Chapter 10: My Favorite Martians
Flightless Man
Versed in the lewd.
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Chapter 10: My Favorite Martians
Cloaked Javelin
Nevada Desert
Jan 05/2010
09:12 PM
Were barely on board the barely visible jet and rising into the starry sky, when below us the Cadmus lab erupts in a ball of fire. All evidence of any building is erased. The crater look like a recent impact with the smoldering flames scattered down below.
Nevada Desert
Jan 05/2010
09:12 PM
Were barely on board the barely visible jet and rising into the starry sky, when below us the Cadmus lab erupts in a ball of fire. All evidence of any building is erased. The crater look like a recent impact with the smoldering flames scattered down below.
We rock on board with the intense shock wave. Wally loses his balance and falls to the floor with a pained grunt. I stumble into the wall, glad we strapped Zach into a seat along the side of the aircraft already.
Robin has been in the pilot's seat since we got on board. Our babysitter is standing stock still in front of the hibernation pod he had torn clear from the wall. The occupant inside the focus of everyone.
"Speedy, I need you to go through the files as quick as possible." The Question demands from the teen getting back to his feet in embarrassment.
"Anything I'm looking for in particular?" He asks while rubbing his elbow with a wince.
"What did they put in my daughter's head?" The faceless man responds to my shock and it seems everyone but Batgirl and Robin are likewise confused. "It seems the need for secrets is gone, you have turned my greatest failure into hope tonight." He continues with a shaking voice.
"I will always be in your debt for this service." His skin begins to ripple and melt, his black skin changing to a color of deep emerald, only a few shades darker then the Martian within the pod. His head widens and elongates, while his curls shrink back into his skull.
His nose widens and grows, making him look like a green Easter Island stature. His purple trench coat, pants, and hat are a sharp contrast to his jade skin and bright red eyes lacking any iris.
"When my world fell to the psychic plague, I tried to bring my family to earth." Solemn words begin to explain his tragic past while Wally goes over the files he was given. "Hundreds across my world joined our abilities and created the Zeta Gate. It was a way to transport the uninfected to safety here on Earth." He twitches, remembering the horror of his memories.
"I went first to test the device. I arrived in the Atacama desert, far from my desired goal. In the time it took them to adjust the coordinates, something went wrong." His entire personality is really making sense if he went through all of this, I would have gone a little nuts too.
"Instead of shutting off, the gate remained open, allowing an endless swarm of the infected to emerge on Earth." He drops his eyes to to floor of the aircraft before finishing his tale. "By the time I had arrived only my brother was left fighting along with the heroes of the time. He entered the portal with Robin's grandfather Hawk." He looks at the named member of our team with sheer gratitude. "Whatever they did worked and the portal closed behind them. Until now I thought all had been lost." He smiles finally in sheer joy as tears stream down his face. "My daughter M'gann is safe."
"Yeah it seems she got the same treatment as Zach and Tom." Speedy interrupts, already done his reading. "Cadmus is giving any alien they grab memories of a human life as a fail safe to keep them loyal to Earth." He explains, lacking any sense of tact. "Instead of a stoner comedy, she got the life of Janet Wood." When none of us react he fills in our ignorance. "From Three's Company."
"Oh." Zach mutters quietly from his seat, clutching his side. "So when are we getting her out?" He demands everyone who awkwardly avoid eye contact with him. Well if her dad is going to be frozen in disbelief and everyone else won't do anything, I will.
"Oh." Zach mutters quietly from his seat, clutching his side. "So when are we getting her out?" He demands everyone who awkwardly avoid eye contact with him. Well if her dad is going to be frozen in disbelief and everyone else won't do anything, I will.
"Only people who have been in one of the tanks or are related to her get a vote." I inform everyone and ask those involved. "So What do you two think? Were popping her out right?" I get a slow shaky nod from the Martian father, followed by Zach's enthusiastic reply.
"Damn straight." His words are resolute, sounding like any argument will be met with violence. Inside the tank on the nearly identical but more slender version of the Question, is a red Starro. Its eye has more emotion then any of the others. It follows my approach with an expression reminiscent of a puppy dog.
I smash the glass at the top of the tank, allowing it to evaporate into a green mist once exposed to the air. I reach inside the hole I made, catching her slumping form in my massive ivory hand. When her eyes open, the yellow eyes lock onto mine.
