07) Let's Go to the Mall
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[-] Winter had many positive comments, and other kind of comments… that I can't put here without changing the classification of this story.
[-] I realized something while writing this story. Maybe there is already a generation that thinks that going to the mall is old people's behavior.
RP # POV: Cinder Fall
My fingers drum on the table as I try to calm down, but anger and frustration boil over with every beat.
"Glynda Goodwitch," I mutter furiously.
The name alone leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. In addition to this blonde witch delaying everything, my resources are at a minimum to carry out my plans.
"That wretched hag!" I explode in hatred, standing up. I feel as if venom is dripping from my mouth with the disgust I'm feeling. "She noticed from interviewing other students that we weren't present in most of our classes. Now she's going to be watching our every move. We can't even breathe without her gaze upon us."
Emerald stands up, her red eyes fixed on mine.
"But your master plan is still in progress, ma'am," she says in a firm tone, trying to calm me down.
She takes a deep breath, clearly trying to organize her thoughts.
"We're gathering the Dust we need, even though Roman is having a hard time stealing it without help from Neo or the White Fang as we had planned. After all, Neo needs to stay in Haven with her 'team.' We would draw more attention if we're just one team of three people."
Beside her, Neo tilts her head, looking at us with her heterochromatic eyes shining with a mixture of irritation and boredom.
"Your condescending tone doesn't help me at all, Emerald," I respond coldly to the green-haired girl. "I'm aware of the difficulties. I don't need you parroting them back to me as if I were a spoiled and frustrated child… don't you dare disrespect me."
Emerald steps back, her face pale under my gaze.
"I'm not disrespecting you, ma'am," her voice shakes, but she keeps her gaze steady. "I'm just pointing out the facts."
I pull away from Emerald, taking a deep breath, trying to regain control. Emerald keeps her distance, expressing wariness of my actions. The tension in the air is palpable.
Suddenly, Mercury's voice breaks the silence.
"I thought you were mad about the problems in Atlas."
My body froze instantly, the blood ran cold in my veins. I turn slowly, my wide eyes finding Mercury lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. His carefree posture contrasts with the storm brewing inside me.
"What problems do we have in Atlas, Mercury?"
My voice is a whisper, but it carries an implicit threat ignored by the silver-haired assassin.
"According to Arthur's contacts, Atlas is overhauling its systems," Mercury comments, yawning.
"Are you talking about an update?" I ask, approaching Mercury's bed. "In which areas?"
"I don't know much about it, but it's much more radical than a simple system update," Mercury responds disinterestedly. "According to the nerds, it will be applied to communication, surveillance, laboratories, weapons, vehicles, and robots too."
My shadow covers Mercury, who finally notices my presence. His gray eyes meet mine, and he is startled to see my face as I'm projecting Dust from my dress.
I whisper a question in his direction as flames and shards of volcanic glass form in the air.
"And how will this affect our plans?" I ask, my voice full of venom and threat.
Mercury gets up slowly, knowing that I'm not messing around. He tries to move towards the door, but I stick out a black glass spear, blocking his way.
"Weaknesses and backdoors that we knew about in the system will be 'fixed', and none of our assets are working on this project."
Mercury's words echo in my mind, and the anger that had been held back explodes into a furious scream. Flames erupt around the black spear; with the intense heat, the fire spreads quickly, licking the walls and floor.
The fire alarm goes off, its siren catching my attention, making me stop the fire, but it is too late. Water gushes from the sprinklers, soaking everything and everyone in the room. Emerald and Mercury cower, trying to protect themselves from the sudden deluge. Neo simply opens her umbrella, which is always close to her.
"This day couldn't get any worse…" I mumble tiredly.
Glynda's voice announces over the speakers in the hallway outside the room.
"Attention students." Glynda's voice announces over the speakers in the hallway outside the room. "Haven Academy will launch an investigation into the cause of the fire alarm going off. While we are investigating, all students are prohibited from leaving Haven Academy under any circustances."
"What?" I question, feeling desperate.
"You don't need to worry. Rest assured we have a very competent fire department working with us during this investigation."
"Phew…" I sigh in relief.
"In about a month, everything will be back to normal."
"NOOOOOO!" I roar furiously.
RP # POV: Pyrra Nikos
I've been watching some of Jaune's training with Professor Luna.
"Keep your guard up!" shouts the professor, his powerful voice echoing throughout the arena.
"Yes sir." Jaune responds, more spitting than speaking due to being almost out of breath.
During my watches, I notice two things, the first is that Jaune is improving by leaps and bounds. The second is something strange about professor Luna...
