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Good to see that you're keeping with the tradition of having the members of Team 7 have a near death experience regularly.

Sasuke: almost died from a cursed seal.
Naruto: almost died from demonic chakra poisoning.
Sakura: almost saw Karin naked.
I'm surprised Ran didn't flip out when Karin mentioned undressing for Sakura. Unless she left that part out despite us reading about it? So I take it Sakura is scared of Ran? I mean she's palming a hidden kunai across from Ran in a restaurant after the exams ended. Also I think you did well making Karin influenced by Ran and Kusa Anbu #1 Shimada-mama but not a Ran copy. The mini fight about revealing heal bite was a nice touch.
One thing is bluffing them with a tenth question that doesn't actually exist, but why the heck would that invalidate the written parts? Making them go through it only to handwave it later on is a waste of opportunity and nothing else.

They're shinobi for Kami's sake! Passing someone who couldn't answer the questions just because you said you would is nothing more than weak, uninspired reasoning. She's pretty sure Shimada-mama would've given them a piece of her mind and the whole thing is giving her migraines.
The test was all about how they handle obstacles- and the final question is (even though not explicitly asked): "will you give up or continue the mission even if you have to risk everything?" - the lack of skills (for example, Naruto) is something that could be addressed later, attitude cannot.
*cracking up at the mental image of Rochy going 'Solar BEAM!!!"*
Make sure you're ready for them by them
though enough to shrug off their shuriken
Hmm, think Sakura is having a internal crisis.
Something is awakening within Sakura. Her childhood friendship with Ino and all those flower metaphors are taking on new meaning.

Also Ino gave up on Sasuke awfully easy and seemed more pissed that Sakura went after him than people in general going after him.
I wish he'd get Karin's PoV. She's a talented sensor, and knows our protag dam well so the play of (poorly!) hidden emotions on her face should be hilarious.
Also concerning since they are on foreign ground and technically opponents if not outright enemies in a proxy war potentially lethal competition with Konoha's nins... but mostly hilarious.
I think that is something difficult she is the chakra sensor IT would be like describing color to someone Born blind
Fixed, thanks!
I'm surprised Ran didn't flip out when Karin mentioned undressing for Sakura. Unless she left that part out despite us reading about it?
I'll leave that open to interpretation. Truth is, I had already written it to look like a normal PoV until Ran flipped about the [Heal Bite] when I got to that part.
The test was all about how they handle obstacles- and the final question is (even though not explicitly asked): "will you give up or continue the mission even if you have to risk everything?" - the lack of skills (for example, Naruto) is something that could be addressed later, attitude cannot.
I get the point of the test, but you're still handwaving their lack of skills when that's a perfectly valid thing to test them about at the same time. And the Shimada are all about efficiency ;)
*cracking up at the mental image of Rochy going 'Solar BEAM!!!"*
For me, it was Rochy with a red cap, a mustache and a duck-watergun-rocket at his back.
On an unrelated note I was always surprised that leaf didn't do more with the forest if death. They just sort of allow other villages to have better poisons when they have stuff that would be as good or better right there. Also the exoskeletons of giant insects would make for good lightweight armor and if giant spiders are around silk. Why does leaf not use the unique opportunity they have?
Konoha says they have the Forest of Death.
Everyone knows it's the Forest of Death who has Konoha instead.
Long one.
When the second examiner erupts into the room is a welcome relief.
it's a welcome relief*

One thing is bluffing them with a tenth question that doesn't actually exist, but why the heck would that invalidate the written parts?
It's one thing to bluff them with a tenth question*

Making them go through it only to handwave it later on is a waste of opportunity and nothing else.
waste of an opportunity*

Kannagi-san swears, as Karin's both teammates regroup in the same branch she's standing on.
as both of Karin's teammates regroup on the same branch*

One thing is risking your life, another is committing suicide by Kage."
Risking your life is one thing, committing suicide by Kage is another.*

Maybe enough more to not be a dead weight after all."
Maybe enough to not be a dead weight after all.*

The proctor was rendered immovile, and the monster is leaving the field in a straight line.
The proctor was rendered immobile*

There's another tense pause, where everyone seems to hold their breath as Karin tracks the monster in it's way out.
monster on its way out.*

Immediately [Sunshined] away, it left my range."

Finding family only to immediately lose it again is an idea that has her sweating cold.
has her in a cold sweat.*

Of course, she gets the middle turn to stay awake and keep watch, because of course she would.
Repetition of 'of course' intentional?

