Chapter 11
Things die. Let them.
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Velen was silently gazing at his people, pondering their past, present, and future. The tragedies his people had suffered at the hands of others and, worst of all, their own, all in the name of power, jealousy, and anger.
Not a day went by that he did not consider the fall of Archimonde and Kil'jaeden and the fracturing of their people. For so long, their people had walked in the Light, and yet all it took was but a moment for darkness to fill the hearts of many, leading them astray.
Worse yet, the few who chose to remain in the Light were now hunted by their own fallen brethren. Settling on this world, they had attempted to rebuild and had done so. For a time, they even enjoyed peace, yet they were found, and Orcs, who had lived here long before them, were corrupted and used as a weapon against them.
So many were killed once more, desecrated even. Now once more they fled and hid. Profound sadness gripped his heart at the way those who looked to him for leadership suffered under his rule, due to his inability to protect them.
And in his darkest moment, he had even begun to lose hope. Yet the Light had shown him something, something that reignited it – a rebirth of people who had begun to fall into darkness but were saved and brought back into the Light.
Seeing such had firmed his resolve, and now he waited for their coming, for the Light had revealed that the leader of these people would seek them out. All that was left to do was wait.
A knock on the door pulled his attention. "Yes?" He asked simply.
"A Prince Kael'Thas is here to see you, Prophet," one of the guards informed him, to which Velen smiled for a moment.
"Let him in."
Not a day went by that he did not consider the fall of Archimonde and Kil'jaeden and the fracturing of their people. For so long, their people had walked in the Light, and yet all it took was but a moment for darkness to fill the hearts of many, leading them astray.
Worse yet, the few who chose to remain in the Light were now hunted by their own fallen brethren. Settling on this world, they had attempted to rebuild and had done so. For a time, they even enjoyed peace, yet they were found, and Orcs, who had lived here long before them, were corrupted and used as a weapon against them.
So many were killed once more, desecrated even. Now once more they fled and hid. Profound sadness gripped his heart at the way those who looked to him for leadership suffered under his rule, due to his inability to protect them.
And in his darkest moment, he had even begun to lose hope. Yet the Light had shown him something, something that reignited it – a rebirth of people who had begun to fall into darkness but were saved and brought back into the Light.
Seeing such had firmed his resolve, and now he waited for their coming, for the Light had revealed that the leader of these people would seek them out. All that was left to do was wait.
A knock on the door pulled his attention. "Yes?" He asked simply.
"A Prince Kael'Thas is here to see you, Prophet," one of the guards informed him, to which Velen smiled for a moment.
"Let him in."
As Kael'Thas set foot upon the broken world of Draenor, or as it was called now, Outland, disgust and sadness overwhelmed him. Disgust for the ruinous powers that had seeped into what remained of this world, and sadness for a world and people destroyed by those same powers. With his eyes finally unclouded, he could see them for what they truly were.
Disappointment in himself rose within him. To think that he once sought salvation from these powers. No, such powers could only destroy, never create or heal. All they knew was to corrupt, twist, and destroy. The thought that he almost led his people down this dark road made his heart clench painfully.
Thankfully, the Light had seen fit to grant them a second chance, and he would not waste it. Kael'Thas firmed his resolve; he had a mission to accomplish. He needed to gather as many of his people still on this world and save them from darkness. Additionally, he had to locate the Draenei people and ask them to join in cooperation.
Disappointment in himself rose within him. To think that he once sought salvation from these powers. No, such powers could only destroy, never create or heal. All they knew was to corrupt, twist, and destroy. The thought that he almost led his people down this dark road made his heart clench painfully.
Thankfully, the Light had seen fit to grant them a second chance, and he would not waste it. Kael'Thas firmed his resolve; he had a mission to accomplish. He needed to gather as many of his people still on this world and save them from darkness. Additionally, he had to locate the Draenei people and ask them to join in cooperation.
At first, Kael'Thas was worried that it would take a long time before he would be able to locate the Draenei. However, the Light saw fit to grant him a sense of direction.
As he approached the location he was certain they were located, he noticed the guards, which confirmed that he was in the right place. After a moment of gathering himself, he began to approach them.
The moment they noticed him, they went on guard, yet as he fully entered their sight, strangely, they relaxed. Uncertain about their actions, he continued to approach, and as he came close enough, he noticed that among them stood one who seemed in command.
A woman, if he was not mistaken, scrutinized him heavily. Putting on his best smile, he spoke up. "Hello, I am Prince Kael'Thas of the Sindorei. I would like to speak to Prophet Velen if possible."
The woman scrutinized him for a moment longer before nodding. "The Prophet is expecting you. Come with me." Saying so, she turned and began to walk.
Kael'Thas felt a measure of confusion. How would Prophet Velen know to expect him? Was his approach noticed? Granted, he was not exactly hiding, yet that wouldn't explain them recognizing his name.
A feeling of peace and calmness from the Light put him at ease and explained how Prophet Velen knew to expect him.
As he approached the location he was certain they were located, he noticed the guards, which confirmed that he was in the right place. After a moment of gathering himself, he began to approach them.
