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Price of Blood [Worm fanfic] (Complete)

Sad to see that Taylor probably isn't going to be working under Alexandria.

Happy to see a portrayal of Greg that is both positive and in character.

I almost feel sorry for Sophia here. She's being manipulated into a position that will be impossible to back out of. Absolutely no one will believe her about it being authorized by a higher up in the PRT. Listen to your nagging feelings, Sophia! Don't dig that hole any deeper than it already is!
Ooo two updates for me to read at once! :D I'm surprised Amy made such a strong argument for Taylor not wanting to be in the wards because Sophia had been. I would think that if the Protectorate say Sophia went to great lengths to completely deceive and use them, that would put them on the same side as Taylor. Particularly after the other wards say they always thought there was something wrong with Shadow Stalker, but there was never any real evidence against her. But, however that goes, it will be exciting to see Coil ensnare Sophia. Ideally Emma will get caught up in the mess as the Protectorate tries to find their escaped target. *rubs hands together and grins evilly*
Zombie apocalypse protocol.

How has this never been done before for Greg, it just fits.

He also has plans for the eventual velociraptor attack, "because that Blasto guy could totally bring them back!"
...now I'm disturbed by what Coil has planned for Taylor. Also I'm equally disturbed that Sophia kept the flute. :eek:
Sociopaths like trophies.

And now I'm picturing Sophia as Dexter.

And now I'm picturing Sophia trying to be Dexter, but failing. That Grue guy keeps getting away after all. (crackfic anyone?)

And now I'm wondering if anyone's ever written a Worm/Dexter crossover. (I think the closest to the concept I've seen was a Taylor as Sylar in a Worm/Heroes cross)
But she very well may be working under Carol, or perhaps Victoria.

...no comment on how much fun she might have in that position. I imagine Carol might ride the new girl pretty hard.
Yep, trust pepperjack to insert innuendo into any situation.
Yep, trust pepperjack to insert innuendo into any situation.
I am totally innocent! I am a picture of innocence. I'm so innocent I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about. Who's 'endo' am I meant to have put something in, and what exactly am I allegedly inserting? In fact, I resent these accusations of insertion. I would never, and certainly not in public.
Congratulations on making Greg likable for the first time I've ever seen. Also, do you ever rest? A chapter in an hour? Please tell me you already had that written.
I actually had part of both chapters written, and I finally finished it off and divided them into two.
...now I'm disturbed by what Coil has planned for Taylor. Also I'm equally disturbed that Sophia kept the flute. :eek:
Zombie apocalypse protocol.

How has this never been done before for Greg, it just fits.

He also has plans for the eventual velociraptor attack, "because that Blasto guy could totally bring them back!"

Sociopaths like trophies.
Exactly. (Also, yes, he does have a velociraptor plan).
Wouldn't a velociraptor plan just consist of using round doorknobs instead of lever doorknobs? They don't have thumbs
It involves seeking refuge in a building with doorknobs of that type, enough food to hold out, and a flat roof so you can be picked up by chopper.
Wouldn't a velociraptor plan just consist of using round doorknobs instead of lever doorknobs? They don't have thumbs
(see https://www.mbeckler.org/velociraptors/ for solution)
Oh my pink-haired goddess is this a fic I didn't know I wanted.
I know right! I can picture some of the scenes now:

Her first 'untraceable' kill taking place in front of a camera/witnesses (good thing she was wearing a mask, and could change her costume! All she needs to do is paint the hockey equipment a different shade of black! Noone will ever recognize her!)

Sophia bringing doughnuts in for the Wards and PRT (you never get rid of the cape that brings the doughnuts), while 'unintentionally' insulting each person she gives a doughnut to (she always did miss the main point of things...).

Shadow Stalker 'stalking' her prey by hiding in shadows of things like telephone poles, in shadow form... Completely oblivious to the fact that she's MUCH larger than the shadows of those objects, and as such completely obvious.

Like I said, crackfic material.

