, so we decided to return it!" As one entity the crowd heave their weapons.
Even though half or more of the clay pots are thrown in my father and I's direction, the rest shatter all across the room. Reach knights are engulfed in the emerald blaze before they can even raise a shield, with only Hightower keeping me from the same fate.
He tackles me behind a pillar that only barely survives it's own explosion, but my father gleefully welcomes his end. "And now I shall rise again stronger than even Balerion!" His cackles are suddenly silenced by over a dozen pots striking him at once.
"You need to get t-" Hightower's instructions are never completed, as the pillar falls on top of him with a sudden crack. When the ceiling crumbles and falls, I spread my arms and welcome the swift end a brick brings. I leave the hard part to you and your sisters, my sweet little Aegon. I pray you and Rhaenys find Visenya.
My escort of five thousand follows me through the Mud Gate and I find it quite suprising how many citizens are just watching in silence. No cheers for breaking the rebel army await us and I can only dread what this means. How many more have you burned Father?
"I need you to bring my family back from Dragonstone." Keeping my voice level, I lock eyes with Ser Barristan who frowns back in concern.
The bold knight knows what is coming, but I haven't had time to confirm for which side he will stand. "You will have need of me when you confront your father." I can trust you with this at least, everything will be over by the time you return.
"Lord Commander Hightower is already waiting, he will be all the protection I need." I can let Elia go home to Dorne now, she should be happy finally. "Everything will be over soon. After this, it's just the Great Council left and the Realm will be at peace."
Making as straight of a path as these cramped streets allow, I notice an unusual amount of holes have been dug on each street. Is Father actually fixing the sewers, he has raved about for decades. Scowling at how many citizens look to be covered in the muck, I miss how many people seem to be holding clay containers.
The crowd follows us to the Red Keep, but at least now I can see some excited smiles gracing faces as they join the procession in droves. The bells even ring twice before going silent again, which means I need to make a donation to the Faith.
Most of my forces are sent to the barracks, for this I will only need a hundred of my best. With only Lord Randall Tarly beside me and my chosen behind us, the populace finally releases a roaring cheer when we enter the castle.
"Father!" I call out forcefully as we enter the throne room. "Your reign of terror is over, it is long past time for me to put the Realm back to a state of security!" Lord Tywin has been Hand before. If I release his heir… he can resume the daily duties, while I focus on the war to come.
"Finally ready to show you're traitor to your family?" Father shrieks at me from the Iron Throne, his rage making him look like a demon against the glow of green flames filling the braziers. "Hightower. Bring my son to me on his knees, begging for forgiveness!"
"I wish you had not forced this end my King, but I stand with you." Gerold draws his blade and levels it against my fuming father. "Your father is no longer fit to wear the crown I agree, but you promise he will live out the rest of his days in the holdfast?"
"I will not become a kin-slayer Lord Commander, he will-" I stop speaking when yelling is heard growing louder in the hallway we just entered.
One of the guards runs in to warn us, but he's gone before anything but a scream leaves his mouth. A ceramic pot smashes against him, before an explosion of Wildfire incinerates the man.
The mob pours into the room on mass and I lose count after two hundred enter. Nearly half have the deadly containers, while one of the men speaks for the crowd.
"We found your presents all over the city Your Grace," He roars fanatically, his matted hair covered in filth from the sewers. "But you gave us far to much of it, so we decided to return it!" As one entity the crowd heave their weapons.
Even though half or more of the clay pots are thrown in my father and I's direction, the rest shatter all across the room. Reach knights are engulfed in the emerald blaze before they can even raise a shield, with only Hightower keeping me from the same fate.
He tackles me behind a pillar that only barely survives it's own explosion, but my father gleefully welcomes his end. "And now I shall rise again stronger than even Balerion!" His cackles are suddenly silenced by over a dozen pots striking him at once.
"You need to get t-" Hightower's instructions are never completed, as the pillar falls on top of him with a sudden crack. When the ceiling crumbles and falls, I spread my arms and welcome the swift end a brick brings. I leave the hard part to you and your sisters, my sweet little Aegon. I pray you and Rhaenys find Visenya.
