1-08 Ending
Big Steve
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They lined up together at the tables, Robert in the middle and flanked by Julia and Zack. There was no division between Aurora and Koenig personnel; they were mixed together, presenting a united front to the Committee.
As the line settled in Robert took the time to look them all over. The tension in the room was palpable. Everyone had worn and tired looks on their faces. Pensley was completely hostile and Hawthorne was almost glaring at Robert and the others as they stood ready to hear the Committee's judgment. Davies' expression was neutral. Robert didn't know what to make of that. "This Committee has reached a formal conclusion as to the operation concerning the Darglan database in System LA-33, Universe S4W8," Hawthorne announced. "Captain Robert Dale, we find that you acted broadly in line with your orders and the requirements of the situation, but we are entering a formal censure on your record for your failure to share critical security information with your subordinates."
Robert nodded. He knew he could expect no less.
"With the censure formally entered, we hereby grant leave for you and your crew to resume your posting aboard ASV Aurora and ASV Koenig," Hawthorne announced, with clear disappointment.
At that point Robert realized he'd been holding his breath. He let it out in a gratified sigh while smiles and cheering came from around him. Julia turned and hugged him.
The display of celebration clearly did not go well with Hawthorne or Davies. The former hammered away with his gavel. "I will have order in this chamber," Hawthorne insisted. "Captain, the Committee wishes to make it clear that we are going to be observing your actions very closely. We hope you recognize the second chance you are getting and act accordingly. Please do not give us cause to bring you before us again."
"Yes, Minister," Robert answered gladly, trying to keep a relieved smile from his face.
"You are all dismissed. The Committee is adjourned for the day." Hawthorne smacked the gavel one last time.
Everyone held back until they got to the antechamber, at which point Barnes was the first to let out a whoop of joy. Zack clapped him on the back, laughing and smiling with everyone else. "Aye, I told ye we'd beat 'em," Scotty said to Robert happily.
"Yes you did, Mister Scott." Robert clapped his hands together. "Alright everyone, let's get to the Susquehanna and head home."
"I'll call head to Hargert and make preparations for a celebration," Julia volunteered.
That brought more cheering as everyone began to leave. Robert noticed, out of the corner of his eye, Agent Smith walk by, briefcase still in hand. He nodded and winked.
Something about that wink made Robert feel very nervous.
A sound came from behind him, a guttural clearing of a throat. Robert turned at the exit and stood at attention as Admiral Davies walked up. Davies made him stand at attention for a second longer than usual before returning it. "At ease, Captain."
Davies' nodded stiffly. "Well done. You're heading back out there. If only..."
"If only what...?"
Davies already seemed to be reconsidering what he was about to say. "Captain, you have no idea what this victory of yours has cost the Alliance. Frankly I don't know how much you know..."
"Admiral." Robert shook his head. "You're not making sense."
"Pray I don't start making sense," he replied. "Or you might just regret what happened today. Now go out there and do your job, and do it right. Don't screw up this second chance, Captain, because next time nothing's going to save you from a court-martial." Davies turned and walked away at a brisk pace.
Everyone returned to the Aurora in time to settle in and get some work done. But this was just to pass the time for 1900 hours ship time. At that point, officers and crew entered the lounge at their leisure for the celebration dinner. Various drinks were served all around while Hargert made use of his unreplicated stocks for fine meals, borrowing from multiple cuisines to accommodate every taste, as evidenced by Caterina's squeal of joy at the "best Jello ever!"
Zack sat at the bar, joining every toast, nursing a soda the entire time. "More soda, Commander?" He turned and saw Albert looking at him. "Just soda?"
For one moment Zack thought about the bottles of tequila in his room and the thoughts in his head, of what he wanted to talk about tonight. He opened his mouth, preparing to ask for another bottle of tequila...
"Just soda," is what he actually said.
As Albert retrieved this soda Robert stepped up toward the front of the lounge and put his back to the windows looking out at spacedock. "Everyone, please!", he shouted.
"Alright everyone, quiet down!" Julia clanged a spoon against her glass. "The Captain has something to say!"
Quiet settled over the assembled. Dozens of faces looked at Robert, who took a drink of water first. "I know everyone wants to celebrate tonight over the Defense Committee's ruling, but there's something we can't forget." He glanced down at a PADD, but it was only a brief glance. "We all lost some comrades a few days ago. They died to stop a horrific threat from gaining the technology to threaten the Multiverse." He swallowed. "Crewman John DeSanto. Crewwoman Aisha Muniz. Crewwoman Beverly Grant. Crewman Mahmud el Fadil. Crewman 1st Class....." As he recited the name, eyes across the room closed and heads bowed as everyone paid homage to their fallen comrades.
