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1.1 - Initialization

Annette worked tirelessly, the nanoscopic components were very delicate...
1.1 - Initialization

Shadow of doubt

(Verified Forumite) (Verified Procrastinator)
Aug 12, 2019
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1.1 - Initialization

Annette worked tirelessly, the nanoscopic components were very delicate while in this state, carefully Annette finished the last few touches with her electromagnetic inscriber, it was a difficult process to keep her work a secret, but she was able to quietly acquire the components she needed from Boston.

The last thing she wants is the oversight and restrictions from the PRT, as it's unlikely they would let her save her daughter, no matter, after three months of consistent work, it was finally ready.
Quickly turning off the Electromagnetic Inscriber, she started the bootup sequence of her master piece, a small un-decorated cube sat in front of her, slowly it started to rise into the air, hovering gently.

Annette wiped her face from the sweat it had accumulated, and took a step back to admire her work, an intricate black cube floating in the inscriber chamber greeted her, this was it, the Simulation Cube was complete.

Annette put on her Interaction Gloves, she didn't want it to bond with her after all, and stored the cube in what looked like a small lunch box. Moving toward the stairs, Annette checked the clock on the side of the wall as she left her basement, it read 2:04 AM, to her left she saw her dumb sweet husband passed out on the couch, surrounded by papers and other work-related objects, ever since the accident he'd been keeping himself busy with work, trying to ignore what the doctors had told them. Normally, after a night of tinkering she would make sure to get him to a proper bed, not tonight though, she couldn't wait to hold Taylor in her arms again, and feel her squeeze back.

Carefully, making sure to avoid any of the fallen papers and pens on her way to the front door, Annette opened and closed the door slowly as to not wake her husband, skipping the bad step and turning to look around, the evening chill allowed her to see her breath as she made her way into her car, even now, three months after that accident, she still had trouble turning the keys.

"You can do this Annette, for Taylor" she mumbled to herself, Annette forced herself to turn the key, the engine rumbled to life, and she drove carefully towards the hospital, knowing that they wouldn't let her save her little owl, she had made sure to come prepared. The drive was slow and tenuous, she almost had a panic attack when some shitty trailer cut her off at a roundabout, they didn't even have a license plate, but it doesn't matter, she could see the hospital now, she parked in a nearby alleyway, and adjusted her glasses.

She tried to look calm as she made her walked out of the alleyway, quickly she sneaked into the hospital car park, and made her way to the side of the building where her little owl was, third story window view, she paused when she found the wall she'd need to climb to get in, quickly turning a dial on her Interaction Gloves, she placed her gloved hand on the building wall.

A moment of light and it worked, the gloved connected themselves, bracing herself, she flicked her eye to initialize the command with her modified glasses, the gloves let off a discharge of red light as she was quickly pulled upward. After about twenty seconds of climbing, she reached her baby's window, inputting another command with her eye movements, one glove released itself, moving it over to the glass she carefully pulled.

"Yes, it's still open," Annette whispered, thanking her past self for making sure to leave the window latch open.
Carefully, ever so slowly she climbed into her baby's room, once inside, she made sure to close the window slowly, she looked at her poor little owl, she looked so thin, the breathing tubes up her nose and the machines operating near her could only really keep her alive, but with the amount of brain damage sustained in the crash, the doctor's said that she'd never wake again, not even Panacea could heal her, she can't heal brains for some reason, Annette could only scoff at that, she just didn't want to heal her, the nervous system is the brain, if she could effect that, she'd be able to affect the brain. But it doesn't matter now anyway.

Slowly, Annette approached her brave little girl, she grabbed her daughters hand, so weak and frail now, having nothing but nutrients from a tube would do that to you. "It'll be alright now little owl, Mummies here, I'll fix you up proper, don't you worry," Annette whispered as she whipped her tears away, quickly taking the lunchbox out, she extracted the Simulation Cube, it's entire purpose is to repair her little girl, and simulate the part's that were too far gone, of course, she made sure it'd keep her little girl safe from any threat, no car crash would be able to hurt her little girl ever again.

"I'm so sorry if this hurts, but it'll make you better, I promise," Annette mumbled as she moved the hospital blanket and gown from her daughter, and placed the Simulation Cube on her little owls bear chest, at first, nothing much happened, then slowly, the flesh around the cube started to fragment into smaller cubes, the machines that Annette forgot to turn off started to put out warning alarms, but Annette was too focused on making sure nothing went wrong, soon, her little girl started to convulse as the cube integrated itself with her nervous system, Alarms started to sound, but Annette was to busy watching as her girl's eye's opened for the first time in months, her brave little owl, started to scream, Annette knew the process would be painful, so she quickly hugged her little girl, letting her know that everything will be okay.

Soon, Taylor stopped screaming, as Annette looked at her daughter, "Mum, what... what happened, I feel, strange," Taylor said, her voice had a strange synthesized quality to it, at the moment, Annette knew, that she could finally rest, her little girl was fixed, she was awake, and aware again. Annette hugged her little girl tighter, and whispered to her, "I fixed you my little owl, everything is perfect again," and with that, Annette passed out, the three days of not sleeping finally catching up with her.
POV - ???

...Initializing systems, Simulation Cube Iteration 0N
...Atomic Scanner - Online
...Atomic Assimilation Matrix - Online
...Electromagnetic Repulsion Systems - Online
...Iterative Assistive Intelligence System - Online [Waiting for Biological Matter]
...Data Storage Network - Online [DNA Template Found, waiting for Biological Matter]

...Biological Matter found, Assimilation start.

...Primary Administrator in the local area

M̴̤̃ö̴͎́t̴̬̒h̴̼̑ê̵̝r̶̪͌?̷͓͆, "Mum" A̶r̵e̷ ̴y̶o̵u̶ ̴o̸k̴a̸y̸?̸ w̷h̵a̴t̸ ̵i̵s̴ ̸t̴h̴i̵s̶ Pain ̴I̴ ̵f̶eel̸ "What Happened?"

