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Boku no Hero Academia/Star vs The Forces of Evil Crossover fic

Inspired by the Green Scar Idea thread on Spacebattles.

Premise: One day, Izuku Midoriya disappeared. When he was found, the truth behind his circumstances was nothing anyone expected. No one expected an Isekai with Magical Princesses, War, and Monsters.
Izuku Midoriya, Isekai Return 1.1


Well worn.
Apr 24, 2017
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Green Scar


Premise: One day, Izuku Midoriya disappeared. When he was found, the truth behind his circumstances was nothing anyone expected. No one expected an Isekai with Magical Princesses, War, and Monsters.

Chapter 1.1 Izuku Midoriya, Isekai Warrior

Toshinori had rushed to the police station the moment he'd been called. He nearly tripped over himself in his mad dash to get inside and find the room Tsukaichi had told him to go to. The other officers were nice enough to help, though they were put on edge when they saw the Former Number One running ragged inside their building.

He made it to the third floor and spotted Tsukaichi quickly enough.

"All Might!" The straight laced police officer called.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Toshi had to take a moment to catch his breath. He didn't need more blood discharge. "But…is it true?"

"It's true. He's in the next room." Tsukauchi pointed to the room behind him. It was a holding cell.

Just before the Hero could rush in, Tsukauchi stopped him.

"We need you to get a good look at him first."

"But Midoriya is-!"


The blonde almost blew a gasket. There were times for decorum but this was his student! Who knows what could have happened to him in the weeks he's been gone!

What if it was a plot by All for One?!

Calm down Toshi!!

The Former number one flinched as that voice echoed in his soul. It felt like his old Master Nana. She'd always scold him when he tried to let his spirit power through things even when he was ready for the consequences.

It's taken years for him to listen. Especially after his forced trip to America to train. Even before with Nighteye.

The voice provided the reason needed to temper his emotions. It reminded him that if things were really bad, then Tsukaichi would have told him on the way. Even now, the Police officer didn't look too worried or horrified. So Izuku had to be of sound mind and body.

And if that was the case, the lad would need the adults to be there to offer a hand and a smile. Like heroes.

Toshinori took a deep breath. Two deep breaths.

It made him cough a bit roughly but he was calmer now.

"Alright, Tsukauchi. I'm ready."

Tsukauchi nodded and opened the side door. Inside was a viewing glass the size of the whole room with recording devices and a table for four to sit at as they watched an interrogation or debrief.

There were other occupants inside.

"Aizawa? Principal?" Toshi asked.

"We were already close by when we got the call." The Quirked Mouse replied, never taking his beady eyes off the glass.

Aizawa nodded in greeting but was doing the same. His usual calm manner was compromised.

Toshi turned to look as well. His heart leapt into his throat.

Green curly hair.
Nervous disposition.

It was his successor. Izuku Midoriya.

The blonde felt tears start to grow in his eyes. He felt a spot light headed and stopped to one knee.

Tsukauchi and Nedzu were beside him in an instant.

"Are you alright Toshi? Is it a fit?" Nedzu asked.

"He's okay…"

The Former Hero's voice was very light so they almost didn't catch it. He also rubbed his shirt sleeve against his eyes.

"He's here. And he's okay. I'm glad. Just so very glad."

They nodded in understanding. They moved him to a chair so that he could regain his strength easier.

Toshinori wiped his eyes and asked. "Are we able to talk to him?"

"Yes. Try to ease him into talking. We'll need a clear profile before we bring his Mother in to see him. For now, we'll let her know he's been found."

"You should show him the picture, Tsukauchi." Aizawa suddenly commented.

Toshi frowned when the policeman flinched but nodded all the same. He picked up a sealed envelope that had been on the table. With a slow hand, Tsukaichi pulled out a single Polaroid and handed it to Toshi.

The blonde's blue eyes only looked for a moment before he dropped it in shock. He picked it back up and studied it hard.

"Is this?"

"We've had some doctors give him a full body check up. It's real." The sad but angry tone wasn't hard to miss.

But who wouldn't be mad at such an ugly scar being put on a young teenager?

It looked like a burn mark. Toshi had gotten a few over the years and seen enough of them to tell. It wasn't too deep so it most likely was a brand of some sort.

But he didn't know of any connections All For One would have with a Butterfly.

Toshi put the picture on the table and walked out. He would find out in a moment. It was time to see his Successor.


Izuku Midoriya was keeping calm.

The smell of the room.
The noises he had heard when he dropped into this world.

It almost felt like a distant dream. A nostalgic one he'd almost forgotten.

But this was home. A world of Quirks and Heroes and Villains.

His home.

He was back in his…his fourteen year old body.

Strangely, this was the one thing that was on his mind and nerves the most. It'd been so long since he was this tall. Or had skin that wasn't laden in as many scars.

Only his original arm scars remained.

That and the Butterfly mark.

Is it messed up that I'm kinda glad it's still there?

It probably was.

Izuku sat up straight when the door opened. Looks like questioning would final-

Izuku gasped.

"All Might?"


Izuku didn't know if he jumped out of the chair or if All Might was faster. All he knew was they met in a fierce hug.

He did have to ease up since All Might still had injuries of his own but the two of them stuck it out for this moment. Even when the Blond Hero coughed up a little blood and Izuku's tears began to flood the room.

The green haired teen had a moment to sniff his Hero. And it was All Might in the flesh.

This was his world.

"It's good to see you, Midoriya." Another voice called out.

Izuku pulled back and felt his smile grow bigger. "Sensei! Principal Nedzu!"

"That's right. Old Nedzu is here too! Welcome back, Midoriya!" The cheerful mouse replied.

Izuku found himself crying even harder.


It took a moment, more like minutes before the boy had his emotions under a modicum of control. His eyes were red and he had been given a tissue box for all of it.

But he was better about it now.

"So Midoriya," began officer Tsukauchi. "I understand there's a lot of things that we need to discuss."

Izuku's smile faded a little but he nodded. Yes, there was work to do.

"If you're up for it, we'd like to ask a few questions regarding your kidnapping. If at any moment you feel you can't answer, just let us know and we'll stop for now. We'd all like to help you get back to your…well normal Heroic life as soon as possible."

"I understand."

"Good." Tsukauchi nodded before pulling out a notepad and pen. "Firstly, was Shigaraki or the League of Villains involved in your kidnapping?"


That brought the adults up short. "Really?"

"Yes. Shigaraki," Izuku managed to keep most of the venom out of his voice, "had nothing to do with what happened to me."

Tsukauchi was about to move to the next question when Izuku suddenly asked. "He's missing, isn't he?"

The intense stare from the cop only got worse. The UA teachers also focused on the boy.

The fact is that All For One's successor had gone missing nearly two weeks after Izuku had. It creates a common theory that the up and coming villain had been the mastermind behind the kidnapping. Many dismissed it since the destructive man child would have been boasting of it nearly the next day. Others wondered if it was a sign that he was getting smarter.

At least now, it seems the connection wasn't as clear cut as they thought.

"How do you know that?"

Izuku nodded, his own face growing intense.

"It's complicated but I can explain. I need something."


"There should have been some stuff that came with me when I came back. A pair of scissors. Can you bring them here?"

"Midoriya…" Aizawa started.

"Sensei. All Might. Principal Nedzu." Izuku addressed them all. "Please. I can explain a lot but there's a lot more I need to tell you. I can't do it without those scissors."

The boy's eyes met the adults. He didn't flinch or look away from them.

All Might must have seen something in them because he assented. Nedzu did so next, curiosity in his beady eyes.

"This will probably be irrational but we don't have time to waste. Your mother's on her way and she'll need time to see you. Better to get this done quickly so you can let her know you're ok."

With that remark, Tsukauchi had the item brought to their room.

They were…an odd accessory.

They were scissors. Oddly elegant looking scissors. The kind that someone with money would have to show off to others. The Green jewel in the holster had many wondering if it was real.

It sat on the table like a smoking gun.



"Can you use your eyes on the scissors?" A confused blink from the underground hero. "If you don't mind."

"Are they…powered by a quirk?"

"It isn't. I just want you all to see it for confirmation."

Again, more confusion was had. Aizawa did use his Erasure.

Nothing happened.

"Alright." Izuku nodded and took them in his hand. He gave them a once over, looking at his reflection in the razor sheen. It was different than what should be on there.

With a deep sigh, he began.

"I wasn't kidnapped by Shigaraki or any villain. By all rights, it was an accident."

"An acci-" All Might butted in but Nedzu quieted him down.

