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tally program testing thread

[x] Spoilered helper plan
-[x] Engage plan when we have not yet closed into melee. Say about 60 feet away.
-[x] Round 1 Swift action: Cast temporal acceleration with max PP to give 3 extra rounds (of self buffing/summoning only)
--[x] Fission
--[x] Sonorous Hum (maintain concentration for you)
--[x] Summon Elemental Monolith Air (uses up the above concentration)
-[x] stuff
Vote Tally (DEBUG) : tally program testing thread | Page 3 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 63-66]
##### NetTally 1.9.9
[x] plan a crime
-[x] 1
No. of Votes: 1
[x] planning a crime
-[x] 5
No. of Votes: 1
[x] plan a crime
-[x] 1
-[x] 3
No. of Votes: 1
[x] planning a crime
-[x] 2
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 4

Kinematics I am not sure if this is worth looking into (since it involves misuse of the program by having a subvote start out as
[] plan a crime

but there is different behavior between the test case above and something that happened in the thread.
in the thread you got the result
[X] Plan a crime: You're a criminal, and plan to be a villain. However,before you commit any crimes, you should probably plan what you want to do. Chance of Success: 75%. Chance of a Random Encounter: 10%
-[X] Plan out the murder of Brother Blood.
No. of Votes: 2
Plan: ◈a crime: You're a criminal, and plan to be a villain. However,before you commit any crimes, you should probably plan what you want to do. Chance of Success: 75%. Chance of a Random Encounter: 10%

Jack Folstam

when the expected result (based on my test above) should have been
[] plan a crime
-[] plan out the murder of brother blood.
1 vote (redzonejoe)

[] plan a crime
-[] plan out the murder of brother blood.
-[] Museum Robbery. Preferably some way to arrange a distraction for the Titans.
1 vote (jack folstam)

instead jack folstam had the meseum robbery subvote deleted from his vote which was then merged into redzonejoe's vote. instead of copying redzonejoe's vote and then appending meseum robbery to it at the end.

This is probably just an edge case caused by the misuse of the program in that instance. But maybe not, so I am putting it here in case you want to look at it.

[x] Plan Kin
-[x] Stuff
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[X] Plan KIN
-[X] Stuff

[75%][TestScore] Rem
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[x] Try Do

[x] Try again

[x][When] Tomorrow

[85%][TestScore] Rem
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[X] Proposed plan: Mountain biking
-[x] Camelback Mountain
-[x] Grand Canyon

[x][Wine] Red
-[x] Pinot Noir
[X][Bell] Blue
///[X] Blue
[75%] Plan Mountain Biking
☒[Flowers] Yellow
///☒ Yellow
-[x] Daffodils
[1] Green
[2] Purple
[#1] Fuscia
-[X] doilly
-☑ Skirt
[#2] Magenta
-[X] sunscreen
[95%] Fire Engine Red
-[#1] Sports car
[98%] RebeccaPurple
-[#4] header
-[x] footer
[+] Yes Captain

[95%][TestScore] Rem
Last edited:
[x][Wine] Red
-[x] Pinot Noir

[X][Cheese] Pepperjack

Font test
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[#1] [Personal] Lewd Waifus
[#2] [Personal] Lewd BTGGF

[#1] [Work] Work at pizza place
[#2] [Work] Work at burger place
[#3] [Work] Work at Bar
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[#2] [Personal] Lewd Waifus
[#1] [Personal] Lewd BTGGF

[#3] [Work] Work at pizza place
[#1] [Work] Work at burger place
[#2] [Work] Work at Bar
[X]Plan First
[X]Plan Second
[X]Plan Third

Natus vel dolorum ut et. Ut sit deleniti quam. Reprehenderit autem eveniet provident. Repellendus dolorem vel et.

Id aliquam et omnis. Eaque sed quia et distinctio tenetur velit quidem. Totam at exercitationem et. Aut nulla rem alias nesciunt ab fugit quia voluptates. Et et quis qui esse minus est minima qui.

Beatae recusandae dolorem repellendus quidem quidem quia quia. Modi dignissimos atque dicta velit. Ut quos et dolore aliquid qui ut voluptas. Facilis quo eveniet enim sint recusandae repudiandae consequuntur laborum. Voluptatum eos incidunt ut consequatur. Magni quod repellat vel occaecati praesentium quibusdam.

A quo dolores doloribus nam sit. Pariatur deserunt ratione aliquid aperiam quia accusamus nulla. Aliquid aut occaecati sint facilis numquam.

Ea natus et magnam sit impedit. Hic occaecati modi accusantium iusto. Sint velit corporis amet praesentium. Facere sed eos quia nostrum accusamus ratione quo. Illum dolorum accusantium inventore excepturi cumque et aut.
Last edited:

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