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[X][Travel] Discreet
[x][Train] Develop New
-[x][Develop] White Smoke (Humo Blanco)
[X][Travel] Ball of Fire.
[X][Train] Develop New
-[X][Develop] Picadura (Sting)- Inspired by your old friend Lily/Flechette you have copied her power, you create a field of not space similar to a Negacion charging objects with energy that take shape in not just this world, but all realities, at the same space and time, bristling with an effect that would sever their attachment to most physical and spiritual laws. This allows her attacks to punch through anything. It also when used on your cero turns it a familiar gold colour as well as making it a lot more dangerous.
Honesty all Weaver has to do is Master Negacion then she could apply it to her Treads via 'mix and match' and she can give some enemies the "Echidna hair cut" (aka time locked razor wire). That's to say nothing of the stuff Negacion could evolve into. In Canon the Espada could put thier lieutenants into a, Negacion derived skill, time out.
Last edited:
[x][Travel] Turbo.
[x][Train] Develop New
-[x][Develop] Sustituto(Substitute)
Alright ladies and gents, votes are now closed!

And this time's winner is...

[X][Travel] Discreet
[x][Train] Develop New
-[x][Develop] Sustituto(Substitute)

: Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm) | Page 34 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 1020-1055]
##### NetTally 2.2.3
Task: Travel
[X][Travel] Discreet.
No. of Votes: 13
[x] Mikers99
[X] Agmus
[x] Argentis
[x] Arksurek
[X] A-Salt-N-Battery
[X] Happerry
[x] Ljapaubeaves
[x] mariuswinter
[x] Shadowoflight
[X] Syphi
[X] Umbra99
[x] Zakara
[x] zarabg
[X][Travel] Turbo.
No. of Votes: 7
[x] OldClueless
[x] bobbya1
[x] Demetric
[x] Jubjub3000
[x] Ratatoskr
[x] Rock_on_5002
[x] SoldMars
[X][Travel] Ball of Fire.
No. of Votes: 3
[x] CrimsonFate
[x] CatOnFire
[X] Shaper47

Task: Train
[X][Train] Develop New
No. of Votes: 16
[x] globalwarmth
[x] Argentis
[x] Arksurek
[x] CatOnFire
[x] Demetric
[x] Happerry
[X] Jubjub3000
[x] Ljapaubeaves
[x] mariuswinter
[x] Mikers99
[x] Ratatoskr
[x] Rock_on_5002
[x] Shadowoflight
[X] Shaper47
[x] Zakara
[x] zarabg
[X][Train] Old Skill
No. of Votes: 8
[X] Umbra99
[X] Agmus
[X] A-Salt-N-Battery
[x] bobbya1
[x] CrimsonFate
[x] OldClueless
[x] SoldMars
[X] Syphi

Task: Develop
-[X][Develop] Sustituto(Substitute)
No. of Votes: 6
[x] Zakara
[x] Argentis
[x] Arksurek
[x] mariuswinter
[x] Ratatoskr
[x] Shadowoflight
-[X][Develop] Viento Plata(Silver Wind)
No. of Votes: 3
[x] Mikers99
[x] Ljapaubeaves
[x] zarabg
-[X][Develop] Picadura (Sting)- Inspired by your old friend Lily/Flechette you have copied her power, you create a field of not space similar to a Negacion charging objects with energy that take shape in not just this world, but all realities, at the same space and time, bristling with an effect that would sever their attachment to most physical and spiritual laws. This allows her attacks to punch through anything. It also when used on your cero turns it a familiar gold colour as well as making it a lot more dangerous.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Jubjub3000
[X] Shaper47
-[X][Develop] White Smoke (Humo Blanco)
No. of Votes: 2
[x] CatOnFire
[x] Happerry
-[X][Develop] Zumbido(Bug Buzz)
No. of Votes: 2

[x] Demetric
[x] Rock_on_5002
-[X][Develop] Enjambre (swarm)
No. of Votes: 1
[x] globalwarmth

Task: Energy Manipulation
-[X][Energy Manipulation]
No. of Votes: 5
[X] Umbra99
[X] Agmus
[X] A-Salt-N-Battery
[x] bobbya1
[x] SoldMars

Task: Old Skill
-[X][Old Skill] Kumon
No. of Votes: 1
[x] CrimsonFate

Total No. of Voters: 24
Highly Visible Ninja route is a GOOOO! Everyone give yourselves a big pat on the back, Taylor is now a living sun with Ninja Wire, Poison Needles, Chi Drain, Kamehameha, and now Kawarimi no Jutsu. ...It occurs to me that Taylor was basically a ninja in everything but name before she became a Gillian, what with her loadout and incessant habit of ambushes and trapping, but Kawarimi is really the quintessential ninja technique, so now it's official. And she is a living sun, Fuego Misitco Lv3 apparently lets Taylor become a turbo-jet if she uses it right, so Lv10 and beyond will probably begin to near the Yamamoto Tier of Everything is Fire.
Fuego Misitco Lv3 apparently lets Taylor become a turbo-jet if she uses it right, so Lv10 and beyond will probably begin to near the Yamamoto Tier of Everything is Fire.