Robert had spent the entire day memorizing the names. Every member of the Koenig and Aurora crews killed either by the Changeling or in combat against the Nazi ships. He'd made himself memorize that list; he owed that much to the dead.
The last name was not one who had died on the mission, but was nevertheless a comrade who had been slain. "Lieutenant Pagos Draynal." When he finished reciting the list, Robert lowered his eyes. "Lieutenant Draynal was a victim of the same menace that cost us other comrades earlier this year. It's hard to think that we spent months with his murderer walking amongst us like it belonged here. All while it had the blood of our shipmate on its hands. I hope his spirit has settled, knowing that we have defeated the monster who took his life and then stole his identity." He swallowed. "As for our other comrades. They died for the cause they believed in. And they died because I made the decision to send them into danger. It's possible they died because I did not share information I should have shared. I allowed myself to get distracted by the mission and didn't think things through, and for that I humbly ask for your forgiveness. I made a mistake. The Committee has censured me for that mistake, and they were right to. I will make sure to never make such a horrible mistake again, no matter what it means for our mission. You deserve the truth from me."
Robert scanned the audience. Some nodded in understanding. Others appeared to be less forgiving, but were not being openly upset. He knew he would have to rebuild their trust in him. "All I can ask of you is that we all, together, not allow our past mistakes to get in the way of what the future holds. We face the possibility of war with the Third Reich. And we have to count on each other if we end up in that war." He nodded to Julia, who picked up a glass of wine Hargert had quietly poured amongst others. Robert held the glass up, causing others in the crowd to do the same. "To us, the crews of the Aurora and Koenig. And to our future!"
"To the future!", was the common reply. Glasses of wine (and one glass of juice, in the hands of Caterina) emptied together.
"And now back to the celebration," Robert said. "I don't want to make Hargert stay here all night cleaning up leftovers." At that, there was laughter.
Zack was one of those laughing. He'd already nibbled on a plate, but he wanted to keep his stomach empty for what he was about to do. He got up from the bar and weaved into the crowd. Julia was with Apley and Magda, chatting with them about the Koenig's systems. "...glad to hear you got that sorted out, the inertial dampeners always gave me fits," Julia was saying when Zack made eye contact with her.
"Hello sir," Apley said. "Come to join us? Commander Andreys was telling us how good a pilot you are."
"Best man to ever fly Koenig," Julia declared.
Zack smiled and nodded. "Well, Ap here is giving me a run for my money these days." He kept his eyes on her.
Seeing the look Zack was giving, Julia smiled to the others and excused herself. They walked into a corner of the lounge and found one of the remaining tables. "I guess it's time we had a talk again?", Julia asked.
"While I'm sober, yeah," Zack answered. "I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that. You deserve more."
"It's okay." Julia lowered her eyes. "I never realized, Zack. I mean, I always saw you as just hitting on me because, well, you're Zack Carrey and I'm an attractive woman."
"Not just attractive. Beautiful. Beyond beautiful. Aphrodite is jealous," Zack insisted.
"Flatterer," Julia replied with a smirk. "I just want to know... how much of that was the tequila?"
"None of it." Zack shook his head. "I meant every word. The only thing the booze did was loosen my tongue. I couldn't hold it anymore."
"I see." Julia breathed in and leaned forward on the table, putting her hands together. "I don't know what you want me to say, Zack."
"Well, in my dreams, you'd admit you loved me too and we'd talk about our wonderful future," Zack half-joked, since a part of him really wanted that to be the outcome. "But I know that's not your answer."
"Yeah," Julia admitted. "I.... you're a friend, the best. But not that way. I'm sorry."
"And it can never be that way," Zack remarked.
"I...." Julia sighed. "I don't see how, no. I just don't see it."
Zack nodded even as his heartache grew suffocating. "Yeah. Kinda figured that. Well, thanks for being honest, Julie."
"What are you going to do, Zack?", Julia asked. "I'm not the only woman out there."
"You're the one I'd give anything for," he answered. "Anything. But that's me, and I'll just live with it. Don't know what'll happen, but I'll get to it when it comes along." Zack stood up. "I've got some paperwork to catch up on. I'll be by tomorrow with a final draft of my AAR and signed requisitions for the repairs, okay?"
"Yeah, okay," Julia said quietly.
Zack nodded and walked away.
For a moment Julia just looked at her glass. When she looked up, she saw Robert and Angel standing together. Robert's arm was crooked around Angel's back and her arm was intertwined with it. They drank from each other's glasses and stole a little kiss in the process.
