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[X][Boot-lady] Teacher

Ok a few things have changed to make this necessary canon-wise first Yuzu is more spiritually aware and second being exposed to the spiritual world goes hand in hand with appearing more often in day to day life.

Also Fullbringer Yuzu is a hilarious picture in my mind.
[X][Boot-lady] Bodyguard.
[X][Boot-lady] Teacher.

The twins will need both at first and while they can learn to fend for themselves they still need a bodyguard for a time. And plus I doubt boot-lady will just bodyguard the kids forever with no benefits to doing so.
[X][Boot-lady] Bodyguard.
Explain to her that you are a Hollow and, despite your idiot brethren beliefs, your place is in Hueco Mundo. Where the Oblivion pull is at the weakest, and the Hollow Moon shines brightly. So you need someone to protect the kids when you figure out how to go home since you were forced here through a portal that opened under you and did not want to leave Hueco Mundo in the first place.

[X][Boot-lady] Teacher.
If she tells you how fullbringers are souls empowered by exposure to hollow energy in the womb. Explain the near death experience from earlier where you munched the kids a bit at their insistence and ask her if she thinks they might be fullbringers as well or could have become them since after you munched them it exposed them to hollow energy and they've gotten more spiritualy powerful than they were before or at least Yuzu has since before she could only vaguely sense you before and now can see you outright and if so if she would teach them at least enough to protect themselves and/or ways to train their powers on their own if she won't train them more than that.
Alright ladies and gents, votes are now closed!

This time's winner is...

[X][Boot-lady] Teacher.
[X][Boot-lady] Bodyguard.

Vote Tally : Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm) | Page 13 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 378-403]
##### NetTally 2.2.3
Task: Boot-lady
[X][Boot-lady] Teacher.
No. of Votes: 16
[X] redaeth
[X] Aelethea
[X] Berserkslash
[X] CatOnFire
[X] CrimsonFate
[X] Fonteius
[X] Harpy81
[X] Jubjub3000
[X] Lopaka
[X] MrMig
[X] R.A.G.
[X] Ratatoskr
[X] Rock_on_5002
[X] Shaper47
[X] Smug_Cloud
[X] werdzerg13
[X][Boot-lady] Bodyguard.
No. of Votes: 9
[X] Scottyzelsnyder
[X] Bloodalchemy
[X] CrimsonFate
[X] Demetric
[X] Jubjub3000
[X] LokKi
[X] Naddakka741
[X] PandaVenom
[X] Rock_on_5002
[X][Boot-lady] Friend.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Werd Me

Total No. of Voters: 23

Both are compatible and were voted almost to the exclusion of all else, so while Teacher technically won I'll be using both.
Planeshunter heres a small bit of fanart of hollow taylor the artist is going to add some more to it later but for now I hope you enjoy :p

made by https://www.deviantart.com/amare-fide
Our Weaver should gain something to show her achievement of mastering Luz Lunar when it happens.
Maybe a pair of Silver eyes?
I love this Weaver and I pray Memetic Badass is Actually completed.
I hope so too because the Moon giving her power has the smell of not only Cultivation but also Magical Girls, Gods, and more. And knowing those blessing sometimes comes with a physical transformation makes things more fun. But in this case I hope it turn her into Shiny Hollow preferably silver. Either way I doubt Weaver would care much in a change of color scheme at the moment unless it screws something up.
I hope so too because the Moon giving her power has the smell of not only Cultivation but also Magical Girls, Gods, and more. And knowing those blessing sometimes comes with a physical transformation makes things more fun. But in this case I hope it turn her into Shiny Hollow preferably silver. Either way I doubt Weaver would care much in a change of color scheme at the moment unless it screws something up.
Shiny is good too, it's much better for stealth in Hueco Mundo! I just like the "Rose Weaver" idea as well, both are good.
Larva 1.22 - Unexpected meetings.
"So… this Fullbringer thing, That's what happens when a living human gains spiritual powers?"

