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Soul's Story Ideas

Empyrium (Cthulhu Mythos SI) First Phase WIP
A celestial object moved though-out the Sol System. But this wasn't any kind of object you might be familiar with. It was a fortress city unto itself. With architecture that defied all the laws of science and reason. Twisted angular archways and curved hallways that went everywhere. All in the vague shape of a Great Retrosnub Icosidodecahedron. Surrounded by an aura of eldritch technicolor light. Partially within the local dimension, partially ... everywhere else. Dreamlands, cognitive realm, void beyond reality, space between spaces. This place was a nexus stretching into all corners of reality. In truth this impossible place was still incomplete. Parts of it were still unformed, not yet fully constructed. Techno-organic tendrils filled various surfaces, shaping and shifting these sections of the place. Other sections also had this techno-organic fusion that seemed to be the underlying theme of this emergent Eldritch God. Known as the Kungur of Azathoth, Alif Vhantaz.

Within were various Near-Humans running around in various clothing, signifying what their role was. Members of the Eldritch God's Cult and Gifts of the Head Spouse of their God. Transformed from species that had become lost over the uncountable eons, they were given a second chance. All of them had feminine forms. There were indeed a small minority of Humans and those who took humanoid form that also part of the Cult.

"Have you finished preparing Master's food?" A blue haired teenage woman spoke as she entered the kitchens.

"No, Mistress Cthylla. Few of the ingredients he likes are missing. So we are trying substitutes from the Yith, the Xothians and other places while searching for more. Please forgive our oversight!" Came the frantic cry as several other beings were running around.

"Hand over what you have already finished. He needs food as he is preparing to enter the Aeon War." The Daughter of the most famous Eldritch God sighed before adjusting her maid uniform. "We must do all we can for him and the others who will stand along side him."

"As you command, Mistress." As the lesser servants gathered what they had created.

Time to face judgement from my family...

"So um... What if I suddenly found myself now in a relationship?" Not the best way of informing Mom and Dad as their faces told me.

"Is this because of that one woman you meet at the library today?" Couldn't really hide anything from them. "It seem so. She looks new to the area."

"Yeah. Technically we met before... It's really complicated." How does one tell the people who raised you that you was now technically married? Or that my spouse is the Eldritch Sovereign of Creation? "This is the first time meeting in person."

Not hard to notice the looks of concern. "Al... You didn't give out your location on the Internet... Did you?" If only it was that.

"No... No. It is not like that. We know each other in a different way." I am just glad Aza isn't here. Somehow I just knew it would be worse off for me. "I need you to humor me for a bit."

"You know that doesn't sound very convincing... but I know you." Mom glanced over at Dad. "Alright, we will entertain what you have to say."

"What I have to say will sound crazy but it seems like all reason has left the cosmos today." The looks didn't get any better. "Let's say I just meet someone... whose looks human but isn't and is technically higher existence."

The silence afterward was brutal. "No. I am not insane nor on drugs. She isn't some con-artist or cultist of the Dark Mythos. Revealed her true nature to me."

"I see." Dad's tone wasn't reassuring. "Alif..."

"I had her in my head... Still have my own agency so you can rule out her forcing me." Instead I become a God and Co-Sovereign of Creation. "She gave me a choice and let me pick out of my own free will."

He sighed before getting a drink for both him and Mom. "This is..."

"Yeah, I know. Welcome to the day I been having for a while." Technically I could have him get me a drink but that wouldn't help. "Humanity would consider her a divine being of sorts. Just remove the anthropomorphic personification."

"Divine being?" Mom was a bit more religious. "Honey..."

"One of the Dark Mythos... While there are those who consider her a demon, she isn't." It was then that I noticed how shaky my voice was. Took a few breaths to steady myself. "Remember that they are either most advanced beings in existence or divinities without anthropomorphic personification."

"That's..." Both of them couldn't find the words but I knew that they were having a hard time with this.

"I know... I know..." I felt a familiar presence around me but intangible. Aza was trying to help without actually being there. That was enough for me to ease the emotions I felt. "It has been hard on me too at first to accept all of this."

With that I reached out and pulled to my hand a bag of chips. The sight of my deed cause the both of them to slowly realize I wasn't lying or being tricked. Wasn't born with psychic abilities, part of my ascension.

