Book 2 Chapter 6 Being Theodore McWellan part 6
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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Dr. Fadil asked.
Anna and I had made our way down to the infirmary where Anna's brother Daitan still remained under sedation. We'd long ago moved Dr. Fadil to one of the larger spaces in the mall to accommodate all the autodocs and other medical equipment we'd had brought in. And like any other hospital, the place was organized around trying to waste as little of Dr. Fadil's time as possible. He had about half-a-dozen assistants he'd been personally educating for years to do initial diagnoses and could handle a lot of things on their own, especially now with access to real equipment. They were as well educated as licensed nurses, but only a few of them had had the time and inclination to get certified. For the vast majority of operations, they just dumped people in one of the autodocs even if they weren't using the actual software. As a self-contained, self-sterilizing environment there was hardly any reason not to use them. Occasionally, the nurses would need to fall back on the built-in software or call in Dr. Fadil himself, but that was pretty rare these days.
Instead, the good doctor spent most of his time with more difficult cases, doing administrative work, or training the nurses. And one of the more important techniques he'd taught them was medical restrainment, the use of chemicals and drugs to render someone incapable of resisting. Fairly common back then really. But drakes were a bit beyond their paygrade. Even Dr. Fadil wasn't entirely certain how long he could keep this up without either the techniques failing or going too far and doing lasting damage to him. So we'd moved him to our jail, gurney and all, and asked Dr. Fadil to set the wake-up routine
"We don't have a lot of options," I replied, "we need to know what he knows. Besides, I beat him once before, I can do it again,"
Dr. Fadil sighed and something about that made the lines and pockmarks on his face stand out against his mostly gray hair and tired eyes. Clearly, this job had aged him more than time ever had.
"And now you're on three different kinds of antibiotics as well as two stimulants just to be on your feet. Just because you don't seem to notice pain doesn't mean that you're damaged any less. And don't even begin to start making excuses about your strange healing powers. Those may make long-term consequences of injury less of a problem for you, but this is happening right now. Will you - "
"Thank you, Doctor, but for the time being, he's not going to be in any shape to fight. And I'm confident I'll be back in fighting shape before he is. Please, just get on with this," I interjected.
He wagged his head in frustration but said nothing. Instead, he simply tapped an AR Icon floating over Daitan's bed and it looked for a moment as though he'd leave in silence. But then he stopped as he passed me and turned to look me in the eyes.
"If he escapes - " he began.
"I know. Believe me. I know," I replied.
And then there were three. According to the doctor, it would be impossible to tell how long it would take for Daitan to wake up. So little medical information was publicly available about drakes we didn't even know what it meant that he hadn't reverted to human form. So, I started perceiving astrally. Even if he had the ability to mask his aura, there should be a brief moment of disorientation when he first woke up that would let me know he was awake and prevent him from tricking us that way. And once this part was over and we knew what we were doing next, Gregor's ally spirit Daisey should be enough to handle him. Like I said, people didn't know much about drakes.
For a while, Anna and I sat in silence. We'd expected to have been contacted by her father by now, but we'd had no word. Opticon was still trying to break into the stealth aircraft they'd flown in on - as well as Daitan's commlink - but so far no luck. Meanwhile, we had people assessing damages and scooping up the bodies of the Red Samurai. Some of Delucca's boys wanted us to sell them to ghouls as food, but that was mostly because they'd suffered the vast majority of the casualties. And frankly, I wasn't taking that off the table, but returning their remains was an option I wanted available when we started negotiating. I'd even balked on selling the flying stealth craft they'd flown in on. I was still taking offers, of course, but I wasn't committing to anything.
Anna looked worried, but she wasn't saying anything, so I decided to break the ice.
"So tell me about your brother," I began, "What's the best approach here?"
