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I got the impression that Pyrrha was still acting coldly towards Selina. Like. She was not throwing a tantrum or doing anything improper? But she is still putting zero effort into bonding with Selina, perhaps due to racism, but a bit of her… incompetence at being a normal, self-aware teenager (eith zero experience at making friends) making things worse too.
That is about right, yes
1.10 The Man In His Tower
Team SNNL had returned to Beacon via Bullhead after a quick stop for lunch. Everyone else kept their silence with Selina grumbling under her breath while nursing her migraine, even Nora.

Pyrrha was stuck musing on her partner's unusual behaviour; she knew she should disregard her as before but simply could not bring herself to. Selina was too intriguing; brash, blunt, boisterous, but also willing to help. To do the right thing.

As they stepped out of the Bullhead, Nora sidled up to her with a knowing look. "Something on your mind, champ?"

"Not particularly. I just wonder why Selina ended up helping with Blake despite disliking her so much."

"I mean, Weiss got her with that Ghira guy, right?"

"Perhaps," she allowed. Yet this did not feel quite right. "I doubt that was all there is to it, though."

Nora hesitated, likely unable to formulate a response. She glanced to Ren, who took over for her: "Maybe that was just the tipping point?"

"I can hear you, you know?"

Indeed, Selina was walking a scant few metres in front of them. Pyrrha averted her gaze just like the other two, feeling a little like when her mother once caught her with the hand in the cookie jar. The other woman's unimpressed stare soon swivelled away again; Nora took this as permission to ask questions and spoke for all of them: "So what was it? Why'd you help out?"

Selina heaved a sigh at that. "'Cause Weiss was right, kinda. More right than she knew. I know Ghira, he'd be disappointed with me. Not for ignoring Blake, but for not doing the right thing out of spite. And I wanna be better than that."

"Even with the migraine and stuff?"

"Yeah, even if it hurts. I try to put my money where my mouth is. Make way, losers."

She interrupted herself to elbow team CRDL's L, Sky Lark. The quartet were milling around in front of the entrance. However, much as usual, Selina's commentary was not taken well; the whole team formed something akin to a living wall around their leader and blocked their path.

Cardin Winchester was, if nothing else, huge. His team sat in the middle of the pack for combat rankings, but they had good synergy. Sky, Dove Bronzewing, and Russel Thrush were all more lanky; Cardin brought the bulk and power to their fights while those three snuck in hits and went after speedsters.

Cardin sneered down at Selina. "What's up, poochie? Did someone steal your favourite bone?"

His trio of idiots grinned at the jab while Selina was unimpressed. Perhaps her current pain just jaded her, considering that even Pyrrha felt a tiny bit intimidated despite not being the one Cardin towered over. She unconciously aligned herself behind her own leader, Nora and Ren followed. They waited for orders but Selina did not start anything. She simply shrugged. "Nah, and don't call me poochie."

"Aww, the little animal whimpers. Do you want pets? Maybe if you roll over."

Nora bristled and Selina grimaced. While Cardin's grin grew wider, Pyrrha began to wonder if this could have been her in his place. Then however, Selina made a dismissive motion.

"Nah, I'm good."

"Hey, let's break his legs!"

Nora's shout wiped the grins off CRDL's faces. They tensed up in expectation of a fight, likely aware they could not win. Nothing came of it, unfortunately; Selina lightly clapped Nora's chest with the back of her hand. "Down girl," she said, though her mind seemed to be elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Cardin regained his bravado: "Heh, like you posers would even try! The only reason you're acting tough is Pyrrha!"

Now it was for her to bristle, but she received the same reaction from Selina as Nora. It was annoying and she considered ignoring her leader's order. Before she could come to a decision however, Selina somehow managed to fake a laugh. "You can just say if you wanted to hang out, y'know? I know there's hotties on this team."

Somehow all the tension died in an instant. Cardin was the most confounded, but none of them had seen that coming.

"Hold on," Pyrrha begged, "what-"

Yet Selina just kept going. "But sure, I can get us a ball from one of the upper year teams, we can play some football tomorrow. Better be ready to get your asses kicked! Tata!"

And just like that she strolled away. It spoke to the effectiveness of her response that CRDL could only stare after her in befuddlement. Pyrrha almost did the same before remembering whose side she was on here. Quick strides brought her back to Selina's side.

"What is this about?" she demanded more than inquired, previous annoyance warring with bafflement.

Unfortunately, all she got was a grumble. Selina power-walked to their dorm where she kicked off her shoes, threw off everything but her panties, and climbed under the covers. "We'll talk when I'm feeling better," she told the team and curled up, back turned to them.

Pyrrha had half a mind to shake her for an actual explanation. She wrestled the urge down and slowly followed her other teammates out of the room.

Once outside she admitted it: "I still do not understand."

Nora shrugged as well. Ren's eyes were narrowed in thought, though. "I think I get it," he told them. Both women immediately focussed on him as he explained: "Selina likes her aggressive approaches. So instead of giving Cardin the fight he wants, she throws him a curveball." Which was impressive when considering her state, though Pyrrha found the logic sound.

Then Ren averted his gaze. "That aside, do you know how football is played?"

That was indeed a good question. She knew some of the rules but never got to play. Much the same went for her teammates; Nora played a few times in past years while Ren watched, but she was rusty at best. So they decided to spend Selina's naptime with research on their Scrolls.

Much to her surprise, Pyrrha felt strangely excited to play.

SPBY returned some time later and split up. While Weiss and Penny went to see Professor Goodwitch, Blake and Yang headed to the cliffside for a call long overdue. Every step made Blake's feet feel heavier, dread growing ever stronger. She was scared, embarassed, and ever guilty. It was her fault things came to this. That was probably the worst about what Selina said the previous day; she was completely right.

"Come on, I'm here. You can do this."

Yang's gentle encouragements helped her overcome the first hurdle. She slowly dialed the correct number, then her partner cheekily pressed video call. Yang held her hand while the call connected. Every anxious moment was agonising, Blake would rather jump off the cliff. But somehow she made it through.

A click sounded, then a painfully familiar voice: "Belladonna residence, who... oh."

Blake held her breath, well aware that her disheveled self was now visible to her mother. Seconds passed in absolute silence, then the corresponding video feed opened. A wide-eyed Kali was revealed to them, still caught in surprise. Yet her features slowly brightened.

"Oh Blake, there you are."

She was so happy to see her, something Blake acutely felt she did not deserve. Her mother did not care for any such notions, she simply smiled. "Let me look at you. You've grown so much."

Blake squirmed nonetheless, face flushed and ears drooped. She had always failed to hide from her mother's knowing gaze; today too, Kali soon picked up on her state of mind.

"Did something happen?"

Such a simple question it was, but in the end it broke what composure Blake managed to retain. She slumped and started to stammer, uncertain where to begin or what to say. That was until a firm hand wrapped around her shoulder. Blake shut up, not that Kali needed the change to notice. "And who is that?"

Yang poked her face into the camera with a wink then. "Yang Xiao-Long, at your service. I'm Blake's moral support and hug dispenser."

Her cheeky comment eased Blake a little, but Yang's presence did more so. Kali chuckled warmly and offered her partner a nod. "Well met. I see Selina downplayed how sassy you are, not that I'm surprised."

"Wait, she talked about me?"

"Of course. You left an impression, dear."

"Wait." The mention of Selina reminded Blake that the other faunus girl was in contact with her family. Realisation slowly dawned on her, but she had to know for sure. "If she told you about Yang, then, I mean...." she knew what she needed to ask but words escaped her. Thankfully, Kali caught on in moments. Her sad smile was all the answer she really needed.

"Yes, she did tell me you were there the day after Initiation," her mother said. Blake deflated; humiliated, angry, but most of all guilt-ridden. Kali frowned at that. "Yang, dear? Please dispense a hug for me."

"Can do!" And just like that, the squawking Blake was squished against Yang; she barely managed to hold onto her Scroll. It took a minute, but she really came to appreciate her partner's presence here.

Once Blake managed to calm down, Kali leaned forward. "Now," she cut off the previous subject, "tell me how things have been. I have time."

Meanwhile, Weiss and Penny finally finished explaining the events that transpired to Goodwitch who had listened with her customary frown, though it was not directed at them. In the end she allowed the pair to board the elevator behind her office.

The headmaster's office was situated at the top of Beacon's highest tower, circular and tastefully decorated. Weiss almost stopped to admire the incredible sight that almost compared to standing at the edge of Atlas. Windows opened to all four cardinal directions, though the elevator shaft in the room's center blocked a perfect sight.

Ozpin himself sat behind a large desk above which an assortment of gears clicked into each other endlessly. His hands were steepled, supporting his sharp chin. Wise eyes studied the pair over his shaded spectacles. Weiss dropped a curtsy out of habit; being in the headmaster's presence always made her feel like she stood before a sage.

"Ms. Schnee, Ms. Polendina. Glynda already informed me of the pertinent points. You were given a message for me?"

His prompt implied well enough that he had little time. The small stack of unfinished paperwork on his desk only added to it. Weiss stepped forward and placed the note in his offered palm. He glanced down before allowing himself a soft huff.

"Ah, I see. Now I do hope the two of you will remain on the straight and narrow despite today's encounter. I know well how convincing Mr. Torchwick can be." Yet while saying so, he threw Weiss a little wink. She could only stare dumbfounded while her aged headmaster studied the message.

After taking a step back to Penny's side, she could not help but indulge her curiousity: "May I inquire what it says?"

The slip of paper vanished into a drawer and Ozpin smiled enigmatically. "Oh, Mr. Torchwick saw fit to inform me of an... irregular element in Vale's criminal underbelly. One that is either ruthless or thoughtless enough to threaten him directly, I imagine."

This told Weiss little. She could not quite tell if it was a dismissal or an invitation to ask questions. While she still attempted to figure this out, Penny spoke up instead: "I am still confused, Professor. You know Mr. Torchwick too, so why was he not arrested yet?"

Her inquiry drew Ozpin's attention away from Weiss, who relaxed somewhat. Penny was studied for a long moment with that same polite interest, though the girl herself felt like he saw into the depths of her soul. His tone remained conversational when he answered: "We have a bit of an informal truce, Ms. Polendina. Out of curiousity, are you aware of how many children and teenagers in Vale live in foster care? Or how many orphanages there are?"

"I am afraid not, sir? How is this relevant?"

"About ten thousand in foster care," he answered without acknowledging Penny's confusion. "Now were you aware that about sixty percent of these youths are sponsored by Roman Torchwick? That he spends great amounts of money on the two remaining orphanages in Vale?"

His words drew Weiss's brows into her hairline and Penny was just as surprised. The headmaster nodded sadly. "What you have to understand is that we could have removed him many years ago. However, Mr. Torchwick is quite skilled in making himself a bad target. Whether his altruism is actual kindness or calculus, he undeniably makes Vale a kinder place to live. Human and particularly child trafficking is at an all-time low, he mercilessly tips off the authorities whenever he notices such elements. He stamps down on trade of hard drugs while his own dealers trade in the less dangerous ones. And somehow, despite stepping on as many toes as he does, he rearranged Vales shadows into a carefully balanced tower where he himself is the only load-bearing beam. Remove him and it all comes crashing down into anarchy."

Silence hung over them for a long moment once the short lecture ended. Weiss's head spun as she tried to make sense of a man embroiled in crime also being a philantropist. She wetted her lips. "So he holds Vale hostage?"

A fond chuckle was his answer. "In a manner of speaking, yes. Yet we are powerless to act for fear of making everything worse and he knows that. Mr. Torchwick walks the streets in broad daylight without repercussions. His power lies in his position and for the last ten years, the city has not been worse for his presence. Which is why this," he motioned for the drawer the message went into, "is concerning. If he truly is being threatened by someone who cares naught for the precarious balance he created, this could spell trouble. Unfortunately for them, he is far craftier than they seem to expect."

"Should we help then?" Penny chimed in. Still thoroughly confused but determined. Ozpin shook his head.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but there is no need. I have it handled. Although, Ms. Polendina?"

Penny straightened up upon being addressed. Though still with some humour, Weiss could hear the rebuke in his words: "You may want to keep a closer eye on your unconventional friend."

He pointed to a spot behind them where Ghost sat. Penny made a surprised noise and scooped him up while the headmaster went on: "He climbed Beacon's cliffside an hour ago and wandered the grounds, then rode the elevator here. I can not even fathom how he made it past Glynda."

Though surprising, Weiss saw an opportunity in Ozpin's lack of anger or the like; she seized it immediately: "Actually, do you have any idea what he is? Penny insists he is not a Grimm, but his nature has us all stumped."

Ozpin sipped from his mug in response. Weiss felt almost naked under his gaze, as if readied for dissection. He closed his eyes to think then, releasing her from the spell.

"It is rare I find myself without an answer, but today is such a day, Ms. Schnee. Your 'Ghost' is without doubt a being similar to the creatures of Grimm, yet not one of them. Perhaps we face merely an aberration, but a completely separate lifeform is equally likely. I am afraid that is all I can tell you."

"I see. Thank you for your time, headmaster."

He inclined his head with a faint smile and Weiss ushered Penny into the elevator. Once they left, Ozpin leaned back in his chair. Only to himself did he admit that Ghost was not the sole conundrum in the room. Penny Polendina intrigued him ever since the day James came clean about her existence; she was created on his fellow headmaster's own initiative. Moreover, something like Penny was unprecedented; not even Ozpin himself could have created an automaton with a soul.

In truth the technical or mechanical aspects did not interest him as much. It was the ethical side that worried him. James wanted a disposable weapon and got a person. At the very least they were in agreement that Penny deserved to be treated as the latter.

Down below the subject of his considerations reunited with her other teammates. Yang seemed fine but Blake's eyes were puffy; unfortunately, the flat look Weiss graced her with drained most of the relief of catching up with her parents.

"Now," Weiss declared," we will speak."

It was not a pleasant conversation for anyone involved, but by the end they at least cleared the air. Blake had to admit she was and remained a member of the White Fang. She had been sent to Beacon for a proper education and to grow stronger for the cause. She honestly had no desire to sabotage this opportunity for a cheap shot at Weiss. Although, and this she kept to herself, she had considered it many times over the first week.

The next day Blake went to apologise to Selina as well. Her fellow faunus still rubbed her forehead on occasion but waved Blake off. "Meh, it's fine," was all she said. And that was that, apparently. Then she strolled off to talk to Team CFVY, Coffee, about a ball for some reason.

Blake felt a little weird to walk around with her ears on display after hiding them at first. Thankfully nobody said anything about it. Cardin scoffed and his gang of jerks pointed, but none of them got to start anything. Not that they had the time, seeing how Selina returned with a perfectly round football under her arm.

"Alright, big guy," she chirped with great cheer. "Time to get your asses beat!"

"Buncha losers who get ordered around by an animal?" he snarked back. "No problem. Let's go, guys!"

His cronies followed with laughter.

Blake could not help but hold Selina back. "I still don't get why you do this. He's a racist and keeps doing this."

The other woman made to roll her eyes, but then she simply sighed. "Talk to your dad again. You don't change peoples' minds by hitting them, that just makes 'em fight back." Her piece said, she walked away.

While Blake stewed over those words, Selina led her team into a spirited match four on four. With Pyrrha and Cardin as goalies, the other six went head to head. They swiftly gathered an audience of students and soon enough Professor Port arrived to referee. He called the match after ninety minutes and with surprisingly few fouls. It ended on a draw, 2-2.

All eight were drenched in sweat but grinning. Selina faced down Cardin without fear."Well, well. Looks like we need another match to figure out the winner. How about same time next week?"

"You're on, poochie."

Blake could only shake her head at that. Nonetheless, she still noticed that the insult had less heat to it than in the past. Perhaps Selina was right and she needed to call home again.
1.11 First Step to Legend
Lumina rose at dawn as she always had.

Though already wide awake she strolled into the bathroom to wash her face as became routine, though an errant glance into the mirror revealed something aesthetically pleasing look back. Her cheeks filled out, bones no longer as pronounced. Her hair was merely disheveled from sleep, no longer greasy or wild. Ever since Kali took scissors to it and gave advise on how to treat her mane, Lumina took care to brush it in the mornings. Her wings shone with new luster.

Thanks to proper nutrition, her ribs no longer showed. Her chest grew somewhat, though she appreciated it remaining close to modest. Physical activity Ghira insisted on had toned her stomach, arms, and legs; in retrospect, she appreciated being made not to rely on her Semblance so much. The bright sunlight tanned Lumina's skin as well, although her benefactors were quite surprised. She told them that the sun's rays would never hurt her, yet they were still confounded by the absence of burns.

All in all, Lumina was pleased with what she saw; at the same time she could not help but wonder how such an inferior shell had grown so much on her. Yet the crux of the matter was that it did and so she accepted it.

The thought drew a faint smile onto her lips; Menagerie was everything she had been told and more.

After some time spent on her morning ablutions while bathing in the light filtering through the windows, she strode back to her room in her undergarments. Kali had picked out a number of comfortable clothes for her to wear; shorts in plain white, as always her favourite colour. Unfortunately for her preference in tops, her caretaker still refused to let Lumina go bare. She originally accepted clothes out of habit in Mistral; human standards of decency remained odd to her, even after Kali sat her down to explain. Nonetheless, she conformed to them with a silver bustiere, tailoured to hug her waist and leave the back open for her wings. Two suspenders ran from the cups over her shoulders to keep everything in place.

Once she stepped outside to bask in the light some more, her thoughts returned to the past months. It had been absolute bliss compared to before. Lumina was happy, surprisingly enough. So happy that she forgot herself for a time. She made not a single step toward regaining divinity despite the improvements to her mortal shell.

It rankled. Somehow, simply existing failed to leave its mark even though she knew her memory rested within those around her and Selina far off. Yet that was not enough even with the faint echoes from others that heard of her joining the choir. She could not simply wait to ascend once more. Her everpresent Dream was weak, barely remaining in existence.

She needed a following, a reputation, and a legacy. The more people knew of her, the more her dormant nature could awaken. She needed time to grow from a pupa back into the moth she always was.

These thoughts persisted throughout the customary sunbathing. She still mulled it over during breakfast, to the point the Belladonnas took notice.

"Is something bothering you?" Ghira finally ventured. He seemed honestly curious, as he always did.

Lumina considered how to phrase her thoughts and feelings for a moment. "I want to become famous," she settled on. "Specifically world famous. I want every single being on Remnant to know my name. But I wonder how tenable that is and how to go about it."

Her ambitious declaration certainly surprised them. Kali leaned forward curiously. "That is... surprising? You never struck me as the type to want fame and glory."

"I care little for glory, merely for renown. Positive or negative are of no regard."

Ghira chuckled at that. "Well, it's all good as long as you don't become an infamous villain." Nobody else laughed and he turned a bit more serious. "As long as you remind yourself how difficult and taxing fame can be."

Lumina nodded; she was well aware... and surprisingly disinclined to play the villain, even if infamy was likely easier to attain.

"How long have you been thinking about this?" Kali chimed into her sudden introspection

"All my life, in one way or another." It felt odd to admit now of all times, but she did it anyway. "I need this."

Her serious tone convinced both of them easily. Ghira nodded thoughtfully and Kali clasped Lumina's hand. "I see. In that case, I am with you every step of the way." This surprised Lumina, though Kali just smiled. "Did you expect anything else?"

Lumina had no words. She certainly learned of their limitless support for anyone and everyone, but the fact this included her remained humbling. They saw not a goddess to revere and yet they immediately lent an ear and their knowledge or connections without prompting.

Ghira took a sip from his coffee while considering the situation. After putting down the mug, he broke the renewed silence: "You have several options for how to become a celebrity. Politics is one, the arts are another, and combat is a third." Lumina hung on his lips as he explained. "Becoming a national leader will give you the fame you want, but the path there is long and grueling. Not to mention your nature is rather straight-forward, which most politicians are not."

He had a point there, though Lumina still did not understand why politics had to be so convoluted. Regardless, she did see one particular opportunity to grasp: "I could try subverting the White Fang and put them back to the original order of operations?"

It would not be easy and she must defeat Sienna Khan to do so, but turning them into her cult may be a good start. Unfortunately, Ghira shook his head.

"That is unlikely at best," he cautioned her. "As fond as I may be of Sienna's wit, she is also fiercely loyal to her cause and her lot. An outsider will not be able to take over as easily as you may think, Faunus or not." He hesitated then, clearly worried. "That aside, I would prefer if you didn't. The Fang grows more fanatical with every year. I fear they are too far gone to return to what they once were."

Lumina nodded; she since accepted his wisdom in matters of Remnant. As much as she hated having her ideas criticised, she knew less than them. Ghira frowned softly, returning to the list he gave: "Next is the arts. An author, artist, or actress are all possible paths to fame. But competition here is fierce and few emerge on top. You are quite radiant, so actress may work out for you. But it requires acting, which you are bad at." He had a point there, Lumina could admit that without hesitation.

"And, as much as it pains me to say, there is fame through combat. Specifically as a Huntress. I don't like that this is the path best suited to your current skills, but anything else would be a lie. You are strong and bear a semblance well-suited to all kinds of battle. It is also the most dangerous path, considering your life will be in danger more often than not."

Once again she was surprised. Even now it never occurred to her that killing the creatures of Grimm could make her famous. It was something everyone did after all.

"It is that easy?" she could not help but ask, making Ghira chuckle for some reason.

"None of these are easy, but hunting may be easiest for you. Still also the most dangerous. You would need to make a lasting impression and work harder than all the living legends out there. You heard of Qrow Branwen?" he asked and got a nod. "He is one of them, one of the best of his generation. We know about him even here despite the fact he came to Menagerie exactly once."

"And Selina kept swooning," Kali added with a soft giggle. Ghira cracked a smile as well.

"I doubt he even noticed. Surprisingly abrasive, too. But a good man."

Lumina mulled over what she heard while they reminisced. With her deep in thought, it fell to Ghira to deliver the final nudge: "If you want we can see about the application tests for one of the schools? Considering everything, you may be able to make Beacon like Selina."

Lumina nodded to that. "I will consider it. May I read up on the subject for now?"

"Of course."

She excused herself to use the computer since installed in her room once they were done eating. The internet may just be one of her favourite inventions; access to an incredible amount of human knowledge, all at her fingertips with the press of a button. Though crude compared to the essence of Dreams with which she herself communicated, it was a marvel regardless. An engineered one at that instead of innate.

Lumina studied up on the subject of hunters and read accounts of the most famous names. A toothy grin began to form as minutes turned to hours; this was exactly what she needed to become known as. A protector, a guardian, that which The Radiance always was.

Moreover, there was something Ghira did not mention. She brought it up during breakfast the next morning: "I was thinking I could take the examination for the license directly?"

Her rumination befuddled the Belladonnas.

"You're not even fifteen yet," Kali reasoned, much to her annoyance. Age meant nothing to her. At the same time, she reminded herself, protecting one's young was an ingrained instinct in many species. Kali remained unaware of her thoughts and carried on: "Graduating hunters are aged between twenty and twenty-two. I have faith in your abilities, but this gap may be too large."