Taking a deep breath, Karin makes sure her team is actually asleep, and casts around with [Mind's Eye of the Kagura] a last time.
one last time.*

but they're far away and unless they can increase their travel speed somehow, won't arrive until the morning.
but they're far away and, unless they can increase their travel speed somehow, won't arrive until the morning.*

With a last apologetic thought towards her turn -but not too apologetic, because seriously, they're jerks of the highest order- Karin takes into the night, leaving them as decenceless as two chunin aspirants asleep in a refuge trapped to the roof can be.
towards her teammates*
leaving them as defenceless*

Ironically, the chakra-infused fauna of the Forest of Death has an ever harder time ambushing her than normal animals,
has an even harder time*

She explains, trying not to make any move that can even remotely be constructed as threatening.
remotely be construed*

Still, there isn't much I can do to prove my good intentions, isn't it?
is there?*

You don't know much about neither Uzumaki nor Shimada if you think I'm going to backstab family."
about either*

I know nothing about neither the Uzumaki nor the Shimada."
about either*

Dear kami, she's not going to ever live this one down isn't her?
down is she?*

What she can do though, is bolstering his body and chakra reserves, so he has a better fighting chance.
is bolster his body*

"Wait, you showed them you [Heal Bite]?"
them your*

I cut her story in righteous indignation.
I cut into her story*

At the rate they're moving and assuming they don't change their route, they'll stumble into your campament at around dawn.
into your encampment*

Make sure you're ready for them by them or out of the way."
ready for them by then*

though enough to shrug off their shuriken,
tough enough*

Karin herself and the point where Shigeei disappeared into.
the point where Shigeri disappeared.*

I did pick on the concept from your hobbies, at least.
pick up the concept*

How can one react to those news, except by wrapping a hand around her waist and pulling her closer?
react to that news,*

Shigeri and Kannagi are the big strong useful combatants who actually have a chance of being promoted, and she's just the barely useful fill-in medic who happens to be convenient in some other way.
Feel like this is an inaccurate self-assessment.

No matter how hard you try.
Why would you want to? That'd be a waste of your suffering.

"Run you idiot!" Shigeri-san's voice comes from beyond the treeline. "Ditch the bitch!"
Are you suicidal?

Without giving Karin time to react to the words, Kannagi turns around to flee, shoulder-checking her hard enough to send her to the ground in the process.
Definitely suicidal, actively so.
He's courting death.
Definitely suicidal, actively so.
Didn't even have the decency to survive the test so Ran could get her hands on him.
Fixed, thanks! In my defense, it was a long chapter... :oops:
Repetition of 'of course' intentional?
Intentional, yep. Thanks anyway!
without turning her into a copy of Ran.
You could simply put the emphasis on what little canon shows us of her: her sensor synthesia shlick, her interest in medicine/science, and how deep her obsession(s) can run?
I think she makes an appearance in boruto, but I dropped it pretty quick so idk in there's anything else from there.

Hmm, think Sakura is having a internal crisis.

Ooooorrr... She's reaction to Shimada-san's unconsciously leaking killing intent? And Naruto is acting sheepish for the same reason, because at that point in canon he was still dumber than a bag of rocks and I honestly can't see him not being hyper at passing the exams.

Something is awakening within Sakura. Her childhood friendship with Ino and all those flower metaphors are taking on new meaning.

Also Ino gave up on Sasuke awfully easy and seemed more pissed that Sakura went after him than people in general going after him.

True, true. Add the fact that Ino got the personality-less Pretty Boy as her replacement "husband" too.
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True, true. Add the fact that Ino got the personality-less Pretty Boy as her replacement "husband" too.
Sai is a meat dildo.

Actually everyone Ino has shown attraction to has had mental issues. I wonder if her affinity for mind manipulation stuff affects her preferences.

I bet a lot of clans have strange stuff about how they choose partners actually.
Sai is a meat dildo.

Actually everyone Ino has shown attraction to has had mental issues. I wonder if her affinity for mind manipulation stuff affects her preferences.

