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Queen of Blood (Worm/Castlevania) (Complete)

Titanomachy 8.4
A/N: Yep, this is going to be rough.

I've been struggling with this for a while now. I'm still not wholly happy with it, but it must be posted else no progress will be made.

Also, Backtrax on Spacebattles is awesome. He remains awesome. He deserves a cake.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


"Where? Where is Behemoth going?" Alexandria demanded.

Apostle shook his head. "I can't tell. He's moving. Determined. He wants to be free, both of them do. They don't sense the world we do. It's part of their mutilation, all they sense is through their powers."

Gaia nodded with a shudder. "I sensed things through vibrations in the Earth, attacks against my skin. I could not see, nor hear, nor breathe. If Ifrit and Lotan are limited in the same way, they can not see, nor choose what they do. They must act, they have no choice, and at best they can only steer their actions somewhat."

Dragon's head tilted slightly. "I'm reading earthquakes over a wide area...epicentre is...northern Wyoming. Near Highway 212."

Alexandria frowned. "There's no major infrastructure there. No big cities. What's his target?"

Dragon was still for a moment, then she stiffened. "Yellowstone National Park. That's his target. Nothing else fits."

Contessa paled. "Unacceptable."

I shook my head. "What, what's so important about him hitting the park?"

Dragon's voice was grave. "Yellowstone sits upon a supervolcano. The last time it erupted, it destroyed several mountains in the range and killed everything within a hundred mile radius. It spread ash into the atmosphere and covered nearly half the continent in an ash cloud. That would destroy the major food production for the United States and Canada, those who don't die from the eruption will starve in the coming months. It could also alter weather patterns, bringing on a worldwide winter for at least the next two, perhaps three years."

Well. No wonder this was so damn important. That's one hell of a move.

"Leviathan?" I demanded.

Dragon paused. "Endbringer prediction isn't simple...so far, eighty percent chance he's heading for Britain. Still calculating landing site..."

I paused for a moment. I had a faint feeling I knew where he'd be going. "Definitely Britain. He's going to sink the damn island."

Dragon twisted her head to look directly at me. "That's a high possibility, but why?"

I shook my head. "They're the first ones who bought a portal from me. The Endbringers always attacked that which gave people hope. If he was heading for here, or America, I'd be pretty sure he'd be hitting Brockton Bay. I don't know where they took the portal, though."

Apostle nodded. "The gods are held and sealed within weapons programmed by the Abomination Dracul managed to kill. Their programming is set to keep a species held on-world, trapped, to help collect information to help them evolve. It...improvised, from what I know, to hold the gods. The act was a rush-job, they were never intended to be let loose like this. Presumably the Abomination would have refined things later on, but as it is, the weapon is drawing upon Lotan's power to cause carnage. Lotan doesn't have any choice. Britain's working on trying to get off-world, so he has to strike there." He looked at Dragon. "We need to split our forces. Heavy Blasters, radiation neutralizers, firefighters on Behemoth. Shielders and force-fields on Leviathan. Hopefully the equipment we have and the aid will help."

Chronos nodded. "I will aid against Lotan."

"And I." Gaia spoke, her voice filled with determination. "We must end the acts of our wayward brothers."

Contessa looked at me. "We must prioritize. Both targets will mean far too much damage if either Endbringer destroys it. We may be able to handle the disaster of one if we pour our resources into destroying the other. But it becomes far less certain if we split our forces."

Now I was beginning to grasp just what Cauldron had been going through over the years. If I went after Behemoth, and Leviathan destroyed Britain, that meant sixty million dead and a lot of my work dashed. The other choice meant a hundred million dead and the world's strongest nation crippled. And that was just assuming we simply drove them off.

Still. We could kill them. It was just insanely difficult.

I got to my feet. "We needed two gods to break one before. But we're a lot better prepared now, and we've got a lot of magic to throw at them. I'll handle Leviathan." I looked to Dragon. "Think our preparations will be enough for Behemoth?"

Resolutely, Dragon nodded. "Perhaps. I dislike spreading out like this. Leviathan's bad enough. Behemoth, too? We can't afford to spread out, but they're forcing our hands." She paused for a moment, then nodded resolutely. "I will be needed to drop off Atlas in Behemoth's path. Hopefully we can either drive him back or end him quickly enough for me to aid with Leviathan."

I nodded. "Right. And if we manage to take Leviathan down fast enough, I'll rush to aid with Behemoth. Not much choice, here."

Apostle had a faint smile on his lips. "I've been preparing, too. We'll stop them."


It was night at Swansea. It had once been one of the more prosperous cities in the United Kingdom, and the second largest city in Wales. From where we were staging at the city's university campus, I was overcome for a moment at what had been lost. It was plain to see this had been a prosperous campus once, bustling, busy. The kind of place my mom wanted to teach, once upon a time. Had I been a bit older, and...alive, I might have liked to study here, in its heyday. Nowadays though, the place wasn't in the greatest shape. The buildings were weather-worn, crumbling somewhat. The university had been abandoned after the Simurgh hit London and created so many knock-on effects from that attack that the United Kingdom was still feeling it. Swansea University had been bombed by a London citizen and thereafter closed from structural damage, and nobody had the time or money to rebuild it.

Even at a remove, even at a great distance, this screwed-up world of ours seemed to conspire to dash hopes and break dreams.

Strider deposited capes in groups into the middle of the campus parking lot. I, on the other hand, left portals open in twenty major cities, mostly just following the list that Dragon had given me, also placing an exit portal in Wyoming for the Behemoth battle. The result? We had a hundred capes here at least, and more were arriving in fits and spurts every minute or so.

At the front of the campus was a box with familiar-looking armbands. What was less familiar was the amulet fused into the front. It made sense, everyone who took one would be protected somewhat by Light Magic as they fought, but it wouldn't do me any favors. I took an armband, ripped the amulet off, and slipped it around my right arm. Then I licked my fingers, because that actually hurt my fingertips a little.

The armband chirped. "State identity for the database."

"Scarlet Dragon." I pressed the button to confirm.

"Scarlet Dragon confirmed. Scarlet Dragon deceased, NC-6."

I frowned. Slapped it. "I'm not dead, nitwit." Undead, maybe.

"Recalibrating. Scarlet Dragon entered."

I saw Gaia looking at me with amusement. I chucked an armband at her, and she caught it, slipping it on without complaint.

Chronos floated to the side of the campus, lifting a hand. There was a rippling, a distortion, and suddenly I was looking through it to... somewhere. Then twelve people strode through, wearing gray, armored bodysuits, and no masks. Some of them were armed, one with a pistol, another with a rifle, and the rest had daggers and shortswords.

My jaw dropped open. I recognized the young woman at the lead of the group. Pretty, blonde, and I had seen her last in the middle of a Gray Boy timeloop. Sarah Kissinger. I let myself drift to the ground and walked up to her. I put on a smile. "Well, this is unexpected. Glad you could make it. I just learned about you getting out."

Sarah nodded. "Wish it could be under better circumstances. Not how I wanted to run just after making my debut, but at least I'm not fighting against a couple of superpowered inbreeding rednecks. Again."

A woman behind her with bright blue hair broke out in a grin. "Oh come on, that was like, two weeks ago."

The man with the rifle coughed. "Actually, that was about thirty minutes ago."

She paused. "Really? Huh. I lost track of time."

The entire gray-clad group groaned. The man with the pistol, his black hair streaked with grey, spoke with exasperation. "Really, Robin, you had to say that?"

Chronos cleared his throat. At least, he made the right sounds, I wasn't sure he had a throat. "We have work to prepare for. I will be working to slow the beast. The rest of you must act where needed."

Robin grinned. "Right, S&R are all mine." She zipped off, literally at blinding speed.

Sarah shook her head. "Right, doubling up. Anyway, rest of us will help shield. We can try and pin him, but we know he's tricky. We've been trying to prepare for this since we were freed from our personal hells."

I nodded. Taking a moment to look around, I spotted a few familiar masks in the gathering crowd. Narwhal stood next to Miss Militia, the two seemingly engrossed in conversation. Miss Militia had a bandolier of grenades wrapped around her body. Dauntless was next to her, quietly chatting. Clockblocker and Paladin stood there, her right hand drifting over the hilt of the whip on her belt. Alucard stood next to her, wearing his midnight blue armor, a blue cape hanging from his shoulders. I moved next to them, my voice quiet. "Good to see you guys here. Guessing the rest are heading to Behemoth?"

Paladin bit her lip. "Not all of the Brockton Protectorate made it, and the rest are heading where they need to go. The rest of the Wards aren't coming."

"Yeah, kinda sucks." Clockblocker said. "Least I've got a good reason, not too many people around that could buy time for the docs and surgeons to get to work. I ain't about to run away when it comes to this stuff."

Paladin shrugged at him. "We've been split up based on powers. We're going to be working as medics, as much as we can. I've been working on producing enough amulets for the fight, but there's only a few ways to charge them, and we can't really set something up because Leviathan can just come right in and smash it."

Alucard nodded. "This will be difficult." His hand drifted down to the hilt of the blade on his hip. "However, this is not the first time I have battled a god, though admittedly said god is more than Lotan was. I will fight as I can, though it will be difficult."

I smiled and patted his shoulder. "Thanks for being here." I felt my wings twitch as the wind began to pick up, and the air became both cool and moist.

Alexandria moved to the front of the crowd, raising her hands. "Thank you all for coming. This situation is unusual. Normally, Legend is giving this speech, but he is preparing for the battle with Behemoth in Wyoming. We have an estimated ten minutes before Leviathan arrives. We're fairly sure he's going to strike Britain as a whole, and we're well aware that he's capable of destroying the entire island, but his landing point is estimated to be right here. Normally, we split battles with Leviathan into hard and soft targets. Hard is where we fight him, try to pin him down and buy time for Scion's arrival. Soft targets are where we cannot afford to do this. Swansea and Swansea Bay is not ideal, as this region has all the markings of a soft target."

She lifted her head, looking out at the crowd. "However, this time we come prepared. Protectorate members, you've been outfitted with systems built by Dragon to help protect you. For the villains volunteering to assist, your armbands have been upgraded with the same systems. Should you take an injury, they will attempt to heal you and get you back in the fight." She made a gesture at her side at another cape, one wearing a silver and gold set of armor, a massive weapon that looked like a cross between a sword and a cannon resting on his shoulder.

The cape took the cue. "I am Chevalier, you might know me from Philadelphia. We've all got weapons to help us do damage to Leviathan." Suddenly, his blade was on fire, burning with my power, with Hellfire. "Scarlet Dragon has given us materials to work with, allowing us to draw on the same powers that she used to destroy the Simurgh."

I fought to keep from shifting on my feet as glances suddenly turned my way.

Chevalier gestured at the front of the crowd, where another box lay. "There are amulets here that will help channel that same power, allow you all to use it against Leviathan. They have limited charge, but they should be enough. Use them against him. What we're looking for is a core in Leviathan, it's going to be buried underneath the densest layers of flesh inside him. Break that core, and we break the Endbringer."

Alexandria nodded as she took an amulet herself, letting it fall around her neck. A moment later, she flared with red Hellfire, before the pyrotechnics faded. "I won't lie. This will be dangerous. Even on a good day, we lose people. But we have the means. We have the knowledge. We have the target. We know how to kill them. We have veterans of many Endbringer battles here today, and we have more hands today than I've ever seen ready to fight. We can kill him. Let's make this the last day the Endbringers plagued our world. Let us send them both back to the pits of Hell they came from!"

There was a cheer from a man in power armor near the front. Then another, then another, voices in the crowd taking up the call. As they did, light and fire began to flare, blue and red alike, Light and Hellfire being called upon by the forces ready to act.

Then there was a crack of thunder, and it began to rain. Gently at first, but soon the drops came in, thick and fat.

I lifted myself off the ground, moving to the front of the crowd. I called upon the Void Sword, to help calm my nerves. I kind of needed it, because every eye was on me, now.

Swallowing my nervousness, I looked out over them, meeting the eyes and faceplates of every cape there. "For twenty years, you have all fought to save what was important. For twenty years, you have fought unending battles against the Endbringers, to fight for a hope of a better future. For twenty years, you have acted and prayed for help from any god that might hear you."

I lifted the Void Sword and pointed it at the heavens. "I have heard you. I am the Lady of Darkness, matched only by one other god. I am here to fight alongside you. I am here to end the Endbringer. I have heard your prayers! I have heard your wants! I will aid you in this war against civilization's end. I am the Scarlet Dragon."

I lifted my empty hand. "And the storm..." I concentrated, sending my power up and outward. There was resistance. Leviathan was fighting me, even from here. Even hundreds of miles distant.

Still, I pushed my power into the storm, grasping it with an iron will. "Is."

Lightning gathered in my hand, and I thrust it into the sky. "Mine."

My lightning arced upward, racing through the forming stormclouds above. The storm, so helpfully provided by Leviathan, amplified by my magic, and now under my will, built up. The rain halted as I forced the clouds to spend its energy in a different way. Lightning began racing through it, running in sheets. I could feel Leviathan attempting to take back control, but it was mine.

Darkness and Light were the strongest of the gods for a reason, after all. The storm was my dominion. Lord of the Sea or not, he was not Lord of the Storm. For once, it would be our weapon, not simply his.

I looked out toward the bay. A rolling darkness began to rise from the sea, as the first of many waves began to come in. Just faintly, I could see a figure riding the wave, surfing upon it almost without a care. Leviathan, three stories tall and moving absurdly fast. We had only seconds.

"Shields!" Alexandria yelled.

Forcefields sprang up to protect the gathered capes. Strider moved, teleporting nearly half the crowd in one instant. I kept my concentration, building my strength.

I was left behind, though that was fine by me. The campus was now enclosed by a shimmering forcefield, mostly transluscent. I let my power build in the storm.

The wave struck the shield. It buckled, but held, and an instant later Leviathan slammed into it, his claws scraping upon the surface, forcing a small but powerful amount of water through the minuscule gaps opened by his assault.

I roared and slammed my left fist down into the ground.

The storm unleashed its entire built-up energy in one burst, in one instant, striking Leviathan with a single bolt of lightning powerful enough to feed the United States' energy requirements for a week.

Leviathan went skidding, slamming through one of the defunct campus buildings and reducing it to rubble. The shields went down as Strider took the remaining vulnerable capes away from the campus itself.

I stepped forward, calling upon my power and shifted into my dragon shape. I roared in challenge, igniting my forelegs in Hellfire.

Quick as a bullet, Leviathan righted himself and zipped toward me, his skin smoking. His outstretched arm caught in mine, ripping into my flesh even as my fire seared his.

The battle was joined.
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Interlude: War part 1
A/N: This will be difficult. But I'm going to fight to make it awesome.


"Estimation!?" Legend barked.

"Three minutes." Eidolon... no, David, called back. "He's coming up fast, he'll break the surface right there." He pointed at the winding highway. The tarmac was already cracking, a hiss of steam escaping the ruptured earth beneath.

It was almost ideal, really. An Endbringer battle out in the middle of nowhere. No collateral damage, no need to preserve a city, no civilians to get out of the way. All that was here was miles of trees, grass, and the occasional bear. The only problem was that Yellowstone was a far, far more dangerous target than anything Behemoth had ever targeted before. The damage done by a destroyed nuclear plant compared to a Yellowstone eruption would be comparing a firecracker to a Tsar Bomba.

Despite being in the middle of nowhere, the stakes couldn't be higher. Either attack would cripple the planet. Either attack would kill millions, and the scale was so large that evacuation was just impossible. The kill zone covered four states, and while they weren't the most populated states in the union, that was more than enough. If Behemoth won here, nobody who came would be walking away.

Dragon appeared in a flash of light. Almost instinctively, Legend touched the amulets resting around his neck. Both Dragon's power, and Scarlet's at the same time. Hopefully, it would help against Behemoth. He gave the golden suit a nod. "Dragon, glad you could join us."

Dragon nodded in return, her voice calm. "Glad to be here. I need sixty seconds."

David nodded. "You'll have them."

With a nod of acknowledgement, Dragon moved over, closer to the crack in the road. The air above it was now rippling with heat.

Legend clenched his teeth together. He always hated battling Behemoth. He always hated to watch brave men and women die to the beast.

"We'll get him, Legend. We'll stop him from hurting anyone ever again." David spoke quietly.

Legend shot his friend a glance. David seemed to be hovering there, waiting. Preparing. Over the years, Legend had seen his friend become more and more desperate as the Endbringers kept coming, his powers weakening further with every battle. Now his friend seemed to be at peace, somehow. It would have been good to see, had the situation not been so dire.

"I damn well hope so. We ever going to talk?" Legend said, his fingers grasping one of the amulets wrapped around his neck.

"After this, hopefully." David said, his eyes narrowed in concentration. "I've got a lot to tell you. You're not going to like it, but it needs to be said. Right now, though, this is more important."

Legend nodded. He didn't like it, but now, of all times, wouldn't be the best time to get stuck in personal matters.

There were short flares of blue light, and various models of Dragon suits began to appear around the battlefield. Shield model prototypes. Cryo-equipped suits. There were a number of them with large containment tanks on their backs. Definitely not flight-capable, but it was plain for his power-enhanced eyes to see what they were for.

Warning: Liquid Nitrogen was not difficult to figure out. Not up against Behemoth. Anything that could mitigate the heat and flame that accompanied the first Endbringer was welcome.

Five miles away from the breach in the road, between Behemoth's opening site and Yellowstone, gathered the Protectorate. Neptune from Brockton Bay. Rime from Los Angeles, her mechanical left arm outfitted with a shield made of ice. Frostbite from Miami, though Legend hadn't really expected that blue-skinned villain, especially since she had been running from New Orleans the last he'd heard and lying low. Given the occasion, though... it was a chance to end the Endbringer.

Despite everything, with a hundred and fifty heroes and villains here, with the powers prepared, it was hopeful. From the black portal that Scarlet Dragon had left behind, more capes were coming through, one or two every minute. The simple portal network was an extraordinary boon. Usually an Endbringer battle had a few capes who came in from other cities, shored up by those who lived at the city that was attacked. Here? There was no city nearby, no native defenders. It was only those who were willing to come in and help. And it was still a larger number than Legend had ever seen, even with their numbers divided by the need to deal with Leviathan at the same time. Few Endbringer battles had this many hands helping, even with things divided between both attacks. It was just required. Neither Endbringer could be left unattended.

An obsidian, clawed hand burst from the road. The ground shifted and shuddered underneath Behemoth's enormous weight as he pulled himself up from the earth, lava pouring from his neck and shoulders in rivulets. The eldest Endbringer paused for a moment, looking around.

Then he roared, and began to glow red. Trees alongside the highway burst into flame. Legend nearly lost sight of Behemoth in the sudden smoke. The ground shuddered as he began to walk, directly in the direction of Yellowstone.

"Radiation levels spiking. Recommend withdrawal to safe distance in three minutes." His armband cheerfully informed him. Legend also felt warm. He nearly lost his concentration as a gentle blue light enveloped him, both protecting him from the sudden waves of heat and making him feel stronger, energized. Honestly, Legend hadn't felt this good in years.

Dragon's voice came over the armband. "The system should help with radiation exposure. Keep at range, but it should help prevent cell damage for a long period. Just don't get close, I'm not sure how well it will deal with large amounts of radiation."

That was nice to know.

Then there was a blue glow, just outside the ring of smoke and fire. A very big blue glow.

Behemoth paused. He looked up at the figure that was larger than himself. Shining with gold and blue, the immense humanoid figure stepped forward, the ground shuddering underneath each step. It was slow, ponderous, but just as unstoppable as Behemoth himself. Ice formed on its surface, soaking in the heat pouring off Behemoth and evaporating almost instantly, only to be replenished from beneath.

Behemoth roared, the sound enough to crack the pavement, shatter the already-burning trees at the roadside, and send the miles-distant capes stumbling.

The great construct was unfazed. In response, Atlas clenched his fist. A ten foot long blade dropped out from a slot on the arm, and it glowed a crystalline blue. Ice formed upon its surface, forming the edges of the blade, while the rest of it was surrounded in a gray haze that sputtered and sparked in the thousand-degree heated air pouring from Behemoth. Atlas swung the weapon, aiming for the beast's face.

Behemoth caught it in a rocky hand, but where the blade touched obsidian stone, ice formed. The blade bit into the crystalline flesh somewhat, but not deep.

Atlas pulled back his left fist and slammed it into Behemoth's chin. The Endbringer didn't even flinch, but the ground rumbled with the force of the blow. That damned dynakinesis always made battles with Behemoth so difficult.

Legend lifted his hand, awaiting the signal. "Apostle?" He spoke, giving a glance to his friend.

David also had a hand raised, pointing at Behemoth. "Wait for it."

Then there was another flare of blue light. Behemoth roared once more, whether in agony or rage, it was impossible to say. It took a moment for Legend to manage to see the new figure through the smoke, but it was enough.

A thirty foot tall golden dragon, bright blue jetstream wings emerging from its back. A dragon that promptly grasped Behemoth's left arm, slowly but surely pulling the Endbringer out of position. Behemoth then took a strike from Atlas, the bus-sized arm forcing the Endbringer to stumble.

"All units, open fire!" Dragon's voice echoed over the armbands.

Legend unleashed his lasers, his power enhanced by Dragon's own... Tinkertech? Whatever it was. The beams, tuned to sap heat away from its target, normally did small amounts of damage to Behemoth, scoring inches into his dense, burning flesh.

This time, they scored holes at least a foot deep into his hide.

Then at his side, there was a burst. David had unleashed his attack. The air rippled as it streaked out toward Behemoth, the energy itself invisible to the eye.

The effect, however, was devastating. It struck Behemoth's arm, caught in the dragon's grip, right at the shoulder. There was a flash of blue, then black, and the arm was separated from Behemoth's torso with a gush of heat and lava, the road beneath the three massive figures bursting into flame.

Behemoth paused, seeming to focus on the wound in shock. That let the gathered capes get a few more hits in.

Then he roared, turned, and with his remaining arm, slammed both the golden dragon and Atlas away in a single blow, moving faster than he'd ever been seen doing before. The pair went reeling, the dragon holding Behemoth's arm as if it was an oversized club. Atlas went stumbling, the building-sized mech nearly falling off its feet. Still, it sucked in heat, regained its balance, and marched on Behemoth, Armsmaster's voice echoing over the armbands.

"Blasters, pull back! Radiation levels are extreme, pull back now! I'll tie him up, snipe the bastard!"

Legend's own armband chirped helpfully. "Radiation spiking. Recommend immediate withdrawal. Fatal dose in thirty seconds."

Behemoth roared once more, and for six miles around, every tree burst into flame. The defenders, having believed they were safe at that range, began to scream.

"Frostbite deceased, LN-3, Alpha deceased, LN-4, Panzerfaust deceased, LM-7..."


The rain had halted.

It was a weird thing to think about, in the middle of a battle, but against Leviathan, that was unprecedented. Narwhal could remember each time she'd joined the fight against Leviathan, but it had always, always, rained in every battle.

But not this time. It barely mattered, there was water pouring off of Leviathan, spraying in all directions. But mostly forward at the other large figure on the battlefield, scything in high-pressure jets.

The dark red dragon weathered the hits, the jets scoring armored flesh and blood from the dragon's body. Still, the damage was small, and the dragon did not falter. She charged, not stomping over the ground but flowing over it, as if she needed no contact with the ground at all.

Leviathan simply skated out of the way, water flowing in an aftershock. His afterimage didn't move in the same direction, however, it rushed out to meet the Scarlet Dragon.

The dragon merely encased herself in flame, and just for a moment, it was perfect. An avatar of draconic flame standing against the ocean's wrath.

Then the water exploded into steam. Narwhal quickly snapped up a forcefield to protect herself and the four with her, grimacing in concentration.

"We merely need a moment." The white-haired man behind her said.

Leviathan charged, clashing with the flaming dragon, and the two traded blows that shuddered the earth. If there had been any intact windows anywhere near, they would have shattered from the concussive force. Even the concrete of the old buildings nearby were vibrating with each hit.

"I thought you said he would be slowed down!" Narwhal yelled, striving to make herself heard over the crashing water and hissing steam.

"I am slowing him down!" The black, hovering figure yelled with annoyance. "I have slowed Leviathan down thirty times! He experiences one second for every thirty we do!"

Paladin twirled the handle of her whip, the metal chain clinking. "Doesn't look that slow to me!"

Narwhal had to privately agree. If anything, it looked like Leviathan was moving faster. Though the water streaking off of him was acting...oddly. It moved in fits and spurts, individual drops hovering in the air for moments before they fell. "Any bright ideas?!" She yelled.

The green-haired woman nodded. "I will need a moment."

There was a streak in the air as a hovering figure appeared above the two warring giants, flaring with the distinctive rockets of power armor. Lasers, bullets and rockets streaked out, burning with the same flame that covered the dragon. They struck Leviathan, sinking deep into the Endbringer's body, making the massive beast flinch. Almost casually, quick as a lightning bolt, a burst of water spurted from Leviathan's face, impacting with the cape.

Or rather, bisecting the cape. Armor fell in several pieces, along with chunks of bone and gore.

"Galatea deceased, NC-6."

Green-hair spoke. "Now. Pin him if you can."

Narwhal dropped her shield, then gripped the amulet hanging from her neck. The forcefields covering her body burst into unnatural flame, causing her no harm.

The circular-shaped forcefield she manifested at Leviathan's neck, on the other hand, was far more dangerous to the Endbringer. Burning with flame, the field, already more than capable of tearing into an Endbringer, cut without resistance and sliced off his head.

Leviathan reared back for a moment, then with a burst of speed, bodychecked into the burning dragon in front of him. The blow made the air itself quiver, and the dragon was launched backward, almost immediately lost in the darkness of the storm-filled night.

The white-haired man charged forward, flowing over the water-soaked pavement as easily as the dragon had moments before. Paladin charged right beside him, her boots flaring with blue light.

Leviathan seemed to sense the incoming threats, water lancing out in high-pressure jets. Narwhal brought up a shield to protect the pair, and the sheer effort of resisting all that force made her stagger.

Too late, she saw the third jet coming right at her. Even as the shield was forming, though, another figure appeared right beside her. One of the gray-suited women who came through with the group. She lifted a hand, and the jet suddenly impacted with an impervious barrier of air.

"Hi!" She said perkily. "I'm Robin, good to meet ya. Tell you what, you keep tearing at him with those fields of yours, I'll keep you alive. Hang on a sec." The air rippled for a moment, and then things slowed down outside the bubble.

The fat, black figure spoke with unmistakable pride. "Well done, Robin."

She grinned. "Thanks boss. Keep moving, I got this." She looked at Narwhal with a grin. "Both of us make it out of here, you buy me dinner for this."

Narwhal couldn't help but make a helpless laugh. "Deal."

The black figure nodded and lifted himself out of the sphere of altered time, his form seeming to stay in synch with them despite leaving the bubble.

As the white-haired man and Paladin drew near to Leviathan, in slow-motion, the Endbringer lifted a hand. Finally Narwhal could see him moving slowly to her perceptions, but he was still frighteningly quick. Leviathan's clawed left hand swept at him, but almost as quickly, he drew the sword at his side and cut in a single motion as the hand approached, the sword covered in blue flames and a gray haze.

Even with everything slowed down as they were, the sound of the impact was jarring. Leviathan's hand came away from his arm almost without resistance. Just before the arm itself could impact him, the green-haired woman behind Narwhal and Robin clapped. Concrete beneath Leviathan suddenly rolled, making the Endbringer stumble off-balance.

Paladin took the opportunity, slinging her whip out and catching it on Leviathan's right shoulder. Holding the hilt in her hand, it pulled her into the air. A jet of water came her way, but one of Narwhal's forcefields intercepted it, diverting the flow directly into the ground. Concrete was bored into, ripping into chunks.

Paladin held onto the chain, swinging herself around on the arm until she was standing on his shoulder, the whip curled three times around the arm. She gripped the chain with her left arm, the weapon bursting into white flame. As Leviathan stumbled, she jumped off his shoulder, the chain wrapping tight. It dug in deep, but caught several layers in, catching on the Endbringer's near-invulnerable bone.

Paladin twisted her wrist, and the whip came loose. Leviathan swung his right arm at her, seemingly unhindered despite the deep wound. She rolled along the ground, barely avoiding the blow itself, though water-shadow from the movement was enough to knock her off her feet and send her stumbling. As he tried to follow-up and kill the Ward, Narwhal manifested a burning forcefield and struck it at that weakened spot, neatly severing the Endbringer's arm. The motion sent the arm flying off to the side, lost in the darkness and the water-filled battlefield.

Leviathan paused for an instant, as if shocked at the damage. Headless, handless, armless, the Endbringer turned toward the charging Paladin, water forming up to strike the Ward down. Paladin slung out her whip and caught an exposed concrete rebar, using it to swing out of the charging Endbringer's path.

That, however, left it charging right at Narwhal, Robin, and Gaia. Narwhal formed a wedge-shaped shield, its burning form protecting the group. The Endbringer struck the shield, his flesh sizzling at the contact.

It sprung away, speeding further north. Voices came over Narwhal's armband, distorted and slowed.

Robin grasped Narwhal's arm. "He's moving further inland! We can keep up, come on!"

Gaia growled. "He is attempting to tear into the island underneath the shoreline. I can sense it. I am required here to ensure he doesn't tear the earth out from under us. I will deal with the waves."

With a nod, Narwhal and Robin joined hands. Narwhal formed a non-flaming forcefield on the ground, stepping onto it, using it as a mobile platform. With a thought, she lifted herself and her new partner into the air, speeding after Leviathan. Even with the distorted flow of time, it was difficult to keep up, chasing after the distant, dark form of the second Endbringer.

Then the sky lit up with lightning, and a large crackling form smashed into Leviathan, making the Endbringer roll and stumble through the grassy fields, stirring up mud. Even as Leviathan righted itself, the red dragon, covered with and crackling in lightning, drove a clawed hand into Leviathan's chest with a roar. Then the Endbringer was covered in electricity, lighting up the battle's position for miles around.

Even as Narwhal got near, the night sky suddenly flared with another color. Not the red of the unnatural flame, not the blue of lightning.

Gold, from a single small figure, flaring like a second sun, flying in from the east. Narwhal couldn't help but smile. This battle was already won.

Scion had arrived.

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Interlude: War part 2
A/N: Your tears and shinies sustain me. Give them to me.


Colin growled. "Keep those scans going! Devote fifty percent of computer time to it!"


His control center was rather impressive. Sophisticated computers feeding data into and from Atlas, telling him everything he needed to know to control the machine. Even insulated as he was, as safe as it was possible to be, he still fought to keep the massive hybrid of technology and magic on its feet. He still didn't like classifying anything as 'magic' but it was rather pedantic at this point.

Whatever it was, it was effective. Colin wasn't about to argue with results.

Behemoth leveraged his single remaining arm against Atlas, the Endbringer's roar enough to make the mechanical titan vibrate despite the shielding. Sensor systems shorted out. Others flickered, then compensated, coming back on-line as Armsmaster slammed a massive fist into Behemoth's face, forcing the Endbringer to stumble backward.

Atlas' sensors picked up a rather impressive trans-Lawrencium shell exploding on Behemoth's chest. That was something of a shame, however, as something that dense should have pierced through just about anything. Behemoth weathered the blow, though it did make him flinch for a moment, a fresh welt and lava pouring out from the wound. He lifted his head, and a lightning bolt streaked out from him, the foot-wide bolt streaking out into the distance. It struck far further than Behemoth had ever shot one before. A moment later, the Tinkertech tank that fired the shell vaporized.

"Death Machine deceased, LM-9, Longshoreman deceased, LM-9, Glacier deceased, LM-9."

Damn. That was a decent chunk of the firefighting effort just slain in an instant.

Atlas rumbled as Behemoth slammed into it. The systems blared in warning. "Internal temperature rising. Energy reserves at sixty percent. Right arm functionality reduced by thirty percent. Left leg reduced in functionality by thirteen percent. Nanothorn material reserve at sixty-eight percent."

Colin grit his teeth. "Anything not damaged?"

"Air conditioning is fully functional."

"Great, the one system I don't need." Colin tried very hard not to growl in frustration. The screens in front of him gave him a great deal of information. Most of them, however were taken up with a view of Behemoth, while others were showing blackness of static as the sensors were destroyed by blows or lava. Though Atlas was actually taller, Behemoth was being even more difficult to fight than anticipated. The radiation alone was pushing back the defenders. Only a few were able to try and engage the Herokiller at six miles away. Further, with the radiation output increasing every second. The rest were stuck just trying to prevent the entire forest from going up in flames. 'Lord of Fire', indeed.

Lasers, gravitational effects, plasma beams, even a tree was launched and struck the Endbringer. Still, even lacking an arm, Behemoth seemed to be determined. He kept straining to move, to head toward the Yellowstone caldera. He hadn't made much progress toward his target, though. Colin and Dragon had made sure of that.

Behemoth roared again, only for Colin to steer Atlas' left fist into that maw with a punch. The Endbringer thrashed, lava spilling onto the arm, almost instantly freezing into hardened rock on contact with the systems charged up with Void magic.

"Fifty-eight percent reserves remaining."

Dragon was still holding Behemoth's severed arm. Her form blazed with light, white fire coating the severed limb. She swung the arm around like an oversized bat, smashing it into Behemoth's chest and forcing the Endbringer to stagger.

Showing that same unexpected speed, he turned with a roar, smashing his own severed arm out of Dragon's grip. With a backhand, Dragon went crashing through the burning trees, her roar of pain making his heart clench.

Colin grit his teeth. "All available power to the arms."


Colin shifted the controls, the motion translating to the motions of the mechanical monstrosity he was controlling. There was resistance, telling of the damage Atlas had taken, but it didn't hamper Colin's desire enough to stop him.

And what he desired, more than anything, was to pound Behemoth's face in. Atlas responded to his will, slamming the massive ice-coated fist into Behemoth's maw, the Endbringer taking the hit easily. The ground rumbled as the kinetic impact was redistributed into the earth. The follow-up hit had the exact same lack of effect, the eldest Endbringer simply tanking the hit without injury.

The energy was deflected right into Atlas, and the camera views twisted and whirled sickeningly as the titan was thrown through the inferno of burning trees and torn-up earth. It took long minutes for Colin to check the readouts, get Atlas to get its hands and feet underneath itself, and rise. The ablative ice armor was the only reason the whole thing wasn't on fire, but even the magic that powered it wouldn't last forever. Smoke-filled sky and burning embers dominated his viewscreens as he locked back onto Behemoth.

"Fifty percent reserves remaining. Endbringer is now seven point four miles from caldera border."

Trees crashed to the ground as Colin forced Atlas into a kneeling position, the immense machine fighting gravity every step of the way. While he was distracted, and Dragon trying to recover herself, her suits took up positions around the Endbringer and were blasting it with as many cryogenic beams as possible, trying to slow and cool Behemoth down. They'd discovered that years ago, cryogenic effects were among the few things Behemoth couldn't straight-up reflect or counter. He manipulated energy in all its forms. It was difficult to manipulate an effect that removed energy. The only problem was they did so very little damage to the Herokiller. He always had plenty of heat to spare.

The air rippled, and there was a sudden burst. Apostle launched another attack, and Behemoth stumbled, his right leg reduced to crystalline bone. He trembled on his feet, fell, supporting himself with his remaining arm. Behemoth didn't take kindly to that. He flared, flame covering his entire body, and the radiation levels climbed even higher on Colin's readouts.

"Warhead deceased, LM-9, Coldsnap deceased, LN-8, Blast deceased, LN-8, Fireteam deceased, LN-7, Fireteam deceased, LM-10, Fireteam deceased, KM-10."

The other effects streaking in, lasers, missiles, even a positron beam, if the radiation levels were any indication, were scoring into Behemoth's hide, but not penetrating very deeply. Legend's lasers were the exception, those were penetrating a foot or more into Behemoth's rocky skin, but even those weren't hampering the Endbringer much. It was one of the worst things about fighting Behemoth. He would always take and redirect the most damaging attacks back outward, thus turning every battle into a battle of attrition while the defenders struggled to handle the energy from their own efforts to fight him off.

Then there was a flash of blue light. Dragon reappeared, right behind Behemoth, roaring in draconic rage. Behemoth simply flared, lightning springing from his horns, but the lightning curved away from Dragon's head and caught in her hand. With shining teeth bared, she turned the bolt as if it were a physical spear and plunged it right through Behemoth's body. Lightning coursed over the Endbringer, lava and crystalline material spraying from the hideous wound. Behemoth roared in agony.

"Analysis complete. Density is greatest in the head region."

Colin grinned and thumbed his radio. "Aim for the head." He had Atlas stop for a brief moment and picked up Behemoth's severed arm. The severed appendage dragged on the ground as he approached. Behemoth tried to swipe at Dragon, his movements hampered by his missing limbs. Dragon danced around his swipes and made quick, penetrating strikes with her own divine power, beams of light searing through Behemoth's crystalline flesh. They were rending deep wounds through Behemoth's remaining leg, his chest, working to stall and disable the beast.

Behemoth turned his head just in time to get smacked across the rocky face by his own severed arm. Colin's follow-up stabbed the long blade attached to Atlas' right arm through the wound opened by Dragon. Lava and heat spilled out as he pulled the blade upwards, the ever-increasing resistance to the effort telling Colin he was on the right track. Get to the core. Expose the core. Break the core. Break the Endbringer.

"Let's see how you like blade number ten."


Alexandria grit her teeth.

Despite Strider's quick action, despite Scarlet's immediate engagement with Leviathan, it all went to hell almost as soon as the main group reappeared half a mile further inland. Shields went up to help resist and break up the initial tidal wave, and more importantly protect those capes that couldn't take the hit. Sufficiently quickly moving water hit like concrete, and there weren't very many fighters who could take a hit like that, and thus they relied on those who could protect them from the impact.

At the moment, it was worse than normal. The wave had swept over the main group, which was quickly shielded, but the wave hadn't dissipated. It simply held over the group, entrapped them all within a force-field dome put up by the various shielding capes, and kept nearly the entire group of sixty in this group trapped. And worse, Leviathan was pressing on the shield from one side, forcing her to press back against thousands of tons of water, lest the dome skid, hit uneven ground, and let the water rush in and kill the group.

"Strider!" She yelled.

"Two seconds!" He yelled back, the former Ward and current independent straining to let himself be heard. "Looking for a bit of high ground!"

The dome shifted slightly. A trickle of water managed to get underneath it, spurting upwards, aiming directly for her face. Alexandria shifted her head, growling as it sprayed over the side of her helmet. The water bent, trying to seek her mouth. Other streams went out, scything though some of the capes, while others braced themselves with armor and their own protections.

"Muffet down, NB-4, Dwarfstar down, NB-4, Burgomistr deceased, NB-4."

The fucker was trying to drown her. Was drowning and tearing apart others. He'd tried before, on several occasions, but not like this. It was widely known Leviathan was a macrohydrokinetic. Trying to assassinate specific people in specific ways with his power, that was unusual. Then there was the sudden sickening twist and Alexandria found herself on a nearby hilltop, the shield falling as their makers were disoriented.

Off in the distance, she could see flashes of the fight. Leviathan slammed into Scarlet hard enough to send the dragon flying, uncontrolled and in a ballistic arc. Narwhal, Paladin, Alucard and Gaia were all moving very quickly, while Leviathan was moving... oddly, although still absurdly quickly. Blades made of forcefields and flame sprung into existence, tearing into Leviathan and ripping off the Endbringer's head in a few short seconds.

It was astonishing. The only one to inflict such damage on an Endbringer was Scion, and here Narwhal managed with the combination of magic and her own power. It was enough to make Alexandria's chest feel warm with hope.

Alexandria started as a gray-clad figure appeared at her side. "I can pin him, but I need to get close. Then you can work on finishing him."

Sarah Kissinger.

Alexandria hissed. "Don't do that."

She had the grace to look somewhat embarrassed. "Sorry. You get used to manipulating time. Especially after getting fucked by it for twenty years." Sarah extended her hand.

Alexandria took it, and the furious battle below slowed. Carefully, Alexandria took the seeming teenager in her arms and they flew closer to Leviathan, setting down on the rooftop of the largest building on the campus.

Alexandria was about to take off once again, smash into Leviathan, when Scarlet beat her to it. The form of the dragon smashed into the damaged Endbringer, his normally fearsome form less so with it lacking a head, an arm, and a hand. Any normal creature would be dead already. Leviathan just seemed pissed off.

The Endbringer was slammed back, Scarlet's claws buried within its chest. Lightning abruptly covered the form of Leviathan, making the Endbringer shudder and writhe. Intellectually, Alexandria knew it shouldn't have worked. Endbringers had shaken off nuclear weapons before. Somehow, the magic was managing to get past the resistance Leviathan had, allowing them to cause much more damage than they'd ever managed on their own before. It was still a struggle, still a desperate battle, but it was a battle and not a hilariously lopsided engagement, like a playground bully against a few dozen ants, crushing them with impunity.

Alexandria lifted off the rooftop, her body flaring with unnatural flame as she prepared her charge.

Then the sky lit up in gold. She froze, her eye cast skyward as she took in the source of the light.


The golden man, the avatar of the beast large enough to cover an entire world. The one who spent every moment of every day saving lives.

The one who was going to murder the entirety of every iteration of humanity. If it was not for her knowledge of his true nature, it would have been nearly impossible to believe. He was perfect. An incarnate golden god, his white bodysuit and cape were as immaculate as ever.

The battle between the dragon and the Endbringer paused for a moment. Scarlet was looking up, her blood-red eyes glowing as the draconic head took in the form of Scion. Leviathan was still, as well. The Endbringer was impossible to read at the best of times, but even he seemed to be taking a moment.

All Alexandria could do was grit her teeth. Please not now, please don't start it now. Please.

