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Tanya the Jedi

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I first gained consciousness in this life in the arms of a demonic looking being that I later...
Tanya Teaches a Lesson
The Jedi Order believed one could not truly know something until the student could teach the lesson to another. This was the core principle behind why a Knight could only become a Master after they have trained a Padawan to Knighthood. This principle was applied to padawans teaching younglings, with many guest teachers coming into the classrooms to teach a lesson on any topic the padawan felt appropriate.

While not strictly a requirement to take the Trials to become a Knight, these lessons showed a willingness to pass on knowledge to future generations and tested the padawan's ability to instruct future generations. Both of which could influence how soon a padawan is allowed to take the Trials.

As I was going to be giving a lesson during the youngling's Force lessons, I felt it appropriate to give a lesson on how to use the Force in inventive ways. To aid this lesson I brought candles. It was an easy enough request to get fulfilled as many Jedi found meditating in a darkened room with only the flickering light of a flame to accompany them a pleasant way to pass the time.

Arriving at the classroom, I found it was Grand Master Yoda finishing a lesson.

"A special guest, we have. Give a lesson, Padawan Degurechaff will."

"Thank you Grand Master." Handing my bag of candles to one of the younglings, I pulled out one of my own and set my own up in front of me as I took a seat.

"Do any of you know the requirements for a fire?" I began my lesson with a simple question. None of the younglings seemed to know as they looked at each other. "There are three requirements to produce fire. Fuel, oxygen, and heat. The air we breathe provides the oxygen, the wax provides the fuel, but how do we get the heat?"

One orange skinned girl raised her hand slowly. A togrutan if I was correct. Nodding to her, I allowed her to speak.

"The Force?"

Her answer was uncertain. She seemed nervous to get the answer wrong.

"That is the way we will be doing it today." With the flare of a showman, I snap my fingers and ignite the candle in front of me.

"The Force is a flexible method to many powers many non Force users may consider unnatural. Do not let the thought of something being impossible stop you. It may take some clever thinking about how to do it, but with enough creative applications of the Force you can accomplish anything."

To make my point, I use the Force to concentrate hydrogen and oxygen at approximately equal quantities into a tight ball in the center of the room. With a snap, I create a spark in the ball starting a chain reaction that swiftly uses the hydrogen up in a very clean explosion of blue flames and a loud bang that startled the younglings. The Grand Master also played along and fell backwards from his position watching my lesson.

I then explain the method of igniting the candles and guide the younglings through the process of getting their candles lit. The Togrutan girl was the quickest to catch on and I asked her to help her classmates.

After everyone had a lit candle in front of them, I flew back to my position at the front of the classroom at a leisurely pace.

That garnered even more excited reactions from the class asking how to fly.

"I will leave that for you to figure out on your own. Just think about possible ways and, with supervision, test out your ideas. If you do manage to figure out a way to fly, practice close to the ground. It can be very tiring after a long time."

"Running after walking, you must," Yoda agreed with a nod. "Thank for time, we will."

" "Thank you Padawan Degurechaff," " the class said in unison as I gave a bow before leaving.

Cover Images
Finally got around to actually doing the book covers I had planned. They aren't amazing, but I'm not really a visual media artist. I am a written word artist.




Anyways, the next chapter is coming along nicely. I hope to get it out by the end of the month. We have FINALLY reached where some of the events of version 1.0 of this story covered. FINALLY!

In other news, I have a Patreon and I have decided that this year I am going to try to do at least 1 chapter/month among my stories. I know that doesn't sound like much, but it is a step towards having a regular update schedule. As part of this resolution, I am hosting polls each month on my Patreon this year on which story I should focus my efforts on. Currently Tanya's Hogwarts Adventure is leading for next month's chapter. I wanted to do this story for this month simply to make sure I had achieved a major, in my mind, story beat that I think you all will like.