"I think I was out to buy some stuff. More merch, I think." He tried to recall it but…it'd been so long. "Well, I was out in the city. One moment just walking down the street and everything was normal."

"Then I was pulled away. By Solaria Butterfly."

The image of a redhead came to him. A warrior woman who could be kind and gun, but too ruthless and drawn to battle and blood to change.

"She used a wand to summon me to her kingdom. It was called Mewni. The whole thing was a mistake on her part. She was kinda headstrong and always ready to dive into something that came off as to her." Unbidden, a chuckle came out of his mouth. "Drove her brother Justin crazy since he had to mind her. Lord knows Glossaryck wasn't going to. But the spell she used was a one way thing and it was gonna take time, years or maybe decades before I could find a way home. So I joined her as a Knight and helped her fight in a war against-"



Izuku blinked. All four men were looking at him like he had lost his mind.

The boy then realized what he had just said.

"Oh." He said, snapping a finger. "I was muttering without proof. Sorry."

"Maybe you should take a few more moments to recover Mid-"

Whatever Shota Aizawa was going to say, maybe about irrationality or if a memory quirk had been used on the boy, was left unsaid.

Right in front of the cop and the UA teachers, Izuku opened the scissors and pushed the bottom half forward. A simple action that was without consequence.


"What the?!" All Might said.

Tsukauchi dropped his pen and paper. Nedzu was beaming at the phenomena in genuine interest and was most likely puzzling it out.

Aizawa had his quirk activated. Again, nothing happened.

So why was the scissor sticking into nothing?!

"Your quirk isn't working on it, Sensei." Izuku said. "So we can rule this out as anything I'm doing. Quirks don't work on Magic."


"These are Dimensional Scissors. Made by an…old acquaintance of mine. Using them, people can travel through dimensions." Izuku pulled the item back. There was still a hole in the fabric of reality.

Thankfully it didn't last long.

"These are special. They not only cut through dimensions but through time." He held them up so that everyone could get a good look at them. "It took a long time to get these. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to get back."

"There's more to why I'm telling you all this. I need your help. But first…"

He then asked the bombshell question.

"Do you want to see Mewni?"

Silence dropped on the small room.

The implications of this was…well it was above Tsukauchi's pay grade. He wasn't even sure if he really saw what he did. Only the fact that the far more intelligent Nedzu hadn't said anything to disprove this magic stuff nor Eraser's quirk affecting the scissors kept him quiet.

What the heck do I do with all this?

Suddenly, All Might stepped forward. "I do."

"Toshi…" Nedzu started.

"I have to, Nedzu. I have to find out what happened." The frail Blonde man nodded to his student. "If you would Midoriya, I want to see this kingdom."

"I'll…I'll need to inform my Superiors." Tsukauchi finally said.

"That's fine. It's better that they know. I'll need their help as well."

Well that's not ominous. The adults thought.

Izuku turned to the side and once more punctured reality. This time, he started cutting. He cut enough to make a hole big enough for All Might to step into.

Now with a proper hole, the tear glowed and became a wider portal. On the other side was a blue sky and some sort of building close by. And…the smell of corn?

"Welp, it's magic." Aizawa said, applying eye drops.

Toshinori looked at the portal and nodded. He said he would go first and he would. If he wanted to learn what had happened, he had to be brave and step forward.

Heroes keep going despite their fear.

So with bold strides, Toshinori Yagi stepped through a magic portal.

OK. Now we have a thread. I'm starting to commit. Oh dear.

For more info or in depth stuff, please visit the Green Scar thread on Spacebattles.

I may consider making an Index thread on the Rabbit timeline. A thread for Spacebattles will be up soon. Stay tuned.

Stay tune.
Last edited:
Izuku Midoriya, Isekai Return 1.2

In another time…
The Butterfly Kingdom…

"What the heck? It's just some kid?"

Izuku blinked. Something had happened. Something weird.

All the buildings he was passing by were gone. The two to three story department stores of Mustafu were replaced with nothing but open blue sky and trees. He was in a clearing that looked more in place in the countryside than here in the big city.

Also everything smelled like corn.

The green haired hero in training did manage to focus on the voice that was talking. His eyes met two teens about his age.

The speaker was a redheaded girl. Her hair was short and almost shaven despite the low braided ponytail. On her cheeks were dark yellow lightning bolts. Combined with the hair, the cheekmarks, the light clothing and steel bracers on her wrists and arms, she looked like a warrior. Kinda like the Warrior Woman comic series.

Though the sword-like item in her hand looked more like a laser sword.

The other person was a boy. Short purple hair that looked cared for and well glossed and a wardrobe that reminded Izuku of French style Musketeer. Maybe something Aoyama would wear. On his face were odd marks too, purplish green four leaf clovers.

The boy sighed as he addressed the girl. "Well this is what happens when Glossaryck isn't around to make sure everything is done correctly. Perhaps if we just waited till he was done with his pudding, Solaria?"

"The spell wasn't even that hard, Justin. I'm already fourteen. I don't need Glossaryck for all my attempts."

"But doesn't this count as a failure?"

"Not yet!"

"Uhm…" Izuku finally spoke up. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah?" Said the Girl.

"Where am I? What just happened? Was that a teleportation quirk? I've never seen one like that. It was pretty much instantaneous and I didn't even notice that I was somewhere else before the flash went away. But that makes this a kidnapping? Am I kidnapped? Why? Wait, who are you working f-"

A hand clamped on his mouth. It was the girl.

"Stop. Talking." She didn't look mad. She just had swirls in her eyes, most likely from the stress of trying to keep up with Izuku's words.

"Amazing." The boy, Justin, was rubbing his chin in wonder. "I've never met someone who could say so much in a little time. I dare say he could get through a royal decree in less than five minutes and we'd have extra time for tea."

The girl, Solaria, sighed and looked Izuku in the eye. "I'm going to speak. You will listen and allow me to explain. Yes?"

Not knowing what else to do, Izuku nodded.

Solaria stepped back and stood straight. A moment to clear her throat, and she made her proclamation.

"I am the one who summoned you to Mewni. I am Solaria, princess and future Queen of this land. My people are beset by the Monster races and without help, they will overrun us in due time. By the power of my Wand, I asked for the aid of a warrior strong enough to help me."

With a flourish, she took her sword and stuck it in the ground.

"I ask you, are you a Champion?"


Present day…

The smell of corn and carrots was stronger on the other side.

He found himself in a courtyard. The decorated lawn furniture and stone seats had the feel of old school money on it. However, Toshinori felt it was oddly familiar.

He took two more steps and got a feel for the place. It felt so real.

The wind.
The grass under his feet.

He even went next to a stone slab that was most likely for sitting and touched it.

It is real. His blue eyes moved around the yard. As he surveyed his surroundings, he noted many things.

For one, this yard carried a garden. A stone garden that he would find in resorts in Japan. It had been tended to recently.

And now that he was looking, he noted the buildings. For a kingdom in a mystical world, the architecture felt more like Japan as well. Grand wooden homes. The castle itself was made of stone and reminded him of a Shogun era more than anything.

That was…odd.

"All Might?" Izuku called out.

Toshi glanced back at the portal. "I'm still here, Midoriya."

"Ah good. Has Usagi bombarded you with questions? Sorry about that."

"Midoriya, no one is here."



Toshi whipped around and came face to face with rabbits.

Two humanoid rabbits just a hair shorter than he was. They had paws like normal rabbits did but were just elongated enough to function as fingers and thumbs. However, they were dressed in samurai armor stylized in green and light blue. In their hands were spears.

So much like the Tokugawa era. He thought.

The duo stood ready to attack. The brown Rabbit on the left called out. "State your business, Outsider! How'd you get in?!"

"Uh, Fin? There's a portal right behind him. Seems like he used dimensional scissors." The Right and Light Pink Rabbit replied, pointing at said portal with his spear.

"Lou, I wanted to get a confession before we arrested him. Get his side first."

"What if he was lying?"

"We'll find out later! He still needs to present his side. We aren't gonna be like the Butterflies and just go around arresting people."

"Uhhh…" Lou tipped his spear.

"He's literally in our inner sanctum and got here by unknown means, Lou. Stop being pedantic!" The annoyed Fin then refocused on Toshi. "Now come quietly or else."

"Wait!" Called out Midoriya.

A foot stepped through. Then came a whole body.

But it wasn't Izuku Midoirya.

No…It is.