"She is right," Ghira added, obviously taking his wife's side. At the same time he clearly saw the fervour burning in Lumina's eyes. "But you already made up your mind, didn't you?"

She nodded wordlessly, meeting his gaze for a long moment. Ghira was struck once more by how vibrant her eyes could be, then he nodded back. "Very well. I need to check when the next license exam is."

"Beacon holds them in May, ten days from now," she informed him. "Applications are still open for three days."

Kali huffed, mostly exasperated but also fond. "And Beacon no less. You really don't do things by half." She cracked a smirk right after. "Alright. With how much work you have been doing since Selina left, we can definitely waive the fees for this."

Lumina nodded. At the same time she was reminded of her boisterous companion's absence. Patrolling with just Ilia felt odd after she got used to Selina's presence. Neither of them spoke much. Even though Selina called at least once a week, her absence was felt.

"That aside," Kali purred with an intent look, "we need to enhance your outfit a bit. It's serviceable and practical, but a prospective Huntress needs to look dashing."

Her remark left Lumina confused; she did not read anything about that. Ghira thankfully jumped in to explain: "Hunters are expected to dress well, even over-the-top, so that everyone can recognise them at a glance. People around the world draw hope, comfort, and a feeling of safety from their presence after all."

"I see." And she did, it made sense. Nonetheless, Lumina threw Kali a flat look. "And I accept. But what I have now will remain as a baseline."

Kali just chuckled. "That is alright," she agreed. "I already have something in mind."

Had Lumina not been inside at that moment, she may have recognised the crimson flare across the horizon. None other bar two could perceive it, but of those one had no mind to think, merely recognition. The other exception's eyes fluttered open next to an empty cocoon.

Awareness slowly returned to Ruby Rose. There was no reassuring coo to greet her, no pulsations running through grounds and tents. She lay on the ground and stared up, eyes wide.

Then she surged to her feet, pumping her fist with a pleased "Yes!" on her lips. She won! After a month of dozens of daily battles, she finally defeated the Nightmare King! She went head to head with the avatar of a god and won!

Once her elation faded back to normal levels, Ruby giddily glanced around for what else may have changed. The accordion still sang, though its song was more energetic now. Hearing that, Ruby strolled back and waved at Brumm.

"Hey, I won! What happens next?"

He simply shrugged off her question, though. "Will remain until summoned again. Enjoy." He left a pause to turn her way fully. "Well done."

Ruby beamed up at him and skipped along to give the good news to Divine who already expected her, aware of what happened just like Brumm. "Congratulations," she greeted Ruby. "And to come out as cheerful as you went in. You are certainly something, dearie."

"Thanks!" Still euphoric, Ruby offered her the Charm she received over a month ago. "And here. I'm pretty sure I reached the limit of my Semblance. And with the ritual complete, I figured you probably want that back?"

"Keep it, dearie." Divine giggled to herself and closed Ruby's fingers around the Charm. "It will be a memento if nothing else. Perhaps you can pass it onto another one day."

She reluctantly accepted the offer and took her leave after some more conversation. Ruby did stop to pet the horses again, though. Then she bought herself a packet of cookies and ran home. Rose petals fluttered along the dirt road, merrily splitting into several clusters; they sliced through the occasional Grimm along the way, leaving behind dissolving husks without ever stopping.

Once she reached home and reconsolidated, Ruby quickly checked her Scroll out of habit. Her aura was still above four fifths, yet another reason to celebrate. She waved at her father and uncle, then dashed forward to leap into Taiyang's arms.

"I won!" Ruby cheered while he spun her around. "I won!"

"Hey, congratulations! So now you can finally go back to school?"

The teasing remark put a damper on her cheer. Qrow chuckled at the side while Tai put her down. It was true Ruby skipped most of her classes and homework to spend more time fighting Grimm. She was dangerously behind. With her desire fulfilled, it slowly dawned on Ruby how irresponsible she had been.

"Oh... I'm sorry."

A moment passed before Taiyang sighed and ruffled her hair. "Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of your tenacity. But this is important for your future. You do want to get into Beacon, right? It'll be brutal without the recommendation from Signal."

"Yeah, what he said."

Seeing that even Qrow agreed despite his infrequent encouragements to run off and have fun, Ruby slumped. "I mean, you're right," she agreed, "but I need to be a good fighter, too. Grimm gave me practice in spades, that's got to count for something, right?"

Her despondence impressed neither man. They exchanged fond if exasperated looks, then Qrow stepped up. "Tell you what, squirt," he drawled while drawing his greatsword, Harbinger. "Let's see if you improved."

The challenge gave Ruby pause. For just a moment she seemed to look straight through Qrow, then she wordlessly unfolded Crescent Rose. Tai gave some distance with Zwei sitting attentive by his feet. But instead of starting out the fight, Ruby bowed at the waist with practiced ease. Qrow only arched a brow at that, though his amusement turned into exasperation when she mirrored the gesture. He bowed back while rolling his eyes, which prompted an impish grin.

"Good," Ruby said. "It's only polite."

On the last word she scattered into rose petals. One cluster darted behind Qrow who swung behind him in expectation of hitting a soft body. He only dispersed more petals and his cocky grin disappeared when a boot hit his shoulder. Once again he swung blind, only to hit empty air. "That's how you wanna play it?" he growled. "Fine!"

A pinch of Wind Dust was thrown and activated, turning into a whirlwind. The Dust reaction caught most of Ruby's petals and forced her to reform, but the gale flung her out of Qrow's reach; by the time he followed up, his niece already transitioned into a roll and leapt out of his swing. Harbinger left a metres-deep tear in the soft ground.

While he still pulled back, her momentum carried Crescent Rose's tip right by his face. Qrow heard the sirring of cut air and let go to evade. Ruby twirled around herself and brandished the scythe with a grin. It was wiped away when Qrow lunged for her, grabbed the weapon's handle, and punched her in the face.

But then Ruby's skull gave under his fist, once again dissolving into rose petals. Qrow was caught in a miniature storm of their own as they cut all across him, tearing his clothes and chipping away at his aura.

Shocked by the heretofore unseen technique, his reserves took a harsh hit as he tried to fend off the assault from all directions. In the end he escaped by turning into a bird and flying away. The crimson torrent gave chase but rapid wingbeats kept her at bay for a precious second. He turned back near Harbinger, grabbing the handle in passing. A mighty swing scattered the dense cluster of petals from which Ruby reformed. She landed on a small stone and tripped, squeaking in surprise; a bullet slammed into her chest just before she could scatter again. The first real hit Qrow landed through the entire fight.

Ruby was thrown back, only to evade the tumble altogether by scattering again. She reappeared on her feet half a metre later, ready to charge again.

Qrow had seen what he needed, though. He lowered Harbinger. "Okay, enough."

While his niece relaxed, he ran a hand over his face. That was more of an actual fight than he expected.

"What's your aura at?"

Ruby rubbed some sweat off her forehead before peeking at her Scroll. "About... seventy percent, roughly? But I was already around eighty when I came back."

He followed her example and opened his own Scroll; his own aura entered the yellow despite having been full. Ruby's Semblance was nasty to fight against. Maybe with wide-area Dust effects, but even that was not a certainty. At the same time overreliance could become an issue, one which he already curbed over the past years. Ruby assessed the situation correctly and relied on her strongest tool to face a superior opponent.

He did not like the implications of this bout. Yet going by the face Taiyang made, as if his brother-in-law bit into a lemon, they both thought the same thing. Qrow sighed, collapsing Harbinger into its storage form before attaching the weapon to his back.

"Yeah, you can drop Signal entirely."


"You heard me. I don't like it, but the main thing you need is combat strength. And whatever happened in these dream fights, you do have that in spades now. Everything else is extra and for when you wanna retire from hunter work for something less lethal." He shrugged at that point, well aware of his niece's befuddlement. Then he put on a reassuring grin. "Heh, I doubt you'll need that when you're already a decent engineer."

Still confused, Ruby turned to Tai next. Her father nodded slowly. "Qrow is right. You can sign up for May's license exam at Beacon and give it a shot." They both knew neither of them liked it, but with this showing, they also knew Ruby would waste six years in combat school. Adding her social awkwardness to that and it may well become a lonely six years, too.

"So... it's really okay?"

Tai huffed at that, smiling mirthlessly. "Of course it isn't. I didn't expect either of my girls to go into the field for years." Ruby began to fidget at that, but he dispersed her nerves by ruffling her hair again. "But it's okay. We're both teachers and hunters, so we can tell when you're ready. Give the exam a shot and if you fail, you just keep going to school. If you pass, well." He did not finish the sentence, but there was no need. Ruby nodded eagerly.

"Oh, this is awesome! I was looking forward to Beacon, but if I get to be a huntress just like this? I can't wait to tell Yang!"

Hearing this, Qrow conceived a sudden and diabolical idea. "How about we don't do that?" he suggested with an impish grin of his own. If he already had to watch his niece go into the world so early, he would at least milk the circumstances for some fun.

Tai clearly caught his meaning, going by his own grin. "Don't tell Yang that her little sister is coming to overtake her?" Quite literally at that, not that either girl knew it yet.

Ruby's mischievous smirk was ever so reminiscent of her mother's. "Done," she agreed, earning herself a clap on the shoulder.

"Atta girl," Qrow praised. "Now get inside and do your homework. We'll carry on like you're keeping with Signal until you pass that exam."

And just like that he drained most of her enthusiasm again. A huffed "Jerk" was all the response Ruby gave, though she dutifully shuffled past them and inside. Zwei shadowed her.

Only Qrow and Taiyang remained outside. Their smiles slowly faded as reality caught up with them.

"I don't like it," Tai reiterated. When Qrow offered his trusted flask, his brother took it without another word.

"Me neither, but she's not going to learn much in school anymore. You saw how she dodged everything."

"Yeah, the only reason she didn't get you on the first swing is that we both know she loves to come from behind." Tai sighed, heading the flask back so Qrow could take a swig himself. "I doubt she will fail and I don't want to stop her from making her dream come true."

Qrow nodded. "Guess all we can do is support her. Ruby's still a bit too honest from what I saw. No feints at all, just skittering around to get in my blind spots."

"Heh. You're right. We can talk to her about that tomorrow. Make her a real menace for Yang to deal with." And they were back to grinning at each other.

Ruby would spend today catching up on some of her schoolwork. But after that they would make absolutely certain she was ready to go into the field, even if it was the last thing they did.
Last edited:
Another interesting mix of two worlds and interesting ripples already showing.
1.12 Creeping Change
Pyrrha was uncertain what to expect. Classes were over for the day but Goodwitch had sent her first years to the auditorium. All eight teams were present, 32 students that made it into the school. On stage stood Ozpin himself, back straight and oozing confidence; the headmaster made it a habit to stroll across campus in his free time so seeing him was not that much of a surprise. Yet today his demeanour was different, more serious.

Once everyone was seated and the deputy took her place by his side, Ozpin began to speak: "I am glad to see you all deigned to follow Professor Goodwitch's directions. The students have been ever so obedient since she joined our staff." Some laughter followed from the crowd, even Pyrrha's lips twitched. Goodwitch herself was not amused but Ozpin did not acknowledge her displeasure.

He carried on after his little joke lifted the mood: "Regardless of her presence, we never had to worry about our students' academic pursuits. It is my personal belief that education is one of the most important goods in this world. The fact my paycheck depends on it aside," he quipped, to some more amusement from the crowd, "it is knowledge that separates us from mere beasts. The ability to obtain and exchange it, to learn. Yet as much as we wish to say otherwise, claim all as equal, the truth of the matter is that some individuals stand out. Some stand beyond most any of us.

"Atlas, Shade, Haven, and Beacon prepare prospective hunters over four years. We teach you everything you need to know. Not just to survive in the field, but to thrive and improve. Among our alumnis are known names of just about every occupation. It is no empty boast when I say that, among your age group, you are among the best."

The praise felt genuine coming from him. Despite the many platitudes Pyrrha hardly acknowledged over the years, this once she felt herself glow with pride. Meanwhile, Ozpin seemed to look everyone in the eyes at once. He studied them, took their measure, and smiled.

"However, sometimes there are others. Less fortunate or more secretive souls, those born with a gift of one sort or other. People who either lacked the chance or the desire to apply for combat school. People who, through a stroke of bad luck, failed to enter one of the academies." Another pause was left, opening the room to an expectant silence. Pyrrha immediately suspected the upcoming license examination and was not disappointed.

"Naturally, we offer all of them a chance to become hunters as well. Be it their circumstances, their preferences, or outside interference that kept them from joining us, all are allowed to undergo the examination for a hunter license. As some of you may be aware, the time for this very exam is near." The excited muttering his announcement created, he simply cut through: "And like every six months, it is not just up to the faculty to render judgement on the hopefuls. It will be up to all of you to join our efforts."

The noise level grew so far that the headmaster needed to stop once again. People were talking across the room, even Selina and Yang started arguing what this might mean until Pyrrha and Weiss shushed them; she felt a certain kinship with the Schnee heiress in that moment, though not for long.

Ozpin simply continued to smile. "Usually, the excitement only starts with the following announcement: for the two weeks the examination lasts, first year classes are suspended."

He gave the shocked silence time to be broken by a collective cheer. Pyrrha did not join but was still pleasantly surprised by the break. She doubted there were no strings attached, though.

The headmaster continued as if reading her mind: "While the applicants are not aware of it yet, their first assignment will be a combat test. As is customary, they will run through a gauntlet of our entire first year class."

Though she expected something along those lines, this still came as a surprise; some others exclaimed about what sounded more than a little unfair at first glance. Over the ruckus however, one hand rose daintily. Ozpin nodded to its owner.

"Yes, Ms. Schnee?"

The room grew quiet again; Weiss waited until her voice could be heard, though she also projected it well to carry. "I understand that this examination is to be challenging, but why over thirty students and not a team of instructors?"

"A good question, if a frequent one. The answer I have always given is that we are walking a tightrope. Applicants need to prove they are not in need of the four years of education Beacon offers. Yet at the same time expecting them to go head to head with a full team of seasoned hunters goes too far. This is also why only our first years participate in this exercise. In addition, this gauntlet tests not only their martial prowess, but also resourcefulness. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes. Thank you, sir."

Ozpin nodded. He waited for other questions and continued when none came: "Good. Now, in addition to the experience of facing people confident enough to apply, each candidate you defeat will earn extra credit for the entire class. The faculty will not set a schedule or order; this will be up to you students. I recommend that you take some time to discuss strategies and find a good order."

The excited chatter began halfway through. That was a lot of potential extra credit to be earned, to the point it enticed even Pyrrha. While she began to muse what to do however, Selina's hand went up. Once Ozpin called on her, she asked her question. "Do we get extra if we beat all of them?"

Going by his smirk, he absolutely expected that one. "Yes. You would also turn out to be the third group in fourty years to achieve this."

"Oh, oh!" Nora waved her hand and shouted into the room without being acknowledged first. "Who else did it?"

Goodwitch's stern glare homed in on her, but she was too excited to notice. Ozpin indulged Nora without rebuke.

"The first time was twenty years ago. Team STRQ, Stark, set themselves at the end of their gauntlet and mercilessly cut down everyone who made it through. The same strategy was repeated last year by Team CFVY, Coffee. In both cases we saw two thirds of over thirty applicants defeated by the final team. I would not be too confident in such a strategy, however." His gaze somehow seemed to grow heavier. Conversation petered out and Pyrrha's breath caught in her throat. "In both cases the teams consisted of students with the potential to become legendary. STRQ should be especially telling. After all, you all know the name Qrow Branwen."

Excitement returned as the weight lifted from the room, except for Yang who seemed both interested and upset for some reason.

The headmaster answered a few more questions over the next minutes before dismissing them. Selina immediately left their side while dragging Weiss along; the pair moved between teams, exchanging words with their leaders. Even Cardin seemed to agree with whatever Selina said, going by his occasional nods despite the scowl she always earned from him.

During a somewhat late lunch, Selina explained to the rest: all team leaders would meet up and discuss strategy in the evening just like Ozpin suggested. Pyrrha understood the idea perfectly, though Weiss already scribbling notes amused her a little.

At some point Blake turned to Yang. "Do you know Qrow Branwen? You looked pretty excited when Ozpin mentioned him."

The blonde shrugged at that. "Well, yeah? He's my uncle."

To say Pyrrha was surprised was a bit of an understatement. The table had fallen silent, all eyes on Yang. Selina adequately put their feelings into words: "You're telling me you're related to a living legend? And never said anything about it?"

Her exasperation cracked Yang's nonchalant demeanour. She sheepishly played with a lock of her hair. "It wasn't really relevant?"

The subject intrigued Pyrrha a great deal. "Would you happen to know the other members?" she inquired curiously, but for some reason that made Yang slump. Her frown grew more pronounced.

"Yeah. My dad was on the team, and my mom too."

"Wow. Tight-knit team, I guess? What're they like?"

Selina only seemed to realise Yang's despondence after the question was already asked. "You okay? Don't wanna talk about it?"

"It's not that, I... yeah, I'd rather not."

Though Pyrrha was curious, she honoured the other girl's wish and steered clear of the subject. Selina nodded as well, then her gaze was drawn by something else. "Alright. And lookie there, I spy with my little eye a bunny. Be right back." So saying, she left the table and her half-eaten meal. Pyrrha watched her partner sidle up to team CFVY and start chatting with them. Velvet in particular became flustered after a minute, likely related to the way Selina beamed at her.

"What was that about?" she inquired once the wolf girl returned. This earned her a lopsided grin.

"Oh, turns out Velvet is the reason they got the clean sweep last year. She's all modest about it but everyone agreed it's because of her. So I organised us a spar for tomorrow, hope you guys don't mind."

Just this once Pyrrha took no offense with her leader making decisions without consulting anyone. The prospect of facing second year's top team intrigued her quite a bit. Especially after what she just heard, considering that Velvet Scarlatina did not stand out all that much. Yet a check of the database confirmed that she led the combat rankings by a decent margin.

Meanwhile, Weiss had begun to fret. She knew intellectually that Beacon's students had a great number of advantages, but the power of their opposition remained unknown. She could not plan for something she was unaware of.

Her nerves remained under wraps into the evening, when all eight team leaders met in the dorm's common room. They seized a table they could all fit around but only half of them actually prepared to take notes. The prospect of putting her head together with others was exciting if nothing else.

Selina seemed to just be giddy; She opened the discussion once greetings were exchanged: "Alright, everyone. I checked with Goodwitch, they've got thirty-eight people. Coco told me they let them form groups of two for the gauntlet and there's two fights a day with a few hours to recover for us in-between. How do we go about this?"

A moment of silence followed her announcement. Weiss immediately seized the opportunity to offer her opinion: "I imagine we should focus on attrition; Ozpin did say that resourcefulness is being tested here, among others. So forcing them to commit resources early on should allow later teams to win."

"We should probably draw out the first fights, yeah," one of the boys added. "See what kind of skills and weapons they have." That got a murmur of acknowledgement.

Cardin chimed in next, brow furrowed. "Just so we're on the same page: it doesn't matter which of us konks them out, we all get the extra credit, right?" Everyone nodded. This was how they understood it. "Good."

"We've got a few heavy hitters in first year," one of the girls supplied. "Pyrrha and Yang are our top dogs, can we do something with them?"

She had a point there; although Pyrrha already displayed the ability to defeat Yang handily, both were forces to be reckoned with. Selina seemed to agree as well, snapping her fingers in thought. "Actually, speaking of, I was thinking we should place my team at the end. Pyrrha is our strongest fighter, so we want her there to knock out whoever makes it through."

The group in general agreed with her idea and Weiss hoped her miniscule frown remained unnoticed. She understood the sentiment as well, but a tiny part of her desired for SPBY to be the final hurdle. The glory lured her.

Before she could speak up and make a reasoned argument, Cardin chimed in again: "Yeah, how about we don't do that?"

It was surprising if welcome support for her own desire.

"Any particular reason?" Selina shot back curiously, to which he made a so-so motion.

"Kinda. First off, I don't want to just repeat the same thing Ozpin talked about. That's lame."

"But effective," someone quipped. Weiss did not catch who.

Cardin rolled his eyes at that. "Yeah, fine. But I was thinking, if we put the strongest one at the end, anyone who makes it there can rally and know they're done afterward. So why not put her in the middle to lay on the pain and tire them out? Then we need someone who hits hard at the end to take 'em down."

His proposal prompted a moment of introspective silence. As much as Cardin's general attitude peeved Weiss, she could see his point. The psychology behind his idea was familiar as well. Not to mention that it served her own desires perfectly.

"That idea does have merit," she reasoned, pleased when Selina nodded. "Assuming Sunlight takes a center spot, I imagine Spiceberry will fit well at the end. Yang is without doubt the strongest in our year. Physically, that is."

Nobody argued that point. Seeing that they were in agreement, Cardin went on: "Alright then. And my team can go first to soften them up. The boys are pretty agile and I hit hard, so we can cover speedsters and bruisers." Again he earned some general agreement, though his smirk told Weiss that going first may have been his sole intention here. Not that she begrudged him such a preference.

As the discussion continued, Weiss sometimes took notice of their upperclassmen listening in. The approving nods and grins flying around filled her with determination not to disappoint.

They ultimately settled on CRDL first, SNNL fourth, and SPBY eighth. The other teams sorted themselves in the remaining spots; their priority was to mix heavy hitters and fast strikers, as well as Dust specialists and whatever shenanigans their Semblances could bring. After about two hours, Weiss was confident that they created a winning combination. A fire of passion burned in her chest, she wanted to excel and be among the select few who defeat all applicants. A legacy of her own or at least a first step in that direction.

She eventually found herself with only Selina and Cardin after wrapping up. The redhead nudged their classmate cheerfully. "You're surprisingly unbiased there, big guy," she chirped. "Change of heart?"

"Fuck off. I want the extra credit."

"And the glory," Selina added cheekily. His grousing did not seem to affect her at all.

And somehow it worked; Cardin heaved a sigh. "Yeah, that too. If I gotta play ball to get it, fine. But that doesn't mean I suddenly like you."

"Yeah, right." However one could fit so much sarcasm in two simple words. "Anyway, speaking of balls, we're still up for the day after tomorrow?"

"What, think you can get around another ass-whooping?"

His taunt earned but a chuckle. "Just you wait, the score's even again before you know it."

"Sure, if that helps you sleep? Later, losers."

So saying, he sauntered away. Only a bemused Weiss and an amused Selina were left behind. The atlesean could not help but comment: "He does seem more mellow than before. Whatever you are doing apparently works."

Much as she came to expect, Selina did not preen. She was surprisingly humble for a woman so brash. As it were she simply shook her head.

"Wish I could take credit for it, but it's all Ghira. I'd probably be right there with the other White Fang assholes if it weren't for him. He taught me to keep my calm and engage the other person instead of trying to fight them." A soft laugh escaped her before she threw Weiss a smile. "And it worked on you too, now didn't it?"

