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[x][Hunt] Hide (Dedicate more time to training and/or traveling). (the traps will provide the food)
[x][Travel] Take a break.
(Dedicate more time to hunting and/or traveling)
[x][Train] Chupavidas.
[x][Train] Punto Veneno.

[x][Hunt] Hide
[x][Travel] Take a break.
[x][Train] Luz Lunar.

The travel thing says (Dedicate more time to hunting and/or traveling) when it should be (...and/or training).

And will the Luz Lunar ever negate all the Oblivion Compensation?
[x][Hunt] Hide (Dedicate more time to training and/or traveling). (the traps will provide the food)
[x][Travel] Take a break.
(Dedicate more time to hunting and/or traveling)
[x][Train] Chupavidas.
[x][Train] Punto Veneno.

?[X] try to tame a dumb hollow? - Some of them are as dumb as animals, maybe I can take advantage of that.
The travel thing says (Dedicate more time to hunting and/or traveling) when it should be (...and/or training).

Fixed, thanks for the heads up!

And will the Luz Lunar ever negate all the Oblivion Compensation?

The short answer is 'no', the long answer is 'it's complicated'. And I'll leave it at that, I'm probably saying too much already.

?[X] try to tame a dumb hollow? - Some of them are as dumb as animals, maybe I can take advantage of that.

Sorry, I'm vetoing that option for now.
[x][Hunt] Hide (Dedicate more time to training and/or traveling). (the traps will provide the food)
[x][Travel] Take a break.
(Dedicate more time to hunting and/or training)
[x][Train] Luz Lunar.
[x][Train] Punto Veneno.
[x][Train] Chupavidas.

Disparo Demora has been getting all the love lately and with all this extra time to train with since idiots keep throwing themselves at us why not try and master our other base moves with emphasis on Luz Lunar cause with our awesome trap base we can just climb the tree till we can see the moon meditate for a few hours and then come back and experiment on all the trapped idiots waiting for us.
Alright ladies and gents, votes are now closed!

: Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm) | Page 8 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 239-246]
##### NetTally 2.2.3
Task: Hunt
[X][Hunt] Hide (Dedicate more time to training and/or traveling). (the traps will provide the food)
No. of Votes: 5
[x] Jubjub3000
[x] Demetric
[x] LokKi
[x] MrMig
[x] Rock_on_5002
[X][Hunt] Actively
No. of Votes: 1
[x] globalwarmth
[X][Hunt] Hide
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Megagulp

Task: Travel
[X][Travel] Take a break. (Dedicate more time to hunting and/or traveling)
No. of Votes: 4
[x] Jubjub3000
[x] Demetric
[x] LokKi
[x] MrMig
[X][Travel] Take a break.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Megagulp
[X][Travel] Take a break. (Dedicate more time to hunting and/or training)
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Rock_on_5002

Task: Train
[X][Train] Chupavidas.
No. of Votes: 6
[x] Jubjub3000
[x] Demetric
[x] globalwarmth
[x] LokKi
[x] MrMig
[x] Rock_on_5002
[X][Train] Punto Veneno.
No. of Votes: 5
[x] Jubjub3000
[x] Demetric
[x] LokKi
[x] MrMig
[x] Rock_on_5002
[X][Train] Luz Lunar.
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Megagulp
[x] Rock_on_5002

Total No. of Voters: 7

In other words:

[x][Hunt] Hide.
[x][Travel] Take a break.
[x][Train] Chupavidas.
[x][Train] Punto Veneno.

Chupavidas and Punto Veneno were pretty close in votes, so since Chupavidas got more votes and it's lower leveled at this time, the plan will be to try and get both at the same level and then train them evenly.
Larva 1.16 - By the pricking of my thumbs...
[x][Hunt] Hide.
[x][Travel] Take a break.
[x][Train] Chupavidas.
[x][Train] Punto Veneno.