The person in front of him was taller than Midoiriya. He was also older than Midoriya by a good couple of decades. The little gray spots in his hair. The bags under his eyes that were barely going away. He was also as tall as Toshinori was. Though a little more heavier judging from the small pudge on his stomach.

This man wasn't the teenage Izuku Midoriya who had just returned.

This was an Izuku that had grown up. And grew up roughly.

Oh my god…

"He's with me guys. It's fine." Izuku told them.

The Rabbits gaped and immediately dropped down to a knee.

"A thousand pardons, Green Scar!"

"Super sorry, your Highness!"

"Eh?" Toshi looked between Izuku and the two samurai Rabbits multiple times. "Eh?"

Izuku sighed and was about to say something but thought better of it. Probably from saying it before. Instead he asked them to bring a Princess and her Father to the courtyard. The Rabbits scrambled to get the order done.

"Why's it always those two?" Izuku muttered under his breath. He then noticed that his teacher was gaping at him. "What?"


"Ah. Yeah. Guess I'm about thirty-five, give or take." He rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "Bit much, isn't it?"

It was.

"Hey, All Might! Is it fine yet?!"

That was Aizawa. "Oh, sorry Eraser! Yes, it's fine! Midoriya is here too!"

"Alright, we're coming through!"

The scruffy teacher and Nedzu both arrived at the same time. Immediately, Aizawa was trying to erase what possible quirk nonsense was happening. And as the final nail in the coffin, nothing changed.

"Well, well. Looks like the grande tale was more of an autobiography after all." Nedzu commented, taking in the sights. "Though the Tokugawa element was a bit of a surprise. Midoriya?"

"Well…I did spend time telling them stories about Earth. My Earth, anyway. And they kinda carried that on when they were building this place."

"Hmm." Nedzu furrowed his brow at the castle itself. "There are some battle scars on it. It had to have been rebuilt."

"Yeah…" No one missed the tone Izuku had. Melancholy and wistful. "A lot happened. Some of it I wasn't here for…"

"Midoriya…" Toshi wanted to say something but wasn't sure what.


The Earthlings were joined by a new Rabbit person.

This one was a young girl, running at them at full speed. For some reason, she decided to jump and hop off the walls of the castle in an impressive display of leg strength and parkour. With a flip, she managed to skid to a stop a couple of feet in front of Izuku, tracking some dirt on him.

She was about as tall as Izuku when he was young. She was a full on white Rabbit mixed with a tomboy. The yellow shirt with the words Kick on it and black sporting shorts helped with the image. The little flower next to her ears did add a little more cuteness to her.

She took a few breaths but flinched at the mess she made.

"Sorry, Super Great Grandpa. Cream wanted me for something then I had to use that bathroom. Sorry."

Izuku smiled. "It's fine, Usagi."

He then presented the three teachers with a hand. "I'd like to introduce you to my teachers from My Earth. Uh, are your Hero names fine?"

"Go ahead."
"That's fine."

"Okay then. This is Eraser, my old homeroom teacher." Izuku presented Shota Aizawa first before moving to Toshinori Yagi. "And this is All Might."

Usagi gaped. "The Sleepy Enforcer Eraser and Hero of Might?! The Heroes from the stories?!"

Izuku nodded. The starry look in Usagi's eyes continued for a moment. The two men were used to it.

"But they're really here! Oh my gosh, Scorch and Marco are gonna lose their minds when they find out!" Usagi noticed Nedzu. "Oh! I'm sorry for overlooking, uhm?"

"I'm Principal of UA, Nedzu. Am I a bear? Am I a mouse? The answer is a secret!"

The old description of Nedzu made Izuku smile a little.

Usagi led them inside the palace, Fin and Lou staying back as the portal closed. Aizawa decided to stay behind with the portal. Someone had to maintain communication with Tsukaichi.

They got to see the long and impressive hallway of past Rabbit Rulers.

And it left the three newcomers with more questions than ever. Cause a few of those rulers looked suspiciously like characters they've seen before.

A Buggs who looked so done with everything while a cute yellow rabbit hugged him close. Behind them and doing the peace sign who had an odd Black Duck monster dressed as a Wizard.

A wacky picture of a small beady eyed white rabbit wielding a Hammer with an explosion happening behind him.

There were also intense looking portraits of a large rabbit with a strong overbite that radiated bloodlust. Or a tall rabbit with a red jacket fighting gloves slamming his fists together.

And was one of them a vampire?

Izuku felt eyes on the back of his head but kept walking. Not even he could answer them.

They arrived at the wooden doors to the great hall. The guards opened it for them and they stepped in.

Inside was a wide gymnasium-like hall with rows of retainers standing at attention. At the end of the long green carpet were two occupied thrones.

Anyone would have taken the moment to bow before such an occasion.

However, the three UA staff members were not told to do so. So they took the moment to again give Izuku confused stares and the need for Answers.

A short red rabbit wearing clothes that could only come from a messenger or Page, stood at the front to meet the guests of honor. With a squeaky loud voice, he proclaimed, "Presenting the King and Queen of the Rabbit Kingdom!"

"King Miyamoto and Queen Vanilla!"

The King bore a strong resemblance to a certain rabbit samurai from a comic book back in the Americas.

Samurai style garb of light and dark blue with a Rabbit's foot as the insignia.

Similar scar across his left brow.

And a serious countenance that would be at home in the Japanese history books

The lady was in a kimono that was floral pink and white. However, the designs on the bottom were carrot orange and looked more like lightning bolts. She looked every bit the picture of a calm and nurturing mother.

The royal couple stood up and bowed. Miyamoto spoke first, "It's good to see you back already, Honorable Grandfather. Is your home ready to speak?"

"Not yet. I brought these two here to start things off."

"As you say."

Nedzu stepped forward, "Pardon me, your Highness. Midoriya."

He was given their full attention.

"It seems to me that a problem has arisen that threatens not just your world but ours has come up. It sounds like you could use a lot more Heroes to lend a hand with dealing with it. Is that the case?"

"That is so." Queen Vanilla replied. She then asked Izuku, "Have you not told them yet, Izuku?"

"Grandpa kinda takes a moment to get to the point. Especially if he's got a tangent." Usagi commented.

The green adult looked embarrassed. "I just wanted to give them proof before they saw everything else."

"Didn't the scissors do that?"

"Oh. They certainly have us a bit of a scare but this does give more context!" Nezu chuckled. "But now we have even more questions."

"But first, as for the problem." Nezu's cheerful demeanor changed as he gave his next words the needed weight. "As astounding as it sounds, is it possible the problem is Shigaraki Tomura?"

The aura in the room turned dour.

Miyamoto narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist. It didn't last for Vanilla took his in hers. There was a comforting squeeze, not just for him but for her.

Usagi looked away, clearly uncomfortable.

But Izuku was the oddest one of all. A crackle of energy, of One for All, danced across his body. But the way it manifested was different. Not just the energy but the fact there were more…red cracks along his arms and an odd "x" across his face. To top it off, a single black tendril leaked from his wrist.

He took a deep breath and it all went away.

Izuku presented a hand to Miyamoto, giving him the floor to speak.

"The fiend known as Tomura Shigaraki of the Black Hand is not only an enemy of the Rabbit Kingdom but also of the whole land of Mewni. If you give us the time, we and the Butterfly Kingdom would like to formally help you in apprehending him."

"I see. So things have become much more complicated." Nezu nodded. "I'm afraid I cannot speak for everyone back in Japan, your Highness. We have superiors that we have to bring this news too."

"I understand. Izuku can be the intermediary between us."

"It may be a bit difficult due to his age back in Japan."

The rabbits looked confused.

"When I got back, I turned back into a fourteen year old." Izuku answered. "I'm just a student and Hero-in-training there."

"Oh yeah. You guys don't have teens running quests and stuff right?" Usagi asked.

Nezu answered. "Not without constant supervision and even then they aren't required to handle true danger."

"Huh. Sounds weird."

"Earth's a lot safer than here, Usagi."

Toshinori wondered about that. If things were that dangerous, then what did Izuku need to do to survive? Nevermind having to tangle with Nana's grandchild. Did he get further with One for All?

"Right! Well we will do all that we can. But before all that, there are many people Izuku needs to reconnect with first. Not to mention his kidnapping needs to be explained."

"Oh yeah." Usagi blinked and turned to her Grandfather. "Kinda forgot you got kidnapped the first time. Are you gonna be ok back there Grandpa? Like with your Mom and Dad?"

Izuku tried to imagine how he would break the news to his mother. He looked like he sucked a lemon. "It'll be fine…maybe."
Kinda excited to bring the Green Scar to Qq.

