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So hear me out:

I can't write consistently. SFW or NSFW.
But I can scribble out plans...


Know what you're doing yet? Because I don't!
Oct 30, 2022
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So hear me out:

I can't write consistently. SFW or NSFW.
But I can scribble out plans and outlines before my brain gives up easy.
Sometimes I just get lucky and fill a plan with more and more detail until I accidentally a whole prose.
So here's my dump heap. From my phone and my ideas folder, straight here if I ever remember this thread exists.
If I ever bother to write a proper snippet, I'll post it in the index or go find an appropriate general thread. (There's gotta be one somewhere.)

Maybe I strike gold and miss it. Maybe you think you could do better.
If you do want to swipe an idea from here, go for it.
Just… please leave a reply in this thread with a link. (So I can read it myself.)
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Worm idea: Sophia Everywhere System
Sophia Everywhere System

(Basically Worm x Yakuza)

Instead of beating down Taylor without recourse unless she miraculously becomes "strong," Emma & Sophia decide to set things up in a way where Taylor is forced to survive direct onslaughts by fighting back, so that she is forged into strength as a result of constantly surviving. Madison is basically a PR Agent pulling miracles to remove them from consequences.

Taylor's triggers due to still not being able to retaliate despite Sophia claiming she can fight back. Legal ramifications and blackmail and stuff.
This causes a semi public trigger that even if PR-Team cover up everything, "everyone" (at school) knows and it'll eventually be leaked locally.
Specifically, Taylor's power is that when she gains some control of a situation, she gets *Control* over a situation.
(People think it's a Power-cancelling Trump in Striker range, because capes being grabbed by her don't use their powers to break out. But it's also Master and Shaker, because it has esoteric ranges and causes people to dodge the wrong way or shoot predicting a dodge in the wrong direction.) Basically, Taylor has Yakuza Heat and Heat Actions, and the scale of what is considered a "Heat Action" is pretty broad.
For example, Taylor can dodge Shadow Stalker's crossbow bolt, and suddenly grab her wrist, pull a knife out of nowhere and stab her in the elbow, despite Sophia normally being able to escape the consequences of her actions by phasing.

Cauldron being shits and enabling the trio to get away with this torment/game, even after Taylor triggers.
("There is in fact a step where getting that Madison Clements girl get good enough at covering up that even Glenn Chambers notices and hires her will help reduce social backlash." "Seriously?" "Yes. Not sure exactly how, but something along the lines of nurturing talent.")

At Lisa's reciprocated request, relying on Taylor's ability to supernaturally evade major consequences herself, doxxes the whole scenario.
(Does pressing the "Send" button with feeling count as a Heat Action? Sure, why not.)

Eventually, ABB and E88 attempt to 'recruit' Taylor. These are the Yakuza Random Encounters, to Sophia's Majima Everywhere System.

The PRT, too. Until a Long Battle on the way out of the Rig after exposing Sophia.
Then proceeding to pull a Lung and reality warp her way into somehow steam rolling the entire Wards and Protectorate on standby.
(Perfect blocking and causing Armsmaster's halberd to malfunction, or charging Miss Militia while dodging Bullet Fire.)
Then New Wave pops up, honestly, why didn't they offer a spot in the first place if they weren't waiting for a chance to look better? (Carol dammit) then Lung's holding Danny hostage. Of Course.
("You're trying to hold my dad hostage as well you know? 'We will pretend to try and fail to rescue your dad' on the condition that you work in our indentured servitude beside the bitch who bullied you into powers that we actively chose to allow." that's how Taylor feels about Protectorate's offer to assist in rescuing her dad if she becomes a hero working for them. (Piggot dammit))

Taylor "predicts" Oni Lee's teleport and kick him in the balls so hard he throws up in his mask. She then gets to "So Long King Bowser Lung" into the bay.

Taylor Tiger Drops Leviathan. This sends Leviathan flying out of the bay, but gives Eidolon space to duel Leviathan, so he's happy about it.

Uhh, filler prose:
Taylor stand before a bleeding out Shadow Stalker, where the SH9 have just dropped in. Sophia claims it was to make her strong! And now Taylor's stronger than she's ever been.
"If being strong means I am strong like Jack Slash, strong like Kaiser, strong like you, I'd rather be weak."
"Whoops looks like I'm too weak to rescue you, because Jack is strong and I am too weak to fight him. Goodbye, stalker."
Unlike Kiryu, Taylor won't forgive Sophia.
Ironically, everything set up until that point was orchestrated by the Slaughterhouse, and "Hero" Taylor was predicted to take the bait, submitting to save a life.
Jack not expecting that means he lost a little control of the situation, which means Taylor gained a little control of the situation.
Which means she has Heat and now has total control over the situation, which is leveraged into a win:
Even if Jack can read Taylor, Taylor's now passively making him write the wrong responses.
Even though Taylor is walking into Jack's home field advantage, she has slipped her dad a gun to defend himself, without expecting assistance.
On the end of her rope, but having destroyed Jack's failsafes, she declares "Now!" Hoping to throw Jack off. He doesn't fall for it, but Danny, sneaking into the fight shoots Jack in the back of the head, thinking it was a signal. Taylor leverages her power to its fullest potential and pretends she totally meant to do that.
(Contessa snuck Danny into the area and switched the pistol out with a Sting'ed pistol, a step to avoid Jack talking Zion into starting the genocide early. She can predict Jack, and Broadcast can't spoof Thinkers if Admin's metaphorically choking it.)

That's all I've got rn. Keep in mind this was before I cared about the antagonists motivations and backstories in Worm. And the original idea of this was the culmination of Yakuza 0 and reading the Worm fanfic Heroic Legacy.
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My Hero Academia Idea: Nomu Breakers
(Soft DMC cross with MHA)

MHA au where Izuku and Mei go full Dmc5 Nico.
Being inspired by criticizing AFO and Garaki's "shoddy work" and the introduction of DNA infused hero suits (like Lemillion and ideally Invisible Girl at some point). They use the DNA-hero suits principle to make quirked weaponry and prosthetics, i.e "Devil Breakers/Nomu Breakers." If Izuku gets OFA, channeling too much power into the arm like a Smash overloads the arm, making a breakaway attack, especially if he would get a prosthetic after breaking an arm one too many times. Like Nero!

The following is a list of potential "Nomu Breakers," and quirk factors that could be integrated in them.

Construction Rig: Creation, Manifestation, Weld, Dupli-Arms
Not actually a Nomu Breaker, but uses mad science to design and grow the arms.
Let me ask you: If Suneater was a cannibal, could he grow extra human arms? Induce the quirk into an artificial stomach, drop DNA sample in there. Alternatively, Dupli-Arms (Mezo Shoji's quirk) can create the arms, but the quirk infusion is easier with Suneater's quirk. Manifestation + Creation acts as a 3D printer, Weld + Creation is for parts that are inorganic or do not fit together organically.

Armdaptor Docket: Permeation,
If you don't have a missing arm, having a weave of permeation infused fibers causes your arm to phase through the breaker.

Amperage: Electrification, Wave Motion,
Amperage is basically DMC5 Overture, with the thunder-hand. Can be upgraded from using just Electrification to also use Wave Motion, directing the electricity and increasing the power and reliability.

Smash Mouth: Ear jack, Wave Motion, Loud Voice, Double Impact, Size,
Works like Gerbera. Size downsizes a massive heart that beats with Ear Jack without losing output. Mix Loud Voice and Wave Motion to cause directed sonic shockwaves, and Double Impact to amplify the effects on contact. Has two generic functions: Bass Boost, which makes every punch with it a minor Smash attack (in the context of MHA Smashes), and Noise Cancel, which is using the Sonic Shockwave to block an attack on contact, maybe even counter. The breakaway, "Blow Out The Speakers" causes a directed... beam of vibrations, tearing a line through whatever's in your way.

Tengen Toppa: Gyrate, Wave Motion, Horn Cannon, Sharpen, Fold-A-Body, Size, Gigantification,
It's Helter Skelter. Sharp Blades that rotate like drill or lawn-mower. Carving the air and earth to pull itself further with every turn. If you grit your teeth (metaphorically,) you can unlock the true spiral power of an unfolded, Spiral Wave Motion Gigantified Drill Breaker.

Rocket Man: Engine (Arm), Horn Cannon, Lizard Tail Splitter,
Basically Punch Line, which is a rocket fist Nero rides like a skateboard sometimes.
The Disconnection is smoothly executed by Lizard Tail Splitter, while Horn Cannon steers the ship. Tensei's variant of Engine puts the Punch in Punch Line, and the Rocket in Rocket Man.

Disco Party Animal: Navel Laser, Lizard Tail Splitter, Steel, Invisibility (Light Refraction), Wave Motion, Explosion,
It looks like a mirror ball and is as bright as one too. Lasers and laser-bits to really light up the room.

Bloody Valor: Blood Control, Hardening, Steel, Sharpen, Gyrate, Fold-A-Body
A blood-red arm that is polymorphic combat armanent. I mean it's blood in the shape of an arm, and can reshape, harden, sharpen, spin and fold into itself. Also, it's very high in iron content.

Nihil: Erasure, Hardening, Invisibility, Frog, Dupli-Arms, Lizard Tail Splitter, Naval Laser, Search, Zoom,
This arm has a bunch of Eyes that are hardened, covered in a hardened invisible nictitating membrane (frogs have it to protect their eyes underwater), that can separate from the arm, negate quirks and shoot eye lasers."

Blast Zone: Explosion, Somnambulist, Half-Cold Half-Hot, Gyrate, Black Hole, Solid Air,
Is Midnight's gas even flammable? This one is. fan out or suck back in a cloud to set of controlled demolitions.

Whiplash: Frog, Sugar Rush, Pop-Off, Zero-Gravity, Permeation, Dupli-Arms, Manifestation, Vine Hair, Tail, Pliabody
besides the wrapping of vine-tentacles, the main whip is a highly muscled tongue with a sticky "hand" at the tip. Fortunately, when the tip of the tongue phases, it is no longer sticky.

Dark Hold: Zero Gravity, Black Hole, Dark Shadow, Black,
The power of the void beckons...

Fingerbang: Comic, Explosion, Solid Air
With the power of the Creation Rig, It even looks like a Foam Finger!

Pretty in Pink: Acid, Zero Gravity, Creation, Explosion, Tape,
I know there's an explosive chemical reaction involving acidic material somewhere, I forgot about it though. Or maybe it was floating acid bubbles filled with Bomb sweat, latched onto with nitro-sweaty, half-melted tape, setting up traps and area denial before lighting with a spark or when the bubbles pop. I think there was supposed to be a receiver in each made bubble that sparks when receiving a signal on a arm specific channel, this one was designed a while ago.

Dragonforce: Naval Laser, Hellfire, Half-Hot Half-Cold, Dragon Transformation, Wave Motion, Hardening, Manifest, Loud Voice, Sharpen, Fold-A-Body
A menacing, draconic arm meant to pick up even heavier foes and smash them into the earth. It's alt-form is a dragon head that razes opposition to ash.

Phoenix: Hawk Wings, Hellfire, Half-Hot Half-Cold, Hardening, Sharpen, Steel, Fold-A-Body, Manifest, Horn Cannon, Lizard Tail Splitter
A storm of ever-blazing feathers. the hand look like a bird's talon as a thematic choice.

Pumped Up Kicks: Nagant Arm Cannon, Half-Hot Half-Cold, Explosion, Gyrate, Manifest, Steel, Engine (Arm), Engine (Leg), Rabbit, Electrification, Fold-A-Body,
Gun. Railgun. Rocket Gun. Bomb Gun. Metal Gun. Muscle Guns.

In A Blink: Erasure, Frog, Invisibility, Confession, Brainwash, Loud Voice, New Order, Comic, Earphone Jack, Lizard Tail Splitter, Size, Hardening, Steel,
In a Blink is from HiFi Rush. It's about the mind-control plot in the game. Uhh... That's about it.

Also, not a standard Nomu Breaker, but:
Ingenium's backup Legs: Rabbit, Engine (Legs), Half-Hot Half-Cold,
Even comes with self-thermoregulation!
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MHA idea: Make a Nomu!
inspired by that one MHA fanfic featuring a female Nomu that is allowed to study at UA after escaping a facility.

"Let's make a Nomu!"
But less of a murder context and more test tube baby.
Totally because we need our own reinforcements, of course. No mad science daughters here!

Mineta convinces to make it sexy, so that she isn't "immediately written off as a freak against nature- not that it is, but let's not make it too difficult for her to live in Japan."
Why "her?" Why not? It wasn't going to be a girl, but Shouto used Endeavours money to buy a life sized blow-up doll immediately taking Mineta's word as an idea and not a joke. So initially, the Nomu is all the inside bits shoved into the doll, and eventually the basic appearance of the Nomu is recycled from the doll.

The 'blood donors:'
Izuku: One for All wasn't actually passed on, (technically Transfer was, which is the thing accidentally making the whole thing possible, to no one's knowledge) making the Nomu's Quirk Signature come up as blank or quirkless. Also, he came up with the idea, not Mei.
Mei: Zoom synchs well with Erasure. Mei is super excited to provide support gear to her "fleshy baby." All in on the project from the start, interested in "alternative baby making methods" and again, providing support gear for this Nomu.
Masahiro: Tail Quirk is super muscular, and provides a good base for all the Nomu's muscles. He is normally passed over for these crazy things, so he's just glad to be included for once.
Mezo: Dupli-Arms and regeneration plus easy-make body parts makes him highly valued. He also is normally passed over for these crazy things, so he's just glad to be included for once.
Rikido: Sugar Rush is not activated immediately, but sugar is stored in sacs near stomach that stockpile as sugar is eaten. This allows the controlled activation of Sugar Rush in specific areas, limiting the negative side-effects: Happy to be involved in something, especially if it's crazy but relatively low-stakes.
Mina: Acid Blood. Wasn't originally scouted but she found out. Her silence was bought with the Nomu's Xenomorph Upgrade.
Yuga: Forced to spy by Shigaraki, proceeds to provide a comprehensive, complete but actually-wrong-on-the-subtle-technical-level report. (The discrepancy is based on how AFO believes OFA works means that the class' method for making a Nomu shouldn't work. He's right. It really shouldn't. Except… yeah. See Izuku's section.) Yuga, in a subtle act of rebellion, pitches in with his Dazzling quirk and ideas (which subtly natural-counters Leage members based on what he knows about the members) as a screw-you.
Tooru: Invisibility's light refraction could be used? Glad to be included
Shoto: Donated Half-Hot Half-Cold is mostly used for temperature regulation. Bought the doll as a joke. Initially interested because it was Izuku's idea.
Mineta: Pop Off mixed with Acid and Half-Hot Half-Cold provides a naturally sticking/bouncing/slipping skin, and a solid defensive option for the Nomu. Was there at the birth of the idea. Wasn't really expecting it to take off, but supportive nonetheless.
Fumikage: Nomu is considered Dark Shadow's chick/niece. The base of Dark Shadow's Dark Shadow-ness in the donated DNA is applied to give Nomu an ego/personality and identity. Fumikage is glad to be part of the "greatest dark ritual that grants unnatural life" he'll ever come across.
Sero: Tape has been altered by Creation to be more free form in what counts as "tape." Subject's current favourite manifestations are bandages. Also, Tape helps printing/weaving when manifesting other fibers since the class can't reasonably get DNA from Best Jeanist. (What are they going to do? Ask Bakugo to ask Best Jeanist for a DNA sample?) Otherwise, Sero's happy to be included.
Nezu: Initially has a sore spot pressed by the project until the culprits unwittingly prove that they are treating their creation as a person and thinking being. Then he whole heartedly approves and wishes to give the subject a copy of his higher intelligence/Sonic Specs so she can keep up when she is being taught (preferably by him). Now finds the whole thing hilariously wonderful.
Aizawa: Very annoyed by the fact they went under his nose for this, but he can't argue that he would've stopped if he knew. He would've stopped the project if it wasn't for the project finally getting Nezu's approval. Punished everyone he could find directly involved with in-school-suspension. (Izuku, Mei, Mineta, Shoto.) Everyone else joined out of solidarity, and then the subject herself joined in. Lent his powers with the idea of one-shotting All-for-One or Shigaraki with Erasure.
Tsuyu: Frog eyelids (the nictitating membrane) protects Erasure during uptime. Other frog abilities are also helpful, such as better hops and the expunging stomach principle is used in the sugar-storage sacs. Slightly more chill about being protected from consequences of being involved by not being told about the project, (she avoided suspension thanks to that). After introduction to the subject, became prime big sis to the Nomu.
Momo: more likely to bankroll the operation than inject Creation into the Nomu tbh (Creation is a nice supporting-quirk for some others like Tape). Excited to buy clothes with Mina for the subject ig?
Eijiro: Considers the Nomu a being of Manliness. Hardening is a rock solid choice for any quirk-composite unit, especially for soft parts, like eyes currently applying Erasure or a nictitating membrane protecting those eyes.
Kaminari: Electrification is more used internally, accelerating nerves and muscles to move more meat faster.
Iida: You'd think he'd be all "please stop this, it's against the rules plus think of the ethics," but as a semi-legitimate science project turned responsibility, he takes it in stride. Besides, we're talking about the same guy who went AWOL to go kill a guy. Engine Boost means Nomu has rocket power.
Ochako: Look, it was Izuku's idea. He literally went: "Uraraka-san, may I borrow some hair for a quirk-science project?" And boom: he suddenly had a fistful, no questions asked. Zero Gravity; I don't think a metaphorical ton of muscle needs the ability to make anything other than herself lighter, but I also don't know if she has the ability to be queasy.
Mirio, Nejire, Tamaki, Eri. Not donors, but Nomu is Eri's new playmate/bodyguard.

Overall, the story would be about caring for responsibility you take on yourself, and a subtle question of if OFA and AFO count as Nomu.

The real subject/Nomu in the story would have a name to differentiate her from the League's, but I have no idea what to call her.
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Other ideas

INO: In Name Only
Ino uses Shintenshin/Mind Transfer on Dosu during the Forest of Death and Zaku kills her body. Since she dies if she has no body to return to, she kills Dosu's mind by kicking him out permanently. While everyone's shellshocked for a bit, Ino-Dosu jumps to Zaku, and kills his mind in revenge, then jumps to Kin, killing her's to remove witnesses but also because she'd prefer a female body.

Three Houses: Green Pastures
The side effects of having two crests turns your hair not white, but green...
Edelgard (and Lysithea) are turning into Nabateans. Rhea is elated. Edelgard is reasonably horrified, and Lysithea is just glad she isn't going to die at the old age of 20.

