Chapter 31 - Forsaken Goddesses
Only Human, After All
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Chapter 31 - Forsaken Goddesses
"Joe and Red Hood are alive," Snow White reiterated her point, a fervency in her voice normally not present unless she was destroying Raptures. "They were battling the Tyrant-class Chatterbox in Vancouver, accompanied by a number of Ark Nikkes. He recognized me, called out to me by name…" After closing her eyes and taking a deep, bracing breath, she continued. "Chatterbox threatened them, and I- Lost control of myself. I pursued the abomination in a blind frenzy, and by the time I'd realized my mistake after it escaped from me, they were long gone when I returned to the battlefield. Surely back to the Ark."
The rest of Pioneer stared at Snow White silently. Cinderella slowly rose to her feet as Rapunzel took several attempts at calming breaths.
"Your visor," Cinderella started, large blue eye staring past her parted bangs in wary uncertainty. "It has a recorder built into it, right? You- you'd have pictures, or video, right?"
Reaching up and fiddling with her visor, once little more than a ballistic mask that doubled as digital goggles, Snow White adjusted a few of the additions she'd since added herself—and a hologram, somewhat fuzzy and out-of-focus due to crude maintenance at best, was projected from the blackened armoured mask.
A round of gasps followed when the video recording played back, and even as Chatterbox writhed in pain before the White Reaper, the Commander's voice suddenly called out to Snow White. The camera spun in place, and with a pause, there they were.
Joe, their Commander, and Red Hood, their sister. Both were dressed… Not as they once would have, and Red Hood did not have her Exceed active, but, it was obviously them. Then-
They heard Chatterbox's declaration, and immediately understood why Snow White had lost her cool. Nobody would hold her reaction against her, however.
"Commander," Rapunzel almost immediately sobbed. "Red Hood…!"
"Truly, a man of miracles, to persist into the modern day even despite all which has occurred," Scarlet mused through a small, but powerful smile of relief. "And the crimson fool as well, no less. Despite thyself, even you failed in thine attempts to shirk thy duty, Red Hood."
"How?" Cinderella wondered aloud, even as her eyes visibly began to shine with heavily building moisture. "Let me be clear: I am happy. I am more happy than I ever thought I'd be again. But, how?" the twintailed Nikke asked, reaching out as if to stroke at the non-corporeal hologram, her hand stopping just before the projection of their Commander's face. "It has been almost a century. He looks just as he did that day he left," to emphasize her point, she withdrew a smart device from a holster on her hip.
Not Joe's own phone, that had perished and been left in memoriam of him with Dorothy many decades ago, the quality of that original device having been seemingly built to fail after a point. The memories, the data and information that had been stored on it, however, had long since been transferred to this new device meant to weather the apocalypse.
The last picture she'd taken of Joe, in the moments before he'd descended into the Ark. The older photo was more clear, not being a still from a video, and having been captured using a device still well within its intended shelf life and in good maintenance. But it was clearly him.
Even quickly going through the saved digital pictures, Cinderella found another of Red Hood and him together. It was undeniable - it was them, and Joe hadn't aged a day. "Joe shouldn't be… He ought be elderly. He ought be on death's door from old age, even with the Ark's widespread life extension technology. He's just a man, he's not a Nikke, he should have aged so much since then."
"And Red Hood," Rapunzel noted, wiping away the tears that streamed down her cheeks, for all that it did to stem the tide. "She went missing two weeks before Joe descended into the Ark, only a few days after Andersen was recalled there himself. How, how could she have possibly gotten into the Ark, if not through the entrance? We had it covered at all hours of the day and night—surely, one of us would have noticed her if she'd gone to use it, right?"
"Most certainly, to say little of the matter of how she would have made a point to boorishly as ever announce her presence if she had gone through the main entrance besides," Scarlet set a hand on her chin, eyes narrowing in deep thought. "However, one must consider the serpentine nature of the Central Government. Should they have managed to finish but a single of the many smaller secondary elevators in extensive use today by that time..."
"I thought just the same," Snow White agreed with Scarlet. "As far as we knew, the main entrance to the Ark was the only entrance to the Ark back then. It would have been but one of many more lies the Central Government told us by the end. And it is hardly as though any of us would have had the means or incentive to prove otherwise, until it was too late," she asserted firmly.
"You're suggesting that Red Hood went behind our backs to sneak into the Ark, after telling us she was going out scouting?" Cinderella inquired, gazing forlornly, uncertainly at the picture of their long-lost squad mate.
"Or she was taken there," Snow White added. "If there was another functioning elevator hidden away nearby, it stands to reason that the Central Government may have had agents using it to access the surface covertly. Red Hood was, if nothing else, trusting. Earnest. Uncritical. Foolish. Andersen and the Commander were summoned into the Ark before the main entrance was collapsed behind them. How do we know they did not simply circumvent our communications, and do the same to Red Hood while she was out scouting? Call her to the side-entrance, bring her in, and seal it behind her."
