Turn 6 - Welcome Home
The Untrustworthy Author
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[x] Accept the Survivors Onboard
Martian Morale: 73
Martian Morale: 73
In the lead-up to Christmas, still celebrated system-wide by many cultures, the crew of the SDF-1 got to work engaging in what was effectively a large-scale humanitarian mission to help the survivors of Mars. While you wouldn't say that anybody is happy or anything after the sheer scale of death the survivors experienced, your kids and the Martians have found common ground in being survivors of horrible tragic attacks. There was a considerable amount of discuss about how to proceed from here, but in the end the survivors chose to accept the offer of moving to the SDF-1 Macross after being shown just how advanced the little town inside has become. Sure there were concerns about living inside a battleship, but there were not only many bad memories of living in a slowly shattering dome, but the remaining older folks were smart enough to realize just how expensive and slow rebuilding would be. Nobody really wanted to be so deeply in debt to the Federation *or* colonies in order to rebuild a destroyed dome.
As everyone got to work in repairing the key systems of the SDF-1, the injured were cycled through Zor's healing systems to ensure they were in tip-top health at least, while those with free hands but not the right expertise for repairs either worked to build temporary housing for the refugees or strip the colony bare. Those Scopedogs have honestly been paying dividends ever since Uribatake gave them a nice overhaul to work in vacuum. Who knew primitive armored troopers that were abandoned by mobile suit and knightmare frame research would be so handy?
Salvage Roll: 59 +5 Scopedogs = 64
Of all the things you didn't expect to be bringing onto the SDF-1, farm animals were probably the top of the list. The original colonists (once the actual settling had begun that is) included a number of scientists with a more wildlife bend, hoping to see if they could raise livestock on Mars to be a bit more self-sufficient. With a lot of work they did manage to raise a small amount of pigs, chickens, and even cows! This was in a secondary small facility that had fortunately only received minor damage due to the focus on the main dome. It took some *effort* but you managed to find some room for the animals in the massive greenhouse section of the ship, and Zor's tech helped bump up the frail animals health enough that you could have a little ranch on board. Mr. Bajeena thought it was a shake that there weren't any horses, but beggars can't be choosers.
Likewise, your people grabbed all the construction supplies, metals, and more from the colony. Some of the people were even pleased that their vehicles and homes were being integrated into the SDF-1 somehow, like taking a little piece of their old home to their new home. It managed to help speed up your mini housing crisis being resolved at the very least.
The survivors are surviving best they can, given the situation.
Livestock of all things have been transferred to the Macross, making a ranch.
You had real milk for the first time in months, and it was pretty great!
Basic raw materials were salvaged from the ship, helping speed up making housing for the survivors in Macross City.
Additional basic materials obtained that don't really need to be tracked precisely.
The real question now however, was just what you were going to do. People from all polities were throwing communications requests at you day at night, half of them being big thank yous, the other half being screeching about your 'stolen battleship' or Amuro's defection. You weren't looking forward to people finding out that you had the legendary Red Comet as well . . . You also had some information that people would probably very much want to know, and deciding if and how to disseminate it was also of high priority. As you sat down with your senior crew to discuss these matters (and re-organizing your flight personnel now that you've more than doubled your number of pilots and mobile suits), you carefully weighed over the choices.
There's no way that the Pursuer bug was the only one of it's kind, so knowledge of an alien race of mobile armor-tier creatures that can space fold was pretty big. On top of that, you had the aliens and drones that attacked Mars. Imagine your surprise when you checked one of the mechs that your pilots shot down, only to find the corpse of a giant humanoid alien inside! The SDF-1's systems marked them as Zentraedi, which at least gave you a proper name to work with. They also had some kind of long range transportation technology in those black structures some of the eggheads were calling Chulips for some reason, in addition to more traditional spaceships like the one you destroyed.
[ ] Full Disclosure: Let everyone know about the incoming alien threats. There might be panic, but it's better for everyone to be prepared now that the fleets were damaged and the Solar System was fucked up.
[ ] Private Disclosure: You have the necessary frequencies, so you'll directly contact only the important militaries and politician. They'll know better how to manage possible panic over more alien threats.
[ ] No Disclosure: Meh. Fuck em. They'll figure it out on their own.
[ ] Write-in Disclosure?
Beyond all that, you had your usual work on-board the ship to take care of, managing all these idiots and keeping them from doing stupid things. The job of being Captain never ended.
You currently have 6 AP, please choose 6 options.
[ ] Interdepartmental Training
DC: 60
You have suddenly gained a bunch of Feddie and Zeon pilots, in addition to Skull Squadron and the Scopedogs. There's almost certainly going to be friction and chain of command issues, so you'd need to sort this all out ASAP.
Reward: Fix issues before they get too bad between your pilots, and organize your sudden windfall of mobile suits.
[ ] Bigger Boom v2
DC: 50/80
Okay, we got missiles goin' now, but that necessitates the Macross being in range. I still think we can jury-rig some hand-held launchers to make use of them from further afield, though I've got some other thoughts . . .
Reward: Create ad-hoc anti-ship missile launchers for the mechs. Or something else.
[ ] Lasers Are Pretty Cool
DC: 60
That Pursuer's armor didn't seem so useful against the ship's energy weapons, so why don't we see if we can make a gunpod version of those point defense lasers? Both the factory kid and Uribatake were thinking it might be viable.
Reward: Arm the Valkyries with energy-based gunpods.
[ ] Accelerate Repairs
DC: 50
Your ship has begun repairs on the important things, but there's a lot of stuff left to do. Damaged point-defense weapons, damaged armor, one entire section of the ship is *reeking* of fish . . . This will eventually be repaired on it's own without using an action. Eventually. How sure are you that you won't get into a fight soon?
