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Shadow Company (Girls Frontline SI)

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Wake up as a weaponised service gynoid, discover you are Tabula Rasa, what memories of before gone in the harsh grinder of a system reset.


No name, no past, nothing to point to IOP or Sangviz Ferri, bonded to a gun from a videogame, assigned to a conspiracy theorist alongside a highway bandit, a gunner with body issues, and an escapee from an IJA propaganda movie.

That's fine.

The zombies are not an issue, the mutant wildlife can be shot dead, the robot uprising can be suppressed, the refugees and settlers protected, the bandits removed, make allies with one cult while the other cult will always be a thorn in the side.


What really pisses you off is the fact that somewhere in all this, you got saddled with an army, your mind is awash with information from sources unknown, and deep down you hold a fear that none of this, none of what you do, will amount to anything meaningful.


Welcome to 2063, welcome to Area S07, welcome to Griffon & Kryuger.

The ashes still yet smolder.

Welcome to the Shadow Company.
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