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[Freeform] PHO: Parahumans Online

I guess with a good deal of luck and some planning you might, might be able to kill eidolon. The thing is it wouldn't be simple at all to do. I think too many people make the mistake of assuming he is so powerful just because of his power and forget that the man isn't stupid, has decades of experience under his belt, and the support of the protectorate and their allies. Seriously, he is older than most capes and has been active for ages in a profession where people often die young. He won't be tricked or trapped easily.

On top if that, he is hillariously lucky. All three of the triumphirate are actually. There is actually a whole list of assassination attempts from their early years that almost succeeded but then failed in the last minute due to dumb luck or something.

In any event, I heard that eidolon used a power to teleport hookwolf direcrly to high security a holding cell in DC where he waits for his trial. I want to see how the empire will get him out of that.
On top if that, he is hillariously lucky. All three of the triumphirate are actually. There is actually a whole list of assassination attempts from their early years that almost succeeded but then failed in the last minute due to dumb luck or something.
of that.

You think he has some kind of luck power activated when he doesn't need all three power slots for something else? I mean, I suppose probability manipulation couldn't really be considered "luck" as such, because luck is when good stuff happens totally outside your control. It would Look like luck though, to anyone who didn't have some kind of high level Thinker power.

In any event, I heard that eidolon used a power to teleport hookwolf direcrly to high security a holding cell in DC where he waits for his trial. I want to see how the empire will get him out of that.

If we're being realistic here, this is either going to rekindle the gang war, then end it super fast, or send all the gang capes running. Neither Kaiser or Lung will want to look week, so I think they'll be reluctant to back down and hide. Kaiser might do it anyway, given that his power base has always been a product of numbers, and none of his capes are individually powerful enough to take on a member of the Triumvirate.

For some reason I can't see Lung backing down though... I would call that arrogance, except that he's fought off an Endbringer solo... Lung's pretty far up there on the power scale. I still think Eidolon would win if they fought, but... Man I really hope they don't fight. I'm instinctively tensing at the thought of the pure number of casualties a fight between them would cause.
If we're being realistic here, this is either going to rekindle the gang war, then end it super fast, or send all the gang capes running. Neither Kaiser or Lung will want to look week, so I think they'll be reluctant to back down and hide. Kaiser might do it anyway, given that his power base has always been a product of numbers, and none of his capes are individually powerful enough to take on a member of the Triumvirate.

For some reason I can't see Lung backing down though... I would call that arrogance, except that he's fought off an Endbringer solo... Lung's pretty far up there on the power scale. I still think Eidolon would win if they fought, but... Man I really hope they don't fight. I'm instinctively tensing at the thought of the pure number of casualties a fight between them would cause.
I'm wondering why Ediolon won't just slot in Aegis, Velocity, and Clockblocker powers. Super Speed and Freeze tag plus invincibility would make capturing everyone so much easier especially with thinker support.

Especially since freeze tag lungs ability to ramp up it would be the perfect tool to capture all the villains.
You think he has some kind of luck power activated when he doesn't need all three power slots for something else? I mean, I suppose probability manipulation couldn't really be considered "luck" as such, because luck is when good stuff happens totally outside your control. It would Look like luck though, to anyone who didn't have some kind of high level Thinker power.
Could be, but some of those were during fights were he already had three powers active so I'm not sure. Maybe he can use more than three powers at a time and just keeps it secret.

For some reason I can't see Lung backing down though... I would call that arrogance, except that he's fought off an Endbringer solo... Lung's pretty far up there on the power scale. I still think Eidolon would win if they fought, but... Man I really hope they don't fight. I'm instinctively tensing at the thought of the pure number of casualties a fight between them would cause.
Reset might be a big help with that if she can really stop him from ramping up. Also, who knows, perhaps Eidolon will just teleport Lung away, or sneak attack him with a stranger power.

You're right though, a fight between them in the city would be ugly.

I'm wondering why Ediolon won't just slot in Aegis, Velocity, and Clockblocker powers. Super Speed and Freeze tag plus invincibility would make capturing everyone so much easier especially with thinker support.

Especially since freeze tag lungs ability to ramp up it would be the perfect tool to capture all the villains.
Not sure if his ability works that way, I heard he once said in an interview that he doesn't pick the abilities he gets himself, instead his own power does that for him or something like that.
Did any of you hear about this in the news? Eidolon picked up that fuse and explode cape, who's been running around causing chaos. Did they have a name? Anyway, the PRT just issued a press release the other day about it... Though, given the way they avoided answering certain questions about their custody of the new cape, I get the feeling they're not totally sure what to do with them yet. You'd think they'd just throw them in jail, but it's not been That long since the capes apparent tiggering, and there Are leniency laws in place about what a cape does during, or just after their trigger event. It Does make me wonder how they're going to contain the cape if they decide to throw them in jail though... I feel like it would be pretty hard to keep someone, who's power is explosions, from escaping. It'd be nice if they joined the Wards, or the Protectorate, though.

