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Chapter 7

He walked into the graveyard. He held the bouquet of flowers that were poisonous. His mother had always been the practical sort.

He paused before the small gravestone that was engraved with the symbol of their clan, a snake eating its own tail.

He laid the bouquet upon the gravestone. Before pausing before it and taking in the early morning air. Organizing his thoughts.

"I graduated from the academy a week ago. As you suspected, I am on a team with Tsunade Senju. Jiraiya has joined us and we are under Hiruzen Sarutobi. I don't know much about the man yet but the fact is he's apparently able to use all the elements."

He paused, licking his lips before continuing.

"I wish you were here with me. I'm sure you would have desired to know about the seals that Mito has shown me. You didn't deserve to die like that. I don't think I will ever be able to forgive my father for that."

Orochimaru clenched his fist as he controlled himself. Getting angry was okay but not if it interfered with being logical.

"I'm going to accomplish our dream together. I will learn all the Jutsu that exists and when I'm strong enough I will bring you back so I can show you. I miss you."

Orochimaru stuck around just talking to the grave telling his mother about all the things he had done and some of the antics he and his team got up to recently. Time seemed to fly by until he heard a knock on the gate.

"Orochimaru. We need to get to training." Tsunade said it simply. Jiraiya leaned on her shoulder like it was his own personal resting post.

"Goodbye, mother. Until next time."

(Later Training ground 43)

"Gather round."

Hiruzen waved us over to where he was sitting on the floor. Underneath a tree. I couldn't help but remember how easily he had beaten us. I bit my lip as I waited for him to speak.

"Now that I have seen your work together it's time I taught you one of the most essential skills all shinobi should know."

He stood up before placing his foot on the tree and walking up to it until he reached one of its massive branches and proceeded to walk across it so he was looking down at them from up high.

"Using your chakra to defy the laws of gravity is essential for all shinobi; it will allow you to make sure you're perfectly balanced no matter what terrain you are in. Be it upon the water. In a muddy swamp. You will be able to keep yourself centred and balanced. Any questions."

Orochimaru stepped forward. "You said in the water. Are you saying that we could walk on water?"

Hiruzen hopped down from his perch flipping in the air so that he would land on his feet; he ruffled Orochimaru's hair gently.

"That's the next step after tree walking. Water walking will get you used to an environment that can change at a moment's notice. Tree walking is just there to get you started."

I nodded. Stepping forward.

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow. "Eager aren't you Tsunade I haven't even told you how to do it yet."

"I can figure it out. I have excellent chakra control."

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow, waving her on. "Thanks for volunteering, Tsunade."

I remembered this part of the magna. Fixing a small amount of chakra to the bottom of your feet if it was too small I would fall off. If it was too high I would end up blown off the tree itself. I had expert chakra control. I should be able to figure it out.

I channelled a steady stream of chakra towards my feet as I placed one foot on the tree. The tree seemed to explode when my foot made contact and I was thrown backwards onto the floor.

Hiruzen looked down at me and I couldn't help the blush that painted my cheeks. It was embarrassing to fail with them watching me.

He seemed to sigh before extending a hand. I gripped it and he pulled me to my feet. "Sorry," I mumbled at the ground.

He patted me on the head. "It's okay Tsunade. You had the right idea, you just used too much chakra. You want to explain what you did to the others."

I nodded before turning to Orochimaru and Jiraiya who both looked like they wanted to laugh but they knew what was best for them.

"Fix a steady stream of chakra to the bottom of your feet. If it is too small you will not be able to grip the tree and will fall off. If it's too large, well you just saw the result."

Jiraiya burst into laughter. "Yeah you fell on your ass."

Tsunade clenched her fist as she resisted the urge to punch him in the face. Yeah, she felt a little embarrassed but hitting someone because of what she felt was dumb.

Instead she made her way towards the tree again. She just needed to lower the amount of chakra that she used. She would be able to do it eventually.


Sweat needed my brow as I finally stood atop the tree. I planted my hands on my waist as I looked down on all the mere mortals who were still incapable of defying gravity. Which was currently only Jiraiya.