Reward: Return the SDF-1 to 100% repaired status, giving you peace of mind and less spots to Golden BB.
[ ] Space, the Final Frontier
DC: Variable, unknown thresholds
You returned to the Earth sphere, only to find that it's just as much of a shithole as it was when you left it, if not worse. A lot of people on board are sick of humans killing humans, and you have the ability to just . . . leave. So why don't you? You can leave and literally make your own civilization in another system, you just need to find the right kinds of planets and stars!
Reward: ???, Not having to deal with these assholes.
[ ] Manswell Expedition 2.0
DC: Variable, unknown threshold
There was once a man named Victor Mansweel a billionaire that was fed up with the condition of Humanity. He proposed that a number of volunteers from various fields on Earth would create a grand arc ship, cryogenically freeze themselves, and head into deep space looking for a new world to colonize. He sadly was killed along with a number of his supporters during the One Year War, but a lot of people continue to petition the governments to continue his dream. You can just straight-up do that, and in a fraction of the time.
Reward: Like above, but grab colonists from the solar system and explicitly set out to make a new colony! Will start a major arc that leads away from Human-controlled space, but will take some time to get off the ground.
[ ] Tokyo Time
DC: 30
The one event you weren't able to intervene in was the Angel attack on Area 11. While the Britannian forces were able to defeat the Angel with the help of their Evangelions, there are a few places that have been fucked up due to high energy beams and collateral damage. Time to drum up some more goodwill!
Reward: Go do some humanitarian aid in Japan! Absolutely end up exposed to Code Geass/Evangelion/etc shenanigans.
[ ] Plan Celestial Being
DC: 40/80
Well that sure didn't take long. Looks like some infighting has already started back up again! Surviving elements of the Delaz and Federation fleets have already began to bicker over in Luna orbit. A third force might just be enough to scare them off of fighting . . . assuming you don't side with one of them and defeat the other.
Reward: An opportunity to stop armed conflicts and do diplomacy, will have a sub-vote depending on the results of the roll.
[ ] Where's the Energy Fleet?
DC: 10
You know, it occurs to you that if these aliens made it all the way to Mars . . . why couldn't they have done the same to the Jupiter Energy Fleet? Sure they're not exactly in alignment at the moment, but it's a valid concern. You're the only people that can investigate this in a timely manner.
Reward: Establish contact with Jupiter.
[ ] Sim City
DC: 50
Sure, your new citizens have places to live, but they're not exactly comfortable. They're basically living in the mediocre conditions that your original batch of kids were living in before Macross City was built. Lets get these people up to code!
Reward: The Martians living situation is upgraded to be in line with the Macross Island survivors. Just a nice thing to do.
[ ] Diplomas
DC: 30/60 (Further discounted due to actual smart people)
With all these children running around, it's vital that we re-establish a school system to continue their education. They've already missed months of learning, which could have a serious effect on their future. There's enough old people to start doing large classes to help out your kids, thanks to the small group of people that joined from Earth, and the Martians.
Reward: People get a goddamn education (That will still be skewed towards cool space stuff)
[ ] So Many Org Charts
DC: Variable, guaranteed success
You now have access to more skilled labor than before, enough that letting so many people run around willy nilly is probably a bad idea. It's time to actually do a full census, organize everyone, and nudge people so that they're in places where they can actually do some good work.
Reward: Complete reorganization of personnel, for the better.
[ ] Rapid Expansion
DC: 50/75/100
Right now your ship's production capabilities are rather lopsided. You have whatever side project Uribatake works on, and the small factory setup that Chidori is currently overseeing. With all these threats you're running into on top of Humanity's usual nonsense, it's about time you improve your ability to produce solutions to problems that aren't food and medicine.
[ ] Zero Intrigue
DC: 20
A man calling himself Zero has contacted you on behalf of an Area 11 rebel organization called the Black Knights.
Reward: Contact the Black Knights.
[ ] Axis of Evil?
DC: 20
A woman calling herself Haman Karn has contacted you on behalf of the Axis Zeon, a splinter group to the various other Zeon-esque factions.
Reward: Contact Axis Zeon.
[ ] I'm Going to Disneyland!
DC: 40
A representative of Anaheim Electronics has attempted to discretely contact you in order to discuss business.
Reward: Contact Anaheim Electronics
[ ] Steal a Kiss
DC: 70
The inactive Chulip remains on the surface of Mars . . . and it really doesn't have to. Your new eggheads are quite interested in dragging that big ol' damaged thing into one of the larger emptier sections of the ship, and start investigating it.
Reward: Stuff part of the ship with a stolen, damaged Chulip. Grants new research options.
[ ] Plan For The Worst
DC: ??? (Likely Difficult)
You were caught off-guard by that Pursuer last time, but between the repaired sensor suite and samples of the green Fold Quartz, you think you might be able to do something about that. It's time to look into those samples and see if you can tune the SDF-1's sensors to try and essentially predict incoming space folds earlier. You don't think it'd work for general use, but it might be viable for *just* the bug space folding.
Reward: Better warning for incoming bugs, hopefully.
[ ] I'm An Adult!
You are a proper lady, and can help out with just about anything!
Reward: Add your SPIRIT to the result of any roll, once per Turn. Choose which option to add it to in a sub-vote.
[ ] Hey Listen, Again!
DC: ???
Reward: Hiiii~
Bad news, there are no Research options. Good news, there will be Research options later. We got system updates incoming, alongside all your new pilots and mobile suits, so you can use all 6 AP here. Have fun!