"I will pack up my things..." Any reasonable person wouldn't want those with strange abilities around. "Thank you... for everything you done for me."

At that Mom reached out and hugged me. "Sorry, it's a lot for us to take in at the moment." There were times I was really grateful to have such wonderful parents.

"Your mother is right. Just give us some time." Dad place a hand on my shoulder. "You will always be our kid, no matter what."

Tears started to fall from my eyes. My body relaxed a bit as I just stayed there for a while. I was going to make sure that for the rest of eternity, my parents would have easier lives.

"She and I are taking it slowly but once you two are more ready... would like properly introduce her to you." It felt only right. "Think she would truly love to know my parents."

Before they could respond, the sound of a school bus. My younger brother was returning from a school trip. "Right..."

"Don't worry about your brother... we will handle that. But yeah, once we come to terms with everything... I would like to meet her as well." Mom let me go in order to get him.

"Might not be able to understand everything that happened at the library but I can tell. She left quite the impression on you. As your father, I am glad you found some measure of happiness. That is all I can really hope for my sons."

Rear Admiral of the Inner System, William Jaeger, was considered the one of the heroes in Hyperuranion Wars. Mostly due to being one of the major factors in the Revelation Day in the First. Helping to end the Mi-go Mothership in the Second. These two events catapulted him into his current position. Despite all that he had done, felt like he wasn't ready. Especially now, since half a year has passed into the Aeon War.

"What's the situation near the Belt?" He asked his advisor who was looking out into the stars from their base within Lunar HQ.

"We were able to get in contact with Ceres HQ. They are holding on for the moment. Repairing several dock that were damaged by raids." The advisor continued looking out at the stars. "Estimates are we have a month before the Inner System is cut off from the rest."

"Can we spare any reinforcements?" The situation was dire in space. If they lost the Belt, then Providence would lose any strength they had left in space.

"If we limit our attacks to supply lines without raiding them…." She winched at the calculations. "Might be enough if we assign Captain Raj as Task Force Leader."

Those supplies they were able to raid off the various enemies had been keeping them at full operational strength. Without them, they would only be able to do a mere fraction of the force projection they been able to. Not that much compared to others but still enough to keep the Inner System from completely falling. If one where to include sending their best Captain off then the numbers become even worse.

But when compared to what would happen should the Belt be completely lost… It would be the end of Providence in space. In other words, they would have to abandon space to fortify various Arcopolis on the planets, moons and cosmic bodies that humanity had settled into. Which would make it even harder to defend them…

"Damn it all. We have no choice, do we? Ellen…" It was moments like this where he felt lost.

"I know, love. I know." She moved over not to her Commanding Officer but to her dear Husband. "… Only other option we have that might work is calling upon Earth HQ. Asking for special forces to take a single ship and a full wing."

Considering the situation on Earth, did they even have the time to navigate the political quagmire that was the bureaucracy? No, most likely not. Time wasn't on their side at all, but it's own.

"It would take them too long to respond. It would require executive action in order to get us that. Which mean dealing with the President and Prime Minister, both of which aren't likely to give us that without diamond strings attached." Will relaxed a bit as his wife wrapped her arms around him.

"We can't hope for a miracle…" She buried her head into his chest.

"Nope, we can't… We know the sources of those…" He was raised in a religious home but after all that he experienced… faith was no longer a part of his life now. "You would make a better Rear Admiral…"

"Can't thanks to them." Ellen sighed in annoyance.

Those in the highest positions within Providence held his wife in contempt due to the fact that she was 'Touched by the Dark Mythos'. She had been possessed by one of the Eldritch Gods for a time during the Wars. Whole event left her changed in ways that couldn't be explained so easily. It was an long fight to save her from not being thrown into a undisclosed location and experimented on! Let alone allowing her to continue to serve in the military nor as his advisor. In the end, he lost much and burned some rather important bridges but worth it to keep one of the best things in his life.

Beeping sound came from one of the walls. "Comms on. What is it?"

"Sorry, but… It's Starry Lodge, Sir! A ship with their ID is heading this way! Requesting permission to dock so they can restock!"

"Didn't know they had ships…" Both husband and wife spoke in unison before Will coughed a bit. "Know where they are heading?"