Only her saying it made Weiss realise that this was true. She meant to ponder the repercussions of this new insight, but was distracted by a muscular arm sliding around her shoulder. Before she knew it, she was pulled into a sidehug that was... not awful. If anything, Weiss had to fight herself to not melt into Selina's side.

Regardless of her craving the comfort, she mustered up a disgruntled response: "Could you not?"

"Not at all, or not where people can see?"

Weiss opened her mouth but stopped before she could sour their relationship unnecessarily. Despite herself she did not want to refuse Selina entirely. She slowly began to feel that she could be at least a little more open here at Beacon.

Her voice was quiet when she finally answered after an awkwardly long pause: "The latter."

Though there were few people left who could see them, her wish was heeded immediately. Selina let go. "Right, right. Can do."

Of course she had to ruin the moment right after: "And just to be clear, I'm not coming on to you. Not into girls."

"I, I was not assuming you were!" Weiss shot back, flustered. She started to stalk away, muttering to herself. "Of all the crude things to say...."

Selina followed with a chuckle. "Hey, just making sure we're on the same page. You've gotta keep these things in mind when you're friends with a raging lesbian."

When Weiss glanced at her with an arched brow, she motioned into the distance. "Ilia's a year younger, she'll go to Shade next year if she makes it in."

"I see." She had nothing else to say to that. Soon the two of them separated as well for the evening.

The next day, SNNL received a thorough thrashing by CFVY. Coco would later compliment them for putting up a fight, but the result was never in question. Fox was as swift as Ren, Yatsuhashi outmuscled Nora, Coco and Velvet had perfect coordination to take down first Selina, then Pyrrha. The only one whose aura went into the red was Coco herself, thanks to Pyrrha's efforts.

The leaders clasped hands with matching smirks in the end, though. Compliments were exchanged. The brunette made a motion for the younger team. "You've got a good thing going and a nice coverage. Your teamplay needs work."

In turn Selina threw a sour look toward Pyrrha's downed form. She lay on the ground catching her breath, sweaty hair clinging to her forehead. "I'm working on it," the faunus girl told her senior. Coco would be an idiot to miss the signs but decided not to pry. Pyrrha failed to notice their exchange.

The day after that, aside from training and their final classes before the break, they had the next football game. SNNL barely eked out a win and managed to tie up the score, much to Selina's pleasure. Other teams were playing as well and more balls found their way on campus.

While Selina was chatting with Dove and Sky about putting together an actual field instead of using the meadow, a glint of light caught her attention. Glancing out toward the city, what she saw gave her pause. Other heads turned in response to behold Lumina cresting along. Her gleaming wings were spread wide, somehow illuminated despite the overcast sky.

The moth surveyed the area momentarily before spotting Selina. The moment their eyes met, she angled her course and dove before making a gentle landing right in front of her erstwhile companion. What was more, her clothes now sported a layer of sheer fabric that fluttered with every motion.

"Selina," her friend greeted with a trace of warmth.

She was still too befuddled to just greet her back. "How'd you get here? I mean, not that I'm not happy, but how?"

"I flew. As usual."

Her nonchalance almost tripped Selina up. It really had been a while since they spoke more than a few minutes over the phone. Remembering that this was normal for Lumina, she simply nodded and suppressed a sigh. "Yeah, fine, fair enough."

"Friend of yours?" Yang chimed in. Her curiousity was clear for all, though most of the students were interested in the new arrival.

Selina grinned, aware she would get some fun out of seeing others interact with her. "Yeah. Meet Lumina." She motioned for the younger girl, who studied Yang momentarily. The blonde struck out her hand.

"Nice to meetcha. I didn't know there's faunus who can actually fly, but I guess it makes sense. You look pretty, heh, light to me."

Blake and Nora groaned in the background, but Lumina simply kept staring at the expectant girl. "A pleasure to meet you as well," she finally said while taking her hand. "I believe Selina mentioned you a few times."

Lumina may be one of the few people who missed Yang's disappointment; the far taller woman masked it admirably and put on a smile. "Oh, did she? Only good things I hope."

"She rarely has anything bad to say in general," Lumina answered before turning back to her fellow faunus. "Beacon seems to do you well."

She grinned back and gave a thumbs-up. "Absolutely! You should try to get in here too when you're older."

"Perhaps," Lumina allowed.

Selina then proceeded to properly introduce her tiny friend; if nothing else, that had not changed. Lumina even beat out shortstack Nora by several centimetres, though with not even half the boobs. Selina kept that comparison to herself, although she doubted her friend would take offense.

The last person she got to was Weiss, who shook Lumina's hand without hesitation. The heiress inclined her head. "A pleasure. I have to admit I am as curious as Selina about the purpose of your visit. From what I heard, you live on Menagerie?"

"That is correct. I have business with the headmaster and decided to attend in person. And while I was at it, I figured I might as well pay a short visit."

"Aww, you do care." Selina tried to play it off but the care on display surprised her nonetheless. Lumina was not an overly affectionate person. Others clearly caught how flustered she was.

Meanwhile, much to the wolf's surprise, Pyrrha chimed in: "You would travel half the globe for a meeting? That does seem quite important."

"Not overly much, mainly just an introduction." She paused at that point, faintly confused. "And it is not like I am losing much time." Her comment drew confusion from most while Selina quietly cackled to herself.

Weiss arched a brow in response. "The journey must have taken at least a week."

She was right in any conventional sense. Unfortunately for her, she dealt with an absolutely unconventional person. Lumina shook her head and checked her Scroll. "I arrived here about five minutes after my departure from Kuo Kuana. As it is my first time traveling to Vale, I had to make frequent stops to orient myself and took some time to admire the view. Now if you would excuse me, I need to see the headmaster."

She wandered off without another word, likely unaware of the crowd staring after her. Perhaps she was just unwilling to comment, though. Either way, Selina kept laughing; she forgot how fun it was to have her around. Weiss's flat stare, that wordless demand of an explanation, only kept her going.

Once she calmed down, the faunus woman shrugged. "You know how some people just have unfairly neat semblances?" She already expected the nod, considering Weiss was one of them. "Lumina is to those people what they are to some of us normies."

She glanced toward her friend's retreating back again, no longer pale but tanned a few shades lighter than her own skin. Wings folded up neatly, she looked healthy now. Not half-starved like when they first met.

"What do you think she's talking to Ozpin about?" Nora asked. Selina shrugged.

"No idea, maybe she's trying to get in early? I'll ask her later."

Alas, Lumina was nowhere to be found. They later learned that she zipped home immediately after the meeting, seeing that Kali asked her to do so. Everyone remained tight-lipped about the reason of her visit, too.

Selina decided not to pry, figuring she would find out soon enough. And she was right, much to her detriment.
She is here!

Is ghost even gonna recognize her?
1.13 Silver and Gold
Ruby felt decidedly out of place.

She sat among a large number of people, which on its own would already intimidate her. Adding in that just about everyone was older than her and the severe deputy headmistress delivering the orientation speech, then it became a most wonderful time. Not. It felt like the blonde on stage hated all of them and Ruby in particular, even though her piercing gaze never stayed on anyone.

Though intimidated, Ruby tried her best to listen to Professor Goodwitch just like the humans and faunus around her. They already did the general paper tests, which were multiple choice exams even twelve-year-olds could solve. Health evaluations were held ahead of time, she did those already. The most surprising part was that they could form teams of two people if they wanted. Ruby already expected the first ordeal to be a combat challenge, though nobody said what kind of fight it would be. Some people nodded along knowingly, which made her wonder if she missed something.

"The order in which you undergo the first trial is first-come, first-served. A list will be placed on this table, to be filled in at your discretion," Goodwitch explained while pointing to the furniture in question. Several sheets of paper settled under the power of her telekinetic Semblance. "Anyone who proceeds to the second stage will be hosted at Beacon in the interim. Provisions will be provided for the duration of your stay. That is all."

Ruby joined the polite applause while Goodwitch stepped back. With her presence receding, people around the young woman started to chat. Teams began to form but nobody so much as acknowledged Ruby. She in turn felt too awkward to talk to anyone. What if she asked someone and they brushed her off? What if they laughed at her? No, she reasoned, she could do it on her own. Although it would have been nice to make at least one friend.

She started walking to put down her name with a muted sigh, only to run into someone. Hopping back with a faint squeak, Ruby's attention snapped to the other person.

"I'm so sorry!" she started, only to be stopped short when she actually registered who she ran into. A tanned faunus girl clad in white and silver, with sheer fabric fluttering around her body in resemblance of the white gossamer wings folded on her back. Somehow this girl was shorter than Ruby herself, if not by much.

She thankfully shrugged off her apology. "There was no harm done. Everyone seems to be... excited."

A lame "Yeah" was all Ruby could provide. She awkwardly stood in place, unable to quite look away from the stranger who studied her in turn.

Then another voice grunted from behind her: "Damn, they let even kids in here these days."

The derisive comment made Ruby crumble a little more. Yet somehow the other girl's flat stare stopped her from shuffling away. Her gaze kept Ruby transfixed; something she could not understand went on behind those eyes.

Before she could really question how she knew this, the other girl commented on the byplay: "Age and aptitude are not necessarily linked."

It almost sounded like encouragement, which Ruby was grateful for.

"I guess so. It's still kinda hard when everyone's older than me."

"How old are you?"

"Uh, fifteen?"

Some laughter sounded around them; people were listening to them talk, which only made Ruby more anxious. Yet in complete opposition to her own feelings, the faunus girl remained unfazed. She simply nodded.

"Then you are not the youngest here, as I turn fifteen in a month and a half. Perhaps that helps. Now, if I may?" She motioned for the still blank list, completely ignoring the condescension around them.

Ruby stepped aside, only to pause in surprise as she realised what the other girl was doing. With how young she was, going solo just could not go well.

"Aren't you, y'know, looking for a teammate?"

The moth glanced back, expression unchanged. "I need no assistance and I will not suffer fools to slow me down. Not to mention," she added with a scoff at the crowd. "I believe the feeling is mutual."

Ruby made to respond but hesitated. If the other girl was so certain, even just asking the question felt daunting.

While she still worried about being denied, an older woman nearby interrupted them with a mean chuckle. "You girls should team up, you know?" she told the pair. Once both turned her way, her grin became outright mocking. "That way they only waste half the time with you. There's always kids getting in over their head, they never make it."

Her mouth fell open in shock at how mean this person was. She started stammering, only to be cut off by the moth girl: "And by your commentary, this is not your first attempt. I do not see how the words of a failure should concern me."

More laughter sounded, but this time probably not at their expense. The woman bristled and Ruby could only gape at the situation. Then the faunus girl motioned her to follow. "Come," she said and began to walk; Ruby did not even consider disobeying and fell into step with her.

"W-What just happened?" she asked after a few seconds.

"Do you want to team up?"

"Wha... yeah, sure."

Once the way this conversation went actually registered, she brightened up. "I'd love to."


"But why? I thought you don't care?"

The more they spoke, the more eerie her surprise partner's unchanging expression became.

"Yes, but she does. So even if you are awful, I will see that we both pass the examination."

That sounded weird and hurt a little; Ruby did not understand how someone could just say that. Puffing up her cheeks, she shot back: "I'll have you know I'm pretty good. I mean, what if you slow me down?"

"Doubtful," was the instantaneous response, so certain that it convinced even Ruby. Another discerning look was given to the newly slumped girl in the pause that followed.

"But a pleasant surprise if true."

They reached the list then. First the moth girl grabbed the provided pen to write her name in the first slot. It was then offered to Ruby, who did the same; thankfully, she now got a chance to learn her surprise partner's name. The window to ask without it being awkward was already closed.

The moment she was done, the woman from before shoulder-checked her aside with a scoff. "Figures you brats have no idea how this works," she taunted. "First slot always goes in blind, that's why everyone else waited for some idiot to go first."

All that earned her from Ruby's partner was a snort. In a way it was impressive how much derision she fit into a mere sound.

They left the auditorium while others descended on the list alone or in pairs. Ruby needed a while to overcome her nerves, thoroughly intimidated by her new friend's confidence. She carefully ventured after several turns: "Sooo, your name is Hikari?"

A glance went her way, which she took as encouragement to continue: "I'm Ruby. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. It says Hikari on my documents, but I go by Lumina."

"Oh, Lumina then?" The other girl gave a nod. "Okay, I can do that."

With introductions finally made, Ruby became a bit more animated. "So with us being a team and all, how do you fight? What weapon do you use? I've got this!" She unfolded Crescent Rose without waiting for a response, hugging the giant scythe to her chest. "And I do speedy things!"

Lumina stared at her for a long moment, which made Ruby feel mighty awkward again. Just as the older girl began to beat herself up over it, her partner leaned in. She ran a finger over the hardened, crimson steel. Whatever measure she took, she did not say.

"My weapon is light. You do not want to look at me when we undergo the ordeal."


Ruby collapsed her scythe again, wondering what to make of that statement. "But how does that work? You can't just make a sword out of light, can you?"

Atlesean Hard Light Dust would do the trick, but that was still new and expensive. Checking Lumina over for any hint of a weapon revealed nothing at all, either. The faunus girl herself was thoughtful.

"I could in theory," she admitted without saying how that would work. "But forcing light into physical form is draining for me as I am. A suboptimal choice by far. No, I simply emit light in the correct frequencies."

This only served to confuse Ruby more.

"But, but weapon? You need one!" she whined, grabbing the surprised girl by her shoulders. "You need one! Every hunter has a weapon! You can't just go without one!"

"This, this is news to me."

Even her general deadpan could not hide how flabbergasted she was by the turn of events. Meanwhile, Ruby shook her lightly and continued to fret. "Oh, and we don't have time to make you one, we're up in an hour!"

"I could buy one?"

"What? No! You need to make one, or, or commission something! The store-bought crap is for militias and posers!"

Her short albeit fiery speech earned stunned silence. Lumina sized her up once more, but this time Ruby did not relent. She refused to accept anything else as truth on this matter. Seeing her determination, Lumina faintly inclined her head.

"...you are surprisingly intense about this subject. Did you craft that scythe yourself?"

That was a nicer subject. Ruby let go and went back to beaming. "Yep. She's my pride and joy! I can help you make one too when we're through this!"

"Unfortunately, I doubt I have the funds to afford your services."

The refusal was waved off in an instant. "Psh, it's fine. Now we got to go this way, right?"


They kept going like this. With conversation petered out, Ruby did not feel like speaking up again. At the same time she felt a lot less tense. Perhaps she actually managed to make a friend?

In the meantime, Beacon's students filled into the largest internal arena. It was built large enough to allow a decent amount of styles, even including ranged combat. Selina laughed as she plopped into a seat.

"At least one good thing for the poor sods we're fighting, they get to be destroyed in a pretty place."

"Hear hear," Yang crowed, high-fiving the other girl.

"Repairing the indoor arenas must be a massive drain on resources without Professor Goodwitch's Semblance at hand," Pyrrha mused from the seat next to Ren not occupied by Nora.

Weiss, sitting between Pyrrha and Selina, nodded. "From what I read," she explained, "actual matches were only allowed indoors when Professor Goodwitch joined the staff. Only carefully monitored exhibition matches could be held here. The headmaster added a clause to the rules that allows proper battle if a member of staff can deal with the damages."

Pyrrha nodded thoughtfully, gaze straying to the man in question; he sat several rows behind them alongside the portly Professor Port and a sharply dressed man from the valean Council. From what Weiss gathered, the group was put together like this to ensure objective treatment of all participants.

Then two clearly older men plopped down next to Yang. Weiss had to look twice and admonish herself for staring, but they were both handsome specimen; one with bared chest and well-toned muscles, the other in a suit and with sharp features. The latter offered her teammate a condescending headpat and dodged the instinctive swing with a chuckle.

"Heya, sunshine."

His drawl did things to Weiss she would never admit to anyone, though her hormones took a backseat when Yang reacted with abject surprise.

"Wait, what? What are you two doing here?"

All anger was forgotten, even though she never let anyone touch her hair. The men grinned at her.

"Oz called us in as outside observers," the blond and bare-chested man explained cheerfully. "Like we'd miss a chance to come back and bully Glynda a little."

His comment prompted a further increase in the muttering between the students; Weiss did not know whether to pity or admire such confidence. The man himself tapped his companion's side.

"Doesn't this bring back memories?"

"Yeah, good times."

The two shared a chuckle. Weiss felt there was something they did not say, but could not tell why or what it may be about. While she was still busy not staring however, Selina leaned past Yang to talk to the newcomers: "I take it you're the dad and uncle we heard about? So you're both from STRQ, right?"

That actually made a lot of sense. Weiss shook her head to get it back into the game. The man who had to be Yang's father nodded amicably, which by process of elimination made the dark-haired one Qrow Branwen. It was him who answered with a big grin: "Yep, the coolest team that ever came out of Beacon."

"The coolest team so far, you mean. Sir," Selina added cheekily. Qrow smirked.

Yang huffed at their banter. "She's got a point," she agreed in a similar tone to Selina. "We're gonna kick ass, just you watch."

For some reason that reassurance merely amused both Huntsmen. Yang apparently failed to notice their matching grins, but Weiss did not.

"Pardon," she interjected from behind them. "Could it be that you know something we do not?"

While Taiyang seemed the slightest bit surprised to be caught, Qrow's expression did not even twitch. He turned back with an arched brow and a somewhat intense gaze. Then he grinned.

"Oh lookie there," he drawled, "the smaller ice queen."

There was no heat to it, but Weiss still felt a mite intimidated. Hence why she took the only way a Schnee ever took in such a situation: straight forward.

"Excuse me?!"

Unfortunately, indignation had little effect on Qrow Branwen. "You heard me the first time, kiddo. Whoever got the stick out your ass did good work."

Giggles and chuckles sounded around them. Weiss was mortified and fighting hard not to visibly blush. Her jaw worked soundlessly, only to click shut when Taiyang whacked his friend's shoulder and interrupted: "Excuse him, he's used to dealing with your sister. They get along like a house on fire."

Wetting her lips, Weiss managed to regain her balance. "Yes," she agreed, "I can imagine."

She muttered about uncultured peons under her breath, unheard by all. Then Weiss squeaked when Selina flicked her forehead jovially.

"Come on, let's all get along. We've got fights to watch and ass to kick!"

Though it was rude, Weiss had half a mind to agree to that. Someone else thankfully spoke up from behind the entire group, a woman. She drew their attention with a loud snort.

"Not much to see for now. Just two brats about to get kicked all the way back to whatever fancy school they come from."

It seemed the other participants were present as well. Her commentary interested Weiss, though.


"Ah, right." And that was Qrow again. "There's always some kids trying. Around your age with their heads in the clouds. Pretty ballsy to go first."

That was news, although the intriguing kind. The man next to the previous woman laughed, though. "Ballsy?" he parrotted with great amusement. "Stupid animal didn't even think about it before going for the list."

Something about this comment had Weiss bristle, but she got no chance to berate him. He pointed ahead.

"Ah, there's Goodwitch. Looks like they're starting."

Indeed, the stern deputy entered the arena with CRDL at her heels. Despite the imposing figure Cardin cut right behind her however, it was quite clear who the most intimidating person among the five was. Goodwitch took position below while the students walked to their half of the arena; Cardin stood front and center, flanked by his compatriots. Dove made to hide behind his leader's considerable bulk.

"Preparations are complete," Goodwitch announced. Her voice carried well, though some were still chattering. A single sound like a whipcrack extinguished all noise right after; the deputy attached the riding crop back at her belt, expression unchanged. "We will now begin testing the first applicants, a team of Kamiya Hikari and Ruby Rose."

Though she did not even stumble over the mistralian name, a loud "What?!" interrupted the proceedings. All eyes in the room turned to Yang, who stared dumbly at her family. The men now wore grins that Weiss believed her friends would describe as 'shit-eating'. Yang kept staring a moment longer before repeating herself softly: "What?"

"Surprise," Taiyang almost chirped back.

Selina apparently caught on as well. "Wait, your sister is going for a license? Isn't she, like, fifteen?"


"Huh. I wonder how she... oh."

The wolf fell silent upon seeing the two applicants enter. All first years recognised Lumina in her pristine white and silver attire. The wings were a dead giveaway regardless. She was accompanied by a slightly taller woman in red and black who did not look like Yang at all, dressed in a dark corset and fluttering, multi-layered skirt. Lumina quietly spoke to her companion without even acknowledging the room.

Meanwhile, Selina's expression had fallen. "We're fucked," she announced.

"Oh come now!" Nora leaned over Ren with notable cheer. "I'm sure Yang won't mind us beating up her sis a bit. Promise I'm not gonna break her legs!"

"I don't think Ruby is what bothers her," Ren informed his maybe-girlfriend, who blinked in surprise.

"Wait, really?"

Meanwhile, Selina ignored the byplay and heaved a sigh. "It takes longer to explain than it takes to see," she told them, then raised her voice: "Cardin! Be careful about flashbangs!"

That earned a grunt from below and a sour look from the Council representative, but no rebuke. Not that Selina would have cared, considering she just kept shouting: "And you better be ready to explain what this is about, 'Hikari'!"

Lumina had already perked up upon hearing Selina's voice the first time. At this point she evenly met the older girl's gaze; whatever she said got swallowed by the buzz of renewed conversation, but her faint smile told the story well enough.

Then, suddenly, the softer expression was wiped away. Lumina's head turned until she all but nailed Velvet of all people to her seat with a sudden and unprompted glare. The brunette made herself small until Coco pushed in front of her to glare back. Her response had no visible effect on Lumina, though; the moth girl merely returned her attention to CRDL.

When Goodwitch left the field, Ruby stepped in front of Lumina. Cardin loomed over the two diminutive girls.

"Sorry about that," he joked with faux jovialty, "but you two are going down."

"We shall see," Lumina riposted evenly.

"Yeah... what she said!"

Even Weiss had to smile over Ruby's attempt to hide her nerves. It was plain as day to the heiress that this one in particular had confidence issues.

Then however, the younger girl took a deep breath and firmed up. Anxiety peeled off her like an onion's first layer, revealing that confidence. She bent at the waist into a clearly practiced bow. Some laughed but Weiss found herself interested. The gesture was not returned, which prompted a small frown.

"Go," Goodwitch called.

A flare went off the moment the word left her lips. Dozens shouted in surprise, but Cardin and Russel in actual pain. A heavy impact sounded before Weiss's vision cleared. Once it did she found Russel at the wall; Ruby was in the process of slamming an oversized super scythe into Sky at Cardin's other side. Dove made to stab her with his dagger, but she burst into rose petals that crested around the blade.

Then a searing band of light connected Lumina and Cardin for but a moment. His aura-meter on the main screen got cut in half, going into the yellow.

Ruby reconsolidated next to Dove, perfectly positioned to swing at him. Her scythe's blade gleamed in the sunlight as it hit him in the neck; the girl's momentum was strong enough to pull him along. He was sent flying right at Cardin, who still clasped his eyes. Sky and Russel were equally blinded.