"… I don't know that many humans with power, but all of them are Fullbringer, yes."

"And it takes Hollow influence to awaken as one?"

"As far as I know…"

"I'm asking this because Yuzu wasn't strong enough to see spirits until she convinced me to drain some of her spirit power."


"I mean, how does that work? She has less energy so she becomes more powerful? Counterintuitive much?"


"It has to be that Hollow influence thingy, don't you think?"


"So, even if they're not Fullbringer now. Chances are they'll become Fullbringer in time."


"Look, I'm fond of the kids, but I don't belong in the world of the living. As soon as I figure out a way to get back into Hueco Mundo, I'll take it."


"Karin and Yuzu will be targets for all their lives. Lives that might be very short if they don't learn how to fend for themselves."


"I guess you have your own life and your own problems, but I don't really know anyone else here."


"And you care. Enough to charge at an unknown threat for a couple of kids you didn't know. Enough to keep fighting when you could've retreated. Enough to come with us when I offered you to just leave."


"What I'm trying to say is, would you mind terribly much keeping an eye on them so they don't get into trouble? Giving them a few pointers? Maybe to their big brother too if he needs it?"


"Glad we had this conversation Boot-lady, I knew you cared."

"… You talk too much."

It still took us a while, but we've finally found what I think is the biggest grouping of Hollow and we're closing in. It wasn't easy, let me tell you. Turns out that when you put together three spiritually strong humans and a fat and juicy caterpillar, is kinda hard to move unnoticed.

Worryingly enough, signs of battle become more and more obvious as we close in. It might mean that 'Ichi-nii' actually has the means to defend himself, which is a relief because honestly, chances of finding him alive otherwise were slim by this point.

It might also mean the Hollow are fighting for the price tho. That's not exactly good news. The presences I can feel up ahead don't really make any sense either, but it's not like my spiritual senses are anything to write home about. I'll reserve judgement, if only to avoid scaring the kids pointlessly.

Focused as I am in what lies ahead, I completely miss the presences coming from a side alley until one of them speaks up.

"Koten Zanshun (Solitary Sacred Cutting Shield), I reject!"

Just kidding, the idiots keep trying to take cheap shots at us, so I've kept an eye around all the time. Gracefully dodging the orange blade of light coming straight after me (what's with everyone here attacking me on sight, really!), I turn towards them right in time to…

"Brazo Derecha de Gigante!" ...Eat a Fugly Bob's sized knuckle sandwich.

… Not. A. Single. Word.

It honestly hurts harder on my pride than my body, but it's still strong enough to leave another caterpillar-shaped indentation into a wall. I'm a convalescent caterpillar, please treat me gently, you brutes!

I jump right back out of the wall, landing besides Bood-lady and about to let out a snarky complaint (It'll come to me any second now, honest), when the twins seem to recognise someone from the other group.


So… What are the chances so many spiritually aware people in a single town are actually close? Nah, not important right now. I take a moment to look over their group while Karin and Yuzu do their best to convince them that no, I'm not trying to eat them and that they wouldn't be alive otherwise, duh.

The huge fist who sent me flying is connected to an equally huge arm, which is in turn connected to an equally huge boy. It's also black and red and covered in armor, but that's not important. Seriously, the boy is huge. If not for the school uniform I would've thought he was a young teacher instead. Easily a head and a half taller than the rest of his group. What did his family feed him?

Second is a ditzy-looking girl with long orange hair. Orange hair? I have this idea about what actually constitutes a normal hair colour, and orange certainly doesn't make the cut. But apparently 'Ichi-nii' also has orange hair, and I can't remember my time as a human, so hey! What do I know? She's also the one throwing around orange beams of rejection.

Behind them there's another two girls, but they don't do much. The one with short black hair looks like she just lost a fight with a meat grinder and is weakly leaning on the other to remain straight. Said other girl has reddish brown hair, eye catching red glasses and a smirk completely inappropriate for the current situation.

