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One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman

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Chapter 18
Chapter 18

Title: Perospero vs Jaw


Perospero just looks at Jaws with such an intensity, that if looks could kill, Jaws would be dead a hundred times over.

Then as Perospero is standing on his giant creature, that seems like a giant slug made of candy, he starts generating even more candy around his body. Encasing him in hardened pink candy, that takes the form of armor all around his body.


Jaws looks at this and narrowed his eyes slightly. He then sighed a little.

"It seems like I will have to get serious, I must not underestimate my opponents." Saya Jaws as he disappears from where he was previously standing and not even Perospero's eyes can follow him.



He appears behind Perospero, his fist clocked backward, it then darkens as it gets coated with Armament Haki.
Perospero couldn't turn around in time, but he still created a shield on his back, atop of his candy armor.
When Jaws saw that he just simply said. "Fly away now."

Then he swung his fist forward.
It went through the candy shield quite easily, he even created a hole in the armor and punched Perospero on his back.


The bones on Perospero's back all were broken. Jaw could feel his fist ram through the bones like breaking toothpicks.


Due to the powerful punch from Jaw, Perospero flies away with a trail of blood following him as it came out of his mouth. His pupils rolled in the back of his head, he has already lost consciousness.


When the fishmen in the water see what he did they all cheer. But Jaws has a different worry inside of him.... he literally just launched Big Mom's kid...
Now he will have to go into a war against her... he is not even sure he can defeat Katakuri, who he has an absolute advantage over, since water makes his Mochi weak and more jelly-like. Let alone fight Big Mom, she is a monster in every term of the word.

Jaws is a little nervous at this, but he still doesn't have enough luck to survive stuff like this. He will definitely get killed by Big Mom... he knows that.

'I need to defuse this situation immediately, or I will DIE.' Thought Jaws as a little sweat appeared on his forehead. Messing around with Big Mom at this time will bring him only disadvantages.


But During this time, a whole other situation was happening on Whole Cake Island. Big Mom, looks a little thinner than she will look in her later years, but she is still a huge woman. She is currently wearing a pink dress with stripes of darker and lighter pink.

She is currently just sitting down on a throne that looked like a cake, and the throne seemed like it would give out under her weight.

Suddenly some kid with a long neck comes towards Big Mom.

"Mama, mama, brother Perospero is calling." Says the long-necked child.

Big Mom looked at this with a calm look and picked up the Den Den Mushi.

"Hello, Perospero, did you complete your mission already. What happened to the shark?" Questions Big Mom, not even questioning whether her son even had any difficulties, she has absolute trust in her children.

"Yo! Big Mom... I have come to bargain." Comes a voice from the other side of the Dendenmushi, a voice that is not definitely Perospero's.

Immediately when Big Mom hears this her expression changes.

"Who are you... why do you have Perospero's Den Den Mushi?" Asks Big Mom with a strangely calm voice.

"My name is Jaws, eighteen years old. I like sweets and can cook a pretty good meal. My hobbies are training and feeling my power's effect on the world. My dream for the future is to become the strongest existence in this world." Says Jaws, while mixing half-truths with his speech. He obviously wouldn't give Big Mom anything too accurate, but Big Mom didn't know that and she assumes that he is just another reckless kid.

"What happened to my son?" Asks Big Mom, as her Devil Fruit Creations are the ones expressing her anger, and storms start forming around Whole Cake Island.

"Well don't worry he is alive.... probably... I only lightly punched him. But he is defeated though. I must say though he is quite weak.... that is not why I am calling you though." As Jaw says that Big Mom tightens her grip on her throne and it starts easily cracking under the power exerted from her fingers.

"Brat.... do you think you will be safe just because-." Big Mom is about to say something but then she is interrupted by Jaws saying. "How about a partnership, I will marry one of your daughters and we call this a truce... how about that."

When she hears that, Big Mom calms down and her angry frown turns into a smile. "I see then... so you are willing to become my subordinate. We can work with that."

Suddenly the Den Den Mushi's eyes turned into a frown, as Jaws said. "Impossible, either let me marry your daughter with the name Smoothie or there is no deal."

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE BRAT. THERE IS NO DEAL." Screamed Big Mom with anger.





And the Den Den Mushi fell asleep, indicating that Jaws had hung up.

Big Mom's eyes were lit ablaze with fury... "NAPOLEON, ZEUS, PROMETHEUS, WE ARE GOING TO FISH."


On the other side, everyone heard what Jaws said to Big Mom. They didn't understand her true strength. So the fish man on Jaw's crew started celebrating and calling him the new emperor.

'These idiots. They don't understand what even happened.' Thought Jaws as he looked at all of the dumb fishman around him. They were all his subordinates and he knew they were dumb.... that is why he mostly chose them.

-Jaws POV-

After all, being dumb in this world doesn't mean necessarily weak... it just simply means you are even more loyal to our maste- I mean Captain.

I kept a smile on for the crowd but on the inside, I was a little worried. But I always thought about scenarios like this and thought about how I would react to it.

Still though... I couldn't allow myself to be under another Yonko or my prestige would fall and I would become just another subordinate of hers. Plus... I can use the pressure from her to develop my Haki even further. My heart says that this is scary, dumb and we could die but... my Haki won't develop with just training... ever since I reached the new level in Armament Haki... I haven't really advanced on it at all... even though my Haki is impressive... it's not something that I can defeat a Yonko with...


A/N: Yay... we will have Big Mom Pirates vs Jaws Pirates soon.
P.S: Jaws was never really angry, he just plays his cards to get most of the benefits from the inevitable conflict.
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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
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Chapter 19
Chapter 19

Title: War Against Big Mom...


After the ordeal with Jaws angering Big Mom. He immediately started preparing for their inevitable encounter. The news has already gotten out that Big Mom is personally going to come after him.
Jaws was currently back at his base in Raijin Island, scheming against Big Mom.
Even though he showed it to no one, Jaws was intimidated by her too. You would have to be a fool, to not be intimidated by Big Mom. After all, no matter how you put it. She is a monster...
Jaws knows that the chance of defeating Big Mom is low. No matter how strong he currently is, he can't just simply plan against Big Mom and hope for it to work. He could make a good plan against Big Mom but it has so many variables to go wrong.
'The enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.' Thinks Jaws as he contemplates his options.
Jaws doesn't believe in his luck enough to pull him out alive in a confrontation with Big Mom. But to him, good luck is the result of a good plan.
His plans concentrate against the only advantage that Jaws has against Big Mom... his advantage is the high number of fishman that follow him. Plus the confrontations will most likely happen on the sea. It gives Jaws a good advantage against her.
'If she decides to attack some of my islands. I will have to sacrifice them, I must avoid a battle on the ground at all costs. Even in the sea, I am not so sure my army can take her's. After all, she has warships and I don't. Her high-level combatants also easily overpower mine. Her army outnumbers mine, even her power easily overpowers mine.' Contemplates Jaws, trying to truly find a solution. But he still can't come up with anything truly good. He also knows that ambushes are very unlikely to be effective since not only do a lot of Big Mom's crew have Observation Haki, but there even are some Fishmen and Merfolk amongst her crew.
So due to all of these factors against him, Jaws has to come up with a couple of solid plans on how to handle Big Mom.

Just like that one month passed, due to the extreme stress Jaws was under, surprisingly it was his Conquerors Haki that advanced a little.
During this month, Big Mom has been rampaging all over the New World. But wasn't able to find or catch sight of Jaws. She has already taken over some of Jaw's territories, but when she saw that even doing that, he wouldn't come out she stopped taking over territories, or another Emperor might attack if they decided that Big Mom was getting too much.
Jaws was completely on the defensive and had been quiet most of the time during this month. He has pulled no big moves or anything like that. He also hadn't had any confrontation with Big Mom. Except for some skirmishes when their armies coincidentally meet, but nothing big happens. So this story to the average person becomes old news.

Soon the Big Mom pirates got bored of chasing loose ends. So they decided to split into three groups. One group is being led by Big Mom, the other group has Katakuri and Snack, then the last group Smoothie and Cracker. All of their fighters were spread out. With even Big Mom having some of her children with her. Though she too seemingly bored by the monotony of her hunt for Jaws.


As the groups spread, another week passed by. Big Mom has had enough of this boredom, so she went back to Whole Cake Island. While her children search for Jaw all over the New World.
Nothing happened this week either.
Smoothie's and Cracker's army was traveling in the beginnings of the New World and keeping an eye on Fishman Island, from there they didn't get a lot of clues from their fishman soldiers who went down there to look if Jaws had been sighted.
The answer was a resounding no. It seemed like no one had seen Jaws on Fishman Island, where others think his base is supposed to be. Though this was untrue due to Jaws' real base being on Raijin Island, an island where it rains lightning. Not exactly a place where someone would build a base. Thankfully, Jaw's crew, which is almost 100% made of Fishman, can easily enter the base… but no one else can… especially devil fruit users.

During this time Smoothie was sitting on a comfortable looking couch, in the deck of the ship. She had a long wine glass on her hand filled with red liquid. Cracker was in the same ship as her too, but he didn't act like he owned the place, since he knows that even though his sister is usually very carefree, she can be petty about useless stuff like this.
Suddenly Smoothie frowned and got up and took her sword out.
After looking around, her eyes narrowed. When Cracker sees her expression, he too gets serious and takes out his swords. Since he is in his Cracker Armor, he has three swords and three shields.
Smoothie's frown calms down as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.
Suddenly after a couple of seconds, she opens her eyes.
"We are surrounded by around one thousand fishmen. They are underwater so I can only guess that they are fishman. It seems like the coward has finally decided to act…" Says Smoothie, criticizing Jaw for saying such big words to Big Mom and still only hiding and in the end, the thing that he does is an ambush. That won't work because of a lot of Observation Haki users here.
Suddenly she senses that some of the fishmen seem to be approaching the boat. She just smiles at this. "It seems like I am going to have fish for dinner tonight."
As she says that, she goes to the edge of her boat and swings her sword.
Immediately a sword beam is created and it goes towards the water.

But it was still only a small splash, so it didn't hit anyone who was deep underwater.
She turns around and orders her crew. "Bring out the prisoners."
Her crew immediately nod, in fear of her.
After a couple more seconds, they bring out a dozen or so prisoners.
Smoothie immediately goes towards the prisoners who look at her in fear. Some of them bow down to beg for their lives.
But she just simply…
Stabs them, one by one, using her sword and with the help of her Devil Fruit, she gets all of their nutrients and her body grows bigger.
'This should be enough.' Thinks Smoothie, as her body gets bigger, and even the giant ship that she is in starts rocketing. Her hight has reached up to the sails of the ship.
"Be careful sis, or you might sink us." Warns Cracker as he just looks from the sidelines, after all, water is his devil fruit's weakness. So he has no plans to get in a fight with someone like Jaw, a master of Fishman Karate.
Smoothie, just nods at her brother. "Don't worry, I won't need to grow anymore."
She gets ready to swing her sword but suddenly, a crew member of the ship approaches Cracker from his back, strangely his presence was hidden and…
A punch lands on Crackers back, just as Smoothie is about to attack the fisherman.
The punch wasn't just a normal punch as it easily cracked through Cracker's armor… and it hit his real body. Cracker attempted to block with his sword but that broke too, and when the attacker's fist impacted him. Cracker felt like his insides were being scrambled.
He coughs out a river of blood from his mouth, as his eyes roll to the back of his head. His Biscuit Armor disappears into cookie dust. As Cracker falls in the ground… unconscious… taken out by the mysterious attacker, who was covered in a cloak.
Smoothie immediately turns her sword swing towards the attacker and while she attacks she asks. "Who are you."
The attacker doesn't answer, even as the giant sword comes towards his head.

But before the sword reaches the attacker, he pulls out his own, big claymore sword as the sword turns a dark shining color.
As he clashes with Smoothie, both of their swords lock into place. Since her giant size rises her strength, she is surprised when she sees the person in front of her hold her in a stalemate in strength. But when the swords clashed, a strong wind was created due to the shockwave. So the hood of the cloak was pulled off, revealing the identity of the attacker.
When Smoothie saw this, her eyes burning in anger, as if a flame resides in her soul, she says. "It's you…."

Jaw's Armament Haki is the highest level, so he imbued his Armament inside Cracker's body to one-shot him. Since Cracker's original body doesn't have strong endurance, he was one shot. Also, his Fishman Karate can easily soften the part of the cookies he will hit. Jaw is an absolute counter to Cracker, the worst enemy he could have.
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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
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Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Title: Inevitable Enemy...
(Don't click the links in the middle of the story. Its formed just by itself. It's a broken link.)

As Jaw clashes swords with the gigantic sized Smoothie, he smirks as he notices that she has a look of anger on her face.

'Foolish girl… this will cloud her Obsession Haki.' Thinks Jaw as he immediately holds his sword with one hand and pulls back his free hand as the hand darkens.


He throws a past jab towards her stomach.


The blow hits, Smoothie winces at that, she could feel her organs being smashed around. The pain stuns Smoothie for a split second, that is when Jaw's hand with the sword moves in weird motion too and his sword gets through her guard, and like a snake, it goes straight for her head.
Jaw simply says. "Sorry but I am not competent enough with a sword to hold back."

Suddenly a voice behind Jaw says. "No need to hold back."

Immediately Jaw's senses jump to the max, his Observation Haki picking the intention of the one behind him immediately Jaw jumps forward and under Smoothie's legs, not even having enough time to think clearly as he sees a shiny dark mochi flow towards him.
Jaw turns around and punches the air.


And as the mochi is going to envelop Jaw, with a delayed reaction. It suddenly gets shattered all around. He sees who his opponent is and smiles. "Well, well… it seems like I have been tricked."

Says Jaw, completely relaxed, contrary to his dire situation. He has already realized what situation he was in.

Smoothie has a little blood come out from the corner of her lips, but she still smiles. "Yes… we did say that our army split. We said it loud and clear."

Jaw laughs at this even more. "Hahahaha. I guess I bit off more than I could chew."

The Big Mom family told everyone the plan and they used this to lure Jaw out. Due to not knowing where he lives, they decided to do this and trap him.

Suddenly the clouds turn dark and lightning strikes about. That is when Jaw has a worried look on his face. "It seems like even Big Mom will be joining the party... huh!"

Jaw senses a lightning bolt coming for him, he doesn't dodge it at all.


The bolt hits him, Smoothie immediately goes for a slash, until Katakuri stops her by extending his hand by turning it into mochi and holding her back. "Smoothie, don't… he isn't fazed at all."

Suddenly Jaw's body, who seems paralyzed and shocked… moves with ease, and Jaw gets back his smirk on his face. "I guess that Big Mom is close by… it seems like sadly I can't fight with you Katakuri."

"If you think that escaping the Big Mom pirates is so easy, then sorry to burst your bubble but.... today is the day you die Jaw." Replied Katakuri, with no change in his expression.

Jaw simply raises an eyebrow at this. "Well then, it seems like you are underestimating me."

His face then morphs into a serious one. That is when he rushes at the edge of the ship and jumps off.

He looks below him and as expected, the water is boiling with steam coming out of it.

The Big Mom Pirates have fought countless fishman like Jaw, so they know how you can catch a fish at sea.
But Jaw's body is immediately covered in a black color Haki, he also closes his eyes so they are not hurt by the heat. He relies completely on his Observation Haki to 'see'.


As soon as his body hits the water he can feel the extreme heat, but with his Haki, his body easily handles it. He starts swimming away when he sees that some of his soldiers were killed by the heat. But they were the weak ones who couldn't escape.

'Hmmm… It seems like I lost this confrontation.' Thinks Jaw a little saddened by the outcome. But he wasn't discouraged at all. Expecting to win against Big Mom just by himself is a faraway dream and he knows that.
His years of training are nothing in front of someone like Big Mom, who was born to be a monster. She most likely didn't need to physically train a day in her life to get her power.

But contrary to feeling jealous of Big Mom's natural born strength. Jaw on the other hand doesn't complain about anything like that. He knows that complaining about something like this is useless, the only thing he can do is train like there is no tomorrow… and train again even more. Until one day, he can fight with monsters like her on even foot.

'This world's physical training has amazing results. Someone can get buff by just doing ten pushups every day.' Thinks Jaw, and as he feels the water around him get colder… no it's returning to normal temperatures as he is going deeper into the ocean. A smile appears on his face. 'If I train endlessly, I will one day catch up… no I will surpass monsters like her. Then I can be a father worthy looking up to.'

It doesn't take long for Jax to arrive deep enough where the heat doesn't reach him. He looks around and sees his soldiers who survived, they all had angry looks on their faces.

One of them gets close to Jaw and bows down.
"I am sorry Jaw, we couldn't help you at all." Said the man, who seems like a half red octopus type of fishman.
Jaw has a smile on his face and just puts a hand on the nameless soldier's shoulder. "No need to worry, you guys would have just died for nothing if you tried to help me."
The man smiles back and promises that he will do better next time.

But while Jaw is saying that, in his mind, none of these people will ever even come close to being helpful. But he will have to make due… until his children grow up.
'My precious children… we shall have this world together. I will give you my love and you will give me the world.' Thinks Jaw as he just flexes his muscles, feeling the power inside his body. 'I should train some more and plan on how to counter Big Mom if we fight personally.'


So like this one more month passes, no more skirmishes with Big Mom happen. It was almost totally quiet.
And during this time at the bottom of the ocean, Jaw is currently meditating. Trying to train his Observation Haki and widen its range, to see better underwater and see better even while fighting, he needs to be aware of his surroundings.

Bubbles were coming out of his mouth. Suddenly his eyes open and he 'looks' around with his Observation Haki… a disappointed look appears on his face.

'No progress at all.' Despaired Jaw a little. No matter how much he trains, his Haki isn't getting any better without battles. 'My will isn't into it. I always have an escape plan, that isn't the mindset I need to get my Haki stronger. Then it's simple... I will just temporarily change it...'

To Jaw, it seems inevitable that he should fight a strong enemy to train his Haki. And that enemy will be… Big Mom. He knows that Katakuri, though strong and would be a good challenge to Jaw. That would be only if he didn't use Fishman Karate, which is a direct counter towards Katakuri's Mochi-Mochi No Mi. So he can't fight him… and the other Big Mom Sweet Commanders are too weak for him.

He knows that he needs someone that he can go all out against… and then go beyond. He could go and fight the Kaido pirates, but he knows that he doesn't have the luck Luffy has. As soon as he gets the enmity of two Yonko, he will immediately have to go into hiding. His power is insufficient to survive something like that, plus he might spark a premeditated Kaido and Big Mom alliance, and that would spell doom for him. He knows that much at least…


During this time, in the New World, Big Mom has other plans. She is currently on her giant ship, inside the captain's cabin.

She is talking with someone from a Den Den Mushi. "So then it is confirmed that that is the little fish's hideout."

The Den Den Mushi has a frowning look on its face. "Yes, Mama. It has been confirmed. Bonjour~"

Big Mom's smile turns malicious. "Who would have expected that someone would hide on that island… well it seems like I will be cooking a lot of fish tonight."


Big Mom turns off her Den Den Mushi (transponder snail) the smile on her face wouldn't go away.

"Mamamamamamama…" Laughs Big Mom. "It seems like after months and months of searching we found your hiding place little fish."


Big Mom and her children were careful to not let the information get out of their family or very close associates. They knew that Jaw has informants on the Big Mom crew, and Jaw getting that information would be disastrous, it took them quite long to find him. If there was to be a next time, it would take years to find him again.


Fourteen days passed like that and Big Mom could finally see the dreaded place… the place that they discovered that Jaw is hiding is a place called Desert Island, it is a relatively small island on the Calm Belt.

The Big Mom pirates couldn't help but be surprised at his ingenuity. A fishman army living on a deserted island is a first for them.

But as the whole Big Mom armada with hundreds of ships gets close to the island. They immediately notice something strange… a man… no a fishman was flying… no more accurately.. he was jumping on-air as he looks at them. It is Jaw, with a smug look on his face.

"Big Mom, it seems like you are as dumb as you look." Mocks Jaw, as a smug smile appears on his face.

Bug Mom has an angry look on her face. "Y -YOU BRAT."

She screams in anger, creating a giant shockwave that moves that creates small waves all around the ships.
The people close to her cover their ears.

"I will skin you alive little fish." Says Big Mom with a murderous look on her face. Her eyes are bloodshot and veins pop on her forehead. With her energy creative a crater below her, cracking the ship.

"Zeus." Calls Big Mom, as a cloud appears in the sky. She immediately jumps on the cloud, as it turns dark with lightning all around it.

"Prometheus." Suddenly a cute sun comes out, but it turns murderous as the flames surround Big Mom. Her hat comes off and she calls out one more time. "Napoleon."

Turning her hat into a giant sword. She just swings back her sword and looks towards Jaw.

"Go and die you little fish…



A giant shockwave comes towards Jaw, and even he has a momentary look of shock on his face, due to the power he is looking at. But that is only a split second reaction as he brings his fist back, and elegantly, water gathers around it, forming something that looks like a water drill.

As soon as he can sense Big Mom's shockwave attack come close. Jaw smiles at this and punches with all of his power.



Hope you like it. Jaw tricked big Mom by making it seem like someone betrayed him, just so he can fight Big Mom in his terms.
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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
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Chapter 21
Chapter 21

Title: Big Mom vs The Shark Monster...





As Big Mom's and Jaw's attack connected. Jaw immediately understood the difference in power between each of their attacks. Big Mom's is obviously stronger, so he doesn't resist the attack, instead in a split second, he decides to use the power behind his attack to change the direction of his attack.


He does so and…


The small island behind him is hit, obliterating a part of it. But Jaw didn't even look behind. His eyes resolutely look at Big Mom, who has a malicious look in her eyes.
Jaw reciprocates it, as a malicious smile appears on his face too, showing his rows of sharp teeth. "Big Mom, you seem to have gotten weaker. I barely even felt that."

This pisses off Big Mom. But while on the outside Jaw is confident, on the inside he can't help but think. 'That fat b*tch almost broke my wrist. Just redirecting her attacks is hard.'

As Jaw thinks of this. Inside his head, he is obviously scared. He would be a retard like Luffy to not be scared of someone stronger than him and look where that got Luffy, if the guy wasn't lucky, he would have gotten himself and his crew killed countless times.
But Jaw doesn't let his fear cloud his judgment, his Conqueror's Haki gushes out of his body like a ripple. Knocking out some of Big Mom's troops. He can't allow fear to develop in his heart, or he would lose his lifespan without even putting a fight against Big Mom.
"So wanna fight me one on one?" Says Jaw, trying to goat Big Mom to fight him one on one. He knows that her army will absolutely destroy his army. Even if they have the home advantage due to fighting on the sea.
Big Mom frowns at this and Zeus, the dark cloud flies above her and she jumps on the cloud who starts crackling with lightning.



Jaw's eyes widen as he immediately uses Geppo, as he is mid-air to dodge sideways as a giant lightning bolt tries to hit him. Big Mom just looks at this as her smile widens. "You are too weak little fish, pirates have nor rules when they fight."

Jaw smirks at this. "True…"

As he says that, he sees that the furthest away ships of Big Mom's fleet start sinking. The fishmen have already started attacking the outskirts.


But suddenly, Jaw winces as he feels something hit him on his leg, stopping him from performing Geppo so he starts falling towards the water. He notices that it is just a bean thrown with extreme power. He looks towards the direction where he saw the assailant… he sees Katakuri's gaze locking into his own.

'It seems like I can't win this battle… but it doesn't matter. I know I can't win anyway. I am just going to use them for training.' Jaw then uses a one-legged Geppo. Though that is hard for a normal six power user, his raw strength allows him to easily pull off something like this.

He goes after Big Mom again, a katana is thrown towards Jaw from underwater and he catches it. He then gets close to Big Mom who just swings her sword toward him.

Jaw uses his katana coating it with advanced Armament Haki…


As the sword clash, Big Mom uses all of her power but Jaw doesn't use raw power, he goes for technique, as he uses Geppo to maneuver himself midair out of the clash, loosening his grip on his katana, as not to clash with Big Mom on raw power. But as soon as Big Mom finished her full swing, Jax sees an opening.

He also senses some bean bullets coming towards him. He knows that they were thrown from Katakuri, most likely because he saw what would happen next.


In a fluid and fast motion, Jaw swings his katana towards Big Mom's midsection.
<Water Surface Slash>

Water appears behind his katana, pushing it and giving it more power, and the blade elegantly sinks into the flesh of a Yonko... with Jaw using the advanced level of Ryu Armament Haki to create a giant gash on Big Mom's torso. Shocking everyone… Jaw immediately decides to go for Big Mom's head but …

Scorching hot flames suddenly surround her and almost burn Jaw, but he lets himself fall into the water, avoiding such an injury. As soon as he distanced himself from Big Mom, Jaw is shot with thousands of canons aiming at him. But he just goes deeper and deeper underwater. He wants to learn Observation Haki to the level where he can see the future but he isn't dumb enough to fight again for today. He has an injured leg and thousands of canons aimed toward him. He will be killed by the canons before he even reaches Big Mom.

'I do not have any way to come out completely unharmed after dozens of cannon shots.' Thinks Jaw as he pulls out a Den Den Mushi snail out of pocket and says. "Retreat."


One day later on Raijin Island where Jaw's real main base is.
In the backyard of Jaw's Castle, Kakashi is sparring against Kisame, the latter punching towards Kakashi with a fist that cuts through the air at lightning speeds. But Kakashi maneuvers out of the punches by predicting them easily due to Kisame's very forward personality.

But suddenly Kisame's speed increases as he tries to hit Kakashi. And as Kakashi dodges Kisame can't help but whine. "Kakashi, if I can't use my sword or fishman karate while you can use your everything if not fair."

Kakashi frowns at this. "Yeah, but if you used all of your power you would beat me in seconds. Take this as training too, what if you were in a desert without your sword."

"I would never go and do something stupid like that." Says Kisame, as if telling the obvious.
Suddenly they hear a stop and stop fighting. They frown as they are familiar with that scream, it was Mikoto's scream.


Both Kakashi and Kisame go towards it. Worried about her and assumed the worst, their faces were cold.
'I will kill anyone who dares to touch my family.' Thought Kakashi and Kisame at the same time. Their faces both cold and their eyes promised untold pain to anyone who hurt Mikoto.

But when they arrive and see Mikoto just smiling around with all of her siblings. They were all looking at a newspaper… well except Naruto who is looking at his cat and drooling.
Kakashi and Kisame relax at this, Kakashi even seems a little annoyed at this. "What the hell are you guys screaming about?"

Kisame on the other hand notices that Naruto is about to bite down on the tail of his sleeping cat.
"Oi! Oi! Don't eat that Naruto, you can go and eat in the kitchens." Kisame just picks up Naruto and stops him from biting his cat. Then he puts him in a piggyback and goes to see the newspaper that has even Kakashi shocked.
But his eyes widen in shock too as he sees the front page.

The shocking battle between Big Mom and The Monster Shark has had a surprising outcome.

Then they see their father's new bounty…

1,300,000,000 ß

The Yonko aren't as undefeated as they seem. I mean in the Manga Kaido is injured by the 12 scabbards so logically Big Mom can be injured by Jaw who can also use the advanced form of Haki.
Also the news wasn't fake and inflated like when it said Luffy won, when we know what happened. Jaw is not like that, he injured a Yonko and he ran away, so this is his bounty. Luffy's actions were inflated by Big News Morgan, making it seem like Luffy won against Big Mom.

P.S: This was a little late update because I am currently in a negotiation with the dean if college about my scholarship.
Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm
(You can become part of the votes if you join Discord, and I also share pictures of the different characters)
Chapter 22
Chapter 22

Title: Attacking During an Opportune Time...


Jaw's new bounty was 1,300,000,000 ß. It created a ripple in the whole world, he fought Big Mom, and out of the two, she came out injured while Jaw had no reported injuries. Well, he had no reported injuries because he wasn't seen after the battle and no one cared if he got injuries when Big Mom got injured. Someone who is supposed to be invincible hot injured...


Big Mom is currently in her ship, she has a bandage all over her torso.

She is earings a mountain of sweets that is next to her. She has a happy smile on her face, but suddenly she gains an angry expression on her face. "That bastard Jaw!!! He is dead... I will kill him with my own hands."

Suddenly the door to her room opens and Katakuri comes in. When he sees Big Mom, eating, being happy, and angry at the same time. He didn't know how to react to this, none of her children have approached her since the battle against Jaw.

"Big News Morgan has agreed to help us make the news seem smaller. But he said that he still won't cover up the whole story." Explains Katakuri, his face is solemn, expressing no feelings in front of his mother.

Big Mom stops gorging herself on food and turns to look at Katakuri and a malicious smile appears on her face.

"It doesn't matter, I will hunt him down and kill him." Says Big Mom, with absolute confidence in her voice.

Katakuri nods at this. "Ok, then we will need to use our network and see if we can find him. Sadly we didn't capture any person from his Crew, so we don't know where his real base is."

As Katakuri explains this, he sees that Big Mom isn't paying attention to him anymore. She is eating and clenching her teeth. "Jaw, Jaw... I will kill you!!!"

A bead of sweat drops down Katakuri's head as he sees his mother's Conquerors Haki be released, and clouds start gathering on the sky, signifying that a storm will soon appear. This is what Big Mom's wrath creates.


-Naruto POV- (age 7)

I look at my other siblings who are looking at daddy's new bounty with a lot of zeros. I don't know that big of numbers but I know that the more numbers one has on his bounty the higher it is.

Anyway, I see that my cat is running away. The stupid cat looks at me and she smirks as if mocking me.
"I am gonna eat you one day you stupid cat," I say to the cat as I glare at it. I try to slip out of Kisame's stupidly strong grip. Mikoto -nee says that Kisame -nii gets his strength from being stupid and that the more stupid he is the stronger he gets. And he is very strong... so he is very stupid too, also he doesn't get hurt by anything so he must be double the stupid.

I try to move from his grip but it's annoying, I can't get out of it. Kisame looks at me and says. "Naruto, can you settle down for a second."

"No! That cat is making fun of me." I say while pointing at it.

Kisame just sighs at this. "Dad really needs to get that cat away from your clutches or sooner rather than later you will chew his head off."

-Jaw's POV-

I returned to my real base in a couple of days. Technically we lost, but injuring the Yonko is a big deal so we celebrated, Naruto kept bugging me about Kisame not letting him beat his cat... I have decided that I will be spending more time with Naruto from now on.

Anyway, the news of this has reached quite far and wide, but what interests me... is the weakness of Big Mom. I have found a way to easily defeat her. Well not easily, but if the strategy works and Big Mom is weakened enough, I can definitely defeat her.

A smile appears on my face as I think of a plan. Without her crew, she is pretty vulnerable isn't she... one would even call her weak. I never thought about it until I fought her.

My smile widens as I am eating with my children.
In our previous battle, I actually had a high chance (~60-70%) to win if the Big Mom Pirates weren't there. Especially since we were on sea.
She is someone who can be defeated with a good strategy, the Yonko aren't as invincible as they seem. Without their crews, some of them could be defeated easily, especially if I outnumber them with a huge number of high-level combatants.
But at the same time, separating Big Mom from her crew will be very difficult... but not impossible. I just need to wait for the perfect moment.


Since the day that I came up with the plan, six months passed and now I finally have the perfect opportunity to strike.

We are currently under a fleet of ships. More correctly under the Big Mom pirate's ships.

I look up I spread my observation Haki and smile.

"*AHHHHHH!*" Comes the scream of Big Mom, and the thing that is making her scream like this is her pregnancy. She is currently giving birth, this is the weakest she will ever be.

Immediately I give my signal to the thousands of Fishman. "Kill them all!"

"Wooooo!" They roar enthusiastically thankfully they can't be heard on the outside because we are all underwater, and immediately attack the ships breaching them the hull and sinking them.

Immediately I attack the main ship by myself. I see that as I am about to hit the hull of the ship, mochi surrounds it. Damn that Katakuri and his future sight, but he still can't stop me from attacking.

Since his Mochi is soaked up underwater, I just easily pierce through it due to it being weakened.


The ship starts sinking, I see some card-like and chess-like soldiers who I assume were created by Big Mom's Devil Fruit Ability.


I just send out a wave of Conqueror's Haki, immediately making them fall unconscious. I just walk forward and suddenly I sense an attack coming from up. So I just dodge to the side.


A giant fist of mochi covered in Haki smashes down on where I used to be. I suddenly feel something weird.

I see that Katakuri isn't coming down due to the water. Well, let's see how that works for them.

I crouch down and put my hands in the water. I take a deep breath...


I move my hands up...

<Exploding Tsunami>


The water around me explodes, and as if a bomb exploded inside the ship. Completely destroying it.

Immediately my eyes concentrate and my Observation Haki is on full concentration too. Looking to find someone, and I immediately stop and look towards a dark cloud.