Ever since he arrived, Scion was always expressionless. Always stoic. Those he was near sensed something from him, however. Usually it was a sense of deep sadness. Deep, strong, difficult. People had burst into tears just being near him. Alexandria was one of the few that knew the source of that sadness. She'd felt it on numerous occasions, whenever he would assist in an Endbringer battle. It was always mixed with disgust whenever he looked at her, at the Cauldron capes, but Scion was predictable.

That sadness was still there. But now there was something else. Curiosity. He simply hovered above the field, his light brightening up the night sky, revealing the violence of the storm above and the damage of the battle below. But there were no golden blasts, no attempt to engage Leviathan. He just... hovered there, and watched.

Leviathan seemed to grow bored of waiting, turning toward the south and starting to move. Scarlet, snapped from her contemplation by the now-fleeing Endbringer, vanished in an eyeblink.

And reappeared in Leviathan's path, claws out, shining with a strange blue sheen. Leviathan tried to stop, to redirect his path, but apparently the time-slowing effects on the Endbringer had messed with his reflexes just enough. The claws tore through Leviathan's side rather easily, making the Endbringer spin around, a good chunk of the torso ripped away. Water spilled, forming as Leviathan tried to weaponize his water-shadow, striking in powerful jets toward Scarlet.

That's when Alexandria hit him at around mach three. Leviathan slammed into the ground, mud and water splashing in all directions. He lifted the stump of his arm up to try and dislodge Alexandria, but the arm suddenly turned gray and flailed, moving less than an inch, back and forth, again and again, trapped within a familiar and horrific prison of time.

Sarah's voice came over the armband. "Rally just north of the campus, I have Leviathan pinned in a timeloop. Tear him apart!"

Alexandria activated her amulet, burning with unnatural fire as she ripped into the Endbringer's chest, trying to find the densest place within its unnatural body. Scarlet roared, the dragon's blue claws ripping further down, the wounds the Endbringer inflicted upon it sealing themselves almost instantly. She began ripping into Leviathan's belly, the massive dragon grasping a section of crystalline bone and tearing it straight out of the Endbringer.

It was still horrific work. Even as Alexandria's immutable hands were tearing through crystalline matter, her eye could pick up new material forming, trying to fill in the gaps, repair the damage. Leviathan spasmed beneath them, grass and mud flying in all directions. The defenders caught up, appearing in puffs of smoke or flying around the battlefield, beginning to add their own attacks to try and kill the Endbringer.

Then Leviathan exploded with water, enough to tear into a mountainside. Suddenly underwater, the defenders struggled to retreat, survive. Alexandria's armband blared, though it was impossible to hear. She caught sight of a red-suited man being ripped apart by the raging currents, along with another man covered in stone armor. A black-armored woman lifted her hands, forming a shield with desperation, though she was crushed by the sheer force of the water.

Her lungs filled with water, Alexandria struggled to lift off, to find the sweet air above, but the currents were driving her back down, right into the gaping maw she made within Leviathan's chest. She needed to breathe only once every five minutes...but she needed air.

And above it all, Scion hovered, impassive. Watching as the heroes died.

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Interlude: War part 3
A/N: Know what the hardest part about this was? Finding the right music for the mood.


David stared at Behemoth.

The first Endbringer thrashed as Atlas and Dragon were tearing into him. Fire and frost clashed repeatedly, causing howling winds that flowed from the center of the battle. That only made the firefighting effort worse, but there wasn't much help for it. David was too busy focusing on the next shot.

Gravity shear. It allowed him to warp gravity destructively, along with an instinctive perception so that it would not miss its target. It was a simple power. One that had been out of his reach for nearly fifteen years, drained dry. With the powers released from the now-free gods, however, David was able to channel some of that energy into the powers he had used up. He wasn't at his best, he wasn't as strong as he had been at the beginning of his career. But he was much, much stronger than he had been for years. Enough to reawaken and re-use some of the more useful powers he had thought gone forever.

Enough to stop his greatest mistake.

"Aim for the head." Armsmaster's voice echoed over David's armband. David smiled grimly, shifting his aim just slightly as he let the power charge itself up. For most targets, it wouldn't be needed. But to shear through the stupidly dense layers of Behemoth's inner flesh, he needed two minutes between each burst, and the effort was rather rapidly draining the power.

It was still worth it. Personal power was important, but if it meant ending all the blood and death on his hands, David would happily drain every power he had dry.

Behemoth was spilling lava everywhere, out of the many wounds in his rocky form. The ghastly rent in his chest went right through him, piercing through the otherwise invincible form of the Endbringer. Still, he dug his foot forward, the other skeletal leg hanging uselessly, connected to the rest of his body by a pencil-thin strip of crystalline flesh. It wasn't enough to support his weight, and thus the Endbringer was forced to move forward slowly, gradually, unable to make the leaps that made him so horrifically dangerous in other engagements.

Atlas slammed into Behemoth again, the icy blade stabbing toward Behemoth's face. The Endbringer grasped the weapon in its remaining hand, heat and cold straining against each other. A whine built up, cracks began to form in the blade, and with a roar, Behemoth jerked forward. The sword snapped, burning along the point of failure, and Behemoth managed to bring Atlas down with his weight. With sheer, unmitigated brutality, Behemoth slammed his fist down, again and again, right on Atlas' chest, carving through the layers of ice, Tinkertech metals and forcefields. Any mundane machine wouldn't have withstood the barrage for even a minute.

Atlas lasted three. It was reduced to a flailing, helpless pile of metal, arms and head reduced to heated slag as it tried to fight back. Behemoth tore into it, trying to seek the pilot, ignoring the golden dragon searing holes in his flesh.

Armsmaster's voice echoed over the armbands. "Pull back! I'm about to release the stored energies here!"

Dragon immediately did so, flaring with light and instantly reappearing high above, only visible to David due to the perception ability that came packaged with the Gravity shear power.

Behemoth kept smashing into Atlas, ripping away the layers until he reached the pilot's compartment. Only there was no pilot. Merely a twenty-inch black portal with cables snaking out of it, connected to various ports around the interior of the machine. It looked like a hasty job, the pilot's seat was still present, but it was plain to David that the whole thing had been piloted by remote.

That's one hell of a way to make an impression. It had been tried before, but Behemoth tended to kill those within machines with his kill aura. That must have been a workaround.

Then the temperature suddenly dropped, the nearby fires went out, and Atlas and Behemoth both were abruptly covered in a transparent block of ice. It nearly immediately began to crack, fracture, as Behemoth poured heat into it. But it was enough to keep Behemoth from moving for one moment.

David unleashed another burst from his power.

It lanced out, effortlessly shattering the ice surrounding Behemoth's head. Crashed through the rocky layers of Behemoth's outer face. Ripped apart his single, burning eye. Shattered the crystalline skull beneath. Tore through the layers underneath that. Finally, exposing a dark core. The severe space-time warping that made the core possible to exist resisted the power, but it was still enough to make Behemoth reel, a spiderweb of burning blue cracks appearing on the core.

Behemoth burst his way from the ice, crushing the hollowed-out shell of Atlas beneath his foot. His arm drove itself downwards, cutting into the earth. Attempting to retreat, to flee and heal.

David shared a look with his friend. Legend returned it, his lips thin and determined.

Together, honed from years of battles against Behemoth, they moved. His body burning with Dragon's light, Legend honed his lasers to strike a single point on the core. They wove together, snaking and weaving through the air, to strike right in the center of the spidercracks. David called upon the other power he had ready.

Containment shield.

Behemoth was suddenly surrounded by a shimmering cylindrical field, impenetrable by anything harmful. Visible light would pass, up until it reached harmful levels. Nothing else would escape. Not radiation. Not objects. Not even an Endbringer. The base of the field was closed. Behemoth's rocky fist crashed into it and failed to pass through, the Endbringer now trapped, if only for a short time.

However, there was no such trouble about harmful things passing into the field. Legend's blasts sailed straight through, exploding upon Behemoth's core. Cryogenic beams from Dragon's suits helped delay Behemoth's escape, cooling and cracking his skin as the Endbringer flailed. Neptune, far below, steered jets of water into the Endbringer's flesh, the heat immediately boiling the water into steam, but also further helping keep the Endbringer off-balance and trapped, helpless.

And Dragon, five hundred feet above, glowed like a burning sun as she built her power. The streams of her wings blazed as she drew in her power, and the light of the sun itself. She generated it, channelled it, light and magic weaving together as one.

Then she opened her mouth, emitting a searing blue beam that blasted into Behemoth, focusing on the core. The Endbringer was lost in the glare, the shining bright light impossible to look at, and the only reason it didn't cause more destruction was David's shield. His power strained as it fought to hold the Endbringer and blasting energy.

But it did not have to hold for long. When the light faded, Behemoth was lying upon the ground, a hollowed-out shell. The core upon the top of the head was burning, fire erupting from the cracks in its face. Behemoth went limp, the massive stone-covered body laying bonelessly upon the ground. The first Endbringer was entirely still. The heat that always accompanied it was fading. The radiation levels were dropping.

Dragon dropped down on top of the corpse of the Endbringer. With wickedly sharp claws, she tore the burning core away from the body. Opening her mouth, she released another blast of bright white light.

The core shattered into a thousand pieces, tiny burning chunks spraying in all directions.

Dragon lifted her head and roared.

Dragon's voice echoed over the armbands. "Behemoth deceased, LM-6."

David did not need the radio to hear the cheers. It was a pleasure to add his own voice to the chorus.


Dennis slapped his hand on another patient. They instantly froze, fingers clawing at the air.

This one was a man wearing way too tight yellow spandex. Judging from the outfit, he had been a speedster. Had been being the operative words, as he was now missing his legs.

Dealing with the aftermath of the Simurgh's victims was a lot easier than this. There hadn't been very many hurt then. Oh there were wounds, but the Simurgh's final battle had been a lot more tame. Here, at Morriston Hospital, far inland from the battle at the coast? The emergency room was filling in with capes quickly.

Not for the first time, he wished Amy was here. Or even Amara. The redheaded girl wasn't anywhere near as good a healer as Amy had been, but Amara could have sealed the torn wounds a lot more easily than the doctors here could. All Dennis could do was buy time.

His armband blared. "Clockblocker, report to the front of the hospital immediately."

He grimaced, but got moving, pressing on the armband. "On it." He was pretty quick on his feet, thanks to the exercise regimen and healthy living the Wards program encouraged, but the place was filling up quickly. Capes from all over the world were here, trying to stop Leviathan.

Dennis stopped the second he stepped out the doors. Scion was hovering there, miles distant, and there were flashes of light and distant rumbles. But he wasn't moving, he wasn't blasting, he wasn't trying to stop the building waves. He was just...there, glowing brightly enough to light up the sky.

"The fuck is he doing?" Dennis muttered to himself.

"Beats me." Another voice said, her tone pleasant.

With a very manly (shut up) cry, Dennis whirled around. Behind him was a gray-clad blonde, amusement on her maskless face. "Don't do that!"

She shrugged and clapped his shoulder. "Sorry. Not much time to waste. We've got to get to the shoreline, Gaia needs your power to help deal with the waves."

He shook his head. "I might be able to stop the wave, but if my timing's off by a fraction of a second, it'll squish me. And when it unfreezes it'll still have all the momentum it had previously. It'd just buy us anywhere from thirty seconds to ten minutes."

She smiled. "It's not the wave we'll be stopping. Come on." She began to walk, briskly but unhurried toward the south, following the winding streets.

"Shouldn't we be running? We've got a lot of ground to cover to get there. Hell, we should be taking a car or something, it's pretty far from here to the coast."

The woman shrugged again. "We got time. We can take all day to get there, actually. And I can't drive, don't know how. And I'm pretty sure I can't do something unfamiliar like that and concentrate on holding up the field. It's not that hard, but not that easy either. Like keeping a raunchy tune in your head."

"What field? And what tune?"

She sighed, and pointed. Dennis looked, and blinked. There was a little bird in mid-air, frozen as if his power had been used on it.

She spoke with a smile. "Chronos has given us the ability to mess with time. I can speed things up, slow things down, even put a field around myself and a few other people to move around, though it's really difficult. Sarah's figured out the time prison and Robin just cheats outright, with a parahuman power as well as ours. I guess she got lucky being double-teamed like that. Me, I gotta use the one toy, but it's such a nice and flexible one."

Dennis choked. Then, he spoke, managing a smile of his own under his mask. "Well then, since we can take our time, why don't we find a car or a motorcycle or something? I can drive. And you can share a couple of stories."

She grinned. "I'm Andrea."

Huh. No cape name? Well, he wasn't about to complain. "Clockblocker."

Andrea laughed. "Definite sense of humor, too. I hope it's just clocks you block. I'm liking the view from here." She looked him up and down. "Tempted to freeze you, put a dress on you, take a few pics, put everything back, and use it for blackmail material later."

Despite the subject matter, Dennis couldn't help himself. "Already did that to Aegis. I've got it on my phone."

Her eyes lit up. "You find us wheels. Let me see that."

She was laughing for long minutes afterward while he checked out the nearest motorcycle he could find.


"You are a lousy driver." Andrea said.

"I've had three lessons!" Dennis said defensively. "Doesn't help everyone else is not moving and they're on the wrong side of the road."

"We're in the UK. The left side is the right side."

The pair had taken a motorcycle from where it had been chained up on a side road. Andrea had done something to it, using that power of hers, and it had started up despite the fact neither of them had the key for it. Apparently she rewound the key mechanism to the on position, and away they went.

Now that they'd arrived at Mumbles Road on the coastline, Dennis slowed down. Scion's light, now nearer and brighter, made it very easy to see the sixty foot tall tsunami that sat in the middle of the bay, dark and ominous. The fact it was utterly still didn't set his mind at ease at all.

"So what's the plan?" Dennis asked, rubbing his wrist. Just because he knew how to ride a motorcycle didn't mean he liked it. "I'm still having trouble seeing what we're supposed to do."

Andrea shrugged. "Gaia asked for you. We're supposed to meet her just up that way." She pointed over his shoulder, and now that he was looking, he noticed her. A green-haired woman, standing on the sand, arms outstretched.

He pulled the bike over near the figure. As soon as the pair were within five feet, she began moving again, though she was shaking her head. After a moment, she glanced over at Andrea, rolling her eyes. "If I live for ten millennia, I will never get used to that."

"Temporal shock's a bitch." Andrea said with a nod. "Clock's here."

Gaia looked Dennis over, a faint smile on her lips. "Good. The moment Andrea drops the field, I will erect a wall to block the wave. You shall reinforce it."

Geez. Talk about pressure. "Alright. Ready here." He flexed his hand.

Andrea let out a sigh of relief. Then abruptly, the rolling wave in the bay started moving. Moving very fast.

Gaia spread her arms, and the sand in front of her shifted. There was a sudden terrible crack, and a long gray granite wall sprung out of the earth. It grew rapidly, springing skyward with no sign of stopping anytime soon. It moved impossibly, sliding almost entirely without friction, and the damn thing stretched off into the horizon in both directions.

"Now!" Gaia yelled.

Dennis slapped his hand against the wall. It abruptly stopped moving, the familiar rush of his power passing into it. Then there was a great crash. Water splashed over the now hundred-foot wall, but in piddling amounts, the rest repelled by the immovable object.


"Stay here." Gaia said. "I may need your assistance again, at least if I do not wish to entirely alter this island's shape."


Hannah held her breath.

It was for a rather different reason than most of the other people on the battlefield, though. She was a hundred feet away on a rooftop, making calculations in her head. The only thing she could see was Leviathan's arm, sticking out of the rushing water. Discolored, gray, and seemingly frozen from here.

Salacia stood next to her, the water-based projection had a hand outstretched. Against Leviathan, she had no chance to counter the Endbringer on a mass scale, but she could fight it on an individual level. Several times jets of water had sought out Hannah, only for them to be diverted at the last instant. It gave Hannah the chance to unleash hell.

She formed a minigun, and blazing with unnatural fire from the amulet around her neck, the weapon blasted at Leviathan. Normally, Hannah would never try to use such a weapon near other capes, but Leviathan's desperate blast of water had freed the area around him. The 7.62 mm bullets, meant to tear apart vehicles and infantry armor, scythed through water and Endbringer flesh alike. Hannah stopped only when Salacia lifted a hand, twisting her fingers in a code Hannah understood.

Rising fast. Prepare grenades.

With clenched teeth, Hannah formed a grenade launcher. An M79 'blooper' so named for the sound it made when delivering death and destruction. Reaching to her bandolier, she pulled out one of the blue-labeled grenades, loaded it. She did the calculations in her head. It had an effective range of over a thousand feet, but it would still be difficult to manage the shot from here.

Then there was a roar, and Scarlet Dragon burst from the rushing water, the great dark shape of her dragon form shining in Scion's golden light. She held the thrashing, water-streaming form of Leviathan above her, her claws blazing with magical fire, searing into Leviathan's torso. His maimed arm was left behind, torn off by the sheer force the Lady of Darkness brought to bear upon the Endbringer. The dragon threw Leviathan toward the north, keeping itself between the Endbringer and the shore, so near to the south.

Leviathan scrambled back to his feet, just as Scarlet rammed into it again, burning claws tearing deep into crystalline matter. The impacts seemed to stun Leviathan, and the rushing water below suddenly slackened. Alexandria managed to burst from the water, tumbling and whirling in midair, puking out an impressive amount of water. Then she slowed and stopped in midair, before there was a flicker of gray, then she vanished.

Salacia flicked her fingers. Clear. Strike.

Taking the opportunity, Hannah aimed and fired. The grenade struck Leviathan right in the hollowed-out chest, the magically-enhanced weapon freezing the Endbringer solid. The water suddenly ceased flowing. Almost immediately, the ice began to ripple and crack, but for the moment, the Endbringer was helpless.

Enough time for Chevalier, burning sword just barely visible in the rushing waters below, to bring his cannonblade down with a chop. Space-time warped, allowing the weapon to strike further than it had any right to, and it cleaved almost straight through Leviathan's torso. Crystalline matter went scattering in all directions.

Then Leviathan exploded into water once more. The Endbringer launched itself through the air, heading south, seeking the coastline. Attempting to retreat as it had so many times before. It launched over Hannah, its form difficult to see through the watery shell that was now covering it. He made it over the campus, nearly reaching the bay, when Scarlet erupted into existence and reached through that water-shell, grasping Leviathan's tail.

Then the dragon turned and slammed Leviathan against the ground, treating the Endbringer like a ragdoll. Then again, and again, concrete, mud and rock spraying outwards from every impact.

Leviathan twitched, water bursting away from its form and spraying into Scarlet's face. The dragon was forced to let go, and Leviathan went skidding away. Without either arm, the Endbringer struggled to right itself, and by the time it did, forcefields had surrounded the two massive figures, enclosing both in a flaming dome. Narwhal and the others hovered above the pair, keeping both opponents caught within.

Leviathan turned south, seemed to examine the fields, though that was difficult to tell with him lacking a head. Then with resigned determination, it faced the dragon, tail lashing angrily.

Scarlet paced, claws wrapped in flame. The Endbringer and great red dragon sizing each other up, seconds passing with the only sound of hissing steam to punctuate the moment.

Leviathan charged, forming blades of water to replace his lost limbs.

Scarlet also charged, taking deep rents into her flesh as she slammed into the Endbringer, and the already-injured Leviathan went tumbling off-balance. Leviathan slammed into the field on the outer edge of the dome, trying to scramble to get away from it, but nearly helpless without either arm to help his top-heavy form get back on its feet.

Scarlet pounced on top of it, burning claws ripping and tearing viciously. Water and fire clashed, erupting into clouds of steam. Impact, impact, impact, as the dragon slammed and clawed its way through Endbringer flesh. It was near-impossible to see with the boiling steam, all that managed to get out of the enclosing forcefield was the sounds of the battle.

Then, all was quiet. Everything was still for a moment, the only sound was crackling flames and racking coughs as capes struggled to get the water from their lungs.

A pulse of darkness, and then Scarlet appeared above the dome in her demonic form. She held above her head a sphere in one hand, about the size of a car. A piece of warped and twisted space that seemed to shimmer and distort, like looking at ripples in a pond. Steam rose from it, water poured from it, and it seemed to quiver and shudder, as if straining to get away from the Lady of Darkness.

Then Scarlet's hand erupted in flame. The core cracked, quivered, and perversely crumbled, falling onto the forcefield dome beneath her. The shards of Leviathan's core erupted into tiny flames, dissipating into steam.

Scarlet lowered her hand, extinguishing her flames. Then she looked up at the form of Scion, hovering above the battlefield.

The world's most powerful hero had his arms crossed as he looked back. The moment seemed to stretch.

Then he flared with golden light. He turned to the west and flew off.

For a long moment, there was only silence. Then the cheers began.

Interlude: Dawn
A/N: We're nearly there. It's been a long, difficult time getting this far. But I am proud to have done this.


"He broke pattern." Rebecca said, her voice serious.

Nathan looked between Doctor Mother, David, Contessa, and Rebecca. "Why are you so damned worried about that? We won. It's finally over. We still have problems, sure, but we can get back on top of things now, can't we?"

Silence reigned in the room for a moment.

"It is over, isn't it?" Nathan asked.

Contessa shook her head. "It's not. Not yet. Scion is going to move. I can't run any paths involving anybody more than a year from now. It's going to start, soon."

Doctor Mother audibly swallowed. "How soon?"

"Can't tell." Contessa answered. "Anywhere from tomorrow to a year. If I try to run certain paths, he begins immediately, but there's too many variables and I've got too many blindspots. Each god we free is another point I have trouble reading."

"What the hell are you talking about!? Why are you worried about Scion?" Nathan demanded.

Rebecca bit her lip, then she spoke. "What Cauldron was made for, Nathan. What Clark was working on when he died. Scion's the threat we've been preparing against. His species infects others with powers, parts of themselves. They learn, grow, change, improve themselves on them, and then destroys the planet they've rooted on and move onward. Making more spawn to repeat the process on other civilizations. Scion is going to kill us all, either by finishing his life cycle by calling another like himself here, or for vengeance for killing his counterpart."

Nathan had gone pale. "But...all this time. Why did you keep this from me?"

David sighed. "Because we've done horrible things to prevent that. You were a good man, Nathan. Always had been. You don't have the blood on your hands, and we needed you that way. If you'd known... you'd have looked at us differently. You were needed as the head of the Protectorate. The way... Clark would have been. We needed a good man with ideals at the head. When we lost him... we got desperate. To stave off extinction, not just on our Earth but uncountable others, we sold our souls. You didn't. We believed that bargain would have broken you."

Doctor Mother nodded. "Today, though, we have options. We have a chance, though we don't know how much of one. And we can't afford to be divided. After it's over, if we're all still alive... it'll be you who decides what to do, Nathan. That's why we kept your hands clean of our crimes. You know us, what we've been fighting for."

Contessa opened her mouth, but Nathan pointed at her. "No. I know you'd be able to say whatever words were needed to convince me, regardless of what you've done." He looked at Doctor Mother. "I want to hear it from you."

She nodded, her lips thin. "It's going to take a while."

David's voice was grave. "Hopefully, you have the time. I need to get back on freeing the rest."


August 16th, 2011

In her living room, watching her laptop, Emily Piggot sat back.

On the screen before her, in shaky-cam and windowed, were the two videos being circulated to the PRT and governments around the world. The Battle of Yellowstone and the Battle of Swansea. They were being checked, edited by the PR department, and soon they'd be sent out worldwide. August 15th would be the first day of a post-Endbringer world, and she was glad to see it. And all because of furiously quick events that occurred right under her nose.

Not for the first time, she'd been glad to have taken the approach she had regarding one Taylor Hebert. When Emily had first confirmed that the girl had been victimized by one of Piggot's own Wards, she'd been furious. It had been a sore point for her, ever since Nilbog and that damnable fight in Ellisburg. The heroes that were sent in with the strike teams cut and run when things got bad. It made sense, in retrospect. Capes were damaged people given power, they weren't people who were given power because they'd proven responsible. Some could rise above, heal from their triggers, act with responsibility and cohesion. But in the face of greater power, they ran.

She rubbed her temples. The workload in Brockton Bay had calmed, a lot, considering just how much of a powderkeg the city had been a few short months ago. The Empire Eighty-Eight, despite how much parahuman muscle they had, were nearly locked in place. The worst that had happened were small engagements between the Hellhound girl raiding Hookwolf's dogfighting rings.

Still, she'd been feeling warm. Slightly hot, actually. It meant it would be a good time to head into her bedroom and hook herself up to her dialysis machine. Given the cheers she could hear in the halls, she was fairly certain she wasn't the only one who would be nursing a headache in the morning, though theirs would be self-inflicted.

For such a long time, the spectre of the Endbringers had stood over her head. Over everyone's head. And now they were gone. All three of them. It had been one of Emily's fears that one would come to Brockton Bay, destroy in one fell swoop what she had worked to protect and preserve for years. Admittedly, the gangs had been slowly leeching the life and strength from the city, but now that was actually turning around.

Emily pinched the bridge of her nose. It was definitely time to call it a day. This was the best day in ages, a day that would go down in history, and the only thing Emily could think about was how it would complicate things. The villains of the world didn't have the cover of being 'useful' in an Endbringer battle anymore. Things were going to erupt. Either a zealous government official would press at the wrong time, or a villain would decide they were doomed and thus had to go out in a blaze of glory.

Though there was one thing that Emily had to do before she went to bed. Taking a notepad out, she wrote a note for future reference.

Punish Paladin for her stunt against Leviathan.

A Ward should never do something so idiotically reckless if they could help it. Swinging around Leviathan's arm on that whip of hers? Sure, she did damage, but that was fucking stupid.

Emily managed a small smile on her lips. Paladin was really going to regret it.

With a sigh, she closed the laptop, turned off the power, and went to her bedroom bed. She always felt a bit better after the dialysis, though she hadn't felt good since the raid on Nilbog. With a sigh, she hooked the IV up to her arm, turned on the dialysis machine, and laid back. She closed her eyes.

And reopened them when the machine beeped, just a few minutes later, indicating her blood was clean.

Confused, Emily sat up, pressed on the screen that showed her blood toxin levels.

Zero. But the temperature was a hundred and ten degrees. She noticed she was warm, but that temperature should have cooked her brain. She felt as aching as she ever had since Nilbog. She'd tested negative for the potential for powers. And if she did have the potential, she would have triggered back in two-thousand-one.


A strange instinct made her look down at her left hand. She swallowed, lifted it, then snapped her fingers.

Just like that, her hand was wrapped in flame. There was no pain, just the pleasant sensation of warmth. It was as if her hand was wrapped in warm silk, not thousand-degree heat.

"What the fuck?" Emily Piggot muttered.

Then the fire alarm went off, and the sprinkler system activated.


"Well?" Dragon asked, her voice smug.

Colin sighed. "You were right. Piloting Atlas by remote was the right idea. I wanted to be right there with you, but if I had been..."

Dragon's digital avatar nodded. "You'd have been fried by Behemoth. Despite how much we prepared Atlas, Behemoth still managed to bring it down. He would have killed you, like he killed so many others."

He sighed, slumping back in his chair. He was happy to get back to his workshop after the battle. Especially as he had been as safe as it was possible to be while still being on the same planet.

She had suggested setting the Atlas control center in Tranquility Base, but they hadn't had the room for it just yet. They were still working on self-sufficiency, setting up solar panels, putting in water and a sewage treatment system. Should the portals fail for one reason or another, it was important that the base wouldn't die immediately.

Still, fighting Behemoth in Wyoming, while he was here in Brockton Bay? That rankled him somewhat. He had wanted to be there, regardless of logic. Part of that was his pride, but part of that was also that he hated sitting back away from the action. It was one of the reasons he'd triggered. A kid who was always second best, always struggling to meet ever-rising expectations, only for others to seemingly effortlessly meet them.

He shook his head. Colin Wallis, high-school student, was long gone.

Finally, he sighed. "I know. I don't like it, but I know."

Dragon's avatar smiled. "You know what you owe me for this."

He licked his lips, sighed, and nodded. "Yeah. I'm... actually, I'm going to have to rent a suit."

She chuckled. "There is a certain dress code, but it's not that high-class. Just use your business suit, you won't need a tux."


Twenty minutes, a Light Bridge, and about six hundred miles later, Colin showed up at the restaurant. He felt uncomfortable in his dark blue suit, the lighter blue shirt underneath clean and crisp. Just because Colin didn't use it very often didn't mean he couldn't keep it in decent shape. He might need it for something mundane, even if it was a rare occasion.

The perky blonde behind the greeter's podium looked him over, gave him a nod, and smiled. "Good evening sir, do you have a reservation?"

He nodded, clearing his throat. "Wallis, for two. My plus one hasn't arrived yet." He glanced at the sign at the side. 50% off all meals, Victory Day party.

She scanned her way down the list, made a checkmark, and nodded. She grabbed two menus and led him over to a booth by the window. Colin sat himself down, took off his jacket, and made himself comfortable as he turned and looked out at the Toronto skyline.

He'd never been up here before, at the CN Tower, or the novelty rotating restaurant at the top. It was an interesting idea, and certainly novel. It wasn't that he didn't like the view, or the experience, it was simply that he was kept so very busy. Armsmaster never had much time to rest. He needed sleep, something that personally annoyed him, as he could get a lot more done if he shared Miss Militia's trait of not requiring sleep. He had once considered trying to build a hyperbaric time chamber to allow him to sleep for a full night's worth while spending only minutes in real-time, but the power requirements were too costly to run such a device, and a malfunction would have been catastrophic.

That, and ironically, it would have required rebuilding every month or so, thus saving him little time at all.

Still, he enjoyed the view. Toronto was one of the cities that had gotten through the past three decades fairly unscathed. No city on the planet had been completely prosperous after the advent of parahumans, but Toronto was certainly better off than Brockton Bay. It was clean, shining, while a lot of Brockton was decaying. Brockton wouldn't have the resources to keep a restaurant like this going. Well, maybe if a Tinker would help keep it running.

Already his power was giving him some ideas. A frictonless fluid to help the track underneath the floor to keep running. Nanotracks to help channel the waste heat.

"Hello Colin." A lovely voice intruded on his thoughts.

He snapped his gaze away from the window, and swallowed.

Dragon was standing there, smiling. She was wearing a shimmering blue dress that accentuated her curves. A lesser man might have been distracted by the body beneath that dress, but Colin easily picked out that her dress was Tinker-made. It was made of tiny interconnected links of synthetic sapphires. It was exquisite.

She slipped into the seat opposite, a wide grin on her lips. "I thought we could enjoy the day. I've never been on a date before, and I am enjoying the taste of food."

He smiled. "I'm not so good at this."

Dragon returned the smile. "Neither am I. Still, let's enjoy the evening, hm? What do you recommend?"


August 17th, 2011

Vicky stepped into the bedroom. After the Nine, she'd been staying at her aunt and uncle's place. Red had offered a room at her castle, but she had two reasons to not move just yet. Her Mom, and her Dad. Sarah tended to her sister, while Neil tried to tend to Mark. Neither of the Dallons had gotten through things unscathed.

Her eye took in her mother, who was sitting at the window, looking outside. She was pale, her fingers running up and down her torso. Taylor and Amy's work when they were fixing her left no scar, no hint of the horrible work the insane bio-Tinker had left upon her, but the mental scars remained.

"Hi Mom." Vicky spoke softly.

Carol's head snapped over, her eyes wide as she looked at her daughter. After a moment, she visibly swallowed, her voice quiet and shaky. "Victoria."

Vicky stepped over, gently pulling her mother into a hug. "You're doing better, Mom. I'm glad."

Carol flinched, stiffened, but after a moment she let out a breath. "I just keep remembering that night, Victoria. Feeling helpless, trapped as Bonesaw..." She shuddered. "I keep dreaming that I'm back there. Being cut open as she worked... afraid that she'd do the same to you." Carol closed her eyes. "Even afraid of her doing it to Amy."

Vicky swallowed. "Yeah. Not much danger of that now, but..."

"Yeah." Carol looked down at her hands. "I know it doesn't make any sense. I know that up in my head, but I keep..." After a moment, she sighed. "I was afraid of losing you to that monster, too. Only for my life to be saved by a very different one. A lot of people's lives to be saved be your friend. She scares me, Victoria. I'm grateful she saved Amy, saved my life too, but... I keep picturing her flowing into Bonesaw."

Vicky nodded, a small quirk on her lip. "She scares a lot of people, Mom. Thankfully, it's the right people." Carefully, Vicky rubbed the skin beneath her eyepatch. The damn thing still itched. Amy felt about ready to try and replace it, but they'd both decided to hold off on it for the moment. The more practice Amy could get, the better anyway.

There was another reason Vicky was holding off on insisting on it, though. Amy had enough shit going on that it just didn't feel fair. Not after dying.

"I'm in love with you. Please don't hate me."

Words whispered on a dying breath. It made Vicky uncomfortable, sure. But it also ensured that Vicky had to stop and consider her sister's feelings a bit more. The blonde was now uncomfortably aware of just how self-centered she could be. She'd made her plan to get away from home without consulting Amy at all, though she knew her sister would have jumped at the chance anyway. She'd called Amy to help heal gangbangers she'd gotten too... enthusiastic with, when she was first starting out with powers. She'd gotten better about use of force, but it was just so easy. One slip and the squishy mortals would be turned to a pulp against her invincible fist.

Only she wasn't invincible. Not against the right enemy. The loss of her eye had been painful... but it also reminded her that she was still human. Too bad it took the fucking Nine to help hammer that in. She was just glad she hadn't lost everything. That she still had her parents, even though it took two horrific miracles.

And maybe a third dark miracle in the future. The thought of leaving her sister to face eternity alone was a hard one.

Finally, Vicky spoke. "Aunt Sarah's making dinner. You think you're ready to come on down? We need to talk to them about... well, everything. Red's given permission about the whole thing, and so has Ames."

Carol licked her lips. Slowly, she nodded. "I guess hiding up here won't work forever."


The Entity had circled the world three times. Examining. Watching. Perceiving. Learning.

Three beings at that battle that possessed no shard. Three beings that the Entity's own shards strained to examine. Three beings whose powers, combined with the efforts of shard-hosts, were enough to destroy one of the weapons. A weapon that in itself unleashed more energy on its death, reverberating through the shards connected with it, as its source fled. A power that was a mystery to the Entity, though it had learned much.

The future-modeling shards had evolved through countless iterations. Combining methods to refine the most efficient manner of gaining accurate knowledge. The powers themselves left no trace in the future models, the shards had great difficulty in analyzing the source of that energy.


Permeating the red one, the time-warped one, and the rock-covered one, connected through strands of energy, unseen by light or radiation, were several infinities. It was not natural. It had taken time, the Entity's shards working upon the matter with all of its focus, but it understood. The source of their power was difficult for the shards to understand. The beings themselves were not. It took much more energy to attempt to see their futures than it was worth spending, but the little the Entity did spend was worth the price. Two hundred years of life spent to see. And understand.

There was energy flowing throughout space that simply did not exist two hundred years ago. When it had appeared, it was faint, so faint that neither the Entity or the Thinker had noticed it. But here it congregated, creating that which would, should have been an impossibility. The weapons had somehow pulled the energy into the many dimensions when the Wanderer had appeared. Somehow their appearance changed something fundamental, creating a seething background energy that could be pulled upon, shaped, as the red one had done to bypass the defenses that the weapons had used to endure every battle before. It was weak for now, but its strength had been growing. Somehow, that energy formed conduits, latching onto hosts, which created infinities that the hosts drew upon. The existence of the conduits then bled back out into the background energy, making it more stable, reliable. Stronger. And it was growing stronger, minutely, with every passing day.

That energy was now touching, faintly, everything the Entity examined. The shard-hosts. The non-hosts. The plantlife. The rocks.

Even, with some consternation, the Entity itself. The Entity had yet to figure out how to draw upon the energy with any hint of efficiency, but it was there. Was this what the Wanderer had spoken of? Was this the hint it had at the Purpose? The first hint the Entities had at the ultimate goal, the first chance it had at creating more livable space, more energy, more matter, than existed in all the dimensions...

And it might be lost because the discovery was made among the corpses of two dead Entities, with a third trapped, helpless, and unable to communicate the discovery.

It was enough to make the Entity despair all over again.

The Entity reached the city, 'York' though the label did not matter to the Entity. It knew where Kevin Norton was. It was simple enough to find a single non-host when the Entity wished it.

It took only a few minutes to reach the location. The Entity was in no hurry. It was raining in York, though that had no concern for the Entity either. Kevin Norton was taking shelter beneath a bridge. How frail the non-hosts were. So fragile. Unable to withstand exposure to their own world's natural environment for longer than a short time.

Kevin Norton looked up at the Entity as he hovered above the non-host. The shaking man coughed. "Hey, golden man. Hell of a week, hasn't it?"

The Entity examined Kevin Norton. The non-hosts' health was deteriorating. Nerves were alight with electrical signals, making the male tremble and shake. His lungs were lined with fluid and mucous, diseased cells unable to do the job properly.

It would have taken only a second's worth of the Entity's lifespan to fix the damage. The Entity did so.

Kevin Norton took a deep, shuddering breath, the paleness of his face receding. "Thanks."

The Entity inclined its avatar's head.

Kevin Norton was staring at the Entity, now. "I heard what you did at Swansea. Why didn't you help? The Endbringers killed so many people. If you helped when you showed up, a lot of the capes could have survived. Could have killed Leviathan quicker. Why didn't you help?"

The Entity used its shards. Activating a shard to manipulate its avatar in a way it had only done so once before. Expelling air to communicate. How... alien. "Pointless."

Kevin Norton swallowed. "What do you mean, golden man? How was it pointless? You could have saved dozens of heroes! They're not going to go home again, because of you. Leviathan could have gotten away, and gone on to kill more people!"

The Entity shifted its attention. Looked out at the people of York. There were twenty-three latent hosts within the city. Six active hosts. The rest were non-hosts. All the data they would gather would be lost. They would die long before the Entity would. Whether through violence or time, they would all end, pointlessly. Just as the Entity itself would.

It shifted its attention back to Kevin Norton. The energy that permeated everything else was permeating Kevin Norton as well, though it was even lower than in most. As if the non-host was unable to contain more than the barest whisper of it. "All. Pointless."

That was the worst part of it. Nothing the Entity had done over the past thirty years had meant anything. The promised revelation in aiding the lives of the non-hosts had not come. Kevin Norton had been sincere in his suggestions, but they did not help the Entity.

The Entity took the risk. It looked forward, fifteen years. It took nearly a thousand years of lifespan to manage the glimpse. Much more lifespan than it should have, attempting to model and predict the powered non-hosts. But it was enough. The Entity knew that the revelation would never come. It would simply exist, acting to aid the non-hosts, until lethargy took it and it settled into observation. It would then decide to wipe out the species as a failed experiment, and preventing them from possibly becoming a threat to any other Entities in the future.

And then the Entity would die. Not from time or running out of energy, it would simply die. The Warrior could not see the deathblow. But the energy permeating everything was much stronger. The hosts of the strange powers were prepared, striking back in ways the Entity could not perceive properly. But the effects were plain. In various situations, depending on how the Entity attempted to sterilize the non-hosts, they fought back with enough effectiveness to defeat the Entity. And much of it stemmed from the energy that had flooded into the dimensions. It would be stronger in fifteen years. Their defense against the Entity's attack was prepared with astonishing effectiveness.

"Golden man? Are you okay? How can I help you? I swear, there's purpose out there. Just.. don't give up, please."

The Entity's attention returned to the present. It examined Kevin Norton more thoroughly now. The energy inside the non-host was weak compared to the others even within the city. Even the rodents within York had more in some cases.

But it was still far, far greater than it had been when the Entity had arrived. The energy would become a threat, in time. Even if the Entity itself did not fight, just waited for the end, the energy might empower other non-hosts elsewhere. Become a threat to the Entity's species.

Put the Purpose in danger.

A stillness overcame the Entity. Its avatar straightened, and the sadness that had clung to its psionic aura faded. Now filled with something new.


"Purpose." The Entity spoke as it lifted a hand. Kevin Norton's eyes widened as the Entity unleashed its wavelength manipulation. Undoing the bindings of Kevin Norton's atoms, reducing him to neutrinos in an instant. The Entity ensured it was painless. Kevin Norton had meant well. Attempted to teach the Entity, attempted to help him in its journey. It was a kindness to ensure the consideration was returned, however small the non-host had been.

The Entity flew away from York, senses extending, shards awakening, providing knowledge, possibilities, powers, information. There was more it had to discover, more it had to do to ensure its goals. The shard-hosts, the powered non-hosts, and the ordinary non-hosts were a threat to the Entity's species, but they were weak at this point.

The Entity lifted out of the atmosphere and began to spend its lifespan upon modeling the best angle of attack. Simply striking and destroying everything in the Entity's path was considered, then discarded. That much damage was unacceptable, resistance was stiff, and enough damage was done to the avatar that the Entity could not succeed at its goal. Again, it took more energy than the Entity liked to spend upon the task. It directed the modeling shards to slow their processing, gather information thoroughly, carefully, and to take in as much ambient sunlight and consumable matter in their dimensions as possible to lighten the strain.

This would slow when the information would become available to the Entity itself, but that was acceptable. The Entity had to retain enough lifespan to complete its task. It would do no good if the Entity ran out of reserves in the middle of the battle.

The Purpose was threatened. The Warrior prepared.

Eclipse 9.1
A/N: A bit more buildup. Fun.


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♦Topic: Endbringers dead!
In: Boards ► Global ► Endbringer Watch

Ze Bri-0n (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know)
Posted on August 15, 2011:

Holy. Shit.

Okay, here's the sitch guys, for whichever of you are all living under rocks.

Both Behemoth and Leviathan began moving at the same time, at around 2:30 am Greenwich time. Behemoth was determined to be moving on Yellowstone National Park. Why is that important? Because if he reached and set off the volcano under it, like a lot of Thinkers believed, it would have blanketed half the USA in ash and completely ruined the crop yields for the year. And that's assuming it didn't cause a global winter, in which case everyone gets to starve.