A long quiet fell over the squad, the low, consistent bubbling of the soup in the background accompanying the gentle wind. "But, why?" Rapunzel asked. "Why would they have done that? You, you heard Oswald. We were obsolete to the Ark. We'd 'outlived our usefulness.' Why reclaim Red Hood, and just Red Hood if that was true?"
"The Exceed system," Cinderella noted darkly. "Between all of us, my ability to fly, and the Glass Slippers," she reached out, running a gloved hand down the length of one of her great, bulky shield-like 'wings' which hovered around her, as though tethered to her body by some unseen force. "Were championed as the most advanced developments out of all the Grimms models. Yet Exceed allowed her to almost perform on-par with Lilith. When sparring, if she used it, pushed it, she could catch me, and overwhelm me through sheer direct might."
"It would seem that when we were dubbed 'obsolete,' Oswald was referring to all but one of us," Scarlet mused grimly. "I see little fault in this supposition. Though Red Hood did not carry or present herself as the veritable demi-god she truly was, I think there is a genuine argument to be made that she had, at least the potential, if not the predilection to be the most powerful among us."
"That," Rapunzel lightly wiped at her nose, sniffling, "makes sense, I suppose. Though that doesn't address the other elephant in the room: Joe. Him being alive isn't impossible—it isn't even improbable given how long the average Ark inhabitant apparently lives. How does he look so young, though? He would be well over one-hundred years old now, if I'm remembering correctly, wouldn't he?"
"I have no idea," Snow White bluntly declared, focusing firmly on Rapunzel. "If anyone would have been aware of any irregularities that would account for his apparent agelessness, it would be you, given that you were most familiar with his medical records at the time."
"That's the thing," Rapunzel started, "aside from his Hoplite implant, he was a baseline human. Just a man. And that one implant wouldn't impact his aging given what it is," the techno-nun mused, even as she gingerly wiped at her reddening eyes. "Whatever it is that seemingly stopped his aging must have been done to him after he entered the Ark. I don't know what it could be, but, Splendamin supposedly slows down aging, but it doesn't stop it entirely. It shouldn't, at least."
After a few moments of silence, nobody having anything even approximating an explanation for this irregularity, it seemed that it was just time to move on.
"Oswald lied to us," Cinderella noted darkly, staring at the image of the Commander from just a scant few days ago now—evidence that he'd been on the surface, actively fighting the Raptures into the modern day, just like them. "Joe… he said they had killed him, that just like us, he'd outlived his usefulness too."
"And the way he uttered Snow White's name, with such shock, as though settling his eyes upon a spectre," Scarlet added with a low hum.
"Everyone in the Ark was told that we'd died sealing the Ark from the outside," Cinderella continued. "The Nikkes we've encountered and spoken with over the years, it's always the same thing: 'Goddess perished holding the line, giving their everything to ensure mankind's survival. Each of them, a Goddess of Victory shielding the human race with their radiant wings and their very souls one last time.'"
"The Central Government lied to them," Snow White surmised, brow furrowing heavily and nostrils flaring. "The Commander and Red Hood must have been led to believe that we'd all died while they were inside the Ark. That answer makes the most sense out of any other possibility."
"...Do you think they told my father the same thing?" Cinderella wondered aloud, voice becoming forlorn and soft. "That after he promised to be back soon, with 'souvenirs,' 'gifts,' and 'party favours' that, that I died, just out of reach, just out of view?"
"Certainly and without doubt," Snow White bluntly replied. "The Commander, Red Hood, and the High Commander, they wouldn't have abandoned us. They would have fought tooth and nail for our sake. The Central Government lied to them, just the same as they lied to us. They must have. Otherwise, they'd have come searching for us. If not immediately, then as soon as they were able to return to the surface. They wouldn't have stopped until they found us."
An awkward silence permeated the group after Snow White's lack of tact left everyone feeling more than a little uncomfortable.
"Well," Rapunzel let out a shuddering breath, electing to be the one to move it along. "What now?"
"'What-'" Snow White looked at the nun as though she'd grown a second head. "'What now?' We correct the mistake we made almost one-hundred years ago! We proceed to the Ark, and we rescue our Commander and sister from the claws of the Central Government that lied to them! That lied to us!"
"Snow," Rapunzel's brow furrowed heavily with clear and present worry. "You need to stop and reconsider-"
"There's nothing to reconsider!" Snow White forcefully declared. "After all they've done, how even now, we must ward ourselves away from the Ark lest the Central Government target us again!? Are you even considering what they've been doing to the Commander and Red Hood!? They aren't safe there-!"
"So your intention is for us to deliver him unto Dorothy?" Scarlet interjected with a critical eye.
Snow White looked downright furious for a moment, actually glowering openly at the swordswoman. "Absolutely not! Dorothy cannot be trusted! She-!"
"Then the plan is instead to have the Commander perish from exposure to the elements, if not gradual starvation on the unforgiving surface, then?" Scarlet pressed, giving Snow White a deeply unimpressed look. "Scarcely have we managed to sustain ourselves this past century, to reconstitute thy memory, Snow White. And we need not partake anywhere near as much as the average human, let alone a man as burly as the Commander. Dost thou sincerely believe that we would manage anything beyond our own mutual deaths via starvation, should we attempt to care for him ourselves here upon the surface?"