A part of Julia ached. It almost felt like betrayal even if it was nothing of the sort. Except... it was, wasn't it? Her mind flashed back to the two of them, battered and bruised and so very alive, beside the collapsed mound on his family property and invigorated by their escape from the Darglan Facility before it blew up. She remembered the enraged Dalek that chased them, the final words with poor Control as he helped them escape the Facility he was bound to, and that tumble as the mound fell out from under them.
She remembered Robert's playful grimace as she hugged his broken ribs.
And the kiss. Not just any kiss. One she had unknowingly longed for her whole life and which, at that moment, she gave to him without reservation, without any restraint. The sense of him returning it with equal passion to her own... at that moment, it had truly felt like the world had strangely righted itself.
But that was then. Now... now he was back with Angel. Again. And she was alone.
"Maybe Zack's not the only one who needs to move on," she murmured to herself as she wiped the tear that came from her right eye.
Zack stepped into his quarters and walked up to the table where the two bottles of tequila remained. He picked up the one Albert had given him and took a shotglass. All the while, his heart continued to twist feel like it was going to fall out. For all that he had expected confirmation of what he knew to be true... it still hurt to have that door slammed close on him.
Still, Clara Davis had been right. It was something he had to know. He knew it now. He hated it. It hurt. But the uncertainty was gone.
He tipped the bottle enough to put a little tequila in the shot glass. He picked it up and brought it up to gulp... and at the last moment held back. He looked at the glass and the liquor that was within it. Is this really what I want to be? Get hurt and crawl into the bottle?
No! NO! I am better than this!
He angrily threw the glass and watched it shatter against the wall, spilling its contents out. He picked up the tequila bottles, one in each hand, and went straight to the bathroom where he poured them into the drain. "I'm not becoming this," he muttered as he did. "This was your demon, Dad, not mine. No, not going to do this." Tears began to flow from his eyes as the final contents of one of the bottles gurgled out. "I don't care how much it hurts." Once the bottles were empty he put one in the replicator to be reclaimed and kept the one his dad had given him. He put it up on the shelf. "I'm not you, Dad. I'm going to face my pain. I'm going to deal with it," he swore. "I'm going to... deal... with it..."
Zack couldn't hold it back anymore. "It's not fair," he sobbed. "Why can't it be me? Why can't she love me? It's not fair! It's... not...."
He knew he had paperwork to do. But he couldn't help it. He collapsed into the couch and began crying.
Robert was in his office the next morning going over the repair orders when Zack entered carrying a note tablet. "Hey, got that paperwork for Julie?", Robert asked him.
"Yeah," Zack said. "But I've got this for you, Rob."
"Oh?" Robert took the tablet. His eyes scanned it. As he read the words, his mind began to rebel over what he was seeing. He looked up. "Zack.... what... why?"
"Davies is an asshole and I was never going to side with him against you, but he said something that I'm agreeing with. I need space to grow, Robert."
"This..." Robert shook his head. "Why? I'm sorry about the Draynal thing, but I don't see why..."
"I need space, Rob." Zack sat down across from him. "I need... breathing room. A chance to grow on my own. To stop following you and the others around like a lost puppy."
"Zack, you're not..."
"Hold on, let me finish," Zack insisted. "I've been adrift for years, Rob. Everyone knows that. And if this incident's taught me anything, it's that I need to be my own man. I need to get out on my own. The Koenig is the only thing I have going for me right now."
"And what about your crew?", Robert asked. "Are they okay with this?"
"I asked the others a couple of nights ago and they agreed." Zack smiled a little. "They're looking forward to some extended operations."
Robert sighed and put the tablet down on his table. "Zack, I... are you really that sure of this."
"As sure as anything in my life," Zack vowed.
"It's possibly you'll never be re-assigned to us," Robert pointed out. "If I process this and...."
"I understand. But please, do it. Don't make me beg or go to Maran or anything. Trust me."
Robert looked back at the tablet and drew in another sigh. "Finish one more mission with me, and I'll do it," he finally said. "Just one, because I'll need the extra ship and it'll take too long to get another assigned that can fit in our bay."
Zack pursed his lips. "Yeah, one mission. Sure. But we're already getting one?"
"Later today. Admiral Maran's coming aboard. Apparently it's something that came up after we went off to LA33." Robert put the tablet into his desk drawer. "We're due to see him in the main wardroom in four hours. Bring your staff."
Zack nodded. "Sure, I'll do that."
Meridina returned to her quarters for the first time in days. She had an hour to get ready for Admiral Maran which granted plenty of time for her to do what she needed. There was paperwork, of course, but more important than that...
