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Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

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Given that we actually can't buy metamagic rods yet, I'd much rather not sell it. Especially since selling something gives us half its value.

The wand of false life isn't a big deal and the money is money, but metamagic rods are extraordinarily useful and you only get half value for selling stuff, so we are just shooting ourselves in the foot if we keep selling shit rather than figuring out actual stuff to do with it.

Given the number of arcane casters in our party, even if it's just silence, it's fairly useful.

Or rather, we should not be selling anything that could be reasonably useful. Getting gold just halves the collective rewards.
Hang on.

What is this rod and what does it do? I was assuming it just cast a silence spell, but now that I think about it 'Metamagic' implies that this is not the case.
A metamagic rod allows you to apply the effects of a metamagic feat to any spell you have prepared without changing its spell level. In this case, it would let you cast any spells you have prepared as if you knew the Silent Spell metamagic feat.

Personally, I think metamagic rods of Silent/Still Spell aren't amazingly useful, especially since in a lot of situations where they'd be useful, you probably wouldn't have access to them anyway.

In our specific case, I don't have any particular opinion when it comes keeping it or selling it - I'm fine with whatever decisions you guys choose to make.
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It's not hard to find a way to retrieve a metamagic rod in one round as a swift action. While silence' use is pretty limited (and I'd agree still is pretty worthless) it's a magic item that's quite useful once that can be done, even if only in a limited capacity.

Harvestman's Bane: Word spreads of your involvement in the elimination of the cult of
Zyphus in Taldor. You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks against worshipers of Zyphus.

Level ups:

Enthalpy (Chandra)
Darkened (Mhonogon)
Merior (Komana)
Chibi-Reaper (Tyrion)
How are we dividing our current loot?

I'm willing to pass on the gold this time around for the metamagic rod (upon reflection silence is pretty good to have in case, say, (silence spell>Move action (grab rod)>Dispel). It's a bit early to have it, but it is a useful item for pretty much any caster, and lesser is perfect even for the endgame there.

Enthalpy is passing for cleric reasons I think?

And Merior is passing for the armor?

Chibi is taking 100 gold?

So that leaves 900 gold between Dreadis and Xicree? +whatever is gained from selling the wand of false life?

Is that correct?
Sounds correct. Though I'm not certain about Merior.
The wand costs 4500 to buy at full charge, so 2250 sell value if its full. Though I don't remember how it works if they have charges gone for price.
[16:24] <a2znut> 60 gold each.
[16:24] <a2znut> For selling the wand.

Noone wanted it i believe so everyone can add that.
Also Merior took a share of the platnium so its 300gp value to each Me, Xicree, and Merior.(so Merior needs to add another 144 to make the full 300 GP of it)
I offered to pass, but nobody responded so I assumed otherwise. OTOH, I can put it 'back in the pool' and would be fine with that even IC.
Nah its fine but since others passed and chibi...did wierd things, a full share is 300 instead of 166.6~ so you get some extra moneys
Making some purchases:

1x Mithral Chain Shirt : 1100 gp
1x Potion of Lesser Restoration (Paladin 1) : 50 gp

1x Chain Shirt : 50 gp

Net cost: -1100 gp
Diin_PF shopping list

Masterwork Darkwood Shortbow (30+300+20) -350gp weight 1
Lamp oil -0.1g 1lb
Bullseye Lantern -12g 3lb

sell shortbow +15g
sell sunrod +1g
sell dagger +1g

total cost 345.1GP
Picking up a Darkleaf Cloth Hide Shirt for 770 gp. (paying 400 out of pocket and the rest, 370gp, from group funds)

Selling Haramaki for 1gp and 5sp, throwing out ten useless torches from my kit to reduce weight, sets me at 11gp5sp in my pocket.

Going to set my spells as Endure Elements, Shield, and Charm Person to try that one out if the option comes up.
Purchase approved Chibi-Reaper.
And, since I've been reminded of this, there is something I need to do and that is replace the week of trail rations which were in my Pathfinder's Kit but which Komana ate in the last scenario:

3.5 gp spent on 7 Trail Rations.
Loot List

Cloak of resistance +1 (Worn by Diin)
Boots of the Winterlands
A finely crafted jade brooch worth 250 gp
3 Yeti Pelts worth 40 gp each
An antique Iroran silver holy symbol worth 100 gp
Four jade gemstones worth 50 gp each
A magnifying glass worth 100 gp
A set of silvered armbands depicting pouncing tigers worth 500 gp as a pair
A bejeweled ceremonial masterwork temple sword worth 400 gp

Aka, Vendor Trash = 278 gp 3 silvers 3 coppers each.

What do with Boots of Winterland?
5+2HP gain
Will = 3
BAB = 1

Rogue Talent: Combat Trick: Point Blank Shot
FCB +1 skill
10 skill points to spend
Would prefer to keep the cloak. don't have any problem with anyone taking the boots, and sell the junk.
Don't have a problem with anyone taking the boots, though they're pretty situational loot.

I'm fine with anything but selling the cloak. Please let someone use it.
[14:20] <+Dreadis> roll 1d20+2 dayjob
[14:20] <+qqbot> Dreadis rolled 1d20: 17 = [15] + 2
[X] sell the boots

ill make a shopping list once i know if i have money from he boots to spend on it.
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