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Post-Conquest: Insurgence (ST and SW Crossover)

Ever since the previous story, when the Empire exposed Section 31, which I wrote as simply the latest incarnation of the Templar Order.
I honestly don't remember the part where S31 where templars, I mean it makes sense when you think about though. I'm reminded about what Edward said to Torres when he killed him which lines up what the Federation/S31/Templars try/did do.

Just please don't heavily focus on that Isu/those who came before crap, it was always the worst aspect of the series
I honestly don't remember the part where S31 where templars, I mean it makes sense when you think about though. I'm reminded about what Edward said to Torres when he killed him which lines up what the Federation/S31/Templars try/did do.

Hence why even the Sith-influenced Empire despise the Templars. In such a world, what room would there be for individual ambition, merit, and excellence? Only cattle mindlessly bleating for food and comfort, with even those in power carefully bred and raised to rule but never actually having to struggle for their position. Ironic, I know, considering the corruption endemic in the mainstream Empire, plus the preponderance of hereditary aristocrats in its upper echelons, but even then, there's plenty of room for both horizontal and vertical movement whether in society or politics.

Just please don't heavily focus on that Isu/those who came before crap, it was always the worst aspect of the series

The Isu would be redundant, if not outright obsolete. Even before the coming of the Empire, the Terrans could already travel faster than light, and the introduction of Coruscanti technology has only made the gap wider. The galaxy can be crossed in a matter of days if not hours, messages can be sent across that same distance in minutes at most, worlds reshaped according to Humanity's will potentially within a day depending on the method used...

...even if the Isu appear, the Imperial Viceroy would point and laugh at how pathetic they are. For all their power and wisdom, a solar flare was all it took to wipe them out? What a pitiful sight, especially when the Empire simply has to raise shields, whether planetary or ship/station-based.
Oh so star Trek's federation was a templar creation in your interpretation?

It was, yes. A utopian society free of all want and discontent, led by an enlightened and intellectual elite who have no compunctions committing horrible, horrible acts for the sake of the so-called greater good. Oh, and those same elites hide all those horrible, horrible acts from the rest of their people, because if they were ever found out, then utopia would be proven hollow and false. Sound familiar?
It was, yes. A utopian society free of all want and discontent, led by an enlightened and intellectual elite who have no compunctions committing horrible, horrible acts for the sake of the so-called greater good. Sound familiar?
Should be when I know your biases before I remember you mentioning.

Though with the way assassins creed had the templars go at it, they and the assassins had a hand in starting it and then corrupting it.
Should be when I know your biases before I remember you mentioning.

Though with the way assassins creed had the templars go at it, they and the assassins had a hand in starting it and then corrupting it.

Meta-wise, I don't think utopia is desirable in any way. When I was younger I did, and a part of me admits that the life of your typical Federation citizen is very tempting. But I know better (that, or I'm just too cynical after having experienced what real life actually is like). Utopia would only destroy Humanity, assuming it can even exist beyond smoke and mirrors plus equal amounts of bread and circuses, on the basis that the devil finds work for idle hands.

Put another way, utopia => idle hands => Fall of the Eldar Man => Slaanesh.
Meta-wise, I don't think utopia is desirable in any way. When I was younger I did, and a part of me admits that the life of your typical Federation citizen is very tempting. But I know better (that, or I'm just too cynical after having experienced what real life actually is like). Utopia would only destroy Humanity, assuming it can even exist beyond smoke and mirrors plus equal amounts of bread and circuses, on the basis that the devil finds work for idle hands.

Put another way, utopia => idle hands => Fall of the Eldar Man => Slaanesh.
Usually that tends to happen historically.

It would make an interesting meta commentary for said utopia to break down by itself because of boredom and hedonism to chase the next new high except it might be too spicy as a story to be released.
Welcome back
Jedi and Sith working together against a common enemy the Templars ( aka Assassin Creed),Talking about flipping the gameboard and the old age Sith vs Jedi philosophy. As both factions thinks the Templar lot are overrated pieces of hot air, but ISB doesn't think so and looks like there is another dumpster fire is up in the works with ISB caught in the middle.
Continue on
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As someone would say when you explore such a topic where you intentionally write an utopia breaking down because of hedonism like how the eldar fell, deal in absolutes such that the graphic depiction is too horrid to read.