When I woke up from my power nap in my secret hidden cozy bed, I was feeling energized, but also giddy, restless. I had no idea why, really. There was no ominous as shit presence anywhere to be felt, I wasn't picking anything with my Home Sonar, and neither could my more mundane senses find anything out of place. But I still could tell.

Something's wrong, or is about to go wrong. I can feel it deep inside. Call it intuition, instinct or some sort of skill I had in life and then forgot about, but everything was about to go to hell in a handbasket and I couldn't seem to sit still and wait for the ball to drop.

Planning around an unknown problem is all sorts of impossible, so I decided to be ready for anything instead. Home was as fortified as possible already, so it only remained to fortify myself. That's right, ladies and gentleman, that means training.

After so long almost exclusively training by doing, it feels weird to try and practice without a specific goal in mind. That's not strange, I think. My Powers come to me by instinct, and drilling practice is pretty much the opposite of instinctive. Still, I persevere, twisting and turning my gorgeous mane around in an attempt to make my control more fluid, as well as shooting hair-darts at stationary targets to improve my aim.

It's… definitely not the same as live practice, but I make do. The real problem is when I decide to turn my attention towards Chupavidas. Because… how the heck am I supposed to turn a physical manifestation of my soul-deep hunger towards a non-munchable target? Fuck me, that's how.

So I focus back on Punto Veneno and kinda lose track of everything until one of my peridic Thread Sonar discovers another idiot stuck in my traps. At least it's all the way there on the real traps, it's good to know some Hollow are smart enough that I need to put an effort to catch them.

That or they didn't manage to get close enough to stick into the walls in the first place, that's a distinct possibility too.

In any case the idiot finally gets me some practice with my remote-munching Power of badassitude. And fortunately more idiots keep springing traps as I get through them, because that way I get to try a little bit of everything. Draining faster, which doesn't work very well and takes a lot of concentration; Controlling the affected area, a lot of concentration too, but at least I get that one more or less down. Even keeping myself from draining something specific within the area. That last one ends in disaster. I really need to get a better rein on my hunger, apparently.

What I'm most disappointed about is the first failure, because I have nothing I can use to end a fight quickly. Restrain my foes, sure. Eventually finishing them, for sure. But a solid finisher I have not, and that could come back to bite me in my soft juicy ass.

With nothing you can call an ace in the hole, no burst of destruction I can pour on my enemies to exploit an opening, I'm screwed the moment I'm not allowed to set the pace of the fight. It isn't all that bad, because my fighting style doesn't really need opening. But it's still really bad, because a fuck-you beam into an enemy opening does a shit-ton of damage and finishes battles you cannot afford to prolong. And I have nothing of the sort.

Oh, well, idle musings. One works with what one has, and all that shit.

Through intensive training, your Powers have improved!
-Chupavidas is now Lv. 9-(50%)
-Punto Veneno is now Lv. 9-(50%)
Casual usage of Thread Manipulation has slightly increased your familiarity with it! D.D. Thread Manipulation is now Lv. 2- (50%)
Idiots keep falling in your traps, so you've got a decent supply of EE. without paying any real attention to hunting. Next Oblivion Compensation is paid for!

It happened all of the sudden, as things always seem to happen when one is trying to be prepared, just to prove one wrong. One second I was treating myself to some rooster-pig strange hybrid as celebration for my hard work training, the next I was hit with the most intense feeling of hunger I've ever felt.

It felt like I had munched nothing in years, and suddenly a feast of the tasties treats in the world was displayed in front of me. Not even the time when I lost control and ate the Mofo came close to this. It was tantalizing, a tempting promise of utter deliciousness if I only tore through the flimsy veil keeping me away from the ultimate meal.

I almost did it without even thinking, but you know what? I can be a contrary little shit when something tries to take the choice from me. This wasn't like the Mofo, it wasn't simply my instincts trying to keep me alive. This was something trying to take advantage of my instincts to bait me away from my home. And that's not cool.

So I ignore it. Grit my teeth (I don't really have teeth, but you get the meaning), finish munching the chicken-pig and very pointedly turn away from the unnatural hunger. I'm the one in control, thank you very much. And if to remain in control I have to pour myself into training so hard I lose sight of anything else, then so be it.