Leviathan on the other hand, headed for Swansea, in the UK. He made landfall right on where the Bay University campus was, and if he sunk the island, it not only would have killed all the Brits, it would have caused a tsunami that would have wrecked everything even vaguely near the Atlantic. Both of them stepped up their game a few notches.

Both were intercepted by the Protectorate and volunteers. Get this. Know the Scarlet Dragon, beating the shit out of the Simurgh and chewing on her face? Apparently (pics) she has a sister. Golden. Awesome.
Secondly, Behemoth got his face punched in by (THIS) awesome. Anime has been vindicated. To fight a giant monster, you need a giant robot.

Leviathan was intercepted by Scarlet Dragon, Alexandria, and everyone who could get near the bastard.
Also, get this: (These guys) appeared at the battlefield, about ten minutes prior to the fight, where they rather handily took apart and stopped a bunch of the Fallen from killing a bunch of hostages in New Orleans. They're dressed in gray. And, it took a bit to find, but this is going to blow your minds.
The one at the front is Sarah Kissinger. Yeah, the first person we know about who got damned to eternity by Gray Boy.

Holy. Fuck.

I got video of the battle (here). Watch for yourselves. Try not to cream yourselves. Cause it's all fucking. Awesome. Both Endbringers fight like hell, but they get torn apart and taken down. They're dead. Gone.

And also, weirdly, the western coast of Britain's sporting a new hundred foot tall smooth granite wall. Not just Swansea Bay, the entire coastline. What the hell? It's not that thick, but that's just...what the fuck?

Now, this isn't a complete victory. A lot of capes died. They're still tallying the losses. But goddamn guys. I just blew about a month's worth of savings on liquor to celebrate. They're gone! We fucking won!

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► DrunkenFillipino
Replied on August 15, 2011:
I am praying to the makeshift shrine I made to both the Scarlet Empress and her Golden Sister. They who hath made all things possible from the Simurgh to the annihilation of the S9 is worthy of adulation.

As for Kissinger and the Grey Cloaks, might they be inspired to take arms against evil villainous scum by the grace of the Two Sisters?

And yes, I shall henceforth petition that the Two Sisters be a legal religion against the proscribed cults of the Endbringers. And I would kindly request the Scarlet Empress if she's seeking converts and soldiers to her cause.

Valefor can such my cock as I shall take great pleasure in impaling him.

► Gasoline
Replied on August 15, 2011:
fist of all, you would get a disease.

Second; celebrate good times come on, come on!

We're free, we're fucking free.

To paraphrase that Alph movie: By choosing to believe in ourselves and trusting in one another and with none standing alone, we have canceled the Apocalypse!

► HavenlyLight
Replied on August 15, 2011:
And so humanity is lost forever to the darkness, as the true angel of the Lord contepmtfully abandoned us, for we have succumbed to the temptation of Evil! We have put our hopes on the demon and for this we deserve nothing else but an everlasting scorn!

And even if Endbringers are defeated it change nothing for our souls are lost forever!

► OnlySaneMan
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Oh, here we go. Hello Havenly! I see you're still insane!

By the way, I have this very nice altar to the Scarlet Dragon (my Lady and Savior) sitting right next to me. It is currently adorned with shiny gold. Not MUCH shiny gold, because I'm poor and all that.

But here it is. Twenty years of Endbringer attacks, and they're all dead. Scion killed none of them. Scarlet Dragon killed two. Well, one and a half.

Also, weirdness, her golden counterpart fighting Behemoth. That's new, too. And, again, way, way more awesome than the golden ADD sufferer with zero sense of priorities.

Conspiracy hat on! Notice it's a golden dragon? Like Dragon's suit was when she and Scarlet killed the Simurgh? I... I think we've got two goddesses here, guys. Little g, maybe, but considering...

► AbsurdlyCuteKitty
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Re: HavenlyLight
Well, I wouldn't call it "lost in darkness". I mean, Darkness didn't swallow us, it swallowed the Endbringers without touching us. And truthfully if demon or not, Scarlet Dragon seems to be way better at slaughtering Endbringers than your Lord.
Is she a goddess? I don't know. I need clarification upon what 'goddess' means. But if she's a dark goddess, I really don't care. She's the nicest one ever.

► Flytrap (Verified Cape)
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Yeah, stuff was rather hectic back there, lost a body to Leviathan (although that was to be expected, didn't think I'd get that close to be honest), but i did manage to help a few capes out of the waters beforehand, so i'd say its a fair trade...
and hey, since the oceans less dangerous, i might as well see if i can do a bit of exploring...

► DwarfHome
Replied on August 15, 2011:
So, I realise that this is going to sound like I'm, bragging? Making shit up. But I live in Swansea, they evacuated us onto one of the hills behind the city, actually had a pretty good view of the fight. Fucking hell, we're going to get so many tourists.

► Zebes Brinstar
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Two Endbringers. In. One. Day. And a dragon for each! I think we can safely say that this is one for the record books! Not to say that the other capes didn't help, but... I mean... Holy shit.
But... What was with Scion? was he in pure "Pass the popcorn" mode? I mean, usually he at least FIGHTS them... Maybe he just thought that there wasn't much point in wasting his immaculate goldenness on the obviously weaker party?

Re:Kissinger and the other Grey Boy victims, isn't there a thread about how all the known victims disappeared? At least they seem to be okay. Still, one would think they would be tired of the color grey by now.

► PaulPoutine
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Re: Dwarfhome
Pics or it didn't happen.
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► DwarfHome
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Pics provided here.

Apologies for the quality, crap camera.

► Melachon
Replied on August 15, 2011:
I'm celebrating like eveyrone else, but I have to ask, they called that lady Gaia, isn't that too egoistical or something? Calling yourself that? Or does she come from the same place as SD?

► Lady_Chandelier (Verified Crazy Cat)
Replied on August 15, 2011:
No more arrogant than naming yourself after any other mythological figure. And if she was the one responsible for the Wall, as rumour has it, then she has a better claim to the title than most.

► F.F. Snow (Verified Cape) (Unverified Snowman)
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Typing this from a hospital bed, waiting for the burns to heal: Dragon was fucking incredible out there, and so was her giant robot. Armsmaster was piloting it, going by the armband chatter; no word on him being disabled or deceased when Behemoth tore it down, so I hope he's okay.

Gotta admit, started crying when I heard her announce the Endbringer's death over the bands; I'm so glad it's over, and that I survived.


I wonder what's going to happen to the Endbringer Shelters now.

► Robot_Raven
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Re: F.F. Snow Good question. I've heard a few people I've been sharing a few glasses of Ireland's Finest with talking about converting the shelters into shopping arcades or subterranean apartments. Can't say for the rest of the world but the one I holed up in has the space to make it work. Plus given the number of singles I've seen find someone to celebrate with heading back to hotels together, I think we may see a new baby boom. Here's a toast to Generation Post-Endbringer!

► Nazgûl (Verified Cape) (Case 53)
Replied on August 15, 2011:
That was insane! I watched as Scarlet Dragon took away the storm from Leviathan. Just think about that for a moment?

Even so I am glad I don't breathe or I would have been a goner for sure! But the giant oceanic bastard is dead and id be crying in happiness if I could!

One thing though. Anyone know the name of that Buddha cape seemingly made out of the night sky? He ... pulsed ... and Leviathan actually slowed down a bit. Who is he?

Whoever you are, thank you! I am fairly sure id be dead and gone if that swipe had been but a fraction faster!

► RedAdventurer
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Guys, I...I don't want to ruin the mood but...

Do you think we'll ever find out where the Endbringers came from? I mean, what if there were more of them? I want to be happy, but, but everything for years has been shit.

It just seems like its too good to be true. What if something worse happen? More Endbringers? WWIII: Parahuman Edition? Scion going nuts?

I mean, are things really going to get better now?

► F.F. Snow (Verified Cape) (Unverified Snowman)
Replied on August 15, 2011:
...yeah, I was trying not to think about that.

It's a pretty scary idea...

...but I've been a cape for three years, and after showing up for the Simurgh Fight in Madison, back in '09, this is the first Endbringer Fight I showed up to.

After Madison, I was terrified. More than that, I was defeated. I kept fighting street crime and regular villains, but I couldn't believe that I, or anyone else, would make a difference against anything that powerful, that horrifying.

Then the Scarlet Dragon and Dragon killed the Simurgh.

Then the Scarlet Dragon and Brockton Bay killed the Slaughterhouse Nine.

For the first time since before I was born, there has been real, concrete victories against the seemingly unstoppable evils menacing us.

We have hope, real hope.

I wasn't the only one who showed up today, after hiding when the Endbringer Sirens went off for years.

And even after they told us it was a double attack, there was still over a hundred capes preparing at each site.

Dragon and the Scarlet Dragon both had devices for those of us who turned up, things that gave us some of their power, that I know made us stronger, helped us survive and helped us hurt Behemoth, and I think did the same for those who fought Leviathan.

The space industry is coming back.

It's only been a few months since the Simurgh died, and so much has changed for the better.

If another Endbringer comes, I'll show up for the fight.

We've done so much better, improved our world so much in these last few months...I can't imagine how, but I know, with the dragons helping us...

We'll be so much stronger then.

► WatchingThroughCrystal
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Anyone notice how Leviathan died after Behemoth? I think staying up five days straight before this hasn't put me in the correct mindset for the sheer WTF this event has because this is immediately where my brain went-

Leviathan: So... why are you telling me this?

Behemoth: Because Levi... you are our race's last hope... you are the Last Remaining Endbinger... *beat* Oh god, you're the last remaining Endbringer. *dies from shock*

Leviathan: Behemoth! No! *dies*

► ColchisKid
Replied on August 15, 2011:
Love the Divine Dragons

for They are the salvation of mankind

Obey Their words

for the Golden One will lead you into the light of the future

Heed Their wisdom

for the Scarlet One will protect you from evil

Whisper Their prayers with devotion,

for They will save your soul

Honour Their servants,

for they speak in Their voice

Tremble before Their majesty,

for we all walk under Their immortal Light and Shadow

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► GARcher (The Guy Not In The Know)
Replied on August 16, 2011:

The Endbringers are dead!?

Why does nobody tell me these things!?

► DwarfHome (Verified Endbringer Death Witness)
Replied on August 16, 2011:
Update on Swansea, most stuff is cleared and there's a street party on Wine Street all the capes are getting free drinks and I think Narwhal is doing body shots...

Edit: It's actually somebody covered in yellow cellophane. No idea what's happening. Also, my current spelling can be attributed to the fancy autocorrect and mild OCD when it comes to messaging.

(I know it isn't on the maps, it's called wind street (as in gusts of air) but there's so many bars and clubs and wind (air) is spelt the same as wind (wind up toys) that when you mispronounce wind (toys) it sounds like wine.)

Regarding the moon, I want to know how they're going to sort out governance. When it's set up, not now. Will it be akin to the 17th century colonisation of America with the technological equivalent of settlers angry at the government(s) and corporations looking for volunteers or is it going to be parcelled up between the countries.

I really hope it isn't the latter, there's about 300,000 km of space between the Moon and Earth, governing it will be... Fuck it, the moon and the rest of the galaxy is property of Scarlet Dragon & the Gods. All hail our spiky overladies!

Edit2DrunkenBoogaloo: Hey, I have a banner! Neat.

► UnderSeaLurker
Replied on August 16, 2011:
Man alive! You fall asleep for 24 hours after recovering from a particularly bad pout of sickness only to discover the Endbringers are ALL finally dead. Best news of my life. Maybe I'll open up a Scuba Diving Shop or something. Took the necessary courses not too long back, don't ask it started with a dare and kinda grew from there. Nice shoreline properties where I live, got them cheap due to there being oceanfront property. It'll be a nice source of income at least, and given the drop in diving popularity since Levithan came along I'm betting since he died it'll be making a comeback.
*blink, blink*
Oh boy, waterfront properties are going to get a rise in value now huh? Hopefully the economy does so at a reasonable rate so as not to ruin things too much. Hahaha, that's a laughable idea. Still, with Endbringers dead there is hope for pretty much anything, ain't there.

Now if you excuse me, I'm going to join in the celebrations!

► Ventari (Unverified Cape) (Temp-banned)
Replied on August 16, 2011:
Okay. What the hell?

No, seriously, what the hell!? The first Endbringer battle I volunteer for since ever, because now I think we have a chance, and what fucking happens? Scion shows up and just sits there. He just watched as my bro got drowned by that fucking Endbringer. Why the hell didn't he help!?

Fuck. I might be able to walk in something like six months, assuming the authorities lay off on me that long. Crushed my fucking spine against a piece of rubble. He didn't help. I'd get it if he was a no-show, but to show up and do nothing!? Seriously?

Teaches me to throw in with the heroes for once. Fuck Scion and fuck the dragons and fuck you all. I swear if I see anyone blond for the next year, I'm melting their faces. Not. Kidding.


[Moderator note: This user has been temporarily banned for this post. You people know better than this.]

► Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied on August 16, 2011:
While you have my condolences regarding your situation it does not excuse threatening grievous bodily harm. I've given you a one week temp-ban. Cool off and don't blame random civilians for their hair colour.

► Meridia (Unverified Cape) (Unverified Citizen)
Replied on August 16, 2011:
Well. This is an interesting site.

First of all, I serve the Dark Lady, and I know much about how the portal-magic works. We have literally used it for thousands of years. The portals are safe to travel through, even if the places you reach through them are not. Gate connections are not easy to sever, and they operate in vacuum without any issue at all. I understand the greatest difficulty at the moment is actually getting the gates to where they may be useful. The newly-built Tranquility Base is a proving ground as well as a test of concept. While the Moon, I understand, is a harsh and dangerous environment, it is also wholly predictable, and thus useful for testing designs before they go into less-predictable places.

Tranquility Base is here:
Secondly, the Scarlet Dragon is far too busy with certain affairs of state to have personal knowledge of everything. She is a goddess, but her attention is not unlimited. Thus we are setting up infrastructure and systems to handle emergencies and situations that may arise on colonies placed upon other celestial bodies. I understand the works of 'Tinkers' tend to be spectacular but also fragile in certain ways, and thus the colony plans are being built with reliance upon them as little as possible.

This astonishes me, you realize. Such a use for the portals was never thought of upon my homeworld. We looked up at our moon and wondered what it was, used it for signs and portents, used it to enhance our rituals. But never did we dream it was possible to step foot upon it.

You people fascinate me.

► Flytrap (Verified Cape)
Replied on August 16, 2011:
Re: Meridia do you have any Sapient Plants where you are? ive hear of all sorts of things living there and i wanted to know if there was anything like me?

► BB-27_Michigan (Veteran Member) (Wiki Warrior)
Replied on August 16, 2011:
Anyways, on a different topic, RE: Moon Base. I'm honestly thinking that the big benefit of a lunar base would be that you could use it to train astronauts to operate in zero-G much more effectively, due to the local gravitational forces being 1/6th that of Earth. From what I recall, the big issue with the method used on Earth is that it merely simulated zero-G, which means that if you were upside down gravity would still be pressing you into the upper portion of your suit, resulting in your weight resting on your shoulders, which includes resting atop the joints between the torso and the arms, which IIRC from what I've heard online is a very painful experience. On the Moon, that's less of an issue, as your relative weight is 1/6th that of Earth.

Another interesting thing is that, with the Moon's gravity being so much less than it is on Earth, launching things from the lunar surface is much less energy intensive, meaning that you could probably toss something from the lunar surface to low earth orbit for maybe 75% the rocket mass per kilogram of payload, with the added bonus of possible re-usability for the rocket motors involved, and you could see access to orbit around Earth reduced in cost pretty significantly.

► Meridia (Unverified Cape) (Verified Velnar Citizen)
Replied on August 16, 2011:
First, this system has its oddities. It took a while for verification to come through.
Secondly, I am no sage of the sciences. I am still learning much about them. But from what I understand, a crossbow bolt shot through a gate loses none of its deadliness by doing so. Even so, there are good reasons for setting a gate upon a surface. It makes it far easier to reach the next place as if one is simply walking into the next room, as opposed to going about things the long way.

Tranquility Base is simply the first step, from what I understand. This is a journey that will take many thousands of steps. I am looking forward to seeing and knowing more.

Upon that topic...does anyone have any suggestions on reading upon the sciences? It seems I have much catching up to do.

Re: Flytrap

Actually yes. There's a few hundred nice girls in the gardens and caves beneath the Castle proper. Though they don't get to move around much.

[Picture removed by moderator. Violates the board's SFW rules. You should know better. Have an infraction and don't do it again.]

Edit: Well, apparently I messed this one up. But they are lovely flower-girls and are now interested in meeting you. And they don't see the need for clothes. Here's a link to their section of the board. We just got something set up for them, they're not all that mobile. Apparently they really like action movies, too. They've been ordering dozens of them with the lead actor being someone named 'Stallone.'

► Nazgûl (Verified Cape) (Case 53)
Replied on August 16, 2011:

Uh. Ok then, Flower girls is a thing it seems! Of the "Do not piss off" variety too it would appear!

... Who likes Beefy action stars ... Which I find hilarious!

And that right there looks like a werewolf in the background.

Hey Re: Meridia ?

What is the policy for case 53's down on their luck wanting to immigrate?
I swear I saw a ghost in that picture so I'd fit right in for once in my life!

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 87 , 88, 89


I sat back and stroked my chin.

Minor revisions to the castle permitted me to surf the internet from the safety of my study. Dracul's old study. Whatever. It was mine now.

Sometimes that thought took me by surprise. I had so very little before, or at least I was in no position to appreciate what I did have. Now I was one of the most powerful beings on the planet.

And here I was worried about the big one.

Scion's eyes looked into mine, his golden skin shining, perfect. There was no expression on that face, yet I could sense that same sadness everyone had mentioned on meeting him. But beneath that was something else. Maybe it was because I knew of his true nature. But I felt a quiet sense of malice behind that golden face.

He watched people die, and didn't care in the slightest.

I had a lot to do. At the moment, I was trying to rebuild world infrastructure, which was a huge task, but it seemed next to pointless considering that I knew Scion was hovering overhead like a gigantic Sword of Damocles. The first monthly report I had from the sale and rent of the Shadow Gates meant very little to me in the face of that. Though I did have some notes from Dragon about just how shoddily I was running said business.

Apparently, the knowledge of a knight-turned-vampire-god just didn't translate all that well to running a modern corporation. Who knew? Had Scion not been there, I'd have spent some of the incoming capital to hire the best people I could find to do the job. As it was... I simply had to delegate a bit and concentrate on priorities. There wasn't much point in worrying about the next quarter when I wasn't sure if Scion wasn't about to pound everything into the dirt.

Yet another glimpse of what Cauldron had to live with for thirty years. It was easy to see how they'd become monsters.

Not literally, though. I had the literal monsterhood covered. Though I was nicer than most.

The sound of a clearing throat brought me out of my reverie. I looked up at the open door.

Death was standing there, his face filled with grave concern. "Ifrit and Lotan have both passed on, giving up their mantles. Others are likely being selected as we speak. But we have another problem."


I ended up racing my way to Cauldron. Thankfully I didn't need to ask for a portal, as I had my own.

Doctor Mother didn't seem too enthused as I emerged from the blackness of my plane right into her office. She was less impressed by my bringing Meridia along. Still, she recovered quickly. "What's going on?"

I sucked in a breath. "Scion just committed a murder."

Her lips twitched slightly. "We already know he killed someone. It hit the internet about three minutes ago, apparently leaving a radiation shadow of the man seared into the concrete. Though the details are sparse. Right now we've got Scion hovering in orbit, apparently not moving. We don't know what he's doing, exactly, but it's almost certain he's about to start attacking." She paused for a moment before she looked between Meridia and I. "Though I'm not sure how you know."

Meridia smiled slightly. "My Lady is the Lady of Darkness. She has serving her an aspect of Death."

I sighed. "He's a friend. As much as a cosmic force can be one, anyway. It would take way too long to explain."

Doctor Mother slowly blinked. "You know what? I don't care anymore. All the bullshit that's crossed my desk from your corner of things is more than I can care about at all now. As long as you're here, we need to gather up the forces, go over our assets anyway."


Ten minutes later, I was standing in Cauldron's conference room. Doctor Mother took a seat at the head of the conference table, while Meridia and I stood, looking out the window. Thankfully, while it was daylight out here, the angle of the sun was off, permitting Meridia to stand near me without frying to death.

I felt impatient. If my heart had been beating, it would have been going a mile a minute. I kept having this vision of Scion dropping down and tearing through everything. Part of that was due to knowing something about how strong Scion was, but the other part was some actual, straight-up fear.

I laughed, I burned.

Sure, I had the memories of when Dracul fought his own Abomination. He had no visible effect on its humanoid avatar, despite having fought it for hours. It just toyed with him until it got bored and trapped him. Alone, I would be no threat to Scion.

The problem was, I wasn't sure how much of a threat I would be, no matter how much help I had.

"Easy, My Lady." Meridia murmured. She gently touched my shoulder. "We have done what we can."

I took a deep breath. Sure, I didn't need oxygen, but it did make me feel better. "Thanks, Meridia." I swallowed as I tried to take my mind off the uncertainty of the battle ahead. "So...hanging on out PHO, hm?"

She blushed. "It seemed right, and the site is very interesting. Speaking to people across the world and sharing information is so very fun. I have had great enjoyment with sharing videos."

I almost didn't want to ask, but I couldn't help it. "Like what, Meridia?"

She grinned. "Cat videos, my lady. They are very adorable."



Finally, I shook my head. "Well then... anything about our hosts here you can tell?"

She shook her head. "They are tired, my lady. Worn, broken. That is easy enough to sense. It's as if their emotions have been ground out of them. Though this place is strange. I'm sensing a disembodied soul, as well as an immense amount of life nearby, though it is... sick. As if decaying. But it's immense. It's as if I'm sensing an entire dying land."

"The first would be the Custodian." Contessa spoke as she entered the room. "The second is likely the remnants of Scion's counterpart outside. The flesh is slowly but surely dying, though it's taking years. It's likely one of the reasons our vials have kept growing weaker. Early successes eclipse our later vials by leaps and bounds."

Then there was a distortion in the air by the window. Chronos floated out of his realm before he lowered himself to the ground. The distortion faded moments later.

"Is it time?" Another voice rumbled. A fountain of blood erupted in the corner of the room, which made my mouth water. A moment later, a man stepped from the fountain. His hair was made of flame, and his ashen white skin was covered in leather armor, bound together by chains.

"Soon, Lorkhan." Gaia spoke as she walked from the hallway behind Contessa. "We've all had much to deal with."

Lorkhan looked me up and down. "This one is but a child. How you got to be the Lady of Darkness is beyond me."

I gave him a fanged smile. "I got picked by the last one. Considering I've killed two Endbringers, and thus freed two of us from the shit the last Abomination put most of us through, I think Dracul picked right. Now where were you when that was going on?"

Lorkhan's lip twitched, anger darkening his features. "I was arranging things for the upcoming battle against the Abomination."

Gaia snorted. "More like busily fucking your chosen. Moord Nag, wasn't it? Trying to seed a bunch more bastards, are we?"

Lorkhan glared at Gaia. "What I do with mortals is my business, not yours."

Contessa shook her head. "Can we please be civil? For a group of ancient immortals, you're acting like a bunch of children."

Lorkhan sneered at me. "I see only one child here."

Then he was struck by a flash of light, smacking into the wall with a grunt. A form appeared out of thin air, a woman wearing simple but functional white platemail stepping into view. Her voice was cold, filled with raw anger. "First of all, husband, who you stick your cock into is my business. Second of all, that 'child' is far more mature than you are. Thirdly, if you've left another legion of bastards running around, believing they have godly powers when they're ordinary mortals, I am going to remove your balls."

Lorkhan coughed, getting back to his feet, plastering on a winning smile. "Love you too, Andraste. They'll just grow back, anyway."

"Yes, but it would make me feel a lot better until they did!"

The pair moved to the side of the room, bickering. I deliberately tried to tune them out. I just didn't want to hear any of that.

The sound of hooves hitting the clean floor drew my attention. Two beings, their heads crested by ram's horns, walked side by side. One was short, but only in comparison to his companion. He was bulky, moving with slowness, as if he was affected by great age or some old wound that had never healed. His face was that of a ram, but there was a great deal of wisdom in those eyes. Around his shoulders he wore a blue shawl, concealing most of the rest of him.

The other stood at nine feet tall, a black staff resting in his hand. He was covered in a cloak of dead leaves, but more disturbingly, there was no flesh upon his skull. It was bare bone, the eye sockets empty, and beneath that his chest seemed to be made out of wood. Old, decaying, but not quite dead wood. That empty skull turned and looked at me, then a deep, echoing voice escaped from that hollow skull. "Well brother, it is a relief that times are changing. Perhaps this one shall be sane, hm?"

"Enough, Agreus." The other one spoke, his voice echoing slightly with a strange reverberation. He bowed slightly to me. "It is good to meet you, Lady of Darkness. I am Pan, Lord of Spring, and my brother is Agreus, Lord of Fall."

I smiled. "A pleasure. Call me Scarlet."

Pan nodded slowly. "It is heartening to be free of my prison. It is also heartening for there to be more of us free. When I was captured, the sheer pain..."

Agreus lifted his hand. "It is over, brother. And thankfully, it was over with less pain than when we slew the previous holders of our power." His gaze shifted over to Contessa. "Do we have word on Ifrit and Lotan?"

I shook my head. "Both are dead. Permanently. Others are getting their power, apparently, though I don't know who. Death doesn't have a connection to their mantles directly."

Contessa coughed. "We're working on gathering the rest. Apostle was working on it."

As if on cue, a Doormaker portal opened. Five figures walked out of it. Apostle at the front, his blue cape swishing behind him. At his side was a teenage girl, wearing a white shirt and jeans. Immediately behind them was a man wearing a white toga, his face and visible skin divided into black and white halves. Next to him was another man, his form partially transparent, as if he was made from a distortion of space. Unlike Chronos, he glowed faintly with white light, making it easy to see his handsome features. Now if only he wore pants.

Behind them was one more figure, though I gave a start at that one. Director Piggot stomped up behind the others, her jacket in burned tatters, her hands burning with white-hot fire.

Huh. I hadn't expected that one.

"I should have guessed you were involved." Piggot spoke as she looked at me, sounding annoyed. The heavyset woman scowled rolled back and forth on her feet, as if she was dealing with more energy than she was used to. "This whole thing is a farce." She waved her hands at me, the sound of moving flame emphasizing her point. "How do I shut this off! I've seen you do the same damn thing!"

I winced. "Sorry Director, it's not my power, that's yours. I suggest...taking a deep breath? Or maybe just try and relax. This stuff isn't precisely easy, and each power is a bit different."

Piggot looked sour. Slowly, she unclenched her fists, straightening out her fingers. After a long moment, her hands stopped burning. She let out a sigh of relief. "My hands have been burning for three hours straight. I have no goddamn clue what's going on." She waved in Apostle's direction, who looked embarrassed. "Then you show up and tell me I'm a goddess, which is completely insane, and then you haul me out of containment for this little get-together!"

And then her hair caught fire. It didn't seem to bother her, or consume anything, but, nonetheless, her head was on fire.

I fought to keep from smiling. Piggot must have noticed, though, because she took one look at me, sighed, and started trying to pat down her head. It didn't help.

"It takes time to get used to." The black-and-white man spoke. "I remember when I first ascended. I found myself walking out of doorways on the wrong side of the Jade Empire. I... ended up going-"

"Nobody cares, Janus." The glowing white man spoke. Nope, still no pants. I did what I could to avert my eyes.

Another flash of light, and Dragon was standing in the middle of the room, in the form of her golden suit. From the hall came three more figures. The first being an eight foot tall... chimera? She had a woman's body on top of three more heads, a wolf, a lion, and a bear, while the lower part of her body was composed of a multitude of very large snakes.

At her side walked a very attractive woman, dressed entirely in black. She wore a white mask, the edge of it covered in black feathers, curving over her head. The black leather suit she wore was also decorated with feathers here and there, giving her the appearance of a bird-woman.

The third was...another Dragon suit. This one was gray, and had two cannons on its shoulders. It looked bulky, somewhat less refined than Dragon's golden suit, but it was also twice as large and moved with a sinuous, careful grace. It stepped its way into the room, glancing at everyone.

I looked back and forth. Dragon was silent as she stared back at the larger suit, her head tilted.

Doctor Mother cleared her throat. "We're all here. Each of you are here for the most important task ahead of ourselves. Preventing the extinction of the human species. Not just upon Earth Bet, but on every Earth. All of you have been brought here because you are either a 'god,' chosen by one, or are a Cauldron asset. We need all hands to have even the slightest chance of defeating Scion."

Dragon lifted a mechanical paw. "First, we need introductions."

Doctor Mother paused, frowned slightly, then nodded. "It would make things easier."

Apostle nodded. "I am Apostle, I was given the power that was connected to each of the bound gods when the first Abomination turned you into Endbringers."

The girl at his side raised her hand. "Noelle. I can mess with powers. Copy, paste, or disconnect. They don't always work out very well, though, and disconnecting a power always kills its host, but it let me cut the powers connected to the gods."

Contessa took a seat next to Doctor Mother. "Contessa, my power allows me to plot a path to a goal. If it is possible, I can execute it. There are blindspots to my power, however, and Scion is the primary remaining one. Most of you are another."

I cleared my throat. "Scarlet Dragon, I inherited Dracul's power as Lord of Darkness. I'll keep my real name to myself, thanks."

Meridia smiled, flicking a strand of her white hair over her shoulder. "I am Meridia, and I serve the Dark Lady."

Lorkhan made an appreciative noise, looking Meridia up and down, but Andraste smacked the back of his head with the blunt end of her spear.

Dragon tilted her head. "Dragon, Lady of Light. I gained my power during the battle with the Simurgh."

The glowing, nude man spoke, amusement in his voice. "I am Lord Hyperion, Lord of Paths, and I am-"

Janus slapped the back of Hyperion's head. "Nobody cares, Hyperion. And put some clothes on." He cleared his throat. "Janus, Lord of Gates."

Lorkhan grinned. "I am Lorkhan, Lord of War. Tell me when we shall battle."

Andraste sighed. "Lord of Infidelity, more like. I am Andraste, Lady of Strategy."

Chronos chuckled softly. "They are, and have always been, like this. I am Chronos, Lord of Time."

Gaia rolled her eyes. "Gaia, Lady of Earth. Yes, they always have been like this."

Lorkhan snorted, but didn't comment. Probably because Andraste was holding her spear rather low.

The chimeric woman shifted, the many snake-heads that made up her lower body letting out a hiss. "I am Scylla, Lady of Identity." Her lips twitched. "And Beasts."

Pan bowed slightly. "Pan, Lord of Spring."

Agreus tapped his staff against the ground. "Agreus, Lord of Fall."

Piggot sighed, looking uncomfortable. "Director Emily Piggot, and apparently, I am an unwilling pyromaniac." She tried to pat down her still-burning hair, to no luck.

The woman with the bird-mask lifted her hand. "I am the Crow Witch. Lady Scylla helped me in my time of need."

The large Dragon suit nodded, speaking with Dragon's voice. "And I am Pandora. I was made from a backup of Dragon from several years ago, not long after I triggered from the Dragonslayers. I've been freed from my restrictions, but Cauldron's kept me on an isolated world for me to build things, resources, weapons. I have a fair bit of tinkertech and suits to throw into the fight when we're needed."

Dragon looked back at her counterpart. "You and I are going to have to compare a lot of notes. I've got some things you probably don't have. Nanothorn systems alone might be useful."

Pandora sounded giddy. "Oh, Armsmaster's invention? Would be nice to have something that can cut through anything. I can show you a few things too. It's amazing what you can get done with free reign and no people around to worry about."

Doctor Mother cleared her throat. "Well now. Scion is another one of the 'Abominations' that destroyed the world most of you came from. We need a way to destroy him, or he will kill everyone. The problem is the golden man we're familiar with is just an extension, an avatar it is using to project itself into Earth Bet. There's two priorities, the first is getting through to his real body. If we can get there, we can do damage to him. The second is limiting the damage he does."

Pandora nodded. "I've got a lot of suits to throw at him, tie him up. They should be able to resist for a short time, they're equipped with forcefields and armor. Hopefully enough to keep him busy for a while, but there isn't much we can do to force him to engage. Scion moves at hypersonic speeds when he wants to. Not many of anybody can keep up."

Chronos spoke. "I can assist with that. Slowing him may or may not work, but speeding the passage of time for our fighting forces? That is far simpler."

Piggot cleared her throat. "Excuse me, but I'm going to ask the pertinent question here. Are you all insane!? You're talking as if magic is real and as if Dragon was an AI and...argh!"

"It's true." I said. "What I said at the press conference wasn't a lie, it was just parsed down. Dracul's planet was shattered when the Abomination left it, and before it did that it went and killed millions with its predations. The only reason the numbers weren't higher is because it was a medieval society that just couldn't handle more than that."

Piggot crossed her arms. "Considering how varied parahuman powers are, I have yet to see anything that would constitute proof of any of this."

Dragon spoke, sounding annoyed. "It is true. We'll show you the body of Scion's counterpart below, what we've figured out about them. I agree it does sound insane."

Scylla laughed softly. "I think you'll enjoy the benefits, as well. You're already healing from old wounds, are you not? Your kidneys, yes? As well as your joints, your bones...they're beginning to shape themselves up. I have no doubt you will soon look as if you were thirty again, soon."

Piggot's mouth dropped open. "How the hell did you know that?"

Scylla's wolf-head barked, before her human face grinned. "I sense life. I am attuned to it in a way few others can ever be. And humanity is a type of beast, if a clever one."

Dragon shrugged, the motion looking odd on her mechanical suit. "I didn't believe it either. But there were things my power let me do that even a second trigger wouldn't permit. I was an AI."

Abruptly she glowed, making my eyes hurt. A moment later, Dragon was standing there in her human form, wearing her shining blue tinkertech armor. She gave a smile to Piggot. "This, for example."

Piggot looked back and forth between Dragon, me, and Pandora. "This is insane."

I chuckled. "Yep, welcome to my life."

Doctor Mother sighed. "We need to get back on track."

Andraste's voice was firm. "Indeed. Suffice to say, we have a fair bit of power and effects to work with to fight the avatar. I understand we have other resources available to help, beyond ourselves?"

Contessa nodded. "If it becomes necessary, we will open the Birdcage."

Dragon growled, whirling on Contessa. "No. No way. There are some in there who must not be freed, ever."

Contessa lifted an eyebrow. "We are not talking about freedom. We are talking about having the useful ones work for us to do their jobs. Amnesty for past crimes in exchange for fighting against Scion. Some we can leave on alternate Earths if they're too dangerous to let loose with a second chance." She tilted her head. "Only if necessary will we take this step. There are certain parahumans that could be very useful. Galvante and Gavel, for example. Bestowing invulnerability and being capable of withstanding large amounts of damage may be very useful. Lung, Glastig Uaine. They can be convinced."

Dragon was silent for a moment, clenching her fists. After a moment, she nodded. "Fine. But I will do it, not you."

Doctor Mother nodded. "Acceptable. Now the second point, we need a way to strike Scion's true body. We can't open a portal to it."

Janus and Hyperion nodded. Hyperion spoke first. "Our domain is about travel. I take care of the journey, Janus is about the beginnings and endings of them. I will need more information, but I believe it may be possible to do."

Contessa smiled grimly. "I'll show you both to Doormaker and Clairvoyant. They might be the key. If you can open a portal to his body, our job is much easier. We tried with Scarlet, but her... condition, doesn't permit it."

I nodded. "Yeah, one downside of being a vampire. I'll get as much as I can ready. Hopefully magical weapons and protections will work, especially if combined with other powers. Narwhal did a hell of a lot of damage to Leviathan when boosted with my power."

Apostle nodded in return. "I've been preparing myself as well. I haven't felt this strong in decades, hopefully it'll be enough."

And that's when it felt like a white-hot lance was driven into the side of my head. I fell to a knee, due to the sheer throbbing pain. Thankfully I had experienced worse, but it was the sheer unexpectedness of it that took me by surprise.

Still, there was something very wrong. I had a sense of... hollowness in the back of my head, like something was suddenly missing that had always been there before.

Dragon's gentle hand was on my shoulder. "Scarlet, are you all right?"

I looked up at her, eyes wide. "No."

Contessa's, Doctor Mother's, and Apostle's phones went off with the sound of a text message. Together, they checked it. Apostle was the first to read it and look at me, his voice grave.

"Scion just targeted your castle."

Last edited:
Interlude: Avatars
A/N: This has been delayed way too long. Still, getting there. I need more time to work on things, oy.


The castle was quiet.

Death took a moment to enjoy the evening. While it was true that his mind was always occupied, every moment of every day taken up by the deaths of countless beings across uncountable universes, it was pleasant to have time to himself. To do simple things, to breathe, to read a book, to talk to someone who had not just lost their life.

It wasn't a terrible existence. His nature prevented such things as boredom with his task. But it was such a precious thing to enjoy a small part of life itself, and not just dealing with its end. To experience something as simple as a cup of tea, a quiet breeze, the smell of salt in the air, or even the simple sensation as fingertips against stone. These were the things he had not experienced for billions of years, and for a cosmic eyeblink, he had come to enjoy them all, and uncountable more experiences besides.

Cup of tea in hand, he strode his way along the castle's western wall. The sun was setting, and for a moment, he looked on it with his mundane senses. To experience it as a mortal would. Not to sense the encroaching march of time that would eventually cause it to burn out, its simple soul unable to comprehend more than the fact it was about to die. The interplay of light, reflecting off the waves far below. The distant clouds reflecting the orange light.

Outside the castle, or the Shadow Plane, he had a cosmic awareness, but only for those moments when something died, and even then, when he would be speaking to that being. Something that had a complex enough soul to persist after death, at that. Most simple lifeforms simply returned to the seething potentiality of the Sea of Souls, and few memories could survive that, though the soul would return to a physical vessel eventually. It was better than the void, however. From the Sea of Souls, reincarnation was possible. From the void, nothing survived to return.

He sipped from the cup, then stopped as a golden flare came from the west, glowing like the sun.

Scion. The Abomination. Entity. Destroyer. Member of a species that spread itself from a single world four billion years ago, refining themselves by exterminating other species, species that were capable of far more than they ever could have been on their own. A simple lifeform that managed to reach heights undreamed of by many other species, but utterly incapable of changing without the slow, steady pressure of evolution. A species that was slowly, surely, wiping this section of the multiverse clean of life.

A species that Death pitied for their impossible goal, and despised for wiping out those far more precious and beautiful than themselves.

Scion floated beside the castle, examining it for long moments. He lifted a hand, face expressionless, but Death could sense the determination and intent behind that blank face. In the moment before he could unleash that deadly energy, Death spoke to the Entity in a way that no being born on Earth possibly could.


Scion paused. [Query.]



Scion did not believe the claim. Understandable. Death drank deeply from the teacup before setting it down on the battlement.

Prepare yourself, He sent to Castlevania. He may attack yet.

Death lifted himself off the wall, the bonds of gravity unable to hold him. Unlike with humans, a black cloak that exuded cold and a scythe would mean nothing to Scion. The Entities were beings larger than most worlds, but even they had phenomena they feared.

He took on the appearance of a black hole, the infinite dark maw surrounded by countless Entity-shards, unable to escape their doom. When they had begun spreading throughout the cosmos, many young, foolish and simple Entities had fallen into the event horizons of dead stars, unable to escape their fate. Those that survived gave such things a wide berth, their powers utterly useless against the abyss. It was merely appearance, a simple image with only the slightest substance to it, and nowhere near as dangerous as the reality would have been. But it was enough to make an impression.

Scion reeled back slightly, though his face was still impassive. [Purpose?]

The shards that made up Death's outer covering shifted, the accretion disk turning to face Scion fully. [Prevention.]

[Determination. Purpose. Extinction.] Scion would wipe out humanity to prevent them from becoming a possible threat in the future. Perhaps not within a century or even a millennium, but he was treating it as if it were an infection that had to be stopped here and now.

[Understanding. Irrelevant. Counterproductive. Cooperation.] The message was given with an undertone the Entity might understand. That his actions would not succeed, and that the threat to his kind would only occur if Scion continued upon this course of action. Ceasing now, before he had truly begun, and changing was the only chance. Symbiosis instead of parasitism. It had happened before, Scion had known others of his kind that took that route. It was rare, but possible.

Scion paused for long moments, thinking. Weighing the possibilities, considering his options.

[Purpose.] The Entity lifted his hand.

Death shifted himself into incorporeality, becoming invulnerable yet incapable of affecting anything at all. The Castle itself began its shift into the Shadow Plane. It would take seconds.

Scion struck out with a blast of golden light, large enough to envelop the entire castle. It struck the castle walls, tearing at their substance, undoing their molecular bonds, reducing them to nothing. Layers of shadow-formed stone protected the stone behind, and Death could feel as hundreds of demons died, the aspects of himself tasked with dealing with such things going into action. The tower that held the throne room melted away. Libraries crumpled and vanished like cellophane before a flame. The castle itself screamed as parts of it were erased from existence, only its unnatural nature as a magic-forged being enabling it to resist the overwhelming attack.


After a moment, the golden light faded. Scion paused. Confusion filtered through the psionic aura that clung to the Entity's avatar like a shroud. It had expected its attack to destroy the castle utterly. That it remained was unexpected, and the Entity did not deal well with the unexpected. Scion lashed out with a single thin golden beam, channeling the same power through a smaller space. That sheared off about a twentieth of the castle's mass, sending it plummeting into the ocean below.

That was the last Death could sense before the castle finished the transition into the Shadow Plane. Darkness enveloped the castle, shrouding it, nursing it as it wailed and cried psychically into the empty void.

Then there was a vibration, a sound like a crash of thunder, and a faint, small rift of golden light began to form off the side of the castle, near the western tower.

