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[X][Help] Help
[X][Name] Amaterasu (Shining in heaven)
[X][Help] Help
[X][Name] Eden

Because I want to see her expression :3
How? Surely it would just mean she's a mother of 4? Unless they are gonna have them... but the soon to be reborns are gonna come from weaver so she should still be a mother, just one with two sets of twins.

I meant that Masaki Kurosakis children would be her grand kids. I wrote it like that as I couldn't remember how to spell her name.
Whhhyyyyy??? Is suicide that attractive an option? Planeshunter is practically spelling it out for us that trying to enter Luna's restriction zone, making it past the safeguards, and trying to release only the bare minimum restrictions is about as rewarding as fighting the Nightgaunt would have been! We can Help later, and Masaki and Fortuna aren't going anywhere, so leaving it be for now is not a cardinal sin!
[X][Help] May Later.
[X][Name] Selene

I'm more of a fan of the name Selene for her, of the list initially provided. Making her the moon rabbit would also be humorous, though. And from a purely story-telling perspective, I'd want to wait on any loosening of restrictions on an extra powerful Entity. As long as it's done only enough to let her donate some power to someone standing on her surface, fine, but since we do have rolls in this quest... a natural 1 when trying to release only a few limits on her sounds potentially bad.
If anything going in blindly and hoping for best is something Cauldron would probably do when it comes to dealing Alien Inter-Dimensional Organic Computer Lifeforms. And see how bad they not only screw this up but also everything they touch like a certain blue-haired goddess but much worse. But this time we want to help said Life-form and knowing how the universe always manage to find a way screw with Weaver it will be better to wait and finds ways to make sure nothing goes awry.

Their also the fact that Weaver doesn't know the Moon Lady system even works like much less knows how it looks like. It like handing someone a state of the art alien computer and then telling them that they have one chance to hack into it and stop it from denoting a bomb.
[X][Help] Help
[X][Name] Amaterasu (Shining in heaven)
"You're not my real mom."
Pfft. That's what all rebellious teens say.

Well, they're still human... ish. They have all their original memories, which is a relief, and don't appear to have any Hollow features beyond the same kind of eyes that Ichigo sports when his Inner Hollow is at the wheel, and maybe bone accessories if I'm looking at those pics the right way. So... Half-Human/Half-Hollow?
In canon, there is some room between Hollow and Shinigami (albeit weird and rare). But there is a clear-cut distinction between Hollow and ordinary Plus, Demi-Hollow being the transitionary stage from one to the other instead of a hybridization between the two.

I'm not saying you're wrong; I just want to emphasize that a stable middle ground between human and Hollow is unheard of. Human souls are not meant to be extracted from a Hollow except when said Hollow is purified by zanpakuto, so what we just made may be the first of their kind.

Fullbringers are mortals who came in close contact with Hollow Reiatsu while in their mothers' wombs, but this seems a lot more even between the two portions than Fullbringers are. If FBs are 90% Mortal and 10% Hollow, then this would be 50/50.
Assuming our kids are still human, I agree that bathing in our soul most likely made them super-Fullbringers. Fullbringers are born with Hollow power passed down from a parent, so a human born from a Hollow parent should automatically be a Fullbringer.

That said, Fullbringers are not Hollowfied despite having Hollow reiryoku, so they aren't necessarily a fusion per se. That might have something to do with their limited ability to pass their Fullbring to someone else.

To me they look like the hollow versions of themselves a la zangetsu (including funky skin color). [...] They also don't have masks or visible hollow holes which makes me think that they might not be hollows and are rather manifested pieces of weaver.
Zangetsu was an asauchi Hollow until Ichigo came along, literally designed to become a zanpakuto. And just as a zanpakuto (forged from dead shinigami souls, btw) is the source of a shinigami's power, a Hollow's power likewise comes from consumed souls.

We spat out souls after they have been absorbed into our gestalt and processed into a fraction of our power. Make of that what you will.

[X][Help] May later.

Helping is good, but we have no clue what's down there and I'm not sure we're quite ready. No opinion on naming the moon lady.
[X][Help] May later.
-[X] I'll help even if it's after I bring the other two lights back, you can count on me!
Alright ladies and gents, votes are now closed!

Varied votes this time, and I don't have my Tally at hand, so I'll update this with the results once I get home.