Another beam from Lumina sent Russel's aura into the red. The buzzer sounded but went ignored as the boy in question was already out of harm's way. Ruby hit Cardin over the head and stepped around his blind retaliation; the mace he swung made a single tip of her hair flutter, having missed by millimetres. The far smaller girl raced by under his arm, scythe trailing after as its blade hooked around his foot.

Then Ruby pulled.

Cardin fell just as Lumina ended Dove's part in the fight. The fourth and final beam zapped Cardin again as he hit the ground. That was the third buzzer.

Ruby ended the fight by winding up and slamming her scythe's head into the back of Sky's. His aura went into the red.

The auditorium was silent, as were the combatants. Lumina stared at her fallen foes dispassionately, though Ruby slowly began to beam.

"We did it!" she cheered

"That was never in question," the other girl returned with what was now clearly earned certainty. She left a short pause before acknowledging her partner. "Good work."

They were interrupted by slow clapping. Eyes turned to Ozpin, who wore a pleased smile. Taiyang and Qrow joined in right after, then some of the other applicants and first years followed. Weiss was among them; these two earned her recognition fair and square.

"You get it now?" Selina quipped, loud enough to be heard over the applause.

Pyrrha nodded slowly. "Yes, I believe so."

Meanwhile, Yang was plainly confused. "How?" She asked no one in particular before turning to her father. "When?" But he only offered a mysterious shrug and Yang looked back to her sister. "How do we fight that?"

That was a good question, one which Weiss hoped she would find some sort of inspiration for during the next few matches. Unfortunately, all Qrow had for them was another condescending headpat.

"Have fun, kiddo," he teased his niece, much to her annoyance.

Once the applause ceased, Goodwitch stepped into the arena again. "Team Cardinal was defeated," she announced for the blind but not necessarily deaf. She did not say it, but everyone could clearly see that neither challenger's aura dropped beneath 95%.

"Next up...."

Similar performances were given the next two fights. Lumina went down another ten percent, barely even moving thus far. She ended fights before anyone ever reached her. Ruby took a single, devastating hit and simply walked it off. She was firmly at four fifths of her total aura capacity.

Then it was SNNL's time to face the pair.

Selina felt wary as led her team into the arena but did not let it show, head held high and projecting confidence. She stood opposite Ruby, but only had eyes for Lumina; the moth never lost her casual confidence and met Selina's gaze evenly.

"There is no shame in surrendering," she offered.

This annoyed Selina for a moment until she realised she was being teased. Then the wolf snorted and made a dismissive motion.

"Sure, but I miss every shot I don't take. We're not going to win this, but I'm landing at least one hit on you."

Meanwhile, Lumina sized her up with newfound interest. Selina's challenge drew a smile onto her face. The second she showed since entering the room; small, almost smug, but certainly genuine.

"No," she responded, a trace of amusement sounding along the single word.

"Okay, now it's on!"


No sooner did the Professor's voice sound that three pillars of light flickered around Selina. She almost stopped blinking the spots out of her eyes when the buzzer sounded thrice. Her head swivelled around, only to find her teammates' aura-meters universally in the red. Even Ruby had stopped in shock, staring at her partner. The entire room swiftly realised that Lumina was, if not sandbagging, then definitely not fighting at her best.

Then again, these three beams took a decent chunk out of her aura. Selina took notice of how her friend was below a fourth of her bar and almost in the yellow.

Steps sounded in the silence. Lumina folded both hands behind her back, that same smile in place. "But you shall have a chance," she continued their banter as if nothing happened. "Ruby. I have taken care of the other three. Would you mind defeating the last one?"

"Uh, okay? Sure."

Selina adjusted and accepted the new state of affairs. Her team awkwardly shuffled back to the stands while she squared off with Ruby. The fight was on, but it was not a good one; fighting this girl was like trying to hit a cloud. She kept dispersing and reforming, every single petal constantly cutting at Selina's exposed skin.

It was not a quick defeat, but her aura was slowly whittled away no matter what she did. Selina was already resigned to a loss, but this was frustrating. She wanted to at least shave off some more of her opponent's aura. One good hit at the very least.

She lost a strand of her bangs while bending backward, barely dodging a swing of that montrous scythe. At this point she finally got Ruby's measure. The next time the other girl reformed behind Selina, the spear's butt slammed into her arm and sent the next swing wide. Yet Ruby already vanished while Selina whirled around to capitalise.

How did one fight an enemy who could disappear whenever she became open?

"Oh for fuck's sake!"

Instead of keeping up the useless attempts to trade blows, Selina leapt forward and threw her spear with all she had. Right at the unsuspecting Lumina. This single second felt like minutes to her adrenaline-fuelled mind; the entire room held its breath as the weapon raced toward the moth, too fast to dodge.

Light flashed momentarily and Lumina was gone. Suddenly she stood a metre to the left, gone before the spear reached. It crashed past her and into the wall just as Ruby's scythe slammed into Selina's head. She stumbled forward and recovered, pressing three fingers into the transmitter on her glove. Ruby failed to notice, having moved in to pressure her.

"Dodge," Lumina said.


Once again most people would have been unable to dodge the returning spear; Gravity Dust propelled it that fast. Ruby, however, scattered into petals just before it slammed into her thigh. Selina caught it with a disgruntled noise, well aware she almost ran out of tricks. A pair of aura spheres loosened from her free hand, skittering away. One hit Ruby in the side when she next materialised, the other was once again dodged and dispersed because Selina lost focus.

A final swing of that monstrous scythe sent her into the red seconds later. The buzzer sounded while Selina picked herself up from the ground. Though unhappy, she achieved at least one thing: for the first time since the exam began, Ruby was panting. Her aura sat snugly at a bit over half.

Unfortunately, Lumina's started to regenerate a few ticks over the break she was given.

Taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart, Selina gave Ruby a clap on the shoulder and flipped off her friend before walking back to the stands. Her unhappy team already expected her; while Nora moaned about it being unfair however, Pyrrha was clearly reeling from the fact she was defeated in a single blow.

"Guess you're not the Invincible Girl anymore," Selina quipped, which earned her an annoyed look.

Aside from them, everyone else was chattering excitedly. Qrow and Taiyang clearly had the time of their lives.

The slaughter continued until it was SPBY's turn. Every team tried to dodge but as one could predict, no one possessed the speed to dodge light.

Weiss was not confident, but she felt she had figured out a thing or two. Leading her team into the arena, she took the front line for a moment. Ruby bowed to them as she had every time, to which she saluted with Myrtenaster, her trusted rapier. Weiss almost missed the bright smile this earned her.

While Lumina sized up the opposition, Yang started trash-talking her sister: "I dunno how you got that good, but it's time you get the ass-whooping you deserve."

"You need to catch me first, sis."

"Your sister?" Lumina interjected with clear curiousity. "Do you want to take her on yourself?"

Ruby considered this with a soft hum. "Hmmm... yeah. If that's alright with you?"

She received a nod and moments later, the fight began with blinding light as expected. Spiceberry learned from the previous matches, though; Penny was hardy and her dozen floating blades immediately came for the moth. Light flickered between the constant barrage of slashes as she dodged them.

Weiss and Blake opened their eyes a moment later, having successfully timed the flash. A snow white glyph sprang up before Weiss, constantly kept between her and Lumina as a shield. Blake dodged the light beams by collapsing into shadows and reappeared behind herself; her clones were run through and faded immediately.

Ruby danced around Yang without trouble in the meantime. Her aura dropped by a few points while Lumina needed to actually exert herself now. The moth began to approach the halfway point of her aura after a minute of frantic motion.

Weiss dared feel hopeful for a second, having thought of a way to corner Lumina. She failed to parse the sheer annoyance emanated by her scowl. Selina saw, but by then it was too late to warn anyone. Just like with SNNL, a powerful beam struck Penny and sent her into the red in one go. Then another ate through Weiss's shield, shattering her aura with excessive force. She stumbled back with a pained yelp, her shirt's front in tatters.

While instinctively clutching the scraps to her chest to preserve her modesty, Weiss stared in disbelief how her plans fell apart. Four-on-two had become two-on-two, with Blake and Yang clearly on the backfoot. Even when Goodwitch ushered the heiress out of harm's way, she never took her eyes off the fight.

Blake was hounded across the arena, completely unable to go on the offensive; Lumina stood with gleaming wings spread wide, her aura dipped to below 40% from those two shots alone. It steadily fell but the moth's exertion was miniscule when compared to Blake's.

For a moment it seemed like Yang could finish her fight. Ruby appeared right in front of her, scythe pulled back for a decisive strike. The blonde smirked, hair alight with flame. She wound up and threw a devastating punch that never landed. Ruby dispersed, only to reform next to her sister as she stumbled forward. The scythe's head hammered into the back of Yang's, finally dropping her into the red. Blake's final dodge did the same a moment later.

Two buzzers sounded, announcing the end of the fight. That was it. Victory for the applicants against all odds.

Weiss felt a little numb but also humbled. As much as it annoyed her to admit, she could not deny these two were each beyond any student in first year. She belatedly joined the baffled applause while Ozpin himself congratulated the girls on their success.

After that was lunch break. Yang sadly gave her leader no time to process the defeat and her resulting disappointment; she dragged Ruby along with them. Selina did much the same with Lumina.

Once introductions were made, Selina poked her fellow faunus in the chest. "Now, what's with that Hikari thing?"

Lumina merely shrugged. "I needed to give them the name on my documentation, not the one I go by. I have never been called by that name before."

The commentary clearly confused Selina and Weiss felt a little befuddled as well, though she shrugged it off easier than her friend.

"It is aptly chosen," Weiss said in the end. Then she realised where that sentence was headed and stopped herself. Selina noticed and gave her a nudge, but she shook her head. "No, that would be rude. Either way, Penny, where is Ghost? I did not see him today."

"Drawing maps in our room," the other atlesean answered cheerfully. "He seemed to have fun, so I left him there."

That was that. While everyone else began to fall into conversation however, Lumina's attention focussed elsewhere.

"Excuse me," she murmured as she rose.

"You haven't eaten anything," Yang tried to stop her.

"I will not be long."

She strolled off and went right for what seemed to be Team CFVY; Velvet made herself a little smaller, clearly not looking forward to the confrontation.

Weiss was distracted from her observations when Blake tapped her shoulder. "What were you thinking earlier?"

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she attempted a flat stare. "Just an idle musing of mine which I realised would be quite inappropriate. While her name is apt, I am not certain what to make of the fact I meet a moth faunus whose name means 'light' and whose Semblance is based on it as well."

Cardin started to laugh in response while Blake bristled. Selina simply shrugged in response. "Yeah," she agreed, "that's kinda weird."

"Oh, not at all."

The unfamiliar, rich baritone cut through all conversation. Everyone turned toward the new voice and was taken aback; there, right in the seat Lumina just vacated, sat a man. Lanky, one may call him. About as tall as Cardin if not even larger, with fair skin and black hair. The red tips and his features appeared eerily similar to Ruby, who stared up in equal befuddlement. His eyes were a bright crimson, almost luminescent. He wore perfectly tailoured, scarlet robes.

"Wha-, who are you?" Selina demanded.

"And why do you look like Ruby?" Yang added, somewhere between accusing and wary.

The stranger's lips curled into a toothy smile. "Why, my dear Yang. I am certain you can think of a reason."

He chuckled over a joke only he was privy to, then inclined his head toward an equally clueless Ruby. "Though it is disappointing you of all people would not recognise me. It was you who shaped me into this form after all. You danced marvelously today."

His eyes began to glow as if for emphasis. They became intimidating scarlet bonfires, which in turn caused Ruby's eyes to widen.

"Wait," she said in disbelief. "Grimm?"

That was not exactly what Weiss expected. Her friends were similarly confused, though the now named Grimm simply grinned.

"Indeed, it is I," he confirmed. For some reason Ruby started to beam at him in return.

Selina interrupted their moment, clearly done with whatever performance this was. "...yeah, let's put that aside. What was that about Lumina?"

Her question coaxed a smile from Grimm, whyever one would name their child that. "Oh, it is quite simple," he explained with clear delight. "You have your order of events wrong with her. It is not that she wields light due to being a moth. She is a moth because she wields light."

"I do not see how this makes sense," Weiss interjected. If her dubious tone bothered him, he did not show any hint of it. In fact his features were worryingly still. Weiss felt smaller than she ever had when he looked at her.

"Because, as simply as that, moths have always coveted the light. They aspired to it long before they were moths, so much so that they came to resemble Her over time."

He left a pause to glance in Lumina's direction. She was talking at a slightly intimidated but mostly flummoxed Velvet.

"The Radiance."

Lumina's head snapped back their way in an instant. Everyone could tell her focus was solely on Grimm, who winked at her... and dispersed into crimson flame about as fast as she appeared by their side in a flash of light.

No one quite knew how to react to this; Lumina ran a hand through where he just was, only for crimson sparks to dance around her fingers.

Nora stared between the various oddities of the day. "Okay," she finally asked, "who was that guy?"

An awkward silence draped itself over them. Lumina stood silent, staring intently as if to make Grimm return by force of will alone. Ruby squirmed in her seat, clearly uncomfortable with the attention.

Selina proved more adept at reining in her curiousity than Weiss, for she changed the subject: "Whatever. What did you want from Velvet?"

A moment passed, then Lumina slumped back into her chair. "Her Semblance interested me. She wields it crudely but there is potential with her, so I offered advice."

So saying, she dug into her meal with haste. No more words were offered to anyone; Lumina vanished in a flash of light as soon as she was done. She planned to sunbathe for the rest of the day. The other fights did not interest her to begin with.

Yet once at the cliffside, she grimaced.

"Why did I even miss you?" she muttered to no one but herself. Unheard by merely human ears, Grimm's laughter echoed on the wind.
What is the status of Grimmchild now? He wasn't brought to Beacon, right?

I don't know Hollow Knight lore so I'm curious what will happen when all the flames are consumed.
What is the status of Grimmchild now? He wasn't brought to Beacon, right?

I don't know Hollow Knight lore so I'm curious what will happen when all the flames are consumed.
As can be seen at the tail end of the latest chapter, Grimmchild has matured fully and is now Grimm.
1.14 Caerbannog
Despite the excitement about Lumina's and Ruby's victory, there was one other applicant going in that day. He valiantly if barely made it past Cardin's team, only for the second to send him out of the running. The winning duo now received grudging acknowledgement from the people who previously scoffed at them.

In addition, just like Goodwitch said, they were allowed to stay at the Beacon dormitory; a number of rooms were held in reserve for this exact occasion.

Selina knew that the next phase for her friend would start the following day, though even she had no idea what it was. It rankled a bit to have a girl younger than her become a Huntress before herself, but Selina tried not to let it get to her. Lumina was different from anyone else she knew. She needed to take a walk and clear her head, though; not only to get rid of that sting of envy, but also to ruminate on what she learned today.

This was when she spied a friend in one of the inner courtyards; Velvet sat under one of the trees and intently stared a hole into its bark. The second year hardly even moved, her brows creased.

Seeing her reminded Selina of the incident during lunch, so she walked over and announced herself by plopping down onto the grass by Velvet's side. When that failed, she tried a quiet whistle that was also ignored. Which intrigued Selina more than it annoyed her, wondering what could have her friend so deep in thought.

She leaned in and whispered "Hellooooo" into Velvet's ears, which finally made the hare flinch out of her trance. "Selina to Velvet, are you alive in there?"

The other faunus stared at her in befuddled silence before giving a slow nod. "Yeah. Yeah. Just thinking is all."

"Well thanks, Captain Obvious."

Her wink made Velvet relax, even smile the tiniest bit. Selina made herself comfortable by leaning against the tree's trunk and started digging: "So what did Lumina talk to you about? I've never seen her glare like that before, either."

The memory of what happened before the first match only returned halfway through her question. Now Selina was definitely intrigued. Velvet cringed, though. She began to hem and hah about, slowly ducking her shoulders under Selina's attention. The redhead said nothing, unwilling to pressure her; not that she needed to. Velvet gave in on her own in the end.

"Oh fine, it's my Semblance. I can copy peoples' muscle memory and learn all their physical skills by looking at them."

"Holy shit, what? You serious?"

Despite her fleeting hope to have misheard, Velvet nodded. Selina put a hand to her forehead, trying to understand. How was such a Semblance even possible? "Shit, that's, like... how? What? Everything?"

Velvet nodded again. She hugged her knees to her chest and began to talk: "The first time you talked to me, I learned how you wield your spear. I can use all kinds of weapon by now, you know? It's... it's so easy. It always was. It feels like cheating."

"Yeah, I get it. Can't say I'm all that happy you just copy everything I worked for."

Her drawled response made Velvet look away. She hunched further, but Selina did not dwell on the renewed sense of inadequacy.

"How's that your Semblance anyway? It's an expression of yourself, so are you some kind of super thief?"

The brunette whipped around at once. "I'm not a thief!" she all but shouted, her vehemence giving Selina pause. Yet despite being scandalised, Velvet lowered her voice a moment later: "I'm not. I've never stolen anything."

She fell quiet then, wetting her lips and trying to find the words. "But I was always good at learning, picking up new skills. I speak fluent Mistralian, Atlesean, and Vacuan. All kinds of other stuff, too."

The image her explanation painted was an incredible one, but Selina knew her friend was no liar. Meanwhile, Velvet sighed. "It still feels like cheating," she muttered. "All of this comes so easy to me, I barely need to do anything. Others have to work for years to do something I get in months or weeks."

Things began to make sense, though they remained fantastical. Selina still felt a smidgen of bitterness, but she had always known not all beings were born equal. If nothing else, Lumina's mere existence drove the fact home. She swallowed her feelings in the end and wrapped an arm around Velvet's shoulder; the older girl relaxed against her, clearly relieved.

"I'm not actually mad, just so you know. This is just a bit more than I expected. Brothers, you beat out literally everyone I know on Semblance strength... except maybe Lumina 'cause hers is just as unfair," she said while giving Velvet a soft squeeze. "Now back to that, you used it on her and? What happened?"

For some reason the prompt made her friend shudder. "I-It's like I slid off a wall," she began haltingly, almost in disbelief. "I don't know how to describe it, like at all. And she noticed, no one ever did before."

Velvet shuddered once again as she recalled the experience. "It felt so weird looking into her eyes. She somehow held onto a part of me. I have no idea how she did it."

"Okay, yeah. I'd be scared too. And what did she say?"

Thankfully, this seemed to have been the worst of it. Velvet calmed down as she thought back to their conversation. "That's the weird part, really. She was not mad at all afterward. Just walked over and told me I'm inefficient with it."

Velvet's disbelief was clear to hear, even Selina was dumbfounded by that. Her friend went on without regard: "Like, how is this unfair thing inefficient? But no, she comes up and tells me to stop using it like a club. I was so confused!"

In the end Velvet's exasperation drew a snort from Selina. "Heh, sounds like her. Did she actually say how you'd do that?"

"...yeah. I didn't even get half of it, she talked about essence and patterns. I'm not even sure what will happen if I get it right."

"We can ask her, you know?"

"She's kinda intimidating, though?"

Selina rolled her eyes at that. Typical Velvet. "You sure are skittish for what might be the most gifted hunter of our generation," she quipped and stood. "Come on, let's go see her."

When the second-year turned toward Beacon proper however, she pulled her toward the cliffside with a grin. "She's always out at sunset."

That was indeed where they found Lumina. Her wings were spread and she stood motionless, bathing in the last rays of light. Velvet trailed behind while Selina approached; a cheerful tap to Lumina's bare back drew her attention and she waved cheerfully.

"Heya. I heard you gave Velvet some pointers for her Semblance. They suck, explain it better."

Velvet cringed again and made to apologise, but a look from Lumina cut her off before the first word was spoken. "Why did you not say so yourself?" the moth asked calmly.

"I mean, you just left for some reason. A-And I had to think it over first, too."

"That is... fair."

"So," Selina interjected herself with a grin. "Explain from the start."

Lumina gave her friend a long look, but relented in the end. "Very well."

Then she turned to Velvet and began: "Your Semblance touches the Essence of another being, then draws out specific parts. You may also call it the soul. It is an... intimate process, one which you can complete unassisted. I saw the use of various focii before, Dream Nails being the last of them. But never this."

Though her audience was clearly stumped, they listened with rapt attention as she went on: "Such a focus allows their wielder to read the thoughts of those they touch and enter their dreams. It disperses restless spirits on contact."

"Wait, what? No one's reading my mind! Don't you dare!"

Selina covered her temples protectively, which prompted a snort from Lumina.

"You would not even know if someone did. It takes practice and mental discipline to detect intrusion, more than that to repel it."

"Don't care! Can't you, like, make a Charm that stops this stuff?"

Going by Lumina's expression, the idea had some merit. "I could," she agreed. "But it is only as strong as I. If someone actually tried to break into my Dream, I could not stop them."

Seeing that this did not calm Selina, Lumina sighed and began to reassure her: "Rest assured there are no such focii on Remnant. The only one you have to worry about stands by your side and seems amenable to your refusal."

Velvet nodded resolutely, which did calm Selina; her friend may be a dirty cheater in the Semblance department, but she was also a sweetheart. Seeing that, Lumina glanced back at the setting sun.

"I can spare an hour or two before I need to turn in."

"But the next part only starts after lunch?"

The hare's confusion drew a chuckle from Selina, who pointed at her younger friend. "She gets up at dawn, always."

"Quite. Now do you want to learn, or rather wallow in mediocrity?"

Her confrontational demeanour gave Velvet pause for a mere moment. Selina was tempted to chide Lumina, had she not seen her upperclasswoman firm up in response. A rare smile graced Lumina's features once she nodded.


Then a flash of light made their eyes snap shut. Both women had to blink the spots away, though Lumina waited patiently until they could look at the elaborate shape she burned into the ground between them. It was round, with a number of ellipsoid lines beginning and ending in the outer circle. They all revolved around the center.

"This is the shape you will need."

Velvet quickly realised that Lumina was quite knowledgeable on the matter for some reason, but she had no real chance to ask questions with the shorter girl's rapid pace. While Selina was told to meditate on her aura in an attempt to become more aware of herself and thus intrusions, the hare faunus had to continuously use her Semblance. By how Lumina told it, intuition played a major part when interacting with another's essence, which Velvet felt made sense. The only way to grow proficient with it was to use it.

Therefore, Lumina kept sending a particular thought at her that she had to read. It was a gruesome ninety minutes of tying her own mind into knots; Velvet generally had an idea how to approach it, but moving one's mind was harder than the mere words implied. She only managed it once, on the evening's final attempt. Three simple words echoed through her mind, delivered in ten thousand tongues.

'Dawn will break.'

It reverberated through Velvet's skull as she wandered away, only slowly leaving her mind.

She was accosted by a shadow no two turns into the dormitory. Velvet needed a moment to recognise Ghost, Team SPBY's mascot.

"O-Oh," she greeted, slightly confused at his presence. "Are you looking for Penny?"