True, I suppose. Besides, I suspect that whatever it was the Eldar got up to at the very end of the Fall, just before Slaanesh was born, would have made 120 Days in Sodom look like a guidebook to chaste and modest living.
True, I suppose. Besides, I suspect that whatever it was the Eldar got up to at the very end of the Fall, just before Slaanesh was born, would have made 120 Days in Sodom look like a guidebook to chaste and modest living.
Yeah. Nothing is sacred and anyone in the middle of it to see it will likely say they deserved what Slaanesh did to them for doing that.
Media - Grand Admiral Jaenera (Gencraft AI render)
Link is fixed/replaced, so once more with feeling...Imperial Grand Admiral Jaenera, Marquise of Dragonstone, Countess Targaryen, Viceroy of the New Territories, Conqueror of Earth, Scourge of the Federation, Anathema to the Order, and Friend of the Brotherhood, in court dress.


Also, my new profile pic, though I think I mentioned that before.
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So, is jaenara still in startrek galaxy? Or she is back home on star wars galaxy ?

She's there on Mars, which is the Empire's capital in the Milky Way. I mean, she's the Viceroy of the New Territories, she kinda has to be there. And even if the closure of the wormhole has cut her off from her family's fiefs, well, a title/s is largely an empty thing anyway. They gave her prestige and weight on Coruscant, but here in the New Territories, her authority and influence has less to do with her family as much as the offices she holds: Viceroy of the New Territories, Warlord of the Empire, and Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy.

She just hasn't shown yet since the focus of this story is on one of the ISB's special-ops teams, but she's there, whether in a fancy apartment in uptown Tharsis, working in the viceroy's office at the Imperial Ziggurat in Olympus Mons, or managing grand strategy across the galaxy from Olympus Mons/Planum Boreum/Iapetus or some other major military base. But again, she's so high-up in the Imperial hierarchy that if she ever personally appears, expect team nine to suddenly stand-to, because when the woman who has become the Empress in all but name of the Milky Way gets involved, then shit has really hit the fan.
She's there on Mars, which is the Empire's capital in the Milky Way. I mean, she's the Viceroy of the New Territories, she kinda has to be there. And even if the closure of the wormhole has cut her off from her family's fiefs, well, a title/s is largely an empty thing anyway. They gave her prestige and weight on Coruscant, but here in the New Territories, her authority and influence has less to do with her family as much as the offices she holds: Viceroy of the New Territories, Warlord of the Empire, and Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy.

She just hasn't shown yet since the focus of this story is on one of the ISB's special-ops teams, but she's there, whether in a fancy apartment in uptown Tharsis, working in the viceroy's office at the Imperial Ziggurat in Olympus Mons, or managing grand strategy across the galaxy from Olympus Mons/Planum Boreum/Iapetus or some other major military base. But again, she's so high-up in the Imperial hierarchy that if she ever personally appears, expect team nine to suddenly stand-to, because when the woman who has become the Empress in all but name of the Milky Way gets involved, then shit has really hit the fan.
Thanks for the answer!! So, Jaenara is the regent ruler for new empire (of dragons!), what kind of policies she had that differs them form the empire proper? What is it then, that stays the same? Are there any of her household with her in the new galaxy?
Thanks for the answer!! So, Jaenara is the regent ruler for new empire (of dragons!), what kind of policies she had that differs them from the empire proper? What is it then, that stays the same? Are there any of her household with her in the new galaxy?

Overall? The Empire of the Dragon is more or less the Clone Wars-era Republic, with the viceroy filling in for the chancellor.
I binged this one and the first part for the last two days. Great story btw, both parts even if this one is still in making.

Ok I don't know if you have answered this one somewhere in the comments but what happened to the Voyager? Unless I'm mistaken they still should have been in the Delta Quadrant during the conquest. Where they found by Imperial Explorers(given the speed of the Hyperdrive)? Returned they as a Federation ship according to canon? I really would like to see that confrontations.
Chapter 7
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghost in the Shell, Assassin's Creed, and any other franchise referenced in this purely fan-made and not-for-profit work.

Post-Conquest: Insurgence

Chapter 7

"So," Crash began as he and the rest of Team Nine watched live footage of Hypnos Group's press conference over recent allegations about involvement in the death of one Zhao Wei. "Do any of you guys really believe any of this crap the guy at the mike is spewing out?"