"Don't underestimate the Commander!" Snow White demanded of the grey-haired woman. "It was him that taught me to use a bow! It was him that taught me to track prey! It was him that taught me to dress game! It was him that taught me how to build a survival shelter, what wood burns clean for warmth and cooking, what would produce acrid smoke that would attract unwanted attention and foul food! How to preserve meat, how to produce the pemmican that sustained us through our hardest days in this no-man's-land! If any human could survive, thrive on the surface, it would be him!"
"The surface was recognizable once upon a time, Snow White. Now?" Scarlet asserted pointedly. "The Commander honed his capabilities with the knowledge that help would rush to his aid should all go wrong, professional aid backed by an entire nation naught but a phone or radio call away. He earned these accolades without the constant threat of Raptures descending upon his person at a moment's notice. He learned the ways of his people in the distant forsaken north—where today, winters would be unsurvivable without modern infrastructure to rely upon. I am not underestimating the Commander. Thou are overestimating him to a dangerous degree. And moreover, I understand why."
While Rapunzel looked ready to interject, her brow furrowed in building worry, she seemed mollified by the softening of Scarlet's tone, while Cinderella remained quiet, looking between the two arguing Nikkes warily, seeming to want to let them work through it on their own if possible.
"I have longed for his company just the same as thyself, Snow White," Scarlet asserted gently. "The notion that our dearest Commander has been without us this entire time, that he has been venturing to the surface to uphold our duty to cast down the Raptures for who knows how long, only Red Hood to ward off our mortal enemies all the while. I wish to stand with him again just the same. Yet I urge you, Snow White. Close thy eyes, and open them not 'till thou have heard thy own words and pondered the consequences of thy suggestion."
The white-clad Nikke did as instructed, closing her eyes and taking several long, meditative breaths. After a few moments, she let out a heavy sigh. "If we did not entrust him to Eden, removing him from the Ark would ultimately kill him with absolute certainty."
"And he's healthy, Snow," Rapunzel noted, pointing to the still shot of the Commander next to Red Hood. "He looks just as he did the last time we set eyes on him, just as Cinderella said. He hasn't been starved, he isn't missing any parts. Whatever life is like in the Ark, he's at least safe there."
"Then what are we supposed to do!?" Snow White demanded, brow furrowing in mounting dismay. "Just, just pretend this never happened!? That he hasn't been fighting without us this entire time!? That-" She was cut off by Cinderella approaching and taking a hold of her shoulders.
"Nobody is saying that we should abandon Joe. All of us want to return to him. All of us have missed him," Cinderella assured her senior, releasing her with a squeeze. "I would advise that a few of us remain near the Ark—not so close as to be spotted by them, but enough that we may notice further deploying teams. Joe is being sent into the field alongside Red Hood, we know it's happening now. So, we wait. We follow deploying squads until it's them. We could even take the chance to approach Nikkes left to do guard duty, or sent ahead of their Commanders to scout to ask if they know anything about them. We need to get a better idea of what's happening, what the actual situation around them is."
"Cinderella has the right of it," Scarlet asserted, adjusting Fleetly Fading where the sword hung from her waist. "We cannot discharge half-cocked. Not when doing so may yet actually endanger the Commander and Red Hood."
At that, Snow White's brow furrowed heavily. "Speaking of threats to the Commander and Red Hood," she tracked back through the video, stopping it on Chatterbox. "This thing is a clear and present danger to them. It must be eliminated with extreme prejudice as soon as possible. I will pursue it and destroy it as soon as we are finished here. I abandoned its trail to await everyone here. There is no reason I cannot pick it back up shortly."
With a nod, she looked to everyone else. "Cinderella, you are the only one among us capable of flight. You keep watch over the Ark. Your capacity to follow and catch deploying teams far and away outstrips the rest of us, given how common it is for Commanders and Nikke squads to be deployed from the coast to travel inland via aircraft across great distances."
"I would advise that Rapunzel accompany her," Scarlet suggested in turn. "She is as outwardly threatening as a teddy bear," she ignored the small, somewhat offended protesting 'hey' the taller blonde projected, "and rather fortuitously, has a stellar track record in achieving fruitful and open dialogues with Ark Nikkes as a consequence."
"What will you do then, Scarlet?" Rapunzel inquired, "Do you intend to go tell-"
"We are not informing Dorothy of this," Snow White firmly declared, nostrils flaring. "She cannot be trusted."
"Snow! How can you be so cruel?" Rapunzel, in response, gave her younger comrade a deeply reproachful look. "She was affected by what happened more so than anyone-"
"She has turned her back on mankind!" Snow White pressed firmly, almost furiously. "Human beings are nothing but tools to her! I will not allow her to endanger the Commander with her wretched, near-Heretical behaviour!"
"Dorothy isn't a Heretic!" Rapunzel forcefully asserted in turn, actually getting upset herself. "She's just heartbroken-"
"She may as well be!" Snow White angrily shot back, eyes widening and pupils constricting as she cut the blonde off.