And yes, I'd LOVE for someone to pick up on the idea, heh.
Really? You look more like a picture of spicy cheese.
I'm glad this is getting a good reception here considering at the other two places Ack posted it at, he nearly got drawn and quartered both both posters and mods for just the first chapter alone.
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I'm glad this is getting a good reception here considering at the other two places Ack posted it at, he nearly got drawn and quartered both both posters and mods for just the first chapter alone.
If one of those places was SB, that was completely predictable. If one was SV I'm a bit more surprised. But yeah reactions like that are why I was so pleased to discover QQ in the first place, and why I'm sad the population here is so small.
If one of those places was SB, that was completely predictable. If one was SV I'm a bit more surprised. But yeah reactions like that are why I was so pleased to discover QQ in the first place, and why I'm sad the population here is so small.
Why surprised? Attempted rape of a minor, even if it's not explicitly stated, is generally enough to set off mods. Sure, it's not much worse than what normally happens in Worm fics, but the Mods draw their line in the sand at sex and stick to it, so it's not really that surprising.
Like I said, crackfic material
If you want to go even crackier, have it be Dexter VERSUS Sophia. As in, they're each hunting the other in the same way for ostensibly the same reasons, and the only reason it's even close to an even match is because of Sophia's powers. Dexter would win obviously, but the point would be the hilarity of all his... let's call it "professional disgust", at all of Sophia's fails.
If one of those places was SB, that was completely predictable. If one was SV I'm a bit more surprised. But yeah reactions like that are why I was so pleased to discover QQ in the first place, and why I'm sad the population here is so small.
Actually, I got a harsher reaction in SV, but they decided that it wasn't against the rules, so I was let keep going.

Mind you, a couple of readers complained so bitterly (after trying and failing to force me to use any other stimulus for Taylor, without giving me one that would actually work in its place) that one of them copped a month-long threadban.
Actually, I got a harsher reaction in SV, but they decided that it wasn't against the rules, so I was let keep going.

Mind you, a couple of readers complained so bitterly (after trying and failing to force me to use any other stimulus for Taylor, without giving me one that would actually work in its place) that one of them copped a month-long threadban.
And here I thought I caught an update before it hit the other forums.

But yeah the reactions are really overblown. The warning is in Canon itself, they are Trigger events. Fourth wall breaking alerts that trigger material may exist in some form. And it wasn't like the rape even happened... so yeah I don't get SB and SV's reactions all that much... but then again I'm new to the Triumvirate of Fic forums.
Triumvirate of Fic forums
SB= Alexandria, wanting to be both one of the greatest places to relax (one of the greatest capes) and extremely mod heavy to the point of stifling that relaxation (leader of the PRT, the whole Taylor turning herself in debacle in canon)
QQ= Legend, completely cool with our sexuality, and much more personable.

Unfortunately, I can't really think of a parallel to draw between SV and Eidolon.
SB= Alexandria, wanting to be both one of the greatest places to relax (one of the greatest capes) and extremely mod heavy to the point of stifling that relaxation (leader of the PRT, the whole Taylor turning herself in debacle in canon)
QQ= Legend, completely cool with our sexuality, and much more personable.

Unfortunately, I can't really think of a parallel to draw between SV and Eidolon.
SV has the most user features. Multiple types of ratings, all the in-post types of code you can do, Reader Mode, IIRC it was the first to introduce threadmarks...
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And here I thought I caught an update before it hit the other forums.

But yeah the reactions are really overblown. The warning is in Canon itself, they are Trigger events. Fourth wall breaking alerts that trigger material may exist in some form. And it wasn't like the rape even happened... so yeah I don't get SB and SV's reactions all that much... but then again I'm new to the Triumvirate of Fic forums.
Yeah, I kinda put those in after the fact o_O

The main aspect of the complaints was that I was threatening rape to the character (or having her raped, as apparently some people didn't actually read the chapter) purely for drama's sake.

Yes, there was drama involved. But what they didn't seem to get was that it was a plot point, that Taylor wouldn't bring out all her bugs to that extent if anything less was about to happen to her.