Jaime Lannister
The second we saw the green flame on the horizon, Queen Rhaella assumed the worst. Somehow the rebels rallied from Baratheon's death and pushed into the city. With this dread looming in all of us on Dragonstone, she sends us with the children to Dorne.
Darling Rhaenys isn't old enough to understand the doom the green smoke signals for her family, but Prince Viserys is aware something horrible has happened. With ten ships out of the Martell fleet, we left the island within the hour.
Once the tenseness of the first day is over, Viserys and Rhaenys each decide to explore our little fleet… separately of course. Releasing a snort at how easily the two can inflame the rage of the other, I'm just relieved Ser Darry is looking after Viserys on one of the other ships today.
I wave at Rhaenys on the boat on our left, while Prince Oberyn chases the acrobatic princess across the deck. I'm going to miss this. Sighing heavily at losing everything I've worked so hard for, I know this will ensure Father's compliance.
"Stop looking so glum Ser Jaime, otherwise Lady Ashara and I will have nothing pleasing to look upon." Princess Elia has a teasing smile on her face when I glance up in shock at her comment.
Beside her with a playful smirk of her own, Lady Ashara waves softly at me. "Yes just like that, you're much prettier when you smile."
I turn away and hope they lose interest soon, because I am not ready to deal with what going home really means for my future. I don't know what they're talking about, the waters around here are a breathtaking sapphire.
To maintain a balance between speed and stealth, Prince Oberyn directed our convoy right down the middle of the Narrow Sea. I can almost make out the coastline of the Stormlands to our left, but that's not what makes my stomach sink.
"Ironborn coming from the West!" I can see more sails in the fleet than our own, but thankfully we are not outnumbered more than two to one. My warning call is repeated on the other ships when they spot the incoming vessels, with half of the fleet moving to intercept and cover our escape.
"More approaching from starboard!" The Lady Ashara shrieks her own frantic warning, her shaking finger pointing East at nine more long ships.
"Make for Dorne!" I hear Prince Oberyn shout, as his own ship breaks ahead of the fleet. At least Rhaenys will get to Dorne, now to make sure we do as well. I snarl as an Ironborn ship slams into our own and eerily silent Reavers climb over the rail.
I dash towards Elia and grab her my arms, carrying her and Aegon right for the life boat at the back of the ship. "Ashara, this way!" She doesn't argue and follows with her own bastard in arm, but the shock of a second collision sends them crashing into the waters below.
"Ashara!" While the Princess screams in my ear, I can do nothing more than kick a barrel onto it's side and roll it into to sea.
"We have to go, the ship is nearly lost!" I hiss at her and miraculously find the life boat still in place. "I will protect you and Prince Aegon, but I cannot do that here."
She nods slowly and I put her down on shaking feet, before lowering the small rowboat to the waves. "Alright, you go first and I'll pass you the Prince."
As I row us through the chaos, I can only thank the Seven we aren't seen by the Ironborn. I'm forced to steer us East and ignore the dying screams all around me. My heart sinks when I recognize the terror filled cries of Prince Viserys, but Ser Darry's shout of defiance is the last I hear of that battle.
Darling Rhaenys isn't old enough to understand the doom the green smoke signals for her family, but Prince Viserys is aware something horrible has happened. With ten ships out of the Martell fleet, we left the island within the hour.
Once the tenseness of the first day is over, Viserys and Rhaenys each decide to explore our little fleet… separately of course. Releasing a snort at how easily the two can inflame the rage of the other, I'm just relieved Ser Darry is looking after Viserys on one of the other ships today.
I wave at Rhaenys on the boat on our left, while Prince Oberyn chases the acrobatic princess across the deck. I'm going to miss this. Sighing heavily at losing everything I've worked so hard for, I know this will ensure Father's compliance.
"Stop looking so glum Ser Jaime, otherwise Lady Ashara and I will have nothing pleasing to look upon." Princess Elia has a teasing smile on her face when I glance up in shock at her comment.
Beside her with a playful smirk of her own, Lady Ashara waves softly at me. "Yes just like that, you're much prettier when you smile."
