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[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl

I had already decided that i was going to vote for masaki and tatsuki but having frisk as an option realy made me hesitate. In the end I still went with masaki since we wont be introducing another crossover and while DETERMINATION would be utterly terrifying in a hollow I do want a family reunion. Though i will find it funny if neither masaki nor ichigo recognize eachother at first.
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl

Well shit. Thank god we picked Duty back in the beginning, cause choosing just one of these souls would have killed all of us on the inside. Frisk/Chara, Masaki Kurosaki, I think that's Madoka, Just Monika, and Tatsuki Arisawa. I find myself supremely confused on how half of these guys ended up within Taylor/Big Oaf's soul space.

Sigh, once again, we're saving who we came here to save at all costs, and we've already got Chizuru and Fortuna in our grip. Let's save Tatsuki and Masaki and get this plot derailment underway. ...wait, Tatsuki knows Masaki. Oh that is going to be so fun to see.
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl

Hey Planeshunter are the vote options invisible text or did you set the colour to black?
[X][Light] The Quiet Child
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl

I'm not sure i like the option of Masaki. I know she is a Mother who sacrificed herself for her kids and all..


i was never really a fan of that type of sacrifice trope and thus she is merely a token dead mother which should have been able to defend her kids against a simple Hollow that hasn't even reached Adjucas Class. Truly, even without any powers at all there are SO many trinkets the Quincy have that she should have had at least something to call for help and defend herself. I know Ichigo jumped for the lure but jeez, doesn't Masaki have spiritual sense of a quincy? Shouldn't she be able to smell the prick?
This whole thing is actually comparable to Shanks losing his arm to a Sea King (gets be RABID thinking about this). Honestly, any character who is on the cusp of unlocking his Haki should be able to absolutely BODY some random overgrown garden hose from the freaking EAST Blue, an ocean commonly known to house the weakest wildlife and pirates.
This whole thing is actually comparable to Shanks losing his arm to a Sea King (gets be RABID thinking about this). Honestly, any character who is on the cusp of unlocking his Haki should be able to absolutely BODY some random overgrown garden hose from the freaking EAST Blue, an ocean commonly known to house the weakest wildlife and pirates.
No, that one's actually justifiable, Dawn Island s absolutely freakish by East Blue standards. The typical wildlife deep on the island make Shiki's mutations look like a bunch of plushies. Shanks lost his arm because he wasn't expecting to need Haki in the East Blue of all places, and you know what they say about overconfidence killing.

As for Masaki, Grand Fisher just had supremely bad timing. Our boi Yhwach had just finished the next step to his awakening protocol, and decided just then that it was the perfect time to take back the power he passed down from all the "impure" Quincys, of which Masaki was one. If GF had attacked even an hour earlier, Masaki would have wasted him. As it was, the literal only thing she could do was die at him.
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[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl
[X][Light] The Quiet Child
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Quiet Child
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl

gentle girl- if it is madoka I'd believe that but it doesn't feel like her
Doki Doki literature club thread was right there
I wonder, are those we didn't chose definitively lost? Or is there going to be in the future opportunities to get these souls we didn't pick out?
I wonder, are those we didn't chose definitively lost? Or is there going to be in the future opportunities to get these souls we didn't pick out?

You'll have one chance to change your minds before the arc ends. Beyond that, I'll have to decline commenting ;).

Hey Planeshunter are the vote options invisible text or did you set the colour to black?

They were black, since I was playing with font colour right before and messed up when getting it back to normal. It's fixed now.

Is that Doki Doki in there? I'm suddenly terrified of the mere idea of Flowey and Monika existing in the same universe.
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl

What does it really mean if we pick these choices?
[X][Light] The Quiet Child
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Gentle Girl

I understand passionate girl is Tasuki, but honestly she is the one least deserving out of the list to get a second chance. She thoughtlessly went into battle with something she can't see, dragged her two people along and almost got her best friend killed. We can't save them all so I say save the brightest lights.
[X][Light] The Bright Girl
[X][Light] The Passionate Girl
I wonder, are those we didn't chose definitively lost? Or is there going to be in the future opportunities to get these souls we didn't pick out?
Personally, I'm almost 100% certain that the Lights we don't choose aren't going to fade into oblivion, for three reasons:

Reason 1, Taylor's existence. Taylor got eaten, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. She did not become a Hollow naturally, she got nommed like a candy bar and promptly ripped her way up to the spiritual brain of the damned thing and Assumed Direct Control. She did not stop existing after being eaten in other words, proving that a soul at least remains intact directly after consumption.

Reason 2, what happens when a Shinigami kills a Hollow. When a Shinigami rips a Hollow apart with a zanpakto, the Hollow and all the souls it consumed are sent onto the Soul Society with zero delay. That's just how it works. This means that no matter how long the souls have been residing within the Hollow, their core identity still remains. Memories might suffer somewhat after long enough, but there is existence even long after consumption.

And Reason 3, what Taylor's doing now. Tatsuki and Chizuru might have just been swallowed whole, but how long have the others been in there? Masaki alone has been within Grand Fisher about 8 years, the Big Oaf obviously hasn't meandered into the Mortal World for ages, and Taylor's been on a Hollow-Only diet from the beginning. And we're pulling them out of the collective. They can be pulled out in the first place.

So my final conclusion is that the other six are definitely going to be sticking around for the foreseeable future, and that we'll probably get chances to free them in the future. Personally, I think the answer for that lies in the Luz Lunar Branch and deeper mediation.

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