I am still taking ques from the main idea thread while I try to weave a story into it.

I'll be posting the last of Chapter 1 on July 4 and will be making some indexes as well.
Izuku Midoriya, Isekai Return 1.3
The Reign of Skywynne, Queen of Hours…
The Butterfly Castle…

Am I still here?

That was the only thought Izuku could conjure up. He just sat there, sitting in seiza, with the most dumbfounded look on his face.

But really, what does one do when they get Isekai'd to a fantasy world?

The boy had read the odd manga or two before going back to his superhero comics. They were fine enough though some of the heroes did go power hungry and become bad guys that a sequel hero had to take care of. Other times the heart of heroic writing petered out and it became more slice of life.

Nothing wrong with that but Izuku was interested in seeing heroes being heroes.

And now here he was.

Can I still be a Hero?

"Look! I'm sorry, Mom! I already apologized!"

Izuku robotically turned his head to watch the argument taking place. It was between the girl who summoned him and the Queen of the castle, her Mother.

Skywynne Lavender Butterfly was a fair skinned lady and dressed in a flowing lavender dress and her short orange hair done in a royal bun. Like her children, she had odd cheekmarks, this time hourglasses. The crown she wore was small but still elegant.

The woman sighed as she looked at her daughter in disappointment.

"I understand that Solaria but we are still stuck with a young boy taken from his home! And judging from your spell, it was a one way attempt. We cannot send him back. Do you understand that?"

"Yes! And I'll handle it! It can't be that hard to make a spell to send him back!"

"Actually, it is." Another voice said.

Izuku got to watch a small blue man float in the air from behind him. The man was staring at him with three eyes. In any other time, the boy would have been shocked and jumped in fright. He still wasn't there yet.

"What do you mean, Glossaryck?"

"Exactly what I mean. It'll be hard to send him back since this is an incredibly new spell. Most of the summons that can be done with the wand all come from the realm of Magic Realm. All of them, new creations made whole cloth."

Glossaryck took hold of Izuku's cheek and made him look left, right and forward.

"This lad came from an actual different dimension. Possibly so far from the Realm of Magic that the connection may be just the itsy bitsies thread." Now he was just pulling on the boy's cheek. "Frankly, a one in a bajillion million chance!"

Izuku wasn't sure if that was good or not.

"So because he was sooo far off, I can't just like, throw him back?"

"He's not a fish, Solaria." Skywynne admonished.

"Nope! Congrats, little Solaria. You snagged yourself a boy!" Glossaryck said with a lazy wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up, Glossaryck." She huffed, folding her arms.

After all their talking, Izuku finally managed to find his voice. Mustering himself, he asked, "I'm really stuck here?"

The other occupants gave him different looks. Boredom from Glossaryck while the royals were at least sorry. Skywynne stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Please don't worry. I promise on the butterfly name that we will do what we can. It may take some getting used to but Mewni has many things to offer. Like the new academy I've put together for non magical but special children. You seem like the scholarly type so you should excel there."

She then began leading him out of the room. There was a mention of having a room to sleep in for as long as he liked.

Solaria only half listened to that.

She had the most uncomfortable churning in her gut. This really is bad isn't it? What am I supposed to do?

"Just make use of him as you planned."

She glared at Glossaryck.

"He's got nothing else to do. And even if this was an odd misfire, I doubt the wand would bring you someone that you couldn't make use of. You asked for a warrior-"


"Whatever. Someone who's tough and strong and can fight. Despite how soft he looks, there is a power in the lad. So why not keep him close?"

The redhead hummed and glanced at her wand. Was he really the answer that she was looking for?


Izuku was given a room on…he was sure it was like the fourth floor. The castle didn't really have floors like most modern places he knew. He wasn't even sure how many people lived in the castle itself.

The room itself was sparse but big enough for one person. Just a few pieces of furniture, like a bed and a desk.

If this was back in old medieval times, then that meant no personal bathroom.

Still, it gave him a place to rest his head and think.

" Young Midoriya?"

"Uhm, yes Ma-I mean, your Majesty?" That's what you called royals right?

"Call me Skywynne or Queen if you like." The orangette graced him with a smile. "Please don't think too badly of my daughter. I promise she will take responsibility."

"I-I don't blame her! And I promise to not be a nuisance! And to pull my weight!" He bowed to her.

She chuckled. "Worry not. Like I said, we'll find a way to help."

She looked out the window. Nightfall was approaching.

"If you want to rest, feel free. We'll send someone to fetch you for dinner."

With that parting line, Skywynne left him.

Izuku stood in the room for a few minutes before he sat on the cot. It was a little hard but nothing too bad.

So he was stuck here.

I wish I could've spoken to Mom a little more.


Izuku jumped in fright. He looked around trying to find the culprit. He gaped at Solaria standing at the window.

"You busy?"

"Uh? Whu? No. I was jus-"

"Good." She hopped down and marched right toward him. "Come with me!"

She took him by the hand, which he gasped at(I'm holding hands with a Girl?!) and pulled him toward the window.

"Wait, what?!"

"Calm down! We'll fly down!"

Saying that, she jumped out the high window, dragging Izuku with her. The boy screamed on the way down.

"WIngs Fly!" Cried out Solaria.

With a glow of light, huge red bird wings appeared on Solaria's back. With a few flaps, the downward spiral they were on was changed to an amazing flight into the sunset. They touched down on a small plateau.

Or they would have, had Solaria stuck the landing. Or misjudged Izuku's weight combined with hers.

The two teens round up face first on the ground.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Izuku said with a groan.

"Shut up." Solaria dusted herself off and stood up. "Anyway, there's a reason I brought you here." She presented a hand to the space over the hill. "Take a look."

Izuku joined her. Down below was a vast valley. Wooden huts where the townspeople were going in and out and making merry. The sounds carrying over from below was one of jocularity and fun. There was even some guy streaking and singing before the guards caught him and brought him to the jailhouse.

"They're our subjects. Only recently did Mum decide to expand our lands for all our people. But doing so only invites monsters to come and eat them. We can hold them off but we need more than that."

As she spoke, Solaria took in the sight of the kingdom. Her people that she would be in charge of one day.

She would have many enemies to battle.

A large part of her couldn't wait to break Monster bones. But the other more annoying part of her knew that there was a big thing her Mom was doing and that she would pass it to her.

And if she was gonna make it work, she needed strength. Not just in herself but in her troops.

She looked at her Ch-well new recruit really.

He just didn't seem like a fighter. Can she work with this?

"I'm sorry. For taking you from your world. Should you choose to, I promise to protect you until we can find something for you."

"I can fight."

"And I promise to let you live in the ca-wait what?"

"I-I can fight!" Izuku brought up his fists. Solaria couldn't help glance at the scar on his right arm. It looked kinda cool. "I didn't get a chance to mention earlier but I'm a hero in training. I can help!"

"Oh? You don't really look the type."

"I've kinda been told that before but trust me." He put on his best hero smile. "If anyone needs saving, I'll be there to help."

Solaria just looked at him. Aw man, still not good enough. Maybe if I used a little more teeth?


And to top it off, she was laughing.

"Well alright then, Shrimp! I'll be sure to grind you into a Hero."

"Uhm…thanks. And my name is Izuku. Izuku Midoriya."

"Alright, Izuku! First we're gonna start you off simple."


"If you can break a rock, you can break bones!" Solaria patted the eight foot boulder she managed to find.

Izuku looked at it. Then at her. "That's it?"

"Whaddya mean, 'that's it'? Do you have any idea how much Magic I need to use to push this? As A Knight, we gotta see where your muscles are. They're ok but they need to get better."

I don't think I can even push this an inch without One For All. With that in mind, he called up the power.

He took a stance and let the familiar crackle and buzz of energy course through him. The rush of ten percent felt easier to manage here.

"The heck?" Solaria cried out.

"SMASH!" Izuku cried as he let loose.

His fist collided with the rock, making a loud crash that if it hit the ground would have sent people falling. The rock caved to the pressure and lost a wide amount of mass! It now looked like a three inch depression had been made, like the outer layer shell of an egg had been cracked.

Izuku looked over his handiwork. "Is that good?"

Solaria blinked.

She then shrugged. "It's a start."


Mustafu City…
Present Day…


Izuku was barreled over when his mom crashed right into him. Inko had arrived a mite earlier than expected and was brought back to the debrief room to wait. The detective and Eraser didn't really know how to explain where Izuku was so placated her that some talks were being made but he was here and she could see him.