"Hey slowpoke. Hurry up, it's almost time to go do the daily mission."

Jiraiya clenched his fist. And a part of me recognized it probably hurt to be the only to not have gotten but another part of me was feeling petty. He'd embarrassed her earlier after all.

"Get down. The last part of your lesson is at hand."

I raced down the tree alongside Orochimaru. Jumping in the air I did a flip and landed on the ground with my arms raised.

"Wait no applause."

Hiruzen reached out with a roll of paper that seemed to appear from nowhere. Bonking Tsunade on the head. "You can have an ego when you accomplish something noteworthy. Now I have something for you three."

Hiruzen held out three pieces of chakra paper. Orochimaru raised an eyebrow. "What are those?"

"Chakra paper," Hiruzen said simply. "They are used to make stronger seals and can also be used to figure out your chakra natures."

"What do we have to do?'' Orochimaru asked as he took the paper alongside his team.

"Just inject your chakra into the paper and it should react."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow. "Are you really sure you should waste something like this on us?"

"I have faith in you. Not finding out what your natural chakra affinity is now could lead to problems later with what I teach you. It's easier for you to learn to first wield the element you're most connected to.

Jiraiya shrugged before injecting his chakra into the paper. His piece of paper caught on fire and turned to ash.

Orochimaru did the same and watched as his paper split in half, both halves crumpling into dirt.

Tsunade followed suit and watched as half her paper turned to dirt and crumbled away while the other half became damp like it had been splashed with water.

(Inuzuka Compound. Kennels.)

They were so cute. With their little noses and their soft fur, it was hard to imagine that they would grow up into killing machines that would rip the throat out of anybody who threatened their owner.

Then again there were dogs like that in the real world. It all depended on how you treated them just like humans.

"You like them huh. We'll see if you still like them when you're done, Senju."

A flash in the corner of my vision as a Notification popped up. While reading it I caught Hiruzen looking at me.

(Quest Added)

D-Rank Mission.

Objective: Walk the dogs.

Reward: 5000 EXP. +2 Stat Points.

Really. I felt the need to facepalm was my gamer power being innately condescending. It had been doing the same the other 4 times I had gone on a mission. Although I couldn't really call helping civilians with their shopping or painting a fence a mission.

The only ones that felt like a real mission were the ones when we guarded the farms. At least the farm missions actually made sense. If I was a ninja and I was at war I would totally target the resources before the army.

Can't invade if you're hungry am I right.

Shozaki Inuzuka was a grizzled woman with salt and pepper hair. Tall with a muscular build that wouldn't be out of place on a body builder back in my last world. She had an intimidating presence about her as she slowly attached the leash to the 20 dogs that were waiting patiently. It was kinda mind blowing especially because I had once had a dog and getting him on the leash was really troublesome.

She held leashes in one hand like an absolute boss. Strolling over to us with the dogs at her heels and none of them even bothered pulling at the leads. There was a glimmer of something in the woman's eye as she handed over the leads to our sensei.

I once owned a jet-black jug of my own. Dogs were so affectionate and loving they were really one of the best animals that you could have as a pet.

Hiruzen smiled genially as he held two of the leads, one in each hand. As he handed 6 to Jiraiya. 6 to Orochimaru. And 6 to me.

There was a glimmer of amusement in the man's eyes. I channeled chakra to my feet as I prepared just in case. Having mastered tree walking and having walked multiple dogs before was one of the first jobs I did.

Dogs were strong as fuck. I had no idea how strong dogs with chakra would be so keeping my balance seemed like a good idea.

When the dogs lunged forward breaking out into a run it was only me and Hiruzen who was not dragged along with them. I watched Jiraiya pull fruitlessly at the lead to no avail as the puppies didn't even seem to notice.

"And here I thought I would get to see the mighty Tsunade Senju flailing about. But it appears you have figured out how to use tree walking for other things."

I shrugged. "Guess I'm just built differently."

Hiruzen burst into laughter that was infectious and I couldn't help it as I began laughing too.