I bet a lot of clans have strange stuff about how they choose partners actually.
I don't remember which story, but I do recall reading a Sakura focused post-698 (pretty sure it cut 699 and 700 both out) that actually addresses this and Ino admitting it's a bit of a kink for her. Like explicitly says that men with mental issues are a major turn on for her and that she likes pretty boys so Sai and Sasuke were like catnip for her.
I don't remember which story, but I do recall reading a Sakura focused post-698 (pretty sure it cut 699 and 700 both out) that actually addresses this and Ino admitting it's a bit of a kink for her. Like explicitly says that men with mental issues are a major turn on for her and that she likes pretty boys so Sai and Sasuke were like catnip for her.
Here is the thing though, Sakura has way worse mental issues than Sai or Sasuke. She has strong enough mental issues to actually overcome Ino's clan techniques. PTSD and Sociopathic behavior are kind of small potatoes to a split personality that has seemingly no origin.

With that canon confirmation she looks for men who are on the effeminate looking side and the mental health thing. There is a high chance she was looking for a guy she could put up with when the girl she wanted wasn't available.
Here is the thing though, Sakura has way worse mental issues than Sai or Sasuke. She has strong enough mental issues to actually overcome Ino's clan techniques. PTSD and Sociopathic behavior are kind of small potatoes to a split personality that has seemingly no origin.

With that canon confirmation she looks for men who are on the effeminate looking side and the mental health thing. There is a high chance she was looking for a guy she could put up with when the girl she wanted wasn't available.
If we're gonna go there - how about we address the fact that Ino is by all appearances the heiress of the Yamanaka clan and has no younger siblings so by that logic her crush on Sasuke was never going to go anywhere and she knew it.

Honestly out of the girls in Naruto's class Sakura was the only one that should've been able to marry into another family instead of having her husband marry into hers.

Full breakdown of Naruto's class:

Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, and Shino are all apparently the sole heirs of their parents with no siblings and with a parent/parents who are the head of their clans so anyone they marry would necessarily marry into their family. This is only unusual in the case of Ino as it's normally the wife marrying into the husband's family.

Hinata is in an odd position in that she's nominally the heiress to the Hyuga, however she has a younger sister that is actually favored to succeed their father. However, the fact that Hinata hasn't been sealed and placed in the Branch House means that she hasn't officially been removed as heiress. The exact reasoning for this was never, to my knowledge, given. However, it did leave her open to potentially marrying outside the family, though given the extreme methods used to control the bloodline this makes such a thing even less likely than Ino marrying Sasuke.

Sasuke too is in something of an interesting position in that he's still technically the spare given that Itachi was the heir when he went and killed everyone but Sasuke. Functionally he's the heir, and likely considered the Head of the Uchiha clan in some manner, but with the clan effectively defunct with only two (known) members alive and one of them a criminal and mass murderer anyone he married would be marrying into the clan in an effort to restore it.

Kiba is, by all accounts, the spare so him marrying out of the Inuzuka clan is not impossible though it would probably be somewhat difficult given that should anything happen to his older sister the position of heir would fall to him.

Finally we come to Naruto and Sakura. Sakura is from a ninja family, but we have nothing to indicate that they have any sort of bloodline or secret techniques/teachings so she's pretty much free to marry as and how she wishes with the only restriction being her ability to actually net the desired spouse. Naruto is sadly in the same position. He has no bloodline abilities - assuming the Uzumaki had any - and there are no secret teachings for him to inherit as any he might have been privy too died with his mother (I have OPINIONS on her situation especially as regards secret teachings of the Uzumaki). Similarly we have no indication that his father was even from a clan though it's likely he came from a ninja family, his background was probably akin to Sakura's.
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If we're gonna go there - how about we address the fact that Ino is by all appearances the heiress of the Yamanaka clan and has no younger siblings so by that logic her crush on Sasuke was never going to go anywhere and she knew it.

Honestly out of the girls in Naruto's class Sakura was the only one that should've been able to marry into another family instead of having her husband marry into hers.

Full breakdown of Naruto's class:

Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, and Shino are all apparently the sole heirs of their parents with no siblings and with a parent/parents who are the head of their clans so anyone they marry would necessarily marry into their family. This is only unusual in the case of Ino as it's normally the wife marrying into the husband's family.

Hinata is in an odd position in that she's nominally the heiress to the Hyuga, however she has a younger sister that is actually favored to succeed their father. However, the fact that Hinata hasn't been sealed and placed in the Branch House means that she hasn't officially been removed as heiress. The exact reasoning for this was never, to my knowledge, given. However, it did leave her open to potentially marrying outside the family, though given the extreme methods used to control the bloodline this makes such a thing even less likely than Ino marrying Sasuke.