"Cease this buffoonery at once! Each of you!" Scarlet interjected, metaphorically cutting the two off at the knees. "My intent is to accompany Snow White in her pursuit of Chatterbox, and I shall brook no arguments to the contrary. In fact, the only reason I am not pressing for all of us to hunt down this Rapture altogether is because making contact with the Commander is just as important, if not more so. We shall destroy Chatterbox, and matters of personal pride shall not be considered in matters of Joe's well-being. Am I clear?"
"I agree, Scarlet," Cinderella nodded in turn. "Both of you, leave a trail for me to follow if need be. I'll track you both down if we make contact with Joe and Red Hood before you return."
Snow White released a heavy breath. "Very well. You're correct: the Commander's safety is of paramount importance. We will hunt down and reduce the Tyrant to ashes, then return to the general vicinity of the Ark to await…" yet another long breath, this one shuddering, escaped her lips. "Our reunion with our Commander and sister."
"We've waited nearly a century up to now," Cinderella asserted with determination. "A few weeks, even a few months now, will be nothing in comparison."
"So you say, yet somehow, it feels like time has slowed to a standstill to me," Snow White made no attempt to mask her frustration with the need to wait.
"There is little else to be done. We know they are still with us, and we shall be reunited with them in due time," Scarlet asserted, before looking between Snow White and Rapunzel pointedly. "Now, to leave little room for misconstruance: I would have it known that I see where each of you are coming from in regards to Dorothy, and my own considerations fall squarely in the midst of either. Dorothy has previously declared that her allegiances no longer lay in mankind's best interests. She has demonstrated that human beings are little other than tools to be used to advance her ambitions now."
"However," Scarlet continued. "I defy you to tell me that the Ark has not gone out of its way to push her to take up this sword, that she has made clear she does as she does so both for us, and for him. I defy you to assert that we have not felt the same temptation in turn, and only fight for the Ark even as it would see us hunted down and destroyed as we do out of duty, because protecting the Ark and the humans within it is the right thing to do, not necessarily what is deserved."
While Cinderella remained quiet, allowing everyone to work through their issues, Rapunzel looked despondent, as Snow White looked deeply frustrated.
Scarlet continued on regardless. "I recall clearly that day. The moment it happened, when, in retrospect, we lost both of our remaining leaders. Do you, Snow White? Do you recall what Dorothy said?"
Snow White didn't reply, averting her gaze in visible discomfort.
"What of you, Rapunzel? Do you recall the words Dorothy spoke?" Scarlet addressed the group's tallest member next.
"'Give him back,'" Rapunzel all but sobbed. "Screaming, crying, until her voice gave out. For the first time since any of us had met her, unbreakable, unbending Dorothy. We couldn't console her. Nothing we said mattered. 'Give him back! Give him back! Joe… Give back my Commander! Give me back my wings! Goddess- he called me his Goddess of Victory! Don't take my wings! Give them back!' Then, she just kept apologizing. To him, obviously to Joe. Begging him for forgiveness, even though all of us know that he would never hold her responsible."
Silence permeated the group, Scarlet making a point to allow that reminder to marinade before she spoke up again. "Thou art correct, Snow White. Dorothy is dangerous. We simply cannot blindly entrust the Commander to her at present. Not when we know not what she would do, how she might react. However, I would strongly advise that rather than demonize her as a monster, thou recall that the Ark did this to her."
Scarlet's brow furrowed. "Do not act as though her feelings are not justified, even if we ultimately parted ways because we can not walk the same path she has chosen. And ever more: blind thyself not to the fact that should we need to remove Joe from the Ark, there is no other place he can reasonably be considered to be safe for him to inhabit. We would need to leave him with Dorothy, and to argue otherwise would be the height of folly."
Silence reigned once more, and looking between the other gathered members of Pioneer, Scarlet let out a bone-deep sigh once it was clear nobody else had anything to say on the matter.
"Well then, now that I have once more been forced to play the role of diplomat between thyselves," she reached across her waist opposite her sword, and with practised ease, popped open a large flask, immediately tipping her head all the way back and downing it.
"Scarlet!" Rapunzel cried out. "Really!? It's not even mid-day yet!"
"There she goes," Cinderella pinched her brow as Snow White remained silent, closing the hologram and inching forward while everyone else seemed distracted.
Releasing the flask from her lips, from which a dribble of liquid fell, past already rapidly reddening cheeks, Scarlet declared: "I shan't be denied my reward for playing the part of the mediating adult! An adult's treat, for an adult's part played!" she asserted before she raised the flask to her lips and continued morning drinking shamelessly.
"Scarlet, please-" Cinderella started, letting her hand fall and looking up at her squad mate, to which her one visible eye became unto a dinner plate and she cried out: "Snow White, no!"
Rapunzel and Scarlet's attention snapped to the group's engineer, and the remnants of Goddess practically tripped over a Scarlet who lunged into an immediate face plant, on account of her instant inebriation attempting to stop Snow White. The white-maned woman had taken the distraction as an opportunity to go for, and begin chugging the entire pot of still-hot vegetable soup before anyone could stop her.
If nothing else, the forsaken Goddesses of Victory had rediscovered a path thought long since lost, and though warily, they would dutifully take it once again.