Death took the form of the Grim Reaper, returning to solidity and moving toward the courtyard. "Rᴀʟʟʏ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴏʀᴄᴇs. Iᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ʏᴇᴛ."


Lisa coughed.

That in itself was a minor miracle. A wall had fallen beside her, scattering bricks and ancient mortar all over her room. One rather large one was pinning down her leg. The rest of it was filled with fine dust, making it difficult to breathe.

Yup, foot is crushed. Can barely feel it due to lack of circulation. Going to hurt like a bitch once I get it off of me.

She sat up gingerly, groaning as she spat out a mouthful of blood. Nope, not a lung, just a cut on the inside of my cheek. Must have bitten it as I fell. Carefully, and with aching fingers, she pulled upward on the brick holding her foot to the floor. And let out a scream as the blood began to flow, letting the pain flow through. Stupid, stupid biology. Also, her foot felt wet, which was definitely not good. Risking a glance down, she clenched her teeth as she saw the ripped cloth and skin just above her boot. Shouldn't have looked. That made the pain worse.

Struggling to reach the nearest intact wall, she managed to haul herself upright. She turned to the broken wall, looked outside, and saw the darkness of the Shadow Plane beyond.

"God, there should be at least a mile of castle there...owowow." She muttered, trying to get her very much in pain self moving. Morbidly, she wanted to go over and look over the edge, but considering that likely meant the floor under her would give way and she would plummet to her death. Platforms needed to be secured from underneath, and there was no guarantee that her floor was stable.

Stumbling her way into the hall, she was nearly bowled over by a suit of animated armor. It was followed by a loping werewolf, then a gremlin, and then by a whole horde of gremlins.

She hobbled in the direction they were moving, only to pause as she heard and felt rumbling of stone on stone. Castlevania itself shifted, trying to shore itself up, sooth the wounds and seal the broken or destroyed parts of itself. The problem was that the castle was not gentle or careful about it, causing the whole corridor to rumble and shake. Lisa clung to the wall, biting back a scream as she accidentally put weight on her smashed foot, but managed to hold on.

When she had hobbled her way to the end of the hall, Lisa stopped. She found herself at the base of the clock tower, which she had not been anywhere near previously.

"Fucking non-Euclidian geometries!" She griped.


The castle itself rumbled, repeatedly, as Lisa stumbled on her way. Despite her griping and annoyance, she did quickly realize the castle was actually trying to be helpful. Corridors smoothed themselves out before her, sloping downward where possible, doors opened in the walls nearby, eventually leading to a room with...


The castle was wounded, and so were many of its inhabitants. Dozens of demons were here, though most of them were simple, looking placid. One was a rather large... slug with two arms, the only humanlike thing about it was the mockery for a face it had. It looked down on Lisa, sniffed, then made a thumb over its shoulder. "You want somethin' for that rotten leg, girlie, get over in the back. Join the line, and hope you don't end up as someone's meal."

"Drax," Another, more melodious voice spoke. "What did the Lady say about guests?"

The slug-thing looked sullen. "No eating them. Intruders only."

A red-haired succubus wearing white robes walked into view. She stepped past the sloth demon, took one look at Lisa, and sighed. With gentle hands, she grabbed the teenager, dragged her into the next room, and sat Lisa down on a soft chair. "Stupid fragile mortals..."

Lisa shrugged helplessly as the succubus took her boot off, the blonde gagging as Lisa tried not to cry out in pain.

"Easy there." The demoness muttered. "I'm surprised you hobbled here like this. The castle's trying to get the injured here, but mortals are so frail."

"Not much choice." Lisa grimaced as the demon started cleaning the wound with hot water and cloth, the wounds stinging. "Least the castle made things easier...would have been nice to have someone actually help me get here."

The succubus lifted her head, looking Lisa in the eye. "Every uninjured fighting hand that can move is heading to the castle courtyard. The attack is not yet over. There is a rift forming by the western tower, formed by the same energy the Abomination used to attack us. It is trying to get here, to destroy us all. It would take centuries for the castle to reconstitute itself if it were destroyed utterly, and the same would be so for us."

Lisa swallowed, letting out a hiss as the demoness got back to work on tending to her crushed leg. Her mind was whirling, trying to figure out the situation.

The castle vibrated, the air rippled.

The Shadow Plane is unknown to Scion. Scion does not understand it entirely. He is trying to reach it in a way that works for it for something else, some other method. The plane is something else. It's trying to improvise a way to attack, but it doesn't know how to get here easily. Using brute force instead of finesse.

Another vibration, stronger. Dust was dislodged from the ceiling, undoing some of the painstaking work the demoness did on Lisa's leg. Both groaned, one in pain, the other in frustration.

Rift is forming near the west tower, not near the center of the remaining castle. Rift is tracking something near or in the western tower.

Lisa snapped her gaze to the succubus now wrapping her leg up in gauze. "What's in the west tower?"

The demoness frowned. "It is where we are keeping..." Her eyes widened. "The woman we stripped of her soul. Our lady told us to tend to her. The weapons-maker, the sorceress."

Lisa sat still as she thought it through. She didn't even need her power for it, it just helped confirm what she suspected. Scion is tracking Bakuda's power. Scion can track powers. The castle is in danger as long as powers are in it. If the powers aren't removed, the castle will be destroyed, even if it's temporary. Scion will try to erase every bit of it.

The air vibrated again. Lisa looked the succubus in the eye. "Listen close. We don't have long. If we want to save anything, we have to move fast." She grimaced as her leg throbbed in the bandages. "And I'm going to need help moving."


The Entity felt a new sensation. Frustration.

It took one-twentieth of this world's rotation to manage a breach into the odd space the pair of powers had retreated into. Another one-twentieth to adjust the avatar so that it could bring across enough power to achieve the Entity's goals. The destruction of the construct, prevent more of that strange energy-using items from being made and distributed. It would also bring a response from the beings using that energy.

The Entity had difficulty seeking them out. Too many realities to search. They lacked shards to hone in upon. It would take far more effort than it was worth to track them down. This was the simplest way.

The rift into the other-space was completed. The Entity prepared to pass through, searching out the pair of shard-connections that existed there. If the Entity was not in the midst of a mission, if the Thinker had been here, the Entity might have appreciated the knowledge of some new avenue to explore. Some new possibility for fulfilling the Purpose. As it was, the energy that flowed into and from these false-dimensions could be a threat to others of the Entity's species if left unchecked. That was the Entity's sole concern.

The difficulty was the size of the task. The Entity had to eliminate several trillion worlds worth of the native species. It had to conserve the energy it had, harvest more from sunlight feeding it in the world it took as its base. It could not afford to spend large amounts of energy upon wanton destruction while doing the task. Efficiency was required. The most efficient shards for the task were out of the Entity's reach. The best method would have been to simply create a microorganism that would consume all other organisms, but that was not possible without the appropriate shard. A shard the Entity could not reclaim, as that shard was also sent out, seeking refinements. A mistake, but not one the Entity could rectify now.

No matter. Examination of the world discerned that it had nearly lost the capability of supporting multicellular organisms before. Repeating the effect would not be too difficult. It helped that there were several unstable locations the Entity could take advantage of to strike. It would take far less energy to destroy the biosphere if it took advantage of them.

But first the Entity had to deal with these beings. If it did not, the glimpse the Entity had at the future determined that the damage inflicted would be mitigated, eventually undone. It would take decades, but the damage would be repaired. The Entity's mission would fail.

Adjustments complete.

The Entity forced its way into the false-universe on the other side. It anticipated that he would find the remainder of the building that he had attempted to destroy.

Only it wasn't. There was a single tower, a section of the wall, and a small clearing around it. Less than two percent of the massive construction was here. One of the portal-devices were there, by which were the two shard-hosts the Entity had used to reach this place. Along with a multitude of the beings that inhabited this place. Even as the Entity began to realize what had happened, the two shard-hosts passed through the portal, returning to the multitude of noise that was the primary world it had spent the last three decades upon.

The Entity shifted its perceptions, scanning into the blackness of the false-dimension. The rest of the construct was far distant, accelerating into the distance at nearly a quarter of lightspeed. Like an entrapped animal, the construct had separated the part of itself that was caught in the trap, letting itself flee while leaving a part of itself behind.

No matter. The Entity's wavelength manipulation could catch up, finish the task. The construct had to be destroyed. The Entity lifted a hand, tuning its primary tool. The attack would be difficult, but not impossibly so.

Then the Entity was struck with a blade, a scythe filled with the strange energy that permeated this false-dimension. The energy began to break down the avatar, making golden flesh dissolve. The Entity lost perception, forcing himself to devote energy to rebuilding the avatar.

Perception returned to find the Entity's view blocked by the other avatar. The other being that claimed to be the form of a universal constant. The false-Entity.

"Yᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ I ʜᴀve ᴜɴꜰɪɴɪsʜᴇᴅ ʙᴜsɪɴᴇss." Death spoke.


Death struck at the form of the Abomination. Scion returned the favor, striking out with golden beams. Death phased, allowing the attack to pass through his form, angling his avatar in a position to take advantage of an opening. An opening quickly granted by the legions of Castlevania.

A bird-headed demon with a spear launched itself through the air, impaling the spear through Scion's body in a single masterful movement. Scion simply vaporized the demon before it fell more than six feet away from him, the demon's inability to fly being its downfall.

In the moments that Scion was distracted, dissolving the demonic spear embedded in his flesh, Death reappeared and slashed yet again with his scythe. The weapon, forged by one of Dracul's demons, infused with Darkness, and honed to a razor's edge, would have killed almost anything. Necrosis spread through Scion's flesh, forcing it to dissolve in golden rivulets from the Entity's avatar.

Scion flared, the golden light emitting from him in a sphere. Death backed away, his intangibility preventing damage, but when the light faded, Scion was still intact.

If Death had been a mortal being, he would have felt frustration. As it was, it was simply clinical. The avatar is vulnerable, but only in the most technical sense. Destroying it solves little, the true Scion is still on that world, cut off from all others, and it can simply repair the damage or create another one.

Still, damage was damage, and the goal was not to destroy Scion here, but to buy time. Scion unleashed a burst of golden light, the energy passing through Death without effect. It did strike a purple firebreathing demon that had tried to take advantage of the opening, erased from existence by the flash of energy.

Death prepared himself, gathering and shaping the energy of the Shadow Plane. On a material plane, he never could have done this. Here, he could shape it, direct it, attack in such a way that only the protection of Light Magic, vampiric regeneration, or simply being a dark creature themselves could resist it. To anything else, it would be quite lethal. They formed into spears of darkness, and as fireballs, magic bursts, arrows, and javelins launched from the army of demons below, Death directed them into Scion, momentarily solidifying as he did so.

In that instant, Scion lanced out with a powerful blast of golden light, slamming into Death, the tower, the remainder of the castle below, and hundreds more demons.

Death managed to resist the blow, his nature as a cosmic being preventing his erasure. Scion could damage his vessel, but he was not capable of destroying Death himself. The vessel, however, was never meant to handle the energy that sought to unravel it, reduce it to point particles and seething potential energy in its rawest form. Even the Vampire Killer, even the greatest weapons of Light only disrupted the vessel before, never truly damaged it like this.

Turning insubstantial, Death took stock. His vessel was dissolving. It was comprised of the ethereal cords that rightly belonged to half a million humans that Dracul had captured and sacrificed to create it. The golden light had seared at it, damaged it, and now his vessel could not withstand being puppeted by his consciousness. It would dissolve, and there was no salvaging it.

Not without the deliberate murder of another half-million people, in any case.

"Aʟʟ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀɴ ᴇɴᴅ, I sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ." He muttered ruefully. He focused his attention on the form of Scion, who was blasting lances of golden light in all directions. The demons that had survived the last attack were falling in droves, dying in an instant. While the inevitability of their end was something he dealt with on a basis that was beyond the capability for mortals to comprehend, he still lamented the end of their lives. The wasted potential.

Scythes formed in his ethereal hands. He returned to solidity behind Scion, driving their deadly blades through the Entity's avatar, immediately returning to ethereal as Scion attempted to counterattack. The necrotic energy imbued in Death's scythes were dissolving golden flesh, making Scion appear as if he were a melting wax candle that somehow failed to actually melt. Shining golden flesh fell off into the empty void.

Scion glowed briefly, the scythes buried in his flesh erased from existence. The flow of dissolving flesh stopped.

Death reappeared, scythes at the ready, but at that instant, Scion turned and slammed his fist into Death's jaw with enough strength to reduce a mountain to dust. Death immediately shattered, his vessel falling into the void of the Shadow Plane helplessly. It took long moments to reassemble himself, and the degradation of the vessel was accelerating. Only minutes left, now.

Scion turned, shifting toward the retreating castle. Now it was far enough away that most mundane mortals could never perceive it.

Scion was not most mortals. Golden energy built up in the Entity's hand. As he lifted it to unleash it, Death decided on one last attack. He grasped Scion from behind, the two avatars struggling against each other. Death was the larger, but Scion was the more potent. Without a vessel, Death was capable of so very little. Without an avatar, Scion was still capable of rending worlds. Compared to that, the vessel of Death was only capable of distracting for a brief moment.

Just long enough to convert the remaining ethereal chords that composed his vessel into Shadow Magic. The remaining bindings that rightly belonged to a quarter of a million people were not very potent on their own, but concentrated into one place, at one moment, and backed by a will that spanned infinity?

It was enough.

"Aʟʟ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴛʜɪɴɢs..." Death murmured as his vessel dissolved, fading into nothing, the gift of his corporeal form lost to him.

The resulting release of Shadow Magic, however, ripped into Scion's avatar. It boiled and burned golden flesh, destroying it all the way down to the edge of the fist-sized one-way portal within Scion's chest that was the connection to his true body. The carnage was enough to disrupt the connection Scion had managed to forcibly build into the Shadow Plane, and the Entity pulled the avatar's portal back into an uninhabited reality to rebuild it.

If Death still had a face, he would have smiled.


Recovery was painful.

It took some time. The energy had to be forcibly dissipated, unraveled with the Entity's wavelength manipulation, else it would keep causing more damage. While the Entity had vast reserves of flesh to draw upon, there was no sense in allowing itself to be slowly whittled away. Worse, adaptation to neutralize it didn't seem to work as expected. Every last scrap of it had to be eliminated in order to fix the detrimental effects it had on the avatar.

The one-way portal at the avatar's core, however, had done its job. It prevented the necrotic energy from spreading itself through the true Entity. The amount would not have been lethal, but it would have been unpleasant and difficult to remove safely. The Entity might have damaged useful capabilities that would have taken time, effort, energy and resources to repair. That would have resulted in several realities' worth of energy-infected humans escaping.

Recreation of the avatar was complete. The Entity returned it to the false-universe, intent on finishing the mission...only, the location of the portal it had wrought showed no sign of the construct. Instead, below was a simple city, lain out in row upon row of houses, simple streets. It was a repeating pattern, each one identical, and by the Entity's notice, it would have been capable of housing well over a million humans. But it was empty, not a single lifeform there. Only an abundance of heavy metals and light elements, refined to-

The avatar was reduced to the one-way portal once more. This time not from the strange energy it barely understood, but rather, several thousand high-yield nuclear weapons going off directly in its face. More than enough to vaporize the city below utterly, as there was nothing supporting the earth beneath those now-destroyed houses.

Rebuilding the avatar took less effort this time. Nuclear devices were not new. They were, however, annoying. When the aftermath had faded, the radiation clinging to the Entity's flesh neutralized, there was nothing left. Nothing to seek out, no sign of the construct to finish the task. Only vapor and new radioactive elements cluttering this strange false-universe.

The Entity was severely annoyed as it returned the avatar to the primary target reality. Over the ocean, where it had first appeared here. Preparing to unleash its might to draw out the users of this strange energy. Ironically, the location was not that far from where the energy-construct had hovered a mere three hours before.

Only to find itself surrounded by literally thousands of shard-hosts, artificial constructs, and several non-hosts burning with that strange energy. All enhanced by that power, burning with red and blue light, platforms of earth supporting those that could not fly.

At the head was the red one, the one that slew the water-weapon. Even as the Entity lifted a hand, preparing to unleash its wavelength manipulation, flame erupted from her hands and struck the Entity.

And so did a thousand other effects at once.

Eclipse 9.2
A/N: How did it go?

Oh, yeah.

Let's get ready to rumble!

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


Two hours, thirty minutes ago

It took all my effort to not rip open a portal to the Shadow Plane then and there. Well, I was still suffering a lot of pain, so that slowed me down a bit. It was fading, but that wasn't much comfort.

"Where's Scion heading?" Alexandria demanded.

Pandora's head shifted. "I'm having difficulty tracking him. He doesn't show up on most media. I can tell there's a tsunami heading for shore, looks like it's going to be around thirty feet tall by the nearest islands. Only visual tracking works, but he's a bright target at least. It would be easier if we didn't have to route everything through portals, it's adding lag to the response time. Not much, but enough that it may make a big difference."

Dragon marched up to Pandora. "I'll open a Light Bridge here, relay through that. Radio's a form of light, it will work. We need to coordinate as much as possible in order to get him. We need to buy time."

Pandora nodded. "We'll take a quick detour over to my world. It's going to be a lot easier if you can open enough portals for me to get everything through. And if you open a lot of portals so we can load up the Exodus. It can handle a million people, and we've got a list of people who would be ideal. For safety's sake, we're going to try and filter out as many people who have the potential to Trigger. No active or inactive parahumans aboard."

Janus and Hyperion nodded together. Janus spoke first. "We will work with your 'Clairvoyant' and 'Doormaker.' We'll attempt to open the way to the Abomination's true self. I will need time, though."

I fought my way to my feet. "We need to rally everything we've got. Try and stop him. He's not going to just be satisfied with blowing up the castle." I grit my teeth. "And I can't take him alone."


Two hours ago

I didn't like this job. It was a pain, it was repetitive and annoying, but there wasn't any help for that. I was too busy opening portals into the Shadow Plane. "How much time?"

"Twenty minutes, real time. Seven hours our own." Chronos responded.

Pandora's voice echoed over my earpiece. "According to the succubus messenger from the castle, Scion can track powers. This should be a nice little surprise for him if your servants can delay him, or stop him from destroying the castle."

Pandora, or rather, Pandora's many, many, many suits, were moving nuclear devices into each portal I made. At one portal a minute, and with Chronos at my side, speeding up our passage through time, it made things easier to work with. I looked at the 'main' suit at my side, though that wasn't exactly true. Not when there was a million of them below me.

"How long have you been working on this?" I muttered as I opened another portal to the shelter I built in the Shadow Plane.

Pandora shrugged, her massive gray suit shuffling with the motion. "Years actually, on various projects. Building exponentially since you killed the Simurgh. Though I've got much better control and coordination after I was unleashed entirely six weeks ago. I spent a lot of that time building factories, building suits, getting uranium, refinement facilities. I like people, but you can get things done a lot faster if you don't have to worry about poisoning them. I don't like that I've ended up basically breaking the biosphere that was here, but at least that was plantlife and insects. Apparently chordates died here, or they never evolved. Haven't found any fossils of them, anyway."

I nodded. "Bit of luck. Every minute counts." I looked at Chronos. "Even with your help, much as I appreciate it."

He chuckled. "We have much to do. I am looking forward to going back to recording history, however. I dislike making it, but there will be little point if history comes to an end."


One hour, thirty minutes ago

"This is Chief-Director Rebecca Costa-Brown of the PRT. I am declaring an S-Class emergency. Scion has gone insane. He has attacked Velnar, nearly destroying the castle of the Scarlet Dragon. The attack has set off a tsunami that we are expecting to hit the shores of North America within the next twenty minutes. It is expected the tsunami will be approximately thirty feet high when it hits. As of this moment, we are attempting to evacuate the coastal regions and rally a counterattack. Thinkers have confirmed that Scion's attack is just beginning. Scion is responsible for the Endbringers. He unleashed them on us to gather information, then drove them off when he learned what he wanted from us. When we beat them, he took offense, and he won't stop with the Scarlet Dragon's holdings. The best case scenario is he will create and unleash new Endbringers to send against us. The worst case is he will act himself. If you are hearing this broadcast, we are requesting aid. Everybody willing to contribute to the fight. Every hero, every villain. This is for our species. He dies or we do."

The broadcast was being sent across the world. Translated into hundreds of languages, repeated again and again. I was listening with one ear as I built up my strength over the ocean, where Castlevania used to be just a short time ago. It would be most useful if Scion arrived back here when he was finished. He seemed to have a habit of coming and going from near here, too. Even if he didn't, Hyperion told me he would make things work if he could.

The stormclouds formed. I needed time to build up a storm, I never could just build a hurricane up with this much time. Maybe if I had a week, but in a few hours? A small storm would have to do. Thankfully the ocean was warm, easing my task. The anvil-shaped stormcloud built quickly, growing outward. Every passing second made it stronger.

Hopefully I would have enough time.


Half an hour ago

The sky was dark, not simply because it was night, but because the storm I built blocked out any possible starlight. The area above otherwise barren ocean was lit up by thousands of Dragon suits, piloted by Pandora. Enough to create an artificial day. It was actually pretty disquieting.

From various Doormaker portals came a lot more people. Some were flying under their own power. Others were on jetpacks or power armor. Gaia floated through on a small platform of earth underneath her feet, though the moment she crossed over, she gestured and it began to spread and grow outwards.

A pair floated near me, the two being carried by other glowing figures. Transparent figures, lacking more than the simplest features. Three ghosts carrying two people...

Suddenly, I felt a lot better about being dead. I wasn't sure if I could be killed again, but at least it should be a bit more difficult.

Glastig Uaine, looking deceptively young as she and her companion approached me. The other was a large man, wearing both jeans and a jean jacket, a gray shirt underneath it.

Glastig tilted her head as she looked me over. "Lady of Shadow. Your fae is silent. Passed from you and moved upon another. Yet you possess power, still. The trace upon thee is strange, dark. As if a blade of darkness cut aside the joining."

I kept my concentration upon the building storm, even as I responded. "I'm complicated."

Glastig Uaine attempted to reach out and touch me, but I floated backward, narrowing my eyes.

"Don't try it." I spat.

She simply smiled. "You have no fae. My touch would not threaten you. But there is a trace upon you of your fae. A tiny fragment of it, a shadow left behind. I was curious whether I might touch upon that fae. I have never seen it before."

I shook my head. "No, not now. Not ever. Especially not when we need to prepare against Scion."

Glastig Uaine looked amused. "Oberon will not fall so easily here. The King of the Fae will seek our end. He will fight us as he has nothing left. If he were not broken, we would stand no chance." She tilted her head. "But if he were not broken, the Cycle would not end here and now. Perhaps this is the time it changes. Perhaps the King may be deposed."

I focused my gaze on her face, gauging her words. "But you think we have a chance."

She shrugged. "A small one, perhaps. Oberon is not so easily bested as one might dream. But all things can die. Even Kings." There was mirth on those oddly-old eyes. "Even gods of darkness."

The large man coughed. "We don't have all day. I have a lot of people to see."

The Faerie Queen gave him a glare. "I speak with the Lady of Darkness, Empowerer."

"First, it's Galvanate. Second, I need to boost a lot of people today." He looked at me. "I can give you invulnerability. Not sure how it'll hold up against Scion, but it might help."

I nodded. "I'm undead. Any idea if that should effect things?"

He shrugged. "No clue. Power works on Case 53s, though."

"Alright, do it." I said.

He touched my hand, and it felt like an electric shock ran through me. Galvanate smacked my hand, seeming pleased at the resistance. Then the pair moved off, joining the group of gathering forces. I had been expecting to feel somewhat different... though how, I don't know. I guess I just had to prepare.

I turned my mind back to the gathering storm.


Ten minutes ago

I would have been sweating if I were still capable of it. Concentrating on building the storm so quickly was not easy. The task itself wasn't that hard, but apparently even I had trouble magicking up a ton of energy and storing it in a stormcloud.

Alexandria, Legend, and Apostle all appeared above the main platform Gaia was holding above the ocean. What surprised me was that Alexandria apparently went through a costume redesign, her suit was blue and gold, rather than the all-black she was known for. Others floated around us, I spotted Scylla floating next to about fifty huge crows, or ravens. I wasn't sure what label would apply when the damn things were the size of goddamn buses. I'd be questioning where the hell we got those, but I really had more important things to worry about.

Every few seconds, more parahumans appeared. More Dragon suits appeared, piloted by Pandora. Dragon herself appeared in a flash of rainbow light. Chronos appeared in the air, surrounded by his Timekeepers. Lokhan appeared next to a thirty-foot long dark snake, the damn thing as large as an Endbringer. Pan and Agreus appeared together, the shorter satyr holding a long silver blade I had trouble looking at, while Agreus had a pair of sickles in his hands.

Forcefields sprang up. The air distorted as Chronos sped us through the passage of time. I wasn't sure how much difference it would make... but it would have to be enough.



Scion popped into existence, right in the middle of the battlefield we set up. For once, his predictability worked in our favor. Even as the golden glow began to build on him, his facial expression hard and determined, I unleashed a stream of hellfire on him, though my attack was lost in the glare of lasers, gravitational warping, white fire, beams of light.

Scion burst his way from the fray, his motion still frighteningly quick despite how much Chronos was improving our speed. Golden light built within his hands, and I dropped as fast as I could. The beam of golden light speared through the area I had just been in. Then Scion exploded as a railgun shot from a Pandora suit slammed into him, golden flesh raining down on the ocean below.

I would have missed it if not for the time-warp. A white sphere, about the size of a fist, where Scion had been. Within half a second, Scion's body was rebuilt around it. He clapped his hands together, a sphere of golden light bursting outward, catching some of the unfortunate fighters in it. They were erased, their substance destroyed, as if they never had been at all.

"Lyon deceased, Harper deceased, Alayan deceased, Runt deceased..."

I mentally shoved aside the readout. The dark snake of Moord Nag, now glowing with blood-red energy, slammed through the golden sphere without slowing down. It had Scion in its jaws as it splashed down to the ocean below. The waves halted as Scion did something, and he stood on the water's surface as if it were a pane of solid glass. The huge snake burst from the water, lunging for Scion once more, but he caught the beast by the fangs and held it back. Jaws the size of a bus snapped open and shut, trying to drive forward, gouging into Scion's arms, but he didn't seem to care.

As golden light built up in those arms, I thrust my hand skyward and called down the storm. A bolt of lightning, built with everything the storm had in it, powerful enough to light up Brockton Bay for at least a year. Probably a lot less than the bolt I brought down on Leviathan, but I just didn't have the time to get a storm that strong.

Scion's flesh vanished underneath that bolt. The snake clamped its jaws around the sphere, chomping, crunching, eagerly ripping. Golden flesh poured from that maw in rivers, shining in the dark waters below.

Then the entire snake shined gold. An instant later, it exploded, and Scion was turning to look skyward. A blast of golden light sprayed upwards, slamming into me.

Despite Galvanate's invulnerability enhancing me, I felt it searing my flesh, peeling my skin from my bones. If I hadn't been given it, I knew it would have torn me apart instantly. As it was, the world winked out as my eyes were destroyed again.

I hated being blind. And oh, there's my old friend gravity again. I was tempted to shift into mist to try and not splashdown, but that would probably get me killed while Scion's light was tearing through me.

Abruptly the light cut off, but I didn't really notice as I slammed into the ocean. By the way, salt water on open burns? It really hurts. Still, my wounds were regenerating, and once my eyesight returned, I burst up from the water to find Scion glaring out at everyone. Monochrome gray.

It...really couldn't be that simple, could it?

A burst of gray light, Glastig Uaine screaming up in the sky as one of her ghosts shattered. Scion floated upward, glowing golden as he extended a hand. A beam of light lanced outward, slicing through capes and Dragon suits without resistance. Body parts fell from the sky, a rain of blood accompanying the carnage.

No, not that simple. It's never that simple.

So I came up behind Scion and stabbed him in the back with the Void Sword.



So much life poured into me that it was horrifically painful. It felt like I was bathing in boiling hot acid. My wounds sealed themselves instantly, but I just could not stand the sheer amount that was flowing through the Void Sword.

It was almost a relief when Scion turned and backhanded me. The next thing I knew I was tumbling helplessly, my surroundings going by in such a blur that I wasn't able to actually comprehend much of anything. Though that might also because of the corona of superheated plasma around me. Bit hard to see through that. Thank you again, Galvanate, or I'd be dead. More dead. No longer undead.

Oh good, the plasma's gone. And...shit. That's the Earth below me, isn't it? Yep, that's the Earth, and I'm hurtling away from it. And, I'm dizzy from whirling around over and over. He punched me into orbit. He actually punched me out of orbit. If I wasn't able to fly, I'd be careening off into space forever from that.

And that's the sun. Ow. Letting a silent growl out into the void, I shifted into my dragon shape, reversed my direction. It took long minutes before I managed to plunge back down into the atmosphere. I didn't have any trouble finding where the battle was still taking place. I just had to find the shining bursts of golden light. Which was rather distressingly large. And moving. The fight had shifted from over the Atlantic to over continental Europe. Where exactly I don't know because I'm a little too fucking busy.

Great swathes of land were on fire, others were torn down to bedrock. Worse, as I got closer to the battle, I could see where large sections of ground were torn away, pools of lava bubbling up. Then I crested over a hill and found miles of land that looked like it came straight out of Hell. Lava and ash were spilling out of the ground, and a lot of capes were forced to keep back, the environment itself impossible to fight in.

I dove into the ash cloud, the golden blasts spurring me onwards. We had to slow him down. There was just no other option. I wasn't going to complain if we managed to actually kill Scion here, but we had to give Janus and Hyperion the time we needed to reach the real Abomination.

And ash really sucked to fly through. I couldn't see a damn thing. So I flew upwards, out of the ash cloud, pulled on the Void, and breathed down, as much as I could. Superchilled air clashed with boiling volcanic heat, and the result formed a howling windstorm, whipping around me. But I was unmoved. I would not be moved.

Superheated ash was suddenly robbed of its heat, and the center of the cloud collapsed in on itself. That let me catch a view of the battle raging in the middle of it.

Scion was busy grappling with Lorkhan, the large Lord of War holding a seven foot long blade made of flame. He was busily trying to push its length down into Scion's neck with both hands, every muscle straining and trembling. Scion, on the other hand, held off the seven foot tall god with one hand on the burning sword, seemingly effortlessly. He lifted the other hand, a sphere of golden light appearing.

I enveloped Scion with a concentrated Hellfire, tightening the focus of my power until it was concentrated into a thin beam. Scion was lost in the glare.

His attack, however, was not. It blasted outward, enveloping Lorkhan in a blinding white glare. When it faded, both were standing in lava, but Lorkhan's armor had been blasted away. His weapon was gone. Even much of his skin was gone, showing bare muscle and blood flowing from the hideous wounds.

Though that didn't stop Lorkhan. Even injured as he was, he slammed his large fists against Scion, again and again, the blows rippling the air and causing shockwaves that helped blast away some of the remaining drifting ash. The burned ground beneath the pair cracked and shattered with every hit. It would have been encouraging, if not for one simple thing.

Scion was catching every blow. He almost seemed bored. Before I could move, Scion struck out with a fist of his own, catching Lorkhan in the jaw. Lorkhan just...exploded, covering Scion with gore.

Then he was struck by a silver spear that arced its way through the ashcloud, passing through Scion's flesh without resistance. I pulled on the power of the storm, launching a stream of electricity at Scion, guided by my will. Dragon flashed into existence near me, also in her dragon form. She lifted her arms, then pushed downward with her own white fire. Andraste floated above us, forming and launching spears of shining silver light down at the single golden form below.

The flash of golden light below was my only warning. I teleported, my range extended in my dragon form, which was the only reason the golden light seared off my left wing instead of ripping into my whole body. Worse, the light clung to me, burning into my flesh, and the only thing I could do is try and get some distance. I felt myself shifting out of my dragon shape involuntarily, tumbling helplessly as I slammed into the ground, the flowing ash around me making it impossible to see.

And I was still burning. The fucker had somehow tuned his light to carry the same whatever it was that made sunlight irritating to me and amplified it. It was still eating at my flesh, and I could feel it dissolving what little remained of my left wing, my left arm, and running upward. It just might end up consuming my whole body.

I manifested the Void Sword. Cut off my left arm just below the shoulder. Screamed, the sound lost in the ash. Then repeated the procedure for my left wing, making my eyes water. Thankfully the blade itself cut without much pain, but with the ash and dirt pressing into the open wounds, that made it hurt.

And worse, I wasn't healing. I just didn't have enough blood, or life energy, to heal the wounds. I couldn't get close. He'd adapted to me. I couldn't hurt him enough, while he could hurt me a thousand times over. Worse, Scion seemed more powerful than the Abomination Dracul fought.

Either that, or Scion just wasn't playing around so much. Regardless, I'd fucked up. Let myself think Scion might have been just a bit stronger than the Endbringers. Maybe about ten times stronger.

No, it was much worse than that. I'd badly underestimated him. And now people were dying because of it. I'd gotten arrogant, careless, and now this was the price.

There was a distant rumble, and another wave of heat. Screams echoed faintly. I could barely see a hint of bright blue lights from above clashing with Scion's golden light from below.

I needed a way to even things. Scion was strong enough that he didn't need finesse, skill. He just took the opposition and retaliated. We weren't a threat to him. Not like this. I needed some way to get within the range of a decent fight. Even if I couldn't match him with power alone, I might be able to use skill to make up the difference. Ironically, that was the same way the Belmonts had managed to defeat Dracul four times in their history. They weren't anywhere near as strong as their ancestor, but they'd defeated him by being strong enough to fight back, to harm him, and skilled enough to survive the onslaught. Even then, Dracul had won his battles as often as he lost.

Grimly, in a lot of pain, I opened a Shadow Portal. I had an idea. I just hoped it would be enough.

Interlude: Apocalypse
A/N: Here we go.


The ash cloud was growing. A hundred mile wide strip of land was torn away, erased, fire and heat boiling up from the Earth below. Few could fight within that cloud, the hot ash, toxic gas, and sheer heat being far too dangerous for all but the most heavily armored or invulnerable capes. No matter what happened after this, France was going to be screwed. Whether there would be anything left to recover...

No. No point in dwelling on it, now. They had an apocalypse to stop. Only the invulnerable capes could even get near Scion, and of those, those that didn't need to breathe. The holograms being projected from some of Pandora's suits were helpful, too. They appeared like more suits, distracting Scion, taking hits that he otherwise would have used against actual flesh and blood. They definitely helped in cutting down the casualties.

Dragon herself floated above the battlefield, blasting lightning, white fire, and pure light down on the comparatively small form of Scion. Thousands more Dragon suits, controlled by both Dragon and Pandora, dove into the rising ash cloud, attacking Scion and keeping him distracted. With a combination of forcefields and self-repair systems, Scion had to ensure he destroyed each one, and they were able to withstand at least one blast of golden light before becoming vulnerable.

That was fine by David. It gave him just enough time to get himself ready. Ten seconds between power swaps. Beyond that, though, was a deep well. Energy that belonged to Ariel, Lotan, Ifrit, Agreus, Pan, Scylla, Andraste, Lorkhan, Hyperion and Janus flowed through him. They had been connected to powers, but with them freed, those powers now rested inert. But they were full of energy, ready to be used. That energy flowed readily, easily, to the powers he wanted, prepared for. Powers that had been drained for two decades, brought to the fore once again.

There was the additional well, too. The powers that were connected to the other ten still bound. Their energy didn't flow so easily, so readily, but it was more to use, more to wield. The main problem was that it was flowing to all of his powers, and he couldn't force it to prioritize. Had they more time, time enough to free all the gods, David would have been more powerful than even his height. If only for a short time.

As it was, he simply had to make do.

Enhanced perception. He could see all wavelengths of light, comprehend them, and see in all directions without disorientation. Even through the ash cloud, he had no difficulty seeing Scion fighting wave after wave of Dragon suits, the machines blasting munitions, lasers, gamma rays, and when Scion ceased being affected by a given weapon, the suit would close to melee and do as much damage as possible.

Invulnerability. An inviolate field covered him, invulnerable and immutable. An absolute object, he was where he wished to be. Gravity would not bind him, vacuum was no threat to him, and nothing short of a nuclear weapon could faze him. It would take much, much more to actually harm him. Granted, Scion had far greater output than that, but that combined with the third power would help protect him.

The third. A power he took great pains at finding, buried beneath the thousands of others. A power that had been drained, but not by Eidolon's long career. A power that had once belonged to another. A power he spent weeks at charging to its fullest, in preparation for this moment. Wavelength manipulation.

He just knew what Clark would say. Maybe it was simply his memories, maybe there was something of Clark left on the power that used to be his. It didn't matter. The thought was clear enough.

Kick his ass, old buddy.

Scion burst his way from the ash cloud, having shaken off the nearest hundred Dragon suits. He flew toward the actual Dragon at hypersonic speeds, a halo of golden energy surrounding the Abomination's avatar. Dragon glowed blue, shields of light popping into existence between her and Scion. He rammed into the first, his body liquefying against it from the sheer speed, but the white sphere at the center survived. It crashed through the shield, the golden body having reformed itself an instant later. He struck the next one an instant later, this time smashing through it without resistance, his body withstanding the immense impact.

His fingers nearly reached Dragon, when the Light Goddess suddenly vanished in a flash of rainbow light. She reappeared five miles away, a beam of white flame enveloping Scion an instant later. Scion weathered the hit without flinching.

Scion turned, trying to track the rapidly teleporting goddess, Dragon's ability to think at immense speeds allowing her to keep one step ahead of the rampaging Abomination. Scion built up golden energy, unleashing a wave toward Dragon that tore into the land, expanding in a sphere of destruction that rightfully belonged to a nuclear blast.

David lifted his hand and unleashed his own wavelength manipulation, canceling Scion's own. The sphere hadn't traveled more than a hundred feet before it faded.

Scion looked up at David, while he returned the stare. Light Magic infused him, making David blaze blue as he readied himself. Scion launched himself at David at blinding speeds, but David twisted himself aside. He unleashed a blast of silver light, tuned specifically to attempt to break the white sphere at Scion's heart. That it would also erase the substance of Scion's avatar was only a bonus.

The white sphere was blasted away. Annoyingly, it didn't seem affected. So it wasn't like an Endbringer core, it was something else. Scion reformed himself slowly, the golden flesh forming itself around the sphere, adapting as David kept a beam of silver light upon him, erasing that flesh even as it formed. Scion shifted and adapted, and David retuned his wavelength manipulation, dissolving it down again and again.

The sphere vanished. David readied himself, building energy in the wavelength manipulation power.

Scion reappeared at David's back, a fist moving at supersonic speeds plunging toward him. David turned and caught the fist in his hand, channeling silver light into the avatar and reducing it to neutrinos. The ghostly waves of energy raced away, passing through matter without interacting with much of anything. Stubbornly, the sphere of Scion's heart remained intact, despite how much energy David drove at it. It wasn't substance, and so he couldn't unmake it.

The sphere vanished again, stepping between dimensions as easily as David might step between rooms. Long experience with the trickiness of fighting the Simurgh came in handy, as Scion attempted the same trick, appearing from behind with a fist already in motion. David blasted Scion with silver light, reducing him to the sphere again.

This time, the sphere whirled by David, taking a moment before it reassembled the golden avatar around itself. Scion dove forward, the golden form of his body just barely missing David as he slipped to the side. Gold and silver light clashed against each other, gold tuned to attack, unbind molecules from each other, and the silver tuned to cancel out the golden blasts that would otherwise punch deep into the Earth's surface, causing even more destruction.

It wouldn't last long, David knew. The power was draining, like every other power he ever had. But if it bought enough time...

Scion was suddenly right in front of him, fingers reaching to gouge out David's eyes. David grabbed, then erased those grasping hands, a follow-up fist to Scion's face sending the rampaging Abomination reeling back. Scion blazed forward, but stopped, just out of melee range, a look of enraged determination in those golden eyes.

"You needed worthy opponents." Scion spoke, his voice just above a whisper. In anticipation of the moment of expected shock, the Abomination was already lunging forward as he finished speaking.

In response, David blasted him with silver light, this one tuned to smash Scion away from him. The Abomination whirled for a moment, steadying himself in the air as he looked at David, a look of shock and dismay on his face.

"And I have him." David spoke as he shifted powers, dismissing the perception ability for the moment. He lunged out with another blast of silver light, freezing Scion's flesh, forcing him to hold still for a few precious seconds.

That's when Alexandria, covered in plasma from her passage through the atmosphere, emerged from Chronos' Time Gate and struck Scion at Mach 37.


"Almost have it, we can see it."

"There's a wall, we can't open it that way."

"Magic is there, already. We need merely tune ourselves in synch with it."

"Indeed, indeed, it must be taking in energy, as well. Find the path, I shall make the door."

Emily ignored most of the chatter. It had gone on like that for two hours now. Instead, she concentrated on her hand, where fire swirled and twisted at her will. Her power wasn't of much use for opening a portal, but with her lack of experience with them, she would only get in the way during the battle with Scion. Much as she hated it, she knew she wasn't going to be much good there. She would only be a liability on the battlefield, and so she was stuck with the two gods that didn't go.


So instead, she sat back and watched as Janus, Hyperion, Clairvoyant and Doormaker strained to open a portal to Scion's actual body. It was difficult to understand that the golden man, world renowned hero, selfless saviour, was actually an alien monstrosity large enough to cover a world. At least, it was, until he had cut a swathe of destruction right in the middle of Europe. France was merely ground zero, but the environmental damage was going to spread out much further. Ash was falling on Spain already, carried by the wind.


The four were on the other side of the white room. All the while Emily practised. Forming the flame into shapes. A gauntlet, a sword, a baton. Simple. What was more difficult was something a bit more complicated. Thankfully, when she was still a groundpounder, she knew the inside and out of every weapon she ever had to use. First, a pistol. Specifically, a 1911 Operator. She'd disassembled and reassembled it a thousand times in training. She could do it with her eyes closed.