Sasuke too is in something of an interesting position in that he's still technically the spare given that Itachi was the heir when he went and killed everyone but Sasuke. Functionally he's the heir, and likely considered the Head of the Uchiha clan in some manner, but with the clan effectively defunct with only two (known) members alive and one of them a criminal and mass murderer anyone he married would be marrying into the clan in an effort to restore it.

Kiba is, by all accounts, the spare so him marrying out of the Inuzuka clan is not impossible though it would probably be somewhat difficult given that should anything happen to his older sister the position of heir would fall to him.

Finally we come to Naruto and Sakura. Sakura is from a ninja family, but we have nothing to indicate that they have any sort of bloodline or secret techniques/teachings so she's pretty much free to marry as and how she wishes with the only restriction being her ability to actually net the desired spouse. Naruto is sadly in the same position. He has no bloodline abilities - assuming the Uzumaki had any - and there are no secret teachings for him to inherit as any he might have been privy too died with his mother (I have OPINIONS on her situation especially as regards secret teachings of the Uzumaki). Similarly we have no indication that his father was even from a clan though it's likely he came from a ninja family, his background was probably akin to Sakura's.
the Uzumaki had a shitton of bloodline abilities. As shown by Karin. Some also ad Uzumaki tenasity/massive chakra pool to it that Karin doesn't really seem to have. But Naruto inherited squat, exept for posibly the enhanced stamina/chakra pool...

the question is, would the Namikaze have any?

In any case, Naruto is also a Head. as shown in this story. not that there is anything left for him to be head of...
the Uzumaki had a shitton of bloodline abilities. As shown by Karin. Some also ad Uzumaki tenasity/massive chakra pool to it that Karin doesn't really seem to have. But Naruto inherited squat, exept for posibly the enhanced stamina/chakra pool...

the question is, would the Namikaze have any?

In any case, Naruto is also a Head. as shown in this story. not that there is anything left for him to be head of...
The only thing that would be, by definition, a bloodline ability is Karin's healing ability. The chains are more than likely secret techniques/teachings that Karin was able to recreate in some form or fashion, likely having had incomplete instruction from her mother or simply reconstructed based on stories and accounts she had access to while working for Orochimaru.

The Uzumaki vitality was more than likely inherited by Karin and not Naruto given that the explanation for her healing ability is that it's an ability to share the Uzumaki's noted vitality. Pretty much all of Naruto's special abilities like his healing and large amounts of chakra are rooted in his being the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox/Kurama.

While he did gain some nifty power-ups over the course of the story most of them were highly situational or connected to the Nine-Tailed Fox in some way. The only one he really had that he could call his own was Sage Mode.

And I specifically addressed that in the canon story the Namikaze - as in his father's family - did not appear to have anything that made them special beyond Minato being a big brain and managing to leverage that big brain into some truly impressive feats. That's actually why I postulated that Minato's family situation was probably like Sakura's, there's nothing to indicate that either of them come from particularly accomplished ninja families.

Also, the Mind's Eye of the Kagura is never seen as something anyone else can do. For all we know it's a unique creation of Karin and not something she learned/inherited from the Uzumaki. It's also possible that her sensory ability was inherited from her father who know jack-all about and likely isn't an Uzumaki himself.
While there are some good points about dynastic marriage considerations being raised here, I think it's important to remember that (as this story has already shown more than once) a lot of the rules about what someone 'has' to do in a setting like this kind of go out the window once you're powerful enough (where 'powerful enough' depends on just what rules you want to break).

And also that [clan politics/the feudal order/general social relations/etc..] are probably as much of an anachronism-stew as the rest of the setting and how much any given character would actually have to take such things into account could vary heavily depending on what particular clan(s) you're dealing with and just how the author wants to play things.
Along the way, I picked some keywords that sent a shiver down my spine. Words like 'Chakra', 'Konoha' or 'Kyuubi-no-Youko'. The first one might've been a coincidence, but the other two were a dead giveaway, I was in some part of the Elemental Nations, from the story of Naruto

I mean they could have been very enthusiastic Naruto fans, like unless one of them does a just right next to you you'd just assume...okay sure you've just been reincarnated but still.
The only thing that would be, by definition, a bloodline ability is Karin's healing ability. The chains are more than likely secret techniques/teachings that Karin was able to recreate in some form or fashion, likely having had incomplete instruction from her mother or simply reconstructed based on stories and accounts she had access to while working for Orochimaru.