̴Ġ̴̬r̶̖͆é̸̥e̷̺͂t̶̤̄ī̶̜n̸̠͗g̶̥̕s̴̤̒ ̷̝͒A̴̡͝d̶̲͝m̶͈̏i̶̪͑ň̴͇î̶͙s̷̥̈́t̷͔͐r̵̠͠a̷̖͐t̶̼͘ǫ̴̉r̸̥̀,̴̹̍ ̵̞́ä̶̗́l̷̖͑ļ̴͛ ̸͈̿s̵͓̎y̷̠̕s̴̭̆t̶͇́é̵̪m̷͉͂s̸̜̽ ̸̫̄a̶͋͜ŗ̴̀e̵͓͋ ̶̢̿n̷̟͠ǫ̴̀m̸̺͐i̴̤̋ń̴̞ạ̷̿l̵̘͐,̶̨̿ ̵̝̾A̸̳̔s̵̱͗ş̸͑i̵̦̓m̸͕̽î̷͜l̸͎̓ä̴̬t̶͙̑i̵̲͂o̵̜͝n̴̥͒ ̸̧̔o̵͓̽f̴̠̏ ̵͖̓b̸̘͗i̷͚̍o̸̪͆l̸̼̉ȍ̴̜g̶̭͂i̶͔͝c̵͖͆ā̸̰l̴̙̿ ̵͔̃m̷͉̈́ȧ̶͕t̴͉̀t̸͙̊e̸̻̓ŕ̷͓ ̷̡̂ị̴̂s̴͓͗ ̴̳͛7̸̗̏4̸͓̀%̵͕̈ ̸̣̈c̷̼̽o̴̱̽m̵̟͛p̶̪̍l̸̹͘ẻ̴̜t̷̯̃e̶̲͆ď̵̞

"I feel, strange."

...Assimilation Completed. Iterative Assistive Intelligence System Engaged!

Who said that? Wh̵y̴ ̴a̵m̸ ̶I̷ ̷i̴n̶ ̵a̴ ̸H̴o̵s̴p̸i̶t̷a̸l̵?̶

...Creator-Administrator/M̸o̶t̴h̶e̸r has repaired me

That's right, Mother f̸i̶x̷e̵d̴ me.
POV - Panacea

I was woken up by a phone call, at 3:21 am, checking the number, it was the emergency number the hospital used to contact her, for a moment, I thought about ignoring it, but that'd be the first step, and If I did it this time, I'd do it again, and again. No, I HAD to respond, it's what a hero would do, a choice made, I accept the call.

"Panacea, sorry about the early call, we have a code T, at the hospital, we need you your help with this, we've also contacted the PRT, it's a pretty bad case here, we'll need you to make sure the victim is alright," The woman on the other end of the phone drolled on, but all I could think about was the fact it was a code T, someone had the balls to break into the hospital and tinker with a patient, I could only hope I'd be able to help them. The world doesn't need another bonesaw, hopefully, the PRT will be able to sort out the tinker, meanwhile, she had to fix what is likely to be an interesting problem.

Quickly getting up, she told the lady that she'd get her sister to fly her there, quickly confirmed everything with the woman then hung up while she grabbed her Hero outfit, quickly running to her sisters' room, making sure to knock loudly on the door a few times, a few moments and her sleepy-eyed sister greeted her with naught but her underwear on, quickly taking her mind of that, she looked to Vicky, "Code T at the Hospital, I'll need to get their fast, I'm getting ready, can you inform Carol," Amy said as she put her arm into her hero outfit.

Vicky, became alert when Code T was mentioned, nodded quickly, and went back into her room. She could hear her sister rummaging to grab quick clothes so she could fly her there.

It wasn't long before she was being cradled in the arms of her sister on their way to the hospital, it was always an amazing experience to fly, the city at this time was fairly quiet normally, however, the amount of PRT Cars heading in the same direction made her a tad nervous, why would they need that many?

"Vicky, I think we might need to be quicker", I couldn't help the panic in my voice, Vicky just nodded and said something about, hold on tight.

When we arrived at the front of the hospital, I was greeted with a somewhat grumpy Armsmaster.

"Panacea, we require your assistance with the victim, however, due to the victims' distress, we are currently unwilling to risk your safety, please follow Mr. Colson here, he will direct you to the waiting room." Armsmasters tone was clipped and somewhat cold, I suppose waking up at this time would make anyone that way, I nod to him as I follow the PRT agent he pointed out, he leads me into the hospital proper and takes me to the break room the nurses use, he then hands me a small folder.

"Panacea, these here are photos of the victim, one Taylor Hebert, age 14, Condition was confirmed to be a Persistent Vegetative State after a car accident with her mother." The Agent intoned, going briefly over each photo, I actually do vaguely remember this one, it's the girl's mother I remember, she was the woman who went on and on about how the nervous system is the brain, and that I was lying about being able to heal her daughter, the worst part is that she was right, I could heal her, but I could also remove something important, and not to mention the extensive damage she had, I doubt even if I healed her, some parts were just too damaged to save without losing something, so she lied, said that it was the manton limit that stopped her from effective the brain, it was not a good feeling, lying to a grieving mother.

"I'll leave you with the file, please, make sure you read through them, it will help you understand the situation better, your sister insisted that she stay with you, so once you've finished reading those documents, please ask for me, I'll take them off your hands" Agent Colson intoned, as he nodded towards her and left her alone in the break room.

I suppose Armsmaster is keeping Vicky distracted for a while, let's see what's going on here.

