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Pax's Battletech Junkyard

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A Snippets, Scraps, and Misc thread that all are set in the BattleTech universe, a substantive...
CYOA Reference
CYOA Reference

I linked to Essence of Megamek lab, which I use for a lot of things in the Opening Post,
So Rabid Fox is the combination of that and Drakensis's Simple CYOA
Here is a link to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eden4TNeOBtrhSjClK8eVcJIiaVGEOzKIq02Pc6OMgM/edit?usp=sharing
a roll of one: Mallory's World 3013 - Ian Davion is about to face Yorinaga Kurita, in the rear-guard of the 4th Davion Guards.

I would kind of like to do a you're the Davion heir CYOA but on the other hand
Link for reference https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gsEmnxHUYj8m19aMebrt5GaVJDSEhbHc/view?usp=sharing

But that would be a whole lot harder to integrate Essence of Megamek lab into narratively so nothing has come of that. I don't use a whole lot of other essences and I don't reallyhave any interest in crossing over DnD or Harry Potter into BT

I really like Salvaging the Timeline, and I'd like to do something with that https://forum.questionablequesting....discussions-thread.4740/page-298#post-6507681

Also there is the classic of Mage Ohki's Space Heir II: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SK7JCvb3J8ytG18XZtHDsi0KGVmUOtKdy84lQ-zCdtY/edit#

This one is important not just as a CYOA but also because it uses a time of war stuff, and its notes and roll tables occasionally get used for things that don't use the CYOA by itself. Particularly since I do plan for Ki Abilities, but also Phantom Mech's inclusion so this is useful as a reference for that.
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Reference information
Some other material used frequently is the Battletech Random Mercenary Unit Generator:
https://i.4pcdn.org/tg/1601272396315.pdf (This is technically a CYOA I suppose, and I originally had it linked in that post.)

As is this Battletech Organization Chart:
and this One:http://www.ci-n.com/~jcampbel/rpgs/battletech/campaigns/toekey.html
Specific to HBS related content but still useful for reference (though not a CYOA)

SPAs: https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Special_Pilot_Abilities
Design Quirks: https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Design_Quirks

I will probably include a list of common battlemechs across all stories, or sorted by individual timeline at some point but that will be a separate post that may eventually be expanded to include custom variants or timeline specific production versions and their engines

Also maps
I like this one but think whoever was doing it has stopped updating: https://battletech.rpg.hu/dynmech/planets/ismap_standalone.php?era_id=1&id=39

This one has the Aurigan Reach on it, which is nice and its the other map I use normally

Again this is not a CYOA but I use the force generation/customization tables here from time to time and its got some useful fluff stuff
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Teaser GWW late 3020s
I normally would not post something this short hence why this will be going up as Extras

Post- You want to do what with my Genes?
Lyran Commonwealth Castle Brian​

The look was pure contempt at the Otomo's request slash demand to the marine officer. "I will not be lectured on honor and duty by the usurper's running dogs. I am an officer of the Terran Hegemony, long live House Cameron."

The clacking of the keys ended as the enter key was struck and then on the screen the words appeared:

Boot sequence initialized.
scrawls of abreviated letters, and numerical sequences ran across the screen increasing until they were nearly unreadable.

CASPAR Series SDS M5 Boot Sequence Completed.

THS York online.

Such a reality took a moment to become apparent to the system. Indeed the exact nature of the doom that faced them was not immediately clear. The Terran warmchine at first was merely the nightmare of the age of war. A warship... but something that would have at least held a human crew, would have been vulnerable to attack by human forces.

Its fusion drive bloomed to all the sensors looking skyward. To all sensors in space that were capable of seeing any kind of heat returns.

The Caspar series merely appeared to be a modified Lola class some variation on a classic Star League warship. The Combine's first thoughts were of being able to salvage it, their nominal allies in ComStar, well their concern, were to consider its destruction to prevent it from falling into enemy hands... but then the machine accelerated and more importantly it spoke. The AI's raw emotional, visceral hatred punctuated by the lightning of Naval PPCs opening into the Otomo's JumpShip's inadequately protected port side. The mid section of the Monolith class JumpShip ruptured violently.

This is a teaser of the scene referenced: Here: in Rabid Fox though this segment, the above teaser, is Ghost who walks content.
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Extras Rabid Fox Breaks Sword Sakhara defense teaser
Rabid Fox: Combine Attack Sakhara the near future.

"Cowardly freebirth worm." The seventy tonner's pilot hissed as his machine stepped forward. The machines strode past the recently strafed buildings of the Sakhara township. "I am star captain Ryan Thompson. This cluster accepts your challenge."

The machine was in most outward appearances similar to the Vox 280 powered Cataphract that had begun populating training and gunnery classes for second year students. It was not one of the slower versions that were being used to let freshmen get the hang of piloting machines. It was however painted in the distinct colors of the Robinson Assault cluster... and it was one of thirty mechs identical to it.

That visual uniformity and their nominal external similarity was enough to blind observers on both sides... until the clan spec LBX GM Whirlwind 120mm opened up. By inner sphere standards the Trinary of Mechs was a reinforced company.

It was reinforced company supported by two triumphs worth of eighty ton vehicles. Another twenty clan vehicles formed outriders firing missiles not actually found in contemporary clan arsenals. Not that anyone would have immediately zeroed in on that, especially not with air support massing.

The clan spec Cataphracht was a 'mere' 1905 BV. It was subject to some of the same vulnerabilities as much the Sakhara garrison in terms of operations in a prolonged engagement. Its two lbx fives were supported by a pair of clan ER mediums and a chest mounted ER large laser of the same model found on the Rabid Fox B... and of course the star captain commanding the thirty mechs was all too inclined to inform the draconis combine that they were attacking Sakhara because they were cowards who wouldn't have done so if they thought they might be attacking the force at strength... that the 'fox khan' might have been present.

Then he called them such things as the usurper's running dogs and generally derided the combine's honor, baiting them into advancing heedless of the mass of armor on their flanks.

Notes: another short one this takes place probably in the early 3020s its while Henry is off world it could happen as early as 3018 but right now its floating but the Cataphract has just made an appearance in canon and this is its scarier model version showing up.

Now Nightmare Trinary / company of the RAC are not as skilled as the SLDF pilots who comprise the Medium BattleMech Company the cadets have been practicing against but they are still experienced pilots . They also have a serious combined arms weight advantage and a willingness to use it. The other thing is that this is the LBX 5 clan version of the prototype gun on Gene's white horse in GWW.

The Robinson Assault Cluster by the 3020s will be filled out to a full Cluster strength if not necessarily with frontline cluster (pure clan equipment) most of their equipment is still standard inner sphere or is Star League gear skirting appearances but its the uniformity thats really the main thing there. And by that point the SLDF Battle element is also being expanded to a striker regiment (3 Medium Mech Battalions, + 1 heavy mech company, and supporting arms) and those will be up by the time for the formal peace treaty between the FedSuns and Lyrans.