The D-Wave/Gatekeeper is an easy in for NIKKE crossover fanfiction. It'd be the whole NIKKE category on fanfiction.net if that site was ever in a functional state again.

A world-fusion type (compared to a character-displacement type) crossover for NIKKE could be KaibaCorp (or urgh. Cyberpunk2077 corpos) existing in the Ark. I do like me a Kaiba SI. Kaiba would be the kind of guy to model a NIKKE after Blue-Eyes White Dragon:

Tried to use the language used in official stat pages in game...

NIKKE with Eyes of Blue
Class: Attacker
Code: Z.E.U.S. (Electric)
Burst: III (40s cooldown)
Manufacturer: KaibaCorp
Squad: Blue-Eyes
Weapon: White Lightning
Type: SG
Buckshot: 30 per slug
Hit Rate: 30% (3 in 10 chance per individual bullet to be on target (within the reticle))
Ammo: 8
Firing Rate: 2 slugs/sec
Reload Time: 4s (Whole clip)

Skill 1: Rage with Eyes of Blue: (Passive)

Affects self when last bullet is fired, or when enemy is killed or Interruption Part is destroyed during Chaos Form:
Get a {7.5->12}s buff that increases Hit Rate by {1->10}%, Firing Speed by {3.5->8}% and Attack by {4->7}% per stack (up to 10).

Skill 2: The Ultimate Creature of Destruction: (Passive)
Activates during Full Burst:
Targets whole party: Gain a {10->25}% damage boost for the duration of Full Burst.
Targets self: Cannot be stunned during Full Burst. If stunned when Full Burst is activated, recover from Stun.

Activates when entering Full Burst. Effect changes according to the number of activation time(s). Previous effects trigger repeatedly:
Once: Targets self. Get "Chaos Form," granting a stack of "Rage with Eyes of Blue" every kill or destroyed interruption part, and increases Burst Generation by {4.5->9}%.
Twice: Targets whole party. Burst Generation is increased by a further {4.5->9}%, Damage to interruption Parts increased by {4->10}% and Burst Cooldown is reduced by {1->10}%.
Three times: Targets whole party. Increase attack by {10->16}%, firing speed by {12->21}% and reduce reload time by {11->20}%

Burst: Burst Stream of Destruction: (Active)
Deals {250->300}% of Final Attack Damage to Enemy with the Highest HP% (not counting enemy projectiles).

Changes weapon for until ammo hits 0 outside of Full Burst:
"Burst Stream of Destruction:"
Type: MG (Laser)
Ammo: 300
Firing Speed 25 rounds/sec
Reload Time {5->4}s
Deals {112->138}% Final Attack Damage per shot.
Kisara best girl DM era girl

On an unrelated note, my head-canon is that Rapi or the Commander would play a World Chalice/Legacy Deck. It's about rebounding when your monsters take a hit, aka perseverance, and in the card lore, the chosen of the World Legacy are embarking on a counter attack against the Mekk-Lords (pretty-much Heretics/Tyrants) and Krawlers, (literally just Raptures) who have driven humanity into hiding, although it was into a magically sealed forest and not underground. Just really fitting, and a deck I would expect to pop up in a NIKKE x Yu-Gi-Oh! crossover in some shape or form/

Alternatively, SI Commander with some sort of celestial forge/grimoire/dojo/vending machine/gacha, or gamer power, I've seen one of these before, but commander is more focused on either expanding the Outpost, giving it it's own self-sufficiency, or abandoning the Ark for his personal fief/haven, etc.

Or a horror story of NIKKE setting off on missions and never returning, and it has nothing to do with the Raptures. Turns out, those NIKKEs with a reason to abandon the Ark are getting stalked, captured, injected with Vapaus, and inducted into Eden 2: Better than yours boogaloo or something. Whether it is a nest of unbound NIKKE with a grudge against the Ark and Central Gov, or just jaded gynoids with a "fuck this thankless waste of effort" mentality, I don't know.
There's a twist I could come up with that also explains where they got the Vapaus to ambush the Ark NIKKEs with, but I put this thread in the SFW board, so I can't share it here.
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NIKKE x Pokemon idea: Came back with friends
The D-Wave/Gatekeeper is an easy in for NIKKE crossover fanfiction. It'd be the whole NIKKE category on fanfiction.net if that site was ever in a functional state again.
For example:

[Andersen's Office]

Andersen: "Welcome back. How was the D-WAVE?"
Commander: "Went great. the locals were nice, I got to pick some local delicacies, and made some friends."
*Vaporeon pops out of the ball.*
Andersen: "What have you got there?"
Commander: *Bites into a blue fruit* "An Oran berry."

Andersen: "...I have a meeting in less than five minutes, and this will take too long to fully debrief, so just write up a full report by Monday."
Commander, stroking a stretching Vaporeon: "Will do, sir."
Andersen: "It's good to have you back, Commander. ...Why don't you give your friend a tour of the Outpost, no need to cause havoc in the Ark."
Commander: "Understood."
*Gardevoir pops out, waves to a startled Andersen, and teleports herself, Vaporeon and the Commander out.*

Why do the Counters have teams? They really weren't given a choice. When they tried to dissauade the Pokemon by telling them they have to leave the world at the end of their mission, they either went "Cool, adventure!" or "SHUT UP AND GIVE ME YOUR BALLS ALREADY!"

Commander's Team: Vaporeon, Gardevoir, Lopunny, Kangaskhan, Pheromosa, Tsareena.
- Also, has Vespiqueen approval after helping defend a hive, but the Ark is not conductive to hive building and good luck trying on the Surface.
- He did not have a say in any of his team choices, except for Vaporeon and Gardevoir, and Gardevoir as a Kirila actively sought him out.
- Buneary reminded him of Privaty, especially when she forced her way into his team, then turned into Noir when she evolved.
- The Kangaskhan was willing to part ways, but the Commander really couldn't say no the the baby's teary-eyes.
- Pheromosa's an alien immigrant, he accidentally sheltered her from pursuit, and she has latched on ever since.
- Tsareena acted like a brat, got slapped down and told no, and then she forced herself into his party, locking out Lucario, who just stepped out to get her affairs in order before joining.

Rapi's: Arcanine, Ninjask, Metagross, Shedinja, Mimikyu, Ninetales
- Nincada, which became Ninjask, was an accidental capture, Shedinja was also an accidental.
- Arcanine refused to leave Rapi alone after she sat next to and pet him once.
- Metagross, Ninetales and Mimikyu were conscious decisions to recruit once she realized she wasn't getting out of that world without extras, intentionally picked with their psychic/memory powers and especially their rumored long lives in mind.

Anis: Kabuto, Garganacl, Tentacruel, Ferroseed, Machamp, Lucario
- She and Neon got Kabuto and Snom because they're cute.
- Nacli was cute and fun to carry around; Anis got annoyed at being "too heavy" to carry when Nacli evolved into Naclstack; but now she can ride on Garganacl.
- Anis went fishing for Magikarp because it would be funny to have one, one she had hooked got away and she fell off the boat. She ended up... tied up, by Tentacruel. She ended up... suplexing the Tentacruel. Underwater. Don't ask.
- Ferroseed fell out of a tree, would've fell on the Commander's head if Rapi didn't tackle him out of the way or they didn't get teleported by Metang and/or Gardevoir. Ferroseed was about to start something before being immediately threatened by at least eight Pokemon until Anis laughed at him and picked him up. Ferroseed tried to perforate her with Pin Missile, but Anis is a NIKKE made of tougher stuff, and just threw him into (and through) the tree. He proceeded to Rollout after her until she dropped a Pokeball on accident, on Ferroseed.
- She ended up having a dispute over a petty gripe with Machop and threw hands with him, and he was inspired to learn under her and wouldn't take a no for an answer. Going from Machoke to Machamp was as easy as having him "study under the Commander for a bit."
- Lucario originally planned to join the Commander's team, seeing his honest heart and all that. She took a couple of days to put affairs in order before joining, and when Lucario returns, she comes back to some bitchy Tsareena stealing her spot. Anis donated her last slot to Lucario, missing out on a Slaking that seemed to switch between Truant out of combat and Huge Power in combat, which kinda sucked for her. Lucario is at least aware of Anis' sacrifice and appreciates it.

Neon: Snom, Flareon, Tinkaton, Rapidash, Octillery, Alolan Golem
- Interestingly, Neon is the only member who had full control over her team's final roster.
- She and Anis got Snom and Kabuto because they're cute.
- She sought out a Flareon to emulate her Master.
- She came across baby Tinkatink wanting to make the "Ultimate Power Hammer of Power" and resonated; she is convinced the answer is a "Firepower Hammer."
- She heard "Rapi" in Rapidash and immediately went for her.
- Octillery is apparently at his peak for firepower, waterpower, thunderpower, icepower, grasspower and more. Probably all his bullet-style attacks.
- She saw Alolan Golem's Galvanised Hyper Beam and got instantly hooked.
- She only missed out on a Blastoise because he had previously made engagements and she had a full party anyway, but they had fun "training their waterpower" together.

(Remember that Arceus and some other legendaries can freely move through time and space. If any other Pokemon show up, it'd probably be Vespiqueen, Slaking and Blastoise being dropped off at Eden to link up with Modernia.)
MHA idea: Quirk: Faking it.
Izuku's totally legit quirks
Originally to avoid bullying but became a running inside joke, Izuku constantly gives a bullshit answer when asked what his quirk is and goes out of his way to make it believable. Unfortunately, All Might and co. thinks he actually has all those quirks and is therefore a Nomu or something.

This sort of thing be great in snippet format.
Sort of like Quirks for Deku, on fanfiction.net, (which I forgot the author of,) except it's Izuku bullshitting about him having those quirks so hard it works.

Mutation: Double joint toes
Mutation based Emitter: Ocular Gushers
Emitter: Analysis
Emitter: Mutter Onslaught
Passive Emitter: Trouble Magnet
Emitter: Emerl Improv
Emitter: Spitfire (Support Gear)
Emitter: Item Summoning (Notebook out of nowhere)
Emitter: Power punch (Gear)
Emitter: Attraction of Metal Objects (Gear)
Mutation based Emitter: Quick step (Gear)
Mutation based Emitter: Hot Heels (Gear)
Mutation: insanely high pain tolerance
Mutation: Fire Resistance
Emitter based Transformation: Silver Tongue
Passive Emitter: Attraction of Hot Bodies
Emitter: Menacing Aura; Death Glare
Mutation/Emitter: Blank
Emitter: Technopathy (Hackerman)
Emitter: Alternate Seer (With a lucky amount of bullshit and a bullshit amount of luck, Izuku uses analysis and prediction to guess what would've happened when someone does something compared to something else. Basically, he pretends to be Coil. And there's some protagonist level luck letting him get away with it.)

Bonus points if All for One gets an idiot ball thrown at him and loses some quirks to Izuku for it after kidnapping him to take the non existent source of his multiple "quirks" a la 849.
(He then proceeds to use those quirks to help fake other quirks. At this point it's just funny and he can't stop.)

Or a quirk which makes you able to do anything others believe you can, and suddenly all those fake quirks are actually a thing.
(this could just be its own thing rather than a plot point in a fanfiction idea about Izuku faking quirks really well)
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MHA: Faking it. Quirk: Double-Jointed Toe
Izuku had to think of something, fast. The jeers were starting to get to him.

"Deku! Deku! Useless with no quirk! Deku!"

The doctor said he couldn't be a hero without a quirk, and the other in the kindergarten are even harsher in their judgement.
He had to think of something, fast. So Izuku closed his eyes to try and think of something unique to him he could say is a quirk.

"Ha ha! Is poor little Deku going to cry now! Useless! Quirkless! Deku! Deku!"

The other brats are in chorus now. And dark, unheroic in hindsight, thoughts whispered about their stupidity in blindly following the feeling of the room. Izuku isn't whipped up in this fervor, directed at him like knives in all directions. And all he has to show for it is a double-jointed toe.
...A double-jointed toe... that he is the only one in the room that has...

Izuku snaps up, glaring. Kacchan, who was sneering right in his face, is startled and stumbles back, waving a sparkler from his palm at Izuku.

"I-I do have a quirk!"

The entire class laughs. Izuku takes the opportunity to pull off his shoe, and wiggle his pinky toe.
He wiggles it forwards and backwards, and the crowd stops going wild, in both disgust and wonder.

"None of you have toes that can do this, do you?"

Kacchan is having none of it. Grabbing Izuku by the collar and bring his right palm to Izuku's face, popping menacingly.

"That's just the mark of quirklessness, Deku!"

Izuku, similarly, is having none of it. And holds Kacchan's wrist away from his face, while looking out to the ring of children.

"Prove it. Find some other person you think is quirkless and get them to prove their toes are double jointed. Face it, Kacchan: this is a mutation, and therefore a quirk."

The crowd is no longer interested in the argument, the chance to pick on a person as a united front lost. As the fight-circle formation breaks, Kacchan has one last chance to express his dominance over the class.

"It's still useless! Useless Deku! What kind of use does breaking your toes even have?"

Izuku is ready. His confidence has never been beaten down before yesterday, and his confidence has never had momentum before this very moment.

"If you stomp on my foot I won't break my toe. If I stomp on yours, your toe will break. What use does being extra sweaty while screaming about how you're going to kill everyone have?"
"I-I don't say that! Stop lying!"
"I'm sorry, I must be thinking of another Kacchan."
"I'm gonna kill you, Deku!"
"Like how you said you were going to kill our teacher last week?"
"Never said that-"
"You said it right in front of me, Eyeballs and Fingers!"

At some point, it devolved from verbal violence to physical violence. Katsuki only threw punches and burned Izuku's skin, trying to use his quirk as much as possible. Izuku slammed the back of his fist into Katsuki's head and neck from a blocking position, but also was stomping on Katsuki's foot.
After finally appearing and being paralyzed in shock for some short time, he teacher finally decided to punish them both equally, despite the different severity and visibility of injuries.
This subtly makes the class of viciously impressionable children see Midoriya and Bakugo as equal, which is supported by the fact that Midoriya managed to break Bakugo's toe while his own are intact, like he said. (And that for all his words, Bakugo hasn't killed anyone yet, not even Midoriya.)

Izuku may have been teased for having a quirk the same "tier" as popping your eyeball out or making your fingers long, but he was never picked on for being quirkless. Bakugo, meanwhile, had to be extra aggressive and scary at all times to remain in his own "top tier" instead of being "equal to Deku," however.
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So, I went on a tangent (in my head) when I saw a message on discord before checking the context: "Time is a flat circle."
How do you flatten a circle? A circle is a 2D shape. A circle is already a flat sphere/cylinder. If flattening something means to smooth or level it out until it's value in a dimensional axis = 0, thus reducing it's dimensions by 1, a flattened circle would go from (x+y=k) (two dimensions, x & y, k is constant) to (x+y*0=k) => (x=k). That's a line.
But how far can we go? Can we flatten it further?
(x*0=k) => (k=0). A dot at the origin.

Let "n" be any shape.
x, y, z. 3 dimensions. n3​. A 3D object with volume.
x, y. 2 dimensions. n2​. A 2D shape with area.
x. 1 dimension. n1​. A line with length.
0 dimensions. n0​. A dot. Which is, no matter what "n" is, equal to 1; a singular point on the graph.

At this point, without outside forces causing a displacement, all objects are equal. A square to the power of 0 is equal to a circle to the power of 0 is equal to a pyramid to the power of 0 is equal to a line.
All are equal when reduced to a speck, a dot at the origin.
But can we go further?

An 'n'-dimensional cube is known as a hypercube, (yes, by logic, a cube, square, line and dot all count as a hypercube,) and we have pushed past the 3rd dimension by graphing a 4th dimensional hypercube, known as a tesseract. (n4​.)

But what if we go the other way?
What if we flatten a dot?

(n-1​) => (1/n1​).

Now if we push further, we get (n-2​) => (1/n2​).
So basically the Reverse World, or an inverted or muted world.

But that only works if we can flatten a dot.
A dot at the origin equal to zero. 1/0.
You don't divide by zero.

We have an undefined result.
But tanks to the the nature of limits and calculus, we can conclude: that 1/n->0 ~ inf/1 = inf.

There you have it. If you flatten a dot without displacing it to give it value first, you could either trigger an undefined cascading collapse of the universe, or condense it into infinity.

Now go use this troll logic so your Jujutsu Kaisen SI can pull a Gojo or something.
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MHA Idea: Majin Tails, and other High School Mad Science Projects
Mad science again.
During a break, (either cancelled classes or between first Finals and Shopping Trip,) Mina and friends go to a convention. (SI/AU bs or something, just roll with it.)
At anime con, Mina wants to go as (Majin) Android 21.
Because astronomy was shafted in favour of biology because quirks, and UA Support Course Library has a lot of reference/research material, so: use extra credit/experiments or something as an excuse to make a working tail.

"A thick tentacle wrapped in pink, acid-proof, leathery (Mina-coded) quirk-material for skin. Powered by a lizard-hindbrain and with nerves that latch on like wires to the base of Mina's tailbone. The triangular base of the tail has a wide top edge, and tapers down concavely into a thin point to fit snugly between Mina's rear. The base suctions over her tailbone like a defanged octopus or cephalopod, ensuring a smooth visual transition between girl and tail."

Mina now has a tail. She really likes it and keeps it on, even after the con; with a little practice, it even helps in combat and hero work. Due to the design, and carrying Mina's blood which has her quirk factor, it also can channel Acid.

In chapter 2/Then she wants an extra pair of arms as an experiment, (Hatsume also wants tentacle arm babies to help make more babies), so she can make a Xenomorph themed Armor as an alt costume because fun.
The rousing success of this experiment opens the floodgates.
(Which are rapidly shut by Aizawa, but even his hardass bashable expulsion-happy policies cannot completely stem the flow of science projects featuring attachable extra limbs, which can also be useful for hero work. It's like a black market, sorta.)

Failsafes developed include clear construction and operational methods for non-invasive, invasive, external and internal items. Quirk overload, like what happens with Nomu, will only degrade the attachment, not the user.
(These features are some of the things preventing the successful total shutdown of the series of projects)

The (parasitic?) symbiosis between Mina and her tail causes them to become one, partially because of how she thought of the tail as an extension of herself rather than an equippable arm. Quirk awakenings are wild yo.