Ghost stared at her. Seconds passed in increasingly awkward silence, then he produced a gleaming dagger. Or something like it, Velvet realised. The edge was glittering silver, its heft thin lines of light. Flakes of that same ethereal shape she was shown earlier flickered around the tool. She could not help but stare.

"What is this?"

Ghost struck her with the blade in response and Velvet was too perplexed to dodge. She felt a foreign pressure in the back of her head, an invisible gaze that observed a dozen different thoughts. Then it was gone.

Ghost kept staring at her as if waiting for something. Velvet slowly raised a finger, pointing at the thing in his hands. "Is, is that a Dream Nail?"

Much to her surprise, this time she received a response. Ghost nodded and Velvet gaped, clearly remembering Lumina's comment that no such thing existed on Remnant. Moreover, she also realised she never tried using her Semblance on Ghost. Considering he just read her mind, turnabout was fair play.

First she grabbed his skills, though; a wide variety of abilities from wielding clubs to drawing maps.

Then Velvet focussed and tried to read his mind. All was quiet, though Ghost tilted his head.

She tried again, straining herself to the point a handful of gleaming flakes swirled around her. She unleashed the balled power right at Ghost, yet nothing happened once again beyond that same tilt of the head.

"Did I get in?" she ultimately asked, only to receive a nod. "Why didn't I hear anything? You need to think something."

This time she received no response; Ghost simply turned and walked away. He left a confused second-year behind.

By the time she returned to her dorm, her team was already in bed. If there was one consolation, for Velvet, it was that she lucked out in getting an entire group of early birds to complement herself; someone staying up late while the rest tried to sleep would have been awful.

She was also too curious for her own good; one final attempt, Velvet told herself. She focussed on Coco and reached out with her mind... only to fall forward. The next moment she stood on top of the clouds. Right below her fluttered Coco, clothes in constant flux; no wind blew despite the height and Coco waved her arms like a bird, never once looking up.

Velvet drank in her surroundings with awe and a tiny bit of shame; she just invaded her friend's dream. Sure, it turned out to be something cute, but what if it was a wet dream she stumbled her way into? She would have died of embarassment. Something which Coco may still do if she ever learned that Velvet snuck a peek into this.

Then again, she knew the guilt would make her confess it within two weeks. So she instinctively pulled out of the dream. Her partner would get that confession right the next morning, they really needed to establish boundaries.

When her eyes opened, Velvet found herself face-down on the carpet. Soft it may be, but the ground underneath was hard. She was simply grateful to her aura for taking the hit as she fell. And with those thoughts Velvet got changed before shuffling into bed.

As the next day dawned, all were curious what the second phase would hold. Ruby and Lumina were called to the cliffs overseeing the Emerald Forest right after the first match and an early lunch. A group of students and license applicants milled around while they faced Ozpin again.

Ruby felt a little intimidated by the venerable headmaster, though his grandfatherly smile took most of the edge off.

"Again, congratulations on reaching this far. I hope you two are ready?" he asked of them. Two nods were given while the man sipped from a mug of what may be coffee. "Very well. Your task is as simple as it is difficult. For the second and final phase of the examination, you will have to survive in the Emerald Forest for a week."

He paused there to gauge their reactions; Ruby was a little confused and somewhat disappointed, having expected something more grand. Seeing her expression, he chuckled.

"You will be unsupervised and may act as you wish, except for returning to Vale. While I am aware that both of you possess the abilities to leave such unfortunate circumstances, I have to request you not use them. This would not be much of an examination if you did, after all."

That slowly made her realise what the big issue here would be. One full week in the wilderness, alone with all the Grimm in the forest and no chance to buy supplies or even a tent. As she began to worry, Lumina simply shrugged.

"We will make do," the moth faunus declared without any fanfare. Then she turned to Ruby. "Do you know how to eviscerate kills?"

"Uh... kinda?"

"I do too." That settled, Lumina turned back to Ozpin. "May we descend the cliffs now?"

Ruby had additional questions and no time to ask them. Ozpin nodded, spreading one arm toward the cliffside. Before he could so much as say a word however, the crowd became agitated. Nobody called out to them, but Ruby heard a lot of complaints about something that was drowned out. Lumina glanced their way while the headmaster chuckled.

"It seems our first years are not happy that they will remain the only ones we catapulted into the forest."

Ruby's world narrowed on him with the word 'catapult'. She knew, just knew that she wanted this. Her hand snapped up of its own volition as she practically vibrated in place. "Oh, oh! Can we do that? Pretty please?" Then she realised what she just did. "Uh, sir?"

Her ears grew hot under the laughter from behind, but neither Lumina nor the headmaster joined in. His amused smile was close enough, though he inclined his head.

"Very well."

As they were led to the platforms, Selina nudged Yang at the sidelines. "Your sis is a weirdo."

"Yup, the cutest weirdo in all of Vale!"

The blonde was almost unreasonably proud of that, but Selina could understand. Though that did not mean she could not make some trouble in paradise: "And Weiss is ogling her."


Completely distracted from the pair of the hour, Yang's head snapped around to Weiss. The heiress flinched back under the heated look, only to puff up. A clearly visible blush graced her pale cheeks.

"I was not!" she almost but not quite shrieked. Selina only giggled to herself, which clearly agitated her even more: "I told you I am not interested in girls!"

"To be fair, you were staring pretty hard," Blake added. She seemed mostly curious instead of teasing, though. "Any particular reason?"

At that Weiss sighed softly. "Just idle musings," she said, having swiftly calmed. "Ruby may be the most... genuine person I have met in my life. She is unashamedly herself, regardless of circumstance. A bit like Selina in that sense."

"Aww, I love you too."

Weiss averted her gaze at that, though Selina did not spot any sign of her being upset. Progress.

Perhaps it was for the better that they were all distracted from teasing the heiress by a loud wham. A happy shriek sounded right after as Ruby sailed away into the sky at breakneck speed. Lumina and Ozpin watched her fly for a moment, then the headmaster received a simple nod from the moth. A trail of light left his side, ending right next to Ruby where Lumina now flew. The two realigned and descended toward the forest together.

"Welp," Selina quipped. "Won't hear from them for a week. Anyone up for games?"

While the first years began to disperse, Velvet followed her teacher's descent thoughtfully. She felt incredibly curious about this new, heretofore unknown use of her Semblance. After getting over her team's moment of wariness, at least; Coco even gave her permission to check her dreams whenever, complete with this flirty wink she just knew embarassed her partner.

She focussed on Ozpin in a bid to distract herself. He and Goodwitch were talking quietly, the deputy newly arrived. An incredible curiousity made Velvet throw caution to the wind, though no one seemed to notice the glistening motes surrounding her.

First she focussed on the stern deputy, only to be violently rejected. Goodwitch's neutral expression morphed into a frown. She looked around carefully, unaware what exactly just happened or who did it.

Despondent about being repelled without even being detected, Velvet tried again. This time she aimed at the headmaster who was still talking amicably with his deputy. Just as Velvet's Essence touched his however, she was held in a soft embrace. An impression of depth followed, deeper than the darkest sea.

And then a voice echoed through her head, unspoken: "That is quite rude of you, Ms. Scarlatina."

Velvet disengaged and fled with a panicked, barely muffled eep.

Ozpin smirked at the little joke, but the woman he spoke to unfortunately took this as him poking fun at her.

Meanwhile, Ruby's next adventure began. She was not totally inexperienced with camping, especially after her recent stint to Vacuo, but this still felt different. Grimm were plentiful this close to Vale, though Lumina disposed of them with distinction. They found enough food, too. Sleeping was a bit of an issue, but aura helped make it bearable. They each held watch for half the night, both without complaint. It was generally quiet.

On the second day, right as they broke camp, Ruby spoke up: "Uh, hey, Lumina? I was wondering. Do you know Grimm?"

The other girl stared at her with a sudden intensity. Ruby wilted somewhat, but kept going anyway. This bothered her for hours now. "He talked like he knows you, at least."

They worked in silence. Only when it was time to move did Lumina answer. What she said surprised Ruby, though: "He is my younger brother."

"Huh? Wait, you're a bug-woman from outer space?!" And was there not something else he said about a sister? She forgot.

Lumina was only slightly stumped. "...technically, yes?"

"And you changed your form to fit in with us humans here?! Oh this is so cool!" Ruby's eyes were almost sparkling by this point. "Grimmchild never talked to me, what's your homeworld like? Are there more people like you and him? Is everyone that powerful?"

Her partner weathered the storm of excited questions; she seemed truly alienated for the first time since Ruby met her. Only when the older girl fell silent did she shake her head.

"There are none like Grimm and I, I don't think. Higher beings aplenty, but even they do not compare. From how you speak, I take it you were his latest caretaker?"

Ruby nodded, though slightly confused. Lumina returned the gesture thoughtfully. "I see. I should have guessed."

Then, out of nowhere, Lumina invaded her personal space. A warm forehead was pressed against Ruby's, immediately driving heat into her face. She fidgeted but did not dare pull away. Lumina's eyes were amber, almost gold like the morning sun. They stared into her own silver with that same quiet intensity, seeing to the depths of Ruby's soul.


Just one word, more breathed than spoken. "The Nightmare's flame is rooted within you. Just a spark, but it is there. You stood before the Nightmare's Heart and completed the ritual. I can feel it, now that I know it is there."

She let go at last. Ruby sighed in relief. She was not mad, just a little embarassed; more than that though, she was intrigued. If Lumina knew some of the things Grimm knew, then maybe she could help. "It's, uh, he also said I have some weird light powers. I still don't know how they work, but I can do this?"

With that she focussed hard and drew from within. Warmth rose from her core, all the way up to her eyes. Silver gleamed, flickering and flowing. Lumina observed with interest, though Ruby could only keep it up a few seconds. Breathing out slowly, she finished her question: "Do you know anything about that?"

Unbeknownst to them, every creature of Grimm within half a kilometre had fled.


She half expected Lumina to close in again. It was still embarassing, but Ruby bore it stoically; she was soon distracted when their foreheads touched. Something other grasped for her very being. Her crimson aura flickered into visibility. Lumina studied her with interest, musing as she did.

"It is light, but not like mine. A little different, mostly lesser. An offshoot, perhaps? With specific purpose at that. It slays the void, I can tell you this much."

"What's the void?"

She stared at Lumina from up close, slowly getting used to the proximity. Was it weird that this did not feel romantic at all? The movies lied to her.

Her partner did not seem to care for it, either. She simply explained: "The creatures of Grimm are all of the void. It seems your entire line developed to destroy them."

"Developed," Grimm's voice sounded from nowhere, "or created?"

"Go away, I am not talking to you."

His condescending laughter slowly faded. Once again the girls separated, though Lumina scowled now. Ruby did not feel quite well butting into whatever problems they had, but she was too curious not to.

"Do you, uh, not get along?"

The moth huffed and turned away. "He does not even have the decency to approach me upon arriving here," she groused, leading the way and forcing Ruby to scramble to keep up.

While they were busy in the forest, a second pair of applicants made it through the gauntlet by a hair's breadth on the day after. Selina was not happy about it, but they won fair and square.

That afternoon found her and Cardin in the gym, her spotting him despite the abrasive behaviour. For some reason he seemed particularly angry the last few days, but at least the eye candy was nice.

Once he completed another set and put the bar down, Selina handed him a water bottle. "You don't look happy," she prodded. "Something on your mind?"

To her surprise, Cardin looked away. "Nothing."

Now she was intrigued, he normally did not react like that. Selina leaned forward and poked him in the bicep. "Okay, being flustered isn't like you at all. Come on, out with it. It's just us here anyway, I won't tell."

But Cardin kept waffling around despite the prodding. Selina gave him some space, though she refused to leave; he did another two sets before finally calling it quits on the workout. Speculative glances went to Selina as they sat down on a bench.

In the end he came to a decision and grabbed her by the shoulder. "Look, not a word to anyone. Not even my team, got it?"

"You got it. So?"

Even then he hesitated for long seconds.

"That girl, Lumina. She...."

And did not even manage to complete the sentence. The way he trailed off said it all; Selina's eyes widened in surprise.

"No way. You're crushing?" Her sheer disbelief made Cardin flush visibly. Selina barely, barely managed not to laugh about the irony. "Oh boy. Oh dear. Brothers, you've never even talked to her."

"Shut up, I know! How do you think I'm feeling about this?"

Despite the momentary eruption, he heaved a sigh and idly wiped some sweat off his forehead. "It's just, I dunno. This never happened before." He did not even object when Selina patted his broad back. "What do I do? The boys will never let me live that down."

Things slowly started to make sense. At least they moved back into territory Selina could give advice on.

"If they're asses about it, fuck them. Real friends don't care about who you're into. 'sides, I can kinda understand it." A glance went her way again. She caught the implied question and huffed. "I'm not into her, but Lumina is larger than life. No one else has confidence like she does. She's one of those people that just leaves an impression."

Then, to alleviate some tension, she put on a grin. "Or maybe you're just into women who can kick your ass?"

She was shoved off the bench for her trouble, laughing all the way down. Cardin was nowhere near as amused. "Fuck you. If it was that, I'd be looking at half the girls in our year."

"Including me, huh?" She waggled her eyebrows, much to Cardin's renewed embarassment. "Well, you're pretty cute when you're flustered." Just as expected, he flushed some more. This guy was clearly unused to compliments.

But enough of that. Selina clapped his back again. "Relax, just teasing. Anyway, I'm telling you now, going after Lumina will be hard. Maybe she'll grow into it, but from what I saw she isn't interested in dating."

What Selina kept to herself were her own suspicions; there was more to Lumina than met the eye, even more than she originally imagined. That evening with Velvet, the lessons on how to protect her mind weighed on Selina.

Unaware of her wonder, Cardin stood with a shrug. She put the matter aside for now and appreciated the sight once more before nudging him. "Now I wanna do some sets, too."

"Oh, yeah, sure."

He took over spotting her without complaint. Others joined them soon enough and the room grew more lively.

Days passed for all of them. Lumina remained confident in her success, though she came to appreciate Ruby's presence a great deal more. Having a partner to switch watch with made the night far safer. In fact, their relationship may just resemble the core of humanity in a microcosm; if there was another, perhaps more suited to a given task one could rely on, this eased the lives of everyone. It was an interesting insight.

Fighting the creatures of Grimm was simple for the pair; if anything, they squabbled a bit over who got to kill what. Fresh water was secured and they had an easy time hunting game due to their speed. Sometimes they met others who also began the ordeal in the forest, but few made it through Beacon's first years.

It was not a comfortable week overall, but they made it through nonetheless. On the eighth day, both young women materialised on top of the same cliff their ordeal began. Ozpin already awaited them, together with a small crowd of students and others. Reporters here to see the first new hunters, curious civilians, and the like. One woman in particular sized them up rather intently, but Lumina paid her no further mind.

Both received their licenses from the headmaster under applause. Ruby exuberantly hugged Lumina, who allowed it this once while cameras flashed. This was really it, though. Some more cheers were given before the crowd began to disperse.

"Soooo," Ruby started a little shily. "I was thinking, uh, do you want to team up for a bit? I mean, we got along pretty well, didn't we? So if you don't mind, I mean, uh...."

She did not allow Lumina to get a word in edgewise until trailing off. The moth was about to dismiss Ruby's request, but remembering Kali and Ghira gave her pause. Selina waited nearby as well, she noticed. Lumina had to realise that, although she never cared for anyone's presence before, it had become quite pleasant to have them around.

After some contemplation, she nodded. "I do not mind. I can not promise it will remain so, but for now that is alright."

Ruby immediately brightened and began to babble excitedly. Selina threw them both a thumbs-up and a big grin. Then the wolf faunus waved to Velvet, who approached the small group with a conflicted expression.

"If you have a moment," the brunette interrupted Ruby meekly, "I wanted to ask something."

Into the pause she knocked on Lumina's mind. Flakes of Essence whirled around her, watched by a fascinated Ruby. Lumina could not help but feel a little pride swell over such rapid progress. She answered without speaking a word: "Then ask your question. I see you practiced."

Velvet smiled at the praise. "I did, yeah." She paid no mind to Ruby's and Selina's confusion at the unprompted response. "The first thing I wanted to know is, well, is it normal that Essence swirls around some people? I mean, you're gleaming. How is nobody else seeing it?"

Her question prompted curiousity from their audience of two, though Lumina acknowledged neither of them.

"It takes either a focus or ability to touch another's Essence to see. Ruby will see due to her circumstances, but no one else will. As for the Essence surrounding me, leave it alone. No one will enter my Dream."

Velvet nodded slowly while Grimm's laughter once again went unheard by all but two of them. Yet for some reason it cut off suddenly. Lumina continued to ignore her brother and focussed on Velvet. "What else?"

"Well, uh, what does it mean if I do my thing and get nothing? Like, it worked but I still heard nothing. Actually, you said there were no focii on Remnant, but Ghost has one."

Her eyes narrowed as theories coursed through her mind. She liked none of them. Velvet wilted under her scowl, but Lumina could not quite control her expression.

"That," she began slowly, measuring each word with barely suppressed anger, "means whatever you targeted has no mind. You can read even a corpse's final thoughts by the traces of Essence clinging to it. Were you aiming at a creature of Grimm?"

All that question got her was a mute shake of the head. Lumina's suspicion worsened. "I see. And that 'Ghost', where is it right now?"

Velvet opened her mouth, but did not speak. Her gaze shifted to behind Lumina. At the same time Grimm's voice reached her and Ruby. He spoke frantically, much unlike he otherwise would.

"Sister, I beg of you: do not turn around!"

She turned around anyway, only to stare into empty pools of darkness.
I just hope that ghost recongnizes her and levels beacon to the ground.
1.15 Divine Wrath
For one timeless instant, Lumina stared at Ghost just like they stared at her. Thoughtless. She could not comprehend their presence despite all previous suspicion.

Then that moment passed. All those present beheld her expression morph into a rictus of hatred; such pure and utter loathing coursed through her that the air began to shake. Lumina's golden aura crackled, sparks of light and silvery Essence whirling around her in an ethereal twister.

Ghost brandished a Nail made of finest atlesean steel in response. Their body coiled up, the challenge clear. They were still caught unaware when a luminescent beam punched a hole through their mask.

Plastic melted and fell as living darkness squirmed out of it. Ghost reformed and lunged, but Lumina disappeared in a ray of light. The ground tore where their Nail passed.

Their befuddled audience could only watch as beam upon beam perforated Ghost, who kept ever reforming to pursue. Their body warped and twisted, only to eventually spiral around the beams somehow.

"We've got to do something!" Ruby eventually shouted; her call roused the others around her, but nobody dared approach.

"But what?" Selina asked her. "I've never seen her like that before!"

It was true, too; while Lumina had been frequently annoyed, she was never outright angry. The power on display invoked fear in every single spectator and the fact their fight was almost completely silent only added to its surreality.

Then Penny arrived, drawn by the bright lights. Seeing what was going on, she immediately rushed forward in a panic.

"Ghost, no! Don't fight!"

Her words went unheeded; what was more, Penny was hit by an incandescent beam the moment she came close to the battle. It struck with enough power to break her aura, the half-second before it shattered was barely enough for Penny to evade the direct hit. The beam merely chewed through her shoulder instead of her reactor before fading.

The gynoid stumbled back and several people rushed to her with worried shouts. They were prepared for blood and bone, only to be surprised by silicon and steel.

Penny did not even get time to realise her secret had come to light because a blood-curdling scream drew their attention back to the fight. It echoed to the heavens, flattened the grass, and even pushed Ghost with such force they could merely stay in place. Lumina's impotent rage rattled Beacon and broke windows even from such a distance.

Their horrific dance continued then; not a single of Ghost's swipes caught Lumina, but the same was true in reverse. Excepting the first meaningless hits, Ghost dodged every single beam she threw at them.

Ruby checked her Scroll while more people approached at a rapid pace; Lumina was in the red already. Neither combatant cared for the crowd either. They did their level best to kill each other.

Just then Ghost gleamed; pitch black matter shaped almost like a head with glowing white eyes burst from their chest. The Shade Soul struck Lumina point blank, too fast for her human reflexes to spot in time. She still vanished to avoid part of it, but her aura broke the moment she reappeared. Ghost did not let up, continuously pressuing the moth as she adjusted.

Some had hoped her loss of aura would make the girl retreat, but she just kept throwing kicks and punches with a snarl. One particular kick flung Ghost upward, where they curled up and descended at breakneck speed. Lumina stepped out of the ballistic vessel's path, only to be blown away by an eruption of darkness that followed.

The crowd was stuck in place, awed and cowed by the forces on display. More than that, Lumina did not seem to give one whit about the bloody tears running all over her front; her clothes were already ruined, but she rolled off her momentum and pushed back onto her feet. Her aura crackled to life for just a moment; trails of blood began to run from Lumina's nose and ears over the exertion. Then light coalesced in her hand, forming a shard of ivory steel.

She roared again and leapt, but Ghost darted past her and jumped before delivering a heavy blow to her back. They hammered Lumina into the ground, where she landed with a pained grunt and the ugly crack of breaking bone. The Nail tore half of her left wing straight off.

Ghost landed in front of Lumina, who scrabbled for purchase as crimson rivulets ran down her body. She kept trying to push herself into a crouch even though her legs failed to move, her fury not abated in the slightest. All the while she spat words in tongues none of the others ever heard; from keening noises over mistralian all the way to a disconcerting series of clicks and clacks.

Ghost simply stared at their beaten foe, Nail held aloft.

Ruby wanted to do something, anything, but her legs were glued in place.

"Please stop," she whimpered, staring in horror at her broken friend.

Lumina refused to lie down even now; once she realised she could not rise, her arms stretched to barely reach the spike she made earlier. Ghost took a single step back the moment her fingers closed around it, leaving her reach.

"I believe that is enough," Grimm said just then. He appeared next to the two and swept up Ghost, much to Ruby's relief. The void vessel looked up at him, as did Lumina. Only she was snarling. Grimm seemed almost pitiful.

"Sister, please."

Lumina growled something incoherent, prompting a displeased sigh from Grimm. Yet before he could even begin to reason with his sister, a distant roar sounded. Screams followed in seconds as people found its origin.

Ever more eyes turned toward the heavens in these moments. A massive, winged shape approached Vale at great speed. The dragon Grimm came barreling toward them just as a tenebrous tide flowed from the Emerald Forest. More beasts followed from other directions.

The sight of it reached Selina. She kicked her own hesitation aside, took a shuddering breath, and rushed to her friend's side. "Lumina!" she barked, "snap out of it already! We need you here, right now!"

Selina's vision swam the moment that hateful glare fell on her. She stumbled and made a few steps toward Ghost as if in a haze. Her body fell into a combat stance on its own.

Then Grimm snapped his finger and the haze lifted, leaving her confused. The tall man sighed.

"Now is not the time, sister."

"Not the time?" Lumina repeated, almost dumbfounded. Her anger quickly spilled over again. "Not the time?! Let me kill this thing already!"

"So it can kill you once again? And this time for good?"

Grimm's calm tone did nothing to affect her rage. Lumina tried to scream once more, but it ended up as a bloody coughing fit. No one quite knew what to make of this.