After several button presses at her main computer system in her quarters, Meridina was treated to the image of Mastrash Ledosh appearing on her screen. "Mastrash," she said politely. "You have heard the good news?"
"I have. It is good to know the Committee showed wisdom," Ledosh answered.
"Yes. I am afraid my presence made things worse. There are those who believe our order is wielding influence over this ship and the Alliance."
"There are always those who fear things they don't understand. We will show caution and patience with them. But I'm sure you called over another matter." Ledosh nodded and smiled. "It took me some time with the Council, but they have agreed to accept Lucy Lucero's training by you."
Meridina smiled. "Excellent news."
"Just be careful, Meridina."
"I will be, Mastrash. Mi rake sa swevyra iso."
"Mi rake sa swevyra iso, Meridina."
Everyone was assembled when Admiral Maran entered. "Hello everyone," he said, smiling slightly. "I'm glad you're still here. I think this is a mission that requires your expertise."
"What is it, Admiral?," Julia asked.
Maran pulled out a data slip and put it into the wardroom's main display slot. A starmap with the label of N2S7 appeared. The extent of Dorei and Gersallian space was visible on the edge of the map. "Years ago, when Meridina first visited the Facility, the Facility's data systems provided her with astrographic coordinates that listed the location of a 'prize' that the Darglan left for the Gersallians."
"Oh, yeah, I remember that!", Caterina said, eagerness in her voice. "It was this system with a blue star. It was months away from the frontier."
"Admiral, have you actually sent expeditions that far?", Meridina inquired.
"Unmanned long range probes only," Maran answered. "And we have quietly re-directed colonization efforts in this direction with the help of the probe findings."
"We could make it in a few months at maximum warp," Locarno said, noticing the edge of the map. "Although it would put us pretty far from support."
"What kind of mission are you looking for, Admiral?", Julia asked. "Exploration or...?"
"Well, we would like you to scan systems en route to the area," Maran said. "But no. Rather, we believe we have a first contact mission in store for you."
Everyone looked at each other. "A first contact mission, ye say?" Scotty grinned. "Aye, havnae had one of those for a while."
"I'm aware of that, Commander Scott. But we believe you are well-suited for this given your prior experience with first contacts. Such as our own." Maran smiled and nodded.
"So the probes have found evidence of a race out that far?", Robert asked.
"Yes," Maran answered. "Long range probes identified ships moving though these star systems." He put his finger to an area. "At least two distinct kinds. We don't know what the difference is so hopefully you'll find out."
"Hrm, two weeks at cruise warp, Mister Locarno?", Julia asked.
"At least twelve days," Locarno confirmed.
"Aye, some good practice fer my engineers tae learn endurance runnin'," Scotty said. "A chance tae stretch th' lass's legs a bit."
"Admiral, do we know anything about them? Any intercepted radio communications?", Angel asked.
"One probe did pick up an old transmission at sublight," Maran confirmed. "At least a month old by the time the probe flew past." Maran reached over to the controls and hit a key. "It's military of some sort so it was encrypted. And the signal seems to have degraded at the range the probe picked it up."
"And untranslated," Julia said. "So I'm not sure..."
"Actually, Commander, no," Maran said. "It didn't need translation. It's in our language databanks."
"Which language?", Meridina asked.
Maran had a bemused look on his face. "By our systems.... Human English."
Everyone stared in silence.
"Here's what our computers managed to decrypt so far." Maran hit another key to bring up the prompted area.
"...sweep is clear?" It was a male voice, although the accent wasn't easy to tell due to the static in the line.
"....no.....clear.... land, Galactica Actual?"
"This... Galactica..... landing...."
Maran switched off the recording at that point.
"Galactica?," Jarod asked.
"Long range sensor probes confirm that this ship is part of the fleet moving through that area," Maran said. "To find actual Humans out that far, Humans who may be indigenous to our universe, is extraordinary for my people and the Dorei. President-General Princess Syrina and Director Anjila requested President Morgan send an expedition to make contact. We want it to be you."
"Humans from N2S7?! This is awesome," Caterina squealed. "This is beyond awesome! The idea that there are Human colonies out that far...!"
Robert nodded. "We're glad to take the mission, Admiral. We're due to leave spacedock tomorrow. And we can finish Koenig's repairs on the way."
"Good to see you're in high spirits over this mission," Maran stated. "I'll inform the President immediately. Just remember, we don't know what these people are like or what the other force in the area is like. Be careful out there."
After Maran stepped out, Robert stood up. "Okay everyone, we're due to leave tomorrow and we're going to be out of port for over a month, so make sure you've got everything stocked that you need stocked. Let's get to it!"
