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[RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

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Written with Sift Green, this first part is all by him.


'No mater how...
A Possible Downside to Timetravel
Julian: "Man... You know the worst part of all of this?"

Nicholas: "And that is?"

Julian: "... All my aunties are so cute right now!" He held his head between his hands "THEY'RE SO, SOOO CUTE! THEY TOOK CARE OF ME WHEN I WAS A KID AND NOW THEY'RE HAWWWWT!"

August: "Oh man, THANK YOU! I thought I was the only one!"

Nicholas: "You're both creeps!"

Xander: "Honestly, you're weirdos! Your moms must be perverts! Not like my mother at all!"

Pyrrha sneezes.

Nicholas: "Theodore, you agree right?"

Theodore: "Yeah, they're all super hot. Auntie Ruby hasn't hit her growth spurt yet but she's still super cute."

Facefaults abound.

Xander: "Still waters run deep..."

Theodore: "Though personally, I prefer older women."

Leander: "Same, brother from another mother."

Leandra: "Absolutely! Though I can go with younger or older men or women!"

Nicholas: bright red "You're absolutely perverted!"

Theodore: "Oh look, is Auntie Yang bending over?"

Xander and Nicholas are silent... Then blush.

Julian: "Seriously, ew!"

Theodore: "And Professor Goodwitch is a bit sweaty."

Julian: "..." Bright red

In fact, most of the other children of Jaune Arc are also red in the face.

Xander: "Y-You're a complete pervert! Dad would put you over his knee for that!"

Theodore: "Please. Our father has, between all of his potential wives, had over a hundred children in these various timelines! It's healthy to have a libido and to recognize it! That's how an Arc should be, no matter his or her father!"

Xander: "... Do you have to be so smug?"

Theodore: "Yes. Yes I do."
The Arc Sisters New
As for the Arc Sisters and their references:

-Saphron Cotta-Arc: Eldest, happily married to Terra Cotta, lives in Argus. She is an editor at a publishing house while Terra is a technician for the Argus CCT System. Her canon self. About nine years older than Jaune. Son named Adrian.

-Aqua Arc: A trained field medic with unlocked Aura, travels around with a party of Adventurers who go out and find ancient relics, people, or deal with Grimm. Has a Water Control Semblance, often called the "Goddess of Healing Water". She is based upon Aqua from Konosuba. She dyes her hair blue from blonde.

-Lilac Arc: Engaged to marry a local mechanic and racer, manages the farm's finances and operations. Based upon Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess!

-Orchid Arc: Works as a bookkeeper at the Arc-En-Ciel Hospital in Radian, is very scientifically inclined and stoic. Extremely deadpan. Based upon Yuki Nagato from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

-Verdy and Coral Arc: Twin sisters, both in college for their doctorates, and they love to mess around. Based upon Kururi & Mairu Orihara From Durarara!! with a touch of the Weasley Twins from Harry Potter in how much they love pranks.

-Tangerine "Tangy" Arc: Is apparently a very aggressive saleswoman who travels a lot, most recently in Atlas selling refrigerators. Whether this is entirely true or not is a matter of speculation. Also goes by "Tanya" due to how much she despises her given name. Based upon Tanya von Degurechaff from Saga of Tanya the Evil.

-Jaune Arc: Youngest of the family, only son.
Which Mother Goes With Which Child. New
1. Pyrrha, Mother of Xander.
2. Ruby, Mother of Julian.
3. Weiss, Mother of Nicholas.
4. Blake, Mother of Leander and Leandra.
5. Yang, Mother of Xia.
6. Emerald, Mother of Amethyst.
7. Cinder, Mother of Ash and Ashley.
8. Glynda, Mother of Dorothy.
9. May Zedong, Mother of August.
10. Arslan, Mother of Petra.
11. Winter, Mother of Theodore.