"Who are you?" Her voice is sweet and soft. As I pull my arm back out of the glass, her form shifts in a reverse of what the Question had done, ending with her as brunette white girl. Her Naked form has all of us gasping, startled. I turn away shielding her body from the others view.
"We have any spare clothes?" I ask as shocked as I am interested.
Cloaked Javelin
Nevada Desert
Jan 05/2010
09:18 PM
Waking up is a strange sensation. I went to sleep in my bed but here I am standing, I think in a shower. I have an audience of odd looking people around me. Either I'm still dreaming or Cindy is pulling some kind of prank. Which is annoying, I have a shift at the flower shop this morning.
Cloaked Javelin
Nevada Desert
Jan 05/2010
09:18 PM
Waking up is a strange sensation. I went to sleep in my bed but here I am standing, I think in a shower. I have an audience of odd looking people around me. Either I'm still dreaming or Cindy is pulling some kind of prank. Which is annoying, I have a shift at the flower shop this morning.
With a very muscular arm on my shoulder, holding me up, I see a very pale face with solid red eyes almost glowing in their intensity. A black star takes up a quarter of his face, centered on his left eye. Whoever Cindy grabbed for this did a great job on the makeup he's wearing, it looks real.
"Who are you?" I ask quietly as my head clears from a massive hangover. My body shudders and I feel better, with a clear head. Or is that one clear head and one muddy set of memories? I remember growing up on Mars with my family but also have a lifetime hear on earth that is slowly fading in clarity.
"We have any spare clothes?" The good looking if oddly colored man in front of me asks, drawing my attention to a lack of clothes. Something I should not care about because Martians' don't wear clothes. Yet I remember growing up as a human as well and most care about nudity, like I do now.
"AHHH!" I shriek at the room in a panic, my voice shrill and high. "Get Out of my bathroom!" My orders go ignored even as the guy who I can see is wearing some kind of black leather vest and pants combo, gratefully turns around. If I wasn't so exposed I would definitely have gotten a better look at that behind of his.
"Not a bathroom beautiful." A cocky male voice calls out from behind my human shield. Shortly followed by the sound of a slap to someones head.
"Leave the girl alone Wally." A stern but kind female voice admonishes the speaker. "She has to be freaking out enough."
"Here M'gann." A familiar voice speaks up. A purple trench coat is being presented to me by a green Martian hand. One that knows me. Grabbing the offered jacket I slide it on, tying it closed around my body. Once covered, I step out of what I first thought was my shower and around the milk white biker.
I'm surrounded by a very odd group of people, many I vaguely recognize from movies and comics my brother read as a kid. Batgirl is in a formfitting suit with no skin showing. Her bat logo is a deep purple and lacks any cape.
Some teenager in a red and yellow lightning themed outfit is giving me his best smirk. Beside him is a girl who looks like she is part tree. Bark skin and some kind of grass and leaf interwoven into a one piece bathing suit.
She has medium length green hair standing straight on end as she glares at the cocky boy who must be Wally, beside her. Based on what I have seen it looks like they are two thirds of a human relationship. I wonder if one of the others here completes heir triad?
<No daughter, they are siblings.> My father's soothing mental voice explains privately.
Everyone knows the superman logo but the black haired teen with a mullet, is in a black version with silver and bronze accents. His cape is neat, looks like the night sky.
Robin but one with scarlet red wings is flying the plane. Wait, plane? Where am I?
"Were am I?" I demand firmly. The soothing voice I recognize but can't quite place answers me.
"We have rescued you from the ones who held you captive." When I look at the speaker, I'm shocked. My father is standing before me in a combination of both my memories.
He is undeniably a martian, jade skin prominently on display. His human clothes, purple slacks and a green dress shirt have me certain this is a dream.
He is undeniably a martian, jade skin prominently on display. His human clothes, purple slacks and a green dress shirt have me certain this is a dream.
"Dad?" My voice is shaky and quiet again. He smiles and steps toward me, wrapping me tightly in his arms.
"Yes, its me." His reply has me joining him in tears.
<Dad?> A slow dim witted voice asks in all of our heads. Reactions vary, Some like my dad and the albino guy fail to even flinch. Some like the lightning boy or the weird Superboy guy jump.
"I get that your freaked out." A voice barely containing its fury comes from the black and metallic mullet man. "But I really don't like people in my head. It was messed with my whole life apparently." He explains seething.