"Hard to say." Makoto replied. "But, Hypnos Group's been on ISB and Intelligence's watchlists for a while now. So even if there isn't any hard evidence implicating them with that journalist who got killed the other day, well, these allegations might not be so unfounded at all. But if there is, we're talking about possible murder here, and involving big time corporate bosses to boot…"

"So it wouldn't just be under ISB jurisdiction," Jochen rumbled. "But potentially serious enough that we're going to need serious firepower to bring Hypnos to heel."

"It also begs the question of what the hell Hypnos was up to that it was worth killing a journalist and risking drawing so much attention to themselves." Sorgis chimed in.

"...if I had to guess, the usual crap." Crash said in disgust. "Money laundering, embezzlement, racketeering, tax evasions, things like that. Or, he found something a little too personal, as far as Hypnos' bosses are concerned, say…them in very compromising positions with shall we say…ladies of the night…"

The Corellian finished with a wink and a smirk, prompting Marjatta to briefly close her eyes. "Orgy." she laconically said in a deadpan tone, and prompting laughter from all around.

"In all seriousness," Makoto mused once the laughter had died down. "The corporations have been flexing various muscles for a while now. If this turns out to be more than just sensationalist allegations, it's an opportunity to remind the corporations that even they have to play by the rules in this galaxy."

"No arguments there, major." Crash agreed with another laugh.

"Corporations getting too big for their shoes started the Clone Wars." Sorgis agreed with a nod. "Wouldn't want to see that happen in this galaxy, and considering the viceroy fought in the Clone Wars too, I doubt she would either."

"Let's hope it doesn't get to that." Oliver said. "The viceroy getting involved, that is. Because if she does…"

"...shit hits the turbine, as the Terrans like to say." Crash said with a nod. "Yeah, I get what you mean. Best to keep this from blowing up and just nip it in the bud early on, or if it does blow up, contain it before any of the really important people get involved. Wouldn't want an Inquisitor or two to show up, to say the least."

"Agreed." Makoto said with a nod.

"As do I." Marjatta agreed in her turn.

"...I don't know." Sorgis thoughtfully said after a moment. "The Inquisitors Farhill aren't that bad-looking, whether it's the elder or younger sister…"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you nuts?" Crash burst out, looking and sounding shocked. "Checking Inquisitors out? Sorgis, you need to cease and desist."

"Hey, can't help it." Sorgis shot back. "The Farhill sisters are pretty good looking, and not just by Human standards, to say nothing of despite how old they are. And it's not like propaganda offices don't agree, considering they made the sisters the public faces for the Inquisition here in the Milky Way. Well, two of the faces at any rate…"

"Sorgis," Crash said with a sigh. "Women are complicated enough as they are, add Force-sensitivity to the mix, and well…"

Makoto coughed. "Can we please focus on the issue at hand?" she dryly asked.

"Sorry, major." Crash said, sitting back in his seat and turning back to the holoscreen.

"Likewise." Sorgis said with an apologetic nod, and similarly looking back at the holoscreen.

"...and our prayers go out to the family of Mister Zhao." the Hypnos Group Press Secretary said. "We will now be taking questions from the media."

At that, the gathered journalists began clamoring for the secretary's attention, the man picking one of them at random. "Mister Braddock," the woman from CBN News began. "Isn't it a little callous for Hypnos Group to place ultimate responsibility for Mister Zhao's death squarely on his shoulders?"

"I would hardly think it callous at all." the press secretary replied in apparent surprise. "It was Mister Zhao who chose to trespass on private property, and to disregard the dangers of bad weather while trying to escape, when our security personnel would have treated him with due courtesy."

"So you're saying that even if Mister Zhao was apprehended by Hypnos security," the journalist pressed. "He'd have been released ASAP."

"That would have been a matter with law enforcement." the press secretary replied. "Again, Mister Zhao had apparently trespassed on corporate property, which is a crime, and thus obliging Hypnos security to turn him over to the Martian authorities. Anything further than that would be pure speculation."

"No further questions." the journalist said, and causing her peers to start clamoring for attention again. The press secretary looked over the crowd, and selected a man with an ID marking him as working for the Tharsis Times.

"Mister Braddock," the man began. "While Hypnos has repeatedly and most recently assured the public that allegations of…scandalous, and possibly illegal activities at the corporate retreat in question are completely baseless, there was the other day's altercation at Prism Technologies. Surely, Hypnos Group's executives could be less confrontational when it comes to the press?"