Having analyzed his every movement, his every strike, I came to the conclusion that he has no one technique that he adheres to.
It was evident to me that Professor Luna does not follow any known pattern, any specific technique from any fighting school, or style of combat. It's as if he learned the basics and then forged his style in real battles, not in controlled training.
His style is pure, brutal, and efficient. There are no flourishes, no advanced techniques. He has a mastery of the basics that only comes from life and death experiences.
''Like a war…' The word resonates in my mind, forming a theory that the professor could be a veteran of a great conflict.
I watch as Luna resumes training with Jaune, his every move a lesson in survival. Luna's unique style, forged in the flames of battle, tempered by the need to survive. It's brutal, it's efficient, it's... 'real'.
I'm on the edge of the arena, watching Jaune with a mix of concern and admiration. He stands firm, holding his sword and shield with determination as he faces his opponent. Professor Luna, with his experience and skill, attacks mercilessly, but Jaune does not back down.
"Keep it up, Arc!" Shouts the teacher, smiling proudly.
Jaune adjusts his posture, sweat dripping down his forehead. He's tired, but there's a flame in his eyes that won't go out. He receives two sword strikes from the teacher, which makes him grit his teeth in pain, but still he stands his ground.
"Come on, professor. I can take more." Jaune responds, his voice firm despite the effort.
Luna smiles, a smile that mixes pride and defiance.
"Then get ready." Luna says, moving forward with a series of quick strikes.
Jaune follows the professor's sequence of blows, directing his shield where necessary. Each impact resonates through the arena, echoing like distant thunder. Jaune's face is a mask of concentration, eyes fixed on his opponent. He's not just defending, he's learning. Every blocked strike, every step taken, is another step on his journey.
Finally, Professor Luna rushes forward, shield against shield, the force of the impact is tremendous, throwing Jaune back.
Professor Luna steps back with a serious but satisfied expression.
"That's enough for today, Jaune."
Jaune tries to get up but falls again, his body shaking in pain. I see the sweat running down his face, mixed with the dust from the arena.
"No... I can do more..." Jaune murmurs, his voice barely audible.
"You did good. More than I expected, to tell you the truth." says the teacher, approaching him. "You've improved a lot in just a month of extra training."
Lying on the floor, breathing heavily, Jaune smiles, proud because of the professor's words. Also smiling, Professor Luna bends down and places his open hand next to Jaune's body.
I'm worried about what he's going to do, but I stop as soon as I see a golden light coming from the teacher's hand.
The light isn't bright, but it has the comforting warmth of sunshine on a cold day. Under the effect of this light, Jaune relaxes, his body finally giving in to exhaustion. He closes his eyes, and I see the tension leave his muscles, replaced by a deep calm.
"A semblance of healing?" I murmur curiously.
"Something like that." The teacher responds, nodding.
The golden light goes out, and Jaune opens his eyes, blinking a few times before jumping up in surprise. He looks at me, then at Professor Luna, and back at me, as if he's trying to understand what just happened.
"The pain... is gone." Jaune says, his voice full of astonishment. He flexes his arms, and tests his legs, as if he's expecting the pain to return at any moment.
Professor Luna just smiles, happy with the result on his face.
"Since you healed me, can we train more?" Jaune asks excitedly.
"Not with me at least." The teacher responds in a cheerful tone that takes us by surprise. "I'm late for a date and I can't keep the person waiting any longer."
Jaune sighs, disappointment evident on his face. He turns to me, his eyes shining with a mix of sadness and hope.
"Pyrrha, I know it's Saturday and maybe you have other plans…, but would you like to spar with me?"
The question takes me by surprise, but excitement overcomes me. A smile spreads across my face, and I feel a surge of energy course through my body.
"Of course, Jaune! Let's go!"
I don't understand, but Professor Luna watches us with a curious look before walking away, leaving us alone in the arena.
"Ready?" Jaune asks, adjusting his stance and raising his sword.
I nod, positioning myself with Miló and Akoúo̱ in hand.
Jaune lunges forward with a quick swing, and I dodge, using my spear to redirect the attack. The sound of metal against metal echoes throughout the arena. He steps back, eyes fixed on mine, waiting for my response.
"You've improved a lot!" I say with a smile, "Want to show me what you learned with Professor Luna?" I ask, unintentionally flirting a little.
To my surprise, Jaune responds by smiling defiantly at me, making my heart beat a little faster.
"I will always give my all, but for you…" he says, while staring deep into my eyes. "I'd move mountains for you."
'Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih!' I scream mentally.
Jaune's words take me by surprise, and I feel my face heat up. The intensity of his gaze, the promise in his voice... all of this disarms me.
'He is so different, so confident and… masculine!' I think silently, absorbing Jaune's new attitude. 'Me likey.'
I open my guard without realizing it, and Jaune takes advantage of the opportunity. In one swift movement, he lunges forward and knocks me down with a shield bash. The arena floor is hard, but the impact is softened by my excitement.
"Pyrrha! Are you okay?" Jaune asks, voice thick with concern.
"I... just slipped." I respond, trying to regain my composure. I stand up quickly, adjusting my stance. "Let's continue."
Jaune hesitates for a moment, but soon resumes his fighting stance.
"Okay, but if you need to stop, just say so." he responds, voice firm.
I nod, focusing my attention on training. I can't let this distract me again.
RP # POV: Amber Sunstone
Lights twinkle with vibrant colors in every corner. The sounds of laughter, conversations, and music mix together creating a chaotic symphony. The air carries the smell of food, perfume, and the unmistakable scent of fun.
Even though I've never visited one, I know that malls are known for being crowded, but the Grand Vale Mall has an ocean of people inside it. Children run around, parents carry bags, and teenagers walk in groups, laughing and talking loudly. Store windows shine, displaying clothes, electronics, toys, and countless other things.
I try to absorb everything with my eyes wide and mouth open. Each step is a new discovery for me.
"John, look at that!" I shout, pulling on my Knight's sleeve.
In the center of the mall, there is a 'small' Ferris wheel. I walk quickly towards the toy, almost forgetting who is with me.
I'm worried about letting go and being more impulsive, lest John think I'm annoying. But he just indulges me and smiles so warmly.
"Come on, John!" I call, pulling him into line.
"You said you needed to buy clothes," the blonde responds in a tone of false indignation. "No going on rides."
I pout, crossing my arms sullenly.
'I don't even look like the same woman who acted so distant and closed off when he saved me and escorted me to Beacon,' I think, remembering how cold and unfair I was to him. 'I know I asked him out and called this a date, but it seems like he treats me like I'm his little sister.'
With much insistence, I convince the Rusted Knight to get in line with me.
I'm happy to wait silently in line with my personal hero, but luckily, he asks me a question to start a conversation.
"What kind of clothes do you need?"
I quickly pull up a scroll with the list of what I need.
"A little bit of everything," I responded, reviewing my notes. "Casual clothes for everyday life, formal clothes for the Beacon Dance."
"Beacon Dance?" John repeats in surprise. "You're going to participate? And don't you think it's a little early? You still have two months."
'Typical men... they don't know how much work women have to do to make themselves attractive to them,' I think, slightly disappointed in my Knight.
"I convinced Ozpin that more adults watching the teenagers was a good idea," I reply, smiling triumphantly. "And I don't know much about dresses, that's why I called you. Your opinion is very important to me."
"Why?" John asks curiously. "Is it because I had seven sisters?"
"It's not-. You had seven sisters?" I ask, shocked and feeling sorry for his mother, but I quickly recover by shaking my head. "We'll talk about this later. I also need clothes with good thermal insulation. I'm not used to the cold, and winter is coming."
"John?" An echo from the crowd catches our attention. "By the gods, is that really you?"
As soon as we turn around, my Knight receives a white missile to his chest, taking his breath away with a tight hug.
"Winter!?" exclaims the surprised blonde.
The woman hugging him so intrusively has long white hair and skin as white as snow. She smiles with the genuine joy of someone who missed a loved one.
To my dread, John returns the gesture, making me feel a pang in my heart.
"Winter, what a surprise!" he exclaims, pulling the woman away to look her in the eyes.
Now that she has moved away from my Knight, I confirm my fears.
"She's beautiful..." I murmur quietly.
Her light blue eyes sparkle with a mixture of happiness and curiosity, highlighting her aristocratic beauty. Her long white hair, loose like strands of silk, delicately frames her face, giving her an aura of unparalleled elegance and grace.
'I hate her so much.' I think in silence.
"John, it's been so long! I can't believe I found you here." Winter smiles, adjusting her impeccable dress. "What are you doing at Grand Vale Mall?"
Before he can respond, I approach with a serious expression on my face, feeling a mix of curiosity and irritation.
"John, who is this… 'person'?" I ask, my voice full of tension as I grab the arm of MY Knight.
Winter looks at me, eyeing me up and down with a look of superiority before turning her attention back to John.