Anna winced, "Daitan...was always the loyal one. I was the one who couldn't stop rebelling. Aside from that, we were inseparable. He'd never hurt me. Any claim to the contrary is a bluff, like on the roof. It's going to be awfully hard to get him to cooperate without either threatening me or somehow making it seem like doing what you want is serving Father's interests. And I really don't recommend pretending you're going to hurt me. Daitan has a temper. A...well let's just say when he first transformed it was less of a shock and more of an 'oh that explains it' kind of experience,"
"But he never hurt you?" I asked.
"Only physically. But that was everyone really. It's probably the thing he's most ashamed of. He eventually did get himself under control. I remember when he was little though, seeing the horrified look in his eyes after he lost his drek and did something crazy. I think that's why he's so attached to our father. Daddy really laid down the law when he realized how bad the problem was. Personally put him through training-from-hell type stuff. Now he's a lot more disciplined, but the rage is all still there,"
I sighed. She'd given me a great lever for manipulating him, but I'd have to walk an awfully fine line.
"Anything else?"
Anna looked down at the floor for a moment, "He's probably pretty lonely. After I left...I mean he had mother and father, but most people kept him at a distance. We kept the fact that he was a drake secret, but they all knew he could fly off the handle at any moment. He had a very hard time connecting to anyone. And growing up, our parents weren't exactly available. For a while there, I was all he had,"
And since I was astrally perceiving this whole time, the shades of regret and sadness in her aura could not have been more obvious. I didn't exactly know what to say after that so I let the silence hang in the air for a moment.
Daitan's aura began to shift. He went from confused to irritated to afraid in a fraction of a second, but it looked like he didn't have any intentions of deceiving us on that.
"And now you have captured me as well,"
He pulled the medkit sensors off and sat up, and I knew immediately I could not show fear in this situation.
"I have no intention of keeping you here forever," I began, "I'll be sending you back to your father presently. So long as he agrees to grant Julia her freedom,"
He growled in rage, "YOU are the ones who have denied my sister her freedom! I came only to liberate her!"
And he believed every word. Anna looked at me, and I nodded.
"Dai, daddy's lying to you," she replied, "I'm here of my own free will,"
"You are under duress! Or you have been altered by ASIST feedback. I cannot believe anything you say!" he roared, but at the same time I could see in his eyes and his aura how deeply he felt for his sister.
"She is not," I interjected, "if I thought An - Julia wanted to go home, I wouldn't try to stop her,"
Daitan rushed for the bar but thankfully he didn't try to reach through them, "LIAR!"
Anna shook her head, "Dai, you know me. I was never the good little girl. How did you think I'd react to what father did!"
Daitan let go of the bars, "Father? What do you mean?"
Anna stepped right up towards the bars and put a hand through them to lay it on Daitan's shoulder, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised he didn't tell you. Daitan...father had someone killed. Someone I loved very much. I just couldn't stay after that. The people here...]I only met them about a year ago, and they aren't holding me against my will,"
His eyes went wide and I could see a truly massive flare of shame in his aura the likes of which I'd only ever seen on Theo. He pulled away from her and faced the far wall.
"You refer to Mr. Grimes?" he said in a quiet tone.
I looked at Anna. She hadn't given any information about her dead lover in the livestream, but I had to admit it was an odd name for someone living in the Japanese Imperial State.
"He told you?" she asked.
Daitan's whole aura turned to solid fear and nothing else. Almost nothing. I could see tiny strands of hope begin to flicker into existence.
"And if father had not done such a thing? Would you return?"
Anna dropped her hands from the bars and sighed, "Dai, he did do it. He told me himself! He went on and on about how unworthy Morgan was and about the purity of our bloodline. He wouldn't shut up about it!"
Daitan turned his head so he could see us even with his back still facing us, "It seems he lied to both of us then,"
Anna looked at me and I nodded. I'd never made my truth detection abilities public, and while our enemies might very well know about them, it would have just been stupid to make it blatantly obvious.
"What are you saying?" Anna said, looking back to Daitan.