I sense Big Mom lying down, this is good enough. I immediately put my hand underwater and...


<Water Dragon>

A giant dragon made out of water goes towards Big Mom who is lying down in her cloud, Zeus.

A smirk appears on my face. Let's see how you deal with this Big Mom. I look around and see a giant Candy Wall going to protect Big Mom.

I kick off the air and go towards the giant candy wall heading towards Big Mom. I see that I won't be able to stop the wall quickly enough, so I instead clock back my fist and coat it in Haki and... throw a straight punch forward.

<5,000 Brick Fist>

Nothing happens as the candy wall goes in front of Big Mom to protect her from the Water Dragon. But suddenly...


It is broken... YESSS... the water Dragon goes towards Big Mom and...


It hits her head-on...

Soo... I read the manga with the latest chapter and saw Big Mom being outmaneuvered so easily and I understood something... the Yanko aren't unbeatable. It's just that a Yonko also has its crew that is what makes them deadly, it's not only their physical power but also their influence. The Yonkononly had the image of being undefeated, they are VERY strong... but not undefeatable.
Chapter 23
Chapter 23

(A/N: Sorry for the late updates lately, I was fixing a deal with my college dean and it went pretty well. But I was dropped a bomb today by an ex of mine two years ago. Everything will return back to normal tomorrow again.)

Title: I Can See...


As the water hits Big Mom, I rejoice inside my heart, but then my eyes widen when I see the dark Haki coated mochi surrounding her. I clench my shark-like teeth in anger at this. Damn it… I was so close, for a split second, I thought that I hit her.
Fu*k… this…

Ok, I need to be calm, so I just take a deep breath and think back on everything I know. I don't have any right-hand man, no one who can stand by my side and have my back. My kids are too young to do that and the minks that I have on my side are not good for combat that I plan to have. They can't fight good under-water, and my fighting tactics until now have been to use my strengths against Big Mom's pirate's weaknesses or else I wouldn't even be able to compete against Big Mom.
Anyway, it doesn't matter now, I can see Big Mom just get up and start eating the mochi around her. It seems like another loss for me… fu*k… I can't continue like this. I haven't been able to win any confrontation with her, her kids always get on the way when I am about to soften her up a bit.

As I am using Geppo to jump on air. I take out a Dendenmushi and talk into it. "Retreat away from here. Go far away, return to Fishman Island."
As I say that, the fishman who has the Dendenmushi understands what I mean, they mustn't return to the base, or they will put my children in danger… and also the enemies mustn't discover where our base is. But the base can be rebuilt again even if found, but putting my children in danger is unacceptable. I will kill them all if they dare to do something stupid like that.

Anyway, as I tell them to retreat I have to dodge some flying sword slashes, bullets, and canon-balls. I easily dodge them all, even some people who can use <Geppo> to get close to me, I just give them one look.
Pew! Pew! Pew!...
I use my finger to push a fast bullet-like projectile of air that goes towards them, and it hits them all on the chest, close to their hearts. They were some random mooks, in no way they had the speed to dodge my attacks.

[Mochi Crusher]

I sense a donut appears above me and a giant fist coated in Haki punches towards me. I immediately dodge to the back but…


I feel a large cut appear on my back as a Flying Sword Slash hits me in the back and even though I immediately use Tekkai (Iron Body) by tightening my muscles as much as I can, sadly that is not enough as my back is all bloodied. Thankfully I can keep up my concentration even due to the pain, this pain is nothing in comparison to lightning running through your body.

[Ikkoku Sovereign]

I see a giant blast coming towards me from Big Mom's direction. I just jump to the side.


And when the attack lands on the water it creates a gaping hole in the ocean...


Slowly the 'hole' in the ocean fills up with water again. I just look at her… strangely… my concentration is at full power. It's so strange, all of my thoughts of running away... just disappear. Big Mom seems to be saying something but I can't even hear her.
Or more correctly, I don't care what she has to say. What I am concentrating on is my Observation Haki, dodging all of the countless attacks sent towards me. I know where their projectiles will go, I can sense them all. It is truly a strange situation, I know that if I stay here anymore I will die. I know that… but… I wanna see… I want to see the way he (Katakuri) sees. I want to see how seeing the future feels like. If I can't even reach the stage where I can see the future, then my dreams mean nothing to me, a man is only as big as his ambition.
I want to be the greatest, it doesn't matter what. I don't care enough to become the King of the Pirates, nor do I care about some Void Century. Looking at the past is useless to me, I would rather see the future…

I close my eyes and can 'see' everyone's auras. Their movements and what they will do… I can see that Katakuri will throw a bean towards me. So I make preparations by coating my abdomen, the place where that will hit with Haki… what? Why hasn't the bean reached me yet?
I hear Katakuri throw his bean and I immediately understand what is going on as I open my eyes. I feel the bean hit my abdomen…
A metallic sound rings out as it hits my Haki. Hm? Big Mom is behind me… no not yet, in the future a giant mirror carried by a genie and Big Mom will come out of it, cutting one of my arms off as I defend myself.

Is this it??? As soon as I notice the genie carrying the mirror at my place and Big Mom disappears in another mirror. I also notice that the water below me is boiling hot, with sticky candy in it. So I am trapped in here, I see, so I took too long and there are only two options, I will actually die or I will win this battle. There are only two options. And I would win if Big Mom is outside of the picture for the moment.

<Shark Arrow>

I gather the water in the air and throw some small shark-like water arrows towards the mirror that is getting close to me.
Big Mom can chill in the Mirror Dimension for a while now. I immediately dodge the cannonballs coming towards me and that is when…


Some candy beans pierce all of my Shark Arrows going towards the mirror. Damn that Katakuri is annoying. He probably saw on his future vision what I would do.

Well, it doesn't matter anyway, since I wasn't caught by surprise. Big Mom won't cut my arm anyway. I sense dozens of more slash's coming towards and Big Mom comes out of the giant mirror, she looks around and doesn't see me where I was supposed to be.

She resorted to sneak attacks even with her power. Well, she is a pirate after all so it isn't that strange. She uses Zeus (Cloud) to fly on as Prometheus (Sun) blows fire towards me. I wince a little at this as my skin drys up a little, making my Fishman Karate weaker.

Sh*t… and with the water down below being boiling hot and with hot candy in the water. There is no way I am going in there or I am pretty much guaranteed to die. Damn… endangering myself like this isn't my style at all. But I needed to get future vision… now that I got it… I just gotta… run away.

I smile at Big Mom and get closer to her as she slashes at me. No cannon-balls are coming towards me anymore. After all, there is a high chance of hitting Big Mom if they do so. By using my future vision, I easily dodge Big Mom's attack and go for her neck. Sadly I also sense Katakuri throw one of his sword-using sisters towards me. I believe her name is Amanda or something like that. She is also a long neck tribe.


And my sword is stopped and our swords clash. I just look at her and…

<Shigan Barrage>
My finger, like a blurry, pierces her body countless times.
She coughs out blood as her body is riddled with holes, I just grab her by her long neck and throw her towards Katakuri, this should distract him enough to stop his calm mind and temporarily stop his future sight.
Suddenly Big Mom is surrounded by fire. And as my sword goes towards her neck…


It melts down… the fire is Prometheus protecting her. I throw the handle of my sword away and…


I punch Big Mom on her big nose with full power. I can feel the heat but by using my Haki, I can protect my body. Sadly my sword couldn't survive since I am also using Haki to protect my body so I didn't use it all on my sword and would only use it when my sword made contact with her skin.
Big Mom flies back by my punch as my Haki entered inside of her and wrecked her nose. But surprisingly she seems to have talked more damage than anticipated as she also bleeds out of her mouth a little. Is it because the recent pregnancy might have weakened her?

But as soon as Big Mom flies away, again countless ranged attacks come towards me. Two giant donuts appear at my sides, I immediately use Armament Haki all over my body.
Two giant mochi fists covered in Haki hit me as I let them hit me. I wince a little at their hardness, due to the fire Big Mom used on me, it dried my skin and I can't use Fishman Karate anymore to weaken Katakuri's mochi.

Immediately countless attacks me, and during that split second, my 1.5 seconds future sight was in a split second pause so I could get a new vision. But that is when I can sense Katakuri appear in front of me. His hands covered in a white aura as countless mochi droughts appeared behind him. He has an angry look on his face as he looks at me.

[Mochi Machine Gun]

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!...

I am hit countless times and even with my Advanced Armament Haki, I start feeling some small internal pain.

We see that this is how a One Piece fight is, the MC could hold his ground against Big Mom and even defeat her because she was just out of her pregnancy. He has really shamed her, the first time he injured her and the 2nd time they confronted he almost killed her. This would all sound good on paper, but in both instances we know how he only won by cheating. Also Katakuri can now shine as he will fight the MC, he isn't weakened by the Fishman Karate as the MC can't use it temporarily due to having access to water and his skin is dried up. This is how one piece fights are, just because the MC could defeat someone during a situation to his advantage. He could the same way be defeated in a situation to his disadvantage.

P.S: When we see from the MC's point of view, some of his assumptions might be wrong.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm
(You can become part of the votes if you join Discord, and I also share pictures of the different characters)
Chapter 24
[A/N: The truth is that the MC is heavily injured and assaulted by all sides. Some people seem to see only the MC vs Katakuri. Katakuri obviously won't become some Yonko level fighter. By that logic, Franky is already a Yonko powerhouse as he was easily able to push Big Mom away from the fight... In this Katakuri has an overwhelming field advantage. And this is a Big Mom Pirates vs Jaw scenario. Not a Katakuri vs Jaw scenario.]

Chapter 24

Title: Kneeling...


As the countless mochi, punches wreck my body, and I start feeling some dull internal pain. I calm down and look into the future for the next 1.5 seconds again and as I see where the next punches will exactly come.

Fwosh! Fwosh! Fwosh!....

I easily dodge them all, using my midair maneuverability to my advantage. Though sadly it seems like my legs are actually cramping and soon I will get too tired to even continue this high-intensity battle. I mean I have the physical stamina to probably fight for a whole day straight, but mental stamina is a whole other thing. I will come to a time where my Haki will get weaker… and weaker until I get too tired to use it at all. But I wouldn't even need to get too tired until I can't use Haki. I just need to be tired enough until I can't use the future sight at all and I am pretty much done. My injuries are piling up and one lucky cannonball to the head will knock me out. Pretty much killing me…

I know that I can't handle this situation any longer or I will die. I can take this as a win since I now learned future sight Observation Haki, though it seems to kinda pale in front of Katakuri, when I continue training it, these 1.5 seconds vision into the future will continue to get longer and longer.


I feel a fist hit me at the top of my skull and I feel like it's pricking my brain, I almost passed out, but it was either that or getting another large cut on my back by a giant genie. Suddenly Katakuri jumps back and the next thing I hear is.

[Ikkoku Sovereignty]

Immediately I use Geppo to try and fly up, but a rope of mochi grabs me by my ankle not letting me escape, so I had to brace it. As I looked closely at it… I suddenly got an idea…
I think I can use this attack to my advantage…
So I just touch my back to get some blood in my hand allowing me to use low levels of Fishman Karate.

<Splicing Wave>

A small flying blood blade is formed and it cuts the mochi rope, and that is when I immediately concentrate all of my Haki on my front body leaving my back almost unprotected.

<Armament: Hardening>
I then also tighten all of my muscles, creating a double defense.
<Tekkai> (Iron Body)


And I take Big Mom's hit head-on. Immediately I can feel it grinding against my Armament Haki. I don't even try to disperse the move and simply protect myself from it as… I just use it to fly away from the fleet at breakneck speeds.


I fly away so quickly that no one can really do anything to me. Hehehehe… Big Mom, the stupid b*tch… you just gave me an escape route.

After a couple of minutes, I can no longer see the fleet, but Big Mom's attack is still going on, though it has weakened now so I just use Geppo to slip away from it. Though I do twist my ankle a little due to the enormous strain that I have to put into it.

But I just fall in the water, I don't even resist the cooling effect of liquid, I don't even care about the pain of the salty water gets into my wounds and giving me even more excruciating pain. I just took a deep 'breath' underwater and relaxed. I… wanna actually sleep in here… I am so tired. My eyes are about to almost close...


I have to internally scream at myself to wake up, but even that is because as the adrenaline wore off, a strong sense of sleepiness ascended to me. I put my hand under my shirt and wince a little as I touch my already dead Dendenmushi. Seems like I have no way to call help to myself.

In the end, only by willing myself to move do I do so. I immediately start swimming even deeper underwater. I know that if I am deep enough, Big Mom would in no way be able to get to me, no matter how much the fat old hag tries.


Thankfully I can find an island after only five hours spent swimming in one direction. As I arrive at the island, I see that it is only a small island with only a small village in it. By the number of houses, I would guess that only around 500 people live here. I also have another problem… I look like a monster, and that is not because of the blood. But I look like a fish type monster out of a children's book.

Still though, in the end, I just exaggerated my limp and acted hurt. My wounds have already closed up and stopped bleeding, but I obviously need some medical assistance. My body hurts all over… and I have multiple broken bones, burns of different degrees, and even a concussion I believe.

So I just walk to the village, and as soon as people start seeing me. They immediately back off, some of them have terrified looks as they saw me. By using my Observation Haki, I can tell that most of the people seem to be feeling pity for me. I decided to go towards one of the people who was feeling the most pity for me.

I limp towards him a little slow and as I am ten meters away from him when I simply ask. "Where is the doctor of this village."

He seems a little surprised and even scared. But in the end, he just points towards one of the bigger looking houses. I nod at him and say. "Thanks…"

I start limping towards that place. Haki is truly an amazing thing, my Observation Haki developed strangely. Just like the future Blind Admiral Fujitora, I can read people's feelings too. I guess my desire to not be betrayed and not trusting my subordinates is how this developed. Now I don't have to worry about betrayal anymore, because no matter how good someone is, they can't hide their feelings 100% all day long.

Anyway, I go towards the doctor's house and knock on the door twice.

Knock! Knock!

"Coming." Says a voice from the inside. Then the door opens and an old man, with a bushy white mustache and bald head, comes outside. He has his eyes closed and he scratches the back of his head.

*Yawn* He then yawns, finally opens his eyes and looks at me.

"AHHHH!" He immediately screams and falls on his but and starts scampering backward. I am not hugely big like some people in this world, I am only around 1.85 cm (6'1"). But Fishman are scary looking to humans, and the latter are always scared of something that they don't understand. I would have honestly had the same reaction in my first life if someone looking like me knocked on my door.
"Yo! Doctor, as you can see I am in the need of some help. Gonna offer me some?" I say in a friendly tone. Trying to put him at ease with my words.

"N -No way I w -will help a m -monster like you." Says the doctor, even as he is scared as hell he still says that.
Sheesh talk about discrimination, but it doesn't matter. Killing him now would be useless to me now. Plus being angry at him would be useless, will I being angry at him heal me? Obviously not.

Well, there is only one option left then. I am too tired and weak to even try forcing people to heal me. They might even deliberately try to injure me during the healing process.
So I just kneel in front of him and say. "Sir… please help me…"

As we see the MC shows another side of his. He kneels in front of a normal doctor as long as it benefits him. The MC is not a mad man or someone who lets his pride get in the way of his actions. He might seem like a blockhead when he challenged Big Mom, but every one of his actions was calculated. He knows that with his current injuries, he could probably still kill all of the people in the village easily. But that wouldn't bring him any joy, nor benefits. So he won't do anything like that.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm
(You can become part of the votes if you join Discord, and I also share pictures of the different characters)
Chapter 25
Chapter 25

Title: Let Me Save You Damn It!?!?!


As I kneel in front of the doctor, I don't really feel any pride nor shame. It is just another action to further my goals, so at best it is just indifference. That is really all that there is to it.

The doctor who was scared of me, looks at me with wide eyes. No matter how dangerous someone is, once he bows or kneels in front of you, instinctively someone assumes that he is not dangerous.

The doctor then gets up and has a serious look on his face and…


I am a little surprised at him as he bows towards me so hard that he bangs his head on the ground. "I apologize for my reaction. A doctor is supposed to heal someone, no matter how they look or their situation. There is no need for you to kneel in front of me. I am a doctor, and I am ashamed of my reaction to seeing you."

Damn… the people in this world are silly. One time they are scared, and the next they are ashamed. Honestly strange people. Anyway, I get up from my kneeling position and say to the doctor. "Is there someplace where I can sit?"

He looks up from his bow and I see that he has an injury on his forehead from hitting the floor too hard when he bowed. "Yes."

He then points at one of the rooms. "In that room is a bed. You sit on that, and I will immediately begin stitching together your countless wounds."

I nod at that and go towards the room. I open the door and inside there is a bed, a chair, and a shelf with different herbs and bottles of medicine. It looks like your overall normal hospital room, it even smells like it.

I go and sit on the simple wooden chair. I don't lie back because I don't want to activate the wounds in my back. I take a deep breath and I wince a little, I have all of the muscles around my body tightened so I have stopped the bleeding, this is a version of Tekkai that only tightens the muscles to stop the bleeding and I can still move while using it. Though as soon as I relax my muscles I will start bleeding like a fountain.

I hear the doctor enter and sense that he has no negative intentions towards me, so I let him start as I say. "I will start bleeding profoundly soon."

He nods and I relax my muscles, immediately blood starts coming out of my wounds again. The doctor doesn't hesitate as he immediately starts putting medicine on my wounds and starts stitching the countless wounds on my back first. I say nothing as he does that, I also didn't take any sedatives, honestly this amount if pain is negligible.


It takes two hours before all of my wounds are stitched and bandaged up. My head, torso, back, and hands, one of my legs is bandaged too, but the injury on that one was only minimal.

I get up and look towards the doctor thanking him. "Thank you, doctor."

He nods back at me and says. "No worry, you can stay here until your injuries will heal. It should take around a month or two."

"Of course doc." I then easily get up and start walking around. "By the way, doc, do you have a Dendenmushi or something, my family might be worried for me and I wanna put their mind at ease."

The doctor nods. "Yep, you can use mine if you want. I have one at the receptionist's desk."

I thank him and I go walk to the corridor and see a sleeping Dendenmushi on the receptionist's desk.

I go towards it and turn it on and immediately I start dialing the personal number of my house.



"Hello, who is this?" Says the person on the other side, and by the voice, I can immediately recognize that it is Escanor.

"Yo! Escanor, it's dad here."

"Oh, dad it's you. Are you okay? Did you win against Big Mom?"

"Yep, of course, I did. Also, son, I am currently healing in an undisclosed location, I will be home in about a week. Tell the others that okay."

"Yep. Also dad…"


"Be careful…"


I smile at that, Escanor is usually very serious and tries to act as the voice of logic amongst his siblings. But in the end, he is just a kid so he isn't there yet.

Well anyway, better go and rest some more. The doctor said that it will take a month to heal, but give me two to three days at worst and I will be back to top shape again. I am not your everyday human.

Anyway, I better go and offer help to the people around here. I can do that so they hopefully won't report me to the marines or something like that. Hmmm… maybe I can get this place under my territory when I become a Yonko. Which isn't far away honestly, I just need a stronger crew and that is it pretty much, though I am weaker than the other Yonko. I can easily fight them when at sea, which is pretty much most of the world. I won't fight any of them inland anyway, I know that I will be defeated if I do that.


Two days pass since I came to this island and I am currently at one of its bars drinking some ale with the blacksmith of the town.

I am currently telling him a story about one of my kids… more specifically Naruto. "So Jared, I just looked at him and said: You made me buy you a cat and you name it Dead Cat."

"Gahahahahahaha…" laughs the blacksmith, he is a muscular looking man with thick arms, a tan skin, and a black beard with black hair. "I tell you man, my daughter was the same. She wanted birds and now she hates them because they chirp too loudly in the morning."

"JAJAJAJAJAHA…" I laugh when he says that and we toast to each other again. I can say that I have made some new friends in this city. Also, people have generally lost any wariness that they had against me, when they got to know me they understood that we are just normal and we even found some things in common.

That is when suddenly…

Clang! Clang! Clang!....

I hear some bell sound ring and I see that Jared (the blacksmith) seems worried. I wonder what it is. I am about to ask him that but he immediately answers. "It's an attack, pirates… damn this will be troublesome."

I get up and casually start walking outside, Jared does the same too. But he goes towards his family's house to check on his wife and daughter. I spread my Haki and sense around forty new people who entered the island.


As I walk outside I see that all of the people in the village seem to have come out with different makeshift weapons. Well, they for sure are a brave bunch, but I guess that is more of a requirement since they live in the New World. And since they have around two hundred people who can actually fight in the village, even a better-armed pirate crew wouldn't be able to handle this. That is unless someone with a Devil Fruit, or some pirate who ha some power to himself.

I just walk forward and I get in front of the people, some of them look surprised at me, after all, I do have injuries all over my body.

-General POV-

Jaw just walk forward in front of the group with a nonchalant look on his face. The others look at him and one of them says. "Oy! Jaws, you are injured, no need to participate in this. We get pirate attacks like this on a regular basis. We always handle them ourselves."

Jaw smirks at this and he narrows his eyes a little, he can see a ship docked far away. "Nah! No need for you guys to worry. I am saving you now, so act like a victim and shut up."

"What the hell did you say Jaw!"

"Who do you think you are!"

"You are unreasonable!"

"As we said we will save ourselves, no need for you to get involved."

Jaw frowns at this and turns around looking at the people behind him. "Hay! I said I am saving you, so shut up now. I am repaying you all."

"We don't need your repayment you fishhead."

An angry tick appears on Jaw's forehead. "Who the hell said that?!?! I will punch you to the moon bastards."

"I did, whatcha gonna do about it." *hiccup* Says one of the people from the crowd who is just swaying around. He is obviously drunk and everyone can see that.

"Jackson? You are drunk, what the hell are you even doing holding a gun like that." Says one of the people from the village.

The mood immediate became easy once again and no one was nervous. Jaw smile at this and he starts taking of his bandages. That surprises the other villages… because under his bandages is just clear healed skin, not even scars were left, and when he came in he looked like a half dead fishman.

Jaw then smirked at the villagers, the look on his face completely confident. "Don't worry guys, as I said… I am doing this to repay you for you kindness now. So just stay back, I am stronger than you guys think."

This MC knows how to get along with people and is quite a bit charismatic. As we see, the people went from fearing and being weary of him, to now acting like friends that have known each-other their whole lives.

P.S: Soon this Big Mom arc will be done and over with.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)

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Chapter 26
Chapter 26

Title: Jaw leaves...


Jaw then smirked at the villagers, the look on his face completely confident. "Don't worry guys, as I said… I am doing this to repay you for you kindness now. So just stay back, I am stronger than you guys think."

As Jaw says that he narrows his eyes and he crouches down and grabs a rock. The rock is immediately coated in a dark shining, showing that Jaw is using Armament Haki on it.

Immediately Jaw pulls his arm back and gets ready to throw the rock in his hand. His eyes shine red for a split second, and {he hits the ship…}
No more correctly he saw the future where he will hit the ship with his rock.


That is when he throws the rock at full power. Like a cannonball, the rock breaks through the sound barrier and…


It hits the ship far away, and it causes a devastating explosion, easily sinking the ship and definitely killing most of the people inside it. Jaw turns around and smiles as he sees the villagers faces. They were full of shock and a trace of fear inside their eyes, they saw something monstrous and they will obviously be afraid of Jaw.
But his smile is infectious as he says. "Welp, Steve you definitely owe me a free drink now."

As Jaw says that he looks at a brown haired average looking middle aged man, he is Steve, and he also owns the only bar in the village. Jaw has a friendly smile on his face… and Steve has a scared look on his eyes but soon his face changes into a smile. "Hey Jaw, I am running a business here not a charity!"

Jaw frowns at this in annoyance. "Sheesh, what a scrooge. I just saved your village and you act like this."

"Hahahaha… I will pay for your drink Jaw." Says one of the other people. Jaw smiles at this. He naturally defuses a situation without the need for them to fear him. He knows that their fear is instinctual and understands where they are coming from.

-Jaw POV-

Fighting the villagers and making them afraid of me would be useless. I am a pirate, but not a tyrant. If something isn't beneficial or fun, I will most likely never do such things. We as humans… well more like I as a Fishman. In the end it doesn't really matter, I have the mind of a human so it never mattered. But anyway, humans are self serving creatures, even the good things that we do is because it pleases us and it makes us feel good about ourselves. Fishman are like that too...

Anyway I take the offer for a free drink and almost everyone goes to the bar. But first I go over to the ship wreckage of the nameless pirate crew that I just killed. I grab a couple pebbles and throw them in the water as I sense a couple of life signatures.

I search around and I find some worthless treasure in a treasure chest, it should be around twenty million berry (~200k USD). Nothing much really, but I guess they were poor enough so they had to attack villages who seemed weak. Well this should be enough for now…

So I just take the chest and go in the surface. As I do so, I go towards the village and with the average sized chest on my shoulder, I drop it on the ground and the villagers look at me with curiosity in their eyes. Wondering how much I found.
But I just smile and announce. "Today we are having a feast! I will pay for it so don't worry. Jajajajajaja."
I kick over the chest and different types of julleries and even some cash spills of the chest.

"YEAHHHH! Jaw, you are the man!!" Says one of the people. I recognize him as the barber, in this village.


We celebrated like this for a full on night. Sadly I didn't get the company of any female members of the village. I mean the Craftsman's wife did show some signs… but yeah… not really gonna do that. I mean I have built a friendship with these people and I plan to have then as a part of my territory in the future. It wouldn't be good for me to ruin my reputation for something like this… okay I am just giving excuses for myself, the real reason was that she wasn't that pretty. I don't really have enough integrity to not fu*k someone's pretty wife.
I mean keep your wife's in check, geez, I can keep my harem in check and there are like… twenty members? Around twenty at least. But then again they are all just traumatized people with stockholm syndrome who almost were sold as slaves if I didn't save them so they have a loyalty towards me.

Anyway, as we party all night long, the morning comes and I leave all of the money that I got with the village as I go to the shore and a lot of drunk people are there to greet me.
I even see one guy give a piggy ride to his sleeping friend and he picks up the arm of his friend and waves it towards me. "Bye~ Jaw…"

I just narrow my eyes at him and smile.
"You are drunk, so go home and sleep stupid!" I tell out to the clearly drunk crowd. I don't usually drink, so even yesterday I only took a sip of sake so I am as sober as always.
"You are drunk Jaw! And we are not stupid… we are smart… my mom thinks that I am special too. I can actually fold my tongue. Wanna see it?"
"No I don't!"
"Ewww Steve don't do that, that is gross."
"Wtf is that Steve?"
That is when Steve starts throwing up… okay I better get going before this turns into something even grosser.

Sadly even though I turned my back, I sensed Steve fall forward with his face landing in the sand where he just threw up and then he starts moving his arms while saying. "Vomit angel…"

I just make a powerful leap and land in the water. I immediately start swimming away at incredible speeds. I can still sense the people wave at me…

-General POV-

But during this time in the village that Jaw just left. The drunk village head is just waking up and he looks around. He sees some people groaning and such.
That is when he sees a medium sized seagull land on the village's news board. It is the news coo, a species of birds used by 'Big News' Morgan to transfer newspapers.

The village head mentions toward the news coo and when the bird sees this. It just flies towards him.

'The bird doesn't come every day in this part of the New World. Well more like, I don't really wanna pay a bird to get useless news every day, so it usually comes here once a week… we should make it once every three days now a days.' Contemplates the village elder. When he saw Jaw, he kinda felt familiar to him. But he wasn't that worried because Jaw was a nice person, he could see that much.
As he got the news paper, he played the news coo who then flew away. As he opens the news paper he noticed a new bouty poster fall out. He takes it up and he looks at it… and an extremely familiar face appears on it.
When he sees this, he massages his eyes and thinks. 'Okay, I am still too drunk, I just saw a bounty poster of Jaw with over a billion Barry bounty. I might really need to drink some water…'
He then opens his eyes and looks at the bounty poster again. 'Damn… I guess he really had a bunch of secrets.'
As the village elder thinks that, even though he is shocked by Jaw's huge new bounty, he understands that Jaw is someone who was nice to them and never got angry. So he holds no grudge towards him.
Then he opens at the front page of the news paper and sees again Jaw'a face… this time he was shocked by the headline.


Welp we see now that Jaw is officially recognized as a Yonko... in a way. He will now need to get himself some more territories and finish some things…
P.S; We see that Jaw has a strange charisma that even though he has a terrifying appearance to humans. He can easily make friends with them...

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm
(You can become part of the votes if you join Discord, and I also share pictures of the different characters)
Chapter 27
Chapter 27

Title: Returning Back Home...

-Jaw POV-

As I swim away from the village, I can't help but smile a little. I wonder how much of a wave my recent actions have caused. I know that technically I am nowhere near a Yonko in raw power. But with my Observation Haki which allows me to see the future and Armament Haki which I can injure them with.
I know that if I fought Big Mom on land I wouldn't win. Her fire cancels out my Fishman Karate and pretty much I doubt I would be able to last even an hour against her… probably not. But on sea, where I can beat her… I doubt SHE can last an hour against me.
This is the truth of fighting, one can lose in a split second, and if one has an advantage over their opponent they can definitely defeat someone way stronger than them. As long as I fight smartly and don't go into a disadvantageous situation, then I can win a fight against anyone in the world, even the admirals wouldn't dare fight me at sea… though Garp might be another thing. That guy doesn't have a devil fruit… so me defeating him in a fight would be difficult. Though maybe I could drown him… or poison him…

Anyway, this is a situation I am unlikely to get myself into. Also, I would never be dumb like Whitebeard either, I won't trust any other members of my crew except my real children. I actually treat my children very well, so they won't betray me, I am confident in that. Me and them have a special bond. Hmmm… maybe I should try and connect with their mothers some more. I bet that at least would make them happier at least. Also, I will need to solidify my foundations too. If I wanna become the 4th Yonko.


Seventeen hours later and I can sense a ship entering my Observation Haki range. So I immediately surface up the water and see that it is a pirate galleass type ship. As I surface I see that the flag of the pirate ship had crossbones with a pair of shark-like teeth.

Yep… this is my pirate ship. Must have found me due to my vivre card. Not a lot of people have that. It is only available to a limited number of trustworthy people…


I jump on the ship and see that it was a Fishman crew with three minks also being in here, it was Poo, Shifu, and Shishilian. I called them to come and pick me up.

They look at me and show me a bounty poster. They don't even greet me and Po (Panda Mink) just jumps up and down. I look at him and smile. "Didn't know you were so excited to see me Po."

But he just has a panicked look on his face and in the end, he says. "I need to pee…"

My smile disappears as I look at Po… this little sh*t… did he just say that to my face.

"Then there is no dinner for you tonight Po." I say to him.
Immediately he jumps and hugs me. "Jaw, I am so happy to see you!"

I push him away. "Oy! You stupid panda, stop this. You gonna pee on me. You will get your dinner, just go to the bathroom or something."
He nods and just goes to the edge of the ship and pees on the water…

*sigh*... This stupid panda.
"You couldn't just go to the bathroom some other time. Just as soon as I arrive." I say to him with an annoyed tone. This panda is too stupid.
Anyway, I take a look at my new Bounty Poster. It is me and my bounty is…
1,700,000,000 ß…

Shishilian shows me the paper and I smile as I see the headline. I am recognized as a Yonko now. I now just need to take over some territories and my bounty will jump way higher as my threat to the World Government rises. I also need to get myself some more allies and I am set.

Anyway, I will need to settle this feud with Big Mom. Neither of us will benefit from this, and even though in the end she might win as she can sustain this war way more than me. I will only grow stronger and might drag her down with me, she loses her powerful children like Katakuri and some others, and pretty much I won't allow her to ever set foot on sea ever again. I just hope that she can see reason, she might be crazy but not stupid. She has lived for so long as a pirate so she must understand what our battles will only weaken our forces.

We are pirates, so we could be enemies one day and allies the next and the day after that we could stab each other on the back. We pretty much can do whatever we want.
Anyway… I must think of a plan to handle this situation. Hmmm…


It's now been three days since I returned from the sea and I am back to my base under Raijin Island. I am currently on a giant bed with my children. I am reassuring them that I wasn't injured at all, and just got lost the way back. I am lying to them, but they don't need to know that.

I just bring my hands and close my nose… and one second later.

Naruto farts… that kid just has to ruin family moments like this.
"D-.." I hear Naruto whisper. Is he about to call me 'dad' in his dreams?
"Dead Cat, I will eat you, *snore*." Mumbles Naruto. Well… my disappointment is immeasurable. But really though, I know that Dead Cat is an intelligent animal, and sometimes teases Naruto. But he doesn't treat her better either… and he does bite her a lot. But I know that they care for each other, I can sense their feelings with my Haki.

Anyway, I just get up and push Kisame off my arm, the kid is hugging too tightly. I get my Dendenmushi and go towards another room in my castle.