"Amber, this is Winter Schnee," John introduces. "Winter, this is Amber Sunstone."
Winter holds out her hand to me, and gives me a polite smile.
"Nice to meet you, Mz. Sunstone. John and I worked together when he was in Atlas."
I accept the greeting, but the tension in my shoulders doesn't ease, after all, I'm meeting my competition.
"Nice to meet you, Schnee," I responded with a slightly colder voice than usual.
The Ice Queen turns her attention to John, and immediately her smile changes from formal to sincere again.
"So, John, what are you doing here? And why are you accompanied by this… 'person'?"
I shoot the sour white slut an irritated glare as rage boils inside me.
"We're here to buy clothes for Amber," John says, trying to keep the conversation light.
Schnee's face turns even paler than normal as her eyes widen, instantly bringing me peace of mind.
'Yes, now scram you fucking vanilla whore!' I mentally yell at her.
Winter stutters, cold sweat running down her forehead.
"Y-you... are you in a relationship?" She asks fearfully.
"We're just friends," John responds promptly.
''Why did you respond so quickly.'' I mutter depressed.
Winter, still shocked, tries to regain her composure.
"Okay, I understand," Winter murmurs, her voice a little firmer. "Sorry, I... I was just surprised."
The atmosphere becomes heavy, the tension palpable. Luckily for us, someone breaks the uncomfortable silence.
"Next," announces a deep voice in front of us.
It's the Ferris wheel operator calling us.
"I had forgotten we were in line," John comments, remembering what we were doing.
I pull my Knight's right arm toward the gondola entrance, but Winter interrupts by pulling John by the left. Irritated, I turn to her and see an expression on her face that breaks my heart. She looks so fragile with her wet eyes and a tear running down her face.
"John, I... I've never been on a Ferris wheel," Winter says, her voice cracking with sadness. "My father was always against activities that didn't add value, and that's why-." She cuts herself off, turning her face away, holding back her tears. "I'm sorry…"
The confession takes John by surprise. The Knight approaches, trying to comfort her. I on the other hand notice the victorious smile she throws in my direction.
'You lying b-.'
John cuts me off before I can finish the thought.
"You can join us," says the Knight, trying to cheer the Schnee up.
My jaw drops as I look at Schnee, who accepts, smiling while a fake tear falls from her eyes, hiding her falsehood.
We turn to enter the gondola, but the operator stops us.
"Sorry, but there's only room for two people per gondola," he says, his voice firm. "It's a small Ferris wheel; it has to be to fit inside a mall."
"Oh, what a shame…" I say in an exaggerated tone of disappointment. "Looks like you'll have to live your childhood dreams another day, Mz. Schnee."
The operator maintains an impassive expression, unmoved by the drama of the situation.
"Sorry, but those are the rules." He says without any care in the world.
John thinks in silence for a few seconds until he makes that silly expression when he gets an idea.
"I know what we can do," John comments, giving a victorious smile.
In a matter of seconds, I'm sitting in the gondola, but instead of having my Knight by my side, I have the ice queen.
"I hate you," she growls at me.
"I hate you more," I reply through gritted teeth.
The Ferris wheel starts to move, slowly raising us up. From afar, John aims his scroll toward us.
"Smile!" he shouts, taking a photo.
Boa noite pessoas,
[-] Tell me in the comments what you prefer for the next chapter:
Continuation of Professor Luna's "date" with Winter and Amber.
Or if you prefer to skip this part and move on with the story.
[-] In the draft of this chapter I wrote the mall part with just Amber and old Jaune... it was fine but it was also a little boring. I added Winter and everything got better. What did you think?
With Winter in Vale now things will get more... interesting.
[-] The comedic tone of this chapter is more or less what I wanted for the series as a whole. But now when I need to be serious and dramatic I will be serious and dramatic, I don't plan on shoving comedy down anyone's throat if I'm going to write a scene where Yang meets Raven for example.
[-]Young Jaune's behavior is changing thanks to the training he is getting. Making Him less insecure and more focused.
[-]I'm not a dating coach, but genuine confidence is an attractive trait to most women. It doesn't have to be confidence that comes from working out (although that helps too).
The simple act of tidying yourself up, such as cutting your hair, trimming your beard, or wearing a nice outfit, can give man a confidence boost that most women notice.
That's why Pyrrha, who already had a certain... attachment to him, had such a strong reaction to the change in attitude.
However, if you think I'm wrong, please write in the comments. I read them all, even though I don't have time to respond.
I really appreciate constructive criticism, even if it hurts a little...