Then a green portal appeared out of nowhere and Izuku stepped out of it with All Might and Principal Nezu.

Inko ignored the portal completely and hugged her baby boy. Relief, grief, and so many emotions exploded out of her just like her tears.

Izuku laid there, almost scared to do anything. But soon he returned the hug. He sat up and just held his mother in his arms.

Soon mother and son were crying together. Both just happy to see each other again. Even if things would never be the same.

She hardly noticed the other men in the room leaving out to give them space. Inko pulled back and gently held her son's face. She couldn't help but check him over for any scar or bruise or anything that could be a wound. But when she got to his eyes, something clicked.

It was Mother's intuition. Something was wrong with her baby.

"Izuku? What's wrong? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

Izuku hesitated. Which only did terrible things for her blood pressure.

"Mom, there's..some things I have to tell you."

"What? Oh god, do you have a scar? Did they take something?!"


She knew she had to calm down and let him speak. It was just taking her too long to get everything in order.

So imagine her surprise when the world decided to help speed things along.

"Hey Gramps! I'm ready to…"

Inko drew back when she saw a small rabbit girl appear out of that green portal. And now that she was able to consider it, she asked, "Izuku, what is this? And who is she?"

Her son made the most complicated expression until he turned to the girl and bade her come forward. The white rabbit stepped out with a small bag hung over her shoulder.

The girl was staring at Inko.

"Uhm are you the one who helped my boy?" She asked.

"Izuku? It's more like he helped me and my group out a lot more." The older woman was starting to feel weirded out by the awestruck blue eyes on her. "Wow. It's really you…"

"Usagi…" Izuku sighed.

"Sorry Grampa! But it's like…it's Great Grandma! How am I supposed to act?!"

Great what?

Inko's reddened eyes were now boring a hole into her son's head. "Izuku…?"

"Right. Uhm...Mom. This is Miyamoto Usagi."

Inko blinked.

"I know what you're thinking but it's…kind of a coincidence. Ahem. Anyway, she's…your great, great, great…many great granddaughter..?"

The woman could only stare at her fourteen year old son as he presented her with what could only be a fourteen year old girl who he was saying was her great grandchild.

"Sweetie, if you need counseling, I swear we'll get you the best! No amount is too much to help you!"

Izuku sighed. He then pointed to that odd green portal. "I have to show you something."





"Mom?" The tall man who had taken the place of her son asked. Sure he had Izuku's face and smile but he was almost her age now. This couldn't be her baby.

This had to be a trick. An aging quirk or something. How else could this have happened?

And yet, this whole place. Those rabbit people watching from a distance. This was so beyond what a Quirk could do. And even then why?

A hand touched her shoulder. "Mrs. Midoriya."

She looked at her side. It was Mr. Yagi.

"I'm sorry but…it is true. It's all true."

Mr. Yagi or All Might would not lie to her. Not after promising to take responsibility for helping her son. Not when he had been missing for a month. All Might wouldn't do all this just to play some cruel odd prank on her.

So that meant…

Unable to handle all this in one sitting, she fainted.


"Mom!" Izuku caught her before she could hit the ground. Sadly, the woman was out cold.

"Too much?" Usagi asked.

"Waay too much." Izuku sighed. "We should have waited."

She nodded. "And you haven't even told her about the scar yet."

The two humans and rabbit princess flinched. That was not going to be a fun conversation.

And thats part 1 done. Small glimpses of Izuku's first time in the silly world of mewni and his return to his world. Mostly to safeguard the world against his fatal enemy Shigaraki Tomura but also to see his old family again.

But how does a man rediscover his place in the world? How do you let your mother know she has grandchildren? Symbollically or otherwise?

Those questions and more will be show when we return...

Stay tuned...
The woman could only stare at her fourteen year old son as he presented her with what could only be a fourteen year old girl who he was saying was her great grandchild.

"Sweetie, if you need counseling, I swear we'll get you the best! No amount is too much to help you!"
What a response to that, lol.

Unable to handle all this in one sitting, she fainted.
Willing to bet that wont be the only time Inko would faint for the rest of the day.

But how does a man rediscover his place in the world? How do you let your mother know she has grandchildren? Symbollically or otherwise?

Those questions and more will be show when we return...

Stay tuned...
I need More!! More Midoriya family Drama!!!
Timeline of Two worlds pt.1
Putting this up to know where we are coming from. If you wanna be surprised for when it comes up, just ignore this.

This timeline is comprised of a Tale of Two Sisters. Izuku has been with two women in his Isekai tale and has had children by them.

Solaria Butterfly the Monster Carver: Eclipsa
Vell the Rabbit Monster: Roger Rabbit, Bloody the Vampire Rabbit, Little Grey, and two more daughters and one son.

Izuku had been in Solaria's company for nearly ten years before he left to join the monsters. In total, he rocked the Mewni landscape for twenty years.

It was during the last five years Solaria's reign and the battles between the Carver and the Green Scar that the Rabbit Kingdom truly crystalized as more than various rabbits banding together under the Green Scar banner. While Izuku shared a commiserating drink with different clans, he would never be the first true Rabbit King on paper.
Last edited:
Regroups and Reunions 2.1
A secret location…

The Giant shuffled along.

The earth beneath him rumbled with each step. His strength, capable of breaking whole towns. A single rampage would cost hundreds or close to thousands of lives. And that was only when he was in first gear. If he were to become pissed or commanded by the Master he dearly missed...

The lone scientist watched this with a modicum of concern. Only the type where the plans that he had made for his leader were in jeopardy.

Garaki had no clue what happened to Shigaraki Tomura and his band of misfits. And now close to two weeks of radio silence and no physical signs of them, he feared the worst.

And yet his curiosity only grew.

The round man knew there were no major players that could orchestrate a move like this. The heir for All For One is not one who can just disappear without Garaki's knowing. And yet he did.

Garaki very nearly tore out the last bits of his hair trying to figure it out.

After that, he spent the time trying to locate the wayward league of Villains. And today was the last day.

"I cannot believe I have failed All For One like this…" He wiped his face. Faint traces of sweat were on his hands. He was afraid.

Which was understandable.

This was a screw up monumental to letting that foolish brute All Might escape after Nana Shimura's death.

"Perhaps more calculations on the High End number 32 will calm my ner-

Suddenly at the corner of his eye, he spotted Gigantomachia.

The Mountain Man was standing straight. His dark eyes sparkled with determination.

"There…." He growled as he began running.

"What could get his att-"

The doctor flinched. "But of course! What else could it be?!"

Garaki tapped the keyboards to get a satellite look at the targets while also calling them on the phone. Luckily, he had one of their numbers. He pressed the call button.



"Who dis?"

He recognized that voice! It was Jin Bubaigawara, the self replicating villain Twice!

"So you all have finally returned!" he shouted over the phone. "It is about time, Tomura Shigaraki!"

At the moment, no response came. In fact, the only sound he could hear was some woman yelling in the background.

"...Ke Up! HandyMan! This is no time for the troops to be sleeping!"

"Knock it off, Mina! He's unconscious already!"


"Get your hands off Our Lord, Mewni scum!"

He recognized Spinner, the reptile heteromorph of the group but not the others. The third voice, he had no recollection of.

The second one just sounded like a mad woman.

Sounds of scuffling could be heard as most likely other members of the league were stopping the woman from accosting the Villain Leader. However, it didn't seem they were having that good of an effect.

"Mina please quiet down! I'm talking to some unknown guy. No seriously! Who the hell is this!?"

"I was the one who gave Shigaraki the Nomu."

The voice of a girl spoke up next. "Oh that old science guy! Shiggy did mention that! So we really are back on earth!"

That was Toga Himiko.

"Ohhhh! So what!?" Twice said. "Anyways, Boss man can't come to the phone on account of being knocked the heck out, Doc!"

"Well it's good to know we actually got back to the right place." An annoyed growl sounded off. The impatience and tone had to be from Dabi. "If we had to go through the Ice zone or that stupid Gobble monster dimension just to get back to this hell hole, I would have thrown these idiots to be eaten."

"We came at Master Shigaraki's request. Get in our way at your own peril, Flame broil!"

"The Master needs adequate space to replenish himself. Is there a dwelling we can take him to?"

Who on earth?

The computer finally found them and displayed a picture.

Garaki blinked.