He turned his face back to the wall again, "Father did not kill Mr. Grimes,"
It was the truth, or so he believed, "How do you know this?" I asked.
"Will you return?" Daitan asked, ignoring my question.
Anna clenched her jaw and her face turned to a stone mask, "Not of my own free will. I have a life here,"
I heard him take a heavy breath, "Then there is little point in telling you,"
"Dai, don't do that to me. What happened to Morgan?" she pleaded with him.
He said nothing and for a moment we found ourselves at an impasse. So I stepped in.
"Just because she likes her job and doesn't want to leave it doesn't mean she can't have a relationship with you. If you can convince your father to let her have her freedom you can still be part of her life,"
Even with his back to us, I could still see him shake his head, "That is impossible now,"
There were multiple possibilities here, but if Daitan knew for a fact that his father had lied about having Anna's lover killed, that meant he was covering for someone. Someone he loved. Someone he felt so close to that he was willing to endure his daughter's hate for years to protect them. Someone who, perhaps, had a history of violent anger issues. Someone who now believed that a relationship with Anna was impossible now that the truth was coming out.
"What is it?" Anna said, looking at me. She must have picked up on the fact that I'd put it together, even though she hadn't. The fear and vulnerability both on her face and in her aura rooted me to the ground, but I knew I couldn't keep this from her. I shut off my astral perception.
"Did you see him die?" I asked. I had to cut off any possibility of miscommunication or misunderstanding before I shared what I knew.
"Oh yes," he replied, almost absently.
Anna looked back and forth between us, but apparently she couldn't bring herself to speak.
"Tell her what happened. It's the only hope you have that she and your father will ever have any kind of relationship," I ordered.
Daitan finally found the courage to face Anna again, "You remember how we often liked to sneak out and explore the city without our security? Sometimes I would do this alone, even without you. And as we often did together, I would pretend to be a common street urchin. The day Mr. Grimes died, I had run afoul of some random street thug. He saved me, but when I offered my thanks he told me that no thanks were necessary because, in his estimation we were practically brothers. He knew who I was, but I refused to believe that he knew you at all. I could feel the rage building up in me with every word he uttered. And when he told me that you and he were lovers..."
He broke eye contact with Anna, looking down at the floor for a moment, before looking back up at her, "I lost all reason. When I came to my senses, he was dead at my feet."
Anna put a hand over her mouth and stepped back and in a brief moment of cowardice I was very happy that I'd turned my astral perception off.
"Father told me, of course, that he knew of your relationship. He had chosen to do nothing because he expected you to grow bored of him in time, but had plans to bribe him to leave you if it became necessary. I never knew he took the blame for my actions until today. Nor did I know he lied to me about your extraction. I do not expect your forgiveness, but I beg you to forgive father. He has done nothing but cover my shame,"
And now Anna was staring at me, "It's a lie right? Tell me it's a lie. It has to be a lie,"
I shook my head.
With what must have been a herculean effort, Anna managed to maintain her dignity as she walked out of the room. A moment of silence passed.
"And now?" Daitan asked.
"I'm going to have to negotiate with your father for reparations for this attack. This is Anna's home now and she wants to be here. You owe it to her to not interfere with those negotiations. Submit to imprisonment and you will be returned to your father unharmed,"
He shook his head, "I care not for my freedom. Only for my sister and my parents. Will they be family again?"
I shrugged, "I can't see the future, but if there's to be any chance of that, then they have to give her her freedom. Is there any chance of that?"
He took a deep breath, "That I do not know. But if you return my commlink to me, I will beg them to do so. Further, I will make reparations for this attack with my own funds, if I can meet your demands,"
His words were true, so I sent a text message off to Opticon to bring Daitan's commlink down to the jail.