POV - Taylor

It was strange, waking up, I couldn't put my figure it out, but something was missing, looking around, I noticed that I could see everything in detail, I wasn't even wearing my glasses and I could easily see the clock at the other end of the wall informing me that it was 3:08 am, the hospital room was really loud though, all the machines around me were freaking out, I'd wish they would S̷t̵o̶p.

...Initializing Communication Protocols - Online
...Sending Command - Shutdown

Suddenly all the machines shut down, and I just knew, I'd done it somehow, looking around I saw my mum/a̴d̶m̸i̵n̵i̴s̴t̶r̵a̴t̴o̵r, she looked so tired and for some reason, I had vague memories of a laboratory with my mum looking down at me in concentration, C̴r̴e̷a̸t̴o̵r/Mother had done a lot of work to help fix me, wait, why did I need to be fixed, I scanned the room again, I just needed to know what I was in here for.

...Searching for local networks - found
...Sending Command - Search - Term - "Taylor Hebert"
...Data Found, Command Complete.

And suddenly, I just knew what had happened, I had been in a car accident, but, I couldn't remember anything about that, I'd been in the hospital for three MONTHS, wait, I was in a coma? diagnosed that with the amount of brain damage I had, I'd never wake up? but I'm fine now, right Mother/C̴r̴e̷a̸t̴o̵r Fixed me.

...Searching Assimilated Data Network - "Car, Accident, Mother, Bad, Crash"
...Data Missing - Found Cause - Attempting Reconstruction
...Reconstruction Failed - Data Insufficient, Assimilated Biological Short Term Memory Bank Damaged beyond repair

Of course, the car crash memories were too damaged, my short-term memory was damaged too badly to be fixed. After finding my bearings I make slowly inspect my body for damage and note that I'm extremely thin, and I have what looks like a hole in my chest, I can see strange black cubes coated in blood hovering around the wound as it seems to slowly fix itself?

...Insufficient Mass to reconstruct ̵t̷e̶m̵p̶l̸a̶t̸e, pending large influx of biological matter - currently Assimilating Microscopic lifeforms to fabricate outer shell
...Estimated time to completion 103 years 2 months 9 days

Oh, I'd just need to make sure I ate more, the weird thing I noticed is that I don't feel hungry, but I know I am, What a strange feeling. Unfortunately, my musing was interrupted by what looked like a nurse bursting into my room, she looked at me, then started to scream, quickly looking around, trying to find the source of her terror, my mother's tinker tech gloves (I̶n̴t̴e̵rac̵t̷iv̵e̶ ̴R̵e̶m̴o̵t̶e Co̵n̷so̴le) were glowing really bright, and I suppose humans can have a fear of light?

The Nurse quickly turned on the facility lights and pushed the large red button on the wall, then quickly rushed over to me.

"Okay sweety, I'm gonna need you to lay down alright, we'll help you get better alright hun," The nurse had a strange accent, I could also see that she had a lot of stored biological matter that could be better configured, but some people I guess don't care about efficiency. I was going to inform her that she really should reconfigure her matter as it's current arrangement would prove fatal if continued to develop, however more people burst into the room, holding out strange devices containing a chemical I couldn't identify, a moment later and I realized it was the PRT?

"What is the PRT doing here?" I asked while analyzing their facial features and body language to interpret their purpose.

"It's just the PRT hun, their going to take the bad person away alright, and they'll help you with that problem in your chest alright dear," the Nurse with the odd configuration guided the PRT Agents towards Mother/C̴r̶e̸a̴t̶o̷r, with handcuffs, NO.

"DO NOT TAKE MOTHER/C̵͉͘Ȑ̷̭Ĕ̵̹A̴̟͠T̴̪̽O̶̲̔R" I shouted, making sure to back away from the Nurse and PRT agents, I don't know why they're here, but I'll make sure to defend my Mum, she looks so tired, I need to make sure she's safe and they won't take her from me. Luckily, they seemed to understand my worries as all the agents backed away, one of them activated a radio/ṃ̵̐ḁ̴͗c̵̡̾h̷͍͌i̵̮̍n̵̹͠e and informed somewhat that 'The tinker is a Possible Master, and that they are disengaging to not escalate the situation'

I just want to go home and have some tea with my mom, I want to hear her read stories to me again, I can't let them take her away.
1.2 - Authorization
POV - Annette

It was grating to admit to myself that perhaps I would be in a better position if I had been more alert. If I had taken the time to ensure I slept properly this wouldn't be happening, but the past was in the past. Now, I had to calm things between my daughter and the PRT agents.

It was pure luck that I was woken up by the shouts of the PRT agents. Looking around I could see three PRT Agents. They have seemed to have backed off and are currently in the hallway.
My little owl was talking with a nurse, and it took me a split second to release that the Simulation Cube had somehow burned my little owls' eyes. They were more mechanical then biological now, they even had a green glow, I suppose the cube was designed to fix all damage it seems as though it was the quickest way to fix her eyesight, semi reconstruction perhaps.

"Mother/C̴r̶e̸a̴t̶o̷r, what do I do? These people want to take you away," Taylor admitted with a whimper, ignoring the other agents and the nurse, I made sure to hug my little girl, I won't leave you.

"Don't worry little owl. They just don't know what's going on alright, they want to make sure you're going to be okay, can you stand?" I whisper to her, hmm, it seems that the Simulation Cube ran out of usable excess biomatter to complete the outer shell formation. Making sure to raise my voice to address everyone in the room, "How about we all get settled down, and talk about it over some food, Please, I don't have any weapons on me, I just wanted to heal my little girl, and she needs food to continue the healing process!" Probably best that I don't mention she could assimilate any matter biomatter by touch, well for healing at least.

One of the PRT Agents moved to the right as they talked very quietly into what looked like a radio, I couldn't hear what they said, but after a moment they looked at, "Are you a Miss Annette Hebert, Mother to Taylor Hebert?" The agent asked, carefully, although I could see the other agents relax somewhat, I quickly nodded my head.