I turn away and hope they lose interest soon, because I am not ready to deal with what going home really means for my future. I don't know what they're talking about, the waters around here are a breathtaking sapphire.
To maintain a balance between speed and stealth, Prince Oberyn directed our convoy right down the middle of the Narrow Sea. I can almost make out the coastline of the Stormlands to our left, but that's not what makes my stomach sink.
"Ironborn coming from the West!" I can see more sails in the fleet than our own, but thankfully we are not outnumbered more than two to one. My warning call is repeated on the other ships when they spot the incoming vessels, with half of the fleet moving to intercept and cover our escape.
"More approaching from starboard!" The Lady Ashara shrieks her own frantic warning, her shaking finger pointing East at nine more long ships.
"Make for Dorne!" I hear Prince Oberyn shout, as his own ship breaks ahead of the fleet. At least Rhaenys will get to Dorne, now to make sure we do as well. I snarl as an Ironborn ship slams into our own and eerily silent Reavers climb over the rail.
I dash towards Elia and grab her my arms, carrying her and Aegon right for the life boat at the back of the ship. "Ashara, this way!" She doesn't argue and follows with her own bastard in arm, but the shock of a second collision sends them crashing into the waters below.
"Ashara!" While the Princess screams in my ear, I can do nothing more than kick a barrel onto it's side and roll it into to sea.
"We have to go, the ship is nearly lost!" I hiss at her and miraculously find the life boat still in place. "I will protect you and Prince Aegon, but I cannot do that here."
She nods slowly and I put her down on shaking feet, before lowering the small rowboat to the waves. "Alright, you go first and I'll pass you the Prince."
As I row us through the chaos, I can only thank the Seven we aren't seen by the Ironborn. I'm forced to steer us East and ignore the dying screams all around me. My heart sinks when I recognize the terror filled cries of Prince Viserys, but Ser Darry's shout of defiance is the last I hear of that battle.
Viserys Targaeryan
When Ser Darry screams at the Ironborn and cleaves the first's hand from his body, I start to hope everything will be okay. But that relief crashes down around me when the Reaver doesn't stop fighting.
The man I will soon learn is called Euron Greyjoy, he just shoves his bloody stump in my guardian's mouth. "You want my blood so bad King's guard, you can choke on it!"
Euron howls madly as Ser Darry bites down on the stump, only to stab the brave knight in the side. "Yes… tell the Drowned God I sent you to his halls, if you can remember before he shreds your soul that is."
Growing weak from blood loss, Ser Darry cannot fight back as he is wrapped tightly by a chain. Euron lifts my last hope by his cloak and drags him to the edge of the ship.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of the Sea Dragon here." My captor snarls cruelly. "The crows led me here and I'd say this was a pretty good catch. I got me a claim to the Kingdoms now."
He pushes the dying knight overboard and I don't show my fear, instead remaining defiantly silent. This seems to amuse Euron though and he begins to pat my head… far too hard to be comforting.
"We're going to get along just fine little Prince, you already seem to know rule one." He smiles cruelly and I try to ignore the dying everywhere. "If you can keep up this silence, I might even let you keep that pretty little tongue."
The man I will soon learn is called Euron Greyjoy, he just shoves his bloody stump in my guardian's mouth. "You want my blood so bad King's guard, you can choke on it!"
Euron howls madly as Ser Darry bites down on the stump, only to stab the brave knight in the side. "Yes… tell the Drowned God I sent you to his halls, if you can remember before he shreds your soul that is."
Growing weak from blood loss, Ser Darry cannot fight back as he is wrapped tightly by a chain. Euron lifts my last hope by his cloak and drags him to the edge of the ship.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of the Sea Dragon here." My captor snarls cruelly. "The crows led me here and I'd say this was a pretty good catch. I got me a claim to the Kingdoms now."
He pushes the dying knight overboard and I don't show my fear, instead remaining defiantly silent. This seems to amuse Euron though and he begins to pat my head… far too hard to be comforting.
"We're going to get along just fine little Prince, you already seem to know rule one." He smiles cruelly and I try to ignore the dying everywhere. "If you can keep up this silence, I might even let you keep that pretty little tongue."