… That's when a glowy portal thingy opens at my feet, swallowing me whole. Because of-fucking-course. Since I'm not a total idiot like my brethren and knew something was coming, my first response is to quickly reel myself back in with a thread I had ready for exactly this kind of event. What sort of life did I live that shiny portals from nowhere was actually something I had contingencies in place for? Paranoia, I name thee justified.

It almost works too, the portal closes right as I was about to cross it back, cutting my thread clean in the process and leaving me suspended mid-air in what seems like a good hundred feet above a… Human city? It sure looks like a modern human city to me.

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Hueco Mundo anymore… And judging by the multitude of glowy portal thingies filling the air around, I'm not the only one invited to the party. Before I can properly freak out about apparently being back in the world of the living (The fuck? Really, what the actual fuck?). Something calls my attention. Urgently.

Welcome to the other side! Bet you never expected to hear that sentence applied this way! Now, something's happening that really requires your attention, because you've noticed...

Actual Twins.
A distressed young girl cornered by a Hollow, along with a slightly less distressed young girl trying to put a strong from and doing a passable attempt at redirecting the Hollow's attention towards herself. Yeah, whether that works or not, they're going to need a hand soon.
Badass Children. A couple of kids fighting off the Hollow with remarkable ease. You never knew you could use a bat like that and… is that a friggin' rocket launcher? They seem to have things well in hand, maybe they can explain what the hell's going on.
Dark Giant. A dark skinned dark haired giant of a young man, swinging at the Hollow with his bare fists and… leaving craters when he misses. Are you sure he's human? He's not looking too hot in spite of his best efforts, so maybe you should balance the scales.
Flower and Dragon. A couple of high-school girls cornered by a particularly strong Hollow (for a given value of strength). One of them is already down, and her face shows more frustration than fear. The other one stands protectively with scared but resolved eyes. There's something… inherently wrong with that picture. You've decided you don't like it.
Write-in. Convince me your idea is interesting enough and it shall be done ;)

[X][Path] Actual Twins.
[X][Path] Badass Children.
[X][Path] Dark Giant.
[X][Path] Flower and Dragon.

You're out of Hueco Mundo! Oblivion Compensation is now doubled.
You're out of Hueco Mundo! Luz Lunar is now disabled.
Oblivion Compensation! Already paid for.
[X][Path] Actual Twins.

Defeat the hollow attacking them, place a couple traps around them before making a protective dome around them and then go around eating every hollow you can sense while telling skull jokes yohohoho


If we sense a strong shinigami approaching can we pretend to be a silk merchant in a stall? (Complete with sombrero, moustache and bad mexican accent)
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[X][Path] Actual Twins.

Ururu and Jinta are kicking ass, but while an explanation would be nice, there are more urgent things to do. Not to mention that since Tay's a Hollow, they'll probably shoot on sight. Chad and Orihime might be in some tight spots, but they're well into their awakenings, plus I'm fairly sure Urahara and Tessei have them under watch. Yuzu and Karin however have no guards that I can recall or any awakenings to fall back on in the event that the dice dislike them, so let's go blow up some more rails.

Just remember that no matter what else we do, do not allow Yuzu to name Tay.
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[X][Path] Actual Twins.
-[X][Path] Flower and Dragon
[X][Path] Actual Twins.
Planeshunter, do all of the choices happen whether or not we choose them?

Yes, all events are happening, but...

A. Our brave caterpillar will only notice the one you choose and will remain unaware of the others. EDIT: I mean unaware at the time of the chosing, whatever happens next is still up the air.
B. No major issues will crop up from the unchosen paths. That is, nobody is going to die or have it significantly different from canon because of butterfly effects. This one time.

If this information makes you want to change your vote, please remember you can do so without any problem, just edit your voting post.
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huh the bait\reaper vrs quincy episode
[X][Path] Actual Twins.

also can Luz Lunar activate in other moons?

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