Other projects include:
Wings of Darkness for Tokoyami, which both allow flight and through creating new quirks through mixing genes similar to the basis of quirk marriages (Todoroki brought it up), can emit a field that can emit or absorb radiation, specifically visible light. (Theoretically, a quirk awakening of the wings can allow other kinds of radiation, like nuclear, but he doesn't need or want to pursue that.)
Deku's Spare Arms, brought up as a joke, but he can attach them and blow them up safely. Carrying them around is a pain, though.
Some New Legs for Tensei, thanks to Iida.
I dunno, maybe a regular adult-sized body for Mineta, piloted like a Mecha?

Honestly this is the sort of mad science that leads to full grown flesh babies. Maybe Hatsume forgets boundaries exist, and tries her hand at biomechanics. This results in babies with varying levels of cyborgness. She also finds a solution to world hunger, despite not being her focus as a side effect of food costs for her babies cutting into her tinkers budget.
Love Hina idea: Shinobu's Horror
There was this one line in a Love Hina fanfiction: That Darned Cat, by Tezza1502, on Fanfiction.net: (Shinobu POV:)
"She managed to clamp her hand over her mouth as she squealed. This was a habit she was trying to train herself to do whenever she was startled, as any loud noise from her automatically meant that her sempai would be beaten for doing something 'perverted' to her. Whether he was remotely nearby or not."

Shinobu is trying her best here. She's been trying idea after idea to find a way to stop Keitaro from getting gurt all the time.
Making herself out to be clearly at fault for an incident gets Keitaro hurt.
Making a public scene or declaration gets Keitaro hurt.
Punishing Keitaro herself in Naru's and Motoko's stead to remove the need for them to do it (bopped on the nose lightly with a wooden spoon) gets ignored and Keitaro hurt further anyways.
Telling Naru and Motoko to chill, she can handle herself gets her ignored, and Keitaro hurt.
Calling the Police gets Keitaro hurt, even female authorities in the Force can't help.
Applying for a job (part-time because anime-world labor laws I can't be assed to research) somehow causes Keitaro to get hurt.
Doing nothing just means Keitaro will be hurt as per the scheduled programming.
Desperately taking a hit from Naru on "accident" to scare her into stopping just gets Keitaro blamed for it and hurt.
Having to do the rest of the Inn's chores besides cooking because someone launched the Manager into another prefecture again gets Keitaro another private domestic flight when he returns. Which hurts.

Shinobu is trapped in a psychological horror-story where she is desperately trying to get the other residents to let Keitaro live, and it's turning out to be a futile effort.
Featuring Kitsune actively making things worse, baiting Naru and twisting the narrative of situations for her own amusement. (She sees nothing wrong with Keitaro's situation.) (It's bashing if it's an exaggerated part of her canon character, right? Mitsune-bashing it is.)
And also Mutsumi being either the Load/Millstone in Shinobu's efforts to save Keitaro from his constant existence of physical trauma, or being Shinobu's ally and stuck in a slightly different flavor of the same hell, where all her efforts are rendered meaningless in some form or other. In Mitsumi's place, her own fumbling is what ruins her attempts, and sets Naru/Motoko off on Keitaro due to compromising positions.
Genshin Impact idea: Il Viaggiatore: Mondstat
Il Viaggiatore is literally Italian for "The Traveler." That's it. That's the joke.
The Italian titles are pretty cool. Kinda forgot they were Harbinger exclusive shhh!

Now, normally, Nahida is a precious radish who would never dare abuse her power as a Branch of Irminsul, not even to threaten Il Dottore into compliance with the danger of wiping away all of his research and experiments from his own mind. (She really should've though. fucker deserves it.)
That said, she does have an odd sense of humor, and in this iteration, it aligns a little more with the Wanderer. So she's... unusually amenable to bending the rules a little to get one over the Fatui...

Using Irminsul's access to all the data in the world, i.e. everyone of Teyvat's subconscious, insert the imaginary existence of a new, mysterious, elusive, Harbinger, always on a mission, who's operations span across up to five nations and counting.

Il Viaggiatore, or Viatorix the Traveler. A fitting name for one who's work reaches from end to end of Teyvat.

With input from a vindictive Balladeer Hat Guy to help learn the key things a real Harbinger should know, all that's missing are some loyal Fatui troops... and then we can start butting in on operations with our own operations and also just being able to walk up and mess with Fatui for basically free.
..Oh yeah, we also need a Delusion, too.
We could go ask Diluc to borrow his, or Nahida can come back after taking a "dook-dook" with a distinct Dendro not-vision in her hand.
"It looks like a Nagadus Emerald Gem bordered in silver wire. While it has the symbol of the Fatui painted on in white, looking closer at the gem reveals inside is the image of Sapientia Oromasdis - Nahida's Constellation." A weak seperated piece of Nahida is being lent to the First Sage of Buer in trust. Powered by the otherwise sealed starborne power of the Traveler, it contains the ability to contact Nahida at range, and imitate her ability to basically read and even write/delete information in peoples heads. It took some extra effort to modify it so that The Traveler also has a "cool install" like the other Harbingers without side effects.
Now all that's missing are "loyal Fatui troops," contacts, and a mission to currently be busy on. Shame Katarina from the Chasm went missing. Or we could've had a cute Electro Cicin Mage. Wait, this is Questionable Questing. Nevermind.
I guess we're off to Mondstat to recruit some people and mess with some more people.

Diluc is not amused that the Traveler he fought alongside to save Mondstat was secretly the 12th 11th* 10th** Fatui Harbinger, Il Viaggiatore, but is slightly more amused by the whole thing being a prank. Venti is also very amused.
(*Scaramouche doesn't exist)
(**Signora is fucking dead)

While Diluc contests with the fact that people before him have opposed the Tsaritsa or the Fatui before getting recruited into the group, and the horror that he totally could've been marked for recruitment into the Fatui (real), Diluc is given an offer to join the Fatui (fake).
He takes the role of Uccel dell'alba "Uccelalba, Il Viaggiator's primary contact and second-in-command in Mondstat," (as far as everyone's subconsious goes,) which honestly means nothing except that anyone who believes in the con will look to Diluc as a loyal Fatui superior in disguise, taking orders from him, a power which he is free to abuse for himself for the funny.
Although they do need to break it to Jean so she doesn't try to bend her mind around her childhood friend who contains a clear, burning hate for the Fatui somehow being a Harbinger's second all this time.
At least she doesn't need to worry as much about the Fatui all the time, unless another Harbinger decides to pay a visit, as this stunt brings all the 'free-floating' Fatui in Mondstat that were brought in by the former La Signora and Il Dottore into the fold of Il Viaggiatore, and by extension, Uccelalba, a.k.a. Diluc in Disguise.
Due to Diluc being extra harsh to "his own operatives," Mondstat Fatui mistake Uccelalba for a real Harbinger, but then you come across him being reprimanded by "Il Viaggiatore," that he is supposed to have standards, ("Even if you don't like them, sending them off on suicide missions is poor form!") and go "oh yeah, he's the second in command."

Also being recruited into the "Fatui, Il Viaggiatore's cell, Mondstat branch" are:

Venti, a.k.a. "Il Bardo" Volunteered as soon as Diluc accepted the first offer. He is never seen by anyone except Viaggiatore and Uccelalba, but he's supposedly the Head of Recon in this branch of this cell. He's a bit more subtle with his messing with the Fatui than Diluc. Usually his "reports" are ridiculously vague/obtuse or in poem form "as a cipher," which is a code that somehow only the Harbinger Viatorix or his second can crack. (He's just bullshitting. They're all just bullshitting. shhh!)

Mona, a.k.a. Destino Stella "Destinella" Supposedly joined up for the steady paycheck that doesn't get in the way of her day job. Seriously: If you are a Fatui grunt, one of the few no-strings, not-screwing-with-you, actually-legitimate jobs Uccelalba or Bardo will give you, is "Stellar Duty," a.k.a. "Please ensure Destinella eats some fucking food oh Tsaritsa how has she not died yet."
Supposedly we get a little extra funding from Northland specifically for this purpose. How Il Viaggiatore swung that no one knows. Who knows what deal the Traveler made with Tartaglia?

Noelle, a.k.a. "La Domestica" She isn't one of Uccelalba's normal housekeepers, and when she accidentally walked in on a Fatui meeting doing random odd-jobs and house-cleaning the Traveler had to rapidly make up a story for her on the spot, and now Noelle is a prospective Harbinger, according to the Mondstat Fatui.
Supposedly, Domestica is aiming to become "La Cavaliere, the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger" and while at first the Fatui question why Uccelalba and Il Bardo are so nice to La Domestica, and initially assume it's Viaggiatore favoritism, then they come across Noelle doing classic Noelle things and yeah, it's just because she alone outclasses them in dedication and effectiveness by a wide margin ("Uccelalba is always dissapointed in us. We're being compared to her. Honestly? That's fair.")
Noelle isn't even fully aware she's now a part of the joke, she just was read in when she nearly broke the masquerade the first time so she doesn't accidentally call the wrong name, sometimes she is called over to help clean up a base or deliver stuff to Master Diluc- (-oh! I mean Master Uccelalba!) and apparently the Fatui are calling her boss lady??? Why?? She's the one who lives to serve?
- It's no Anemo Vision, but if Barbatos Il Bardo slips her an Anemo not-Delusion to help her cover story, and the Traveler went out of the way to have it boosted to low-Harbinger levels to "sell the disguise," well, Noelle is being peer pressured into not refusing a gift for once. It's very helpfull as a vacuum cleaner. (And a vacuum is very useful for a 'cleaner.')
There are also a group of Fatui in the sub-faction who are inspired by La Domestica's driva and dedication to the "cause." And want to work under her. They went to the Traveler, and they went "sure, lol. Noelle needs practice in a leading position anyway."
So, now there is a sub-cell (who answer to Noelle) within a sub-cell (Mondstat under Uccelalba) of a cell (Viatorix) of the Fatui: The Domestica Cleaners.
It's one part taking the load off of Noelle's maid runs so she can train more and pass her "knightly exams," which is a front for the other part: mis-construing Noelle's words to basically be the other sort of "cleaners."
When La Domestica is not available, the cleaners turn the the head cleaner of the general Mondstat branch, who only takes orders from Uccelalba or L'Idola: La Suora.

Rosaria a.k.a. "La Suora" She executes traitors. She is the Assassin. She is, 'the big stick.'
Those who compromise missions out of malice, talk shit about Viatorix, or get a little too wise, are prone to turning a corner and having La Suora leaning on the wall right in front of you, smoking. Waiting.
If your lucky enough to not be the target, you can turn behind you to check that the way back isn't blocked by an ice spear and you can go on your way. Otherwise, the knife in your back is going to be the least of your worries...
She seems to only be reigned in even a little by L'Idola...

Barbara a.k.a. "L'Idola" She cheers you up with her presence. She is the Medic. She is, 'the big carrot.'
Fatui members pool their spare change together for group/family tickets to Barbara's concerts. Some mind-bending using the Traveler's Delusion was used to ensure a seperation between Barbara, L'Idola of the Viaggiatore's Fatui cell, Mondstat, and Barbara, sister of Jean Gunnhildr, Acting Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius. Those who still managed the connection (and weren't silenced by La Suora or Uccelalba) are amazed at the power of Il Viaggiatore's Charisma to even subvert someone tied so closely to Mondstat.
Anyway, some members are fans of Barbara. Some members are in the Barbara Fanclub. Some members have missions to subtly bodyguard L'Idola or keep an eye on the Barbara Fanclub, specifically Albert.
To not die from a severe case of La Suora, you need to beg L'Idola for forgiveness. And if she doesn't, or you managed to offend her somehow... Not even she can save you, even if she will try anyway.
When some of the higher ups in the branch speak with L'Idola, everyone is ordered to secure privacy on pain of La Suora. (Death.) This is because Barbara does not actually have any idea what's going on, just that there are more people visiting her concerts, her big sister maybe hired bodyguards for her, Rosaria has apparently taken over the Fatui as La Suora, and sometimes members beg on their knees for forgiveness to her, instead of Rosaria.

Diona a.k.a "La Barista, La Gatto, La Piccolo Barista" Joined up to further her plots to destroy the Mondstat Wine Industry.
The Fatui don't know if it's to promote Snezhnayan Vodka or cripple Mondstat's economy, or what. They know she sure can mix a good drink though.
Fatui members who enjoyed the "old days" but toe the line enough to not get La Suora'd enjoy the "conventional" missions La Barista proposes.
It is rumored that when she mentions a Oceanid's cursed blessing, she is referring to her secret Hydro Delusion made from the essence of Egeria's corpse.

Albedo, a.k.a. "L'Alchamista" Since Nahida got Il Dottore to delete his Segments, which includes the ones operating labs in Mondstat, there's a bunch of powerful and dangerous research and experiments that really shouldn't be in the wrong hands, and are no longer in anyone's hands. No one really wants Il Dottore to get his research back. (Except Il Dottore. But fuck that guy.)
Lord Uccelalba has given the Fatui orders to reclaim his research notes for "L'Alchamista's" own experiments.
Meanwhile, The Knights of Favonius has assigned a task force organised by Kaeya to reclaim the illegal research for Mondstat's own ends.
It's totally weird how both of these operations put the notes, labs and material squarely into Albedo's hands, it's not as if it was planned or anything... (Wink.)
Albedo even has an alibi: sometimes, you can see Albedo and L'Alchamista in the same spot! (It's not as if there are two Albedos, so he can't possibly be L'Alchamista.)

Klee, a.k.a. "Doco, La Bomba, Piccolo Bombadiere, Terror Tot, L'Alchamista's Little Sister." If 'making sure Destinella doesn't die or get in trouble' duty is a reward, being assigned to 'making sure La Bomba doesn't die or get in trouble' duty is a punishment.
It's not the "prevent her from dying" part that's difficult, it's the "ensure she stays out of trouble" part.
Especially when she has so many bombs and the favor of almost all the big names in this branch. Sometimes, Fatui members resort to taking the blame for Doco's explosions, running away from the Knights of Favonius in order to complete the mission.
Then they are failed anyway because they caused a ruckus that paints the Fatui as terrorists within Mondstat's borders. ("Who do you think you're working for? La Signora?")
It kind of obvious (to the Fatui) that "the only reason La Bomba isn't on a leash is because she is clearly another Harbinger Prospect. And L'Alchemista's little sister. Also the only reason La Bomba doesn't have even a standard Delusion is because her brother confiscated it for not her own safety, but ours. Thank you, Lord Alchamista for your benevolence."
Klee's just trying to have fun while being chaperoned (while Big Brother, Kaeya and the Traveler are busy) by weird adults in masks. Except for a couple of the ones who actually enjoy playing with Klee. They're cool. (Those ones are secretly given a little leniency, even by La Suora, because Doco said they are cool.)

Kaeya: he isn't actually part of the cell officially, he's just in on the joke in a more active manner than the others simply read in, like Lisa. "Uccelalba" sends his troops on a "mission," and Kaeya intercepts them. This is how they channel their sibling rivalry! It's fucked up, but somehow more healthy than before.

Fischl a.k.a "La Prinzessin die Vertilung, Princess Amy Fischl Narfidort" Apparently, one of the other nations outside the view of the Seven, linked solely to mainland Teyvat beyond the Golden Apple Archipelago. Apparently, Il Viaggiatore is planning to expand their operations and influence beyond even the Seven Nations! Also, this explains why Lady Destinella is considered a VIP beyond her abilities and research. Sasuga Lord Viatorix!
(In reality, Fischl's playing along because the Traveler's playing along. It's fun, even until the scope is blown way out of proportion and oh Barbatos, we can't stop this anymore! We have to double down on the con!)

Paimon, a.k.a. "Primordiale, Paimon for short, Cibo di Emergenza, La Guida Tuiristica Mondiale, or just La Guida" not actually part of the Mondstat branch, but part of Viatorix's cell, and the only one who follows Il Viaggiatore around everywhere.
Apparently, she never shows her full power, but please remember that she can fly, teleport and wear a crown.
So give her respect.
Never, ever call her emergency food.
On pain of Paimonial Fury. (No one has ever faced actually suffered Paimonial Fury, before being forgiven by Primodiale's benevolence, thank the Tsaritsa.)
Fear her.
And be baffled at Il Viaggiatore's audacity to call her "Cibo de Emergenza" (to her eternal frustration) when even Lord Uccelalba wouldn't dare, and amazed that they alone get away with it.

See, the issue is that when you have a Harbinger that is very popular and apparently wildly successful with their operations within even a single nation, let alone over half of Teyvat, is that you and your cell kind of get popular.
And that means that you eventually will have Fatui from the Motherland Snezhnaya wanting to be deployed under your name, even if you have never met them before, and the other Harbingers will come knocking on your door for various reasons... Oh, and some point you are expected to 'return' to Zapolyarny Palace at some point to report to the Tsaritsa. (Well... at least you are certain to have an audience with the Archon then.)

Stay tuned for the Liyue branch of Il Viaggiatore's "cell" of the Fatui:
How it has successful "spies" even in the higher up statuses in Liyue (never said it was the Fatui that's spying)
How Tartaglia's prestige is boosted by being one of the very few fellow Harbingers Viatorix bothers to give the time of day to, and on a regular basis too!
How their cells in a joint effort turned one of Il Dottore's former segment's labs into toy factories as fronts for further operations (Sasuga Lord Harbingers!)
And how Childe's cell was temporarily absorbed into Viatorix's control while Childe is off somewhere, waiting to return to Liyue or otherwise relocate.
Alongside who is in the command structure of Il Viaggiatore's Fatui cell: Liyue branch. (i.e. Who else is in on the joke.)
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MHA: Scrapped to never see the light of day otherwise: My Dice Academia
D(ice)BZ, by Shadowj6480 is really, really good for "I'm just kinda having fun here."
And I want to try that format myself, except I've never remembered most of the DB lore and don't really want to start now.
Nor do I want to riff on his work, just the format. So, I start my own Dice... story/quest.
Or tried to, anyway. As you can see below, online dice rollers fucking hate Izuku Midoriya for no valid reason. Or maybe I'm just bad at it for my first attempt.