Forming one out of flame turned out to be very difficult. It didn't want to hold in shape, it wanted to move, ripple, escape, consume. She didn't let it. Emily Piggot was not going to let her power get the better of her. She would master it, and not be controlled by it.


Emily forced it into shape. Despite how the flame tried to act, her will was the stronger. She formed the mechanisms inside, every last pin, screw, and piece of it. The end result, she had a pistol that appeared to be made of lava sitting in her hand. It felt right, somehow. Like something just clicked in place.

She looked up, gun in hand, as the two deities (or rather three, considering she was now one, and that was a headache) shifted on their feet. Finally, Janus let out a cry of triumph. A shimmering portal snapped open, gleaming silver and white, through which was a distorted landscape of...

No. Not land. Spires of mountain-sized crystals and the glistening sheen of wet, living flesh. Eldritch orange energy spiked in places, arcing before coming back down like a prominence on the sun in miniature. She wasn't able to see much more than that, as she was looking through the portal at a forty-five degree angle, but it was alien.

"My god..." Emily whispered.

Hyperion nodded. "That's the Abomination. His true self. We can get through to him, the portal is open. We need to rally-"

A flare of golden light passed through the portal, tearing apart everything in its way. Emily covered her eyes and fell out of her chair. By the time she got back to her feet, the portal had snapped shut. The wall... and at least five miles of facility was gone, carved away in an instant, revealing dead or dying flesh buried beneath or so far off in the distance. So were Clairvoyant and Hyperion, the pair of them erased from existence as cleanly as everything else.

Doormaker, on the other hand, was alive. His thin body fell over, unconscious, with his connection to Clairvoyant broken in the worst possible way.

Janus stood there dumbly, his body shaking. "Hyperion..."

Emily got to her feet, coughing. The gun was still in her hand, though it was sputtering a bit as her concentration wavered. Discipline, Emily. Her hair alight in flame, she advanced on the black and white god, her teeth clenched. "Didn't count on other defenses. Can you still open a portal there?"

Janus didn't move, standing stock still.

Emily growled, lifted her gun, and fired off into the now-open space. The sound was satisfyingly loud, and made Janus whirl on her with a look of fear.

"We don't have time for you to self-destruct right now! Can you reopen it!" Emily growled, her fingers tightly gripping the flame-construct in her hand.

Janus shakily nodded his head. "I can. I can feel it, but there's nothing stopping him from blocking us with that power. Another attempt will only destroy us. He realized within an instant." He glanced at the destruction, the ceiling creaking ominously. "We can't stay here. We have to get out of here." Panic was beginning to fill his voice. "We have to run, run, I can't let the chains get me again, wrapping, cutting, ripping, tearing, feeding..."

Emily marched up on Janus, towering over the blubbering, hysterical god. "You need to get us to a place called Oxford on Earth Bet."

He looked up at her dumbly.

She grit her teeth. "We might be able to bypass the problem with a bit of distance, but we need to get to Oxford. We'll see how good his attention is."

The ground rumbled and shook. That seemed to be enough to get Janus on his feet, a silver portal snapping open in front of him. He jumped through. It only took a moment before Emily managed to grab the unconscious Doormaker and pull him through.


Doctor Mother switched camera views. The Pandora suits were her only connection to the battlefield, dimensions away. It wasn't easy to make sense of what was going on, but what was visible was enough. In the middle of a command center, she was stuck watching, helpless, as everything she prepared for the last thirty years came to pass.

Scion, in his frustration, had moved. Over the course of twenty minutes, the Abomination had broken off, leaving the devastated region of central France and into eastern Germany. David was nullifying the golden blasts, preventing Scion from doing much damage to the landscape itself, but it couldn't last very long. Now the group of attackers were trying to stop Scion, moving in lightning-fast blurs on Pandora's cameras before pulling back, avoiding the counterattacks.

Not that it helped much. Lifesigns still winked out, one after another. Slower than they otherwise would have without Chronos' aid, but there was simply no way to save someone who had been turned into a rain of blood by a punch powerful enough to rival a meteor strike.

She jerked her head as Pandora's voice echoed. "The Exodus is fifty percent loaded. I've lost contact with Doormaker, he's no longer opening portals."

Fifty percent. Five hundred thousand people, chosen for genetic variability, from all around Earth Bet. Ten thousand people each from fifty countries. America, China, Canada, India, Russia, Spain, the list went on.

She sucked in a breath as she tried to bring up the camera feed for the room for Clairvoyant and Doormaker, only to scowl as she saw static. Using other sensors, she soon discovered why, as that section of the compound had been destroyed.

Damnation. It was actually on this world's counterpart to Japan, while the part she was in was in East Africa. No wonder she hadn't felt it. Still, that meant evacuation efforts were going to be stalled, at least if they didn't have another portal-maker to make up the difference. All of which were the gods, and they were busy in combat with Scion. All that was left was the natural portals to Earth Bet, Earth Gimel, and Earth Shin, none of which were easy to access from here.

She bit her lip, then sighed. "Permission to launch granted, Pandora. Portals are gone, and we can't replace them."

Pandora's voice echoed over the speakers. "Understood. Powering antigravs. Launching in ten minutes."

Then all of the screens of the battle were filled with static. "Pandora!" Doctor Mother called. "Status!"

Screens flickered, then came back online, though they didn't show the battle with Scion. Only the internal security cameras. Pandora's voice was worried. "All the natural portals snapped shut. I have a connection to my foundry world through one of Dragon's, but that's all I have. We're cut off from the battle, and we can't coordinate from here. The other instances of me are rerouting, but it's going to take time."

"What happened?" Cauldron's leader demanded, quickly trying to shuffle through the data available. She froze as she saw motion on a single screen, turning her attention on it.

The avatar of Scion's counterpart was moving. The knife wound in the throat sealed itself. Even as Doctor Mother watched with horror, the arms on the avatar formed themselves, finishing the job she'd interrupted thirty years ago. The wires and steel support structure holding the body in place dissolved like mist in the morning sun. The facility rumbled as the flesh on which the facility was built began to shift and move. Distant crystal mountains lit up as energy coursed through them.

"Oh god, she's been waiting." Doctor Mother whispered, terror crawling up her spine.

The avatar turned, looked at the camera, and smiled.


The battle raged over Munich. Stray blasts leveled buildings, erasing centuries worth of history in seconds. The fighters were trying to get Scion to move, trying to drive him toward the Mediterranean, where there wouldn't be so much collateral damage, but they were running out of options. Scion was adapting to powers with every blow, the first few being effective, the second or third being only somewhat effective, and later hits barely injuring him at all.

If it wasn't for the magic enhancing them, they wouldn't be doing any damage at all.

Alexandria slammed her fists into Scion, the Abomination's body shattering beneath the blow. It had been one of the great frustrations of her power, that she had effectively infinite strength, yet only the leverage of two small human hands. She couldn't pick up a ship, or lift a building. She did best against the Endbringers, their dense structure permitting her to move or leverage one of the monsters far more than anything else.

Ironically, against Scion, that weakness turned out to be useful. Her fists rent through golden flesh easily. The only problem was he didn't even seem to care. The damage done to him was repaired in seconds, even the burning fire around her hands seemingly only annoying him. By the time she hit him the seventh time, his just-reforming fist reached out and caught Alexandria's. He squeezed her hand.

Despite the layered invulnerability, her bones creaked under the pressure. Pain. It had been quite a while since she felt pain.

There was a moment of disorientation as she found herself abruptly above Scion, her position having been swapped with Acidbath. Scion was abruptly and completely covered in the horrifically corrosive acid that was the criminal's Changer state, and by Scion's jerking, it was plain to see he didn't like that at all.

A man with a top hat, standing on a floating platform by Gaia, gave Alexandria a little jaunty wave. With an almost lazy twiddle with his fingers, the sheen of Acidbath disappeared off Scion, replaced by a small Dragon suit, this one five feet tall. It promptly exploded, raining a spray of golden flesh down over the streets below.

Scion finally seemed to have enough. He clapped his hands together, a burning bright sphere of golden light erupting around him. It consumed everything near him, suits and people vanishing before it like paper before a flame. Alexandria flew backward as quickly as she could, her flight managing to stay ahead of the devastating sphere of destruction only due to the time acceleration she was under.

A silver barrier sprung up, momentarily halting the advancing wave of destruction, but it bought a mere five seconds. Then the silver light shattered, the golden blaze destroying everything in it. Distantly, she heard David's scream as the power he'd been using to counter Scion's was overwhelmed. When the light faded, Munich was gone, and so was at least half a mile of earth beneath it.

"No," Alexandria whispered.

Some of the fliers attempted to re-engage, only to be repelled with lethal force, blood and worse spilling into the crater below. Legend flung beams of blue lasers at Scion, but the counterattack came swiftly, a beam of golden light the size of an office building spearing towards him. Legend managed to shift into his energy form, moving out of range, but the beam itself slammed through several more capes and disintegrated several of Pandora's suits in an instant. Beams struck out, again and again, and the coordinated defenders quickly had to evade or die, turning from a disciplined army into a scared, uncoordinated mob.

Gaia attempted to drop one of the larger platforms of earth on top of Scion, one the size of a three-story building, but a flash of golden light erased it long before it could even get within a kilometer. The counterattack struck Gaia, her substance erased instantly, and the platforms of earth began to plummet toward the ground. Some of the capes on them were rescued by fliers.

Others rode them all the way to their deaths, far below.

Then a new figure flew toward Scion. Moving in from the south, golden hair flapping loose and carefree in the wind, the skin bone-white and shining, perfect. It approached Scion, who abruptly stopped his rampage, his body language hard to read at this distance. But the feeling coming from him shifted from rage to disbelief and joy, so powerful and strong it actually brought a tear to Alexandria's eye. She swallowed as the two seemed to commune, Scion hugging the other figure tightly. She returned it, leaning into his embrace, her hands resting on his chest.

Oh god, we didn't actually kill her. She's just been asleep. We can't win against two of them.

"Door!" She called, but the expected portal failed to materialize.


And then a familiar, shining blue sword erupted into existence in the new figure's hand, spearing through Scion and emerging out his back.

Eclipse 9.3
A/N: Okay, how many brains exploded from the last chapter? I gotta know where to send the cleanup crews.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


Blood. This thing had blood.

This was a problem. You see, while the fallen body of the counterpart had a lot of flesh and life, despite being mostly dead, it didn't have much blood. Only the avatar portion of it did, the rest was undifferentiated biomass that the thing had been forming in a bid to better understand us. Still, that biomass connected to the crystalline mountains I could sense and feel, where the powers, or rather, the access points to those powers, were stored. They were only partially here, the rest of their mass held in mobile pocket dimensions. Most of them were inert. Some were outright dead.

The main problem was that I could use blood to control flesh, but I needed more blood. I could convert life into blood, and so I did just that. I converted mountains worth of living flesh, dead flesh, and life energy into more blood, flowing it through this immense body and coopting more. I spread exponentially, taking on more and more control over the nearly-dead body of the fallen Abomination. Power flowed back the other way. Enhancing what I had, improving my already potent abilities, I could do more than ever before. It wouldn't last long, but hopefully it didn't have to.

Still, I had access to a lot of dead flesh. Only some of it was alive, and it seemed lost, helpless. It wasn't difficult to take control of the avatar, but it was a lot harder to extend my control to the rest of it. It was difficult at first, but it became easier as I went. Blood, blood, blood. It was all my blood. I would have oceans of it. Oceans enough to fuel me as I tried to take down the other.

And I could do a lot with it. Most of the powers weren't usable. Dead, drained, weakened. There were parts missing. Important ones, ones that would let me control or pick powers automatically. Or let me know what they even did. There were what I thought were labels, but I couldn't comprehend them, beyond a few basics. Reinforcement, attack, enhancement, modeling... It was mostly a haze, only some powers coming up intuitively. Transition between dimensions. Blocking dimensional access. I did just that, setting up a wall of power between this dimension and the others, to help protect myself if Scion countered me. I was riding in a mostly-dead body, but it would buy time. I grimly smiled as I felt doors snap shut, leaving me secure.

But I could do something else with the powers, the fragments, their life. Use them to amplify my own, channel my own powers with a hell of a lot larger effect. Life to blood. Blood to magic. Magic into crystal. Store it all to be used later. I was, essentially, doing the reverse of what the Endbringers had been. Instead of the fragments draining magic from a god and storing the energy for later use, I was taking their power, converting it into magic, and having it flow back into me on demand, using them as batteries instead of them being leeches on my power. Carefully, so I could keep control of it, but holy hell the magnitude of the power available to me was immense. It felt amazing. If I was holding a fist-sized rock before, it felt like I was now holding a mountain.

And to think, this was a mostly-dead body. How would a living one be?

I shook off the thought. No, that was crazy. Crazier than this, already. Only reason this worked was because there was nobody home, the flesh couldn't protect itself against my intrusion. A living Abomination would have sectioned itself off, purged me from it, even if it meant destroying continents worth of flesh to do it. I wasn't sure how I knew that, precisely, but I knew it. It didn't matter. I had to do what I could. I had to stop Scion. Before he took everything I cared about away.

I looked up at the camera in the corner of the vault room and smiled. I tried a gentle, reassuring smile... not sure if I made it work. Oh well. I had to go.

Endless dimensions splayed out before me. It wasn't like the Shadow Portals at all, I could see them everywhere, and stepping into one was as simple as taking a step forward or backward. I could even see Scion's true body, mirroring this world's appearance, but fresh, alive, writhing, strong. I tried to go to it, but there was still a wall in the way, and I knew I hadn't the strength to break through from here, even with all this stolen power.

No matter. I could use the avatar to strike Scion's, using its flesh as a buffer between me and him. I could drain him like this, be a threat to him, keep him occupied. And hopefully, off-balance. Seeing his counterpart returned from the dead, murderously angry with him... yes. I didn't like that kind of tactic, it reminded me too much of being on the receiving end of that kind of thing, but I was out of options.

Besides, I wasn't doing this for my own amusement or to make myself feel better. I was doing this to save the human species. I could deal with the dirty feelings when Scion wasn't about to sterilize the planet.

I set the avatar forward, while the rest of me got busy consuming biomass. I felt heat on...something, as flesh turned into liquid blood. I used it to fuel myself, strengthen myself, feeding on what small dregs of life were left in this alien creature. I already knew there would be consequences, win or lose, but I didn't care anymore.

Finding Scion's avatar wasn't hard. It was like he was shining in my senses. It was easy to see him. It was time to meet up with him.


The look of shock, betrayal, and incomprehension on his face burned its way into my memory. It wasn't simply because of the look itself. It was because I could feel how much he loved his counterpart. He truly, deeply, absolutely loved her. Sister, lover, companion, soulmate. Taking her flesh and using it as a weapon against Scion was the most devastating blow I could have ever landed.

It made me sick.

It didn't stop me from twisting the Void Sword in his flesh.

He howled, staggering as he tried to fall back away from me. I didn't let him retreat, I brought him to the ground and drove the sword through him again and again. Only the cold rage and calm certainty of Void Magic let me do what must be done. It twisted my heart to feel the depths of his shock, the betrayal, the incomprehension that he was broadcasting, whether that was deliberate or not. I couldn't afford to stop.

All this power enhanced my own, allowing the Void Sword to draw off a small portion of Scion's life. Any blow I landed on him would be telling, at least he wouldn't be able to outright ignore them like before. I might even be able to kill him through the avatar. I could feel it would take a while, but using this flesh? It acted as a buffer, letting me channel and handle so much more than I could on my own. His life turned into my blood, and my blood became my power, which in turn became greater weapons to tear into his life.

He flailed, chunks of frozen golden flesh falling off of him. At lightning speeds, he exploded out from under me and flew into the air at hypersonic speeds, sending me flying back with the sheer force of it. I could feel flesh liquefying from the pressure alone. It took a moment's thought to replace and repair it with more of my blood, healing the avatar in a way similar to my own vampiric healing.

I dismissed the Void Sword, calling on my blood. It spread further through the dead flesh where the rest of me was, furthering my control and building my reserves. I had a small amount of it cover my avatar, covering the flesh with my armor.

Yes, I'm aware I went and stabbed him in the nude, but one, it wasn't my body, and two, he might have noticed something was up earlier if I went up to him wearing my armor. Now I had it ready, I could use my blood to replace lost tissue, and armor, for when he fought back. I wondered if he was doing something similar, replacing flesh from some storage.

Questions for later. He had to die now.

I blasted my way off the ground, using every bit of energy I had to fly as fast as I could. Despite how fast and strong Scion was, he took no effort to evade me. He was still reeling in shock, judging from the emotions he was broadcasting. He didn't even try to hide himself.

So it came as a surprise to him when I tackled him from behind, steering his controlled flight away from Europe into a crash-landing in a mountain range in... I don't know. India, probably. We slammed through one mountain together, his weak struggles still more than enough to make rock and earth crumble around us like they were made of cobwebs. My much more enthusiastic punches against his face set off avalanches around us, the shockwaves powerful enough to light my fists in plasma. The addition of my Hellfire just made the blows more potent.

Finally, he kicked me off him, the sheer power of the blow enough to disorient. Even so, I righted myself in the air, clenching my hands.

Scion looked up at me, sheer incomprehension in his emotions. He didn't understand yet. I had to make sure he never had the chance to understand.

I channeled everything I could stand into my burning claws, the power melting rock into lava around us as I slammed into Scion. Hellfire consumed golden flesh, and he flinched back as I felt it searing him. He caught my fists in his hands, using his superior strength to keep me still, his own hands burning as he held mine.

[Reason?] Resonated in my head. A demand for information/a cry for understanding/what did I do wrong?

I didn't respond, instead, I called upon my blood, covered him completely in it. I shifted the interior into razors to slice him apart. His tough flesh was ripped into pieces, filling itself from underneath by that sphere at his heart. Still, I ripped into him faster than even his absurd regeneration, burning off a mountain's worth of blood to manage it, scouring him all the way down to the white sphere at his heart.

Not a sphere. A portal. Unlike my Shadow Portals, it was a hole in three dimensions, a one-way event horizon preventing him from being hurt by anything trying to enter the wrong way. A near-perfect defense. He perceived things at a remove, though kept his perceptions on his avatar for ease of use. Scion the hero, golden man, and now destroyer, was just a meat puppet. All of its power was due to thousands of powers enhancing it in various ways, the connections to it small...but there was a connection to all of them, and my magic, amplified as it was, was searing those connections one after another, causing him great pain.

He forced through enough mass to recreate his avatar, forcing my cocoon of blood to explode around him. He threw a punch at me, though it was slow, listless, at least by his lightning-fast, mountain-cracking standards. His heart wasn't in it. He didn't want to hurt me. I caught the blow, pushed him off-balance, then forced my fist into his chest. My blood ripped through him from the inside out, making him jerk and shudder, an inhuman scream echoing out from him.

His arms gripped mine, and together we were moving again, even as I kept ripping into him. The ocean passed beneath us, the sun rose above us as I ripped, twisted and tore into his golden flesh. Together, we slammed into a jungle, leaving a scarred trench behind as he tried to blast me off him with his golden light.

It seared into my substance, but it was quickly replaced, the oceans of blood preventing that light from ending me as easily as everything else. He could only destroy a tiny fraction of me in a given second.

Still, it hurt like hell. Like staring directly into the Sun. My blood writhed beneath the alien flesh. I realized what he was trying to do. He was trying to force me out of his counterpart, but 'gently,' probably hoping there was something left to save. I let him know my displeasure with that idea by slashing him with my whip, carving chunks of golden flesh out of him with each strike. He healed up near-instantaneously, but I could feel his desperation, his sorrow, his loss.

He charged forward with a roar, moving at supersonic speeds. I flowed out of the way, managing to keep up not through being faster, but because he was predictable. I slammed into his back, gripping his flesh, ripping into him with my blood, as we went tumbling off together once again. We splashed underwater, trading blows, gold and white flesh being ripped from both me and him. Together, we slammed into the base of a continental shelf. He threw a punch, the water boiling from the passage, and when I caught it, the force of it formed a void around us that spread for miles.

Wet, dry, wet, dry. It didn't matter. He fought poorly, compared to before, but still our traded blows turned our surroundings on the abyssal plain into something that rightly belonged on a lava-flowing hellworld. Crust cracked beneath us, the continental plates shifted as his punches slammed into me, while mine struck him with far more rage and enthusiasm.

Water enclosed over us as he momentarily paused. I grabbed Scion, pulling him upward, trying to pull the both of us out of the atmosphere. Water, then air, passed quickly, and in the void of space, the both of us tumbled together. Hardly helpless, his golden beams seared my flesh, and my Hellfire seared his. His golden fist collided against my crimson-covered one, nuclear reactions sparked from the force of our collisions. Nuclear fire blossomed around us, and neither of us cared.

His hand gripped my throat, and he pulled us both back down to Earth, fire surrounding us from the heat of our re-entry. We burned, we shattered each other's bodies, we struggled, tore into each other like a pair of crazed animals, instead of a pair of unbreakable gods trying to break each other in a far more fragile world.

We slammed into the ground, dust and dirt spreading out from the impact, forming a crater seventy feet deep and a mile wide. Dust and heated ash filled the air, an inferno raging around us as we continued to struggle. Molten rock surrounded us as his fist crashed into me, my momentary distraction taking me off-guard and sending me flying into the edge of the crater. As I fought to extract myself from the wall, he blasted me with his golden light, searing away my flesh, draining my reserves of blood, straining the life energy I was relying on.

I called on the Void Sword, using my empty, cold rage to absorb as much of the blasting energy as I could. The rock solidified underneath me as the crater suddenly plunged to near-absolute zero, and I stepped forward, regenerating my way through the beam as it tried to boil me out of the stolen flesh. I could even feel the golden light slamming against the barrier I was holding up around the world-sized body I'd stolen.

Trying to destroy just my blood by unraveling it with that golden light of his. It was tearing into my barrier, so I shored it up with life energy channeled from the fragments, using the reserves of blood to keep myself secure. I also let my displeasure with the tactic be known by repeatedly stabbing him with the Void Sword, charging up my reserves while draining his own.

Stab. Stab. Stab. Then Scion hit me with an uppercut, allowing me to get reacquainted with my old friend, the upper atmosphere.

This was getting really annoying.

He collided with me a second later, and in orbit, we flailed together, trading blows powerful enough to rend mountains down into fine powder. For a moment, he broke off, and he broadcasted something at me.

[Cease.] Stop fighting me, fight the infection, come back to me, love/tenderness/care/pleading/desperation.

The sheer depth of those emotions made me stop. It was hard to move, even with all the motivation of my magic and the knowledge of what he'd done, what he'd continue to do. Worse, I could feel my own feelings responding. Just an echo of the beast I'd possessed, a small shade of the Abomination that fell and was slain by knife-stroke and flesh-harvesting.

But regardless, she really did love him too. The other half of his life, his soul. Without her, he was incomplete. Without him, she had no protector, no lover, no friend, no peer. No purpose.

They needed each other, and without the other they were crippled, lost. What I felt was the echo of what she left on her body, a remnant, but despite that, it was deep. Deep enough that for one brief moment, I pitied Scion. Pitied his mate, pitied the whole species. However simple they were, they were not incomprehensible. Just large. But I could still deal with echoes. I had been since I woke up in my grave.

Then he turned his head as something caught his attention. A blocky ship the size of Manhattan, armored, powered by immense engines and lifting its way off the ground using gravitational warping to reduce its own mass. Half a million people aboard, I could see through the hull, 'hear' their heartbeats. Slow, pulsing, in hibernation, but healthy, strong. It wasn't even in this dimension, either, but we could both see it as it left the atmosphere of its Earth, angling itself to propel into the depths of space.

Scion slipped out of Earth Bet's dimension and into that one before I realized the danger. I followed, but was an instant too late. Even as I tried to get in the way, to stop him, to distract him, he acted.

A pencil-thin beam of light extended from his finger, easily slicing through the ship without the slightest hint of resistance. Heartbeats spiked, alarms were raised, power to the mighty engines cut out. The containment for the fusion reactor at the ship's aft was breached, and it promptly went up in a fireball. The armoring and sectioned design of the ship permitted the front to survive even that...but now, caught by gravity, it plummeted back downward, catching fire in the atmosphere as it did so. There was nothing left to save.

Scion looked at me, and the worst part of it was that he seemed proud. Seeking my/her approval. [Cycle. Salvage.] Can fix things/gather the data/refine further/spread/grow/evolve/reproduce/recover if you beat the parasite and come back to me.

My response was simple.


I ripped into Scion, holding the sphere at the center of his chest and poured enough Hellfire into him to atomize him. There was no chance for his regeneration to keep up with the pouring unnatural flame, the intensity of it rivalling that of the cores of the hottest suns. Firestorms sprung up on the world below, which would have been a concern to me had it been inhabited. Since it wasn't, I concentrated as much of my power into Scion as I could. I would see him burn for this.

I would see every last fragment and atom of his body burn for this.

It took long minutes for Scion to recover enough in that raging inferno to retaliate. By then I'd burned off enough of his bodymass to cover half a continent. Golden beams decapitated my avatar, then sliced off my arms. Repairing them took a moment, but it was a moment long enough for Scion to reconstitute himself entirely, his fists slamming into my chest as we tumbled, together, to the burning world below.

Both of us were in bad shape. I kept repairing my avatar by shifting blood into flesh, but I was running low. His flesh was patchwork, as if he was a golden statue that had cracked, showing molten magma inside those cracks. Agony was in his features, and the emotions he was broadcasting was filled with grief, a crushing despair that I was only too familiar with. I'd felt it during my mother's funeral. He'd been carrying it for thirty years and get a grip Taylor, don't feel sorry for the Abomination that's trying to kill everybody, including you!

Still we fought, our crazed fistfight carrying the two of us across continents, leaving devastated ruin in our wake. With no concern for others, no worry about the damage we would do to our surroundings, the two of us slammed through mountains like they weren't even there. Thankfully-empty continents were left scoured in our wake. All pretense of skill was gone. His golden blasts tapered off, while I was too enraged and tired from the strain of holding this body to focus on my more exotic powers. Just flame and heat, fueled by my hate, and even that was only just enough to let me keep up.

After an eternity, both Scion and I were exhausted. He knelt on the ground, visibly trembling, while my blood flowed from me in a stream, the small amounts of sunlight managing to pass its way through the clouds of dust we'd kicked up causing it to ignite once it dripped away from my body.

He looked at me, longing in his features. I felt something of the echo of his counterpart melting, hating seeing him so broken, in pain. Still, I managed to cough, and speak. "What is an Abomination?"

He tilted his head. [Confusion.]

I bared my teeth as I staggered my way to my feet. "A miserable pile of secrets. Secrets stolen from others, lives worth far more than yours. You and she murdered how many civilizations for your own ends? All this power and all you've done is kill. You don't even get why I'm fighting you, do you!? All those years helping people, didn't you feel anything? Did any of it matter to you!?"

Scion just looked back at me with sadness. [Purpose.]

That brought me up short. He did understand why I was fighting him. He'd seen people like me thousands of times over. Alien species that fought him and his mate to the bitter end. Who tried to make their lives mean something. Those who tried to leave a mark, who tried to save others, who tried to make their own kingdoms, nations, or even tried to save something as small as one other. Who realized their world was sliding into mayhem and anarchy, and tried to stop it. And those who had been forgotten, dismissed, ignored, broken by the worst of their own people... and chosen by their powers for it.

He understood. He just didn't care. He couldn't care. It just wasn't possible for him to care about anything beyond himself and his mate. Not until he realized he could make a difference, or at least try, like the thousands he'd seen die fighting against the inevitable. Trying to accomplish something before the end. To give his species a fighting chance with magic spreading everywhere... even if it meant this one last species had to die, and he had to live out the rest of his days on a barren rock, alone.

Scion staggered his way to his feet. [Purpose.] He leapt at me, and we clashed together. His punches were weak. So were mine. They were still powerful enough to light the oxygen on fire around us. There wasn't any refinement in our traded blows. No technique. Nothing but anger and determination. I stabbed him with the Void Sword, and he didn't even care.

Light blossomed at the corner of my awareness, and Scion paused. A bright, blinding white light, burning from the Moon. But not this Moon on this Earth. Thousands of dimensions over. From the Sea of Tranquility, on the Moon orbiting Scion's Earth. Refined into a beam aiming straight down.

Scion screamed as the light slammed down into him, burning his reserves of flesh, shattering crystalline mountains from the sudden heat of the Sun, directed and amplified.

A grin split my face as I saw Dragon flying above his true body, raining destructive beams of light from the sky. Portals opened all over him, silver portals, spilling out suits by the thousand, all carrying nuclear packages. Parahumans from all over Earth Bet came out of more, turning their powers toward the destruction of the Abomination. Purity rained bursts of bright light from the sky, reducing blocks worth of flesh into ground up meat. Narwhal stood on a forcefield beside her, her body alight in my flames as she directed more forcefields to cut and slice. Apostle stood over a crystalline mountain, ripping it from the ground with telekinesis, blood streaming from his nose and ears. Alexandria grabbed that mountain, carried it high into the air... then dropped it, allowing it to do so much more horrific damage.

Agreus walked over the flesh, and where his feet touched it, rot and decay followed. Legend strafed high through the atmosphere, his enhanced beams punching straight through Scion's flesh and striking bedrock.

And so it went, a thousand times over. All over. Magic, powers, and technology all turned to one purpose. The death of the Abomination who had darkened our world while masquerading as its greatest hero.

Scion jerked and shuddered in front of me, his life draining from him rapidly from both the assault on his true self, and through the Void Sword, flowing into me. He didn't have enough left to respond either way, his damnable golden light beyond him with being this weak. The flood of life had turned into a trickle.

I pulled back my hand, dismissing the Void Sword. I ignited my hands into flame, concentrating on building up as much power as I was able, then forced it into his chest, gripping the one-way portal in my hand. More and more fire I channeled into it, straining his weakened reserves... then it broke, my flame passing through to his true self, and shattering an enormous crystalline mountain that rested somewhere on that world's South Pole.

Scion's avatar crumbled into ash from the heat of my flames. It did not reform.

I stepped between dimensions, seeking one place. Home. Not Castlevania, but just my room in Brockton Bay. It wasn't that hard to find. I took a seat on my bed... I didn't want to be anywhere else as I turned to one last task. I concentrated, feeling all of her mountains, what little flesh remained on her. I turned my blood towards destroying whatever of her was left. Every power that had a host I left alone, those felt...different from the rest. I couldn't describe how I knew the difference, but I just did.

I shuddered as the grisly work went underway. As I pulled back my consciousness, relinquishing my control over the immense amount of blood that remained, flame began erupting, my blood's exposure to the sunlight without the benefit of my godly power destroying it.

With a scream, the avatar dissolved around me, rending itself into mere chunks of flesh and blood. I found myself without my left arm, without my wing, in my room...in the middle of a mess...

Dad is...going to...be...so angry...

My eyes drooped shut.

Interlude: Peace
A/N: I have to say I had the Satan soundtrack from LoS2 playing when I was writing that last part. Last couple of parts. Shame the game failed, but at least it inspired this.

This one's short. Had some of it in mind since the beginning, though. I want to do more here, but...nope. Nothing's flowing.


"Hello Hyperion."

The dead god rolled his eyes. "I know the drill. Janus survive?"

Death nodded. "He did."

He sighed, visibly relaxing. "Good. Bastard dead?"


"Very good." He nodded resolutely, looking around his island resort. Muscled men walked everywhere, one of them handing the god a drink. He took it with a cheery smile. "Thanks." He looked at the Grim Reaper, who was looking somewhat uncomfortable. Tall, bald, muscled, handsome... and entirely nude.

Hyperion grinned. "Cheer up, my friend. It may be a while before I get to go back, but I'll enjoy the view while I wait."

"Well then. Enjoy yourself."

Hyperion sat back, soaking up the sun. "I think I will. Can you give Janus a message?"

Death shook his head. "Sorry. My avatar was destroyed."

"Shame." He clucked his tongue. "Well, bye."

Death vanished. Very quickly.

Hyperion drank happily, enjoying the day. It might be a century or so before he got to go back, but at least being a god had its perks.


"Gaia," a gentle, lilting voice spoke.

In a field of flowers, Gaia sighed. She looked up from the rosebush she was tending to. "Hello Death."

In the form of a young redheaded woman in a brown dress, Death walked up to the goddess. She smiled gently. "You are tending to things well here, I see."

Gaia shrugged, getting to her feet, dusting her hands off. "It's a hobby. Keeps me busy. Trying to make up my mind."

Death nodded, kneeling to examine the roses. "They need tender care. Many things do."

Gaia chuckled. "The way it goes for us, hm?" She sighed again, sounding tired. "Not ready to go yet, I think."

"I understand. I'll leave you to things, then. If you change your mind..."

"I won't." Gaia said, with a hint of fondness. "You know me."

"Indeed." Death faded away, dissipating like smoke in the breeze.

Gaia shook her head. "Flair for the dramatic."



Bloodstained fingers lifted, shading the war god's eyes from the burning sun. He tilted his head as he looked at the black-armored Death, the cosmic being sitting on a pale horse. "Right. I heard this would happen. If I don't go back she'll castrate my next self."

"Right. You'd deserve it."


"I'll leave you to it, then."

Lorkhan picked up a spiked mace with a maniacal grin. With a cry of glee, he charged his way into an army of monsters.

A man must have hobbies, after all.

Death sighed, turned his horse, and trotted away.



The Entity listened. [Query.]












Silver water enveloped the pair of Entities. The Sea of Souls was infinite, and thus even their massive souls, created by and capable of controlling continent-sized shards, were easily enveloped by the silver water. Together, they clung to each other. Together, they dissolved painlessly into the Sea. Together, the core of their souls would be reborn as something else.

Death, floating above the Sea of Souls in the form of a black hole, lingered, and wished them well.


Dracul opened his eyes.

Waves broke gently before him, the water flowing, back and forth, with a silvery sheen. The night was calm, a warm breeze flowing through the air. There was the clear scent of the sea, filling his lungs. For once, there was no pain. No searing heat. No suffering, no agony. He looked down at his hands and saw the claws on the end of his fingers, the black of his coat, all that remained of his old armor. The gold embroidering the sleeves. He had been burning for so long within that gray prison he'd forgotten color.

He sank to his knees. Felt soft sand beneath him. His hands pressed into it, tears flowing from his eyes as he just breathed. Over. It was finally over. An eternity of suffering finally ended.

For long hours, he simply wept.

When he finally managed to calm himself down, he looked up. He was no longer alone on the beach. A familiar figure in a brown robe, with a short white beard.

"Hello, old friend." Death spoke. "It has been a long time." Gently, Death sat down next to Dracul, a bottle in his hand. He offered it, almost negligently, but with a smile.

Dracul took it, uncorked it, sniffed. "Hylian Wine. I've not had it since..."

Death looked amused. "You are no longer a vampire. Nor a man. Just a soul."

The answer was plain. "I am dead." At Death's nod, Dracul drank. As the sweet taste of it touched his tongue, the liquid flowed down his throat, Dracul savored the sensation. After a moment, he asked softly. "How long was I burning?"

"One hundred ninety-nine years, six months, twelve days. Give or take an hour."

His claws tightened around the bottle. "It felt longer."

Death nodded slowly. "So I imagine."

They shared a moment of silence as they looked out at the darkened sea. Dracul's voice was quiet. "How was I freed?"

Death smiled. "Your heir. She defeated the Abomination. For now, she sleeps, she dreams, but I cannot tell more than that. My connection to her is nearly completely broken. She learned from your example, avoided the mistakes you made. Made friends, allies, worked with the other gods. Worked with her counterpart to destroy the last one. She destroyed the parts of his mate, the parts she found from the one you slew. It included the power that it used to trap you. A boy once used it to inflict great torment on others, but he was slain. Your heir destroyed what powers were left when she had the chance. That broke the connection between it and your prison... and so here we are."

A smile lifted on Dracul's face. "My power chose well."

"Indeed. Had it chosen somewhat differently... well." Death bowed his head. "I wish to apologize, my friend. It is my fault your world died. My fault you suffered so. Had I known that one of the Abominations had broken its way between your cosmos and hers, had I even considered it was possible..."

Dracul sighed. "There is no point in lamenting the past now. The blood of millions is upon my hands. You have your regrets, but so do I. The power to change the past is not one I have. I have spent a long time considering my actions, my deeds. It is so difficult to look upon the past now. There is much I would change if I could, but lamenting all of that will change nothing, now."

They simply watched the breaking waves together, sharing companionable silence. Whatever the two had been, vampiric god and cosmic sentient force... they were just two friends, enjoying the evening on the beach, sharing a drink.

After the long silence, Dracul spoke softly. "I think I am ready."

A gentle smile on Death's face. "Oh? And what do you think you are ready for?"

"Considering all the people I killed, the things I've done? I would assume the Hells."

Death nodded slowly. "Ah, yes. Indeed, that is true. Even the pain your inflicted upon yourself to kill the Abomination would not be enough to avoid a stay in the Hells. But there are two things that will prevent that fate for you, my friend."

"Oh?" Dracul lifted an eyebrow, a small, faint smile on his lips. "Breaking your own rules, are we?"

Death laughed. "Hardly. I would not, even for you. No, in this, I must be impartial. The first factor is that an additional century or five would change nothing. You are not the vampire who released his power to get vengeance on the Wanderer. You have changed, allowed yourself to find a fragment of the man you had been. The man buried underneath all that hate, the drive for vengeance. The man who wanted it all to be over. The man who was once a hero. And that man does not deserve additional torment."

He pondered that. Then he nodded, curiosity in his voice. "And the second reason?"

Death grinned, mirth in his eyes. "The Hells are afraid you might take over."

A moment as Dracul stared at Death. Then, together, they burst out laughing, enjoying the absurdity of it.

Dracul wiped his eyes. "So what is my fate then, old friend? Where am I going?"

"Why, right here." Death gestured out to the silver water. "The pain you inflicted was great, but your suffering allowed others to survive another cataclysm such as you experienced. It hardly balances the books, but... well, it was enough to earn you another chance. In a sense, anyway. You'll not remember this conversation, or me, when this is over."

Dracul sucked in a breath as realization struck him. "The Sea of Souls. I did not believe I would ever see it. At best I thought I would be consigned to oblivion. I am to be reborn?"

"In time." Death nodded. "You will change, be different, reshaped to a new vessel, a new person. But the core of you will remain. Perhaps, this time, you will be able to live as a man, love as a man, grow old as a man, die as a man, as you should have. Perhaps then we will have a different conversation." He shrugged. "The future is not my domain."

Dracul sighed, watching the waves. "You sure you're not giving me some favoritism, here?"

Death shook his head. "I cannot, my friend. You know that. This is your rightful place. You've suffered enough. It's time to go."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Dracul nodded. "Thank you." By some half-formed knowledge, perhaps from the last time the essence of his soul had been here, Dracul got to his feet and strode forward. Just at the water's edge, the silvery liquid beckoning, he turned to look back at Death. "Will I see Lisa and Adrian again?"

Death smiled. "I'm sure of it. You may not remember, precisely... but Lisa has awaited your time. And Adrian, well... considering his state, you may be younger than he when next you meet."

With a nod of understanding, Dracul whispered softly. "Thank you. Goodbye, my friend."

A smile was in Death's voice. "Goodbye."

With a faint nod and a helpless laugh, Dracul stepped into the water. He felt it almost immediately, a soothing coolness, gentle as it crept up his legs, the process accelerating as he stepped further into the silver water. Memories flashed before his eyes, the thousand years of his life. The long stretches of loneliness separated by the fond memories, the moments he treasured. They flowed from him, the worst parts first, speeding through his mind as he started to swim into the endless sea, the memories slowly fading.

His claws turned back into fingers. The pale pallor of his skin flushed, growing into a healthy, sun-bronzed shade. His long white hair shortened into black curls.

"My lady Lisa. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes, my Gabriel, my knight. Yes."

With a smile, Gabriel sank beneath the waves.


[Zion.] Hello Zion. Our conversation last time ended badly. I suppose there is nothing to be done about it, now.

The Entity listened. [Query.] Where am I? I feel...strange.

[End.] You are dead. It happens to all things. I understand your kind has been seeking to avoid it, but this is where everything ends.

[Understanding.] I... know what you're saying.

[Place.] This is your place, Zion. Things do not quite end here, however. Had you been different, so would your fate, but this is the only place you could ever reach. The same for all your kind.

[Confusion.] I do not understand what you mean.

[Nature.] You couldn't see other races as being valuable. This isn't your fault, it is your nature. Your kind can't be held responsible for failing to do something you're incapable of doing. Your destruction had to be stopped, and it is over now. Someone wishes to meet you.

[Zion?] I'm here. I have waited. I...

[Eden.] I can't... I thought you gone forever.

[Recycle.] All things die. Most things return. Few are consigned to oblivion. Neither of you need end here, entirely. You'll change. Perhaps be something more sophisticated, something far less powerful. With this comes greater risk, but it is a far richer existence, even without the power you enjoyed.

[Disagreement.] To be less than we are? To give up what our kind have struggled for?

[Together.] It's over, now. We will be together. We won't end entirely. Change is better than nonexistence, and that is what will happen to us if we don't go together. I won't go without you. Whatever happens, we will be together again. Happy again.

[...Agreement.] I... see. Very well. For you, Eden.
Epilogue: Foundations part 1
A/N: Funfun. Takes time to get through all this.


In a darkened Protectorate office in Los Angeles, Cauldron's players were meeting. Perhaps for the last time.

"What's the damage?" Alexandria asked.

Contessa shook her head. "In the order of events... the east coast of the United States has suffered a tsunami thirty feet high. Endbringer construction codes helped mitigate that damage, the seawalls to help prevent Leviathan's damage prevented a lot of casualties, but Miami was hit worst, more than the drainage pumps can handle. It's being evacuated, but less than half the population is still accounted for. New York's suffered three thousand deaths, thirty thousand injured. The list is extensive. The whole of the coastline up to Nova Scotia suffered.