"It was not her." My dad jumps to my defense, glaring at my head for some reason. "It was the Starro." Grabbing something on my head he pulls something slimy from my head. In my fathers hand, is a weird starfish thing. It has a massive eye and a large single yellow eye.
"Files said it was a new kind of Starro, supposed to be more effective then the older pale ones." The ginger teen in yellow and red speaks up when no one else offers any information.
<These are what was used to give you memories of life here on Earth.> My father fills in my lack of knowledge again privately.
<Starro!> We hear happily in our heads in the slow voice from earlier.
"I think it has something wrong with if. The other ones were more aware." The mullet guy grunts from his chair.
<Friends?> The crimson starfish thing asks hopefully.
<Friends?> The crimson starfish thing asks hopefully.
"Yes. I can be your friend." The milk white biker answers with a voice full of pity which shifts to excitement. "Ooh we need a name for you if I'm keeping you. Any ideas?" He asks everyone. When no one answers him he looks up from the creature he has taken from my dad.
"Fine then you have until we land to make a suggestion or I'm going with the name i have." He mutters so i lightly touch his surface thoughts trying to cheer him up with a suggestion inline with his personality. The pride in his name overrides any other thought, he is so single minded.
"Patrick is a good name." I offer quietly in support. The new pet owner smiles at me with his eyes but frowns with his mouth in a fake pout.
"Spoiler!" He whines at me pitifully, which is a very odd look on such a tough looking person. "Next time make everyone else wait for the suprise even if you can't." His words are obviously in jest now, no hard feelings I can see.
"Well meet Patrick Starro everyone." He holds the creature up to us all proudly. "What?" he defends himself when the others give him disapproving rejections. "He's the only one of his kind we found who's friendly."
"Oh, like you and your family?" the electric ginger asks tactlessly. Which even he recognizes when he winces and tries to back peddle. "I mean… Um… Patrick is a great name! Do you need any help finding out what he eats?" He shifts gears fully now.
"Fine then you have until we land to make a suggestion or I'm going with the name i have." He mutters so i lightly touch his surface thoughts trying to cheer him up with a suggestion inline with his personality. The pride in his name overrides any other thought, he is so single minded.
"Patrick is a good name." I offer quietly in support. The new pet owner smiles at me with his eyes but frowns with his mouth in a fake pout.
"Spoiler!" He whines at me pitifully, which is a very odd look on such a tough looking person. "Next time make everyone else wait for the suprise even if you can't." His words are obviously in jest now, no hard feelings I can see.
"Well meet Patrick Starro everyone." He holds the creature up to us all proudly. "What?" he defends himself when the others give him disapproving rejections. "He's the only one of his kind we found who's friendly."
"Oh, like you and your family?" the electric ginger asks tactlessly. Which even he recognizes when he winces and tries to back peddle. "I mean… Um… Patrick is a great name! Do you need any help finding out what he eats?" He shifts gears fully now.
"I'm more into chemistry but Iris is a whiz with biology." He volunteers his sister beside him. "Once you know what he needs I can run all over the Tri-City area and pick it up for ya."
<Friends!> The dopey voice gleefully calls out.
"Yeah were all friends now." Batgirl speaks up tersely, ending the playful mood. "Can everyone sit down and strap in. we need to get Zach patched up." she 'asks' in a falsely calm voice.
"Yeah were all friends now." Batgirl speaks up tersely, ending the playful mood. "Can everyone sit down and strap in. we need to get Zach patched up." she 'asks' in a falsely calm voice.
"Yeah, this hurts a hell of a lot more then you make it look like dude." Zach, the one with the mullet wheezes out, clenching his bloody side.
So another question i need to flip a coin over.
All choices are valid and storylines will be used with other characters instead so don't feel like anything will be missing. I just really don't want alot of redundant power sets on the team, at least for season 1. I want to use Aqualass instead of Aqualad but still want Kaldur so am taking advantage of his dad being some regular pirate and going after a different target aside from Atlantis.
Kaldur, should he and his story line be mixed with:
A: Black Adam/ and my version of Shazam
B: Dr Fate related
C: A Street Shark
D: a Member of Red Robo Family
He is not being added until atleast three people weigh in combined on all three sites. I would rather hold him off and add him in way i know people want instead of rushing him onto team with something no one wants. I love his character but am very unsure of which way I actually wish to take him. Now if no one says anything as season is nearing end, I will flip a coin but do not wish to.