One for All roll DC100-mastery to not lose health. Crits grant mastery
Float adds +10 to movement and evasion rolls
Blackwhip: +15 to combat, +10 to movement
Smokescreen: malus all hit rates when activated. 2t cooldown
Danger Sense: malus to enemy stealth, will detect if they crit but will be overloaded instead. +5 to evasion.
Fa Jin: 3 turn cooldown: repeat the largest bonus last turn, regardless of context.
Gear Shift: Double(, half (or reverse)) a bonus or malus. 4 turn cooldown
Erasure: -10 on Turn activated (thrown off). Seals quirks. roll to maintain, and -1 per turns due to stress of maintained uptime.
Half-Hot Half-Cold: a counter between Hot and Cold. Using the opposite element to your state will gain a bonus or malus, equal to Temp Counter*5. Will slowly reset to zero out of combat. There is a "dead zone" where the extreme temperature does not impair Todoroki. It is currently {-1 : +1}
Ice: adds 1 to cold.
Fire: adds 1 to hot.
Heaven Piercing Ice Wall: add 3 to cold, require recharge after.
Flashfire Hell Spider: add 1 to hot and attack, twice.
Flashfreeze Heatwave: 2 step: 1: drop Temp to at least -3, gaining bonus for Temp reduced*5. Attack for cold damage
2: raise Temp to 3, gaining bonus for Temp raised*5 Attack for hot damage.

Inspired by D(ice)BZ on Spacebattles:
I present: My Dice Academia
*Only the skeleton, I'd fill the details/prose after the rolls.​

Age: 4
dc 100
55-30 (Canon Event)
"I'm sorry, but your son can never be a hero."
does it get him down? said:
dc 60
22 -30 (dream fucking shattered)
Stays sad for 8 years. All the kids call him Deku.

Age: 12
Does he pick himself up now? said:
dc 60
76 -24 (bullied for 8 years) -10 (lack of faith)
Doesn't start training, but has gotten over it, mostly. No more bullying malus. Kacchan doesn't like that.

Age: 13
Try again: Can Izuku believe he can be a hero? said:
dc 60
25 -15 (Kacchan and mom's lack of faith)
Fuck you, Katsuki tells Izuku to jump off a roof a year early.
Does he jump? said:
dc 40
41 - 5 (suicide bait) - 10 (Kacchan) + 10 (mom...)
Yes. Like every Punished Izuku badfic ever. I really don't want to write Villain!Izuku who gets picked up and babied by Shigaraki Tomura of all people.

Ok, F this, retake it from the top. This is now a Katsuki bashing fic.
Looking back, I could've done a Izuku makes his own criminal empire, fucking over both the LOV and Hero faction, but at this point, I really didn't want to write. skipping over to 12 years old

Age: 12 (Middle of Aldera Middle)
Does he pick himself up now? said:
dc 60
68 -24 (bullied for 8 years) -10 (lack of faith)
Doesn't care about the bullying anymore. Kacchan really don't like that. Welcome to fanonical asshole Katsuki.

Age 13 yrs old (3rd of 4 years of middle school.)
Does the lad finally get over himself? said:
dc 60
96 (fucking finally) -15 (Katsuki exists)
82 (He even starts training)
Izuku comes across Ingenium explaining how he's been training and studying since young, even before getting into UA. It's time to get off you ass, Izuku.

Rolls are by the month. This year: Studying at School, Studying Hero Fights, Training, Events (Mustafu)
April: Term Start
May: Midterms
June: Camp
July: Finals
September: End of Summer Hols
October: Midterms
November: Finals
December: Winter Hols
June !EVENT (Episode 1, as in Mt Lady debut, as in canon.)
July [Bday, July 15, is now 14]
March \[!THE DAY, 2 weeks in: marks]

This is scrapped and/or tabled because I burned out on Rolling Izuku into a usable state. Might rewrite as a low-input quest or something and put the onus of coming up with interesting stuff beyond the dice to at least 12? more people than 1 person. Maybe like, a list of write-in events, voting adds weighting to it, and roll for such an event to happen that year? Idk, MHA's pacing is ridiculously whack and to fast for D(ice)BZ's format. Maybe blitz through the first two years and when UA drops go month by month? Honestly, at this point I'd just go to Jetsmillion's Monster Girl Hero Academia Quest (don't think I spelled it right.)
Naruto: Diceruto, turn 1a


(will be Diceruto: Roulette Chronicles if it ever gets to Shippuden)​

Start point: Post episode 1.
Naruto: *Insert image here*
Stamina Uh... 3. (most normal people get only one)
Shadow Clone: Cost Stamina to cast, ("lol, Uzumaki"/"lol, Kurama"/"lol Naruto" no fucking way will he have to pay to make clones), Create 1d4 clones, Get an advantage dice per clone while they exist. Will take attacks for main body, unless an enemy crit scatters them all.
Sexy Jutsu: Rolls to inflict:
DC: 20/45/75/100. +10 to "perverts"
(Critical Fail: Countered -> 20 -> Failed, no effect -> 45 -> Success, Distracted -> 75 -> Great Success, injury nosebleed (distracted malus equal to pervert bonus + free action) -> 100 -> Critical Success, flying nosebleed IKO. +10 to "perverts"
Harem Jutsu: Sexy Jutsu but roll 1d100 + d10 per clone.
Substitution: contest roll to dodge an attack. 2 round cooldown.
Transform: +10 to stealth roll.
Starts just after he gets his graduation headband from Iruka

Motivation Roll said:
DC: 20/40/60/80
80 + 5 (Needs to catch up and is aware of it.)
Critically Successful!
Naruto jumps at the bit, excitedly getting his stuff in order for ninja training! He seeks out The Old Man, who is amused by his enthusiasm, and reminds Naruto of the origins of Shinobi. Naruto only listens because despite it being history, it's the Old Man, but the point is his pranking experience can be converted into Shinobi Experience.
Years of messing with people and getting away with it is now being channeled into a productive drive instead of being discarded culminates in a +25 Prankster! passive.
14-4=10, 10*2=5. Therefore, Prankster V. I really don't want this to go the way of MDA.

Konohamaru does bratty stuff
[quote: First Impressions:]
Easy DC: 25/45/65/85
36 +10 (good mood) -5 (good mood ruined) = 41
[They do NOT get on the right foot, next roll is Medium Difficulty.]

*Insert elaboration on Ebisu chasing Konohamaru down, and Naruto wouldn't help except Ebisu is being pretty pretentious and also insulted him.*

Ebisu is pretentious!
Roll: "Naruto tries to jump him"
Medium DC: 30/50/70/90
64 + 25 (Prankster!) + 5 (Genin) - 15 (Special Jonin) = 79
Success! Got the drop on him!
Ebisu's Substitution: dc 79
29 +15 (Specialised Jonin) +10 (Specialty: "The Basics") = 54
Fail. Bro's supposed to be a master of the basics or something. How does he not dodge?
Ambush! Ebisu got hit, so also, free action for Naruto! (If you lose a melee, then the winner casts a jutsu or something to deal damage. Unless you're a mook and thus not a named character important enough to care for plot armor)
Chain! Shadow Clone Jutsu! roll 1d4! 4! (oh shit, rip Ebisu)
Naruto had 4 clones, as in, there are now 5 Narutos! And Ebisu has a malus from being ambushed.

Ebisu vs Naruto, 1st proper round
29 -10 (Ambushed) : Advantage: ((86), 41, 52, 83, 42) + 5 (Naruto is at the top of his game!)
Bruh... that's like 19 vs 91. Ebisu might be actually fucking dead for real, whoops!
Fail and Crit, Ebisu knocked down, Naruto finisher!

Naruto: Harem Jutsu!
Sexy Jutsu DC range: 20/45/75/100
d100+4d10, +15 (Flawless Victory) +25 (Prankster) +10 (Pervert: Ebisu)
33+7+6+7+1+15+25+10=104 Crit!
Second Roll: 96 + 4 (Overflow) = 100 (sheeesh!)
Third Roll: 86, (total. 286.) ...Oh god.

So, Ebisu's close to death, and if this was the NSFW board I'd have to add explicit detail to how he also nutted, and Kono either is traumatized or has had an early awakening.

Y'know what? Yeah! Bro has it too good, how's Konohamaru hanging?

Collateral damage roll: said:
Sexy Jutsu DC range: 20/45/75/100
d100+4d10, /2 (not the target) +25 (Prankster) +20 (Double Crit Collateral) -10 (So young so innocent (not for long))
Roll: 2 (pffft, Naruto is really careful with collateral, huh?)
Clone Rolls: {10, 10, 6, 4,} (not his clones, though)
2+30 = 32,
total is 32/2 +25 +20 -10 = 51 (Success, distraction)
Kono is no longer innocent, and now understands that being excessively horny is a weakness to ruthlessly exploit. No horny awakening himself until at least puberty. He at understands that while Ebisu is weak enough to be no diff'd by a Genin, the power of Horny is ridiculously strong. (Would've awoken something at 75 or higher, thank you Naruto for being extra careful. I don't want to talk to Chris Hansen)

Konohamaru and Naruto post-battle bonding. said:
d100 +20 (Naruto: Shonen moment) +15 (Naruto: Flawless Victory) +15 (Konohamaru: Inspired) + 10 (Kono: sad backstory) + 15 (Connecting spirits) -30 (Village ain't big enough for TWO Hokages)
40 +20 +15 +15 +10 +15 -30 = 85
I went out of my way to create a bullshit reason to not be besties. Village ain't big enough should be -20 at most. But in my defense, then I'd have to add Sexy and Prankster II to Kono at least, and that's a bit much.
Well, Naruto doesn't have a designated minion/disciple. And Kono doesn't inherit Prankster from Naruto. But at least now someone else also believes in our boy.

[\spoiler="Result:"] (After a rocky start, Naruto and Konohamaru's relationship rapidly recovered, and is basically like canon but Kono is scared away from horny unless as a weapon or weakness to cover. Also, he never learned Sexy Jutsu. To Iruka and the Third's eternal gratitude... oh wait, knew I forgot someone. [/spoiler]
So Hiruzen was spying. That means he saw EVERYTHING.
Collateral roll: said:
d100+4d10, /2 (not the target) +25 (Prankster) +20 (Double Crit Collateral) +10 (Pervert)
Harem Jutsu rolls: 35 +4 +10 +5 +5 (Guess the angle from the spy ball is different, not nearly as bad as Ebisu)= 59 (half is rounded up because get f'd Hokage lol also clean numbers)
60/2 +25 +20 +10 = 85 (I can't fucking believe Naruto almost killed the Hokage twice in two days!)
Hokage has a nosebleed. He is thankful that he hasn't taught Konohamaru the jutsu but still connected with him despite the rocky start. Naruto will get a small gift soon.

Naruto gets a bonus from dominating the encounter!
Rolls: 1 (Victory) +1 (Collateral: Hokage) +(1 Inspired Kono) +1 (Beat Ebisu, a "Jonin") +1 (Legitimately got the drop on a Jonin) +1 (Flawless Victory) +2 (Double Harem Jutsu Critical) = 8
[I really don't want this to go the way of My Dice Academia, so, yeah: Shonen Moment]

List of potential advancements:
1. Shadow Clone
2. Sexy Jutsu
3. Harem Jutsu
4. Other Ability
5. New Ability Synthesis (be inspired to make a new technique)
6. New Passive!
8d6: 1, 6, 3, 4, 4, 3, 6, 2
Shadow Clone +1
Sexy Jutsu +1
Harem Jutsu +2
Other Ability +2
New Ability Synthesis +0
New Passive! +2

Shadow Clone Level Up!
1: Minimum Colens per cast-> +1
2: Dice -> d6
3: +Dice -> 2d4
1d3: 1, Shadow Clones now spawn 1d4 +1 per cast.

Sexy Jutsu Level Up!
1: Reduce Crit Fail Threshold -> 15
2: Reduce Failure Threshold -> 40
3: Reduce Success Threshold -> 70
4: Reduce Crit Success Threshold -> 95
5: Increase Pervert Killer Boost -> +15
6: General success rate boost-> +1
Roll 1d6: 4, Crit Success Threshold reduced!
Sexy Jutsu: (20/45/75/95, +0, +10 against Perverts)

Harem Jutsu Level Up!
Heads: +1 per clone
Tails: dice per clone ->d12
Tails! Harem jutsu is now d100+xd12, where x is the amount of clones.

Other Ability Level Up *2
Naruto may not have used these, but this battle has taught him how to improve in them regardless!
1: Prankster V (I forgot to add this to the previous roll shhh it's here now)
2: Substitution
3: Transform
roll 2d3: 1, 3 (oh god oh fuck, he has MORE Prankster! I have made a great error.)
Prankster Level Up: Prankster VI (+30 to Stealth, Ambush or Messing with Someone. Will occasionally go out of the way to mess with someone. (Need to nerf it indirectly somehow without axeing it, so self-control troubles it is.))
Roll for Transformation Upgrade:
I have no idea what I'm doing, so roll with this
1: Bonus to Stealth +5 -> 15
2: Increase Solidity (resist attempts of disruption by skill's roll)
3: Focus on a form. (Ability Synthesis idea that I pulled out my ass earlier.)
1d3: 3 New ability/upgraded derivative Jutsu
Focus on a Form:
"That worked really well! Need to make it even better!" (Upgrade Sexy Jutsu)
"That giant shuriken Mizuki-teme had..." (New! Demon Wind Bomb)
"Ok, but what if I was a sword or something?" (New! Transform: Meister Weapon)
"I can turn into a girl, how hard can an animal be?" (New! Animal Mimicry)
"Man, if I substitute and my log transforms into me, they would never see it coming! Closet Pervert eat your heart out!" (New! Log Trick!)
Roll 1d5: 5 (Wait... Transformation relies on stealth... and the change back counter attack is a surprise... WHAT HAVE I DONE???)
New Technique: Transform: Log Trick! (On a successful cast of substitution, roll to transform into the substituted object and successfully deceive the attacker. Then, you can roll to Ambush the opponent.)

2 New Passives!
1: Virgin Killer
2: Orange Swarm
3: Gutsy
4: Never Let Up!
5: Unyielding!
6: The Finisher!
roll 2d6: 6, 6
The Finisher! II (An attempt on the supposedly last action to finish a long task or battle will gain +20)
If Naruto attempts to complete a mission or something that is taking a while, or defeat the last enemy in a battle, his "finishing blow" will gain plus 20 to success rate. Plus 10 per level, up to 3. (I can learn from my mistakes! Sometimes!)
*Insert Naruto reviewing his battle and coming up with new ideas and stuff. Y'know, training fluff.*
*Insert conclusion here*

One last thing... just where IS Ebisu?
Roll 1d50: 15 oooh... ahhh... OK, I'm blatantly cheating because that was the "Forest of Death" on my list, and he's had it bad enough already. Rerolling: 25: Hot Springs. Know what? he got crit twice with a heavy blow, (200+82,) he can reroll twice. 35: Yamanaka Flowers.

Reaction on landing: d100: 51 -10 (Pervert) -20 (Stained Nose, Stained Pants) -20 (Property Damage: Broke through the roof) +10 (Oh, ouch. Are you Okay?) = 11. Okay, so he's not Dead, just grievously wounded and traumatised and out of action for months as a result of Naruto and Ino. Long stay Hospital bed, ICU. Ninjas, y'know how it is.

Character Sheet:
Stamina: 3
Prankster VI (+30 to Stealth, Ambush or Messing with Someone. Will occasionally go out of the way to mess with someone.)
Genin (+5 all conflict related rolls)
The Finisher! II (An attempt on the supposedly last action to finish a long task or battle will gain +20)
Shadow Clone Jutsu: Cost Stamina (lol Uzumaki lol Kurama lol Naruto), gain 1d4+1 clones, advantage dice*clones until they're popped. Will take attacks for main, unless a crit scatters them all
Sexy Jutsu: Rolls to inflict debuffs, DC: 20/45/75/95. +10 to "perverts" (countered, no effect, distraction debuff, distraction + nosebleed injury, Flying Nosebleed: I.K.O. Perverts, Heavy Injury to Super Perverts and may turn non-perverts into Perverts.)
Harem Jutsu: Sexy jutsu but roll 1d100 + d12 per clone.
Substitution: contest roll to dodge. costs stamina
Transform: +10 to stealth roll, [can change form physically.]
Transform: Log Trick! (On a successful cast of substitution, roll to transform into the substituted object and successfully deceive the attacker. Then, you can roll to ambush the opponent.)

Naruto's already started training to be a super cool ninja that's totally Hokage material, Konohamaru never learned the Sexy Jutsu due to Naruto and Konohamaru's rocky start, but they're still friends and rivals. The Third owes Naruto a gift, Ebisu is gone for at least past the Chunin Exams at the least, and I have clearly given Naruto too much power to overcompensate for how terribly the MHA Dice attempt went. Let's fucking do this.

Shadow Clone: Cost 50% Stamina (except Naruto), gain 1d4 clones, advantage dice*clones until they're popped. Will take attacks for main, unless a crit scatters them all
Sexy Jutsu: Rolls to inflict DC: Counter'd/20/Failed/45/Distracted/75/injury nosebleed (distract malus + free action)/100/flying nosebleed IKO. +10 to "perverts"
Harem Jutsu: Sexy jutsu but roll 1d100 + d10 per clone
Substitution: contest roll to dodge. costs stamina
Transform: +10 to stealth roll
Chidori: fast with higher base hit, piercing
Rasengan: piercing, rolls again on hit for bonus damage
Genin: (+5 to all conflict related rolls (Un-upgradeable))
Chunin: (+10 all conflict related rolls (Un-upgradeable))
Special Jonin: (+15 all conflict related rolls (Un-upgradeable))
Specialty (mainly for special Jonin): (+10 to rolls related to specialty)
Jonin: (+20 to all related rolls. (Un-upgradeable))
Power of Prodigy: (+20 to the first attempt of a roll)
Potential of Hard Work: (follow up attempts at a roll will gain an additive +5)
Never Let UP! (On a successful roll, can burn 1 hp/stamina to immediately roll again, up to lvl times)
Unyielding: (On an unsuccessful roll, can burn 1 hp/stamina to immediately roll again, up to lvl times)
The Finisher! (An attempt on the supposedly last action to finish a long task or battle will gain +10*lvl (up to 3))
Gutsy: (at 50% health, lvl*10 percent chance to not consume stamina (up to 5))
1b> Training: Two weeks until team selections: Naruto's training, Hokage gift, roll maybe a d20 for how many people also training/interact, (hope I roll low) and a potential for misadventure. (Or just eating Ramen.)
1c> Faction roll: Konoha (Hiruzen), Or****, R***, G*** Ak******, Hidden Villages or Damiyos in general?

2a> Encounter: Team selections and Bell Test
2b> Training: Team Seven's First Training! plus rolling for extras interacting/training, and a risk of misadventure.
2c> Faction: Probably the same as 1c, unless I roll a one and the Civilian Council decides to exist (I'm joking!)

2.5> how many rolls until the next big mission?