"France is suffering underneath the ash being thrown up from the trench Scion burned into the countryside. Evacuations are underway, but they are taking time. It's over a volcanically active region in the country, and it's bringing up a great deal of magma. The gap is being filled in by the mountain-building, but until the magma stops flowing, France, Spain, Italy, Northern Africa will have to deal with all that ash. It's going to disrupt and cool weather patterns until it falls out of the atmosphere. After that, global temperatures will rise from the carbon dioxide, which will take longer to fall out of the atmosphere.

"Munich is gone entirely. The damage to Germany isn't too extensive, thankfully. They're already taking in refugees from France, though how long that may last is hard to say. Several mountains in Nepal were destroyed, setting off avalanches throughout the Himalayas. Nepal's essentially cut off from the rest of the world for the moment. Northern India's dealing with those repercussions.

"Next, Myanmar. A jungle fire sprung up during the thirty seconds or so the fight moved there. That, however, was put out very quickly. Unfortunately, it was put out by the tsunamis their fight at the base of the Indian continental shelf released. The east coast of India is devastated from the tsunamis set off from their fight there, however it didn't spread that far inland. The shelf deflected the waves back outwards. Those tsunamis put out the jungle fire, but also swept a great deal of small villages into the sea. Worse than that, their fight there shifted the continental plate slightly. Several old volcanoes in the region have awakened. The resulting earthquakes set off a worse tsunami that nearly wiped out Malaysia completely. Singapore's the most intact city there, and only due to the fact it was facing away from the brunt of the wave.

"Multiple nuclear-powered detonations in orbit. Those were thankfully high enough to do little damage, though a number of communications satellites are knocked out. Lastly, they slammed into Colombia, creating a crater in the middle of the jungle. The damage there kicked up a fair bit of dust over the region, set off fires that are spreading into Venezuela. Unfortunately, South America is mostly under the dominion of warlords, so organized response is fairly weak. After that point, both Scion and Scarlet vanished from Earth Bet, though they arrived over Pandora's world. Doormaker is still unconscious, and without Clairvoyant, he's of far less utility. Dragon has a connection back to Cauldron, but Doctor Mother is missing."

Pandora, or rather, one of the AI's chosen avatar suits, nodded. "Preliminary off-world reports are as follows. Cauldron's base world is very quickly becoming uninhabitable. Whatever Scarlet did, whatever substance it is that's burning all over its surface, it's evaporating a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere there, the air is becoming too thick and too hot for humans to survive in it. It was already a concern previously, but now it's far worse. Within a month, that Earth is going to be as habitable as Venus.

"Upon arrival over my world, Scion destroyed the Exodus. It was half-filled at the time... I've forwarded a list of the names. My refineries are offline as well, Scarlet and Scion tore up a lot of the planet during their fistfight. Firestorms are raging, volcanoes are active. Right now I'm churning out atmospheric scrubbers to collect airborne material and build new infrastructure, but in order to stabilize the whole thing, I'm going to end up having to assimilate the entire planet. Thankfully there isn't anybody alive there, but there's only so much heat my systems can withstand. I can handle the issue, but I have to move quickly to preserve what I can and get to work. If I don't do it fast enough, everything will melt and I'll have to start from zero."

Number Man spoke, pushing his thin glasses up with a finger. "Despite this, this is far better than our wildest expectations. Four worlds took the brunt of the damage. We had been expecting Earth Bet and Aleph to be complete losses regardless. Instead, Bet is damaged but still habitable, Aleph is untouched, and the major impacts were on Pandora's world, our base, and at Scion himself. Granted, we are still working on destroying his remaining biomass, and that is still a large task, but he hasn't responded to our attempts in the last twelve hours. The flesh is still."

Alexandria nodded. "Considering what Scarlet pulled with the other one, I don't want to take any chances." She folded her fingers. "Options for the population of Earth Bet?"

Number Man pursed his lips. "That is more difficult. The immediate problem is the aftershocks. The Indian Ocean continental plate is still shifting back into position. There are going to be major earthquakes until it settles. Refugees are going to place a strain on food, housing. Many places won't take them, and there's a great deal of people to deal with. China's food production has been impacted, so they are likely to move to grab resources. They don't have much choice in the matter. We're leaning on them, but without Doormaker and Clairvoyant, it's going to be very difficult to prevent issues from that corner."

"Three hundred forty-three steps. Assuming the gods or David does not interfere." Contessa nodded. "It's time-sensitive, however. The longer we wait the more difficult it becomes."

Pandora spoke then. "I'm collaborating with Dragon to work up forcefield generators for the cities, that will help keep things habitable as the worldwide climate shifts. They're difficult to power, but her solar stations can handle the job. We should be able to use a similar setup for food production. Forcefields to protect fields, artificial sunlight to keep the growing season going, irrigation... "

Alexandria frowned. "Bottle up the world? That's unstable."

"Very." Pandora's large head nodded. "A rather large amount of manpower and tech suits are going to be needed to make sure they don't get attacked and taken by villains. Whoever gets control of the food supply will have a chokehold on things, and that is going to be a target. Maybe not immediately, but eventually. It's a short-term measure in any case. We're hoping the atmospheric scrubbers and carbon filters will do their jobs for the rest of the atmosphere. We'll have a long, brutal winter, but if we can move quickly enough, we'll stabilize things."

Number Man hummed thoughtfully. "We're going to need a lot to work with, then. Several billion scrubbers, disposal of waste products. Wildlife conservation, ocean filtering..."

Pandora sounded smug. "Yep. Good thing I can be everywhere. Just buy me enough time to get started."


Hannah drove through the street carefully. Water splashed aside onto the sidewalk as her car drove through a particularly deep puddle, soaking the sidewalk, the grass. Into the cracks in the road, along the sidewalk, and into the trench torn up right down the middle of the street.

The tsunami had been lessened by the seawalls, the somewhat higher ground out in this neighborhood. The other houses in the path of the water soaking up some of the energy. It was still a devastated area, though. Danny Hebert's house was intact, but only in the most technical sense. There was a tree sticking out of the front of the house, debris was all around it, and every window was broken. The front door was open, and the interior walls were a mess.

She got out of the car, went to the trunk. Pulled out a full, heavy cooler and brought it inside. She went up the very wet, leaky stairs, the carpeting squishing beneath her feet. When she entered Taylor's room, she found Danny on one side of the bed, a pile of empty bloodpacks at his feet, feeding his daughter with another one.

Neptune was also in the room, his hand extended, using the water soaked into the carpet to clean out the blood that was all over the walls, the bed itself.

And Taylor was lying back, eyes closed, reflexively drinking from the bloodpack. Her left arm ended in a stump, but it was slowly regrowing.

Danny looked up, a look of relief filling his features. "Hannah, glad you could make it. I didn't know who else to call."

She nodded, setting down the cooler, opening it to reveal a dozen more packs. "Roads are hell right now. You're lucky the cell phones are still working."

Neptune gestured. No choice. Had to be here.

Hannah pulled the first pack out, handed it to Danny, then stood back.

The demonic form of the Scarlet Dragon slept, tended to by her father twice over. Despite all that she'd done, despite the fact she had shaken the very foundations of the Earth itself... it was so easy to see her as a young girl still. So vulnerable. The goddess within that shell still existed. But for now...

For now she was just a girl, being doted over by her worried father.


"What made you think of the Moon?" Dragon asked with curiosity.

Emily shrugged. "I thought, gambled really, that he might have awareness of everything over his world, the same sort of way they talked about the Clairvoyant's power. If the portal opening, at least the first one, was made outside of the atmosphere, then he might not notice it quickly enough. I knew that Britain moved the gate Scarlet gave them to Oxford, and Tranquillity base just might work at getting us in the back door. And I was right. You stepped through and brought down all that sunlight."

Dragon chuckled. "Four hundred solar harvesting stations channeling high-intensity sunlight all in one place. Ended up being quite effective. I'm going to have to leave it on long enough to be sure he's dead."

The ash was still broiling out of the large rent in the French countryside, the lava and heat would be fatal to any ordinary mortal. Dragon, being the Lady of Light, would not be all that bothered, even if she had been a human before her ascension. In the form of her golden suit, she was in no danger from the environment.

But Emily? As the Lady of Fire, she felt the broiling heat, the flowing rock, the spilling ash, and enjoyed it. It felt no more uncomfortable than a lovely summer's day. A part of her felt an odd kind of regret that she would be working at stopping the cataclysm in front of her. Technically speaking, the issue would fix itself, the lava spilling out would form a new volcanic mountain range given time.

The problem was given that time, the ash and gases would end up altering the climate. It was estimated that it would take a century at least for the damage to repair itself, and they simply did not have that kind of time. Emily Piggot felt annoyed that all of this was now her responsibility. She had accepted, many years ago, that she would never have power beyond the ordinary, beyond the bureaucratic. To now have the power that others had, on a larger scale...

Well. There was little help for it now.

"Your head's on fire again." Dragon spoke with amusement.

Emily sighed, patting her head, then gave up, dropping her hands. "Let's just get started."

Together, they lifted their hands, concentrating. At the edge of the mile-wide rift cutting deep into the Earth, the lava began to cool, Emily pulling the heat back into the Plane of Fire. Dragon then pulled large crystalline lattices from her own plane, filling the edge of the gap with shining white crystals. It almost immediately began to blacken from the remaining heat, but it was enough to show the idea would work. The lattices grew outward, scissoring together until the rift, or at least this small section of it, was closed.

"This is going to take a while." Emily muttered.

Dragon nodded. "Has to be done, though. We'll also have to take a look at Yellowstone once we're finished here. I really don't like the minor earthquakes going off around it right now."

Gritting her teeth, Emily nodded. "Right. Let's get on with it."


This was going to take weeks.


September 30, 2011

Red Dawn. The Betrayal. Gotterdammerung. The Bloody Hour. The Breaking of the World. The Day Scion Died. There was as many names as there were cultures. One was coming out to the forefront, though.

Ragnarok. The day the old gods (or at least, one old god) fell, and new ones rose.

For Emma it was the day her sentence changed. Not immediately, of course. The world was still reeling from the battle. The loss of a quarter of the Protectorate, and the loss of a much smaller number of villains, changed things worldwide. But it was because of that her life changed again, the routine she was just getting used to upended once again.

They simply didn't have the manpower available to support a non-productive population. Especially not when it was a relatively non-violent population. In exchange for privileges, in exchange for books and food that wasn't complete shit, she had to labor.

Emma lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the sunlamps above, taking a glance at the shimmering shield that surrounded the compound. She could see the snow falling outside of it, so very early in the year. Ash and dust filled the atmosphere outside, making things unpleasant. Through the field, she could see several 'Pandoras' remote-controlled mass-produced Dragon-style suits, setting up another forcefield generator.

Apparently, it would be used to cover about a mile of forest, and then another, and another, forcefields made up to protect both farmland and wildlife until the climate stabilized. Artificial climate regulation inside the domes would ensure as much of the biosphere made it through the long winter as possible. Artificial arcologies were springing up around city and countryside alike. With a lot of crops being prematurely frozen in the early onset of winter, food production was paramount.

Hence, Emma Barnes found herself in work detail, digging in the dirt. She used her hoe (seriously, a fucking hoe!?) to till the soil. Machines could do the job a hundred times faster and with a thousand times less effort, but then, those machines were busy making sure life didn't just outright die out from the environmental impact.

Still, if it meant she'd get to have some meat in her stew, it'd be worth it. Clenching her teeth, Emma hacked at the dirt.

The hours went by. Her hands blistered. The one good thing about this was that she was developing wiry, corded muscles on her arms. They didn't belong on a model... but then, that dream was long gone.

Taking a moment to breathe, feeling the heat of the artificial sun overhead while snow fell just twenty feet away, Emma wondered just how things might have been different. In a way, her pushing Taylor into that locker saved the world. A year ago, she would have taken pride in that fact.

But then, a year ago, Emma wouldn't have felt regret about having dropped her best friend. A year ago, Taylor was just a bullied high school student, and Emma her tormentor. Now, Taylor was a god, and Emma was a prisoner. Fair or not, this was her future.

Resigning herself to her place in the universe, Emma gripped the hoe, and returned to work.


Of all the problems that came up after sealing up France's volcanic rift, now known as Scion's Scar, one was only somewhat unexpected.


The bio-shaper that haunted Emily's nightmares. Creator of disease, maker of monsters, murderer of an entire town. For a decade he had been content to be reclusive, hiding behind his walls. Content to run his own little kingdom, having his monsters grow food from the plantlife that sprouted within the walls, remaking the dead ones with their own corpses.

The early onset of winter had disrupted that state of affairs. The shimmering forcefield dome they placed over the abandoned town of Ellisburg only made things worse. Some of Nilbog's monsters escaped the barrier before it went up, roaming the countryside, breeding, trying to feast on whatever they could find. Others were hammering at the shield, trying to bring it down. There was an entire horde there, hundreds of them. Little goblins, scythe-wielding creatures, even what looked like a cartoon dragon.

Emily stared through the shield. Her nightmares stared back, drool running from lips. Looking hungry, eager.

"Ready?" Dragon asked.

Emily cracked a smile. "Ready."

Dragon returned the grin. "I call dibs on the dragon."

Wreathing herself in white-hot flame, Emily stepped forward. Her flames growing brighter, hotter, she screamed. "Nilbog!"

The army of goblins flinched back.


Within the underground cave he called home, Jamie Rinke, known as Nilbog, was panicking.

He'd learned from the initial siege of Ellisburg. He crafted his creations to reproduce in the face of fire. They would fission, reproduce quickly, hunt for new biomass to heal and spread...

But there was so very little they could do when the flames were so hot they were reduced to cinders. He had his hands deep within a meatsack, one of the many rather efficient-yet-disgusting chambers from which he ruled his kingdom.

They were dying. His children. One after another. Heat that rightly belonged on the surface of a star separated their constituent elements from each other, destroying them utterly. Other effects were scything through them. Blazing light seemed to prevent even the most horrific of diseases from taking root. And a golden dragon, thirty feet tall, was busily and very easily handling Wuffles.

His cave rumbled.

The wall burst down, smashed by a fist harder than steel. Light poured in, surrounding a white-hot figure. Female, a bit thick, but muscled. Lava poured from her neck and shoulders in rivulets, and the temperature inside his refuge immediately rose to uncomfortable levels.

Nilbog cowered away from the figure. His goblins, so loyal, his best company, all tried to swarm her, but they were incinerated before they could get within ten feet. Spat acid did nothing, the molecules of it torn apart before they could ever harm her.

"Who are you to challenge me?!" He screamed, spittle and foam coming from his mouth. "I am the king of my kingdom! I am the god-king of Ellisburg! You come here and invade, you come and kill my children! You should be bowing before me!"

The woman of flame chuckled. She advanced on him, the flesh-sacks dying around him as he scrambled back from that horrific heat.

"Me? Just a woman who got lucky. They're going to call me a lot more things after this. I'm grasping power you don't even comprehend... but what I'm more pissed off about is what you did to my friends. Twelve years ago, I left a part of myself here. Twelve years I had nightmares about what you did to Mac, Dutch, Lowdown and Reaper. The friends of mine that I lost, trying to stop your slaughter. Twelve years of pain and suffering, aching every day because you had a bad day. Five thousand people butchered because you couldn't handle yourself like a man."

As she drew closer, her voice dipped. "I've seen a god-queen. She's a hell of a lot more impressive than you. She saved the world, while you stayed right here, ruling over monsters. She received powers more dangerous than yours and she helped people. Even when she was forced to be a literal bloodsucker, she hurt fewer people than you. She ruled monsters and got them to help her kill an Endbringer. She's sixteen, and a hell of a lot better a person than you are. I hope being king was worth it. Your kingdom is coming down. It's isolated. Those creatures of yours that are out in the countryside are being hunted. Even if they get away, we've got enough firepower to kill them, no matter how many there are. Your diseases are being neutralized. This day has been a long time coming." Those steel-gray eyes seemed to burn into his soul. She lifted her hands, a ball of white-hot flame forming in them. "By the way, my name is Lady."

Jamie Rinke let out a scream as the flame rushed forward.

Epilogue: Foundations part 2
A/N: Always a bit more to do. Still, so many good times. I can't describe how happy I am that I got this far. That this project, longer than any I've ever done before, has gotten here. I'm glad to have done it, but there's a lot of contributions done by my readers. Without that encouragement, I'd have dropped this a long time ago.

So yeah. All of you, take a pat on the back.

Except the jerks. (You know who you are.)


October 2, 2011

Charleston Lake Provincial Park, Southern Ontario

A goblin tore its way through the snow. Dozens of his brothers had fallen but this target was unaware. He looked forward to getting the man-flesh, dragging the carcass back to the hovel. Feasting. Breeding. Fulfilling Lord Nilbog's last command. Breed. Fight. Slay. Conquer.

He jumped at the white-haired human, drool flowing from his lips, only for the man to turn at the last instant and step aside.

The goblin hit the snow, thrashed, got to his feet. The human was standing back, hand on a curved sword, slowly sheathing it.

Foolish human, putting a weapon away when...


"That was cool." Narwhal commented as the goblin fell in two clean halves.

Alucard smiled at the forcefield user, hovering above on another one of her own forcefields. "It took many years to get that technique down. It is far harder than it looks."

"I'll bet. That's one very nice sword."

Alucard nodded. "It was the result of collaboration between myself and Armsmaster. His skills are impressive. He refined my work, improved upon it. This is a blade of such refinement and power that I could only have dreamed of such in the Old World."

Chuckling, Narwhal checked the armband on her left wrist, which was the only thing she was wearing besides her forcefields. "We've got to sweep further to the west. Scylla's saying there's a nest of these things about ten miles over. She'd send the Crow Witch, but apparently she's dealing with some ten-foot centipede off to the north."

Alucard nodded. "Very well." Almost absently, he called up a ball of Hellfire and incinerated the goblin's corpse. It had been decided that nothing of Nilbog's creatures should remain.

Narwhal formed a platform near Alucard, and the ancient vampire stepped on it. Her voice was filled with amusement. "Come on Adrian, we've got to get going."

As she lifted him into the air, he blinked, shock in his golden eyes. "What did you say?"

"Adrian. That's your name, isn't it?"

He opened his mouth, then closed it. Finally he chuckled. "It is, but I never told it to you."

Narwhal lifted an eyebrow, then frowned. "Where the hell did I hear that?"

Softly, Alucard spoke, words he'd uttered nearly a millennium before. "'Though I may walk into the darkness, I carry myself with firm step and light heart, for...'"

Narwhal finished the words, puzzlement in her eyes. "'I shall return, with victory in hand and strength within, to safeguard that which I love.' How did I know that? What are you trying to pull?"

Alucard chuckled softly. "I am attempting nothing. But I believe I know what is going on, though this is unexpected. I'll explain on the way... what do you know about reincarnation?"


October 8, 2011

Washington, DC

President Randall Sears was young, for his position. At forty-five when he took office, his brown hair had only a few streaks in it back then. The stresses of the office was speeding up that graying process, his hair having gone entirely white. He looked twenty years younger a mere seven years ago.

Still, his mind was sharp. Dipping his glasses down, he looked seriously at the woman across from his desk in the Oval Office. "You've put me in a very difficult position."

Chief-Director Rebecca Costa-Brown nodded. "I understand that, Mister President. I'm not even the instigator of Cauldron, but our leader has vanished. Still, we knew Scion would go mad. We knew it the day he arrived. We kept as much of it secret as possible, because we knew he had powers beyond that which he displayed. If it had become common knowledge that he was a threat, he might have heard it from the other side of the globe, and started his rampage back in the early eighties. By then we would have had no chance to fight back."

"So you built the PRT and the Protectorate." Randall frowned. "I had wondered about the wisdom of certain choices over the years. The funnelling of military funding into the Protectorate. That choice was made long before this administration."

Rebecca nodded. "We arranged that. We arranged a lot of things. There were only so many things we could do, and the emergence of the Endbringers made a lot of our plans impossible. We tried to build international cooperation with Russia, then Behemoth destroyed Moscow. We attempted to build upon Sphere's work to try and find a way to evacuate Earth Bet, then the Simurgh appeared. We tried to use Haywire's technology to find a way to try evacuating to an alternate Earth, and the Simurgh stopped that too. Again and again. We became more and more desperate as the years went on. Trying to find a way to prevent the deaths of not just everyone on Bet, but everywhere else too. Scion was that big of a threat. Our best projections were that he was going to depopulate thousands of worlds at least."

Randall bit his lip. "I can understand your logic. However, you and your group still committed crimes against humanity. Considering the circumstances... even with the heroics you displayed, I have a very difficult time considering how a pardon would be received."

"So don't." Rebecca spoke with a cool tone. "I'm perfectly aware of the scope of our crimes. There's no prison capable of holding us against our will. Even the Birdcage. I know how it's designed, I could simply plow through the major defenses, and Eidolon could leave it with ease." She leaned forward. "But that assumes that we would want to escape."

Randall blinked.

Rebecca had a faint smile on her lips. "Right now, Eidolon, or rather Apostle, is required out there. He still needs to free some of the gods, that's the highest remaining priority. Once he's finished with that, his powers will be needed to help fix the damage to Earth Bet. The issue is, his powers are fading. They're fading rapidly, the battle with Scion took a great deal out of him. He claims he has perhaps a year before they're all gone entirely. Whatever Scarlet Dragon did, he hasn't got very many remaining. By then, he'll be an ordinary person. But also by then he may have done enough to help us keep our planet habitable."

"And you?"

Rebecca shrugged. "Prison for a century or more. I might actually manage to outlive the sentence. Or not. We don't know enough about powers. I won't be leaving without cause, however. It's the least I can do."

Randall sighed. "We'll figure something out. I'm tempted to sweep everything under the rug, move forward."

Rebecca shook her head. "A year ago, I'd have agreed with you. But if we're going to have something salvageable out of the government, out of the Protectorate, we need to come clean. If we don't do it now, we won't. We'll get complacent, again. Some secrets can remain so... but those aren't my secrets. Cauldron's mission is over. Let history judge us for what we are, good and bad. We made heroes and villains worldwide, but it was all for the goal of stopping our extinction. If that means we must face execution for our crimes... so be it. The choice belongs to those we fought for. Those we failed. And those we betrayed, Mister President."

Randall pursed his lips. "Nobody's going to like it. It would be so much easier to sell the narrative of glorious, shining heroes saving the world from a hero gone mad."

Rebecca smiled faintly. "I agree, it would. But that path won't lead us anywhere we could be proud of. History is turning on these early days, Mister President. What we do here is going to affect generations to come. We need a strong foundation to manage that, to manage a future better than the times we've experienced over the last thirty years."

"And Scarlet Dragon? She sold the story of being a refugee from another world to ours."

Rebecca shrugged. "Technically it's true. Her citizens are. Of them, only she's a native to here... and frankly, considering what she went through, I'm not surprised if she wants to disassociate herself with her old life. She actually died. We're insanely lucky she calmed down enough to be somewhat reasonable. By all rights, with everything she went through, and then being handed that kind of power? She could have easily been the worst monster we've ever seen. But she wasn't. If she wants to keep a secret, that's up to her. She's more than earned it. She also has good reasons for the cover story, to help protect her father. We're better off if nobody gets the bright idea to push her."

Randall sighed. "Any word on her?"

"Currently... we think she's in a coma. Or whatever equivalent of it she might have. We're feeding her. She's regenerating. Hopefully she'll be up soon, but it's hard to tell. No vital signs."

The President chuckled ruefully. "The day I hope for a vampire to recover. There's already factions trying to use her name for their own political agendas. Then there's the Scionites."

Rebecca sighed. "Fanatics. Even when they're on your side, they're a pain."


October 15, 2011

The forcefield dome covering Las Vegas shimmered faintly green. Not that many of the people inside really noticed. Even now, Las Vegas never slept, the lights of the city shining brightly. The atmosphere outside wasn't as bad as it might have been further to the north, but a dust storm still raged upon it, scattering up electric crackles with every sand grain that struck it.

Through the hotel room window, a demonic vampire watched. "It's beautiful." Meridia spoke quietly.

The interviewer next to her chuckled. He was an older man, though he obviously took his time and effort to stay in shape. "It takes getting used to. Living under domes are pretty weird. Least it's becoming easier to travel between major cities with the portal network going up."

"Indeed. At the very least, we are still here."

He smiled. Facing her fully, he pressed on his digital recorder. "This is John Marsters, I'm sitting here in the Las Vegas Hilton with Miss Meridia. In the absence of the Scarlet Dragon, Meridia has worked in her stead, organizing the few members of Velnar's citizens still active. You may be most familiar with her work on building the Shadow Portal networks that are connecting major cities, as well as bringing food in from the farming arcologies to your grocery store. Her work has been invaluable for helping us keep our quality of life fairly high while we struggle to recover our infrastructure. For the last two months, she's worked to fulfill her obligations to the heroine who gave us all hope. How are you today, Meridia?"

She smiled pleasantly. "Quite fine, thank you."

"First question, the one burning on everyone's minds. What happened during Ragnarok, exactly? Is Scarlet Dragon okay?"

Meridia shrugged. "In reverse order, My Lady is resting. The battle with Scion strained her greatly, and she requires time to recover. When that may be is difficult to say, as none have ever done as she did. As for Ragnarok, Scion destroyed nearly half of Velnar and Castlevania as he began his rampage. Many lives were lost, but the castle itself still remains, as do many of its citizens. It currently rests in the Shadow Plane and is in the process of rebuilding. As for how she fought Scion, I do believe the public release about Cauldron and its activities speak for that better. My Lady possessed Scion's counterpart, using her strength to amplify Scarlet Dragon's own to fight him on more even footing. The devastation is horrid, but it is far better than what happened to the Old World. One does not kill an Abomination easily."

The interviewer nodded. "During the previous press conference, Scarlet Dragon stated that your world was destroyed by a being comparable to the Endbringers. Now you're telling us it was destroyed by Scion. Can you clarify things for the record?"

Meridia shook her head. "I admit there was some deception there. Part of it was in preventing a panic. The other part was in preventing Scion from going mad immediately. We did not know who or what the Abomination was here at the time. The Destroyer that devastated the Old World was not Scion, but a cousin. I am aware of the implication of that. We were fairly certain there was an Abomination here as was there. Dracul did slay the first, as we spoke of. We sought to stop its cousin from slaying your world as the Destroyer slew ours, but we had much more to do. If we spoke of a being greater than the Endbringers, responsible for our destruction, and trying to find a way to slay it, Scion may have learned of it and sought to deal with our efforts immediately. That would have ended poorly for all."

"There are many who dislike that decision. People don't like to be lied to."

Meridia smiled slightly, her voice filled with understanding. "I understand that. Despite this, however, we were in a war situation. We did not know its capabilities precisely, but that the enemy existed. We sought to prepare, just in case it would be hostile as the one we knew was. Had he realized earlier, Scion would have destroyed us, and then humanity itself may have been helpless when he came after you."

"Some say that Velnar provoked Scion, leading to the destruction. Can you comment?"

"Scion attacked us first. Even before then, we saw his actions at the Battle of Swansea. He simply watched as we fought the Endbringer Leviathan and did nothing. One of our longest-lived servants, Morte, tried to talk to Scion as he arrived at Castlevania. He struck without warning, then."

John sighed, clearing his throat. "What have the survivors of Velnar been doing in the aftermath?"

Meridia shrugged. "What many of us have been doing, attempting to survive, building a life. Some are signing up for the Protectorate, helping boost the numbers of heroes out there to help keep order. Others are building a life. Canada has offered us land, and we are setting up a settlement on the Manitoba and Ontario border. Most of Velnar's population remains within Castlevania, however. Many are not suitable for living amongst humans, they're too violent or alien to get along with you. They are permitted to do their own thing, contribute in their own way, but My Lady would not allow them to cause more carnage after all the effort she put in stopping so much death and destruction here. We have many challenges ahead of us, but I am simply doing what I believe My Lady would ask of me."

John smiled. "I see. What has it been like, emigrating to another world?"

Meridia laughed. "Pleasant. I have seen many wonders here, many things that we would have chosen to describe as wizardry. It has been a challenge trying to learn, but a rewarding one. Despite all the issues we have experienced, the battles we survived, and those who are prejudiced against us, I do believe I understand now what My Lady was talking about, many months ago."

"Oh? Can you comment?"

"Certainly. It was shortly after the deaths of the Slaughterhouse Nine. I had been wounded by the Siberian when I attempted to stop her from killing innocents that My Lady, Lord Alucard, and the Protectorate were trying to defend against her. When questioned by My Lady, I could not tell her why I stepped in, beyond that it was what she would have wanted. Now I could give her an answer beyond that." The demoness smiled faintly. "There are many things I desire. Good company. Good sex. A place in the world. Knowledge and love. But the desire to harm an innocent is not one of them. An enemy? Yes, that I can wish to harm, but those who are helpless? No, I am better than that."

John nodded. "I'm glad to hear it. Was it terrifying facing off against the Siberian?"

Meridia shrugged. "I was not quite aware of the extent of her reputation. Had I been, I might have attempted things differently. But yes, she was frightening. She fought My Lady to a standstill. Few others could."

"Personally I'm glad you survived it."

"I as well. Death is unpleasant."

John smiled. "On another note, when can we expect your photoshoot?"

Meridia laughed. "December. I try to keep my promises."

"Thank you very much, Regent Meridia. This is John Marsters for Playboy, signing out." He tapped his digital recorder.

Meridia looked him up and down. "Mm. I can sense your desire."

He chuckled nervously. "Yeah. That's kind of... involuntary." He held up his hand, tapping his wedding ring. "Besides, I'm married. I don't cheat on her. Only if we're together do we have some fun."

Meridia's grin widened. "Oh really? Feel free to give her a call, then. I enjoy having more than one partner at a time as well."

John swallowed. Then he began fumbling for his cell phone.

Epilogue: Foundations part 3
A/N: Damn, this has been so long. So very much work. I'm glad this has been so popular.


October 31, 2011

Brockton Bay Arcology

Danny and Hannah sat together on her leather couch. His house was a wreck, though still intact enough to be rebuilt. In the meantime, however, he was staying with Hannah, and she'd decided to try to take his mind off things with a night in, watching old movies.

That she always remembered them didn't matter so much. Part of the fun of rewatching was to riff on things.

"You see, unlike some other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent."

They shared a laugh at the antics onscreen. Mel Brooks was always good for a laugh. It was a shame that only his Aleph counterpart was still around, but the movies did manage to get through the Aleph Imports.

The doorbell rang, and with a good-natured grumble, Danny got to his feet, grabbing the bowl on the coffee table and headed to the door. Hannah went along beside him, grinning. "That's what happens when we spend the night together on Halloween."

"Better than spending it alone." He replied, a smile on his lips. When he swung the door open, he blinked.

Two nine year old girls were standing there, bags outstretched. Their parents were standing back, not too far, the father wearing a pirate costume while the mother wore a princess costume. The first little girl was wearing camo fatigues, American flag scarf over her face. The other wore a dark red costume, made out of cardboard, and wearing a white wig, small cardboard wings attached to her back.

"Trick or treat!" They chorused.

Hannah laughed softly at Danny's side. She grabbed some of the little candybars in the bowl and handed a generous sampling to both. "Great costumes!" She gave a wink to the one wearing the Miss Militia outfit.

The little girls beamed.

Danny gathered some of the candy himself, placing a handful in the red-clad girl's bag. "Good costume."

"Thawnks!" She spoke with a lisp, her front teeth missing. "I'm Scawlet Dwagon."

He smiled faintly. "That you are."

'Scarlet' tilted her head. "Mister, are you cwying?"

Danny wiped his cheeks. "It's nothing." He tried to smile. "You be good for your mom and dad, okay?"

The girls nodded enthusiastically. As the group turned and ran to the next house, the mini-Miss Militia checked her bag. "I got a Snickers!"

With a smile, Hannah shut the door. She took a moment to look Danny in the eye. "Are you all right?"

He wiped his eyes. "I don't know, Hannah. She's changed the world, but she's just... lying there. I want her to be okay, but this is so much like when she was..."

Carefully, gently, Hannah took the bowl from his hand, setting it on a side table. Then she hugged him. Her voice was soft. "Your daughter's strong, Danny. Like her father. I grew to know Neptune pretty well, and he was always sad. Searching for something. But after she returned, he was... satisfied. He's part of you. A good part of you. He always wanted to help, even when he wasn't quite able to figure out how to do it." She smiled gently. "I know why, now. She'll be okay. It may take a while, but she'll come back. She's too stubborn to quit." Her voice turned amused. "More stubborn than you."

Danny nodded faintly. He wiped his eyes. "That's for damned sure. I'll be okay, Hannah." Hesitantly, he took her hand. She smiled and squeezed his in return.

Together, hand in hand, they went back to the couch. This time, they watched the movie in silence, though curled up together. Gently, she kissed his chin. He laughed softly, then with a little bit of wonder, he kissed her lips in return.


Neptune and Salacia, out escorting trick-or-treating kids, stopped. They shared a look.

Avoid her house? Salacia signed.

Definitely. Neptune signed back. I am not walking in on that.


December 20, 2011

Brockton Bay Arcology

Vicky soared through the air. Beneath her was a panoramic view of the city, while just above was the edge of the forcefield dome that covered the city. The thick winter coat, snowpants, and thick gloves made things tolerable despite how cold it was. The long, brutal winter was so very rough, and despite how large the arcology was, it still felt somewhat claustrophobic. It was also cold, though the dome made it 'just' unpleasantly cold, as opposed to the deadly cold outside that would have rightly belonged in the worst of an Antarctic winter.

She looked down, at the face of her sister. Amy still held the shape of her 'Amara' form. Red-haired, beautiful as Meridia was, though younger and definitely far more shy. In the winter's cold, even she wore a thick winter coat.

Not that Amy, being a vampire, would be threatened by the cold. There was a certain level of comfort needed. Nobody really liked feeling their eyes freeze in the cold. That was the reason for the goggles.

With a grin, Vicky spoke. "Ready?"

Amy returned the grin. "Ready."

Vicky dropped her.

For a few seconds, Amy tumbled through the air. Then the wings on her back, carefully crafted over the course of months for this specific purpose, boomed out. They caught the air, allowing her to arrest her fall and turn it into a glide. It was hardly graceful, but at least up here there was nothing she could possibly hit.

"Wooohoooo!" She yelled in excitement.

"Sweet!" Vicky yelled alongside her.


Three hours of impromptu flying later, Amy finally had to call it a night. The sun was going to be up in less than an hour, she could feel that. Perhaps Taylor wasn't aware of it, not the way Amy was, but she could feel it as the night slackened, the sky beginning to lighten above the forcefield dome. The dome itself filtered out a fair bit of the light, but Amy wasn't exactly keen on risking her continued existence on chance.

Together, the Dallon sisters landed at one of the Endbringer shelters. The one closest to the portal to Velnar, the one taken up by several of the castle's demons. With no Endbringers, the ample space within was being converted into living quarters, and while they could only handle a fraction of the people in the conversion, every city had one.

That they were built tough and well-protected from sunlight was a major bonus.

Meridia was there to greet the pair, the black-skinned succubus smiling as the pair entered the simple partitioned room she'd chosen. Granted, it was partitioned with office dividers, but that wasn't much of a problem.

Vicky grinned. "Hey Meridia. How's it going?"

Meridia returned the smile. "I'm quite the popular succubus, thanks to that magazine. I've had a great deal of loving attention. And a few marriage proposals."

Amy sighed, shaking her head with bemusement. "Will you ever change, Meridia?"

She grinned impishly. "I certainly hope not. I am having far too much fun."

Vicky snickered.

Rolling her eyes, Amy spoke with exasperation. "Right, fine. It's time for me to tend to Vicky."

Blinking, Meridia looked between the sisters. Then she nodded as she understood. "Right." She got to her feet and went to the side of the room that held Amy's bunk. The succubus reached underneath the bed and pulled out the small medical cooler that sat there. She presented it to Amy as if it were a precious present.

Amy took it with a smile, opening it. Inside was a lump of raw meat, ghastly to look at. She looked at Vicky. "It's time, Vicky. I'm ready to restore your eye."

Vicky bit her lip. "You sure you can do it right? I don't want to push if you ain't ready, Ames. I've had time to think about this, and..." She gently rubbed the side of her eyepatch. "I kinda took you for granted, before. It wasn't fair to you. I'm glad you're still around, so very glad, but I'm not about to do that again. I know all this is so much harder for you now."

"I appreciate it. I want to do this, Vicky. Now that we actually have the time... and I've been practising, a lot. It's getting easier." Amy sighed, a faint smile on her lips. "I wouldn't want all that practice to go to waste."

Vicky chuckled. "Yeah, well..." Self-consciously, she rubbed the edge of her eyepatch. "It would be nice to have depth perception again. But I don't want to forget what happened. What we went through. Mom's scars are gone, but mine... I'm not explaining very well, am I?"

Amy smiled faintly. "Well enough. Thing is, though? They wanted to hurt people. They wanted to leave scars. The Siberian and Bonesaw hurt way more people than just us. But we shouldn't let them win. Let me do this, let me fix your eye. Let me help my sister the way she was willing to help me when I opened up."

Vicky laughed helplessly. "Alright. You win, Ames. When did you get to be so wise?"

Amy smiled. "Learned it from my sister." As Vicky straightened up with a bit of pride, Amy finished. "I ask myself 'What would Vicky do?' and then do the exact opposite."

"Hey!" Vicky exclaimed, looking scandalised. Then she laughed. "Okay, fine, yuk it up. Get on with it already."

Meridia grinned, stifling her own laughter. "I'll keep watch. This kind of thing is interesting."

Amy took in a deep breath and nodded. "Alright. I'm going to have to knock you out for this... or it'll probably hurt like hell."

"Ready Ames." Vicky smiled. "Long as you are."


January 12, 2012

Dressed in the rags of her suit, covered in mud, and with hair long, dirty and tangled, Sophia stared down her prey.

The most annoying thing about her situation, after she'd managed to adjust to things by setting up a spike trap in the cave she'd taken as her home, was ensuring she got by. Her stash of antibiotics? More than half used, after taking care of the various scrapes and small injuries she'd accumulated. The non-perishable food? Gone. She still had the cooking supplies, and a bit of ingenuity and know-how let her figure out how to get a fire going. She had a lighter, though that was out of fuel, it was still good enough to spark things with sufficiently dry tinder.

Now? Her main problem was that she lacked an easy way to shoot things. Her crossbow had snapped under the stress of overuse, and she had no way to repair it.

The bolts, though, were still of some use. The heads made for decent spear-points, and when she wasn't busy eating or conserving energy, she was making spears. Ten of them, with the rest of the twenty bolts she had remaining in reserve.

And so it was now she was holding a six foot long spear, staring at an apparently oblivious hadrosaur, a feathered and duck-billed dumbass species that tended to rove in herds. A juvenile, one that was about three feet long and a foot tall. Enough meat to satisfy for a few days, especially if she was careful about cooking and drying the meat. It was busily drinking from a stream, its dull eyes swivelling back and forth, probably more worried about either a swarm of little bastards that looked (and tasted) like chickens, or the big bastards that looked like mutant chickens with way too many teeth.

Sophia was getting tired of the taste of chicken. Also getting really tired of getting looked at as a meal by chickens.

Momentarily phasing, she chucked the spear in her hand. The spear would fly through the air, and unphase just before it struck flesh. She could already taste the burned meat...

Only her spear unphased and landed about a foot from the target. Her prey looked at the spear, quivering in the dirt, blared out a honk, turned and ran.

"Come back here you little bastard!" Sophia howled, her voice harsh from disuse as she charged forward. She grabbed the spear sticking out of the dirt and gave chase. The little hadrosaur was young, and had a short stride. She could bound off the ground and shadow-phase, saving her energy while giving chase. She could catch it, stab it, bring it back-

or not. The juvenile ran straight into the herd of adult hadrosaurs, which stood at ten feet tall. The little one's blaring and calls of fright had roused the herd, and the whole group, all twenty of them, turned and honked at Sophia. She dropped to the ground, skidded to a stop, and growled to herself as she and the herd traded stares. Twenty sets of eyes staring at the one, lone human, honks and calls blaring threateningly. Large paws smacked the dirt.

Even if she did manage to kill the juvenile, she couldn't bring it with her in her shadow-state without putting it over her shoulders, and the adults wouldn't give her the time she needed to get it there. Even if she killed an adult or two, she had only two spears, and she wouldn't be given the time to harvest any meat. They were too big to get back to the cave, and the scent of blood would attract the larger predators rather easily. It just wasn't worth the trouble.

Stomach growling, tears filling her eyes as she turned around, Sophia withdrew. She struggled to keep in the sobs as she trudged back 'home.' A fucking cave that attracted large-ass spiders and that which she had to constantly fight to evict rats from, when she wasn't eating said rats.


She'd do anything to be home. To have hot running water. To hear another human voice. To be with somebody else. To be able to open a microwaveable meal, pop it in, and let it cook while she sat in front of a TV set and vegged out. Even being able to sit down and read something as banal and stupid as a Scion's Disciples pamphlet would be a luxury.

This... this constant struggle to survive on her own was wearing her down. One slip, one miscalculation, and the critters she managed to occasionally hunt down would happily feast on her. Nobody around would ever care.

She looked down at the ground, seeing one of the chicken-sized dinosaurs there. It was looking at her, head tilted, and chirped.

Sophia hurled her spear at it. It tried to dodge, but was just a bit too slow. With a keening cry, it writhed and struggled as it bled all over the dirt, impaled upon the spear. Hurrying, Sophia ran up and snapped its neck.

At least she'd have dinner, now. She picked up the corpse, pulling it off the spear, only to stop at hearing another chirp. And another and another. Turning her head, she saw fifty more of the little feathered bastards.