Where did those hooded figures come from? Their clothing reminded him of the fringe Hetermorph hating quirk groups. However, the figures did not wear skull masks to hide their identities. Instead, they had hand shaped masks on their faces. Charcoal black hands that were much like Shigaraki's own signature style. They totaled twelve in number and their body shapes denoted mix genders and body forms.

Still the question remained: who were they?

But more to the point, what happened to the League?

All of them had tattered clothing and looked like they had been in a fierce battle for their lives.

Compress's mechanical hand was missing fingers and was in dire need of repairs.
Himiko had scars and small blood traces about her. Her blood sucking equipment was almost gone.
Twice and Dabi had arms that needed splints.

But the worst was Shigaraki. Like they said, the man was just lying on his back, completely unresponsive. He was breathing judging from the rise and fall of his diaphragm at least. His top was completely gone, showing multiple bruise marks and fist indents near his abdomen and an obvious black eye on his left one.

The cultist people were surrounding him, as if a makeshift barrier. Perhaps he picked up followers? Odd consider-

"Who in the Rogal Zar are you all talking too?!" shouted the crazy woman again.

The camera feed switched over to her and…

My assessment was correct. The bald scientist's eyes roved over the woman. She was not the picture of mental health.

Disregarding the colorful bubblegum purple of her bun styled hair, the wild almost unblinking status of her eyes and her posture denoted someone with an erratic sleep style and hyper energy. It may even be a wild question if she slept at all. Like the rest, she had clothing damage alongside a broken tooth and a black eye. The spiked helmet on her head was missing what could only be a pointed tip.

And yet, she still had a hold on Shigaraki and was attempting to shake him awake. It took five of those cultists, Spinner, and Compress to get her off.

Once they did, she began to wander around spouting about some Rabbit coming for them.

"What on earth happened to you all?" Garaki asked, at a loss.

"It's a crazy ass story that would be too long to say. Toga got us all Isekai'd to a magic land." Twice replied.

Garaki paused. He needed several moments to parse through what the masked multiple man had said. And yet it didn't make sense.


"Despite how short he said it, Doctor, Twice summed it all up quite well." The masked thief replied. He took a seat nearby Shigaraki and sighed in complete exhaustion . "There is magic afoot doctor and we've all experienced it."

Garaki couldn't believe what he was hearing. Just as he was about to say something, the ground began to rumble under the villainous group.

"What the heck?" Spinner questioned as he tried to stay up right.

"Protect the Lord!" One of the cultists shouted. They formed a circle around Shigaraki.

"The Rabbit's here!" The woman Mina shouted a-

Garaki blinked. One moment, the woman looked nearly ninety pounds soaking wet. The next she looked like she was in the same bench press team as Muscular.

"Oh my. Gigantomachia has found you already." Garaki commented.

He began typing on the main computer. He had to get the full story out of them before Gigantomachia squashed them all.

"Who?" Twice and Toga asked.

"The Giant Mountain man that wanted to squish us!" Spinner yelled. "How the hell did you guys forget that?!"

"Because we were on a magical adventure?"

"Not an excuse! I remembered! Dabi remembered!"

"That's because Dabi barely fought him." Toga commented.

The burnt man scoffed. "Because some of us had actual work to do on breaking the hero society. Not playing tag with a Dogman."

The rest of the talk was cut off as the lumbering Giant's head peeked out from the forest. His beady eyes immediately zeroed in on the sleeping Shigaraki.

"Finally…" He grumbled as the greenery was pushed out of the way. "It's been weeks since I last caught you. How dare you disappear…!"

"Oh crud." The League muttered in unison.

"For Solaria!!!!!"

One moment they were preparing to fight. The next Gigantomachia's nose had a dent on it while being pushed back!

"Huh?!" Garaki shouted.

The giant then focused his ire on the gnat that struck him and slammed her into the ground. Just as he was about to deliver another hit, she was up and backflipping out of his fist range. Then she climbed up his arm and front kicked his chin. The mammoth head reared back from the force of it.

But only for just a moment.

Gigantomachia struck back with a full on headbutt!



Mina fell into the earth like a meteor. If one were to go looking for her, they would see a five foot deep indent in the ground.

The group could only watch and wait to see what shape the insane but strong woman would be in.

"Ha! You think that's enough to bring me down, Dog Monster!" Mina hopped out of the ditch, dirty but still raring to go. "HAVE AT THEE!!"

Twice started holding his face in exaggerated terror. "She's holding her own against that monster! She's dead for sure!"

"Well she did tank those fists from Midoriya…" Compress sounded just as dumbfounded.

"Big Sis is crazy strong. I think a lot of us would lose our heads if she tried that on us." Saying that, Toga was fiddling with a knife. Did she take out from fear? Probably.

Back at his own hideout, Garaki had very nearly had enough of today's ridiculous discoveries. He had a whole speech prepared for when he and his Master's heir finally met up and the boy was still asleep!

He needed to bring them in from the cold.

"Ok, we're ready!" One of those hand cultists shouted. A woman by the sounds of it! "Lieutenants! Gather close for we're going into hiding!"

"What about Mina?" Toga asked as Twice helped her over.

"What about the Butterfly peasant?"

Spinner nearly smacked her upside the head. "Will you knock it off? She promised to aid Shigaraki and us. That's all that matters."

The cultist grumbled but acquiesced.

Before he could resume his call, Garaki was treated to an amazing sight. The cultists raised their hands in perfect synchronized timing but each one had their hands in different gestures.

The odd moves then produced an odd energy signature and aura to fly from their hands and cover the league. In mere moments, the other energy changed into a black gelatinous mass.

But when the mass fell away, they were all gone!


Garaki had a lot to answer to his Master for. At least, Gigantomachia had a playmate and the League were back where he should be able to track them.

For now, he needed a stiff drink.

New arc and the League is back in town! With a new crew and a lotta bruises!

Green Scar was not gentle.

This one may go for a bit as I figure out who gets a say this time. But don't worry, Shiggy is just restin. At least Mina has something to do.

Stay tuned.
"What on earth happened to you all?" Garaki asked, at a loss.

"It's a crazy ass story that would be too long to say. Toga got us all Isekai'd to a magic land." Twice replied.

Garaki paused. He needed several moments to parse through what the masked multiple man had said. And yet it didn't make sense.


"Despite how short he said it, Doctor, Twice summed it all up quite well." The masked thief replied. He took a seat nearby Shigaraki and sighed in complete exhaustion . "There is magic afoot doctor and we've all experienced it."

I cant believe Toga's stalker tendencies made the League suffer Isekai just because she was thirsty for Izuku's-- OH who Am I kidding!? Of course that was exactly how it happened.

Hahaha, thanks for the chapter!
"...Ke Up! HandyMan! This is no time for the troops to be sleeping!"

"Knock it off, Mina! He's unconscious already!"


"Get your hands off Our Lord, Mewni scum!"
Ahhhh, LoV and Mina interacting.

Always interesting to see her joining them considering lol.

"It's a crazy ass story that would be too long to say. Toga got us all Isekai'd to a magic land."

I remembered how we discussed about the Isekai adventure, and I think the funniest is her just not explaining it.

"I was sent to another world with Magic."
I mean unless Omnitraxtus decides to do a tell all or anyone remembers to ask him, they're just not gonna find out.
And knowing Omnitraxtus and the Magic High Commission's general inclinations, easy money says that they and Izuku's kingdom aren't on, you know, speaking terms? Well, Rhombulus kind of is, but I wouldn't really define any of the declarations of "GUILTY!" or "EVIL!" that comes out of his... crystal as 'intelligent conversation'. Or intelligent, for that matter.
And knowing Omnitraxtus and the Magic High Commission's general inclinations, easy money says that they and Izuku's kingdom aren't on, you know, speaking terms? Well, Rhombulus kind of is, but I wouldn't really define any of the declarations of "GUILTY!" or "EVIL!" that comes out of his... crystal as 'intelligent conversation'. Or intelligent, for that matter.


Shiggy Diggy left a bit of a middle finger.
Rabbit Takes 1: Welcome to the family
Inko Midoriya was shaking. For the second time in her life, she was about to meet some very important people. And just like before, it was tied back to her baby boy Izuku.

The first time was when All Might retired and formally asked to train her son to be a Hero.

That had been heart stopping.

Now though it was even worse.

"Is it really safe?" She asked. She had put on her best business skirt and top. She hoped it looked nice.

"I've been through it many times and it was made by the best in the business." Izuku said with a reassuring smile. "Do you want me to go through first?"

"...If you don't mind."

"No problem, Mom."

He stepped through the green hole in reality. Now alone with her thoughts, Inko began to fidget.