The moment they noticed him, they went on guard, yet as he fully entered their sight, strangely, they relaxed. Uncertain about their actions, he continued to approach, and as he came close enough, he noticed that among them stood one who seemed in command.
A woman, if he was not mistaken, scrutinized him heavily. Putting on his best smile, he spoke up. "Hello, I am Prince Kael'Thas of the Sindorei. I would like to speak to Prophet Velen if possible."
The woman scrutinized him for a moment longer before nodding. "The Prophet is expecting you. Come with me." Saying so, she turned and began to walk.
Kael'Thas felt a measure of confusion. How would Prophet Velen know to expect him? Was his approach noticed? Granted, he was not exactly hiding, yet that wouldn't explain them recognizing his name.
A feeling of peace and calmness from the Light put him at ease and explained how Prophet Velen knew to expect him.
As Velen walked across the Isle of Quel'Thalas accompanied by Kael'Thas, he felt at peace for the first time in a long time. The meeting between Kael'Thas and him had gone very well.
It gladdened him to meet someone who, while beginning to walk the path of damnation, was strong and wise enough to divert from it when given the chance.
The similarities between their people's recent experiences served as a way of bonding. As tragic as that sounded, they drew strength from it. To see others suffer just as much and still be willing to continue emboldened those who may have begun to fall into despair.
"This land is beautiful," Velen commented. While the aesthetic was very dissimilar to the Draenei, it was in no way worse. Not to mention the newly dubbed Lightwell, whose power could be felt across the entire land, gave it a very peaceful atmosphere.
At first, when their people met, there was confusion and even guardedness between them, but it was understandable. As much as it pained him to admit it, their looks were very similar to many of the now demonic members of the Burning Legion.
Still, with assurances from both him and Prince Kael'Thas, the people attempted to move past it.
It gladdened him to meet someone who, while beginning to walk the path of damnation, was strong and wise enough to divert from it when given the chance.
The similarities between their people's recent experiences served as a way of bonding. As tragic as that sounded, they drew strength from it. To see others suffer just as much and still be willing to continue emboldened those who may have begun to fall into despair.
"This land is beautiful," Velen commented. While the aesthetic was very dissimilar to the Draenei, it was in no way worse. Not to mention the newly dubbed Lightwell, whose power could be felt across the entire land, gave it a very peaceful atmosphere.
At first, when their people met, there was confusion and even guardedness between them, but it was understandable. As much as it pained him to admit it, their looks were very similar to many of the now demonic members of the Burning Legion.
Still, with assurances from both him and Prince Kael'Thas, the people attempted to move past it.
Liadrin, now Matriarch of the Sentinels of Light, reflected on how fast her life had changed. Once just a priestess, even if of high standing, then losing her faith, and now having it restored once more. More than that, being chosen as someone to lead a completely new order.
Even once the adrenaline from the heat of the moment had died down, and she thought about what she had agreed to, she did not regret it even a little.
Striking with her sword and releasing a wave of Light that obliterated a group of undead, she smiled to herself. No, she did not regret it.
Looking up, she watched the new members of her order. At first, the news of her ascendancy and the creation of the Sentinels of Light was met with confusion and, dare she say, some mistrust from the general populace.
Yet even the most suspicious could not deny the effect the Lightwell had on their people. Not only did it quench their thirst for magic, but more and more were learning the proper ways to control it.
It was a slow and arduous process, no doubt, one that Liadrin was also walking. Yet the moments when she felt no desire to consume magic filled her with peace.
So, while there had been a sweeping change in all their lives due to the Light, even the most suspicious, had to acknowledge the simple fact that it had been for the better.
A frown grew on her face when thinking of Rommath. In truth, what many did not know was that Rommath had fallen more and more under the influence of Fel. So the change that Light had brought was not something he desired at all.
In fact, unbeknownst to anyone besides herself and Prince Kael'Thas, they had forcefully exposed Rommath to the Lightwell to cleanse the Fel corruption from him.
The sight of the frankly disgusting magic of Fel leaking from him and how he struggled so hard to keep it shocked her to the core. But it was nothing compared to the expression on their Prince's face. Shock, disgust, fear, and, most of all, regret and self-loathing.
She attempted to alleviate his regret over what he had brought, yet she was uncertain if she succeeded. One thing she knew for certain was that by the end, she could see determination on the face of their Prince.
Not long after, he spoke to Lor'themar and herself of going back to Outland, gathering the rest of their people, and finding the Draenei.
She didn't know what to think of these Draenei people. From what the Stranger had told them, they were an old race that had been struck by the hand of evil, yet still kept to the Light.
She could see the wisdom of gaining an ally such as them, who could teach them of the Light, especially during this time of change for their people.
Once the Prince returned with these people, she, as well as others, were quite surprised at their looks. Especially those who had been on Outland. From what she heard from them, the Burning Legion had a race among them that looked disturbingly similar to the Draenei.
Of course, later it was explained how it was the Eredar, the original name for the Draenei race. How Sargeras, the leader of the Legion, had corrupted many of the Eredar, and how those that chose to flee with Prophet Velen renamed themselves the Draenei – meaning Exiled Ones in their own tongue.