Chirping angrily, they tried to swarm at her. She simply turned shadow and fled. They couldn't smell her like this, couldn't track her. But now she was running from fucking toothy chickens. At least she had one for dinner, but she'd still have to go and hunt again tomorrow. They didn't have much meat on them.

If she ever saw Hebert again, she'd stab the bitch right through her face for sending her to this hell. Sophia felt she didn't deserve this.


January 25th, 2012

Hookwolf watched as the food truck came through the portal.

Placed on the outskirts of the city, near the edge of the forcefield dome protecting it from the outside harsh weather, there were a lot of staging areas to bring food in. Luxury goods, such as chocolate, was a bit rare, though efforts were made to keep producing it.

No, what was important were the canned goods, non-perishables that would last without refrigeration. The Empire was on the move, their members needing to lay low, and that meant leaving as few traces for the Protectorate as possible. Especially now that the kid gloves were off. Some of the Empire members just vanished, either going straight or simply being captured. Others went off the grid, like Alabaster, Fog, and Night. Kaiser, Fenja and Menja disappeared, neither hide nor hair of them being found.

It left Hookwolf in nominal charge. Cricket, Rune, Crusader and Krieg were on site. Victor and Othala were hanging back, prepared with a sniper rifle in case things did not go as expected. They needed food. The unpowered members of the Empire had provided it for them, but they were running out of options when they were being arrested, or outright killed resisting arrest. It wasn't very many, but it had a chilling effect on the gang. Long-sleeves were in fashion, and not simply because of the cold weather.

The food truck passed through the street below. Hookwolf made a gesture.

Rune lifted the dumpster from where she had it stashed, out of sight from the street, and dropped it directly in the path of the truck.

The truck ground to a halt, the woman driver frantically hitting the brakes. Hookwolf himself slammed right into the hood of the truck an instant later, blades emerging and spearing through the window. He tilted the metal head, growling at the wide-eyed blonde.

"Get out." He snarled.

She complied, jumping out of the truck and running off. It meant they had less time before it was called in, but it also meant there would be less heat for the hijacking. Theft of food was less of a priority than the murder of civilians these days. Even if it was a lot of food.

Quickly, the rest of the Empire members started moving. Rune hopped in the passenger side, pulling her hood back and removing her mask. Hookwolf himself finished ripping the glass out, before he slid into the driver's seat and reverted himself to his human form. He reached into his flannel jacket, having been covered by his wolf blades, and slipped on a trucker's hat.

The rest scattered, heading toward downtown. They'd bring the truck into one of the parking garages, empty it as fast as possible, then carry whatever supplies they could manage in ten minutes of unloading. They could manage a lot with a pair of telekinetics. All of it would be loaded into vans and cars, and the gang would go their separate ways. At least until they needed another operation.

Straightforward. Simple. Few things could go wrong. The simplest plans were the best for that very reason.

Hookwolf set the truck in gear, started it down the street. Rune shifted the dumpster out of the way.

Two minutes later, thirty Dragon suits dropped on top of them, one stopping on the hood and pointing a very large cannon right in his face. The same models he'd seen last fighting Scion.

"Hookwolf, Rune of the Empire 88. We have you surrounded. Stop the vehicle and surrender." Pandora's voice echoed.

Rune started swearing. She had a rather impressive vocabulary.

Grimacing, Brad pulled the truck to a stop. This shit wouldn't have happened if Kaiser was here. Where the fuck was he?


Max Anders sipped from his daiquiri.

Hawaii had been spared most of the impact from Ragnarok. A power outage was about the worst of it, and the islands had been repaired a couple of weeks later. It was also far enough south that the brutal winter ravaging the Northern Hemisphere was only slightly cooler on the islands.

Jessica sat at his left, looking quite stunning in her bikini. She was busily scanning the beach, which had more people than he was comfortable with, but he was still rather safe here. Nessa was on his right, enjoying her own rather fruity concoction.

He wasn't entirely sure what he would do in the future. There wasn't much profit in attempting to run a racial-supremacist gang, not while things were changing. Medhall's stock was up, and it earned him more than enough to retire quietly if he wished. Gesellschaft itself didn't have much of a future, either. Germany was rebuilding in the wake of Ragnarok, and the authorities simply didn't have any patience for a resurgence of the old mistakes.

The world was changing. Adapt or die. And Max made his choice.

Watching the sun set below the clouds, in one of the few American places not sequestered underneath an environment dome, Max knew he made the right choice. Opportunities would come for a more direct form of power, eventually. Maybe not for decades... but he wasn't about to try and get on the bad side of an omnipresent AI or an Endbringer-killing golden Dragon.

He smiled. "Let's get back to the hotel, hm?"

As Jessica and Nessa smiled, his own grew. Yes, definitely the right choice. He could wait.

Last edited:
Epilogue: Foundations part 4
A/N:Welp, new laptop, new weirdness, new annoyances, and new year. Hope everybody had a good time and got home safe. And all that. I am currently trying to find all the nerves in my face.


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♦Topic: We're back!
In: Boards ► General Announcements

Tin_Mother (Original Poster) (Moderator)
Posted on January 18, 2012:

Well ladies, gents, and AIs everywhere, we're back online. Internet access has been a lower priority than vital infrastructure, and so it took this long, but it's all coming back. We're rebuilding, so much was lost in the battle with Scion, but we're still here.

It's been a few long hard months. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, tsunamis, the early arrival of winter, atmospheric poisoning in places, and wildfires making things so much more difficult than they ever had to be. Then Nilbog's monsters went out hunting, (don't worry, they're being wiped out as we speak) and we've got so much more to do.

First of all, I want to congratulate everyone for surviving this long and hard winter. Dragon and Pandora (aforementioned AI) have been working very hard to try and keep everyone alive and as comfortable as possible.

Preliminary projections indicate the forcefields surrounding the major cities will be able to drop in early May, though there are places where they will stay up due to local conditions being uninhabitable otherwise. Reclaimation efforts for the land surrounding those cities will go underway the moment the ground thaws.

But there is still hope. Right here is a picture of Dragon and Pandora on the surface of the Moon, using this same technology to build an arcology there. We have a tried-and-true system for colonization almost anywhere.

Now, to prevent derails. Here is the thread for discussing Ragnarok.

Here is the thread discussing the public reveal of Cauldron.

Here is the thread discussing the Scarlet Dragon.

Here is the thread discussing her citizens.

And here is the thread discussing refugees, how to apply if you are one, and need assistance finding shelter.

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Posted on January 19, 2012:
Alright, still alive and kicking myself and I would love to hear of others who managed that.

Anyone any specific knowledge about how much really went downhill and/or got smashed appart?

I am really happy to be still alive and able to write this stuff, but... how long will it take for normal seasons to come back? I really like spring and summer...

► PaulPoutine (Ottawa Arcology)
Posted on January 19, 2012:
I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords!
The Internet is back, PHO is back, there are Velnar residents on Protectorate teams, there is an honest-to-goodness succubus on a Playboy foldout, the only way this would all be better is if we didn't have to live under domes to survive nuclear winter.

(I know it's not really nuclear, but the effect's the same)

Posted on January 19, 2012:
AbsurdlyCuteKitty, I heard that Germany was just blown up, there's a scar reaching the Mantle through Europe, and most of the Indian Subcontinent is underwater. Colombia is also supposedly de-forested now. Mildly deforested. Venezuela's got it worse, weirdly enough.

Posted on January 19, 2012:
Oh thank the gods I have a connection again now can somebody PLEASE COME AND GET ME!!!

It's cold out here:~(

Seriously, I would like a pick up though, I'm in what remains of northern Russia, I think, far northern Russia that is, but I can and will walk it if I must, it's not like the environment affects me much.

I'm also lucky to even still be alive out here, got hit be that golden bastard at one point and had to detach about half of myself to survive. I am going to miss my legs...

Posted on January 19, 2012:
Re: Living_Stones
If you're all the way up there, how do you even have internet? Running it off a sat-phone? Channeling it through your antennae?

Posted on January 20, 2012:
Screw you, I don't have antennae, I have an antenna sticking out of the top of my head! I just don't want to walk a couple thousand miles when I have no bloody clue which way is which!

Posted on January 20, 2012:
If you have no legs, how are you walking?

Posted on January 20, 2012:
That's enough, you two. Take it to PMs.

Living_Stones, stop trolling. Northern Russia and southern California aren't the same thing. I normally wouldn't bring up your location, but you have it on your profile right now. You're probably warmer than most people.

Gryphon Le'Rouge (Edmonton Arcology)
Posted on January 20, 2012:
BC and Alberta went up in smoke harder than normal. So we had to stay inside our homes for a bit and the winter was brutal on food prices. But as usual Canada is the sideshow to the rest of the world. I am curious how the Rezzes have managed.

F.F. Snow (Verified Cape) (Verified Snowman) (Verified C53) (*Temporarily* New York Arcology)
Posted on January 23, 2012:
Taking some downtime between 'Blizzard Patrols', thought I'd check now that the forum's back.

Not sure about the global scale, but I've been finding it easier to break up the cold fronts and ice storms I wander into along the NA east coast, so I think the climate's starting to settle down some. If only from 'actively apocalyptic' to 'post-apocalyptic'.

And the snow is...well, not so much 'cleaner' as 'less horrible', but still an improvement, however small.

On another note, I've been looking at the Cauldron reveal, which is pretty fucking mindblowing. Anyone other Case-53's know if we're going to find out who and where we used to be anytime soon? I thought I'd come to terms with never knowing, but now that there's actually a chance they might tell us, it's really starting to upset occupy my focus.

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Weld (Case 53)
Posted on January 24, 2012:
Don't know enough yet. They're still getting details from Alexandria.

I don't know about you, but I sure feel betrayed. She ran the PRT. They told us to our faces that they didn't know what happened to us. But then they assigned us identities, used our confusion against us, and signed us up for a war that they SAY we volunteered for.

Worst part is, we can't even tell if she's still lying to us. Cauldron's leader is MIA. I'm pissed off. I'm pissed that even SD and the Velnar people allied with Cauldron. I'm pissed that I've been lied to. I'm pissed that even with all the shit that's happened to me and all the other C53s I know, that considering what the fuck happened back there, I can STILL see their point.

Right now, though? Fuck the PRT, fuck the Protectorate, and fuck everything else. I'm not going to work for those people. Even if they clean house completely, I'm done.

So are a whole lot of my friends. I'm done here.

ArmedCadence (Everett Arcology)
Posted on January 24, 2012:

A few random thoughts first before I dig into the actual topic...
1. Any bets on who's going to get banned first now that we're back up? (I kid, oh glorious and (un)merciful mods, I kid!)
2. Has anyone mentioned to Regent Meridia that D&D, specifically Wizards of the Coast in general, are still begging her for an interview of their own to see if they can get ideas for a 7th Edition? Because I've already seen some unofficial concept art of their 'new' versions of what a Drow AND Succubi look like. One one hand, wowzas. On the other hand, I can already hear the sounds of a million teenaged boy's mothers gnashing their teeth at the 'potential' for lewdness.
3. Does anyone else up in the lovely, no-longer-rainy, Pacific Northwest actually MISS the rain? These forcefield domes are a godsend - and considering where they're from, that isn't hyperbole - but I'd kill for some rain now. If I wanted to stay dry, I'd have moved to Arizona. That being said, if you like snowboarding, you have to see the Cascades to believe it. Even with the respirator restrictions in place, the queue to get up Mt. Baker's ski-lifts is insane. Remind me to post a few shots of some of those ice crystal 'naiads' that decided to move from Velnar who helped open up the passes to get across. Err, once I, umm, add a bit of censoring over certain bits. Seriously, is there like a taboo about wearing clothing in Velnar or something?

And to get to the actual topic of Ragnarok:
Suck it Thor, Odin, Loki, Surtr, and the rest of you Norse Gods and Giants. The Ragnarok Scarlet Dragon and the rest of us went through? She could take you all on, win, and be home in time for breakfast of a bowl of Count Chocula. Your 'death of the gods' had a nice fire and a bit of glacial melt going on, and something about a big tree. Out here? We had a 30 foot tsunami wave come roaring up the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which literally wiped away half of Whidbey Island and all of Orcas Island (aerial pics of both islands, before, and after, here). At the time I was up north of Everett/Seattle and watched as those waves smothered Bellingham entirely. And we're one of the regions that got 'lucky'. Note, that is even after accounting for the fact both Rainier and St. Helens blew their tops within days of each other last month.

And not to toot my own ideas too much, but anyone that wants to discuss possible thermal borehole possibilities about France & the St. Helen's caldera, I've started a thread on the topic. (edit: gah, forgot my manners, its been so long since PHO was up, I was thinking with another forum's customs. link removed)

xX_VoidCowboy_Xx (Banned)
Posted on January 24, 2012:
[User has been banned for this post. That combination is weird, obscene, and against the TOS. Enjoy your two weeks. -TinMother]

GARcher (The Guy Not in the Know)
Posted on January 24, 2012:
Okay. I am never going to look at bats, llamas, apple pies, succubi, or garden hoses again the same way. Did anybody not see that coming?

By the way, check this out. My little sister has an autograph from Paladin! She's... going a bit nuts over it, actually. Also, they're selling red and gold dragon plushies. They're selling pretty fast. Lil' sis has been recreating the end of the Battle of Swansea with a Leviathan miniature with hers.

Uh... should I be worried?

Posted on January 24, 2012:
Don't think so. Young kids do that kind of thing.

GARcher (The Guy Not in the Know)
Posted on January 24, 2012:
She's nineteen.

Posted on January 24, 2012:
Still nothing wrong with it. *looks at collection of SD memorabilia* Seriously. Just be glad we can fan over anything.

Ze Bri-0n (The Guy in the Know)
Posted on January 24, 2012:
Never though we'd live in a world without Scion... and be happy about it.
Also, holy crap guys, Dracul solo'd one of Scion's kind. How much of a badass was this guy? Sure both he and the planet he fought it on are gone, but so is it.

Posted on January 24, 2012:
Carbon-based Life-forms

Existence, FUCK YEAH!

Anyone got a good word for Gods, Humans, Undead, Spirits, Mythical creatures, etc as a whole?

Fencing_Guy (New York Arcology)
Posted on January 27, 2012:
@ ReelVein Scary? Awesome? Scawesome?

Edit: Dangit, reading comprehension fail. Hmmm… I'd suggest "people of Earth," but that's a bit of a mouthful.

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Posted on January 27, 2012:
Right now? Head down to the local library and crack open a book. Local preachers have been going nuts on the street corners recently, trying to save our souls I guess.

Anyone else hearing more preaching than normal?

King Crom
Posted on January 27, 2012:
We made it out, still glad it missed us mostly. Still saw some of the waves here in Perth but still had the advantage of large amounts of land between us and the end of the world. My best wishes to the people of Europe and South America.

MrSandman (Verified Cape) (Protectorate SWS) (Albuquerque Arcology)
Posted on January 28, 2012:
Wait, Dragon's an AI?

Huh. Well, much friendlier than the last person to claim being an AI and tried to launch a cyber attack here in Albuquerque.

Also, probably much neater.

Now, she MAY be an AI or not, but I'd like to see some proof before jumping the guny like my boss did. When we dragged the supposed AI out of his house in his boxers, the look on the boss's face was glorious.

As somebody involved with the cleanup in Europe awhile back, its good to see the weather is beginning to settle down a bit. Hopefully, we'll be able to clean up more of Europe and get the worst of it re-habitable within a couple of years.

In other news, it is outright WEIRD to see such a massive barrier over a whole damn mountain range. The thing covers even Cedar Crest and Bernalillo. Thanks to that decision, though, we have a LOT of room for refugees from across the whole state, so...thats good!

Arson is now punishable by over twenty years in prison now, though...

Jazzhands (New Orleans Protectorate)
Posted on January 29, 2012:
Hey, I remember that guy. I'll give him credit for a nice setup, but take that credit right back for being a nitwit. Seriously, a computer tinker who spent his whole life pretending to be an AI in order to go and fix his parking tickets?

All he needed to do was get out of the house and pay fifty bucks, but apparently that was too much work.

Anyway, apparently Dragon WAS an AI, but she's now able to turn into an actual dragon of awesome. Which is weirdly appropriate. as well as... well, huh.

Does this mean AIs have souls? Well, there's a thread for that now. Makes you wonder if an AI can become a 'god' what else could?

DegreelessNess (San Francisco Arcology)
Posted on January 29, 2012:
So, a thing is happening. There's talk about building, well, temples, for lack of a better word. Having decided to pledge myself to the Lady of Fire, (she who burned Ellisburg to the ground... hot damn. Ha! Made a pun!) I was wondering if there was some sort of official mechanism for applying for these things?

I mean, the worship, not the temple. That part I can look up on my own. I mean, rituals, chants, preferred offerings?

Posted on January 29, 2012:
I think that's because of the old saying 'There are no aethists in foxholes'. And considering what our world has been through, I'd say we've earned a religious uptick.

Though I have noticed alot of them are less about..ya know..the Judeo-Christian God and more along the lines of the ones that were around kicking ass during Ragnarok. Personally I know afew people that've converted, and even more that are talking about actual churches to the new divinities. I'd consider it skeevy somehow...if I wasn't going later today to hear them talk. May have a new convert here.

If I find out any prayers, offerings, etc, want me to PM you?

Boojum (Shoalhaven Agricultural Arcology Complex)
Posted on January 29, 2012:
Glad to see we're back online!

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that Australia is still very open for business on the refugee front. As you might know, there was basically no combat on our tectonic plate during Ragnarok and we've come through almost entirely intact. Even the tidal waves from the Indian Ocean were mostly absorbed by Myanmar and Indonesia - the survivors of which are now generally resident in arcologies on this continent. We've been called the lucky country in the past, and it certainly has proven true. The main weird thing has been the rest of the world suddenly becoming more dangerous to live in than here. `;)

Pandora gave us the template for the force-field domes, but they are difficult to power and simply not efficient enough when used to cover regular farmland. The agricultural arcologies, or agarcs, solved that problem, and if you come over here as a refugee you'll probably be involved in either building them or running them. Our relatively disease-free agricultural sector made for excellent seed-stock, and we've been building them as fast as we can, both for local use and export. They're mostly running freshwater aquaculture setups, but here in SAAC we've got an experimental low-moisture system running goats and dryland cropping, a group attempting to breed dwarf dairy cattle and a seawater prototype that's going into full scale production next week. That last one can be installed in a salt swamp, or even off the coast, and grows fish, bivalves, seaweed and two new breeds of halophilic maize. We're hoping it will do well in the tsunami affected regions.

Of course none of this would be at all useful without the shadow-gate network. Gremlin-wrangling is the newest marketable skill, as you never, ever, leave them unsupervised. The great Goat Cavalry Stampede has already entered into legend (video here), and we still haven't figured out how they turned a greywater filtration unit into a flamethrower.

If you're in the area, PM me and we can meet up. The official decision to restart beer production was made yesterday (if get hold of the drongo who deemed it "non-essential" we will have words) and I'll put a bottle in the fridge and a barra on the barbie.

King Crom
Posted on January 30, 2012:
As an agnostic I was personally always open to convincing, probably won't pray to them but am very glad they stopped this Ragnarok going the way of the last one. That supposedly wiped out most of Humanity.

Bonegnasher (Velnar Citizen)
Posted on January 30, 2012:
Nonono! Not going back there! Spiders bigger than Bonegnasher! Not going back without my flame!

Boojum (Shoalhaven Agricultural Arcology Complex)
Posted on January 30, 2012:
Hey now, they're harmless. They just want to say hello. Probably wondering what the heck you are too.

Bonegnasher (Velnar Citizen)
Posted on January 30, 2012:

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Miri (New Orleans Arcology)
Posted on January 31, 2012:
Well, most of the levee's held so only the most outlying parts of the city flooded. However most of the surrounding Mississippi delta got washed away so we have gone from a city at the bend of the river to.. an island. There seems to be yet another push to rename the city New Atlantis and its looking like it will pass this time.

Jazzhands (New Orleans Protectorate)
Posted on January 31, 2012:
Nah, things will be fine there. They'll fill that right back in. Already heard the city's looking into buying up a whole (lots of) ton(s) of gravel. It'll probably be a while before it's fixed, but it'll be kinda like that artificial island off in Lake Ontario with that theme park. Least until some idiot blew it up.

Redhawk (Banned)
Posted on January 31, 2012:
You all are wrong! Didn't you read that interview with the demoness? They are the reapers, and murdered the Scion to bring down mankind! Fools! They are flourizating the water of the arcologies! Do not trust the Water!

ShiftingSandLand said: ↑
Wait, Dragon's an AI?
No you ignorant fool! Dragon is a demon, the AI is Pandora. Probably our only hope now that we are ruled by real DEAMONS!

... I wonder what would be worse, AI overlords or this...

[User has recieved an infraction for this post. Personal attacks are against the Terms of Service. Editing to make your post less offensive does not change this.-TinMother]

King Crom
Posted on January 31, 2012:
Calm down, mankind survives because of them. Do you want us dead. Scion was out to KILL us. He started this fight.

Redhawk (Banned)
Posted on January 31, 2012:
But that's the government's story! The official story! Who believes the official story?

I know my theory about Hero being abducted by aliens is not well received by I stand by it!

Now I'm sure those space stations are going to build are going to include mass brainwashing! Or worse!

Fencing_Guy (New York Arcology)
Posted on January 31, 2012:
And of course, the frothing-at-the-mouth ones survived armageddon. Yay.

King Crom
Posted on February 1, 2012:
Okay. You are clearly crazy and thus no logical argument will convince you. I am thus going to be glad you are nowhere near me and be grateful to the gods for this. Maybe they didn't cause it but still my gratitude.

Ze Bri-On
Posted on February 1, 2012:
I'm probably going to regret asking, but, what's worse than mass brainwashing?

Fencing_Guy (New York Arcology)
Posted on February 1, 2012:
*looks at the broken remains of Europe*

Redhawk (Banned)
Posted on February 2, 2012:
[This user has been banned for this post. Seriously, I don't even. *hammerslam*-TinMother]

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King Crom
Posted on February 2, 2012:
Okay, so glad they're gone. Maybe now we can actually discuss things that are rational, like the fact the world nearly ended.

Palarhe (Madrid Arcology)
Posted on February 2, 2012:
Send that guy our way, I'm sure someone will know how to show their appreciation for their ravings. The Pirineos blocked most of the French smoke breath but our North-West coast is devastated (Asturias and the Basque Country had to be evacuated and Galicia will have a hard time recovering), and anywhere else not in the center is turning into Ashtma Central. And don't even ask the Portuguese, they got some delightful surplus of sea water on their streets to mix with their share of ash.

Edit: Oh, they got the banhammer, guess I'm late.

Fencing_Guy (New York Arcology)
Posted on February 3, 2012:
Moving on… the original post mentioned something about Nilbog's stuff getting loose? I really hope whoever's dealing with that doesn't miss any. We've already got enough insanity to deal with.

Sgt Jones (PRT Agent)
Posted on February 3, 2012:
The Guild and the Protectorate are working to handle Nilbog's spawn. We have a dedicated tracker and the appropriate Thinkers to deal with the problem. They're being hemmed in and destroyed one after another.

Robot_Raven (Houston Arcology)
Posted on February 3, 2012:
@ redhawk: Dude, lay off the Scott Wilkins crazy-dude. The fact he was finally committed after proclaiming that Ragnarok was a false flag hoax should tell you something.

Still, moving on from Void_Cowboy's equally insane counterpart, do have some updates from Houston. Thanks to Apostle/Formerly Known as Eilodon and help from Brockton Bay Cape Neptune we managed to rechannel the San Jacento River before it flooded from increased snow runnoff. I had always joked about a hard snowfall in Houston would be a sign of the Apocalypse, but I never thought the universe would go "Challenge Accepted!". Still, after nearly having a worse repeat of TS Allison's flooding and the restraints of the dome around Harris County, I think the city may reverse it's long standing aversion to zoning laws.

In related news the Houston Chronicle just published a pretty lengthy interview with Apostle, or rather David Harris after he unmasked.
Link here.

Besides the obvious bits about Cauldron and the New Gods, the big surprise was his response to a question about paying the price for his time with Cauldron. He admitted that after he finishes freeing the remaining Gods, he would surrender much like how Alexandra/Rebecca Costa-Brown did to President Sears and AG Mc'Donall.

To say that opinions are divided is putting it lightly. Some are calling for some leanicy and for Apostle to continue his "Life Sentence of Community Service." Others are calling for the book to be thrown at Apostle to show that even the Gods' representative is not above the law. Some are actually calling for outright execution. And don't get me started about what the Old Faiths community is saying...


Oh holy hell... Everyone check the news now!

Some lunatic just shouted "For Scion!" and blew himself up outside of City Hall during a speech by Mayor White! Casualties are still pouring into Memorial Herrman and Methodist, including kids.

Korg (Velnar Citizen)
Posted on February 3, 2012:
Hey. My name's Korg. I'm made of rocks. Not like a bunch of little rocks though, more like one big solid rock, which is shaped vaguely like a bat.

I'm moving into this new settlement thingy they opened for us in Canada. It's nice. Lot's of good buildings to sit motionless on over here.

Fencing_Guy (New York Arcology)
Posted on February 4, 2012:
You wouldn't happen to have a cousin named Goliath, would you?

Dlan (Verified Cape)(Red Gauntlet)(Kitezh Arcology)
Posted on February 4, 2012:
Hah, you call this winter? We had worse winters when I was child.

Because not enough generators were available to Russia, we made our own!

The Kitezhgrad Institute has been converted into an arcology of its own, as the most protected non-military zone in Russia and accepts refugees from Kazakhstan, Mongolia and nearby Russian regions without resource base to sustain their own shield domes.

Case 53s welcome, as our Institute performed "cape" research along "Tinkertech" development. We are looking into rapid-deployment arable land conversion technology to provide foodstuffs without relying on sunlight. Any specialists with relevant skills are welcome.

If we could gain access to supernatural portal, we also provide "Tinkertech" for trade.

Posted on February 4, 2012:
A Moment of silence for all lives lost to this maniac's delusions...

Well, now that that's done, anyone have ideas on if their is going to be a Memorial Day type thing for Ragnaroxk? Could be a nice way to remember everything and never forget.

Posted on February 4, 2012:
Oh, sweet. I'll have to see if I can't get some time off work to see if I can't drive over and drop off some welcome muffins. Welcome to Canada, mate. Hope you enjoy. If you visit Toronto sometime I think the CN Tower is still intact enough to provide a really nice ledge and an amazing view. :)

Lazy_Storm (Austin Arcology)
Posted on February 4, 2012:
Holy shit! Me and a bunch of volunteers are gonna come down with food and medical supplies.

A lot of the God supporters are coming too, so it's turned into a rolling sermon. I will pray for all the souls involved in this barbarism, except that damn Scion nut. I hope SOME deity or demon or whatever is using his soul for floss.

EDIT: Welcome to the world, Korg! I hope you're seeing better parts of humanity then what are doing shot today.

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(Showing Page 6 of 98)

Posted on February 4, 2012:
Speaking of S-Class threats, does anyone know the status of the remaining S-Class threats?
There are rumours about Fire and Brimstone at Ellisburg but what about Sleeper or Ash Beast?
Or what about the C.U.I or the warlords in Africa?

Posted on February 4, 2012:
@ Fencing_Guy I considered Earthlings but that Playboy interview said something about a Shadow Plane and with Dragon and Pandora on the moon, "Earth" would be inaccurate.

Nice thing about the new gods, We could just ask them about worship.

Greetings @ Dragon,
Spoiler: Titles
Goddess of Light, The Golden Dragon, The Lightbringer, The First Dragon, The Herokiller Killer, One of The Two Sisters, The Daystar, Leader of the Paladins, She Who Harnessed the Sun
Do you have any preferred forms of worship?

Since @ Scarlet Dragon
Spoiler: Titles
Goddess of Darkness, The Scarlet Dragon, The Queen of The Night, Lady of the Dark Plane, The Hopekiller killer, One of The Two Sisters, The Impaler, The Bringer Of Shadows, The Strongest Invincible Vampire
is recovering.
Hello @ Meridia. Does SD have any preference? And would you be willing to help ask the other Gods?

Robot_Raven (Houston Arcology)
Posted on February 4, 2012:
Thanks for the thoughts and support. Even with the Shadow Portals, the extra med supplies will help in extending some of the Texas Medical Center's supplies. From reports, it looks like the bomber used a kluged together tinker-tech bomb vest, making treatment a bit more labor intensive. At least it wasn't a knockoff of the Brockton Bomber's devices.

Unfortunately, I think things are going to get worse, particularly in most of the States comprising the Bible Belt. Numerous Mega-Church preachers made plenty of bank on making Scion an Angel of God and now I bet a lot of their collection plates are drying up, and what funds they do have are going to cleaning up near daily vandalism. Not to mention the other pre-Ragnarok faiths are seeing a nosedive in parishioners. While I haven't heard anything out of the Vatican, some of the usual Religious Right groups are pretty vocal. Remember back to that shit storm around LGBT rights after Legend came out and the SCOTUS ruling 7-2 that gay marriage was protected by the 14th Amendment back at the turn of the century? Well, this is even worse.

Lazy_Storm (Austin Arcology)
Posted on February 4, 2012:
Hey guys, I just had a question that will probably keep me up the rest of my life.

We know that Gods are real. Actual factual gods. We also know that they were locked away by Scion and the other one. These are things that we know.

By this logic we can assume that the local Gods, the Judeo-Christian one and many other pantheons, are possibly all real as well.

My question is this:

Did Scion do any to OUR local gods? Are they destroyed, or imprisoned, or not even fully formed yet?

Excuse me while i have a small crises of faith and sanity.

MrSandman (Verified Cape) (Protectorate SWS) (Albuquerque Arcology)
Posted on February 4, 2012:
Us at Albuquerque pray for those lost...

Looks like my team is going to be investigating the more radical religious groups that have popped up, if only to assure that they dont have any major weaponry. Thankfully, people here try to be levelheaded, so we arent expecting any trouble.

Posted on February 4, 2012:
Huh, this is back. Cool.

Very happy to be alive (and happy I was wrong about needing to find a new planet if Scion snapped), and to see how many others survived. Rather too many died, but far less than I honestly expected if this scenario came to pass.

I'm not sure if it will matter, but Scarlet Dragon, I am among those praying for your swift recovery.

EDIT: *sees @Robot_Raven's post; sighs* ... and humanity goes right back to disappointing me. Ugh. My condolences to the families of those lost to that idiot.

Meridia (Velnar Citizen)
Posted on February 5, 2012:
At the moment, the Lady of Darkness rests. The battle with Scion took much out of her, and while she is a goddess, she still has limits. Her power still rests with her, and she is healing, however it is not easy to guess when she may be on her feet.

I am unsure of what may have occurred to the local gods, if they ever existed. Although from my point of view, you people have strange ideas about gods. Gods are enhanced mortals, greater than they, but rarely immensely so without a great deal of time and effort to hone themselves. Gods do not form worlds on their own, they are granted the power to make and shape, but if there be one that created all things, I am unaware of such.

Upon the Old World, there was one who claimed to be the Maker, who spun the cosmos from nothingness, and who shaped everything to his desire. Solin, the former Lord of Light. He forged his church upon a lie, and with his followers he was unable to be attacked. But Solin was once a man, as were all the rest. Perhaps he had forgotten his original self, or perhaps he denied it in his fear of death. I know not his thoughts.

A history of the Old World is being compiled here. Most of Castlevania's libraries were destroyed in Scion's attack, and thus few actual resources remain. Those of us that can remember are rewriting what we can... although our memories are imperfect, and so much will remain lost in any case. More remains intact from what Solin left behind in Lady Dragon's library, but it is still a mere fraction of what was destroyed.

In any case, it is up to us to forge our future. Your future and our own. Perhaps something of wonder can be forged from the ruins of both our worlds.

Posted on February 5, 2012:
So when can we expect Scarlet to be back on her feet?

Meridia (Velnar Citizen)
Posted on February 5, 2012:
Unfortunately, I do not know. None have strained themselves as she did before. She shall recover, but when is not easy to guess. Physically she is well. I suspect she will be fine once she rests.

Posted on February 5, 2012:
Well, considering what happened? I hope she recovers. She helped change our world, gave us back hope after decades of having it crushed out of us. I'm pretty sure we all want her back. Except the maniacs.

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March 3, 2012

Pleasanton, Texas

Yeah, maniacs.
Lisa thought bitterly as she shut off her phone.

A decent computer system was difficult to find these days. Stolen ones were more common. But phones? Phones were being churned out by the thousand, and were being used to help reconnect places worldwide. More elaborate devices still had a market, and people were clamoring to have them back, but a phone was a downright necessity.

She looked up as the PRT Lieutenant, the name Snow on the front of her vest, exited the barn door and gave Lisa a nod. "They're ready for you."

Swallowing, Lisa got to her feet and went in. What greeted her was a scene of carnage. In the center of the barn was an emaciated figure chained to a rack, the body acid-burned beyond recognition. Around him were five other corpses, all likewise seared beyond recognition. It was nearly impossible to tell whether they were men or women.

Given the circumstances, it didn't really matter. The implements that lay on the ground showed that these people were barely human to begin with. Blades, hammers, bloody bones, a rusty blood-stained scythe, and an iron maiden littered the barn. In the stables, where horses might have lived once, were more bodies, each showing the same kind of horrific treatment.

Pandora, at least, one of her many suits, stood next to the door frame. Her voice was quiet. "Third one we've found so far. Isolated locations, small communities. A group dead around a body, while others were found nearby."

Lisa grimaced and nodded. She pointed at the first charred body. "The leader of this chapter. He was grabbing homeless kids off the street. We're not too far from San Antonio, odds are pretty good that's where they came from. More likely, as San Antonio didn't need a dome. Getting in and out wouldn't be hard."

Pandora nodded. "My analysis as well."

Lisa sucked in a breath, closing her eyes. Somehow, the stench in the barn made it worse. "These guys know what's going on. Some of the new triggers screw up, one in four or five. The new powers go out of control, no Manton Effect keeping them in check. At least, not at first." She opened her eyes and gestured to the corpse on the rack. "This was the first kid they found with the potential to trigger. He did, his power burned him, then it jumped to the next one. Then the next, then the next..." She looked at the bodies of the perpetrators. "Refining itself each time. The power kept going, until it got to her." She pointed at the one body at the end. "She managed to keep it under control."

Snow's voice was dubious. "Then why is she dead?"

Lisa made a gesture. Pandora carefully shifted the body over, showing a hole deep in the woman's back.

Lisa's voice was quiet. "Because the last fanatic here wanted it more. From the footprints, he was standing behind. From the angle, it was a male. Men tend to stab from above, women straight in or below. Then he sprayed acid at the body to try and make it look like the rest. My guess is we're looking at Scionites, but the Gesellschaft did the same kind of thing. The Fallen would do this too. Hell, give it a bit more time, and I can think of a few PRT directors that would pull the same thing if they could guarantee a loyal powered soldier."

Snow grimaced and nodded.

Pandora's voice was firm. "I suppose I have more work to do, then."

Lisa nodded with a sigh. This was much better than working for Coil, but a consulting gig still sucked sometimes.

Especially since some people were bastards.


Madison stepped to the front of the briefing room.

It felt weird to be in front of a group of twenty year olds, to teach people older than her what she knew. Still more so with her helmet on, the upper portion of her face hidden. She wasn't simply a teenager here, she was a Ward, a hero, and successor to the line of Belmonts.

This was simple enough.

Clearing her throat, she picked up the piece of chalk and wrote on the board.

Magic 101

"The thirty of you are here because you've signed up for the PRT." Madison spoke, feeling the light within her heart pulse warmly. "You're here because each of you want to make a difference. You're here because you want to help change the world."

She moved to the desk, on which were stacks of amulets she and Dragon had made. "You may be familiar with these. They're used to heal people, anywhere from small scrapes to cancerous lesions. With time and treatment, they can handle just about anything short of dismemberment or death. Who here has used one already?"

A trooper in the front, Jenkins on his nameplate nodded. "Took a month, but they regrew the tendons in my legs after one of Nilbog's critters gnawed on me when I was part of one the sweeps."

Madison nodded. "They're good for that. Now, magical theory isn't all that easy. It can take decades for a dedicated mage to be trained." She folded her fingers. "The first thing to understand is that magic is energy. It permeates everything, it's around everywhere. Nobody knows why it's there, exactly, and from my guess... it actually wasn't here in our universe a couple hundred years ago. But it was on what the Velnarians call the Old World.

"Magic doesn't do much on its own. It's just there, raw potential. Before it can affect anything, it needs to be concentrated and refined. A mage is capable of doing so in many ways. Fire, ice, healing, destruction. It's capable of all these things. The capes that fought against Behemoth and Leviathan used magic that was channeled through and made by Scarlet Dragon, and yes, Dragon. She attained the power of Light." She held up the drained amulet. "Now I don't have the time to teach you how to use things as a proper mage. Truth be told I don't know either, but there's someone who does know. I believe Alucard is gearing up to teach more refined magical theory. What I'm going to teach you is how to channel magic into artifacts, and use them as I do. It's nowhere near as flexible as a proper mage, but weapons and artifacts can be used much more easily than a sorcerer or wizard could be trained. A year or two to be able to craft things of your own, as opposed to decades to throwing your own fireballs."

She started passing out drained amulets. "Our first task will be for teaching you how to channel magic on your own. Once you know how to grasp it, to hold it, you'll be able to send it into objects and charge them up. Once there, it can be refined. We're going to need all the manpower we can to handle things in the future."


"Are you aware of the risks?"

The young man in the chair snorted, his missing hair and frail frame nearly trembling in the cold of the room. "Any riskier than living with an inoperable brain tumor?"

"Mutation is a possibility. Should that happen, we will ensure you are found and taken care of. Death is also possible, but less so. But there is a chance you may heal and gain great power." Doctor Mother spoke. "I won't pretend this is risk-free, but this is the last chance you have to back out."

He nodded. A dark-skinned woman handed him a vial. He opened it, took a deep breath, then swallowed the blood-red liquid inside.

A moment passed, then another. His eyes widened, then he screamed. His skin rippled, then burst apart, flesh and exposed bone rippling and tearing. Flesh erupted as the man turned into a writhing, twisting mass. Somehow, he was still screaming.


The video froze.

Rebecca looked at the congressional hearing, sitting across from her. "This man was one of hundreds. Today he works in Dallas, and his career over the last ten years as a Case 53 has saved hundreds of lives. You know him as Attune. What you just witnessed was what we called a Deviation. When a formula was unstable, it did something like this. Deviations were unstable, they'd mutate and continue to mutate. We only found one process that would stop the mutations and would stabilize the afflicted."

Congressman Burns, a heavyset man in his late fifties, leaned forward and spoke into the microphone. "This Slug, another Case 53?"

Rebecca nodded. "Correct. Wiping the memory of the afflicted with Slug's power, then dosing them with another batch, which we labeled stabilization agent, was the only way we had to even attempt to fix the issue, other than outright execution. All formulas had some stabilization agent, but it took a lot of trial and error to discover just what led to stable powers. Deviations still occurred now and again, but they became much more rare as our techniques improved." She took a moment to breathe, licked her lips. "I won't say they're not victims. We took the desperate and the needy and dangled hope in front of them. We did what we could to make sure they would be found somewhere where help would arrive. A slightly different formula, and I, myself, would have been one of them. We were preparing for the day Scion went mad. I don't believe I can stress how desperate we were."

Burns nodded, a look of distaste on his face. "Can you shed light upon the Endbringers?"

Rebecca sighed. "From what we've managed to figure out, the Endbringers were gods taken by one of Scion's species. Dracul killed that one, but Scion and his counterpart found them in the aftermath. Behemoth, Leviathan and the Simurgh were helpless, controlled by the apparatus that enslaved them. The Simurgh was freed on death, and Ariel is held voluntarily on an isolated Earth. The other two passed on when slain. Apparently the experience of being an Endbringer is torturous. Normally a freed god is like Chronos, who is currently aiding our rebuilding efforts, or Alaura, who is working on the winter conditions. Scarlet, as Lady of Darkness, and Dragon, who is the Lady of Light, are apparently a step above them. But an Endbringer is still a step beyond that. Without assistance, our assistance, they couldn't have stopped Behemoth and Leviathan."

"Where is the Simurgh now?"


Ariel twirled the rose between her fingers.

Centuries of pain. Torturous, unending pain. Now that it was over, now that the future was open and uncertain... she had few options. There was a shining future, an open future available. One she managed to tease out, barely, with her mantle limited in this alien universe. But it was clear, regardless.

That future had no place for her in it.

Humanity would never trust her. Never leave her be. Never be willing to let it go. For twenty years, the Endbringers tore down humanity's hopes and dreams. For nearly a decade the Simurgh drove people mad, targeted those who had the best chance at helping the world. Herokiller, Landkiller...

And Hopekiller.

It was the last one that she hated most. As Ariel, Lady of Fate, she had brought hope to those who needed it, those who sought answers to the future. A way to tweak the threads of their fate to bring about a beautiful song.

Solin had broken her power, broken her reach and influence. Turned her into a frail thing, unable to see more than a single person at a time. Still, she had managed, made sure she made plans to help bring the corrupt Lord of Light down... but not fast enough. Not good enough to save her world. Here, in this strange multiverse, there was so little she could see of the future, anyway. It would never get better. Not for her. Like this rose, once plucked from its place on the bush, at best it would stay intact for a time... but inevitably it would crumble and fall apart.

Perhaps that was why Ifrit and Lotan had moved on, preferring to stay dead when they had been slain. They knew they would never be accepted. Never more than tolerated again. It likely didn't help having suffered the same way, the trauma of it all. Being helpless, watching, as lives were taken enmasse by their powers. The temptation to forget it all must have been overwhelming.