Edit: They've credited Reset with keeping the collateral damage from that fight to a minimum. Apparently she reset the fused masses back to before they were fused, so that the cape couldn't blow them up. I imagine the fight ended pretty quickly once the fuse and explode cape stopped being able to fuse and explode things.
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Okay, this shit has officially reached "clusterfuck" levels of chaos.

New independent here, thinking of Sleight as a cape name, just came to the Bay a few weeks ago, haven't really settled in yet. I've got a bit of tactile TK stuff, and a bit of gravity stuff, here's a few pics of me flying around the city.

Aside from that, I saw a skirmish between Rune and some hot chick in a clown costume and makeup, that was kinda interrupted by a few dozen explosions. (Sorry about the video quality, I was kinda recording on the side of a skyscraper and hoping to god that I wouldn't get hit by a glancing blow from Rune.) I hope they're okay. Rune could probably fly out of it, and I saw the clown girl pulling off some sick shit to dodge the trucks Rune was throwing, so she's...probably okay. I saw some insane shit in those explosions, though. Seriously, black holes, space-warping, I think I saw some tentacles, just a whole lotta bad shit to get caught in. I came back to the scene, and it was good as new, somehow, but I can't help but worry people might have been seriously hurt, there.

Anyone wanna give me a rundown of the gangs and capes here, so I don't accidentally stumble into someone who blows my face off or something? I already know about a few E88 capes, but that's about it.

Edit: Also, you guys might wanna look out for some other new arrivals. I have reason to believe a gravity chick by the name of Terminal, a Tinker probably focused on kinetics, and a Thinker just dropped into town around the same time as me. Terminal's alright, but watch out for the other two, they're total dicks. Trust me on this.

(OOC: Meet the newest BB cape. Grab-bag, Striker/Blaster/Tinker/Thinker. Precision TK at touch-range; fairly weak "gravity darts" that convey a state of weightlessness/split-second burst of intense gravity in the direction of the impact onto objects struck or "charged" with the effect; minor Tinker spec, mainly resulting in a set of maneuverability gear that can create decently powerful impacts; and clairvoyant awareness in a sphere around him. Largely a neutral individual, as cape shit goes. He'll hopefully provide some new perspectives within the larger events that happen here.)
Anyone wanna give me a rundown of the gangs and capes here, so I don't accidentally stumble into someone who blows my face off or something? I already know about a few E88 capes, but that's about it.

As it happens, with Eidolon in town, there's not as much to worry about from the cape side of things as there used to be. But let's see, who's left? Most of the E88 is still around. So that's Kaiser (Can make blades come from any surface in sight.), Rune (who you already saw.), Krieg (I'm actually not sure what his power is.) Fenja and Menja (Who both have the power to become giants.), StormTiger (can control wind to a certain degree).

That clown lady you saw sounds like Circus. She's an independent thief. Has hammer space, and pyrokinesis. She might also have some sort of Mover power, but I'm not sure.

Lung is still around, and you know what he can do. If you don't, you've been living under a rock.

Oni Lee. He's a immortal suicide bomber. Like, he can teleport, and when he does, he leaves exploding clones behind.

There's the Undersiders... Though they're not a huge threat. They mostly just steal stuff.

There's... Coil? He employs a bunch of mercenaries. Nobody really knows anything about him, but it's suspected that he has some kind of minor Thinker power.

On other topics, you should probably open up your own thread and introduce yourself there. The video was pretty clear, so I imagine it won't take long for the Mods to give you a Verified Cape tag.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I thought it might be worth bringing up.

As things are, the E88 is unlikely to be getting removed. They have a lot of funding and support, from both 'concerned citizens' and the Gesselcheift over seas. The ABB is lead by Lung, who the higher-ups in the PRT are hoping will be participating in Endbringer fights once Leviathan shows up and he gets his next duel with the big blue bastard. The gang with the best odds for Triumvirate purging is the merchants, but even with the news of Legend taking out their heavy hitters I don't think it's likely that the drug trade will be gone from BB forever. Maybe for a few months, but you all know that there will always be a market for that stuff.

I've got my fingers crossed that Eidolon manages to bring the fist of justice down on the gangs, but with all the work it took to bring down Marquis I don't think it's all that likely. Even with all of his power, he's still just one guy.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. Bagrat signing off.
Thread Subject: S9
Hey all, Bagrat here. Sorry I haven't been posting in a while, was on vacation.