"Ah, yes," the press secretary said with a cough. "While the incident could certainly have been handled more diplomatically, it should be noted that the journalist in question had been rather accusatory towards Mister Roberts from Prism Technologies. As a senior executive of the company, Mister Roberts had an obligation not just to the company, but also to its employees to respond to said - and completely unfounded - allegations with due severity."

"That may be so," the man continued with a smile. "But it also seemed as though the journalist at the time had touched a nerve."

"Well, yes," the press secretary said, looking annoyed. "But again, I reiterate that he and the company had just been baselessly accused of…"

The man broke off as the large holoscreen behind him and the executives present began to flicker, shifting from the Hypnos logo to a blank display of pale blue light. Then letters began to be typed out on the display.

Knight-Captain Mayer, this is so disappointing.

The press exploded in murmurs at that, the title by which Hypnos' President of the Board had been addressed belonging to the proscribed Templar Order. Even more so, as the man and his fellow executives visibly blanched at the sight of the words on the holoscreen, whether from horror at the truth revealed, or from shock at false accusations.

Do you really think people are so stupid, that they'd fall for such tired old deflections? Well, you're a Templar, so you probably do. And it might even work, this is old hat for you, after all. We hate admitting it, but it's true, your kind have plenty of experience in lying to people, and getting them to sell out while somehow thinking they're getting the better end of the deal when in reality you're already placing a collar around their necks.

But if you think we'll just let you do as you please, well, you're dead wrong.

Remember, Knight-Captain, and all your superiors as well: nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Then the screen flickered again, and to the even greater shock and horror of the Hypnos executives, names, numbers, and dates began to appear on the hologram. All individually-incriminating, whether for them, others both in and outside Hypnos Group, and for the companies making up the whole. But put together, exposed something greater and more terrible.

Orders were shouted, and corporate security tried to shut the holoscreen down, too late as might be. Controls refused to obey, and in the end, the holoscreen had to be directly disabled. Journalists shouted names and questions, but were ignored, all but manhandled by corporate security and out of the multipurpose hall, while others escorted the executives away.

And elsewhere, the powers-that-be took note, and handed down orders.

"Fucking Templars." Makoto swore in the silence of her own head. "Give me a Neo-Feddy any day, they're at least straightforward in their delusions. Templars, though…"

Makoto sighed as an alarm jolted her out of her thoughts, and releasing her restraints, smoothed out her white ISB uniform top. All the while the dropship maneuvered into position, barely noticeable inside thanks to its inertial dampeners, before a side-door opened with a hiss of equalizing pressure.

Quickly getting up, Makoto deftly stepped towards and through the door, nimbly dropping down half a meter to land lightly on the ground. Loud thumps on the rockcrete echoed behind her as the rest of Team Nine - except Crash - landed, all in full combat gear which stood in stark contrast to Makoto in her officer's uniform.

As they proceeded towards Sandiago 'Sandy' Mayer's mansion, the dropship rose back up into the air, while the Martian policemen surrounding the property parted ways, and then fell into step behind them. "Less than twenty minutes after that farce of a press conference," Makoto thought to herself, eyeing the other policemen guarding impounded speeders and groundcars. "And this bunch are already planning on running? That could be evidence of guilt in itself…still, they'll have their day in court. Oh, what have we here?"

"Sandiago Mayer," she addressed the man and his son standing at the front porch, briefly holding up a datapad and then reading it through. She'd already read it before, but while this meant her eidetic memory could recall it without issue, it looked more official to read it, and appearances, while potentially deceiving, had their place. "Brandon Mayer, you are both under arrest for multiple counts of credit embezzlement, tax evasion, falsification of official records, perjury, conspiracy to commit treason, membership in a terrorist organization, and on suspicion for attempting to evade arrest and obstruct justice."

Pausing, Makoto lowered her dataslate and made sure to look the Templar in the eyes. The man stared back, cold and impassive, with neither fear nor hate or indeed, any emotion of any kind. "You have the right to remain silent," Makoto continued as the Martians cuffed the man and his son. "You have the right to a fair trial in a court of law, and you have the right to a legal representative of your choice. If you cannot afford a legal representative of your own, then one will be provided for you. Take them away."

The policemen escorted them away, Makoto glancing sideways up at the sky. Things had gone smoothly thus far, but that was the whole point: it was going smoothly. Maybe too smoothly, which was why in addition to Crash in his Dark Trooper armor back in their dropship, a full company of Sky Troopers were on standby to deploy in less than two minutes should there be any need for them to.