As I enter the room, I close the door behind me. This is the music room so the walls are acoustically soundproof.
I then call into a certain number… more specifically... Big Mom.



"Hello." Comes the voice from the other side and I recognize it as some random person. Most likely the person who handles Big Mom's calls.

"Hello there, my name is Jaw, nice to meet you. Can you tell Big Mom that I have come to bargain?" I say to him, I of course am as polite as one can be. Just being polite can make someone have a better impression of you… and if he ever thinks about selling confidential information about Big Mom, he will consider me.

"Right away sir." Says the person on the other side and I hear him run, most likely towards Big Mom's quarters.

But I then hear someone else say. "Who is it?"
The person stops running and answers. "Katakuri -sama, it is 'The Monster Shark' Jaws, he wants to talk to Big Mom."

"Give it to me." Says Katakuri. "Jaw… you hurt my siblings. I will kill you one day…"

Though he says that in a calm voice, I can tell that he is angry. Especially since the Dendenmushi Snail gets veins to appear on the top of his eyes. Meaning that Katakuri is really angry.

Well, that doesn't matter, as in the end I just talk to him dismissively. "Sure, sure whatever. Just get me in contact with Big Mom."

I can hear him grinding his teeth on the other side of the line. I smile a little at this, though I cover my face with my hand from my Transponder Snail, so it doesn't express my facial expressions to Katakuri. If he has this anger if he fights me in the future… then he is definitely losing.

In the end, I am finally passed into contact with Big Mom.
"Jaws… you stupid fish, I will kill you for daring to humiliate me like this." Screams Big Mom.
Sheesh… she is really angry. Welp…

Whitehead had a lot of things at a disadvantage when he went to Marineford, he was old, outnumbered, he had people like the three admirals and Sengoku together with Garp to fight against him. He knew that he would die… and he still went there. Still, I have to admit that the marines absolutely won that battle, they kileld both Whitebeard and Ace while their top fighters are all alive and well.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm
(You can become part of the votes if you join Discord, and I also share pictures of the different characters) YOU CAN SEE HIS PIRATE FLAG ON DISCORD TOO.
Chapter 28
Chapter 28

Title: End Of Conflict...


As Big Mom says stuff like that I just smile. "Welp, you haven't been doing so good at killing me. But what about other people coming for you?… Kaido or Whitebeard might decide that you are not really a challenge."

"What do you know about power you brat." Says Big Mom. "You know nothing about how things up here work."

My smile drops and I show my expression to my Transponder Snail, so Big Mom can see it. "Well… I don't know a lot about it. But I do know that if Katakuri wasn't there during our last fight… you would be dead and sleeping with the fishies. I also do know that if your two commanders died and Whitebeard decides to attack with full force, you might maybe survive, but you will definitely lose everything. Your children are not as strong as you."

I see that Big Mom frowns and seems to be thinking something. I am about to say something more, but I stop myself. She might notice that I am trying to manipulate her and then she will definitely attack me at full power, whether she wins or loses, it won't matter to her then.

"I see…" Finally says Big Mom. "So you want an Alliance between us?"

I don't say anything at this as I take a couple of seconds to think. But in the end I just have a calm face as I answer to her. "No… what I want is a cease fire between us."

I don't mention that if we have a cease fire then her dream of making a very diverse kingdom where every race can live happily would be possible as some Fishman will join her too. That would definitely show that I know too much about her and am actually trying to manipulate her, that would push her over the edge.

"I see… then I agree to a cease fire. We won't attack each other and will stay out of each-other's way." Says Big Mom, I smile at this.
"Then we came to an understanding, yea?"

"Yes… Jaw…" Says Big Mom, with a strangely calm voice.


She turns off her Dendenmushi. Finally my face morphs into a full blown smile. Now I have enough time to grow, my status as a Yonko will bring countless people who will want to join me.

Especially people who will come from Paradise (the 1st half of the Grand Line) and be wrecked by the Yonko… also I control the entry to the New World, so I definitely have an advantage over the other Yonko.

I will outgrow the other Yanko soon enough… Shanks isn't a Yonko yet, so there is enough territory to take over. Especially since Shiki left a power gap that yet hasn't been filled, though Whitebeard has filled a lot of it. But there is definitely a place for me to grow, especially I should try and gain some islands on the Calm Belts, I know that you only need to coat the bottom ships with sea stone to travel there without being attacked by the Sea Kings. It seems like during this time, not a lot of people know this. I don't know if even Vegapunk has discovered this… or was it even him who discovered this? Definitely him… the only reason the Marines have such a technological advantage is because of him.
I will also need to get some smart scientists to my side, and then I can also use the Fishman population to dig the untouched resources to the bottom of the ocean… there are so many things I can do now...


One year has passed since I made peace with Big Mom. So here I am, currently, in Fishman island.

I am currently at Fishman Dojo, waiting outside of it actually.

"I am done dad." Comes a voice from I inside of the Dojo as he comes out. I look at Kisame, my son. I see that he has a couple of bruises around his body, but he still has a disappointed look on his face.
"Was it fun?" I ask Kisame as me and him walk away from the Dojo. He is currently seven years old, but looks more like a ten year old and he has a muscular body for someone his age.
He frowns when I ask him that. "Dad… they were all weak. Twenty of them and they still I am only barely hurt... they were weak."
He then looks at his hands and continues saying. "I thought people on the outside would be stronger… but they are weaker than even Naruto."

I smile when he says that. I then look at him and say. "Kisame."
"Hm?" He looks at me with a questioning look as I call him out.
I then slowly punch towards him and say. "I will punch you, defend yourself with all of your power."
As I tell him that, he creates his arms in front of himself. I just use my easily telegraphed punch and hit him.


A shockwave immediately pushes him away like a cannonball.


He flies away, he is thrown towards the Fishman District. I put my hands in my pockets, and I then casually start walking towards where I just threw him.
Kisame is strong for his age, and he was blessed with unnatural strength when he was born. If he becomes arrogant, he will be just another mediocre strong person that can be defeated by any normal person who trains. I plan for him and Kakashi to become my commanders in the future. They will protect the family in the future.


When I arrive at Fishman District, I go towards a Kisame shaped hole on the ground. I see a lot of people were gathered around it. I just walk towards them and immediately they recognize me and make way for me as I walk forward and see the mini me (Kisame) in the crater and he has blood coming from his mouth and head.
Welp, in an hour or two he should be good. He knows that I do this when he needs to learn a lesson.

I pulled one of my hands from my pocket and shoo away the people who had gathered around.
I then look at Kisame and say. "You will never be able to protect your family like this. One day, when I am weak and I can't fight anymore. I will need you to protect the family, you can't do it like this. You wouldn't even be able to buy time for them to escape."

"Ugh.." Groans Kisame, well I now know that he is awake and listening to me too. I don't plan to ever really grow weak, but he doesn't need to know that yet.

"Get up! Do you wanna really wanna see your sister's neck broken like a twig just because you weren't strong!"

"N -No…" Says Kisame weakly as his eyes start closing and I can sense his conscience slip away. I still don't go to help him...

"THEN GET THE HELL UP!" I scream at him.

"I AM GETTING UP OLD MAN!" Screams Kisame back, I am pretty sure that he is half conscious but…


I can sense a strange pressure go off and some of the Fishman who were not that far away and others hiding in their houses.
Fall on the ground unconscious one by one… the smile on my face can't go off as I see this… I knew it… of course my son would have Conquerors Haki...

Then his body comes out of the crater as with shaking hands he pulls himself up. He then looks at me with half closed eyes. "I… I…"

He can't even finish saying whatever he wants to say as he starts falling forward, and as he is about to hit the ground.


I appear next to him and catch him with a gentle grasp.
Kisame, my son… you and your siblings will definitely give the world to me.

I then hug him and put him on a piggy back, and go to take him to a doctor.

MC cares about his children and each of them has a special personality. We will see more of them in the future and the strange dynamic of this family. Also yes… Jaw is pushing Kisame to become extraordinary. He wants him to be strong enough to be his right hand man by the time he (Kisame) is eighteen … because that is when Canon will start.

P.S: We will see what the MC has done during this one year.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm
(You can become part of the votes if you join Discord, and I also share pictures of the different characters)
Chapter 29
Chapter 29
Title: Protector in His Own Way….

-Itachi POV-

I just look at the frying pan in front of me. I am cooking lunch for my siblings, I can't help what dad told me. I am really talentless at everything I try… I mean the only thing I am good at is cooking. Dad always said that no matter what, I am still his son so it doesn't matter if I am strong or not. He will always protect me… and so will my family. But I don't want that!!! I want to protect them too and not just be a burden to them.

After Kisame, I am the oldest sibling, I am supposed to protect them too damn it. I want my younger siblings to look at me like they look at Kisame, when they see him they see an immovable wall that will always protect them… but me… I am just someone that they must protect. My heart is filled withna certain feeling that I don't like as I think of that.

I clench my hand into a fist. Even my younger siblings have started surpassing me and some of them even have surpassed me already.
I train as hard as I can, but I can still never keep up with the likes of Kisame or Kakashi. Especially since Kakashi has now picked a spear that he fights with and now even an all out Kisame can't decisively beat him. Kakashi will use his dexterity and come up with traps that would put down even someone like Kisame.
I am pulled out of my thoughts as some of my clones created from my Double Double Fruit nudge me and point towards the soup. I nod at him and I order my clone by saying. "Go and fix it clone 1."

Anyway, I shouldn't let my mind wander like this uselessly. It definitely doesn't help at all, father says that a wandering mind is not good. He says that he himself always is concentrated on his goal… and it is quite tiring, but when with family you can let your mind wander. It's like a cheat… also finding enjoyment in what you do is another way to not let yourself get tired from work, because when you enjoy what you do, it won't even feel like work.
Dad really has a lot of smart sayings like this.


After I finish cooking lunch, me and my clones take the plates and go towards the dining room.

As I enter the room, it is like a school cafeteria full of children. Over a hundred of them actually, and there are a lot of small ones running around and playing tag too.
I have to be careful so I don't trip on any of them. I see some of the step mothers feeding some of the younger kids and they themselves have had, especially the older mothers. Some of them have already raised over twenty children themselves so they know what they are doing and their bodies move almost automatically.

Anyway, I look around and don't see dad. I guess he and Kisame are still training in Fishman Island. I just have my clones spread around the food as I go and sit down next to Kakashi. He is reading a book about Physics and things. He is really smart so he knows a lot of stuff like this.

I just nudge him and he has his usual tired look on his eyes as he looks at me. "Whatcha want Itachi?"

"Hey Kakashi, do you have any secret things for today? You know… I wanna learn something." I ask him that because I know that Kakashi has been instructed by dad to manage some of the projects that dad has going on.

Kakashi seems to think for a while and in the end he says. "Well… some of this stuff is confidential."

I am a little disappointed when he says that, and I am even a little put down by this as my head hangs down.
Kakashi just smirks at this and continues saying. "... but you are part of the family so nothing is really confidential for you."
I look at him with an excited look on my eyes. Kakashi's smirk gets even wider at this, I know that he likes to tease a lot of his siblings, so I acted like this so he will tell me in the end. There is no need for him to know that I just act like this, so he can get his kick and then in the end tell me. Like Kisame who has dad's physical power, Kakashi has his mental power… that includes the teasing part too.

"Anyway… there are currently a lot of things going on in the world. Well while dad has started to have the Fishmen people mine the untouched resources at the bottom of the ocean, which has given us the needed foundation and wealth to take over some dozens islands. He has officially become a competitor with Whitebeard on the size of his territory." As Kakashi says that, he eats some rice and vegetables, a very balanced meal in general and the spices and ingredients are perfect to stimulate body growth and give the necessary protein to make the body grow stronger. Then Kakashi after swallowing his food continues saying.
"But even though we have accomplished that and dad's bounty was raised to 1.9 Billion Berry. The outside world has also been moving along, there is some news of a new Empress for Amazon Lily being chosen. Also some rumors have been going around that the Ope Ope No Mi has appeared. Though it seems like the World Government is hiding this and suppressing the news."

Hmmm… I think about all of the news that I just got. I don't know what to do, if dad knew the location, then one of us would be getting the Ope Ope No Mi. But I doubt it that the World Government will allow anything above rumors to spread.
I notice that Kakashi peeks up as if he remembered something. "Oh! Yeah, it is also said that one of the Vinsmoke Children is dead… or escaped. The news isn't really clear on this one."

Well that is useless to me, but I still thank Kakashi. "Welp, thanks bro, see ya around."

I am about to get up but suddenly…


The front door is loudly opened and I see dad come in with Kisame on his shoulders, who seems to be wrapped up in bandages. Both of them celebrating at something.

"Kisame… has Conquerors Haki." Announces dad, his grin widens when he says that. So… Kisame got that too huh. Well it isn't too surprising, actually it would be surprising if he didn't have Conquerors Haki.


Two months pass like this and we are at a private table. I am sitting at dad's left, while Kisame sits to his right as we are eating dinner.
In the end I look at my father unsure of something. I have found my own way that I will protect my family… but I know that it will be hard to convince dad to let me do it.

Dad suddenly looks at me and has a certain strange calm look in his face as he asks. "Itachi… you seem to be unsure of something? You can talk to me for whatever problem you have, we are a family, never forget that son."

I nod at this and ask. "Dad, could we speak about something after dinner."

He just nods and then goes back to eating some steak.


After dinner, I go to dad's private office and I see him sitting on his chair who seems more like a bed than a chair with how laid back it is.

Dad looks at me and smiles warmly. "So? What is bothering you Itachi?"

I look at him in the eyes and finally say what I have been unsure if I should suggest to him. "Dad… I wanna join the marines…"

Though he hasn't noticed it yet, Itachi is good at something else except cooking… he has got something from his father too… he has Jaw's ability to lie and act. Also Jaw already has kids in the hundreds… unlike Big Mom who is a female and can only get pregnant once a year (well more like 9 months…). He can impregnate as many women as he wants. He could literally get hundreds of kids every year… though he doesn't do that. Since he wants someone he "trusts" to birth his children.

P.S: Itachi's reason for this request will be explained in the next chapter.

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After Chapter 22, you have several chapters that are not threadmarked.
Chapter 30
Chapter 30

Title: I will protect then my own way….

-General POV-

"Dad… I wanna join the marines…" Calmly says Itachi to his father.

As Jaw hears this he looks at his son Itachi in the eyes. Jaw's eyes narrow at him and a snarl appears on his face.
"Are you stupid or something? You want me to let you join the marines? Listen, son… if this is like a joke that Mikoto made you say… tell her that it's not that funny." Says Jaw, with his voice being strange and eerie calm. He just leans forward on his chair and puts his elbows on the desk in front of him.

Itachi has a calm look on his face as his dark eyes look at his father's shark-like ones. "No, I am completely serious. This way I will also protect the family."


Immediately the King's Haki bursts out Jaw's body, the table that he is leaning on cracks and even small cracks appear all over the room.

Though Itachi is truly intimidated on the inside. He still keeps a calm look on the outside. He knows with 100% certainty that his father will never really hurt him or any of his siblings.
With that in mind… his legs still buckled as he felt his father's Conqueror Haki. He has never felt something like this before, it was literally affecting the environment and the walls around them were slightly cracking.

"Do you think that I am so weak that I can't protect my own children?" Asks Jaw as he walks in front of Itachi and looks down on him, his eyes shining red and his Haki bursting out of his body that the whole underground city felt it.

Itachi was fully shaking and struggled to stay upright, he wanted to think of a response but his mind was in disarray, and even as he understood that he wouldn't be hurt. He felt an instinctive fear, a terrified look appeared on his face and even tears came out of his eyes. Still, he kept holding his father's angry gaze.

"N -No… you are strong father! YOU are the strongest person I know!" Screams Itachi out loud. "But that doesn't mean that you are invincible!!! What if the World Government decides to attack us!?!?! We would be taken by surprise and we wouldn't have any advantage against them. What if one of them kidnapped one of my siblings, you would go and fight them!!! I know that… but you dad would then die… I CAN'T ACCEPT THAT!!!"

As he hears this, Jaw's Haki calms down a little and gives Itachi some breathing room.
But Jaw didn't let him speak as he calmly said. "What if they find you out that you are my son, then what? You would be the one that I would have to come and rescue."

Itachi shakes his head at this. "Not even the Fishman that work for us know about me. I have hundreds of siblings and amongst them, I am not really noticeable. I will simply take a different background, a different name and I look pretty much human and even the gills on my shoulders are almost invisible and can be mistaken as scars."

Itachi explains his reasons and the benefits of him joining the Marines. But Jaw in the end shakes his head. "Hell no! I am not letting any of my kids do something like that, leave him at the hands of the marines. I am not that stupid. Go back to your siblings, this discussion is closed."

He then turns his back on his son and goes to sit back on the very luxurious chair. But Itachi didn't move at all as he looks at his father, and Jaw looks back at him. Both of them now calm and Jaw stopped using his Haki.
"Father…." Says Itachi in a quiet voice. Jaw doesn't interfere this time and lets him talk. "I… I could live the rest of my life under your protection and I know that my life will be filled by happiness next to my siblings, you, and my mother. But… I know that I would also live next to people who would have to protect me… and being worried every day that you or one of my siblings might be dead. I am the 2nd oldest child, just right after Kisame. So please father… trust in me and let me join the marines."

As he says that, Itachi bows down with his head on the floor. Jaw looks at this with a complicated look on his face. He doesn't know what to do… he knows that if Itachi joined the marines then that is pretty beneficial to him… that was what the logical part of his mind said. But on the other side, that will be like literally sending his son into a dangerous situation, because if he slips only once then he will be sentenced to death. His emotional side totally doesn't agree to any of this, but Jaw can easily keep his emotions under control.

In the end, he looks at Itachi as he bows in front of him. 'Damn it… this kid…'

He knows that Itachi wants to protect his siblings as Kisame does. Even Kakashi has his own way of protecting his siblings, he usually helps them in the mental department by giving them mysterious answers, and having them figure it out.
'I know that Itachi wants to protect his siblings because I have gone quite far to make them love each other and have a connection with each other. No one… and I mean NO ONE can break this family bond that we have.' Thinks Jaw as he contemplates what he should do. 'But I never imagined that it would go this far… Itachi… I guess that…'

In the end, Jaw made his decision and said. "Sure… you can join the Marines."

Itachi looks up with a joyful look on his eyes but cringes a little when he sees the difficult look on his father's face. So he bows again and says. "I won't disappoint you, father…"

Jaw just shakes his head and says. "I know you won't… but if we are gonna do this… we will do it perfectly. There must be no connection between you and me, even if the Marines were to search your whole history. You are currently seven years old when you become eight… you will have to move away in one of the blues and join the marines. That way there will be no connection between us."

As Jaw explains that Itachi nods, understanding what his father means. He must separate ties with the family to be able to have the perfect background.
Jaw then takes a deep breath and screams. "KAKASHI COME TO MY OFFICE!!!!"

The whole castle shakes as Jaw calls out.

It doesn't take long for Kakashi to come. He looks at his father who has Itachi next to him and they have a giant map of the whole world. Or at least the known islands on the blues.
Jaw looks at Kakashi and says. "Come here, I will be teaching you how you use sudden strategies and how to hide a background against an enemy."

Kakashi's brain works at high speeds to figure out what is going on. In the end, his eyes widen as he comes to a conclusion. "We are sending a deep-cover spy to one of our enemies?"
Jaw nods and pats Itachi on the head. "Yeah… this brat thinks that he can infiltrate the marines and I need the perfect plan for his background, I need you to see if you spot any loopholes or anything like that."

Kakashi is a little shocked at this and asks. "How long do we have?"
"One year, when Itachi is eight. He will move away. Though he will be given a high-rank personal Dendenmushi that can't be spied on and only communicates with another specific Dendenmushi that I will have under my possession. Also, he will have to memorize my number when he calls, we aren't registering anything." Explains Jaw, his plan will be the best possible plan for Itachi. He won't do it half-assed. He also had Kakashi, whom even though he is seven years old, he is a genius in the thinking department, his IQ is 155 and he is only seven years old.
"Anyway… this is the plan…."

Yep, Jaw was reluctant to have Itachi join the Marines. But in the end, he decided to let him, he knows that if Itachi stays here he would be safe but at the same time miserable because he can't protect his siblings. Kakashi and Kisame are the backbones of the sibling's dynamics, one is smart as hell and the other is naturally strong as hell. Though Kakashi can still keep up with Kisame during spars because he uses his intelligence and strategy.

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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
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Chapter 31
Chapter 31

Title: "Red Haired" Shanks….

-General POV-

One year passes and many things happen during it, the Warlords of the Sea system is put in place to help the Marines have a balance in power, and help them manage the Four Emperors of the Sea: Big Mom, Kaido, Whitebeard, and Sea Monster Jaw. Each of them is dangerous to the extreme and even the newcomer Jaw has been creating many waves in the new world.

Now officially, Fishman Island is officially associated with the Yonko Jaw. Though Whitebeard too has some influence on it. But still, Jaw is the major player on the island, and he seems to have some type of friendship/alliance with Whitebeard too.
Jaw has also started to have the Fishman and Merpeople under him to go and mine the untouched resources at the bottom of the ocean floor. This brought him an unimaginable amount of wealth, plus together with his power, he was able to form alliances with many countries who are part of the World Government.
Of course, quite a bit of these deals were made behind closed doors. He is still officially a pirate, but at the same time, he now has the backing of many Kings and Queens who will join the Reverie.

His power is off-putting many World Government officials so they raised his bounty to 2,260,000,000 ß… though officially he did nothing wrong during the time his bounty was raised and his army isn't truly as big or skilled as some of the other Yonko. But Jaw represents the same threat as all of them, he could be considered even more dangerous due to his ability to influence even a part of the world… just like the world Government.


During this time a certain red-haired pirate was traveling to the East Blue, going towards a certain village. He is on his ship as he browses through the newspaper while sitting at the edge of his ship.

"Damn… seems like Jaw is really putting in the work here. There seem to be some rumors of him collaborating with some political figures in order to slow down Marine Raids at his bases in the New World." Says Shanks out loudly as Ben Beckman walks next to him with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Well Cap'n, I must say. I could have never thought of the strategies that he used. He did a fast climb up the stairs and now he is officially a Yonko. His bounty keeps rising too, so he definitely isn't slowing down any time soon. Also, he doesn't currently have any hostile interactions with any of the Yonko, he and Big Mom are now at a ceasefire, Whitebeard and he are kinda working together, with Kaido and him being indifferent… though it's likely that Kaido will go and challenge him for a fight soon." Explains Ben Beckman, already having figured the secret relationships between the Yonko just by taking a glimpse of the Newspaper. He wasn't known as the smartest man in East Blue for nothing.

Shanks shakes his head at this and lies down on the deck of his ship. "Wahhhh… that is kinda amazing for him to do all of that and he is still only twenty. Also, his crew isn't exactly strong too, so he really did it all alone."

"But that will come to bite him in the asś one day." Says Ben Beckman with a cold tone. Shanks looks at him questionably, his 2nd in command just shakes his head and continues. "Without a strong crew to manage his territories and protect them, sooner or later, someone like Big Mom will most likely come to fight him once again."

Shanks shrugs at this. "Welp, if that happens, I will help him. Hahahahaha…"

Ben Beckman looks at his captain strangely. "You do know that we already have had a couple of skirmishes with Kaido, this could spell a big problem for us if another Yonko comes hunting for us."

Shanks laughs out loud again. "Hahahaha… well me and him are friends, you know that friends must help each other too. Plus even if one Yonko comes after us, we will at the same time gain the alliance of another one."

Ben Beckman shakes his head again at his captain. But he still had a smirk on his face as Shanks said that. He knows that his Captain isn't someone who abandons his friends.


A couple of hours later, the crew arrives at a place called Foosha Village. They plan for this to be their temporary base as the men relax a little after all of the recent battles in the New World… and also the whole thing with Mihawk… the Swordsman was persistent that is for sure. Mihawk and Shanks had already clashed numerous times in the New World.


As they dock on the shore of the Foosha Village. Seeing the ship the villagers were scared because they thought that this might be a pirate attack.

Some of them even have pitchforks and other tools that aren't usually used for fighting. But they weren't gonna give up so easily.

As Shanks walks down from his ship's board, he looks at the villagers and when he sees their aggressive demeanor. He smiles at them politely and says. "Sorry about the inconvenience, we are just here for a drink. I promise that we won't cause any havoc or anything like that.

The villagers just looked at him strangely, but a black-haired kid with short blue pants and a white shirt with an anchor figure in it. Tries to run towards Shanks, but another dark-haired kid, he is handsome and even though he seems to only be around eight years old, the kid already shows signs of great appearance. He is wearing dark pants and a white shirt as he says to the other kid. "Stop struggling Luffy, you are being annoying right now."

"Itachi let me go, I will beat the sh*t out of that tomato haired pirate!!" Screams Luffy out loud, and the scream attracts the attention of the villagers who look at Luffy with annoyance in their eyes. There is no need to try and offend a pirate to his face like this.

They look at Shanks and the mayor of the village comes forward shakingly and says. "Captain, please forgive Luffy, he is but a child."

Shanks' straw hat covers his eyes and makes him seem intimidating, at least that is until…

"HAHAHAHAH…" Laughs Shanks out loud and his crew as they come out one by one laugh too. Shanks looks at one of his crew members, he is an overweight man and his name is Lucky Roo. "Roo did ya hear that… ahahahaha… the kid called me tomato hair…"

Roo takes a bite out of a piece of meat on his hand and looks at Shank's hair. "They kinda do look like the top of a tomato…"

The Roo starts laughing too. "Hahahahaha… I see it now. The kid was right Captain."


It didn't take long for the villagers to get comfortable with the surprisingly merry pirates.

Soon enough and Shanks was buying everyone in the village drinks. They too were partying as if they have known each other for a lifetime. Luffy too warmed to them and asked Shanks. As the man sat on the bar, talking with Makino.

"So Shanks, have you been in any adventure lately?" Asks Luffy, excited at the prospect of meeting a pirate.

Shanks looks at Luffy and is about to answer, but suddenly a drunk Yasopp comes out of nowhere and puts an arm around Luffy. "S -So…*hiccup* Luffy, did you know that I have a son?"

Immediately Shanks cringes as he sees Yasopp do that. Whenever the man gets drunk he always starts telling stories of his son… stories that Shanks has heard hundreds of times already…

Shanks slides away as Yasopp starts telling Luffy his story.

'Welp, hopefully, the kid will keep him occupied and listen to Yasopp's hour-long stories about his son.' Thinks Shanks hopefully as he looks and smiles at Makino again.

That is when he notices a kid helping Makino. The kid had dark eyes and his hair was tied in a long ponytail behind his back. The kid is helping Makino with different things but seems to be mostly helping her Cook.

As Makino gets close to Shanks, she has a mischievous smile on her face. But the former can't help but ask. "Who is that kid?"

Makino comes out of her stupor and looks towards Itachi. She has a sad look on her eyes as she looks at him, Shanks notices this and is ready to stop the subject but Makino starts telling him. "Well… he is Itachi… and he…"

We see that Itachi is currently in Foosha Village, why is he here? And what is his 'background'?

Also currently the world doesn't really know that Jaw even has kids. Only Whitebeard and some Fishman know too, but they don't sell any information about one of their own to the outside world.

P.S: The MC is using Fishmen to mine untouched resources at the bottom of the ocean. This will make him the richest Emperor of the Sea, and he also used these resources and sold them to different countries at different prices. He did this because he wants to have influence in the world and he can sway quite a bit of things to his favour this way.

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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)

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Chapter 32
Chapter 32

Title: The world is not perfect, but it's not that bad...


Makino looks at Itachi sadly, she knows how hard he must have had it as a child growing up in Gray Terminal. She knows exactly how hard it can be for a child to grow up there. Plus someone with a good heart like Itachi it's even harder.
"He… the first time he appeared here he was wearing rags." Says Makino, she remembers when this happened a couple of months before. "He had an empty look on his eyes and the Mayor decided to help him, it seemed like there were some rumors that he has been part of Gray Terminal for countless years."

Shanks looks at Itachi with a curious look in his eyes. He can sense a person's strength with his Observation Haki and strangely Itachi is stronger than the average eight-year-old… way stronger than people his age.

But he didn't find it weird at all. There are countless people who are naturally born stronger than normal. Whether that takes them somewhere or not depends on their choice.
What they didn't realize was that Itachi was a Yonko's son. So even though Itachi is never able to approximate his strength with his siblings. He was comparing himself with monsters, each of his siblings is a monster in his own right. When compared with people their age, all of Jaw's children are monsters… pure and simple monsters. Jaw doesn't go easy even on his more talented children.

So Itachi sees himself as weak in his family, but anywhere else, and he is considered monstrously strong.

"Wonder who his parents are? To abandon their children, just like that. Especially Itachi who is a nice kid and all-around nice." Says Makino, bringing Shanks out of his thoughts. He smiles at this and now his concentration is back to Makino.


Itachi on the other hand has a calm look on his face as he is cooking some rice and vegetables for one of Shank's crew members.

He gives Shanks a side glance and can't help but think. 'That guy… he is strong… stronger than even Kisame. Wonder who he is?'


The pirate crew party all night and after they go back to their ship to sleep and some fall over and sleep on the road while trying to bring their blacked-out fellow crew members to the ship. But many of them tumbled and started sleeping on the roads.

Makino was washing the dishes and organizing them, Itachi couldn't reach the high shelves so he was cleaning the floor with a mop. Making told him that his shift was over and that he could go back to sleep.

That is when the door opens again in the middle of the night and Itachi says. "We are closed already, you can come back in the morning."
"I am here to help clean up." Says a familiar voice to Itachi, who then looks up and sees a smiling Shanks looking at him. Itachi has a calm look on his face and then he points towards the room with the staff only sign.
"You can find a mop in there." Says Itachi nonchalantly.

Shanks nods with a smile and goes to pick a mop, Itachi then notifies Makino by saying. "Makino! Your red-haired boyfriend is back."

When Makino hears this she just says to Itachi. "I only just met him, and you are too young to understand what Boyfriend means, Itachi."
Itachi nods at this. "Uhm…. Of course, I don't know anything about that."

Makino smiles when she hears Itachi say things like that. 'He is a very charismatic kid that is for sure.'
"Well I just found some mops, I am ready to start." Says Shanks as he comes out of the staff room with a mop in his hands.

Then they start cleaning the pub…


Half an hour later they are done, Shanks goes back to his ship. While Makino and Itachi go to the second floor of the bar, that is where they live… Itachi too since Makino took him and Luffy in, taking care of them.

As Itachi enters his room. It is a very minimalistic room with only a bed, desk, and a shelf of different cookbooks, as well as books on carpentry, medicine, and many other miscellaneous things.
He then pulls a drawer out in his desk and removes the bottom of the drawer, revealing a hidden compartment with a sleeping transponder snail inside it.

He picks up the Dendenmushi and calls a certain number. Immediately as he did so, he took a bottle of sweet strawberry juice bottle.
He turns the snail towards the wall and a projection appears on the wall, it is his father and siblings in a live meeting.

"Yo! Son, how have you been? Wanna come back home?" Aska Jaw, with a smile on his face. He has Naruto on the top of his head and a dozen other baby members of his sleeping siblings on his arms.

Mikoto takes this time to make herself known by jumping up in front of Jaw and saying to Itachi. "Don't listen to dad, he is just very cranky, ever since you left he has photos of you all over his office and he looks at them all day long. This is just dad's way of saying that he misses you."

Jaw grabs Mikoto by the top of her head and says. "So what? Do you think it's wrong for me to miss my son? I know that you also have photos of him and hide them under your bed."

Mikoto blushes at this and tries to defend herself by saying. "No, I don't!!!"

Itachi smiles at his family. This is something that they do every evening, talking to each-other… well it's supposed for Itachi to give reports and they know that when he joins the Marines he won't be able to talk to them every night. So they spend all of this time talking to Itachi and messing around.

Itachi sees Naruto frown and jumps from Jaw's head and out of the frame.


"Dad! Naruto is fighting his cat again!" Says one of Itachi's siblings. Itachi can't help it as a smile appears on his face.

'The world is not perfect, but it's not that bad. As long as I have them I will never be alone.' Thinks Itachi, his resolve strengthening as he looks at his siblings playing around. 'I want to protect them so they never have to worry about anything and that they always can be as carefree as they want.'

Almost one hour passes as Itachi spends time with his family. He has to sometimes turn down the volume as his siblings are being too loud and he doesn't want to wake up Makino next room.
And as all of his siblings go to sleep, only his father is left on the projection and… he says to him. "Itachi remember… when the world is not kind if we have each other then we will all be fine. You will have a family to fall back on, so no need for you to stress yourself out about this."

Itachi nods at this with a smile on his face. "Of course father…"

That is when they close the call. Itachi knows that his father doesn't feel good having his son so far away from his protection and even though Jaw and Kakashi worked out countless plans for him.

