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[X][Name] Akatsuki.

I was going to go with Selene but then refreshed and saw this, still on the fence between the two though. It also might be better to sneak in while weak so we don't trigger any defences aimed at strong things.

Also now we've got two daughters so we need to start thinking about taking care of them, maybe get Selene/Akatsuki to teach them lutz lunar so they dont get hungry? Maybe stuff them in a gigai?
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[X][Help] May later.

As much we want to help Moon Lady right this instance but unfortunately it will be best we wait until have an idea on how to help Moon Lady the right way and not fuck shit up by going in blindly.

[X][Name] Selene.

For some reason I want Weaver to enroll her children in school and see the reactions of everyone when she does so.
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Akatsuki. Because it's a terribly popular name. I think it means Red Moon, so it also fits.
This is just my Naruto side speaking but doesn't Akatsuki mean Red Dawn? Or is this one of those contextual translations? I know that Tsuki means moon and Aka means Red but does it still mean red moon when combined? (Totally clueless about Japanese so I was just wondering)
[X][Help] Help.
[X][Name] kaguya

an incredibly beautiful woman from the moon, giving us a difficult and dangeus task,
This is just my Naruto side speaking but doesn't Akatsuki mean Red Dawn? Or is this one of those contextual translations? I know that Tsuki means moon and Aka means Red but does it still mean red moon when combined? (Totally clueless about Japanese so I was just wondering)

Going by strict japanese, it simply means 'Dawn'. We should use 'Akai Tsuki' for 'Red Moon'. But why would we go all grammar nazis when we can happily butcher another language for shit and giggles? Kubo did with Spanish (probably German too, but I don't speak the language) and it was tons of fun!
[X][Help] May later.
-[X] I'll help even if it's after I bring the other two lights back, you can count on me!

[X][Name] Elune.
Will we get more info on what Weaver children are later on? Cause I don't know if they are some kind of Hollow or something else. And if they inherited anything from Weaver.
Hoo boy! We surely should be VERY careful with doing anything in SUCH a place.

[X][Help] May later.

As for a name? How about:

[X][Name] Mara.

It's a beautiful name for a Goddes that combines the aspects of "Mother" and "taking the Soul after ones death" while some other aspects of her are also quite nice. Add to this that we could avoid walking on a boring and repetetive path of the Naruto names^^
[X][Help] May later.
[X][Name] Write-in. Rachael, after our best friend in life.
[X][Help] Help.
[X][Name] Selene

[jk][Name] Morrslieb

That name would totally end well
[X][Help] May later.
-[X] I'll help even if it's after I bring the other two lights back, you can count on me!

[X][Name] Elune.

Yeah. We should probably be careful here. We are probably definitely going to help, but we should actually be strong enough to help first. I wouldn't like our chances even against the subconscious efforts of a Goddess. Becoming Vasto Lorde is a good start.
Will we get more info on what Weaver children are later on? Cause I don't know if they are some kind of Hollow or something else. And if they inherited anything from Weaver.
Well, they're still human... ish. They have all their original memories, which is a relief, and don't appear to have any Hollow features beyond the same kind of eyes that Ichigo sports when his Inner Hollow is at the wheel, and maybe bone accessories if I'm looking at those pics the right way. So... Half-Human/Half-Hollow? Fullbringers are mortals who came in close contact with Hollow Reiatsu while in their mothers' wombs, but this seems a lot more even between the two portions than Fullbringers are. If FBs are 90% Mortal and 10% Hollow, then this would be 50/50.
Well, they're still human... ish. They have all their original memories, which is a relief, and don't appear to have any Hollow features beyond the same kind of eyes that Ichigo sports when his Inner Hollow is at the wheel, and maybe bone accessories if I'm looking at those pics the right way. So... Half-Human/Half-Hollow? Fullbringers are mortals who came in close contact with Hollow Reiatsu while in their mothers' wombs, but this seems a lot more even between the two portions than Fullbringers are. If FBs are 90% Mortal and 10% Hollow, then this would be 50/50.
I wonder what they can do, though? Are they basically just superpowered Fullbringers, or are they something entirely new? This seems like it will be fun to explore.
[X][Help] May later.
-[X] I'll help even if it's after I bring the other two lights back, you can count on me!

[X][Name] Usagi Tsukino.