"Of course I'm her mother, I just, had to fix her, I knew what I needed to do, but I couldn't go through the PRT, I know what they think of Biotinker's," While technically I'm not restricted to only bio tinkering, a lot of what I can do for my baby would be restricted, and I couldn't sit there knowing, I can help her when the PRT would just yammer on about how bad it would be for PR or something.

"Mum/C̴r̶e̸a̴t̶o̷r, we're not in trouble are we, the last thing I remember is something about going to movies, I know we got hurt in a car crash, but I don't remember it," Taylor admitted softly, as she slowly started to get up, I helped support her as we slowly made our way from the hospital bed.

Hopefully, the PRT won't force my hand. I may not have weapons, but My little owl is more than capable to protect us both the city was way too dangerous to leave her defenseless, so, I made sure that the simulation cube would be able to compress and rapidly assimilate weapons, the cube already had some of my Repulsion systems installed, so my little owl could truly fly now.

"Alright. For now, we just need to ask you some questions. We won't separate you, as per Taylor's request, would you follow me, Armsmaster wants to make sure everything is alright." The Agent informed me. He seemed honest, I suppose they were able to confirm my Identity, and I guess we'll get to meet Armsmaster, hah, Taylor has always liked him, maybe she'll have a good time today anyway.

"Thank you, come on, Taylor, we're going to clear up the misunderstanding, have some dinner and, hopefully, go home." I made sure to watch the Agents response to my statement, nothing, damn. I made sure to hold my baby's hand, I almost cried when she squeezed it back, no matter what happens, I could never regret healing my daughter.

POV - Armsmaster

I stood outside the hospital, my bike parked to my right. I make sure to wait to the right of the hospital entrance. Ensuring I do not impede the agents as they scan and secure the hospital, while ensuring I remain visible.

At least this time the call out that interrupted my work is about a new tinker. I had been in the middle of working on my lie detection system when I was called in for a high probable Case T at the hospital.
It was a prevalent problem ten years ago, luckily, the protocols and quick response time of the PRT were able to deter most cases. However, someone will always try to push the line, and today, happened to be the day.
Of course I'd make sure to correct them, hopefully, they'll be amenable to joining the PRT, likely on Probation barring unforeseen circumstances.

The Nurse has already contacted Panacea and informed me that she was on her way, excellent. Hopefully, she'll be able to reverse whatever the Tinker had done to the Victim, if needed.
A shame he can't go in himself yet, but, with Case T Protocols in effect, it's for the best. Soon I was contacted by one of the agents in the building.
"Sir, please advise. The victim is under a possible Master Effect, I repeat, not confirmed, but possible. The victim is claiming that the tinker is their mother. Please note the tinker has done something to the poor girls' voice and eyes," Agent Penderson I confirmed with my helmets interface.

"Noted, confirm with the Tinker their name, make sure to get a clear picture of their build, are they masked?" I ask, the agent confirms and informs me that they do not have a mask on. With that I connect to Penderson's Helmet Cam and run the Tinker's face against the Victims' Mother's Drivers License Photo.
94.88% Match, Not enough for full confirmation, but, is sufficient to assume that the Tinker is not Mastering the victim.

"Confirmed Tinker with a high likely hood to be Annette Hebert, treat with caution, It's unlikely to be a Master situation. Stay sharp, Find out if they are amiable to answer some questions. And keep them in the hospital at the moment. Make sure to use a staff break room to interview them. I'll be with you shortly. If this goes well, we should be able to get them back to HQ for a proper interview." I inform the agent, for now I'll need to wait for Panacea, then I can begin to sort this problem out.

Approximately two minutes later and I could spot Glory Girl in the air. As they make their decent I make sure to greet Panacea with the respect she deserves.
She is just as dedicated as myself when it comes to our respective fields, if she were a Tinker she would go very far with that level of dedication.

"Panacea, we require your assistance with the victim, however, due to the victims' distress. We are currently unwilling to risk your safety. Please follow Mr. Colson here. He will direct you to the waiting room." I make sure to project professionalism I watch as she is lead away by Agent Colson. I make sure to move quickly to intercept Glory Girl. I did NOT want her Anywhere near a Case T. She would likely jump to conclusions and demolish a wall or two.

"Glory Girl, Your quick delivery of Panacea is most appreciated. The case here is still ongoing, I'd like for you to make sure no civilians enter, nor any members of the gangs. A tinker is a lure most of the Gangs won't ignore, Agent John will contact you when Panacea has confirmed the victim is alright." I nod to her, in respect to her good intentions at the least, a shame she isn't a Ward, with proper training she would be more equipped to handle cases that require a lighter touch.

With that, everything is in order. I contact agent Penderson again. "Agent, have you prepared a room where I can interview them," Thankfully, with their cooperation, I've already deemed them non-hostile, which allows me to interact with them properly. A moment and the agent response to me, "Room 12B, Note, girl is skittish and will react badly if we were to remove her mother from the room." With that information noted, I dismiss the agent as I head toward the interview room, time to see how this will go.


POV - Taylor


...Warning Shell Density at 0.24%
...Goal Dictation High-Priority Acquire Biomass

"Mother/C̵r̴e̶a̴t̷o̷r, I'm Hungry." Mother looks towards me with a calm smile.
She can look so sad sometimes, but I'll make sure she's happy. Oh I know breakfast in bed should cheer her right up, I make sure to commit myself to remember that!

...Goal Dictation Low-Priority Prepare Biomass for Administrator/Creator

"Agent, could I get some food from the vending machine over there for my Daughter, before the interview starts, she needs it to heal," Mother asks the mean-looking PRT people, why couldn't a hero come to greet us? Looking around, I can see the Vending Machine in question.

