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Alright ladies and gents, votes are now closed!

This time's winner is...

[X][Save] One for All
-[X][One for All] Preserved Lights

Vote Tally : Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm) | Page 29 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 870-921]
##### NetTally 2.2.3
Task: Save
[X][Save] One for All
No. of Votes: 37
[x] MrMig
[x] Agmus
[x] Arbitbit39
[x] Argentis
[x] Arksurek
[x] A-Salt-N-Battery
[x] bobbya1
[x] CrimsonFate
[x] daimahou
[x] Demetric
[x] Demonlorddraco91
[x] edofthesquid
[x] Fonteius
[x] Gabriel Bouthot
[x] HammeredApple
[X] Harpy81
[x] Iceflame55
[x] Its_a_cauldron_plot!
[x] JadeSpear
[x] Jarrarad
[x] Jubjub3000
[x] Kraotop
[x] KuroOkami
[x] Ljapaubeaves
[x] mariuswinter
[x] Metoto21
[x] Naddakka741
[x] phil503
[x] R.A.G.
[x] Ratatoskr
[x] Rexman25
[x] Rock_on_5002
[x] vinzzz001
[x] Werd Me
[x] werdzerg13
[x] Zakara
[x] zarabg
[X][Save] All for One
No. of Votes: 3
[x] ELRue
[x] globalwarmth
[x] LokKi
-[X][Save] Bright Girl
No. of Votes: 1
[X] CatOnFire
-[X][Save] Greedy Girl
No. of Votes: 1
[X] CatOnFire
-[X][Save] Passionate Girl
No. of Votes: 1
[X] CatOnFire
-[X][Save] Quiet Child
No. of Votes: 1
[X] CatOnFire
-[X][Save] Shy Girl
No. of Votes: 1
[X] CatOnFire
[X][Save] Taking Two
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Shaper47
-[X][Save] The Heroic Child
No. of Votes: 1
[X] CatOnFire

Task: Taking Two
-[X][Taking Two] The Bright Girl
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Shaper47
-[X][Taking Two] The Heroic Child
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Shaper47
[X][Taking Two] The Shy Girl and The Heroic Child.I picked fortuna because cause they know each other and they did nearly all the wrong things for the right reasons
No. of Votes: 1
[x] spidermonkey

Task: One for All
-[X][One for All] The Heroic Child
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Kraotop
-[X][One for All] The Passionate Girl
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Kraotop
-[X][One for All] The Quiet Child
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Kraotop
-[X][One for All] The Shy Girl
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Kraotop

Task: Plan
[X][Plan] Screw the Rules I Have Sweet Hair
No. of Votes: 1
[X] CatOnFire

Total No. of Voters: 43

I did promise to release the identities of the Discarded Voices at the end of the arc, didn't I?

The Pure Boy: Kumagawa Misogi (Medaka Box)
Kumagawa's potential Zanpakuto Spirit: Anshin'in - "[I'm in a pinch, Anshin'in-san]"

The Greedy Girl: Kirisame Marisa (Touhou Project)
Marisa's potential Zanpakuto Spirit: Mima - "Teach me, Mima-sensei."

The Unwanted Girl: Chloe von Einzbern/Kuro Illya (Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya)
Chloe's potential Zanpakuto Spirit: Archer - "Let's save everyone, Archer."

The Quiet Child: Frisk (Undertale)
Frisk's potential Zanpakuto Spirit: Chara - "Smile, Chara."

The Gentle Girl: Mato Kuroi (Black Rock Shooter)
Mato's potential Zanpakuto Spirit: Black Rock Shooter - "Take on their pain, Black Rock Shooter."

The Perfect Girl: Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Monika's potential Zanpakuto Spirit: Just. Monika. - "Rewrite, Monika."

If one or more of them had been chosen they would've been used as Expys as close to the inspirations as reasonable with their personality intact and a backstory to match the memories, but not the 'true' characters. Because them being here for real would mean their whole franchises being here too, and that's a clusterfuck I wasn't looking forward to.

Unfortunately, chances of recovering them are now close to zero. There was a reason why the red voice commented on self-delusion at the 'All for One' option description.
Why not roll dice to see who survives? With disadvantage with the lowest dice rolls not making the cut or just barely was saved.
I personally like the Mothra general form, but i want her head to be something more like this
Mainly because it looks like Gwyn the Lord/God of Sunlight from Dark Souls and i find that really apropiate, considering the whole we killed the sun/a god thing

EDIT: I just realize, we would be a giant sun-flaming Hollow Lunar-Owl Moth...

So perfect that is gut-busting hilarious
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Orizaba slikmoth makes more sense because it is associated with the Aztec goddess Ītzpāpālōtl aka the obsidian butterfly who was a war goddess who also ruled the afterlife of babies and mothers who died do to childbirth and that place is origin of modern day humans and was the queen of demon of stars that attacked the sun
Orizaba slikmoth makes more sense because it is associated with the Aztec goddess Ītzpāpālōtl aka the obsidian butterfly who was a war goddess who also ruled the afterlife of babies and mothers who died do to childbirth and that place is origin of modern day humans and was the queen of demon of stars that attacked the sun
What is with moths that kick the sun ass in stories, is this a trent i didnt know?
What is with moths that kick the sun ass in stories, is this a trent i didnt know?
Luna (Actias luna) – In Roman mythology the moon goddess was called Luna, in Greek mythology the counterpart was Selene (meaning "moon") and the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia.