This is better structured and somewhat better organized than Dice Academia, I think
Naruto: Diceruto, turn 1b: Where Ashes meet the Dust
Are you ready for an attempt at peak fiction?
NooneImportant presents:

Turn 1b​

Naruto Uzumaki:
Stamina 4
Prankster VI (+30 to Stealth, Ambush or Messing with Someone. Will occasionally go out of the way to mess with someone.)
Genin (+5 all conflict related rolls)
The Finisher! II (An attempt on the supposedly last action to finish a long task or battle will gain +20)
Shadow Clone: Cost Stamina (lol Uzumaki lol Kurama lol Naruto), gain 1d4+1 clones, advantage dice*clones until they're popped. Will take attacks for main, unless a crit scatters them all
Sexy Jutsu: Rolls to inflict DC: Counter'd/20/Failed/45/Distracted/75/injury nosebleed (distract malus + free action)/95/flying nosebleed IKO. +10 to "perverts"
Harem Jutsu: Sexy jutsu but roll 1d100 + d12 per clone
Substitution: contest roll to dodge. 2 round cooldown
Transform: +10 to stealth roll, [can change form physically.]
Transform: Log Trick! (On a successful cast of substitution, roll to transform into the substituted object and successfully deceive the attacker. Then, you can roll to ambush the opponent.)

Reminder on DC checks
Very Easy: 20/40/60/80
Easy: 25/45/65/85
Medium: 30/50/70/90
Hard: 35/55/75/95
Very Hard: 40/60/80/100

Naruto decided to prepare himself for his first ninja assignment.
Naruto's Training
DC (uhh, easy, Naruto's plenty motivated after the past two days)
1d100 + 5 (Genin) +5 (Does not want the Dead Last stigma)
73 + 5 + 5 = 83 (looking good)
Success! Naruto gets a workout in!
This training roll system is Highly Experimental.
Minor boost, workout benefit:
1: Strength (Weighting: 2)
2: Speed (Weighting: 1)
3: Stamina (Weighting: 3)
Roll 1d6: 6 (Stamina +1)
Naruto's Stamina: 4
Naruto isn't too sure about training strength or speed, but he managed to give himself a workout!
Guest roll 1d12 (14 people), 6 (fuck)
6d14: 1, 5, 3, 4, 13, 11
(...I can work with this)

Sasuke Event:
Roll: Medium
1d100 -10 (Bitter Rivalry) -10 (Sasuke: Bad Mood)
14 -10 -10 = -6 (Oh dear.)

Naruto goes and shows off his new headband to the first former classmate he sees. Sasuke is disbelieving, Naruto insists, and insults Sasuke by implying his eyesight is too poor to see the headband. Sasuke starts slinging insults back, it becomes a verbal slugfest, and Naruto's temper boils when Sasuke claims Naruto is too much of a loser to ever amount to anything.
Naruto defends by claiming Iruka-sensei himself gave this headband. Sasuke snarls that it was out of pity. Things... devolved from there.

While Naruto is stunned and fuming over Sasuke's slander, he gets rushed down.
He gets combo'd, he hops back, but that gives room for Sasuke to put his hands together...
"This is the power of the Uchiha! Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"
...and breathe out, hard.
The field is bathed in fire, the sky is orange and red, and not even Naruto's glaring bright jacket can be seen. If he screamed, it can't be heard over the roar of the flames, which spread across the summer-dried grass, bathing the entire field in flames, reshaping the landscape. Sasuke takes a second to bask in the heat, the blazing fire that his clan was known for, beyond the Sharingan. Proof that he is Sasuke Uchiha.
As the majority of the flames burn out, the view clears to reveal the changed world, with trees given an impromptu topiary and painted in soot, while the grass is gone, replaced with a layer of ash over the dust and the dirt.
And right there, in the center, was the loser, Naruto. Sooty and ash-covered, with hot-red burns peeking underneath. Covering the only green grass left in eyeshot with his curled up body. Whimpering. Weak.
Sasuke has not had enough blood. "And stay down, loser!"
He charges at the prone Naruto, booting him in the stomach, only to stub his toe on a log instead.
Sasuke immediately spins around, searching every angle for where Naruto ran off to.
Every angle... except right in front of him, as the log became Naruto like Naruto became the log, and Sasuke got bounced off the ground by a fist to the face.
Naruto brings his hands together to make a cross with his fingers. "If you wanted to kill me, you didn't get close enough! Shadow Clone Jutsu!"
One Naruto becomes three, but Sasuke refuses to believe that Naruto has learnt the Clone Jutsu, and demands information, because he refuses to believe Naruto of all people hit him in the face hard enough to inflict double vision.
Naruto taunts him, suggesting he get his head checked if not his eyesight since his bell got rung.
Incensed, Sasuke drives a fist through Naruto's stomach, except 'Naruto' vanished like a cloud. From his right, another Naruto comes flying in, Sasuke ducks under and uppercuts him between the legs. When he turns around to face the last Naruto, he gets a heel driven right into his nose. He slides across the ash covered grass, sprawling.
Sasuke pulls himself up, fury and disgust in his eye.
Naruto slides across the ashen grass, ducking under Sasuke's punch that was a little too high, and swings his arm across, to hit thin air as a log appears just below his arm. Naruto twists, losing his balance and falls on his face, covering it in ash.
Sasuke walks back into view, gloating. "You are not the only one who can substitute, Dead Last."
Naruto wasn't having it. He shuts Sasuke up once and for all, running headfirst into him, then swinging an uppercut right where Sasuke's jaw meets his throat.
Sasuke falls backwards to the ground, sprawled on the ash, he groans, but he does not have the energy to get up.
Naruto tilts his head up, trying to breathe in the ashen sweltering air. He hears a gasp to his right, and it's Sakura.
He calls out to her, "Sakura, I won! I finally beat this asshole!"
"Sasuke!" Sakura cries. She runs over to his prone form, and shoos away Naruto. "Go away, you moron! How could you have hurt him so badly?"
Naruto doesn't try to correct her, and just walks off, even as he knows that behind him, Sasuke is ungratefully slapping away Sakura's hands. He just goes and gets out of there, away from those two who will never believe him, or believe in him.
He won a hard fought battle... But did he really win anything?
Sasuke: 2 Stamina, 2 Speed, 0 Strength
Naruto: 4 Stamina, 0 Speed, 0 Strength
Sasuke: 1d100 +5 (Genin) +20 (Prodigy) +5 (Uchiha Privlege) +2 (Speed) vs. Naruto: 1d100 + 5 (Genin) -6 (Crit Fail)
53 : 40 = Sasuke Advantage!
Naruto Substitution: DC 53
30 + 5 (Genin) = 35, He's hit
Chain! Sasuke: Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu
DC: Medium (30/50/70/90)
1d100 + 5 (Genin) + 5 (Uchiha Privlege) +5 (Fire Style Training) + 20 (Prodigy) +2 (Speed)
93 (damn...) + 5 + 5 + 5 + 20 + 2 = 130
Roll 2: 71 + 30 = 101 (Sasuke's really gonna get away with this?)
Roll 3: 26 + 1 = 27 (total 227)
Naruto is aflame and at 1/4 Stamina. Can't substitute on a crit. (Aren't you glad Naruto trained Stamina earlier?)
Round 2:
Sasuke: 1d100 + 5 (Genin), +5 (Uchiha Privlege) +2 (Speed) - 5 (small kid just cast big fireball) vs. Naruto: 1d100 + 5 (Genin) -10 (Ablaze)
37+5+5+2-5 : 34+5-10
44 : 29 Goes to Sasuke (Naruto is not beating the Dead Last allegations)
Naruto Substitute: DC 44
86 + 5 (Genin) = 91
Counter Crit! (That's more like it!)
Follow Up: Naruto: Log Trick!
Difficulty: Easy! (Substitute Crit)
Naruto: 1d100 +5 (Genin) +10 (Transform) +30 (Prankster)
100 (...holy fuck.) + 5 + 10 + 30 = 145
Combo Roll: 24 + 45 = 49 (149 total)
Log Trick Counterattack!
DC: Very Easy (Sub' and 'Form Crits)
Naruto: 1d100 +5 (Genin) + 30 (Prankster)
55 +5 +30 = 90 (Give an inch and Naruto'll take your face and drag it down the road for a fucking mile!) Critical!
Naruto has ambushed Sasuke! Sasuke cannot use speed as a bonus! Critical Ambush, Naruto has a free hit!
Chain! Naruto: Shadow Clone Jutsu
1d4+1: 1 (Was beating the Dead Last allegations. Was.) 2 Clones.
Round 3
Sasuke: 1d100 +5 (Genin) +5 (Uchiha Privelege) -10 (Ambushed)
Naruto: adv.(3)d100 (Clones) +5 (Genin)
98 : (44 (94) 47) +5
98 : 99 (So they both crit naturally, but Naruto did get the drop on him because of Sasuke's denial.) They both get a clean hit (injury) on each other, but remember that Shadow Clones take the hit? Except that Sasuke also Crit, except Naruto technically won the contest... I got it! I'm biased, I know. Towards Naruto, anyway.
Sasuke: 1/2 Stamina
This is Naruto's chance to prove himself to Sasuke. (Final Blow!)
Round 4
Sasuke: 1d100 +5 (Genin) +5 (Uchiha Privelege) -10 (Ambushed)
Naruto: 1d100 +5 (Genin) +20 (The Finisher!)
30+5+5-10 : 17+5+20
30 : 42
Sasuke's Substitution
DC 42
Sasuke: 1d100 +5 (Genin) +5 (Uchiha Privelege) -10 (Ambushed)
85+5+5-10 = 85 (Crit. Uhh... Sasuke's no longer in an Ambushed state?)
Round 5
Sasuke: 1d100 +5 (Genin) +5 (Uchiha Privelege) +2 (Speed)
Naruto: 1d100 +5 (Genin) +20 (The Finisher!)
61+5+5+2 : 89+5+20 (He finally beat the allegations.)
73 : 114 (Naruto Crit)
Naruto Extra Roll: 32+14 = 46
(Sasuke takes 1 damage due to uncontested crit. Even if he could Substitution a crit, it's on a recharge.)
Naruto and Sasuke cooperation difficulty Very Hard
Naruto and Sakura cooperation difficulty Very Hard
Naruto and Sasuke have: Very Bitter Rivalry (-15 to cooperation)
Naruto Level Up
Rolls: 1 (Victory) + 1 (Cutting it Close) + 1 (Got the Drop on Rookie of the Year) +2 (Double Log Trick Critical (Technically)) = 5
List of potential advancements:
1: Shadow Clone
2: Substitution
3: The Finisher! II
4: Transform
5: Other Ability
6: New or Upgrade Passive
7: Learn a new Skill or Passive
8: Increase Stats
5d8: 6, 5, 2, 7, 5
Substitution +1
Upgrade other Abilities +2
New or Upgraded Passive +1
Learn new Skill or Passive +1
Substitution Level Up +1
1: Success Boost +1 (Lowers DC)
2: Reduce Cooldown! 2->1
3: Skill Synthesis! (Naruto gets his creative juices flowing and comes up with a new brand of bullshit)
1d3: 2
Substitution Cooldown reduced to 1 turn of downtime after a success. (If he subs on round 2, now it's back online at the start of round 4 instead of 5.)
Substitution: (contest roll to dodge. 1 round cooldown)
Upgrade Other Abilities +2
1: Sexy Jutsu
2: Harem Jutsu
3: Skill Synthesis!
2d3: 1, 3 (hahaha...)
Sexy Jutsu Level Up!
1: Reduce Crit Fail Threshold -> 15
2: Reduce Failure Threshold -> 40
3: Reduce Success Threshold -> 70
4: Reduce Crit Success Threshold -> 90
5: Increase Pervert Killer Boost -> +15
6: General success rate boost-> +1
1d6: 1 (Less chance of Naruto eating shit and dying like when he tried this against Sasuke in canon.)
Sexy Jutsu: Rolls to inflict DC: Counter'd/15/Failed/45/Distracted/75/injury nosebleed (distract malus + free action)/95/flying nosebleed IKO. +10 to "perverts"
Skill Synth:
1: Shadow Clone
2: Substitution
3: Transformation
1d3: 3 (Okay, Henge popping off.)
Transformation Evolution:
1: "That fireball nearly killed me! If I could transform into a shield or a rock, It might have saved me! Or at least if a clone could" (New! Decoy Cover)
2: "That giant shuriken Mizuki-teme had..." (New! Demon Wind Bomb)
3: "Ok, but what if I was a sword or something?" (New! Transform: Meister Weapon)
4: "I can turn into a girl, how hard can an animal be?" (New! Animal Mimicry)
1d4: 2 (Oh, Hell Yeah!)
New! Demon Wind Bomb (Attack the opponent for 30/50/70/90, Using Transformation's bonus +0. On a Critical Fail, get counter hit (not a problem with clones). Otherwise, even with Fail, attempt to attack a second time, getting easier the better the first throw's success was.)
New or Upgrade Passive +1
1: Prankster VI
2: The Finisher II
3: New! Gutsy
4: New! Potential of Hard Work
1d4: 1. (I'm not fucking joking, that's what the Google widget has. Freaking hell!)
Prankster VII/X (+35 to Being sneaky or fucking with someone. Will occasionally go out of the way to mess with someone. Glory to the jesters, I guess)
New Skill or Passive! +1
1: Skill Evolution/Synthesis!
2: New Skill!
3: New Passive!
1d3: 3 (New Passive!)
New Passive:
1: New! Gutsy (For negating/reducing damage when in a critical state)
2: New! Potential of Hard Work (Inverse of Power of Prodigy)
3: New! Orange Swarm (More Clones, Naruto Unique)
4: New! Fire Resistance (Bro, he survived a 3 damage Fire attack, and won.)
5: New! Where Ashes meet Dust (Made up on the spot. A will of steel was forged in the flame-raged ground.)
6: New! Underdog's Grudge (+5 Bonus against someone of a sort of higher status. (10 levels))
1d6: 5 (Fuck, now I had to make this up on the spot... I know!)
Ashes and Dust I (The round after you survive an attack, gain +5 per stamina lost in the previous round) (Up to 3)
Sasuke Level Up
Rolls: 1 (Close) + 1 (Avenger: Need More Power) + 2 (Double Grand Fireball Critical) = 4
List of potential advancements:
1: Grand Fireball
2: Power of Prodigy
3: Uchiha Privilege
4: Substitution
5: Other Ability
6: New or Upgrade Passive
7: Learn a new Skill or Passive
8: Increase Stats
4d8: 6, 6, 8, 2
Power of Prodigy +1
New or Upgrade Passives +2
Stat Increase +1
Power of Prodigy -> III (Max) (+30 on first attempt/round)
Stat Increase: +1
1: Speed (Weighting 3)
2: Strength (Weighting 2)
3: Stamina (Weighting 1)
1d6: 6
Sasuke Stamina: ->3
New or Upgrade Passive +2
1: Uchiha Privilege II
2: Fire Style II
3: Fueled by Hate I (Made up on the spot, will exacerbate the hate)
4: The Need to Be Strong (There are greater Heights)
-: Power of Prodigy III (Maxed)
2d4: 1, 3 (Damn it. Couldn't've been The Pyro upgrade, Couldn't've been There Are Greater Heights, only the two Passives detrimental to Sasuke's character development, why did I put these in here? I literally re-rolled the 3 (blatantly cheating) and still got ANOTHER THREE. This has turned into a Sasuke-bashing bad-fic moment and it's not 100% my fault! (Only 66%))
(Last) Uchiha Privelege II (Plus +10 to all rolls in Konoha, except when contested by someone racist against the Uchiha.) (Uchiha Privelege will have the chance to split into "Noble Clan Bonus II" (Passive) and "Sharingan {I,I}" in times of stress/critical health starting level III. Or whenever this fucker is off-screen long enough for me to not have to write it.)
Fuelled by Hate I (out of X) (+5 to conflict rolls. -5 to social rolls. Will seek out conflict and hold grudges.)
He was the best in the class.
Sasuke finally gotten away from that irritant with the pink hair, and threw himself into training. He was the strongest in his class, how did he lose to the one dumbass who only graduated out of pity.
He finishes his fourth set of sit-up repetitions, and lies on the fresh, slightly overgrown grass of the Uchiha training fields. He is the final remnant of the noble Uchiha clan, why and how did he lose to a literal pity case?
...Itachi said to hate him. Is that enough? Hate someone enough to be driven to surpass them? So be it. Sasuke's hate will cover the world like night.
He hates Itachi. He will Die.
He hates whoever pissed all over the Uchiha's Sovereignty and traditional funerary rites, stealing their corpses without even an ash urn to show for it. They will Burn.
He hates Naruto, for embarrassing him, but also thanks him, for showing that if a loser can get the better of him, he still has a long way to go before Itachi. He may live, but Sasuke will never forgive him.
..And if he gets in his way again, there will not even be ashes of him left to show next time.

Naruto put his hands together in the tiger seal, the last thing he saw before his world became fire. He bring his hands into fists, pointed down. Sasuke almost killed him. As Naruto interlocks his fingers, holding his hands at a perpendicular angle, he ponders the flow and result of that fight. How he burned, how he got back up, how he finally knocked the dismissive smugness off of the bastard's face. He rests his right open palm on his left fist. He muses on how Sakura scorned him and ran to check on the bastard, even after Naruto was the one nearly burnt to a crisp. He interlocks his fingers again, palms pressed together like a prayer. Why was Sakura so fond of Sasuke and dismissive of Naruto? Was she scared off by the violence? All he did was pound his face in a couple of times, Sasuke was the one who burnt down the field! Naruto cycles through the seals for the Substitution in order: Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake. He cycles through the seals that saved his bacon as his mind cycled through the battle, trying to find an answer for how it could've been better, or even how it could've possibly been worse.

Sasuke isn't the only asshole Naruto has fought, Mizuki was kind of a dick even as a teacher. Naruto remembers nearly losing Iruka to an over-sized throwing star. Just like Iruka nearly lost him today to an oversized firecracker.
Should he even tell Iruka what happened? No. It'll just give Iruka anxiety he doesn't deserve to suffer from. What if he doesn't want Naruto to be a ninja anymore and takes his headband back?
Naruto summons a clone who transforms into a Fuma Shuriken, like the one that Mizuki used. Sasuke is good at Shuriken Arts, too.
Naruto wrenches the giant chunk of faux-sharpened metal and spins around, slinging it as a discuss. It chops through a couple of branches, but before it can stick itself into the trunk of a tree, it reverts into a clone, who clings to the tree, resisting the urge to throw up. The clone shakes it off and jumps off the tree, throwing a flying kick before popping.
Naruto is inspired; he has an idea! It'll require learning to not get dizzy, but he'd like to see Sasuke use his fancy shuriken trick shots to deflect this!