Chapter 31 - Forsaken Goddesses
"Joe and Red Hood are alive," Snow White reiterated her point, a fervency in her voice normally not present unless she was destroying Raptures. "They were battling the Tyrant-class Chatterbox in Vancouver, accompanied by a number of Ark Nikkes. He recognized me, called out to me by name…" After closing her eyes and taking a deep, bracing breath, she continued. "Chatterbox threatened them, and I- Lost control of myself. I pursued the abomination in a blind frenzy, and by the time I'd realized my mistake after it escaped from me, they were long gone when I returned to the battlefield. Surely back to the Ark."
The rest of Pioneer stared at Snow White silently. Cinderella slowly rose to her feet as Rapunzel took several attempts at calming breaths.
"Your visor," Cinderella started, large blue eye staring past her parted bangs in wary uncertainty. "It has a recorder built into it, right? You- you'd have pictures, or video, right?"
Reaching up and fiddling with her visor, once little more than a ballistic mask that doubled as digital goggles, Snow White adjusted a few of the additions she'd since added herself—and a hologram, somewhat fuzzy and out-of-focus due to crude maintenance at best, was projected from the blackened armoured mask.
A round of gasps followed when the video recording played back, and even as Chatterbox writhed in pain before the White Reaper, the Commander's voice suddenly called out to Snow White. The camera spun in place, and with a pause, there they were.
Joe, their Commander, and Red Hood, their sister. Both were dressed… Not as they once would have, and Red Hood did not have her Exceed active, but, it was obviously them. Then-
They heard Chatterbox's declaration, and immediately understood why Snow White had lost her cool. Nobody would hold her reaction against her, however.
"Commander," Rapunzel almost immediately sobbed. "Red Hood…!"
"Truly, a man of miracles, to persist into the modern day even despite all which has occurred," Scarlet mused through a small, but powerful smile of relief. "And the crimson fool as well, no less. Despite thyself, even you failed in thine attempts to shirk thy duty, Red Hood."
"How?" Cinderella wondered aloud, even as her eyes visibly began to shine with heavily building moisture. "Let me be clear: I am happy. I am more happy than I ever thought I'd be again. But, how?" the twintailed Nikke asked, reaching out as if to stroke at the non-corporeal hologram, her hand stopping just before the projection of their Commander's face. "It has been almost a century. He looks just as he did that day he left," to emphasize her point, she withdrew a smart device from a holster on her hip.
Not Joe's own phone, that had perished and been left in memoriam of him with Dorothy many decades ago, the quality of that original device having been seemingly built to fail after a point. The memories, the data and information that had been stored on it, however, had long since been transferred to this new device meant to weather the apocalypse.
The last picture she'd taken of Joe, in the moments before he'd descended into the Ark. The older photo was more clear, not being a still from a video, and having been captured using a device still well within its intended shelf life and in good maintenance. But it was clearly him.
Even quickly going through the saved digital pictures, Cinderella found another of Red Hood and him together. It was undeniable - it was them, and Joe hadn't aged a day. "Joe shouldn't be… He ought be elderly. He ought be on death's door from old age, even with the Ark's widespread life extension technology. He's just a man, he's not a Nikke, he should have aged so much since then."
"And Red Hood," Rapunzel noted, wiping away the tears that streamed down her cheeks, for all that it did to stem the tide. "She went missing two weeks before Joe descended into the Ark, only a few days after Andersen was recalled there himself. How, how could she have possibly gotten into the Ark, if not through the entrance? We had it covered at all hours of the day and night—surely, one of us would have noticed her if she'd gone to use it, right?"
"Most certainly, to say little of the matter of how she would have made a point to boorishly as ever announce her presence if she had gone through the main entrance besides," Scarlet set a hand on her chin, eyes narrowing in deep thought. "However, one must consider the serpentine nature of the Central Government. Should they have managed to finish but a single of the many smaller secondary elevators in extensive use today by that time..."
"I thought just the same," Snow White agreed with Scarlet. "As far as we knew, the main entrance to the Ark was the only entrance to the Ark back then. It would have been but one of many more lies the Central Government told us by the end. And it is hardly as though any of us would have had the means or incentive to prove otherwise, until it was too late," she asserted firmly.
"You're suggesting that Red Hood went behind our backs to sneak into the Ark, after telling us she was going out scouting?" Cinderella inquired, gazing forlornly, uncertainly at the picture of their long-lost squad mate.
"Or she was taken there," Snow White added. "If there was another functioning elevator hidden away nearby, it stands to reason that the Central Government may have had agents using it to access the surface covertly. Red Hood was, if nothing else, trusting. Earnest. Uncritical. Foolish. Andersen and the Commander were summoned into the Ark before the main entrance was collapsed behind them. How do we know they did not simply circumvent our communications, and do the same to Red Hood while she was out scouting? Call her to the side-entrance, bring her in, and seal it behind her."
A long quiet fell over the squad, the low, consistent bubbling of the soup in the background accompanying the gentle wind. "But, why?" Rapunzel asked. "Why would they have done that? You, you heard Oswald. We were obsolete to the Ark. We'd 'outlived our usefulness.' Why reclaim Red Hood, and just Red Hood if that was true?"