EDIT: I got the numbers

[X][Help] Help
[X][Name] Elune

Vote Tally : Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm) | Page 41 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 1231-1274]
##### NetTally 2.2.3
-[X] I'll help even if it's after I bring the other two lights back, you can count on me!
No. of Votes: 8
[X] CatOnFire
[X] Argentis
[X] Arksurek
[X] OldClueless
[X] phil503
[X] R.A.G.
[X] Umbra99
[X] werdzerg13

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Help
[X][Help] Help.
No. of Votes: 17
[X] Werd Me
[X] A-Salt-N-Battery
[X] Bloodalchemy
[X] Demetric
[X] edofthesquid
[X] Harpy81
[X] horus
[X] InfiniteDarkSide
[X] Its_a_cauldron_plot!
[X] Jubjub3000
[X] Mikers99
[X] MrMig
[X] Naddakka741
[X] Nargus
[X] redaeth
[X] RyubosJ
[X] Shaper47
[X][Help] May later.
No. of Votes: 16
[X] CrimsonFate
[X] Argentis
[X] Arksurek
[X] bobbya1
[X] booman118800
[X] CatOnFire
[X] hillo315
[X] Joe Generic
[X] Ljapaubeaves
[X] mariuswinter
[X] OldClueless
[X] phil503
[X] R.A.G.
[X] Umbra99
[X] werdzerg13
[X] Zakara

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Name
[X][Name] Elune.
No. of Votes: 5
[X] CatOnFire
[X] bobbya1
[X] OldClueless
[X] Umbra99
[X] Zakara
[X][Name] Eden
No. of Votes: 4
[X] InfiniteDarkSide
[X] Mikers99
[X] Naddakka741
[X] Nargus
[X][Name] Selene.
No. of Votes: 4
[X] CrimsonFate
[X] Demetric
[X] edofthesquid
[X] Joe Generic
[X][Name] Akatsuki.
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Werd Me
[X] Harpy81
[X] mariuswinter
[X][Name] Eve
No. of Votes: 3
[X] MrMig
[X] Bloodalchemy
[X] RyubosJ
[X][Name] Amaterasu (Shining in heaven)
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Shaper47
[X] redaeth
[X][Name] kaguya
No. of Votes: 2
[X] horus
[X] Its_a_cauldron_plot!
[X][Name] Mara.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Ljapaubeaves
[X] Argentis
[X][Name] Seraph.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Jubjub3000
[X] A-Salt-N-Battery
[X][Name] Usagi Tsukino.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] R.A.G.
[X] werdzerg13
[X][Name] Write-in. Rachael, after our best friend in life.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] booman118800

Total No. of Voters: 33

It was a close one in both accounts, but it seems like you'll be braving the depths of a quasi-god's subconscious. The Hollow Moon's name will henceforth be Elune in Taylor's mind. Should be fun if they ever find themselves in Azeroth... somehow.

PS: It says something about my spelling that, when I ran this through a spellchecker and it didn't find anything, my first assumption was that the checker wasn't working.
Last edited:
Considering that Weaver is the first known Hollow to ever gave birth really put thing into perspective such as Weaver making history by breaking a few records. And that she needs to be stronger now than ever before when others ever find that fact out in order to protect her children.

Such as a couple of mad scientist who would stop at nothing to figure out how she did that. As well as people seeking to take advantage of them and those who want to kill them before they ever become a threat. Then their also the fact Weaver needs to enroll them back into school just so she can get them out of hair for a few hours.

Most of all will Weaver ever gain her pre-pregnancy figure back? Will Weaver be doom to be single mother for the rest of her unlife as a Hollow?
She can get her figure back once she works out and becomes a Vasto Lorde.
Speaking of, I wonder if eating whatever is keeping Elune in check will be a boost towards that.
Alright, ladies and gents, votes are now closed!

As mrttao kindly tallied, the winner is: [x] [Path] Me


So yeah, that's a thing. Honestly was expecting the 'Us' path to win... B- But never fear! I had a totally hopeless great plan for each and every single possiblity. Now I'll retire to pull my hair and despair polish the next scene. Please wait warmly!

PS: Jubjub3000 please use the current voting format. We use a tallying program that won't recognise your vote otherwise
Since Weaver isn't in a fight for her life and that she has yet to have multiple attack strategy I felt that we should be making techniques for Weaver to try later on when she becomes capable of doing so.