Anyway, I contacted one of the PHO mods (searching...) about a possible issue. I was given permission just a minute ago, confirming that this is the sort of thing we should all be aware of.

Now, I don't want to cause a panic. Panicking just makes this situation more likely to occur based on the S9's previous habits. Yes, I did say the S9. Stop reading, finish screaming.

Got that out of your system? Great.

I got a piece of news from one of my contacts in the PRT. You all remember the Slaughterhouse Nine's attack on Frederick, Maryland last week? Officials from the PRT found the body of S9 member Hatchet Face and the remains of who they *think* might be Shatterbird. It's been kept quiet on their end but one of my contacts confirmed that no capes, hero or vilain, are claiming credit. As such they are unsure whether it was an unknown vigilante or infighting.

With that in mind, I think it might be worth bringing up BB's track record when it comes to clusterfucks. With our luck, there's a good chance that the S9 will be on a recruiting drive for the next couple of months. And with Frederick so close to Brockton it's on the PRT's shortlist of likely locations for their next hit.

Good news though, is that Chevalier has started mobilizing the Philadelphia division of the Protectorate to formulate a team to respond to any nearby attacks. I'm not sure, but I think he knew some of the people who died in Frederick. Odds are 50/50 that with the increased scrutiny on the area the S9 will be moving somewhere else. But even if they head to BB, Philadelphia is not too far away that they will not be able to form a response.

Anyway, those are the notes I have on the situation. Let's try to keep speculation reasonable, and please try to keep your replies constructive. We have enough comments about people fleeing Brockton on a good day.

And while this probably won't do much, I'm going to go first and ask xX_Void_Cowboy_Xx to step away from the tin-foil hat.
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((I am not sure how to change my username, and wouldn't want to anyway, so my posting as Sleight will be prefaced by ((Sleight (Verified Cape) )), to avoid confusion.))

Hey all, Bagrat here. Sorry I haven't been posting in a while, was on vacation.

Anyway, I contacted one of the PHO mods (searching...) about a possible issue. I was given permission just a minute ago, confirming that this is the sort of thing we should all be aware of.

Now, I don't want to cause a panic. Panicking just makes this situation more likely to occur based on the S9's previous habits. Yes, I did say the S9. Stop reading, finish screaming.

((Sleight (Verified Cape) ))

Jesus fucking christ. The S9. Please tell me you're joking. Those monsters better not be coming here.

On an unrelated note, anyone know where I could get several tons of dense, strong materials that aren't hazardous to touch? I could just grab a car or two, but those are a bit too expensive for me. (Power interactions can be amazing things, sometimes. My max lifting strength is about 6-7 tons, although that's with the weight of an object mostly nullified or redirected, and with my kinetic gear and TK going full-force...so it's more like one-hundred pounds of actual weight for me to actually lift. Might do some damage against any psychos that try destroying everything.)
I do have to wonder if Eidolon, and the Triumvirate, being here will act more like a deterrent, or an incentive for the S9 to come here. On one hand, coming here now would be suicidal for most of them. On the other hand, the S9 revel in chaos, and they have the Siberian...
((shifter101 (cape groupie) ))
.-- .- ... -. .----. - / - .... . / ... .. -... . .-. .. .- -. / - .... .- - / -... . .- - / .- .-.. . -..- .- -. -.. .-. .. .- / .-.. .. -.- . / -... .- -.. .-.. -.-- ..--..
.. .----. -- / ..-. .- .. .-. .-.. -.-- / -.-. . .-. - .- .. -. / - .... .- - / . .. -.. --- .-.. --- -. / .. ... / .- / -.. . - . .-. .-. . -. - / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / ... ----. .-.-.- / .. / .... .- ...- . -. .----. - / .... . .- .-. -.. / - .... . -- / --- ..-. / - .... . -- / .- - - .- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / .- -. -.-- .-- .... . .-. . / -. . .- .-. / -.. .- .-.. .-.. .- ... .-.-.- /.. -. / ..-. .- -.-. - / .... . -.-- / Bagrat / -.-. .- -. / -.-- --- ..- / .... --- --- -.- / ..- ... / ..- .--. / - .... . / ... .. --. .... - .. -. --. ... / ... - .- - ... / --- -. / - .... . / ... ----. ..--..

-.. --- / .-- .... .- - / - .... . / -- .- -. / ... .- -.-- ... / ... - .- -.-- / .- .-- .- -.-- / ..-. .-. --- -- / - .... . / - .. -. / ..-. --- .. .-.. -....- .... .- -
also for those who can't Morse code have a translator this one is better than the last one I swear it is (forgive me for the last one I didn't realize how many viruses that was on there), and for funsies have a converter (no viruses here I checked).
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