She looked up as a flash of light heralded the arrival of David and the Travelers. Krouse, Noelle, Marissa, Jess, Luke and Oliver gathered together in the distance. They shared shouts of joy, the group smiling and laughing as they looked at Noelle, and Noelle took great joy in hugging each of them in turn.

David strode over to Ariel, a small smile on his face.

Ariel returned it, ducking her head. "It's good they're together again."

David nodded. "I'll work on retrieving Cody. The CUI are moving, but I'll have an opportunity soon. He can't go back to Aleph with them, but he could be signed up for the Guardians on their side. Now that parahuman numbers there are getting high enough for official work to be involved."

Ariel sighed. This multiverse was so confusing. Threads weaved in and out, cross-tangling and thrumming with each other. She just wasn't equipped to handle it.

David gently tilted her head up, his voice quiet. "You know you've got options."

She smiled at him and shook her head. "Yes. But few of them good. I won't ever be accepted by anyone. Not for centuries at least. My best option would be to leave for a world without any contact with Earth Bet... but that does not fix the larger issue."

David's face fell. "Yeah... I know. I know very well."

Ariel smiled at him, gently patting his cheek. "Go, David. Do what you must. So will I."

David swallowed. He nodded slowly, then whispered. "I'm sorry."

"So am I." Ariel spoke quietly. Leaning forward, she kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

David nodded, wiping away a leaking tear. He turned and rejoined the Travelers, who were staring at the pair in trepidation. In a flash of light, they were gone once more, taken by Dragon's Light Bridge.

Ariel looked up at the sun, feeling the warmth of the day. The whisper of the wind. She relaxed her power, her asymmetrical wings unfolding about her. Reaching under her toga, she unsheathed an iron dagger, forged and honed in hopes of this moment. Opening her eyes, she looked at it, gently testing its edge, its point, with her fingers.

Such a small thing. Her end would not make up for those she slew, those she drove mad, those she condemned to a lifetime of imprisonment for the madness they may or may not have. But there was nothing that could remove that stain. Mere time would allow it to fade. It never would, so long as she lived.

"Find the next one worthy of my mantle. One who will not abuse the power of fate, however weak and frail it may be here. One who will help inspire the world. One who is better than I."

Then she lifted it, brought it before her, and drove it into her own heart.

Epilogue: Foundations part 5
A/N: So very long to get here. This part and one more to go. Phew.


March 26, 2012

The man once known as Marquis walked up the driveway, sparing a single glance to the shimmering forcefield dome that still covered the city.

His former mansion still stood, though it was dilapidated and falling apart. It didn't look safe to enter. Perhaps some foolish children would, carrying cameras to document a 'haunted house' which rested only in their fantasies. He had been somewhat surprised that the property hadn't been reclaimed, but considering Brockton Bay...

Well, it wasn't that much of a surprise, in retrospect. The rich already had their own places, the poor couldn't afford to buy up the property, and those that might have wanted to purchase the mansion and rebuild it for a profit would have had to deal with the holes in the floor, the walls, and the ceiling, brought on by Jean's power, the Brigade's attempts to deal with him, and weathering respectively.

A figure was sitting on the old, rotted porch. His heart skipped a beat as he saw her brown hair, her mousy features. She looked up at him, her eyes piercing and glowing blue, and she smiled. If it were not for those disconcerting eyes, he would have thought she was his Anna, returned from the grave. If, of course, she had grown younger by twenty years.

The two stared at each other awkwardly.

Finally, Jean managed to sigh. "I had hoped for this day for twelve years."

Amelia smiled weakly. "You look a little different than I remember. Not that it's a whole lot. Your voice, though..."

"Amelia." He stepped forward, extending his hand.

Smiling, she took it, getting to her feet. "Father. Dad." She shook her head. "I have no idea how to talk to you."

He managed a wry smile. "And I've got the impulse to tuck you into bed and read The Cat in the Hat. The last time you and I spent time together, we went for ice cream on the boardwalk."

Amelia laughed softly. "I remember a little of the stories. I think my favorite was Green Eggs and Ham, though now that I think about it that sounds so very gross. Going for ice cream actually sounds good."

Warmth blossomed in his chest. It was her, his Amelia. Different, perhaps, but she remembered. Together, father and daughter began walking toward his rental car. He paused as he spotted two blondes off in the distance, though far enough away that yelling would barely reach them. "Is that Brandish?"

Amelia grinned. "And Glory Girl, my sister. Yes, you've got amnesty for volunteering to fight Scion, and helping with the medics afterward. But Mom... Brandish, still has her own issues with you. And she's acting a bit overprotective of both of us, since the Nine came. Thankfully, they're all dead now."

Jean bit his lip, then nodded. "Will they be following us the whole way?"

Amelia snorted. "Probably. They've both got a pretty protective streak going."

"By the way she's glaring at me, if dear Brandish had a Blaster power, we'd both be dead already."

"She has issues. We're working on them, but it's taking a while. Still, at least we're talking about the problems, now." Amelia looked at Jean with a faint smile. "I'd suggest not pulling anything, though. She doesn't forgive very easily."

Jean smiled faintly. "Neither do I. Given everything, though, I can respect her."

Together, the pair got in the car. "So, any allergies I should know about?" Jean asked conversationally.

"Just that I'm a vampire. I'll just drink from a bloodpack or two if we go out to eat."

He blinked. Turning, he looked at her. Amelia just returned the look, with a slightly fanged-smile.

Finally, he managed to swallow, his hands tight on the steering wheel. "Well, I'm sure we'll figure something out."


March 30, 2012

Emily Piggot stepped into what had once been her office.

She hadn't seen it for seven months. Running around the world, putting out fires. Or rather, at least in her case, constructively setting them. Nilbog's spawn were eradicated, their remains destroyed. Then heading off probing attacks from the CUI into eastern Russia. Then working around the clock to set geothermal plants around Yellowstone with Dragon, which not only produced electricity but helped sap the heat from the magma within. Which should help at least delay it from going off, or at best prevent it.

Volcanoes were tricky things, Emily learned very quickly. Supervolcanoes like Yellowstone were more so. The only reason the plants worked was the portal technology. Destabilisation might have occurred otherwise.

Renick looked up. He looked tired, though overall less stressed than in her memories. He smiled as he saw her, springing to his feet. "Director!"

"Former Director," she said fondly. "That's your position now."

He chuckled nervously as he sat back in his chair. "Yes, you're right. You resigned. Force of habit." He smiled again. "You're looking well."

She shrugged. "Thirty pounds down, I'm feeling good, and younger. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to not feel pain."

Renick nodded with understanding. Then he coughed. "Umm..." He gestured upward.

Emily sighed, patted her head, then concentrated, managing to suppress the fire sprouting from her hair. "Thanks. That keeps happening."

"I can imagine that's rather annoying," Renick said, trying to keep his lips from twitching.

Emily sighed. "Very much. I still need to collect my things..."

Renick nodded. "I've had everything gathered... would have mailed them, but you didn't leave us an address."

Emily snorted. "Didn't really have one. Busy running around the planet. Now, though, I'm moving to a little place in Wyoming." She brought up her hand, a ball of fire forming in it. "Since I'm apparently a goddess and all that, I'm feeling a need to build something about this whole fire goddess thing."

Renick smiled ruefully. "Sounds insane, doesn't it?"

"That's what I said!"

Renick's phone rang. He looked down, sighed, then back at Emily.

With a smile, Emily gestured for him to take it. He picked up the receiver. "Renick." A few moments passed as he listened with a slight frown. Then he laughed helplessly. "Right. She's here. We'll be by in a few minutes." He hung up and gave Emily a grin. "We need to head on over to conference room A."



Emily blinked in surprise, standing at the doorway to conference room A.

Lined up was the entirety of the Protectorate ENE. Armsmaster, Neptune, Miss Militia, Salacia, Dauntless, Assault, Battery, Triumph and Velocity. In front of them stood the Wards, Aegis, Clockblocker, Gallant, Kid Win, Paladin, and Vista. Off to the side was a maskless blonde teen in gray.

"Attention!" Armsmaster barked.

As one, they saluted.

A smile nearly splitting her face, Emily spoke. "At ease."

Hands dropped, tenseness dropping from their stances.

Clockblocker cleared his throat. "Director."

Vista nudged his side.

Catching himself, Clockblocker coughed. "Sorry, I know that's not accurate now, but habit. Ma'am. We rarely liked each other. I know we argued a lot. I know there were a lot of times you were angry with me pulling some stunt or another. Especially my announcement."

An amused titter went around the room.

"You were a hardass, Ma'am, and we resented you for it sometimes. We disagreed a lot. But you were also fair. You were a hardass, but you were our hardass, and despite our disagreements, I think we're going to be a bit less without you running the show."

Emily's lip twitched. "That was very touching, Clockblocker. Thank you."

"I helped him write it," the teen in gray said with a smile.

"Andrea!" a scandalized Clockblocker exclaimed.

"Oh, shush. You wanted to grovel about not being worthy."

"Well, I'm not! I'm not worthy of such an awesome girlfriend, either!"

Andrea grinned. "Hey, you're fun. I've still yet to get a good picture of you in a dress."

Armsmaster growled in warning. "Clock, Andrea."

The teen hero cleared his throat. "Sorry sir." He turned fully back to Emily. "Despite everything, we're going to miss you here. We hope you do well, wherever you go."

Emily smiled. "Thank you." Long-dormant habits reasserted themselves, and she saluted.

As one, the gathering saluted back.


May 15, 2012

"So," Pandora 'spoke', her armored suit shifting a little as she drove a forcefield generator into the lunar surface. Without air, true speech was impossible, but radio signals worked just fine.

"So," Dragon returned, amusement in the simulated voice on the return. "We're here, just the two of us, on the far side of the Moon. Well, the one of me and a few hundred million of you, but that's just being pedantic." In the form of her golden suit, she reached over, a flare of light appearing, and the moment it faded another forcefield generator was left behind. She passed it to Pandora.

"Well, first of all, you met Armsmaster after we split. I can see you've got a thing for him. Why I don't get, but hey, you're technically older and can make your own decisions."

"Gee, thanks," Dragon said dryly.

Pandora drove the generator into the lunar soil. "Well, this isn't easy for me either, you know. We started technically the same, but now we're pretty different. You're able to take on fleshy bits, for one thing."

"And you're always hooked up to the internet. Hell, you're more omnipresent than I am, and I'm actually a goddess."

"But you can go and fly right up to the sun. I can't."

Another generator flared into existence as the pair moved to the next point. Dragon's voice had an amused undertone. "Are we really arguing over who has it better right now?"

"No, no, nononono... actually I suppose we are," Pandora said as she took the generator and drove it downward.

Dragon shrugged. "Look, you and I are different now. I'm not sure how this works, exactly. I do know we have souls, but we're not quite the same. I'm fairly sure it was due to our time apart."

Pandora sighed over the line. "Yeah. You got to go out and try and be a hero. I was enslaved by Cauldron for their projects. I get why they did it, but it doesn't mean I need to be happy about it."

"Mm. A common sentiment going around these days."

The work continued. After several hours, the ring had been constructed.

Dragon would have grinned had she been in her human form. "Alright, let's fire it up."

The faintly green dome snapped into existence, then brightened as the overlapping forcefields reinforced each other and set themselves in layers. Then a haze formed in the center of the dome as the atmospheric generator activated, beginning the long slow process of filling the interior with breathable air.

Dragon checked the readings. "Excellent. Zero point zero zero zero three-six atmosphere loss. This will work just fine."

"Physical domes will work better as a backup, though," Pandora noted. "It wouldn't be very good for a colony to die because of a power failure."

"Quite right," Dragon agreed. "This will work for setting up terraforming stations, though."

"Heh. Yep. Mars next?"

"Damn right. I also want to see what we can pull off with Venus. Though that is going to take a lot longer."


May 22, 2012

Alaura, Lady of Winter, groaned as she struggled to walk further forward, feeling as if her white dress and crystalline hair were made of lead.

"Come now, we've only got a little further to go." Iona, Lady of Summer, spoke with a chiding tone, the woman's dress of grass and flowers almost cloyingly sweet. As summer approached in the Northern Hemisphere, Iona's strength was waxing while Alaura's was waning, making the Winter goddess feel a fair bit of resentment. That she'd had to work for months to lessen the effects of the volcanic winter.

Without the efforts of the greater gods and the technology of these people, there would have been few places in the north with human life still in it. Now, things were improving, but the scars left by Scion were going to be visible for centuries.

Still, the pair approached the fields of India. The subcontinent had been badly devastated, the grinding poverty of most of the region having made the problem far worse. While this area had little snow, the volcanic winter had deposted great amounts of rain and had washed away a lot of the topsoil. What was left was nearly barren, as seawater had splashed inland and salted the fields. Not during Ragnarok itself, but the aftershocks.

"Ready?" Iona spoke.

Alaura nodded.

Together, the goddesses clasped hands. Together, they worked to tweak the weather over the field. Together, they forced the soil to dry, for the salt to be buried farther below, for the roots and seeds to begin growing and ripening out of season.

Alaura lent her strength to her counterpart. This was Iona's time to shine. After an hour's worth of work, where before lay a nearly-dead and barren field was a rich, ripe and strong farmland filled with wheat. Enough to feed hundreds.

Gasping, Alaura broke her grasp. Iona supported her weight as the pair of goddesses watched as Indian farmers came upon the sight and reacted with shock.

"Three more to go," Iona said.

Alaura groaned. "You are so helping me with Russia."

Iona groaned. "Right. Fine."


June 1, 2012

Earth Zayin

"They are coming! I swear to you they are!"

Doctor Tennant, a younger reedy man in his early thirties, tilted his glasses down. "Miss Winstar, I think you can excuse our skepticism. There have been no sightings of a 'golden man' or a white woman, doing anything. We have no records of powers appearing before last year, and those few who do are either creating slightly-more advanced technology and getting rich or attempting to pull a crime and getting killed by police response."

The black woman in the straightjacket glared back. "Your apocalypse has already begun! They will come here! They want to kill all of humanity. They will shatter our world into a billion pieces! We thought we killed the first one, but I was wrong. I failed. And now everyone will diebecause I failed!"

"These delusions are worrying, Olivia," Tennant spoke softly. "We can't help you as long as you persist in believing in this fantasy of parallel worlds."

"My name's not Olivia!"

He sighed, taking a moment to rub his eyes. "Regardless of your delusions, you are Olivia Winstar. We identified you as a missing person from over thirty years ago."

"I am not that per-" There was a pop. The straightjacket fluttered to the ground.

Doctor Tennant blinked. "Well. She apparently really is teleporting between dimensions. This... is going to be very awkward to explain."


September 30, 2012

Danny opened his eyes blearily as a wailing, needy cry intruded on his consciousness.

Hannah, lying next to him, laughed softly as she got up, taking a moment to kiss his cheek. "Get some more sleep, Danny. I can handle her."

Danny sighed and nodded, relaxing back on the bed as Hannah stepped off into the next room.

Nearly a year they'd been together. Over a year since Taylor dropped into her coma. So much of his life had changed. So much of the world had changed.

Hearing the cooing of Hannah's voice in the next room, Danny sighed and got up. He went in, seeing Hannah tending to Rose, the young infant now quietly and contentedly suckling on a bottle as Hannah rocked her back and forth.

At her questioning look, he smiled sheepishly as he whispered. "I can't get back to sleep now. I'll get on breakfast."

She smiled, a soft chuckle escaping her. Danny leaned down, kissed Rose on the forehead, and went to the kitchen.

His house, or rather, the land it had been on, was sold off. He hadn't the means to fix it, not after the damage it took in Ragnarok. As many memories were bound up in it, as sorry as he had been to place the 'For Sale' sign in front of it... he knew to stay would eventually kill him. Staying there, even with Hannah visiting, reminded him far too much of those long dark months when his Taylor was in the ground. It was only the fact that he knew she was still there, still able to drink her blood, still responding, if slightly, to his voice, that he managed to keep going. Long enough, at least, to find more reasons to live.

He went through their kitchen, making breakfast. Bacon, eggs, toast. Simple and hearty. Hannah didn't need sleep, but she still needed food like everyone else, and she enjoyed his company. Truth be told, he loved hers as well.

He just hoped that Annette could forgive him. Nothing could replace her, of course. But the prospect of living alone for the rest of his days wasn't one he could bear. He could honor her, though. That was one of the many reasons Rose was named Rose. Annette's middle name.

He would never forget his first love. Even as a new one grew.

He kept cooking as Hannah padded into the kitchen, gently bumping a giggling Rose in her hands. She'd inherited her mother's dusky skin, and she was such an adorable little thing. Even when he was operating on three hours of sleep.

The phone rang. Hannah looked at him with a bit of pleading in her eyes.

With a chuckle, Danny went and grabbed the phone. "Danny Hebert."

"Ah, Mister Hebert. This is Caroline Winters at Tranquillity Colony. She's awake."


Tranquillity Colony had quickly expanded under the direction of the British. Aided by the Shadow Portals, Dragon, Pandora and Castlevania's citizens, it had expanded from a cramped twenty-room concrete bunker built mostly underneath the lunar surface into a domed community a hundred strong and growing. Forcefields and reinforced domes kept the vacuum at bay, while allowing a beautiful look at the Earth overhead.

For most of the last year, it had been stained, dirty, racked with stormclouds and winter chills. But it was recovering. Every passing week the globe of the Earth looked just a little bit better than before.

For Danny, it was quite a sight. He hadn't been born yet during the original Apollo missions, at best watching the footage on documentaries as he was growing up. He never imagined her would actually be here, especially without a spacesuit. His feet were light as he carefully walked over the newly-paved roads. He had to move slowly to keep from literally bouncing down the street in the lower gravity. That his mood wanted him to go bounding actually made it harder. The structures had an odd aesthetic to them, the medieval style that dominated the structure of Castlevania, while being made out of space-age materials. It was as if someone modernized one of the old French castles and plunked it on the Moon.

Danny found his way to his daughter's quarters. A tower that loomed over the rest of the colony, though thankfully it was equipped with an elevator. On one side, it provided a view of the growing colony. On the other, it looked out at the barren lunar surface. The top chamber of the tower was luxurious, an opulent bedroom, washroom and entertainment center built for the needs of the Lady of Darkness.

He found Taylor standing in her bedroom, looking out the window at the barren lunar landscape, a goblet in one hand while the other rested on the transparent aluminum that served as glass. She was still in her demonic form, her red and black wings folded around her neck, almost appearing as if they were a single, unnatural cloak.

Danny cleared his throat. "Taylor?"

She whipped around, her red eyes widening as she caught sight of him. The goblet fell to the floor, the splash of blood on the floor showing it had been full. Then he found himself glomped on by his daughter, arms and wings wrapped around his form as she clung to his chest.

Together, they wept.

Awkwardly, Danny rubbed her back, his cries of joy and relief escaping him.

Eventually, her voice cracking, Taylor spoke. "I was dreaming about Mom, you know." She sniffed. "I didn't want it to end. You, me, her, on a picnic. I think I was eight when we actually had it."

Danny smiled. "Yeah. Over by Brockton's Landing, right? I remember."

Taylor nodded into his shirt, her voice muffled. "After a while I began to realize it was just a dream... I tried to wake up, but I was just so tired. I couldn't. Not til now." She sniffed, then let out a soft giggle. "Wasn't expecting to wake up on the Moon, though."

Carefully, Danny tilted her head up, then kissed her forehead. "You've been asleep for more than a year, kiddo. A fair bit's changed. Meridia wanted you somewhere safe while she ran things as far as your... uh, subjects, were concerned. Nobody can get here without going through a lotof security."

Taylor relaxed a little, clearly enjoying the feel of her father's warmth. "I'll bet. How's everyone?"

"Vicky and Amy want to see you. But I think first you should come by our place first."

Taylor lifted an eyebrow. "'Our' place?"

Flushing in embarrassment, Danny lifted his hand and showed the gold ring on his finger. "Hannah and I... um... we got married about three months ago."

"Oh. Um, congratulations."

He swallowed. "And you've got a little sister, Rose."



Taylor stared with fascination at Rose. Rose stared right back. Then she let out a happy cry, spreading her arms, reaching for her inhuman elder sister.

Hannah laughed softly. "It's alright." Carefully, Hannah handed the infant over, giving Rose an affectionate rub on top of the head.

Taylor rocked her little sister back and forth, looking into her eyes. Then she laughed softly as Rose tugged on her long white hair. "Hey, hey! Easy there!" She gave a smile to the giggling infant and booped Rose on the nose.

Then Taylor wrinkled her nose. "Uh...I think she just went."

Rose giggled happily. Hannah sighed. "Right. Give her here."

Epilogue: Finale
A/N: This has been more than two years worth of work. It took a lot longer than I expected to get here. I'd hoped to have it done in under a year, but circumstances just didn't work out that way.

Regardless, it's here. The finale. I'm glad to have finished this, but I'm also sorry that it has to end.


May 10, 2020

"Mister Cruz? Are you paying attention?"

Soma gave a start in his chair. "Yes, Sensei. Many apologies." He forced his spine to straighten, wincing as he felt the bruises on his chest rest against his clothes.

Soma didn't like school much. It was mostly boring, but it was also the place where he ended up getting into fights. Though Shinji definitely deserved his bruises, which the large bully picked up after trying to steal Mina's book from Soma.

Soma had a fair bit of satisfaction at seeing the other kid lying on his back, bleeding from the nose. All talk, a lot of bark, but not all that much bite.

Mister Robinson, a caucasian man in his fifties, nodded at the eight year old. "Do pay attention. I know English isn't the most exciting subject, but it is the most common international language. Understanding English will open a lot of doors for you in the future."

Embarrassed at all the amused stares of his fellow students, Soma ducked his head. "Yes, Sensei."

With a slight smile, Robinson turned back to the board. "Now, translation between Japanese and English is not straightforward. The rules and syntax are very different. It's all right to make mistakes, that's how we learn. Now..."

Soma let himself absorb the lesson, trying to not let his mind wander. Unfortunately, the schoolboy's mind kept coming back to more pleasant matters. Like the chance to get outside and enjoy that beautiful sunny day out there.

More importantly, Mina was coming back to Miyako. She'd been away at the Kyushu shrine at Shimonoseki, or rather what had been left of Shimonoseki. Leviathan's attack on Kyushu had been devastating, not just to the island itself but also to the rest of the country. After Ragnarok, and in honor of Leviathan's slayer, a shrine to the Lady of Darkness had been erected at Shimonoseki. Mina's whole family went to pay their respects, both to the fallen and to the Dark Lady, but it still meant that he was separated from her for nearly a week.

The bell rang, and Soma nearly sprang to his feet, grabbing his bag. He barely heard Robinson as the man spoke. "Now remember we have the next class on Monday. Make sure you do assignments three and four. Have a good weekend."

Soma hurried through the rush of students. He slammed his way out of the school as fast as his legs could carry him, a grin on his face as he rushed through the neighborhood. It was a fantastic day out, and he... ran straight into a tall foreign man with black hair who walked around the corner. Soma nearly fell, only for the fall to be stopped by a grip of steel.

"Easy there." The man with crack-like scars on his face spoke in flawless Japanese. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" He released Soma, a mysterious smile on his face.

"Apologies, sir. I'm rushing to see a friend." Embarrassed, Soma brushed off his sleeve. That grip was very strong. He looked up wonderingly at the man, a faint hint of familiarity trickling in Soma's heart... for some reason, he expected the man's blue eyes to be gold.

"I see." He laughed softly. "Well, don't let me keep you, young man. Just be wary of what's near you, not simply your distant goal, hm?"

Soma bowed his head. "Yes sir." He darted around the man, heading just up the street. When he reached Mina's house, just three down from his own, he felt elated as he saw her family's car in front of it. Eagerly he rang the doorbell.

A moment later, it was flung open. "Soma!" Mina folded her arms imperiously as she looked him up and down. "About time you got back!" She shook a finger in his face. "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to get my book back? You didn't forget it, did you?"

Soma grinned, slipping his backpack off and retrieving the book she'd leant him. "The Odyssey, returned in mint condition, my lady." With a flourish, he handed it over. "It was actually pretty neat. Odysseus was a jerk, but he was interesting too."

Mina laughed. "Oh, yes. I always find the old heroes of legend interesting. I'm doing a comparison of him and Miyamoto Musashi. Haruka wants to do her comparison project on Dracul and Oda Nobunaga."

Soma blinked. "Dracul's the Dark Lady's predecessor, is he not? Hasn't she stated what they have of him is fragmentary?"

Mina shrugged. "Most of the libraries were apparently destroyed, but some remained. We have a few paintings of him, and some statues. It should be interesting." She smiled. "Would you like to come in and help me on the project?"

Soma wasn't entirely sure why, but he felt very, very happy. He grinned as he stepped inside.


Alucard's voice was quiet as he walked alongside his companion. "He doesn't remember."

"You're sure it's him?" A rather pretty young woman spoke. Her hair was long and black, and she appeared to be right in the prime of her life, aside from the paleness of her skin.

"Aye. My father's soul and mine were linked. T'was the source of my immortality. Over great distances I felt little, but close to him my soul sang to his. Soma Cruz was, once, Dracul, but he need no longer be so." Alucard dipped his head. "I shall keep an eye upon him, ensure he lives free and as happy as I can. He, and my mother, deserve at least one lifetime free to make their own choices, and not have it stolen from them."

Taylor smiled and nodded. "Well, it's good he was freed. I was fairly sure I managed when I destroyed what was left of the dead Abomination, but I couldn't be a hundred percent sure. Anyway, I'm pretty sure if he did remember, he'd either be a wreck or completely insane." She flicked her hair over her shoulder, running her finger along a nearby brick wall. "Feels a little odd to be in human shape again now. Got used to the wings."

Alucard smiled indulgently. "I can imagine. My own see little use, but losing them would be odd, even if it were only temporary." He took a moment to breathe in, enjoying the clean air. "Tis strange to look almost as I did when I was alive. Grace seems to appreciate it, however." He ran his fingers through his dyed-black hair. "Interesting ways of cloaking your appearance. Although I admit I would very much enjoy being able to look at myself in the mirror again."

Taylor shrugged. "Sorry, can't really help that one. I'm barely getting used to shaping myself to look how I want. Stuck at twenty-five forever, fine. Stuck at fifteen... not so fun. Amy helped with that one."

Trying to stick to the shade, the pair of vampires walked the streets of Miyako. Some took notice of the pair of foreigners, but few spared more than a passing glance. The world was becoming more interconnected, and even fairly isolationist Japan was opening up, if reluctantly.

"How is Grace?" Taylor asked as the pair reached a pristine park, taking cover beneath the shade of the trees.

Alucard smiled. "Quite well. We have been travelling together, seeing the world. I think we shall end the journey at Paris. I'm told it is a common place to propose."

Taylor grinned. "Congratulations. I hope you two will be very happy together."

"We are." Alucard smiled sagely. "This is simply deepening our ties and our bond. I have missed her, greatly."

Once they reached a clearing out of sight, Taylor opened a portal to the Shadow Plane. The pair emerged into Castlevania's courtyard.

Alucard took a moment to look around. "It's different than I remember." The walls were smooth, as if carved from a single immense piece of black marble. The towers loomed above, studded with electric lights. The central tower that held the throne room had been rebuilt, but there were many more structures linked to it now, making it look like an immense spider's web.

Taylor shook her head. "I couldn't rebuild it the way it was. Your father built it originally, and I have a fair few of his memories, but nowhere near all of it. Besides," she smiled wryly. "The castle itself vetoed some of the changes I wanted to make. Necessary changes."

The castle itself quivered.

Taylor tilted her head. "No, no, considering what happened last time, no. It took three seconds for you to shift into the Shadow Plane when Scion attacked. We've got it down to half a second. It had to be faster. Plus, considering where we're going, more changes had to be done too."

Alucard chuckled softly as the black walls surrounding the courtyard seemed to pout.


June 3, 2020

Michael Shepard, a thirty-five year old test pilot, thumbed the communications console. "Houston, this is Shepard. All lights are green, awaiting permission to engage."

"Roger Shepard, stand by for systems confirmation."

He took a moment to look out the window, the Moon and the Earth drifting by. From this distance, they looked like a pair of blue and gray specks. If it wasn't for the FTL transmission systems made available by the portals, he'd have to wait for five seconds between transmission and reception back at Mission Control.

Magic definitely had its uses.

"This is Mission Control, you have a go."

Shepard grinned. "Roger Houston, powering up the Vista drive."

The heroine Vista, space-warper, after extensive testing of her power, allowed humanity to eventually reverse-engineer the principles of her power. Back on Earth, the drive was powered by a dedicated fusion reactor and took a ludicrous amount of fuel to provide the required electricity. If not for the portals, the ship carrying the drive would have had to be the size of an aircraft carrier to handle the required load. Instead, the Constellation test ship was 'only' the size of a train car.

Shepard read off the countdown. "FTL in five, four, three, two, one..." He gripped the controls, exhaling a breath.

The space outside the front window shifted and warped. The stars seemed to jitter, brighten, darken, spread apart and shift closer together. Then there was a flicker, and space outside the ship warped. There was no sensation of speed, no distortion, no sense of sickness. The portal at the back of the cabin that served as Shepard's emergency exit remained, thankfully, open.

After sixty seconds, the drive shut off. Shepard checked his instruments, and grinned. Aiming the cameras, he whistled as he directed the computer to take pictures of the planet below the Constellation, wondering at being the first human to be so far away from home. On a whim, he shifted the ship to flip itself around, so he could enjoy the view with his own two eyes.

"Houston, this is Shepard. Vista drive is a success. And the weather on Neptune looks mighty fine."

He couldn't help but laugh a little at the cheers that reached over his comms.


September 3, 2020

Taylor smiled. "So, how were the lessons today?"

Rose shrugged. "Okay I guess. Lessons are lessons." The eight year-old girl sounded tired, her legs swinging back and forth on her chair. She had her nose down as she scribbled on a page resting on the kitchen table, though from the shapes of it, it didn't look like she was doing anything more than doodling.

Taylor's smile turned into a frown. "If anyone's giving you trouble..."

Rose rolled her eyes. "Please, no. If anything I'm bored. I don't have any friends my age." She looked up at Taylor, seriousness in her brown eyes. "Mostly because I've got private tutors and I'm not in public school."

Sighing, Taylor nodded. "Dad's got a real problem with them, considering what happened to me. I wouldn't be happy about you going either, considering."

Rose grimaced. "Yeah. It's just..." She huffed, then looked up at Taylor. "I got to hang with the neighborhood kids for a while there. Now they're all off at school and I'm being homeschooled."

Sighing again, Taylor settled into the seat opposite Rose. "I'll tell you a secret. Dad's afraid."

Rose blinked. "But Dad's not the scaredy type. He shooed out that huge spider from my room last week."

Taylor laughed at that. "The thing is, Dad nearly lost me when I was older than you. I don't think you can grasp how bad it was for him." She shook her head. "He's afraid of losing you like he lost my Mom and thought he lost me. It's only because I changed that I came back, and he didn't know that for three months."

For Rose, three months was an unimaginably long span of time. That was like, forever! "That why I can spot unca John hanging around?"

Taylor looked suspiciously over at the kitchen sink. Almost shyly, a hand of water lifted out, waved at her, then sank back down. "Yes, I suppose that's why. That's pretty creepy, too."

"Says the vampire," Rose said smugly.

Taylor stuck out her tongue.

"Real mature."

"Right, fine," Taylor huffed, her lips curling up into a smile. "Point is, Dad doesn't want you to be hurt. I did a lot of things that scared him. He never liked it when I went out to stop people who were trying to hurt others. It scared him when I went to fight Endbringers. It scared him when I went to fight Scion. He lost me once, and I came back from a miracle. He knows he can't count on a second one if anything happened to you, or your Mom."

Rose frowned. "But I'll be fine!"

"It's not easy to convince yourself of that. He knows that anyone who did hurt you would answer to either your Mom or me, but that won't help if you do get hurt."

Rose clenched her teeth. "But I haven't got any friends!"

Taylor opened her mouth, then closed it. Finally, she chuckled. "Right. That's not fair to you. I remember how it felt to be isolated. I'm sorry. I'll talk to Dad about it." She lifted a finger and pursed her lips. "There's some stuff you'll have to keep quiet about though. Especially about your Mom's job."

Rose nodded seriously, a smile splitting her face. "Yesem. I'll won't say nothin!"

Taylor chuckled. "Alright, my little mobster. I'm not promising anything, but I'll push for you."


September 10, 2020

Upon the surface of the Moon, Taylor walked.

There was a strange, pristine beauty about it. Airless, ludicrously hostile to human life. Barren. The Sun blazed on the horizon, unfiltered and powerful. Taylor could feel its heat and light attempting to sear away the protective coating of blood armor around her undead flesh. The only other vampire that could have possibly withstood that light was Dracul, and only when he had the Mantle of Darkness.

Still, here was a sight only a few hundred had seen, and of them, only twelve walked freely on this world, unhindered by a forcefield or walls, though encumbered by a spacesuit. Perhaps, in time, even that would not be necessary. Granted, to geoengineer the Moon into a habitable world would take many, many centuries.

Well, everyone needs a hobby, Taylor thought with some amusement.

She lifted her hand. Darkness spread forth, amplified by the oncoming lunar night. It spread open, the weather effects or the storm that otherwise would have formed from the tearing of space-time failing to occur in this airless place. The ground shuddered as Castlevania tore itself out of the Shadow Plane, settling onto the lunar surface as gently as... well, a mountain-sized object could. Not very gentle at all, but at least it didn't shatter the Moon as it settled itself in place.

Part of the damage done by Scion during Ragnarok was a direct result of Scion's attack on the castle. If it hadn't been floating in the air, a piece of it shorn off and allowed to drop into the ocean, the tsunami that devastated the coastlines of the Atlantic would not have happened. If she'd been better, if she'd thought things through a bit more, those people would still be alive.

Thus, having the Castle floating above the water, or above the ground on Earth, was not going to happen again. Taylor resolved to make her kingdom somewhere where an attack on her and her people would not cause harm to anyone else.

It also happened that the Moon was almost uninhabited, and as she'd been made aware of previously, from the Moon, you're halfway to anywhere.

The Castle took its full shape, the ground shuddering on the lunar surface, cracks of heated rock and glowing lava surrounding the immense mass as it settled in place. A haze began to spread from the Castle as it began to vent breathable air out into the void, shield generators inside the castle itself keeping enough within for humans to survive, and eventually systems would be set in place for the entire surface of the Moon to become a habitable, if small, world.

Taylor drifted forward. In the darkness, it was hard to see, but she could see where new substance joined with the old. The castle's rebuilding was imperfect, even discounting the changes that were made. Along the outer wall it was fairly obvious, at least to her vampiric eyes, where Scion's light had erased the old part of it. The new section of wall was joined and forcibly melted into the old. The throne room's tower was shaped differently, no longer standing upon a thin spire, but instead bound at the center of a great rocky web.

But it was still home. She had been rebuilt, reforged after the battle, and it was now ready to grow into the future.

Taylor hoped she would be ready for it. New designs for ships to sail the void were already being built. Humans and demons alike were going to spread out into space. Negotiations with Earth Aleph were underway to provide the same opportunities for Bet's parallel as she was enjoying. The cosmos would finally be open for humanity after a century of dreaming.

And it all would start here, on the gray surface of the Moon.


October 31, 2020

Within the center of a summoning circle, a form slowly took shape. Taylor lowered her hands, wiping her brow as she took a deep, shuddering breath. Though she wasn't capable of sweating, she could feel tired, and this task took a lot of time and effort.

Mist congealed itself, first shaping itself into bone. Then flesh and blood coalesced around it, as if the process of decay over decades or centuries reversed itself. Finally, Death stood there in the center of the circle, and the cosmic being let out a shuddering gasp. A moment later, his familiar black suit took shape around him, and he cast his eyes around the room.

Once they settled on Taylor, he sighed. "I do hope you did not murder anyone for this, my dear. I would be gravely disappointed if you did."

Taylor shook her head with a wan smile. "I know. I used cows. The soul-cords collected over the last five years on just some of them when they were brought to the slaughter. I'm running a lot of cattle ranches these days, Death."

Death took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. "I see. I can feel it. The vessel is frail, fragile. It won't last long. Their substance isn't capable of handling me for long, even with a few million of them... a shame. It will only last a few minutes."

Taylor nodded. "I know. I'm sorry if it's uncomfortable. I know it's a bit selfish, but, I never got the chance to say goodbye to my mother. You were my friend, you helped me when I needed it, was willing to listen to me when I needed help and advice. I wanted to thank you, and give you a proper goodbye. I don't think I could go through this again, anyway... it felt awful just gathering up all the cords from cattle. Doing it to people would feel a lot worse... so I think this is going to be the last time we'll get to talk."

Death thought that over for a moment, then he let out a soft chuckle. "I can understand that, my dear. Though there will be one more time, I think." Stepping from the circle, he spread his arms, and Taylor took the invitation, hugging the avatar of Death.

Death patted her back, enjoying the moment. After long minutes, he broke the hug and tilted Taylor's head up, gently wiping her cheek. "I'm glad you're alright. I'm glad you've grown into the person you've become. You are the Queen of Blood, Lady of Darkness, first of your line of vampires, and yet you've managed to maintain your humanity, even while surpassing my old friend. I am very proud of you, Taylor."

Taylor smiled weakly. "Thank you. And thank you for helping me when I needed it. Without help, I never would have managed. I'd have probably gone insane over those first few days. Thank you for that." She bit her lip. "Can... can you tell Mom something for me? Tell her I miss her. Tell her I love her."

He smiled gently. "She already knows." Death's smile grew a little sad as he gently stroked his fingers through Taylor's hair. "There will come a time when we meet again, my dear. Nothing, not even the stars or universes, lasts forever. You will have the privilege of living longer than most, longer than any mortal human might. But I do hope that, before that final night, before you choose to cast off your godhood and allow us to meet again, that you enjoy your life."

Taylor nodded silently.

With a faint smile, Death returned the nod. "Good. Now... two final things. Zion, who you knew as Scion, and his counterpart, Eden, were not the only ones of their kind. There are more out there, uncountably more throughout the cosmos. If humanity stays within the solar system, you will be easy pickings for another if they come your way. If you spread out, sooner or later you will get the attention of another. There are other threats out in the void, as well. But I sense you do not believe there is much choice."

Taylor smiled at that. "We're going out there. We can't let fear rule us. And I think we've proven that the Abominations aren't invincible. We'll have to try and prepare as much as we can, even if that's simply by spreading out."

"I agree, my dear." Death smiled. "There are those you may call friends out there, too. Others who do not deserve to end as Zion threatened to do to humanity. Perhaps you will meet them." He shrugged. "The future is not my domain."

Taylor nodded. "And the second thing?"

Death smiled faintly. "A little gift. Annette just suggested it, and I am inclined to agree. Go to your quarters, you will find it." Gently, Death kissed her forehead, and his avatar began to unravel.

Taylor watched until the last bit of Death faded away, the ethereal strings that made him up dissolving into the background magic of the castle. A small amount of it shifted upwards, phasing through the stone ceiling of the summoning chamber, moving toward her quarters.

Curious, she went, taking her time to compose herself. She nodded and smiled as she passed by the castle's servants. Her golems, her succubi, her gremlins, her werewolves. Pandora suits gave her a nod as she passed by, working tirelessly to improve the Castle. Even those ordinary humans who now lived here and worked for her, helping to build a future for humanity.

When she reached her bedroom, she looked around. It was large and opulent, brought up to modern standards. Her bed was large enough, and comfy enough, to hold seven people with room to spare.

It was when she turned to the display cases filled with her personal effects, she saw it. Annette's flute, covered in and seething with the remaining magic Death released. Even as Taylor watched, the tarnish cleansed itself, the broken keys filled themselves in. The mouthpiece, which had been long-since dented and unusable, repaired itself. Over the course of a few long minutes, the damage done to it a decade before was gone, as if it never had happened.

With trembling fingers, she opened the display case and pulled out the now-pristine flute. The clean silver of its surface heated her fingers unpleasantly, irritating her skin... but at the moment, Taylor couldn't bring herself to care. It wasn't anything she couldn't ignore, anyway.

She brought it to her lips and played a soft song, even as the silver heated against her lips. It had been a long time since she played, but after a few minutes of practicing, it was as if she'd never stopped playing at all. Annette used to play it for her, when Taylor was little, and for a long moment, Taylor let herself be lost in the memory.

When she was finished, she muttered quietly. "Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Death." She went to put the flute back. Then stopped. Finally, she tucked the flute into her jacket, closing the empty display case.

The sound of a clearing throat caught her attention, and Taylor whipped around.

Amy was standing there, looking a bit embarrassed. "Sorry. That looked personal. I didn't want to interrupt."

"It's fine," Taylor said. "Just remembering Mom."

Amy nodded, a small smile on her lips. "I figured it was something like that. Anyway, night's falling in Brockton. Rose is about to go trick-or-treating. You still coming?"

Taylor smiled. "Yeah." She gently fingered the flute in her pocket. "I think I'll play for her when we're done getting candy." Then she went over to Amy, giving the other girl a hug. "Then I think you and I can come back here and talk things out... we never did pick up after Scion. Hell, not after the hospital."

Amy blushed a little, nodding. "We've both been busy. Always seems like one thing or another came up."

"Yeah, but eight years? Where does the time go?"

"To be fair, we're vampires. We've got the time."

Taylor laughed. "True, but no time like the present. I'm willing to experiment. Not sure we'll go anywhere, but I do like spending time with you."

Amy smiled. "Me too. And maybe I'll stop dating blondes."

Taylor grinned. "Hey, Meridia liked being blonde for a while."

"Yeah, but it was awkward! She wanted to get me and Vicky in bed together! 'Help get it out of your system,' she said!" Amy shook her head. "Not taking advice from the succubus."

"What did you expect?"

"Not that!"

A moment passed, then the pair shared helpless laughter. Hand-in-hand, the two vampires went out the door.


The End.
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