"Sweep the building." Makoto ordered, more Martian policemen stepping past her along with most of Team Nine, Jochen and Oliver staying with her. "And get the forensic teams in here. Also, where are the rest of the Mayer family?"

"...we have them in custody." the reply came via virtual communications. "They were heading back from a social event, and we got them en route to the family residence. We're bringing them into protective custody as we speak."

"Very good then." Makoto said, looking up as a dropship slowly came down, and then dropped off more ISB personnel.

"Well, looks like the Empire's on the ball, as usual."

"Hmm…so they are…" Samir agreed, the Mentor of the Martian Brotherhood of Assassins staring at the computer screens in Oleg and Yigun's little lair. The two slicers weren't Assassins themselves, but they were Friends of the Brotherhood, and used their skills to help the Brotherhood against the Templars and other such enemies of the people. And in turn, the Assassins grounded the slicers, keeping them from being just another pair of petty criminals. "...for the most part…"

That was directed at a major firefight at Hypnos' security division's camps, where attempts by Martian police to take control had been refused and had resulted in violence. The policemen had been all but overwhelmed, with only the arrival of Imperial Sky Troopers allowing for the containment of the Templars' militants/mercenaries. The Sky Troopers had quickly established a perimeter, and beginning a siege, had held out until Martian Imperial Army units could tighten the noose.

The militants/mercenaries were still getting the life squeezed out of them, but aside from this incident things looked to be going well.

Too well, even.

"...you think the Templars still have cards left to play?" Anya asked.

"They are Templars." Samir dryly replied. "What do you think?"

"Good point." Anya admitted. "Still, we've dealt the Order a hard blow today, so we should follow through."


"Yeah…I'm thinking that given how thoroughly they've been exposed here," Anya continued. "The Templars can't really stop the Empire from rounding up their members on Mars, or at least the leading ones. But, they can silence them, either using what uncompromised elements they still have left on the planet, or by bringing in assets from other planets and systems, before they can reveal any secrets of the Martian Rite or other chapters of the Order."

"You don't think the Empire has predicted this," Samir lightly asked. "Or they aren't capable of dealing with it on their own?"

"I do think they have and can." Anya replied with a shrug. "But I also think they could use a little help, and it certainly wouldn't hurt to dig the knife even deeper into the Templars' figurative guts."

"True." Samir admitted with a smile. "Very well, then. Contact our brothers and sisters. Considering how few of us there are, we can't support the Empire everywhere, so let's focus on the really important Templars. Make sure the Empire can squeeze them for what they know about the rest of the Order, as well as any other plans of theirs in motion, among other things."

"I'll get it done." Anya said with a nod. "Will you be joining us, mentor?"

"What kind of mentor would I be if I did not?"

Anya smiled. "True." she said, before heading off, and leaving Samir to watch the holograms along with Oleg and Yigun.

Makoto frowned as she read the datapad, and then sighing, handed it over to Crash. "...Mimas?" he asked. "Man, those guys are totally kriffed. Mimas…looks like the Inquisition's going to take point going forward."

"Overall?" Makoto replied. "Seems that way, although the ISB and Intelligence aren't going to be completely shut out of operations going forward. More importantly for us, we're going to be working with the Stormtroopers in making sure the prisoners get to Mimas safely for 'debriefing' pending their day in court."

Crash snorted. "Debriefing…?" he echoed. "Understatement of the century, but then again, these are Templars, so it's not as if they don't deserve the Inquisition's tender mercies. Anyway…from the sound of things, we pretty much grabbed the entire upper echelon of the Martian Rite of the Templar Order, along with a large part of the rank-and-file. But, we don't really know how much is left, and they might bring in more of their own from off-world, enough to maybe spring their fellows out, or silence them."

"Silencing them is safer," Makoto remarked. "And fits more with Templar behavior in the past. We can't let that happen, of course. We need to get the prisoners to Mimas, so the Inquisitors can squeeze them of everything they know, which we're going to need to cut out the rest of their cancerous organization."

"Will any Inquisitors be showing up?" Jochen asked.

"Doesn't seem so…" Crash said while reading over their orders one more time. "...of course, knowing the Inquisition, I wouldn't be surprised if an Inquisitor or two showed up out of the blue when things get heated."