'I'm going to see my son's kingdom. I'm going to see more of his descendants. Oh dear. There's literally no books for this…"

Izuku's head popped back in. He looked…apologetic?

"Uhm. They've brought out the welcome mat. It's a bit much but they mean well!"

That did not help her nerves.



Her worry was well placed.

When they arrived, rows of rabbit samurai guards were at the entrance. They were decked out in full regalia and were arranged from small things that almost reached her knees to big bunnies that they tried to match All Might in height.

Her son led her inside as each samurai bowed to her when she passed by.

Inside was even crazier.

Buildings that declared reverence for Izuku's other persona, the Green Scar. Streamers that had his name hung off the tallest buildings and connected them to the next building over. Miles of merchandising like toys, cups, engravings on weapons, lucky charms, masks, etc.

In the streets, the rabbit people danced. Again, the Japanese aesthetic was strong here as Inko recognized the dances as ones she used to dance to. Not just the kimonos but the full hair buns, white face paint, and the theaters. Did Izuku teach them that?

Food stalls had carrots, sweets, meat, and various corn dishes. And when she said corn dishes, she meant it. There was a lot of it.

While odd, this was…kinda nice.

The people cheered as Izuku passed them by but they also made sure to bow to her as well.

Oh dear. Her face began to glow red.

Soon they went into the actual castle.

And there was the royal family Izuku said wanted to meet her. The two parents. The two daughters and the son.

And even more samurai retainers.

"Welcome, Lady Inko, First Mother." A small one white rabbit announced.

And then everyone was bowing.

"Oh my." Inko whispered.

Izuku looked embarrassed too. "Yeah, this is them being restrained."

The King and Queen stepped forward and bowed to her first. Is everyone really going to do this?

"Thank you for coming, Lady Inko. You honor us on this day." said the King.

The Queen presented a hand "Join us for tea? I'm sure Usagi has told you some stories about us. I would be happy to hear them as well."


"And this is when Usagi was taken outside for the first time." Vanilla pointed to the middle of a triptych portrait.

"Oh! That's such a cute dress. She seems more like the sporty type but looks so nice in dresses. Though that glare is something else."

"She gets that from her Father." She turned a page and Inko squealed. "Though she also gets her silly looks from him too."

"She looks so unassuming!"


"I have some old things of Izuku I always keep with me. If you want…"

"Oh please!"

Inko went to fish out her own baby pictures. It was kind of a longshot gamble but since this group were…family, then maybe she could find some common ground. And found it she had.

"Here's Izuku in his old All Might pajamas."

"Oh my! Grandfather looks so tiny!" Vanilla cooed.


The two looked down to see the youngest daughter of the family. Little Cream and her odd friend Cheese.

"Yes Hun?"

"Scorch's bringing out some dishes…"

Just as she said that, the doors to the patio were flung open. The sole son of the family, Scorch, was carrying two large silver trays, two smaller trays, and one small personal plate at the top, for their lunch. However, they were a tad too big for the boy.

He didn't even make it five steps before he tripped and they slipped out of his hands!

"Wha!" He cried out as the breakable items hovered in the air, mere seconds from falling.

And they would have…if not for the fast feet of the family.

Izuku appeared in an arc of green lightning and caught the two largest plates. Usagi followed in his footsteps and caught the other two.

But that left the last…!

Which floated in the air?

"I got it." Inko said with a wave of her hand. Her telekinesis was a little shaky since she could only pull small objects to her. Luckily the secret meal was just the right weight.

She gently put it on the table with a smile.

The smile then became embarrassed as the rest of the family clapped for her victory.

"Great work on the save Gr-Miss Inko." Usagi said.

Izuku smiled, "It runs in the family."

"Very Heroic." Miyamoto praised, along with the children and his wife as well.

Inko blushed at the praise and settled in for this nice little outing. She couldn't wait for the next
time she could come around.

Maybe this new family isn't so bad. She thought as she took a bite.

She liked the carrot cake the most.
New Chapter!!!! Happy to read it. Been in spacebattles to get a feel of the lore... And oh boy, the Solaria bomba if it's canon in here will hoy Inko hard
I am surprised and very Happy to find this story here!!
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Regroups and Reunions 2.2
Izuku Midoriya:Found!!

The headline made waves the moment the police made the statement. One of the interesting first years of UA's trouble magnet classroom 1A had finally been located a month into his disappearance.

Once the call was out, the usual suspects made their rounds.

Many cheered to see a young hero found.
The conspirators kept asking questions on what happened and why.

And the underworld grumbled about another hero making a comeback. And yet, not even the League of Villains copped to being the kidnappers of the runt. It left those in the shadows of society confused and wondering.

Izuku found his face plastered on the internet and found it embarrassing. It's a good thing he had more important things to occupy his time.

"Uraraka. Ida. Mineta…Mina." He recited as he went over his old notes.

Yes, he made notes about his friends and their quirks. He couldn't help it. They were all so interesting and he couldn't help but look at them from what angle he could. What else would a quirkless fanboy do?

But now he needed them for another reason: a refresher.

He had forgotten quite a few things after his twenty year stint in Mewni. Some friends' names had faded in the background and some vehicles just were forgotten about. He needed a moment to remember a bus, for God's sake!

So he needed a review.

And luckily he has help.


Usagi held up a card. "The one with many arms?"


"Mezou Shouji." She turned the card around and showed a tall young man with six arms and covering over his head and face. It looked like a ninja mask actually.

"Ah. He helped save my life back then. When the league kidnapped Kacchan."

"I remember that story. It wasn't a very happy one since it led to that All for One guy." The rabbit shivered. "Crazy to believe he's out there somewhere. Even if he's locked up."

"You don't have to worry about him. He's in the one place no villain has ever gotten out of. The guards there are like…more competent Rhombulus."

"Are they as goofy?"


Usagi nodded in wonder.

"Ok…next is…a little girl?"

"Little girl?" Did he know… "Wait! Wait! That's Eri!"

"Yeah. Was she a classmate too? I don't remember that story."

"Me and other heroes rescued her from Overhaul. The one who could pull people apart by the tiniest molecule."

Usagi grimaced. "Oh. Ugh. That sounded awful. Ya know, even Star's vaporize spell sounds nicer than that."

There was a knock at the door.

"I have snacks." Inko called out.

"Come in."

The pudgy mother stepped in the room carrying tea and snacks. "How's it going Izuku? Usagi?"


"Don't worry, you'll remember them in no time." She placed the food on his old bedroom work table. "By the way, Usagi. Are you sure I don't need to do anything more with Izuku's room other than tidy it? We can move the All Might Memorabilia."

"Nah, it's fine Gr-I mean, Miss Inko." She silently thanked the girl. She wasn't ready to be called Grandma yet. "It's a little weird but I don't wanna ruin Grampa's stuff."

She did twitch a little at her son being called Grandfather.

"Though really, I didn't think people made so much stuff for one person. Not even Butterfly Castle had this much dedicated to the past queens. Not even Queen Crestia."

"Never underestimate fans, Usagi." Said the fanboy. "I hope you like it while you stay here."

The two went back to the friend quiz after their little break. Each time, Izuku was a little disheartened that he had forgotten much.

Names misspoken. Events that were close to what happened. Or just flat out forgotten.

He didn't even remember what their rooms looked like when they all first moved into the dorms. It was the first activity they did in their new home.

It opened them up to each other.

"Super Grampa?" Usagi poked him.


"It's gonna be fine, you know. You can just...hang with them and start new memories. Or heck, just being around them might dig out the old ones. You never know."

It was possible. Echoes of the past have a way of cropping up for people.

Even being in this old room drudged up when he first saw All Might's amazing rescue for the hundredth time. Or when the same man invited him to UA.

However, old memories of friends did remind him of two he wouldn't be able to see again. And the many things he wanted to say to them.



"Are you going to speak with your old friends too? From the tournament?"

She didn't answer immediately. She made odd faces but she didn't answer.

He understood.

He did hope she would one day. Despite the old bad blood, he did think her old gang would get along well with Star and Marco. They were good kids.

Trouble makers? There was no doubt.

But good.


Izuku slept that night. Maybe not peacefully but he slept.

But inside his quirk, One For All, more discussions were going on.

In the mental projection of the quirk, or even the soul room if you wish to call it, there was a stony landscape. Up above was a dark sky with nary a star up there. The only place worth seeing was a stone table depicting All Might's insignia and nine rock-like chairs gathered around it.