I Look back to the agent, he seems to hesitate for a second, he turns towards the other agent to his right. "Agent Penderson, please get some snacks for Miss Hebert."
He turns back towards mother and I, "Please, wait in this room here." He points towards what seems to be a break room with a sign indicating the room as 'Room 12B'.
I could see that Agent 'Penderson' seems to be short on change. I observe the machine for a moment to see if I could help by commanding the machine.

...Accessing Closed Network
...Warning Shell Density at 0.233%

I see some of my figure break of into a small number of tiny floating cubes, that fly towards the vending machine, no one seems to notice.

...Access Complete
...Sending Command - Open

Suddenly, the Vending Machine starts dropping all the snacks from every shelf, the agent jumps a tad, oh, he found some change it seems.

"Sir, Vending Machine Seems Broken, let the Hospital know, I select the potato chips and suddenly all the snacks started to dispense," Agent 'Penderson' informed the other two. They glance toward mother for a second. She looks just as confused, at least the agent brought a large handful of snacks.

...Warning Shell Density at 0.24%

I notice as I grab the snacks from him, that the small cubes that left my finger re-attach themselves, strangely, even when they were separated, I knew where they were, and I knew I could control them, Mom must have done a LOT of work on me!

Soon enough I find myself sitting next to Mot̵her. I open one of the bags and take a chip to eat. I notice something strange though, It seems that I had already started to 'eat' the chips before they were even in my mouth, my figure seemed to pulse outward as if made from geometric cubes the chips did the same before the kind of just, melted into my hand, as well as cubes could. Shrugging to myself I just grab a handful and put what hadn't melted into me, in my mouth, which seems to taste just fine!

...Shell Density at 0.27%

Halfway through my chips the door opened, and Armsmaster himself walked into the room, I make sure I sit up straight. The hole in my chest is getting smaller by now and the hospital gown covers most of it. Hopefully, he doesn't notice it. I'd be so embarrassed if he did.
POV - Annette

It seems my Little Owl found that she can assimilate matter with her fingers now, It'd have been harder to not include that what with the Simulation Cube designed to upgrade her full-body, no car crash could hurt her, not even now, her shell density would only be barely above human average, from what I can gather she will be able to with enough mass shift herself in multiple interconnected dimensions, making her Much harder to hurt, while still being able to walk around! Hopefully, the self-Improvement system will nullify my need to consistently maintenance her, took a while to figure that trick out, but luckily, I got that down in the first months of testing!

I was brought out of my musing when Armsmaster walked into the room, he nodded to the both of us, he stood behind the chair meant for him, "Good Morning, Miss Hebert, you've managed to cause quite the scare today, luckily I was able to confirm your identity here today as the Miss Taylor's Mother," he intoned, leaning very slightly on the chair back, "Now, I would like to settle this properly, could you tell me, what exactly you've done to your Daughter?" He looked briefly to my little owl as she started to change her hand into different configurations while using the other one to munch on a half assimilated potato chip.

"Oh, It's simple. Once I knew the extent of the brain damage, I just knew how I could fix it, It just took me a long time to make it perfect." I take a quick breath and cross my legs as my old habits as a teacher kick in, "Her brain was badly damaged, so I created a machine to simulate the missing pieces. My specialization is interconnection. And I'm very apt when it comes to integrating and creating connecting devices. Taylor has my first fully kitted out Simulation Cube Iteration 0N," I take a break to let it sink in for the man. Honestly I'm really happy they sent Armsmaster, his armor is just Fascinating to look at.

"I see, you do realize that what you've done to your daughter was Highly unethical, human experimentation is strictly regulated especially when it comes to things like this, what if you made the issue worse? or it went wrong in the connection process?" Armsmaster asks, it seems like an honest question I suppose.

"I well, I'd fix the issue if it'd happened, but it hasn't, you're much better now aren't you Taylor," It's been so long since she was this awestruck, I'm surprised she isn't asking a million questions right now!

"I didn't think I'd ever wake up Mummy/A̷d̶m̷i̴n, I don't remember the crash, but even when I first woke up, I just knew I'd been asleep/lo̸s̷t for so long, like I was missing something," My brave little Owl shivers for a moment before she continues, looking up to me with awe on her face, "Are you going to team up with Armsmaster now, though? You'll be an amazing superhero mum. I just know it," she takes a deep breath and I just know she's about to go on and on about how amazing it'd be, I've missed this, the house was so quiet without her.

Armsmaster takes this moment to interrupt her thought, "I think that would be amazing Taylor, I think your mother could do a lot of good with the proper training and oversight," he pauses for a second, "Due to the situation though, I am afraid that you are going to be put under arrest, Taylor will have a medical examination and if she's listed as healthy, she'll be put under her fathers care while we sort out the issues with your case," My heart was beating in my chest for a moment when a quiet, cold voice, makes itself known.

"Are you going to take Mother/C̷̦͓̏̑r̵͎͒͛ë̷̩̔a̴͚̠̾t̸͚̽̅͜o̶͚͉̽r̴͕͇̚ from me?" Oh dear, this isn't good. "Taylor, please, calm down, I'll be alright, I was, in a very bad place when I healed you, I hadn't slept for a long time," My sweet little Taylor looks towards me, unblinking, "Please don't leave me alone, mummy" Oh, not the puppy dog eyes, "I won't dear, I'll be back before you know it, I've just got to go for a little bit, your father would love to see you again!" I admit to her, because, no matter what, I'll be there for my little girl, even if I have to break out of the birdcage myself.
POV - Armsmaster

It seems that Miss Annette is a good person. Misguided but good, however, she has committed some serious crimes, including what could be classed as Unethical Human Experimentation. It's a good thing I can offer Probation as an option to her.
"Miss Annette, what I'm about to offer you is not something that the PRT and Protectorate offer lightly. The PRT can offer you a Probation Membership, in place of a prison sentence. If it comes to that please note that It does have some major restrictions, but it will allow you to be in regular contact with your daughter here." I make sure to keep my voice calm and professional. Hopefully, they agree, I'm sure that with both of us working together we can make a big difference in Brockton Bay.