Of course, that was but the first of the tragedies to befall them. Learning of what the Orcish Horde had done to their people horrified Liadrin. The parallels between that and their tragedy at the hands of the Scourge were disturbing.
Yet even after all those tragedies, they still held to the Light. Liadrin felt ashamed to have abandoned it at the first sign of trouble. She vowed to never do so again.
What came as truly surprising was how supportive and happy the Draenei seemed when they learned of the newly made Sentinels of Light. Prophet Velen seemed truly impressed and glad to hear of what it was and what it stood for.
Looking to her right, she observed the Draenei woman that Velen had asked to assist them in training. Her name was Velanara Dawnblade, one of the Prophet's personal guard, with thousands of years of experience in martial arts and combining it with the Light.
Liadrin was more than happy accepting help from such a person. Gazing across the new recruits, the results spoke for themselves. They improved by leaps and bounds. Granted, they were fighting rank and file undead, but what better way to truly hone one's skills than in combat.
"You are doing well, Liadrin," Velanara spoke up, a note of pride in her voice.
Liadrin turned to regard her with a smile. "These enemies are not much of a challenge these days."
Velanara nodded at that but continued in a wise tone. "True, but one must learn to walk before they run." She gazed at the recruits searchingly before nodding to herself.
Even once the adrenaline from the heat of the moment had died down, and she thought about what she had agreed to, she did not regret it even a little.
Striking with her sword and releasing a wave of Light that obliterated a group of undead, she smiled to herself. No, she did not regret it.
Looking up, she watched the new members of her order. At first, the news of her ascendancy and the creation of the Sentinels of Light was met with confusion and, dare she say, some mistrust from the general populace.
Yet even the most suspicious could not deny the effect the Lightwell had on their people. Not only did it quench their thirst for magic, but more and more were learning the proper ways to control it.
It was a slow and arduous process, no doubt, one that Liadrin was also walking. Yet the moments when she felt no desire to consume magic filled her with peace.
So, while there had been a sweeping change in all their lives due to the Light, even the most suspicious, had to acknowledge the simple fact that it had been for the better.
A frown grew on her face when thinking of Rommath. In truth, what many did not know was that Rommath had fallen more and more under the influence of Fel. So the change that Light had brought was not something he desired at all.
In fact, unbeknownst to anyone besides herself and Prince Kael'Thas, they had forcefully exposed Rommath to the Lightwell to cleanse the Fel corruption from him.
The sight of the frankly disgusting magic of Fel leaking from him and how he struggled so hard to keep it shocked her to the core. But it was nothing compared to the expression on their Prince's face. Shock, disgust, fear, and, most of all, regret and self-loathing.
She attempted to alleviate his regret over what he had brought, yet she was uncertain if she succeeded. One thing she knew for certain was that by the end, she could see determination on the face of their Prince.
Not long after, he spoke to Lor'themar and herself of going back to Outland, gathering the rest of their people, and finding the Draenei.
She didn't know what to think of these Draenei people. From what the Stranger had told them, they were an old race that had been struck by the hand of evil, yet still kept to the Light.
She could see the wisdom of gaining an ally such as them, who could teach them of the Light, especially during this time of change for their people.
Once the Prince returned with these people, she, as well as others, were quite surprised at their looks. Especially those who had been on Outland. From what she heard from them, the Burning Legion had a race among them that looked disturbingly similar to the Draenei.
Of course, later it was explained how it was the Eredar, the original name for the Draenei race. How Sargeras, the leader of the Legion, had corrupted many of the Eredar, and how those that chose to flee with Prophet Velen renamed themselves the Draenei – meaning Exiled Ones in their own tongue.
Of course, that was but the first of the tragedies to befall them. Learning of what the Orcish Horde had done to their people horrified Liadrin. The parallels between that and their tragedy at the hands of the Scourge were disturbing.
Yet even after all those tragedies, they still held to the Light. Liadrin felt ashamed to have abandoned it at the first sign of trouble. She vowed to never do so again.
What came as truly surprising was how supportive and happy the Draenei seemed when they learned of the newly made Sentinels of Light. Prophet Velen seemed truly impressed and glad to hear of what it was and what it stood for.
Looking to her right, she observed the Draenei woman that Velen had asked to assist them in training. Her name was Velanara Dawnblade, one of the Prophet's personal guard, with thousands of years of experience in martial arts and combining it with the Light.
Liadrin was more than happy accepting help from such a person. Gazing across the new recruits, the results spoke for themselves. They improved by leaps and bounds. Granted, they were fighting rank and file undead, but what better way to truly hone one's skills than in combat.
"You are doing well, Liadrin," Velanara spoke up, a note of pride in her voice.
Liadrin turned to regard her with a smile. "These enemies are not much of a challenge these days."
Velanara nodded at that but continued in a wise tone. "True, but one must learn to walk before they run." She gazed at the recruits searchingly before nodding to herself.
Honestly not much to say, just hope you enjoyed this.
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As usual there are next three chapters on my Patreon