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Shazam/Captain Marvel 's origin of power [QUESTION]


Making the rounds.
Dec 28, 2020
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A small doubt:

Do shazam's power come from the gods themselves or tied to the gods directly or are the gods names just names and nothing more then a representation of a particular ability.

Say if a god dies does shazam lose the power from that god?

I'm planning on a writing a fanfic and I was wondering if say shazam wanted to fight a god then could the god just take that power away and render Shazam powerless.
Shazam gets his power through the gods, and he uses Zeus' lightning to transform. In the Injustice timeline, Zeus has taken his power back from Billy Batson, preventing him from using the rest of his abilities too, since he can't use the lightning to transform anymore. It's likely that the other gods might also be able to revoke their patronage, though it's hard to say conclusively.


Do note that the power doesn't necessarily need to be the Greek gods, after all, Black Adam draws his power from a different set of them.
And Sabbac gets his from demons and evil gods and gods of evil. I wasn't aware of any of them having their power revoked though, so I didn't bring them up.
Hmmm... thank dudes. I thought the rock of eternity was the true source of power and the gods were nothing more then names to label each letter of the word shazam. At least some posts on the internet say that but since its a fanfiction I can always mold the universe to my liking.
Don't necro. This is against Rule 7.
Hmmm... thank dudes. I thought the rock of eternity was the true source of power and the gods were nothing more then names to label each letter of the word shazam. At least some posts on the internet say that but since its a fanfiction I can always mold the universe to my liking.
Black adam always makes sure he has his gods support when he is going to do something he feels is wrong, so even in other universes that isnt injustice the gods who give the abilities are a big deal

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