  • Flame Wing - An attack that combines the use of turning Weaver wings into Flames and speed to hit the enemy.
  • Exploding Clone - In which she leaves a Cero inside a shedded exoskeleton to explode on enemy contact.
  • Puppet Master - In which she uses her strings to control a shedded exoskeleton or more to be used as either scouts, drones, and maybe as a landmine.
  • Hellzone Grenade - Remember DBZ than yes it is that same attack.
  • Bullet Hell - In which she starts reacting the Touhou games and start shooting a bunch of energy attacks to overwhelm the enemy.
  • Special Beam Cannon - Yes, it more DBZ being referenced here.
  • String Master Blast - In which she uses her string/hair and start using energy blasts from those strands.
Just listing a few things she can do when shes has the time to do so.
Papillon 3.08 - Goddesses, teenaged daughters and other headaches
Hello everyone! Sorry about the delay. If last week was hard due to personal reasons, this time it was professional ones. Work has been hell, leaving me utterly drained and with no energy to write for shit. It's always bad this season but this year it's been specially vicious.

The fear mongering around the coronavirus means I'll be working from home next week, which is good, but might mean I have to redo everything from zero, which is… really not that good.

Anyway, I don't want to think about that anymore, let's get on with the show, shall we?

[X][Help] Help.
[X][Name] Elune.

It was a close thing.

On one hand, there was the danger of navigating through unknown hostile land specifically designed to keep a quasi-god restrained, with my newborn teenager girls in tow when there's no real hurry to tackle this particular challenge. And also that small but not negligible chance I mess up and cause Elune to accidentally sneeze Hueco Mundo out of reality or something.

Elune? She arches an eyebrow, clearly amused.

Yeah, do you like it? I can't keep calling you Giant Beautiful Lady of Perfect Breasts. It's kind of a mouthful.

You honor me with the name of an actual goddess, I'll do my best to live up to it.

Wew, seems like she likes it. Good. Man flirting can be nerve-wracking.

As I was saying though, we have the other hand. For one, as I see it, Elune has been restrained for long enough, we're talking millenia here, it's unfair to keep that up just because it's convenient. In the other, I still have two unborn daughters and I have no idea how long it'll take me to give birth to them by myself.

One of them is in a hurry to go back to the Human World, apparently.

That's enough for me. Okay Elune, I'll do it. Point me towards the big bad bondage switch and your favorite gorgeously maned butterfly will make it go away!

"You know?" Damegane's bemused voice interrupt my totally warranted boasting. "It's kind of weird, seeing someone talk telepathically."

"Yeah, even with her mask, I can see her making all those expressions, but she's not saying anything."

Slander and lies. My face is rigid bone, I don't make expressions.

"Didn't you broadcast the conversation?" I turn to Elune, pointedly changing the subject and not dignifying their slander with an answer. "I assumed you were doing your mind-talkie with them too in the meanwhile."

"Oh, I was. But we were busy with a completely different subject. Filling the blanks in their knowledge, and whatnot. It is a sad existence, to not even know what you are. Well, we were doing that and..." Then she rolls her eyes. Damn even that looks beautiful on her. "Also being hit on with the subtlety of a runaway train by the shameless one."

Yesh… I remember waking up as a Hollow with no idea of anything, that wasn't fun. Not that it justifies Damegane's behaviour, though.

"We'll have words later." She has the daring to pout at me. Damn teenagers. "So? You girls up to snuff then?"

"Yeah. We're apparently unliving and undying abominations of nature of a never before seen kind." Tatsuki cuts herself, scratching her chin in contemplation. "I mean, Chizuru was a freak already, but..."

"Sorry, I must have misheard you." I'm pretty sure that was just a poorly thought-out comment, but saying some things is just not okay. "Would you care to try again?"

"Sorry mom. I just meant she's a pest about it." She answers with an eye roll. And totally not sorry, damn teenagers. "Anyway, we got a physical body and that's supposed to be a big deal."

"Hueco Mundo is a spiritual world. Conventional wisdom states physical matter cannot cross into here. Then again, Gillians don't usually bother attacking humans, much less still living ones." Because they're busy eating other Hollows, yeah. "This might very well be the first time a human is swallowed whole by a creature strong enough to brute-force its way through conventional wisdom and back home."

"And you?" Please tell me you aren't a bodiless astral body, we're around teenagers, I won't survive the puns. "Did you brute-force your way in too?"

"There's room to argue that I was here before Hueco Mundo, so I didn't technically cross into here at any point."

Yeah, vindictive older than dirt lady, kinda forgot. Okay, that's it brain, you insult again the powerful, kind and sexy astral body we're currently standing on, I'm finding ghost alcohol and pruning all those obviously useless ghost neurons that are short-circuiting you!