I sat in on the conversation of course, and it turned out that Anna's father hadn't sent Daitan at all. He'd been running his own investigation into his sister's whereabouts indepent of his parents and when he'd found her he'd simply run in head first, hoping to bring her home as a conquering hero. Anna's mother left the call early on - apparently Anna had called her. So it was just the three of us after that. I made it clear that I had no intention of revealing Daitan's secret dracoform or selling him to any kind of black lab, but I wasn't letting him go until reparations were made. His father immediately offered me 20 million nuyen, and I tried not to agree too quickly.
And he agreed to let Anna stay. Over a commlink, I couldn't tell how much of what he was saying was the truth, but it really did seem like he wanted a relationship with his daughter more than anything else in the world. Even if it was just the occasional commcall.
Half-an-hour later, we were all back on the roof, the remains of the Red Samurai being loaded onto Daitan aircraft. I can't say I felt nothing over having killed 26 people over a misunderstanding, but at least it hadn't been my misunderstanding. You had to take comfort where you could find it.
"Goodbye my sister, "Daitan began now in his human form, "And though I do not ask your forgiveness, do not take that to mean I do not regret my actions. I would do anything to undo what I have done. But I would never - "
Anna practically leaped onto him and threw her arms around him and held him silently for a moment.
"I forgive you," she said, finally.
I could see the tears streaming down Daitan's face, but he said nothing at first.
But after a moment, he spoke,"Thank you,"
It was a profoundly bittersweet moment. Good people had died today and probably on both sides. We couldn't do anything about Daitan's side of things, but here in Squatter's Mall? We'd make it right. We'd find a way. And Anna had her family back. But it was more than that. With Anna able to operate in the open - I probably needed to start thinking of her as 'Julia' now - we had a lot more resources now. And as awful as it was, I couldn't deny the funds and allies in Renraku that she'd be able to call on now would help those still living in a meaningful way, not just in Squatter's Mall but throughout Redmond.
I wouldn't have ever wanted it to happen this way, but it had and I would weild any weapon life gave me against the darkness, even one forged in tragedy.
"So," Anna began after Daitan's stealth aircraft was out of view. She was smiling through the pain, but I didn't need to assense her to know that part of her knew true joy.
"Do I still get to marry Theo?"
Anna and I had made our way down to the infirmary where Anna's brother Daitan still remained under sedation. We'd long ago moved Dr. Fadil to one of the larger spaces in the mall to accommodate all the autodocs and other medical equipment we'd had brought in. And like any other hospital, the place was organized around trying to waste as little of Dr. Fadil's time as possible. He had about half-a-dozen assistants he'd been personally educating for years to do initial diagnoses and could handle a lot of things on their own, especially now with access to real equipment. They were as well educated as licensed nurses, but only a few of them had had the time and inclination to get certified. For the vast majority of operations, they just dumped people in one of the autodocs even if they weren't using the actual software. As a self-contained, self-sterilizing environment there was hardly any reason not to use them. Occasionally, the nurses would need to fall back on the built-in software or call in Dr. Fadil himself, but that was pretty rare these days.
Instead, the good doctor spent most of his time with more difficult cases, doing administrative work, or training the nurses. And one of the more important techniques he'd taught them was medical restrainment, the use of chemicals and drugs to render someone incapable of resisting. Fairly common back then really. But drakes were a bit beyond their paygrade. Even Dr. Fadil wasn't entirely certain how long he could keep this up without either the techniques failing or going too far and doing lasting damage to him. So we'd moved him to our jail, gurney and all, and asked Dr. Fadil to set the wake-up routine
"We don't have a lot of options," I replied, "we need to know what he knows. Besides, I beat him once before, I can do it again,"
Dr. Fadil sighed and something about that made the lines and pockmarks on his face stand out against his mostly gray hair and tired eyes. Clearly, this job had aged him more than time ever had.
"And now you're on three different kinds of antibiotics as well as two stimulants just to be on your feet. Just because you don't seem to notice pain doesn't mean that you're damaged any less. And don't even begin to start making excuses about your strange healing powers. Those may make long-term consequences of injury less of a problem for you, but this is happening right now. Will you - "
"Thank you, Doctor, but for the time being, he's not going to be in any shape to fight. And I'm confident I'll be back in fighting shape before he is. Please, just get on with this," I interjected.
