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The first sign something had gone wrong was when your entire workshop exploded. Colors that...


Not too sore, are you?
Dec 1, 2018
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The first sign something had gone wrong was when your entire workshop exploded. Colors that shouldn't have been possible engulfed everything in sight and you could feel the energy of the Beyond seeping into reality through the now expanding eruption of chaotic power. The waves of energy washed against your body and only due to the Archive did you survive the first moments of this absolute disaster. As you foundered in a sea of energy that was slowly but surely turning into a paradox bomb waiting to explode, you attempted to remember if you had anything that might get you out of this mess.

Just when you were about to consider trying to upload your mind and soul to the Archive and hope that another Artificer or other empowered person might one day revive you, you found something that had survived with you in this soup of chaos. One of your first inventions, crude and primitive compared to what masteries you were now able to construct, but it had survived what had destroyed everything else. As you turn it over in your hands you find that it was your first prototype teleportation system, built before you had understood the true power of the Archive and riddled with flaws that now were simply disgusting.

But, you shook yourself free from the examination of the flaws of the device for it was your only chance of getting out of this mess, and with a push of a button it triggered and promptly consumed itself. 'Well, fuck' went through your mind as it simply added to the swirling maelstrom of energy in the room and even worse the energy now had a path. If you weren't going to die from the energy, a Psion would be coming along to shut you down or worse an Enforcer would be sent to contain the danger.

Then the energy did just what you knew it would do and combusted, imploded, ceased to exist, created, unmade and more that a human even one such as you simply couldn't understand without special effort. Yet, the energy wrapped around you and with a sickening moment of total disorientation, you found yourself slamming into hard metal.

Time and Location for the quest
[] Citadel prior to Humanity's contact. 2120 CE to be precise
[] Eden Prime as Saren is attacking
[] Citadel during Cerberus' assault

How powerful of an Artificer are you
[] Rank
-[] choose a number that is 1 to 10 for general power with 10 being highest
[] Name - write in
[] Male
[] Female

AN: This is a fairly short introduction that is mostly there to set things up. This quest is going to be very narrative in nature with only 1 roll per update or event that doesn't have modifiers but the items that you have make stuff better for you.
I will post a full description of this later.
Regarding gender vote, I have no experience with writing female characters
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Rolling system
Ok here is a better description of how the rolling will work in this quest. At the start of any Event or Plan I will roll 1 dice that will have no modifiers of any sort attached to it. However, the primary power that you have access to is the ability to craft/invent technology that is massively stronger than anything around you.

This and any allies you might have affect the roll in a narrative fashion. They will never with base technology be enough to tip the scales massively but if you can outfit them with high tier stuff, they can turn a nat 1 into a full success. After all, its pretty hard to fail when you're wearing a suit rated for gigatons of damage and wielding a gun that destroys atoms in its path against people still using normal physical weapons.

Basically, build up your workshop and outfit your people with super goodies and they will win the day for you, or just outfit your self with those same goodies and become an incarnate god in Mass Effect.

Of course you will need money to get started as you start with nothing, but even the most basic of stuff can become something much more in your hands.
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Resource System
Due to how much this quest will revolve around acquiring resources and using those same resources to build items for people, I have created a simple scale for everything you will be able to build.

The technology goes from 1 to 10 with 1 being normal mass effect stuff and 10 being stuff that affects entire superclusters at a time.

Each tier requires a set amount of resources from the lower tier in order to produce 1 unit of that tier. The base rate is 100 tier 1 units becomes 1 unit of tier 2 and this ratio remains the same for all 10 tiers.

Now, I could have it be hard to acquire tier 1 materials, but honestly this is already a power romp of sorts, so why bother? Instead any amount of 10,000 credits counts as 1 unit of tier 1 resources. Now, remember that you can turn tier 1 stuff into better stuff. How much do you think the citadel would pay for a hull metal several times better than their current one? So that is how the resource system works, also there are a couple of hidden things on my end that I will reveal after the votes are in.
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Critical information
This is absolutely important to understand. The main character is originating from a setting I am working on in my spare time, I am doing this mostly to find better ways of writing such characters and getting a handle on some of the deeper nuances of my setting.

As such do not expect the Artificer to have limits that you might be familiar with, I did take some inspiration from certain places but in the whole I feel that its more flexible than most types. I will reveal more once the rank has been chosen.
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[X] Citadel prior to Humanity's contact. 2120 CE
[X] Rank 10
[X] male
If we are going power fantasy, we might as well go the full way.
[X] Citadel prior to Humanity's contact. 2120 CE to be precise

[X] Rank 10
[X] Male

Agreed on the going all in.

And I'm shit on names, so I'll leave that.
[X] Citadel prior to Humanity's contact. 2120 CE
[X] Rank 10
[X] male

power fantasy :p
Okay calling the vote here as its very slow and this is honestly not going to be in contention I feel. So since no one gave me a name I am going with David Armstrong for the name.

Since you choose rank 10 for power, you can effectively build anything you want and the limitations that other Artificers have barely bother you.

Here is David Armstrong's character sheet

Race: Human (Heavily augmented)
Power: Artificer (Pure)
Tier of Power: 10
Passive Fields: Particle Physics, Bio-tech, Nanotech, Quantum mechanics, mathematics, general physics, biology, genetic engineering, cybernetic engineering, trans-dimensional defenses, entropy physics, metaphysics, trans-dimensional travel, teleportation, atomic creation, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, forcefield, light manipulation, gravity manipulation
Free Slots: 40

Basically you are a living god able to build virtually anything with the correct materials and time of course. Due to being rank ten, there will be little if anything that you wish to build that will be out of your reach in terms of being able to build it. Being able to create it is a bit harder due to the high end materials you need, but here again your rank helps. As it cuts it down from 100 materials to rank up to only 10 materials to rank up. So this means that for every 10 tier 1 you can make 1 tier 2 and so on.

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