"Into the Belt."

While he didn't believe the whole Lord of the Outer Dark deal, a part of him wondered if that person had somehow overheard them. Said person was known as a Sorcerer, Psychic and perhaps most dangerous of all, Dreamer.

Due to experience with the Dark Mythos, the Rear Commander had a deep mistrust of the Eldritch. So it came to no surprise he have little trust in that Cult. Especially with certain members, Human and not. By the void, some of the rumors had that Gods were part of that group. Not that he would ever believe such stories. The mere notion of such beings serving in a cult was too bizarre even for the Dark Mythos. Yet he knew that it was better to have them on the Sovereignty's side then the opposite. Especially the likes of the Servant, who by all means should have been tried and executed by the government. But was too damn useful to the Cult.

"Let them through and give them what they need and want." A sigh escaped his lips. "Comms off."

"Does that count as a miracle?" His wife turned her head to face the window again.

"Really hope not. Because that confirms the Master of the Starry Lodge really was becoming one of them." Divinists were on his list of groups not to trust so were Post-Humanists. Other fractions with the Government were at least tolerable.

Despite all of that, he could help but wish them luck and hoped they succeed in the Belt.

All things end, eventually. It is a fundamental rule of existence really. Gods themselves will perish when the Dreaming Throne of All wakes and the Creator will perish by their own hand. No use trying to prolong the inevitable after all. Only to embrace it with all your being. That was the reason why they gathered under Master Therion to show everyone the undeniable truth. Humanity's time has come to an end. No, not just Humanity but all those within the Sol System, save for the Gods and those they deemed worthy of lasting a bit longer. Each one of them was serving the true nature of reality. Those that have taken the name of Anti-Cross. For if the cross represented the best of all creation then they would reveal the hypocritical lie. They will drag them all kicking and screaming into the maddening Danse Macabre that is existence itself.

"Titus, how goes the fighting?" A dark skin man with light blond hair and green eyes approached.

"Augustus." The man of Japanese descent turned to another. "Same as usual. The enemy falls to quickly once I join the battlefield."

"Alas, with an exception of our Founder, those that might challenge your supremacy in warfare appear ever allusive." Another man, well dressed man with red hair and green eyes walked up to them. "Forgive, my tardiness. Matters involving several of our projects took up more time then should have been allowed."

"Vespasianus." Augustus nodded his head towards the new arrival. "All is forgiven if you manged to clear up those matters. It seems those that have proven to be our greatest hindrance have taken an important ritual site. Atlach-Nacha was unable to be summoned."

"Fucking hell. The bastards should know not to mess with us." Seemly young boy with green hair and yellow eyes played with a yo-yo. "That spider bitch would have fucked up the Middle East."

"Claudius, while you choice in words is regrettable, it is true the lost of the ritual is setback we need to address." The dark skinned man sighed. "Providence has been able to fend of our efforts without the direct assistance of their greatest ally. To think the preparations in it's formation was this well made."

"Do you wish for me to put an end to them in the area?" Titus seemed to be bored and wanting another chance to find his greatest foe.

"No. We need you to head over to the site in Antarctica and make sure we get The Mad God of the Void. Master Therion has already sent Tiberius to hand that situation. Caligula was also sent to help aid the Yellow Sign..."

"Bull fucking shit. I am the one with the Celeano Fragments..."

Before the youngest looking member of Anti-Cross could finish, Vespasianus shook his head. "Do you doubt our master's commands? You know the price of such actions. If Caligula is chosen to help the Yellow Sign then you should accept with grace and dignity you clearly lack."

That silenced the sorcerer, no one dared to go against their master's will.

"Before I got interrupted. We all have our orders to readdress the loss of a crucial goal. Cladius, you will take out the Providence Forces stationed within Tycho Crater. They have been launching hit and run operations. Vespasianus will deal with the reinforcements the Mi-go are going to receive. It would throw the Aeon War into their favor greatly. I am to oversee the preparations for our Master's arrival. The others have already gotten their orders."

Revelation of Master Therion finally going to enter the war quieted everyone else. It was going to be time when the gods stride upon the stars once more. No one could stop what was about to be unleashed once more.

Not even the Lord of the Outer Dark. Speaking of whom.