He wagged his head in frustration but said nothing. Instead, he simply tapped an AR Icon floating over Daitan's bed and it looked for a moment as though he'd leave in silence. But then he stopped as he passed me and turned to look me in the eyes.
"If he escapes - " he began.
"I know. Believe me. I know," I replied.
And then there were three. According to the doctor, it would be impossible to tell how long it would take for Daitan to wake up. So little medical information was publicly available about drakes we didn't even know what it meant that he hadn't reverted to human form. So, I started perceiving astrally. Even if he had the ability to mask his aura, there should be a brief moment of disorientation when he first woke up that would let me know he was awake and prevent him from tricking us that way. And once this part was over and we knew what we were doing next, Gregor's ally spirit Daisey should be enough to handle him. Like I said, people didn't know much about drakes.
For a while, Anna and I sat in silence. We'd expected to have been contacted by her father by now, but we'd had no word. Opticon was still trying to break into the stealth aircraft they'd flown in on - as well as Daitan's commlink - but so far no luck. Meanwhile, we had people assessing damages and scooping up the bodies of the Red Samurai. Some of Delucca's boys wanted us to sell them to ghouls as food, but that was mostly because they'd suffered the vast majority of the casualties. And frankly, I wasn't taking that off the table, but returning their remains was an option I wanted available when we started negotiating. I'd even balked on selling the flying stealth craft they'd flown in on. I was still taking offers, of course, but I wasn't committing to anything.
Anna looked worried, but she wasn't saying anything, so I decided to break the ice.
"So tell me about your brother," I began, "What's the best approach here?"
Anna winced, "Daitan...was always the loyal one. I was the one who couldn't stop rebelling. Aside from that, we were inseparable. He'd never hurt me. Any claim to the contrary is a bluff, like on the roof. It's going to be awfully hard to get him to cooperate without either threatening me or somehow making it seem like doing what you want is serving Father's interests. And I really don't recommend pretending you're going to hurt me. Daitan has a temper. A...well let's just say when he first transformed it was less of a shock and more of an 'oh that explains it' kind of experience,"
"But he never hurt you?" I asked.
"Only physically. But that was everyone really. It's probably the thing he's most ashamed of. He eventually did get himself under control. I remember when he was little though, seeing the horrified look in his eyes after he lost his drek and did something crazy. I think that's why he's so attached to our father. Daddy really laid down the law when he realized how bad the problem was. Personally put him through training-from-hell type stuff. Now he's a lot more disciplined, but the rage is all still there,"
I sighed. She'd given me a great lever for manipulating him, but I'd have to walk an awfully fine line.
"Anything else?"
Anna looked down at the floor for a moment, "He's probably pretty lonely. After I left...I mean he had mother and father, but most people kept him at a distance. We kept the fact that he was a drake secret, but they all knew he could fly off the handle at any moment. He had a very hard time connecting to anyone. And growing up, our parents weren't exactly available. For a while there, I was all he had,"
And since I was astrally perceiving this whole time, the shades of regret and sadness in her aura could not have been more obvious. I didn't exactly know what to say after that so I let the silence hang in the air for a moment.
Daitan's aura began to shift. He went from confused to irritated to afraid in a fraction of a second, but it looked like he didn't have any intentions of deceiving us on that.
"And now you have captured me as well,"
He pulled the medkit sensors off and sat up, and I knew immediately I could not show fear in this situation.
"I have no intention of keeping you here forever," I began, "I'll be sending you back to your father presently. So long as he agrees to grant Julia her freedom,"
He growled in rage, "YOU are the ones who have denied my sister her freedom! I came only to liberate her!"
And he believed every word. Anna looked at me, and I nodded.