"The Exceed system," Cinderella noted darkly. "Between all of us, my ability to fly, and the Glass Slippers," she reached out, running a gloved hand down the length of one of her great, bulky shield-like 'wings' which hovered around her, as though tethered to her body by some unseen force. "Were championed as the most advanced developments out of all the Grimms models. Yet Exceed allowed her to almost perform on-par with Lilith. When sparring, if she used it, pushed it, she could catch me, and overwhelm me through sheer direct might."
"It would seem that when we were dubbed 'obsolete,' Oswald was referring to all but one of us," Scarlet mused grimly. "I see little fault in this supposition. Though Red Hood did not carry or present herself as the veritable demi-god she truly was, I think there is a genuine argument to be made that she had, at least the potential, if not the predilection to be the most powerful among us."
"That," Rapunzel lightly wiped at her nose, sniffling, "makes sense, I suppose. Though that doesn't address the other elephant in the room: Joe. Him being alive isn't impossible—it isn't even improbable given how long the average Ark inhabitant apparently lives. How does he look so young, though? He would be well over one-hundred years old now, if I'm remembering correctly, wouldn't he?"
"I have no idea," Snow White bluntly declared, focusing firmly on Rapunzel. "If anyone would have been aware of any irregularities that would account for his apparent agelessness, it would be you, given that you were most familiar with his medical records at the time."
"That's the thing," Rapunzel started, "aside from his Hoplite implant, he was a baseline human. Just a man. And that one implant wouldn't impact his aging given what it is," the techno-nun mused, even as she gingerly wiped at her reddening eyes. "Whatever it is that seemingly stopped his aging must have been done to him after he entered the Ark. I don't know what it could be, but, Splendamin supposedly slows down aging, but it doesn't stop it entirely. It shouldn't, at least."
After a few moments of silence, nobody having anything even approximating an explanation for this irregularity, it seemed that it was just time to move on.
"Oswald lied to us," Cinderella noted darkly, staring at the image of the Commander from just a scant few days ago now—evidence that he'd been on the surface, actively fighting the Raptures into the modern day, just like them. "Joe… he said they had killed him, that just like us, he'd outlived his usefulness too."
"And the way he uttered Snow White's name, with such shock, as though settling his eyes upon a spectre," Scarlet added with a low hum.
"Everyone in the Ark was told that we'd died sealing the Ark from the outside," Cinderella continued. "The Nikkes we've encountered and spoken with over the years, it's always the same thing: 'Goddess perished holding the line, giving their everything to ensure mankind's survival. Each of them, a Goddess of Victory shielding the human race with their radiant wings and their very souls one last time.'"
"The Central Government lied to them," Snow White surmised, brow furrowing heavily and nostrils flaring. "The Commander and Red Hood must have been led to believe that we'd all died while they were inside the Ark. That answer makes the most sense out of any other possibility."
"...Do you think they told my father the same thing?" Cinderella wondered aloud, voice becoming forlorn and soft. "That after he promised to be back soon, with 'souvenirs,' 'gifts,' and 'party favours' that, that I died, just out of reach, just out of view?"
"Certainly and without doubt," Snow White bluntly replied. "The Commander, Red Hood, and the High Commander, they wouldn't have abandoned us. They would have fought tooth and nail for our sake. The Central Government lied to them, just the same as they lied to us. They must have. Otherwise, they'd have come searching for us. If not immediately, then as soon as they were able to return to the surface. They wouldn't have stopped until they found us."
An awkward silence permeated the group after Snow White's lack of tact left everyone feeling more than a little uncomfortable.
"Well," Rapunzel let out a shuddering breath, electing to be the one to move it along. "What now?"
"'What-'" Snow White looked at the nun as though she'd grown a second head. "'What now?' We correct the mistake we made almost one-hundred years ago! We proceed to the Ark, and we rescue our Commander and sister from the claws of the Central Government that lied to them! That lied to us!"
"Snow," Rapunzel's brow furrowed heavily with clear and present worry. "You need to stop and reconsider-"
"There's nothing to reconsider!" Snow White forcefully declared. "After all they've done, how even now, we must ward ourselves away from the Ark lest the Central Government target us again!? Are you even considering what they've been doing to the Commander and Red Hood!? They aren't safe there-!"
"So your intention is for us to deliver him unto Dorothy?" Scarlet interjected with a critical eye.
Snow White looked downright furious for a moment, actually glowering openly at the swordswoman. "Absolutely not! Dorothy cannot be trusted! She-!"
"Then the plan is instead to have the Commander perish from exposure to the elements, if not gradual starvation on the unforgiving surface, then?" Scarlet pressed, giving Snow White a deeply unimpressed look. "Scarcely have we managed to sustain ourselves this past century, to reconstitute thy memory, Snow White. And we need not partake anywhere near as much as the average human, let alone a man as burly as the Commander. Dost thou sincerely believe that we would manage anything beyond our own mutual deaths via starvation, should we attempt to care for him ourselves here upon the surface?"