"Works, I guess." I say out loud instead, idly watching Damegane bite down a curse and retract a hand about to get fresh with the backside of said astral body. It's almost like someone stung her with gorgeous poison hair, funny that. "Wait, if you have your own bodies, do you two even feel the Hunger at all?"

"It's not that easy, I'm afraid." Elune answers while serving the tea. "While the pull of Oblivion will be lessened for them, their bodies are still technically dead, and they'll always need to dedicate a certain amount of Existence to simply keep it whole and healthy."

"Uh…" Am I the only one thinking on how… gruesome it would be for them to actually munch Hollows?

"Fortunately for your mother's sensibilities." As expected the great lady has a solution! Sasuga Elune-sama! "You two seem to have inherited some of her skills."

"Luz Lunar?" I ask, maybe a bit too giddily. Being able to bask in Elune's light like I do, with their lower Compensations, should be able to take care of the problem.

"Did you forget already, little Godkiller? I offer Luz Lunar to everyone, you just have to accept it within yourself. Your children" She continues with a mock-glare. "Aren't quite there yet. They can use Chupavidas though, so you won't have to watch them biting off the heads of their defeated enemies at the very least."

"Uck." I didn't need that image in my brain. "That's something, I guess."

"Wait, wait, wait! So we need to consume Hollows to survive?" Damegane interrupts, looking panicked all of a sudden. "That's terrible! I won't be able to live in the Human World anymore! What am I going to do without my daily Hime fix? I'll go crazy or die of sadness or— Gack!"

"Thanks." For a second I thought she was going to say something sensible. "But she raises a good point. Will you two be okay living in Hueco Mundo?"

"You're welcome and… I guess? We're… technically dead, right?" That was your own fault, Lady Lemmingheart. "I mean, I'd love to just go back to my life, but that's probably just wishful thinking. It would cause a lot of trouble to Ichigo too, with his job as a shinigami and all that."

I nod, because that's kinda true… for now. Looks like I'll have to pull a way for them to live in the Human World out of my ass or something.

Later though, I have a bondage dial to set a bit lower first. And speaking of that…

"Elune, how dangerous is this going to be? Should I leave the children with you?"

"Part of the nature of my limiter means I honestly have no idea what will be on there, nor can even begin to imagine." Because things are never easy, aren't they? "But it wouldn't make much sense for there to be physical defenses. The limiter exists to bind me, and nothing I can conjure up can actually physically stop me. My incapability to perceive or comprehend it is the best and only real defense of the place."

Well, that's something.

"Sure, maybe something to keep pests away wouldn't be out of place there, but that's everything that makes sense, really."

Something to keep away quasi-divine pests. That's something.

I take a look at my daughters. Newborn daughters. Who are also teenagers, because reasons.

I can't help a sinking feeling of despair. What am I going to do with these brats?

What are you going to do with these brats?

Lion cub approach.
Well, they need to learn to survive in this cruel world, don't they? Have them take point and try to deal with things by themselves. You'll jump in if they seem to be in trouble.
Mama bear approach. They're going to stay behind you at all times, and God have pity on whatever tries to harm them, because you certainly won't.
Stay with Auntie Elune. Yeah, you're not risking it. They remain here safe and happy while you go tomb raiding.

[X][Brats] Lion.
[X][Brats] Bear.
[X][Brats] Autie Elune.

Ideas to let them live in the Human World?

Write-in Plan.
You're seriously considering how to let them go back to their lives (or as close to that as possible) in spite of their situation. You need a way for them to counter the Oblivion Compensation (Seriously ramped up outside Hueco Mundo) and to either work out a deal with the shinigami to leave them alone or keep them outright out of their radar.
Feel free to use knowledge Taylor doesn't have yet, but that'll mean the plan will remain wishful thinking and she won't be able to take action until all the relevant information is discovered.
Remember, don't write the plan in the same line you cast your vote!

[x][Human World] Plan
[X][Brats] Autie Elune.

[X][Human World] Plan: Obedient daughters
-[X]Have the cute little daughter 'disciplined' and go though 'training', their purpose is obedience to you so they know both how to 'serve' and won't do anything stupid like what got them killed in the first place
--[X]Grind up their skill of Chupavidas till they can survive of the environmental energy of the human world.
[X][Brats] Autie Elune.