Jiraiya leaned on his knees as he panted for breath. While Orochimaru glared mutinously in my direction. I turned away and began whistling. Hiruzen was grinning to himself, seeming to fight the urge not to laugh.

"You're not muddy. Senju. Not bad, you appear to have a brain to go with that strength of yours."

"Is this your way of hazing us?"

The woman shrugged her massive shoulders. "No. It's normally used to get teams to be closer by giving them someone to hate in the short term. You were already friends before you became a team so it's fine, just funny to see that happen."

"Does everybody know about that?"

"Anybody who's anybody in the village knows what team you're on. Your Grandfather was an amazing individual; those other clans will never forget that. Be careful though yeah. You don't want to crumble beneath the pressure they may attempt to put on you."

I bowed slightly at the woman whose status I was unable to see. She raised an eyebrow but otherwise, she said nothing more.

"Well, it's time we got going." Hiruzen waved at the woman as he turned away. I turned away as well. The notification that I had finally leveled up after completing 5 D-Rank Missions was important.


Level 16 (400,000/425,000)

Class: Ninja. +10 STR END DEX per level.

Name: Tsunade Senju

Title: Heiress of the Senju Clan.


HP:31,614 (HP 10 min. = 3161)
CP:50,463 (CP 10 min. = 5046)

Power Level: 80

INT: 288 (432)
WIS: 288 (432)
CHA: 288 (432)

Stat Points: 10

I felt a gaze upon me and I could see that Hiruzen was scrutinizing me. When I turned to look at him.

"You should be present to the moment Tsunade, not daydreaming."


It was easy to notice the way she read things that nobody else could see. She hadn't been observing the world. No the way her eyes moved she was reading something he couldn't see.

A part of him was slightly worried about her. But as she wasn't under any Genjutsu he had checked he didn't really see a problem with what she was doing.

At least not until he had mentioned to Tobirama what she was doing he would see where he went from there till his Kage told him what to do he would leave it alone.

It could be nothing but better safe than sorry.

Either way, he was happy with his team's progress. And given the way Shozaki was looking at him earlier, maybe he should invite her out for a drink. Catch up and destress in the most pleasant of ways.

(Itsu Kahira 9 months ago.)

It was getting easier the longer he was out there. He had been surviving well on his own; he just had to deal with the occasional hunger pangs.

Being immortal seemed to stretch to no longer needing food or drink so he could survive. So he had been living out of the cave that he had found.

Sacrificing people was becoming easier. He was faster than they were by a large margin. And most people had never fought a day in their lives. They were unable to contend with his superior speed and strength.

He'd been one of those people once. Jashin had come through for him. Even if he still disliked the nightmares he had been forced to endure. In a way he had become so much stronger for it.

"That's what I like to hear, praise me more my little champion."

And then there was the fact she was so arrogant. But in a way he understood. If he was a god he would probably be arrogant as well.

The sound of a twig snapping was enough to warn him of the approach of people towards his home. The more he did the rituals the more enhanced he had become.

The cave he had fought with the bear was decent to keep out of the weather as he still got cold.

He glanced towards the mouth of the cave as he picked up the spear he had been sharpening. It had felt like he had been followed earlier but he had been in a hurry and as far as he knew there were no samurai in the area.

"Come on Mitch said he followed the person killing all the people here."

James' voice pierced the air. "It's that cunt Itsu, isn't it. Asshole was supposed to die out in the cold and not continue making trouble for us normal folk."
Itsu clenched his fist so hard that his nails penetrated his skin. Not only did that guy have everything he had ever wanted but he wanted to judge him. Fat chance. He could still see them in the dark.

"Come out now little Itsu. I promise it won't hurt much. This is what you deserve. Be a man, come and accept your punishment."

He could hear the other men jeering and his heart beat like a drum in his chest as he breathed deeply.

He stepped forward. Maybe about a month ago, he was right to worry. But now. He felt a smile paint his face as he stepped out from the cave.

James. Jim. Were there along with some other men that while not as muscular as they were would still have been a threat a month ago.

They came equipped with a mishmash of weaponry. From big blocks of wood. To machetes.