"Don't underestimate the Commander!" Snow White demanded of the grey-haired woman. "It was him that taught me to use a bow! It was him that taught me to track prey! It was him that taught me to dress game! It was him that taught me how to build a survival shelter, what wood burns clean for warmth and cooking, what would produce acrid smoke that would attract unwanted attention and foul food! How to preserve meat, how to produce the pemmican that sustained us through our hardest days in this no-man's-land! If any human could survive, thrive on the surface, it would be him!"
"The surface was recognizable once upon a time, Snow White. Now?" Scarlet asserted pointedly. "The Commander honed his capabilities with the knowledge that help would rush to his aid should all go wrong, professional aid backed by an entire nation naught but a phone or radio call away. He earned these accolades without the constant threat of Raptures descending upon his person at a moment's notice. He learned the ways of his people in the distant forsaken north—where today, winters would be unsurvivable without modern infrastructure to rely upon. I am not underestimating the Commander. Thou are overestimating him to a dangerous degree. And moreover, I understand why."
While Rapunzel looked ready to interject, her brow furrowed in building worry, she seemed mollified by the softening of Scarlet's tone, while Cinderella remained quiet, looking between the two arguing Nikkes warily, seeming to want to let them work through it on their own if possible.
"I have longed for his company just the same as thyself, Snow White," Scarlet asserted gently. "The notion that our dearest Commander has been without us this entire time, that he has been venturing to the surface to uphold our duty to cast down the Raptures for who knows how long, only Red Hood to ward off our mortal enemies all the while. I wish to stand with him again just the same. Yet I urge you, Snow White. Close thy eyes, and open them not 'till thou have heard thy own words and pondered the consequences of thy suggestion."
The white-clad Nikke did as instructed, closing her eyes and taking several long, meditative breaths. After a few moments, she let out a heavy sigh. "If we did not entrust him to Eden, removing him from the Ark would ultimately kill him with absolute certainty."
"And he's healthy, Snow," Rapunzel noted, pointing to the still shot of the Commander next to Red Hood. "He looks just as he did the last time we set eyes on him, just as Cinderella said. He hasn't been starved, he isn't missing any parts. Whatever life is like in the Ark, he's at least safe there."
"Then what are we supposed to do!?" Snow White demanded, brow furrowing in mounting dismay. "Just, just pretend this never happened!? That he hasn't been fighting without us this entire time!? That-" She was cut off by Cinderella approaching and taking a hold of her shoulders.
"Nobody is saying that we should abandon Joe. All of us want to return to him. All of us have missed him," Cinderella assured her senior, releasing her with a squeeze. "I would advise that a few of us remain near the Ark—not so close as to be spotted by them, but enough that we may notice further deploying teams. Joe is being sent into the field alongside Red Hood, we know it's happening now. So, we wait. We follow deploying squads until it's them. We could even take the chance to approach Nikkes left to do guard duty, or sent ahead of their Commanders to scout to ask if they know anything about them. We need to get a better idea of what's happening, what the actual situation around them is."
"Cinderella has the right of it," Scarlet asserted, adjusting Fleetly Fading where the sword hung from her waist. "We cannot discharge half-cocked. Not when doing so may yet actually endanger the Commander and Red Hood."
At that, Snow White's brow furrowed heavily. "Speaking of threats to the Commander and Red Hood," she tracked back through the video, stopping it on Chatterbox. "This thing is a clear and present danger to them. It must be eliminated with extreme prejudice as soon as possible. I will pursue it and destroy it as soon as we are finished here. I abandoned its trail to await everyone here. There is no reason I cannot pick it back up shortly."
With a nod, she looked to everyone else. "Cinderella, you are the only one among us capable of flight. You keep watch over the Ark. Your capacity to follow and catch deploying teams far and away outstrips the rest of us, given how common it is for Commanders and Nikke squads to be deployed from the coast to travel inland via aircraft across great distances."
"I would advise that Rapunzel accompany her," Scarlet suggested in turn. "She is as outwardly threatening as a teddy bear," she ignored the small, somewhat offended protesting 'hey' the taller blonde projected, "and rather fortuitously, has a stellar track record in achieving fruitful and open dialogues with Ark Nikkes as a consequence."
"What will you do then, Scarlet?" Rapunzel inquired, "Do you intend to go tell-"
"We are not informing Dorothy of this," Snow White firmly declared, nostrils flaring. "She cannot be trusted."
"Snow! How can you be so cruel?" Rapunzel, in response, gave her younger comrade a deeply reproachful look. "She was affected by what happened more so than anyone-"
"She has turned her back on mankind!" Snow White pressed firmly, almost furiously. "Human beings are nothing but tools to her! I will not allow her to endanger the Commander with her wretched, near-Heretical behaviour!"
"Dorothy isn't a Heretic!" Rapunzel forcefully asserted in turn, actually getting upset herself. "She's just heartbroken-"
"She may as well be!" Snow White angrily shot back, eyes widening and pupils constricting as she cut the blonde off.