Selina fully shook off her fugue and knelt next to Lumina. She spoke urgently, unwilling to waste time on finding the right words: "I've got no idea what's going on and I don't care. You're the best we have and there's a horde coming. We need you! Snap out of it, please!"

Somehow, miraculously, her plea gave Lumina pause. For just a moment the moth listened. Her gaze wandered from Ghost to Grimm, then to Selina, and then to the approaching monster. She heaved a breath, then sagged with a wince.

"I... can't. I can't feel my legs. My wing is torn," Lumina murmured. "The flesh is weak, it obeys no longer. Just... go. Do what you must. I will not die."

The reminder of her body's state had Selina's eyes widen. She did not want to go even though she knew she should. Yet somehow, Lumina's reassurance sounded sincere.

"You don't really got a choice," she quipped back, that being the only thing she could do right now. Lumina scoffed in turn, a smidgen of her usual confidence shining through as she met Selina's gaze.


Hunters swarmed all around them already. Much like Beacon's instructors, Qrow and Taiyang led groups of students into Vale. The crowd dispersed fully as those unable to fight retreated to Beacon. Among them however, that same woman who sized up Lumina before watched her with great caution. Cinder Fall did not commit, though; Ozpin was near, the risk too great.

People ran home to dig out swords, clubs, axes, spears, and other simple but effective weapons across all of Vale. Some that were trained returned to the streets with guns of their own. A pair of black-haired twins nodded to each other, flanking a hulking man who carried a bazooka. Dozens of suits followed in their wake, each one with a tommy gun in hand. Much the same, Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan left their residence in a bad mood. The crime boss grumbled about business as they brandished cane and umbrella respectively.

Children were sent into prepared shelters, their instinctual fear drawing the darkness ever closer. Everyone was afraid, in truth. But Vale refused to bow to the outside threat.

Artillery upon the walls opened fire to thin out the horde once it got in reach, but they only managed a single salvo; a single pressed button ignited explosives across the walls. The bombs detonated as one, shaking the earth and tearing great holes into the defensive perimeter. Every single weapon emplacement was destroyed, much to the defenders' horror.

As Cinder carefully hid her smirk, Roman's died in favour of something ugly.

"She better never show her face again," he groused. "Should've just, gah! Let's kill some Grimm, folks!"

His cane was raised to point ahead and a group of gangsters fell in line with him.

The beasts soon reached the walls and began to pour through their many holes, only to run into a shield wall. Gunfire rained from every window, every rooftop. Griphons and Nevermores of all sizes fell before they reached city limits. Few of the defenders had aura, but numbers alone made up the difference. Their raised spears impaled the first wave as it was pushed into them by the throng of bodies.

Yet larger monsters followed and began to push the spears aside. Shields broke as Ursa and Beringels rampaged along; the bears and giant apes were too large to hold against. People were pushed back and died all across town.

Which was when the Hunters arrived.

CRDL charged into the fray where Cardin bowled over a Beringel even more massive than himself. His team delivered a swift beatdown before the beast could rise.

SPBY minus Penny and plus Ruby hit the front line like a wrecking ball at the same time; glyphs sprang up to protect, Yang hammered the largest Grimm in sight back into its friends, Blake swung past to slice throats, and ten thousand rose petals danced between the three; they cut the younger, unarmoured Grimm to ribbons and thinned out the herd.

SNNL and CFVY arrived together on their side of town, parting the sea of Grimm. Civilians closed ranks behind them and murdered any stragglers.

And a raven watched the proceedings for a time. She soon took flight toward where the circling dragon rained Grimm sludge from the sky. The residue formed into newborn beasts about as soon as it hit the ground.

Only Ozpin and Lumina remained atop the cliff. The headmaster scanned the approaching horde while Beacon's own defenses shot down airborne creatures rising above the cliffside. He propped Lumina up, though she could not sit properly.

"Your spine is broken," Ozpin diagnosed sadly. Lumina did not react, even now she still fumed. He could not help but admire her grit.

"You are surprisingly composed for the amount of pain you must be in."

The young woman scoffed at that. "It is transient. I refuse to bow to this weak body's whims."

"Admirable. But I wonder, why did you let Ghost drain your aura fully? You should have been able to disengage with your speed."

"I was, but I wanted to crush this thing."

The folly of a bad temper reared its ugly head once again, drawing a faint smile on his face. Ozpin made sure she could not see it.

"I see. Nonetheless, the power of your anger is impressive and a little frightening. All of these Grimm were drawn by you."

It was not a question, they both knew. Lumina did not acknowledge it though, so Ozpin continued to muse out loud: "The death toll will be sizable, much like the damages to Vale itself."

Not to mention that little act of sabotage; he needed to find Cinder Fall, the time of observation was over.

He had hoped for contrition, but there was no such thing in sight. Lumina squirmed, grimacing as she felt over her torn wing.

"I can't do anything about it now," she murmured. "This is too much damage for aura to heal."

Lumina transitioned into a proper scowl, but did not elaborate further. It was in equal parts tragic and worrying.

"Ordinarily, yes. You only just obtained your license, but the damage to your body will either require extensive prosthetics or retirement. I imagine you dislike both of these options?"

Again his question remained unanswered, but he could read her feelings out of her expression. Ozpin nodded gently. "I understand. If you could act, what would you do?"

The response took a moment. An oddly thoughtful mood struck her, which the headmaster found peculiar. Her answer was simple, though: "...kill them. As many as I can."

"And why?"

"Because I hate them."

She left a pause after that, long seconds filled only with the noise of battle and calls of beasts. Then she haltingly added another reason: "And... because I want to."

Unspoken words echoed in every single one she did say; this girl, this young woman, cared. And that surprised even her. That was all he needed to know.

Kneeling by her side, Ozpin offered a gentle smile. "Then let me offer you a gift. Call it congratulations for passing the examination."

His fingers began to gleam with a rainbow of colours, magic long forgotten. They gently connected with her exposed collarbone. Lumina watched curiously, felt her body slowly knit itself back together. Wounds closed, her spine reconnected and feeling returned to her numb legs. What was more, her clothes mended alongside her wing.

As Ozpin channelled more power into her to complete the restoration, her own Essence rose to meet his. When they touched, for just a moment, the aging man felt himself tranposed. He floated beneath an endless sky, eyes instinctually raised toward a sun that spread her tattered wings.

Her body was dreams made manifest, wrapped in ivory carapace riddled with holes. Where blood should leak, golden and silver motes of essence spilled out into the void. Three spikes crowned her head in reminiscence of a crown yet two were broken.

The mere sight took his breath away.

The Radiance's light shone upon him. She beckoned him into her embrace, to abandon his thoughts and anguish for the bliss of unity. For one timeless instant he felt the burden upon his shoulders lift. The man once known as Ozma felt young again.

But he pulled back, aware his duty was not yet done. Then he stood back on the cliff.

Ozpin swayed and gulped down fresh air as his body forgot to breathe out of sheer awe. The child that was not watched him with visible concern.

Neither spoke for a time, having forgotten the raging battle. The ancient wizard was too busy trying to understand what he saw; had he not known the might of true gods, the impossibility would have shattered his view of the universe. There was no other way to describe it, truly. It suddenly felt wrong to stand over a goddess and peer down at her.

Having sat up since, it was Lumina who spoke: "Are you... alright?"

A beat, disrupted by distant shrieks, roars, and screams.

"I believe so."

"...good. That's good. The last time a human saw the true me, he, er, did not take it well."

That explained a few things. Ozpin inclined his head reverently.

"I can see why you would keep such a matter secret. Most could scarcely comprehend the kind of being you are. But if I may ask, why do you pose as human?"

He was acutely aware of her narrowing gaze. With her body fully restored and aura recharging rapidly, her thoughts returned to the previous events. Pushing away his helpfully offered hand, Lumina stood of her own power.

"That thing is to blame," she spat, "and the Wyrm that created it."

Just like that she flickered away. Ozpin was left behind with melancholy and more questions than answers.

Within Beacon, Cinder dug deeper into her hiding place by a window; she was grinning brightly, yet there was no warmth in it.

Ghost wandered Vale as well; beings that could be siblings attacked, humans protected. The defenders mostly left Ghost alone for their lack of hostility. They were the first to notice, too; the familiar light shone across Vale. It illuminated the sky, bearing down on the city.

Rays of gold flickered between the moth's distant form and Vale proper. Some struck near where Ghost stood, yet not a single one was aimed at them. Not-Siblings around them dropped dead and dissipated.

People all across town looked up once the spectacle reached them. Roman and Neo paused in their work at a particularly heated chokepoint as an entire wave of monsters was slain before them. Selina disengaged an alpha Beringel just before its head received a sizable hole. The wolf's grin finally returned while her team marvelled. Penny saw it from within Beacon, having evacuated despite her desire to help. Her eyes widened in child-like awe.

Qrow and Ruby had just finished off a giant King Taijitu, cutting the serpent's heads on each end in near perfect synchronicity. They looked up when the nearby opposition died swift deaths and Ruby felt great relief at the sight of her newest friend being healthy.

Then a raven landed on her shoulder, cawing and flapping her wings. In the pause Lumina's interference granted them, she was faintly aware of Yang's cooing and the other two girls' amusement. SNNL watched as well, having met up with their sister team during the fighting.

Surprising even herself, Ruby was not embarassed today. She just shook her head at the bird. "I don't understand, talk to me!"

They stared at each other for a long moment as Raven considered her words, head almost but not quite turning to watch Yang right there. Then she hopped off her shoulder and reformed into her human self.

Everyone except Weiss grew tense in an instant. Raven ignored them all in favour of Ruby, pointing toward the dragon circling above. "Stop wasting your time with small fry. They will keep coming until that one falls."

Ruby followed her motion and squinted. The beast kept its distance from Lumina, its hide and armour too thick to destroy casually. It seemed the moth priorised thinning the herd to make the most of her aura reserves.

"...good point," Ruby agreed. "I think I can get up there."

"Good, do it."

"It's too fast for us, though," Qrow argued. He was not at all happy with the idea of sending his niece against such a beast on her own.

Raven stared at him for a long moment, then made an imperious motion skyward. Ruby obeyed without another word and a flood of rose petals ascended.

That done, Raven turned to glare at the two first-year teams in the meantime; most of them were mistralians. Nora and Blake quaked in their boots, Ren's lips were pressed into a thin line. Selina simply stared, too befuddled to act. Pyrrha was frozen as well.

"What... Mom?"

She gave no outward reaction to Yang's surprised and somewhat tender tone. Even if she did, the chorus of "What?!" from most of her daughter's classmates distracted her. Disbelieving stares were now levelled at Yang instead.

"Not now," Raven declared.

"But-" "Not now."

Having cut off her daughter, Raven threw her hand out to indicate the city of Vale. She could tell how much it aggravated Yang. The girl really needed to control herself better.

"Okay," Selina started slowly, speaking to herself. "Met Raven Branwen and she's a Milf. Never thought that's gonna happen."

She only realised she said that out loud when Qrow barked a laugh and she found herself the target of Raven's piercing glare. She wilted away under it while her fellow students stared in horror. "...sorry, didn't mean to say that out loud. Please don't kill me?"

The other woman closed her eyes for a long moment. Against all expectations, she ultimately turned around without a word to watch Ruby's ascent. A few Grimm that tried for their group were slaughtered by the force of elite students and actual hunters.

Raven spoke as the fog dispersed: "She's there. Qrow."

A chopping motion opened a crackling, crimson portal. Both twins leapt through and reappeared atop the flying beast. Qrow shouted over the rush of air while they found footholds between its scales: "Wait, since when can you portal to her?"

He received no response as Raven started hacking into their target. Seeing that this was a lost cause, he followed his sister's lead. Ruby rushed around them, appearing this way and that. Neither twin noticed how silver light glittered in her eyes, they only heard the beast's fearful screech. It reverberated through the massive body. The Grimm tried to shake them off but failed.

A flash announced Lumina's arrival, though she vanished upon spotting them. Rather, rays of light continued to hammer the Grimm still flooding into Vale.

The tide began to falter ever so slowly. Black mist blotted out Remnant's sun for a while, but her own light yet shone. Creatures of Grimm were fought back all across town; hunters low on aura retreated to recover, defenders cycled out. Children and teenagers too young to join carried supplies around. Food and drink, bandages and ammunition. Doctors and nurses worked across town, treating whomever they could.

At some point the dragon fell, whittled down by the unlikely trio. It barely missed Vale on the descent, crashing right outside of what was left of the walls.

After what felt like days but was actually merely a few hours, the final beast was slain. Adrenaline rushed through countless veins, a city abuzz with energy yet no more monsters left to kill. Slowly, almost warily, the cheers began to rise. Many wept for the loss of friends and loved ones, but the elation of having persevered drowned them out.

Lumina landed in town, well aware of the awed looks her arrival earned. She could feel the memories of herself burrowing deeper into their minds.

Then she beheld Ghost as they wandered in. Some gasps followed their arrival, but the perceived Grimm's docile behaviour kept anyone from making a mistake. Many looked to Lumina, whose tentative satisfaction morphed into anger. The damned vessel simply stood there and stared at her.

At the same time, she was tired. A week in the wilderness did not do her much good, but it was followed by two draining battles back to back. Noon had barely passed.

Ghost stared at her and she scowled back, but Lumina held off on another assault. She knew this thing was her enemy. She yearned to kill it before it killed her. She refrained nonetheless, painfully aware which of them would walk away the victor.

Their standoff continued for a minute or two, then Ghost simply turned around and walked away. The sheer irreverence baffled Lumina.

"Just like that?" she questioned the mindless creature. "You would... of course you would."

She heaved a sigh, having forgotten for a moment that Ghost could not hate her back. Their relationship was entirely one-sided.

The flashing of phones reminded Lumina of her audience. Some were still pointing, others chattering with each other. She managed a faint smile for them and waved, which a number of onlookers returned. Her duty done, Lumina flew back to Beacon; it was a long day that would only get longer.
For some reason, I can't help but think that her laser beams are kind of like the hammer of dawn

go to 3m26s
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"Oh, yeah, sure."

He took over spotting her without complaint. Others joined them soon enough and the room grew more lively.

Days passed for all of them. Lumina remained confident in her success, though she came to appreciate Ruby's presence a great deal more. Having a partner to switch watch with made the night far safer. In fact, their relationship may just resemble the core of humanity in a microcosm; if there was another, perhaps more suited to a given task one could rely on, this eased the lives of everyone. It was an interesting insight.

I don't usually complain when authors do this, but this time it seems particularly problematic. Could you use a pagebreak line, or a transition symbol like ***808*** or =======, if you jump PoVs like this?
I did figure out you swapped back to the girls in the forest, but... A linebreak or an extra space seems appropriate here. I'm not an editor though, and I get not wanting to go back through the story for other scene jumps for consistency's sake.

"Okay," Selina started slowly, speaking to herself. "Met Raven Branwen and she's a Milf. Never thought that's gonna happen."
Selina, you are the BEST OC, what a delightful woman.

What an intense pair of chapters, I love it! Time to see how far Cinder got with these hours of free time. Sneaking through the evacuees at Beacon to find the entrance to the maiden wouldn't make things easy. Actually, I wonder if Ozpin can sense when a maiden dies and has their power transfered. He sent Qrow to find Amber before Cinder's crew attacked, before the transfer started. So Ozpin could get an infuriating update mid battle. Hmm, she might have had time to use the hacking plan too, though you would think that would be a lower priority.
I don't usually complain when authors do this, but this time it seems particularly problematic. Could you use a pagebreak line, or a transition symbol like ***808*** or =======, if you jump PoVs like this?
I did figure out you swapped back to the girls in the forest, but... A linebreak or an extra space seems appropriate here. I'm not an editor though, and I get not wanting to go back through the story for other scene jumps for consistency's sake.
I see what you mean. Personally, it does not feel egregious enough to go in and put the only transition of the entire story in there. Definitely could have solved that better, though.
This is so epic and absolutely deserves more appreciation! 100% worth binging, loved every second, unreasonably hyped for more
Have you considered reposting to Space Battles or Sufficient Velocity or Royal Road maybe, Author-sama?
Ahh. Well, guess I need better glasses then! Good job)
Are all those versions completely identical or are there any differences planned/already there?
All versions are completely identical. I do not see the value in gating content to a specific site.
1.16 The Price of Hubris
No celebrations were held that evening. Anyone not too exhausted to walk helped out with the cleanup. The horrific damage to the walls was assessed, rubble from collapsed buildings cleared. Injuries were treated and dead collected.

Lumina did not join these efforts. Selina demanded she go back to Beacon and put herself in the infirmary the moment she was free to do so. Any reassurances as to her wellbeing were brushed off. Hence why Lumina sighed and did as she was told.

Meanwhile, Qrow and Raven faced each other awkwardly. The twins had not exchanged a single word ever since the dragon died. This was how Taiyang found them, but he did not quite know what to say either. The silent trio received some space by passersby and a curt look from Glynda as she strode by. STRQ was reunited, if forever without their leading S.

Some more time passed before Qrow heaved a sigh and broke the silence: "Okay, this is getting nowhere fast. How'd you get bonded with Ruby? You've met her once."

Raven did not answer; she scowled, though not at either of them for some reason. It still hurt a little to have his once wife so near, but Tai could bear it; the pain was less than he expected.

When it became clear Raven would not answer, he leaned at the wall next to her.

"Let's put that aside for now. Thank you. For coming."

A glance went his way, then Raven nodded. That was progress in his book. Then again, he knew she would not stay for long.

"I... guess you're going to get a move on before Yang finds you?"

"Too late," Qrow quipped. He nodded down the street where the young woman in question approached. Her team followed, though Penny had been temporarily replaced with a shily waving Ruby. Only Tai's youngest was pristine despite being the youngest period; the rest were beat up, their clothes torn in places. Yang still moved with a grim determination despite the fact.

Yang's partner, Blake, glared at Raven over his daughter's shoulder. Tai knew it was a mistake as soon as he saw it; the glare was answered in kind when Raven noticed. Her intense stare was familiar to him, but the faunus girl flinched back. Weiss and Yang were taken aback as well, though Ruby seemed more befuddled.

"Oh, so that's what that looks like."

"I am still unclear what the problem here is," Weiss added with a pointed look to Blake. "Would someone care to explain?"

The faunus woman scowled and threw out a hand toward them. "This is Raven Branwen. Her clan of bandits is infamous all over Mistral. She alone has killed hundreds."

She was not wrong, even Tai knew that. He pondered stepping in, but his daughter pre-empted any attempt. Yang's head swivelled to Blake in surprise.

"What do you mean, infamous?"

"I am similarly stumped. It seems to be a matter kept locally?"

Ruby had listened so far, but now she piped up: "...I get the feeling you never tried looking up her name."

The quip earned her a glare from Yang, though Tai could see the very real hurt in it. Ruby wilted, having noticed as well.


He saw Raven cross her arms from the corner of his eyes. She scoffed, a lilt of sardonic humour to her words: "Big words for a terrorist."

Her accusation was concise and to the point. Blake stiffened while the men winced. Raven spotted her weakness immediately and capitalised: "Don't think I do not know about your ties to the White Fang. How many did you kill, either by your hand or your actions? Do you even care?"

Now the faunus bristled, prompting a smirk Tai knew was meant to rile her up further. "Or perhaps you're angry that I put your fellows to the sword?"

This was new, though. Tai's gaze slipped to Raven just as Qrow asked the question on the tip of his tongue: "Wait, what? That's the first I hear of this."

He received a sideway glance from his sister. She did not seem bothered by the matter and began to explain almost idly.

"The Fang tried to stamp us out a few years back. Ambushed some of our scouts. I never asked why and I don't care to know. Once word got back, I ordered ten of their convoys raided and killed a hundred of their members, then paid a visit to Sienna with a bag of heads. They left us alone ever since."


Taiyang winced, as did Qrow. Chancing a look to the kids, he found Weiss having paled back to standard atlesean complexion. Ruby was gaping and Yang just stood in place, deeply uncertain. Blake's eyes widened, though Tai could not say if she shook in indignation or fear.

Qrow sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Why's it always extremes with you?"

"How else would they learn?" Raven retorted with a snort. "To be Branwen is to stand on our own. We do not want or need help from anyone and take care of our own problems."


Though quiet, Ruby's interruption drew their attention back to the other group. She pointed to her still rooted sister.

"Maybe take care of this problem, then?"

Ruby did not dare meet Raven's annoyed gaze, but Tai noticed that she in turn did not meet Yang's. Ruby sighed.

"...yeah, this will be a long night."

Which was when Tai reached her. He took his daughter by the hand, then nudged Blake's shoulder to get her moving. Qrow did similar with Weiss, though he threw a look back to his twin.

Soon only mother and daughter remained. Neither sought the other's gaze. After some time Raven firmed up and motioned for Yang to follow, but she remained in place.

"Why," the younger woman finally asked. "Why did you leave?"

Raven closed her eyes at that. She made to speak but no words left her. No noise sounded whatsoever. Yang watched several aborted attempts with growing confusion. In the end her mother shook her head.

"I can't tell you."

A flat "What?" was all Yang could get out at first. Anger pulsed through her veins, eyes narrowed. She took a single, aggressive step. Her voice rose as well. "What do you mean you can't? You left us, left me! Say something!"

She did not quite notice that Raven had become ashen-faced. She would not care either. Still the older woman shook her head.

"...I can't."


"I just can't. I could give you the spiel about earning it, but that lie grew stale by now. Not to mention a bad lie, considering the power you displayed today."

Her words did nothing to soothe Yang's anger; lilac eyes turned red, now matching her mother. Seeing this, Raven began to frown at her.

"Calm down already, a temper like that will get you killed someday."

"Like you even care!" she shouted; her mother flinched as if struck, but she did not even notice. "You run away, I haven't seen you in forever, and now you don't even tell me why!" Her voice carried, but people wisely left the pair alone. "Does Dad know? Qrow?"

Raven waited a few seconds, visibly fighting with herself. Yang's feelings calmed a little, though they still simmered. Her mother answered the question then: "...no. Only Summer knew and she took my reasons to the grave."

Yang grimaced, more than a little angry that this woman dared bring Summer into this. At the same time, a realisation ran through her system with shocking clarity: she would not get answers by screaming, no matter how much she wanted to scream right now. It took a herculean effort to clamp down on her anger, but she managed somehow. She needed to know more than she needed to vent.

"Do you... know how she died? Or why?"

This time she noticed her mother's expression twist.

"I don't know how," Raven began. "But I know who is responsible."

Akin to her daughter earlier, her voice turned venomous. Whatever she was about to say however, she swallowed the words with a glance to the civilians in hearing distance.

"But that is not for right here. I have the feeling you will be involved in it soon enough. Ozpin likes his tin soldiers. What I can tell you is that it was his assignment Summer went on. She told no one what it was, not even me."

"What does Ozpin have to do with it?" Yang could not help but ask. She only talked to the headmaster once, but he never struck her as a bad man.

Her mother huffed in response.