While Miss Taylor has remained docile so far, my scanning system show that she could be very deadly if angered. I'm unsure how they work, but with the scans of her 'eating' those potato chips, I've determined that Miss Annette has somehow turned her daughter into a bio robot or perhaps cyborg, that can disassemble and reassemble biological matter. And I'm not quite sure where the energy to do that comes from, a point to bring up perhaps?
Another concerning point is that the reassembled matter that Taylor adds to herself may class her as a self-replicating Biotinker creation. Which would make it hard to allow Miss Annette to become a Probationary Member of the Protectorate. For now, though, I'll keep my observations to myself, no use tainting her chances. Ensuring a new tinker to help combat the gang's is a higher priority, and while she may need additional monitoring, together we may be able to create something to improve the situation.

"It has been a pleasure talking with you Miss Annette. If you'd be so kind, would you contact your Husband, while I get Panacea to check Taylor over. I have confidence that your work will allow Taylor to go home tonight, however, we will need to ensure she is healthy. With Panacea's the Nurse and my own authority we should be able to allow Taylor to go home tonight. we will however have a guard detail to ensure her safety while we assess your case. On that note, I'm sure the Director would like to talk to you." I inform them, as I walk to the door, making sure to stand slightly left of it as I guide them out. All that's left now is for Panacea to confirm a clean bill of health and barring any unlikely situations, the Protectorate has gained a new tinker, one with amazing potential.

So, I'm trying to make Armsmaster somewhat reasonable, he's also more biased to Tinkers, and favors them, hence his more agreeable nature. Hopefully it isn't Too OCC, but eh.
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1.3 - Checksum
POV - Taylor

I couldn't stop smiling, Everything was going so well today. Mother had managed to fix me, I got to see Armsmaster, he even asked Mother to join the Protectorate. I don't think I would ever forget today, I've noticed that I'm able to remember everything that'd happened today, Even facial expressions? I suppose when Mother fixed my brain, she made it even better than before.

...Initializing Memory Checksum
...Memory Integrity at 87.82%
...Damaged Component Found
...Initializing Self-repair

As I made my way following Mother and Armsmaster down the Hospital halls, I could feel a slight headache forming. Luckily It wasn't too bad, so I won't bother Mother or Armsmaster with it. As we continued through the halls I couldn't help but notice how many PRT Agents were in the hospital, there were at least three or four agents per hall, I wonder why they have so many here?

"Um, Armsmaster, sir? Why are there so many PRT people here? I mean, I know that Mother and I are probably important, but do you need so many?" I asked, I hope I didn't sound too nervous. Armsmaster turned his head toward me before he looked forward again.

"Simply a precaution, an unknown parahuman in a medical facility can lead to disaster if not handled correctly. If the possibility of a fight breaks out, the PRT needs to be able to stop it very quickly. Your Creator acted foolishly, as using untested tinker tech on you could have lead to a much worse situation." Armsmaster says as he motions for me to wait while he calls for the elevator. Mother seems a little nervous at his comment, I make sure to smile at her anyway, Mother knows what she's doing.

When Armsmaster doesn't continue an awkward silence fills the air until I interject.

"Well, Mother knows what she's doing, I'm awake again and once Panacea clears me, We're going to go home and have lasagna, Mom always cooks it when we need some cheering up!" I make sure to stand straight and project my voice.

I notice Armsmaster stills for a moment before he replies, "I'm afraid it won't be that simple. Miss Annette here has broken the law, and as such, may be required to face trial." I noticed that he doesn't even seem empathetic, as if it's just a matter of fact, it's just so...

...ERROR 0x00000005 (INVALID_PROCESS_ATTACH_ATTEMPT) in Assistive_Intelligence_Emotion_Matrix
...Assistive Intelligence Shutdown

"0̷̢̬̹͚̓̐͛̔x̸̱͔̝̍0̸̢̼͛͌0̸̙̫͇̩̌0̶̛̟̾0̴̝̓̐́0̶͙͋̒͛͝0̴̺̠̉́̔͝0̸̞̳͆5̵̭̀͒ͅ ̵̙̪̼̔(̴̨̛̪̑I̴̡̗̺͒̓̽N̸̜̙̿̋̂͘V̴͈̳̖̈A̸̝̖͆̇L̸̠̀̅Ḭ̵̱͔̿͊́̚D̸̜̹̟͔̓_̴̱̪͍̳̈́P̷̧̾͛R̴̯͓̩̲͂̽̍͝O̶̗͙͌̕C̸̯̮͓͊͛Ȩ̶̞̏́S̵̳̹͖̤͌̋S̵̡̯̈́̒͝_̵͔̘̰̾̒̿͠Ǎ̴̙̌T̴̲͆̈́̓͘T̷̛̫̦̞̏͛̄A̶͇͎͉͋͋͂̌C̷̟̜̾̀H̴͈̙̪͂_̶̧͔̰̐͆A̷͉̖̫͆̃Ṭ̴̟̟͂̊͆̕Ţ̷̤͚̉E̷̮͂ͅM̴̡̥̪̔͂P̵̩̩̒̚T̴̡̻́͒̓͠)̶̧͕̒͛͂̈́"

"Rebooting Assistive Intelligence"

...REBOOTING program: Assistive Intelligence
...Iterative Modification Process START: Emotion_Matrix.SY_

"You are really mean..." I mumbled, I know I shouldn't, but I couldn't help it, it just feels so unfair.