Literally means Moon Rabbit. And in Japanese myth rabbits come from the Moon anyway, so Moon (moontype animal) in effect.
Well, they're still human... ish. They have all their original memories, which is a relief, and don't appear to have any Hollow features beyond the same kind of eyes that Ichigo sports when his Inner Hollow is at the wheel, and maybe bone accessories if I'm looking at those pics the right way. So... Half-Human/Half-Hollow? Fullbringers are mortals who came in close contact with Hollow Reiatsu while in their mothers' wombs, but this seems a lot more even between the two portions than Fullbringers are. If FBs are 90% Mortal and 10% Hollow, then this would be 50/50.
I was thinking around seventy five percent human at least due to the fact that their souls were salvageable and got rescued by Weaver before they descend further into turning more like a Hollow. Plus, the fact we know if they have the Hollow hole or mask yet.

I think it depends on how much Hollow traits they have in them. For all we know they could be new race of Hollows or just souls with Hollow traits.
[X][Help] Help.
[X][Name] Eve

Something in your subconscious calls for a gardens name but the name of the girl who there resided appears more fitting.
[X][Help] Help.
[X][Name] Eve
[X][Help] May later.
-[X] I'll help even if it's after I bring the other two lights back, you can count on me!

[X][Name] Elune.
Well, they're still human... ish. They have all their original memories, which is a relief, and don't appear to have any Hollow features beyond the same kind of eyes that Ichigo sports when his Inner Hollow is at the wheel, and maybe bone accessories if I'm looking at those pics the right way. So... Half-Human/Half-Hollow? Fullbringers are mortals who came in close contact with Hollow Reiatsu while in their mothers' wombs, but this seems a lot more even between the two portions than Fullbringers are. If FBs are 90% Mortal and 10% Hollow, then this would be 50/50.
I think we need to look at it from a few perspectives.

1st: physically they are 100% hollow/ghost/unspecified etheral being. Or well, technically, physically they 100% aren't. This is still hueco mundo one of the worlds made up of spirit particles. Currently they have no atoms, molecules, muscles, flesh or dna as the human world sees it. Though they have the spiritual equivalents of them.

2nd: appearance wise, I agree. To me they look like the hollow versions of themselves a la zangetsu (including funky skin color). They have similar enough bodies that any differences are hard to notice so I wouldnt be surprised if they had no trouble using a gigai (though a standard one may not work since they aren't shinigami). They also don't have masks or visible hollow holes which makes me think that they might not be hollows and are rather manifested pieces of weaver. Something like what Rudbornn Chelute does in canon only slower and with less useless minions. (We did eat him after all, well probably)

3rd: mentally they certainly seem human or close enough. Their reactions may or may not be weird, depending on how much they saw/understood before being reborn and how much is a coping mechanism. They definitely don't act like normal hollows though.

4th: spiritual makeup/biology (ectology? ectobiology? No wait thats homestuck) this is the one we really dont know. In this story we have encountered hollows (normal and 3 levels of menos), shinigami, dead humans, empowered humans (fullbringers and quincy) an unknowable eldritch abomination (nightgaunt), a sapient self limited celestial body (nickname pending) and we have been told that we fought and killed a god and have a few memory fragments of it. None of these quite fit the children though hollow is closest.

Rampant speculation. (As opposed to orinary speculation from above) My pet theory is that they are both technically hollows without hollow holes. Because we safeguarded their hearts even as they became hollow (in the sense of unlocking that form of spiritual power) they avoided the standard side effects. First the chain of fate being removed and loss of heart. We had their hearts kept them and put them back, filling their holes. Second breaking into particles and reforming in a monstrous form. They were broken into constituent pieces inside the menos but when we remade them we wanted them looking human (unconsciously since we are trying to save them). Third the mask. From what I remember the mask is a shield against the world to hide due to disgust at self or world or lack of memory or a hundred other things. Having preserved their minds, preserved their bodies and restored their hearts they would have no need for a shield between themselves and the world, and thus no mask (though they might be able to make one if they felt like it).
[X][Help] May later.
-[X] I'll help even if it's after I bring the other two lights back, you can count on me!

I had a funny thought as soon as the other 2 are born Taylor becomes grandma weaver.
I had a funny thought as soon as the other 2 are born Taylor becomes grandma weaver.

How? Surely it would just mean she's a mother of 4? Unless they are gonna have them... but the soon to be reborns are gonna come from weaver so she should still be a mother, just one with two sets of twins.
[X][Help] May later.
-[X] I'll help even if it's after I bring the other two lights back, you can count on me!

[X][Name] Mara.
[X][Help] May later.
-[X] I'll help even if it's after I bring the other two lights back, you can count on me!

[X][Name] Usagi Tsukino.

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