'You worry too much father… but one day, I will be so strong that you don't have to worry anymore.' Thinks Itachi as he goes to sleep, while at the same time creating a couple of clones using his Double-Double Fruit. Though he can't absorb the experience that his clones get, he can get their memories so studying for him is quite easy.

Itachi is actually quite strong, but he gets overshadowed by a lot of his siblings so he doesn't seem that good in comparison to them.

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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
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Chapter 33
Chapter 33

Title: Two Sides Of The Same Coin...

Weeks pass since Shanks arrives at Foosha Village, it doesn't take long for him and Luffy to get close. Luffy saw him as the type of person he wanted to be and Luffy even told Shanks that he wanted to join his crew. Of course, Shanks rejected him and told him that he can join once he is older, like in ten years.

"No way, by then I could have my own crew." Says Luffy out loudly. Shanks just laughs at him.

"Hahahahaha… Luffy, to join my crew you will need to be brave and all that… plus you must be able to at least swim... Hahahahahah." Says Shanks in between his laughs.

"You will see!!!" Shouts Luffy as he claims Luffy as he stands on his chair. "My crew will be way stronger than yours."

Shanks and his crew just Laugh at Luffy and that is when Yasopp comes and drunkenly asks. "Luffy, did I ever tell you about my son Usopp?"

Itachi just looks at this from the sidelines, he is currently just washing some glasses. He then turns around and continues washing the glass.

'They are really loud.' Thinks Itachi.


Shanks is joking around with Luffy and that is when another Itachi comes and brings him some food. He suddenly stops and…

'What?!?!' Thinks Shanks shockingly. 'I must be really drunk seeing stuff like this now. I just saw another Itachi.'

He blinks a couple more times and then he looks at Itachi again… or more correctly two off them. "What… does Itachi have a twin brother or something?"

Luffy stops talking and looks at the two Itachis… his eyes widen and even Shanks' whole crew looks surprised at this.

""WHAAAAAAAA…." Exclaims the whole bar. Even Makino looks surprised as she comes out os the kitchen and sees two Itachis.

Itachi is the only calm person in the bar as he once again looks up, but looks back down as he wipes down another glass. "Oh, I just ate a strange fruit recently, and have been able to do this."

Shanks immediately knows what Itachi means by this. 'He got a Devil Fruit…'

While he was shocked momentarily, Shanks smiled and says. "So you got a Devil Fruit huh?"

Itachi just shrugs at this uncaringly. "Yep, always thought those things were just children's stories, but it seems like they are true."

While this was all happening, the actual real Itachi was in the forest doing some push-ups with a giant boulder on his back.

'1568… 1569…" Counts Itachi inside his head as sweat continuously drips out of his body.

He was extremely tired, but he pushed himself even further. He also didn't have to worry about the boulder crushing him as he had two of his clones ready to catch the boulder.

'After this, it is the 100 km run around the shores... Who knows, maybe I will be able to use Geppo and Soru soon enough.' Contemplates Itachi as he tries to keep his mind busy and not think about the pain. This was one of the ways his father taught him how to ignore the pain from training.


A couple of hours later and he comes back home to Makino's bar, he sees that the two clones that he luft here are still working on the bar. Shank's crew was also still just having fun and messing around. That is when he sees that Luffy had some tears on his eyes and a bandaid under his right eye.

He just walks into the back and absorbed one of his clones. That is how he gets one of their memories and sees that Luffy did something dumb once again. He made a cut under his eye to show his bravery…

'Not even Naruto is that dumb.' Contemplates Itachi as he can't help it but think about his family.


During this time, in the New World, on an island where lightning keeps falling repeatedly like rain. Underground, where a Yonko's real base is... there is where Jaw and his family live.
Currently, Jaw was sparring with one of his sons, he had orange hair and blue eyes. He was also using an ax that is twice the size of his body.

Jaw easily dodges Escanor's attacks and that is when the latter roars out loudly, and Escanor's body muscles suddenly expand and his arm becomes super muscular.

He swings again towards Jaw and Jaw easily dodges again and says. "Escanor, even if your Muscle-Muscle Fruit allows you to have a lot of physical power, that means nothing if you can't hit your enemy. You should try to buff up the muscles on your legs too. Who knows, you might be able to use Soru too."

Escanor nods at this and frowns a little. Recently, he was gifted the Muscle Muscle Fruit by his father, and he was able to match someone like Kisame on raw strength.

It is true that they are both the same and Escanor was only able to match Kisame is raw strength with the help of his Devil Fruit. But that still is something amazing to everyone, Kisame can literally easily pick up a small-sized ship and throw it around with no problem.

Escanor's arm deflates and instead, his whole body becomes a little bulkier. He spread his power around hos body instead of concentrating it in one place. He then throws the ax at Jaw…


But his father just extends his hand and catches the ax easily. "You also need to try learning Haki soon, Kisame already learned Armament Haki."

Escanor nods at this, unlike most of his other siblings he is calm and likes to take things seriously. He is serious about everything he does and has been allocated by Jaw as the person who will in the future train his soldiers. Escanor is of course very proud of this achievement of his. He knows that his father really trusts him and believes in his abilities.


Kisame at the moment was sparring against Kakashi.
While he has a giant hunky metal sword that is twice his body size. Kakashi on the other hand has just a simple spear.

Mikoto was on the sidelines with many of her siblings looking at another one of Kakashi and Kisame fights. They fought countless times against each other and while Kisame dominates in speed, power, and durability, Kakashi is the exact opposite as he likes to dodge Kisame's attacks.

He isn't at fault either, as Kisame's attacks are very powerful to the point where even in the outside, there ane not a lot of New World Pirates that can take on such an attack unscathed. But Kakashi has a secret that he doesn't tell Kisame.

"Begin!" Calls out Mikoto. Immediately, the ground under Kisame cracks as he uses Soru to get close to Kakashi in an instant, and he goes for a punch at his head. But the latter dodges this attack by simply jumping back and perfectly dodging it.

Kisame then swings his (dull) giant sword at Kakashi, and due to the sword's giant size, Kakashi was still within the sword's range.
But as the sword gets closer, Kakashi easily maneuvers his body mid-air and dodges the attack.

What he was using was… Observation Haki.

Jaw didn't even need to train Kakashi in the technique... he was naturally gifted on the color of Observation

We see that Kakashi and Kisame are currently the strongest of Jaw's children, and they each are talented in their own way.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm
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Chapter 34
Chapter 34

Title: Strength...


Many months passed by, and Shanks extended his stay in Foosha Village. It was the scene that has now become a very familiar scene to see the Red-Haired Pirates just messing around in Foosha Village. Some villagers and crew members became very good friends. It was a truly strange sight, seeing a normal villager and pirate being friends.

Shanks was also in Makino's bar, she giggles a little again as she hears another one of Shank's jokes about some of the silly moments during his journey.

That is when some bandits come in, and also due to not having any booze, Shanks' ofers them a bottle... they humiliate Shanks by breaking the bottle over his head. Luffy, of course, is angry, but Itachi who was in the background didn't say anything.

'Hmmm?... that is lame as hell. Letting people beat you around. If it was dad, he would kill the bandits... and their whole families too. But I guess some people don't mind being beaten around.' Contemplates Itachi as his opinion of Shanks plummets down, he knows that Shanks can beat the bandits. He has that feeling of danger when he looks at Shanks, just like his father or Kisame. 'What is the use of power if you don't use it…'

Itachi just looks at Luffy as he eats a Devil Fruit. He doesn't do anything, his father has given him certain instructions that he must follow. He is allowed to improvise, but he should follow the instructions his father and Kakashi worked so hard to come up with.

Itachi just sighs at this. He knows that the bandits will come back, that is the reality of the world. Problems left unsolved will come to bite you in the asś...

-Itachi POV-

Father always says that for each action we take, there are reactions. If one can predict the reactions that his actions will have, then one will be able to slightly predict his own future.

Anyway, I should try learning <Soru> soon, I know how to learn it and many other techniques. I just need the neccessary strength to do so.


Tomorrow Shanks leaves and as expected the bandits come again in the bar. Now normally I wouldn't care about any of this, but a blockhead like Luffy is here.

As soon as the bandit leader, whatever his name is, starts talking bad about Shanks and the rest of his crew. "Sheesh, did you see those guys, and they call themselves pirates… they are a lame excuse of a criminal. It makes sick to my stomach that I am in the same category as that coward."

Luffy's z body shakes in anger and I just go to the back. Knowing what is already gonna happen.

"Hey, you!!! You are the losers!!! SHANKS ISN'T A COWARD!!!" I hear Luffy yelling as I go to the wine cellar. But as my hand touches the doorknob I stop...
Some people truly do seek death, and some people like me who are truly hypocrites.
I have the power… so maybe I should use it.
Sorry dad, but I will act however I want. You told me that I can improvise… so I will.

-General POV-

On the outside, Luffy was on the ground being kicked by the bandits what a childish voice says. "Oi! I would suggest that you don't kick my friend over there."
The bandits turn around to see who said that and see Itachi with an apron on come out and say. "He is a regular customer, and he has quite a lot to pay from his tab. Him dying would make me lose that money."

The Village Elder had already bowed and it hadn't worked so the bandits weren't ready to listen to a kid.
"I think you should go inside kid… or you might get hurt." Says one of the bandits as he points his gun towards Itachi. Who just shakes his head slightly and says.

"Well… sadly for I am not like Shanks… so when someone threatens me…" Says Itachi as his hair covers his eyes in a shadow.


Before the bandit who has a gun pointed at Itachi can say anything. Itachi like a shadow appears behind him and kicks the back of the bandit's knee. That brings the bandit to his level and...

Like a twig, with just a simple slap Itachi broke that bandit's neck. The other bandits are shocked at this and immediately they start shooting at Itachi.
Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!....

"""Itachi!!!""" Yell the villager's in worry and even Luffy has tears in his eyes when he sees that.

But before the bullets ecen leave their barrels, Itachi grabs the dead bandit's body and uses it as a shield against the other bandits. Due to him having a small eight-year-old body, the bandit's body is sufficient to cover him. He then grabs the gun of the dead bandit's and shoots back.

Pow! Pow! Pow!....

He shots one of the bandits twice in the chest and then in the head, killing him immediately.


But not long after Itachi runs put of bullets and the bandits do too, so they charge at him with their swords.

Itachi has a cold look at this. He is best in close combat so he will definitely kill them all easily now.

But the leader of the bandits notices Itachi's calm look and then he remembers the young man's when he killed Kenny (goon bandit).
"Stop!!!" He yells, stopping his men in his tracks and Itachi just looks at the man questionably. The bandit leader takes his own pistol and points it at Luffy's head. "I will shoot this little twerp if you make any move kid."

Itachi thinks for only a second and shrugs and nonchalantly says. "Shoot him, I am not willing to risk my life for him. But after that first shot, I will definitely be able to close the distance between us in a split second and kill you."

As he says that the bandit's body is filled with cold sweat and his heart feels like a drum to his ears. 'W -What… I am scared of a kid like him!?!??!'
Itachi notices this and calmly walks towards the bandit leader.
The bandit leader just moves his gun from Luffy's head and points it towards Itachi. "S -Stop."

Itachi smiles at him. "What re gonna do? You gonna shot me? Then do it… DO IT!!!" Screams Itachi.


The bandit shots at Itachi, whose body arches backward. The bandit smiles at this and the villagers are terrified of this, Makino screams at this. But as Itachi's back is about to touch the ground.

"Hehehehe…" A strange laugh comes out of him, and his body straightens up again, he then looks at the bandit leader with a smile on his face, Itachi has the bullet between his teeth.

The bullet breaks and Itachi chews into it.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*....

He chews a couple of times and that is when…


He spits out the hunk of metal on the ground, now fully deformed, and seemed like gum.
But by this time the other bandits, though scared had loaded their guns and had them pointed at Itachi.


And one shot rings out…

But instead of Itachi being hurt one of the bandit goons falls on the ground… dead.


Lucky Roo appears out of nowhere and has a smoking gun on his hand.

"Luffy… you said that your punch is as strong as a pistol." Says Shanks as he and his crew returned back, he then smiles at Luffy. "Makino told me about everything that happened… don't worry now, I will take care of everything."

Itachi looks at Shanks and says. "Took you long enough…"


And in a puff of smoke, he disappeared, with another Itachi coming out of Makino's Bar.
'Welp, I planned to sneak attack the bandit leader, but since Shanks is here, he can take care of it.' Thinks Itachi as he yawns and starts walking away, back into the bar. "I will leave everything to you. Gotta go or the food will be burned."

Shanks smiles when Itachi that. "Keep some warm for me..."
Itachi is strong, also he doesn't know the future like his father, so don't expect him to make the perfect move. (Also Time Skip coming soon)
P.S: The clone is weaker than the real Itachi… also Itachi was never in any danger. He obviously won't endanger his life for Luffy, and bullets are dangerous to him.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm
(You can become part of the votes if you join Discord, and I also share pictures of the different characters)
Lol, savage kid, btw do the kids looks like their namesake just fish looking or do they just mainly remind him of said characters?
Lol, savage kid, btw do the kids looks like their namesake just fish looking or do they just mainly remind him of said characters?
I believe the IC reason is that they reminded him of the characters when he first saw them (after birth). Whether they grew to be fish versions of their namesakes though, I have no clue.
Chapter 35 -> 41
Chapter: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
(Just gonna post all the chapters in one giant post. I will copy paste them all from the main platform where I write and update daily (Webnovel). My Name is HolyJoker and I have a bunch of other finished stories in there too. Though the MC's in those ones are cold.)

Chapter 35

Title: One Arm...


A couple of hours and Itachi just looks at the scene in front of him with a dull look on his eyes. "You lost an arm trying to save Luffy?"

Shanks just smiles at this. "Yep, welp, it's nothing too big. I mean an arm for a life is a very good deal in my eyes."
He laughs as Makino bandages his stump with tears running along her face.

Itachi just shrugs at this. "Well… I don't know what to say. I thought that you had it under control so I went inside the bar…"

"Hahahahaha…" Shanks laughs out loudly with no care in the world. Luffy on the other hand has his head on the table crying so much that a small puddle was created under his head.

He can't even look Shanks in the eyes… he feels guilty about Shanks' missing arm.

A couple of hours later and Shanks leaves, but not before giving his straw hat to Luffy. As he was leaving, Itachi was there too and Shanks smiled at him and waved. Itachi has a bored look on his eyes as he too waves back. 'Welp, he is definitely dying on the New World. Losing an arm will definitely make him weaker, the probabilities of him dying are quite high, though maybe his crew members are strong too so that can cover his weakness.'


One week later and an old man with graying hair comes to Foosha Village. He is also wearing some short pants and a short-sleeved red shirt with yellow flowers. He looked like your everyday man who is getting up in his age. Except for the giant marine warship and the dangerous aura the man had put Itachi immediately on edge.


Makino's Bar doors are opened forcefully and Luffy was explaining something to Itachi who was only half-listening to him.

"So, my crew will be like Shanks' and have very small members."

"You mean a small number and not them being short right?" Asks Itachi nonchalantly. He is more concentrated on the old man who just entered. He can't help but contemplate the way he can sense the old man's power. 'Is my color of Observation awakening? I have been able to sense people's strengths very clearly lately.'

Luffy nods, and this is when the old man speaks by saying. "Luffy… it seems like you got some silly ideas about something while I was away."

Immediately Luffy's face pales when he hears that. He then turns and looks at Garp. "G -Grandpa!!!" Exclaims Luffy in shock.

Garp just grabs Luffy by the top of his head and sees that it feels rubbery. "Huh?"

But then he uses Haki and immediately Luffy exclaims. "Ow!Ow!Ow!..."

"Brat did you eat a Devil Fruit?" Asks Garp with an annoyed look on his face as he brings Luffy up to his face level.

Itachi just goes about to ask the old man if he needs anything to drink or eat.

"Yes I did, I got it from Shanks." Says Luffy without missing a beat. "Ah… that was a secret…"

Itachi's eye twitches a little… even knowing Luffy for so long, he didn't expect him to be so honest, and stupid too.

"So that Red Haired brat put that idea on your head huh… nothing a little stay on to Dadan won't fix." Says Garp. "You will also start your training now… and I won't go easy on you."

"So what can I get you, sir?" Asks Itachi with a calm look on his face and a notebook on his hand.
Garp now notices Itachi and asks again. "What about you brat?"

Itachi looks at Garp strangely. "What about me?"
"You wanna become a pirate too?"

"No, I want to become a Marine." Answers Itachi without even missing a beat. "Anyway, want anything, old man?"

Garp smiles at Itachi and says. "I think I can arrange for you to enter the marines brat."

Itachi seems confused by this. "Isn't the entrance age like fourteen, sixteen, or something like that…"

"Hahahahaha…" Garp laughs out loudly. "Don't worry, you will be in my division till you are fourteen and can enter when you are fourteen."

Itachi raises a questioning eyebrow at that. "So? Are you some kind of big shot or something? I mean no disrespect but I don't really know you, and I truly want to be a marine and a Vice Admiral too, so I am not messing around."
"Gahahahaha… that is the spirit. Anyway, after I drop this brat to an old friend's place. I will come and train you to be a good future marine." Says Garp, he seemed to be in a happy mood now as he puts Luffy on his shoulder like a sack of paper and walks off.


Two hours later and Garp is back. "Okay brat come with me."

He picks Itachi by the back of his neck, just like a cat, and he then walks off. Makino was there too and she just smiled at Garp and waved at him and Itachi. "Bye~ see you later. Don't forget to come back for dinner Itachi."

In the forest, Garp brings Itachi to where some gorillas who are practicing boxing are.

"When you can beat them, I will show you the next stage of training." Explains Garp, who then sits down on a log as the monkey's charge towards Itachi.
As the monkey's attack, Itachi easily dodges their initial attacks and...

Pow! Pow! Pow!

In three fast jabs, the gorillas are immediately knocked out. Garp smiles at this. "You are pretty strong, well some people are born naturally strong. But without training they become just another average joe… never forget that brat."

Itachi nods at this, his usual calm mask like always is on his face. "What is the next stage of training?"

Next, they go to a river and a giant crocodile appears. Garp just points at it and says. "Beat him and then we will go to fight something else. Continuous fighting is the best training."


The crocodile is about to attack Garp but Itachi appears on top of the creature and...


Punches the crocodile on the top of its head, knocking it out. He knows that unless it is the sea kings his father made him fight, no animal will really be a danger to him.
Garp smirks when he sees Itachi use only one punch to finish off every one of his opponents. 'The kid is strong for his age, not even one hundred marines would be able to defeat him. He is just that strong.'

Next Itachi fought many land-based enemies, defeating them all easily. Of course, Garp wanted him to fight giant fish on water and such, but Itachi told him about his Devil Fruit.

It was evening and Garp was truly impressed by Itachi. "Do you train by yourself?"

Itachi nods, as they are cooking a boar. "Yes, I usually do around 10,000 pushups, squats, and a 10-100 kilometer run."

Garp smiles at this. "So you aren't just a lazy guy who was luckily strong, you worked for your strength too."

Itachi nods at him again, as he picks some herbs to season the boar. "Obviously, talent without hard work is just trash."

As Itachi says that, Garp smiles. To him, Itachi is someone promising and will become a Marine with a bright future in front of him.

Garp stands up and says. "Welp, since there is no one who can be your enemy on this island. Then you will simply have to fight me… that way you can learn about people stronger than you and how to fight against a stronger opponent."
We will stop seeing Itachi's story in a bit and go back to what Jaw has been up as that part becomes important.
Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(32 Chapters in Advance)
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Chapter 36

Title: Limits...


As Itachi and Garp get ready for their spar. Garp comes to his decision. 'I need to teach him that he shouldn't be too arrogant and give him a view of how strong one can truly be.'

Garp has no intention in holding back his speed, he can see a lot of potential in Itachi, and even though something like the Double Double Fruit isn't a fruit that can push him to Admiral level. He knows that if Itachi truly trains as much as he can, then he has a chance of becoming a future Admiral.

"Ready?" Asks Garp as he has his hands in his pockets, expressing to Itachi that he isn't worried at all whether Itachi can beat him or not. Itachi on the other hand can kinda sense Garp's strength so he knows that Garp is there at the level where his father is. A level where normal people can only look up to.

Of course, whether Itachi's senses are truly accurate, it depends… and he too knows that.

In the end, Itachi nods at Garp in confirmation.

And before he can react the only thing he feels is a gust of wind and…


Everything goes dark to Itachi as he is immediately knocked out. Garp looks at this with a calm look on his face as Itachi falls on the ground.
"Hope I didn't hit him too hard… I honestly thought he would somehow dodge that first attack… guess I have been fighting in the Grand Line too long to know how much strength I should use against someone around Itachi's strength." Thinks Garp out loudly as he then picks up Itachi who has a big bump on the top of his head.


Like this Itachi spends a whole month training under Garp all day long, and in the evening Garp puts him to sleep… by hitting him in the head. Every time Garp uses the same attack to knock him out. Whether he blocks, tries to dodge, or even use his clones as shields… one punch is what always takes him out. At least what he assumes to be a punch...

One day as he woke up, like usual with bandages around his head. He would soon become nine years old. He just gets up like usual and has some of his clones help in the bar while he does some stretches, as he does so he goes outside and picks up the newspaper.
As he does so he is a little surprised by the news today.

Fisher Tiger, the monster who terrorized the world and climbed the Red Line is dead… he was finally captured by heroic marines as he was going to savagely massacre another village. He had a hostage who was a little girl, but everything was perfectly done by the heroic marines….

As Itachi eats some breakfast and reads the article, he can't help but contemplate. 'This should be the crew which Jinbe is part of right? So I guess he will join dad's crew now.
As he keeps reading along he sees that Arlong was captured too. But that doesn't interest him at all, he just wonders what his father will do next. They haven't kept in contact at all recently due to Garp being here he will not take the risk and ruin his plans so fast.

'Wonder what dad is currently doing?' Contemplates Itachi as a longing look appears in his eyes.


At this time Jaw was just on the outskirts of Raijin Island. The lightning doesn't even bother him as it bounces off his skin, he has a rock on his hand.

-Jaw POV-

I have been training endlessly this last year and noticed something… my physical power has reached its limit… every being has a limit at how strong they can be. Sure the limit might be high to some, and as a Fishman, mine was high too.

That is until I reached it… and I found out something terrifying. My raw physical power is nowhere near Big Mom or Kaido.
I had this fantasy that as long as I keep training I will be able to physically grow stronger, it seems like that is not it at all. A mortal will always have a limit…

I am still weaker than the other Yonko and only by using petty tricks I can defeat them. If I fight any of them on land I will easily be defeated, especially by Big Mom who has fire abilities that would dry up my skin. Though Haki could be a way to fight off strong enemies, Haki can run out too and it can't be said that Haki can grow indefinitely either.

But as soon as I thought about reaching my raw physical limit… I thought about some things and figured something out. What about different techniques like Seimei Kikan (Life Return). It allows the user to control their bodily functions, I of course planned to learn it long ago, but I have no idea where to even start.
I should just wait till Itachi learns how to do it from the Marines and then he will teach it to me. That is the next technique that might allow me to surpass my physical limitations.


The rock explodes as a shockwave comes from my hand. I didn't even use Haki to do this… this is Hasshoken, the technique the Chinjao family uses. It can send shockwaves from each of their limbs, now this style isn't really that strong in my eyes as it can easily be overcome with high raw power.
But combining the Hasshoken principle with my Fishman Karate should bring some satisfactory results and it should help me fight even when I can't use Fishman Karate.

I sighed out once again, I guess that I should start searching for many different martial arts and such.
I get up and…

A giant bolt of lightning will hit me...


Or at least that will happen five seconds from now.
And as I predict a bolt of lightning comes towards me. I just use Haki on my hand and…


Slap the lightning bolt away, changing its direction.
I am gonna go and pick a fight with Kaido soon. I know that he will come to challenge me, so I better make the first move. Also, I will announce Kisame as my child, he is strong enough and he can handle the pressure now and pull away from the attention of my other children.
Honestly… I think that Kisame has a higher physical limit than me. Though I don't think he will ever grow stronger than me, he should be able to become quite strong in the future with my training.

-General POV-

While Jaw was contemplating ways to raise his strength. Kisame also had his own thoughts on how to get stronger. 'I will challenge the next strongest Fishman after dad… 'The Knight of the Sea' Jinbe…'

And just like so another year is concluded, Jaw and his children all pushing themselves to complete their father's dreams. The one dream which only someone like Jaw is allowed to have… he wants to have this world under his control.

Also if some people like my stories, check out the Game Of A Blood Mage... its my Original Story.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm
(You can become part of the votes if you join Discord, and I also share pictures of the different characters)
Chapter 37

Title: Warlord Of The Sea...

-Jaw POV-

I am currently in my throne room in my underground castle, I am sitting on my throne, a big decorated stone chair really. It has two shark head-like structures where I rest my arms. Kisame is to my right standing up straight and even though he is only nine he looks like he is fifteen or even older, to my left is Kakashi… he has a lanky look and he has a spear in his hand. His hair also spiking goes up as if it is defying gravity. His bored-looking eyes look at the person kneeling before me. Though I know better than to assume that Kakashi is doing anything but analyzing the person.

Kisame on the other hand has his guard up and is trying to sense with his Observation Haki just how strong the person is… and that person is Jinbe, the assumed 2nd strongest Fishman after me.

I have a calm look on my face as I ask Jinbe. "What did you want to talk to me about Jinbe?"

Jinbe looks at me in the eyes, though he is still kneeling in front of me. "Jaw… I know that you only allowed me to join brother Tiger on his journey because I said that I would join your crew after that."

"Yes, I was pretty clear on that." I state to him, as I still look at him with a calm look on my eyes though I do narrow my eyes at him a little, already knowing what he will ask.

"As you know… humans have always had a… problem with the Fishmen and Merfolk." states Jinbe.
"Well, you could put it that way." Says Kakashi, he has a deep understanding of the situation, and obviously he isn't close-minded enough to hate humans. He himself is half one. Also, I didn't raise my kids to be unnecessarily dumb. To them it doesn't matter, everyone who isn't family is a whole other race.

Jinbe has a difficult look on his face and in the end, he states. "I could join the Warlords Of The Sea program that the marines have in place."


Before he can even say anything anymore, the room around me starts shaking and cracking as my Conqueror's Haki explosively. My eyes glow red as my Haki almost takes a literal physical form as it destroys everything around me. Even Jinbe looks nervous, and sweat appears over his face. Though Kakashi and Kisame don't have any reaction to it, they are already used when I am faking my anger. They have already seen me when I am truly angry, this is nothing in comparison.

I get up from my throne and walk towards Jimbe who doesn't even dare get up anymore.
I can see it in his eyes, his mind is working at insane speeds trying to find a solution on how I won't kill him. He might be the number two in power amongst the Fishmen, but he too knows the difference between us. I am a league on my own and only the Yonko or Admirals are on my level.

In the end, as I am only an arm's length away from him he answers. "W -Wait, Jaw… if I go to the marines, I can give you confidential information about them. Even if I enter the Warlord of the Sea program, I will still be part of your crew…"

As my hand was about to grasp his face, it stopped and… I pat Jinbe on the head. "Good… that is good."

Except for family, no one knows about Itachi and I plan to keep it that way. Jinbe's eyes widen in shock as I treat him like a dog. I smile at him maliciously. "Any other answer and you would have died Jinbe. But remember… I am generous... not someone stupid enough to let you off a second time. If you do that I will have to hunt you down and kill you... And make an example of you too. Can't have people going around thinking that they can go back on their words when talking to me. It just sends the wrong message."

Jinbe just nods at me, not saying anything else. He was humiliated and knows that I will really kill him if he says one more thing or makes a request.

Later on, Jinbe goes away after reporting what he would do for the next couple of months after getting the Warlord position. As soon as he walks away, Kakashi can't help but ask me. "Father, why did you let someone strong like Jinbe walk away freely and even go help the marines. That doesn't make sense at all… can you explain why and how you expect this to work out."
As he says that he takes out a notebook to take notes of what I will say next. I can't help but smirk a little at that. Though Kakashi is smart and in the future he will most likely be my commander. He is still only nine years old and my decisions made on the basis of my future knowledge baffle him. Well, they would definitely baffle anyone truly. No matter how smart, no one can determine the absolute true future, even Haki can only see a future that can easily change.
"Well…" I start explaining to him as Kisame walks away sneakily. He definitely doesn't want to listen to mine and Kakashi's conversation topics. He is the brawn and he is more concentrated on trying to train his Observation Haki. Kakashi is way better than him at that, even I must admit that Kakashi's talent is in Observation and I don't think that he has Conqueror's Haki like me and Kisame. Well, he doesn't really have a lot of ambition and as long as he can protect his family, he is okay with his strength. But at the same time that is what in a way makes Kakashi stronger than Kisame, Kisame trains hard, but he does so because he wants to be like me and all that.
Of course, he too loves his family, but that isn't really his drive for power. And training can get repetitive after a while and when Kisame reaches around my strength he will start slowing down. Kakashi on the other hand truly understands the power that is needed to protect family… and that power is when the world is under our family's control… that is how his training will never get repetitive… plus I plan for Kakashi to have a strong Devil Fruit… one that will push him to Admiral level in the future...

Even as I contemplate that, I only need a couple of seconds and in the end, explain to Kakashi. "The reason I left Jinbe go is because you, Kisame, Escanor, Ichigo, and many others will surpass him in the future, I have 100% confidence in this. You are my children…"

I then smile as Kakashi. "You too should trust family more. You aren't alone in this world, you have a family that will love and support you even if the whole world hates you."

I see that Kakashi stops writing on his little notebook there and looks at me with a contemplated look on his face. "You think that I will be able to surpass someone like Jinbe who was a black belt in Fishman Karate at the age of eight. Compared to him, I am still only at level 15 in Fishman Karate."

My smile widens even more as he says that. "Who said that you need to surpass him in Fishman Karate… I am your father and my job is to give you the opportunity to grow… yours will be to just give it your best. Hahahaha, you should trust your father some more Kakashi. Hahahahahaha."
Jinbe will join the Warlords of the sea… of course only with the MC's permission. Even king Neptune can't do anything that Jaw doesn't approve of. Jaw literally has the Fishman Island behind him and with him mining resources at the bottom of the ocean… yeah… he is definitely rich in political and financial power too.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)
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Chapter 38
Title: Arlong...


It doesn't take long after Jinbei becomes a Warlord of the Sea, as another problem Fishman appears on the underground city below Raijin Island.
"Jaw!!! Come out and meet me!!!" Screams Along, but unlike Jinbe... Arlong couldn't even get a meeting.

So as he enters the city, a miniature Jaw (Kisame) comes to meet him. Arlong immediately recognises him. "Boy, take me to your father."
As he says that, Arlong starts walking forward. Kisame walks in front of him and even though Arlong is tall and Kisame is only nine years old, he still reaches up to Arlong's chest in height. "Father is currently busy, come back later, or if you have something to say, just say it to me and I will then tell him."

*tch* "I said take me to your father, I can't believe that Jaw went and fornicated with a human woman." Says Arlong distastefully with an annoyed look on his face.

As he hears this, Kisame's eyes are shadowed and he suddenly just tells Arolong. "Run…"
"Hm?" Arlong is confused but Kisame looks at him in the eyes and Arlong can see his blood shot eyes looking at his own.
"Insulting my siblings in front of my face… you have balls that is for sure.." Says Kisame as a dangerous aura rolls out of him and even Arlong is scared as he feels like he is in the mouth of a shark. "I told you to run… hope you understand that… now you must go, run away from here, go away from the Grand Line. You must never again step foot in these seas…"

As Kisame fishes saying that he just turns around, leaving a shocked Arlong behind.

Though in momentary shock, he gets out of it and then angrily yells at Kisame. "WHY YOU BRA-"


But he can't even finish saying that as Kisame disappears from his vision and the next thing he feels is an extreme pain on his chest as Kisame 'lightly' slaps his chest, breaking every single rib that he has. Arlong flies back towards the entrance where the rest of Arlong's crew are waiting.

And he crashes in front of them, Arlong is on the ground with a fountain of blood leaking from his mouth, with a handprint scar on his chest.

"Captain Arlong?!!?!?!" Calls out his crew.


During this time, Jaw is in his throne room with Kakashi next to his side. They both have their Observation Haki on full swing as they sense Kisame hit Arlong.

Kakashi is again confused by his father's strange actions. He frowns a little as he doesn't even have a clue why his father just let Kisame handle Arlong. He also doesn't like asking his father about the answers always, he will feel dumb if he does that.