"Dai, daddy's lying to you," she replied, "I'm here of my own free will,"
"You are under duress! Or you have been altered by ASIST feedback. I cannot believe anything you say!" he roared, but at the same time I could see in his eyes and his aura how deeply he felt for his sister.
"She is not," I interjected, "if I thought An - Julia wanted to go home, I wouldn't try to stop her,"
Daitan rushed for the bar but thankfully he didn't try to reach through them, "LIAR!"
Anna shook her head, "Dai, you know me. I was never the good little girl. How did you think I'd react to what father did!"
Daitan let go of the bars, "Father? What do you mean?"
Anna stepped right up towards the bars and put a hand through them to lay it on Daitan's shoulder, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised he didn't tell you. Daitan...father had someone killed. Someone I loved very much. I just couldn't stay after that. The people here...]I only met them about a year ago, and they aren't holding me against my will,"
His eyes went wide and I could see a truly massive flare of shame in his aura the likes of which I'd only ever seen on Theo. He pulled away from her and faced the far wall.
"You refer to Mr. Grimes?" he said in a quiet tone.
I looked at Anna. She hadn't given any information about her dead lover in the livestream, but I had to admit it was an odd name for someone living in the Japanese Imperial State.
"He told you?" she asked.
Daitan's whole aura turned to solid fear and nothing else. Almost nothing. I could see tiny strands of hope begin to flicker into existence.
"And if father had not done such a thing? Would you return?"
Anna dropped her hands from the bars and sighed, "Dai, he did do it. He told me himself! He went on and on about how unworthy Morgan was and about the purity of our bloodline. He wouldn't shut up about it!"
Daitan turned his head so he could see us even with his back still facing us, "It seems he lied to both of us then,"
Anna looked at me and I nodded. I'd never made my truth detection abilities public, and while our enemies might very well know about them, it would have just been stupid to make it blatantly obvious.
"What are you saying?" Anna said, looking back to Daitan.
He turned his face back to the wall again, "Father did not kill Mr. Grimes,"
It was the truth, or so he believed, "How do you know this?" I asked.
"Will you return?" Daitan asked, ignoring my question.
Anna clenched her jaw and her face turned to a stone mask, "Not of my own free will. I have a life here,"
I heard him take a heavy breath, "Then there is little point in telling you,"
"Dai, don't do that to me. What happened to Morgan?" she pleaded with him.
He said nothing and for a moment we found ourselves at an impasse. So I stepped in.
"Just because she likes her job and doesn't want to leave it doesn't mean she can't have a relationship with you. If you can convince your father to let her have her freedom you can still be part of her life,"
Even with his back to us, I could still see him shake his head, "That is impossible now,"
There were multiple possibilities here, but if Daitan knew for a fact that his father had lied about having Anna's lover killed, that meant he was covering for someone. Someone he loved. Someone he felt so close to that he was willing to endure his daughter's hate for years to protect them. Someone who, perhaps, had a history of violent anger issues. Someone who now believed that a relationship with Anna was impossible now that the truth was coming out.
"What is it?" Anna said, looking at me. She must have picked up on the fact that I'd put it together, even though she hadn't. The fear and vulnerability both on her face and in her aura rooted me to the ground, but I knew I couldn't keep this from her. I shut off my astral perception.
"Did you see him die?" I asked. I had to cut off any possibility of miscommunication or misunderstanding before I shared what I knew.
"Oh yes," he replied, almost absently.
Anna looked back and forth between us, but apparently she couldn't bring herself to speak.
"Tell her what happened. It's the only hope you have that she and your father will ever have any kind of relationship," I ordered.
Daitan finally found the courage to face Anna again, "You remember how we often liked to sneak out and explore the city without our security? Sometimes I would do this alone, even without you. And as we often did together, I would pretend to be a common street urchin. The day Mr. Grimes died, I had run afoul of some random street thug. He saved me, but when I offered my thanks he told me that no thanks were necessary because, in his estimation we were practically brothers. He knew who I was, but I refused to believe that he knew you at all. I could feel the rage building up in me with every word he uttered. And when he told me that you and he were lovers..."