"Dog, Boar, Ram. And go!" A blonde, curvy supermodel clothed in nothing but twin-tails and anime-brand steam appears, strikes a flashy pose for less than a second, before throwing herself to the side and vanishing in favor of a blond covered in nothing but ash and actual clothing.
The Sexy Jutsu is a goldmine, and has won Naruto most of his fights (in conjunction with the Shadow Clone Jutsu), but someone like Sasuke would probably attack before they actually have the chance to fall for it, and those kinds of people will probably attack with a lot of fire, or knives, or maybe just crush him with a giant toad!
So Naruko needs to be able to get out of the way when someone like Sasuke won't, no matter what position she's in. Even in the most eye-catching, show-stopping, nose-bleeding positions, just in case.

Sakura and the bastard have cleared out of the field. Naruto walks across the ash back to where there are soot and smear marks along the ground. He looks down at the sole patch of dried but uncharred grass, where he could only brace and feel the piercing heat eat at his skin and cook him into a fried Naruto ramen topping. Naruto could go for some ramen right now. But he'll need to go for a wash first; It's been a bit after the fight, but after all that, he still has ash marks on his face. He turns and sees a smeared line where you can see the baked dirt underneath the ash. Where his face met the ground, where the ash meets the dust. Even after the fight is done with, Naruto still feels the heat, the light, the smell of himself being cooked. How can anyone handle it? How does someone who aims to be the literal Fire Shadow, be scarred by flames?

Ayo, does Naruto acquire a Pyrophobia debuff from this? DC: Hard (35/55/75/95)
1d100: 97 (Nope. Naruto conquers fear and has babies with it. Remember: Hinata is fear incarnate.)

..No. He will become Hokage. And that means he will be the shadow of all flames. No big shot punk with a flamethrower in his mouth will tell him to stay down.
Who does Sasuke think he is? Vengeance? Furaribi? Naruto will return from the ash, burning brighter than any fireball Sasuke could ever spit out.
Like that Kiara girl from that pretty magazine he found looking for material for Sexy Jutsu. The fire chicken girl! Firebird girl?* Oh yeah! Takanashi Kiara the Venus! Fenicks?
Whatever. Naruto will rise up. Naruto will claw his way to the top, out of the burning hell, and onto the Hokage Monument.

Naruto will become Hokage, and you better believe it.

Forget Fire Res, this man will Face The Flames/In the Shadow of Fire (+5 against Fire Style Masters and Fire Style Jutsu. Reduces effectiveness of Ablaze malus by 5.)
(*They both sound like Hinotori)

Still, there are people off to the side still boggling at the charred field. Might as well explain what happened. You've faced the fireball that caused this destruction and got back up. There's no reason to fear citizens of the Land of Fire.
Oh, hey! There's Konohamaru!

Konohamaru Event:
Roll: Medium
1d100 +10 (Friendly Rivalry)
75 +10 = 85 (Bro... We fucking take those!)
Crit Success
Kono comes across Naruto after the shitshow above, and will apply to his Gramps to change the teams. Also, Naruto's does not suffer a malus for his other interactions this turn, but if canon teams form... Also, roll to gain something from this.
1d100 + 10 (Kono: Friendly Rivalry) -10 (Bad mood) +5 (Bad mood salvaged)
91 + 10 - 10 + 5 = 96 Critical! Free training Round, I guess!
As an actually healthy rivalry, they decide to cross-train, even though Naruto is still sore and tender-roasted while Konohamaru is not even in the Academy.
Kono Roll: (Not making a Character Sheet, just leaving it in the notes to resolve later.) 1d100 -5 (Not even Academy) +10 (Training Partner, Stronger) +10 (Friendly Rivalry) +5 (Excited for Real Ninja Training Hours)
DC: Easy 25/45/65/85 (Tutoring)
14-5+10+10+5 = 34 Fail: no gains, no pains
Naru Roll: 1d100 +5 (Training Partner, Weaker) +10 (Friendly Rivalry) +5 (Genin) +5 (Take the mind off) -10 (Bad Mood) +5 (Bad Mood Salvaged)
DC: Hard (injury) 35/55/75/95
27+5+10+5+5-10+5 = 47 Fail. We already had big upgrades earlier. Let him cool down a bit. Literally, as well.
Konohamaru listens in rapture to Naruto's recount, how he got roasted alive, how he swapped with a log and back while disguised as a log, how he missed a punch but rammed headfirst into Sasuke while he was gloating and got him in the end. How Sakura ran for Sasuke without looking his way, and that has been how it's always been no matter what he tried.
Konohamaru decides that Naruto can do better than those two, and encourages him to keep moving forward to spite them.
They decide to do better next time, (next time for Naruto anyway,) and attempt to cross-train with each other.
Naruto's injury sores keep spiking in pain, ruining the lessons he tries to impart by interrupting his train of thought. Konohamaru doesn't have and material to actually teach himself. Even though they don't actually get anything done, they have a good time. Mission Accomplished, Konohamaru. Great Work.
Now, to make a detour to visit Gramps...

Shikamaru Event
DC: Medium
1d100 +10 (Shikamaru: Smart)
25 +10 = 35 (At least I don't have to write much)

Shikamaru's a bit too distracted to listen to Naruto run his mouth about what happened. While he Saw the injuries on Sasuke when he broke away from being dragged off by Sakura, the bruises pale in comparison to Naruto's. instead of patches of boiled red between tanned skin, it's the opposite on the exposed parts of his body. The ash on his face covers his face, making him look like a different person. Like any other person who just had been burned alive. Any blonde who Sasuke could've shot a fireball at. Like Ino. Ino, who's been a bother since they were babies. Ino, who he only tolerated most of the time despite her proclivities to being disruptive because their dads are best friends. Ino who would've died to such an attack that repainted an entire field in char and ash.
"Hey, Shikamaru, are you even listening right now?" Naruto snaps him out of his reverie.
"Wow. How troublesome." The situation was dire even if it's swept under the rug politically. The team selections are being made right now, after all.
"Well if you are too busy thinking to listen, I'm just going to go then." Naruto probably misread what he meant, but Shikamaru was busy thinking right now. He send a weak "take care" to the blond walking away, and muses on the knock on effects of this fight. He stares at the ash covered ground, and steps on it. He can still feel the heat under his sandals. He sits down on the ash, presses his fingertips and thumbtips together, and meditaties, pondering, analysing, planning.

(Interaction didn't go anywhere, but Ino's going to be concerned over how not-passive Shikamaru is going to be around her and Chouji.)

Hinata Event
DC: Easy (Girl loves her Naruto-kun)
1d100 +10 (Hinata: Compassion) +5 (Fond of Naruto) -5 (He doesn't know) +15 (Sympathy: 3 damage) -5 (Who IS this girl?) (I'm blatantly cheating by bullshitting a -5 Malus for one reason)
49+10+5-5+15 -5 = 69 (This reason. Since the difficulty is Easy, it's in the same success tier anyway.) Great Success! Also, Funny Horny Number lol.

*Umm, on horny board, insert Hinata walk on a desperate Naruto washing off the ash downstream.*
Is Hinata a pervert?
1d100 +15 (that's her crush) +15 (giving her quite the show earlier) -30 (Years of Hyuuga Pressure) -20 (Lack of Faith in self)
8 -20. (No. she is too busy being horrified by the burns and how much they hurt Naruto to be horny right now.)
So, Hinata comes across a cleaned up Naruto, applies an oil so he doesn't smell as burnt, (lotion his back?) blushes hard when he thanks her, but realizes he never asked her name. She sat in the back right of the classroom, and Naruto didn't pay the most attention to most classmates.
Now, Naruto's off to actually eat, and invites Hinata.

DC: Hard (Naruto's inviting her, Hyuuga Pressure, Kinda a wallflower)
1d100 +10 (A Date!) -10 (A Date?) +5 (Fond of Naruto) +15 (Asked out by Crush) +15 (Got quite the show earlier) -30 (Years of Hyuuga Pressure) -20 (Lack of Faith in self)
93 +10 -10 +5 +15 +15 -30 -20 = 83 (Hinata, I am so sorry for cucking you out of straight up confessing.) Greater Success
Hinata feels faint, and squeaks out something that sounds like a yes before stumbling over, and getting caught by Naruto. Who assumes that she's feeling faint because she hasn't eaten in a while. He carries her off to Ichiraku Ramen.

(Naruto recognises Hinata be name and face now. Hinata got the eye candy? Sorta? Anyway, Naruto walking around covered in ash really rattled some bones. Him covered in healed burns should look a little better... Right?)

Ichiraku Event
DC: Very Easy (Boy loves his Ramen)
1d100 +5 (Fond of Naruto) +15 (Hanging out with a new friend/Date with Crush) -10 (Bro, you need a hospital, not a restaurant)
31+5+15-10 = 41 Barely Success.
The Ichirakus almost didn't let Naruto eat and wanted to send him to the hospital, but his feverish assurance that Hinata helped him with some sick ninja secret recipe had them let it go. They still chastised Naruto over not getting himself get so hurt, but also letting slip something is secret. Naruto apologizes to Hinata, and Hinata waves it off, it's not a clan secret, just a personal recipe.
Naruto and Hinata bonding roll
DC Medium (The hangout is already happening, Hyuuga Pressure)
1d100 +10 (Definitely friends (at least)) +15 (Hanging out with a new friend/Date with Crush) +10 (Bonding Bites) +5 (Naruto: "Damn, Hinata's actually cool") +5 (Hinata: Senpai noticed her) -30 (Hyuuga Pressure)
86 (Oh shit! (positive)) +10 +15 +10 +5 +5 -30 = 101 (Ichiraku fixes everything!)
Roll 2: 29+1 = 30 (130 total! Now, What the fuck do I do with a social roll crit?)
Hinata slips about never actually paying him back for the scarf incident (he took the heat from some bullies and her minder took her away before she could thank him). He then declares that since they're friends, she doesn't have to. She proceeds to pull a Narizzto level smooth and declares Naruto doesn't have to pay her back for the ointments then. Except she was stuttering so it came off as cute. Still nailed it. Ganbare, Hinata. Teuchi and Ayame approve of Hinata. Naruto realize that Between him and Hinata, he doesn't actually have enough cash to cover it. Teuchi and Ayame are willing to put it on a tab now that he's about to be employed, but Hinata drops some money to pay it off. Naruto complains about him being the one to invite, and thus he should pay it. Even if Hinata's basically a princess. Naruto also denies Hinata sulking about not being a very good princess, on the basis that princesses are supposed to be kind, which is definitely Hinata. Naturally, she blushed.

(Naruto and Hinata are friends and have time to build up actual chemistry before getting hitched (or being the closest they can without, Dice forbid.))
(Also, Teuchi and Ayame welcome Hinata to Ichiraku, Ayame ships them.)

Choji Event
DC Medium
1d100 +10 (Choji: Compassion)
84 + 10 = 94 (Choji can actually pay attention and listen I guess)
Naruto walks down the road after splitting from Hinata. He comes across Choji, who's chowing down. Choji asked Shikamaru why's he's in a funk and was pointed to Naruto.
Naruto complains about Shikamaru not paying attention to what Choji understood from him as a recounting of nearly burning to death.
Naruto is surprised that Shikamaru was in fact paying attention, and regales Choji with the context he's missing. Choji figures out Shikamaru is panicking over the idea of being on the receiving end of a similar strength attack, and started overthinking ideas on how to avoid it.
Naruto gets it, but says that it'd be easier to get strong enough to not worry about it in the first place.
Choji explains that solving problems with his brain is the way thinkers like Shikamaru does things, while their job is to solve things with their hands.
1d100 +10 (Good mood) +5 (Deep Wisdom dropped by Chadji)
54+10+5=69 (I swear I didn't fudge this one hot damn.) Success! (So nothing, but Naruto has thoughts on philosophy, so uh, plot hooks, character development, yay? Fine, Choji, if he gets relevant enough for a full character sheet, gets "Chad" as a passive, with a chance to evolve it into Megachad and Gigachad.)
Deep words that grant Naruto some insight into the nature of things, but no epiphanies or anything. In the meantime, Choji does some friendly teasing about how friendly he has gotten with Hinata. While Naruto isn't definitively "over" Sakura, he is aware of how bad he seems to look to her, and that's choking any kind of dating topic right now. Choji apologizes for making it awkward, but the conversation is saved and ended by two ANBU dropping down on either side of the two, a clear three meters away, to send a message that the Hokage wishes to see Naruto, supposedly about the incident that happened earlier today.

DC Medium
1d100 +5 (Fond of Naruto) +5 (Fond of the Old Man) -20 (You've caused quite a bit of trouble) +5 (Not actually Naruto's fault the field is burnt.) +15 (Sympathy: 3 damage)
60+5+5-20+5+15=70 (The minimum for a Great Success.)
The Hokage asks Naruto for his account of the incident with Sasuke, and explains that the "blind" comment is what ticked him off: His family jutsu are, as Naruto calls them, "super eyeballs, like the Hyuugas but red instead of white." So calling Sasuke blind hit a little closer to home than intended.
To be fair, Naruto did not earn a headband out of pity, and implying such was also out of line.
Using a B rank jutsu in unsanctioned combat against a fellow Konoha Shinobi prospect ("Prospect? What do you mean, prospect?" "That's not the point anyway, B rank jutsu,") is also out of line, but none of the clones even hit Sasuke, and it's not like Naruto was the one who dealt heavy damage to the environment and another person with a fire jutsu. Naruto demands a minor concession for damages, cheeky brat. (Well, the Hokage still secretly owes him for resisting the urge to teach his grandson the Sexy Jutsu.)
The Hokage is not willing to judge if Naruto can be trusted with the sort of power that could do something like burn down a field, that's his Jonin-sensei's job. No super powerful jutsu for you, Naruto. He's a little pouty, but concedes, considering he was just on the bad end of someone with that sort of uncontrolled power. Hokage offers to spot Naruto a couple of bowls at Ichiraku's instead, but Naruto has already had Ramen with Hinata.
This gives Naruto an idea, and he asks for advice, like what he got after the Forbidden Scroll Incident. Between Hinata, who he apparently could've been friends with this whole time, and Sakura, who he is sure hates him and ran for Sasuke despite what happened in their fight, Naruto definitely has girl troubles.
And the Old Man is old, but he lost his wife in the Ninetails attack, which means he had a wife, and also Konohamaru so he's also had a family, which means he has talked to a lot of girls and thus is the most qualified to help Naruto solve his girl troubles. Supposedly, the Hokage also played the field before Biwako, he was young once, too. So, the Old Man shares some wisdom and insights about navigating the female mind, and also has some notes made for review on Naruto's own time. Hopefully, being able to understand them will help him reconcile with these ladies, as well as help him in any other... endeavors that may need such skills.

This should be a crit prize, but it kind of wrote itself. Naruto is now a budding Ladykiller I (+5 interacting with females. (Up to 10))
Naruto also has the Hokage's Notes to Romance and talking with women, and will read it whenever he has some time. They're notes from the Old Man Hokage! Made literally in response to his issues! Of course they're important!

Kono's Request
1d100 +5 (Fond of Naruto) +10 (Clearly not a good fit) +15 (Sympathy: 3 damage) +10 (Konohamaru) -10 (a kid) +10 (Can you trust this won't happen again?) -15 (Kakashi pressing the scales) -20 (The other teams would need to be scrambled.)
50+5+10+15+10-10+10-15-20 (He's a kid, but he's Hiruzen's kid and makes a good point)
Konohamaru scrambles into his grandfather's office, making sure to not crash into Naruto this time. He stares at the papers Naruto is cradling before shaking his head and running up to his grandpa's desk. He is refused the details of the team selection, but begs that Naruto and Sasuke are not put together. However, some bigshot Jonin Kakashi butt is trying to push them together, (along with that Sakura girl, which will make the problem worse,) but can you trust that he will try to make them work together? In no world will they not immediately start fighting when his back is turned. Konohamaru's Gramps agrees to bring up the possibility, but he makes no promises.

Misc Event roll (A lot happened and I'm tired, but technically it's been one day out of two weeks. what the fuck. two events.)
1d12: 11, 10, Go shopping, Seek out a friend (Might just cancel this roll, what could Naruto possibly buy... aha!)
DC: Medium: 1d100: 24 (He does not get fresh milk. Oh dear, skipping.)
Seek out a Friend:
1: Old Man
2: Kono
3: Iruka
4: Hinata
1d4: 3 (Neato! I have no idea how to write him! Wing it!)