In the end though he can't think of anything, and sighs a little as he asks his father. "Dad-"

He can't even finish as Jaw answers him. "I let him do that because Kisame's Observation Haki is always irregular, due to him being too easy to anger, especially when someone insults his sibling. I want him to learn control of his emotions, so even when enraged in a battle, he will still be able to use Observation Haki. Anger will always cloud your judgment, so you must learn to control your anger and not the other way around."

Kakashi nods at this again. He puts his head down a little, embarrassed that as he contemplates now. That is a logical reason, the answer wasn't complicated.

'Also father was even able to predict what I was gonna ask. Damn… dad says that one day I will have to take over his strategic and planning duties. But how the hell am I supposed to match someone like dad, who with his plans, it almost seems like he knows the future.' Contemplates Kakashi, as to him his father is a better combination of him and Kisame, smarter than him and more physically gifted than Kisame. He has heard rumors of just how strong his father was back when he was nine years old. 'Father… the only reason I believe that I myself can do it, is because you believe in me.'


One month after the Arlong situation, Jaw is training with his children when suddenly…


The whole island is rocked around as if an earthquake hit it.

'What!!!' Even Jaw himself was shocked, no one should know where he lives. Not even the World Government knows… or at least they shouldn't know. He looks at his children and tells them. "Call over everyone, they must get ready for an escape if needed."
'Sh*t… someone squealed about where this hidden base is.' He is a little annoyed at that, but this isn't out of expectations either.


He then uses a hidden exit to go to the surface of Raijin Island. Like always, there was thunder falling down like rain, but it doesn't bother Jaw at all as his Armament Haki is like an invisible armour as the lightning slips off of his body as if a repulsive force pushed it off.

Over twenty years of training his Haki almost nonstop has made Jaw a master at Haki. He can confidently say that no other Yonko can sue Haki better than him.

"JAWWWW!!!!" A loud shout comes out of the clouds, the sound comes down like a storm as it creates a storm.

Jaw just looks up and narrows his eyes and by using his Observation Haki he can see a general form of the one who just called out to him. As soon as he understands who it is, Jaw frowns and calls out loudly. "OY!!!! KAIDO, YOU WANNA DIE OR SOMETHING!!!!"

Veins pop on his forehead in anger as he screams back at Kaido.

"You brat! Who the hell do you think you are!!! They put you in the same category as us… but brats like you should just… KNOW THEIR PLACE!!!!" As he shouts that, Kaido's giant dragon head comes out of the clouds and he opens his mouth, gathering heat.

[Heat Breath]


A giant beam of heat comes towards Jaw, who just snorts in annoyance at this. "You sure talk a big game for an oversized lizard."

He jumps up and he pulls out his sword (a simple looking katana) and as he does so, all of the sea around the island starts pulsating as giant waves appear all over and as Jaw takes a deep breath. The water is literally flying upward and toward him.

<Water Stord Style: Water Dragon Slash>

As the heat blast is only an arm's length away from him, Jaw slashes and a giant water dragon appears behind his sword pushing it forward and Jaw's Armament Haki covers his sword as it turns black.



The blast is easily cut in two by Jaw, dispersing it on and the two weaker halves hit the ocean.

Kaido looks at him angrily in his dragon form. "You stupid shark, I will kill you!!!"

Kaido's Conqueror's Haki comes out..

Jaw smiles at him maliciously and he too says. "Come try me you oversized lizard, I will chop you to pieces!!!"


Their Conqueror's Haki clash and… the clouds on sky are split in two, leaving the body in the middle. And for the first time since it's existence, Raijin Island is not raining lightning anymore… as seemingly the heavens themselves made way for Jaw and Kaido.

Kaido has always been unreasonable and has done whatever he wants…
Also sorry for the late update, needed to help a neighbor's wife with something. Now I am all sore and a little tired.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)
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Chapter 39

Title: Kaido VS Jaws...


As Kaido descends down he spits out fire from his mouth, the flame scorches the ground as it approaches Jaw. Who has a serious look on his face, and as soon as the fire starts getting closer, he just takes a deep breath and a huge amount of water heads towards his mouth and it goes into his stomach, he immediately fills up and his stomach, which is usually fully muscular, now is round like a balloon.

<Haven Slicing Wave>


Like a beam of water, it comes out of his mouth as Jaw hits his stomach with a slap.

It pierces straight through Kaido's flames stoping them on their tracks, but the water still goes towards Kaido who just uses his tail like a whop and...



The beam of water is dispersed.

But what Kaido didn't notice was that Jaw has hidden behind the beam of water and before he can even react in his giant dragon form…


<Water Sword Style: Water Surface Slash>

By using <Geppo>, Jaw propulses himself even further and…


A long but thin cut appears along Kaido's body… as he can't even counter attack Jaw… who is behind the giant dragon with his eyes fully red and a dangerous aura all over his body.
"This will be your grave Kaido!!!!" Yells Jaw as he prepares to attack Kaido once more.

"Keep wishing you brat!!!" Yells Kaido back, as he dodges Jaw's attack by breathing fire at him. But the fire is cut in the middle by Jaw, and Kaido is now back to his human form.

Jaw's skin dried up a little due to the close proximity with fire, but he used the plentiful water around him to moisturize his skin again and again and even though Jaw should be at a disadvantage in raw power. The one who is actually taking damage is Kaido, though the damage seems minimal, soon it will start to add up and both Kaido and Jaw know that.
So Jaw lands on the ground and uses <Soru> because he can see that Kaido will attack him, so as he sees the future he immediately goes out of the trajectory of the attack. But suddenly Kaido's bat changes direction mid-air and it comes towards where Jaw is dodging at. But that isn't all as suddenly lightning gathers around Kaido's club and it actually hits Jaw.


Though Jaw uses his sword covered in Haki to block it, he is pushed backward five meters, showing who is the true superior in raw strength and even though Jaw took no damage, he could feel his arms shake a little due to the crazy amount of power that he had to block.

'Fuck… that almost numbed my arms just from blocking one attack from him.' Contemplates Jaw as he thinks of different strategies in his head. He can see that Kaido isn't exactly slow while on the ground.

But while Jaw was concentrated on this his eyes suddenly widened as he saw a bomb will hit him and just like he predicted, suddenly out of the clouds a Pteranodon dinosaur flies around, he has a small fire around him and is wearing a leather outfit. But what worries Jaw is the bomb that he is holding with his feet. He has seen the huge explosion that will happen and he knows that he won't come out of it unscathed.

But that split second distraction and wariness from Jaw is all that Kaido needs, as he attacks Jaw and even though the latter notices his split-second mistake and can see the future of the next couple of seconds… and his arm covered in Haki comes up to protect his face.
{Raimei Hakke}
Kaido's spiked club descents on Jaw and…


Jaw's arm is shattered and bent on uncordial angles as his body flies off…


And he crashes into a mountain, and at that time a bomb drops in front of him.


The explosion and heat swallows his body…

Kaido frowns as he sees this and he looks up at King flying around again. "Oy! King… why did you do that… I was gonna win that fight."

King floats down on the ground and looks at Kaido. "Sorry, Kaido -sama… I just did what I presumed to be right at that moment."

Kaido frowns at that, but in the end, he settles down. "Don't do that again.."
As Kaido says that he still walks towards where Jaw is… he knows that he didn't win this fight fairly. But they are pirates so fighting unfair is the rule pretty much. If you are fighting fair and equally then you are just playing around like a wannabe pirate. Though Kaido doesn't like it, this is the same way it ended with Oden so it brings an unsatisfied feeling within his stomach. But he is a pirate and won't let the chance of killing someone like Jaw go away, he just saw that the brat did actually earn his title as an Emperor of the Sea… he most likely won't get another chance like this.

But as he gets close to the place where Jaw's unconscious body is supposed to be, he is a little surprised when he sees that Jaw was covered NOT in wounds but in a dark metallic color all around his body. His arm had also been set straight in place and it had a shirt tied around it to keep it in place. Though he will unlikely be able to use the arm for the remainder of the fight, at least it won't be a bother or restrict him during it.

Jaw smiles at Kaido, showing his shark-like teeth, and pits the sword in his hand at Kaido while saying. "Yo! Ready for round two… or maybe you need your little pet chicken to help you… don't worry I will only use one arm to fight you."

Jaw immediately gets on Kaido's nerves again. "Die JAW!!!!!"

As he yells out that Kaido charges at Jaw who just has a peaceful smile on his face and he closes his eyes.

Kaido tries to hit him again but Jaw easily dodges again and again.
'I will never be distracted and make the same mistake again.' Contemplates Jaw as he dodges another one of kaido's hits and…

He spits his blood on Kaido's face, obscuring his vision and then…


A cut appears again on Kaido's body… from hip up to collarbone. Using his mastery over Armament Haki, Jaws can easily cut into Kaido's monstrous body.


Eight hours pass over their exchanges and Kaido is now back into his dragon form, he has countless injuries all over his body, but he is flying around and fighting Jaw who is using <Geppo> to maneuver mid-air and fight against Kaido who keeps spewing flames at him while at the same time trying to dodge Jaws' attacks. Mountain tops had been cut off and the land was scorched. But their battle rained on, because while the island couldn't handle their strength and if it had any surface life before, now it is undoubtedly dead by now.

Sorry for the late update, needed to help a neighbor's wife with something. Now I am all sore and a little tired.
Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)
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Chapter 40

Title: Finished Battle...


After many hours of battling both Kaido and Jaw had countless injuries on their bodies, Kaido has bled a pool of his body and Jaw has been using the ocean around him to his advantage and has flooded most of Raijin Island, this has put him in an advantage. But at the same time, Jaw, except his crushed arm, his ribs had all cracked too and he also had some burns on his left side. But at this time Jaw wasn't worried at all, he could escape whenever he wanted. His children had all escaped by now and everyone had evacuated.

Kaido while covered in his own blood in his dragon form shoots another {Breath Blast} at Jaw who winced a little as he cuts it again. Though it seems like Jaw is winning, he knows that in the end, he will lose to Kaido, he can only fight for another day and a half, then he will fall. But for Kaido that is a whole other deal, the man's wounds stop bleeding not even half an hour after they are put. He can also easily move even with those massive injuries on him.

'He can outlast me.' Contemplates Jaw, as his wounds keep adding up and his arm has gotten tired too from cutting hundreds of Kaido's {Heat Breath Blasts}.

King had also not interfered in the fight, but that isn't a guarantee that he won't interfere as the battle goes on. If he does so, Jaw knows that losing then is inevitable. Kaido's endurance is monstrously high and while Jaw could continue fighting for another thirty-six hours, Kaido will be able to fight at his full power for the next ten days. This is the difference between them, their endurance is on completely different levels, and Jaw knows that the best he can pull right now is a draw with Kaido.


Another cut appears on Kaido's giant dragon body. Jaw on the other hand winces a little as fire licks his skin, drying it up. Also, he notices that even though he is using Haki, due to the extreme heat in the surroundings and then the cold water from the ocean. Sooner or later his sword might actually break, the only reason it resisted till now was due to Jaw's Armament Haki fully protecting it.

Another two hours pass, making it twenty hours since the fighting has started. Kaido now has one of his eyes sealed shut as blood keeps coming out of it.

Jaw on the other hand is breathing heavily and blood is coming out of his legs due to having to use extremely powerful <Geppo> to dodge some of Kaito's extremely long-range attacks.


King suddenly descends and attempts to kick Jaw, but the latter's eyes shine red for a split second. Having seen the future, Jaw easily dodges the attack and…


Slashes towards King, but the latter uses his wings to maneuver himself out of the sword wave attack.

Kaido takes this chance to spit out some fire at Jaw, and he can't dodge so he tanks it.


Jaw crashes on the ocean water.


A dragon, looking just like Kaido but made out of water comes out of the sea and attacks him.

Of course, Kaido uses another {Heat Breath} to obliterate the dragon. Jaw, while underwater winces at this and contemplates actually running away immediately. He can see that his chances of defeating Kaido today are almost zero.

But suddenly…


A giant explosion rockets the island, Jaw looks around unsure of what is happening, but… but then he sees something that brings a smile to his face.

-Jaw POV-

What I see is the lower part of some ships, and by the colors, I can definitely tell that it is the marines. There are around thirty marine warships, they are shooting cannons at Kaido's giant body who has now become a target. Well… I guess they couldn't allow us to kill each other, if either I or Kido won then we would actually start being dangerous. If I took over Wano, or Kaido took over Fishman Island and got the resources at the bottom of the sea… yeah… not favorable to them at all. So they plan for the war between me and Kaido to continue then.

I just swim deeper and deeper undersea, I guess it's time to go now.

I can see the water start freezing up, but it can't catch up to me as I go deeper and deeper underwater.

Welp, this is a draw on my book. Anyway, I will have to find a new base in the New World.

One day later, in East Blue, there are newspapers all around being spread by the world government for free. Itachi is fighting against his clones when a newspaper falls in front of him. He looks at the news coo who just winks at him.
He narrows his eyes at the bird, he knows that this is the bird who usually brings the newspaper to him at Makino's Bar, Itachi usually feeds it some food when it brings the newspaper, so the strangely intelligent bird is found of Itachi and it even lets him read the newspaper for free, of course after reading it he will have to put it back so the bird can just go and sell it to someone else.
Itachi reads the paper and his eyes widen as he sees the headline.


'What!!!' Immediately Itachi dispels his clone and runs back to Makino's bar at his top speed, he didn't even notice as each of his steps was cracking the ground beneath him. Due to his feelings of distress and worry, he had subconsciously used a bastardized version of <Soru>.


As he enters the bar, Makino smiles at him and says. "Hey~ Itachi~"

But Itachi doesn't even hear or care about her anymore as he goes to his room and pulls out his hidden visual transponder snail. He immediately dials the long memorized number.


The transponder snail is calling and with each ring, Itachi's heart gets heavier and heavier.


His transponder snail is answered and the image of his father covered in some bandages appears on the projection. Immediately his knees buckle and tears of happiness come out of his eyes. 'Thank god…'
Jaw then asks. "Why did you suddenly call Itachi?"

Itachi starts explaining the situation to his father and keeps nothing hidden and tells even his deeper fears of how they might have died and such.

Jaw just looks at him strangely. "What? You thought I could have lost to Kaido… Nah, you don't have to worry about me. Also is Garp still there?"

"Yes." nods Itachi and Jaw immediately frowns at that.
"Remember what I told you Itachi, if you are careless like this I will pull you back. Don't endanger yourself like a fool, do this one more time and I will pull you back home."

Jaw then closes from the other side.

-Garp POV-

I look at Luffy as he yells at me. "NO!!! Me and Ace are gonna be Pirates!!!! Sabo will be one too!!!"

Ace just drops his head on the ground. "Luffy… just shut the hell up… he has been beating up for two hours straight you dumbass just shut that loud mouth of yours."

"Why can't you two be more like Itachi, he is such a good kid and he is stronger than you… It's all because he has the sense of justice of a marine." I tell them, trying to convince Luffy, by telling him that Itachi is stronger than them and giving the reason that is because he wants to become a marine.
As we see in a Pirate fight anything goes really. Also the Marines weren't gonna let them finish their fight as if one wins, he is absorbing the other's territory. Jaw gaining access to Wano's Seastone craftsman is dangerous, and Kaido gaining access to the fishman resources would allow him to manufacture weapons and such other things 10x faster.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)
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Chapter 41

Title: Poseidon…

-Garp POV-

After teaching my grandson about life and using Haki to make the hits hurt, I just urn back and start walking towards Mikono's. Why can't they be like Itachi, he wants to be a marine and he is even a kind kid who uses his devil fruit for cleaning and other such menial tasks. For someone like him who was born and abandoned in Gray Terminal to have such a good hart is very rare. He is even a good cook and when he thinks that Makino or I am not noticing anything. He uses his wage that Makino pays him to buy ingredients and cook for the poor, he is well-liked even in a place like Gray Terminal where most of them are hives and criminals, they like him too.
Itachi might be the only person in this kingdom and walk amongst there and not even be robbed once and no one insults him. His fruit might seem weak and even he hasn't noticed its power. He got lucky getting a fruit like that, he will never be in numerical disadvantage and if he can get his clones to be as strong as himself then I can confidently say that his power will not be any lower than the top of this world. He just needs to become a Vice-Admiral strength-wise and he will be set. Itachi also won't be your average Vice-Admiral, just with his current physical strength and he could destroy most of the East Blue pirates with no difficulty at all.

Thankfully he seems to want to be a marine or he would have made quite a strong pirate otherwise.


As I arrive at Makino's Bar, I see that like usual Itachi's clones are helping around and one of the clones looks at Garp and says. "Oh, Old man you are here. The original Itachi seems to be having a problem in his room and wanted to ask you something."

"I am here." Says Itachi as he walks down the stairs and his legs are shaking a little. "I tried kicking the ground multiple times and see if I could move faster that way… yeah it didn't go that well. While I did move quickly, I did so for a couple of minutes and now my muscles have spasmed. Seems like I won't be able to do squats for a couple of days while they heal. But I will train my upper body like always, actually, I will train more to make up for the lost time."

"Gahahahahaha…" I laugh at this. "You tried to use Soru didn't you."
He most likely saw me use it and tried to copy it. But trying to use Soru isn't something that easy. But he was able to use it a couple of dozen times before his legs started hurting then that is just more proof of his physical strength. I can confidently say that not even new talented marine recruits will be as strong as Itachi. Zed can say whatever he wants but I doubt that even he won't be surprised when I sent Itachi to him to train.
"So that is what the technique is called huh? Then after healing I will try using it again. " Says Itachi with a determined look on his face. This is why I am sure that one day he will become an admiral. Not only is it his natural strength, but also will power. I bet that he will earn Haki like fish swimming in the sea.

-Kisame POV-

It takes two months for dad to get everything together and create a new base. This time he created a whole new base… it is a new undeveloped and deserted island. The name is York New Island, dad even got some scientist from Karakuri Island, the place where it is said to be Vegapunk's hometown.
Anyway, as I walk among Fishman Island I have a takoyaki in my hand and I am eating it. Dad told me that Fishman Island will be under my protection once I grow strong enough, but first I must earn the people's trust as he did. The earning trust part is done by protecting them or helping them. I also have Mikoto and Kakashi on the island and since now we are all ten years old dad has started introducing is to the world…. I have a 10,000,000 B bounty just by being associated with dad and being his son. The other siblings haven't been introduced at all. Dad plans to keep them hidden by just showing me in the front and letting my other siblings grow a little more before making their existence public.

Also recently some Doflamingp guy became a Warlord of the sea and as York New is an island close to Dressrosa, dad took quite a lot of precautions. Especially since Doflamigo is associated with Kaido, and dad and Kaido fight like three times a month, and even though they all end in a draw they do gain advantages fighting against each other. Kaido now has quite a few scars from dad and dad also has a burn scar on his palm when he fought against Kaido once.
I can't wait till I am strong enough and then me and dad can go and kill that giant lizard. I should go to Rusukaina Island, the place where the animals are super strong and not a lot of pirates can even hold their own against the animals in there.

As I walk along, I see that Queen Otohime is holding another one of her rallies. Woah, she has her daughter with her too, and the daughter seems around six years old… but she is soo big. How did she even birth such a giant child? I should ask dad, he explained to me how babies are made, but how can Otohime even hold such a giant baby inside of her. Dad is bound to know stuff like this, dad knows everything…

Anyway, she did get permission from dad to do this so I don't need to interrupt her or anything like that. I will just listen to her as it doesn't matter and I don't have anything better t do currently.


Suddenly something beyond surprising happened, someone just shot the queen in the chest. Welp, she is dead, but even as that happens my eyes are somewhere else, I can feel something strange from the six-year-old princess. I see her brothers dance around her with tears in their eyes, their mother just died but why are they dancing? They are sad as they are crying but why are they doing that… I look at the pink-haired giant mermaid kid and I see that they are actually trying to keep her from crying.

Suddenly I see that a shadow descends all over Fishman Island and I look up... as I do so, my eyes widen in a feeling that I haven't felt in a long time… fear…

Giant sea kings, at the sizes that can only be found on the Calm Belt, are looking down on me. They are so big that if one of them actually hit Fishman Island, that would actually destroy it.
What the hell is going on!!?!?!?!

We can see that Kisame doesn't really care for anyone else that isn't his family and that he isn't actually that dumb in reality. He just acts dumb on the outside...
Also some people seem to assume that the MC can't grow stronger just because his natural physical strength had reached his peak... there is many ways the MC can grow stronger just a few of them are: Haki, Swordsmanship, Fishman Karate, Ryokushiki, etc... all that can make him stronger, even if his physical strength doesn't grow.
Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)
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Chapter 42

Title: Blood Is Thicker Than Water...

-Kisame POV-

Seeing this power, I can't help but contemplate something. How is such a thing possible, as I have already figured out what is going on. The little girl can call over the Sea Kings… father must learn of this immediately. He will know what to do with this information.

As I decide on this, I slip out of the crowd. No one notices me as I walk away. The Royal Family's death is irrelevant to dad and he wouldn't even care. But the little princess can control sea kings…

I can't help it as a smile descends upon my face, ahhhh… if our family had that power. No… MY FAMILY WILL HAVE THAT POWER. No one else deserves a power like that. We could destroy any of the Yonko's territories if we have that power. We could drown them together with the entire world if we wanted. Now I just need dad to decide what we should do. He will know the perfect outcome for this, he will probably also use this time to teach Kakashi some life lessons and how to manage the army and why he does what he does.

That is why I have never even been jealous of Kakashi's intelligence. Kakashi spends hours upon hours listening to dad about overly complicated things that I can never… almost no one can understand. Kakashi likes that stuff… he is such a nerd… he even calls sh*t that I don't understand basic.

It doesn't take long for me to arrive at the destination where I, Kakashi, and Mikoto are staying. It's called Shyarly's Mermaid Caffe, we have a free room for us, we can stay in there as long as we want. The owner is an old friend of dad's, she and dad know each other for a long time.

The Caffe is a very colorful place, I can say that much, and the place is popular. As I enter inside, I just see that Shyarly seems to go somewhere. She looks at me and has a weird look on her face. Shyarly is a large mermaid with purple nail polish, red lipstick, and blue eyes with slanted pupils that resemble shark eyes.
She also has a child wrapped in cloths on her arms, that is her daughter, her name is Ariel and she is only a one-year-old. Mikoto loves playing with her, Mikoto has always with children, especially because she is everyone's older sister. Well, only I and Itachi are older than her amongst the siblings. Still though as she looks at me Shyarly just says. "I got some news, I have to go to the royal palace."

I nod at that, I know that dad must learn about this, but my eyes land on the child she is holding… Ariel… or more correctly. If Kakashi's suspicions are correct… one of our younger siblings…

The news can wait, I must protect my siblings.

"I will escort you to the Royal Palace." I say to her and she nods. She knows that I am strong and with me as her escort, she will be safe, no matter who dares to attack her on Fishman Island.

As we walk outside of the Caffe, I also walk next to her. Shyarly still just looks at me as we walk along the road and get into one of the flying giant fish to travel.
"Your resemblance to your father is impeccable, if you were a little taller and had some muscles to you, you would look just like him." She says to me in the end, with a smile on her face.

I am a little happy when she says that. I truly wish that one day I can be like dad... except for the harem thing. I believe that only one woman should be inside a man's heart, I don't think I can or will ever be able to love more than a woman in my life. I am not as skilled as dad and I have seen how much goes on behind the scenes and how the harem members try to fight for father's attention. They once even put the siblings against each other, dad thankfully put a quick stop to that before it could go on anymore.

-General POV-

In the end, the check was for Shyarly to see the future or what could happen to the Royal Family and could handle future problems better. Kisame just was holding the baby ariel in his arms as ariel grabs his finger and laughs.

"Who is cute~ yes you are Ariel~" Cues Kisame as he tries to keep Ariel occupied. Though he usually takes care of his brothers to entertain them, he usually just does so by crushing a boulder with his fists or something like that. But at the same time, he has seen Mikoto do this for quite some time so he too knows how to handle sisters too.

At the same time, Shyarly uses her crystal ball to predict the future. "The child will have to spend her time in a secure room as soon Vender Decken will propose to her and then attack her."

As she tells King Neptune of the future, the King cringes at this, but Shyarly doesn't stop there as bad news pile on top of one and another. The king nods and goes to try and stop some things from happening.
As she looks around and sees Ariel and Kisame playing with each other. The usually very simple-minded, violent, and forceful Kisame playing with Ariel so gently, without showing any of his usual pride/arrogance in his power.

Shyarly doesn't know how to feel about that either. She can see that blood truly speaks for itself. Though she can't bring to even like any of Jaw's other children when it comes to Kisame that is different. She simply imagines/lies to herself that he is the child between her and Jaw. It is her own little fantasy world that she has on her mind, though sadly she knows that is unlikely to happen. She has seen Jaw's future… and it definitely isn't a place where she wants her little child to grow into.
'I guess that even without telling them anything, they will instinctively know that they are siblings. Blood will draw them to be together no matter what.' Thinks Shyarly with a little sadness, she knows that no matter what she does or how she acts she won't be able to stop her daughter from joining her siblings in the future. She has seen that but she still holds hope that at least this one of her predictions is wrong. 'That family will bring the whole world to ruin.'

-Jaw POV-

I can't help but smile at the latest news from Fishmen Island. I am currently lying on my bed with two mermaids and a human woman who are breathing heavily and are currently resting. It seems like I must try and get my hands on Poseidon soon. That will be the best advantage that I could currently get. I am not exactly sure where the other Ancient Weapons even are, but that doesn't mean that I can't prepare myself for the inevitable future war. The war that will engulf the whole world… I want to thrive in it.
The MC has plans… big plans and he will start unraveling them soon. Also soon his children will truly start showing their powers and he won't have to always be careful of the other Yonko because their second in command could influence the battle and such things.

P.S: Yes, Ariel is the MC's daughter and he knows about her. But he still let Shyarly keep her, he doesn't want Ariel to grow up without a mother, but he will still try to be a father for her even of she is so far away.
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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)
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Chapter 43->50
Chapter 43

Title: Mark-Mark Fruit...

-General POV-

A couple of days after the death of the queen Otohime, Neptune had to make a hard decision and truly had to lock his daughter in a tower. Vander Decken could somehow throw letters with marriage proposals, which weren't answered at all by the Royal Family. Due to that, Vander Decken started delivering gifts, and after it, he started sending weapons that would crash into the tower. If Neptune didn't get that warning from Shyarly, he would have his daughter grievously injured or possibly dead.

Neptune is currently in his room. He has his arms folded, his face is morphed into a grimace. He has been contemplating something about the decision that he should be making soon. The Tamako Box has been stolen with the energy pills inside too. So as a king he has to make the right decisions and come to the best conclusions for his people.

But at the same time, he is a father too, and calling in that man to interfere with the Fishman Royal family… then he won't be able to get him out of the Royal Family ever again.

In the end, Neptune can only sigh as he comes to his conclusion. It is nothing about him holding power or anything like that, it's just that giving power to someone like Jaw isn't the best option for the Fishman and Human race. Jaw will just have his armies be made in Fishman Island and use them to fight the Yonko of his own accord.

But at the same time, having someone steal from the tomato box and the many problems that he has had as of late, on top of his wife's death. He isn't sure that he can handle everything by himself.

'So in the end I must call him…' Contemplates Neptune, Jaw hasn't ever really done anything to directly harm the royal family, nor Fishman Island. What Neptune is scared about is the comeback that the World Government will have from this collaboration. It will make Fishman Island even more unlikely to ever take part in the Reverie and join the humans in a coexisting relationship.


After many hours of contemplating his decision, Neptune in the end decided to call for Jaw. He picks up his Dendenmushi and dials up the number.



"Hello, Neptune… what is the reason for your call." Says Jaw form the other side of the transporter snail.

Neptune has a calm look on his face as he announces his reason for calling. "I require your help."

As soon as he says that, on the other side of the transponder snail a wide smile appears on Jaw's face. "Well… what is the situation that you need my help with."


Neptune explains everything that happened and how it happened, and how the Tamako box was stolen with the energy steroids it had inside of it. Also, he tells Jaw about the situation with his daughter and Vander Decken. As he finishes his explanation, a deathly silence settles upon the room and the transponder snail's smile widens.

"Leave everything to me, Neptune." Says Jaw as he closes the transponder snail.



Two days later on Fishman Island and many people see thousands of Fishmen warriors surround the island. They all had a shark jaw with crossbones in an article of their clothing, representing that they are all part of the Jaw pirates.

Immediately spread around the island looking for certain people.


-Jaw POV-

Since I arrived in Fishman Island twelve hours pass and my men bring a person who is tied up in Seastone chains around him.

The man is a tall individual with beige-colored skin, slim build, and lanky limbs. His most distinguishing feature is his four legs. He has a short, scraggly goatee, a long, wavy mustache with spiky edges, and similarly, long, wavy and spiky black hair. He is Vander Decken, the old man who has been harassing Shirahoshi… he is like a twenty-five-year-old man going after a six-year-old girl.

I just see that he is bloodied up too, I know a lot about him not only from the manga but also from the investigation I ran on him due to his devil fruit.
I am in the Royal Palace sitting in the chair of the King (Neptune). He knows what will happen if he gives me his hand… I will take his whole arm.

We are also family now, Kisame now got himself a cute wife in the future. The marriage between Shirahoshi and Kisame is now set in stone and the Jaw Pirates will help the royal family with all of their problems too.

But as I look at Vander Decken in front of me, he looks at me with a terrified look on his face.

"Jaw -sama, whatever news you got about me is a lie. I never even dared to think of the royal princess in that way. I swear to god." He begs as I just lean my head on my hand. He is so pathetic, can't he at least offer something better and even if he did nothing… if I want to kill him then I will. There is no need for a reason to crush a bug, I just do. I obviously will never kill needlessly if it doesn't offer me some benefits.

In the end, I just call over Kisame who is at my side. "Go and get the sack of fruits."

He nods at that and goes away, I see as he does so only Kakashi and Mikoto are next to me now. I just look at Decken and ask. "What is your devil fruit and how it works, maybe if you are useful enough I will let you live."

Decken smiles at this with a hopeful look on his eyes, the fool doesn't understand that I have no plan of letting him walk away alive from this room.


Later Kisame comes into the room with a sack full fruits. And drops it my feet. As he does so, I just get up and pat him on his head and ruffle his hair slightly. "You did well."

He nods at and…


Before anyone can react, I sink my fingers into Decken's neck and rip his head off.


In the blink of an eye, I am back sitting on my throne. With Decken's head with wide eyes still wide in shock. I just throw away the head and look at the sack of fruits as one of them (a pear) slowly turns yellow and strange markings appear all around it.

I look at Mikoto and tell her. "This is the Mark-Mark Fruit, in a way it will make you the best ranged fighter. Even if a person is on the other side of the world, you can use this to send them messages or throw weapons at them."

Mikoto nods and without hesitation, she goes and opens her mouth...


She swallows the fruit whole, immediately her face becomes green and she looks at me. "Dad… that is so gross."

I smile at that, and tell her. "C'mon now Mikoto, you worried me for a second there. Tell me now, do you know how to use it?"

She shrugs at in unsuredly at this, she just picks up a small stone from the ground, she then gets close to Kisame and touches his face. She turns on the opposite side and throws the small pebble on the opposite side of Kisame. The rock just flies froward and then it turns around and it hits Kisame slightly on the head. As this happens a huge smile appears in her face. "W -Wow… this is amazing."

I smile at that. This fruit's potential is terrifying, and if Mikoto can somehow awaken it… well then...

The children of the MC will start becoming stronger and such, they will soon start participating in battles soon too.

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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)

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Chapter 44

Title: What The Hell Is Wrong With This Family!?!?


Two years pas since that incident with Shirahoshi and Vander Decken. Except for the fights between Kaido and Jaw, everything has been quiet all over the world. Also, there was some war Kuraigana Island which turned the humandrill apes in there into violent creatures. But the war was something insignificant in the overall world. The fights between Kaido and Jaw are also coming to an end, the two who used to fight every month at a minimum now rarely fight, and the last time they fought was six months ago. The world took this as Kaido grudgingly acknowledging Jaw as his equal and part of the Yonko.

Also, Jaw's bounty has raised exponentially during these two years, and its a whopping 4,000,000,000 β…

His territories have grown too and it is bigger than Big MOm's and its comparable to Whitebeard. Plus his secret deals with many countries even outside of the Grand Line have made him a danger to the World Government that his threat is bigger than most other Yonko. But at the same time, it isn't like he isn't also supplying the World Government with weapons too.

Anyway currently as his power has settled down in York New Island, where Jaw's main base is. This is a futuristic island, and its leader (Jaw) is in his throne room which is inside one of the tallest skyscrapers on the island. He had hired many people from Vegapunk's home town. Of course, the world government has noticed this, but as Jaw is their main source of supplying weapons and materials. They let him do it, and even if they made a fuss about it they knew that in no way would Jaw listen to them. At the end of the day, he is a pirate and his deal with the world government is mutually beneficial and nothing more. He will still be hunted down by the marines and captured and Jaw will at the same time destroy any world government or marine vessels that he likes.

