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[X][Memories] Wonder.
[X][Memories] Wonder.

We may not be Khepri, but we still have a god to kill.
So so many to kill there are alphabet reaich and there leader named after both Abrahamic god aka God and violent war god from the cainnite civilization which predates judisam by the why any how and the secret king of fraud and namedless slaves in black.
So anyone got any ideas as to who and or what this is?

A description on Taylor's soul I guess, who it was I have no idea, but maybe just maybe scion and Eden were "simple" machines used to test a world to find a soul that could become a vasto lorde or something?

*puts on tinfoil hat*

Maybe there's somethjng out there that's got some unbelievably complicated plan that involved the creation of the entities and Edens headbutting of a planet... and the discovery of a simple soul capable of becoming a vasto lorde! Because the being was too lazy to get up and make itself a cup of tea!
I wonder how will Weaver would deal with her Sun and Moon aspects of her power now. Will she find a way to make them coexist in someway or will she choose one over another, or maybe will she rise beyond both of them and gain something even greater.
I wonder how will Weaver would deal with her Sun and Moon aspects of her power now. Will she find a way to make them coexist in someway or will she choose one over another, or maybe will she rise beyond both of them and gain something even greater.
No, she will use them to summon small fluffy versions of herself, and use the to fight other hollows.
[X] DETERMINATION. You did what had to be done, nothing more, nothing less.
Let us destroy this world and move on the next
Presumably if wonder wins, the moon and sun are subsumed and become part of a sea of stars while this plays inside the gillian soul:
Looking back makes your will stronger you look back at your mistakes and realize if there was no other way then that so be it regrets casted off for now satisfaction has no place right know if ever in this world. or my world I wonder how far I can go but the possibilities must wait after all you are very [Determined] [X] to get out of this place then what comes next that is regrettably unknown but that what live is like
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[X][Memories] Wonder

You can absolutely go further than killing one god.
Alright ladies and gents, votes are now closed!

And this time's winner is...

[X][Memories] Wonder

Vote Tally
: Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm) | Page 19 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 559-627]
##### NetTally 2.2.3
[X] DETERMINATION. You did what had to be done, nothing more, nothing less.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] redaeth
[X] Wonder
No. of Votes: 1
[X] CatOnFire

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Memories
[X][Memories] Wonder.
No. of Votes: 29
[X] Shaper47
[X] Argentis
[X] Arksurek
[X] CrimsonFate
[X] daimahou
[X] Demetric
[X] Gabriel Bouthot
[X] goricnac
[X] InfiniteDarkSide
[X] Its_a_cauldron_plot!
[X] Jarrarad
[X] Jubjub3000
[X] Laturse
[X] mariuswinter
[X] Metoto21
[X] Mikers99
[X] Naddakka741
[X] Oathsblood
[X] Prama
[X] Ratatoskr
[X] Rock_on_5002
[X] Scottyzelsnyder
[X] Shadowoflight
[X] Thalton
[X] Umbra99
[X] werdzerg13
[X] zarabg
[X] zephyriphoenix
[X] zeroneko
[X][Memories] Determination
No. of Votes: 13
[X] Harpy81
[X] abyssmal_kismet
[X] Arbitbit39
[X] Autist4Hugh
[X] Bloodalchemy
[X] Demonlorddraco91
[X] iambasho
[X] KuroOkami
[X] mattsaber
[X] OldClueless
[X] PandaVenom
[X] Uvigz
[X] Zakara
[X][Memories] Satisfaction.
No. of Votes: 5
[X] Selias
[X] Babysharkdodo
[X] Flavy02
[X] Imacheaterwhocheats
[X] R.A.G.

Total No. of Voters: 49

I can't see this ending well... for whoever gets on Weaver's way.

Also, have an interlude, because I kinda promised.
Pupa 2.01b - Musings of a repentant pushover
Returning to normal life after that day has been a challenge. She has always done her best to remain cheerful no matter what. Not even her brother's passing kept her down for long. But that doesn't mean smiling through the death of two of her best friends is easy, or pleasant.