They all filed out of the wardroom.
As the line settled in Robert took the time to look them all over. The tension in the room was palpable. Everyone had worn and tired looks on their faces. Pensley was completely hostile and Hawthorne was almost glaring at Robert and the others as they stood ready to hear the Committee's judgment. Davies' expression was neutral. Robert didn't know what to make of that. "This Committee has reached a formal conclusion as to the operation concerning the Darglan database in System LA-33, Universe S4W8," Hawthorne announced. "Captain Robert Dale, we find that you acted broadly in line with your orders and the requirements of the situation, but we are entering a formal censure on your record for your failure to share critical security information with your subordinates."
Robert nodded. He knew he could expect no less.
"With the censure formally entered, we hereby grant leave for you and your crew to resume your posting aboard ASV Aurora and ASV Koenig," Hawthorne announced, with clear disappointment.
At that point Robert realized he'd been holding his breath. He let it out in a gratified sigh while smiles and cheering came from around him. Julia turned and hugged him.
The display of celebration clearly did not go well with Hawthorne or Davies. The former hammered away with his gavel. "I will have order in this chamber," Hawthorne insisted. "Captain, the Committee wishes to make it clear that we are going to be observing your actions very closely. We hope you recognize the second chance you are getting and act accordingly. Please do not give us cause to bring you before us again."
"Yes, Minister," Robert answered gladly, trying to keep a relieved smile from his face.
"You are all dismissed. The Committee is adjourned for the day." Hawthorne smacked the gavel one last time.
Everyone held back until they got to the antechamber, at which point Barnes was the first to let out a whoop of joy. Zack clapped him on the back, laughing and smiling with everyone else. "Aye, I told ye we'd beat 'em," Scotty said to Robert happily.
"Yes you did, Mister Scott." Robert clapped his hands together. "Alright everyone, let's get to the Susquehanna and head home."
"I'll call head to Hargert and make preparations for a celebration," Julia volunteered.
That brought more cheering as everyone began to leave. Robert noticed, out of the corner of his eye, Agent Smith walk by, briefcase still in hand. He nodded and winked.
Something about that wink made Robert feel very nervous.
A sound came from behind him, a guttural clearing of a throat. Robert turned at the exit and stood at attention as Admiral Davies walked up. Davies made him stand at attention for a second longer than usual before returning it. "At ease, Captain."
Davies' nodded stiffly. "Well done. You're heading back out there. If only..."
"If only what...?"
Davies already seemed to be reconsidering what he was about to say. "Captain, you have no idea what this victory of yours has cost the Alliance. Frankly I don't know how much you know..."
"Admiral." Robert shook his head. "You're not making sense."
"Pray I don't start making sense," he replied. "Or you might just regret what happened today. Now go out there and do your job, and do it right. Don't screw up this second chance, Captain, because next time nothing's going to save you from a court-martial." Davies turned and walked away at a brisk pace.
Everyone returned to the Aurora in time to settle in and get some work done. But this was just to pass the time for 1900 hours ship time. At that point, officers and crew entered the lounge at their leisure for the celebration dinner. Various drinks were served all around while Hargert made use of his unreplicated stocks for fine meals, borrowing from multiple cuisines to accommodate every taste, as evidenced by Caterina's squeal of joy at the "best Jello ever!"
Zack sat at the bar, joining every toast, nursing a soda the entire time. "More soda, Commander?" He turned and saw Albert looking at him. "Just soda?"
For one moment Zack thought about the bottles of tequila in his room and the thoughts in his head, of what he wanted to talk about tonight. He opened his mouth, preparing to ask for another bottle of tequila...
"Just soda," is what he actually said.
As Albert retrieved this soda Robert stepped up toward the front of the lounge and put his back to the windows looking out at spacedock. "Everyone, please!", he shouted.
"Alright everyone, quiet down!" Julia clanged a spoon against her glass. "The Captain has something to say!"
Quiet settled over the assembled. Dozens of faces looked at Robert, who took a drink of water first. "I know everyone wants to celebrate tonight over the Defense Committee's ruling, but there's something we can't forget." He glanced down at a PADD, but it was only a brief glance. "We all lost some comrades a few days ago. They died to stop a horrific threat from gaining the technology to threaten the Multiverse." He swallowed. "Crewman John DeSanto. Crewwoman Aisha Muniz. Crewwoman Beverly Grant. Crewman Mahmud el Fadil. Crewman 1st Class....." As he recited the name, eyes across the room closed and heads bowed as everyone paid homage to their fallen comrades.