'Me supplying them with weapons is no big deal, they would get them from somewhere else even if they didn't get it from me. Plus they pay the best prices when it comes to money, they are some rich bastards.' By "rich" he means the different resources that they exchange. From different Seastone weapons, devil fruits, rare swords, technological advancements, and even the secrets on how to fuse a devil fruit with a weapon.

He looks at the katana stabbed in the ground next to his throne. It had eccentric lighting symbols and it sometimes even seemed to release electricity. This is his new weapon, Raijin, the sword infused with the Paramecia type Zap Zap fruit. This sword has brought his swordsmanship to a whole new level and no longer does he only made thin cuts among Kaido's body. The cuts are now lethal in power and he can even kill Kaido now with this sword of his. That is why Kaido stopped fighting him now because there is actually a true chance of him dying against Jaw now. Kaido has countless scars along his body as a result os his fights against Jaw and even when someone sees the injury made on him by Oden, most people would assume that it was during one of his battles against Jaw.

As Jaw is contemplating his future actions and the routes to the power that he will need to guide his children towards, the door to his throne room is opened and a young slim pretty woman with strawberry blonde hair that goes to about her shoulders and she had blue eyes.

Jaw has an amused look in his eyes as she enters. In her hand, she also has a light blue transponder snail with a white beard.

"One of your transponder snails is ringing and it seems to be from one of the bases in Sky Island. I didn't know we even had one in a sky island." Says the blond woman as she comes closer and hands over to Jaw the transponder snail.

Jaw takes in and Jaw still has an amused look on his face. "As always Kalifa, you do an excellent job as a secretary."

Kalifa pushes up her glasses and says. "That's sexual harassment…"

"JaJahahahaha…" Jaw laughs at this goodheartedly. "As always Kalifa, when you are free we could and grab some dinner together."

Kalifa just blushes a little at that. "I am always busy and going to dinner with you is sexual harassment…"

She walks off with a soft smile on her face even as she says stuff like that. Jaw just smiles at that. He knows that she is a spy for the world government, but he still keeps her around. Better have a spy that he knows about that one he doesn't know.


Jaw opens the transponder snail and says. "Gan Fall, how is it going old friend."

On the other side, the old man has a panicked look on his face as he says. "Jaw… Skypea needs your help."

Jaw's smile widens when he hears that. This is the call that he has been waiting for for quite a while. "Tell me the situation… as I will be there as soon as I can."


At this time, in Fishman island, Jinbe was fighting against a Jaw look alike. Though the young man was only twelve years old, he was two (6'5 feet) meters tall and Jaw was three meters (9'8 feet) tall.

Jinbe was having some difficulty against Kisame, the young kid not only looked like his father, he even had the same power his father had at that age.

<Five Thousand Tile True Punch>

Jinbe punches Kisame in the stomach, which makes the latter spit out a glob of blood but he doesn't move and grabs Jinbe's wrist. He leans his hand backward and...


Punches Jinbe in the head, making him spit out blood. Jinbe can feel himself almost pass out due to that powerful hit. Kisame's monstrous raw strength that without even using Fishman Karate he could make such powerful hits.

'What the hell is wrong with that family!' Thinks Jinbe, Kisame has been challenging him every day for the last six months. In the beginning, he could defeat Kisame easily, but as time went along he wasn't able to keep up with the kid. 'Sh*t… I might actually lose today against a twelve years old kid.'

<Two Thousand Tile Puch>

Kisame's punch connects with Jinbe's palm as his other hand is being held by Kisame in a tight steel-like grip not letting go at all.

'Damn… this kid is monstrous… just like his father.'


At the same time in East Blue in Foosha Village, a marine ship with a dog head, lands in the port. This is Garp's ship and the old man screams out loud. "ITACHI TIME TO JOIN THE MARINES!!!"

Everyone of Garp's subordinates covers their ears as Garp's scream is too loud. And at the same time, another (quieter) scream comes from the village. "OY! Old man, you just woke up everybody in the village with that scream!!!"

"AH! I APOLOGISE TO THEM ABOUT THAT!!!" Yells Garp out loud again. "It's all Itachi's fault… you can blame him."


While this happened, back again in Fishman Island the fight between Kisame and Jinbe had finished… and Jinbe was lying on the ground unconscious with blood around his head. Kisame too had blood coming out of his head, but he still had a victorious smile on his face.

Now Jaw's crew strength will start skyrocketing, from the weakest of the Yonko Crew... it will soon become one of the strongest.

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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)

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(You can become part of the votes if you join Discord, and I also share pictures of the different characters. I HAVE THIS AMAZING PICTURE OF KISAME DEFEATING JINBE.)

Chapter 45

Title: Goro Goro No Mi...

-Jaw POV-

I am currently getting ready on one of my ships on the futuristic port York New Island. Enel has finally appeared on Sky Island, so this is my chance to get his fruit. But at the same time, I must be careful and can't have him escape me. If he somehow decides to escape, I can't exactly stop him, he does travel at the speed of lightning after all.

I am simply not that fast and even with my future vision, though I can stop his attacks. I can't just chase him at his speed.

As I get on the ship, I see Kakashi, Mikoto, Escanor, and Ichigo waiting for me. I just smile at them. "Ready?"

They nod, they are all twelve years old but their size looks more like an older teen due to the training they have gone through. Their muscles have tightened, just like Coby's did after his marine training. This is the kind of law of this world, just like a shadow is a second soul and such.

As we are about to set sail I hear someone call out. "Oy! Dad, wait up!!!"

I just look at where the voice is coming and see that it is Kisame covered in bandages. Did he fight with Jinbe again? He has been doing that a lot lately. He wants that 2nd strongest Fishman so much… saying things that as my son if he is anything lower than 2nd then he isn't worth being my son. He is sometimes nice like that, that is why he is one of my favorite kids… and I have hundreds of them.

Still, I can't be too soft on him. He has been spending this last year just fighting Jinbe. I don't want him to waste his time on things like that, he will need to train a couple more months with me personally before he can defeat Jinbe.

"So did you defeat Jinbe yet?" I ask him as Kisame uses <Geppo> to get into the ship.

He smiles at that and says. "Hell yeah…I just did…"

I am a little surprised at that. But I guess Kisame's Haki and physical strength must have grown faster as he fought against Jinbe. I need to stop him from becoming too arrogant…

"That is good, but you are still nowhere near strong enough to be my second in command." As I tell him that I remind him that literally, every other 2nd in command from the other Yonko would wreck him, and he is twelve-year-olds so expecting him to take on Yonko commanders at that age is unreasonable. But he is my son, he will be able to overcome this, and there will be no place for arrogance anymore as the sibling of his who will eat the Rumble Rumble Fruit will surpass him in strength.

I look at Kakashi as I think of that. He will be perfect for the fruit. He is smart and with the combination with his fruit he will definitely easily surpass Kisame by quite a major gap.

Kisame just immediately starts doing push-ups as I say that he isn't strong enough. So his simple mindset becomes his weapon as he hits his problem head-on by training more.

I smile at that as I gaze with a side-glance at Kakashi when he sees his brother training. He closes a book that he is reading and he goes back inside the ship. I know that he is going to train 10x harder now as lately he hasn't even been able to put up a fight against Kisame. Their sibling rivalry is beautiful. Kakashi is a diamond and Kisame is an Emerald, and my duty as their father… it is my responsibility to bring out their full potential!


As we set sail Mikoto brings out an intelligent bird and tells it to fly in a certain direction. There are a lot of species like that in this world, this is a white dove as it flies and Mikoto then crouches down, closing her eyes as she touches the ship…


Slowly the ship starts floating and it flies off after the bird at a sustainable speed. We fly above the clouds and I smile at that as I see all of this. Mikoto has gotten good at using her fruit and she is now technically 'targeting" the bird who is flying. But she has decided the speed at which she is 'targeting' so actually we are more like floating now.

I see that Mikoto is concentrating to hold this. We should arrive in Skypea in a couple of days. She will have to push herself a little but I know that she can do it. Even if she can't it doesn't matter, we will just go undersea by coating.


It takes around one day and a half before we catch sight of the Island. Mikoto seems to get more used to this flying method of our ship as we had to follow the bird.

Immediately as we are about to arrive there I smile as I look at the hull of our ship and see a lanky man with blonde hair and weird ears. He saved me the trouble of even looking for him.

"Well hello there young man." I call out to the man with a friendly look on my face.

"You should bow down to god." Says Enel as he appears in front of me in the blink of an eye. I don't even flinch, my smile still on my face. I don't need to get angry at a dead man.

He extends his hand and touches my shoulder.

[50,000,000 Vari]

....nothing happens…

"Hm?" Enel seems confused by this as I point at a coin that I have between my fingers and touching his skin. The coin is made out of Seastone… I got it from Wano, it has a Jaw written on one side, and on the other, it has my pirate flag symbol. It was expensive as sh*t to get this behind Kaido's back. But I have too much money anyway and can't spend money faster than I am making it.

Anyway, I don't give Enel any time to react as…


I grab him by the throat using Haki and I lift him by his neck and...


I slam him on the ground head first and due to the coin being connected to his skin he can't even use his devil fruit ability.


I can hear his neck crack and he dies. I then call my children. "Bring the fruits here, let's see which one got the Lightning Fruit."

I told them to hide just in case. But that was unnecessary it seems.

Kakashi comes out and he has a blue fruit, it seems like an apple with strange swirls which seem to kinda resemble lightning.

The rest of the siblings come out and look at Kakashi with a smile on their faces. This is one more powerhouse on the family and another layer of protection for the family.

Kakashi smiles a little too.


He takes a bite and his face pales a little, but in the end, he quickly eats the rest of the fruit.

"Damn… that was really gross." Though he says that, he has a smile on his face.

I can't help it as I look at him with a look of pride on my face. "Try using it…"

He nods, closes his eyes, and concentrates.


Electricity appears on his hand. He opens his eyes and looks at his hand with a face full of surprise and amazement.

As we see the MC used the Seastone coin to stop Enel's powers from working. He didn't want to take a risk of him running away. He didn't take a risk too and was extremely careful about this. If he lost something like The Lightning Fruit because of his arrogance… yeah...

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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)

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Chapter 46

Title: Playing with fire...

-Kalifa POV-

I just look at Jaw as he returns. He steps off the ship with a smile on his face and even his children seem to be beaming, except Kisame as he has an annoyed look on his face as his hair is standing up with static shocks coming out. Did he try to pick up his father's sword again?

But that doesn't matter as I just glance slightly at Ichigo, though he is only twelve he looks more like eighteen and I have to say out of his family he is the most handsome of them all. Anyway, I just approach Jaw and tell him about what happened while he was away, it was mostly just logistical reports and see that he has a bored look as he listens to me.

I know that he is paying full attention to this. I have learned that Jaw isn't some dumb brute. Though his physical strength is monstrous, his mind is even sharper. That is exactly what I am also afraid of, he always has an amused smile when I ask him about certain information just out of 'curiosity'. Does he already know that I am a spy of the world government?

Fu*k… this guy is way scarier than any of the children which are honestly terrifying. I have been trained by the world government and even then I am sure that Mikoto can defeat me within seconds, and she is on the weaker side of the family physically.


After explaining Jaw all of that and him talking to me for about half an hour about their 'holiday' but he still gave me zero information on what actually happened. Now I just know that Kisame tried some dinosaur meat and liked it…


I just go on the inside of the castle and towards the training grounds and there I see Ichigo training.


I see him do a weak air slash with his sword that does a small scratch in the tree in front of him. I see his cute face frown… ahhh… this is bad… I must remember that he is only twelve years old. But still, age is just a number and if he decides to be like his father whom at twelve had him, though I won't be having children with him, I wouldn't mind doing it with someone as good looking as him.

I mean I tried seducing his father, he does have a harem so he must be amazing in the bed or something like that. But he isn't exactly physically appealing, but I was willing to compromise because if I became part of his harem or something like that I would become part of the 'family' which means that I would have access to whatever I would want.

Still, in no way I can trick Jaw, he can see right through me and if I tried something he might figure out who I am and what I am here for… that would spell certain death to me if that happened. I can see it in his eyes too, he has no intention of ever doing anything more than teasing me.

Still, I have a stack of documents and push up my glasses slightly as I approach Ichigo who is lying down in the ground.

-General POV-

Ichigo lies on the ground breathing heavily. He still doesn't have the necessary physical strength to use flying slashes. He understands the principle behind it, he has even seen his father and Kisame do the flying slashes with no problem.

Suddenly as he is lying down, relaxing with the sun hitting his face, he closes his eyes. He contemplates what he should do better to try and make those slashes fly. But that is when he feels a shadow cover him. He opens his eyes and sees his father's secretary, Kalifa, her blue eyes stare into his brown eyes.

"You shouldn't try to brute force it." Says Kalifa suddenly.

"Hm?" Ichigo is confused by what she means by that.

"You need to do it more elegantly and smother the air. Don't try to copy your father, there are multiple ways to achieve a flying slash. Brute force isn't the only way." As she says that she extends her hand to Ichigo and pulls him up.

"I didn't know that you were so knowledgeable about swordsmanship… actually I didn't know that you were even a fighter at all." Says Ichigo confusedly. Kalifa just smirks slightly at this.

"Well, I am a Yonko's secretary and one can't become that by just being weak. Especially to someone like your father who expects perfection out of everyone." Says Kalifa with a sweet smile on her face.

Ichigo looks surprised at that. "Dad seeks perfection out of everyone?"

Kalifa smiles at that and even chuckles a little. "Yep, even from you and your siblings too. He wants to protect you all, that is why he does what he does."

Ichigo seems to contemplate what Kalifa just said. "I never really looked at it that way."

He then looks at Kalifa and takes a deep breath before bowing down to his waist and saying. "Thanks for everything Kalifa -san. But can I bother you to teach me about the flying slashes?"

As he had his head looking at the ground he didn't see that in Kalifa's face a small blush appeared. 'Ahhhh… Ichigo… you are so polite, nice, smart, gentlemanly and handsome… truly the perfect man.'

But while she sees that Ichigo gets up and expects an answer from her. Kalifa's face immediately calms down and is back to her polite smile. "Of course I will help you Ichigo."

Ichigo smiles at her as she says that. Kalifa just puts her documents on the ground and says. "Okay, show me your stance."

Ichigo's expression changes to a serious one and he then Kalifa goes behind him and leans her body and guides his hands and as she touches his abdominal muscles. Ichigo can't help it as he blushes a little at this.

"Concentrate." Says Kalifa as she guides his sword back and continues to whisper in his ear. "Relax your body, just like you are swimming on your back. That is it..."

Kalifa then pushes her body against Ichigo even more, and as she has a calm look on her face, Ichigo's face also is calm. He has already controlled his feelings and is currently calm, the only thing left that he can hear is Kalifa's soft voice that whispers in his ear and his rhythmic heartbeat that is getting slower.

"Now… as your body's muscles are all relaxed. Your sword is just slipping out of your fingers… NOW STRIKE!!!" Yells Kalifa suddenly and Ichigo's muscles tense up all over again and his body suddenly using its full power and Kalifa's hair flutter as she sees something beyond amazing. A giant white slash comes out of Ichigo's sword and...


It reality cuts through the tree and even made a giant gash on the wall behind it. He did it on the first try… that is what surprised her. He even went beyond the tree and made a large gash on the wall.

'What the hell…' Thinks Kalifa in shock, she has never seen someone like this.


What Kalifa didn't know was that in one of the towers from the skyscrapers, three people were looking at the interaction between Kalifa and Ichigo. They were Kakashi, Mikoto, and Escanor... Kakashi was reading a book while Mikoto and Escanor were looking at them directly. Mikoto especially had a dangerous look in her eyes as she says. "Now… Kalifa wouldn't be as dumb as to try and seduce Ichigo, would she? That is extremely suspicious why she would do that… maybe a little torture would definitely loosen up her lips."

"Hmmmm…" Hums Escanor thinking about this. Kakashi just gives the situation a side-glance as he decides to give his own suggestion. "I can use my devil fruit and cause her an extreme amount of pain without permanently injuring her."

As we can see Kalifa is obviously a spy for the World Government. Anyway, the children have noticed something suspicious, let's see where this goes.

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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)

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Chapter 47

Title: Mikoto's Anger….

-General POV-

After that teaching session, Kalifa went back to her duties while Ichigo went back to mess around with some of his younger siblings. As Kalifa was walking down the hallways, she saw Mikoto at the end of the hallway, and she had a calm look in her eyes.

"Good morning Mikoto." Greets Kalifa, she has a smile on her face as she says that. But Mikoto doesn't say anything as she just walks past her.

'Arrogant b*tch.' Thinks Kalifa as in the end she just walks past her too.


Kalifa can suddenly feel the wind behind her move, and she instinctively moves and jumps sideways and dodges. She sees that Mikoto has a crazy look in her eyes, as they have widened beyond what should be possible for her. Mikoto looks at Kalifa with her dark eyes and says. "You dodged? Why would you do that Kalifa -san? Or more accurately, how can you do that?"

Kalifa's body is covered in cold sweat as soon as she sees the psychotic look on Mikoto's face. "You wouldn't be trying to hurt my family, would you Kalifa?"

'Sh*t… what gave me away!' while Kalifa thinks that she has a nervous look in her eyes, she knows just fu*ked she is if she is found out right here in the middle of the hallway. She can't even kill Mikoto in a straight-up fight as Mikoto is stronger than her physically too. Though hundreds of thoughts go through her mind, she still has a calm look head and hadn't said anything compromising. To her, the situation is still solvable. "Mikoto, I think that you have misunderstood something. I don't know what you are talking about. I have never done anything that would go against Jaw's benefits and you know that."

Mikoto just looks at her with that psychotic look in her eyes still.

With a lightning flash, Kakashi appears next to Mikoto and calmly says. "Sis, you need to calm down."

"This b*tch is trying to hurt our family. The whole pain in the world is not enough to wash off her sins. We should torture her before we kill her. Slowly rip out her nails, one by one, then her teeth, and after that, we start with the eyes…" Mikoto continues to describe terrific tortures that can be administered to Kalifa.

"Calm down!" says Kakashi this time a little more forcefully. But Mikoto doesn't listen. "Fu*k that, I will rip this b*tch apart."

Immediately she escapes Kakashi's grip and rushes Kalifa. But Escanor comes out, his muscles fully puffed up. He has already used his Muscle-Muscle Fruit to enhance his body's muscles. He grabs Mikoto by the back of the head and puts her on the ground.

"Mikoto this isn't like you at all, you need to calm down." Says Escanor as his arms surprisingly shake a little as he holds Mikoto down on the ground. Mikoto looks up at Kalifa with a killer look in her eyes.

"That b*tch could cause the death of one of our family members, we have the babies in here too. We let that b*tch close to our baby brothers and sisters, can you even imagine if she decided to kill one of them. I will torture the wh*re to insanity." Says Mikoto, her state of mind very volatile at the moment. Though she is a bright child, just imagining the death of one of her siblings has brought forth an unimaginable rage from her.

Kakashi can see that surprisingly the usually calm sibling of his is irrationally angry. Though he is angry too, he can control that anger. He learned something new about his sister today that is for sure.

In the end, Kakashi has no choice but to tell Escanor. "Escort Mikoto back to her room. She seems..."

Escanor, who is the calmest amongst the three of his siblings. Intelligence can in a way be a curse too because both Kakashi and Mikoto could figure out ways that Kalifa could have killed one of the baby siblings and gotten away with it. In a way, they are already overanalyzing the situation, while in Escanor's eyes, Kalifa is already caught and no danger to his family. So for him, that is it, there is no what would have been, there is no deep knowledge to be gotten by thinking of different possibilities of what could have been.

Mikoto struggles in Escanor's arms and tells him to let her go so she can rip out Kalifa's face.


As Mikoto is taken away, Kakashi now looks at Kalifa with a calm look on his face, this terrifies Kalifa even more because she knows that even if she was innocent, now that Mikoto is angry and mad at her. They will kill her to appease Mikoto, she knows how this crazy family works. As long as it makes a family member happy, then the life of someone else is unimportant.

"You know what will happen now don't you?" Says Kakashi calmly. Kalifa simply nods at this, she knows that if she just accepts her fate then she will be given a painless death… at least she hopes so.


Kakashi appears next to her and whispers to her. "Sorry, but it seems like you will have to go to sleep now."

<Ten Million Volt Vari>


Everything goes black for her as she feels a gentle lightning current run through her body. Kakashi wasn't too harsh on her, except her teaching Ichigo and acting seductively around him, there was no proof of any other misconduct or anything like that and if Kalifa truly was innocent, then they are simply killing a very skillful secretary who is very good at time management.


A couple of hours pass and the whole family is back together to discuss what is going to happen to Kalifa. They were all sitting on a table as Kalifa was tied up with Seaprism stone chains just to be sure.

Jaw as just sitting there with his arms folded as he looks at his children between the age of twelve and ten discuss matters on someone's life and death.

"I am with Mikoto on this one." Says Kisame as he also has a furious look on his face. He is the eldest brother and if something happened to his younger siblings he would never be able to forgive himself. His usually slow-minded and joyful look is nowhere to be seen on his face. He had a hard and cold look. "I think that wee should torture her publicly and make an example."

Kakashi nods at that. "I agree, that would put fear in the hearts of any other spy laying around. So they either decide to escape or confess… even if they decide to stay that will make them inefficient due to their fear."

Escanor on the other hand just shakes his head. "I think that we should keep this matter private after all people already fear father there is no need for theatrics like this. It will just make us seem weak for the need to even resort to such methods."

Deidara is the one to agree with Escanor too. "Yes, we should consider what Escanor -nii said. After all, we are already strong shoeing such petty tricks might fool the masses but the real important and strong guys will simply see us as weak or they might even come to the conclusion that we might not be as strong as we seem."

As this happens, Ichigo had a complicated look on his face. Hearing his siblings talk about the death of someone whom he was close to so casually. It truly brought his mood down. He didn't know what to do and just gave a sideglance towards his father to figure out what he is thinking. He saw that his father too looked back at him and had an encouraging smile that pretty much said that he could do what he thought was right.

So in the end Ichigo decided to tackle his stance and say. "I don't think that she is a threat."

As soon as he said that, he felt the gazes of his siblings settle down on him. But he didn't buckle under the pressure at all and said. "We have no proof that she is even involved in anything like what you are talking about. She only taught me how to do a flying slash, if she had bad intentions… then why would she help me, if I am her 'enemy'."

"Simple...:" Said Kakashi. "She wanted for you to grow feelings for her and in the end fall in love. After that, she will make you do a family betrayal and that is it pretty much."

"No way would I betray family for her." Counter argues Ichigo.

Kakashi looks directly into his eyes and says. "Then what is stopping you from letting her die then?"

Ichigo winces a little at that and he couldn't help but feel like any of his siblings were on his side until he hears one of them say. "I think that Ichigo's idea has its merit. I mean even if she was a spy, if she somehow decided to turn to our side then that would be very helpful to us."

Ichigo turns to look at the person who supported him and it was his brother which is one year younger than him. This sibling had red hair that covered his eyes and a seemingly small figure, he is Nagato, Jaw's 8th son, and someone who is usually very quiet at times like this.

While everything was happening, Jaw looked at his children discussing such things and he has a proud smile on his face. He didn't care whether Kalifa died or lived, he just wanted his children to learn and develop from an occasion like this. Kalifa is no threat because he can sense her emotions with his Observation Haki.

As we can see there is a whole dynamic of children with different personalities amongst them. Some are nice, cruel, loving, and many more. Also, we see something that we don't usually see from someone like Mikoto, fury… absolute fury. As the oldest sister, she spends the most time with her most younger vulnerable siblings. So she imagined them dying because of Kalifa and she couldn't keep her cool anymore. Jaw on the other hand doesn't really care about this situation and just wants his children to get used to making decisions like this.

P.S: Situations like this are bound to come up in any family or crew, now they must make a decision as a family and stand together. Jaw is teaching them that.

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pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)

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Chapter 48

Title: Kalifa Wakes Up...

-Jaw POV-

I look at my children as they debate things like adults, even though they are only twelve-years-old. I knew that one day this time would come, so it's better to happen sooner than later. Mikoto also seems to have an anger problem, honestly, I never expected this from her as she always seemed more cool-headed. She also is smart, but that anger of hers is a kind of problem, I will have to spend some more time with her alone to try and settle this before it becomes too big of a problem.

I know just how dangerous anger can be in a fight. It is especially bad for Observation Haki, need to nip that in the bud quickly before it grows into something like unreasonable rage. She isn't someone like Big Mom, who is so strong that her rage doesn't affect her fighting style too much.

Still, though I just look at one of my children who is usually quiet, Nagato, he isn't a big talker but he has a good head on his shoulders, and he is also kind. He is the nicest amongst my children who are mostly selfish and think only about family. But I also know that Nagato too has family in his heart way more than some random people and that is why I plan to give him a Devil Fruit in the future that is quite strong.

Anyway, I will see where this meeting goes and how will my children learn to make decisions for themselves without my input. They will learn to calmly discuss things, and learn along the way. They will have the common sense to judge a difficult situation and look for the greater good of the family instead of only themselves.

-General POV-

Everyone looks at Nagato, but he doesn't seem nervous at all as he looks back at his sibling's eyes. "You are all letting your feelings cloud your mind."

As he says that he looks at Kakashi and Mikoto, both of whom are highly intelligent but they are currently making rash decisions and not using their intelligence. Nagato can see that as he continues to say. "I say that we keep her alive, at least temporarily. If she is willing to turn double agent for us that will be an extreme benefit to us. In the end, we can still cleanly kill her and again discuss the way we will do it another time. But for now, we won't lose anything if we let her live while keeping an eye on her. Again, please think logically about this, and Kakashi, Mikoto, don't let the love for us cloud your judgment ever again. Because by doing that you are indirectly less able to protect us. Thank you for listening to me, that is all I had to say."

He bows his head slightly and goes back to leaning on his seat. As ever, Nagato was extremely polite even while discussing something like this. He has always been polite and quiet, but he couldn't stand watching his siblings acting so irrationally. Especially Kakashi and Mikoto, they were the sibling that he looked up to them the most.

In the end, the rest of the siblings calm down, and truly think things through logically and calm down. Jaw has to hold back a smirk that starts appearing on his face. His kids are twelve years old no matter how mature their bodies are or how smart dome of them are, no twelve years old will be able to act 100% logically. But that doesn't mean that Jaw hasn't already started straining their mental facilities. He is doing so right now, having them make decisions like that, and honestly this time the one who showed the most logical thinking is the usually quiet Nagato.

Nagato's speech caused a ripple amongst the siblings, making then understand that Kalifa isn't truly too dangerous as long as they keep an eye on her. This was the turning point, pushing the votes in Ichigo's favor and everyone agreed that letting her live a little longer and see if she is beneficial to the family would be best.


As Kalifa 'wakes up'... well more like she was awake quite a while ago but she was acting like she was unconscious by slowing down her breathing and heartbeat to that of an unconscious person. This way she knew her situation and how she should proceed, well for one she knows that he jig is up now so she has to give it up and come out truthful or her death will be a terrific one.

Now she also knows which one of the kids is on her side… and that is no one. Not even Ichigo was on her side as his opinion that he gave was half hatred, and if the siblings decided to kill her then he definitely wouldn't have made a fuss about it.

Kalifa can't compare at all to his family so he obviously wouldn't choose her over the family. Even Nagato wasn't really against killing Kalifa and was okay with it as long as they got the maximum benefits out of her.

As the children see her wake up and Kalifa sees them, she also notices that they are all looking at her with cold eyes. And they are calm about it too, even Ichigo has a dull and cold look on his face as he says with a cold voice. "Confess…"

That simple line made Kalifa feel like a fish that is ready to be ripped apart by sharks. In the end, she chooses to give up and say. "Yes… I am a spy. I work for the world government and am currently on a mission to observe Yonko Jaw. I am part of Cipher Pol 9 or also known as CP-9. This is the division which the chief of Ennies Lobby Spandam manages. But the orders were given from higher above."

She says that all with a calm face, acting anymore in front of them is bound to get her tortured… she definitely isn't ready for that. She especially doesn't want to be in the hands of Mikoto, because she can get creative with her methods and do much more than physical pain.

The children are all calm at this and in the end, they ask again. "Tell us everything that you have told them and the information that you have in us?"

Kakashi also adds on by saying. "Also, we will be giving you some new information that you will send to the World Government. Plus, we want to edit the information that they already have, make them think that we are weak where we are strong and make us seem strong where we are weak."

Kalifa nods at this meekly. Though her father is from the world government and she was even raised there. She doesn't what to die for it, after all, what did the world government ever even do for her?

Jaw just can't wipe the smile off his face as he sees this. 'They are learning again. Though they haven't grown stronger physically during this meeting. It definitely helped them understand some things and learn some others. I would have created a situation like this for them anyway, but thank you Kalifa for creating this one. You have taught my children an important lesson.'

While this was all happening, Naruto had dozed off and was just sleeping with his eyes open. Dead Cat too was just sleeping on Naruto's lap. Some people just can't learn…

This was a necessary chapter to show how the children are learning to think for themselves and not be just headless chicken in here.

P.S: The MC's children are a lot like their father. They might seem like funny and kind people when with their siblings. But they are terrifying to the outside world, don't forget that.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)

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Chapter 49

Title: Reverie...

-Jaw POV-

As I hear Kalifa say that I see that the children, in the end, decide to keep her alive as she has said that she will work for us. She agreed to teach us the six powers of the marines too. I have most of them figured out but I guess knowing more of them wouldn't be bad. I can use some dodging methods like Kami-E and such, also I should try learning Rokuogan.

Also, Ichigo will be in charge of looking after her, this will be his responsibility and he will be able to see that no matter how she acts now she was a spy. Anyway, now that I have reached my physical limit doesn't mean that this is the limit growth of my power. Plus science should be used to be able to break through my physical limits. I should try and make contact with Vinsmoke Judge. He definitely will be the only person who will help someone like me. Well more like being forced to help, as I will destroy Germa 66 if he disagrees. Destroying him isn't big trouble, especially since the Germa Kingdom is constantly moving in the water. That gives me a huge advantage no matter what. Nothing in this world can compete with me in water.

Anyway as I walk around the main building I can't help but contemplate many things. I will have to train again, not just for learning, but for my physical strength to not deteriorate. I am currently only twenty-four years old… and I already reached my limit. Though in the beginning growing to three-meter tall was cool and all that, now it has lost its factor as now I am used to most people reaching only to around my chest in height.

I arrive at the elevator as I walk past the countless paintings whose eyes follow me as I walk along. It creeps people out when they come to talk to me and it's kind of cool.

I press the button to go to the basement of the building where the training room lies. There I have weights with hundreds of tons, that is the only way that I can even train any longer and actually feel the burn so they say.

As I arrive at one of the machines and start punching it and causally completely obliterating it. It's not even a challenge, the machine is supposed to measure up to 10,000 Doriki. Which pretty much means nothing as even Kisame can reach up to almost 10,000 though he can't break it.

I am pretty confident that in his twenties Kisame should surpass me in raw physical power. He was simply born more powerful than me in that, he has my genes and even more as he was born naturally strong. Hopefully, he can reach Kaido and Big Mom levels of raw power. That way our family gets a higher chance of completing my dream and having this world under our control, after that we should start trying to see how space exploration is achieved. It is definitely possible, and easier than the one back in my earth, Enel back during the canon timeline could reach the moon just by using his ship.

I go towards the body bench press and there are some wide handcuffs, these were made by the scientists. I pick one up and immediately can feel the around ten-ton heaviness. I lock them on and start training by going through different methods and training the different muscles on my body. I want to be able to use Tekkai and tank thinks like magma fists and such, the raw flesh and blood can't take that on because no matter how much one strengthens their body with Tekkai, things like burning and such still affect the body. But if it's combined with my Armament Haki I should be able to handle something like the terrifying attack power of Akainu. But then there is Whitebeard, we are currently allies… kinda. I and he have no attack deal, I suggested the deal and told him about my children, and as a father, he should understand that I don't want my children to be attacked. He agreed quite easily and even let Fishman Island come under my protection. Now I can contend with the other Yonko like Kaido and Big Mom, but I am in no way gonna mess with a Whitebeard at the current time, even at sea I am a little reluctant attack him. His Rumble-Rumble Fruit is just that terrifying.

At least until one of my children gets it, I am not planning for anyone else to get the devil fruit. I obviously won't eat it because it will create a weakness in my arsenal and ruin the power that I have gathered till now.

Hmmm… so many things to think about, I should try getting some strong fruits for my children now so in the future they can master them.

Also definitely need a Fruit that reduces aging, that is a must for me and my family to continue living with immortality. When we get bored, then they can die, that way I won't be sad for them as they have lived the life that they want. I am unsure if I will ever truly decide to die, this world simply has too much to offer and explore.