Is sensei out of the hospital yet? Light duty? Close enough. Naruto goes to seek out Iruka, doing paperwork at the Academy. Iruka's pleased to see Naruto after almost a week, and Naruto sits on the front desk of the classroom to talk and vibe.
DC: Very Easy (It's Fucking Iruka, what, do you want a Naruto-hating Iruka?)
1d100 +15 (Kindred Spirits) +10 (Fond of Each Other) +5 (Man's proud of him.)
(Before the roll: I already have a plan: Fail: Pleasantries, the hospital was very boring, and Naruto doesn't want to tell Iruka how he nearly died not even two days into being an official ninja prospect. Success: They have a great time bonding, Naruto makes a complaint about Sasuke, and Iruka lectures him about acceptable targets. Great Success: Iruka notices Naruto's notes and helps him study. Crit: I hope not. This either means cross-training or ugh, Iruka teaching Naruto a skill he knows. This includes, basics, chakra control, echolocation, barrier seals, and the Teacher, and Prankster passives. Not all of those are applicable, but guess which are?)
65 (f***)+15+10+5 = 95 Critical Success.
Study Notes
Learn Skill/Skill Trade
1d3: 2
Iruka listens to Naruto gush about how hard he's been training, and how he's already come up with some new tricks! Iruka is proud of him, and says maybe one day, he'll be the one teaching people jutsu. Naruto has an idea, why not teach each other a new technique? After all, Iruka's not his school teacher, anymore they're fellow Konoha ninja! Iruka likes his cheek, and goes along.
Iruka's learning Skill: DC Medium
1d100 +15 (Kindred Spirit) +5 (Training Partner: Weaker) -10 (Naruto does not know how to teach) +10 (But Iruka knows how to learn) +5 (And Naruto's really earnest about this)
Roll 2: 39+4=43
1 point. Neat.
Naruto's applicable offers:
1: Prankster Level
2: The Finisher!
3: Substitution Level
4: Transformation Level
5: Sexy Jutsu
6: Demon Wind Bomb
7: Log Trick
1d7: 7 (Neat)
Iruka can do the Log Trick now.
Naruto's learning Skill: DC Medium
1d100 +15 (Kindred Spirit) +10 (Training Partner: Stronger) +5 (Actually learning something useful?!?) -10 (Naruto does not know how to learn) +30 (But Iruka knows how to teach: Iruka's Teacher III) +5 (And they're having a ball)
89+15+10+5-10+30+5=144 (That's one.)
Roll 2: 25+44=69 (That's... two I guess.)
Iruka's applicable offers:
1: Teacher
2: Study Habits (if I roll this I'm rerolling once without telling you guys I swear)
3: Prankster Level (please no)
4: Transformation Level
5: Substitution Level
6: Chakra Control I
7: Seals: Barrier: Trigger
2d7: 3, 1 (why. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Teacher's nice, though.)
Prankster VIII (+40 to Stealth, Ambush or Messing with Someone. Will occasionally go out of the way to mess with someone. (up to 10))
Teacher I (+10 when in a tutoring position, (up to 3.))
(At least I can say they learnt enough to write that it took the rest of the break)
Naruto claims that he is going to teach Iruka-sensei his signature sexy jutsu. Just as he raises his last hand seal, Iruka's fist careens in to pop him on the head. He end up hitting a classic log, and wonders where Naruto ran off to. But then Naruto pops back in right in his face, and laughs as Iruka leaps back in shock, before he starts chuckling too. "The Log Trick was the first thing I came up with after I graduated. It started with me having the idea to set up clones transformed into Substitution Logs, so when I make the swap, the clones are right in their face ready to counter, you get it? But then I thought, I could cut out the middle man and also just transform myself. Since you can't do as many Shadow Clones, sensei, I'm teaching you that version.
"...Naruto. The Transformation jutsu is a illusion disguise, like the academy's Clone Jutsu."
"...No, it's always been solid for me. Solid Transforms. Solid Clones. Probably a Solid Substitution, if that existed. It's why Sexy Jutsu is extra effective. Most ninja can tell if something's an illusion, right? but if it's solid, it's real, and then the effect that messes with their head cant be dispelled because it's real."
"Huh." Iruka pondered the ramifications, of a legitimate shapeshifting Transformation Jutsu, as he attempt to replicate Naruto's work when not even he understood what he did differently. He doesn't get far, but He somehow manages to get the 'become a log' part down, and that is a baseline to work off of in the future.
They spent the better part of a week trying to turn Iruka into a tree. Naruto only let up after it was Iruka proven he had the basics down. But they ran out of time for Iruka to tutor Naruto in something fancy. But that's fine, because Iruka returned to his... roots.
"You know, you could really mess a guy up if you swapped with a kunai midflight and became a knife. They'd try to block it and then, bam! It's you!"
"I already have something like that, it's called "Demon Wind Bomb" I turn myself or a clone into one of those overcompensating shurikens Mizuki used to have, and then hurl myself at the target, then if they dodge, I turn back and strike from their blindspot!"
Naruto never ceased to impress Iruka. "The conservation of mass should make the transformation easier than a log."
Even if he needs a little help, sometimes. "Conserva-what?"
"You're about the same size as a massive shuriken, so it's easier to transform without worrying about being bigger or smaller."
"Oh, yeah! You're right! But you also have to be careful about the fact that spinning so much can make you dizzy! That's so cool though."
"Yeah, the things you come up with are very cool, Naruto. Nausea aside."
"No I meant how you helped me immediately know what you meant! How do you do that?"
See, this bright-eyed, excited curiousity, this is what Iruka lives for. "It's what teaching is about, Naruto. You get a hard or confusing topic, and make it simpler until the student understands the difficult subject. You also need to sometimes give the student space to learn. Teaching them to teach themselves, but if they're stuck, give them a little hint to get their brains on track again."
"Ah. I got most of that, but not difficult, but when put in the sentence you used it, it's another word for hard?"
"That's right. Wonderful, Naruto."
"But why say difficult instead of hard? They're the same word!"
Iruka grins. "Well, hard means it's not soft." Iruka knocks on his desk twice for emphasis. "Difficult is the proper word. People only started using hard as a replacement for difficult because difficult was, well, too difficult to say!"
Naruto bursts into laughter, and Iruka joins him. This is the kind of experience Iruka loves about his job. Even when his students are little shits, they look up to him and can sometimes come up with the darndest things, like turning yourself into the log designed to take the attack meant for you to open a counter attack. Inspired, really.
"Okay, but if you transform into a paint can mid-flight and land right on their head!"
"Not bad, although making a handle get hooked under their chin may be a bit difficult. But if you also have a paint bomb on you when you go for it..."
"You can still blind them by getting paint in their eyes anyway! Good thinking!"
"Thanks Naruto. Good to know I haven't gotten too rusty."
But fun can only last for the day. And the sun is setting. "I didn't learn much, but I still feel I learnt a lot. About how to help others learn."
"It may not be an official jutsu, but teaching is a skill, Naruto. And the Academy was founded by?"
"The Second Hokage!" Trust Naruto to only pay full attention in history if the title "Hokage" was invoked.
"So you can say that teaching is a Hokage worthy skill then?"
That seemed to affect Naruto more than expected. He just kind of stood there, looking down at his hand, clenching and unclenching, before snapping up and grinning, but not elaborating. Fine by Iruka, he's just happy to know Naruto is inspired to teach, which to be honest, is a step to the side from leading, which is an essential skill for the Hokage.
Heh, he's still got it.
"Alright. Remember Naruto, team assignments will be announced in your old classroom, so be there by nine, okay?"
"Alright, see you tomorrow, sensei!"
Naruto looks behind, waving while running off. Iruka waves back, before turning back inside to pack up the paperwork.

(Man, Naruto had a good time. I hope it lasts...)

Event: Teams
(Due to Kono's middling efforts, DC Medium by default.)
The Hokage sits at the desk, gazing at the line up of Jonin waiting to begin dividing up the graduates into cells. There is an unspoken agreement that unless some of the class apart from a certain nine make a unexpectedly strong showing, we were only going to have three proper cells this time, however, one particular prospective leader for a theoretical cell is late, as usual. Hiruzen is aware of Kakashi's tactic. He will leverage his prestige and record breaking career to prevent us from starting without him, then he will make his demands and the others in the room will have to aqcuiese to those demands because the time normally spent arguing and compromising was wasted waiting on him. And everyone else in the room knows what his planned team is going to be. But Konohamaru is counting on him to break it up. The feud between those two troublesome children might be a detriment down the line, and mess up a critically important mission. Prehaps some time apart instead of together might have cooler heads prevail.
Y'know what, screw Kakashi. even if he showed up on time, he wouldn't be the important person in the room. Hiruzen is the one with the hat, after all. And seperating the two might actually save the trouble of another training field being burnt to a crisp. The only hard part is how to scramble the teams to maintain balance. There were only three traditional Team 7, afterall and look how those ones ended up, especially the sorry state of the Team 7 he led.
"You may be aware of what the original team placements were, and some of you may be aware of the incident that happened over a week ago. To refresh: There was an addressive altercation between prospective Genin Uzumaki and Uchiha. During the altercation, Uchiha launched a C Rank Fire Jutsi of potentially letal intent on Uzumaki, without care for the immense collateral damage. For at least a month, we are down an entire training field, as the flames spread across the dry grass and turned the entire floor into a layer of ash. The risk of this happening again, even when they are on a mission with clients, is too high to risk the reputation of Konoha's professionalism on the job."
1d100 +50 (Hokage) +10 (Risk of this happening again) +5 (He burnt down an entire field?!) -15 (Genin fight all the time) -5 (It's only Naruto.) -10 (Get on with it.) -15 (Where's Kakashi?)
30+50+10+5-15-5-10-15 = 50 (Man these guy's need to pay attention. It's their boss talking.) Success Minor.
Hiruzen sizes up the Jonin again, while they are not really looking at him, and Yuuhi is buffing her nails, he does see that some of them have nodded to at least indicate they are paying attention, and even Asuma is thinking on it.
"In light of this new information, we will review the previously decided team placements immediately."
That caused them all to wake up. A minor rumble fills, the room, Asuma and Miss Yuuhi stare at him, which Hiruzen returns a shrug. One of the Jonin raised his hand, so the Hokage intentionally coughs, to bring the Jonins' attention back to him, and then point to the one who raised his hand.
"What about Kakashi?"
1d100 +50 (Hokage) -15 (Genin fight all the time) +10 (but on a mission that would really tank our rep) -5 (it's only Naruto) +5 (keep him away from the Uchiha) -15 (Kakashi's a big shot) -15 (shouldn't he be here to defend himself?) +20 (Fuck that guy, he's showing us down) +10 (Get on with it.) -20 (have to rework the teams)
5+50+10-5+5-15-15+20+10-20 = 35. (+30 Hokage bonus putting in work. Still fail though. Kakashi continues to press down on the scales)
"Kakashi proposed the volatile decision to put these two on the same team with an element who will exacerbate the situation, if he wanted to defend his case despite the incident, he would at least have the courtesy to not keep us waiting. So he won't."
"Won't have us wait or won't defend his case?"
"Yes. lets begin."
The room is interrupted by a smoke burst.
"Mah, sorry I'm late a black cat crossed my-"
"Kakashi. If you are going to disregard the process of deciding teams, your input on the teams will be dimilarly disregarded."
Kakashi stares at you, and shifts to his full height.
"Were the teams not already decided? I was going to teach the Uchiha, Uzumaki and Haruno?"
1d100 +50 (Hokage) +10 (If they fight on a mission...) -15 (Kakashi) -20 (Jonin) +15 (History of Laziness) +10 (The sheer disrespect of this subordinate.) +5 (History of being late.) -5 (Clock's ticking.) -20 (rework the teams) -7 (Team 7 Legacy)
3+50+10-15-20+15+10+5-5-20-7=26 Critical Fail. (I'm in the market for a new dice roller. I don't want to write Sasuke. Damn it.)
"Quite simply, given how vicious they are to each other, I do not trust you to stop them from trying to kill each other at every opportunity, no matter how convenient it is for Konoha."
"I'll stop it from getting too far. A bit of healthy competition is good for growing boys."
"Did you not pay attention while you were waiting outside to make a dramatic late entrance? Or are you here to fail this team like the last one so you can go back to reading pornography in public?"
"Careful Hokage-sama, that sounds a lot like favoritism."
"You were the one who specifically requested Uzumaki. Did you want him as a speedbag for Sasuke then?"
That was a mistake. Not because it rubbed Kakashi raw that it was implied he would kill this team too, but because Hiruzen made a lapse in judgement, forgetting that Naruto isn't that popular to most of the others in the room. The idea of Naruto being a sandbag for the Uchiha was popular with those elements, and Kakashi, while personally offended by the distasteful take, pragmatically capitalized on it.
"Come on, Hokage-sama, we already have a complete set of teams, let's just go already."
Hiruzen knows that no matter how much he even begs Hatake to pay attention to this team, he sees too much of his own team in it to stop and think. If only he could stop proving the point of Danzo of all people's philosophy.
As Hiruzen dismissed everyone but Hatake, he felt the weight of his age and realized that once again, like over fourteen years ago, he has grievously failed Naruto Uzumaki.
Hatake, in his usual Madara may care attitude decides to rub it in his face. "C'mon, Hokage-sama, Best in Class, Best Kunoichi, Bottom of the Rankings. It's a Team Seven classic, and it hasn't failed us yet."
Well, Hiruzen tried. By Sensei, Konohamaru and Naruto he tried. All he can do now is futily warn of the cursed path Fate has railroaded us on.
"Are you talking about your team or mine, Hatake? Because of yours, the only one left is the sorry state before me."
"It'll be different. We're not in an active war, and I know where we went wrong. I'll do better, this time. I've had practice with one team."
"You should've practiced more with the teams you dropped. Maybe then you'd learn that people are not clone copies of each other. No, you are going to be almost as lazy with these three as you were as lazy with those many."
"It wan't be like that. I have them all pegged out, easy." It's becoming clear to Hiruzen that Kakashi has wilfully covered one eye with his headband and the other with nostalgia.
"See, Sasuke and Naruto are at odds with each other, and Naruto likes Sakura, who likes Sasuke. Sasuke is serious and hyperfocused, Naruto likes to make the best of life. and Sakura is grounded, keeping the two from getting to lofty."
He HAS to keep trying. "Kakashi was focused on the mission before anything else. Sasuke is focused on his obsession, revenge, before everything else, including the mission. Sakura is intolerant of Naruto and instead of playing peacemaker like you expect, will smack him over the head and side with Sasuke before reason, not after like Rin could. Naruto channels his lashing out at his lack of security not just through taking time to enjoy life slowly, but being aggressively direct and clear about his issues, in lieu of turning everything into a farce to reduce the impact, like Obito did."
Hatake tries to be a smartass, "It sounds like you think that they resemble your team more, Hokage-sama. The Legendary Sannin? Sound like a good legacy to live up to."
But the Third Hokage is out of patience. "What legacy, Hatake? Tsunade has lost everyone she cared about. Only her lost family's old loyalty that means nothing to her and her personal military value stops her from cutting ties officially. You can find her lamenting what could have been every bar and casino except in Konoha itself, which holds nothing but ghosts for her. Jiraiya disillusionment about the realties of shinobi life he wasn't prepared for scarred him, alongside the seperation of his team. You can see him running off, doing his own thing, drowning his sorrows in decadance. He rarely sets foot in Konoha, and only because he stashes some of his stuff here. Orochimaru, if you find Orochimaru, you would be in mortal danger soon. He hates Konoha in a way where he will only set foot in here to destroy it in revenge."
Hatake, bull-headed, stubborn mutt Hatake, is insistent. "Sakura's parents won't be in danger. They've are never assigned to high risk missions, and no one's ever had a reason to kill them. I can direct Sasuke. He will need tutoring in using the Sharingan effectively, and I'm the only one alive willing to provide that. Naruto, well, it might be a little too late for him. He's already made that Sexy Jutsu."
Hiruzen doubts there is enough Ramen in the world to buy Naruto's forgiveness. It's over. But he will set the record straight.
"Sasuke's lost a lot more than Tsunade has in the span of one night. I can see him jumping at the chance to ramove himself from the village hounted by hundreds of his ancestors."
Hatake was stunned by Sasuke being compared to Tsunade. How short sighted of him. "Jiraiya was the spare and designated glue of the team, overlooked like you are overlooking Sakura until it was far too late to save him. Were you planning to teach her some niche skill? Or are you waiting for her to seek it out herself in an effort to stay relevant while you neglect her in favor of the other two?"
Hatake starts stuttering, trying to defend himself, but the Hokage wouldn't have it. "As for Naruto's jutsu? He created them all by himself. He's creative, innovative, similar to his father and despite the scorn from the village for inauspicious birth circumstances, he is a fount of talent like his mother. It wasn't Jiraiya who wanted to wear this hat, Kakashi."
Finally, an implication to stun Hatake. Too little, too late. Hiruzen wishes Naruto would forgive him for comparing him to Hiruzen's original favoured child. Hatake has lost composure, gone desperate. "But Minato's- I would never! He would never want to do that!"
"And I don't want to one day have to look Naruto in the eye as he holds a sword to my throat. But if he feels so irredeemably betrayed that the only option he sees is to betray us in turn and never look back... Well, you were the one who wanted him on the same team as the child who almost killed him. Orochimaru was always my favourite, even when I seemed to pay more attention to Jiraiya for a while. Like you said, only you can teach Sasuke the secrets to the Sharingan."
It's time to wrap this up, Hatake pulling his usual tricks has run down the timer. "Fate is a lazy, uninspired, repetitive bitch, Kakashi. If Naruto turns, it is not the Nine-Tailed Fox you should be concerned about: It's Naruto. It is the enigmatic, charismatic young man whom you would place a chip on the shoulder of, who could connect and sway anyone even with his heart closed off. If he didn't want to be Hokage specifically, Naruto could absoluteley create his own successful village, Kakashi. And I wanted that village to be Konoha."
"I, what... but-" Hatake does not deserve to have the last word of this conversation.
"DISMISSED, Jonin Hatake! Curb your disrespect next time."
"It's Minato-sensei and Kushina's son. There's no way..."

(This is punishment for my sins. Canon team selections, but Hatake-bashing hours because he is wilfully ignorant of this team's dynamic in contrast to his. Along with some delusions that even then this totally second coming of this team will end up anything better than the first.
Kakashi: Nah, I'd win.
Hiruzen: Take it from me, you would not win.
Kakashi: ...Nah, I'd win.)

Results: Bad blood between Naruto, and Sasuke and Sakura. Also, Sasuke went and made himself relevant so I'm forced to also keep track of his progress too! classic Uchiha. Shikamaru is in panic mode, Ino will be concerned, Chadji drops some Deep Wisdom, and Hinata got through a date without fainting from Naruto's rizz, and rizz'd him back! Also, Ichiraku is now a Hinata safe-space. Speaking of Rizz, Hokage started Naruto on the secret to Hokage-rizz, a vital skill for the Hokage. Naruto and Iruka catch up and have fun, Iruka knows Log trick and has a way to study Naruto's peculiar brand of transformation. Naruto, teaching? Could be done. Hiruzen, change the teams? He tried. Kakashi says no. Kakashi doesn't know how many cooperation maluses they're on right now.)
(The fact that despite it all, Hiruzen Sarutobi legitimately tried, does he earn the title of HIMruzen despite the failure?)