[-] Winter had many positive comments, and other kind of comments… that I can't put here without changing the classification of this story.
[-] I realized something while writing this story. Maybe there is already a generation that thinks that going to the mall is old people's behavior.
(#)Now… let's go to the story!(#)
RP # POV: Cinder Fall
My fingers drum on the table as I try to calm down, but anger and frustration boil over with every beat.
"Glynda Goodwitch," I mutter furiously.
The name alone leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. In addition to this blonde witch delaying everything, my resources are at a minimum to carry out my plans.
"That wretched hag!" I explode in hatred, standing up. I feel as if venom is dripping from my mouth with the disgust I'm feeling. "She noticed from interviewing other students that we weren't present in most of our classes. Now she's going to be watching our every move. We can't even breathe without her gaze upon us."
Emerald stands up, her red eyes fixed on mine.
"But your master plan is still in progress, ma'am," she says in a firm tone, trying to calm me down.
She takes a deep breath, clearly trying to organize her thoughts.
"We're gathering the Dust we need, even though Roman is having a hard time stealing it without help from Neo or the White Fang as we had planned. After all, Neo needs to stay in Haven with her 'team.' We would draw more attention if we're just one team of three people."
Beside her, Neo tilts her head, looking at us with her heterochromatic eyes shining with a mixture of irritation and boredom.
"Your condescending tone doesn't help me at all, Emerald," I respond coldly to the green-haired girl. "I'm aware of the difficulties. I don't need you parroting them back to me as if I were a spoiled and frustrated child… don't you dare disrespect me."
Emerald steps back, her face pale under my gaze.
"I'm not disrespecting you, ma'am," her voice shakes, but she keeps her gaze steady. "I'm just pointing out the facts."
I pull away from Emerald, taking a deep breath, trying to regain control. Emerald keeps her distance, expressing wariness of my actions. The tension in the air is palpable.
Suddenly, Mercury's voice breaks the silence.
"I thought you were mad about the problems in Atlas."
My body froze instantly, the blood ran cold in my veins. I turn slowly, my wide eyes finding Mercury lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. His carefree posture contrasts with the storm brewing inside me.
"What problems do we have in Atlas, Mercury?"
My voice is a whisper, but it carries an implicit threat ignored by the silver-haired assassin.
"According to Arthur's contacts, Atlas is overhauling its systems," Mercury comments, yawning.
"Are you talking about an update?" I ask, approaching Mercury's bed. "In which areas?"
"I don't know much about it, but it's much more radical than a simple system update," Mercury responds disinterestedly. "According to the nerds, it will be applied to communication, surveillance, laboratories, weapons, vehicles, and robots too."
My shadow covers Mercury, who finally notices my presence. His gray eyes meet mine, and he is startled to see my face as I'm projecting Dust from my dress.
I whisper a question in his direction as flames and shards of volcanic glass form in the air.
"And how will this affect our plans?" I ask, my voice full of venom and threat.
Mercury gets up slowly, knowing that I'm not messing around. He tries to move towards the door, but I stick out a black glass spear, blocking his way.
"Weaknesses and backdoors that we knew about in the system will be 'fixed', and none of our assets are working on this project."
Mercury's words echo in my mind, and the anger that had been held back explodes into a furious scream. Flames erupt around the black spear; with the intense heat, the fire spreads quickly, licking the walls and floor.
The fire alarm goes off, its siren catching my attention, making me stop the fire, but it is too late. Water gushes from the sprinklers, soaking everything and everyone in the room. Emerald and Mercury cower, trying to protect themselves from the sudden deluge. Neo simply opens her umbrella, which is always close to her.
"This day couldn't get any worse…" I mumble tiredly.
Glynda's voice announces over the speakers in the hallway outside the room.
"Attention students." Glynda's voice announces over the speakers in the hallway outside the room. "Haven Academy will launch an investigation into the cause of the fire alarm going off. While we are investigating, all students are prohibited from leaving Haven Academy under any circustances."
"What?" I question, feeling desperate.
"You don't need to worry. Rest assured we have a very competent fire department working with us during this investigation."
"Phew…" I sigh in relief.
"In about a month, everything will be back to normal."
"NOOOOOO!" I roar furiously.
RP # POV: Pyrra Nikos
I've been watching some of Jaune's training with Professor Luna.
"Keep your guard up!" shouts the professor, his powerful voice echoing throughout the arena.
"Yes sir." Jaune responds, more spitting than speaking due to being almost out of breath.
During my watches, I notice two things, the first is that Jaune is improving by leaps and bounds. The second is something strange about professor Luna...