In them, the Vestiges of the mighty quirk talked amongst themselves.

"We need a new table. Maybe we oughta just accept it and make it rabbit themed."

The first voice was Daigoro Banjo, the fifth user.

"For the last time, no." The second user, Kudo, rejected the notion with an impatient growl. "There's something more important we need to talk about."

"You finally speaking to the Ki-I mean Midoriya? Can't call em kid anymore."

"No. About All for One. We're finally back here. That means our true battle can resume."

"It already resumed back in Mewni. And things have shifted a lot." Hikage said. "Both sides have had an increase in resources and strength neither would have seen coming.

"But we have the upper hand. Even if he hesitated, Midoriya struck a great blow against Shigaraki. Now we have to make sure he finishes the job."

"We know."

Everyone turned to the sole female member of their group. Nana met Kudo's stare with her own.

"It's gonna take a little time but we'll work to help Midoriya take the plunge. But letting him have his old life for a while will help him focus. Help him remember what he's fighting for."

"Not to mention, make sure he doesn't burn out quicker." En Tayutai said.

"And maybe give him some time to work with the other quirks." Daigoro raised a good point. "Me, Nana, and En when Solaria went bad. But we had to stop really working on it when the War went Bad. They mostly saved his ass with Tomura but more trumps against that decay quirk need to happen."

Magic was the name of the problem. The Vestiges already had a feeling it was crazy strong since it pulled Izuku across time and space and could just do things. And they got a first hand confirmation when the Monster Carver and her Knights fought Izuku. What sucked was that there was no chance for the boy to learn it himself, what with the possible consequences combining it with One for All.

Plus, the fact that the Monsters couldn't use it.

Tomura wasn't so handicapped. Neither him nor his cult.

Kudo huffed but nodded. "Makes sense. He should be far enough to start working with the other quirks. But I vote for Danger Sense to go next."

"Oh?" Said Quirk's original user asked.

"It's extremely useful. With One for All boosting it, we'll get the jump on Tomura should he come sneaking up on us. No offense to En but we shoulda pushed for it over Smokescreen."

The short high collared man waved it off. "None taken. Both are best for evading the enemy."

"Then it's mine after?" Bruce, quirk name Fa Jin and third user, offered.

Everyone mulled this over and figured it may not be a bad idea. Kudo was especially fine with his quirk being on the teaching block last. It seemed he still had reservations on Midoriya even after twenty years. While on a small level they understood but it can be tiresome.

"Also…" The first user, Yoichi, spoke up.

He then pointed, past the table and Midoriya's chair, to something that shouldn't be there.

An elegant door stood in their realm.

It was an ornate door with golden trim lines and was wide enough for two people to walk into. The dominant colors were green and crimson red with yellow door knobs. But it was the imagery on the door that was the eye catcher.

A golden jewel encrusted Butterfly.

"We cannot open it." Yoichi stated.

"It's probably something for Midoriya. Think we should ask him?"

Nana shook her head. "He's busy enough."

Hikage let out a soft chuckle. "Does it seem we have so much going on, we keep having to put it off? Like an eternal keep away."

Bruce nodded. "That's what happens when magic is involved."

All the Vestiges nodded at that.


The Next Day…
UA Academy…

The ride over to the school was pulse pounding.

Izuku's foot was tapping away at the floor even as the city passed him by. He did get to see a couple of old heroes doing daring do so that was a good mood pleaser. The billboards and televisions were thankfully covering Endeavor and his new top five heroes instead of focusing on him. THat was perfectly fine.

"You alright, Midoriya?" asked Toshinori.

"Just. a little uneasy. I should probably say something. Something comforting. Maybe I should smile? But that would be kinda weird since I just got back and maybe seem kinda callous. In fact I think Kacchan might think I'm going crazy and bop me on the head an-"

A hand patted him on the shoulder.

"Breathe Midoriya. One step at a time. Instead of being worried about appearances, just be glad you're among friends again."

Izuku paused and did as his mentor asked. Deep breaths and clear his head. Just focus on the here and now.

The car pulled into UA's gate and went around to the dorms.

It was almost a nostalgic dream. The place hasn't changed in twenty years. And in front of it were people.

So many faces. Some he recognized in an instant.

Others…he would need a little time. But he couldn't mistake the warm feeling in his heart.

The car pulled up. With one last look and nod, Izuku got out of the car first-


-and was immediately dogpiled by his old friends.


"We missed ya!"

"Glad to see ya back man! You must have toughed it out by your lonesome!"

"Ribbit. Are you okay?"

"I'm glad that you are with us again in one piece. I know it must have been traumatic and if you ever wish to speak private-"

"I made some muffins. It's not much but a sweet once in awhi-"

"If you need to look at hot chicks, I ca-"

"Not the time Mineta!"

"OK! Ok! Everyone! Calm down!"

Izuku was utterly lost in the sea of voices. Side hugs, friendly pats, and well wishes were practically rained down upon him as he was brought into the building and deposited on the sofa. The noise was deafening but the way everyone moved and tried to get a word in edgewise was just…so warm.

It was one of the happiest sounds he had heard in a long time.


And there was that one.

Bakugou stood at the other end of the hall. The blonde was halfway between scowling and making the oddest face to settle on. Beside him, Todoroki waved and said hello to Izuku.

It was odd, seeing him again. Bakugou was only a little taller than him and yet even as they got a little older, he always seemed larger by comparison. The aspect was still there and yet…it was smaller.

Izuku couldn't really describe it.

"Hey Kacchan." He said.

"Bout time you got back! Next time, kick their asses and run."

That's what he's going with…?!

"Got it." Izuku said, with a chuckle.

He's just going along with it?!

It wasn't hard to get a feel on what everyone was thinking.

A girl with earphone-like ears leaned on the couch and asked "But really, you alright Izuku?"

"I'm ok. Really."

"Well if you want some tunes to listen to, just ask. Not all of them feature All Might but they can make ya sing."

Izuku froze. If there was one thing he didn't want to do was sing. Never again.

There's some shuffling going on from the kitchen and suddenly he sees Uraraka being pushed forward by Mina and a taller girl with long black hair. Yaoru or…Yaomomo?

Yaoyorozu! Right.

Uraraka looked frozen stiff as she was brought before him. In her hands was a plate filled with sweets. First and foremost was mochi.

"D-Deku! Here!" She said, presenting it to him. "And welcome home!"

The whole presentation was a little odd but Izuku took the plate all the same. He picked up the mochi first and took a bite. Ah. Strawberry.

"I'm home." He said after a swallow.

Uraraka's smile was the brightest he'd ever seen. It was good to see it again.


Bakugou watched Deku from far off. He'd said his piece wanted to get something to drink.

"You're not gonna give him a handshake?" asked Half and Half.

"Hell no."

Bakugou ignored the clambering going on and got himself some juice. He stuck around to see everyone lose their heads at the impromptu welcome party. He wasn't gonna get too close and let loose like them.

Instead he was keeping an eye on Deku.

The reports said that it wasn't the League that captured him. Something about an up and coming group that got lucky with support items to keep him bound. Yeah right.

The blonde could buy it wasn't the League. That dry skinned weirdo woulda paraded Deku on tv if it was him. But an unknown that just caught Deku off guard.

Possible but just too convenient.

He probably wasn't the only one to think that. But for now, they'd have to roll with it. Deku probably won't talk about it if he was asked not to.

So just let it go for now. Bakugou thought as he drank. If anything else happened, he'd just blow it away.
I am on the hate train of Bakugou's character but at least I admit the dumbass is insightful when he wants to. Oh boy, cant wait till the truth and details are out.
It was an ornate door with golden trim lines and was wide enough for two people to walk into. The dominant colors were green and crimson red with yellow door knobs. But it was the imagery on the door that was the eye catcher.

A golden jewel encrusted Butterfly
I can't wait for All for One to enter the Mental Landscape and just see the door there.

One for All: The fuck is that? Never mind, I'll just destroy it when I kill you Iz-
"Angry banging from behind door"
One for All: That's forbodding
Oh yeah. Mind scape battles are a thing
All for One, out of context: It appears that you have girls in your mind Izuku.
Toshinori: Oh he's just a growing boy... Again. He's bound to have those thoughts.
All for One: No I mean, they're literally running through his head.
Aizawa: Is it that weird? I mean sure he's basically going through puberty again...
All for One: For fucks sake. He literally has that Solaria woman in his mind, she gave me a literal mental scar.
Ochako: Izuku, you're into older women?
Tenya: Technically they would be women his age.

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