"One last point of information. It seems like Starry Lodge has finally made their first real move in this war. Their leader finally has been dragged out of the Shadows."

Again silence reigned within the group. Their greatest foe had taken to the battlefield at last. Despite a shared desire to fight him and ultimately defeat him, that honor went to the Leader of Anti-cross.
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Emblematic Linage of Iron (GOT/FE) Idea
Emblematic Linage of Iron is one of my more random ideas. Don't know if I want to do it as a story or a quest. Still working things out i my head.

Synopsis: During the reign of Viserys 1, as the Blacks and Greens have started to form, a stranger appears in westeros or essos. This person has a gift that make them a powerful player in times to come, that will be passed down through the lineage. Forming a new house that will follow through out the heirs.

In other words, a Generation Story/Quest that follows a FE Lord's Household from the Dance of Dragons to the War of Five Kings and Second Long Night. The gift mentioned is a mystical bond to a magical artifact that grants them powers. Doesn't mean they will be the only one with this gift as others will figure it out in time. Creating other FE Lord's Households to contend with.
Emblematic Linage of Iron (GOT/FE) Lord/Char Template?


Status: (Baseborn, Commoner, Illegitimate, Noble, Royal)

Class: (Journeyman, Recruit, Pupil)

Regalia: (Bound Magic Artifact)





Stats: (Str/Dex/Con/Spd/Def/Lck/Mag/Res/Cha/Ldr)


Special Abilities:



Assigned Forces:
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Emblematic Linage of Iron (GOT/FE) Intro
History of the Regalia and their Lords, written by the Collegiate of the Dragon.

This is a compressive history regarding the magical artifacts called Regalia and those who have bound such objects. Originally means to do so weren't as understood as they are in more contemporary times. Rituals that make up the process weren't even known before the first known Regalia Lord.

We would like to point out the misconceptions about this. While it is said that they might have been others before this person. No definite evidence has presents itself to any historical or legendary figure being secretly a Regalia Lord. Those within the Citadel have search the records dating back to the founding. The Archmaesters could not make authoritative decision towards Age of Heroes nor the Dawn Age being the first time such figures appeared. Second being that Asshai had a secret order who knew. If such a group existed then as we have already seen with resent deeds, they would have already acted on their knowledge. Such power would have been so great that it would only take one person to reveal it. Third is the about the nature of the Regalia. Any magical object will suffice for the ritual, not just those made from magical materials. Those made from such stock are of better quality with further gradients about the quality of said materials. Valyarian steel artifacts remains one of the best to make a Regalia with those have remained unchanged at the top. Same goes for any holy relics, they too qualify as various religions have proven. Fourth and last on these persistent falsehoods is the Lords themselves. Anyone can become one, not just those from illustrious lineages or bless by the divine. This particular rumor we find stem from the fact that not all have the same quality of bond. Some Lords have a greater connection to their Regalia then others. Including those from the same family as we have seen repetitively. As a general rule, those from the nobility, clergy or any other notable position of power tend to have better chances then those of lower status. Hench the rituals are under the preview of the Archmaester of Valyarian Steel. This is a safeguard to ensure the safety of the realm. Outside this measures are indeed outlawed with only one exception, Qohor. They alone to due the fact they can create the necessary requirements. However, only those with clearance by those with high enough authority are allowed to access the ritual. For too great can this power become to threaten the stability of the realm. Despite such power, Lords remain mortal and are still affected by aspects that the rest of us deal with. Yes, they are in a sense more then most but are not indeed Demigods. Closest comparison is with the Dragonlords of Valyaria whom have more or less perished.

It would also be remiss of us to also further elaborate on the ritual process. Core ingredient is blood, making it indeed blood magic as it forges the mystical bridge between Lord and Regalia. Truth is that can occurs by happenstance as well as repeated attempts. Failure can result in horrible outcomes. Worst of which is indeed the creation of a monstrous abomination known colloquially as Doomed Ones. For the very power they sought to control have consumed them, warping they bodies and minds. Only death can free them from such a wretched existence. Why only certain places have been given the responsibility and privilege to administer the process. All realms have put into place mechanisms to punish those who dare go outside these precautions.

Now that we have cleared out the necessary details, let us begin with the one who began a new status quo within the world...
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