I like this one better

Promethea (Callosamia promethea) – (Prometheus) in Greek mythology is a Titan, the son of Iapetus and Themis, and brother to Atlas, Epimetheus and Menoetius. He was a champion of mankind, known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals.
It would've been interesting if Weaver changes form based on what time of the day she exposed to specifically Day and Night. Especially, if she could use both Lunar and Solar abilities matching the elements she currently under.
Papillon 3.01 - Emergence
The four lights are safe sleeping within you, but you paid a considerable cost. EE reduced to ⅕! Your reserves are now at 170,445,061 EE.
You've earned the Trait Guardian of the Light

You've evolved into an Adjuchas!


As an Adjuchas, Existence Essence doesn't cut it anymore. Your reserves of EE will be converted into Concentrated Essence instead. A single unit of CE equals 1,000,000 EE.

You now hold 170CE

Power Level Up! You're now Level 66/100!

Your skills have upgraded!
-Cero has leveled up! Cero is now Lv. 3-(45%)
-Gillian Package upgraded into Adjuchas Package! Adjuchas can Prestige and/or Branch basic Gillian Skills.
-Ardiendo grants you Fuego Mistico (Mystical Fire)
The ability to generate and manipulate fire. As proficiency increases, so does the degree of control and destructive power of the fire.

You've gained a new Power Slot! When you have the time you'll be able to develop a new Power.


I! Can! Fly!!!

The sky is my bitch now! How's that for a caterpillar? Not bad, eh? You're envious, right? Damn straight you are, because I'm a gorgeous butterfly with a luscious mane and dazzling wings! Wings that let me fly!!

What do you mean moth? Are you trying to pick a fight?

… Butterfly is a generic term that covers all lepidoptera, now shut up and let me enjoy this.

Hueco Mundo looks so different from up here!


I can see the Forest beneath, and the Desert I first came to somewhere... upwards but not really. It's kinda trippy. I wonder if i should go back there now that I'm a bit stronger? Maybe? I didn't really meet whatever it was my instincts warned me about, so I don't really know.

On to another things, my new body rules! If my old hair was do die for, it's now become the stuff of legends, all black and red and gorgeous. And I have wings! Six of them! Red-hot and beautiful and breathtaking and… I can fly!


I can also feel four lights within me, which is all sorts of bizarre, let me tell you. I mean, it's one thing to have psychedelic metaphysical experiences while you're asleep, but last time it had the decency to fade away once I woke up.

Two of them I'm pretty sure are the girls from back then. The pervert with the glasses and that other girl who had my respect until she revealed her true alignment as Dumb/Reckless. Shame, she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders. Then she charged head first at a Gillian.

If I ever meet them face to face again, I'm smacking her.

The other two lights… are a bit more of a touchy subject. One of them is almost awake, I can feel it trying to push me into going back to that town. No… not pushing, not really. More like broadcasting a desperate longing. Unfinished business and all that, I'm sure.

The last one… is quite the opposed. Diminished, tired and ready to give up. The only reason it attracted my attention was because… Kinship. There's a feeling of bitter accomplishment around it that reminds me of… Okay. Repressing now. Let's leave that for later, okay?

I'm flying now, and this is not the time for depressing thoughts.


Oh, look! I can see my Home from here! It's kind of burnt out, but I guess that makes sense, with my new hot wings blazing through and all that… What the hell happened to the forest around it? It looks like a friggin' warzone!

Man, not even the Skull-thing made such a mess when I fought it! Whatever monster did this must be one hardass mofo. Maybe… maybe I'm not ready for the Desert just yet? Yeah, maybe I should give it some more time, make sure I'm truly up to the challenge.

Yeah, let's do that. Man Hueco Mundo sure is scary.

Anyway! Now that I have wings, and I'm out of my cocoon, and want to get the hell out of here before whatever did that comes back… I have business with someone. I'm looking at you, Moonie.

You're free to walk the worlds once more! Like an omen of destruction on wings of fire you will now bring forth death and destru… *Ahem* Sorry, wrong script. You have some unfinished business you'll now solve with all due haste, so your next destination will be:

The End of the World.
You never actually checked it out, it's about damn time you do. If there's ponies around though, you're setting them on fire. Because fuck ponies (Previous choices prevent this option.)
The Desert of White Sand. Screw safety, I have fire! Time to get back there and show everyone who is the boss! (Previous choices prevent this option.)
The Garganta. Welp, you have now a portal to another world. It's not as cool as whatever spirited you away last time, but still! Dimension hopping on demand! How cool is that? (Previous choices prevent this option.)
The Hollow Moon. There's someone who decided to cut all contact without so much as a by your leave. You don't appreciate that attitude. Now, you feel you owe a lot to Moonie, but that doesn't mean she can just hang on you like that. It's time the two of you have words.
The Forest of Menos. It's till too soon to leave the forest. There's a kinda sorta friend around you can go say hi, a creepy spider-dude you can burn with fire have some words with, a Guardian-thing who owes you a new Adjuchas-grade web-trap… and who knows what else? The world is your oyster! (Previous choices prevent this option.)