"That man has played the most dangerous game since before you or I were born. Do not think him benevolent."

Yang's first response to that was a snort. She wanted to snipe back so bad, but at the same time she was aware this would not get her anything. Pinching the bridge of her nose in an unconcious imitation of Weiss, she took a moment to calm herself. She failed, but it was enough to not snap.

"Okay. Okay. Just, what can you tell me?"

Raven studied her daughter for a long moment. Then she motioned to follow once more; this time Yang did.

Meanwhile, Weiss and Blake were still led along to meet up with SNNL. Ruby trudged along much like her father and uncle. Afternoon already arrived as people worked to handle the damages around the walls; the only Grimm that made it into Vale proper were airborne or dropped by the dragon.

Weiss continuously noticed the way peoples' expressions brightened at the sight of them as they walked through town. Smiles, waves, and words of gratitude were offered to them. Even the faunus they came by were happy to see her. It felt oddly fulfilling, now that she had time to breathe; she helped protect all these people.

Then Selina appeared in front of them, staring at Yang's father with something akin to reverence.

"Okay, man. I've got to say, you must have the biggest balls on the planet."

Everyone was caught off-guard by that. The redhead was undeterred by the hesitant silence and just kept going: "Like, putting a child in Raven Branwen?"

Qrow began to cackle at that and Ruby giggled. Everyone else continued to stare at Selina, who crossed her arms.

"What? It's true!"

Taiyang let out a faintly amused huff at that. Weiss was just glad he did not appear to feel insulted at all.

"She used to be more mellow back when we were students," he explained kindly. "She was the R in STRQ."

His words were taken with disbelief from the quartet of mistralians, prompting a chuckle. "A little bit, at least. Our leader had a tight leash on her."

"Like, a literal leash? What kind of kinky shit were you lot up to?"

"Like you wouldn't believe," Qrow indulged Selina's crude commentary with a smirk. Were Weiss not raised to higher standards, she might have considered joining Ruby with the gagging noises in the background.

"Can we not?" Taiyang requested with a motion to his daughter. "My youngest is right there."

"She's also a Huntress, Tai."

Somehow their exchange gave Selina pause. "Wait a sec," she requested before turning to Ruby. "That means you're Raven's kid, too?"

This gave Ruby pause. She interrupted her immature display, blinked, and shook her head. "Uh, no. Yang and I have different moms. My mom was the fourth member of the team."

Pyrrha swiftly used the golden opportunity to change the subject further away from whatever the last generation got up to: "Would we have heard of her as well?"

The question interested Weiss, too. She stood next to a living legend and met several other elite hunters over just the past few hours, after all. Unfortunately, Qrow and Taiyang exchanged looks before shrugging in unison.

"Don't know if you ever did," Qrow responded after a short pause. "Summer wasn't big on reputation, she just got the job done."

"Any chance we can meet her?" Selina chirped, only to realise the mistake when both men grimaced. Ruby averted her gaze, immediately earning Weiss's sympathy. Selina awkwardly ran a hand through her bright red mane.

"Oh. Sorry."

The younger girl shook her head. "You couldn't know, it's okay. I'm still luckier than some." At that her mood shifted as she put on a mostly honest grin. "I mean, I've got a cool uncle and aunt. And my dad can whoop ass, too. Sometimes."


Ruby blew her father a raspberry and immediately hid behind Pyrrha, who was the broadest student nearby. Some laughter followed and somehow, miraculously, the mood lifted. Even Weiss found herself feeling a little lighter. She could not help but appreciate Ruby once again.

The day went on filled with work from there. A second shift took over shortly before sunset; Beacon's higher years and faculty patrolled the destroyed walls to ward off Grimm. First- and second years were sent back to rest and relieve their upperclassmen after breakfast.

Lumina was exempt from all this once again; she had been in the infirmary for hours and ultimately fell asleep there, too. Her slumber was an uneasy one as she meditated within her Dream. An empty expanse basked in twilight was all that surrounded her. Right above the mental construct of her current body rested a silken cocoon. The Crowned Light remained but a pupa, still weak but slowly growing once more.

She could feel it here, the many minds her light connected. It burrowed deep into the memories of Vale that day. Not deep enough to never be forgotten except for some, but it was a start. Had she truly wanted to test her reach and control, she could have offered them unity like she unconciously did with Ozpin. To become one within her light.

Lumina still pondered whether she should make the attempt when a spike of pure black pierced the horizon. Then excruciating pain woke her.

Her eyes snapped open and a gasp died in her throat. The woman standing over her bed slowly came into focus; she could make out little of her features in the moonlight shining through the window. Even if there were more, tears clouded Lumina's vision. Some sort of void matter pierced her chest, tearing at her essence. The pain was unlike anything she ever felt before, her self being slowly gobbled up by the void.

But she knew it, too. Memories flooded Lumina's addled mind unbidden; being confined within the Hollow Knight while the Wyrm snuffed out all memories of her. Raging against her living prison to no avail. The battle with that other vessel, as ineffective then as it was today.

Cinder Fall was unaware of the torrent of anger sweeping through Lumina, so visceral the moth could not even scream. She smirked down at her victim, gleefully feeling for the magic draining from her soul. Another Maiden, most likely; someone Ozpin sought to protect. Had it been brighter, she may have noticed the irate glare levelled at her. Had she been more adept in matters of spirit, she may have felt Lumina's Essence shift.

All she focussed on was the magic; it only came trickling in, but that did not matter. Resistance was futile before Salem's designs.

That was her last clear thought.

Something lurched, more felt than seen. Then blinding light surged through the Grimm matter connecting them. Cinder had no chance to react; she only let out a choked gasp as something infinitely her greater invaded her mind.

Her body fell slack while the light coursed through her veins; Cinder could no longer see the girl whose soul she was about to steal. She floated under an endless horizon, eyes never leaving the mere cocoon in the distance.

She fell, lost who she was as streamers of light engulfed her. They offered peace and unity she did not want, but she had no choice. She tried to struggle, but it was futile.

Her final concious thought was that this was not fair. She had so much yet to do!

Then Cinder Fall ceased to exist. Her sense of self was extinguished, her very soul burned away by the furious light. Nothing else remained in her body; void matter was burned away, the foreign Essence tied to Cinder's was released. It fled at once, drawn back to where it belonged. Lumina let it go, too focussed on her assailant to care.

The corpse of Cinder stared down at her now, eyes a gleaming orange. Then she blinked and returned to a normal colour. Both smirked in unison as aura healed the marks on Lumina's chest.

Lumina sorted through her Essence while maneuvering her newly acquired, second shell away. Imprints of the other woman's Essence remained even after she eradicated her. Some of them were strong enough to learn from.

She learned that this woman was an agent of a power acting in the shadows. She learned of what the children of Remnant called magic, tied to four Maidens that each held the key to a powerful artifact. Cinder stole half the Essence of one Maiden before, but failed. Her elite team was destroyed. She deemed Lumina a target of opportunity, infiltrated Beacon with the other people seeking shelter.

Then Lumina found the name of the one who sent Cinder: Salem. Every fibre of these imprints resonated with awe, fear, and envy at the name; though Lumina was intrigued, she knew to be cautious. This was a name she never heard before.

She fell back asleep over these ruminations. Yet while one body rested, the other one she now owned was puppeted away. She could not afford Cinder being seen. Her knowledge ran out like water through a sieve, so she picked up whatever she could; only muscle memory remained within the hour, useless without a weapon of her own. Cinder used to make hers from glass with a Semblance that was now gone.

Unbeknownst to her, the puppet body only made it out unseen after the lightshow because Ozpin was distracted; ringing alerts from Amber's life support told him that the comatose Maiden woke up.

As it were, Lumina slept through the night while her new slave brought distance between herself and Vale. The next morning she woke to an excited Ruby by her bedside. Her partner (?) was quietly talking to the girl Lumina injured yesterday; Penny, her memory delivered after a moment.

The redhead's shoulder was bandaged, although she did not seem to be in pain. At most Penny twitched on occasion. She also seemed mildly uncomfortable with whatever had Ruby so excited.

Lumina sat up and looked outside, not acknowledging how conversation ceased. She blinked at the window right by her bed, then sighed.

"I missed dawn."

It was the first time in her life as Lumina. At least Cinder was present to see the sun rise.

"I guess you did," Ruby said, reminding Lumina of her presence. The other girl waved. "Hey."


She glanced from Ruby to Penny, who wilted away somewhat and refused to meet Lumina's gaze. The moth frowned, well aware this was her fault. She did not quite want to apologise, but forced herself to do it anyway: "And my apologies for your shoulder. I was not thinking clearly."

Thankfully, this small concession was all it took to make Penny look at her.

"It is alright, I am not mad," she assured her softly. "I just, don't understand? What did Ghost do to make you so angry?"

Her halting question soured Lumina's mood immediately; both girls noticed, but she let it go with another sigh.

"Everything. Everything I face today is this thing's fault. Please do not bring it up in my presence again."

"O-Okay." Despite saying so, Penny began to fidget awkwardly. "Just, maybe, one more question?"

Lumina twitched, but nodded. "Very well, as recompense for your injury. What is it?"

"Yeah, um, that. No one I asked had any idea what Ghost is. I never figured out any pattern to his actions. He can answer questions but only some of them. He can learn all kinds of things but not others. He is weird and I do not understand."

That was an unexpected angle. Lumina sized Penny up for a long moment, but found only honest curiousity. She snorted at the irony.

"Of course you find no pattern. There is none. You also suffer from the misconception the vessel is male, that it has a gender at all. It is a thing bearing no mind to think, no will to break, and no voice to cry suffering. A being of the void, just like the creatures of Grimm. All it can do is learn, never understand."

Ruby had listened intently, but Penny's eyes grew wide. "There is no way! Ghost can't be a Grimm!" she called. And she was right, in a sense.

"It isn't," Lumina agreed. "But they are close enough. All this thing lacks is the pre-programmed aggression toward humans and faunus. But if you attack it, it will kill you without hesitation or mercy."

Penny became agitated by her derisive tone, but refrained from a rebuttal. Lumina almost dared her to defend the vessel. In the end it was Ruby who broke the somewhat tense silence.

"Mind if I chime in? I've got a question, too."

Both girls turned her way as she kept going: "There was something Grimm said that bothers me. I mean, Grimm Grimm, not the creatures." She was already understood, but Lumina nodded regardless. "He said something that you're a moth because of a radiance, but it just makes no sense. I mean, I know you're an alien, so Ghost probably is too, but... explain, please?"

While Lumina became thoughtful, Penny was simply befuddled by the subject matter. She did not get a chance to ask questions because Lumina spoke first.

"Do you value your sanity?"


"The last time I was asked a question in this vein, I agreed to reveal my nature. That person," she led but hesitated. It still ached a bit to remember that day. Yet their curiousity made Lumina finish the sentence: "He went insane and died in short order. I can give you words of my nature, but not proof."

If there was one thing she knew, it was that this should not happen again. Not without her actually meaning to do it.

Ruby was taken aback, though she accepted her decision with a nod. So Lumina spoke.

"I am The Radiance, light incarnate. Where Grimm rules the Nightmare, I claim the Dream as mine. And that is all I should say on the matter at this time. I'm sorry."

She wanted to say more, but felt it would be better to remain tight-lipped on the details.

It was so confusing for Penny, who tried to make sense of the situation while Ruby assured Lumina that it was alright. Much to the gynoid's relief, it soon became socially acceptable to say goodbye; leaving the odd faunus girl to recuperate was the correct choice regardless.

It was a quiet walk unlike earlier; it was a little scary how excited Ruby had been about Penny's nature. Now the other girl was silent, deep in thought much like Penny herself.

Soon enough the pair met up with Weiss and Blake; Yang remained AWOL. As it turned out, Selina and Blake already called Menagerie to assure the Belladonnas all was well.

Once pleasantries were out of the way, Weiss addressed Ruby in particular: "I did not get the chance yesterday: congratulations on obtaining your license."

"O-Oh. Thanks."

Despite Ruby's sheepish fidgeting, Weiss remained undeterred in pursuing the conversation. "If I may ask, what kind of training did you undergo to obtain such mastery?"

Blake rolled her eyes for some reason. Penny did not follow why exasperation felt warranted here; she was curious, too.

Ruby averted her gaze, though. "Well, uh, that's a bit hard to describe, you know? Part of it was Dad and Uncle Qrow, but the rest is, how do I put it?"

She glanced around as if seeking an answer while the older girls waited. All things considered, Penny went out on a limb and made a reasonable assumption: "Is it related to the odd occurences recently?"

Her question drew a little grin from Ruby. "Yeah," she agreed. "'Odd' is one way to put it."

As it became clear the younger woman did not want to elaborate, Weiss dropped the subject. Her gaze wandered and an immaculate brow rose.

"And there is our wayward Y," she announced. Following her gaze revealed Yang, somewhat disheveled and clearly tired.

Ruby immediately took the out and started bickering with her sister instead; Penny found it interesting to listen in. Apparently Yang and Raven spoke for a time of life in Mistral. Yang was also incredibly displeased with the fact Ruby apparently met her mother several months ago and did not say, but they made up in seconds. That was fascinating.

While their Y headed off to catch up on sleep, the rest made their way outside to switch out with the hunters on guard duty.

Only days passed until an atlesean battlefleet rolled in and took over safety concerns. General Ironwood had already been on the way and made haste when he heard of the attack. Atlesean Knights swarmed across Vale with mechanical precision to relieve the weary hunters. Penny was proud to be the prototype of such well-crafted machines, even if not a single one of them had turned out like her.
More to her immediate delight however, her father joined the expedition. He came to see her after months spent apart.

With Ruby being over the moon in regard to all those technological marvels around her, Penny decided to introduce what may be a new friend to her creator. Somehow this ended up including Lumina as well. And somehow, about as soon as introductions were made, the General himself joined them in the laboratory.

"I hope I am not interrupting?"

He entered the budding conversation with a hint of jovialty. Dressed immaculate in his predominantly white uniform and taller than any of them. "When I heard of two fresh Huntresses, I had my curiousity piqued."

Ruby immediately fidgeted under his attention. On the other hand Lumina scowled up a storm. With her being a faunus, Penny thought she understood her immediate dislike and spoke up.

"I can assure you General Ironwood's reputation is more crass than he deserves. He has no ill will toward faunus."

"That is quite true," the man himself agreed with a nod toward Penny. Then he offered a polite smile to Lumina. "Even if I did, I always acknowledge talent, skill, and achievements. Your contribution to the defense of Vale caught my attention." He offered his hand then. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Huntress Lumina."

The self-professed alien stared at the proffered limb for a long, agonising moment. Then she took it, though her severe expression never lifted. Penny worried, but nothing happened.

"My misgivings are not related to human-faunus affairs. I could not care less about your thoughts on the matter, General. What irks me is what you brought to this city."


As if on cue, Ghost strolled in. Penny was torn from her ruminations when Lumina glared at... him? It? Them? And pointed to the door with a seething "Out!", which Ghost heeded after just a moment of staring. Then Lumina turned back to the befuddled general and explained, her mood clearly soured.

"You brought an army of golems to Vale. All as one, all the same, none able to form a thought of its own. None with a will or the ability to deny their orders. Not one with a voice to express desires they do not have."

The moth's nose wrinkled in distaste, but Penny could not quite draw any data from that. She felt like the ground fell away underneath her. She was one of them after all.

Lumina did not pay her any mind.

"What difference is there between them and the Grimm, beyond the target you point them at?"

Both older men were struck speechless by her almost passionate speech. Yet General Ironwood recovered swiftly and gave a faint nod.

"I can understand your concern," he attempted to placate Lumina. "Rest assured that IFF settings can not be changed easily. We saw to every possible precaution before beginning mass production. If need be, a self-destruct is built into every unit to ensure they can not bring greater harm."

Penny fell still entirely. She never heard of that. Was there one in her, too? Could she be gone at any moment? She sought her father's gaze, but his focus lay solely on the conversation; neither of the other two acknowledged the Polendinas. Ruby's comforting hand on her shoulder, she barely felt.

"Commendable. And yet all it takes to create a second scourge is a single order. Perhaps not from you, but you do not matter in the grand scheme of things."

The flippant comment cracked General Ironwood's calm and drew an irritated frown. Lumina was undeterred. "Old age or unfortunate events can remove you in an instant. Who says the next person will be as stalwart a man as you? You paved the way for an army without loyalty. For what possible reason would you need that?"

The general clearly did not like her rhetoric. Penny was too distraught to ponder if Lumina had a point. She only saw how his expression hardened.

"If I have the choice between hunters and good soldiers or a machine that costs no more than money to produce? I will send the latter every time. There is no cost too great to preserve lives."

She almost missed it. The violent flash of Lumina's aura masked it somewhat, but Penny saw: the way her expression twisted into one of pure loathing. Just like a few days ago, while she was fighting Ghost. Penny tensed up, as did the general... but no attack came.

Lumina exhaled slowly, eyes closed. She repeated this several times until her agitation faded.

"I see," was her only comment. She did not speak any further.

The two frowned at each other for long moments. In the end General Ironwood slowly inclined his head.

"It seems we will not see eye to eye on the matter," he mused. "Regardless, it was good meeting you in person. You as well, Huntress Rose." He once again acknowledged Ruby, who snapped to attention. After offering her a handshake also, the general made to leave. "But I can tell now is not a good time. I shall leave you be. Goodbye."

A smattering of responses followed him on the way out, but Penny remained quiet. She waited until the door closed before she spoke. Only a single question coursed through her mind; she needed to know even though she dreaded the answer.

"Is there, is there a self-destruct in me, too? Am I just a disposable drone?" Like Ghost, she did not ask. Her distress caught attention around the room either way.

"Of course not!" Her father shouted, both pained and worried. His spider-chair stalked over as fast as it could, then he hugged her tight to his chest. "I took it out of you the moment you started to think for yourself. James never asked to put it back in and if he had, I would have taken you away."

His embrace was comforting, as were his words. Yet Penny could not help but seek Lumina's gaze. The moth studied her curiously.

"Your Essence is true," she commented after a minute. A faint frown marred her features. "But not yours, is it?"

Father and daughter turned to the moth, who glanced between them. Her eyebrows rose slowly. "I see now," she declared. "You put part of your own essence, your soul, into her. From there it grew into its own, forming new life."

Penny's head whipped around. Her father had grown more pale, all but confirming Lumina's words. Meanwhile the faunus girl offered a genuine smile.

"Impressive. You have my respect, Doctor."

"W-Wait," Ruby interjected. "How would anyone do that?"

"Through careful manipulation. Perhaps a Semblance was involved as well. Either way, it is remarkable."

Penny was just dumbstruck. She did not know how to feel. Her joy nearly overflowed from the knowledge that Pietro Polendina gave her this gift; at the same time doubt settled with the fact it was not her own soul but his that gave her life.

She absently heard Ruby backtrack, glad it took attention off of her: "Can we, uh, go back a bit? Why did you get so mad at Ironwood? I mean, I get it, there's a lot to worry about, but this felt kinda personal?"

Lumina's expression soured immediately.

"The last person to think like he created those blasted vessels," she spat. "Nothing good comes of it."

She said no more of the matter and Penny was left to wonder once more: would she have been like Ghost? As the prototype of the Atlesean Knight, did this make her the proof of concept? Could the feat be repeated? What was she, truly?

No answers were found that day, only too many questions.
1.17 Ruminations
I am in a celebratory mood because I got my degree secured now. Therefore, you get an extra chapter this week. The next one will be on Saturday as usual.

The next few weeks became notably more calm. A total of four others made it through the gauntlet of Beacon students and three of those passed in the Emerald Forest. Miraculously, the two already in the forest managed to evade the Grimm horde.

Lumina recuperated for several days, mainly to keep up appearances. Then she went on a number of missions with Ruby; simple ones, mainly search and destroy. Her partner convinced her to look into a missing person's case once, but did not ask again when that ended with a corpse in the woods and more dead monsters.

After a month in Vale, she finally returned to Menagerie. Selina thankfully left out Ghost when she told Kali and Ghira about recent events. Lumina did the same. The pair already knew she made it but insisted on a small celebration of her success in the examination.

Ilia joined as well, currently recovering from injury herself; she began patrolling alone in preparation of her own application to Shade Academy. Her skill vastly improved, but so did the danger. As she told it, a waspoid Lancer caught her foot with its stinger; Ilia was limping, though slated to make a full recovery within the week.

They were momentarily interrupted by a storm of rose petals cresting over the horizon. Ruby had followed the trail of Lumina's Essence across the ocean. Her aura was low and the other girl winded from the exertion, but in good cheer regardless. The Belladonnas greeted her with interest and warmth; Ilia was wary, but warmed up to Ruby rather quick.

The three young women sat together at the coast that evening. They looked out to sea, all silent.

Lumina mused about her uncertain emotional state. The tranquility after that recent upset felt... nice. It was a peace she desired to last. Yet at the same time she knew it would not; Salem existed in the shadows, a scourge upon Remnant.

Were The Radiance alive, She could smite Salem with ease. As it were, the crowned light was dead but dreaming, now known as Lumina. She could not settle the issue with overwhelming power. At the same time she was curious about this Salem character; who was she and what did she actually want?

"Lien for your thoughts?" Ilia queried. The chameleon faunus had her bad leg stretched out to the side, Lumina noticed when glancing back. She shrugged.

"What to do next, mostly. There is a great deal of work to be done. Light once buried will awaken in time."

It spoke volumes that neither of her companions even challenged the cryptic statement.

Ruby nodded, offering a little smile. "I mean, we have a good thing going, right?"

"That we do," Lumina agreed. She was not just being polite there either; having a partner felt nice even if she did not need one. The moth could not help but study Ruby for a time; perhaps she should feel annoyed that she wanted to depend on someone, but she could not make herself.

Her partner did not seem to care much for the introspective mood. She piped up soon enough: "Actually, I never asked: why did you want to become a Huntress?"

"For the fame, mostly. I was killing creatures of Grimm anyway, so it is a simple path for me."

"...oh. That's not really what I expected."

So saying, Ruby could not quite hide her confusion. Her furrowed brows settled a moment later, though. The young woman snapped her fingers. "Oh, right! I was meaning to ask, shouldn't you have a weapon? You can afford it now!"

Her enthusiasm returned, not diminished even when Lumina shook her head. "Come on, it'll be great! Look, I'm not certified yet but I can make you something if you want! You can't keep running around without a weapon, it's just wrong!"

Ilia giggled in the background while tactical puppy dog eyes were deployed against Lumina. She weathered them stoically, yet Ruby's argument got her to thinking. If just for peace of mind, she may as well agree.

That realisation drew a soft sigh from Lumina. "Very well. I do have the money now."

Ruby cheered and dashed back on home right after dinner. Ghira remained amused but also thoughtful.

"Being able to move that fast is certainly convenient," he mused. "You could both find work as couriers around the world."

Lumina had to agree, though she preferred her current profession.