Since you didn't pick the option, I can be candid with you.

Taylor's experiments with jet engines were fated to... crash and burn. Oh, you would've learnt a lot about Fuego Mistico by the end of a very humilliating update, but chances are you'd have to pick a different transportation method afterwards. One you could actually control.
Since you didn't pick the option, I can be candid with you.

Taylor's experiments with jet engines were fated to... crash and burn. Oh, you would've learnt a lot about Fuego Mistico by the end of a very humilliating update, but chances are you'd have to pick a different transportation method afterwards. One you could actually control.
...ah. Well. I suppose it's a good thing I didn't let my desire to conform to Rule of Cool get the better of me there.
[X][Travel] Discreet.
[X][Train] Old Skill
-[X][Energy Manipulation]
Papillon 3.03 - Fly me to the moon.
[X][Travel] Discreet
[x][Train] Develop New
-[x][Develop] Sustituto(Substitute)

Flying up till you hit something is a sound strategy to reach the moon, or so I hope. I'm dead anyway, it's not like I'll asphyxiate in the vacuum or anything. Assuming there's an atmosphere to leave in the first place, that is.

I mean, my wings create lift, so logic dictates there's something for them to push against. Then again, logic dictates my wings shouldn't allow me to move the way I do, and that my body should collapse under its own weight so… yeah, not putting much faith on that at the moment. I'm sorry logic, it would've never worked out. It's not me, it's all you.

Problem is, the process is horribly boring. Do you have an idea how many things I can do while flying upwards? Well, I can't read a book, that's for sure!

...It occurs to me that I should reflect on that trippy experience while I was a pupa. Actually, it's probably more correct to say I should have reflected on it already. In my defense, I was busy setting shit on fire, and then soaring through the sky and enjoying my wings, and then being almost isekai'd by Truck-kun, and then setting more shit on fire. There were even some explosions along the way.

There, that's my excuse. What is yours?

… huh, now that I have wings, there won't be anymore spider-bug, would it? Rest in peace, swinging thread, you will be missed.

And I'm getting off topic. This is harder than I thought. I mean… my life kinda sucked, right?

Don't get me wrong, I respect that alive Taylor person very much, she was great. Or at least tried to be, but man I'm glad I'm not her anymore. She had all the bad luck. At everything.

Beyond that, the whole experience doesn't really affect me? I'm pretty sure I'm not even in the same universe, so most knowledge would be useless, and the memories themselves are… they tended to be kind of shitty.

I'll need to make sure I make some good memories here, to compensate in case I ever get all her memories. Oh, who am I kidding, to compensate when I get all her memories. I might not have her luck, but mine isn't exactly something to write home about either.

Ok, you know what? That's enough of that. I'm repressing everything till it magically becomes alright. Or relevant, but preferably the first option.

Now let's focus on something else. Like new Powers.

I've been thinking that now I finally have a Fuck You Beam, my attack coverage is pretty good. But my mobility is still shit. Shit on wings, fortunately, which gives me some leeway. But still shit.

Which brings me to my next point… molting!

Yes, I know it doesn't make sense, but bear with me.

Have you ever crushed the peel of a banana to send the contents flying? King Louie sure was a pro at it, even if that's the sort of thing that has you sent to bed without dinner for wasting food. I'm also pretty sure it doesn't work under real physics.

Buuut… I'm not as squishy as a banana, and have a bit more control over my exoskeleton than an orangutan has over a banana peel. Also, physics seems to operate under the rule of cool here in the spiritual realms.

The idea is to abuse bodily control to apply carefully measured pressure over my whole body through my exoskeleton, so I can sacrifice it for a short burst of speed as I get launched out of my own skin. Sounds great right, I can't wait to try it!

Okay, figuring out the mechanics involved took me a bit of time and the less we talk about my experiments on my own physiology, the better. For some reason I had assumed my body worked on biology. Silly of me, right?

But I think I got it ready, time for a real test. Hey, if this works I might make halven my flight time, easy! Man I'm such a genius.

Okay, okay, let's go for it.




"Kawarimi no jutsu!"


Hol* Motherf***ering S*** on a Burning Surfboard!!

I.. I mean… Ouch.

Ever had your skin flayed? All at once? By your own hand?

Yeah… Ouch.