Robert had spent the entire day memorizing the names. Every member of the Koenig and Aurora crews killed either by the Changeling or in combat against the Nazi ships. He'd made himself memorize that list; he owed that much to the dead.
The last name was not one who had died on the mission, but was nevertheless a comrade who had been slain. "Lieutenant Pagos Draynal." When he finished reciting the list, Robert lowered his eyes. "Lieutenant Draynal was a victim of the same menace that cost us other comrades earlier this year. It's hard to think that we spent months with his murderer walking amongst us like it belonged here. All while it had the blood of our shipmate on its hands. I hope his spirit has settled, knowing that we have defeated the monster who took his life and then stole his identity." He swallowed. "As for our other comrades. They died for the cause they believed in. And they died because I made the decision to send them into danger. It's possible they died because I did not share information I should have shared. I allowed myself to get distracted by the mission and didn't think things through, and for that I humbly ask for your forgiveness. I made a mistake. The Committee has censured me for that mistake, and they were right to. I will make sure to never make such a horrible mistake again, no matter what it means for our mission. You deserve the truth from me."
Robert scanned the audience. Some nodded in understanding. Others appeared to be less forgiving, but were not being openly upset. He knew he would have to rebuild their trust in him. "All I can ask of you is that we all, together, not allow our past mistakes to get in the way of what the future holds. We face the possibility of war with the Third Reich. And we have to count on each other if we end up in that war." He nodded to Julia, who picked up a glass of wine Hargert had quietly poured amongst others. Robert held the glass up, causing others in the crowd to do the same. "To us, the crews of the Aurora and Koenig. And to our future!"
"To the future!", was the common reply. Glasses of wine (and one glass of juice, in the hands of Caterina) emptied together.
"And now back to the celebration," Robert said. "I don't want to make Hargert stay here all night cleaning up leftovers." At that, there was laughter.
Zack was one of those laughing. He'd already nibbled on a plate, but he wanted to keep his stomach empty for what he was about to do. He got up from the bar and weaved into the crowd. Julia was with Apley and Magda, chatting with them about the Koenig's systems. "...glad to hear you got that sorted out, the inertial dampeners always gave me fits," Julia was saying when Zack made eye contact with her.
"Hello sir," Apley said. "Come to join us? Commander Andreys was telling us how good a pilot you are."
"Best man to ever fly Koenig," Julia declared.
Zack smiled and nodded. "Well, Ap here is giving me a run for my money these days." He kept his eyes on her.
Seeing the look Zack was giving, Julia smiled to the others and excused herself. They walked into a corner of the lounge and found one of the remaining tables. "I guess it's time we had a talk again?", Julia asked.
"While I'm sober, yeah," Zack answered. "I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that. You deserve more."
"It's okay." Julia lowered her eyes. "I never realized, Zack. I mean, I always saw you as just hitting on me because, well, you're Zack Carrey and I'm an attractive woman."
"Not just attractive. Beautiful. Beyond beautiful. Aphrodite is jealous," Zack insisted.
"Flatterer," Julia replied with a smirk. "I just want to know... how much of that was the tequila?"
"None of it." Zack shook his head. "I meant every word. The only thing the booze did was loosen my tongue. I couldn't hold it anymore."
"I see." Julia breathed in and leaned forward on the table, putting her hands together. "I don't know what you want me to say, Zack."
"Well, in my dreams, you'd admit you loved me too and we'd talk about our wonderful future," Zack half-joked, since a part of him really wanted that to be the outcome. "But I know that's not your answer."
"Yeah," Julia admitted. "I.... you're a friend, the best. But not that way. I'm sorry."
"And it can never be that way," Zack remarked.
"I...." Julia sighed. "I don't see how, no. I just don't see it."
Zack nodded even as his heartache grew suffocating. "Yeah. Kinda figured that. Well, thanks for being honest, Julie."
"What are you going to do, Zack?", Julia asked. "I'm not the only woman out there."
"You're the one I'd give anything for," he answered. "Anything. But that's me, and I'll just live with it. Don't know what'll happen, but I'll get to it when it comes along." Zack stood up. "I've got some paperwork to catch up on. I'll be by tomorrow with a final draft of my AAR and signed requisitions for the repairs, okay?"
"Yeah, okay," Julia said quietly.
Zack nodded and walked away.
For a moment Julia just looked at her glass. When she looked up, she saw Robert and Angel standing together. Robert's arm was crooked around Angel's back and her arm was intertwined with it. They drank from each other's glasses and stole a little kiss in the process.