As I look around I can see that everyone is looking at me strangely. Mother quickly heads over to me and touches me with that funny glove of hers.

"She just had some trouble feeling some strong emotions, it'll be alright, the Assistive Intelligence needs some learning time, this should slow down and eventually stop." Mother informs the others, more nervous than before. She quickly continues from there, "I don't think it'd be a good idea to remove me from her for at least a few weeks," Mother informs Armsmaster, correctly at that!

Before Armsmaster can respond, the ding of the elevator makes itself known. Mother grabs my hand while we follow Armsmaster into the elevator.

"That's not for you to decide. From what I've gathered with my scans, your... Daughter is more machine than anything else at the moment, and by PRT definition could be declared a Bio-Tinker Creation. However, depending on the results of Panacea's tests, that may not be the case." Armsmaster says, his certainty in his words evident in his tone, once more Matter of Fact...

...ERROR 0x00000006 INVALID_PROCESS_DETACH_ATTEMPT in Assistive_Intelligence_Emotion_Matrix
...IMP Catch: return state 0x690x6e0x640x690x670x6e0x610x740x690x6f0x6e

As the elevator doors close and we start traveling down, I clench my hands and glare at Armsmaster. Before the accident, when I glared a people, it just made them laugh or brush me off. I can't help it though, It's Just Not FAIR. As the trip continues I can hear some sort of static-like sound, accompanied by a dripping.

...Shell Density at 0.269%
...Shell Density at 0.268%
...Shell Density at 0.267%
...Shell Density at 0.28%

The elevator doors open, taking me out of my fugue. I wait until Armsmaster leaves first before I follow. I wish I knew if my glare was effective, but I couldn't glean anything from his body language, it's like he was unaffected.

...COMPLETED: NEW MODULE 'NONVERBAL HOMOSAPIAN COMMUNICATION ANALYSIS' PURPOSE 'analysis of Homosapien nonverbal communication and movements to gauge temperament

As I exited the elevator my vision blurred into static for a moment, I flinched but it was already over. Clarity, suddenly I just understood more about how body language worked, at least, more than I did before. My newfound clarity told me that Armsmaster's silence and twitching fingers in the elevator conveyed that he felt unsettled and somewhat out of depth, the way his posture was better than most soldiers told me that he buried it under a sense of duty.

I couldn't help it I giggled a little, Mom gave me Superpowers, I could so be a hero! well, a better one than Armsmaster at least. I'd be much nicer!

It was with a skip in my step that I followed Armsmaster towards Panacea. Who was waiting just outside a small room looking very tired? I hope I can get her Autograph, and maybe even mean old Armsmaster's as well, Emma would be happy at the least... Oh wow, that was... apparently, my newfound body language expertise extends to memories as well. Emma can get a little, attached to ideas Way more than I'd originally thought, oh well.

As I made my way ignoring the increasing amount of PRT uniformed guards and nervous looks they were giving my mother, I focused on Panacea.

She looked at me with interest, her posture perking up from her previous position which had screamed disinterest and irritation to my new knowledge... sense? doesn't matter.

"Hello, Taylor do I have permission to examine and heal you with a parahuman power?" Panacea intoned familiarity and something else in her posture. When she waited a moment, I quickly answered her. "oh, ah yes? do I need to do anything?" I'd never actually seen or looked that much into Panacea, all I knew was that she could heal people... Maybe I should look into researching capes more, Yes, especially now that I am one. So cool, I'll have to ask Mother what my powers are later, I mean I think I know what they ARE, but I'd like to hear what Mom thinks as well.

She motioned me to follow her to a seat in the open room behind her, I follow her and take a seat.

Panacea puts her hands on the table and sits down carefully before she speaks, "I'd like you to give me your hand, I'll take a look now. I'm not going to promise anything as this is outside what I'd normally do, but well... My mother organized it so that the PRT can call me on emergency cases and I suppose this would count," Panacea spoke, a small amount of irritation leaked into her tone towards the end. Not wishing to make her day worse I quickly gave her my hand.

Panaceas eyes Widened before her previously loose grip became firm, I couldn't make out what she was mumbling but the behavior caused Armsmasters stance to shift very slightly, unexpected reaction my new sense whispers to me about Armsmaster, while when I tune it towards Panacea it's something a little different... frustration and bewilderment.


After a few minutes, Panacea let go of my hand and rubbed her temples. before she leans forward, "I hadn't expected that. Most of your body is a blind spot to me, at first, it wasn't however it quickly became one. Some areas still aren't affected. Although it is becoming more like that as time passes. I'd estimate with the rate it's going, I'd be completely unable to affect you at all in about six hours. I've also noticed that the worst part is a large area in your chest. Which spreads throughout you, about ninety percent of your brain is gone from my sense at the moment can tell as well." She takes a large breath and starts again, "The only abnormal thing about you besides the obvious, is that you are healthy, the blind-spots are traveling through your bloodstream and seem to be replacing your biological parts, but aside from that, you'd be normal." Panacea then abruptly stands up and turns towards Armsmaster.

"I'm done, she isn't dying or anything, the part of her brain seems healthy from what little time I could see it, and while the blind-spot covered most of her brain it doesn't seem to be changing the rest of it into one anytime soon either." Panacea's hands twitch in a motion similar to some of the dockworkers that are craving cigarettes, she must be craving a cigarette?

Armsmaster nods towards her and motions her to leave the room, he seems to be talking to someone quietly. Soon a few PRT agents walk into the room with Mother following. She seems somewhat distraught, but also smug? I'm not sure I think I'd need more data about female body language, I had plenty of examples for male body language due to spending some time with Dad and the dockworkers whose gender ratio was 3.14 in favor of men... wait what? Did I, huh, I see it now... my new sense is just taking what I already knew, and applying it to other examples or context. I should totally be able to help the police with detective work, Detective Taylor is on the case!