Apparently to some people, threatening the protagonist with death or dismemberment is fine, but the threat of rape is right out. Even if I never intend to go through with it. You know, PG-13 and all that.

Anyway, meh. We've moved on.
SB= Alexandria, wanting to be both one of the greatest places to relax (one of the greatest capes) and extremely mod heavy to the point of stifling that relaxation (leader of the PRT, the whole Taylor turning herself in debacle in canon)
QQ= Legend, completely cool with our sexuality, and much more personable.

Unfortunately, I can't really think of a parallel to draw between SV and Eidolon.
I'd put SB as Eidolon, for how completely random and arbitrary the users (and mods) can be. (and I say that as someone who once participated in an argument over what color the sky is on SB...no, I'm not joking)
I'd put SB as Eidolon, for how completely random and arbitrary the users (and mods) can be. (and I say that as someone who once participated in an argument over what color the sky is on SB...no, I'm not joking)
That sounds entertaining.

Also anyone else wondering if Armsmaster called Dragon in to clear ENE of all insects within a 1 mile radius before they wake Taylor up and tell her the truth?
That sounds entertaining.

Also anyone else wondering if Armsmaster called Dragon in to clear ENE of all insects within a 1 mile radius before they wake Taylor up and tell her the truth?
It'd be tricky to do that. Not the ones aboveground; I'm sure they have some sort of tinkertech bug bomb they can have thrown together, and with the Swarm, I'm sure the citizens at large wouldn't oppose it too much so long as it didn't mess with their stuff.

Do you realize just how many bugs live underground? Granted, they're not generally venomous, but there are much more of them underground than above, just going by numbers. We don't even have half of them catalogued (mostly because very few people actually care about them). It's the one aspect of her powers Skitter never munchkin'd in canon, to my surprise.
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It'd be tricky to do that. Not the ones aboveground; I'm sure they have some sort of tinkertech bug bomb they can have thrown together.

Do you realize just how many bugs live underground? Granted, they're not generally venomous, but there are much more of them underground than above, just going by numbers. We don't even have half of them catalogued (mostly because very few people actually care about them). It's the one aspect of her powers Skitter never munchkin'd in canon, to my surprise.

Fair enough. Though I imagine there could be ways around that particular issue. Highly directed low frequency sound waves might do it.
Apparently to some people, threatening the protagonist with death or dismemberment is fine, but the threat of rape is right out.
For some reason a lot of people consider rape to be a super special crime. Torturing a character to the point of insanity is fine, but if rape is a part of that torture it suddenly crosses the line.

I understand that rape is a touchy subject, but the way some people place it on a pedestal really weirds me out.
For some reason a lot of people consider rape to be a super special crime. Torturing a character to the point of insanity is fine, but if rape is a part of that torture it suddenly crosses the line.

I understand that rape is a touchy subject, but the way some people place it on a pedestal really weirds me out.
I've said my piece on that before in other threads so I won't bring it up here, but in this case I think it's that it's much more of an issue because it involved minors. Taylor's only 15 at this point in the story, and they don't want to risk legal attention after some of the incredibly stupid stuff that people have tried to shut down SB over (back before SV was a thing, and a lot of the people there migrated from SB, so the sentiment infected them.) Like the Toucan incident.
I think people in general put anything related to sex and sexuality on a pedestal that's either too positive and to negative, when it should be a neutral part of every day life. Where as violence in general seems to considered part of the human condition.

Its odd.

Something tells me all this is a side effect of that.
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SB= Alexandria, wanting to be both one of the greatest places to relax (one of the greatest capes) and extremely mod heavy to the point of stifling that relaxation (leader of the PRT, the whole Taylor turning herself in debacle in canon)
QQ= Legend, completely cool with our sexuality, and much more personable.

Unfortunately, I can't really think of a parallel to draw between SV and Eidolon.

I eventually gave up on Space Battles since the mods seem determined to run the place like their own personal fifedom.

It's a shame the CW section here doesn't seem to be as popular as it is on the other two sites.
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