A part of Julia ached. It almost felt like betrayal even if it was nothing of the sort. Except... it was, wasn't it? Her mind flashed back to the two of them, battered and bruised and so very alive, beside the collapsed mound on his family property and invigorated by their escape from the Darglan Facility before it blew up. She remembered the enraged Dalek that chased them, the final words with poor Control as he helped them escape the Facility he was bound to, and that tumble as the mound fell out from under them.
She remembered Robert's playful grimace as she hugged his broken ribs.
And the kiss. Not just any kiss. One she had unknowingly longed for her whole life and which, at that moment, she gave to him without reservation, without any restraint. The sense of him returning it with equal passion to her own... at that moment, it had truly felt like the world had strangely righted itself.
But that was then. Now... now he was back with Angel. Again. And she was alone.
"Maybe Zack's not the only one who needs to move on," she murmured to herself as she wiped the tear that came from her right eye.
Zack stepped into his quarters and walked up to the table where the two bottles of tequila remained. He picked up the one Albert had given him and took a shotglass. All the while, his heart continued to twist feel like it was going to fall out. For all that he had expected confirmation of what he knew to be true... it still hurt to have that door slammed close on him.
Still, Clara Davis had been right. It was something he had to know. He knew it now. He hated it. It hurt. But the uncertainty was gone.
He tipped the bottle enough to put a little tequila in the shot glass. He picked it up and brought it up to gulp... and at the last moment held back. He looked at the glass and the liquor that was within it. Is this really what I want to be? Get hurt and crawl into the bottle?
No! NO! I am better than this!
He angrily threw the glass and watched it shatter against the wall, spilling its contents out. He picked up the tequila bottles, one in each hand, and went straight to the bathroom where he poured them into the drain. "I'm not becoming this," he muttered as he did. "This was your demon, Dad, not mine. No, not going to do this." Tears began to flow from his eyes as the final contents of one of the bottles gurgled out. "I don't care how much it hurts." Once the bottles were empty he put one in the replicator to be reclaimed and kept the one his dad had given him. He put it up on the shelf. "I'm not you, Dad. I'm going to face my pain. I'm going to deal with it," he swore. "I'm going to... deal... with it..."
Zack couldn't hold it back anymore. "It's not fair," he sobbed. "Why can't it be me? Why can't she love me? It's not fair! It's... not...."
He knew he had paperwork to do. But he couldn't help it. He collapsed into the couch and began crying.
Robert was in his office the next morning going over the repair orders when Zack entered carrying a note tablet. "Hey, got that paperwork for Julie?", Robert asked him.
"Yeah," Zack said. "But I've got this for you, Rob."
"Oh?" Robert took the tablet. His eyes scanned it. As he read the words, his mind began to rebel over what he was seeing. He looked up. "Zack.... what... why?"
"Davies is an asshole and I was never going to side with him against you, but he said something that I'm agreeing with. I need space to grow, Robert."
"This..." Robert shook his head. "Why? I'm sorry about the Draynal thing, but I don't see why..."
"I need space, Rob." Zack sat down across from him. "I need... breathing room. A chance to grow on my own. To stop following you and the others around like a lost puppy."
"Zack, you're not..."
"Hold on, let me finish," Zack insisted. "I've been adrift for years, Rob. Everyone knows that. And if this incident's taught me anything, it's that I need to be my own man. I need to get out on my own. The Koenig is the only thing I have going for me right now."
"And what about your crew?", Robert asked. "Are they okay with this?"
"I asked the others a couple of nights ago and they agreed." Zack smiled a little. "They're looking forward to some extended operations."
Robert sighed and put the tablet down on his table. "Zack, I... are you really that sure of this."
"As sure as anything in my life," Zack vowed.
"It's possibly you'll never be re-assigned to us," Robert pointed out. "If I process this and...."
"I understand. But please, do it. Don't make me beg or go to Maran or anything. Trust me."
Robert looked back at the tablet and drew in another sigh. "Finish one more mission with me, and I'll do it," he finally said. "Just one, because I'll need the extra ship and it'll take too long to get another assigned that can fit in our bay."
Zack pursed his lips. "Yeah, one mission. Sure. But we're already getting one?"
"Later today. Admiral Maran's coming aboard. Apparently it's something that came up after we went off to LA33." Robert put the tablet into his desk drawer. "We're due to see him in the main wardroom in four hours. Bring your staff."
Zack nodded. "Sure, I'll do that."
Meridina returned to her quarters for the first time in days. She had an hour to get ready for Admiral Maran which granted plenty of time for her to do what she needed. There was paperwork, of course, but more important than that...