"It does make tactical sense." Makoto pointed out. "That way, the Templars won't see them coming, or even if they did, they can't pinpoint when and where the Inquisitors will show up. And when they do…"

"...ouch time." Marjatta softly said.

Makoto shrugged. "My sincerest condolences in advance then," she mockingly said with a matching smile. "To any Templars who get on the wrong side of an Inquisitor."

"Most unfortunate." Crash said with faux-piety.

"Truly." Marjatta chimed in.

"I completely agree." Sorgis added his own opinion, the rest of the team doing likewise.

"In any case," Max began with a cough. "I'm guessing the prisoners we're in charge of secure transport will be the same ones we apprehended today."

"So we are." Makoto said, hitting the control panel on the room table, lighting up a holoprojector which showed two separate interrogation rooms. The elder and younger Mayer were sitting in each room, both alone at the moment while their attorneys dealt with legal and other issues, in particular regular and personal contact once they were secured at the Inquisitorial prison on Mimas.

"Have they said anything yet?" Crash asked.

"No." Makoto said before tilting her head. "At least not without their lawyers, and yes, we've checked, as has Intelligence. The lawyers aren't affiliated with the Templars, at least not outside of defending a pair of them, that is."

"...well, transporting them will be a hassle," Max said after a moment. "But it might also be an opportunity."

"How so?" Crash asked, the rest of the team likewise turning to Max.

"Because," Max replied. "If the Templars do try to silence them, it might also incentivize them to cooperate with us, for either a lighter sentence or protection from future retribution by the rest of the Order. Maybe even both."

That caused a lot of shared looks between the rest of Team Nine, followed by a slow nod from Makoto. "...it could work…" she reluctantly admitted. "...but if they're too committed, fanatical, even, to the Order's cause, they might embrace it as a form of martyrdom instead. Still, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try…once they're secure, of course."

"A recommendation or suggestion to the Inquisitors?" Max asked.

"Yes." Makoto said before hitting the control panel again, and bringing up a map of Tharsis, followed by a highlighted route towards Tharsis Grand Central Spaceport. "Now then, let's get to the heart of the matter. Tomorrow, we'll be tasked with overseeing prison transport to Mimas, with the goal of stopping attempts at liberating or silencing the prisoners. This is the route we'll be taking, while your datapads should have the details of the planned operation. As of this moment, I open the table for any criticisms, observations, and suggestions for tomorrow, with the goal of maximizing our chance of success."

Makoto paused, letting the rest of Team Nine sit down and access their datapads, before nodding. "Let us begin." she said.


Hello, it's been a while, hasn't it?

A bit slow, this chapter, but it's building up for the next one, so I hope you can be patient. Will the Inquisition make an appearance? They might, I suppose…

…now, I assume some of you are wondering who and what the 'Sky Troopers' are. Some of you might even think they're based on the Skytroopers from SWTOR, but no. Sky Troopers are - in Legends, at least - actually specialist Stormtroopers. They're also called Imperial Jump Troopers, basically Stormtroopers equipped with jetpacks and specially-trained for airborne operations.
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I for one welcome this pleasant surprise and update.

It looks as if the clusterfuck already present will increase in density for all involved with the Templar nonsense. May it blow up in their templarish faces!


Fuck. The Templars.

Media - The Inquisitors Farhill (Gencraft AI render)
The elder of the two sisters, Yuki Farhill, Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire, and former Shadow Hand to Darth Vader.


And the younger of the two sisters, Yuka Farhill, Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire, and former Shadow Hand to Darth Vader.

The elder of the two sisters, Yuki Farhill, Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire, and former Shadow Hand to Darth Vader.


And the younger of the two sisters, Yuka Farhill, Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire, and former Shadow Hand to Darth Vader.

Vader had fucking Force sensitive samurai girls?!!? Consider me intrigued.
Vader had fucking Force sensitive samurai girls?!!? Consider me intrigued.

Hey, Darth Tyranus had Asajj Ventress. So, Anakin Darth Vader went and trained himself two personal Dark Side assassins ITTL, at least for a time.

Is it petty? One-upping his late predecessor as Sith Apprentice? No shit it is, but considering Vader is just a depressed Anakin Skywalker, it's not that surprising.

And yes, Darth Sidious went LMAO when he found out, because it's both very Anakin and very Sith.
So… let's just add assassins creed to this mix and see what happens.

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