Neither of the three abilities in question [Adamantine Sealing Chains], [Heal Bite] and [Mind's Eye of the Kagura] are classified as Kekkei Genkai in the wiki, with Heal Bite not being even a hiden (secret technique) Then again it also claims that Karin 'awakens' her chains during the Fourth Shinobi War, which is both contradictory (you can't 'awaken' a hidden technique, only a bloodline limit) and patently untrue (she first used the chains against Suigetsu during a flashback of the three-year timeskip, way before the foundation of the group Taka.)

Neither [Heal Bite] nor [Mind's Eye of the Kagura] are ever shown by anyone else, so they could be considered her personal techniques. Though I believe the part about Uzumama dying for [Heal Bite] overuse was canon, it's been way too long for me to say anything for sure without prior research. Which I'm feeling too lazy to do ATM :p

[Adamantine Sealing Chains]... I coud've sworn there was a redhead somewhere in the filler chapters who used something suspiciously similar, which led to a lot of speculation back in the day. If someone disconnected from the clan can spontaneously learn how to do it, then it's not a secret techniquea but a bloodline limit.

As far as Ran is concerned, the three of them are Kekkei Genkai and her Karin is bullshit.
If I remember right I think technically all of the Uzamaki special powers are expressions of their super dense, super plentiful chakra and their ability to externalize it easily.

Technically not individual Kekkei Genkai in the sense that another person could hypothetically try and replicate the techniques but they don't have the amount and quality of chakra needed to do so which is the actual clan trait.

This specific trait is also something that is observable in Naruto in his more solid than normal clones and his excess of chakra to make so many of them without even touching the fox.

My hypothesis is Minds Eye works by pushing out and retracting a little chakra and creating ripples in the natural chakra around everything. Then seeing where the ripples bounce of other chakra sources. Chains are just externalizing the super dense chakra and concentrating it. Finally the Healing bite is giving the person a quick injection of better quality chakra to jumpstart their healing.

Also all Uzamaki in series exhibit enhanced ability to recover from injuries on their own, meaning the quality of their chakra might by itself promote healing passively in the body.
Neither of the three abilities in question [Adamantine Sealing Chains], [Heal Bite] and [Mind's Eye of the Kagura] are classified as Kekkei Genkai in the wiki, with Heal Bite not being even a hiden (secret technique) Then again it also claims that Karin 'awakens' her chains during the Fourth Shinobi War, which is both contradictory (you can't 'awaken' a hidden technique, only a bloodline limit) and patently untrue (she first used the chains against Suigetsu during a flashback of the three-year timeskip, way before the foundation of the group Taka.)

Neither [Heal Bite] nor [Mind's Eye of the Kagura] are ever shown by anyone else, so they could be considered her personal techniques. Though I believe the part about Uzumama dying for [Heal Bite] overuse was canon, it's been way too long for me to say anything for sure without prior research. Which I'm feeling too lazy to do ATM :p

[Adamantine Sealing Chains]... I coud've sworn there was a redhead somewhere in the filler chapters who used something suspiciously similar, which led to a lot of speculation back in the day. If someone disconnected from the clan can spontaneously learn how to do it, then it's not a secret techniquea but a bloodline limit.

As far as Ran is concerned, the three of them are Kekkei Genkai and her Karin is bullshit.
The Heal Bite as you call it was definitely something that Karin's mother had and it's overuse is canonically what killed her.

That said, I say it's a bloodline ability because I don't believe that her mother would teach her that ability if she could avoid doing so, especially as I don't think she had any illusions about what would happen to Karin if she died or became unable to use the ability.

If I remember right I think technically all of the Uzamaki special powers are expressions of their super dense, super plentiful chakra and their ability to externalize it easily.

Technically not individual Kekkei Genkai in the sense that another person could hypothetically try and replicate the techniques but they don't have the amount and quality of chakra needed to do so which is the actual clan trait.

This specific trait is also something that is observable in Naruto in his more solid than normal clones and his excess of chakra to make so many of them without even touching the fox.

My hypothesis is Minds Eye works by pushing out and retracting a little chakra and creating ripples in the natural chakra around everything. Then seeing where the ripples bounce of other chakra sources. Chains are just externalizing the super dense chakra and concentrating it. Finally the Healing bite is giving the person a quick injection of better quality chakra to jumpstart their healing.

Also all Uzamaki in series exhibit enhanced ability to recover from injuries on their own, meaning the quality of their chakra might by itself promote healing passively in the body.
This sounds a lot like fanon.

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