After several button presses at her main computer system in her quarters, Meridina was treated to the image of Mastrash Ledosh appearing on her screen. "Mastrash," she said politely. "You have heard the good news?"
"I have. It is good to know the Committee showed wisdom," Ledosh answered.
"Yes. I am afraid my presence made things worse. There are those who believe our order is wielding influence over this ship and the Alliance."
"There are always those who fear things they don't understand. We will show caution and patience with them. But I'm sure you called over another matter." Ledosh nodded and smiled. "It took me some time with the Council, but they have agreed to accept Lucy Lucero's training by you."
Meridina smiled. "Excellent news."
"Just be careful, Meridina."
"I will be, Mastrash. Mi rake sa swevyra iso."
"Mi rake sa swevyra iso, Meridina."
Everyone was assembled when Admiral Maran entered. "Hello everyone," he said, smiling slightly. "I'm glad you're still here. I think this is a mission that requires your expertise."
"What is it, Admiral?," Julia asked.
Maran pulled out a data slip and put it into the wardroom's main display slot. A starmap with the label of N2S7 appeared. The extent of Dorei and Gersallian space was visible on the edge of the map. "Years ago, when Meridina first visited the Facility, the Facility's data systems provided her with astrographic coordinates that listed the location of a 'prize' that the Darglan left for the Gersallians."
"Oh, yeah, I remember that!", Caterina said, eagerness in her voice. "It was this system with a blue star. It was months away from the frontier."
"Admiral, have you actually sent expeditions that far?", Meridina inquired.
"Unmanned long range probes only," Maran answered. "And we have quietly re-directed colonization efforts in this direction with the help of the probe findings."
"We could make it in a few months at maximum warp," Locarno said, noticing the edge of the map. "Although it would put us pretty far from support."
"What kind of mission are you looking for, Admiral?", Julia asked. "Exploration or...?"
"Well, we would like you to scan systems en route to the area," Maran said. "But no. Rather, we believe we have a first contact mission in store for you."
Everyone looked at each other. "A first contact mission, ye say?" Scotty grinned. "Aye, havnae had one of those for a while."
"I'm aware of that, Commander Scott. But we believe you are well-suited for this given your prior experience with first contacts. Such as our own." Maran smiled and nodded.
"So the probes have found evidence of a race out that far?", Robert asked.
"Yes," Maran answered. "Long range probes identified ships moving though these star systems." He put his finger to an area. "At least two distinct kinds. We don't know what the difference is so hopefully you'll find out."
"Hrm, two weeks at cruise warp, Mister Locarno?", Julia asked.
"At least twelve days," Locarno confirmed.
"Aye, some good practice fer my engineers tae learn endurance runnin'," Scotty said. "A chance tae stretch th' lass's legs a bit."
"Admiral, do we know anything about them? Any intercepted radio communications?", Angel asked.
"One probe did pick up an old transmission at sublight," Maran confirmed. "At least a month old by the time the probe flew past." Maran reached over to the controls and hit a key. "It's military of some sort so it was encrypted. And the signal seems to have degraded at the range the probe picked it up."
"And untranslated," Julia said. "So I'm not sure..."
"Actually, Commander, no," Maran said. "It didn't need translation. It's in our language databanks."
"Which language?", Meridina asked.
Maran had a bemused look on his face. "By our systems.... Human English."
Everyone stared in silence.
"Here's what our computers managed to decrypt so far." Maran hit another key to bring up the prompted area.
"...sweep is clear?" It was a male voice, although the accent wasn't easy to tell due to the static in the line.
"....no.....clear.... land, Galactica Actual?"
"This... Galactica..... landing...."
Maran switched off the recording at that point.
"Galactica?," Jarod asked.
"Long range sensor probes confirm that this ship is part of the fleet moving through that area," Maran said. "To find actual Humans out that far, Humans who may be indigenous to our universe, is extraordinary for my people and the Dorei. President-General Princess Syrina and Director Anjila requested President Morgan send an expedition to make contact. We want it to be you."
"Humans from N2S7?! This is awesome," Caterina squealed. "This is beyond awesome! The idea that there are Human colonies out that far...!"
Robert nodded. "We're glad to take the mission, Admiral. We're due to leave spacedock tomorrow. And we can finish Koenig's repairs on the way."
"Good to see you're in high spirits over this mission," Maran stated. "I'll inform the President immediately. Just remember, we don't know what these people are like or what the other force in the area is like. Be careful out there."
After Maran stepped out, Robert stood up. "Okay everyone, we're due to leave tomorrow and we're going to be out of port for over a month, so make sure you've got everything stocked that you need stocked. Let's get to it!"
They all filed out of the wardroom.