He broke eye contact with Anna, looking down at the floor for a moment, before looking back up at her, "I lost all reason. When I came to my senses, he was dead at my feet."
Anna put a hand over her mouth and stepped back and in a brief moment of cowardice I was very happy that I'd turned my astral perception off.
"Father told me, of course, that he knew of your relationship. He had chosen to do nothing because he expected you to grow bored of him in time, but had plans to bribe him to leave you if it became necessary. I never knew he took the blame for my actions until today. Nor did I know he lied to me about your extraction. I do not expect your forgiveness, but I beg you to forgive father. He has done nothing but cover my shame,"
And now Anna was staring at me, "It's a lie right? Tell me it's a lie. It has to be a lie,"
I shook my head.
With what must have been a herculean effort, Anna managed to maintain her dignity as she walked out of the room. A moment of silence passed.
"And now?" Daitan asked.
"I'm going to have to negotiate with your father for reparations for this attack. This is Anna's home now and she wants to be here. You owe it to her to not interfere with those negotiations. Submit to imprisonment and you will be returned to your father unharmed,"
He shook his head, "I care not for my freedom. Only for my sister and my parents. Will they be family again?"
I shrugged, "I can't see the future, but if there's to be any chance of that, then they have to give her her freedom. Is there any chance of that?"
He took a deep breath, "That I do not know. But if you return my commlink to me, I will beg them to do so. Further, I will make reparations for this attack with my own funds, if I can meet your demands,"
His words were true, so I sent a text message off to Opticon to bring Daitan's commlink down to the jail.
I sat in on the conversation of course, and it turned out that Anna's father hadn't sent Daitan at all. He'd been running his own investigation into his sister's whereabouts indepent of his parents and when he'd found her he'd simply run in head first, hoping to bring her home as a conquering hero. Anna's mother left the call early on - apparently Anna had called her. So it was just the three of us after that. I made it clear that I had no intention of revealing Daitan's secret dracoform or selling him to any kind of black lab, but I wasn't letting him go until reparations were made. His father immediately offered me 20 million nuyen, and I tried not to agree too quickly.
And he agreed to let Anna stay. Over a commlink, I couldn't tell how much of what he was saying was the truth, but it really did seem like he wanted a relationship with his daughter more than anything else in the world. Even if it was just the occasional commcall.
Half-an-hour later, we were all back on the roof, the remains of the Red Samurai being loaded onto Daitan aircraft. I can't say I felt nothing over having killed 26 people over a misunderstanding, but at least it hadn't been my misunderstanding. You had to take comfort where you could find it.
"Goodbye my sister, "Daitan began now in his human form, "And though I do not ask your forgiveness, do not take that to mean I do not regret my actions. I would do anything to undo what I have done. But I would never - "
Anna practically leaped onto him and threw her arms around him and held him silently for a moment.
"I forgive you," she said, finally.
I could see the tears streaming down Daitan's face, but he said nothing at first.
But after a moment, he spoke,"Thank you,"
It was a profoundly bittersweet moment. Good people had died today and probably on both sides. We couldn't do anything about Daitan's side of things, but here in Squatter's Mall? We'd make it right. We'd find a way. And Anna had her family back. But it was more than that. With Anna able to operate in the open - I probably needed to start thinking of her as 'Julia' now - we had a lot more resources now. And as awful as it was, I couldn't deny the funds and allies in Renraku that she'd be able to call on now would help those still living in a meaningful way, not just in Squatter's Mall but throughout Redmond.
I wouldn't have ever wanted it to happen this way, but it had and I would weild any weapon life gave me against the darkness, even one forged in tragedy.
"So," Anna began after Daitan's stealth aircraft was out of view. She was smiling through the pain, but I didn't need to assense her to know that part of her knew true joy.
"Do I still get to marry Theo?"