[x][Destination] The End of the World
[x][Destination] The Desert of White Sand
[x][Destination] The Garganta

[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[x][Destination] The Forest of Menos

Furthermore, you're level-headed enough to remember haste makes waste. And it would be a waste to start something big and just bend over and die of hunger halfway. So maybe you could go hunt for a snack before committing to anything?

Screw Hunger. You don't need no stinking caution. You're not going hungry just yet and you're not pushing back giving Moonie a piece of your mind!
Catch a Snack. Okay, a small detour won't hurt too much anyway. It might even feel good to do the smart thing for once. You can take a look and see what catches your fancy, or go for some of the big Hollow you've met down here. You could even go after the shinigami, friendship is overrated anyway.

[x][Hunger] Screw Hunger
[x][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[x][Snack] Something Random
-[x][Snack] Anansi
-[x][Snack] The Guardian
-[x][Snack] The Shinigami

Oblivion Compensation! You lose 6 CE! (Luz Lunar temporarily disabled)

Many stats, little substance. Sorry about that, it's been a busy weekend. Adjuchas form is a Volcarona as expected, hope you liked the picture. That form has been more or less set in stone since you chose the [Path] Me route, back in Larva 1.01. I left some clues, if you paid attention to the EE gains and level requisites, you might've noticed they matched Larvesta's XP costs to level up x100. Also, Larvesta evolves at lvl 59, the level cap for our brave caterpillar.
On another note I really loved some of the suggestion pics. Man I gotta play Hollow Night already, The Radiance looked cool AF
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So guys, this is REALLY awesome so come back from a busy weekend and to see literally everyone looking for a new form for Tay.
I want in on that and here is my suggestion:

Shiny Volcarona has literally all the pale colours needed to fit right in to Hollow biology. This also fits really well with her base hollow form and takes inspiration from the same source, the Larvesta line...

Lets hope this'll be glorious when we finally see how she'll look.

Holy Hell Dimension, Imp'd by the OP themselves. I swear i wrote this post before i read that last chapter with pictures and all...
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
[x][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[x][Snack] The Guardian

The Guardian is just some random strong Gillian, right? I don't remember anything about it from the manga, but I only read it once something like eight years ago.
Lets hope this'll be glorious when we finally see how she'll look.
You somehow missed the next chapter posted ten minutes before you said that, mate.
[x][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[x][Snack] The Guardian
[x][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[x][Snack] The Guardian
--[x][Snack] Anyone Who Wants To Pick A Fight When I Get There
This is great news, just a quick question, couldnt we idk, go to yhe gillian forest , find a good of gillians and chupavidas while doing fly by? Some hordes are of hundreds of gillians in thst forest, we could level up in no time, that is of coirse after ralking with moonie
SO i just read the character page and we need to eat i think so
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
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[x][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[x][Snack] The Guardian

The Guardian is just some random strong Gillian, right? I don't remember anything about it from the manga, but I only read it once something like eight years ago.

You somehow missed the next chapter posted ten minutes before you said that, mate.
I'm fairly sure Taylor's meeting with the Guardian has her pegging him as a Vasto Lord in this continuity, so why don't we not commit abject suicide just yet? Granted, he's supposed to be an Adjuchas, so Taylor probably just misjudged his class, but I really don't think picking a fight with him right after evolving is a bright idea. He may not be the most powerful, but he's a crafty fucker.

[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random

Aw I wanted death claws, but the moth part is great. Kinda wanted us to be big giants but cute is just as good.
So if Volcarona is the Adjuchas form, I'm guessing that this is the general shape of the Vasto Lord Arrancar form?

Oh, and Planeshunter, the Character Sheet is a bit off, Fuego Mistico doesn't have a level counter and Cero doesn't have the extra levels Gillian!Taylor's "practice" netted us.
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So if Volcarona is the Adjuchas form, I'm guessing that this is the general shape of the Vasto Lord form?

Oh, and Planeshunter, the Character Sheet is a bit off, Fuego Mistico doesn't have a level counter and Cero doesn't have the extra levels Gillian!Taylor's "practice" netted us.

Seems more like an arrancar then vasto lorde, vastos still look like monsters. With hollow ichigo being the closest to human while fully masked. Also this is taylor, shrink her chest by half that and its good.
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
Seems more like an arrancar then vasto lorde, vastos still look like monsters. With hollow ichigo being the closest to human while fully masked. Also this is taylor, shrink her chest by half that and its good.
Yeah, point. I was going for general shape there, but I suppose it'd have more insect parts still there. And this was the only decent dark-haired pic I could find, so I just went with "general approximation".
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
[X][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random

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