Naruto Uzumaki:
Stamina 4
Prankster VIII (+40 to Stealth, Ambush or Messing with Someone. Will occasionally go out of the way to mess with someone. (Up to lvl 10))
Ladykiller I (+5 interacting with females. (Up to 10))
Teacher I (+10 when in a tutoring position. Up to 3)
Genin (+5 all conflict related rolls)
The Finisher! II (An attempt on the supposedly last action to finish a long task or battle will gain +20)
Ashes and Dust I (The round after you survive an attack, gain +5 per stamina lost in the previous round) (Up to 3)
Face The Flames/In the Shadow of Fire (+5 against Fire Style Masters and Fire Style Jutsu. Reduces effectiveness of Ablaze malus by 5.)
Shadow Clone: Cost Stamina (lol Uzumaki lol Kurama lol Naruto), gain 1d4+1 clones, advantage dice*clones until they're popped. Will take attacks for main, unless a crit scatters them all
Sexy Jutsu: Rolls to inflict DC: Counter'd/15/Failed/45/Distracted/75/injury nosebleed (distract malus + free action)/95/flying nosebleed IKO. +10 to "perverts"
Harem Jutsu: Sexy jutsu but roll 1d100 + d12 per clone
Substitution: contest roll to dodge. 1 round cooldown
Transform: +10 to stealth roll, [can change form physically.]
Transform: Log Trick! (On a successful cast of substitution, roll to transform into the substituted object and successfully deceive the attacker. Then, you can roll to ambush the opponent.)
Demon Wind Bomb (Attack the opponent for 30/50/70/90, Using Transformation's bonus +0. On a Critical Fail, get counter hit (not a problem with clones). Otherwise, even with Fail, Attempt to attack a second time, getting easier the better the first throw's success was.)
Sasuke Uchiha:
Stamina 3, Speed 2
Avenger X (+50 to training rolls. Always +1 level up roll after combat. -50 to any attempt to stall or impede vengeance. Does not actually boost rolls against target.) (Target: Itachi)
Fuelled by Hate I (+5 to conflict rolls. -5 to social rolls. Will seek out conflict and hold grudges. (Out of 10))
Uchiha Privelege II (+10 to everything unless contested against someone racist against Uchiha, or other Uchiha.)
Fire Style Training I (+5 to Fire Stylel Jutsu)
Genin (+5 all conflict related rolls)
Power of Prodigy III (The first attempt or round will have +30)
Grand Fireball (Deal Damage (30/50/70/90) and inflict an Ablaze Malus (-10) Strong enough to suffer a minus -5 malus right now after use.)
Shuriken Arts (Roll to deal damage. does not use speed or strength mods, but the enemy''s speed mod is deducted. 30/55/80 (0/1/2 damage.))
Substitution: contest roll to dodge. 2 round cooldown
Transform: +10 to stealth roll
(...Wait, shit. I might need to make a Sakura character sheet, too. Fuck)

Naruto is training and prank happy,
Konohamaru never learned the Sexy Jutsu but otherwise canon.
Ebisu is gone for past the Chunin Exams at the least
Naruto and Hinata actually talk when they can. Ganbare Hinata
Hinata has a safe-space in Ichiraku, if you're fine with being shipped with your crush by the owner's daughter.
Ino's concerned over how uncharacteristically active Shikamaru is around her and Chouji.
Choji is a Chadji.
Iruka now knows Log Trick and has a way to study Naruto's peculiar brand of transformation.
Events to be resolved:
Hokage's Notes for Romance and Talking to Women
The Third owes Naruto an apology/explanation after tomorrow, but that's for next turn.
Naruto has expired milk.
Team selections (Canon.)
Ranma 1/2 Ideas: Ran(ma)dom ideas, DB cross ft. Great Cat Ranma New
Ranma 50/50 (as a name for a Ranma 1/2 fic, many connotations, depending on where you take it.)
As far as I can tell, Ranma 1/2 doesn't have many world ending threats like Naruto or Dragonball.
So in the context of a D(ice)BZ style/inspired game/fic/log: there are no real "Faction" Rolls, (as far as I know,) just individual characters.
For posting on the more active NSFW board purposes, a shift in 2 years from 16 to 18 isn't nearly as much of an effect on the story... Except Ranma will have never been to any formal education, on the road with Genma and all that.
With all the "honor" and "marraige/death contracts" and "sworn vengeance" thrown around, you'd probably have to keep track of all grudges and contracts Genma dragged Ranma into (plus ones he/she stumble onto themself).

So out of the "canon 'factions'," we have: a lot. wow. Beyond the "main contenders" they are all like, background scenery tho. Probably just random encounters/single episode scrubs. Damn.
You see, I had this idea where the Age Up means Genma swindled even more people with Ranma as the fall guy, and many more of those "factions" track him down to Nerima. Or he goes off to resolve them himself. I could roll for how many extra factions want Ranma's head or "head." Damn unless I write all the vanilla scrubs out for some reason, never mind then. Too many hoes to keep track of in the shed.

Actually, even though I'd probably add some D(ice)BZ rules into this. I might as well make it somewhat Gamer/SI. Purely because of the 50/50 title meaning we need a Gacha of some kind to complete the joke.

Also, SI/Gamer/Dice fics provide an excuse that with more opportunities or an extra perspective shoved into Ranma's head means we can make up new techniques he/she has learnt, like:

Roar of the Clear Blue Sky! (In-weeb: Sunda-aozora no Gaon (Not bothering with a Japanese Translation))
Fire a solid shot/pillar of "hot" Ki to blast the clouds directly above you apart, temporarily making the weather clear. May be boosted by a Soul of Ice enhanced "cold" blast skyward before to strengthen the blast through the principle of temperature-based gas expansion, or after to use the inverse principle of temp-gas-expand to pull those clouds together and condense them faster. Generally, the weather will snap back after a while with interest. Also may help set up Hiten Shoryu Ha Hiryu Shoten Ha, whoops (Dragon's Heaven Blast)

Dance in the Rain (In weeb: Amaai ni Mai/Ame-kan ni Mai. In real (butchered) JP: 雨間に舞/雨 間に舞 (there is a subtle difference in the "spellings"))
Developed to get home dry, (very important for those under the curse of Jusenkyo!) Step, bob and weave with Martial-Artist super-speed to 'dance' through dangerous raindrops (or, in combat, enemy attacks.) Y'know that Sonic Sway from DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 2/3? or that one youtube clip of the kid afterimage-sidestepping through the rain, to a Touhou OST? Yeah. kind of like that.

Wild Tempest Lightning Strike (Barrage/Combo) (Ranran Raigeki (Rendan))
Literally because the Weeb name's metronomic meter? How it feels to say it with feeling? Idk, just tickles a spot on the back of my head.
Basically a Dragonball-brand Meteor Combination. Could be anything, but the (probably Ki-enhanced) Divekick at the end of the 'launcher, air rave, smackdown' "Barrage" would be the individual "Lightning Strike" that gives the Combo it's name. (Like the "Meteor Smash" (super double hammer-fist) at the end of "Meteor Combination.") I'm 80% sure the Meteor Combination was in the manga/anime and not just a videogame thing.

Also, because Martial Artist, Drop him into Dragon Ball. Z, so he has training time to catch up with at least Tien/Krillin/Yamcha, but maybe with the expectation of joining not just the WMA Tournaments but also the Tournament of Power in Super because Ranma, like many others, (stares at Taylor Hebert, Keitaro Urushima, Shinji Ikari) are not allowed to have truly nice things/times...
(If I was a ROB, I'd give a hook for an arc where Ranma-dropped-into-DB has to confront his cat fear by "granting" (*cough* *cough* "forcing on") her a Great Ape Cat form tied to the Nekoken.
This results in: if he says she is not of this world, it is misunderstood as "he is an alien." (Which is technically true.)
She is mistaken to be some distant Saiyan analogue but replace "Ape" with "Cat." And his constant claims of being human are her desperate attempts to blend into a stable society after he fled here due to someone (assumedly Frieza) destroyed her home planet.
Ranma has no way of dissuading anyone (except gods, who find this hilarious and keep the facade going for their own amusement; did one of them wish the 'Felicians' were retroactively real?) of this 'cover story.'
It is also assumed cursed springs are some sufficiently mystical reason made-up after hearing of the dragon balls to explain his form-shifting, the innate trait of his people;
Nerima is the name of a planet/sector;
and the real reason this cat hates water is because it makes her lose control of his forms.
They do take the Nekoken incident at face value, though. (Although Nekoken is assumed to be the Great Cat transformation (Which it now kind of is.))
(Also, consider: Catgirl Ranma!)
Either way, "Anything Goes'" niche is, besides plagiarism, air combat, so Ranma isn't a complete sitting duck if he has time to catch up on powerscaling instead of being dropped into Cell/Buu as she is. Half the battles in Z to Super are in the air, anyways.

Oh gosh what if this Ranma gets to go back after? Nerima Ward is as good as space dust!
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MHA Idea. Bakugo SI (the SI stands for Shitposter Soul or something) New
Unedited word vomit from my phone. Obvious wish-fulfilment and crack

Bakugo SI featuring:
Obligatory not being a dick to Izuku
Foreknowledge with no idea how to counteract the majority, so sticking mostly to rails, with some memeing, trolling and occasional consequence diminishing.
Abuse of foreknowledge on quirk awakening and improved relation with Midoriya to get stronger faster and earlier. Midoriya's ridiculous pain tolerance is reduced to merely immense due to running less on experience with common explosive tempers and more on sheer shonen protagonist determination. In trade, early training and increased faith in self.

Some memeing includes:
"Bro flooded his apartment block once from crying. That's a quirk." (Odd idiosyncrasy) not a quirk (super power), but at least Izuku's not boring. Unlike you background fillers.

In regards to not bullying Midori, "Why establish a pecking order if everyone knows I'm at the top? Why? Are you implying I'm trash?"

Constantly setting Midori up with girls, and gaslighting other people (like the asshole he is) into thinking Izuku's a sex god or something.
At first bro's confidence rating being tanked by a crippling lack of self worth, isn't helping, but Izuku still managed to show girls a good time anyways.
(Even when the date looks down on Izuku and decides they are only going along to mock him for being quirkless, Izuku has a secret weapon, "the Shounen-protag-rizz" and turns them around/on by the sun's descent.)
This has been happening monthly since at least the latter half of Middle School, but Bakugo seems to crave the chaos of spreading the rumour and idea of Izuku being some macho super-lover. Inko doesn't approve of Izuku leading girls on, but it's Bakugo setting it up, not him. She is happy that Izuku's reportedly a gentleman. Meanwhile, Bakugo's parents find it hilarious.
"Kacchan! Stop setting me up on dates!"
"Stop your dates from giving you stunning reviews, then! Oh hey Tsuyu, have you ever gone out? I know a guy you should give a try."
"Hm… that Mermaid Park Exhibit did have a couples free-pass…"
"Kacchan, why!?"
(Not pictured, Ochako and Mineta fuming for different reasons.)

"Stand proud, Toga. You're cute."

Quotes from the unfortunately multiple times he's forced to interact with Handyjob:
"Five points this, disintegrate on touch that, have you ever touched a woman before? You wouldn't even get in range to even attack one, smelling like unwashed crusty gamer."
(Insert fuming rant about All Might and overturning society and "Master" and other lamer topics Sikugo don't care about.) "Cute story, Crusty. Now block this overhead." *boots him in the face*
(On cheating when All Might yote the High End Nomu) "Cheating? You brought in a hacked unit and still couldn't beat someone who you had time to lay setplay for! At this point, it's just a Skill Issue!"
(Referring to Kurogiri) "I swear he interferes one more time, I'm going to have a Happy Birthday."*
"And if I bring Nomu here?"
"Save the Christmas present for December."
*(Only Izuku, Kaminari and Shigaraki got what he's talking about)
On the off chance SI is captured for canon Kamino: "You are League? I am Atomic." *Kabooms*

Accusing Aizawa of illogical actions, and reciting data of the after-effects of lying to and betraying the trust of your students over and over again, research specifically in protest to his practices.
Making a point for at least a term to score almost the highest in every class except his, blame his teaching practices, unless he ignores Aizawa in favour of self-study, where he does much better. (No respects given.)

Trying to leave/escape the Summer Training Camp, describing it as "a waste of time, I could do better training than this in my backyard or a quirk gym. Why are we here? Bait for the League?"
SI stands for spiteful and he makes big training strides in his quirk's capability specifically after he is tested for a distinct lack of improvement after the camp. (Probably a placebo effect, tbh, but boiling and freezing himself in rapid succession for days on end with nothing else? No thanks.)

At Provisional License Exams. Checks out Camie, trying to figure out if Toga's made the switch. Camie comes over, flirty, and Sikugo tries to deflect by saying she's pretty, but he has a GF she reminded him of. Catching the classes' attention. He says uhh… Toga, because there is no way Camie would be able to check with Toga. Except for the fact that the others, like Izuku and Momo, would be able to call him out, and there's a tense moment where he's relying on them to not snitch.
Except Toga breaks character, revealing herself. (she was Camie.)
Sikugo's traditional form of damage control is rolling with whatever until he can roll it into a farce, and faux-scolds Toga that she didn't need to impersonate a student to enter the Provisionals and she just could've come as herself.
A classmate of Camie's, the asshole meatball guy, demands the location of Camie. Sikugo bullshits, as usual, claiming Camie got jumped, checks with Toga that she's not dead and admonishes Toga for just not applying to attend the Provisionals independently.
Izuku, used to Sikugo's brand of bs and trained to roll with Bakugo's latest stunt to minimise the fallout, explains that the Provisionals are for those sponsored by Heroes or Hero Schools only.
Bakugo wonders how the hell someone like Mt Lady could be an official hero then, since she graduated from a agricultural school and did night classes.
There is a seperate, harder application exam, also where heroes renew their license which requires certifications and costs a chunk for non-licence holders to even apply.
The taxes for even owning the quirk license are only waived if you are part of a Hero Agency above a certain standard, like not consisting of only one hero and having a record of accomplishments. (Hero schools count as agencies.)
Damn. No wonder Mount Lady's always looking for cash to at least float. Since the application exam is over the holidays, he'll attend that, so implores Toga to just switch back with Camie and take his place instead, since Toga already knows how his body works. (She has turned into him before.) This gets misconstrued by most of everyone who doesn't know. (Seggs.)
Toga, put in an awkward spot and seeing the hook Bakugo left, just says she'll be going now to presumably attend the application. Bakugo reinforces her supposed relative innocence by saying has this seriously been the only time an impulsive aspirant snuck into the Provisional exam?
Apparently yes, according to Izuku, but not the first time for an Application exam, which is basically the same thing. Bakugo points out that this totally could have been him or Izuku pulling this stunt, who corrects him that it would've been the Application exam instead of Provisional. Unless it was to net autographs from up and coming heroes instead of established ones renewing their licence.
Bakugo escorts Toga out and he decides to be cheeky and ask Izuku to go get Camie. (Ochako comes with.) Izuku and Ochaco go get Camie and end up also getting an eyeful.
Meanwhile, Sikugo convinces Toga to attend the Application for real, as a date and prank. Justify it to Shigaraki as having an ear in the actual hero network instead of just a school is better information networking. Bakugo also claims that if he wanted to, he could totally super-villain better than Tomura can, and that's one of the reasons why he didn't join up, the other being that being a hero is harder. Insert full-villain monologue about the hero system being shit, a la green goblin. Then explain that it's a perfect challenge for him. He will proverbially break the Hero system over his knee like a speed runner masters and then breaks a game to prove their mastery and superiority, and she go and tell Shigaraki that.
Toga reveals part of the infiltration was being wire tapped. Oops. Good thing that was all words SI was willing to let Shig hear. Now for stuff he's a bit more iffy about.
Shigaraki, stop the wiretap before you hear some very NSFW noises. Start making out with Toga until the fritzing, tell tale signs of the wiretap being disintegrated on the other end. Aww, wanted to mess with him more. Blasts wiretap while playing with stunned Himiko's hair.
Izuku and Ochako walk in and admit they've been there since you decided to start getting handsy to mess with handsy.
They ask what Himiko was actually doing, getting blood. SI asks why not get the blood from donor banks like Vlad king or other blood quirks. Stunned Himiko lore drops because Bakugo. They decide to enable Bakugo's plan: buy some blood bags when they head out as a group for groceries, and dead drop/hand off to Toga.
Later, Izuku grills SI over the decisions taken, most of which fall under, "it was funny."
Izuku and Ochako conspire to tell Aizawa* about the Toga home life, with the intent to improve and turn her around… after the blood bags are handed over, of course. They know Bakugo ain't trusting anyone else with this.
*(It does not go well. SIkugo would naturally be a gate sink for Aizawa for supposedly "not taking hero work 'logically' or seriously," and this turns into yet another Aizawa-bashfic.)
So, they apply properly for blood bags for those with blood quirks with Bakugo's savings and pocket money from modeling for his mom. Also, finding a semi-legitimate business model in this economy that skirts the rules without breaking them to raise money is hard but not impossible for 3+ pissed off students and a Himiko Toga with an equally large chip on her shoulder. Helps when someone has a support group (Izuku, his parents, his friends, his classmates, SI's parents, girls he's dated...)
SIkugo's latest brand of bullshit is opening a mock agency, a third year assessment project, but then hiring and acquiring the proper people and licenses to make it legitimate.
Online courses and reading ahead for Agency management causes slips in class, but with some help, persevere.
Bomb-Shell Company/Phoenix Ash Agency, "Out-doing the Evil-doers. (Except Lawyers)"
Early third-year elective assessment turned real. Raid/Audited because Aizawa suspicion, only possible accusation found is seemingly lax hiring practices, but even the work is legit. Agency purpose is about subsidising others work like the other mock project agencies, the legit licenses are just giving it a little stability that it won't close when Bakugo graduates or is expelled; he'll just intern here. The hiring outside school is also intentionally allowed in the assignment (by the letter), and Bakugo does run and write background checks, including backstories, documentation, criminal records and notes. Falsification is not apparent, and the notes on even the crimes and levels of regret, plus notes for keeping them on the straight and narrow are there. Quirk analysis from an independent contractor, actually in school, as intended, but not part of business course, not intended but legal. It's Izuku but his portfolio (notebooks) proves he's more than a nepo-hire. At least the Hatsume hire for equipment makes sense and is intended in the spirit of the assessment.
Some people having a chance to go straight, or at least be publicly sanctioned nuisances like other heroes, like Gentle Criminal and La Brava. Streams are 'PR stunts,' villains that happen to be in the just means "ruined streams," and people are getting help. Also, Ochaco breaks Twice's hand. It's therapy. People in the building but not actually in the Hero Agency does vtubing (nearly auto-corrupted to bribing on mobile) or something to keep the lights on.
Shell company also doubles as a base/platform in the case of Izuku's runaway arc.

SI Bakugo's moveset changes: remember the Gogeta Soul Punisher? That's a mix of cluster and throwing/shaking sweat off the hand before ignition. (But without the karma judgment, or SIkugo would blow himself up.)
Pre-knowledge of canon Bakugo's Quirk Awakening means early access to blasts from anywhere on the body, which opens up abilities such as:
Backblast, an explosive wave that covers blind spots and repositions self,
Rocket Engine, explosive flight from the torso as well as the arms and legs, specifically a formation for a linear charge,
Breacher, an exploding sidekick,
Deluger Missile, using explosions across the whole arm to launch a sort of fireball for a more flexible/spammable long-ranged option than AP-shot.
And Atomic. A last ditch full body blast done in the heat of the moment as a meme.

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