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Please help me.


Professional Shoulder Devil
Feb 14, 2016
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I got permission to post this in its own thread.

This is complicated, and a bit of a long story, so please, bear with me. I will elaborate, but if you want the cliff note's version I have a ... politer TL;DR version up on GoFundMe

As some of you might know, My family moved to Israel seventeen years ago. I... wasn't happy quite the opposite actually. After many years of struggling, I finally had a way out. I had enough money for a couple of months, and a plane ticket to anywhere in the USA. And, in what seemed like a prefect solution my Grandmother offered me a place to stay with her while I got on my feet.

In two weeks, I had a job again (Assembling truck bodies, a physically intensive task. This is important for later) and was contributing to her house finances (half of her electricity, half of her water, half of the internet, all of my food, and half of the food we 'shared.' I admit this should have been a red flag, the plan had originally been for me to save up as much money as possible as fast as possible so I could be independent. Giving her 1/3 of my paycheck didn't really align with that, but I was more than happy to help.); despite all that things were looking up.

And then, three weeks ago, I sprained my ankle at work and went on Worker's Comp. I was ordered to keep my foot up, and only do light, desk work (yeah, there's no desk work at a palace that makes truck bodies). She spent the entire three and a half weeks I've been unable to work, demanding I help out around the house, despite being unable to walk at all for the first week and a half. Every day, she insulted me, called me lazy, a slob, and demanded I get on my hands and knees to clean parts of the house she didn't go into. She probably set my healing back days at least. But I persevered, doing my best to help her because she is all the family I have in America, and the only other option (now that I was here anyway) was homelessness. She exploded on me yesterday, demanding I scrub the room I stayed in to her standards, or else. Like a coward, I did so.

Today, the day before Thanksgiving, things came to a head. I did what I should have done three weeks ago and finally told her that, "No, I could not do something because my leg hurt from all the cleaning she demanded I do yesterday."

She threw me out saying I wasn't 'earning my keep.' I have until the end of the day, according to her, to find a new place. IT doesn't matter that my Workers comp check wont come in until Friday at the earliest. it doesn't matter that I haven't been paid in four weeks. She's threatened to call the cops and claim I am a trespasser or violent, and to throw all of my stuff into the street right now.

So please, I need your help.
I encourage you to go to your local Salvation Army, and ask for help. Explain the situation, they should help.

My cousin had gotten help with rent with them, it was a blessing. Any misgivings you may have about their practices are valid, but they do help people in need.

We (My family and I) can't help, unless you happen to live in our city. Putting down an extra plate for a stranger on Thanksgiving is natural.

If you happen to live in San Antonio, let me know.
I encourage you to go to your local Salvation Army, and ask for help. Explain the situation, they should help.

My cousin had gotten help with rent with them, it was a blessing. Any misgivings you may have about their practices are valid, but they do help people in need.

We (My family and I) can't help, unless you happen to live in our city. Putting down an extra plate for a stranger on Thanksgiving is natural.

If you happen to live in San Antonio, let me know.
Unfortunately not, for now I'm in New Port Richey, Florida near Tampa.
I wish I was in a place that could help fiscally I am not at this time but as someone in the motor industry (front desk at an auto shop) it may be different were you are but here the whole industry is short if you have any understanding of cars at all and a job history (like putting together trucks) you can probably talk your way into a shop's front end (not physically demanding). It's a very busy job but full time and if you are able to customer service face you probably will do okay. I really do wish I could help you out because I am a fan, but my best advice is all I have to spare right now good luck.

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