-General POV-

During the time Jaw was contemplating the future, the world kept moving and currently, the Reverie was being held on Mary Geoise. The meeting lasts seven days and it is held every four years. Already four days had passed since the kings had discussed what they will do to handle Monkey D Dragon. Now comes the 2nd Part of the discussion where they will discuss the next topic, which is considered very taboo for even the kings currently attending the meeting.

An old man with a blond beard, blond hair and he has a cigar in his mouth. He shows the other a photo of Jaws and says. "The next topic we must talk about is this man…"

As soon as he says that, some kings seemed scared of Jaws photo, some were neutral to it and some others winced a little as they saw the photo of their benefactor.

That is when an older man with dark grey eyes, prominent cheekbones, a big nose, and a thick jaw. He has black hair that's tied in a low ponytail behind his neck and a thick mustache that points down at the sides. He is the first one to speak up by saying. "I think that Jaw is just another Yonko, those monsters change every now and then. I don't think that he warrants any attention, plus there seems to not be any huge news going on around him. He also doesn't seem to be fighting the World Government directly."

As he says that everyone looks at him, he is King Tacos, one of the kings in Jaw's pockets as he and his country trade a lot.

'Dumbasses, they talk about people like Jaw being criminals when the biggest criminals are in Mary Geoise, They support trash like the Celestial Dragons and have the audacity to dare and call other people criminals.' Though King Tacos is doing what Jaw told him, he is only doing so because it suits him and at the same time he is sending a hint to the other Kings who had similar thoughts as him.


Though what the King Taco didn't know was that the smart Kings saw him as a dead man already. Cipher Pol would definitely kill him. So even if they agreed with him internally, they wouldn't dare and do something like agree with him on the outside. But a seed of doubt was born in everyone's heart as Taco said this.
What that seed will grow into… no one truly knows… yet...


Though the world government talked about Jaw the talk was only brief. Because the World Government only wanted to separate Jaw's power that he has power over some of the kings. They had an equal exchange deal with him and both need each other. But they in no way were they friends...

The World Government obviously knows some things about Jaw and they plan to definitely hinder him in the way of his growth. They are both playing shadow wars. On the surface they are enemies. Under that surface, they are allies in trading weapons and resources… and under that, they are still enemies.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
pa treon.com/HolyJoker
(33 Chapters in Advance)

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Chapter 50

Title: Joining The Marines...

During the time the Reverie was happening. In the marine headquarters, Itachi is walking next to Garp who is eating crackers. "Okay, Itachi, if anyone bullies you… come to me so I can beat you too. That way maybe that will push you to learn and study harder in the marine base."

Itachi nods at this. He will beat himself if he is bullied, he has power, so he must use it too. But he can't stand Garp already, the old man has been bragging about how many times he broke the Cracker Eating World Record during his time as a marine.


Garp keeps bothering Itachi all the way till he takes him to a building that seems like a dorm building, with a green yard, blue roof and there were countless marine flags around it.

"Welp, this is it brat see ya around. Say hello to my old pal Zed if you meet him." says Garp as he walks away while at the same time eating some rice crackers.

Itachi sighs at this, why do strong people like Garp or his father have to be so weird at everything they do. Even his strongest sibling, Kisame acts extremely weird. In the end, Itachi just sighs and gets those weird thoughts out of his head.

He just enters the yard of the building and looks around. He sees a couple of trees and green fields. He also sees that the entrance door is huge. Itachi can easily figure out that it's most likely for bigger-sized students. Itachi just walks forward, he has no luggage or anything like that since Garp said that he wouldn't need it. Everything will be provided by the marines anyway, so it doesn't matter. In the end, he just has some white shorts and a dark short-sleeved shirt. As he enters the building Itachi sees that the inside of the place was dyed in a light brown and white color. Also, a kind-looking old woman at the receptionist table. She looks at Itachi with a kind smile. "So you must be a newcomer?"
As she asks that, Itach nods his head and walks towards the old woman with a smile on his face too. "Hello there mam. I was wondering what I should do since I already have had all of the paperwork done. I was brought by Vice-Admiral Garp… and… well…"

Itachi just scratched the back of his head nervously with a hard to keep smile on his face. The old woman still has a sweet smile on her face. "Oh, I understand how that feels. Garp has always been like that. Anyway, what is your name young man."

"Ah! Thanks for understanding me, miss…"

"You can call me gran-gran. Everyone here does."

"Okay, gran-gran. My name is Itachi Uchiha." Answers Itachi as he also spells his name for the old woman to write.

After that, he is handed some keys and the old woman says. "Take care now, also in the evening a paper with your schedule will be put under your door. Your room is number 769. Soon you will most likely get a roommate too, but at the time you can enjoy the free room all to yourself. Also tomorrow morning you will get a uniform too. Since all of the recruits are currently training, even the chore boys so they can't bring it at the moment."

Itachi nods at this and starts climbing the stairs till he hits the 7th floor and in there he finds his room and he unlocks the door. When he enters he can see a simple bunk bed, two desks, and another door with 'toilet' written on it.

'Well, this is good enough.' thinks Itachi as he checks around the room and looks around for any cleaning appliances since there is quite a bit of dust around the corners or under objects. 'Probable a chore boy too lazy to clean it.'

Even while he thought that Itachihas a contemplating look and in the end, he decided to go downstairs and ask the old woman for some cleaning appliances. Fater getting some he starts cleaning every nook and cranny of the room. After all, no matter how strong if one gets sick then that is it. After that whole ordeal, he decides to explore the grounds where he will be living for a little while. Well, he plans to rise in rank and not stay as the chore boy for a long time.

Garp already told him to rise through the ranks by himself… and he will do so. No discussion about it. 'I must train hard to get the Vice Admiral rank at least, or else this would be a worthless venture with any less.'


In the end, he finds out where the cafeteria, showers, and many other rooms are. He decides to go to the library and see if he can get anything. He searches about books in cooking and such things. Nothing too special was in them, but he did learn some new dishes except the ones from east blue and such.

-Itachi POV-

It is truly cool reading about different things from all of the blues and different cultures. For example, the people with the cleanest teeth are the ones from North Blue. I should try my hand at craftsmanship too, I wanna be able to build my own ship if I am stranded on an island or something like that.

Immediately I create some clones that come out of my body while at the same time they start going to read some books on different subjects. I think that with ten clones a day, I should be able to read this whole library in a year. But I will keep creating more and more as I don't plan to stay too long here. Creating clones takes stamina, but maintaining them doesn't really take any stamina and even if it does it is pretty negligible to me. Dad said that I shouldn't create clones until I am exhausted as that would put me at risk needlessly. He said that someone can't attain awakening just by using a devil fruit. They must understand it to its core and have countless experiences using it. One must come up with almost impossible methods of usage for a devil fruit before it awakens.


A couple more hours later and the sky starts darkening. I let my clones just wander around. I already gave the information to the marines about my devil fruit. Of course, I said nothing about returning memories back to me when I absorb them.

Still, I must now show just how much potential I have if I wanna raise through the ranks quickly.


After eating dinner I just go back to my room and fall asleep. I also absorb half of the clones and then create five more. I understand some things now, even on how the marines cross the Calm Belt, but dad already figured it out so that is useless to tell dad.

I didn't meet anyone interesting at dinner and just simply ate alone. But the chore boys are really weak… like really weak. Like a five-year-old Naruto could wipe the floor with one hundred of them. Wonder how Naruto is doing now? Probably just messing around…

Tomorrow will be the first time that I will start training with the others.

Ahhh... Writing the Canon of One Piece on Patreòn is surprisingly fun. Especially with the sh*t that Jaw has changed.

Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N
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(33 Chapters in Advance)

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There's not much point in hiding the clone-memory thing if he's going to have a bunch of clones reading in the library; it's kind of obvious otherwise there wouldn't be a point in having clones read anything.
There's not much point in hiding the clone-memory thing if he's going to have a bunch of clones reading in the library; it's kind of obvious otherwise there wouldn't be a point in having clones read anything.
It's not relatively hidden he simply didn't mention it. One could say that he 'forgot', after all, they didn't ask his life story. Just some overview of his powers, abilities and such. Cipher Pol does it's own investigation on people as they rise through the ranks.
Chapter 51 - 60
Chapter 51

Title: First Day...


The next day Itachi wakes up and gets ready to meet with other chore boys and go to the training grounds.

He puts on his marine uniform, which consists of a sleeveless white top with the marine insignia in the back and blue pants.

But at this time on the training grounds, a place where the marines take turns by ranks to be trained by Zephyr. The training ground has different weights that one can lift, from 10kg to 2ton. There were also track fields and wooden targets for sharpshooters.

But in this training ground a tan-skinned, purple-haired man was already waiting for the new students while sitting on one of the giant weights.

He is also using one hand to read a paper. The man is also wearing reading glasses and one of his arms looks like a mechanical construction. The cybernetic arm was wearing a glove and resembled his other muscular arm, except mechanical.

The paper he is reading is about one of the recruits that was suggested by one of his old friends who was too lazy to train him himself. Garp knows that Zephyr is better as a teacher than him, he has been training marine recruits for decades now.

Though his arm last year was cut off and it left Zephyr with an emotional shock of seeing his students dying.

'Itachi Uchiha…' As he reads Itachi's file he can't help but be impressed with his physical abilities and personality evaluation. 'This kid is talented, hmm… I wonder if I can train another admiral by now.'

Zephyr contemplates that, he knows that someone like Itachi who seems to have been born with high physical strength. If he trains religiously then he will become strong. He himself was nothing special, but at the age of thirty-eight, he did reach the admiral rank. That was all just due to his training and hard work, unlike the other admirals which have Devil Fruits or are born unnaturally strong.

Garp for example even as a kid would tame tigers and use them as his traveling method. Something that could rip apart an adult, was easily handled by him as a kid.

'Hmmm…' Zephyr can't help but as he contemplates how to train Itachi. The kid has potential and even caught Garp's eye, he definitely will be someone strong in the future.


Half an hour later and the chore boys arrive to train at six in the morning. The lower the rank, the earlier one has to wake up and train. The training is obligatory and lasts for one hour. At least until they get the rank of Seaman First Class. They must train like this if they want to be marines at the headquarters.

Zephyr jumps off the training weight that he is sitting on and lands in front of the chore boys. "Attention!"

"""Good morning teacher Zephyr.""" Everyone greets him simultaneously, even Itachi does so. As soon as he saw the others do it, he just saluted and moved his lips making it seem like he is doing it too.

"Twenty laps around the training ground in twenty minutes or no breakfast for you." Says Zephyr casually. Immediately the chore boys start running at full speed. Some run faster, some slower and some have already given up on breakfast so they just jogged casually.

Itachi sees that the others have started running. He crouches down and immediately breaks into a sprint, immediately easily surpassing them all. He goes at top speed and finishes his laps under five minutes. This is just his running speed as he didn't use <Soru> to supplement his speed. In the end, he wasn't even breathing heavily.

When Zephyr sees this he just smirks slightly. "Itachi Uchiha, come with me."

He remembers the names of every one of his trainees, no matter how weak or strong they are. Itachi just looks at Zephyr when he hears his name being called.

He casually walks towards his teacher. His walk shows that he is not nervous at all.

As he comes close, he looks at Itachi and points his palm at him. "Punch my palm with all that you got. If I find it satisfactory, I will promote you."

Itachi seems slightly surprised when he hears this. He didn't expect a promotion option to come up so soon.

On the other hand, Zephyr has other thoughts in his mind. 'Keeping him here as a chore boy would be a waste of time for him.'

In the end, Itachi just nods and he has his usual calm look on his face as he clocks his fist backward. He has never been good at Fishman Karate, even the lowest of levels were extremely hard to him. But he still knows how to throw a decent punch and maximize power output through it.

He takes a deep breath and holds it in for a couple of seconds, making his body make blood flow faster to carry oxygen.


He then exhales and that is when he punches forward.


Hitting Zephyr's palm, obviously the old admiral wasn't at all affected by it. But he did have a slightly thoughtful look in his eyes.

'At twelve years old and his Doriki is already at 800…' Contemplates Zephyr, at 800 Doriki one can easily enter Cypher Pol and even be a good agent at it too. Itachi already has the qualifications to learn the six powers. 'If this kid keeps up his training, he has an 80% chance of becoming an admiral level combatant.'

"Kid, now you are a Seaman First Class. You will have to keep training though. Also, you can come and ask me any questions that you have. You will get your room in the headquarters too. In six months I will personally take you to go pirate hunting." Explains Zephyr as a smirk appears on his face. "Welcome to the marines brat… later someone will come and pick you up and show you around."

Itachi nods at this and just goes towards the weights and picks the couple hundred kilograms weights. He then starts training with them.


He trained for four hours straight with no rest, once his arms got tired, he trained his legs. If that got tired he would train his abdominal muscles and back muscles… Zephyr would also give him some instructions on how to exercise every now and then. Itachi would also ask him questions and would follow what Zephyr said without complaining.


Eight hours into his training and except eating breakfast or lunch, Itachi again comes and trains. Everyone else in the marines fished their training already, Zephyr didn't think that the kid would last that long. But Itachi's will power is truly something that is way more precious than his physical talent.

'His Haki will be monstrous once he learns about it.' Think Zephyr as he can see that Itachi isn't as simple as he seems. His hard work is like that of someone with a mission. 'I wonder what his motivation is?'


Ten hours in his training, it's now four in the afternoon and Itachi finally falls on the ground. The dirt feels like a pillow as he falls asleep, immediately as he does so, one of his clones comes and picks him up. The clone then looks at Zephyr and asks. "Where do I take him? Do we change living quarters too?"

Zephyr nods at the clone and says. "Follow me."





Chapter 52

Title: Ain...


As Zephyr guides Itachi (clone) to the main building of the marine headquarters. The clone just asks the instructor. "So, how strong do you think the original is?"

Zephyr was unsure if he should answer as that would make Itachi arrogant if he says that he is strong or such things. But he remembers how Itachi trained for hours upon hours.

"Currently… you can easily be as strong as a Captain of Marine Headquarters." Says Zephyr. And he wasn't exaggerating, at twelve he was about as strong as a Captain. Of course, there are different categories of strength in ranks, but in a general overview, Itachi would be a captain.

The clone Itachi nods at that. "Then it seems like the original has a long way to go."

Zephyr smiles when he hears that. As he suspected, Itachi is ambitious. Someone like that is perfect for the marines.


At this time, in the marine headquarters main building. Garp was laying down on Sengoku's office, sleeping in one of the couches.

That is when Sengoku opens his office door with a loud bang. "Garp!!! The new recruit that you brought in is only twelve years old. He is supposed to go to the orphanage and train there. These are the rules, bringing a child like that in the training place that is for people over the age of fourteen is illegal."

As he yells all of this, he looks at Garp to hear his answer, but instead, Garp is just sleeping still and snores loudly.

"GARP!!!!" Yells out Sengoku loudly once again. His anger goes to new levels as he sees Garp just opens his eyes for a little bit, mumbles something unintelligible, and turns around on the couch he is laying down on.

"Sengoku, can't you see I am sleeping~... you stupid goat beard." Mumbles Garp.


Ain is currently preparing some tea for Zephyr as he will be returning soon from training the Marine corps.

She is sitting in a modest-looking place with a table, kitchen, and a tea ceremony set.

'Teacher Zephyr has been in a bad mood ever since the attack…' Contemplates Ain, she can't help but feel sorry for the old Zephyr. Even his health has been getting worse recently.

"GARP I SAID WAKE UP!!!" Ain hears that scream as the building shakes slightly.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp seem to be at it again." Thinks Ain aloud. She is already used to this, usually, every time Garp comes to the marine headquarters, he somehow annoys Sengoku to no end.

*knock* *knock*

Suddenly she heard a knock on the door and she heard the door open. She knows that it is Zephyr due to him always knocking even though technically this is his living place.

She looks at him and surprisingly sees two twins, one of them is holding the other on his back as he sleeps.

"Who are they?" Asks Ain with her curiosity visible in her voice.

Zephyr smiles at her question and says. "Well, he is Itachi and his clone."

"Huh?" Ain is confused about this. "What?"

The Itachi clone starts explaining to her what his devil fruit does.

"Woah! That is amazing Itachi. You must tell me some more about it. It's not only strong but also very convenient." Exclaims Ain in amazement. She also has a Devil Fruit, but it isn't that strong by itself. Nor is it that convenient, though she guesses that she will appreciate her fruit one she is older.

The clone just lays the original on the ground and talks with Ain. "Hm? Really? I always thought that my fruit was on the weak side. I mean compared to the Magma, Light, or such other Logia fruits of the admirals. Mine is only at best mediocre."

Ain just flickers (clone) Itachi's forehead and says. "Don't say that, your fruit is amazing."

Zephyr interferes in this too by saying. "Just imagine that if you ever become a vice admiral or something like that. Then even an admiral wouldn't be able to fight one hundred Vice Admirals, then if you awaken your fruit. It will be terrifying to fight against you."

Itachi's eyes widen a little when he hears this. 'Is this what dad had in mind when he gave me this fruit?'

As Itachi (clone) thinks this the original stirs up and looks around. He looks at his clone and extends his hand toward the clone. The clone then gets up and gives the original a handshake.

Immediately the clone deflates like a balloon and his memories are absorbed by Itachi.


Later on, Itachi is guided to his room by Ain and she explains to him how things generally work around here.

As they are walking Ain can't help but ask Itachi his age, who is about her height. "By the way, how old are you Itachi? I am seventeen and wonder how did you get in the marines?"

Ain can't help but smile with a blush on her face as she asks that. Itachi is handsome, strong, and very humble. He also is respectful and seems to be kind too. The perfect man…

"I am twelve." Answers Itachi as he enters his new room. "Anyway, see you around Ain. I am currently still too tired from the training so I will sleep now and eat a very big breakfast in the morning."

Ain can feel the world crushing her as she hears Itachi say that. Him being twelve shocked her, he looks like he is at least sixteen.


Itachi on the other hand doesn't care about any of that. He noticed the signs that Ain was sending him, his father has a harem. He knows when someone is showing affection towards him. Ain is simply infatuated with him.

'As dad used to say… it's just a simple crush.' Thinks Itachi, as his mind wanders at the most important part. 'Her devil fruit… it's quite interesting…'

He thinks that as he opens the window to his new room and contemplates it. 'Her fruit… will be quite useful to the family.'

As he thinks that, a strange look appears in Itachi's eyes. Unlike his usual eyes that he portrays in front of others, his eyes gain a certain coldness in them as he looks at the full moon out tonight.


At the same time, Ain just walks back to her room dejectedly.



Tomorrow comes in the blink of an eye, Itachi wakes up in his new room which is fully cleaned up by his clones before he went to sleep yesterday evening.

As usual, he gets up and does the routine that he has always done. Ever since he was a child. Brushing his teeth, some stretches, a shower and he then goes to get some breakfast.

As he walks in the cafeteria he doesn't see Ain or anyone like that. The cafeteria is huge and has thousands of official marines in there. They already had their group of friends and such. So he just goes and sits on his own, he takes a giant tray of food as big as half of his body. But that doesn't seem to be strange at all amongst the marines so no one pays him attention amongst the rowdy hall.

Itachi just takes his food on an empty seat and starts eating, unbothered by the loud sounds around him.


Chapter 53 (BONUS CHAPTER)

Title: Itachi vs Zephyr...


One month has passed since Itachi joined the marines. Currently, he is in a green forest and looks at his teacher Zephyr, who is standing opposite of him and asks. "You ready Itachi?"

Itachi nods at this and confirms. "Yes, teacher Zephyr."


As soon as he says that Zephyr disappears from his place and his mechanical arm darkens, though Itachi's eyes can't follow him. Itachi jumps back and does a flip and lands in a one-handed handstand. His feet then move like snakes.

<Rankyaku Ran> (Storm Leg Riot)

In a split second over thirty Rankyaku slashes were made by his legs and are sent at where Zephyr is as he intended to hit Itachi.

Zephyr has to use <Tekkai> (Iron Body) to stop the wind blades from injuring him. He immediately disappears along with the barrage and appears in front of Itachi.

Itachi can't dodge as Zephyr's metallic fist hits him in the stomach. It easily breaks Itachi's <Tekkai> and he coughs a little blood.


His body crashes into a tree. Zephyr doesn't give Itachi any time as he appears above his body and hits him in the stomach with a straight punch again.

Itachi's eyes widen as the fist hits him. Zephyr is (almost) not holding back, well he is not holding back his speed at least. His strength on the other hand… well he doesn't want to kill Itachi so he is holding back.

Itachi immediately releases some clones from his body and they go to hold back Zephyr. Now that he is fighting against cones, Zephyr doesn't hold back his strength against them.


His fist is like an afterimage as it obliterates the clone's heads in one hit. Itachi winces slightly at this, but the clones still bought him enough time for him to get up. Immediately Itachi can see that Zephyr is charging straight at him.

<Seimei Kikan: Kami-E>

Itachi's body gets thinner and he disappears from his place too. At this time Ain is looking at her teacher and Itachi sparring against each other and she can't follow their movements at all even as she tries her best.

'Fast… they are too fast.' Think Ain with her eyes widened in shock. In only one month Itachi has advanced so much. He learned the six powers so quickly and can already use them so effectively as a fish can swim. If she didn't know any better she would think that he has grown up observing Cipher Pol agents that use these powers.

At this time she can see Zephyr punch Itachi in the head, Itachi back and he hits a tree headfirst. But immediately he gets up again and is full of vigor as he charges at Zephyr once again, even as blood flows out of his head.

Zephyr has a smile on his face and punches at this and he punches at Itachi again.

'This kid is something else.' Thinks Zephyr, full of pride in his heart. A childlike Itachi in his eyes is someone who only appears once a generation in the marines. Itachi this month has worked way harder than most marines work in their lives.

Though Zephyr thinks that, he still charges at Itachi and this time Itachi looks at him with a ferocious look on his eyes. Instead of blocking Zephyr's punch, he counters his own.


Their fists clash, and for a split second Zephyr's eyes widen a little, he can feel his Armament Haki clash against Itachi's. 'This brat just used Armament Haki.'



Still, Itachi flies backward and his body bounces off the ground twice before crashing on a tree. Again, he gets up and charges at Zephyr again, he didn't lie down at all to rest or anything like that.

Zephyr's smile widens even more as even he can't help but admire Itachi's tendency to never give up.

'The kid should be at his limits.' Thinks Zephyr and he appears behind Itachi and punches towards his skull. But contrary to his expectations Itachi's head turned around and as Zephyr's fist hits Itachi's skull, at the same time the old man too can feel Itachi's fist sink into his stomach.


Zephyr spits a fist full of blood from his mouth. Itachi is already using armament Haki, though his Haki hasn't darkened yet, his hits still have a higher attack power than normal.

Suddenly out of Itachi's back a clone, but it is only the upper body of the clone as it is still attached to Itachi.

The clone punches Zephyr in the face countless times. The old admiral has a smile on his face, even as it is bloodied.

But at the same time, Itachi's fighting performance was stellar in Zephyr's eyes. But Itachi wasn't satisfied at all with himself. He has already sent back the feed to his family on how to learn the six powers and Seimei Kikan (Life Return). His father and some of his siblings already beyond mastered it. He also for the first time saw his father's natural talent, and he understood that no matter how amazing his siblings were. His dad learned Life Return in only under a week and could change between thin form for speed and bulk form for more power in under a second. His father at this stage in his life got stronger once again.

'I must be better to even be able to protect my family. At this rate, I will be the one needed to be protected by them.' Thinks Itachi, his adrenaline rising so high that he was running all in adrenaline and willpower.

Zephyr used his mechanical arm to hit Itachi in the stomach. But Itachi uses Tekkai and jumps back at the same time, completely nullifying the power of the punch. At the same time, he digs his feet on the ground to stop himself from flying away as Zephyr increases the power that he uses against Itachi.

Zephyr takes the initiative this time and his fleshy arm turns blurry as Itachi can feel exactly fifty-eight punches hit him in a split second. Still, Itachi doesn't buckle under the attack as he uses Tekkai and Life Return to bulk up his body into that of a muscular adult.

At this time Itachi walks forward but he feels the world turn and falls on the ground.


He falls on the ground. Zephyr looks at Itachi and sighs. "Seems like you went beyond your limits once again and your muscles shut down once again."

Zephyr noticed something strange about Itachi, the kid can easily go beyond his limits which allows him to fight even after his body suffers extreme fatigue and pain. His body also heals all of the damage it sustains by the next day, in one month Itachi had raised his Doriki by 110, making it at an overall 910 now. That is increasing his Doriki by 3.6 every day, that is a crazy number, especially for Itachi who is a twelve-year-old… though he doesn't look his age at all.

At the same time, in an undisclosed location on the New World. Jaw is reading a newspaper as his body goes through the bulk and lean stages in seconds, he even goes to bulk just his arm to a muscular level.

'Hmmm… I think I mastered Life Return.' Contemplates Jaw, as his body still keeps changing through different muscular systems. He trains for around eighteen hours a day ever since Itachi told him about the way the marines trained their six powers.

'My power has once again. I have become stronger once again.' Jaw has a smile on his face as he contemplated this.


Chapter 54

Title: Plans For The Future…


-Jaw POV-

I must say that maybe Life Return can be the way for me to be able to break my limits at a whim. This is like a gear 2nd, in a way a power-up for me. Also, I can eat as much as I want and I can easily digest that food as quickly as I want. Also, my mastery of it is quite good in my opinion, I can manipulate the muscles just in my arm to bulk up so I don't lose any speed while I gain power.

Though it looks weird when I do that, I don't care about my appearance. Also, Life Return is about mindset as it is about body control. Though for me, it wasn't that hard to learn since my body is already at its limit, and learning new things is easy due to not needing to train my body to be able to use the technique.

Itachi has truly outdone himself this time. He single-handedly just raised the strength of his family. By giving us training methods and knowledge from the marines. Kalifa is also a good teacher, but at the same time, she knew nothing more about the Life Return Technique than it just existed.

Anyway, I have already learned the six powers and have created plenty of variations of them. So now I should be moderately strong inland too. Though sadly, I still don't think I can defeat a Yonko even as my strength has raised. I can now compete with them on land, but defeating them is questionable, maybe have a 40% chance or something like that. Against Whitebeard, I have a 10-20% chance of winning on land. Those are neither possibilities that I am willing to take, only a fool or a gambling addict takes chances like that.

I might not be the smartest man in the world, but I am still not stupid enough to play with fire.

Hmmm… maybe when I am around thirty years old I will have around a 50% chance against Big Mom and Kaido on land. The reason that I can't go any higher is because fire is my weakness so to say. I can't use Fishman Karate and even my skin dries. Both Bid Mom and Kaido can use fire.

Still, I can be careful about this and play it safe, I can defeat them in most of the world which consists of water. Also, I never plan to ever fight fairly, I am a pirate. If I am fighting fairly then I should change my profession to being a fool.

As my children grow up and their strength starts becoming high enough for them to influence a Yonko battle. I will use them to crush the other Yonko. If Kakashi and Kisame grow to just the minimum of what I have in my vision of their future strength. Then my chances of defeating a Yonko, even Whitebeard on land go to 90-98%. An almost assured victory, also if Mikoto can touch a Big Mom with her Mark-Mark fruit, then we can just send daily bombs at her and eventually kill her. Katakuri is no longer a match against me, I am a direct counter to him.

Then there is Kaido… I can defeat him if we fight. His crazy endurance and stamina is a bit of a problem, but it's not that big. Only to weaklings does Kaido's endurance seem unbeatable. To me, it is only a minor inconvenience, and even I have achieved something similar, I constantly have an invisible Armament Haki around my body. Bullets, swords, punches, etc… they do not affect me. Especially now even cannonballs are only dangerous because of their shock damage which can rock around my brain inside my skull and knock me out.

Hmmm… I should start some aggressive expansion tactics soon. I have stabilized my power and no Yonko (except Whitebeard) dares to meet me at sea. I am planning to target Big Mom soon, I should… no not yet. I better wait until my older children grow up. Then I can start taking some of the islands Big Mom has under her protection.

Currently, of all of the Yanko, I have the 3rd largest territory, my territory is also very divided… most of it is. The most territory in the New World is held by Whitebeard, then comes Big Mom, then me and Kaido us last. I don't think Kaido cares about any of that. He has Wano, and after that, it has some islands around it. But at the same time, Wano is the place where it is said that Seastone originated from. So the place is bound to be very rich in resources and it's self-sufficient.

It trades in weapons most of the time, while I trade in raw materials (and weapons too but mostly for the World Government), Big Mom trades in food and such things. Whitebeard does his own thing, he doesn't really care to raise his power anymore and just puts islands under his protection if he sees them being in danger or poor.

We the other Yonko can yap as much as we want, but none of us can beat a Whitebeard at his current age (64). He is beyond dangerous… I plan to get his fruit and give it to one of my children. But at the same time, I can't beat Whitebeard currently.

I better let the World Government weaken him for me before I take advantage of that. I will also get the Yami-Yami No Mi while I am at it.

A smirk appears on my face as I guide the cells inside my body to reinforce my muscles and such. But currently, my most dangerous enemy is the World Government, we are cooperating at the moment… but nothing more. I give them weapons and some raw materials that I mine from the bottom of the sea. Though they give me a lot in return for my services, they give me devil fruits, Seastone weapons (chains, spears, handcuffs, etc). They also give me certain leverage that none of the Yonko have, I can go and get some scientists from Vegapunk's hometown and they don't make a fuss about it.

Our relationship might seem stable, but I have always known that they will stab me in the back as soon as it suits them. So I am leveraging as much as I can from them, building as much of my power as I can. I also have some of the Kings & Queens that attend the Reverie in my pocket. Meaning that they technically can't have the tools to gather the whole world against me if they decide to, that is the worst-case scenario for me so I have made that almost impossible now.

Sadly King Tacos had to die so he could put the seeds of doubt in the other kinds. He was killed by Cipher Pol, everyone (smart) can see that as clear as day. So this pushes more people to make deals with me, just in case the World Government decides for them too to have… an 'accident'.



This was a full overview of Jaw's plans and what he has been doing and why he has been doing so. He has an alliance with Whitebeard but he will betray the old man in the blink of an eye if it benefits him.

We also get a view of how the geopolitical map in the world is. Some could say that Jaw is strengthening the WG by selling them weapons, but the same can be said about Jaw, as the WG is giving him Devil Fruits, Sea Stone weapons, and such.

Everyone has their own little schemes going on, and this is an overview of Jaw's.


Chapter 55 (BONUS CHAPTER)

Title: Finding a Lion...


At this time Jaw also starts searching for some Devil Fruits that will appear later on and their users. His search has some successes as he finds the current user of the Swamp-Swamp Fruit and he gifts it to his daughter Erza.


Also currently during this time, Naruto is in Rusukaina Island. In this place, animals exist that make some accomplished New World pirates. Currently, Naruto is hiding in a tree as a giant blue Gorilla goes around breaking around trees.


Naruto sighs a little as he has scratches around his body. Under his shirt, something moves, and Dead Cat, Naruto's pet cat pops his head out of Naruto's shirt. It smells a little of the air and his mustaches twitch slightly. The cat then nudges Naruto who nods at this, he immediately moves amongst the trees.

But Dead cat warns him by mowing slightly, which causes Naruto to jump even higher. He sees a giant snake as thick as a tree come to bite towards him.

'Damn, this is dangerous. One bite from it and I will die.' Contemplates Naruto, he has chosen to take part in this island's training as his strong siblings have all already completed it. They also said that it was quite easy, so honestly, he took this training test out of fun… which has turned into a nightmare for him.

'Not only I don't know how to find any food on this island. I have to try hard to try and not become food. I have also eaten anything except berries and some mushrooms that Dead Cat has verified that they are not poisonous by his sense of smell.' Contemplates Naruto, though he and Dead Cat act like they usually can't stand each other. He and Naruto care and will take care of each other when the time comes. Jaw wouldn't have allowed a cat to live if it really messed around with Naruto.


Jaw currently is in his office, having a meeting with all of his children. Kisame sees his father seems worried about something, so he asks. "What's wrong dad?"

Kakashi is the one to answer the question by saying. "Well, dad hasn't been able to find Shiki, he wants his devil fruit. He planned to give it to one of us. Shiki is someone who could compete with Roger, and his fruit is a big deal to his power. Dad is very confident in winning if he fights Shiki. But we have not been able to even catch sight of Shiki."

Some of Jaw's children seem a little surprised by this. They never quite understand their father's plans, the closest one to doing so is Kakashi. But even he doesn't know how his father comes up with them, and to be able to figure out people's reactions.


The discussion lasts about three hours and in the end, Jaw orders his children that they will start moving soon. The world will keep moving even without them, so they will have to move too if they want to keep up.