"Cease this buffoonery at once! Each of you!" Scarlet interjected, metaphorically cutting the two off at the knees. "My intent is to accompany Snow White in her pursuit of Chatterbox, and I shall brook no arguments to the contrary. In fact, the only reason I am not pressing for all of us to hunt down this Rapture altogether is because making contact with the Commander is just as important, if not more so. We shall destroy Chatterbox, and matters of personal pride shall not be considered in matters of Joe's well-being. Am I clear?"
"I agree, Scarlet," Cinderella nodded in turn. "Both of you, leave a trail for me to follow if need be. I'll track you both down if we make contact with Joe and Red Hood before you return."
Snow White released a heavy breath. "Very well. You're correct: the Commander's safety is of paramount importance. We will hunt down and reduce the Tyrant to ashes, then return to the general vicinity of the Ark to await…" yet another long breath, this one shuddering, escaped her lips. "Our reunion with our Commander and sister."
"We've waited nearly a century up to now," Cinderella asserted with determination. "A few weeks, even a few months now, will be nothing in comparison."
"So you say, yet somehow, it feels like time has slowed to a standstill to me," Snow White made no attempt to mask her frustration with the need to wait.
"There is little else to be done. We know they are still with us, and we shall be reunited with them in due time," Scarlet asserted, before looking between Snow White and Rapunzel pointedly. "Now, to leave little room for misconstruance: I would have it known that I see where each of you are coming from in regards to Dorothy, and my own considerations fall squarely in the midst of either. Dorothy has previously declared that her allegiances no longer lay in mankind's best interests. She has demonstrated that human beings are little other than tools to be used to advance her ambitions now."
"However," Scarlet continued. "I defy you to tell me that the Ark has not gone out of its way to push her to take up this sword, that she has made clear she does as she does so both for us, and for him. I defy you to assert that we have not felt the same temptation in turn, and only fight for the Ark even as it would see us hunted down and destroyed as we do out of duty, because protecting the Ark and the humans within it is the right thing to do, not necessarily what is deserved."
While Cinderella remained quiet, allowing everyone to work through their issues, Rapunzel looked despondent, as Snow White looked deeply frustrated.
Scarlet continued on regardless. "I recall clearly that day. The moment it happened, when, in retrospect, we lost both of our remaining leaders. Do you, Snow White? Do you recall what Dorothy said?"
Snow White didn't reply, averting her gaze in visible discomfort.
"What of you, Rapunzel? Do you recall the words Dorothy spoke?" Scarlet addressed the group's tallest member next.
"'Give him back,'" Rapunzel all but sobbed. "Screaming, crying, until her voice gave out. For the first time since any of us had met her, unbreakable, unbending Dorothy. We couldn't console her. Nothing we said mattered. 'Give him back! Give him back! Joe… Give back my Commander! Give me back my wings! Goddess- he called me his Goddess of Victory! Don't take my wings! Give them back!' Then, she just kept apologizing. To him, obviously to Joe. Begging him for forgiveness, even though all of us know that he would never hold her responsible."
Silence permeated the group, Scarlet making a point to allow that reminder to marinade before she spoke up again. "Thou art correct, Snow White. Dorothy is dangerous. We simply cannot blindly entrust the Commander to her at present. Not when we know not what she would do, how she might react. However, I would strongly advise that rather than demonize her as a monster, thou recall that the Ark did this to her."
Scarlet's brow furrowed. "Do not act as though her feelings are not justified, even if we ultimately parted ways because we can not walk the same path she has chosen. And ever more: blind thyself not to the fact that should we need to remove Joe from the Ark, there is no other place he can reasonably be considered to be safe for him to inhabit. We would need to leave him with Dorothy, and to argue otherwise would be the height of folly."
Silence reigned once more, and looking between the other gathered members of Pioneer, Scarlet let out a bone-deep sigh once it was clear nobody else had anything to say on the matter.
"Well then, now that I have once more been forced to play the role of diplomat between thyselves," she reached across her waist opposite her sword, and with practised ease, popped open a large flask, immediately tipping her head all the way back and downing it.
"Scarlet!" Rapunzel cried out. "Really!? It's not even mid-day yet!"
"There she goes," Cinderella pinched her brow as Snow White remained silent, closing the hologram and inching forward while everyone else seemed distracted.
Releasing the flask from her lips, from which a dribble of liquid fell, past already rapidly reddening cheeks, Scarlet declared: "I shan't be denied my reward for playing the part of the mediating adult! An adult's treat, for an adult's part played!" she asserted before she raised the flask to her lips and continued morning drinking shamelessly.
"Scarlet, please-" Cinderella started, letting her hand fall and looking up at her squad mate, to which her one visible eye became unto a dinner plate and she cried out: "Snow White, no!"
Rapunzel and Scarlet's attention snapped to the group's engineer, and the remnants of Goddess practically tripped over a Scarlet who lunged into an immediate face plant, on account of her instant inebriation attempting to stop Snow White. The white-maned woman had taken the distraction as an opportunity to go for, and begin chugging the entire pot of still-hot vegetable soup before anyone could stop her.
If nothing else, the forsaken Goddesses of Victory had rediscovered a path thought long since lost, and though warily, they would dutifully take it once again.
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