[X][Human World] Dual Citizenship
- [X] Train up their basic skills so they won't starve to death anything soon
-- [X] Learn to make portals to human world
--- [X] Figure out a way to least get them a basic education in the human world because you won't suffer fools who don't know jack shit and to get them out of your hair for a few hours while out there
---- [X] Remember that you have to pick them up and drop them off at school everyday they go until they are able to portal themselves
----- [X] Also check with either Soul Reaper you met so far and ask about the food they eat just to have more options for your children
------ [X] Don't forget to make use of the mindrape magic that you learned about last time you were in the human world for your children and to make things easier for everyone involved

I think that good so far but feel free to point out if I miss anything that could make this easier.
[X][Brats] Lion.

[X][Human World] Dual Citizenship
- [X] Train up their basic skills so they won't starve to death anything soon
-- [X] Learn to make portals to human world
--- [X] Figure out a way to least get them a basic education in the human world because you won't suffer fools who don't know jack shit and to get them out of your hair for a few hours while out there
---- [X] Remember that you have to pick them up and drop them off at school everyday they go until they are able to portal themselves
----- [X] Also check with either Soul Reaper you met so far and ask about the food they eat just to have more options for your children
------ [X] Don't forget to make use of the mindrape magic that you learned about last time you were in the human world for your children and to make things easier for everyone involved
[X][Brats] Lion.

[X][Human World] Dual Citizenship
- [X] Train up their basic skills so they won't starve to death anything soon
-- [X] Learn to make portals to human world
--- [X] Figure out a way to least get them a basic education in the human world because you won't suffer fools who don't know jack shit and to get them out of your hair for a few hours while out there
---- [X] Remember that you have to pick them up and drop them off at school everyday they go until they are able to portal themselves
----- [X] Also check with either Soul Reaper you met so far and ask about the food they eat just to have more options for your children
------ [X] Don't forget to make use of the mindrape magic that you learned about last time you were in the human world for your children and to make things easier for everyone involved
[X][Brats] Bear.

[X][Plan] Domestic Retirement
-[X] First we have two (unborn) babies that have needs to satisfy, so plans on hold till we make sure they can interact with the living (and not eat them).
-[X] Second this Momma needs a pair of legs, let's grow to Vasto Lord and get that body that won't constantly hunger for the flesh of neighbors.
-[X] Third, well Hot-bod Strawberry lives the dual life with a surprisingly physical Magical Midget. He might know a way to get my girls re-enrolled in school.
--[X] Weekends with Aunty Elune, camping on the moon, roasting Hollows over Fuego Mistico and telling campfire stories.
-[X] Finally, a love life. Dont want to be a Single Mom Abomination forever.
--[X] Sweet retirement bliss. Might write a book 'Life and times of a Hungry Ghost with Rocking Hair'.
Last edited:
[X][Brats] Autie Elune.

[X][Human World] Dual Citizenship
- [X] Train up their basic skills so they won't starve to death anything soon
-- [X] Learn to make portals to human world
--- [X] Figure out a way to least get them a basic education in the human world because you won't suffer fools who don't know jack shit and to get them out of your hair for a few hours while out there
---- [X] Remember that you have to pick them up and drop them off at school everyday they go until they are able to portal themselves
----- [X] Also check with either Soul Reaper you met so far and ask about the food they eat just to have more options for your children
------ [X] Don't forget to make use of the mindrape magic that you learned about last time you were in the human world for your children and to make things easier for everyone involved
[X][Brats] Lion.

[X][Human World] Dual Citizenship
- [X] Train up their basic skills so they won't starve to death anything soon
-- [X] Learn to make portals to human world
--- [X] Figure out a way to least get them a basic education in the human world because you won't suffer fools who don't know jack shit and to get them out of your hair for a few hours while out there
---- [X] Remember that you have to pick them up and drop them off at school everyday they go until they are able to portal themselves
----- [X] Also check with either Soul Reaper you met so far and ask about the food they eat just to have more options for your children
------ [X] Don't forget to make use of the mindrape magic that you learned about last time you were in the human world for your children and to make things easier for everyone involved
[X][Brats] Lion.

[X][Human World] Dual Citizenship
- [X] Train up their basic skills so they won't starve to death anything soon
-- [X] Learn to make portals to human world
--- [X] Figure out a way to least get them a basic education in the human world because you won't suffer fools who don't know jack shit and to get them out of your hair for a few hours while out there
---- [X] Remember that you have to pick them up and drop them off at school everyday they go until they are able to portal themselves
----- [X] Also check with either Soul Reaper you met so far and ask about the food they eat just to have more options for your children
------ [X] Don't forget to make use of the mindrape magic that you learned about last time you were in the human world for your children and to make things easier for everyone involved

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