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23.0K [VIDEO LINK] Incognito Captain America and InternGirl play MTG (youtube.com)

submitted 11 hours ago by 00Zy66 to r/magicTCG
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What format and what decks?

This is the really important thing.

I mean, stereotypically, Cap would be running a monowhite weenies decks with tokens and anthem effects. I could see him mayyyybe playing allies, but I figure he would rather run something straight forward and aggro, like weenies. Maybe Knights/Soldiers tribal.

SuperFishie? I would guess some trollish deck like Owling Mine, or even Turbo Fog, but that's just speculation.

I mean, I guess it could just be some casual kitchen table Timmy magic, but where's the fun in that?
I wanna say the other way around. Cap trolls at MTG and SI plays white or red or something. But I'm not sure.
i like the 'history channel is actually showing history, tune in to show our support' line
I'm still not sure if she's telling them the truth or just making stuff up.

Plus the other guy seems to be just conjecturing a lot and asking her for confirmation that she just shrugs at but lets him go on anyway.
I liked it.

It was kinda neat as far as filler goes.
Well, she ate the time gem. I'm half convinced there's like 4 different Karas in the same timeline right now.
*peeks head in*

I'm sorry, did somebody say Supergirl selfcest foursome, because I think that that's a fucking brillian-


*checks header*

*realizes this is the SFW section*

*screams in frustration*
Well, she ate the time gem. I'm half convinced there's like 4 different Karas in the same timeline right now.
Yeah honestly this story is getting a bit too bizarre for my taste. The time gem just gives too much control over the entire reality.

It's worse than being a Silver Age Kryptonian, which is really saying something. Though in this case they're stacked on top of each other.
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Can't you see him going with a mono burn deck? Just to get out of his Cap Persona?
Not... really?

Even in his thought processes, he's a good guy.

Well, except for when he's a Nazi, but we've learnt to ignore Marvel during their shitty little Social Justice phase.

And it is a phase, because they're bleeding money right now.

Well, that and the Cap fans seem to have universally lost their goddamn minds.
Not... really?

Even in his thought processes, he's a good guy.

Well, except for when he's a Nazi, but we've learnt to ignore Marvel during their shitty little Social Justice phase.

And it is a phase, because they're bleeding money right now.

Well, that and the Cap fans seem to have universally lost their goddamn minds.
Well... yes... but good doesn't equal not being aggressive when playing games?
Omake: Bonk
Well... yes... but good doesn't equal not being aggressive when playing games?
He has a shield, that he viciously slams into people.

I... I kinda laugh when I imagine him seeing it for the first time.

The scientist approaches Captain America, and shows him his shield for the first time.

"It's basically unbreakable sir. It should defend you well."

Cap stares at him for a long moment, before staring at the shield even longer.

He slowly reaches out, and takes it from the scientist, and begins to test it's weight.

"I... am going to throw this."

The scientist blinks owlishly, "What?"

"I will throw this. I will throw this at all the things."


"I am going to bonk the Nazis."

"Sir," the scientist begins, having managed to regain his footing, "It is a shield. It is designed to defend you, not to 'bonk the Nazis.'"

The Cap slowly, ever so slowly turned to stare at the scientist with wide, unblinking eyes.

"But why should I defend myself, when I can defend my enemies so hard they beg for mercy?"

The scientist stared at America's new icon, and he knew despair.
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