Having analyzed his every movement, his every strike, I came to the conclusion that he has no one technique that he adheres to.
It was evident to me that Professor Luna does not follow any known pattern, any specific technique from any fighting school, or style of combat. It's as if he learned the basics and then forged his style in real battles, not in controlled training.
His style is pure, brutal, and efficient. There are no flourishes, no advanced techniques. He has a mastery of the basics that only comes from life and death experiences.
''Like a war…' The word resonates in my mind, forming a theory that the professor could be a veteran of a great conflict.
I watch as Luna resumes training with Jaune, his every move a lesson in survival. Luna's unique style, forged in the flames of battle, tempered by the need to survive. It's brutal, it's efficient, it's... 'real'.
I'm on the edge of the arena, watching Jaune with a mix of concern and admiration. He stands firm, holding his sword and shield with determination as he faces his opponent. Professor Luna, with his experience and skill, attacks mercilessly, but Jaune does not back down.
"Keep it up, Arc!" Shouts the teacher, smiling proudly.
Jaune adjusts his posture, sweat dripping down his forehead. He's tired, but there's a flame in his eyes that won't go out. He receives two sword strikes from the teacher, which makes him grit his teeth in pain, but still he stands his ground.
"Come on, professor. I can take more." Jaune responds, his voice firm despite the effort.
Luna smiles, a smile that mixes pride and defiance.
"Then get ready." Luna says, moving forward with a series of quick strikes.
Jaune follows the professor's sequence of blows, directing his shield where necessary. Each impact resonates through the arena, echoing like distant thunder. Jaune's face is a mask of concentration, eyes fixed on his opponent. He's not just defending, he's learning. Every blocked strike, every step taken, is another step on his journey.
Finally, Professor Luna rushes forward, shield against shield, the force of the impact is tremendous, throwing Jaune back.
Professor Luna steps back with a serious but satisfied expression.
"That's enough for today, Jaune."
Jaune tries to get up but falls again, his body shaking in pain. I see the sweat running down his face, mixed with the dust from the arena.
"No... I can do more..." Jaune murmurs, his voice barely audible.
"You did good. More than I expected, to tell you the truth." says the teacher, approaching him. "You've improved a lot in just a month of extra training."
Lying on the floor, breathing heavily, Jaune smiles, proud because of the professor's words. Also smiling, Professor Luna bends down and places his open hand next to Jaune's body.
I'm worried about what he's going to do, but I stop as soon as I see a golden light coming from the teacher's hand.
The light isn't bright, but it has the comforting warmth of sunshine on a cold day. Under the effect of this light, Jaune relaxes, his body finally giving in to exhaustion. He closes his eyes, and I see the tension leave his muscles, replaced by a deep calm.
"A semblance of healing?" I murmur curiously.
"Something like that." The teacher responds, nodding.
The golden light goes out, and Jaune opens his eyes, blinking a few times before jumping up in surprise. He looks at me, then at Professor Luna, and back at me, as if he's trying to understand what just happened.
"The pain... is gone." Jaune says, his voice full of astonishment. He flexes his arms, and tests his legs, as if he's expecting the pain to return at any moment.
Professor Luna just smiles, happy with the result on his face.
"Since you healed me, can we train more?" Jaune asks excitedly.
"Not with me at least." The teacher responds in a cheerful tone that takes us by surprise. "I'm late for a date and I can't keep the person waiting any longer."
Jaune sighs, disappointment evident on his face. He turns to me, his eyes shining with a mix of sadness and hope.
"Pyrrha, I know it's Saturday and maybe you have other plans…, but would you like to spar with me?"
The question takes me by surprise, but excitement overcomes me. A smile spreads across my face, and I feel a surge of energy course through my body.
"Of course, Jaune! Let's go!"
I don't understand, but Professor Luna watches us with a curious look before walking away, leaving us alone in the arena.
"Ready?" Jaune asks, adjusting his stance and raising his sword.
I nod, positioning myself with Miló and Akoúo̱ in hand.
Jaune lunges forward with a quick swing, and I dodge, using my spear to redirect the attack. The sound of metal against metal echoes throughout the arena. He steps back, eyes fixed on mine, waiting for my response.
"You've improved a lot!" I say with a smile, "Want to show me what you learned with Professor Luna?" I ask, unintentionally flirting a little.
To my surprise, Jaune responds by smiling defiantly at me, making my heart beat a little faster.
"I will always give my all, but for you…" he says, while staring deep into my eyes. "I'd move mountains for you."
'Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih!' I scream mentally.