That evening, laying in 'her' bed, she idly played with a shard of sunsteel. Pure ivory, forged in the fire of a star and materialised from her Dream. It was firm and sturdy, but just this tiny shard drained a notable amount of aura. It was simply inefficient. Then again, taking a few days of downtime to materialise enough steel for a weapon may be worth considering.

Alas, most of her old powers still felt inconceivably far away. Unavailable, all because of that damned vessel. Thinking back to the encounter with Ghost still baffled and enraged her.

It took far too long to realise that this thing never fought her out of malice. It was not even programmed to act against The Radiance. No, it simply existed at her. It kept existing and surviving the cavalcade of bodies she threw at it in her anger. Until it found her and, in the end, killed her.

The godslayer dwelled on Remnant, yet its presence was not what bothered Lumina the most. She was furious with herself for taking so long to realise. Had she let go of her hatred in time, she never would have ended like this. Diminished, trapped in mortal flesh and at the whim of time. At the same time, she realised with sudden clarity, if she were still whole but sealed, she never would have met them. Selina, Kali, Ghira, Ilia, Ruby. Not a single one of them could have become dear to her.

As much as she might want to deny it, they all became precious. Far more than Lumina expected.

She pushed the entire train of thought away, unwilling to engage with it further. It was time to sleep.

Elsewhere, the Fall Maiden once more awoke in a secret laboratory below Beacon.

Amber was weak, that the wizened headmaster knew. She spoke faintly as he monitored her status. The Maiden's power was whole again, meaning that Cinder Fall died; he already called off the search for her. This did not undo the damage done to Amber, though. Her muscles atrophied after a months-long coma and she would require physical therapy to recover. Even that was just a pipe dream for now, though.

Then again, Amber herself seemed happy just to be alive.

"Fortune favours us of late," James ventured from his side when Amber fell silent. He kindly held up a glass of water for her to drink from. "Amber is whole again and there was not even a peep since the day of the dragon. What is more, a new legend is on the rise."

He glanced to Ozpin. "Are you sure you don't know what happened to Amber's attackers?"

He absently shook his head. Being reminded of Lumina brought back the handful of conversations they had.

"W-What happened?" Amber asked into the silence. "What dragon?"

While James filled her in on current affairs, the local headmaster continued to muse. Even the notoriously firm General Ironwood spoke of Lumina with respect. He freely admitted they did not see eye to eye, but he could appreciate the younger woman's down-to-earth demeanour.

Once his old friend finished the recounting, he spoke up himself: "What do you think of her, James?"

"That is a difficult question. She seems ulikely to stir up trouble, but her own beliefs are firm. Perhaps unshakeable. Having her for an enemy is a worrying prospect."

Which did say a lot; perhaps he had even picked up on the more subtle hints as to Lumina's nature.

Ozpin could only nod. "More so than you know, James. More so than you know."

He had meant to leave it at that, but James and Amber both displayed a great deal of curiousity. There was no real danger in telling them a little more as long as he was mindful of their mental states.

"It was her wrath alone that lured the dragon that day. From previous conversations I gathered that she drew Grimm to her like moths to a flame for a long time."

There Ozpin paused in realisation. He huffed softly. "Pun not intended."

It seemed neither of the other two quite noticed it themselves. Rather, they were concerned now. Reading their thoughts out of their faces was a simple matter. The oldest of the three inclined his head in agreement. "Yes. Such an individual would normally not survive to adulthood. For her, I can tell it was not luck that saw her through. She is more than meets the eye."

Before his mind's eye flickered another moth, one he but glimpsed. Everything felt so meaningless in comparison to Her radiance even now. As if in response to that thought, the great moth fluttered her wings; somehow Ozpin knew She was looking back. She knew he thought of Her. It was in equal parts intriguing, impressive, and terrifying.

"More in which way?" James inquired. It was not quite a demand, but his wariness shone through. This was something Ozpin needed to head off now.

"In a way that can upset all of Remnant. Whether she ends up a saviour or a villain, though. That is yet to be seen." He did mean to push James a little with that comment. Seeing his fellow headmaster's expression harden, Ozpin finished the statement: "Do not antagonise her. If she aligns herself with Salem out of spite, the world will be doomed."

James was clearly not happy, but he did not argue. Amber broke the tense silence with a question of her own: "You think she would? Destroy the world out of spite?"

He could do little more than shrug.

"Mayhaps. What I know is that these strong feelings of hers kept her alive. Leave her be, the both of you. Though I doubt you will meet her anytime soon," he added kindly toward Amber. "We can only wait for now. Wait and provide guidance so she is not led astray."

They left it at that and continued setting up a more detailed plan for Amber's recovery. Ozpin could tell James was still not happy with the situation regarding Lumina, but he would follow the older man's lead.

Days passed at Beacon, too. Soon enough the weekly football match between CRDL and SNNL commenced and ended. It remained tense from start to finish, both teams about evenly matched. In the end a swift goal from Dove turned it around in CRDL's favour.

"That's the score tied up again," Selina noted cheerfully. She passed the ball over to SPBY, who challenged CFVY to a match as well. "Guess we'll have to see who's boss next week. Good game, folks."

She bumped fists with Cardin, who wore a shit-eating grin.

"Looks like it. You better prepare to get your asses kicked again!"

Some laughter followed his playfully cocky announcement. Then Nora jumped onto the larger man's back. "Not a chance! We will do the asskicking!"

Selina and Dove cackled while their huge friend tried to throw Nora off. As usual however, it took Ren's intervention to dislodge her. Or rather to make Nora allow herself being dislodged. Once the excitement passed, Cardin took a look at his scroll and turned away.

"Time for me to get a move on. See ya!"

He was already out of reach when the words registered. Selina blinked after him owlishly, uncertain what to make of the sudden departure. "What? Where's he going?"

"Hitting the showers," Sky commented with a knowing look and a chuckle. Wrapping an arm around Selina's shoulder, he whispered conspiratorially: "Dude got a date lined up."

Selina whistled at that and glanced between her friends. "She cute?"

"Nah, not really my type." Sky let go of her right after, somewhat sheepish. Dove shrugged.

Meanwhile, Russel was fidgeting. "I mean, kinda?" he ventured. "She's plain, more like."

All three acted a little awkward, at least until Selina shouted after Cardin's retreating back: "Have fun, big guy! And don't be a jerk!"

He flipped her off over his shoulder, prompting laughter from most of the students present. It was a jovial moment for all of them, standing together like this.

Pyrrha brought up what Selina noticed only somewhat once everyone calmed down: "Is there a reason you three are so skittish."

The guys hesitated at that. Looks were exchanged as neither of them seemed to know how to answer the question. Ultimately it was Sky who made to respond with an awkward shrug: "Little bit. Never took Cardin for, er, y'know." He threw a look at Selina, but did not say any more. Not that she did not understand.

"Ah, so he asked out a faunus girl?" Three nods were given. "Good for him. Anyone we know?"

"Nah." Dove shook his head for emphasis. "Some girl in town. I think she's a deer? With her trait, I mean. Do deers have antlers?"

That was a good question. Selina had no idea. Thankfully, she had a Ren to field the question in her stead: "Rarely. It may be a caribou trait, or elk."

Not that it mattered in the end. Selina was happy for Cardin and pleased that conversion worked as intended. She had to call Ghira soon and tell him about her success; changing the world in one go remained a pipe dream, but doing so one person at a time still improved it.

Meanwhile, Lumina soared atop the Grimmlands.

She managed to head out alone because Ruby was busy planning up her partner's weapon-to-be. This was the perfect opportunity to take a closer look at Salem without exposing the other girl to danger. She still did not quite know how to feel about that being's existence, but she was certainly intrigued. Nobody else was informed, either. Lumina was out gathering information so that she could decide on a course of action.

Knowing the rough location from Cinder's memories, she could have flown far faster than she did. The scenery required some consideration, though.

This land was dead.

Rivulets of black sludge carved deep trenches into the barren earth. Not even proper void but dregs. No plants grew, no animals could be heard. The only noises beside a gale's soft whisper were the rustle of Lumina's clothes and the calls of beasts.

Though many of them noticed the moth due to her distaste of them, she was unreachable to the lot. Whatever flying creatures came close were exterminated. As gratifying as it would be to destroy them all, Lumina had a purpose here.

She still spent time searching for even a single spot of life, but nothing presented itself. Only empty plains and hills. Not even the sun shone onto this desolate realm, blotted out by a constant cover of thick clouds.

It took about an hour of flight before she spotted the castle. Hewn from black stone that may be solidified void matter, it loomed ominously above several pools of the latter. Lumina's distaste grew even stronger at the sight, but she held back once more.

Gliding closer on spread wings, she soon spotted a figure awaiting her on an elevated platform. Dressed in grey and black, the woman stood relaxed. Crimson eyes gleamed in the Grimmlands' eternal twilight. Lumina answered with a soft golden shine and descended on a ray of sunlight. Only upon landing did she realise that black veins ran across the woman's face. Her ashen hair was trapped in several tight braids, almost like a crown.

Lumina met her gaze evenly. Being human, she possessed animal instincts that told her to flee or curl up under this being's attention. Danger rolled off the woman like tangible waves, shards of Essence flickered and flared around her.

Any lesser being would quake in their boots, but what was she to The Radiance? Her threatening aura rolled off Lumina like water parts before a rock. Their silent standoff continued a moment longer, in which the woman seemed to find what she sought.

"Visitors are quite rare in these parts," she ultimately spoke. Her voice was deep, filled with an absolute certainty and the faint echo of something other. "Especially such prominent ones. What is it you seek, Huntress?"

Lumina snorted, uncertain if the attempts to alienate her were purposeful or mere happenstance.

"I come seeking knowledge," she retorted. "Your origin as well as your purpose and designs for Remnant. The question is: will you answer, Salem?"

This earned her a faint smile, pretending warmth that Salem did not feel. Beasts crawled around them, suddenly roused to motion. Lumina ignored them while Salem raised one thin arm.

"Colour me impressed. Few were ever brazen enough to seek me like you have. I will answer, but so will you."

"Very well."

Their accord struck, Salem turned around and led Lumina along. The instigator of Remnant's strife almost seemed to glide, the hem of her dress fluttering with every motion. They entered the castle and the gate closed behind them.

It did not take long until black and white were seated opposite of each other, darkness and light at each end of a long conference table. They both studied the other for a time, though little tension was felt. In fact, Salem even had tea brought to entertain her guest.

Once she had her fill of attempting to discern the other woman's nature, Lumina broke the silence. Her voice rang clearly in the vast room: "Now. Why are you, to begin with? The void is poison to those not of it and you are clearly human in nature."

Salem's brow creased ever so slightly, eyes gleaming a shade brighter. "You should learn some courtesy, child," she admonished. "I have walked these lands since ancient times."

All that earned her was an arched brow as Lumina sipped her tea. Salem's countenance did not reflect her actual train of thought. "Whatever Ozpin may have told you however," she continued idly, "will not be the whole truth. I am immortal, well and truly. No force in this world can kill me and have it stick. Such was the Brothers' punishment for defying their oppressive will."

That was interesting, if the tiniest bit irritating. To presume her an uninformed fool from the onset. Lumina's cup touched down with a soft click.

"First of all, Ozpin told me nothing. I came by the knowledge of you through other means. Secondly, do you speak of the Brother Gods? They existed?" A nod was given. "I see. I had my suspicions, what with how wide-spread their worship is. Although no one seems to remember them."

Her implied question was taken with a huff from Salem. When she spoke however, her voice was almost toneless: "Of course not. The Brothers eradicated all human life on this world when they left. The broken moon is their doing as well."

"What would make them do so?"

The moment of weakness vanished and Salem laughed. It was a frigid, haunting sound, yet failed to creep beneath Lumina's skin.

"I did," Salem declared with something akin to pride. "They threw a tantrum once their little humans stopped being obedient sheep. They cursed me, so I gathered an army and confronted them to steal their power."

At this point she paused, stopped by an incredulous look from Lumina. The immortal had the grace to be abashed for at least a moment.

"It failed," she admitted, "contrary to my expectations. But it made the two leave Remnant, never to return."

"And why are there still humans if they destroyed them on the way out?"

"They left behind residue of their powers. Not enough to truly uplift the world, but enough to recreate the humans they destroyed. The rest remains as Dust, ever-replenishing."

Now that was curious. Lumina still did not know how this woman came to be infected with the void, but she could definitely read between the lines of this statement. Her brows rose.

"You brought them back?" A nod. "It seems you ended up regretting that decision, considering your current endeavours."

"As a matter of fact, I did not." Salem took a sip from her tea and idly motioned for the world behind this room. "Eternity is dreadfully boring on my lonesome. Watching humans struggle to survive the inevitable is quite interesting. They always die in the end, although their methods and perceived solutions are rarely the same. The cycle will continue until the day I tire of it. The God of Light interfered once from far away. He called upon Ozma, whom you know as Ozpin, to oppose me. Neither understands the extent of my power. He is but human, oh so easily killed."

The immortal chuckled to herself as if hearing a beloved joke once again. Lumina could only incline her head, well aware how alluring the game of life could be. At the same time these 'gods' irritated her.

Then she realised that eradicating their former faithful in a fit of emotion was something not just the Brothers had done. The Pale King's actions suddenly seemed different in that light; the desperation with which he fought her in the end.

She did not know how to feel about that and got no time to figure it out. From one moment to the next, Salem commanded the room: "Enough. You are certainly not a normal faunus, child. Not once have you doubted my tale where even my own retainers meet notions of the Brothers with reverent disbelief. Why?"

The roles had been reversed. Lumina leaned back in her admittedly comfortable chair. She savoured the tea for a moment; a fine blend, not too bitter and with a floral scent.

"I know little of the Brother Gods," she began, "except they are not the only deities in existence." She could tell she had her audience's attention. "Nor are they the oldest. Truthfully, I was not aware they existed to begin with. And I have existed since the beginning of time."

Salem had leaned forward in interest. At the end she arched a brow and challenged: "Really, now? And you would claim this so openly?"

"You were truthful with me and so I shall return the favour."

She maintained her calm, having laid the trap: if Salem lied before, she would now have to wonder if Lumina noticed and did the same to her in turn. At the same time the moth doubted that any untruths had been spoken so far. She simply continued to stack the deck.

"I was once known as The Radiance."

And just like that Lumina felt the tiniest streamer of her Essence settle within Salem. Her name would be remembered, at least for a time. The immortal woman did not even realise.

"Let us say that you were not the only one with aspirations of destroying a higher being. Only the Wyrm succeeded. Or rather his weapon did. I survived him if nothing else."

It hurt to admit, but it remained the truth. Salem mulled over what she heard, studying Lumina.

"And yet you live," she finally challenged. A note of interest swung in her voice as well. Lumina chuckled in response.

"Spite is a powerful motivator. But no, The Radiance is dead for now. In time I will return to Her light."

"From the name and how you talk, she is a goddess of light?"

"Light is the medium through which She exerts her personal power. The Radiance's domain is that of dreams."

"And what of that 'Wyrm'? Who was he?"

Lumina scowled. Of course they would go there.

"The Pale King," she spat. "A being greater than mortals but lesser than I. He beheld The Radiance and envied Her dominion, and so he convinced Her faithful to forget Her."

She wanted to say more but stopped herself; Salem did not need to know how The Radiance was first defeated. She rather went into a different direction: "From what I gathered, he first came to the realm I made my nest from elsewhere. Perhaps another, younger god. His original form, the carcass of a dragon, still lies in the outskirts of Hallownest."

Now she had Salem's undivided attention. The immortal woman displayed real interest for the first time.

"A dragon, you say? The Brothers were quite fond of appearing as such."

Her implication was clear, though Lumina could only shrug. "Perhaps it was one of them. Perhaps not. It does not matter in the end."

Yet even as she said it, she realised that Remnant's void and the one formed from the dead dragon's blood were oh so similar. Although there was no reason to mention that now.

Going by the faint tilt of her head, Salem agreed with her judgement. She had a many-limbed Grimm refill her cup and took another sip while studying Lumina. "Then what interest do you have in these mortal beings? They are nothing, no?"

It took a while for the moth to respond. She thought much the same for a long, long time. Only recently did her feelings change; Selina, Kali, Ghira, Ruby, each of them became precious in a way she never imagined before. The only one who stood ever by her side was Grimm, but their relationship had always been a distant one.

In the end her response was contemplative: "Being mortal myself gave me insight into their thoughts that I always lacked. It is humbling, in a way."

"I can only imagine," Salem returned. There was no real emotion to her empty platitude, though it helped Lumina shake off her odd melancholy.

"Enough of that. Tell me more of the Brother Gods."

Salem complied, though she ultimately had little to say about the Brothers themselves; they left Remnant behind a long time ago. However, they formed a set of four powerful relics for Ozma to use; a set that was said to call the Brothers back to Remnant for some unfathomable reason if brought together. The wizard himself somehow managed to guard these Relics from Salem's designs for a millennium. He was also greatly diminished, having gifted large chunks of his magical prowess to four Maidens.

Lumina already knew of the Maidens. Their origins and the fact each of their powers could open a given Relic's vault Ozma built were news, though.

In addition, it appeared that faunus were a small error of Salem's recreation of humanity. She seemed pleased enough with their role in compounding the strife on Remnant. It irked the moth, but she said nothing.

Once the other woman closed, Lumina offered a few nuggets of information as well. Then she rose.

"I believe I understand now. It was an interesting conversation, but I now have to take my leave."

Salem remained seated, though she arched a brow. "And what makes you think you can leave?" she prompted, creating a heavy silence between them. "Those who approach me usually do so to strike a bargain of sorts. I do not offer charity. And you, claims of divinity aside, would make for a powerful agent."

Sparks of red and black flitted around her body, casting malevolent shadows.

"You should join me."

It was not quite certain which annoyed Lumina more; the attempt at intimidation or the demand she subordinate herself to another.

"No," she denied. "I came for knowledge and I gave knowledge in turn. No further transactions will be made."

"That is unfortunate."

Pain blossomed across Lumina's back before the final word was spoken. She turned with the motion, both her wings slashed apart; there stood a gaunt man with vibrant yellow eyes, grinning maniacally. He somehow cut through her aura with a pair of blades.

Pain and indignation drained all rational thought at the sight of how pleased he looked. A radiant beam of light chewed through his aura and his face; it cut a hole through Salem's entire castle. Then a barrage of colourful lights took her in the back before the corpse finished its descent.

Lumina's aura dropped precariously and almost broke, but she managed to evade. Flickering away with the final drop, she made it out of the castle. Yet she painfully dropped to the ground with both her wings shredded by the surprise attack.

Beasts converged on her, drawn by the incandescent bonfire that was her wrath. Lumina weaved between them, even managed to avoid them for a time. She regenerated enough aura to manage another flicker, but it only got her another kilometre away. It was a start, though nowhere near enough to get her to safety.

Her mind was awhirl with anger, both at Salem and herself. She got carried away again and was out of aura for it. She let her guard down trusting in its protection, now she paid the price for her foolishness.

Lumina kept jogging despite the self-flagellation and pain; if she could buy time until some more of her aura regenerated, she could escape and formulate a plan. She could make this damned miscreant understand the enemy she made today.

Unfortunately, these very thoughts continued to draw the beasts; not a single one was weak, each one ancient. Massive Beringels lumbered after her as Sphinxes descended from the sky. Lumina somehow barely stayed ahead of them; she was too focussed on that to realise that they all backed off when another joined the fray.

Its first lunge would have caught her if it had not shone with silvery Essence.

The massive hound caught itself and bounded after her; the next time it leapt, Lumina had to roll away desperately; sand rubbed over her tattered wings and drew a pained hiss. The moment of distraction was enough for the Hound to capitalise. Its jaws closed around her leg.

Lumina grunted as she was swung around; bones snapped and ligaments tore with every jerky motion until she could no longer move. Every part of her body burned, but she refused to scream. No tears escaped her, even when the beast started dragging her broken form back.

An agonising eternity passed before the castle appeared in her sight once more. Then Salem entered her field of vision, as irreverent as before. Calm, distant, pleased.

"Whether you spoke the truth or not," she mused with faux gentleness, "I always wanted to kill a goddess."

Lumina glared back at her, refusing to so much as twitch. Even though the pain nearly overwhelmed her, she refused her body's urge to scream, plead, and wail.

Salem was not impressed.

"Any last words you wish to utter? I do so adore collecting them."

That did it. Lumina's anger overflowed to the point several nearby Grimm flinched back from her. Eyes gleaming gold, she spat out a mouthful of blood. Her vision already grew hazy, but she did not care.

"This is not. Over." She spat, heaving with each word. Indignation alone kept her concious. "You. Will. Regret. This. Dawn. Will. Break!"

She fully expected a killing blow, but Salem just kept staying there. She still wore that faint, almost indulgent smile. Blood began to pool around Lumina, but her glare did not diminish. Salem clearly took notice of the expectant silence as her amusement grew.

"I am not going to give you the pleasure of a swift death after your declaration. Take your time, sooner or later that defiance will run out."

This was likely supposed to break her; on Lumina it had the opposite effect. Her wrath only grew at being denied that little bit of closure. This creature, this tiny little thing, was going to treat her death throes as a show. Not even that blasted vessel dared to do such a thing!

Her emotions ran strong enough to recover the tiniest spark of aura. Not enough to escape, but that no longer mattered. Lumina's mouth flapped, the half-delirious goddess grasping for words to speak. She could not hold to her usual eloquence, but then she did not need to. She remembered clearly what Selina would have said in her place.

"Fuck. You."

Then she promptly shredded her own brain with light.

Lumina dropped dead, leaving a befuddled Salem. The immortal woman bent down to study the corpse before shrugging her shoulders. "Huh. Oh well. Throw her in one of the pools."

The Hound approached once ordered and dragged the corpse away. Neither it nor Salem spotted how the Essence surrounding them dispersed.

Back at Beacon, Selina and Velvet suddenly got the faint feeling that something was wrong. Kali and Ghira felt it as well, yet no one could tell what caused the premonition. Ruby was still toiling in her workshop when it struck; she paused, squinted, and shook her head before getting back to work.

Cinder's body dropped like a puppet with its strings cut. She lay dead in the Emerald Forest, ignored by the creatures of the void; an empty shell felt nothing, thus it was of no interest to them.

And in the Grimm Troupe's encampment, Brumm's jolly tunes slowed into a funeral march.
Interesting twist, I was not expecting that, not even slightly.
I will admit I was not expecting that. What made Lumina think she could just go to Salem?
Huh... well that's probably not good. I'm curious to see what happens with Lumina's body dropped into the Grimm Pool and how it'll interact with The Radiance if at all considering that she might be able to purify herself after she is resurrected/reborn.
...huh. well, that's. Hmm. Idk how I feel about this yet. It will depend on how you bring Lumina back. I liked the sequence. And clearly Lumina is in enough minds to come back in some form. And Salem is doomed in general since Ghost is around. Like, he van just suck the void out of her. So if played right this will be interesting.

On the other hand I'd love to see an appearance from the Void Creature (the lifeblood being) somewhere in this fic, so this would be a good moment to introduce that.

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