"You make it sound like you're brave. But coming with this many people to fight little old me just shows how afraid you are."

A vein in James' neck seemed to pulse as he stepped forward, throwing down the block of wood and outstretching his arms.

"You wanna go pussy. Nobodys' here to stop me beating you to death. Not that a filthy murderer who preys on innocent people deserves any help."

James lunged forward all but sure in himself only for Itsu to all but glide away from the strike before kneeing him in the stomach so hard he could feel an agonizing pain as he dropped to the ground.

Itsu grinned as he planted his foot on James' head pushing him into the snow. He rejoiced in the flip side of the situation that had always happened back in town. Jashin was really something, wasn't she?

"Get off of my brother you smarmy little prick."

"Alright." Itsu pushed at the man's neck until he felt the crack after which he redrew his foot away. "You won't win this fight you know. You may as well go home or I'll have to sacrifice you."

Jim's eyes seemed to bulge as he went red in the face. "Get him. He can't fight all of us."

The 5 remaining people lunged at him. Jim was leading the charge. It would have been threatening but they were slow.

He weaved through all the strikes hitting them in the stomach with a blow that shattered bones on impact. Watching them drop to the ground was amusing. Inflicting this pain on those who had systematically lied about him and all but put him out of business was especially satisfying.

He was above them. Such weaklings had no right to question him, not when they had been happy to threaten him when he was weaker.

He grabbed the groaning Jim and Mitch by their legs as he led them into the cave. The ritual symbol was already upon the floor as he dragged them to it, tossing them on without a care.

He made another trip grabbing the other 3 individuals, two he dragged and one he put on his shoulders. He dropped the bodies on top of the circle. He made one last trip grabbing James' dead body.

He dropped him on the circle Jim was trying to crawl away. Itsu put a stop to that smile as he stomped on the man's hand. The howl the man let out was satisfying. He kicked the man back into the circle.

Jim whimpered. "If we don't return. They're going to pool their money together to get a samurai to come to hunt you down."

"Bring it on. I'll sacrifice them to Jashin just as I'm about to do to you. Besides, even if I let you go you'd probably do it anyway."

"Wait please I don't want to die…"

Itsu spun the machete he had picked up before slamming it into Jim's head. Watching the man's brain and blood spill out onto the ritual symbol as it flashed. He stared into the distance as pleasure greater than he had ever felt spiked across his nervous system.

Hoh. What a hearty meal.
Still hopeful the MC(Tsunade) is a munchkin and uses fore/meta-knowledge, as well as practices(then Masters) as much as possible. All the various elements, even those she is not pre-disposed to. So she should master all 5 elements, then start working on their combinations, so she can mimic the kekkei-Genkai. Like Wood-Release. Maybe using whatever she remembers of "modern" medicine and biology to radically improve her iryohutsu. Maybe to the level of healing anything, regrowing limbs, maybe even making herself biologically immortal, which is something she SHOULD be able to do eventually. Mastering fuinjutsu, not just because it is an Uzumaki specialty, but because it is borderline magic. Basically doing all the amazing things they did with scrolls on the show, even borrowing from other fictions and stuff. Like, Harry Potter Runes and Enchantments, expanded spaces, charms, traveling tents/trunks(the kind you can live in), enlarging and shrinking, etc... Things like Structural Analysis from FATE. Even possible methods of making money later on, writing books/stories, investing in things that could be successful, like introducing underwear that is attractive, and offers support, simple things in modern society that do not exist yet she could corner the market on. She knows there are people in this world who can read minds, maybe look into methods of organizing and securing her own? Occlumency, Mind Palaces, or something? Maybe even figure out a way to heal Mito before(and after) she passes on the Tailed Beast, so she does not die?
It is unlikely, but maybe even eventually, when this story(in this world) has run it's course, she could even figure out a method to travel, turning this into a kind of multi-cross. Having her continue to improve her skill/abilities, while still gaining new ones. Harry Potter, Elder Scrolls, ASOIAF, BtVS, Star Wars, Stargate, DBZ, Fallout, Marvel/MCU, DC/DCEU, etc...

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