Jaune's words take me by surprise, and I feel my face heat up. The intensity of his gaze, the promise in his voice... all of this disarms me.
'He is so different, so confident and… masculine!' I think silently, absorbing Jaune's new attitude. 'Me likey.'
I open my guard without realizing it, and Jaune takes advantage of the opportunity. In one swift movement, he lunges forward and knocks me down with a shield bash. The arena floor is hard, but the impact is softened by my excitement.
"Pyrrha! Are you okay?" Jaune asks, voice thick with concern.
"I... just slipped." I respond, trying to regain my composure. I stand up quickly, adjusting my stance. "Let's continue."
Jaune hesitates for a moment, but soon resumes his fighting stance.
"Okay, but if you need to stop, just say so." he responds, voice firm.
I nod, focusing my attention on training. I can't let this distract me again.
RP # POV: Amber Sunstone
Lights twinkle with vibrant colors in every corner. The sounds of laughter, conversations, and music mix together creating a chaotic symphony. The air carries the smell of food, perfume, and the unmistakable scent of fun.
Even though I've never visited one, I know that malls are known for being crowded, but the Grand Vale Mall has an ocean of people inside it. Children run around, parents carry bags, and teenagers walk in groups, laughing and talking loudly. Store windows shine, displaying clothes, electronics, toys, and countless other things.
I try to absorb everything with my eyes wide and mouth open. Each step is a new discovery for me.
"John, look at that!" I shout, pulling on my Knight's sleeve.
In the center of the mall, there is a 'small' Ferris wheel. I walk quickly towards the toy, almost forgetting who is with me.
I'm worried about letting go and being more impulsive, lest John think I'm annoying. But he just indulges me and smiles so warmly.
"Come on, John!" I call, pulling him into line.
"You said you needed to buy clothes," the blonde responds in a tone of false indignation. "No going on rides."
I pout, crossing my arms sullenly.
'I don't even look like the same woman who acted so distant and closed off when he saved me and escorted me to Beacon,' I think, remembering how cold and unfair I was to him. 'I know I asked him out and called this a date, but it seems like he treats me like I'm his little sister.'
With much insistence, I convince the Rusted Knight to get in line with me.
I'm happy to wait silently in line with my personal hero, but luckily, he asks me a question to start a conversation.
"What kind of clothes do you need?"
I quickly pull up a scroll with the list of what I need.
"A little bit of everything," I responded, reviewing my notes. "Casual clothes for everyday life, formal clothes for the Beacon Dance."
"Beacon Dance?" John repeats in surprise. "You're going to participate? And don't you think it's a little early? You still have two months."
'Typical men... they don't know how much work women have to do to make themselves attractive to them,' I think, slightly disappointed in my Knight.
"I convinced Ozpin that more adults watching the teenagers was a good idea," I reply, smiling triumphantly. "And I don't know much about dresses, that's why I called you. Your opinion is very important to me."
"Why?" John asks curiously. "Is it because I had seven sisters?"
"It's not-. You had seven sisters?" I ask, shocked and feeling sorry for his mother, but I quickly recover by shaking my head. "We'll talk about this later. I also need clothes with good thermal insulation. I'm not used to the cold, and winter is coming."
"John?" An echo from the crowd catches our attention. "By the gods, is that really you?"
As soon as we turn around, my Knight receives a white missile to his chest, taking his breath away with a tight hug.
"Winter!?" exclaims the surprised blonde.
The woman hugging him so intrusively has long white hair and skin as white as snow. She smiles with the genuine joy of someone who missed a loved one.
To my dread, John returns the gesture, making me feel a pang in my heart.
"Winter, what a surprise!" he exclaims, pulling the woman away to look her in the eyes.
Now that she has moved away from my Knight, I confirm my fears.
"She's beautiful..." I murmur quietly.
Her light blue eyes sparkle with a mixture of happiness and curiosity, highlighting her aristocratic beauty. Her long white hair, loose like strands of silk, delicately frames her face, giving her an aura of unparalleled elegance and grace.
'I hate her so much.' I think in silence.
"John, it's been so long! I can't believe I found you here." Winter smiles, adjusting her impeccable dress. "What are you doing at Grand Vale Mall?"
Before he can respond, I approach with a serious expression on my face, feeling a mix of curiosity and irritation.
"John, who is this… 'person'?" I ask, my voice full of tension as I grab the arm of MY Knight.
Winter looks at me, eyeing me up and down with a look of superiority before turning her attention back to John.
"Amber, this is Winter Schnee," John introduces. "Winter, this is Amber Sunstone."