Now my whole body hurts. Also, I might've neglected to account for my skin refusing to let go of me while I tried to get out, so it didn't work very well. I have a more or less intact shed skin sticking from my rear. It doesn't paint a nice image about my proportions, doesn't it?

And my wings were a bitch to get out of it.

Maybe I didn't think things through…

No matter! Any problem has a solution! It just makes things a bit more complicated.

Test number 2! Forming a secondary exoskeleton underneath before molting!

Took me 14 tests, 14 painful test, but finally worked out the kinks with that, let's try and solve the wings problem.

Test number 15! Folding my wings during the shedding!

… That didn't work as expected, let's try something else.

Test number 27! Shedding and regrowing my wings every time!


F***ing F*** and their F***ing *****!!!

Okay, let's not try that again.

Now that I think about it, I don't believe I can regrow limbs. Wew, dodged a bullet there.

Test number... I don't know, 135? Let's fuck it and try temporarily turning my wings into pure fire while molting, so they don't get in the way.



… That worked?

Wow, I can't believe that worked!

Test number 136, let's make sure it wasn't a fluke!





There's a moment of vertigo as I get propelled forward. No pain follows, nor does the loss of sensitivity that should accompany forcefully removed limbs, and when I turn back, I see my shed skin standing in place for a good ten seconds before disintegrating into spirit particles.

I did it!

I'm now basically a ninja, fear my shadow!

Through masochistic training and experimentation you've unlocked the Power Sustituto.

Swift dodge leaving behind a shed exoskeleton to take the hit for you and deceive the enemy. Kawarimi no jutsu, nin-nin!!

High-speed Regeneration has been working overtime to compensate for your self-flagellating antics.
-High-speed Regeneration in now Lv 5-(50%)

Due to extensive extensive damage, you've lost 24CE!!

I'm still giddy from my recent achievements when I notice something odd in the distance. A huge tear in space so sloppy they make the Big Oaf's Kūmon look like a piece of art, only they don't lead to Garganta. Whatever lies on the other side, I can't look at it without going blind. Worrying as it is, my eyes simply up and stop working when I look that way.

It's only when the tear closes that I can see a figure, presumably the one responsible. A disproportionately slender humanoid figure with twin horns, a spaded tail and huge bat wings. Actually, saying I'm seeing it is a bit of an exaggeration. What I can see is a silhouette so dark it stands out against the starless night sky. I can only tell it is three-dimensional because of the way it moves.

It doesn't react to my presence, either unaware or ignoring me, and simply flies forward in a straight line.

That thing… it gives me the creeps. My instincts go crazy with its mere presence, simply yelling at me the wrongness of its existence. So caught am I by those feelings, the most unsettling actually takes a while to register.

The thing doesn't have a face. Beyond the horns, its head is a perfect sphere.

You are now in front of the unknown. A very unsettling example of unknown at that. You will…

When in doubt, kill it with fire. That thing is wrong, so you'll unwrong it… burning it down to ashes!!
Retreat. Discretion is the best part of valour. The thing is not hostile, nor has it made any attempt to acknowledge your existence, you have no real reason to attack. And you kinda want to reach the Moon already.
Bargain. This is technically an option, even if it's never worked before. No, running away when offered a deal doesn't count as 'working'.

[X][Unknown] Attack.
[X][Unknown] Retreat.
[X][Unknown] Bargain.
[X][Unknown] Write-in.

In case you retreat, what will you do with your time?

You probably won't make such a good time, and it'll cost you extra Essence on top, but you'll be able to polish your Powers along the way. It'll make the journey less boring too.
Make Haste. Hurry to the moon, save time and avoid wasting Essence.

[X][Retreat] Train.
[X][Retreat] Make Haste.

Unfortunately, you've rolled a critical miss during this update, and the count for the Memetic Badass Perk has been reset. It stands at (0/5) now. Damnit, so close...

Oblivion Compensation! You lose 23CE!! (Luz Lunar temporarily disabled)
Their always the option of leaving it alone and moving past it in a quick manner that's definitely not running away from it.
[X][Unknown] Retreat.
[X][Retreat] Make Haste.

I hope to god that that thing isn't Proto-Ulquiorra. Either way, we should probably finish up our mission to the moon if the Hebert Luck continues to hold true.
I don't see any reason to fight this thing? Its not threatening us or anyone we care about and eating something that looks as off as it does probably means it'd be like eating the moldy vegetables that got shoved into the back of the fridge two months ago.

[X][Unknown] Retreat.
[X][Retreat] Make Haste.
[X][Unknown] Retreat.
[X][Retreat] Train.

That is something we Don't want to deal with right now.

Alternatively, we could ...
[X][Unknown] Bargain.
[X][Unknown] Retreat.
[X][Retreat] Make Haste.
[X][Unknown] Leave it alone and Continue on with your Journey unless it does something to you

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