Officially, Tatsuki-chan and Chizuru-chan died in the 'gas explosion', while she was miraculously shielded by their bodies, earning the dubious honor of being the closest to the detonation to survive. Those 'brainwash mindfuckery soul magics' as Miss Weaver called the Shinigami tricks, sure are convenient.

People acted a bit subdued around her and Kurosaki-kun on the first day but, beyond their few close friends, everyone else seems to have forgotten about the deceased right afterward. She can't really be mad about people not being more sad but, at the same time, she can't help feeling a bit gloomy about it. Two dear people have just died, and life seems to just go on without a care in the world.

… She's just going on tangents. It's not other people's reactions that bother her, after all. But how the entire thing is actually her fault.

Back then, the plan to retreat from the monster way out of their league was solid and Tatsuki-chan had been too wounded to complain. That's why she turned to her and asked to be healed, as if that wouldn't mean she would double back and rush into the fight head on. Something that was a bad idea. That's probably why Chizuru-chan opposed it with uncharacteristic seriousness. That's why she shouldn't have done it.

But she chose to trust her friend. A friend she knew perfectly well wasn't thinking rationally and wouldn't listen to anyone once she was capable of walking by herself.

She's always thought you can't go wrong with trust. People in general and your friends in particular. Trust was a marvelous thing and, even if misplaced, she was the only one getting hurt, so it was fine. She now feels like kicking herself for her 'free trust' policy.

Chad-kun doesn't say anything, but she can't help but feel something's changed when he looks at her. She doesn't know Kurosaki-kun's sisters very well, but Karin-chan was very vocal on her reactions back then, when she chose not to choose. It's hard to misinterpret the words she used to portrait her afterwards, after all.

She messed up, badly. By being a coward.

Yes, trusting blindly other people's choices is no different from running away from responsibility. By leaving the decision to someone else, she avoided the possibility of making a mistake, true. But that's not a good thing. Mistakes teach us what we should and shouldn't do. If she'd made more mistakes, she would've known why acceding to Tatsuki-chan's request was a bad idea. Instead, she let herself be swayed by the confidence of her dear friend, and now she's dead.

If it was just that, she would have accepted it. It would've hurt, she would've felt terrible about it, but she could've forced a smile on her face and braved the consequences of her actions. Someday, sooner or later, she would've managed to forgive herself.

But even after she made a mistake, she could've tried doing something about it if she had only been strong enough. Instead, she'd been saved by her other friend, someone who was supposed to be even weaker than herself. She wasn't just stupid, she was also weak. And now that she's faced with those truths, there's no way she can accept herself.

This… cannot stand. If she tries to keep going with this weight on her heart, she'll end up breaking sooner or later. She has to start making her own choices, and assuming her own responsibilities. She'll have to learn not to be stupid anymore.

And that means becoming strong enough to do something about the inevitable mistakes that will follow, too.

She turns towards Ishida-kun's desk, where the young man sits quietly, doing her best to look dignified in spite of, well… He has arrived to class with a blue eye for a week straight. At this point she's pretty sure Kurosaki-kun is actually punching him again everytime it starts fading over.

He's refused to acknowledge any fault on his part, but he hasn't done anything to fight back at Kurosaki-kun either. If anyone here understands how she's feeling, that's him. Steeling her resolve, she walks to his desk.

"Ishida-kun?" He turns to regard her with guarded politeness, but he can't hide the haunting on his eyes from her. It's the same thing she sees in the mirror every morning, since that day. "Do you think you could help me with some training?"

Seeeesh, Orihime was on a self-loath roll… I wasn't planning this to go so far, but words kind of got out of hand once the mood was set. This is in no way intended as Orihime-bashing on my part. Just… her being far too harsh on herself. She's an unreliable narrator after all. Oh my god I'm going to be lynched by Orihime fans! Why did I have to write this?

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