Winter holds out her hand to me, and gives me a polite smile.
"Nice to meet you, Mz. Sunstone. John and I worked together when he was in Atlas."
I accept the greeting, but the tension in my shoulders doesn't ease, after all, I'm meeting my competition.
"Nice to meet you, Schnee," I responded with a slightly colder voice than usual.
The Ice Queen turns her attention to John, and immediately her smile changes from formal to sincere again.
"So, John, what are you doing here? And why are you accompanied by this… 'person'?"
I shoot the sour white slut an irritated glare as rage boils inside me.
"We're here to buy clothes for Amber," John says, trying to keep the conversation light.
Schnee's face turns even paler than normal as her eyes widen, instantly bringing me peace of mind.
'Yes, now scram you fucking vanilla whore!' I mentally yell at her.
Winter stutters, cold sweat running down her forehead.
"Y-you... are you in a relationship?" She asks fearfully.
"We're just friends," John responds promptly.
''Why did you respond so quickly.'' I mutter depressed.
Winter, still shocked, tries to regain her composure.
"Okay, I understand," Winter murmurs, her voice a little firmer. "Sorry, I... I was just surprised."
The atmosphere becomes heavy, the tension palpable. Luckily for us, someone breaks the uncomfortable silence.
"Next," announces a deep voice in front of us.
It's the Ferris wheel operator calling us.
"I had forgotten we were in line," John comments, remembering what we were doing.
I pull my Knight's right arm toward the gondola entrance, but Winter interrupts by pulling John by the left. Irritated, I turn to her and see an expression on her face that breaks my heart. She looks so fragile with her wet eyes and a tear running down her face.
"John, I... I've never been on a Ferris wheel," Winter says, her voice cracking with sadness. "My father was always against activities that didn't add value, and that's why-." She cuts herself off, turning her face away, holding back her tears. "I'm sorry…"
The confession takes John by surprise. The Knight approaches, trying to comfort her. I on the other hand notice the victorious smile she throws in my direction.
'You lying b-.'
John cuts me off before I can finish the thought.
"You can join us," says the Knight, trying to cheer the Schnee up.
My jaw drops as I look at Schnee, who accepts, smiling while a fake tear falls from her eyes, hiding her falsehood.
We turn to enter the gondola, but the operator stops us.
"Sorry, but there's only room for two people per gondola," he says, his voice firm. "It's a small Ferris wheel; it has to be to fit inside a mall."
"Oh, what a shame…" I say in an exaggerated tone of disappointment. "Looks like you'll have to live your childhood dreams another day, Mz. Schnee."
The operator maintains an impassive expression, unmoved by the drama of the situation.
"Sorry, but those are the rules." He says without any care in the world.
John thinks in silence for a few seconds until he makes that silly expression when he gets an idea.
"I know what we can do," John comments, giving a victorious smile.
In a matter of seconds, I'm sitting in the gondola, but instead of having my Knight by my side, I have the ice queen.
"I hate you," she growls at me.
"I hate you more," I reply through gritted teeth.
The Ferris wheel starts to move, slowly raising us up. From afar, John aims his scroll toward us.
"Smile!" he shouts, taking a photo.
(#)End of chapter!(#)

(#)End of chapter!(#)
Boa noite pessoas,
[-] Tell me in the comments what you prefer for the next chapter:
Continuation of Professor Luna's "date" with Winter and Amber.
Or if you prefer to skip this part and move on with the story.
[-] In the draft of this chapter I wrote the mall part with just Amber and old Jaune... it was fine but it was also a little boring. I added Winter and everything got better. What did you think?
With Winter in Vale now things will get more... interesting.
[-] The comedic tone of this chapter is more or less what I wanted for the series as a whole. But now when I need to be serious and dramatic I will be serious and dramatic, I don't plan on shoving comedy down anyone's throat if I'm going to write a scene where Yang meets Raven for example.
[-]Young Jaune's behavior is changing thanks to the training he is getting. Making Him less insecure and more focused.
[-]I'm not a dating coach, but genuine confidence is an attractive trait to most women. It doesn't have to be confidence that comes from working out (although that helps too).
The simple act of tidying yourself up, such as cutting your hair, trimming your beard, or wearing a nice outfit, can give man a confidence boost that most women notice.
That's why Pyrrha, who already had a certain... attachment to him, had such a strong reaction to the change in attitude.
However, if you think I'm wrong, please write in the comments. I read them all, even though I don't have time to respond.
I really appreciate constructive criticism, even if it hurts a little...
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