Jaw is truly a little annoyed at how he can't find any hint of where Shiki is. If he had Shiki's Devil Fruit, one of his children will instantly become Yonko Commander, even if they aren't personally strong, the fruit can make him/her something amazing. It will allow someone to constantly have the field advantage, no matter what.




One year passes after that, Jaw is currently planning his next moves and contemplating them. He is trying to see if he has any movements from the other Yonko or any new up-jumped New World pirate captain that might need a reality check… the reality check will be their head getting separated from their bodies. If a pirate captain (or anyone really) causes a problem in Fishman Island while entering the new world, then they are pretty much declaring war on Jaw. There are no seas that they will be safe on.


At the same time, in some floating island archipelagos, countless people were living in them. Also the center there is one giant palace that connects all of the other islands with the help of different styles of brides.

Inside the palace, there is Shiki with half a ship wheel stuck in his head. He has a cigar in his mouth. 'Jaw… that kid used to be in Roger's Crew.'

Shiki contemplates as he already knows that Jaw is looking for him. Though he is currently in hiding. He can't help but contemplate different things, his legs twitch with pain on their legs. 'I should give him a chance and he will find me. That way I can at least test if he is good at being referred to as part of Roger's Crew.'


Jaw can already see this, but he still takes the bait fully. So he travels to East Blue and by using Mikoto's Devil Fruit (Mark Fruit) to float as he already carried her in secret and touched one of the Island's Members in secret with Jaw one week ago. So now they are 'targeting' the normal person with a target. So Jaw's has brought almost all of his non-fishman fighters to fight against Shiki.

At this time Shiki is currently floating above his islands while seeing Jaw's army.

Two quick slashes from his sword legs and two giant flying slashes go towards H

Jaw's fleet.

Jaw sees this and just takes a deep breath, as he does so it feels like a vacuum cleaner as he takes a deep breath.


A giant gust of wind comes out of Jaw's mouth like a splitting wave which causes the two slashes to clash against each other.


"Shiki, I am here to collect your power." Says Jaw openly and without concern or reservation on his intentions.

Shiki on the other hand seems a little pissed off about this as he bites off the cigar on his mouth. "You brats nowadays should have more respect for Roger and his legacy."

As Shiki says that he truly means it, he has seen how some trash rookies allowed them to get 'higher'.

Jaw's face morphs into a smile. "Make me, old man!"

"Oh, I definitely will young brat." Says Shiki with his anger rising every second they talk to each other as giant elemental structures rise taking the form of lion heads.

'His pride should at least keep him from running away. That would be my biggest problem solved if it goes to plan.' Thinks Jaw, he has already put the old Shiki in his invisible web of lies and deceit. He knows that if Shiki wants to run away with his Float Devil Fruit, then it would be almost impossible to defeat him.

One of the lion heads made out of stone charges at Jaw who just punches forward, easily breaking it. He could see that his children with their power and devil fruits have an advantage against Shiki's…

'So this is what it feels like having a true strong advantage against an enemy… this is the first time.' Contemplates Jaw.


Chapter 56


Title: Running Away...


Shiki immediately attacks Jaw with different powerful sword slashes and giant rock structures that are thrown towards him at different speeds.

This is the advantage that Shiki has, he has now created a good territory advantage for himself. But Jaw on the other hand isn't that threatened at this, Shiki doesn't have the power to threaten Jaw anymore.

This is especially so as a figure appears behind Shiki like a lightning bolt. It is Kakashi and he extends his hand toward the "Golden Lion" Shiki.

<200,000,000 Volt>


The lightning goes towards Shiki who dodges this attack easily as he levitates himself away from it while at the same time appearing next to Kakashi and hitting him with a chop to his neck. Kakashi brings his arm up and winces a little as Shiki hits him with a powerful Haki blow that shatters his arm.

"Don't interrupt when adults are doing their things, little kid." Says Shiki with an annoyed expression on his face.

But Jaw while he saw this smirks a little. 'Dumbasś… underestimating Kakashi is the worst thing that you could have done in this battle.'

Though hit, Kakashi still turns into lightning and envelopes Shiki, paralyzing him for a split second… that is all Jaw needed as Kakashi moves away in his lightning form while his father descends upon Shiki with restless fury.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!....

Countless punches landed on Shiki in a split second making him spew blood like a fountain. Jaw is still calm and can use his future sight Observation Haki, but he still doesn't like seeing someone hit his kids like that. So he bloodies up Shiki and breaks every single bone in his body. Shiki is no match with Jaw in a physical contest.

Jaw grabs Shiki by the throat and takes out his Seastone coin. Shiki can feel the dangerous feeling coming from the coin.

'Seastone!!!' Thinks Shiki while panicking a little, but he is not someone so simple as he oriented his levitating islands in a split second to be above him and Jaw. He killed a lot of his crew members on this, but Shiki doesn't exactly care for those cannon fodder.

So with a difficulty in his voice, Shiki warns Jaw by saying. "Touch me with that coin and I will be taking me with you to the depths of hell."

"Is that so? I would like to see you trying then old man." Says Jaw as he touches Shiki with his Seastone coin.

The islands above Jaw immediately lose their floating properties granted to them by Shiki's Float-Float Fruit, so they start falling towards them.

Shiki smiles a little at this. "Well, that was the wrong choice, you up-jumped shark."

Jaw doesn't mind the insults at all, he has the natural ability to not really care what people say about him. The islands start crashing towards Jaw and Shiki, the former still doesn't let off his grip on the latter's throat. Jaw also doesn't let go of the coin touching Shiki's skin.

'Hmmm… what to do…' Contemplates Jaw, he knows that he will be able to survive this attack (with possibly some heavy injuries of course). Even though Shiki will die with him, he doesn't mind. He wants his Devil Fruit, but Shiki's fruit could be lost forever if it reincarnates as a sea fruit while being carried away by the currents.

In the end, Jaw sinks his fingers in Shiki's abdominal flesh and drops his coin close to Shiki's stomach. Shiki is immediately weakened due to the heavy concentration of Seastone on the coin.

He then looks at one of the ships with Kakashi and Mikoto in it. He looks at his daughter and says. "Catch!"

He throws Shiki's body away at breakneck speeds and as he looks at the giant islands coming to crash onto him. He can't escape them due to their wide range.

'Welp seems like I will have to do it.' Thinks Jaw as he pulls out his katana that he is holding in a scabbard on his back. The katana immediately crackles with lightning as Jaw picks it up. This sword is called Raijin and it has 'eaten' the Spark-Spark Fruit (Paramecia).

Jaw takes a deep breath, lighting slowly runs through his body from the sword. He doesn't resist it, instead, he lets the lightning run through his body. The muscles in his arms bulk up unnaturally.

...He then puts the katana back on his scabbard, stopping the lightning from running through his body. He has already finished his attack.

<Lightning Sword Style: Heavenly Slash>


Suddenly huge explosives sounds come

out as the islands above Jaw are split in two.

As this form isn't able to be sustained for long periods as Jaw doesn't resist the lightning, the lightning actually hurts his body. So he always uses the ability in only one singular attack.

The islands fall on the sea. Jaw then looks at where he threw Shiki and he sees an injured Mikoto bleeding out of her side while Kakashi is doing first aid on her.

Shiki had escaped…


-Jaw POV-

I use <Geppo> and arrive at where the floating ships being held together by Mikoto's power are. She is still able to hold her Mark-Mark Fruit to the extent where the ships don't crash together towards the flying bird.

Mokoto also now has a red glove on her left hand. I already predicted that Shiki might be able to escape, that is why I threw him towards Mikoto.

"Did you mark him?" I ask Mikoto while I get close to her and examine the wound to her side.

Kakashi has a calm look on his face while this happens. He knows and understands why I did what I did. He has one of his arms crushed and even though Shiki is weakened, he is still dangerous and could escape. I left Kisame back on Fishman Island to keep a look over things, else I would have thrown Shiki at him, where I know he wouldn't be able to escape from.

Well, it doesn't matter as I see the slight smile on Mikoto's face as she gets up as soon as her wound is patched up. I didn't raise weaklings to whine about every injury that they get.

"Yes dad, I marked him. When are we gonna start chasing him?" Asks Mikoto with a serious look on her face. Kakashi seems to be worried about his sister's injury. Even though he seems nonchalant about his shattered arm.

Jaw smiles at Mikoto's question and answers it by saying. "We will immediately start perusing. He seems to have jumped off this ship and with my Seastone coin still inside of him. He definitely won't be able to use his devil fruit.


Shiki at the moment was falling from ten thousand meters above the ground. He flies down like a bullet. "Damn that bastard shark!!! He almost fu*king killed me! He comes here and destroys the things that I have been working on for over a decade!"

He winces as he weakly moves his hand towards his stomach, he feels the Seastone coin still inside of his body. Jaw truly defeated him like a common criminal in under a minute.

He moves his fingers inside his bloody stomach and slowly he can feel the coin as he takes it out and throws it away. But as he does so, his eyes start to close as he is too weakened by the Seastone still, and he falls towards the ocean.

But just before he hits the water, where he would be dead as soon as he does so because he would drown. Shiki has some final thoughts to himself. 'I can't get killed by someone like Jaw when not even Roger could kill me.'


Immediately he forces his tired body and uses his fruit to levitate himself just as he is about to touch the ocean floor.

'Jaw… I will fu*king kill you.' Thinks Shiki as he immediately flies away at top speeds.



Shiki isn't someone who can be handled that easily. Though he might seem weak due to the easy way Jaw handled him, he isn't so at all. It's just that Jaw plans a lot of his battles and makes strategies that give him a huge advantage in a fight. Plus Kakashi's attack which only shocked Shiki for a split second is all that Jaw needed to completely have the advantage in a fight as Jay is physically way stronger than Shiki.


Chapter 57

Title: Return...


After the fight with Shiki. Jaw and his children chased him through East Blue, New World, Calm Belt, and many more areas of the world. But after a couple of months Jaw had to return home or else the other Yonko might get some strange ideas. At the same time, he also didn't allow any of his kids to go and chase Shiki. Since Mikoto already had Shiki marked by her Mark-Mark Fruit. So there was no rush currently to hunt him down yet.

Still, Jaw was also having another problem, the Marines were sniffing around his territory. Currently, his territories are very divided and he needs to go through other Yonko's territories to be able to get to his other territory. Now to him, this is extremely inefficient. True, Whitebeard doesn't really mind as long as he doesn't cause trouble. But Kaido and Big Mom get very prickly about it.

Jaw is currently in his main warship, which isn't really anything special and it's mostly used as a method of transportation of materials. Also due to him using the coating on his shop to travel underwater with fishman guards, that is why his trade ships never get stolen or damaged. One is because he is a Yonko and if someone decides to mess with him then he will destroy them. Second, it is that they travel underwater, that is also the reason Jaw doesn't mind getting better territories on the outskirts and close to other Yonko's territories. Because these underwater travel methods are his way of absolutely ruling the underwater world. He plans to open some bases in the Blues but he will need to be secretive about it.

The World Government won't like this if they know about it. So Jaw's crew and businesses will have 'accidents' as soon as he tries to establish overseas.

As Jaw is contemplating this he is just lying down on his bed inside his main ship. 'How do I handle this situation…'

Jaw's mind goes through many different ideas and such. Though he might not be the smartest man in the world and he can definitely be tricked and even possibly manipulated by the people smarter than him. He still thinks and contemplates his future actions way longer than a genius would need to, but he should be able to come up with moderately good plans as a genius would be able to. Though the genius might need one hour to come up with what Jaw would need ten days to come up with.

He also plans many of his future decisions and their possible derivations.


While he was contemplating this, in Mariejois, the Gorosei (Five Elders) were in a lavish room waiting for someone. Suddenly the door opens and Sengoku comes in with a calm look on his face as he says. "You guys are sending the marines to sniff around Yonko Jaw's territory. You know how that guy can be. We will have all of our military bases in the New World destroyed and no Celestial Dragons will dare to step in Sabaody Archipelago, as he will kill them all. This is a stupid decision. Also, that red hair pirate who has been growing stronger in the new world is more of concern currently, if another Emperor of the Sea appears… then the balance of power will flip."

As Sengoku says this his face morphs into an angry scowl. He knows that marines will die in the thousands, and for what? For nothing that is what.

'Jaw will slaughter them all just so he can send a message to these stuck up old brain dead fu*ks.' Angrily Sengoku curses the Five Elders inside his head. He can't stand the sight of people willing to sacrifice men and look at them as just numbers. They don't think of them as fellow humans, as men with families, aspirations, dreams, and a family waiting for them to come back. 'Garp was right staying as a Vice Admiral, he doesn't have to listen to these old fools at least.'

One of the Five Elders who is lying on the couch while holding a sword just looks at Sengoku and says. "It doesn't matter. Jaw has dangerous plans, he is a dangerous man and his influence grows stronger by the day."

Sengoku can't help it as he clenches his teeth together. "You are also god damn working with him!!!"

The elder with the strange curls and scar on his face just shakes his head at this. "Sengoku, we never work with pirates. We are simply doing an exchange of resources."

"But you are still making him stronger. No matter how you put it, the devil fruit, Seastone weapons, and the leverage that you give him to go and just simply take two high-level scientists… WHILE WE DO NOTHING!!! HE IS YOUR PROBLEM NOW, NO MATTER WHAT I WILL NOT SEND MEN TO CLEAN YOUR MESS ANYMORE!!!"

As he says that Sengoku walks away from the people who are technically his superiors. He doesn't care what they have to say, they could ask their little pet admiral Akainu to do their bidding and go cause havoc in Jaw's territory.

'But they know that they will be losing a very valuable dog if they decided to do that.' Thinks Sengoku, knowing that Akainu is most likely to lose if he fights Jaw on the sea.


At the same time, on the first half of the Grand Line in a certain marine battleship. A purple-haired man with a mechanical arm was ordering the men around him. This man is the ex admiral Zephyr.

"You there, take a hold of the rudders." Orders Zephyr. That one of the recruits calls out. "Zephyr sir, a ship has been spotted not that far away."

Zephyr looks towards the ship and sees an insignia that he is very familiar with. The ship looks like your average marine ship and it only has a crow head at the front of it.

Zephyr smiles a little at this and announces to the people around him by saying. "Everyone! Gether up and get ready to welcome Commander Karasu."

Immediately as he says that a door from the ship is slammed open and Ain comes out with a wide smile on her face.

"Itachi is here?!?!?!?" Exclaims Ain, and when Zephyr nods. She immediately squeals like a fangirl.

Even the other marines in the ship were surprised at hearing who it was. They are about to meet Itachi Uchiha, who is also known as Karasu (Crow). He is the youngest person to ever gain the Commander Rank, he will be the same for the Captain Rank too. He will be the youngest captain and the one who was raised through ranks. It is suspected that Itachi will become the next Admiral of the marines. Already he has a terrifying reputation and no pirate under 100,000,000 ß bounty can contend with Itachi.

One of the younger trainees in the camp also has stars on her eyes. Though she doesn't express her feelings about it like Ain just did.

She is Isuka, a young woman with short vermilion hair, brown eyes, a bandaid on her left cheek, and a burn scar on the back of her hand. She wears a Marine uniform with a collared, buttoned shirt, a tie, brown gloves, shorts, and heeled boots.

She is a recruit to the marines and she owes a huge debt to Itachi.

'I wonder if he remembers me from back then.' Wonders Itsuka.


Chapter 58

Title: Commander Itachi...


As Isuka has different emotions inside of her, the ship gets closer and closer. Until it anchors next to Zephyr's ship.

Zephyr has a smile on his face as he sees Itachi's clones managing everything in Itachi's ship.

'This is what makes the kid an exception to any other marine.' Thinks Zephyr with a smile on his face. 'He doesn't even have a marine crew. He is what someone calls… a one-man army… literally. And if the rumors that I have been hearing lately are true, Itachi has become quite monstrous at using his Devil Fruit.'

In the end, Zephyr greets Itachi or one of his clones… even he wasn't sure which was which. "Itachi, have you got any pirate scum with you?"

The 'Itachi' that he asked looks at him and answers by nodding his head. "Yeah, I got three pirates with bounties over fifty million. They were kinda weak but that doesn't matter now I guess."

Zephyr laughs at that. "Hahahha, Itachi, maybe you should go to the New World if you find the pirates around these parts too weak."

Itachi shrugs at this and just walks away while another Itachi comes by. "Sup, I am the original. Anyway, teacher Zephyr. I will leave these guys with you. I will go back to hunting some pirates again."

Zephyr nods at this, Itachi is always hunting pirates. Even the ones with dangerous devil fruits. "Are they devil fruit users?"

Itachi shakes his head. "Nope, if they have a devil fruit I usually kill them. They are too troublesome to capture."

Zephyr nods at this, Itachi is being logical here. Why waste time on capturing a pirate, better just kill him on the spot. They went to a life of crime, so they are trash, if they are afraid of dying then maybe they shouldn't have chosen a life of crime.

At least that is Zephyr's view on the whole thing. Being nice to pirates is not something that he believes in.


In the end, Itachi doesn't stay with them for long as he tells them that he is currently hunting a pirate with a bounty above one hundred million.

But as he is far away enough, he goes to Jaya island while under disguise. This is a pirate-infested town in the first half of the Grand Line… and it is also under the control of the Jaw Pirates.

Itachi is currently wearing a dark brown cloak with a sack on his back. As he walks along a certain building that seems like a bar. He enters inside and rowdy pirates are partying around. He can smell the aroma of alcohol along the tables as he just walks towards the bartender.

As he is walking along, some of the pirates start fighting and one of them throws the other in a sumo throw. The person flies towards Itachi, who simply just walks normally and not even an inch away from him, the person flies and lands on one of the walls.


The person is knocked out and the pirate who threw him away is basking in his temporary glory as the other drunk pirates cheer him on.

In the end, Itachi just walks and doesn't pay any attention to the person. In the end, he walks behind the counter where the bartender is wiping some glasses, the bartender has a mustache and seems around middle-aged. Strangely the bartender seems to not notice Itachi.

Itachi then enters the room with the 'Staff Only' sign, and as he goes inside. There are cooks, waiters, and other staff who always seem to be looking away as he walks through and goes towards one of the doors with no signs on it.

He opens the door and behind it are some stairs that go down leading into a dark place. Itachi walks forward with not even a sliver of caution nor worry.


He walks along this way until he arrives at an underground lake. Immediately he jumps in, and as a devil fruit user, he can't swim so he starts sinking like a rock. But due to being half-fishman, he can still breathe underwater. Even as he jumps underwater he still keeps the sack clenched on his hand.

As he sinks for around thirty seconds, he can feel some giant sea kings looking at him. They seem like giant snakes, crocodiles, sharks, and many other variants of animals. Though Itachi still couldn't see the end of the sea kings surrounding him. Suddenly a shadow descends upon them all and an Island Eater fish appears. It opens its giant mouth, swallowing both Itachi and the rest of the sea kings.

Immediately the water around him floes in the Island Eater's mouth and so does he. As he flows down he can finally see the end and when he enters it. He looks around and sees that he is just floating above water while looking at the sky… or more correctly the painted on sky.

Suddenly a blue-skinned man on a boat comes next to Itachi and smiles at him. "Itachi, long time no see."

As he hears that Itachi's face morphs into a small smirk. "Kisame… your entrance was 2/10 this time."

"Wha!?!?! No way, I even had the act of the mysterious stranger all on point!" Says Kisame, bewildered by this as he pulls up Itachi and puts him on the boat.

"Your look and personality don't suit the mystery appearances at all… you are also very distinguishing looking." Explains Itachi, as he smiles a little. He and Kisame have these meetings quite often ever since he got his ship and was allowed to move around.

"Yeah, yeah… Mikoto keeps saying the same things." Says Kisame with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

"So how has dad been?" Asks Itachi as he opens his sack that he has been carrying with him. Inside the sack, there are around twenty devil fruits. Kisame just takes the sack and puts it to the side as he smiles back at Itachi.

"Well, he has been good. But as you know, whenever these meetings come around he tries to convince to make you come back. He is worried that one day you might slip up…" Explains Kisame, as he takes out some meat that he had cooked before Itachi came here. He offers half of it to Itachi, this is his way of caring for his siblings. Then Kisame continues saying. "Don't even know why dad let you go if he was gonna be this worried about it."

Itachi smiles at that fondly. "Well… this is my way of protecting my family."

Kisame frowns at that.

"We are not weak enough to need protection like this Itachi." Says Kisame as he tries to deter Itachi from the path that he is going. 'He is my brother too… dad is not the only one who is worried about Itachi's wellbeing.'

Itachi only looks down with a content smile on his face. "This… this is my way of protecting the people that I love."

Kisame's eyes widen at this, in the end, he can only sigh at the situation. He then looks at Itachi and smiles. "Kakakakaka… Itachi, enough talk about such depressing topics. How about something else now… so did you meet any cute girl while you were in the marines?"

As Kisame asks that, Itachi's face blushes for a split second as he thinks of a certain girl. Kisame's smile turns into an ecstatic one as he notices Itachi blushing.



Kisame and Itachi have a good relationship as brothers. They are both two of the eldest siblings in their family. So they have known each other since they were young. They both also have their own ways that they want to protect their siblings.


Chapter 59 (BONUS CHAPTER)

Title: Problems...


-Kisame POV-

I spend a couple of hours talking with Itachi and in the end, he still didn't give me anything to work with. I still have no idea which marine girl he might have a crush on. Welp, I am an already married man, so I can't go around committing debauchery. Well, Shirahoshi is like only nine years old currently, but still… I want to devote my romantic love to her. That is all that there is to it, I am saving myself for marriage and that is all that there is to it.

I take the sack of Devil Fruits and start swimming away while Itachi will be brought back to his ship by a sea king. Itachi has been hunting pirate in Paradise. This serves more than just a way to get his contributions, this is also a way for him to bring us Devil Fruits. Honestly, Itachi has been helping the family a whole bunch, even though I still think that this is too dangerous for someone like him, he is still family, and him sacrificing his life, just so we could become a little stronger.

Still… I can't stop him, I would most likely do something similar if I was in his position. As his older brother, I can only support this decision of his and help him along the way. If he is somehow discovered, then we will simply flood Impel Down. We might even get a devil fruit like the Poison Fruit from Magellan. That fruit would tremendously help us all, I bet that father would get that fruit as soon as the World Government declares war against him or something like that.




A couple of months pass after this whole ordeal with my meeting with Itachi, currently, I am in Appelinine Island, which is under dad's control and protection. Recently they have been having some problems with the Big Mom pirates just sailing around. Dad has been pretty clear to Big Mom, she should stop messing around or we will destroy WholeCake Island. I am currently inside a fancy office with an old man in front of me.

"So how often have the Big Mom Pirates been visiting this town?" I ask an old man who has an apple-like hat. He has a wite beard and gray eyes, he is the mayor of the island. He was appointed by dad as a puppet leader of sorts.

The old man seems nervous in front of me as he answers by sayings. "A -Around six times in this last month sir Ja-... I mean Kisame… sorry, it's just that your appearance is uncanny and you look a lot like your father."

I nod at that. It seems like the Big Mom pirates are provoking us more likely. It seems like the Big Mom pirates are starting something again. Big Mom must have a lot of courage to do this. She must also have a plan because even though she is mad, her advisors (kids) aren't all stupid.

"Dad will order weapons to be brought here, so prepare the people for war and make a speech about it." I tell him that as I get up and go towards the window and jump off.

As I start falling I just forcefully kink the air and a sound that sounds like a bullet being shot is made as a small cloud is made below me as I kicked off the air.


Immediately I start flying off into the distance. Flying is faster than walking, so as I fly I suddenly frown a little as I feel something shift behind me. I immediately use <Tekkai> to harden my back muscles, while on top of it I use Armament Haki to defend too.


I feel a kick hit me on my back, but I don't even flinch as I turn around mid-air and try to grab the foot that kicked me. But as I do so, I can see the limb turn into some kind of cream before I even touched the foot. I look at my assailant and see that it was someone very familiar.

"Katakuri…" I say calmly as my eyes narrow at him. "You wanna die by coming here or something?"

Katakuri doesn't answer as his arm enlarges and gets covered in Haki as he punches at me.


It hits me head-on and I am thrown down on the ground creating a huge creator under me.


I just lie down as I look at Katakuri using a trident to attack me.


But I too poll my heavy sword and clash against him. As we do so both of our Conquerors Haki leaks out as every creature around us is knocked out.

Damn… this will be hard.


-General POV-

While katakuri and Kisame were fighting, Kisame didn't know that above clouds. There was a cloud with a happy smile on his face. Standing on the cloud was Big Mom, Smoothie, and Cracker who was with his real body there.

Big Mom has an annoyed look on her face. "I thought the shark would come. Not his son…"

Smoothie on the other hand has a frown on her face. "That kid is supposed to be only thirteen, but by his body size and raw strength which almost seems to match Katakuri… he is strong. He is someone worthy of being called that man's son."

Cracker snickered at this. "If Katakuri wasn't so honorable and wanted to fight the kid one on one, then Mother would have already slapped the little fish to death."

As Cracker thinks he rubs his abdomen, there was a giant scar in there. That was the place in which Jaw punched him a long time ago. The punch had obliterated his bones and hurt some of his organs due to Jaw using an advanced form of Armament Haki. He had almost died from that punch.

Smoothie on the other hand still has a worried look on her face and she suggests. "We should kill him as soon as Katakuri defeats him."

She is afraid of Kisame becoming another Jaw. That would be like two Yonko making an alliance.

On the other hand, Katakuri and Kisame were still fighting as Katahuri creates hands made out of Mochi on his back and they all were covered in Haki. <Mochi Machine Gun>...

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!...

Hundreds of hits rain down on Kisame and a little blood comes out of his mouth. In the end, he throws his sword away and uses one hand to guard, and pulls his other hand backward.

<10,000 Brick Fist>


All of Katakuri's hits are repelled backward and Kisame uses the water in the air as he slaps the air in front of him.

<Shark Arrows>

Dozens of small shark-like arrows made out of water appear. Katakuri on the other hand looks into the future a couple of seconds and dodges all of the attacks by turning his body into Mochi. His hand then touches the ground and immediately the earth below them turns into Mochi as it encompasses Kisame and it starts choking him and restricting his moves.

There was not enough water around for Kisame to use to counter Katakuri's mochi.

'Sh*t… this is really bad!' Thinks Kisame as he is engulfed by mochi. He takes a small knife from his pocket and he uses it to cut the mochi around him like butter even though it was covered in Haki.

Katakuri looks at this and narrows his eyes slightly. 'The knife is coated on Seastone.'



Yeah... things are gonna get heated one again...


Chapter 60

Title: Kisame vs Katakuri...


As Katakuri notices that Kisame has a dagger coated with Seastone. 'Something like this can be only made by Wano Craftsman… or the World Government. Does Jaw have a secret alliance with Kaido now? Or maybe he has some backhanded deals with the World Government. Sh*t seems like Jaw has been growing stronger again.'

Katakuri was contemplating how Kisame was able to get a dagger made like that. No matter the answer to it, he was sure of one thing. 'Jaw is preparing for something?'

In the end, Katakuri stops thinking about things like that and instead he concentrates fully on his battle with Kisame. He coats his arms in Haki and mochi donuts are made around Kisame.

Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!....

Countless fists covered in Haki bash Kisame who winces a little as he can a slight internal pain at this. But he the coverers his whole body in Armament Haki as a mode of defense, his skin turns into a dark and he then grabs his Seastone dagger in a reverse grip.

He tries to cut some of the fists hitting him, but due to Katakuri's future vision, all of the fists hit Kisame in weak points. So he starts feeling a slight internal pain as hundreds of hits hit him. Kisame then plans to use <Life Return> to bulk himself up so at least the hits will do less damage to him. But as soon as he plans to do that, the ground under him becomes a type of mochi quicksand as it sucks him in.

Kisame frowns at this, fighting against Katakuri feels like fighting against his brother (Kakashi). He always used tricks like this that make the need for raw power needless.

'I know just the way on how to deal with people like this.' Deduced Kisame as his mind was solely concentrated in the fight and all other thoughts became second nature to him.

"I can see it, there is no way you can beat me." Affirmed Katakuri, to him it wasn't a brag, just a fact. From what he has seen till now, Kisame is good at getting damaged and can brush off most hits. But in the end, he still can't defeat Katakuri… Kisame can't even hit him.

"Oh, I might not be able to beat you… or maybe I can. Who knows, but I am pretty sure I can hold you here long enough till my family comes and rips you apart." Confirms Kisame with a wide smile on his face. He then uses Haki and <Geppo> allowing him to escape from the restrictions on his legs. He is now midair.

One of his legs moves like a snake and it creates countless wind blades. <Ryankaku Storm>

As Katakuri sees this, he can determine that each of these slashes has Haki in them. So he just looks into the future again and transforms his body into mochi wherever the mochi was gonna hit. As he does do he jumps straight through the blades and towards Kisame.

Kisame's eyes widen at this as he sees Katakuri easily moves through his wind blades. Karakuri appears in front of him and before Kisame can react. Katakuri's fist turns into square-shaped and is covered with Haki.

<Kaku Mochi> (Square Mochi)



He hits Kisame in the stomach and even though he tightened his abdominal muscles on top of his Haki. Kisame is injured as he spits out a handful of blood.


He falls on the ground again and he makes a giant crater as he crashes. Kisame can feel his stomach cave-in by that hit. It was painful as hell and he almost threw up his lunch due to it.

'What the hell!' Acclaimed Kisame in his head, he has never been beaten so badly. He hasn't even put a scratch on Katakuri and already he feels as if his body is in extreme pain. 'I can't lose here. I am dad's right-hand man. If I lose here I will be a disgrace to be called his son anymore.'

As he thinks that, Kisame is pumped up again and he stands up. Though with a little difficulty as he breathes heavily at this. Katakuri is a little surprised at this, after all a thirteen-year-old just took on his strongest attack and still got up.

"I think you should give up…" Suggested Katakuri. "You will not be able to take another one of my hits."

Kisame's frowning face turns into a smile as he hears that. He looks at Katakuri with a mocking look on his face. "Stupid, my father is gonna rule the world one day. I can't give up to a mere Yonko Commander."

As he hears that, veins pop in Katakuri's forehead, he pulls out his trident and...


In a burst of speed, he appears behind Kisame and tries to pierce Kisame. But something surprising happens as Kisame kicks backward where he is.


Karakuri uses his trident to block the kick and then he brings his Haki imbued blocky fist backward and he slams it towards Kisame's head. But Kisame turns around and his eyes are closed and as the fist hits him… he flows with the power of the fist. Like a leaf in the wind, his body takes almost no damage and he does a backflip due to the power of the fist and he uses the power accumulated by the fist and kicks Katakuri on the chin.


Katakuri can feel his brain is a little shaken so his vision blurred for a second. But his body moved by itself as he uses his devil fruit spins the hand which is holding his spear.

<Mochi Thrust>


Kisame attempts to dodge again, this surprises Katakuri a little. But in the end, he hits Kisame on his side… and piercing through it.


Kisame coughs a little and attempts to attack Katakuri again but Katakuri hits him in the head with his <Square Mochi>.


Kisame immediately starts bleeding from his head and he falls on the ground unconscious as his eyes roll to the back of his head.

Though Katakuri won this fight he looks at Kisame's unconscious body and he can't help it but contemplate. 'That kid… did he just…'




After that ordeal, a couple of hours later, in York New Island. A place filled full of futuristic buildings, Jaw is standing in there on a private park, playing with one of the newborns, Sirzechs, he is a red-haired and blue-eyed half-fishman.

"Cmon now Sirzech, you wanna be able to go with daddy flying right? Then you must eat vegetables and healthy food. One day, you won't even need to go with daddy and would be able to fly by yourself." StipulatedJaw, trying to have his son train harder one day.

"Okay, daddy." Answered Sirzechs. "Then we can go and fly together right dad?"

Jaw nods at this with a smile on his face. "Of course we will, and then we ca-"

"Sir Jaws, there is a call from Big Mom." Interrupted one fishman as Jaw was about to say something. Though a little pissed off at being interrupted, he still has a smile on his face as he says to his son. "Seems like daddy will have some work to do now, so go and play with your siblings, Sirzechs."

Sirzech jumps off Jaw's arms and spreads his arms like a bird… and he lands on the ground and starts running away with his arms spread wide like a plane.

Jaw then takes the transponder snail and opens it.


"What do you want old hag?" asked Jaw as he answered the transponder snail.

"Mamamamamama…" Laughs Big Mom. "I have something very precious to you Jaw… I have a certain little shark that sure looks a lot like his father."

As soon as she says that a dangerous atmosphere appears around Jaw and his har flows upward. Everything within his vicinity passes out as his Conquerors Haki bursts out of him, cracking the ground below him. "Big Mom… you are dead…."



Let's see where this goes...

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(33 Chapters in Advance)

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