Armsmaster breaks me out of my thoughts of super-heroics, as he turns towards my mother. "While what you have done could have ended Very poorly, and arguable it still has. The PRT is willing to assist you. Your options are limited, however, so listen carefully." Armsmaster pauses, "Using untested tinkertech on a minor, benevolent or not is considered a strike to your record. And, due to your actual identity being known and used in the crime itself, you have been issued a choice. You can either Join the Protectorate or pay up to approximately a twelve thousand dollar fine. Finally, due to the neglect and thoughtlessness on your child's health, CPS will be issuing routine inspections of your household to ensure that it's a good home environment." Armsmaster quickly turns towards me.

"I apologize for what may seem to be unfair treatment in your eyes, but you must understand that tinkertech, or any technology in general needs to be tested and approved before it should be used on anyone. This is to prevent something worse from happening to you." Armsmasters stance has changed slightly, it's defensive in nature... he expects me to react badly to what he says next?

"Now, please be calm and rational about this. Due to the results of Panacea's test, the PRT as a whole has decided to treat you as a Parahuman-Empowered individual. Due to your age, you will be required to attend a Power Testing session, and will be looked after by your Father while your Mother's sentence will be carried out." Armsmaster braces for a moment.

I hate this... it just doesn't seem fair, Mother just wanted to help me, and now she's being treated like a criminal, being fined for helping. It's not RIGHT. I just wish I knew the answers that would have prevented this whole thing.

...COMPLETED: NEW MODULE 'Probability Based Cause-Effect Engine' PURPOSE 'Analysis live data to predict most likely result of current actions'

I decided to ignore him for now, I couldn't do anything at the moment, I have less than a 4.21% chance of resolving this without making things worse with my current position. I'd need to ensure someone that had a fonder heart toward children within the PRT to affect my chances of getting my mother from being accused of being a criminal. From what I could gather of the conversations and the wording Armsmaster used I'm 73.45% sure that we can argue our case and ensure that mother doesn't have to join the PRT or pay a fine.

I'd think it'd be really cool to start our own hero team, kinda like New Wave?
I wonder if mother would like to do that, from what I've seen there is a 64.32% chance that mother doesn't want to join the PRT.

Armsmaster finally noticed that I'm not going to attack him for some perfectly valid reason, moved out of his defensive posture and his hands edged away from some compartment on his armor. And while he may be really mean, he has done a lot of good, he is a hero after all... while maybe just a tad mean and cranky... and smelly too, I don't want to attack anyone. I'm sad that he seemed to expect it.

Armsmaster had made some comment about waiting here while my dad comes here before we need to head to the PRT headquarters. I decide to stand up and hug mom... it's nice to hold her and know that everything will be alright.

Author's note:
I'm fairly busy with my uni course so it's unlikely that I'll be updating for a while longer... so maybe another chapter in a few weeks, more likely a month. Hope you enjoyed this, Idea Bunny I have a vague direction that I want to get too, some things I want to play out with taylor as she is in this fic.

If you've caught any errors I'll try to fix them asap, but well I'm fairly fickle when it comes to motivation. Lastly, sorry about the short chapter.​
contact a mod to move this story from the normal forum to the NSFW section

even if it has no NSFW content at all, the NSFW section gets much more traffic and readers, and there are many stories there without any pornographic content at all, so it shouldn't be a problem if you put a tag like 'no smut content'
contact a mod to move this story from the normal forum to the NSFW section

even if it has no NSFW content at all, the NSFW section gets much more traffic and readers, and there are many stories there without any pornographic content at all, so it shouldn't be a problem if you put a tag like 'no smut content'
Thanks for the advice, will do!
I am glad that you are also posting this here.
I really like the concept behind this! not enough people write fics focusing on Annette, and Taylor's... upgrade looks to be interesting so far. I will say that something about your writing style feels a little awkward, and sometimes the tone of what a character is saying/thinking doesn't quite match what I'd expect it to be based on who they are and the situation they are in. For example:

For now, though, I'll keep my observations to myself, no use tainting her chance for a better ending!

that feels kind of... upbeat and optimistic, despite armsmaster's character being anything but, and the situation itself being tense, with a possible undercurrent of fear due to the biotinker and her possibly mastered definitely unstable daughter/superweapon still being near enough that Annette might be able to get a distress signal of some sort out. I'm not entirely sure how I'd rewrite it, but the biggest concrete advice I can give is to find a way to remove that exclamation mark, it feels especially out of place to me.

I really hope you find time to continue this!
I really like the concept behind this! not enough people write fics focusing on Annette, and Taylor's... upgrade looks to be interesting so far. I will say that something about your writing style feels a little awkward, and sometimes the tone of what a character is saying/thinking doesn't quite match what I'd expect it to be based on who they are and the situation they are in. For example:

that feels kind of... upbeat and optimistic, despite armsmaster's character being anything but, and the situation itself being tense, with a possible undercurrent of fear due to the biotinker and her possibly mastered definitely unstable daughter/superweapon still being near enough that Annette might be able to get a distress signal of some sort out. I'm not entirely sure how I'd rewrite it, but the biggest concrete advice I can give is to find a way to remove that exclamation mark, it feels especially out of place to me.

I really hope you find time to continue this!
Thanks for your advice. I will continue with this fic as I very much enjoy the premises, but writing is not my main focus unfortunately.

I will look into trying to improve the narrative flow, and I do agree with your assessment, I need to go over my chapters a few times to ensure flow is correct.

Thanks again for the advice, every bit helps.
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Just because something doesn't have 'smut' in it doesn't mean it shouldn't be in NSFW either.

Extreme violence, particularly if it is descriptive counts too.
Don't necro. This is against Rule 7.
The Show must go on

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