Wait is she…

Come on, really?

Yeah, I think she is.

… Apparently the redhead thinks a town-wide spiritual invasion where she could very well lose her life and soul is a great time to take advantage of the wounded girl who cannot fight back for some casual sexual harassment.

I… honestly don't know what to think of that. Is that a Japanese custom? The first girl seems more exasperated that actually uncomfortable so maybe? I seem to remember something about japanese trains and molestation…

Japanese people are weird, and this isn't the time for cultural shocks. The twins have explained the situation in the meanwhile, and you get introduced to them. The boy's name is Yasutora Sado (who fortunately everyone calls Chad, I doubt I could use his name with a straight face), the trigger happy girl is Inoue Orihime, the girl who fought a meat grinder is Arisawa Tatsuki and the groper is Honshou Chizuru.

They're all 'Ichi-nii''s schoolmates, with Chad being also a close friend, and Tatsuki a childhood friend the twins have known since forever.

"Right, anyone else is bothered by how the supposedly very rare skill to see spirits is present in so many people from the same circle? What do they feed you in that school?" Oh, wait, the kids don't go there yet. "Or maybe it's something contagious? Like an infection of midi-chlorians or something?"

They suddenly look a bit sick. Is that something I said?

… Whatever. We still have to find this 'Ichi-nii', this is starting to look like one of those '3000 Leagues in Search of Mother' anime adaptations. So let's figure out what to do about suddenly being twice as many people as we were before and keep moving onwards.

You've met a group of spiritually aware humans and a groper. Things are a bit of a mess right now, and you still look scary, as long as you act like you know your shit and give instructions without giving them time to think, they'll probably follow your lead. So… what's the plan?

Send Away.
They might be spiritually aware, but neither of them is even at Boot-lady's level, and you kinda steamrolled her anyway. They're not yet at a level where they can be useful in a fight and it's probably best if you try and keep them away from the worst of the situation before a stray bullet kills them or something.
Protect. They might be spiritually aware, but neither of them is even at Boot-lady's level, and you kinda steamrolled her anyway. They're not yet at a level where they can be useful in a fight, but it's probably best if you keep them close, lest a stray Hollow has them for lunch while you're otherwise occupied. *sigh* More people to protect...
Split. They're competent enough. You haven't met any decently strong Hollow in a while, so you suspect they've either been defeated or they left already. At least Chad and Trigger-Happy Girl should be able to handle anything else, and splitting our forces means we can protect more helpless civilians.
Collab. They're competent enough. You haven't met any decently strong Hollow in a while, so you suspect they've either been defeated or they left already. At least Chad and Trigger-Happy Girl should be able to help protect the weak ones, and you could always use some extra hands with that.

[X][Company] Send Away.
[X][Company] Protect.
[X][Company] Split.
[X][Company] Collab.

Not my best piece so far, but if I keep overthinking it I'm going to go crazy. Hope it's good enough.
On a different note, hey! Jakie speaks Uchiha!
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"Right, anyone else is bothered by how the supposedly very rare skill to see spirits is present in so many people from the same circle? What do they feed you in that school?" Oh, wait, the kids don't go there yet. "Or maybe it's something contagious?
Wonder what she will say when she learns it's because Ichigo can't keep his powers in his pants...

[X][Company] Collab.
[X][Company] Protect.

They may not be too much use in a fight but if it turns out that Ichi-nii is more dangerous than anticipated then having a few extra familiar faces to vouch for you not being like other hollow might be just the ticket to not get attacked again and who knows he seems to be the common denominator in all these spiritually powerful people minus boot lady maybe he knows someone who can point you the right way to getting home.
[X][Company] Protect.

I don't doubt they can defend themselves against any run of the mill Hollow. They still need protecting from the stronger ones especially those gimmicks and numbers.

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